The First, Concerning Reproaching & Censure: The Second, An ANSWER to M r SERjEANT's Sure-footing.

To which are annexed THREE SERMONS Preached upon several Occasions, and very useful for these Times.

By the late Learned and Reverend WILLIAM FALKNER, D. D.

LONDON, Printed for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard, and sold by William Oliver, in Norwich. MDCLXXXIV.

TO THE Most Reverend FATHER in GOD, WILLIAM By DIVINE PROVIDENCE LORD ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY, HIS GRACE, Primate of all ENGLAND and Metro­politan; and one of the Lords of His Majestie's Most Honourable Privy Council,

May it please Your GRACE,

I Humbly present to your Grace's Patronage, some Remains of an excellent Person, for whom Your Grace was pleased to express a great value while he lived, and whom You are still pleased, upon all occa­sions, to mention with great kindness. Had he lived to have published any of these Discourses himself, he would have chosen no other Patron; and had he lived a little long­er, he would have found, that he had needed no other. For since some may wonder, that so great a Man should go off [Page]the Stage with no greater Character, than one of the Town-Preachers at Lyn Regis; it is fit the World should know, that Your Grace, who is the peculiar Patron of modest and neglected Worth, designed better things for him.

That great honour I have for Dr. Falkner's Me­mory, to whose wise instructions I owe that little Knowledge I have attained to, would easily have per­swaded me to have given the World a more particular account of his Life, which was adorned with as many emi­nent Vertues, as I believe this last Age can shew in any one man. But though distance of place could not inter­rupt our Correspondence nor our Friendship, yet it has for many years deprived me of the familiarities and intimacies of his conversation, which give the truest Character of any man; and I dare not undertake a work, wherein I can nei­ther serve my Friend, nor satisfie the World.

As for these posthumous Treatises, he designed only the first of them for the Press, which concerns Reproaching and Censures; which he observed, was grown so common a fault, that it is generally thought to be none: and there­fore in the first Part, he shews the great Evil and Sinful­ness of it, and how irreconcileable it is with a true Christi­an Spirit. But then he considered, that as men, who are most guilty of this vice, have no sense of it themselves; so they are very apt to charge those with it, who are not guil­ty. Whoever has had the courage and honesty to reprove the Schisms and Factions, that are among us, and to censure the errors and miscarriages of the several Sects and Parties of Christians, have been branded with the ignominious name of Railers, and Revilers, and Accu­sers [Page]of the Brethren; and therefore in his Second Part, he shews, that such just and sober Censures as these, which are designed to convince men of their errors and mistakes, are so far from being a fault, that they are a necessary du­ty. And because some men are transported with such an intemperate zeal, that they do not impartially consider, what is truly blame-worthy in those, who differ from them, but censure and condemn, at all adventures, whatever is said or done by men of such a Party or Character; He pro­posed to himself, particularly to consider the several Sects and Professions of Christians, and what it is, which de­serves reproof and Censure in them: which he has done with great Candour and Judgement, but did not live to perfect it. For we have no reason to doubt, but the Pres­byterians should have had their share too, as well as the other Sects amongst us, but either that Part was not done, or it was lost, for no Remains could be found of it.

As for his Answer to Mr. Serjeant's Sure-Footing, that was written many years since, and designed by him for the Press; but by that time he had finished it, he found that work done to his hand by a very excellent Pen, which put an end to that Controversie, and therefore he laid it by without any intention to make it publick. But since his Death, some of his Friends have had other thoughts of it, and indeed, it is so useful a Discourse, that though there is no need of a new Answer to Serjeant, since the Publica­tion of Dr. Tillotson's Rule of Faith, yet I believe it will not be unacceptable to Learned men.

He penn'd very few Sermons in long hand, which, I suppose, is the reason, why there are no more published. [Page]These that are, besides the usefulness of the several Sub­jects, may serve as a specimen of his plain and pious way of instructing the people.

My Lord, I should be very ungrateful, should I neg­lect this opportunity to make my publick acknowledgements to Your Grace for those extraordinary favours I have so lately received from You; on which the ease and comfort of my life does so much depend, that I am for ever bound to implore the Divine Majesty to bless Your Grace with all happiness and prosperity in this life, and with the rewards of an exemplary Piety and Vertue in the next, which is the hearty Prayer of,

Your Grace's most dutiful Servant, William Sherlock.


Concerning the irregular Excesses, and great Sinfulness, of uncharitable Evil-speaking: especially of Supe­riours.

  • CHAP. I. SOME preparatory considerations, concerning the evil of Reproaching. Page 1
  • CHAP. II.
    • The excessive disorders, and unreasonable extravagancy of speaking evil, when men give way to their passions and uncha­ritable temper, manifested especially from the Censures our Saviour underwent.
    • [Page] Sect. 1. The best deserving persons, are oft under obloquy and undeserved Censure. p. 12
    • Sect. 2. Who are apt to be prevailed with to be guilty of the sinful reproaching others, and how far this sin becomes spreading and contagious. p 24
    • Sect. 3. The monstrous and unreasonable strangeness of those censures, which have been unjustly charged on the most inno­cent and excellent men, and particularly on our blessed Lord and Saviour himself. p. 32
  • CHAP. III. The manifold sinfulness, and severe punishment of reproach­ing and speaking evil, especially against Superiors. p. 56
  • CHAP. IV. Contumelious evil-speaking in general; and all irreverent and disrespectful behaviour, towards Rulers and Governours, is contrary to the life of Christ; in those things, wherein we are particularly commanded to imitate his Example: and S. Pauls carriage, Acts 23.3, 4, 5. considered. p. 76

The Second Part,
Concerning the usefulness of a sober Censure of such Parties or persons, who practise evil, or propagate falshood; with an enquiry into some different parties, who make profession of Christianity.

  • CHAP. I. TO speak against evil persons and practices duly and dis­creetly, and to the just discrediting and disparaging bad Principles and Doctrines, is reasonable and good; with an account of what Rules are here to be observed. p. 121
  • CHAP. II.
    • The Principles and Practices, maintained in the Church of Rome, are such as deserve severe Censure and a note of in­famy.
    • Sect. 1. The Romish Church and its Doctrines, and the put­ting them in practice, is chargeable with great disturbances, mischievous to the peace and order of the World. p. 141
    • Sect. 2. The Doctrines maintained in the Church of Rome, and the Constitutions therein established, are great hindran­ces to holiness of life, and true devotion in Religion, and comply very far with Wickedness and Debauchery. p. 159
    • Sect. 3. Those Doctrines and Practices are publickly declared and asserted in the Church of Rome, and are by the Authori­ty thereof established, which are highly derogatory to the just honour and dignity of our Saviour. p. 186
    • [Page] Sect. 4. Of the publick allowance or injunction of such things amongst the Papists, as either debase the Majesty of God, or give divine honour to something else besides God. p. 214
    • Sect. 5. Integrity too much neglected, and Religion so or­dered and modelled, by many Doctrines and Practices in the Church of Rome, as to represent a contrivance of deceit, In­terest and Policy. p. 241
  • CHAP. III.
    • Of our Dissenters, where some of the different sorts of them are first particularly considered, and then follows a more general consideration of them jointly.
    • Sect. 1. Of Quakers. p. 262
    • Sect. 2. Of the Fifth Monarchy men, and the Millenary Opi­nion. p. 275
    • Sect. 3. Of Anabaptists. p. 279
    • Sect. 4. Of Independents. p. 292

An Answer to Mr. Serjeant's Discourse Intituled, Sure-Footing in Christianity.

  • THE first Discourse examined, shewing what properties belong to the Rule of Faith. p. 321
  • Answer to Disc. 2. shewing, that the two first Properties of the Rule of Faith, do agree to Scripture. p. 330
  • An Answer to his third Discourse, shewing, that the three next Properties of the Rule of Faith, are agreeable to Scri­pture. p. 349
  • An Answer to the fourth Discourse, shewing, that the two last Properties of the Rule of Faith, do agree to Scripture. p. 367
  • An Answer to the fifth Discourse, inquiring into Tradition, and shewing, that none of the Properties of the Rule of Faith, agree to it. p. 383
  • An Answer to his sixth Discourse, shewing, that he hath given neither Demonstration, nor probable Reason, to manifest Tra­dition indefectible à priori. p. 404
  • An Answer to his seventh Discourse, concerning Heresie. p. 416
  • An Answer to his eighth Discourse, shewing, that uninterrup­tedness of Tradition, is not proved à posteriori. p. 433
  • An Answer to his ninth Discourse, shewing, that the way of Oral Tradition in the Church, hath not so much strength as other matters of Humane Authority. p. 451
  • Answer to his Corollaries. p. 460
  • [Page]An Inquiry after, and Examination of, the consent of Authority to the foregoing Discourse. p. 468
    • Sect. 1. An Inquiry what is declared the Rule of Faith by the Scriptures. p. 469
    • Sect. 2. What the Synod of Lateran owned for the Rule of Faith. p. 473
    • Sect. 3. Of the Council of Sardica, and what it owned as the Rule of Faith. p. 476
    • Sect. 4. What was owned as the Rule of Faith, by the second Council of Nice. p. 478
    • Sect. 5. What were the grounds of the Catholick Faith as­serted against Arianism, in and at the time of the first Ni­cene Council? p. 484
    • Sect. 6. What was received as the Rule of Faith, at the time of the second General Council at Constantinople? p. 486
    • Sect. 7. What was owned as the Rule of Faith, at the time of the third General Council at Ephesus? p. 487
    • Sect. 8. What was owned as the Rule of Faith, at the time of the fourth General Council at Chalcedon? p. 489
    • Sect. 9. Of the Rule of Faith, acknowledged by the Fathers, and first of Coelestine. p. 491
    • Sect. 10. What was the Rule of Faith, owned by Irenaeus? p. 492
    • Sect. 11. What was owned by Origen as the Rule of Faith? p. 497
    • [Page] Sect. 12. What was the Rule of Faith owned by Tertullian? p. 501
    • Sect. 13. What Clemens Alexandrinus held as the Rule of Faith? p. 506
    • Sect. 14. What was owned as the Rule of Faith by Athana­sius? p. 507
    • Sect. 15. What was owned as the Rule of Faith, by S. Ba­sil? p. 510
    • Sect. 16. What was by S. Austin accounted the Rule of Faith? p. 512
    • Sect. 17. What Petrus Chrysologus owned as the Rule of Faith? p. 515
    • Sect. 18. Answering the remainder of his Discourse. p. 516

Sermons Preached upon several Occasions.

  • A Sermon Preached at Lyn S. Margaret 's, at the Bishop's Visitation, Octob. 15. 1677. on 2 Cor. 5.18.—And hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation. p. 523
  • A Sermon Preached at Norwich, March 2. 1678. on Joel 2.12. Therefore also now saith the Lord, Turn ye even to me with all your heart. p. 555
  • A Sermon Preached on S. Matth. 5.20. For I say unto you, That except your Righteousness shall exceed the Righ­teousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. p. 577


The First Part:
Concerning the irregular Excesses, and great Sinfulness, of uncharitable evil-speaking; especially of Superiours.

Some preparatory considerations, concerning the evil of Reproaching.

1. REligion hath that general influence upon the life of the pious man, that it commands and governs his thoughts and affections, his words and actions. But where the true rules of piety are neglected, very many indulge themselves, in great dis­order and miscarriages, in every one of these particulars. [Page 2]Among other things, a strange licentious liberty is taken, by no small number of men, in speaking injuriously, and cast­ing reproaches and unreasonable censures upon others, con­trary to the rules of our Christian profession; yea, even up­on men of the best principles, and the best lives, and not spa­ring our Rulers and Governours, in Church and State.

2. And this evil temper hath so far insinuated it self, Evil speaking a vice dange­rously prevail­ing at this time, and is become so spreading, and so open and manifest; that I account it one of the prevailing vices of our dayes. And when men are ashamed to own many other sinful practices, or to shew any approbation of them; as of drunkenness, swearing, uncleanness, oppression and such like; uncharita­ble speeches of others, are entertained with a secret delight and pleasure, and oft with open expressions of satisfaction. And this shews the great defilement of this sin, which not only prevails on the passions and affections, by corrupting and disordering them; but it also debaucheth, and perverteth the very inward principles of Conscience it self. I wish that with respect to very many persons, we had not now just cause, to take up the complaint of Naz. Or. 1. [...], and it ought to be reproved, and checked, Gr. Nazianzen, con­cerning the time he lived in, That that man was best esteem­ed of, not he who being governed by the fear of God, durst not speak an idle word, but he who speaketh the most contume­liously against others, either openly or by sly intimations.

3. And therefore I shall now design to speak somewhat, which may manifest the great evil of this uncharitable be­haviour, especially towards our Superiours, and may be sufficient to warn men against it. Such an undertaking as this, is very agreeable to that particular Apostolical direction, and precept of S. Paul; who charged Titus in the work of his Ministry, Tit. 3.1, 2. to put men in mind to be subject to Principalities and Powers, to obey Magistrates, to be ready to every good work. To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness to all men. Whatsoever e­steem some persons will have, of such instructions and truths as these are; the Apostle with respect hereto com­mands Titus, v. 8. these things I will that thou affirm constantly; [Page 3]and further declares in the end of that verse, these things are good and profitable unto men. And it must needs be a fit sea­son, and very requisite, to declare against any sin, when it is grown to that height, that men will openly avow it, and become bold and confident in the practice of it, with­out shame or regret. And that what I shall speak of this Subject may be the more carefully regarded, Some prepara­tory considera­tions proposed. I shall in my entrance upon it take some notice (which I shall afterward, further pursue) of the great hurt and danger of this sin, and its being inconsistent with piety, and true holiness and Re­ligion. The tongue, S. James saith, is an unruly evil, full of deadly poyson, Jam. 3.8. and therefore it is no little mischief which proceeds from the ill government thereof.

4. Uncharitable reproaches are, First, 1. Reproaching is contrary to the highest and best examples, set before us in the Scripture, Unsuitable to the best and highest examples, which the Scripture proposeth for our imitation; and contrary and hateful to the wisest and most excellent persons. But it is most reasonable for us to follow such examples, since such persons who are of clearest knowledge, and free from all passionate and sinful inclinations, can most perfectly discern good, and are fitly qualified to make the best choice. But this disorder is so far opposite to true goodness, that though rash men may not duly observe the evil thereof, yet as an evident convi­ction of the great sinfulness contained therein, especially in reproaching Governours, S. Jude tells us that Michael the Archangel when contending with the Devil, durst not bring a­gainst him a railing accusation, Jude 9. And yet inconside­rate and passionate men dare venture on this sin without fear, though a person of so great wisdom and knowledge as the Archangel, durst not do it, and though the Apostle and the Holy Ghost himself, propose his example, as a manifest condemnation of such transgressors. And those pious Chri­stians who have been best acquainted with the Spirit of Christianity, have accounted (as every man ought to do) this instance to be of great force. Hence Hieron. in Tit. c. 3. S. Hierome from this instance of the Archangel, urgeth the necessity [Page 4]of a careful practice of that Christian duty, to speak evil of no man. And when S. Peter had observed, what a daring presumption some evil men were arrived unto, that they were not afraid to speak evil of Dignities, he in like manner adds, 2 Pet. 2.10, 11. whereas Angels which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusations against them be­fore the Lord: and we should do the will of God on Earth, as it is done by them in Heaven. Agreeably to these we have the great example of our Lord and Saviour, which is proposed for our imitation, 1 Pet. 2.23. Who when he was reviled, he reviled not again. And besides these things, we may discern how much the holy God disliketh, and is dis­pleased with this evil practice, by his laws and precepts con­demning it, and by the threatnings he hath denounced, and the punishments he will inflict upon those who are guilty of this sin; but of these I shall discourse more hereafter.

5. But this evil practice is very agreeable to the temper and disposition of the evil spirit: and thereupon Basil. Ep. 75. Chrys. Hom. de Diabol. Tentat. Andr. Caesar. in A­poc. c. 34. and is a great complyance with the Evil one. anci­ent Writers have accounted the name of [...] a calumnia­tor, to have been very properly given to him. For pride, uncharitableness, promoting mischief, and departing from truth, all which things are manifestly joyned together in this sin, do make up very much of the nature of the evil one. These things therefore are both pleasing to him, and a considerable resemblance of him. And indeed the Devil hath done a great part of his work in the world, by this ve­ry practice; and it becomes every Christian, to detest the following his example, and the carrying on his work. The first transgression of mankind, was occasioned, by his misreporting, and misrepresenting the intentions of Gods Government, and his laws. And one of the most effectual means, whereby Satan hath hindred the greater progress of the Christian Religion, especially in the Primitive times, when Religion it self continued uncorrupt; was by defa­ming both our holy Religion, and them who heartily embra­ced it, and by prevailing upon a great part of the world to believe much evil concerning it, and entertain great prejudi­ces [Page 5]against it. To this end such calumnies were invented, and spread abroad, as that the assembling of Christians to­gether to partake of the holy Eucharist, were meetings to perpetrate villanies, in murdering and eating of an Infant, and practising uncleanness, as many of the Writers of the first Ages have declared, who have refuted such notorious slanders. And the Christians themselves were aspersed as men of inflexible obstinacy, and a perverse will: and this e­ven Plin. Ep. l. 10. Ep. 97. Pliny chargeth them with, who vindicates them from the forementioned crimes. They were also reputed Atheists, as Just. Apol. 2. Justin Martyr declares, because they owned not the Gentile Idolatry, And many other things of like nature might be added. Whereas if Christianity had been generally represented, and apprehended in its genuine excel­lencies, its amiable purity and truth, and its Divine Au­thority; it would have commanded a more general submis­sion among men. But by the wiles of Satan, and the ma­lice of his instruments, such calumnies were spread abroad, that it was in its first manifestation every where spoken against, Act. 28.22.

6. Secondly, 2. It is incon­sistent with true Holiness, The practice of this sin is inconsistent with true piety and integrity of heart. For as the fruit shews the nature of the tree; so an ill-governed tongue is a plain evi­dence of a corrupt heart, and speaks passion and uncharita­bleness to prevail there, where meekness and love should take place. This our Lord testifies, Mat. 12.34, 35. Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart, bringeth forth good things; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart, bringeth forth evil things. And this is that which the usual observation of the world hath testified; as Hierocl. in Pyth. Carm. p. 140. [...]. Hierocles declared, men speak either good, or evil, sutably to the contrary in­clinations of their minds. There is indeed some difference here, between the evil and the good heart. The man of a malicious spirit, may sometimes speak fair, and smoothly even unto flattery, and a wicked man may speak good words, and act the hypocrite; and the reason of this is, because an [Page 6]evil heart may incline the man to dissemble and speak falsly; but such words though they carry a fair appearance, are e­vil words, because full of fraud, unfaithfulness and dissimu­lation. But where the heart is good and upright, there true integrity prevails; and though an evil man may in many outward things, speak and do as the good man doth, out of hypocrisie, and still continue wicked; no good man can speak and do evil things, according to the practice of the sinful and vicious person; and whosoever doth so, must be really wicked; because goodness and uprightness, both hate all counterfeiting and dissembling, and all other compliances with sin and evil.

7. and speaks a prevalency of sin. But there is so much evil and wickedness contained under this sin of defaming others, that a great part of the te­stimony which the Apostle gave, of the Jews being estrang­ed from true goodness and piety, and being under sin, is included herein. He declares from the writings of the Old Testament, Rom. 3.13, 14, 15. Their throat is an open Sepulchre, with their tongues they have used deceit, the poyson of asps is under their lips. Whose mouth is full of cursing and bit­terness. Their feet are swift to shed blood, &c. Now the sense of most part of these words, is plainly contained in this sin I am declaring against. And when the Apostle men­tions their mouth being full of cursing, it may be worthy our observation, that contumelious speaking against and re­proaching others, doth in some degree, really include in it, the true and proper nature of cursing; it being a plain de­claration of the persons wishing and desiring evil, to him of whom he speaks. And what S. Paul adds, that their feet are swift to shed blood, even this is frequently the natural ef­fect of the same sin. For when men by evil speaking, espe­cially of their Superiours, have wrought themselves and others, into a greater dislike of them, and hatred towards them, how oft this hath fomented fierce passions, and wrought dispositions to cruelty, and put men upon insurrections and forwardness of shedding blood; the Histories of all times, and the remembrance of this last Age in our own Nation, [Page 7]will give undeniable evidence. Now such a temper, (which gives an apparent indication, that they who practised such things, were turned aside from God, and the ways of piety,) cannot be thought reconcileable with the holiness, and purity of the Christian Religion.

8. Thirdly, This practice is mighty dangerous, 3. It exposeth the offender to condemnation. with re­spect to mens great and eternal interests. Many are too neg­lectful in calling themselves to an account for their words, but God hath assured us, that at the great day he will take an account of them, and will not then allow that liberty, that men now give themselves in evil speaking, but even this sin may be sufficient to bring upon them eternal con­demnation. Our Lord hath declared, Matt. 12.36, 37. That of every idle word, men shall give an account in the day of Judgment. For by their words, they shall be justified; and by their words, they shall be condemned. And these words of our Saviour, are so solemn and weighty, as laying down a rule of proceeding, in the future judgment and condemnation; that they ought not to be slighted and disregarded, but to be seriously pondered, and considered. Many of the anci­ent Writers, interpret this Text concerning such words as were not useful and profitable to edification. Thus S. Basil, S. Hierom, Greg. Magnus, and others. And Iren. ad [...] Haeres. l. 4. c. 31. Irenaeus mentions them as such a Doctrine of our Saviour, whereby he advanceth and exalteth the Christian Religion, and the rules and precepts thereof. And it is thence inferred, that if such words which are not of use to good, shall be under the heavy condemnation of the great Day, much more those which are contumelious, and include evil.

9. But this strict interpretation, Mat. 12.36. Concerning e­very idle word, explained. would deny Christians the liberty of ordinary conversation, and that freedom of fami­liar speaking, concerning common affairs, which is neces­sary thereunto, and it cannot well be thought that our Sa­viour, whose yoke is easie, would lay such a severe restraint upon his Disciples, under pain of eternal damnation. And therefore the notion entertained by Grotius, and Dr. Ham­mond, that by every idle word, is understood every false and [Page 8]evil word, (including what is unseemly, and unbecoming Sobriety) is the much more probable sense of our Saviours speech; and the account they give of it, is very reasonable and considerable. And this is a sense that wants not the authority of some of the Ancients. Thus Theophylact ex­pounds these words, and so doth also S. Chrysostome, both upon S. Matthew, and Chrys. Serm. 62. in Paralyt. elsewhere. And Eus. praep. Ev. l. 1. [...]. Eusebius declares, that upon account of these words of our Saviour, the Christians would not admit either any lye, or any re­proach, nor any filthy, nor any unseemly word.

10. This sense is also agreeable to the manner of the Scripture expression, in divers other places, where it speaks of things, and words hurtful and evil, under such phrases, as most directly signifie their being not useful. Thus S. Paul calls such words, as turn men from piety, [...], empty or vain words, Ephes. 5.6. and [...], empty or vain bab­ling, 1 Tim. 6.20. 2 Tim. 2.16. and the expressions of an empty word, and an idle word, are not much unlike; but un­der that phrase the Apostle evidently intends, wicked and sinful words. So when the Idols of the Gentiles are oft cal­led vanities, as Act. 14.15. and the adhering to them, a becoming vain in their imaginations, Rom. 1.21. it is not only intended that these things are void of goodness, but that they are things abominable. So the Apostle intends, that it will be of pernicious consequence to men, when those who watch for their souls, give up their account with grief, when he only expresseth it to be unprofitable, Heb. 13.17. And the Holy Scripture calls the works of darkness unfruitful, when it designs them to be accounted hurtful, Ephes. 5.11.

11. And this interpretation of these words of our Lord, accords very well with the truth delivered in other Scri­ptures, that revilers and lyars, shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, and that his Religion is vain, who bridleth not his tongue. It is very suitable also to the occasion, on which our Saviour spake these words, which was the Pharisees de­faming his Miracles, and him in working them; as if he did them by Beelzebub. And therefore this speech hath a [Page 9]particular respect to words of calumny; The sad doom of Reproachers hence observed. and speaks the heavy doom of such persons, as please themselves with speaking evil of others, when Christ himself shall come to judge. Let every Christian therefore stand in awe of this threatning of our Lord, and carefully observe that precept of S. James, Jam. 2.12. So speak ye, and so do, as those that shall be judged by the law of liberty. Both our words and acti­ons will be hereafter judged, according to that Gospel, which passeth a Sentence against reproaching expressions. And the Gospel is such a law of liberty, that besides other advantages, they who will seriously mind their duty, may under it, and by the grace thereof, be set free from the power and rule of their passions and lusts: and therefore the serving these under the grace of the Gospel, is utterly inexcusable.

12. Fourthly, 4. A pious go­vernment of the tongue, is an excellent Chri­stian perfection. The good and pious government of the tongue, is a very considerable perfection in the practice of Religion. For this manifests such a person, to have got­ten the victory over the passions, and disorderly motions of his mind, which are apt in others to discover themselves by rash words; the tongue being a quick and glib mover, and oft forward to express any prevailing irregular discompo­sure of the Spirit. Hence Jam. 3.2. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. But these words of that Apostle must be so un­derstood, as to speak particularly the perfection of him, who thus behaves himself, upon the true principles of Chri­stianity. For it must be acknowledged, that passionate and reproachful words, may be suppressed in some, by the advantage of their natural temper, of mildness and courteous­ness, which doth not much encline them to this sin, whilst they live in the practice of others. In others they may be restrained by the rules of policy and subtilty, and a strong resolution in the managing of some design; and much may be done in others by mere rational and Philosophical considerations. There are many instances among the an­cient Philosophers, and their followers, of such persons as [Page 10]gained a considerable mastery of their passions, and a great command of their words and actions. Among o­thers, Socrates was a rare instance hereof, if he came any thing nigh that admirable character, that Xenoph. Memor. l. 1. p. 710. [...]. Xenophon gives him, That no man ever saw Socrates do any action, or heard him speak any word, that was contrary to Religious piety, or unholy. This was mighty considerable, though we understand it, only with respect to the rules of mora­lity, admitted under the Pagan Philosophy. And it is unbe­coming Christians, to come short of such examples, when their Religion doth so wonderfully go beyond all the princi­ples, of Ethnick Philosophy.

13. Where this is wanting, the Christian spirit hath not had its due effect. Christianity tends to bring men into a lively sense of the only true God; to a clear knowledge of that excellent revelation, delivered by our Saviour; it guides unto that universal purity, which excludes all the Idolatry, and other vices, which the most refined Paganism did admit; it shew­eth obedience to its precepts, to be of the highest concern­ment imaginable; from the plainest manifestation of the great account, and judgment to come, and the future state either of endless glorious perfection, or of intolerable tor­ment. And it also most expresly manifests the great ne­cessity of well governing the tongue, both as to the practice of Religion, and the obtaining everlasting happiness; and it affords the aids and grace of the Holy Spirit, to assist and enable us, to the performance of all those duties, it injoyns upon us. Now this Religion cannot be received in any considerable degree, by them who entertain the practice of evil speaking and reproaching; which is contrary and opposite to it, to the author of it, and to the obtaining the good it proposeth to its followers. But where the true fear of God, and a conscientious regard to all the rules of the Christian life, have prevailed, for the well-order­ing of the tongue; it may be expected that they will have a like power and efficacy, for the government of the whole man. And where this member is disordered, it be­comes an incendiary, and as a pestilential Contagion, [Page 11]spreads abroad venome and evil: and in S. James's ex­pression, it sets on fire the course of nature, and it is set on fire of hell; who also saith it is a world of iniquity, and de­fileth the whole body, Jam. 3.6. And the Great miscarria­ges of the tongue, which in that Chapter are complained of, with divers earnest and emphatical expressions, appear plainly to be the censuring and speaking evil of others, and the promoting and exciting strife and contention.

The excessive disorders, and unreasonable extravagan­cy of speaking evil, when men give way to their pas­sions and uncharitable temper, manifested especially from the Censures our Saviour underwent.

The best deserving persons, are oft under obloquy and unde­served Censure.

Sect. I THese things being premised, I shall now come to dis­course

1. Of the great disorder of an ill-governed tongue, in cen­suring and reproaching. 2. Of the sinfulness of this pra­ctice, and the great guilt thereof.

2. First, The tongue is such an unruly evil, as S. James calls it, Jam. 3.8. that when men indulge themselves in uncharitableness, and censoriousness, it puts them upon the contriving, Censoriousness is unruly, and wonderfully extravagant, or pursuing the most unaccountable, and unreasonable calumnies and slanders. Good Hezekiah shall fall under the lavish revilings of a Rabshakeh; and his reformation excellently and piously performed, will be con­demned as impious. And Christianity it self was made a matter of reproach by Saul, whilst he was a blasphemer, a persecuter, and injurious, and by many others who professed themselves enemies unto it: and the Christians in general were spoken of as evil doers, 1 Pet. 2.12. But we cannot better discern how ungovernable and extravagant the cen­sorious [Page 13]and uncharitable tongue is, than by considering the instances of our blessed Saviour, and other excellent men. Even the Holy Jesus when he conversed upon Earth, esca­ped not the sharp and bitter reproaches of reviling tongues, though he deserved no censure, nor gave any just occasion for any. The persons con­sidered who bear reproach. And therefore what he and other good men met with, will abundantly manifest the strange unruliness of a defaming temper, which is contained under no bounds, and limits of truth, justice or charity.

3. This may especially appear by our enquiring into three things: 1. What the great excellencies were, not­withstanding which he and the best of men have suffered reproach? 2. Who those persons were by whom they were reviled and evil spoken of? 3. What some part of the accusation and charge was, which they drew up against him; and other pious men?

4. Qu. 1. What were the great excellencies of our Lord, Christ himself, and the most worthy persons not secure from it. and other good men, notwithstanding which they under­went reproach? And these were so exceeding eminent in him, and manifested by such full and undeniable evidence; that it may be just matter of wonder, that they should not be generally admired, and that all who conversed with him, should not mightily reverence him. Hence Orig. cont. Cels. l. 1. [...]. Origen was of opinion, that even on this account our Lord might forbear to answer any thing before Pilate, to the false Witnesses who appeared against him, because his pure and innocent life was a sufficient confutation of their false testi­mony. It must indeed be acknowledged, that no other person upon Earth, ever was so excellent as he was. But hereupon the considering how he was treated among men, is so much the more convictive evidence, that it may be the lot of the most worthy men, to be traduced and defamed in the World. And if this was the Masters portion; it is the less to be wondred, if any of his Servants meet with the same; and as himself had said, if they call the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call them of his household? Mat. 10.25.


5. First, He was the most holy person. He did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth, 1. Persons sig­nally pious and good, are oft evil spoken of. and yet he was reviled, 1 Pet. 2.22, 23. Innocency and purity in the highest mea­sure, (yea even in him above all measure) are no sufficient security, for the avoiding censures. But if the best and most holy men, will not seek to comply with the humours of them, who are eagerly bent to serve their errors, even this their firm and stedfast uprightness and integrity, shall turn to their reproach. And there is so much hurry and fury in disordered passions, that it is as reasonable to expect, that a storm and tempest should avoid every fruitful tree, as that uncharitable and undeserved censures, should not be fixed upon any good men, Satan will find some matter of reflexion to cast upon Job, though God himself gives him this character, that he was a perfect and upright man, one that feared God, and eschewed evil. Even while the Scribes and Pharisees were in great vogue, with the people, and highly admired by them; the blessed Jesus, whose holy life and doctrine might recommend him, to every mans consci­ence, was despised and rejected. And the true Prophets who were sent before our Lord, were hated, reproached, and their name cast out as evil, Luk. 6.22, 23. whilst the false Prophets, who complyed with the disordered inclinations of the people, were so acceptable to them, that all men spake well of them, v. 26. The best and most faithful and sincere men, deserve a general applause; but they so rarely meet with any thing like it, that our Saviour declared, wo be to you when all men speak well of you, Luk. 6.26.

6. And since the progress of Christianity, the most ex­cellent persons have in the several ages of the Church, oft un­dergone the most undeserved calumnies, from other professed Christians. Thus Athan. Ap. ad Constant. & alib. Athanasius was falsly charged by his adversaries, with disloyalty, with sacrilegious irreverence, to the most holy Mysteries of Christianity, with uncleanness, cruel acts of violence, and other such like heinous crimes; from all which, he cleared himself to the shame and confu­sion [Page 15]of his accusers. S. Basil in several of his Basil. Ep. 33, 75, 79, 86, &c. Epistles, takes notice of the various and injurious aspersions, which were cast upon him, even of so high a nature, that he was re­ported to be a blasphemer and a mad-man. And the like might be observed concerning Gr. Nazianzen, S. Austin, and divers other persons of incomparable worth, and sin­gular eminency in the Christian Church. And it is a thing too frequent and obvious, that when the Professors of Christianity, are divided into different parties and interests, they who are the worst spirited men, are forward to act, as enemies do in war; if they know any man of the greatest worth, who is of the opposite side, if he be within their reach, they will especially endeavour to wound and strike at him. But such things shew how far they are gone a­side from true Christianity, while they pretend to be zealous for it.

7. But the truly pious man, though so far as concerns his detractors, and those who are misguided by them, he is grieved, and affected with tender pity and compassion, to see how Satan beguiles and ensnares them, to their own hurt; yet so far as concerns himself, he can bear the unde­served censures of his integrity with inward comfort and peace, and an indisturbed mind. Yea he can, as S. Paul did, take pleasure in reproaches, 2 Cor. 12.10. upon the great en­couragement given by our Saviour himself, Mat. 5.11, 12. Blessed are ye when men shall revile, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsly for my sake. Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your reward in heaven. Thus Aug. cont. Jul. l. 1. c. 1. S. Austin begins his Book against Julian the Pelagian, in telling him, that he should not speak the truth, if he should say he did contemn and not regard the slanders and reviling words, which Julian had uttered against him; for they were matter of joy to him, so far as concerned himself; but they administred occasions of sorrow so far as concerned Ju­lian, who wrote them, and those who were seduced and de­ceived by him. But they who allow themselves to desame the best men, will be far from finding comfort at last in [Page 16]these practices; since he that justifies the wicked, and he that condemns the just; even they both are an abomination to the Lord, Prov. 17.15.

8. Secondly, 2. Men who are most ser­viceable to the world, and do most good in it, are oft mis­represented. The Holy Jesus was one, whose business and care it was, wholly to do good, and yet met with much contumelious reproach. He came to make all eternally hap­py, who would be guided by him; and took the most effe­ctual course, for the compleat accomplishing the true ad­vancement of man, and managed the designs of goodness to the best and highest purposes. He came to recover man from a sad and dangerous estate; and his promoting the great welfare of men was manifest, from the holiness of his doctrine, which wonderfully purified the minds of men; and from the outward acts of his power being employed for good, in casting out Devils, healing all that were diseased, and such like excellent works. And he was as Cl. Alex. Strom. l. 1. [...]. Clemens Alexandrinus speaks (with some allusion to the name Je­sus, as if it had been from [...], to heal) one that heals and cures both the bodies, and the souls of men. Yet he who went up and down doing good, was evil spoken of. Such were the unkind returns, which his greatest kindness and care met with! And this is frequently the fate of the most useful and serviceable men in their generations.

9. Evil and mischievous men deserve to be accounted infamous by all, and to be severely punished also. But they are under gross mistakes, who set themselves against their most faithful friends, as if they were their chiefest enemies; and yet this is very common among men When the Apo­stles of our Lord, used their utmost endeavours and dili­gence, to acquaint men with the truth of Religion, to turn them from Satan to God, and to make them happy; and to that end had undergone many dangers, necessities, diffi­culties and sufferings; they were still so far defamed and reproached, as to be accounted as the filth of the world, and the off scowring of all things. And when David's ruling Isra­el, was managed with that faithfulness and prudence, that the Holy Ghost testified, that he fed them according to the in­tegrity [Page 17]of his heart, and guided them by the skilfulness of his hands, Psal. 78.72. Yet by the smooth tongue, and sub­tle insinuations of Absolom, his government was wholly misrepresented, as if he had taken no care of justice and righ­teousness, 2 Sam. 15.3, 4. And the people hereby became so deluded, that Absolom stole the hearts of the men of Isra­el, v. 6.

10. And besides many other instances, And so hath the infinitely good God been spoken against. which might ea­sily be given in the History of the World; it is remarkable that when God himself had framed man after his own Image, given him the Dominion of other Creatures, and planted him in a Paradise and place of delight and pleasure; there wanted not an accusation against him, and his govern­ment, as if he intended to keep man in an unreasonable sub­jection, and to debar him of that perfection of state which he might otherwise have obtained, Gen. 3.5. And when he had given that admirable instance of his care, and favour towards Israel, in bringing them out of Egypt, with a migh­ty hand, and guiding and feeding them miraculously in the Wilderness, by his wonderful power; yet how oft did they speak against God in the desart, even whilst he was fol­lowing them with his goodness: Wherefore there is much of truth, in what was observed by de bene­ficiis l. 1. c. 1, &c. Seneca, that among all the great vices, which prevail in the world, there is none more frequent, than to want a grateful sense of the receiv­ing of good. And though as he observes, the fierce wild beasts, as the Lion and the Elephant express a kind appre­hension of the benefits and good, which they receive from those who take care of them, yet even among men there are those, qui pessime loquuntur de optime meritis, who defame that which deserves the highest commendation.

11. From these instances I have given, it may appear, what an unaccountable thing it is, to be led by, or even to give heed unto, This unreasona­ble sin is perni­cious to the practisers. the aspersions and defaming expressions of unruly tongues, which oft-times speak licentiously against the Heavens, and against the most deserving men upon Earth. But the evil and danger of these practices, is as con­siderable, [Page 18]as the disorder, folly and unreasonableness, of them. In every one of the instances I mentioned, it went very ill with the evil-speaker. They who spake against God in the wilderness, were smitten with various dreadful judgments, and they perished in the Desart. Our first Pa­rents who were beguiled, to hearken to suggestions, against the Laws and Precepts of their Maker in Paradise, were dispossessed of their Eden, and brought great calami­ties on themselves, and upon all their posterity to this day. Absolom and they who were perswaded by him into an un­deserved ill opinion of David, and were drawn in to oppose his government, were destroyed; and a very great slaugh­ter followed of the men of Israel. And all those who despi­sed our Saviour and his Apostles, and their Doctrine, depri­ved themselves thereby, of the admirable benefits of that great salvation.

12. Thirdly, 3. The defa­ming tongue gives not due reverence to those who have divine autho­rity, Our Lord was one, who came invested with the highest authority, which was fully attested; and yet he was disrespected and dishonoured. He was sent from God, and what he spake and acted was in his name. The authority of God deserves, and commands reverence from men, and it is a presumptuous boldness, to treat such persons without due honourable respect, whose office and business is appointed and ordained of God, and where them­selves bring sufficient evidence of this Divine Authority. He who honoureth a Prince, will express a reverent demea­nour to all those, who act in managing any high office, in his name, and by his special commission. And where there is a true honour and fear of God, it will engage an hearty respect, for all those who are established by him. But such is the wild extravagancy of a disorderly tongue, led by the heat and violence of passion, that it so far casts off the sense of God and his fear, as to dare rashly to vent it self, a­gainst those persons, towards whom God himself hath par­ticularly enjoyned, and required an honourable esteem, and awful reverence.

13. The blessed Jesus was the only Son of God, and his mission from God was sufficiently evidenced, by the Pro­phecies, which were accomplished in him; by the testimo­ny of S. John Baptist, of the Angels, and of the voice from Heaven; by the heavenliness and Divine Character of his Doctrine, and by all the mighty miracles, which he wrought. From hence even Josephus (whose words have been observ­ed, by divers very ancient Christian Writers) spake of him with that honour and esteem, that he calls him Joseph. Ant. Jud. l. 18. c. 4. [...]. a wise man, if it be fit to call him a man. Yet he who came in his Fathers name, was rejected and reviled; and they resolv­edly despised him, and censured his person, and the mira­cles which they beheld, and the power by which he wrought them; while they might plainly enough discern, that he was sent from God, and that his Miracles were Divine. And this strange refractory perverseness in their deportment against him and his works, and the testimony of the Holy Spirit in them hath been Amb. de poenit. l. 2. c. 4. Athanas. in illud, Qui­cun (que) dixerit verbum con­tra filium ho­minis, &c. justly esteemed, to be the main thing contained in the sin against the Holy Ghost. And that behaviour must needs contain in it a very high guilt, which excludeth so much obstinacy against God. And his Apo­stles were not only defamed by the false Apostles, but Di­otrophes also prateth against them with malicious words, 3 Joh. 10.

14. Now both Ministers in the Church, and Governours in the Kingdom, are also established by Gods Authority, and an honourable deportment towards them is strictly enjoyn­ed by the Sanctions of his Law. neither to Se­cular, nor Ec­clesiastical Go­vernours. When our Saviour sent forth not only the Apostles, but even the Seventy Disciples, he declared unto them, Luk. 10.16. He that heareth you, hear­eth me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that de­spiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. And the authority of secular Governours is so great, that the powers that be, are ordained of God: whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resi­steth the ordinance of God, and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. And so far as the laws of God pre­vail on the minds and tongues of men, they will check [Page 20]and silence rash and defaming expressions against them. S. Paul mentions this, as one of those precepts of the law, which lay a strict obligation upon Christians, under the Gospel, Act. 23.5. Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people. Yea, the commands of God will not allow so much, as an uncharitable thought, Eccl. 10.20. Curse not the King, no not in thy thought.

15. Tertullian gave a true account, of the rules of Chri­stianity, and of the temper and spirit, of the ancient primi­tive Christians of his age, who endured heavy sufferings; when he declares, that Apol. c. 36. & ad Scap. c. 2. our Religion allows not us, to desire, act, speak, or think evil toward any, much less to­wards Governours, This contrary to the primi­tive Christian simplicity, whom we must honour and reverence, as appointed by God. But it is a just matter of lamentati­on, that the divine authority of Governours, is little regard­ed among many men, who profess Christianity; which is a great testimony, that true Religion and a sense of God is not duly entertained. That in our age, a very great part of men are forward, rashly to censure and speak dishonou­rably, both against secular rulers, and the Bishops and Mini­sters of the Church, is a thing so plain and obvious, that observing men cannot but take notice of it, and pious and good men are heartily grieved at it. And this misbeha­viour towards the pious Bishops of the Church, was also ma­ny ages since observed, and complained of; and the ill ef­fects thereof were in some measure provided against, by the Canon of a Concil. Constant. c. 6. General Council, when discords and divisions prevailed in the Church. And such calumnies, as Balsamon there observeth, Satan doth much endeavour to soment and cherish.

16. Thus Corah and his company, were forward with presumptuous confidence, but agreeable to the presum­ption of Core. to speak against Moses their chief Ruler, and Aaron the Priest, slandering and opposing them; and this pleased the Congregation of Israel, who were too ready to comply with them. But this was so provoking to God, and so pernicious to the Israelites, that there were ma­ny exceeding severe punishments, inflicted by God upon [Page 21]the Israelites for these offences. For, Numb. 16. the earth opened its mouth, and swallowed up Corah and his company; the fire from the Lord, consumed those men, who intruded themselves into the office of the Priest, to offer Incense; and a dreadful plague brake out upon the Congregation, and destroyed suddenly fourteen thousand and seven hun­dred; but was stayed by Aarons making atonement. And these things are so far written for our examples, that where-ever the like sins are committed, under the time of Christianity, they are as evil and destructive, as they were under the law of Moses; since the Gospel gives particular precepts, for the honouring Superiours, and threats upon the neglect of them; and S. Jude declares, concerning such disobedient persons, who swerved from the true Spirit of Christianity, and despise dominion, that they perished in the gainsaying of Core, Jude 11.

17. Fourthly, 4. Men of the sweetest and meekest beha­viour, are roughly dealt with by viru­lent tongues. Our Saviour was a person of admirable meekness, but neither did this preserve him from detraction and calumny. He had no proud and haughty carriage, he injured no man, by word or deed, nor gave them any just provocation. It is frequent in the world, that words and actions of strife and contention, do kindle more strife, though they ought not so to do. If a storm be begun, one wave will raise another; but in a perfect calm, to see the Sea grow boisterous of it self, is somewhat unusual. And whereas a fiery fierceness of temper, is apt to kindle heats and disturbances, it was observed in the writings of the Jewish Authors, that the result or end of meekness [...] is welfare, peace and quiet; and so it frequently is, both to mans self, and to them with whom he converseth: but it was much otherwise in the practice of the Jewish Nation, towards him who was the great pattern of meekness, gentleness and patience.

18. Indeed it is sinful for any Christians, Licentious ex­pressions not ju­stified when oc­casioned by pro­vocations; to give way to their passions, and unbecoming expressions, though they meet with provocations. These provocations are temptati­ons laid before them, but their Religion teacheth them, to [Page 22]beware of and reject temptations, and not to yield to them, and suffer themselves to be overcome, and prevailed up­on by them. Even when the Israelites provoked Moses, so that he spake unadvisedly with his lips it went ill with him, Psal. 106.32, 33. And when S. Paul was smitten, con­trary to the law, Act. 23. he in that case, acknowledgeth the obligation of this duty, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people. And the Doctrine of Christianity obligeth its Professors, to love their enemies, to bless them which curse them, and to pray for them who despitefully use them, and persecute them. The precepts of some of the Plat. in Crit. Maxim. Tyr. Diss. 2. Eth­nick Philosophers went so far, as to condemn the returning in­juries to them, from whom we receive wrong: and some rare instances there are among Pagans, of some who decla­red they would, and others who actually did, treat them with much kindness, who had greatly injured them. But the doctrine of our Saviour, appeareth to have gone higher, than the rules which their wisest men prescribed, in enjoin­ing as a necessary duty the exercise of love, kindness, doing good unto, and praying for our enemies.

19. But that Religion which will not allow of passion, and reviling, where there may be some considerable occasi­on given; will much more detest it, in such cases, where there is truly no such occasion. but are more unreasonable when without any occasion gi­ven. For this most clearly shews such men, to be much more hurried and command­ed, by a swelling rage and tumult of disorderly affections; than by the Christian temper, the precepts of our Lord, and the Spirit of God, who is a Spirit of meekness and peace. But though meekness, which is calm and inoffensive, be far from deserving any censure or ill will; yet where men give the reins to their tongues, even the eminent practices thereof, though never so undeservedly, will be ill treated and defamed. Our Saviour was of that mild behaviour, that he was not for calling for fire from Heaven, to consume such as would not receive him; nor was he pleased with those his chief Apostles, who were enclined to such fierce­ness. And when the Jews who would not be perswaded [Page 23]by him, brought misery upon themselves, he was so far from being pleased with the thoughts of their calamity, that notwithstanding all their opposition against him, when he foretold and denounced their destruction, he did this with tender bowels of pity and compassion, and with in­ward grief and sorrow for them. He then wept over the ci­ty, and said, Oh that thou hadst known, even thou, in this thy day, the things that belong unto thy peace. Indeed he as a faith­ful teacher reproved their sins, but he herein acted the part of a friend, as a good governour also doth, in putting a stop to evil by his Authority. Even Rulers prudent executing wrath on them that do evil, and a smart rebuke of offenders, is very agreeable to true meekness, and a well-governed measure of anger is here, as Naz. Carm. Iamb. [...]. Nazianzen calls it, a com­mendable passion, and none ought to please others in evil, and to their hurt. Our Lord so observed the regular measures of meekness and gentleness, that he would not allow his fa­thers name to be dishonoured, his house and worship to be prophaned, and his laws to be violated; but this was that the Jews would not bear. And Moses also the meekest man upon Earth, was divers times complained of, and the Isra­elites murmured against him. And it is easie to give other instances, without looking far into History, of them whose innocent behaviour and kind temper, hath not kept them off, from being exposed to censure: and they who could say with Samuel, whose oxe, or ass have I taken? have been so dealt with and aspersed, as if they had been the greatest contrivers of ruine in the world.

20. Now if all this be duly considered, it will shew the strange exorbitancy of the passionate expressions, and censo­rious tongues of men, and what great advantage Satan gains thereby, and into what unreasonable practices, many men are blindfoldly carried away by this method. For they oft reproach the best and most upright among men; and those who do the most faithful service to God, and are most useful to the good of mankind; and them who are indued with the highest authority; and adorned and furnished with the [Page 24]greatest innocency. Sect. II. All which is manifest, in the great ex­ample of the blessed Jesus, and of many others the most de­serving persons.

21. The Moralists Counsel is here of great and necessary use, to every good man, that he who will resolve to be honest and upright Senec. Ep. 77. Ad hone­sta vadenti, contemnen­dus est ipse contemptus. must despise contempt and reproach. And there is the greater reason for this under Christianity, be­cause we therein have a clear prospect of eternal happiness, which we must pursue; and are to be followers of our Lord, who in a greater case than that of reproach, for the joy that was set before him despised the shame. A good man must be a resol­ved man. No other man ever was so pure and excellent as he was, who both by his life and practice, and by his Doctrine and instruction was, as Naz Orat. 1. [...]. Nazianzene stiles him, he who gave the compleat perfection to the spiritual law, and rule of life. But every Christian must so far follow him, and take up his Cross, as to be willing and resolved to bear such difficulties as these, or whatsoever else he may meet with, in the pra­ctice of his Christian duty: And if any other men be never so unreasonable in their clamorous censures against him, he must go on steadily in his pious exercises.

Who are apt to be prevailed with to be guilty of the sinful re­proaching others, and how far this sin becomes spreading and contagious.

1. The sin of rash evil-speaking, takes great place among the generality of men; THe proneness of persons to defame and speak evil of others is such, that it greatly prevails among multi­tudes of men; and though it be a very unworthy and unchri­stian thing, it takes up very much of the discourse, and con­verse of a great part of mankind. Many there are, who be­ing conscious to themselves, that they deserve censure, are [Page 25]the more ready to blame, and find fault with others, that themselves may not be thought worse than other men. Some who have little of real worth, to commend themselves, are the more apt to speak evil of others, that they may gain to themselves so much respect, as to be preferred before those whom they defame: but they usually fail in this design, since hereby those whose reputation they reflect upon, are oft provoked to discredit them; and also they are the more condemned, and the worse thought of by wise and good men, for this temper of uncharitableness: it being observed by de Offic. lib. 1. Tully that this manner of discourse, gives the most manifest indication of viciousness and corruption of manners, in him who utters it, whether it be done in a way of seem­ing gravity and severity, or by open scurrilousness, or by jo­cular and pleasant facetiousness. And some are so proud and self-conceited, (though they have little reason for it) that they are not pleased to hear any man well spoken of but themselves, and think every commendation misplaced, that is not bestowed upon themselves, and this puts them into a great forwardness of disparaging others; and this mixt with uncharitableness is the parent of envy, from whence (as also from all hatred and malice, from whatso­ever occasion they arise) proceedeth evil-speaking. And some serve secular interests, by discrediting others to advance themselves.

2. And others observing how frequent this behaviour is among men, comply with it as a thing in fashion; and for society sake, joyn in passing the same censures that others do, merely to gratifie the humours, and avoid the cen­sures of some hot and eager men. And some again have such undeserved hard thoughts of others, through suspicious misapprehensions, and false constructions of their words or actions, that they think it just to disparage them. And o­thers, meerly from observing the prevalency of censorious reproaches, and outcries against some sorts of men; are hereupon apt to conclude, that there is some considerable reason for all this, and that they ought to do the like, [Page 26]though they know no evil concerning these persons, nor can lay any thing to their charge. And these several sorts of men, make up so great a number, that it was the com­plaint of an ancient and pious Bishop, of considerable note, Paulin ad Celant. inter Epist. Hiero­nymi 14. that there were very few men who had forsaken this vice: and concerning those from whom better might be ex­pected, he adds that even they who had gone far off from o­ther vices, fall into this as into the last snare of the De­vil.

3. But since this hath respect to the actions and practices of men, we may best discover how largely this evil is propaga­ted, by observing particular instances of fact; and none can be given more considerable, than that which concern­eth our blessed Saviour. Wherefore I shall now enquire, Who they were by whom he, and other worthy men were reviled?

4. Yet, 1. It is odious to the best of men. Now First, He was not reviled but reverenced by the best and most holy men, who observed and obeyed the true rules of Religion. These rendred unto him that honour and glory which was due to the Son of God, the Messias and Me­diator of the New Testament, and the Saviour of the World. And indeed all rash evil speaking and reproaching, especi­ally against those who deserve to be highly esteemed and honoured, is much opposite to the reason and conscience of man, and more especially to the true Christian temper, and both that charity, and that honesty and integrity, which it so much requires. It is also greatly contrary to the moti­ons of the Holy Spirit of God, who disposeth good men to the performance of these Christian duties. Hence the A­postle, having commanded that men grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, Eph. 4.30, 31. adds, Let all bitterness and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil-speaking, be put away from a­mong you, with all malice. Slandering and reproaching are of the evil one, and it is part of the character of those worst sort of men, described by S. Jude, that they are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts, and their mouth speaketh great swelling words. But meekness, patience, hu­mility [Page 27]and charity, are such great and necessary duties, that those who are sincerely good, apply themselves to the pra­ctice of them. And uncharitable speaking, hath such a contradiction to these and such like duties, that it is very distastful, and odious to the spirits of such pious men, who have duly considered the evil of it. S. Austin professed such an earnest and constant dislike hereof, that as Pos d. de Vit. Aug c. 22. Po­sidonius relates, he had, contra pestilentiam humanae consuetu­dinis, against the plague or pest of the custome of men in their converse, these two Verses inscribed upon his table,

Quisquis amat dictis absentum rodere vitam,
Hanc mensam indignam noverit esse sibi.

That is, Whosoever pleaseth himself, to use biting words, against the lives of absent persons, let him know, that this table is no fit place for his society. And the same Writer tells us, that he would not with patience, hear any man speak contrary to this rule of free and familiar conversation. The best men are not only perfect strangers from, but enemies to this vici­ous practice; and every Christian man ought watchfully to take heed of it: and if at any time he be surprized and overtaken thereby, he so far departs from the rules of his Religion, and makes himself work for a future repentance.

6. But Secondly, 2. It is fre­quently enter­tained by the publick vogue of the multi­tude. The common vogue may frequently pass severe censures, upon the best of men. Even the Holy Jesus was reviled and evil spoken of, by the generality of the Jewish Nation. It is true, that manifest and open vice, is a thing so shameful, and so contrary to the common senti­ments of reason and conscience, that it is in all places a blemish to any mans reputation, and a just matter of general censure. And vertue and goodness considered in the notion of it, and in the practice also, when rightly understood, go un­der a general commendation and applause. But yet such are oft-times the common mistakes of the multitude, concerning per­sons, that the best men fall under a suspicion amongst them, of harbouring some secret evil design; and men of the greatest [Page 28]integrity and simplicity, are charged with being the con­trivers of danger and mischief, by the publick voice and cla­mour of the people. And it is no hard thing for subtil ill-designing men, or for those who are themselves jealous, to promote these misapprehensions amongst others. Even the useful undertakings, which wise and good men prudently manage, with the greatest integrity, are oft-times strange­ly misunderstood, and the intent of them strangely misrepre­sented, to the common esteem of men. This was so much observed by Socrates, that he declared, as Xenophon tells us, Xenoph. 2. Memor. that it is no easie thing, to undertake any work (to wit of a publick and useful concern) without undergoing blame; be­cause it is no easie thing to be every where free from real fault; or to meet with equal judges where they are so.

7. it is the more mischievous by reason of its spreading infe­ction. And there are very many instances, wherein the grea­ter part of the people have been guilty, in this particular of judging, speaking and acting against their duty, and in divers of them Gods displeasure was remarkably manifest. Thus did the Jews with united votes and clamour, engage against our Lord. Nor was this only the carriage of the meanest sort of men, who might be thought more rash and inconsi­derate, but even their Elders and chief rulers, and the whole Jewish Sanhedrin, was of this temper and spirit. And though this gave encouragement unto others, it was not the better for them but the worse, that this sin prevailed so universally; for hence proceeded the ruine and misery of the Jewish Nation to this day, and the forfeiture also of their relation Cypr. Ep. 69. to God, to Christ, and to his Church. And when after the death of Corah, even all the Congregation of Israel murmured against Moses and against Aaron, Numb. 16.41. this occasioned a dreadful Plague. And before this the general discontent against the Conduct of Moses, which appeared in all the Children of Israel, who resolved to chuse themselves a new Governour, and to return back to Egypt, Numb. 14.4. at the time when they who searched the land of Canaan, brought an evil report upon it, did pro­voke [Page 29]God to resolve, that they should all die in the Wil­derness.

8. But in such cases as these, every good man ought to have that generous and couragious spirit, as not to be daunted or moved, even with publick censure. And he must esteem his approving himself to God, and having the testimony of his own conscience to his integrity, to be of more value, than the flattering applauses, of the greatest numbers of men. It was excellently spoken by Chrys. Hom. in Ps. 44. S. Chrysostome, there is nothing shameful but sin; and if all the world shall re­proach thee, and thou not reproach thy self, there is no shame in all this. But it is never safe to join with a multitude, either in the doing or speaking evil. And the state of every of­fender, when the sin grows common, is upon this account the more dangerous, because he is hereby the more like to be encouraged in his sin, and the more unlike to repent of it: and sometimes he may be by this means so emboldned in e­vil, as to think it strange that others run not to the same ex­cess, speaking evil of them. And thus his case is like that of a man, who is carried away with a fierce and violent stream, which leaves but little hopes of his escaping drowning. Wherefore it is as reasonable, that men be careful to avoid spreading vices, as that they should be cautious and fearful of infectious diseases.

9. Thirdly, This disorder is prone to prevail, 3 It is a sin earnestly pursu­ed, by many who appear strict and zea­lous about Re­ligion. not only among men of careless and negligent tempers; but also a­mong them who are strict, scrupulous and conscientious in matters of Religion. Thus was our Master treated with infamous reproaches, by them who were zealous for the honour of God Such were the Pharisees, and the devout­er sort of the Jewish Nation: such was S. Paul himself be­fore his conversion, being exceeding zealous for the law, and yet a blasphemer, and injurious. And such were those un­believing Jews, to whom S. Paul bears record, that they had a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge, Rom. 10.2. These were members of the Jewish Church, were strict in many things, both of practice and opinion, and were very [Page 30]earnest to make Proselytes. And besides the other Sects of the Jews, who all joyned together against our Lord, the ho­ly Scriptures represent none more vehement, in their op­positions, and reproaches, than the Pharisees, who as S. Paul declares, were of the exactest and straitest Sect of the Jewish Religion, Acts 26.5. And though Josephus some­times prefer the Essens before them, yet he also tells us, that Joseph. de Bel. Jud. l. 1. c. 4. the Pharisees were reputed to be more Religious than other men, and more strict in their interpretation of the laws. But there was so much pride and passion, mixed with their zeal, that they were vehement against those, who did not comply with them, in laying a great stress upon such things, wherein Religion was not concerned, yea and upon those things al o, which really tended to the undermining of true piety; and they were eager against them who would in­form them better; and hence they set themselves in opposi­tion against Christ and his Apostles.

10. Misguided zeal inflameth passi­ons, and sharp­neth tongues. There is nothing that more sharpens the tongues of men against others, than the mistaken principles of a mis­guided conscience, which was that, by which the Jews acted against the Saviour of the World, both reviling, and cruci­fying him. Hence also before the great Apostle was a con­vert, he thought he ought to do many things against the name of Jesus, Act. 26.9. And hence the Apostles and other Chri­stians, were upbraided, and ill intreated in that high de­gree, that they that killed them thought they did God service, Joh. 16.2. And hence divers Hereticks, and those who were engaged in Errors and Schisms and divisions, vented many contumelious and reproachful censures, against the true Church, and its members. So did the Gnosticks, Mon­tanists, Novatians, Donatists and others anciently, and all dividing Sects of later times.

11. For instance, the Donatists raised such high accusations, against the true Christian Church, as Aug. Ep. 50. & Ep. 162. & passim. to reject it from being a true Church, and not to own any but themselves to be the Church of Christ, and thereupon not only rebaptized all others who came to them, but by savage cruelty and vi­olence, [Page 31]forced divers to be rebaptized. Sect. III. And other re­proachers but not in the like degree were embraced by the other Sects. For all men who have pretended to Christia­nity (till some late unreasonable notions in our present age, which discard all obligation to visible and external Unity, and publick communion in the offices of the Church) have been sensible, that they could never justifie their own de­parture from the Church, unless they could lay some such thing to her charge, as made their secession necessary. A­mong these some were more fierce and furious, who yielded their conscience to the service of their affections and passi­ons, as too many of late have done both in the Church of Rome, and of other parties in our late unhappy times. And when S. Austin with lamentations spake of the incursions of the Barbarous Nations into France, Italy, Spain and Egypt, he thought the inhumane cruelties (some of which he par­ticularly mentions) of the Aug. Ep. 122. Sic va­stant Ecclesi­as, ut Barba­rorum fortasse facta mitlora sunt. Donatists, and especially the Circumcelliones, towards them who held communion with the Church, were rather more savage, than what was com­mited by those barbarous people. And indeed, no rage is fiercer, than that which is enflamed by an irregular and disordered zeal. And others who continue in a milder tem­per, though they abstain from outrages; yet by their mis­apprehensions, are engaged in unreasonable censures of the Church, and publick order, and of the Rulers who appoint and establish it.

12. But zeal when not governed by piety, prudence, truth and goodness, and not allayed with meekness, is like a fire violently breaking out in any part of a building, which threatens the wasting and ruine of the whole. And it is never safe to promote or entertain unjust reproaches raised even by zealous men, when these very things, though they may be popularly taking to engage a party, yet are they a great blemish to their profession; uncharitableness and rash censoriousness, being a manifest evidence, of the want of a true Religious temper, wheresoever it prevails. To this purpose, S. James speaking of that man, who is wise [Page 32]by the wisdom which descends from above, or who is truly pi­ous and Religious, directs this wise and good man, Jam. 3.13. to shew out of a good conversation, his works with meekness of wisdom. And he then assures us, that where there is bit­ter zeal or envying and strife, this wisdom discendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual and devilish, v. 14, 15. But the wisdom that is from above, is first pure, and then peaceable, gen­tle, and easie to be intreated, or perswaded, viz. to what is good, just or reasonable.

The monstrous and unreasonable strangeness of those censures, which have been unjustly charged on the most innocent and ex­cellent men, and particularly on our blessed Lord and Saviour himself.

1. The most infa­mous calumny, sometimes rais­ed against well deserving men. IN sensible things with which we converse in the world, few men, if any, have the confidence to lay down asser­tions, directly contrary to what may be made manifest and plain, (as to affirm the Sun to send forth darkness, and not light; or the strait line to be crooked; or the pleasant and delightful Fountain to be bitter) and if they should, they would find no men of common understanding so weak as thereby to be imposed upon. But it oft happeneth far o­therwise, in the character which many give of the best men, who are oft-times not only so far misunderstood, that their excellencies are clouded, and pass undiscerned to general view; but their pious lives fall under severe censures, and are represented as ugly and deformed. Thus it hapned with many vertuous Moralists, yea, with Christ himself, and many of his Disciples. And our holy Religion it self, as well as its author, was on this wise pierced, spit on, and reviled.

2. This was that, which Xenoph. l. 1. Memorab. primo. Xenophon could not observe concerning Socrates, without admiration. He sayes, he much wondred, that Socrates, who never spake, or did any thing irreligious, who had an high reverence for the Gods, and owned them to know all that was spoken or done, or se­cretly consulted among men; and so behaved himself, that if another man shall speak and act as he did, [...], he would both be, and be accounted, a most devout and Religious person; that he should be so far misunder­stood, that the Athenians should be perswaded, that he had no sober or worthy thoughts of the Deity. And ibidem. he ac­counted it to be a strange and wonderful thing, that when this excellent man, was even above all other men strictly temperate and continent, [...], and one who had reduced many others from their lusts and vicious­ness, he should yet be misreported, as if he were guilty of the most impure and filthy lusts. And this instance seemed so strange to Xenophon, that he begins that Book with de­claring, that he had oft wondred, how the Athenians could be perswaded, into this misapprehension. And so might any man do in the like case, when he only considers what other men ought to do, and will do when they act suitably to their reason; but the wonder ceaseth, when we observe the strange disorders of licentious passions, ill designs, and an uncharitable temper; and how apt they are to impose up­on an easie credulity.

3. That the greatest censures, and heaviest reproaches, This carrieth on the design of Satan. should befall the best deserving men, is indeed very unsuita­ble to them, but it exceeding well agrees with the designs of the evil one, who promotes these practices. It was asser­ted by the ancient Author of the Metaphrasis upon Ecclesia­stes, (whether it be Gr. Nazianzen, or rather Gregorius Thaumaturgus, to whom Hier. de Scriptor. Ec­cles. in Theo­doro. S. Hierome, and other an­cient Writers, ascribe that Metaphrasis) that calumny [...], attempts to corrupt and pervert, the generous firmness and constancy of good men. And this very well agrees with the sense of the Septuagint, [Page 34]in that place, Eccl. 7.8. to which those words of this Me­taphrase had respect. But if calumny cannot effect this end, the evil one aims at some thing else, which by this means he more easily obtains, to hinder the success of wor­thy men, in the service of God, and Religion, and doing good in the World, and to keep off others, from piety and vertue.

4. The innocent-primitive Christianity was highly traduced, as if it had been the most horrid-impiety. For these ends and purposes, the holy Christian Reli­gion it self, and the Assembly of its followers, were charged by the Gentiles, with the most horrid, unnatural, and unrea­sonable villany, and impiety. This gave occasion to the wri­ting sundry excellent Apologetical discourses, on the behalf of Christianity; as those of Justine Martyr, Athenagoras, Tertulli­an, Arnobius, Origen against Celsus, and many others. Di­vers of these horrid calumnies are collected by In Octav. à p. 23. ad 30. Ed. Ox. Minuti­us Felix, and of them he saith, passim omnes loquuntur, that they were the general vogue of the Pagan World. And the wicked and false accusations, then drawn up against the Christians, are comprized and summed up, in these com­prehensive words of Tertul. Apol. c. 2. Tertullian, Christianum hominem omnium scelerum reum, Deorum, Imperatorum, legum, morum, naturae totius inimicum existimans; that they accounted the Christian to be a person guilty of all villany, and to be an ene­my to the Deity, to the Emperour, to the law, to morality, and to the whole course of nature. And what worse can be said of the most wretched, debauched and flagitious person! and what an unruly thing is passionate reproaching, when there­by the whole body of the best Society in the world, was so monstrously misrepresented!

5. And the same measure was meted, to the head and Lord of that body also. And therefore I shall here par­ticularly take notice of several considerable things in the behaviour of the Jews towards our Saviour, where the strangeness of their accusations, may well amaze and asto­nish an unprejudiced person.

6. How many actions of reproach and contumely did they use towards him; when they spitted in his face, and smote him with the palms of their hands? which defamatory acts to a Jew had Tr. Bava. Kam. c. 8. §. 6. & Commen­tar. L'Em­pereur. ibid. great penalties; and these were done in their open Consistory, with many other expressions of contempt. Their procuring the scourging him, was a publick declaring that he was so great an offender, that he deserved to be put to open shame: which is manifest from the nature of that punishment, from the expressions of the Scripture concerning it, and even from the Tr. Mae­coth. c. 3. Christ himself was treated with many actions of re­proach, Talmud, which makes it a note of infamy, inflicted upon them, who were guilty of shameful transgressions. The like especially ap­pears in their desiring him to be Crucified, which was a kind of death attended with that infamy, as well as accute pain, that the worst of men, and most abject persons in the Ro­man Empire were Sentenced to this death. But none of their Free men might be condemned to so vile a death, which was by Lact. de Ver. Sap. c. 18. Lactantius from Cicero noted to be, the punish­ment for vassals, and not Free men. And the Jews in after-ages, have used this as an expression of ignominy, concern­ing our blessed Saviour, when they call him by the name of [...] or he who was hanged or crucified.

7. And it is probable, that their putting him to death, at the time of their great and solemn feast, was not only done to expose him to the greater shame, at so great a solemnity, and publick concourse, but that this also might have some respect to their treating him as a false Prophet. For their Talmud declares, that a false Prophet was not to be put to death in any other City but in Jerusalem; and there he must die Tr. San­hedr. c. 10. at the time of their solemn Feasts, that all Israel may hear and fear.

8. And after all these things suffered by our Lord among the Jews, it might be easie to shew, that the Gentiles besides their persecutions and verbal slanders against Christianity, used various real expressions, of great disrespect and disho­nour, towards the Author of our holy Religion, and our Religion which was established by him. Thus in the time [Page 36]of the Emperour Adrian, the Temple of Adonis, the Image of Jupiter, and the Statue of Venus, were erected in the pla­ces of our Lords birth, his passion, and resurrection, as An. Eccl. An. 137. n. 5, 6, 7. & An. 326. n. 28. Baronius hath observed from S. Hierome, and Paulinus. But these and such other things, are much less to be won­dred at, among the Ethnicks and Pagans; and therefore I shall wave any further prosecution of them, and return to the consideration of the Jews behaviour, toward the holy Jesus.

9. and with va­rious insulting words of fury. Besides such actions of the Jews, as I above mention­ed, there were some verbal expressions, whereby they revi­led him, which spake their mere fury. Such was their opprobrious insulting over him, in his bitter sufferings. In yielding themselves to the rage of their passions, they came to that high degree of expressing their enmity against him, and contempt of him, that they were not satisfied with his suffering a cruel death; but beyond all that bloody hands could act against him, they endeavour that their keen tongues might pierce him to the heart. Hence they reviled this great Prophet, requiring him when they smote him, to prophesie who it was that smote him. They derided the King of Kings, when they arrayed him in a scarlet robe, putting a crown of thorns on his head, and a reed in his right hand, bowing the knee in mockery, and saying, Hail King of the Jews. And they despised, the Saviour of the World, and the great high Priest, when in derision towards him upon the Cross, they cryed out, Save thy self and us. Here we may stand amazed to observe, how when great uncharita­bleness hath possessed the heart, and is let loose in the re­proaches of the tongue, it becomes cruel and fierce, and con­trary to God and goodness, and is apt to be carried on to acts, even of savageness and inhumanity. But because these things may seem to be done, in a time when they were in a paroxysm of fury, when they vented an unusual in­ordinate heat of rage, I shall consider what accusations, their reproachful tongues laid to the charge of our Saviour, for the most part, when they were in somewhat a cooler [Page 37]temper, and concerning which they offered some things as a popular proof or at least a specious pretence, plausibly to insinuate into the vulgar, that there was somewhat of truth in what they said.

10. First, He was accused, Our Lord and the best men have been ac­cused, 1. Of want of piety and Religion. of not having any true piety towards God. He came into the world to do the will of his Father, and was a perfect example of all holy obedience. He sought not his own glory, but the glory of him that sent him, and God himself owned him to be his well beloved Son, in whom he was well pleased. And yet so maliciously unreasona­ble was their censoriousness, that the Jews charged him with being so much an enemy to God, as to debase his honour, un­dermine his authority, and speak unworthily of his Majesty. To this purpose, that they might render him particularly hateful to the Jewish Nation, they decipher him as an ene­my to the divine law. The Jews had deservedly an high ho­nour for Moses, and the law which was delivered by him, and had a mighty zeal to preserve the reputation of them. They honoured Moses as the most excellent person, who was in an eminent manner Phil. de Vit. Mosis. l. 3. a King, a Law-giver, a Priest and a Prophet, and most excellently discharged all those Offices. And they had so great a reverence and veneration for their law, that Philo the Jew (as his words are produced by Eus. praep. Ev. l. 8. c. 6. Eusebius, out of a Book of his which he Entituled, his Hypotheticks) declares that the Jews would rather chuse to die a thousand times, than to admit of any thing contrary to the law; and the same Phil. de le­gat. ad Caium p. 1022. Author speaks to the same purpose elsewhere. But the holy Jesus who gave the highest honour to the law, by fulfilling it; and to Moses by accomplishing his Prophecies, was accused as an opposer of Moses and the law; and to this purpose was at several times charged with breaking the Sabbath; and the Pharisees decla­red, that he was not of God because he kept not the Sabbath day, Joh. 9.16. And he who had that great regard to the Wor­ship of God, and honour for his Temple, that the zeal of Gods house did eat him up, was reported to be so averse from [Page 38]the worship of God and Religion, that he was for destroying the place of Gods Worship and Service, even before he had put an end to the legal Sacrifices by his perfect ob­lation.

11. And he was oft times accused, of that impious crime of Blasphemy, even by those very men, who were themselves guilty of Blasphemy, against God, and the Holy Ghost. This is esteemed an execrable offence among all men, who have any veneration for the Divine Majesty of God. And among the Jews, it was accounted so abominable, that the blasphemer must die, and be stoned by all the people; and the Tr. Sanh. c. 7. §. 5. judge who gave Sentence against him was to rend his cloaths; and the same was to be done also by the witness, who heard the words of blasphemy, as a testimony of indignation. And this the High Priest did, at the words of the blessed Jesus, Mat. 26.65. he rent his cloaths, saying he hath spoken blasphemy. Yea, even among the Gen­tiles, a blasphemer of the Deity was thought worthy of death, and at Ephesus according to the observation of An. Eccles. an. 254. n. 24, 25. Baronius out of Philostratus, was to be stoned. But the im­puting such a thing as this to the holy Jesus; whose Life and Doctrine was wholly ordered, to promote his Fathers honour, is as if a Prince's best and most faithful Subjects, should be so misrepresented, as to be accounted the most disloyal villanous and treacherous rebels, and the people there­upon should be stirred up, to set themselves against them, who are their strength and upholders.

12. Non-compli­ance with ri­gid mistaken notions, doth sometimes oc­casion the charge of impi­ety. And though the purity of his life, did infinitely outdo a­ny of theirs, and was without any stain of Sin, yet he must not be owned as a good man, because he was not in all things so strict, as some of their errours directed them to be. While they were more severe and rigid, he shewed himself more mild and gentle, even towards Publicans and Sinners, and hence was reviled as their friend. He had not that reve­rence for the vow of Corban which the Pharisees had, but declared against the evil of it, as making void the Command­ment of God, which required a due honour to Father and [Page 39]Mother. Nor had he that opinion of the rest of the Sabbath day, as to think it not lawful for himself to heal, or for his Disciples to pluck ears of corn; and he was therefore cen­sured and condemned of the Jews. And thus it fares in part with others also who are his followers, and so it frequently hath done in the best times of Christianity. Many men have had such a zeal for their own errors, that if others live the most holy and angelical lives, in conscientious obedi­ence to the moral laws of God, and in a pious reverence to all the Christian institutions, and precepts of our Saviour, they will not acknowledge these to be good men, or such as have any true care of Religion or piety, if they do not join with them in their mistaken notions, and their practices founded upon those mistakes.

13. On this account the Catholick Church, On this account the Catholick Church was defamed, as impure and carnal. and the true members thereof, have oft-times fallen under unjust cen­sures. When the abetters of the Novatian Schism, decla­red against second Marriages, and the admitting those to repentance in the Church, who were lapsed after Baptism, they so far judged the Catholick Church impure, for pra­ctising contrary to their errors, that avoiding its communi­on, they gave themselves the name of the Cathari, or the persons who were pure. And that themselves were the authors of this name, whereby they were afterwards known, and that they called themselves thereby, in a way of distinction from the Catholick Christians; hath not only been declared by Dionysius, Alexandrinus, and Theophilus Alexandrinus, and other private Authors; but it is also af­firmed by the Conc. Nic. c. 8. Conc. Const. c. 7. two first general Councils. And after Ter­tullian declined to Montanism; though that Sect impiously owned Montanus to be the Paraclete, and this Author of them was guilty of very great impurities of conversation; he defamed the Catholick Church, and its members, as being Tert. de Monogam & adv. Psychi­cos. carnal, because it allowed of second Marriages, and did not prolong its Fasts, and stationary abstinence to such late hours of the day, as the Disciples of Montanus did. And the Donatists in the vehemency of their Schism, upon the like [Page 40]pretence of greater strictness and rigidness, towards them who had offended, ran to that height of censure, against those pious Bishops and Christians, who kept communion with the Church, as to call them Baron. An. 348. n. 38. Pagans. And the like might be noted concerning others.

14. Zeal when well guided, very useful; but partial or mis­placed, hurtful. Zeal and the greatest strictness of life and conversati­on, when it is well ordered and directed, is of excellent use; but a pretending hereto is really hurtful, when it acts by a mistaken rule. It was the miscarriage of the Pharisees, that they were earnest and strict about their Corban, but loose and negligent concerning the fifth Commandment; and shewed a great respect to the Sabbath, but gave not due allowance to works of mercy and charity. Let every man be as conscientious and strict as he can be, in entertain­ing all needful truth, in practising all the great duties of Re­ligion, and avoiding all evil. But let not zeal be spent a­bout such lesser things, as are in truth of no concernment in Religion; nor let any make such measures the standard, to judge of the piety, either of themselves or others, for then they must miscarry. This is to act like a man who hath some mistaken fancies of the best road, and will allow none to be skilful travellers, but them who wander with him out of the right way. The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, Rom. 14.17. It is not concerned so much about such les­ser things, of which many men are fond; as about practi­sing all righteousness, minding the wayes of peace and u­nity, and being greatly delighted in the exercises and re­wards of the Christian hope and obedience.

15. But that I may prevent the misapprehending what I mentioned, concerning some of the Jewish errors, above mentioned, I shall here add by way of caution, that though they were too nice, and vainly strict concerning their Sabbath; it is a fault amongst us much to be lament­ed, and needful to be amended, that very many in our age are too loose, in neglecting a due reverence for the time of Worship, and the Worship of God it self, as I shall hereaf­ter [Page 41]further note. And they who neglect the worship of God, whatever party they are of, cannot approve themselves the faithful Servants of God.

16. Secondly, Our Holy Saviour was accused, 2. The worthi­est persons have been oft charg­ed with promo­ting the Devils work, and de­praving Reli­gion. of comply­ing with the Devil, and carrying on his work, and corrupt­ing Religion. The Devil is so bad, that whatsoever pro­ceeds from him, and whosoever join themselves to him to serve him, are deservedly hateful. Now our Saviour was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil, and he actually overthrew his Kingdom. He cast out Devils, and dispos­sessed them of that outward dominion, they had over the bo­dies of many men; and he so vanquished the evil Spirit, and that Idolatry, sin, and wickedness, which he set for­ward in the world, that he gained the victory over the De­vil, with respect to that inward dominion, whereby he had governed the hearts and lives of the children of disobedi­ence. He also silenced his oracles, whereby he had obtain­ed a great veneration among the Gentiles. And so admi­rably did our Lord prevail, against all the power of Sa­tan, that even Porphyry, an Apostate from Christianity, and Patron of Gentilism confesseth, that from the time that Jesus was honoured in the world, the Gentile Gods (who were no other than evil Spirits) lost their power. As Euseb. Pr. Evang. l. 5. c. 1. Eusebius relates, these are his very words, even in that Book which he wrote against Christianity, [...], after Jesus was worshipped, none had any sence of the manifest help of the (Pagan) gods.

17. And yet notwithstanding all this, so unreasonably spiteful were the reviling tongues of his adversaries, that against all the evidence in the world, he was charged with acting from the Devil, and promoting his interest. And when he cast-out Devils, they would not allow this to be otherwise done, than by Beelzebub the Prince of the Devils. The Holy Jesus defamed as acting by Beel­zebub, Nor was this wicked and blasphemous slander, only some rash, sudden unadvised words, of some inconsiderable per­sons; [Page 42]but the Pharisees, saith S. Matthew, Mat. 9.34. and the Scribes, saith S. Mark, Mar. 3.22. passed this cen­sure upon him; and what was thus spoken at one time, was repeated and declared again at another, Mat. 12.24. And we may discern by this instance, how easily the grea­test calumnies may be propagated, by a zealous and eager party, from one age to another, and from one place to ano­ther. For the Jews in after ages, still embraced for truth this impudent falshood, which is taken into their v. Hor. Hebr. in Mat. 12.24. Tal­mud, which contains a collection of the main body of their Traditions and Opinions. And this wicked and contume­lious aspersion of our Lord, though contrary to the highest evidence, was also endeavoured to be spread abroad among the Pagan Gentiles, insomuch that Orig. cont. Cels. l. 1. Eus. Dem. Ev. l. 3. c. 6. divers Christian Writers thought fit to refell the same; and to shew the manifest contradiction, which this carried to the piety of our Saviours Religion, to the nature of his precepts, to the works which he did, and to the Spirit and practice of his followers, all which include a manifest opposition to the e­vil one.

18. At other times they charged him with being a Sama­ritan and having a Devil, and being a Samaritan: Joh. 8.48. The name of Samari­tan was fixed on him, to promote a popular hatred. The Samaritans rejected the true worship of God at Jerusalem, and depraved and corrupted Religion, and oft manifested a great hatred towards the Jews. They frequented Mount Joseph. Ant. l. 13. c. 6. Gerazim as the place of their Worship, in opposition to Jerusalem: and their despising the true Worship of God at Jerusalem, is observed in the Hor. Heb. in Joh. 4.20. Talmud, and suffi­ciently in the holy Scripture it self. And for the counte­nancing their depraved worship, the Samaritan version of the Pentateuch, as it is now extant, hath corrupted the law, and hath put in the word Gerazim, in the place of E­bal, where God commanded an Altar to be made, and Sa­crifice to be offered, Deut. 27.4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Now the name of a Samaritan being odious to the Jews, they call our Saviour a Samaritan, not as if they thought he was so by his [Page 43]birth, for they admitted him to the Jewish worship as a Jew, and knew his nearest relations to be Jews: but they would hereby declare, that he had equally corrupted Religi­on, and deserved to be as much hated, as the Samaritans were. And to this purpose was he thus aspersed, though his custome was, to attend the Jewish Synagogues, Luk. 4.16. and he carefully served God according to the precepts of his Law. But as if this foul calumny was not sufficient, they further added, that he had a Devil, or that he in whom alone the Godhead dwelt bodily, was possessed by the evil one. And this wicked slander was intended, to raise the highest prejudice of the people against him, and to keep them far enough from being directed by him. And therefore they said, Joh. 10.20. he hath a Devil, and is mad, why hear ye him?

19. And it may be observed, And in like manner our Re­formation, Bi­shops, and Mi­nistry have been aspersed with Popery, how the carriage of many men among us towards his Ministers, the Bishops and Clergy of the Church of England, doth too nearly resemble this be­haviour, which I have mentioned of the Jews, towards our Lord himself. Certainly one of the great works, the Devil contrives to uphold in this last Age of the World, is the gross corruption of Popery. Our Clergy and Bishops, were very instrumental in the Reformation, and casting out of Popery: those of our Church Preach and Write against Popery, so as to make the clearest discovery of the false­ness of their doctrine, and the sin of their practices. These have confuted and baffled them the most effectually, and with most convictive evidence. These have plainly laid open in the face of the world, the folly, evil and mischief, of many considerable things, asserted, and maintained by the Church of Rome, and have thereby raised the indignati­on of the Romanists themselves, who look upon these men to be their most formidable adversaries: and they are indeed the great bulwark against Popery. And yet because these men are not so weak and rash, as to run beyond the bounds of truth, and sobriety, into other unreasonable errors, they must needs be clamoured on, as friends to Popery. And o­ther [Page 44]men who talk indeed against Popery with great noise, and are real and earnest in what they say, and some few of them have done useful service herein; by many who are indeed ea­ger against it: but most of them speak with much weakness, and many mistakes; whereby they give great advantage to their adversaries; these must be accounted the chief and main enemies to Popery, when for the generality of them, the Romanists themselves have no great fear of the Writings and Arguments of such opposers. And from these our excellent Reformation meets with vi­rulent censures.

20. I doubt not, as many Jews were against the Devil. but among the Jews in our Saviours time, there were many besides him, and his Disciples, who talked much against the Devil, and did indeed hate him, though in many things through their misguided zeal, they greatly served his interest. And that the Jews had some among them, who sometimes cast out Devils, is not to be doubted, from what we read in the Scripture of the Jewish Exorcists, and of our Saviours appeal to the Pharisees, Mat. 12.27. By whom do your children cast them out? Antiq. l. 8. c. 2. & de bel. l. 7. c. 25. Jose­phus takes some notice of their Exorcisms; but what he writes is of such a nature, concerning the driving away Devils by some Herbs and charms, that they who pretend­ed to act against the evil one by these methods, did seem rather to comply with him. But that some of the Jews, both before and after the coming of our Lord, did cast out evil Spirits, by the power and in the name of the God of Abraham, and the God of Israel, is asserted and acknow­ledged, by Justin. adv Tryph. Iren. adv. Haeres. l. 2. c. 5. Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, and other ancient Christian Writers. But their undertaking was far from being sufficient, to the overthrow of the Kingdom of Sa­tan, nor were they always successful and effectual in les­ser cases. When the Sons of Sceva a Jew, and chief of the Priests, undertook to cast out a Devil, the evil Spirit pre­vailed against them, and they were not able to stand before him. But it was he whom the Jews aspersed, as complying with the Devil, who did abundantly more against, him than they all were able to do; and he spoiled principalities and pow­ers.

21. And besides all this, though the singular and sinless purity of his life was admirable, the censorious lips of his opposers, will even upon this be spitting out Adders poy­son, Our Lord was accused of en­couraging lo [...]s­ness of life: as if his Religion and life, had not advanced, but de­bauched the practice of vertue and morality. It is indeed observed by Cont. Cell. l. 3. p. 132. Origen, that even those who falsly accused him of many things, never charged him with any unclean­ness of life; and that though Celsus, and some others, would in general speak against the life of Christ, Ibid. l. 7. p. 369. they gave not instance of any particular things, which they could blame in him. But the Jews were so audacious, that though they could not convince him of any sin; yet by reason of his free, but innocent converse, they condemn him, Mat. 11.19. as a man gluttonous, and a wine-bibber, and as one who gave encouragement to viciousness and sin, being a friend of publicans and sinners.

22. Now the managing such opprobrious calumnies as these, is not only an unreasonable thing; but is wicked and sinful, and is mighty mischievous and of very ill conse­quence to the world, and much serves the ends of the evil one, by alienating the affections of men, from them who are their best and surest guides in Religion. I could not but pity the delusions of such a man, Such false as­persions of per­nicious conse­quence to man­kind. who should be perswa­ded, that they who would give him the most wholesom diet, intend to poyson him; and therefore he refuseth that, and feedeth on such things as are less wholsom, and oft on trash, and what is noxious and hurtful. And he is strange­ly imposed upon, who is made to believe that those who are his wisest and faithfullest friends, and really give him the best advice and counsel, in his affairs and concerns in the world, are persons who design to cheat him, and to make their own advantages of him; and therefore he casts them off, and betakes himself to the direction and guidance of o­thers to his real prejudice. But yet the damage that men may by such means sustain, as to their bodily health, or the interest of their estate, is not of so much weight and mo­ment, as those things are which concern them with respect to their souls and consciences.

23. Thirdly, Our Saviour himself (as other innocent persons also) was charged with acting against the common good, 3. The most ser­viceable men have oft been esteemed ene­mies to publick welfare. and the general interest of the Nation; as if he had had so little respect to the welfare of the Jews, as to intend nothing but ill towards them. And therefore many of the people in his life time, Joh. 7.12. and the chief Priests and Pharisees after his death, Mat. 27.63. account­ed him a deceiver. And they spake of him, as if they could have no due care of themselves, and their own publick wel­fare, if they did not set themselves against him. And therefore as a publick enemy, he must die that the whole Nation perish not. Hence Joh. 11.48. If we let this man alone, the Romans shall come, and will take away both our place and Nation. And these words were the determination of the whole Council of the chief Priests and Pharisees which were gathered together, v. 47.

24. And there might be some appearance of pretence, for their fear of this danger, from those known notions which commonly prevailed among the carnal Jews, concerning the time of their Messias. For they generally expected, and promised themselves at his coming, the enjoyment of great delights, and pleasures in their own land, with a fulness of outward prosperity; and that he should be a mighty tem­poral Prince, and all their enemies even the greatest, should be overcome by him; and should submit themselves to them, and serve them. And of these apprehensions and ex­pectations of theirs, which are intimated in the Scripture, a sufficient account hath been given out of the Jewish Wri­ters by Schic­kard. de Jur. Reg. Heb. c. 6. Th. 20. & Carpzov. ibid. p. 454, &c Eu [...]t. Syn. Jud. c. 36. Lex. Rab in [...]. learned men. And it is not improbable that hereupon the High Priests and Pharisees might suspect, that the Romans, hearing there was now one in Judea, whom many of them owned to be (what he really was) the true Messias, and whom divers of the people were for­ward to make their King, and who himself declared the Kingdom of God to be now nigh at hand; that the Romans, I say, might hereupon fear a defection, and rebellion of the [Page 47] Jewish Nation against their Government, and therefore might forcibly come upon them and destroy them, unless they by opposing and cestroying him, gave publick testi­mony of their fidelity to the Roman power. But all this was their fond mistake; for his Kingdom was not of this World; he did nothing to injure their safety, or to oppose the Roman power, nor did they truly consult their own good, when they set themselves against him.

25. That which is really the common good, and the true interest and welfare of a People or Kingdom, is a thing of very great concernment, and so very desirable, that where this publick temporal good can be had without a greater loss, he who advanceth it is a person who deserves to be ho­noured and renowned; but he is a common enemy to mankind, who acts against it. To promote a common ruine and de­struction, is a thing so inhuman, that the Cicer. Philip. 3. Roman Ora­tor judged him, who could be pleased and satisfied there­with, to have degenerated from his nature, and to be be­reft of humanity, and that he did not deserve to be reckoned among mankind. Quem discordiae, Really to pro­mote the com­mon good, is a great part of goodness, and doing good; (saith he) quem caedes civium, quem bellum civile delectat, eum ex numero hominum ejiciendum, ex finibus. humanae naturae exterminandum puto. But yet this was much more contrary to the design of our Saviour, who came not to destroy mens lives but to save them; and to the principles, practice and nature of Chri­stianity, which obligeth all not only to be harmless and in­nocent, yea, and to be meek and peaceable; but also to under­take actions of kindness, and charity, and doing good to all. And it may as soon be expected, that an innocent Sheep should act the part of a wild Beast, in savageness and fury, and that the Dove should become a Bird of prey, as that he who is truly a good man, should be (however he may be represented) a contriver of publick hurt, evil and mischief. Whosoever acts any thing, which is against the publick in­terest and welfare, if he understand the tendency of his own actions, must be a person of no goodness; but if he under­stand it not, he must be a person of great imprudence, being [Page 48]deceived and imposed on, in a business of so weighty a nature, which a common understanding would easily discern.

26. Yet where there is only a bare pretence and noise, about the common good, without the reall thing, this is oft a popular artifice to raise a clamour and odium, against such persons, towards whom the contrivers of this pretence have disrespect. but an outward pretence of com­mon good, will sute ill designs. And thus it hath happened in very many cases. This was the method and artifice, that Corah made use of against Moses, who charged him with having alrea­dy done much hurt and mischief to Israel, and being far from doing them that good he pretended; and that he in­tended to tyrannize and lord it over them, thereby to exalt himself; and that this was so evident a thing, their eyes must be put out if they did not see it, Numb. 16.13, 14. Now nothing could be more unreasonable, than to imagine such things as these, to be true concerning Moses, who had brought them out of bondage, under whose conduct they had passed through the red Sea, had received the law spoken by a voice from Heaven on Mount Sinai, and writ­ten by God himself on the two tables of Stone, and were con­stantly fed with Manna from Heaven in the Wilderness. And yet this strange accusation being a popular thing, and seeming to espouse the interest of the whole Congregation, greatly prevailed amongst them against Moses.

27. The like calumny was in the first ages of Christiani­ty, The primitive Christians were accounted pub­lick enemies. charged upon all Christians in general, that they were the cause of all the publick troubles that befel the World. And though this was so exceeding manifestly contrary to their Religion, yet because this charge was apt to provoke the rage of the people against them, it was oft insisted upon, and much urged by the enemies of Christianity, for many Ages. When the Goths under Alaricus, had sacked and wasted Rome, the Pagans charged the Christian Religion, to be the occasion of that calamity: whereupon S. Austin be­ing inflamed with a zeal for God, wrote his Books de Civi­tate Dei, as a defence and vindication of Christianity, from [Page 49]that calumny, as Aug. Re­trac. l. 2. de Civ. Dei. l. 1. c. 1. himself testifieth. And to confute the like general slander, upon all occasions prevailing a­mong the Gentiles, Orosius wrote his Books of History, by the perswasion of S. Austin, designing therein especially Oros. Hi­stor. Praef. ad Aug. to give an account of the various calamities which had befallen the World, in those ages and parts thereof, where Christianity had not prevailed, and been received. And Tertullian acquaints us, that in his time, if any thing what­soever happened in the World, contrary to its general wel­fare, flourishing and prosperity, the general cry among the Pagans presently was, Tert. Apol. c. 4. Christianos ad leonem, that the Christians should be devoured, by being exposed to the Lion, that thereby the cause of common miseries might be re­moved by their destruction. And Cont. Cels. l. 3. p. 120. Origen speaks much to the same purpose.

28. And such have frequently been the unaccountable cen­sures, and outcries, against the most excellent and deserv­ing persons, as if they were the enemies to the general welfare of the people, among whom they lived. But no­thing could be more unjust and unreasonable, than to ima­gine any such thing as this, in the case of our blessed Saviour. If instructing men in the truth, and the right ways of Reli­gion, and the will of God; if promoting well-doing, and the practice of piety; if the taking care of the things that please God, and make him their friend; and if the exercises of humility, meekness, peace and love, be the way to ruin and destroy a Nation, then might our Saviour and his Reli­gion, be the occasion of the ruin of Kingdoms; and so may also his Ministers and the Clergy that follow his steps. But in truth it was the Jews opposing him and his Doctrine, which was the cause of their ruine. Our Lord with tears and compassion foretold their misery, because they knew not the time of their visitation, Luk. 19.43, 44. And after they had rejected the counsel of God, and bid defiance to his Anointed, and gratified their malice, in Crucifying the Lord of life; that God who according to his especial pro­mise, had whilst they served him, kept their enemies from [Page 50] desiring their land at the time when all their Males went up to serve him, Exod. 34.24. which might seem to leave all the other parts of Judea destitute of any defence; he now suffered the Romans to invade them, and shut them up Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 5. at the time of the Pass-over (at which time they Crucified our Lord) and to destroy them. But had they hearkened to our Saviour, they had thereby every way taken care of their common good: he would not only have saved their souls from destruction, but also have preserved their City, and would have gathered Jerusalem, as an hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, but they would not: and therefore their house was left desolate, Mat. 23.37, 38. And in other cases, it is easie to apprehend, how much they act against the true publick interest, The promoters of this censure, are really ene­mies to the com­mon good. who are the fomenters of such re­proaches, against them who are faithful in the land, as if they were the chief opposers of its good. It is obvious to e­very eye, that if an enemy can prevail so far by his subtilty as to persuade a people, that those men who truly are the best and wisest Commanders, are persons who resolve to destroy their Army, and comply with their enemies; and hereupon they are laid aside, upon presumption that it is not safe to trust them; he hath done much of his work, and gone a great way towards the obtaining a conquest over them, by first prevailing upon their indiscretion, and unjust jealou­sie and suspicion.

29. Fourthly, 4. The best men are also accu­sed of ill de­signs against Governours. They accused our Saviour, that he was no friend to Caesar, but one who stood up against him. And therefore they told Pilate, Joh. 19.12. If thou let this man go thou art not Caesars friend: whosoever maketh himself a King, speaketh against Caesar. Now to oppose Government, is a great Crime; and the nature of the Rulers authority, and the commands of God, require honour, reverence, and obedience to be yielded thereto. Princes and Magistrates are sometimes in Scripture called Gods: and that precept of the Law, Exod, 22.28. Thou shalt not revile the Gods; is in the Margent of our Translation referred to rulers and [Page 51]Judges, and so it is expressed in Vers. Syr. Arab. Pers. ch. paraphr. Nothing is more unreaso­nable, than this charge was, a­gainst our Sa­viour. many other Transla­tions: nor can it well be understood, as some would have it, of the Gentile Deities, which ought to be de­tested!

30. But though this charge was openly pleaded, at his arraignment, it was as notoriously false, as any of the other things above-mentioned. It was not possible that he who was King of Kings, and by whom Kings reign, should be an enemy to that Authority, which he himself upheld; or that he who came into the World, to advance the honour and dignity of his Father, should set himself against those Powers, which were his Ordinance, and Established by him. It could not be supposed, that a person of that singu­lar integrity, which every where appeared in him, who had sharply reproved the Pharisees, for asserting such Do­ctrines as made void the fifth Commandment, should himself be guilty, of giving an example of the same fault, and in an higher degree. Nor could there be any reasonable pre­tence, that he who was so great a friend to all mankind, whose life practised, and whose openly declared Doctrine enjoined, an universal love even to enemies; that he should be an enemy to Caesar, who was the Minister of God for the good of men, and under whose Government peace, and pro­perty and order, was in some considerable measure establish­ed in the World. Upon such considerations as these, the ancient Tertul. Apol. c. 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. ad Scap. c. 4. Apologists for Christians, under Pagan Em­perors, declared it impossible, for him who was a Christi­an, to be an enemy to the Emperour, when he might not be an enemy to any man upon Earth, and was particularly ob­liged, to reverence him whom God had constituted. And the same consideration will shew, that they who are ene­mies to their Princes and Superiours, and are opposers of Government, cannot be truly Christians.

31. But it is here observable, that this accusation was only a crafty fetch, intended wholly to serve a present turn, that by pleading this, they might possess Pilate, with a prejudice against him, and make it appear necessary that [Page 52]he should condemn him, or else not shew himself faithful to Caesar, in that Office which was committed to him. And that upon this accusation, On this accusa­tion our Lord was condemn­ed, as an enemy to Caesar. and for this cause, Pilate Senten­ced him to be Crucified, is evinced from the Title written upon his Cross, Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews, which both S. Matthew, and S. Mark call his accusation, Mat. 27.37. Mar. 16.26. And that for this thing, he was con­demned to die, was noted by S. Hierome, Hier in Mat. 27. who yet declares, that he could not sufficiently admire, that when they had suborned false Witnesses, nullam aliam causam inveni­rent interfectionis ejus, quam quod rex erat Judaeorum, they could find no other cause to put him to death, than his being the King of the Jews. And for a further confirmation that this was the ground on which he was Crucified, it is observed and sufficiently cleared by Annot. on Mar. 15. b. Dr. Hammond, that it was the usual custom of the Romans, on this manner, to give a publick signification of the crime, for which any man was punished. And it may be noted from S. John, that till it was urged, that Pilate could not be Caesars friend if he let Jesus go; and that whosoever makes himself a King speaks a­gainst Caesar, Pilate was desirous to have released him, Joh. 19.12. But when he heard this saying, he sat down in the Judgment-Seat, and delivered him to be Crucified, v. 13, — 16.

32. But yet this accusation was not charged upon him by the Jews, out of any true kindness they had for Caesar, but only out of malice and enmity against the blessed Jesus. The name of Caesar, as was noted by Tertullian, Tert. Apol. c. 28. was more sacred and inviolable amongst the Romans, than any of their Gods, and therefore to charge him with opposing Caesar, was the most likely way for them to obtain their end; and therefore when they brought him before Pilate, this was the accusation which they then urged against him, Luk. 23.1, 2. But though at this time they pretended themselves well affected to Caesar, This was ma­naged by those [...] who were no friends to Cae­sar. and concerned for the se­curing his Authority; yet in truth neither the Pharisees, nor the other Jews, had any real kindness for him, and were [Page 53]desirous if they knew how, to shake off his authority. And at this very time, they could shew themselves friends to Barabbas who had made insurrection against the peace of the Government, and had committed murder in the Insurrecti­on. And they knew well enough that Jesus had enjoined men their duty to Caesar.

33. The Governours and Clergy of our Church, have in some things met with a kind of proceedings, somewhat like this. There are persons, who are not very eminent for loyalty themselves, The like accu­sation against other innocent persons. who know our Clergy to be faith­ful Subjects, and friends to the King, and to teach others the same; and yet they will endeavour to charge them, with undermining the Kings Authority, and encroaching upon the Rights and Royalties of the Crown. But let such persons consider, what sincerity they use in such things as this, and whether besides the uncharitableness, which ap­pears in these actings towards others; they do not offer vi­olence to themselves, and act against the inward sense of their own consciences. Thus were the primitive Christi­ans defamed as if they opposed the Majesty of the Empe­ror, Tertul. ad Scap. c. 2. Circà Majestatem Caesaris infamamur; though the Christians of that age had never been guilty of any acts of rebellion, and neither thought nor spake unworthily of their Rulers. And S. Paul was called a pestilent fellow, and a mover of Sedition, Act. 24.5.

34. And now I have thus far discoursed, of the exorbi­tant extravagancies of a reproaching tongue, I here declare, that it is not my design in this Chapter, Hence we are watchfully to take heed of joining in re­proaching o­thers; to charge even such men, who are too much overtaken with some degree of this sin, as if they were arrived to that height and excess, which I have here described. But the things I aim at are, First, To warn all men, against giving the reins to uncharitable censure and reproach; since this evil practice is that, which Satan hath made great use of in all the Ages of the World, as the first and chief means, to oppose all the ways of true piety and goodness. And hereby he hath done great mischief in the World: the oppositions which both [Page 54]Christ, and Christianity, and all good men met with in the world, have proceeded very much from this cause; and the violence and persecutions which the primitive Chri­stians underwent, was the consequent hereupon. And we may hence discern also, into what strange exorbitancies men may be led, though they come not up to the highest extravagancy, if they yield their tongues to be governed by their own passions, or by the unjust clamours of other men, against them who should govern, and the being influenced by such passio­nate censures. guide, lead and direct them; since our Saviour who was the most excellent guide that ever the World had, and the most innocent person, was so highly defamed, and so injuriously aspersed with unreaso­nable calumny.

35. Secondly, I intend hereby to manifest, how much courage, stedfastness and constancy, is necessary for the sin­cerely pious man. It may be the portion of any such per­son whomsoever, Unreasonable censures are to be couragiously undergone, in his speaking and doing well, to be mis­represented, and exposed to calumny and slander. Our great Master hath foretold, that his servants must in this particu­lar expect the same measure, which himself received. But let no good man be dismayed, if he be thus treated in the World, but let him be stedfastly resolved to pursue his duty, and to be unmoveably upright and conscientious, whatsoever respect or disrespect, he may meet with among men. Whoever is made more remiss in well-doing, or whose spirit is royled and discomposed by undeserved censures, doth hereby fall into temptation, and the snare of the evil one: but he that resolvedly holds fast his integrity, and runs with patience his Christian race, amidst all these oppositi­ons, this is the man who rightly dischargeth the duty of a Christian, and taketh up his Cross and followeth his Lord.

36. And it is infinitely better for any man, being the pious mans advan­tage. to fear the censure of the greatest part of the World, in well-doing, than to neglect what may please God, and do good to men; since hereby he gains the blessing of Christ. Our Saviour declared, Luk. 6.22. Blessed are ye, when men shall reproach [Page 55]you, and cast out your name as evil for the Son of mans sake. Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy; for behold your reward is great in Heaven. Wherefore though a clear and good reputation and general esteem, is useful and desirable to a good man, because it gives him many advantages of doing good in his generation, yet if in the faithful and prudent management of his duty, he meeteth with hard measures, from the uncharitable expressions of other men; it may justly so far as concerns himself, rather affect him with joy than disturbance. Yea, with respect to these words of Christ, which I have now mentioned, the Author under Epist. ad Oceanum. S. Hierom's name, thinks it a thing desirable, to be re­proached and evil spoken of, Quis non maledici desideret, (saith he) ut mereatur Christi nomine laudari, & coelesti copi­osa (que) mercede munerari? This also was a mighty satisfaction to S. Austin, who declared that whilst he opposed the Dona­tists, Aug. cont. lit. Petil. l. 3. c. 7. he underwent sharp and opprobrious reproaches, from the enemies of the glory of Christ, but then reflecting upon the blessing, in this case pronounced by our Lord, he adds, Quisquis volens detrahit famae meae, nolens addit mercedi meae; he that willingly lessens my reputation, doth unwillingly add to my reward. But he who is turned aside from the paths of goodness, by the slander of men, is guilty of greater rash­ness and imprudence, than that traveller, who takes a jour­ney of great concernment to his life and estate, and yet will stop his course, or go out of his way, if he discerns the wind to blow upon him.

The manifold sinfulness, and severe punishment of reproaching and speaking evil, especially against Su­periors.

1. HAving shewed the unreasonable proceedings of a re­viling tongue, and how unruly an evil it is, I shall now add some further general considerations, concerning the greatness of the sin of reproaching others, especially our Superiours. And in this Chapter I shall shew two things, First, How many great sins are contained in it: and Second­ly, What a dreadful punishment is denounced against the practisers of it. Wherefore,

2. First, This is a complicated and multiplied sin, and so comprehensive an evil, that very many great transgres­sions are contained and linked together in it. S. Basil seems to think, that a reproaching Spirit Bas. in Esai. c. 2. might be the beginning of all sin in the world; which may well be ac­counted true, if we consider it with respect to God, and in­clude under it that disposition of mind from whence it flows. Uncharitable evil-speaking includes very many great sins. For the closing with that temptation, whereby the Serpent reproached the infinitely good God, was that which brought sin and ruine on mankind. And it may well be thought, that the original transgression of the fallen Angels, was their having ill thoughts of the highest good, and thereupon being forward to depart from God, and to draw others from him into the same defection. And this is the very root of reproaching, or that disposition of spirit from whence it ariseth.

3. And this ought to be the more detested, because the exercise of this sin, includes in it many heinous offences. Now though one single sin, which any person willingly and wilfully pursues, is sufficient to manifest him void of the fear of God, and estranged from the Christian life; yet where the evil heart can readily choose, and the conscience suffer, many notorious sins to prevail, without being either so watchful, as to observe them; or so faithful, as to raise all the powers and faculties of the soul, to oppose them; here is a mind and conscience, so much the more grosly defiled and vitiated. His condition is like that of the man into whom the unclean Spirit entring, taketh with him seven other Spirits, who enter in, and dwell there. And as that body is in a bad condition, in which divers dangerous diseases are reigning; so that soul cannot be in any safe condition, where many great sins do rule and govern it. And it is considera­ble in this case, that a defaming temper, and the neglect of forsaking it by repentance, alwaies include a voluntary choice, and therefore hath in it, as all other sins of choice have, a want of reverence to God and his laws. And be­sides this,

4. First, It contains under it an opposition to, 1. It is incon­sistent with Christian love, and neg­lect of the great command of love. It was our Saviours Doctrine, that among all the precepts given by God in the Old Testament, that of loving God with all the heart, was the first, and the other of loving our Neighbour, the second which is like unto it. And the wisest men among the Jews, have owned and acknowledged the same truth. Phil. de Charitate; [...]. Philo speaking of the love of men, esteemeth it so near­ly allyed unto Religion towards God, that he calls it its Sister and Twin. And it can be no small sin to live in the breach of so great a Commandment. This duty is so particularly pressed, and inculcated by Christ, on all his Disciples, and so great Motives are superadded to the force this Com­mandment had before, that it appears under the Gospel as a new Commandment, which every Christian must obey, [Page 58]following the example of our Lord. But to reproach o­thers is to act contrary to love; for this intends hurt, and to lessen the esteem of others, and cast some blemish upon them, and the defamer pleaseth himself, for the present, in so doing. But charity thinks no evil, 1 Cor. 13.5. and he who truly loves any man, and is his real friend, cannot hear him unjustly evil spoken of, with any delight and sa­tisfaction, but is troubled at it, and is so averse from joining in the same himself, that so far as he fairly and honestly can, he will vindicate his reputation; and plead his cause. Yea, charity will act with that seriousness, on the behalf of a friend, that as Max. Tyr. Diss. 10. [...]. especially, when it respects the Ministers of God, in Church or State. Maximus Tyrius observes, it will even work through places not passable, and easily overcome things that are dreadful.

5. But when censures and calumnies are raised, against the Ministers and Governours of the Church, there are two other ways, whereby they greatly offend against the duty of love; the one with respect to the love of God, in promo­ting his honour; and the other with regard to the love of men, unto whom these reproaches are published. For these things tending to lessen their reputation, are so far as they take place, like to hinder the success of their labours, and of their Ministerial Office. And the offender who commits this sin considerately and advisedly, so as to dis­cern the large consequents of it, must be one who for the gratifying his passion, is willing to become instrumental, that the work of God and the happiness of man, both which are committed to the care of the Ministry, should not pros­per, and have their desired effect. And this great good is really hindred by this sinful practice, whether men will con­sider it or no. And there is much of the like evil in defa­ming or speaking reflectively against our Secular Gover­nours, since they also are the Ministers of God to man for good.

6. Secondly, The reproaching Superiours is a breach of the fifth Commandment. For therein honour and reverent [Page 59]respect is commanded to all Superiours; 2. It is a great breach of the fifth Command­ment, to speak evil of Rulers, and this is necessary for the upholding their just Authority. But to reproach, is not to honour, but to dishonour and vilifie them. And though our natural Parents be the nearest to us, on whom we have a more particular dependance, and from whom we have a more especial care: yet Governours and Rulers are chiefly to be honoured, because they are set by God in an higher station, and have a larger portion of his Authority committed to them, and as Gods Ministers, are appointed for a more comprehensive benefit, and extensive good to man­kind, and are common Parents, to govern and take care of those, who are under them in civil Societies. Hence Phil. de Decalog. p. 76. Philo not amiss observed, that the fifth Commandment being placed, as between the duties to God and man, had great respect to both; and that he who breaks this Command­ment, will be condemned at both these two tribunals, that of God and that of man: [...], of irreligion towards God in the Divine Tribu­nal, and of enmity towards men in the humane. And though this may be truly said of almost all other transgressions, yet it appears more eminenly, in the breach of this Command­ment. And it adds to the force of this precept, that the Doctrine of Christianity doth mightily inforce it, and strict­ly require us to honour the King, and all who are over us either in the Church or State.

7. And it is worthy of our serious consideration, which is a spe­cial Command­ment with pro­mise. that the Apostle for the inforcing obedience to this fifth precept of the Decalogue, gives it this Character, Ephes. 6.2. that it is the first Commandment with promise; or it is a great and chief command, unto which God annexed a special and signal promise. And thus much I think the Apostle to intend by these words. When our Saviour declared, which was the first Commandment of the law, Mar. 12.28, 29, 30. the phrase first, doth not there refer to order, but to excellency; as is manifest from v. 31, and v. 33. and therefore the question which in S. Mark is expressed, which is the first Commandment? is in S. Matthew, which is the great Com­mandment? [Page 60]Now the fifth Commandment is therefore ma­nifested to be a great, and very considerable Commandment, because to that alone, of all the precepts of the Decalogue, God was pleased to affix a peculiar and excellent promise. For that declaration of Gods kindness, in the end of the se­cond Commandment, that he shews mercy unto thousands of them that love him, and keep his Commandments, is truly ob­served by In Annot. in Eph. 6.2. Erasmus and Grotius, not to have a peculiar respect to that precept alone, but to have a general regard to them all; as the words in that precept do evidently ma­nifest. But to this fifth Commandment this excellent pro­mise is adjoined, that it may be well with thee, and that thou maist live long on the Earth, which shews that our own in­terest is highly concerned in this case.

8. Wherefore the observing the duties of this precept, is the way which God himself hath directed men, for the ob­taining his blessings, This is a for­feiture of the right to Gods blessings in the world. and the continuance of them in this world, and this the Apostle declares and urgeth, with re­spect to the time of Christianity. And the neglect of the duties of this command, so far as concerns the terms of Gods promise, is a forfeiture of that right and title we might have to all the advantages of this life, and the blessing of God for our comfort and well-being here upon Earth. And these earthly blessings when the law was given, were so proposed in this fifth Commandment of the Decalogue, as to have some typical respect also to the blessings of the life to come. Now though God of his bounty and patience, doth many times bestow long life, and therewith many other en­joyments of this world, upon them who have no right to them, by the terms of his Covenant and promise; yet they want that assurance of these things, and especially that fa­vourable kindness and particular care of God to go along with them, which the pious man enjoys, and which is far more valuable and excellent, than the possession of any outward good is. Wherefore the careful and conscienti­ous practice of reverence and honour towards Superiour re­lations, however some men may account of it, is no light [Page 61]thing, it being that upon which our title to the blessings of God so much depends.

9. Thirdly, All reproachful Calumnies especially against Superiours, are a violation of the sixth Commandment, 3. This is a breach of the sixth Com­mandment. Thou shalt not kill. For the performing the duty which relates to this precept, according to the extent which the Do­ctrine of our Saviour gives it, requires an innocent, calm and meek temper and behaviour, towards all men, so as not to admit any causless anger, nor any passionate and contume­lious expressions, Mat. 5.21, 22. But to all this, this sin is di­rectly opposite. And besides this, we may further discover, how much this command is transgressed by rash censures and calumnies, if we either consider the effects they produce, or the cause from whence they proceed.

10. The effects of reproach, Calumny is cru­el. are frequently of different kinds. If we reflect upon the more immediate result there­of; the Sword of the tongue oft wounds deep, and keen words pierce even to the inward part of man, and his very heart. The sence of which made Naz. Ep. 191. Nazianzen perswade them who reproach others, to lay down their arms; their slings and spears, even their tongues, by which they do mis­chief to one another and are applauded, and these are more ready at hand than other weapons. And there is indeed so much of cruelty, and real hurt in calumny and reproach, that our Saviour accounts this a way of persecution, and ob­serves, that thereby the Prophets were persecuted for righte­ousness sake, Mat. 5.10, 11, 12.

11. But when evil speaking is directed against Gover­nours, Contumelious expressions a­gainst Gover­nours, oft beget tumults and blood-shed. it too often becomes the parent of violence, cruelty and inhumanity, by giving birth to tumults and Seditions. They who reflect upon the last Age, may discern, how by this method we became engaged, in such a bloody Civil War, as cut off and destroyed many thousands of men. Thus as S. James observes, Chap. 3.6. The tongue defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature. It puts mens heads and hearts upon contriving and acting fierce [Page 62]and furious enterprises; it makes their hands forward, and their feet swift to shed blood; and if not timely prevented, it kindleth those heats, which bring all things into a flame. And I heartily wish it were an hard and difficult task, to find out instances to verifie the complaints of Lipsius concerning calumny. He declares Lipsius in Orat. de Ca­lumnia. Dole­tis haerere in Reip. visceri­bus discordia­rum tela? ca­lumnia inje­cit: ardere tot annos facem bellorum ci­vilium? ca­lumnia accen­dit, &c. that it divides intimate friends, and sets them at distance: Are any grieved to see feuds and discords and weapons of death, stick fast in the bowels of the Common-wealth? it is calumny darted them thither, and fixed them there. Do any reflect with sadness, upon the flames of Civil Wars, continuing to burn for so many years? it is calumny that kindled them. And, as he goes on, this is that which sets Princes and people at distance from each other, and engageth one man against another. And indeed almost all the tumults, Seditions, and Rebellions which have been so destructive and pernicious to the World, have had their original from hence.

12. How he that hates his Bro­ther, is a mur­derer. And if we reflect on the cause from whence evil speak­ing and reproaching doth arise; this is a want of love, as I above noted, and a prevalency of ill will and hatred. But S. John assures us, 1 Joh. 3.15. he that hateth his Brother is a murderer. And in truth, though there may be several reasons which may restrain him from any such acts of violence, as to commit murder, yet he harbours much of the same inward temper with an open murderer. For he that hates his Brother, so far as concerns his Brother himself, and unless he thinks he may make use of him to serve some other ends, wisheth him out of the way; and would chuse, and be pleased to have him out of the world. And this is that very same wick­ed temper of mind which spirits a murderer. Wherefore this sin which so defiles the heart, and stains the World with blood, is a sin of a scarlet dye.

13. Fourthly, This sin offends against those precepts, which forbid bearing false witness, slandering and speaking evil; all which enjoin the right government of the tongue, in what it speaks of others. Phil. de Decal. p. 768. Philo observes, that under [Page 63]the ninth Commandment is included [...], 4. It ordinari­ly transgresseth the bounds of truth. not to calumniate or defame; which is to be extended not only to matters of publick justice, but even to rules of private con­versation. But a reproachful tongue both offends against charity, and is generally further guilty, of not making conscience, to keep to the strict rules of truth. And as Tertullian speaks, in refelling the slanders, spread abroad among the Pagans, against the Christians, report and fame thus raised and divulged; is Tertul. Apol. c. 7. plurimùm mendax, quae nè tunc quidem quando aliquid veri affert, sine mendacii vitio est, detrahens, adjiciens, demutans de veritate: for the most part false, and is not even then, when it contains somewhat of truth, free from the fault of lying, taking something from, or adding to, or making some alteration concerning the truth. And this sin of lying deserves to be accounted the more hateful and evil, and to be abhorred as abominable, because it is part of the character of the wicked one, that he is a lyar from the beginning, and a deceiver: whereas it is one of the excellent titles of our Saviour, that he is the faithful wit­ness; and also he is the Amen, and the truth. And this sin hath much of the Diabolical nature and practice in it; the evil one doing much mischief by false sugge­stions.

14. Fifthly, 5. It offendeth against justice. Reproaching others is a great violation of Justice. He that speaketh evil of dignities, is ranked among the unjust by S. Peter, 2 Pet. 2.9, 10. And calumny in ge­neral is very injurious both to the person reproached, and to those also to whom such reproaches are uttered. To wrong a man in his reputation and good name, is an injury in seve­ral respects much worse, than the wronging him in his goods and possessions, and hath been so esteemed amongst men. Partly on this account, it was, the Sa [...]. c. [...] n. 1. general determination of the Jewish Rabbins, that though actions of trespass, or violence against the estates of men, might be heard and punished by their lesser consistory of three; yet matters of slander and defamation came not under their cog­nisance, [Page 64]but were to be determined by a greater Consistory of twenty three; being things of an higher nature, which required a more weighty consideration, and sometimes a capital punishment.

15. For a mans reputation hath a more immediate re­spect to his person, and the true worth of the man, than his possessions have; and to have his good name impaired de­prives him of a great part of that satisfaction and comfort, which he might enjoy, from society and converse in the world. This injury to the person re­proached, can­not easily be repaired; And he who is injured in his Estate, may have his loss repaired, and his damage recompenced, by having as much restored to him again, from the person who wrong­ed him. But the slanderer, and reproacher, is not capable of making the like reparation, nor hath he sufficiently wiped off the aspersion he cast upon another, though he should re­call it, and acknowledge his fault. For the words of defa­mation which he uttered, may be so spread abroad, as to come to the ears of many, who may never hear of his ha­ving retracted them: and many others through their own uncharitableness, may give credit to the former, rather than the latter. A reproach is herein like the running in of the Sea water, where the bank is broken, it is apt to overflow every way, and is not easily carried off again; and when it is so, it usually leaves a brinish saltness behind it. It Bern. levi­ter volat, sed graviter vul­nerat. flies about quickly, and yet it wounds sharply: and though the sound of words at the greater distance, grows less and less; the noise of fame and reproach the farther it goes, the more it frequently increaseth, and becomes the louder, according to the words of the Poet, Virgil. Fama malum, quo non aliud velocius ullum, Mobilitate viget, viresque acquirit e­undo. And this tends to make the life of the person who bears the reproach, the more troublesom and uneasie in the world.

16. Indeed the Christian temper, and the grace of God, doth wonderfully support, and uphold the pious man, and en­ableth him to bear up above these difficulties, and worketh in him a more than manly courage, whereby he is able [Page 65]with S. Paul, to take pleasure in reproaches. But this doth no more lessen the sin of the reviler, than a Christian's knowing, how to rejoice in other persecutions for Christs sake, doth lessen the sin of those persecutors, whose actions have a direct tendency to work his trouble and calamity. He who endeavoureth another mans mischief, by poyson­ing him, is not the less criminal in foro Dei, if the other be sufficiently antidoted against it.

17. And this practice is injurious to them, and it greatly wrongs the souls of those who hear it with delight. to whom the reproach is uttered, especially if it be pleasing to them. For then it many times envenomes their spirits, inflames their passions, brings them into the snare of the Devil, and tends to engage them in all those sins, which the person who is guilty of reproaching, is chargeable with. And hereby they become deprived of that delightful sweetness, and pleasant­ness of mind, and of the blessing of God, which accompa­nieth the meek and charitable man. And this is the doing them a far greater injury, than if their bodies should be in­fected with noysom Diseases: both because the evil of sin, is of far worse consequence, than sickness; and seizeth on and defileth the nobler part of man: and also because in such distempers of the body, he who undergoes them, is or­dinarily sensible of the evil, and danger of them, and com­plains of them, and seeks for help and cure; while the mind tainted with this sinful temper, is not for the most part so much as inclined to have it removed, but is too much pleased, with the increase thereof. Bernard. sup. Cant. Serm. 24. S. Bernard observed, what a lamentable massacre may by this means be perpetrated, upon the souls of men, even in a moment; Ʋnus qui loquitur, uno in momento, multitudinis audientium dum aures inficit, animas interficit: One man thus speaking, whilst he infects the ears of a multitude of auditors, doth forth­with destroy the souls, by extinguishing charity.

18. Sixthly, This sin of reproaching, 6. It opposeth peace. greatly opposeth the practice, and duty of peace, which is so frequently and earnestly enjoined, as one of the chief duties of our Religi­on. [Page 66]It hath been a frequent complaint, that the precepts for peace are not duly observed; and it were happy if peace were as much entertained, as it is commended. In the early days of Christianity, it was noted, that peace was such Naz. Orat. 14. [...]. a good, as was applauded by all men, but preserved by few. This all Christians are to pursue as much as lyeth in them. This is expressed by S. Paul, to be one of the chief things required, that we may so serve Christ as to be acceptable to God, and approved of men, Rom. 14.18. and from hence he makes this Inference, Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, v. 19. Among the several expressions the Apostle useth, to declare the fruits of the Spirit, the grea­ter number of them tend to this purpose, Gal. 5.22, 23. Love, peace, long-suffering, gentleness and meekness. But the unpeaceable and passionate temper takes up a great part of the works of the flesh, mentioned Gal. 5.20, 21. whereby we may discern, how much the true Spirit of Christianity is concerned, in performing the duties of peace. But the reproaching and defaming others, is a practising strife and contention, and a quarrelling with others though they be at a distance. I above observed, how the publick peace of Kingdoms hath been undermined hereby. And it is a thing so obvious, that the same method doth disturb the quiet of private conversation; and also so disorders mens minds, as to deprive them of that inward calmness of temper, which becomes a Christian, that I need not undertake the proof thereof. And reproaches and censures have in ma­ny ages and places, so sadly and scandalously disturbed the peace of the Church of God, and fomented discords therein, that the greatest Schisms and divisions have continually in a great measure, had their birth, growth and continuance from this very cause. This, besides the experience of latter ages, may appear from the instances of the Novatians, Do­natists, and some others, mentioned in the former Chap­ter.

19. And now let any serious person consider, whether there be not a very great pollution, and filth, in that practice [Page 67]and behaviour, which contains under it so many several great sins. And if that mans body be in danger enough to be poysoned, where a Viper or a Serpent singly fastens up­on him; in what sadder condition is he, on whom various venomous creatures fix, if there be not a speedy and effectu­al care for his cure.

20. Another general Consideration, This sin of Ca­lumny is severe­ly punished to manifest the great evil of defaming and reproaching others, especially Superiours, is from the dreadful and severe punishment, which is threatned against, and will be inflicted upon them, who practise this sin, and indulge themselves in it. The com­mon sense of mankind, even in time of Paganism, hath had such apprehensions of the hurt and mischief hereof, that great punishments have been denounced against, by the laws of civil Societies, and inflict­ed upon such offenders, in many civil Societies; this car­rying so great an opposition to the laws of nature, and the publick quiet and good of the World. Lipsius Lipsius in Orat. de Ca­lumnia. tells us, that the Athenians imposed a pecuniary penalty, upon such offenders, and that the ancient Romans set a mark up­on the forehead of him, who was guilty of this crime, with the letter K. If this was so, I do not doubt, but this letter K, was to signifie Kalumnia or Kalumniator. Calumnia be­ing one of the three words, which are noted by Scalig. Animadv. in Euseb. Chro­nol. p. 114. Scali­ger, to have been only written with K. and not with C. in the most ancient use of the Latin tongue. And this was a publick declaration, that the Reproacher or Calumniator, de­served to be openly marked out, and branded, for an infa­mous person.

21. But since a great part of mankind, have had as great an esteem for their good name, as for their lives, in the ancient famous Laws of the Duodec. Tabul. Frag­ment, Tit. 25, n. 3. twelve tables, it is de­clared, that though very few crimes were by those laws pu­nished with death, yet the reproaching and defaming others, was thereby made a capital offence. And in the ancient laws of the Empire, this is related to have been sometimes punished with stripes, and sometimes by making the per­son [Page 68] Intestabilis, or one who by the law, was not permitted to make any Testament, to dispose of his goods at his death. But by the Constitution of Cod. l. 9. Tit. 36. leg. unic. Valentinian and Valens, both he who is the author of a Calumny, and he also who ca­sually findeth a libel, and divulgeth it, seem guilty of death: to wit, where the calumny is some great matter of defama­tion. And I above noted, that this offence was sometimes capital, amongst the n. 14. Jews. To this I shall add the con­sideration of S. Chrysostome, concerning the dangers of re­proaching Superiors, with respect to what God establish­ed, and effected under the Mosaical Dispensation. He con­siders Hom. 2. in illud, Salu­tate Priscillam & Aquilam. that if he who reviled his Father or Mother must die the death, Exod. 21.17. Lev. 20.9. how severe a pu­nishment must he deserve, who doth this to his Spiritual Father? And when he had mentioned the dismal misery, which befel Corah and his Company, for speaking against Moses and Aaron, he then considers the case of Miriam. Miriam (with Aaron) had reproached Moses, because of the Aethiopian Woman, by Gods judg­ment in this world, which he had Married, Num. 12.1. with other expressions of contempt. And for this cause Gods wrath was kindled against her, and by the hand of God she was smitten with leprosie, and must be put out of the Camp of Israel, and bear her shame. And as S. Chryso­stome observes, this punishment for this offence could not be avoided; though Moses prayed, and fell down before God on her behalf, yea, though she was Moses his own Sister, and the person (as he goes on) who preserved the life of Moses, calling his Mother to nurse him, and led the women in their praises, Exod. 15. as Moses did the men.

22. But the inflicting the eternal judgment of God, and his severe wrath in another world, is far more dreadful, than any temporal penalty. and in the world to come. And since the most High God is infinitely righteous, in all his laws, threatnings and judg­ments; whatsoever he sets himself against, and wheresoe­ver he executes his fierce anger, it gives manifest evidence, that that which provokes him so to do, must be greatly e­vil, as well as dangerous. And it is necessary to abhor and [Page 69]avoid those things, which expose to the divine vengeance, which is utterly intolerable. Now that the punishment of those, who yield themselves to this sin of evil speak­ing, will be very sad, may appear by two Considera­tions.

23. First, By taking a review of it, The several sins contained in it, are all destru­ctive. and observing the danger of every one of the several sins above mentioned, which are contained under this of reproaching; and there­fore what the sad consequence must be of all these meeting together. Doth it oppose the great and necessary duty of love? He that loveth not his Brother, abideth in death, 1 Joh. 3.14. Doth it include a breach of the fifth Commandment, and an opposition against our Governours, when it hath respect to them? they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation, Rom. 13.2. Is the violation of the sixth Commandment in­cluded in it? When S. John had said, He that hateth his Brother is a murderer; he immediately adds, and ye know, that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him, 1 Joh. 3.15. Doth the reproacher speaking against charity, usually ex­ceed the bounds of truth? all lyars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, Rev. 21.8. And a­mong the eight sorts of lies reckoned up, and of all them con­demned by de Men­dac. ad Cons. c. 14, & 21. S. Austin, this which is altogether pernici­ous or hurtful to another, is the highest, except that one of lying concerning the Faith and Doctrine of Religion. Is this sin a practice of unrighteousness? the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6.9. Is it a yield­ing to passion, and an opposing peace and meekness? they that do such things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5.21.

24. Now if the summ of all these particulars be cast up, and put together, it will amount to thus much, even the treasuring up wrath against the day of wrath. And it will be hence manifest, that they who indulge themselves in this sin, do put several bars to shut out themselves from the Kingdom of Heaven. When our Saviour had said to the [Page 70]young man, Mat. 19.17. If thou wilt enter into life, keep the Commandments; and was again asked, which Command­ments he must keep; among six which our Lord expressed, as necessary for him to observe, that he might have eternal life, these are four, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy Father and thy Mother, and Thou shalt love thy Neighbour as thy self. And I have above shew­ed, that in this sin of evil speaking, especially when it is directed against Superiors, there is a transgressing all these four precepts.

25. Secondly, By considering the severe punishment parti­cularly denounced against, or inflicted upon the practisers of this sin. I have above noted divers instances of Gods heavy Judgments, expressed in the Scripture: as the sad calamity which came upon our first Parents, and all their Posterity, for their hearkening to, and entertaining the reproach and evil suggestion of the Serpent; the dismal punishment of Corah and his complices, for their speaking against Moses and Aaron; and other such like. And the Author under ad fratres in eremo, Serm. 26. S. Austin's name observes, that this sin hath much of spiritual leprosie in it (it is dangerous to the soul, and greatly defiles it; it is apt to infect others, and renders the person unfit for common Society) and God was pleased to punish it in Miriam, with leprosie in her body.

26. The Reproacher by publick Cen­sure shut out of the ancient Church. When the strict rules of Christian discipline were exercised, he who defamed, reproached or reviled others, was to be cast out of the Church by a publick censure; which is an evidence, that the Christian Church accounted this sin, to forfeit the priviledges of Christianity, and that the persons who commit it, and live in the practice of it, de­serve not to be esteemed members of the Body of Christ. And that amongst other great sinners, the reviler, railer, or re­proacher, is worthy to be separated from the Christian So­ciety, is declared by the Apostle himself, 1 Cor 5.11. For the word [...], which the Apostle there useth, is of that [Page 71]extent, as to include all who utter contentious, contumeli­ous and defaming words, [...], being oft used by the Septuag. in Exod. 17.2, 7. Num. 20.3, 13. Septuagint, to answer the Hebrew word [...] which re­lates to strife and contention, and takes in all contentious re­proaching words. According to the disciplinary rules, re­ceived in this Kingdom many hundred years since; offen­ders of this nature, especially if they defamed, or spake contumeliously in 2. lib. Poenitent. Eg­bert. n. 21, &c 29. in Spel­mar. Conc. Vol. 1. against their Superiors, were to come under the rules of penance. In like manner in the Eastern Church, in ancient times, in Regul. brev. Resp. 26. S. Basil adjudgeth both him who slandereth his Neighbour, and him also who should comply with him, or give ear unto him, to deserve [...], to be separated and cut off, from Ecclesiastical communion. And it was more anciently decreed in the Western Church, that those who should spread abroad reproaches, or libels against others, should be under an Anathema, according to the Sentence of the Council of Conc. Elib. c. 52. Eliberis. All which shews, how odious this sin hath been reputed, and how much ab­horred and condemned in the Christian Church.

27. And in the holy Scriptures, when the Psalmist de­clares the qualifications, necessary for him who shall dwell in Gods Holy Hill, and threatned with exclusion out of Gods Kingdom, or who shall be owned a true member of his Church here, and have an entrance into his glory hereafter, this is part of his description, Psal. 15.1, 3. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doth evil to his Neigh­bour, nor taketh up a reproach against his Neighbour. To this S. James his words are agreeable, Chap. 1.26. If any man among you seem to be religious and bridleth not his tongue, that mans Re­ligion is vain. S. Paul also assures us, that revilers shall not in­herit the Kingdom of God, 1 Cor. 6.10. and our Lord himself saith, concerning him who speaketh contumeliously to his Brother, that he shall be in danger of Hell fire, Mat. 5.22.

28. Now he who considers what God is, and what are the excellencies of his Kingdom, and with eter­nal destruction. cannot account it any light Sentence, to be eternall excluded from his glory and pre­sence, as the fallen Angels are. If this be not enough, the desperate misery of all wicked doers, who shall be refused [Page 72]entrance thereinto, will make the stoutest heart to tremble; and will change the most brisk and jolly temper into doleful weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. When they shall be under the astonishing sence of the divine wrath; the infi­nite pains, expressed by the fire which shall not be quenched; the perplexing torment of a terribly awakened conscience, and the worm that never dies, this will be an unspeakably dis­mal state. To which may be added, the amazing presence and Society of the Devil and his Angels, and other damned persons, expressing their sad out-cries and terrors, and the overwhelming sense of an hopeless and unpitied condition, and all this to abide in those black and frightful regions of dark­ness to all eternity.

29. and with an heavy degree of future misery and vengeance. And yet in the midst of this unspeakable and end­less destruction and torment, the Scripture which declareth the rule, according to which God will denounce his Sen­tence, tells us, that those who reproach, and speak evil of Superiors, are of the number of those sinners, who must ex­pect the highest degree of judgment, and severity at the great day. 2 Pet. 2.9, 10. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment, to be punished. But chiefly them, that walk after the flesh, in the lust of uncleanness, and despise govern­ment, presumptuous are they, self willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Where we see despising dominion or Government, and speaking evil of dignities, is part of the description of those, whom God will chiefly punish. And to such persons will belong those other expressions, of be­ing presumptuous and self-willed: for such they must be, who will be so insolent, as to despise what God hath set over them, and forgetting their own station to reproach them, who are in Authority. And though the former clause of this Verse, concerning them who walk after the flesh in the [...]. lust of uncleanness, or defilement, may very well be under­stood concerning them who practise adultery, fornicati­on and lasciviousness; yet even this clause also, may not improperly be applyed to this sin, against which I am par­ticularly [Page 73]discoursing. For it is evident, from Rom. 13.13, 14. Gal. 5.16, 17, 18, 19, 20. 1 Pet. 2.11, 12, 13. and other places of Scripture, that the passions of men, and the expressions and unruliness of them (which are contained in reproaching) are included under the phrase of the lusts of the flesh; and that this sin I am treating of, is defiling, is manifest from the former part of this Chapter. Now the direful vengeance of God, doth infinitely go beyond the seve­rest executions, which can be contrived by men. And all men ought to have a serious sense of this, and all holy and godly men have so. When Martyr. Polycarpi. Polycarp was threatned by the Proconsul, first to be torn in pieces by cruel wild Beasts; and when this moved him not, he was told he should be burnt with fire, unless he would depart from the Christian Religion: it was reasonably and wisely, as well as piously replyed by him, [...], &c. Thou threatenest that fire which burns for an hour, and then goes out, but thou considerest not the fire of the future Judgment, and the eternal punishment which is reserved for the wick­ed. This is that we all ought to fear as most dreadful, and to avoid all the paths that tend to it, and not to have such light thoughts thereof, as rashly to gratifie any disorder of mind or unruliness of temper, which will bring us to this de­struction.

30. Wherefore the care which all men ought to have, of preventing their own misery, Carelesness in these concerns, is a daring presumption. ought to have this influence upon them, that they resolvedly reject and abhor this sin. Even human penalties have had a considerable force upon the minds of men, to restrain them from evil practices. When good Josiah heard the law of Moses read and the judgments denounced against such offences, as that King­dom was then guilty of; his tender heart became affected therewith, and he humbled himself, was greatly solicitous for Judah, and therefore he enquired of the Lord, and forth­with undertook the establishing a great reformation. And shall not men in our days be afraid of the most terrible threats, which the Divine Majesty denounceth, and the Almighty [Page 74]power of God inflicteth upon them who are perverse and disobedient? We live in an Age wherein sin and doing evil is in too many instances become bold and daring; and many who make a fair pretence to Religion, stand not in awe of those heavy menaces of Divine vengeance, whereby Almighty God hath declared his wrath, against those sins, in which they indulge themselves, and which they still resolve to espouse and prosecute, with a presumptuous confidence, as far as they are pleasing to themselves, or serve the interest of a party. Amongst other Arguments and Motives, to avoid all manner of evil, the dreadful state of being under Gods displeasure, is a mighty awakening one, and the thoughts of this hath had a powerful operation on the minds of men. Cont. Cels. l. 8. [...]. Origen tells us, that in his days, that he and others by the urging this great truth, concerning the punishment of evil-doers, had converted and turned many from their sins. And God grant it may have the same effect in our Age.

31. It is far from speaking either the wisdom, or the good­ness of any sort of men, that in so weighty a case as this is, it is difficult to bring them to any serious consideration and reflexion upon themselves. But they are never the more safe in any evil, for their rash confidence and carelesness, which is no other than an aggravation of their sin, and an higher provocation of God. I have had so frequent expe­rience, how hard it is, by any sorts of Arguments, to prevail with many persons, who seem to have some sence of piety, to make conscience of performing several particular plain du­ties of Religion, (as the attendance on the holy Communion, and the Governing their passions) that I could not observe it without admiration and some kind of amazement. And I fear that all that man can say, and all that God hath said, which is terrible enough, will not be effectual to bring ma­ny persons guilty of this sin of speaking evil of others, into a serious sense of it, and an hearty repentance. However such persons esteem of themselves, this behaviour shews a great prevalency of obstinacy and hardness: and the time will come, when they who refuse instruction, will wish they had [Page 75]attended to it. And as I heartily beg of God that all who offend herein, may take warning, and amend, while they have opportunity; so for them who will not, I shall be hear­tily grieved, and account it both with respect to themselves, and the hurtful influence they may have upon others, a mat­ter of sad lamentation.

32. They who will practice this sin, may for a time please their own passions, and may gratifie the unruly tem­pers of disordered minds, with whom they converse. And by uncharitable reflections or insinuations against Superiors, they will occasion delight, rejoycing and satisfaction to them, who are enemies to goodness, truth and peace, and a well-established Order in Church or State; and they may hereby give these men encouragement, and hopes of success, in their ill designs. But in all this, they act against the interest of Religion, and their duty to God; and therefore they do so much the more expose themselves to his wrath and indigna­tion, except they repent. And when they shall either re­pent, or bear the effects of Gods anger, none will then be more displeased with the folly of these their practices, than them­selves.

Contumelious evil-speaking in general; and all irreve­rent and disrespectful behaviour, towards Rulers and Governours, is contrary to the life of Christ; in those things, wherein we are particularly commanded to imitate his Example: and S. Pauls carriage, Acts 23.3, 4, 5. considered.

1. HAving discoursed of the mischievous unreasonable­ness and extravagancy, and of the great sinfulness and heavy punishment, which attendeth an unruly tongue, and uncharitable speaking: I shall now consider the gen­tleness, meekness and innocency; yea the charity and due reverent respect, The precepts and example of Christ ought to guide our prac­tice. which Christianity teacheth us to shew, in our words, to others; as this is especially proposed unto us, in the example of Christ, and what is therein tendred to our imitation. The precepts of the Gospel to be kind and gentle, courteous and charitable, and to speak evil of no man, are so obvious, that I presume every Christian to be ac­quainted with them. And these things, together with a respectful demeanour to all Superiors, as they were con­spicuous in the life and practice of our Lord himself, will now fall under my consideration. But concerning his example, some may possibly think with themselves, that he was an extraordinary instance of suffering evil, and came into the World to bear the punishment of our sins, and yielded up himself as the Lamb of God, to be a Sacrifice; but all Chri­stians are not to bear like sufferings with him. But such ought to consider, that all his followers are to take up his Cross, and to perform such duties, and exercise such gra­ces, as are enjoined by his Laws, and in which we have him­self also for our pattern, and are required to follow him. [Page 77]Now to manifest, how far the practice of our Saviour was intended, to guide and direct us to reject all reviling, and to shew reverent respect to Superiours, I shall lay down these following Considerations.

2. Cons. 1. 1. His meek­ness, and not re­viling, parti­cularly proposed to be our pat­tern. What our Saviour did in practising meek­ness, and in not reproaching any, or speaking evil, is proposed to us, as a pattern for us to imitate. This is clearly asserted by S. Peter, telling us, 1 Pet. 2.21, 22, 23. that Christ suf­fered for us, leaving us an example, that we should follow his steps: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth; who when he was reviled, he reviled not again. So that in these things, it is not only an historical truth, when we are told what Christ himself did; but this is also a rule, to acquaint us what we ought to do. Contr. Apion l. 2. Josephus accounted it a great advantage, which the Jews had, for guiding them to good­ness and vertue, that when the Lacedemonians and Cretians instructed others in their duty by examples only; and the Athenians, and many others, did this only by precepts, the Jews made use of both these methods jointly. But in the Christian Dispensation, we have both more excellent precepts, and an higher inforcement of them; and also a more exact pattern and example, than ever the Jews had. The life of Christ recommends those practices, in which we are to follow him, to be the most honourable, and the wisest undertakings; in that herein our lives are made conformable to the most glorious person, that ever appeared in our nature; and we herein do what he who is infinitely wise chose to do. And his life also shews, that as he in our nature was a perfect pattern of meekness; so he can and will by his grace enable us, (if we resolve piously and diligently to follow him, and serve him) to perform these duties also, though we attain not to the same perfection. It is in all cases very useful, Ign. Epist. ad Ephes. [...]. that he who instructeth another in what is good, should himself do the same: for this hath a conside­rable influence upon the practice of others; but no example of any other teacher, can be so highly profitable, as that [Page 78]of Christ is, the perfection of which maketh it a compleat rule and guide. And his example, especially in the acts of his humility and lowliness, we in duty ought always to follow, and safely may.

3. Some things are observed by Nazian. Orat. 40. Nazianzen in the practice of our Saviour, which are not to be proposed for our imitation; to wit, such as he did, according as occasions and circumstances offered themselves, as his celebrating the holy Communion in an upper chamber, His temper of mind is in all things to be our examp e. and after supper, and in the night, and even that very night in which he was be­trayed; and such also as spake the Dignity and Divinity of his person. And what he did in the discharge of his Medi­atory Office, though all Christians are highly concerned therein, being interested in the benefits thereof, yet the performance of these actions, were so peculiar to himself, that none other are to do the like. Of this nature was his giving up himself to death, for the working our redempti­on, and to be a Propitiation for the sins of the World. But yet it is observable, that in this singular act of his Mediatory Office, (and the like may be said of others) that excellent temper of mind, in which he performed this work, is that wherein we stand obliged to follow him; and this will re­commend to us patience and meekness.

4. Thus with respect to God, whilst he gave up himself to be a Sacrifice for sin, this was a rare instance of obedience, to the will of his Father, even in the most difficult perfor­mance; and of submission to the pleasure of his Father, in drinking that Cup which he gave him to drink without any murmuring or repining. And in these things it is our duty to follow him, and that the same mind be in us which was in Christ Jesus, Phil. 2.5.-8. And with respect to man, this his Priestly action of making atonement, was performed out of the greatest love to us: and it contained the highest expressi­ons, and evidences of this love, in that he was willing to do so much, and to bear so much for men, who were sinners and enemies; and also in that he did thereby effectually pro­cure for them the greatest good. And here we are com­manded [Page 79]to imitate him, and to walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us, an offering and a Sacrifice to God, for a sweet smelling savour, Eph. 5.2. And towards them who were his cruel and inhumane enemies, who both crucified and reviled him; in his great suffer­ings, when in his own body he did bear our sins, he expressed a temper of eminent meekness, patience and kindness, and herein we are commanded to follow his steps, who when he was reviled, he reviled not again, 1 Pet. 2.21, 23. And besides this instance, in what other things we are not to imitate the parti­cular actions of our Lord, there are yet some general considera­tions, with respect to the Spirit and temper of mind, in which they were done, that are of great use for our imitation. And on this account it may be affirmed, Aug. de vera Relig. c. 16. Tota ita (que) vita ejus in terris disci­plina morum fuit. that the whole life of Christ, was a most excellent instruction for our duty; which was S. Austins inference, after he had considered many things, which our Saviour did, and especially his pa­tience, meekness and self denial.

5. And the precepts of meekness, and patience, and of governing our tongues, are as plainly and fully enjoined in the Gospel, as any other commands whatsoever. If some men will causelesly be our enemies, and will hate, Meekness and patience are great duties of Christianity. curse and persecute us; however men had been taught or allow­ed before to love their Neighbour, and hate their enemy, the will of our Lord is, that we love our enemies, bless them that curse us, do good to them that hate us, and pray for them that despitefully use us, and persecute us, Mat. 5.44. And if we meet with them who work us evil, and rail against us, the rule of Christian practice is, 1 Pet. 3.9. not rendring evil, for evil, or railing for railing, but contrariwise blessing. And these and other such like precepts, are so excellent and amiable, that if the meekness, and innocency and cha­rity which Christianity requires, did universally prevail, and obtain in the World, it would make the Society of mankind wonderfully more sweet, delightful and comfortable than it is, and their converse would be free from the poy­son, and venome of the old Serpent. And surely the laws [Page 80]which are established for our guidance, especially where God is the law-giver, who is able to save and to destroy, ought to be accounted of sufficient authority and influence, to command subjection and obedience. But the example of our Lord, doth here add a mighty perswasive vertue to his precepts, besides what I above mentioned, in that he was far better than any of us, who deserved most from men, and yet was worst treated by them, hath left such an exact pat­tern of meekness and patience. And then much more ought we to practise these duties, since we deceive our selves, if we think the evil we undergo, whether of this kind or of any other, is not deservedly ordered to us, with re­spect to the general disposing of all things, by Divine Pro­vidence. Upon which consideration David exercised him­self in patience towards Shimei. And it may justly seem incongruous, that if a mean Peasant, who is an offender, shall have the same treatment from men, with an excellent and gracious Prince, or shall be in the same storm abroad, in his voyage or journey; that he should be in a fury, as think­ing himself too good to be thus dealt with, while his good Prince goes through all this, with a quiet and calm de­meanour.

6. To imitate Christ in these duties is the way to happi­ness. But there is yet a farther very weighty consideration, upon which all Christians stand bound to follow this exam­ple of our Saviour; and that is, that the imitating him in this very thing, is directed and enjoined, as the course we are to take, for the obtaining happiness, Mat. 11.29. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you shall find rest unto your souls. So that the fol­lowing him in humility and meekness, is the walking in the path of rest; for this (as all acts of goodness and duty) bring­eth here serenity and peace, to the mind of him who practi­seth it, and is one of the great duties to be performed in or­der to perfect peace and rest hereafter. And those his Ser­vants who thus serve and follow him, shall be with him where he is. Thus S. Austin De Temp. Serm. 61. & Enarrat. in Ps. 90., having considered those words of S. Matthew, Chap. 11.29. and of S. Peter, 1 Pet. 2.22, 23. [Page 81]observes, that that example of our Lord, which it is neces­sary for us to imitate, is not that which is too high and great for us, in our capacities, to perform, as to restore the dead to life, or to walk upon the Sea; but it is to be meek and humble in spirit, and that we should love not only our friends, but even our enemies with all our hearts.

7. And as this duty is particularly recommended to us, There is no true piety in them who do not walk as he walked. as one especial and main thing, in which we are to imitate our Lord, and shall be highly rewarded by so doing; so it will be useful to take notice in general, that it is a very vain thing for any to talk of Christ and Christianity, and of their hope and interest in him, if they do not follow his example, and live according to his life. And of this we are assured by S. John, 1 Joh. 2.6. He that saith he abideth in him, ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. And these words are the more necessary to be minded and seriously regarded, because S. John in the former part of that Chapter, doth particularly undertake to declare and reckon up, in large and comprehensive expressions, divers of those things which are of absolute necessity for every man to observe, who would be owned as truly Religious, and in a comfortable relation to God. To this purpose he saith, v. 4. He that saith, I know him and keepeth not his Commandments, is a lyar, and the truth is not in him. And v. 5. But whoso keepeth his word; in him verily is the love of God perfected, hereby know we that we are in him. And after he had inserted some emphatical expressions, to manifest the weight and excellency of these things, which he was now discoursing, he proceeds to assert v. 9. He that saith he is in the light, and hateth his Brother, is in darkness, even until now: and v. 15. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. And amongst these he expresseth what I now mentioned, v. 6. concerning walking as he walked. Which Verse also is intended to ex­press, what is so necessary to true Christianity, and commu­nion with Christ, that they cannot consist without it. How far then do they go astray, who are so negligent of Christian meekness and gentleness; as if fierceness and [Page 82]passion, were rather to be accounted the practices of our Religion.

8. 2. Our Lord's example pecu­liarly requireth reverence to Su­periours. Cons. 2. Our Saviour's example is particularly set before us, to silence and suppress all evil speaking against Su­periours, and reproaching them who are in Authority; and to engage us to behave our selves towards them, with reve­rence and due respect. And for the manifesting this, I shall shew three things.

9. First, That this is the scope and intention of S. Peter, in proposing to us the example of Christ. 1 Pet. 2.21, 23. for the proof of which, I need only make a brief reflexion on the foregoing Verses. To this purpose, it is urged by S. Peter. That Apostle had spoken of the duty of Subjects, to their King and Governours, v. 13. com­manding them, to submit themselves to every ordinance of man, for the Lords sake, whether to the King as Supreme, or un­to Governours as unto them that are sent by him. And he con­tinueth his discourse with particular respect to them, unto the end of v. 17. concluding it with these precepts, Fear God, and Honour the King. And v. 18. he comes to speak of that duty and respect, which is due to those Superiours, who are in a more inferiour domestick relation, and are not furnished with that Dignity and Honour, which belongs to them who govern in an higher rank and capacity. And here he commands Servants to be subject to their Masters with all fear, &c. and then he proceeds to declare, what patience, meekness and reverence, is to be expressed towards such Su­periours, by those who are subject to them, though they should meet with hard measure from them, and suffer undeservedly by them. And for the guiding Christians in this case, he bringeth in the example of Christ, and this part of it particularly, that he who did no sin, when he was reviled, he reviled not again, and when he suffered he threatned not, v. 22, 23.

10. Secondly, That our Saviour did behave himself, Our Saviours practice expres­sed great respect to Superiour Relations, par­ticularly to his Parents: with that respect to superiour Relations, both in words and actions, which is fit to teach us to do the like. In his Divine na­ture, he was Lord of all, even in the depth of his humilia­tion; and in his humane nature, he was advanced to an high dignity, in Union to the Divine, and as our Mediator. But yet considering him as made under the law, and in the form of a servant, and he therein carefully performed the duties of the fifth Commandment, as well as any other pre­cepts of the law of God, both to his Parents, and to all that were in Authority, whether Civil or Ecclesiastical. When he took on him the nature of man, he became subject to those duties, which belong to that nature, and tend to the publick good and order of the World. In his younger years he began his life, with subjection to his Parents, Luk. 2.51. And this thing deserves to be the more especially ta­ken notice of, because as some Ludolph. de Vit. Chr. P. 1. cap 16. Bar­rad in Con­cord. Evang. Tom. 1. l. 10. c. 14. have truly observed, this is a main and chief thing, which the Holy Ghost thought fit to record, concerning the actions of that former part of our Saviours life; from the twelfth, to the thirtieth year of his age. And in one of the last actions of his life, when he was upon the Cross, he expressed that honour to his Mother, as to recommend her to the care of his beloved Disci­ple, Joh. 19.26, 27.

11. He gave that respect to the Temple-service, To the Office of the Priests, and the Temple-ser­vice, and to the Office of the Priests, who ministred therein, that though he came to put an end to this typical worship, by the Sacrifice of himself, yet so long as it continued in force, he himself attended thereon. In his infancy he was there presented to the Lord; he observed the Passeover, and other publick solemnities there; and the night before his Passion, he not only kept the Passeover with his Disciples, but declared the great desire he had, to eat that Passeover with them, Luk. 22.15. And when he had cleansed a leper, he enjoined him to shew himself to the Priest, and offer for his cleansing as Mo­ses had commanded, Luk. 5.14. And I doubt not but that [Page 84]it was truly observed, by Ludolphus de Vita Christi, that when the Scripture speaks of his going into the Temple, it is not to be understood of the Temple strictly so called, nor yet of the Court of the Priests: Lud. P. 2. cap. 29. n. 2. Ista duo loca non intravit Christus, quia non erat sacerdos (sc. Aaronicus.) He being no Aaronical Priest, and observing the law of God, did not take upon him what peculiarly did belong to them by vertue of their Office.

12. and even to the Constituti­ons of their Sy­nagogues; and to the Baptist, and the Scribes and Pharisees: And he had that honour for the order and authority of their publick Synagogue-worship and solemnities, that it was his custome to attend thereon, Luk. 4.16. He shewed also that respect to the Ministry of John the Baptist, though he was both in Office, and Person, far inferiour to him­self, that he would be Baptized of him; and hereby he gave testimony that he would have all persons, whom God had called to any publick ministration, to be reverenced, and received with honourable respect in that service. And though the Scribes and Bharisees reviled and opposed him, such was his signal meekness and integrity, that so far as they sat in Moses seat, or were invested with authority, and kept themselves to the Rules of the Law of Moses, and to the due limits of their Power, our Lord commanded the people to observe and do what they said, Mat. 23.3. But where they departed from this rule, it was necessary to declare the falshood of their Doctrine, and the corruption of their practices, and this also was faithfully done by our Lord.

13. And when the High-Priests and Elders, Jos. Ant. Jud. l. 14. c. 17. who had some continuance of Secular Authority, under the Roman Power, sent Officers and Soldiers to take him; he was so far from giving the least countenance to any tumult or Sedi­tion, that he gave a sharp reproof to S. Peters drawing the Sword, and undertook to heal Malchus, whose ear he had cut off. to the Synedrial Authority of the Jews, And when before the judgment seat, he was smit­ten by an angry Officer that stood by, he returned not a passionate word, but in these mild expressions replied, if I have spoken evil, bear witness of the evil, but if well, why smitest [Page 85]thou me? Joh. 18.23. And that answer which he gave the High Priest, which occasioned this Officer to be so furi­ous, contained not the least intimation Cyp. Ep. 65. Dominus noster — us (que) ad passionis diem servavit honorem Pon­tificibus & Sa­cerdotibus, &c. of disrespect un­to him. But being asked concerning his Disciples and his Doctrine, he appealed to the Jews themselves, to testifie what they knew, who were able to give an account of this, since he ever taught openly in the Synagogues, and in the Tem­ple, whither the Jews always resorted. And yet this innocent and reasonable answer, was, it seems, the greatest occasion this fierce Officer could take, to strike him. He command­ed also to pay tribute, and to render what was due to Caesar, and to Caesar. but he neither spake nor did any thing, that testified want of due respect to any person, invested with Authority. Nor did his Doctrine give any liberty to his Disciples, to neg­lect this reverence and respect; as appears from what was delivered as the Christian rule of practice, by himself, and by S. Peter, and S. Paul. For herein resistance, and evil-speak­ing of a Ruler, is condemned and forbidden; and honour, submission and obedience to all Governours, and that even for conscience sake, and for the Lords sake, is enjoined upon every soul, under the most heavy penalties even of damnati­on it self. Wherefore let us herein be followers of him, who himself long practised Stella in Luc. 2. Lu­dolph. de V. C. Part. 1. c. 15, 16. subjection before he preach­ed it to others; and from him Subjects may learn to obey those that are over them, when they see the Redeemer and Lord of the whole World, subject to Joseph and Mary.

14. Thirdly, We are the more obliged, to follow the ex­ample of our Lord, in behaving our selves meekly, and reve­rently to our Superiours; because this is that, which the Holy Scriptures particularly recommend, Christians pra­ctising reve­rence to Supe­riours, doth greatly recom­mend Religion. in order to the growth of the Christian Religion, and the advancement of its interest in the World. And if this be so, they who are the true friends to Christianity, and therein to the honour of Christ, and the happiness of men, must manifest this, by their awful and respectful carriage to their Governours, as well as by any other duty of Christianity. And they who transgress [Page 86]herein, are guilty of such a crime, as hath a tendency to hinder the prevalency of our holy Religion, and to put a stop to its progress among men. And indeed where duties of submission are practised, out of principles of Conscience, and a sense of God and Religion; they are there regular, uniform and constant, and they speak this excellency in Religion, that it is that which calms and subdues mens passions, and brings them into a subjection to the rules of their duty. And it also manifests that Christianity, where it is rightly and sin­cerely entertained, by suppressing the fierce boisterousness, and tumultuousness of unruly minds, doth very much help forward the establishment, and continuance of an excellent and beautiful order, in human Societies, and promoteth qui­et and peaceableness among men. And where the true Spi­rit of Religion doth prevail, it effectually will do all this good; and when vicious and evil men are apt to be proud and self-willed, and fierce and unruly, it makes those who are guided by it, meek and humble, gentle and obedient; which is so amiable a temper, and so useful and beneficial to the World, that the generality of mankind, unless they offer violence to their reason and conscience, cannot but think well of it. And it would be of mighty advantage to the re­forming the World, if all who profess Christianity, were so far Christians indeed, that they would in these things, manifest the life, and power and excellency of their Reli­gion.

15. To this end it is directed in the Holy Scri­pture Now that the Holy Scriptures do direct, and enjoin this submissive and awful carriage of inferiours, towards all who are in Authority, as a means for the bringing honour to our Religion, and for the propagating it, and making it more effectually prevalent amongst men, is sufficiently evi­dent both from S. Peter and S. Paul. S. Peter, 1 Pet. 2.12. gives the command to Christians, who lived among Pagans, by S. Peter, having your conversation honest among the Gentiles, that whereas they speak against you as evil doers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorifie God in the day of vi­sitation. Where he exhorts them so to live, that they [Page 87]might win them who were yet strangers to the Christian Religion, into an affection to it, and esteem of it. And as a particular means to effect this, he adds in the next words, Submit your selves, therefore, to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake, whether it be to the King as Supreme, &c. So that this is here laid down, as a first, and principal direction and rule, for the bringing credit, and esteem to Christianity, among the Gentiles. And Estius Estius in 1 Pet. 2.13. thinks, not improba­bly, that the Apostle the rather gives this precept to them, for this end and purpose; because the Jews from a­mongst whom most of the Christians to whom he wrote, were Converted, were ordinarily reputed perverse, unruly, and enemies to civil Government, and thereupon both themselves, and there Religion were the more disliked by the Gentiles.

16. Indeed that particle, Therefore, which is of great weight in this Text, is omitted and left out, both in the various impressions of our last English Translation, and in some other The Ge­neva, and Wicklef 's. more ancient English Versions; which yet is fully expressed in the Original, by the general, and almost universal consent of all ancient Copies, agreeably to the scope of the Apostles discourse; and therefore it ought to be restored in our Translation. And after S. Peter, v. 13, and 14. had commanded submission, and dutiful respect to the King, and other Governours, he adds this argument, to enforce the practice of this duty, v. 15. For so is the will of God, that with well-doing, you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. In which words it is declared, both that this respectful behaviour to Governours, is of great use, to take of those oppositions which the enemies of Christianity make against it; and also that it is the will of God, that Christians should carefully practise this duty (which is a great branch of well-doing) in order to the obtaining this end.

17. To the same purpose S. Peter proceeds, to require an humble subjection and obedience of Servants, to their Masters, v. 18. declaring v. 19. this is thank-worthy, [...], [Page 88]or that which obtains, both in the sight of God and man, a favourable acceptance, and good esteem (so [...] oft sigi­fies as Luk. 1.30. Chap. 2.52. Chap. 6.32, 33, 34. Act. 2.47. and this is the most proper sense of that word in this place) and this brings [...] glory and renown, and deserves honour, v. 20. And in this case as I n. 9. above noted, he sets before us the Example of Christ, in a matter of so great use­fulness to our Religion. To the same end still this Apostle Chap. 3. v. 1, 2. requires the submission of Wives to their Husbands, as a means to bring over those Husbands to Christian piety, who were not prevailed upon, by the in­struction of the word. And here he requires, that they shew a reverent behaviour, v. 2. a quiet temper, v. 4. and such a submission as includes the use of words and expressions of honour and respect, and this is mentioned as well-doing, v. 5, 6. And indeed the power and force of Religion doth emi­nently appear in the pious performing the duties of Sub­jection: for whilst pride, and passion and inordinate affecti­on, puts men upon striving to be greatest, and makes it an uneasie thing to them to be led and governed by others, in a mean station; conscience to God will make persons faithful, and submissive in the most inferiour relations, and willing to serve him with humility, and meekness in the lowest con­dition, in which God placeth them. And this is in truth both a great and a good; a generous and noble, and even a divine tem­per of mind.

18. and also by S. Paul. From S. Peter, I now proceed to S. Paul, who dis­coursing Tit. 2.9, 10. of the duty of Servants to their Ma­sters, though the relation of a Master, doth not require so high a degree of honour and reverence, as that of a Prince and Governour, in great Authority, doth; yet the Apostle commands that Servants be exhorted to please them well in all things, not answering again, not purloyning, but shewing all good fidelity, that they may adorn the Doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Where he requires from Servants, faithful­ness and fidelity, a submissive temper, to please in all things; and a meek Government of themselves as to their words and [Page 89]expressions, not answering again, and consequently not gi­ving any passionate, murmuring, contumelious or other ill words; and these duties are particularly required for the adorning the Doctrine of Christianity. And it is somewhat to the same purpose, that in the following Chapter, the Apo­stle commands, that men be put in mind to practise subjec­tion to Magistrates, and meekness towards all men, Tit. 3.1, 2. as manifesting thereby, what an excellent effect, the Christian Doctrine and Spirit rightly entertained, hath on the lives of men. For before that took place and was en­tertained, the Apostle saith, v. 3. We our selves were some­times foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice, &c. But v. 4, 5, 6. after the kindness and love of God our Saviour towards man appeared, the washing of Regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost, wrought a mighty change in this temper and con­versation, in order to the eternal happiness of men. See al­so 1 Tim. 6.1.

19 Cons. 3. The example of Christ is intended, to press upon all Christians this duty of meekness, and the forbear­ing to reproach any others whomsoever; and especially a reverent behaviour towards all who are over us, though from them we might sustain real injuries. And evil-speak­ing to reproach or revile others, though it be upon provo­cation and receiving wrong is too common among men, but is contrary both to the example, and Doctrine of our Savi­our. Christs exam­ple requireth kindness to all, and reverence to superiors, though we sustain inju­ries. He was every way injuriously treated by word and deed; his enemies who set themselves against him, were evil men, and guilty of those faults, which they falsly and undeservedly charged on him; and yet in his sufferings, he made no return of rash and reviling expressions towards them, nor yet of passionate complaints against them, but was brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before his shearers is dumb so he opened not his mouth. Is. 53.7. Such was the admirable practice of his meekness, and patience, and in these graces we must follow him, even under difficulties.

20. Indeed reason as well as the Christian Religion, will condemn the return of passion, violence or evil-speaking to them from whom we have received the like. For as Bas. Hom. de Ira. S. Basil argues, what excuse can there be for him, who re­turns the like to him who provokes him? will he plead that another began? It is sutable to reason not to return injury in word or deed to any men, would this defend the person who by com­pliance, yields to the commission of adultery? there is no Crown of Victory but to him who withstands, and fights a­gainst his adversary; and as that Father adds, art thou an­gry at anothers reproaching as being bad, and yet thou imi­tatest it, as if it were good, [...]. And what man can stand more self-condemned, than he who complains of others who speak or act injuriously against him, and at the same time followeth their example, and doth the same thing to them? For if this be not evil, he hath no occasion to complain, or be offended; if it be evil in another, it will also be so in him, and ought to be avoided.

21. It is an unmanly thing, to imitate the croaking of a Frogg before you, or the snarling of a Dog against you. But though these be weak and silly things, the acting by evil examples of bad men, is far worse, because there is a moral turpitude, or sinful defilement in such actions. The rules of our holy Religion require us, to behave our selves other­wise, 1 Thes. 5.15. See that none render evil for evil. and command­ed in the Scripture. And though a bad man deeply infected with the poyson of the Serpent, may have a pestilential breath, and his words may be envenomed; the pious man, who is of a sound tem­per of mind and heart, must have no evil communication pro­ceed out of his mouth. It becomes him, and is his duty, to follow his Lord, who in this case did not only forbear to speak, or so much as to think or desire any evil, but to his patience and gentleness, he added his tender kindness and compassiate love, in dying for his enemies, Rom. 5.8, 10. and praying for his persecutors, Father forgive them, they know not what they do, Luke 23.34.

22. This example and doctrine of our Lord, outwent the rules of vertue, delivered by the wisest Philosophers. de Virt. & vitiis. [...]. Aristotle describes the vertue of meekness, to be that by which a man can bear with moderation, both calumny and disrespect and contempt, and is not easily moved to anger, but is of a calm and steady temper. And the Stoicks went somewhat further, by directing the wise man to esteem no­thing to be injurious to him. But our Lord and his Reli­gion, not only undertake the moderating, and suppressing of irregular passion, but the overcoming evil with good; and herein his example and Laws are beyond all other patterns or institutions.

23. Those Pagan examples were considerable, which be­ing mentioned by Plutarch, are related also by Cont. Cels. l. 8. p. 401. Origen, of returning kindness for unkindness, both in words and actions. That Lycurgus not only forbare all revenge, against him who had struck out his eye, The greatest Pagan exam­ples are short of Christianity. but would not give over instru­cting him, till he had prevailed upon him, to study Philo­sophy and vertue. And Zeno when he heard that one who was his enemy, had vowed to do him a mischief; answered, and let me perish, if I do not my utmost, to overcome him to be my friend. To which I add that of Sueton. in Tit. n. 9. Titus the Ro­man Emperour, who when Domitian, whom he had decla­red his Successor, would not desist from designing evil a­gainst him; he still not only continued his former kindness to Domitian, but with intreating and tears besought him, that they might have a mutual friendship towards each o­ther.

24. But such actions as these, were mostly singular in­stances, practised only towards some particular persons, and remarked as things extraordinary, nor did their precepts o­blige others to do the like. But Davids tenderness was more extended and general, who behaved himself towards his enemies, with that kindness, as if his friend or Brother had been concerned, Ps. 35.11,—14, 15. And our Saviours love and affection, unto them who were his enemies, was universal, and his precepts so fully require the same, and so [Page 92]much beyond any other rules of practice, received in the world, that Tertullian might well say, that the Christian kindness towards enemies, and revilers, is Ad Scap. c. 1. perfecta & propria bonitas nostra, non communis, a rule of compleat goodness, peculiar to Christians, and not common to others. And though the Christian temper of meekness and love, be at all times desirable, that mildness which was practised by some of the Pagans, that offenders should be set free from punishment, is not alwayes fit to take place in the world. That Oath of Titus (who would not punish those two of the Patricii, who would have seized themselves of the Empire) was unadvised and indiscreet Sueton. ubi sup. periturum se potius, quam perditurum, that he though an Emperor on whom the publick welfare depended, had rather be killed himself, than put any other person to death. But the rules of Christian meekness, observe those right and regular bounds and limits, which run into no hurtful extremes, but promote and secure true goodness, together with the com­mon welfare of mankind.

25. This returning kindness to the most ill-tempered per­sons was a thing very familiar to the ancient Christians, e­ven under their most heavy trials. But as good men may sometimes misapprehend the due measures, and rules of their duty; so affectionateness and tenderness, may in this case carry them sometimes, into the other extreme; to shew too great respect, to those their enemies, who are also adversaries to the truth. It was an excellent sweet temper of Gr. Nazianzen, that Gr. in vit. Gr. Naz. when the Church met with many oppositions, and himself was particularly aimed at, he much endeavoured to allay the heat of the Orthodox Christians, whenever he discerned them to exceed. And when such Emperors reigned, as were friends to the truth, he declared, that this was the revenge he would take of his enemies, to endeavour they might be saved, and own those good things which before they rejected. And yet he had been loaded by them with injuries. The Apolinarians by their calumnies and clamour, had rendred him distast­ful [Page 93]to the people, and when he was under the disrespect of the multitude, the Arians stoned him; and this meek man was accused before the Secular Tribunal, to be the au­thour of tumult and sedition. And after all his expressions of kindness, he was so ill requited by these his enemies, that they set a young man to assassinate and murder him: who was so far moved with the converse, and presence of this holy man, that relenting with tears and lamentations, he implored, and easily obtained his pardon. I confess, Naz O­rat. ad 150 Episc. he was by some blamed for shewing too much kind­ness to the enemies of the truth; and it is true, that good men, and especially Bishops and Governours, ought not to express an equal favour to them, who oppose truth, peace and goodness, and to those who embrace them. But that kindness which may tend to their good, and the good of others, is such an excellent temper, as ought not to be laid aside for any personal injuries.

26. But the example of Christ, The Example of Christ consi­dered with re­spect to Rulers, from whom we receive hard measure. particularly recom­mends reverence, and respect to Superiours, though we should receive hard measure at their hands. From hence S. Peter commands, 1 Pet. 2.18,—21. the reverent subjection of Servants to their Masters, not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward. And if such a beha­viour be necessary, towards them who possess a lesser de­gree of authority, in a family; much more to them in high­er capacity: for the neglect of duty to them is an offence of a more publick nature, and tends to a more general scan­dal and prejudice. And hence we may further inferr, that neglect of dutiful carriage, is much more inexcusable to­ward those Governours, who are good and kind, and from whom we receive no wrong or injury. But how we ought to behave our selves, even to froward Rulers, we are to learn by the example of Christ, which is to this purpose set before us 1 Pet. 2.21. He was without any crime, and though he was condemned, he did no sin, v. 22. He suf­fered, but without threatning, or returning any evil word, or reviling again, but committed himself to him that judgeth [Page 94]righteously, v. 23. And such is the Order that God hath established in the World, that he who is wronged by his equal, or fellow Subject, ought not to avenge himself; but if the case require it, may apply himself to his Ruler, for help and redress. But if he be hardly and severely dealt with, by them who have the Government of the world, he must not then avenge himself, no not so much as by reproach, or evil expressions, but commit himself to God as a righteous judge: and this the example of Christ will direct him to do.

27. Yea, our Saviours prayer, Father forgive them, for they know not what they do, did manifest his great and ten­der affectionateness, not only to the common people, but also to their Rulers, who contrived and conspired his death. For even they also knew not what they did, as S. Peter de­clares, Act. 3.17. And thus the ancient Christians, though ill treated under Pagan or Heretical Governours, did not only forbear evil speaking, and irreverent and inde­cent carriage, but thought themselves obliged, to main­tain an high respect to these Rulers, and to desire their hap­piness and welfare. This Apol. & ad Scap. Tertullian declared, under an Ethnick Emperour, and that Council of in Atha­nas. de Syn. Arim. & S [...]l. Ariminum, which established the Faith of Nice, under Constantius the Arian Emperour, in their Epistle which they sent un­to him.

28. Performing this duty is ac­ceptable to God, and conscience towards him will require it; And such a continued respect, and practice of duty to Governours, even under harsh usage, is that which con­science to God will oblige every Christian to perform. S. Peter therefore commends that temper, where a man for conscience towards God, endures grief, suffering wrongfully, 1 Pet. 2.19. that is, endures it patiently, and without revi­ling, as the following Verses will explain it. And the reason for this is, because this duty of respectful submission, is not founded chiefly upon the good temper of our Superi­ours, but upon the authority they receive from God, and the precepts which God hath thereupon given to us. So that here the debate lies between conscience and self-will; [Page 95]whether the precepts and rules of Religion are to be fol­lowed, which conscience will oblige unto; or the passi­ons of men, which the unruly temper of sinful inclinations are prone to comply with. Now where this Christian du­ty is carefully observed, we are assured by S. Peter, that this is acceptable to God, 1 Pet. 2.20. And every good man will please himself best, in doing those things which are plea­sing to God. And this he may do, and bring honour to him­self also, by this Christian temper towards Governours. For the Apostle in that place tells us, What glory is it, if when you be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if when you do well, and suffer for it, ye take it patiently, this is acceptable with God. But if patience in suffering for faults, hath not so much of vertue in it, as to bring any honour and renown to him who practiseth it, how blamea­ble must they needs be, who are faulty, and yet though they be free from suffering, are impatient and murmur­ing.

29. To all these weighty Considerations, I might add, that this temper is a thing so necessary, that in the neglect of it, we cannot behave our selves as Christians, or suta­bly to our Christian calling. And therefore S. Peter v. 21. and this be­comes our cal­ling. addeth, For hereunto were ye called: our Christian Religion greatly requires us, herein to follow our Saviours steps. And when S. Paul did beseech the Ephesians, to walk wor­thy of the vocation, wherewith they were called, the first things he requires from them to this end are, all lowliness and meekness, and long suffering, Eph. 4.1, 2.

30. Obj. 1. But possibly some men, Obj. 1 This Discourse is a­gainst the true interest of man. who are not wil­ling to put these great Christian duties in practice, may be forward to raise prejudices, against such a Discourse as this, and may pretend, that these things are not suitable to the true interests of men, but there is rather some ill design carried on by them.

To which I Answer, Ans. 1 It wholly designs to bring men from passion and sin to goodness. First, That this really tends to no other end, but to preserve or recover men from the snares of sin, and to guide them into a true obe­dience to the will of God, and the doing those things which are to the honour of Christianity, by calming the unruly disorders of mens minds. Where persons are engaged in any unaccountable practice, with passion and fierceness, there is no case wherein sin hath a greater domi­nion, and government over man, than in this. For whilst any are carried on with rash heats, these blind their minds, and hinder them from a sober consideration, of what they ought to do. And there is no sinful indisposition, wherein men are more averse from good counsel, and more for­ward to be displeased with, and oppose them who would di­rect them better. And Arist. Ethic l 1. c. Aristotle observed from He­siod, that he who will neither consider things rightly of himself, nor be advised by others, is [...] a man of whose good there is little hope. Wherefore he who will endeavour the recovering of men from such sins, must be prepared to bear the hard words of such offenders; which was the lot of Christ himself, of his Apostles, and many of the ancient Fathers in the like case. Even as he that would be most instrumental, to extinguish a prevailing fire, may be scorcht, and must be touched, with some sense of the heat and flame.

31. 2. It is impi­ous to think the breaking the laws of God to be our inte­rest. Secondly, Consider how much it savoureth of im­piety, that the urging the plain duties of meekness, pati­ence, humility, and reverence to Superiours, should be thought things of ill and hurtful consequence; and that pas­sionate fierceness and disobedience, should be esteemed things good and useful for mankind. As if those things which God commands, were for the prejudice of man, of whose welfare he hath so great a care. This would re­present the Kingdom of Christ to be divided against it self, and perswade men, that if they will take care of their own true interest, and do what is best for themselves, they must [Page 97]cast off the yoke of Christ, and comply with the temptations of the Devil. But whoever will talk, or judge at this rate, if he do not stop his course, and return from the error of his way, is in a fair progress towards the renouncing his Christianity, and the denying the wisdom and goodness of God in govern­ing the world. But then, he must withal contradict the sentiments, of his own reason and conscience, since no man can think it just and fit, that himself should be thus treated, either with uncharitable censures, and unjust reproaches, and calumnies by others; or with an untractable disrespect, and an irreverent and undutiful behaviour, from his own Chil­dren and Servants. It would be folly enough for Subjects to think, that those prudent Laws, which are the contri­vance of the wisest men, are their burden and dammage, and that it would be far better, for every man to be whol­ly left to his own will: when as the Cic. pro Cluent. Roman Orator truly observed, Laws are the bond, and the soul and life of civil society, and the foundation of liberty; and we are therefore subject to Laws, that we may enjoy freedom, le­gum idcirco servi sumus, ut liberi esse possimus. But it would be far more unaccountable to have such disparaging thoughts of the directions and commands, of the infinitely wise God. And it hath been a great part of Satans busi­ness in the world, to perswade men to reject useful truth, and rules of practice, by raising prejudices against them, and those that teach them. This he oft doth by pretend­ing that they are against the interest of men, and that some ill design is laid by them who propose them. In this man­ner he began with our first Parents in Paradise, and so he proceeded against the Christian Religion, as I have shewed.

32. Obj. 2. But it may be further objected, Obj. 2 If Re­ligion be con­cerned, ought not men to be zealous? If Religion be concerned and in danger, doth it not become every good man to be moved and zealous in this case, and both to speak and act, what may tend to its preservation. To which I shall return four things, by way of Answer, with desire that they may all of them be seriously considered.

33. Ans. 1 Yes, in Christian and prudent actions, not in sinful passions. Ans. 1. It is very requisite, he should in such a case be zealous, and active as a Christian, in the diligent exercises of an holy life, and in frequent and devout prayer, and supplication to Almighty God, to procure his prote­ction and defence against all the enemies of his Church, and their ill designs. And it is proper also for him, to be a­ctive as a wise man, in the use of all lawful and prudent means, which agree to his place and station. But he must not be active as an evil doer, in giving himself the liberty, to vent passionate slanders, and uncharitable reproaches against others, or to behave himself undutifully towards his Supe­riours. If a Ship be in a storm, it is desirable that its pas­sengers should both pray to God, and in their places put to their helping hand for its security; but it very ill becom­eth them at that time, to fall into quarrels with them who take the best care for its safety. And it must be consider­ed that Just. Mart. Paraen. p. 33. [...]. Religion is not so much a name, as a business of life and practice. And therefore they who speak of shew­ing a great respect to Religion, by disobeying its precepts, do really lose Religion, under a pretence of preserving it: for though men may deceive themselves, it is a truth of undoubted certainty, that whosoever seemeth to be reli­gious, and bridleth not his tongue, that mans Religion is vain: it is an empty appearance, and not profitable to him­self.

34. 2. Gods King­dom needeth not the help of Satan and sin. Ans. 2. Religion can never be so in danger, that God should need any sinful practices of men, to uphold his interest. His Kingdom is not so weak, that it cannot stand, without the assistance of the works of the Devil. Such methods may help forward the ruine of a Church, but will never be found the true way to its settlement and esta­blishing. Christ who founded his Church, did support it, when it was in the midst of persecutions, even in its weak beginnings. And the exercises of piety and all good con­science, accompanied with innocent prudence, are the way [Page 99]to put us under his care, and intitle us to his protection, but he will have no concord with Belial. When the pres­sures of the Israelites were heavy in Egypt, God delivered them from their Bondage. And when their transgressi­ons had at other times exposed them to great calamities and sufferings, upon their returning to him, he raised up Judges, and gave them redress. And he knows how to defend those who fear him, by various methods, and some­times in a more strange and extraordinary manner. Thus the wrath of Jos. Ant. Jud. l. 11. c. 8. Alexander, who went against Jerusa­lem with the Spirit of an enraged enemy, was fully ap­peased, to the admiration of those who accompanied him, when he met Jaddus the High Priest, in his Priestly Gar­ments, and remembred that before he came out of Macedo­nia, such a person, in that habit, appeared to him, and en­couraged him in his enterprize. And when a Diploma was signed to create trouble to the Bohemian Church, when Maximilian the second was Emperour, 1565, Comen. Historiolae. 109. Comeni­us acquaints us, that he who carried it, going over the Bridge of Danubius without the Gates of Vienna, the Bridge at that instant broke, and though this person was taken up dead, by some Fishers, the Diploma was never seen af­ter, and thereby that Church enjoyed rest and peace. And for the preservation and security of his Church, in the time of its greatest oppositions, he raised up a Constantine, and in the same age soon removed a Julian. And we have had in­stances of Gods care towards the Reformation of our Church, in defeating many oppositions contrived against it and our Religious Princes, and in restoring it again to its former esta­blishment, after our late troubles; and also in ordering the Reign of Queen Mary to be short, and that she should have no issue, and that after her, there should be a succession of many excellent Princes.

35. Ans. 3. 3. Religion was never more opposed, than when Christ was Crucified. Religion can never be opposed with grea­ter enmity, and malicious designs, than it was when our Saviour suffered: Yet then he reviled not, nor allowed S. [Page 100] Peters rashness, but left us his example for our imitation. The Church of God upon earth, was never without the enmity of the evil one, and those whom he could engage against it: but at sometimes their opposition is more ve­hement than at others. When our Lord was crucified, the Devil entered into Judas to effect it, the Jews aimed utterly to root out the Christian name. The power of the Jewish Church and Sanhedrin, was then engaged against it, and gained both Herod and Pilate, into a compliance with them. And there were great oppositions against Re­ligion, even fiery trials, 1 Pet. 4.12. When yet S. Pe­ter requires Christians, to follow the example of our Lords patience and meekness, and to reverence Superiours. But with us, blessed be God, our Laws establish the true Reli­gion, our Clergy defend it, and press the practice of it, and our Prince (whom God preserve) upholds the professi­on of it. But the Primitive Christians, who lived under Pagan Rulers, who persecuted the Church; behaved them­selves with more honourable respect towards them, than ma­ny now do towards those Christian Governours, and Spi­ritual Guides, who encourage and promote Christia­nity.

36. 4. True zeal hath respect to all duty. Ans. 4. True zeal for Religion is of excellent use, and very desirable, but it consists in pious and holy living, not in passionate and sinful speaking. And it must be uni­form in minding all the parts of duty, which are incum­bent on us. But they who are careless and negligent, in great and plain duties, can have no true love, and conscien­tious regard to Religion, and therefore no zeal for it, but it is something else, which they miscall by that name. True zeal will put men on diligent, constant and devout attendance, on Gods publick worship, and the holy Sacra­ments; upon solicitous thoughts and care for the Churches peace and Union; upon all the exercises of piety to God, and of righteousness, charity, meekness and due obedi­ence to man. And particularly, both with respect to the [Page 101]happiness of another world, and a comfortable estate in this, it will oblige men to curb the rashness and sin of their words and expressions, according to that advice of the Psal­mist, and the Apostle S. Peter, 1 Pet. 3.10, 11. He that will love life and see good dayes, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil and do good, let him seek peace and ensue it.

37. Wherefore let every person, uncharitable reproaches a­gainst all men to be avoided, as he values his own happiness, and as he would approve himself a true Disciple of Christ, beware of this sinful behaviour, of slandering or reproaching others. And not the speaker only, but he that heareth such things with delight, is guilty of the same uncharitableness, and in like manner serves his own sinful passions, and gives encouragement to the practice and spreading of this vice. S. Bern. de modo bene vivendi. Bernard, therefore well advi­seth all men, to avoid a detractor as a Serpent, who cast­eth forth his poyson, because besides his own sin, he who willingly gives ear to him, becomes guilty also. To the same purpose S. Austin, S. Hierome, and others who some­times speak of the contumelious ear; or that mens ears, as well as their tongues, may render them justly chargea­ble with the sin of reproaching. He that in this case speaks rashly or uncharitably, or that entertains such expressi­ons with pleasure, must ordinarily intend a prejudice to a­nother, and a blemish to his reputation: and this very in­tention speaks some degree of malice or ill-will, contained in this sin, and sometimes a very high degree thereof. But the main hurt and mischief fal's upon the offender himself, being contained in his sin, and consequent upon it. He like the man whose Spirit is so far envenomed, as to take poyson in his mouth to spit it at another, is in a direct way to ruine himself, whatsoever prejudice the other may sustain by him. So S. Hier. in Ps. 119. Hierome declared, detrahimus illi, illi non nocemus, sed nostras interficimus animas, we speak unworthily of another, but the main dammage doth not fall upon him, but we destroy our own souls.

38. and repented of. Let all those therefore who have been guilty of this transgression, heartily repent thereof, that they may find mercy with God. But it must be considered, that repen­tance in matters of injury to men, by word or deed, doth not only require a desisting from the further practice of the sin, with due sorrow for the former miscarriage; but al­so a careful undertaking to make satisfaction for the injury done. It is therefore here requisite, that the offender do readily, freely and ingenuously retract, what hath been spoken amiss, and vindicate him who hath been injuriously aspersed; and also endeavour that his future kindness to­wards him may be equivalent to his past unkindness. And the man who refuseth this, is as far from integrity, as he who wrongs his Neighbour in his Possession or Estate, is from honesty; if he only forbear the repeating new acts of theft, fraud, or violence; but still detains without resti­tution, what he injuriously possessed himself of, which of right belongeth to another man.

39. A candid con­struction need­ful in private and publick cases: And as a preservative against this sin, it is needful that we regulate our passions, and maintain a due go­vernment over them; and set a watch over our lips, hum­bly begging the aid of divine assistance. And we must also take care that we allow a favourable construction, and a candid interpretation, to the words and actions of others, especially of our Superiours. And to this both ingenuity, and Christian charity will direct and oblige us. Wise men have justly condemned those persons, who are guil­ty of calumny against a Law, in wresting the words thereof, to a sense never intended to the prejudice of Authority. This is done in some degree, when by subtil quirks, the let­ter of a Law is in a forced interpretation observed, but the true sense, and meaning neglected. This fault hath been taxed, by the Nimis callida & ma­litiosa juris Interpretati­one. Cic. de Offic. l. 1. Arist. Eth. l. 5. c. 10. gravest Authours, as a calumny, and the Cod. l. 1. Tit. 14. kg. 5. Civil Law hath particularly provided against it: and this includes a false suggestion, against the prudence and good design of Authority. But besides this, there is an higher degree of calumny, when a Law (or the words or [Page 103]actions of Rulers) is odiously represented, to intend some ill thing, which is contrary to the mind of the Law-giver: and this is a reproach against the goodness, care and integri­ty of the Governour. And the practice of this, which is too frequent, gave occasion to Queen Elizabeths admoni­tion, to simple people deceived by malicious.

40. And towards all men, Yet it is pru­dent to have a cautious jea­lousie of ill men. a favourable interpretation is usually suitable to charity. Yet it must not be denied, that there are so many men of dangerous and pernicious principles and practices; that towards them, cautiousness and suspicion, in policy and prudence, is necessary, for pre­venting the mischiefs, which may otherwise ensue. The History of all Ages will give us instances, of ill designs a­gainst publick peace and settlement, carried on by fair words, and plausible pretences: and it is great wisdom to discover, and lay open the ill designs of these men, and not to be beguiled by them. And with respect to the Church, even in the Apostolical times, there were some who with good words, deceived the hearts of the simple, Rom. 16.18. And afterwards many Hereticks would use Orthodox words, in an heretical sense; as the Pelagians would speak much of Aug. de Grat. Chr. cont. Pelag. & Celest. l. 1. c. 1, 2. grace, in a wrested meaning; and in some Councils, the subtil Arians gained advantage, by the over­great unwariness and charity, of other well-meaning Bishops. But the considering these cases, will not allow any, un­warrantably, to defame others: but will direct them wise­ly, honestly and cautelously to provide in their places, for the securing themselves, and the publick good and welfare of Church and State. And these are things, which prin­cipally concern Governours and Rulers, whom God hath placed over others, in the Church or Common-wealth; but it is of universal obligation to all Christians, that true kindness and general love, and due respect to all men, especi­ally to Superiours, should prevail in them.

41. And let those Christians, Charity to­wards revilers required. who are opprobriously and injuriously aspersed, together with pious stedfastness and resolution, embrace the temper of Christian Charity. [Page 104]And let nothing of ill will take place in their hearts, to­wards those who revile or slander them, but let them hear­tily pity their folly, and their sin. A person of common prudence, if he discern a distracted man raving, and com­plaining highly against those who deserve well from him, will commiserate the mans sad condition, who would ne­ver have done so, if he had not been bereaved of his judge­ment and understanding. And the want of a Christian temper of mind, is as sad a thing, and on that account de­serves as much pity, as the loss of the capacities of rea­son and knowledge. Let us therefore pray for them who thus behave themselves towards us. Thus as Basil. Hom. de Ira. S. Ba­sil urgeth, did Moses in this case, make intercession for Mi­riam; and David humbled his soul with fasting, for those who slandered him; and our Saviour prayed for his ene­mies. He commands us to do the like for them who de­spitefully use us; and our Church directs us, to beseech God, to forgive our enemies, persecutors, and slanderers, and to turn their hearts. Wherefore let none render evil for evil, but overcome evil with good. And the right ma­nagement of this duty, is a considerable action in our Christian warfare. It was the consideration of S. Aug. cont. lit. Petil. l. 3. c. 11, 12. Austin, when he was reproached by the tongue and wri­tings of Petilian, that we are assaulted by good report, as a trial whether we can withstand the temptations to pride; and by evil report to prove us, whether we love our enemies: and it is our work to overcome the Devil, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand, and on the left. And upon a due behaviour in our conflict, we may expect a reward and crown.

42. 'Tis necessary for them who have reproach­ed their Ru­lers, to ac­knowledge their fault and repent. To all this I shall now add, what I desire may be well considered, and therefore I chuse to close this first part therewith; and that is, That Christianity will engage them who truly practise it, that if they have offended, in uttering any thing reproachfully, or disrespectfully against their Superiours, they freely acknowledge their fault, and by no means continue in it. This may be sufficiently infer­red, [Page 105]from the general necessity of repentance, from all sins and offences, against any part of our duty: and therefore if this be so heinous a sin, as I have manifested, it calls aloud for serious repentance. But besides this, I shall more par­ticularly to this purpose observe, that in this special case thus much is taught us, by the behaviour of S. Paul, in that place which I have before mentioned, and shall now more largely explain, and insist on, Acts 23.2, 3, 4, 5. Where when Ananias the High Priest, The example of S. Paul, with respect to Ana­nias, proposed: (or a Chief Priest) had commanded him, v. 2. to be smitten on the mouth, Then said Paul unto him, v. 3. God shall smite thee thou Whited Wall; for sittest thou to judge me after the Law, and com­mandest me to be smitten, contrary to the Law? And v. 4. when they that stood by, said, Revilest thou Gods High Priest? Then v. 5. said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the High Priest (or a Chief Priest) for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the Ruler of thy people.

43. These words are acknowledged to have some diffi­culty in them, and have been very variously interpreted: but according to that sense, which I apprehend to be most natural, the Apostle in those latter words, v. 5. (which are the key to the former) owneth and confesseth, some sudden unadvisedness, in what he had expressed, v. 3. When in the beginning of v. 3. he said, God shall smite thee, [...], I conceive S. Paul by the Spirit of Prophecy, did know, that Ananias would come to an untimely end, and in these words expressed so much. For he would not have made use of this form of speech in the name of God, meerly in a passion. And though Ananias lived after this, several years in honour; yet afterwards Joseph. de Bell. Jud. l. 2. c. [...]. hiding himself for fear of the Bands of Robbers, who were very mischievous in Judea, he with his Brother was taken, and murdered by them. That phrase of a whited wall, with other such like, might in some cases, admit of a favourable interpretation, to denote pain­ted innocency and not real, according to the usage of the Jewish way of expression Par [...] [...]2. ch. 1.11. hereafter noted. Yet this and the words following, being spoken in some passion, as [Page 106]appears from the connexion of these clauses, Thou whited wall, for sittest thou to judge, &c. the Apostle being admo­nished thereof, readily owns that there was something un­awares uttered in those sudden expressions. His form [...]r sudden words not free from all fault, There are in­deed by many, great pains taken, to acquit S. Paul, from being chargeable with any, even the least fault, in what he had here spoken, notwithstanding his own free acknowledge­ment; as the like is done by many also, to free S. Peter from all blame, Gal. 2. notwithstanding S. Paul's own reproof of him, and his plain declaration, that he was to be blamed, v. 11. And therefore I think it may be worth my pains, in a weighty matter of practice, to endeavour the clearing this place from difficulty: and I hope there will appear so much usefulness therein, as may excuse the largeness of my discourse, concerning the explication of these words.

44. Some with Chrys. in Act. 23. S. Chrysostome think, that what the Apostle said to Ananias, contained no expressions of any un­due disrepect, but that he used a just freedom, in speaking thus to a Ruler; and that when he unjustly received hard measure from him; notwithstan­ding S. Chry­sostom endea­vours to ex­cuse them, it was requisite he should so speak to him with this openness and sharpness. But this is opposite to the genuine sense of v. 4. & 5. And therefore to reconcile those words to this sense, they think that the Apostle spake these words, I wist not that he was the High Priest, for it is writ­ten, Thou shalt not speak evil of the Ruler of thy people, in such a way of complyance with his auditory, that his hear­ers might think him to have blamed the use of such expres­sions towards Rulers, when in truth he did not do so, nor intended any such thing. And by this method, that there might not appear any, even the least fault, in the Apostles practice, they admit a want of sincerity, in what he de­clared as a duty and doctrine, that thereby he intended to guide men into a mistake and deceit, (and that includes a very great fault in practice also.) And this is much the same thing with that which S. Austin justly blames, Aug. Ep. 15. in S. Hierom's defence of the fact of S. Peter above-mentio­ned; and the admitting this, would cast a mighty aspersion [Page 107]on the Apostolical Doctrine. And that S. Paul himself did not think sharp words needful to be returned to a Ruler, in such a case of injury; is manifest enough, in that when Festus told him, he was besides himself, and was mad, Acts 26.24, 25. he presently treated him with honourable re­spect, I am not mad, most noble Festus; nor did the Holy Je­sus give such a return, though but to an inferiour Offi­cer of the Court, who stroke him with the palm of his hand, John 18.22, 23.

45. Many others are of opinion, that when S. Paul said, and several methods used by others. he wist not that he was the High Priest, he thereby justified his former words, by denying him to be an High Priest, to whom if he had been so indeed, he ought not to have thus spoken. To this sense Aug. Ep. 5. ad Mar­cel. & l. 1. de Serm. Dom. in Monte. S. Austin inclines, upon thoughts, that S. Paul would now own none other, under the title of High Priest, but only our blessed Saviour. And yet it is plain, that S. Paul did give this very title of High Priest, to him who was so called amongst the Jews, Acts 22.5. and when all the Christians in Judea were still zea­lous for the Law, even the Apostle also still expressed so much honour, to the Priestly Service at the Temple, that he there purified himself, and designed to offer his Offe­ring, Acts 21.26. Others think, that he denyed Ananias to have any just authority, Erasm. in Act. 23.3. because he tyrannically com­manded him to be smitten; as if Christians were not to reverence them that are over them, not only the good and gentle, but also the froward, 1 Pet. 2.18. and our Religion teacheth, that if we do well and suffer for it, and take it pa­tiently, this is acceptable with God, v. 20. And Annot. in Act. 23.5. Grotius supposeth the Apostle might reject the authority of Ana­nias, because (saith he) he came into his Office by purchasing it with money. But I can see no particular proof of his accusation; and Josephus speaks oft of him, as a person of great reputation and honour; and however such a crime in an inferiour Officer, will not make invalid the au­thority of a superiour by which he acts, untill the superiour shall think fit to recall it: even as David's sentence con­cerning [Page 108]the possessions of Mephibosheth, was not void of it self, though procured by Ziba's lye, until David had other­wise determined. And it is abundantly sufficient against alll these pretences in this Paragraph, to observe, that the Holy Scriptures, and the Spirit of God in them, do fre­quently own Ananias, to be at that time an High (or Chief) Priest, Acts 23.2. ch. 24.1. ch. 25.2. and it is a bad way of solving a difficulty, by presuming that to be false, which the Holy Scriptures declare to be true. Nor would it be any thing considerable in this case, if it be granted that Ananias was not properly the High Priest, as will appear from what I shall now add.

46. Whether Ana­nias was High Priest or not? He was manifestly [...], an High, or Chief Priest, but very probably he was not eminently the High Priest, who entred into the Holy of Holies. In the Old Testa­ment sometimes, and often in the New, there are more persons than one, who are called Chief Priests, and so there were in this very Council, before which S. Paul now appea­red, Acts 22.30. And Josephus speaking of Ananias, saith, that Joseph. de Bel. Jud. l. 2. c. [...]. Jonathan and Ananias the [...], or Chief Priests, were sent to Rome: where he placeth Jonathan before Ananias. And after Jonathan was murdered, by the pro­curement of Jos. Ant. l. 20. c. 6. Felix, by some Ruffians, who pretended to come to the Temple to worship; and two or three others had succeeded Jonathan, in his High Priesthood, one of which continued in that Office not above three Months; Josephus saith, that Ant. l. 20. c. 8. [...], the Chief Priest Ana­nias, did reverence the High Priest, by making frequent Presents to him, [...], which makes it very probable, that he was not the High Priest, strictly so called. Yet it appears by many expressions in Josephus, that he was in some eminent Office in the Temple Service: and therefore probably was the v. Hor. Hebr. in Luc. 3. v. 2. Sagan, who was one of the Priests, which had a singular authority, next to the High Priest strictly so called, in what concerned the things rela­ting to the Temple, and was called [...], a Chief Priest: And it is evident from the History of the Acts of the Apostles, [Page 109]that this Ananias was a chief Officer of Judicature, and a special manager of affairs relating to the Jewish Consistory, Act. 22.5. chap. 23.2, 3, 5. chap. 24.1. And our learn­ed and worthy Dr. Ham. Annot. on Luke 3. c. Annotator hath observed, that such a Priest, who had the chief governing Authority, might on that account being [...], and [...], a Ruler and a Priest, be called [...], a Chief Priest. Indeed a greater num­ber than these singular persons, went under the name of Chief Priests: but it is not to be doubted, but Ananias was either the Nasi, or chief President of the Sanhedrin, or at least an eminent person in that Consistory, and on that account now sate as Judge, when S. Paul appeared before him.

47. Now besides that the honourable dignity, which A­nanias possessed in the Temple-service, was conferred upon him by Jos. Ant. l. 20. c. 1, 3. He was a chief Officer in the Sanhedrin. the Roman Authority; the whole exercise of the Jewish consistorial power, and the Authority thereof as to judicial proceedings, was now in dependence upon the Ro­man Government; which the Apostle declared both himself and others bound to submit unto: and it had also a conside­rable foundation in the Laws of nature, and the general rules of civil polity. For the Political Government of the Jewish Nation, and their Consistorial Power which was a branch thereof, was valid and of force, before they were subdued by the Romans, from the common principles of natural justice, righteousness and prudence, according to which all other Governments in other Kingdoms were established, (besides what was superadded hereto by the Law of Moses) and by these prudential principles, very ma­ny things relating to their Synedrial Courts, were esta­blished. And after the Jews were under the Roman power, they had divers priviledges indulged them, by many Re­scripts of the Roman Emperours and Governours: some by Julius Joseph. Ant. l. 14. c. 17. Caesar, Dolobella and others, who treated them as friends and confederates, and yielded them a liberty, to en­joy their own Laws and Customes. And the like freedom was granted to them by Ant. Jud. l. 16. c. 10. Augustus: and these Priviled­ges [Page 110]were now lately confirmed and amplified by Claudius. In the Rescript of Claudius, he recites some contents of a former Imperial grant, whereby the Alexandrian Jews had a right given them, to enjoy the priviledges and freedoms of the City of Alexandria; and also that they had allowed them an Ethnarch or chief Governour among themselves, (who yet must be in subjection to the principal Roman Officers) with a permission, that upon the death of such a person, a­another might succeed. And after this, Joseph. Ant. l. 19. c. 4. Claudius grants to all the Jews, every where throughout the Em­pire, the like liberties, with those of Alexandria, and that they may observe their own customes, and keep to their own Laws. And therefore especially the Jews in Judea, must enjoy the same power, of having Jewish Governours established among them, when this was done in several pla­ces of their dispersion.

48. The Jewish Magistracy up­held by the Ro­mans. And how much the Imperial Law designed to up­hold the power of the Jewish Magistracy among themselves, may appear from the Constitution of Cod. Theodos. de Jud. & coelie. Arcadius and Honorius, which declares, that priviledges have been gran­ted to the Patriarchs of the Jews, (who were much of the same nature with the Ethnarchs) and to the Officers ap­pointed by them, in times past by former Princes and Em­perours, and it also takes care, that these priviledges, shall still retain their force and power; and of the continuance of this power, Petit. Var. Lect. l. 2. c. 10. S. Petitus discourses at large. And e­ven in the Justinian Code, is owned and asserted the Autho­rity of the Cod. Just. l. 1. Tit. 9. leg. 17. Jewish Primates, as they are there called, who are there said to preside and govern, in the Synedria, or Sanhedrin, in both the Palestines, and in other places. Wherefore the Jewish Synedrial authority, being allowed to be exercised under the Romans, might proceed upon the same foundation of secular and temporal power, with the Governments of other Principalities and Kingdoms. For this allowance doth so far continue their former freedom and authority, and permit the exercise thereof. And the publick declaring of such an allowance (which was here [Page 111]done) is in some sort an act of establishment, because it for­bids an opposition against, or restraint of such an authori­ty, and consequently excludes the owning and approving thereof, and the giving force and vertue thereto: but this is much more plainly done, in the granting and continuing priviledges for the exercise of such Authority.

49. And in that Jewish Governours did preside, even o­ver the Alexandrian Jews above mentioned, it is manifest that the priviledges of the Roman freedoms did not exempt the Jews, from subjection to such Governours; only such freemen were by the Digest. l. 48. Tit. 6. leg. 7, 8. Roman Laws allowed an appeal to the Emperour, from any subordinate Governours whom­soever. For Alexandria was a City chiefly priviledged, which from the beginning of the Imperial dignity in Rome, all the Emperours had greatly honoured, as Phil. in Flacc. p. 968. Philo who was himself an Alexandrian Jew declares. And there was great reason for this honour, because that City was of mighty advantage to Rome, paying more every month, than all Judea did in a whole year, to the Roman Power, besides other vast provisions thence received, as Jos. de Bell. Jud. l. 2. c. [...]. Agrippa declared in his Oration to the Jews. And from the time of Julius Caesar, the Alexandrian Jos. Ant. l. 14. c. 17. Jews enjoyed the freedoms of that Ci­ty. Now from hence it appears, that the Jewish Consisto­ries under the Romans, retained a sufficient right of Judici­al authority; and therefore Ananias in this chief Council was to be considered, as an Officer in a Court of Judica­ture, acting by a just and competent power and autho­rity.

50. The sense of these words [I wist not that he was the High Priest] enquired into. Having spoken thus much concerning the words of the Apostle to Ananias, and also concerning Ananias him­self, and the state of the Jewish Consistories at that time, I shall now more particularly consider the sense of that ex­pression, v. 4. I wist not, [...], or I knew not, brethren, that he was the High Priest. Some think that the Apostle did not know the person of the High Priest, and professed so much, as an excuse for himself, in his having uttered such words, which he would not have done, if he had [Page 112]known him to be the High Priest, since the Law com­mands, Thou shalt not speak evil of the Ruler of thy people. But they seem not to consider, that whether the word High Priest, be taken in a more strict or more large sense, that Law hath no singular and peculiar respect to the High Priest alone: and S. Paul did know Ananias to be a Ruler, and to sit as Judge, and expressed so much v. 3. declaring that he sate to judge him according to the Law. And there­fore some other sense of these words, must be enquired af­ter. And that which seemeth to me most agreeable to the whole Context, and free from all just exceptions, is this, that as the word to know, oft signifieth to approve, regard, affect, or own; so it oft-times signifies to consider duly, and to attend to, and think on, and may be so best taken in this place. So [...] in the Hebrew, (from whence probably [...] and [...] had their original) is some­times rendred in our English Translation to consider, as Deut. 8.5. Jud. 18.14. 2 King. 5.7. and this sense is most agreeable to many other places, as Gen. 12.11. Ex. 2.25. Deut. 4.39. chap. 9.6. Judg. 15.11. Ruth 3.4. 2 Sam. 24.13. 2 Chr. 12.8. chap. 13.5. with many others. And among the Rabbins [...] & observa istud, is an usual expression when they require a special attention or obser­vation, or a particular notice and consideration to be taken of any thing, as is noted by Buxt. Lex. Rab. in [...] p. 935. Buxtorf. And in that sense is [...] most properly to be understood, in many places of the New Testament, to denote, to consider. It appears so used by S. Luke, Luk. 2.49. chap. 9.55. chap. 19.22. and also Joh. 6.61. chap. 11.49. chap. 19.10. Ephes. 6.8, 9. Col. 3.24. chap. 4.1. And if we thus ex­pound these words of the Apostle, the sense of these words will be this, that he owneth somewhat in his former ex­pression to have been words of sudden surprize, and some degree of inadvertency; and that being moved with the injury offered to him, they fell from him over hastily, and he did not on the sudden duly think of, attend to, and consi­der the Office and Dignity of the person to whom he spake, [Page 113]otherwise he would not have used the least expression, which might intimate any degree of unbecoming reflection, or disrespect, towards a person in Authority, since he acknowledgeth this to be his duty, not to speak evil of the Ruler of the people: while the Joseph. de Bel. Jud. l 4. c. 19. gr. Jewish Zealots spake and acted insolently against them without any re­morse.

51. And that there was somewhat in some measure blameable, in the foregoing expressions of S. Paul, is plainly acknowledged and declared by Adv. Pe­lag. l. 3. c. 1. S. Hierome, and by In Willet on Exod. 22. qu. 52. Procopius, as I find him cited agreeably to my sense, and by Paraph. on Act. 23.5. Dr. Hammond, and other worthy men. And they who would by no means admit any thing to have been said, or done am [...]ss, by any of the Apostles, might consider, that even they were to pray, for the forgiveness of their tres­passes; and that such things as S. Peters rebuking, and deny­ing his Master, and drawing his sword; the Apostles argu­ing who should be the greatest, and their forsaking their Lord, when he was laid hold on; the desire of the Sons of Zebedee, for the chief advancement in Christs Kingdom, and their forwardness to call for fire from Heaven; S. Peter and Barnabas their withdrawing at Antioch; the sharp con­tention betwixt Paul and Barnabas; and some other things, ought not to be justified and defended. And Orig. cont. Cels. l. 2. p. 69, 70. some of the ancient Christian Writers urged it, as an evidence of the integrity of the Pen-men of the Holy Scriptures, and that they wholly designed to keep to truth, and not to pur­sue any interest, in that they did not endeavour to conceal, and silence the failings of the Apostles, and of their chief­est friends, which had never been known to the world in after ages, but from their writings. Even S. Mark, who was S. Peters follower, did not omit to express his denying our Lord; and S. Luke, who was S. Pauls companion, recorded this ex­pression of his, and his acknowledgement thereupon. And a sudden hasty expression, which was upon a great provo­cation, and was soon recalled, was no fault of any high de­gree, [Page 114]especially considering the right the Apostle had, being a Roman, to claim satisfaction, even from a Gover­nour, who should offer him an injury, in proceeding a­gainst Law, as was done Acts 16.37, 38, 39. and in part, Acts 22.25, 26, 29.

52. Nor is this interpretation, which admits some de­gree of blame, in the expression of the Apostle, inconsistent, as I conceive, with the promises of our Saviour to his A­postles, The great assi­stances of the Apostles consi­dered. when they should be brought into the Synagogues, and before Governours and Kings, for his names sake; that the Holy Ghost should teach them in the same hour, what they ought to say, Luke 12.12. and that he will give them a mouth and wisdom, which all their adversaries shall not be able to gain­say or resist, Luk. 21.15. For 1. It may be considered, that due dispositions are requisite, for obtaining the benefit of any of Gods promises, and his special guidance, and there­fore a sudden complyance with some hastiness of temper, might for the present, hinder the fullest obtaining the be­nefit of that promise. As S. Peter after he had asked our Lord, whether he should smite with the Sword, overhasti­ly undertaking the action, before he had received his an­swer, deprived himself at that present, of the advantage of that good advice and guidance, for his present action, which he might otherwise have had. 2. The thing mainly in­tended in these promises, is, that the Spirit of God should so guide and assist the Apostles, (and others, as S. Stephen) in their bearing witness to Christianity, before Rulers and Governours, that they should not be ashamed to own the truth, and that they should be enabled to make it mani­fest, with such evidence, as should baffle and confound their adversaries, who could not deny or disprove the truth, of what they alledged in their testimony. And S. Paul did thus confound them, who opposed his Doctrine in Jerusalem, Act. 22.1-22. chap. 23.1, 6-9, 11.3. Whereas the only thing in any wise amiss, in what the Apostle said, was, that there fell from him a sudden ex­pression [Page 115]too much reflective upon a Governour; it may be here noted, First, That these his words ap­pear all of them to be truth, and the fault in them was, they were uttered with some passionateness of tem­per, and without sufficient reverence in the manner of expression. Secondly, By his recalling such words as these, and owning his surprize therein; the tenderness of his conscience, and the strictness of his doctrine, concerning the honouring of Rulers, and against the least word of undue disrespect towards them, is in a more eminent manner set down, for the instruction and guidance of all Ages, than if there had been no appearance at all, of any thing blamea­ble in his former expression. Thirdly, This is the more remarkable, because this his reflexion upon, and retracting what he had thus spoken, as also the Doctrine he urgeth thereupon, was no doubt under the guidance of that Spirit, which our Saviour had promised in this case, and so makes his Example in this particular, to be a necessary pattern for every Christian, that if he should offend in the like man­ner, he ought to retract and own his fault, in the least mis­carriage of his expression.

53. From this Practice and Doctrine of the Apostle, I shall further observe,

First, that though these words were but once spoken, S. Paul's re­flective words though but once spoken, and upon a sudden provo­cation, and then also in a sudden surprize, and upon a great provocation of injurious dealing; though the Apostle had never gone so far as frequently to blaze abroad, by open contumelious expressions, or secret whisperings, what might ill affect the people against their Governour; Yet in this case he ac­knowledged the fault, and would by no means persist in it, or do so any more. And if one single reflective expressi­on was not allowable in him, who was commanded to be smitten against law, and had no intention of defaming Autho­rity, the same (and much more the frequently repeated ut­tering designed reproaches) is far more blameable in them, [Page 116]who receive no such injury, but are rather favoured, be­yond what the Law establisheth. Nor did the Apostle allow of such expressions, towards Ananias being a Ruler, though he was on this account a bad man, as being a zealous opposer of the true Christian Doctrine. And he would in no wise justifie, but retract such reflective words though true, as those which in some passion unwarily fell from him.

54. Secondly, Ananias was far from being a Supreme Go­vernour. Caesar had now the chief Authority in Judea, and Felix was a Deputy Governour under him: and both the President of Judea, and the High Priest, were under the power of the Joseph. Ant. l. 20. c. 5. & de Bell. Jud. l. 2. c. [...]. and to a subor­dinate Ruler, Governour of Syria. And Ananias was so far inferiour to Felix in his Authority, that he with the other Synedrial Elders, appeared upon summons, be­fore the tribunal of Felix, as an Higher Court, to desire judgment against Saint Paul, Acts 24.1. And this, and other things also he did, at the command of Lysi­as, the Chief Captain, Act. 22.30. chap. 23.30. chap. 24.8. which shews his Authority also, to be superior to that of Ananias. And both Felix and Lysias, dis­posed of the Apostle Paul, otherwise than was desired by Ananias, and the Elders. And the Jewish Consisto­ry, in which Ananias sate, was now in a declining state, all power of capital punishments having for about thir­ty years been taken from them, by the Roman Autho­rity. Now expressions aspersing a Superiour, or su­preme Governour, are the greater fault, because they af­front an higher Authority, to which a more eminent degree of honour and reverence is due: yet S. Paul would not defend, but condemn such a behaviour, towards one who was in such an inferiour, subordinate and de­clining Authority as that of Ananias and the Sanhedrin then was.

55. Thirdly, The Apostle declared thus much, are presently and openly re­called in the face of a Civil Court. present­ly after he had spoken the former words, and as soon as he had considered them, and was enquired of, con­cerning them, he made no demurr or delay; but forthwith he forwardly and readily, owned the inde­cency and unlawfulness of such expressions. And this he al­so did very plainly and openly, before the whole Assembly of the Jews, that no person might either defend his pra­ctice, or follow his example, where he had spoken amiss. This also he did in a Civil Consistory or Court, though he was an Apostle, and being there charged with a fault, in his behaviour towards a Ruler, he doth not so decline the thing, as if it was fit for him to give his answer in a Civil Consistory; But he there owns his duty and his fault also, and treated Civil Governours at another rate, than either the Conclave or the Kirk would do. For though a Priest was sometimes, not always, President of the Jewish Sanhedrin, that was chiefly a Civil Court, Seld de Syned. l. 3. c. 1, 2, &c. inflicted Civil pu­nishments: and took cognisance of criminal causes, and ap­peals from other inferiour Judicatures: and in the progress of this case for which S. Paul was brought before them, after he had been heard by Felix and Festus he appealed unto Caesar.

56. Now I think that what I have said, is not inconsi­derable, for my Exposition of these words, which repre­sents them to be a signal example, of acknowledging the fault, of any indecent expression towards a Superiour. And I thought the influence which this ought to have up­on the lives of men, to be of so great use, that it may be a sufficient excuse for my long discourse upon these words. Yet I must acknowledge, that the greater number of Wri­ters which I have seen, who discourse of these words, and some very worthy and learned men, do excuse the Apostle's words to Ananias from all blame, according to some of the methods above mentioned; especially by supposing that he [Page 118]did not know Ananias to be an High Priest, or Ruler, or that he did not own his Authority. But since the Apostle was designedly brought to appear before the Jewish Coun­cil, Act. 22.30. and when he began to speak, did earnest­ly behold the Council, or the [...], or persons of the Sanhedrin, Act. 23.1. and the Judges of the Sanhedrin had their Bench fixed Seld. de Syned. l 2 c. 6. n. 1., on which every one of them sate in their order, in the form of a semi-circle; and the Apostle having been long before acquainted, with the order and business of that Court, Act. 22.5. and now mentioning Ananias, to be one that sate to judge him, there seems no co­lour left for this opinion. And from what I have said a­bove, n. 45- 49. I account it manifest, that the autho­rity of Ananias could not be disowned by the Apostle. Howe­ver I shall here observe, that they who shall not be satisfied with my interpretation of these words, M [...] h [...]e duty urged, must be granted upon other Ex­positions. cannot well frame any other tolerable sense of them, than such, according to which they must condemn and blame all indecency of expres­sion (and much more, insolency of deportment) towards Su­periours; and also shew the Apostles forwardness, to wipe off all appearance of suspicion, of his allowing any such thing in himself or others. And that he did with great readiness, and openness, declare that the admitting any such thing (though in his circumstances above observed, n. 53.54, 55. and in the managing so good a cause as that of Christianity was and is) is contrary to the Laws of God and Religion. And that those who shall wittingly thus misbehave them­selves, must be inexcusable: and that they who are suspected to have erred in this kind (and therefore much more they who have really done so) ought thus to behave and clear themselves, by a free declaration, of their honourable respect, to them who are in Authority, as S. Paul here practised him­self, and taught others.

57. But this duty, of being ready freely to confess their fault, in what they have openly said or done amiss, with a care to repent thereof, and to do so no more; is, I fear, by [Page 119]some rejected out of this gross mistake, that it is a shameful thing to acknowledge a fault. Whereas in truth it is a ve­ry shameful thing to continue in sin: but there is no more shame in an offenders repenting, and acknowledging he hath done amiss, than there is in becoming wise and good, and doing his duty, and pleasing God. And God grant that all who have neglected their duty, in this or any other branch, thereof, may so consider their wayes as to amend and reform them.

The Second Part,
Concerning the usefulness of a sober Cen­sure of such Parties or persons, who pra­ctise evil, or propagate falshood; with an enquiry into some different parties, who make profession of Christianity.

To speak against evil persons and practices duely and discreetly, and to the just discrediting and dispa­raging bad Principles and Doctrines, is reasona­ble and good; with an account of what Rules are here to be observed.

1. HAving declared in the former Part, how unrea­sonable and evil, uncharitable and passionate re­proaches are, especially against Superiors: Ishall now shew that Christianity doth not only al­low, but require a rational and just dislike, and sober cen­sure of those, who entertain or countenance evil practices, Christianity allows what is manifestly e­vil, to be con­demned and blamed. to debauch or corrupt the lives of men, and who spread, pro­mote or receive, false, and unsound principles, whereby de­luded and misguided minds forsake and depart from the truth. The meekness and innocency of Christianity doth not engage its followers to such a temper, that they may [Page 122]not look on any men, or party of men to be offenders, or to de­serve blame: if this were so, vertue and vice, and the practicers of them both, must have an equal esteem and respect; and judging righteously, and executing judgment amongst Christi­ans, must be banished out of the Earth. If Religion should be supposed to make it an universal duty, to preserve and maintain the good reputation of all even bad men; then must Christian charity, in a great measure suppress the use of our reason and conscience, and the reproacher himself must not lye under any blame or disesteem; and men who per­vert the truth, and corrupt the minds of others, must still be had in honour. But this would be, to abuse and pervert the charity and meekness of Christianity, and to make the pretence thereof hurtful and destructive to the good of mankind. Yea, this would set up the duties of Religion to become a cloak for wickedness; and a method to keep Christians from the watchful observing, and discerning the evil, and careful rejecting the snares of those who cun­ningly contrive deceit, or of them who through indiscre­tion and mistake, are misguided themselves, and would mislead others, and are as eager as the Scribes and Pharisees were to proselyte men into their errors. But the true Christian temper is far from obliging any to such unwary compliances with corruptions and sin.

2. I heartily wish, The Christian Rule, and the Practice gui­ded by it, are excellent. that the behaviour of all, who call themselves by the name of Christians, were such, that no­thing could truly be spoken of them, but what is excel­lent and honourable. And thus it would be, if the doctrine and rules of the Christian Religion, were diligently ob­served and practised by all who profess it. For such is its efficacy in renewing the minds of men, where it is hearti­ly and sincerely embraced, that on this account, the Chri­stian institution was anciently much admired, even by many who would not receive it, but opposed and rejected it. And as Euseb. Hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 13. gr. Eusebius testifieth, the mighty influence it had on the purity of mens lives, was the great cause of its being [...], amongst all much spoken of and famed. [Page 123]Insomuch that as the ibid. same Authour tells us, the Gnostick brood of Simon Magus, would make pretensions to the Christian name. And from the same consideration of its visible effects, in purifying the lives of them who were guided thereby, it was mightily honoured, and ex­tolled by those who did entertain it: Thus Strom. l. 7. in init. Clemens Alexandrinus observed, how it greatly perfected him that is the [...], the truly wise and good man, and that it was also of great power to correct and change, even those who were perverse, and whose hearts were hardened. And his Scholar Origen noted Cont. Cels. l. 1. prope fin. & passim. what a mighty alteration, did manifestly appear among men, by the power of the Chri­stian Doctrine, which furnished them who embraced it, not feignedly but sincerely, with meekness, goodness, and such an excellent and well composed temper, as far exceeded what the practice or Philosophy of the Gentiles could pretend unto. And the like might be observed from Justin Martyr, Lactantius, and many others.

3. But the great miscarriages of too many professed Chri­stians, both in Doctrine and Practice, are things plainly obvious and manifest. And in this case, it is nothing of uncharitable and passionate reproaching, which is contra­ry to the example of Christ; but an exercise of sobriety and charity, and a following his example, to war against those hurtful evils, which spread themselves in the world; and to speak of those principles which are mischievous, with dislike and detestation. For though our Lord had a great kindness for the Jewish Nation; yet their ill tem­per, and their forsaking the true guidance of the Law, made him rebuke them with sharpness, and declare a­gainst them as an evil and crooked generation. To discover the evil of ill designing men and false Do­ctrines, is use­ful and good. And if the manifest and prevailing errors of men, which are dange­rous to others, might not be prudently exposed, and so­lidly declared against; many excellent and famous wri­tings of the most eminent Fathers, against the Gentiles, the Jews, and divers Heresies and Schisms, which have hither­to been honoured and accounted useful in the Church of [Page 124]God, must now be thought fit for nothing more, than to be censured by an Index expurgatorius, or to be ranked a­mong prohibited Books. Indeed persons who are con­cerned in the guilt, are sometimes apt to be so far provo­ked, at the just reproof and censure of their opinions or pra­ctices, as to cry out upon it, as if it were reviling or railing, or to speak as the Lawyer did to our Saviour, Luk. 11.45. thus saying, Thou reproachest us also. But our Lord did not think fit to desist, from a free and needful declaration against evil; how unacceptable soever it was to the offending persons, as ap­pears sufficiently from the Answer he returned to those words, v. 46. And for others to do the like, is both a faithful discharge of conscience towards God, and the performing a work, which is very useful, and charitable unto men. Thus he that gives a plain and true discourse, in a time of mortality, of the nature and danger, and of the right and sure methods of prevention and cure, for the diseases that then reign, per­forms a work, which if it be made good use of, may pre­serve some, and recover others from those distempers which may otherwise be fatal to them. But as no disea­ses are so bad, as those which defile and infect the minds and souls of men; so here as Basil. Re­gul. fus. disp. Resp. 46. S. Basil truly affirmed, [...], he that makes a covering for sin, and that which is e­vil, makes preparation for the death of the diseased person.

4. It is evident, that in the Holy Scriptures, the Pro­phets in the Old Testament, and the Apostles and other Officers in the Ministery of the New, were to reprove and declare against prevailing evils. In this case Isaiah was commanded to cry aloud, and lift up his voice like a trumpet, and shew the people their transgressions, Isai. 58.1. and Ti­tus was required to rebuke the Cretians sharply. Sinful practices and corrupt Principles are such real blemishes to those that cherish them, that they cannot be laid open, without reflecting some degree of disparagement upon them; even as light it self brings a discredit to things uncomely, and represents the loathsomness of what is noysome and [Page 125]deformed. But there are some rules necessary to be ob­served, Rules to be ob­served in speak­ing against those who de­serve censure. which ought to guide and govern our discourse, concerning what is amiss among men in the world. And it may be noted, that in most cases, there is greater caution to be used, in speaking of the principles or actions of parti­cular men, as charging them therewith, than of the open­ly avowed evil practices, or opinions of any party or sort of men, in a general consideration of them. Because the former doth more especially refer to the persons, towards whom we are bound to exercise charity; but the latter doth most directly respect things, and there is no charity due to falshood, transgression and sin; and personal actions may be more easily misapprehended and misrepresented, than what is publickly owned by any party. But in both these cases, the difference between sinful reproaching, and rash and uncharitable evil speaking on the one hand; and an useful and sober reproof and censure, and declaring against evil on the other hand, lyeth in three things; viz. in the re­spect they bear, 1. To certain truth. 2. To sobriety. 3. To charity.

5. First, The first Rule is certain truth. A just Censure is ever founded on certain and evident truth; but the reproacher oft declares that e­vil for truth, which is either in it self false, or to him doubtful and only suspected. But whoso layes that to the charge of others, of which he hath no certain evidence, be­comes a false witness. And false reporting, or asserting that against another as true, which is not certainly known to be so, is in matters of ordinary conversation among men, a crime much of the same nature, with the same mis­carriage of a witness, in a Court of Judicature, concern­ing matters of justice and right. For in both of these is contained, what Phil. de Decal. p. 763, 764. Philo more particularly expres­seth of the latter; that truth which ought to be sa­cred, and is as the light of the Sun, which gives a right and clear prospect of things, is hereby violated; and things are disguised in the dark; whereby others are misguided into a wrong judgment, and are thence involved in a miscarriage; [Page 126]and wrong and injury is done to the person concerned. And whereas it is requisite for him who attempts any thing, both to have sufficient knowledge thereof, and to be a person of integrity, whose testimony deserves credit; he who will venture to declare things as true, upon jealous suspicions, doth miscarry in both these, and is therefore wanting in the latter, because he faileth in the former. And such a person doth offend both against charity and truth.

6. It was part of the description of those evil men, 2 Pet. 2.12. that they spake evil of the things they understood not. The venting uncertain jealousies and suspicions are oft-times of mischievous consequence. For they frequently spread like wildfire, Suspicions on plausible pre­tences not suffi­cient. and are entertained as things certain, upon slender appearances of proof; and in publick affairs, they sometimes become dangerous, if not fatal, to Church and State. Nor is it sufficient to excuse such persons from sin, if they proceed upon some seeming plausible probabili­ties, which are mistaken and misapprehended by them. Those Jews might seem to have some colour, for what they laid to our Saviours charge, who declared him to have said, I am able to destroy the Temple of God, and to build it in three dayes, Mat. 26.61. Yet these persons misunder­standing or misapplying, what he said concerning the Tem­ple of his Body, are called false witnesses, v. 60. And there­fore it becometh rash men, who let loose their tongues ma­ny times, upon no greater evidence or probability, than these false witnesses had, to consider seriously what guilt they contract upon themselves. But the upright man is no false accuser, but hath a conscientious respect both to truth and charity, so that he transgresseth against neither. Our Lord blamed the Jews in many things, but charged them with nothing but what was certainly true. He called them hypocrites, but he fully knew their temper, and understood what was in man. Indeed the censure of hypocrisie is not fit for other men to make use of in ordinary cases; except it be where persons certainly manifest a vicious looseness of life, and yet will sometimes seem very earnest and forward [Page 127]about purity and Religion; or where themselves shall more privately declare their disesteem of what they pub­lickly appear exceeding zealous for. And partly by this Rule, Eus. Eccl. Hist. l. 2 c. 1. Simon Magus was charged with hypocritical dissembling a respect to Christianity.

7. Secondly, The second Rule is sobriety and a well compo­sed temper of mind. A just censure of the practices or Princi­ples of others, must be soberly managed: when oft-times the opprobrious tongue is rash and heady, and puts men upon running out of their places and stations, and out of themselves also. Hence some are forward to be inquisitive into the lives and behaviour of others, and to pry into them with a narrow and curious search, to see what they can discover to speak ill of; while in the mean time, they do not duly reflect upon themselves, and examine and consider their own wayes. These act against that sobriety, which Religion requires, and fall under that sharp censure of our Lord, against them who behold the mote in their brothers eye, but not the beam in their own, Mat, 7.2, 3, 4, 5. And there are some who censure others by sinister judging, and odi­ously representing the intentions and designs of their words and actions, beyond what is evident. These without due reverence to God, or charity to their Neighbour; so far usurp the place of God, as to pass sentence on the inward thoughts, and dispositions of the minds of men, but they proceed herein, neither according to the rules of goodness, nor of righteousness. And they also offend against this Rule, who in speaking or writing against others, let loose their ex­pressions, to gratifie their passions, and fierce heats, beyond what is sober and comely. I acknowledge that sharp reproofs, are in some cases very seasonable and proper; and some pra­ctices and Doctrines are so greatly evil, that it well becomes them who are lovers of goodness, An angry tem­per to be a­voided. to express a pious indignati­on and abhorrence towards them; nor is it alwayes blamea­ble to expose some wild extravagant fancies, to the just con­tempt of others. But in an undue manner to vent expres­sions of wrath or reproach; or of scornfulness or scurrility; [Page 128]and to treat others with an angry and waspish temper, and instead of calmness to raise a storm of rage and fury; these things are evil in themselves, being contrary to the meek­ness and gentleness of Christianity, and savouring of the fruits of the flesh, and the root of bitterness; and they are also very unsuitable to all sorts of men. Such a temper is in several respects the worse, in them who defend evil, er­ror, and falshood; because they have no just reason, to ex­press their displeasure, against the things they reject, or against the persons with respect to the ill influence of their assertions; and what aspersions they cast upon the defen­ders of the truth, have some reflexion on the truth it self; and this their behaviour speaks their greater averseness from it, and oft makes them more stedfastly perverse in their error. And this method is also very unbecoming the defenders, of such excellent things as truth and goodness; because they neither need nor approve such unworthy Artifices, in the managing their cause; and the use of such things brings a disparagement, and disadvantage to the best cause; and it is most suitable to truth and goodness to appear like them­selves, every way blameless and unexceptionable.

8. They also act against sobriety, and irreve­rence to Supe­riors. and a due government of themselves, who take upon them frowardly and irreve­rently to censure their Superiors, and to defame them; and thereby to lessen and vilifie their reputation and Authori­ty. Such persons act against the duty of their places as in­feriours, in which state they ought out of reverence to God and his Ordinance, and out of respect to men also, to ho­nour them who are over them. Yea though there may be some real fault, they may not make it their business to ex­pose them. This was the miscarriage of Ham, in his be­haviour towards his Father Noah. And it is noted both by Ambr. de Noe & Arca, c. 30. S. Ambrose, and by Chrys. Hom. in Gen. 9. S. Chrysostome, that Ham in doing this undutiful action, is particularly expressed to be the Father of Canaan; not only as S. Ambrose speaks, ut vitio authoris deformaretur haereditas, that this might be a blemish, and disparagement to his posterity, who descended from him; [Page 129]but because on this occasion of Ham's irreverent disrespect to his Father; Canaan his Son, and his Posterity, were un­der a curse, and doomed to a state of subjection, Gen. 9.25. And therefore if any men should neither have any fear of God, nor regard to themselves; if they have any re­spect to the good of their posterity, they are thereupon concerned to honour those, who are in superior relations to them.

9. The ancient Councils Conc. Constant. c. 6. of the Christian Church, very justly expressed great displeasure against those, who out of an ill temper, would even, undeservedly, lay things to the charge of the Bishops and Clergy, that they might les­sen their reputation and esteem, and hinder the Churches peace and settlement, and promote disturbances therein. And such disorderly practices, though they have too much prevailed in the World, do greatly offend against very ma­ny precepts of Religion; both towards God, towards our selves, and towards others. But while the Christian Church, for peace and order sake, and for the sake of piety too, required a just honour to be preserved to its Officers; it still maintained such a care of true goodness, that where any of the Clergy were really faulty, it not only ibid. al­lowed regular accusations to be orderly prosecuted against any of its Officers, but also appointed Can. Ap. 74. Antioch. 14, 15. its Censures to be inflicted upon them, after sufficient evidence of their of­fences.

10. Now our blessed Lord, Thus our Savi­our practised. in his sharp censures of wick­ed men, acted nothing but what was every way suitable for him to do. When he came into the world, Religion was strangely defaced amongst the Jews, and they who should have taken the care of it, set up very many false doctrines, and ill rules of practice. But our Saviour was sent, as a great Prophet and Teacher from God, to reform what was amiss, and to bring the world to embrace what was true and good. And therefore it was necessary for him, in the discharge of his Office, freely to declare against the evil practices of all men whomsoever, and to discover [Page 130]the dangerous and hurtful errors of them, who really were blind guides; and to shew the insufficiency of such rules o practice, as made Religion a mere outward formal thing, and gratified the hypocrisie of evil men: and in a like case it is well becoming any good man to do the like. And be cause the unbelieving Jews, with their Scribes and Phari­sees, opposed the truth which he convincingly declared and maliciously set themselves against him, and against the evidence of the mighty Miracles wrought by him; it was necessary that he should use such expressions, as should de­clare the great evil of their wicked, obstinate and perverse temper; and the mischief they would bring upon them who followed them. And this he did, sometimes, in me­taphorical and representative expressions, as of Wolves, Ser­pents, Vipers, which was a way of speaking oft used by the Prophets, and amongst the Jews very frequently in their Writings. And that such words were not accounted by them as phrases of reviling, so much as of expressive signifi­cancy, may appear from the language of the Scripture, in many places, and particularly from the blessings of Jacob, Gen. 49. Where the phrases of Woolf, Serpent, Ass, and Li­on's whelp, are manifestly so used.

11. To this purpose, our Lord might well send a message to Herod, under the name of that Fox, as an expression of just reproof (according to the customary way of speaking among the Jews) to him, a subtil and cunning man, who had the guilt of blood to answer for. Besides other actions of cruelty, he had beheaded John the Baptist, which act, as it was greatly condemned by the Jews, towards so good a man, as Ant. Jud. l. 18. c. 7. Josephus relateth; so himself was sometimes stricken with terrible and astonishing thoughts thereof, Luk. 9.7. And that same Herod who ibid. had Herodias his Brothers Wife, and ibid. slew the Baptist, continued Tetrarch of Galilee, several years after our Saviours death, even till the first year of Caligula, as is declared by ibid. l. 18. c. 8, 9. Josephus, and then was banished. To him our Lord di­rected this message, who also by reason of his complyance [Page 131]in the death of our Saviour, might in a Prophetick manner be stiled a bloody man.

12. Thirdly, A just declaring against the faults of o­thers, The third Rule is Charity, of which there is neglect, must be tempered with charity. If this arise from malice, or be managed for the doing an unkindness, or the venting hatred or ill will, or in way of Revenge, or reta­liation, it then serveth the lusts of men, and is mischievous, and therefore can be no good and lawful action: but the speaking truth from such a disposition, or to such ends, is an evil action. In such a case, what Chrysost. Hom. 2. de Prophet. ob­scuritate. S. Chrysostome re­solved must be admitted for truth, that he who speaks evil of his Neighbour, is in the way of ruine, [...], whether what he speaks be false, or whe­ther it be true. There was truth, as it might be under­stood, in what Shimei said, when cursing David, he called him a bloody man, 2 Sam. 16.7, 8. but the expression was evil, because of the malice, which accompanied it. Now uncharitableness appears in the speaking evil of others, in any of these four Cases.

13. First, 1. when what is a­miss, is spoken of with de­light: Where the speaker mentions the miscarriage of others, with a inward delight, or pleasure in the rela­ting it. But of this act of uncharitableness, in being pleased with that which is hurtful to men, plea­sing to Satan, and offensive to God, I spake some­thing in the Chap. 3. former Part, and therefore shall only men­tion it here.

14. Secondly, 2. when pray­ing for offen­ders is neglect­ed: When he who is ready to speak a­gainst another who doth amiss, is neglectful of praying unto God for him. When Samuel declared to Israel, that their wickedness was great, yet he said, God forbid, that I should sin against the Lord, in ceasing to pray for you, 1 Sam. 12.17.23. And Moses prayed for Israel to turn away Gods wrath. And it is to be a rule of Christian practice, 1 Jo. 5.16. If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not [Page 132]unto death, he shall ask, and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death.

15. Thirdly, 3. when there is an unchari­table interpre­tation: When the worst constructions are put upon the words or actions of others. This I mentioned in the for­mer Part, and therefore shall say little to it here. Where this temper prevails, the most innocent persons may there­by be charged with guilt. Even our Lord himself, from a sinister interpretation of his free converse, was proclaimed a glutton, and a drunkard. And though there was truth in the information of Doeg, which he gave to Saul concerning Ahimelech, or at least in a great part thereof, That he en­quired of the Lord for David, and gave him victuals, and gave him the sword of Goliah, 1 Sam. 22.10. Yet this being ex­pressed in compliance with the suspicions of Saul, and (though David pretended to be employed by Saul) as an intimation that the Priests had conspired with David against him, on which account Doeg was ready to slay them: in this sense it was both mischievous and false, Psal. 52.

16. Fourthly, 4. when any ill intention. When any thing is spoken against others, with a pure intention to prejudice, or procure hurt to the persons of whom they speak. A bad design meerly to do hurt, as to blast anothers credit, and expose him to scorn or hatred, and to render him contemptible, do very ill be­come him who pretends to goodness. The end hath here a considerable influence upon the action. He that cen­sureth the miscarriages of others, in a prudent reproof to the person himself for his amendment; acts the part of a faithful friend, while flattery in this case, is a kind of hatred, Lev. 19.17. Or if this be done to another person, as a warning to him, who is in danger to be ensnared by, or suffer mischief from him; this is also an act of kindness, to prevent the doing or suffering evil: and of this nature is the exposing the mistakes of men, to put a stop to the pro­gress of their errors. And these are the two cases menti­oned [Page 133]by Basil Re­gul. Brev. Resp. 25. S. Basil, in which he alloweth of the speak­ing evil of others, when it is done for reclaiming the offen­der, or preserving others. And it is also lawful and good, to declare against the evil and wicked actions of men, out of just indignation, and in order to the due punishment of them; as the Levite did concerning the lewdness of the Gibeathites towards his Concubine. For this tends to the restoring good order unto, and the discountenancing Vice in humane society, and is also for the preservation of others. Such proceedings are as the useful opening a wound, either in order to its present healing, or to prevent a spreading Gangrene, or further mischief: whereas the speaking against any, meerly to make them censured and reproached, is like the opening a wound, only to expose it to the Air and venemous Insects, which is a way to make it the worse, but to do no good.

17. Our Saviours sharp reproofs give no countenance, Our Saviours just reproofs give no encou­ragement to disorderly ex­pressions. nor allowance to any other censures, than those which ob­serve all the rules of Christian Charity. For they were every way mixed with love and kindness, and wholly con­trary to all these appearances of uncharitableness. He was, 1. so far from being pleased with any evil actions, which might expose his enemies to the censures of men, or the Judgements of God; that it was his great endea­vour to perswade them to goodness, and when they would not hearken, he was grieved for the hardness of their hearts, Mar. 3.5. and he wept over Jerusalem. 2. He prayed for them, even with respect to that their sin against him, in putting him to death; wherein the greatness of their cruel­ty and malice, could scarce be equalled by any thing else, but the greatness of his sufferings thereby. And though they were perverse, he was still desirous to bless them in turning every one of them from their iniquities, Act. 3.26. 3. He was so far from taking things in the worst sense, that he was not pleased with his Disciples, who forbad them who cast out Devils in his name, because they followed not them; and thereby he expressed a kind approbation of them, to­wards [Page 134]whom his Disciples were harsh and severe. 4. He did not intend any prejudice to the worst of men, but their greatest good. He came not to condemn the world, but that it might be saved. And amidst his kind reproofs and rebukes, how oft would he have gathered Jerusalem, and how much did he desire, that they might have known the things, which be­longed unto their peace? And such prudently managed Cl. Alex. Paedag. l. 1. c. 8. reproof, and even the [...], or discreet upbraiding with the shamefulness of a miscarriage, is medicinal to heal the distempers and disorders of the soul, and tends [...], to its everlasting health.

18. But whosoever offend against the forementioned Rules, In Reproaches and unchari­table Censures, 1. He that spreads them is guilty, as well as the first Authour, their speaking against others, thereby becomes char­geable with sin; nor can it be palliated by such vain me­thods, as men sometimes make use of; as, First, Though he be not the first authour of a calumny. For he that rashly spreads abroad a slander, which he receives from another, is as well guilty, and sometimes to as high a degree, as the first authour of it; since his act may in many cases, be as much injurious to the person slandered; and his uncharitable intentions may be as bad, and sometimes worse, and he is as much obliged to know the truth of what he uttereth. In a publick flame, kindled and fomented by wicked de­signs, he that brings fire from one house to burn another, is as really mischievous, as he that set the first house on fire. The Psalmist requires of the pious man, or of him who would obtain the favour of God, that he take not up a reproach against his Neighbour, Psal. 15.3. And it was one of the wicked practices of Sanballat, to abuse and dis­courage Nehemiah, by publishing, upon the credit and re­port of one of his Companions, that Nehemiah purposed to rebel; nor did it excuse him that he alledged his Authour, that Gashmu said it, Neh. 6.6.

19. Secondly, 2. and hei who only sl [...]ely insinuates them, Though he doth not positively averr the fault, or crime of which he discourseth; but only insinu­ate it by reflective intimations, or represent it as a thing [Page 135]probable, or what some believe. For if it be considered, how prone men are to entertain bad thoughts of others, especially if upon account of parties or opinions, they have any prejudice against them, it may be thence discerned, that this way, amongst such biassed and credulous men, is sufficient to propagate and spread such things, as are hurt­ful and uncharitable. But the prudent and good man is one, whose angry countenance (as the wise man speaketh) driveth away a back-biting tongue, Prov. 25.23. Thirdly, 3. and he who carries fair appearances of friendliness. though his words be not fierce and furious, but gentle and smooth, and such as express a kindness and respect to the person of whom he speaks: and possibly when he intimates any ill of another, it is with expressions of his being sorry for it, and that he wisheth it were otherwise. For if the things in this manner related, do offend against the Rules above mentioned, such soft and oily words, make the slan­der to be swallowed down more glibly, and there is the less suspicion, either of ill intention, or of falshood in him who speaks with so much appearance of kindness. But this may on these accounts, become the more dangerous way of doing mischief: even as Poison may be most readily re­ceived, in a pleasant vehicle, and from the hand of a sup­posed Friend, and may then as effectually do its work, as if it had been taken in any other way.

20. But where the Rules which I above laid down, There is in too many, just rea­son of Censure and blame, are carefully regarded, they who espouse evil actions, or who patronize corrupt Doctrines or Practices, may be lawful­ly and usefully declared against, and blamed, by good men, with prudence and sobriety. And their undertakings may be justly discredited, and their reputation may in a due and right manner be lessened, for the preventing the growth of that evil they are carrying on; and if it may be, for the reducing themselves, and working them to repen­tance. But I am very sensible, that it is a truth of sad con­sideration, that it is more difficult and more unusual for men, though they seem zealous for God and Religion, when they have entertained such false notions and opinions, [Page 136]as are very pernicious to the Church of God, to be reclaim­ed from them, or from doing mischief by them, than it is for lewd and debauched persons to be convinced, and be­come converts. Hence the Doctrine of our Saviour found less success, among the Scribes and Pharisees, than amongst the Publicans and Sinners, or in the Gentile World. But a good undertaking is not to be laid aside, because of the dif­ficulty of effecting it, but it becomes us to do our best to promote it, whatsoever the issue shall be. Nor will such endeavours, though frustrated by men, lose their accep­tance with God, and their reward from him, if they be faithfully and piously managed; as the Prophet Esay de­clared even with respect to our blessed Saviour himself, Isai. 49.4, 5. though Israel was not gathered.

21. That vicious actions and a wicked life, from vicious actions and practices. bring shame and disgrace to the practisers, or in Solomon's phrase, that sin is a reproach to any people, Prov. 14.34. is very obvious to common Principles of Reason and Conscience; since the generality of mankind are sensible, that Arist. de Virtut. & vi­tiis. [...], good and vertuous things are to be commended, but filthy and vicious things to be disprais­ed. And though goodness is too oft in practice reproach­ed, and disparaged in the world, there is a vast difference, between the censure, an upright and truly pious man under­goes in well doing, and the ill report and infamy which is consequent upon evil doing. For the truly good man knows, that what censure he lies under, for his piety and integri­ty, is sometimes from mens speaking against their own consciences, or at best from their mistakes, and misapprehensi­ons; and his conscience speaks peace to him, and he knows that God both approves his sincerity, and howsoever he is misunderstood by men, will reward him. But if the evil man be spoken against, his conscience doth or may testi­fie, that this is no more than he justly deserves; and that he must expect (without timely repentance) more hurt from his sin, than from the infamy that followeth it; and that if his evil wayes make him justly disapproved and [Page 137] condemned of men, it will make him more odious in the sight of God, and the Holy Angels, and will expose him to a more severe sentence and condemnation, from the righteous Judge of the World.

22. And that the patrons of error, and from cor­rupt Principles and Doctrines. whose evil Principles tend to corrupt Religion, and debauch the world, should be declared against, and the danger and detestableness of their undertakings be manifested, is a thing as useful and needful, as it would be to detect and discover him, who is contriving felony, murder or any publick mischief. On this account did our Saviour censure and condemn the Do­ctrines of the Scribes and Pharisees, and spake to the dispa­ragement of their reputation; and commanded, Matt. 7.15. to beware of false Prophets, who come in sheeps cloathing, but inwardly are ravening Wolves. And the true Apostles made a plain discovery of the false Apostles, and corrupt workers, though this laid them open to reproach. And S. Paul withstood even S. Peter, and spake against him o­penly, in that wherein he was to be blamed, Gal. 2.14. when his own behaviour, and what he encouraged others unto, was of ill consequence, and contrary to the true spi­rit of the Gospel, though himself was so excellent a man, that he was far from advisedly managing any ill design. Indeed all dangerous errors are not of equal degree of guilt, but some are more heinous than others: but the meekness of Christianity obligeth no pious man, to a compliance with any of them, though the worst are more earnestly to be rejected.

23. S. John who so vehemently and abundantly, Primitive zeal in this case no­ted. pressed the duty of Christian love in his Epistle; and so fully de­clared the same, to be the necessary Doctrine of Christ, in his Gospel, and who in his extreme age, when he was not able to make any long discourses, is Hieron. Comment in Gal. l. 3. related, to have come into the Christian Assemblies, and oft to have spoken these words, Little children, love one another; yet as adv. Hae­res. l. 3. c. 3. Irenaeus tells us, he declared himself with that earnestness against Cerinthus, a Master of Heresie, that when he came [Page 138]to the Bath where S. John was, he leap'd out of it, and de­clared his fear of the place falling upon them, when that enemy of the truth was there. And from the like Spirit of Primitive zealous earnestness, Iren. ibid. when Marcion meeting with Polycarp, an Apostolical man, a Disciple of S. John, and one who was, ab Apostolis constitutus Episcopus, Ordain­ed a Bishop by the Apostles, and Marcion desired him to take knowledge of him, Polycarp answers him, cognosco te primo­genitum Satanae, I know and own thee to be the first-born of Sa­tan. And all the first and purest Churches expressed ve­hement dislike, against all Hereticks, and dividers of the Church. And Cyp. Ep. 76. S. Cyprian when he spake of Novatia­nus, with respect to the Novatian Schism, saith, that inter adversarios & antichristos computetur, he was to be reckon­ed among the adversaries to Christianity, and the Anti­christs. And this is sufficient to shew (which may be more largely and amply proved, beyond all contradiction) that earnest oppositions, against them who forsake the Catholick truth, or who divide the Church, was not, as some very falsly pretend, first brought into the Christian Church, by the unadvised and indiscreet rashness, of some Canons and Councils, after the first Centuries, who are said herein to have swerved from the true Spirit of Catholick Charity.

24. And it is a thing too plain to be denied, Hartful errors are too much prevailing. that in this age, divers persons and parties entertain those errors and corruptions in matters of Religion, which deserve to be sharply censured and spoken against. 'Tis generally known, that the several parties, and different professions, do condemn one another; and it may well become them to consider, whether they have sufficient ground, for the Censures they pass on others, and whether they proceed therein in a due Christian temper of Spirit, and also whether there be not any just foundation, for the blame themselves meet with from others. Wherefore I shall make some impartial enquiry into some of the several parties of men, who divide the profession of Christian Religion. And since they who strictly adhere to the Church of Rome, lie under [Page 139]an infamous character from others, I shall first enquire, An account of the things discoursed of in the following Chapters. whether they may not be justly accused, of such things as deserve great condemnation and censure. And since the dissenting parties are spoken ill of by others, I shall 2. En­quire, whether they be not guilty of that, which is suffici­ent cause of blame. And if any of these several parties be no further spoken against, than they deserve blame, and this be also ordered according to the Christian Rules, I de­livered above, this is not a sinful reproaching, but a judging righteously and according to truth.

25. And I here seriously profess, that there is no duty I esteem my self more obliged to practise, than to have an universal kindness to all men. And therefore I shall be so far, from willingly charging any sort of men, with what they are not guilty of, that while I write some ac­count of things blameable, among several parties of men, it is with a mixture of hearty sorrow, that so much evil should prevail in the world, and that so many persons (divers of whom intend well) should be led away thereby. And I humbly beseech Almighty God, of his mercy and goodness, to bless and give good success to all those labours, which are undertaken to guide men, into the right wayes of truth and peace.

26. I know that many men account him to be wanting in kindness, The nature of true kindness, and love to men under mi­stakes and er­ror. and love to others, who undertakes to lay o­pen their mistakes and miscarriages, how sincere and bene­ficial soever his intentions be, yea though this be managed with the greatest tenderness and prudence: (even as indis­creet Children have hard and unkind apprehensions of him, who openeth their sores, though it be for their cure) and such a person with many men, shall rather be ranked a­mongst revilers and reproachers, than amongst the number of Friends. And they account that to be kindness and love, when any one is ready to speak in favour of them and their actions, and will take care to hide their faults and errors, whensoever he discerns them. And this kind of behavi­our is indeed in a due measure an Office of charity in the [Page 140]case of private failings, where the offender is sufficiently sensible of his miscarriage, and affected with it. But it is much otherwise, where things that deserve blame are publickly declared and professed, and are justified and vin­dicated; or indeed where they are kept more private, but without any penitent resentment of them. Yet these cases fall under different Rules and considerations. If this were true kindness (as it cannot be) towards men who themselves do amiss, and by their examples and perswasions, would en­gage others to do the like, to flatter and complement them, and to encourage them, that they do well to conti­nue in those practices, which are their errors and miscarri­ages; then must our grand adversary the Devil, be looked on as our kind friend, who is very forward to sooth men in their faults, and to perswade and intice them, into a resolv­ed continuance in them; and to shut their ears, and open their mouths, against those who would advise them better. But this is true Christian kindness, love and goodness, to fol­low the example of our Lord, and to set our selves to do good, and to preserve or reduce others from evil, though in so doing, we expose our selves to the censure and displea­sure of bad men, or of them who are misguided.

The Principles and Practices, maintained in the Church of Rome, are such as deserve severe Censure and a note of infamy.

The Romish Church and its Doctrines, and the putting them in practice, is chargeable with great disturbances, mischievous to the peace and order of the World.

Sect. I 1. IN this Chapter I shall enquire, The bad Prin­ciples and pra­ctices owned in the Church of Rome. whether the Church of Rome and the Members thereof, who practise upon the Principles they are there taught, be not chargeable with things really very evil, and infamous, and which de­serve to be greatly condemned. In this discourse I shall not intend to take notice of all the considerable errors in doctrine and practice, which are owned and espoused in that Church. But I shall instance in so many, as may be suffi­cient to satisfie any unprejudiced and impartial Reader, of the great corruption of that Church, and how hurtful and dangerous it is to be guided by it. I acknowledge there hath been so much said already, and so largely and plainly proved, by divers Protestant Writers, and by many of our own Church, and particularly by many learned and wor­thy Discourses of Dr. Stillingfleet, in this Controversie of late years, that I do not pretend (nor need I) to add much that is material and considerable, to what they have writ­ten, nor indeed to say so much as they have done, upon [Page 142]those Arguments of which I shall discourse. But yet I think, such Remarks as I shall make, may be of so much use to some persons, as to give them a satisfactory ac­count, how necessary it is to avoid the Romish gross Errors.

2. Several Heads of these propo­sed. And what I shall here consider I shall reduce unto five-Heads. First, to give some instances of the principles and allowed practices of sedition, and disturbance, against the peace and good order of the Church, and of the world; and the violation of the rights both of secular Rulers, and of other Churches and Bishops. Secondly, Of such things as are plain obstacles, and hindrances to an holy life. Third­ly, Of those practices and opinions, which derogate from the dignity, and authority of our Saviour. Fourthly, of some things which debase the Majesty of God, and deprive him of that glory and worship, which is due unto him. Fifthly, Of such things as represent Religion, and the Do­ctrines thereof, as a thing contrived or ordered, to serve the interests of worldly designs or human Policy. And in treating of the several instances I shall give, I desire my Reader to observe, that since I use these Heads in part for Method and Order sake, that which is to be considered in them, is not only, how aptly they are digested, under these several heads (though I think that is sufficiently clear) but especially, whether they do not manifestly contain, what is false, evil and opposite to Christianity. And therefore it may be further noted, that several things which I shall treat of, are upon other accounts also evil and blamea­ble, besides the respect they bear to those particular Heads under which I do digest them.

3. Observ. 1. Popish Prin­ciples opposite to peace and due order. First, I shall enquire into the principles, and allowed practices of sedition and disturbance, against peace and good order of the Church and the world. Here I shall not need to prove, that true Religion and the Christian temper, greatly promotes peaceableness, and establisheth justice and righteousness in the earth. And that the doing wrong and [Page 143]injury, the prosecuting unjust claims, and invading the rights and properties of others; as also the embroiling any part of the World in discord and confusion, in wars and tu­mults, and in Sedition and Rebellion, is exceeding contrary to our holy Religion. For the true principles of Morality, and the light of nature, will direct men who are not influ­enced by interest and passion, to condemn and detest such things as these. Wherefore taking this for granted, I shall in the first place reflect on the injurious demeanour of them at Rome towards secular Princes, in claiming to the Ro­mish Bishop, an universal Soveraignty over Kings and Prin­ces, with a Power to depose them, and dispose of their Kingdoms. That the Pope makes, (and hath oft acted upon) this claim of Sovereign Supremacy, I have shewed Christ. Loyalty. B. 1. ch. 6. Sec. 2. in another Treatise. And that the power of deposing Kings, is owned as a Doctrine of the Romish Church, I have given also B. 2. ch. 1. Sec. 1. n. 4, &c. sufficient evidence; and the same hath been done at large by others. The Romish claim is like that of the Tempter, who, concerning the Kingdoms of the World, and the glory of them, said, Luk. 4.5, 6. All this is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will, I give it; and it hath also a parallel title, which bears it self up, upon confident usur­pation, vain boasting, and false pretences: Yet they who are thorough Papists must acknowledge this.

4. Some Writers indeed of that Communion, deny the Pope any power over Princes in things temporal: but be­sides the Censure they generally undergo, from their own party, they are put to hard shifts, when they undertake to reconcile their Assertions, with the publickly received Con­stitutions of that Church. For instance sake, I shall take notice of the Council of Concil Lateran. c. de haeset. Laterane (concerning which they have as fair and plausible a plea, as for any other thing) which declares, that the Pope may give the Country of a temporal Lord to Catholicks, if he neglect to purge his Country of Hereticks. Here it is first pretended, Of the C [...]uncil at the Late­ran. that this was not declared by that General Council, but only by Pope Innocent III. after it was broken up, and that there [Page 144]were no Constitutions or Canons, made in that Council. And yet in the Decretalia of Gregory the Ninth, who was Pope about twelve years after that Council, this very Con­stitution is inserted into the Decret. l. 5. Tit. 7. c. 13. Excommuni­camus. Canon Law as being esta­blished by Innocentius in a General Council. And from the Authority of that Council, Transubstantiation hath been ever since acknowledged, to be a declared Doctrine of the Roman Church. And what goes under the name of this Council, is acknowledged to have the Authority of a Gene­ral Council, both by the Council of Constance and by that of Trent, as hath been observed by the Of Popery p. 48-51. Bishop of Lin­coln.

5. But it is further said by them, that the Canon of La­teran, concerneth Shel. l dons Reasons for Allegi­ance, p. 41. not Sovereign Princes, but only some feudatory Lords, in Italy, and some parts of the Empire. And whereas this sense seems plainly contradicted, by the last clause of that Constitution, eadem servata lege circa eos qui non habent dominos principales, that the same Law should be observed concerning them who have no Chief Lords over them; they note, that there is an Constit. Frederic [...], n. 7 Imperial Law, esta­blished by Frederick the Second, much to the same pur­pose with this Canon, to make void the rights of such Lords, as purge not their Lands from Hereticks, and that therein this clause is annexed, that this same Law shall be observed a­gainst them who have-no Chief Lords. But say they, it cannot be supposed, that the Emperour would enact a Law, which might make void his own Imperial Dignity, and forfeit his Empire. Now in this Constitution of Frederick, there is no express mention, of any right of disposing Dominions, devolving it self upon the Bishop of Rome; but it may be considered, how much this Emperours interest, and that of the Church and See of Rome, were at this time linked together. For his possession of the Empire, much depend­ed on the Popes authority; for Mar. Po­lon in Oth. p. 394, 395. Ur­sperg. p. 326, 327. Ave. t [...]. Ann. Boio. [...], p. 519. Innocent the Third, ha­ving excommunicated and deposed Otho the Emperour, some of the Princes fix their thoughts upon Frederick, to advance him to the Empire; and the Pope closeth with [Page 145]this design, and encourageth both him and them. And therefore this clause, concerning the advancing the interest of the Church, and the forfeiture of Sovereign Dominion (of what force or validity soever it be) both tended to assert Fredericks own right, and jointly to gratifie the Romish See. And this Law was confirmed by him, in compliance with the Pope Constit. Fred. in Praef. on that very day, in which he received his Imperial Diadem, from Honorius the Third, who suc­ceeded Innocentius. And this Law was highly applauded by Honorius, and ratified ibid. in fin. by him with a severe Curse, against them who should act any thing against it, and was again confirmed by Boniface the Eighth, and seems to be framed by the Popes order, from this clause in the Preface, Cum nihil velit Ecclesia quod nobis eâdem non placeat vo­luntate.

6. And yet if this were true, that the Doctrine of their Church gives the Pope power of disposing, only, Emperours and Kings must be submissive to the Pope. of such Principalities which belong to inferiour and dependent Lords; this would afford but little security to the greatest Princes, if the Romish Bishop be still allowed to judge in this case. For the most imperious Popes have oft very plainly declared the Secular authority of the highest Prin­ces, to be derived from them, and to depend upon them. And the collection of Sacred Ceremonies, contains such things concerning Emperours and Kings, as when occasion serves, may be made use of to infer subjection and depen­dance. Thus we are told Sacr. Cerem. l. 1. Sect. 5. c. 1. that the elected Em­perour must implore the favour of the Apostolical See, and offer himself, ad quaecunque fidelitatis juramenta Roma­nae Ecclesiae praestanda, to take any Oaths of Fealty to the Church of Rome: and must humbly desire Unction, Consecration, and the Imperial Diadem. And the Pope after examina­tion of the Election, and considering the fitness of the Per­son, doth grant him his grace and favour, and doth eum nominare, denunciare, assumere & declarare Regem Romano­rum, Nominate, authoritatively pronounce, receive and de­clare him to be King of the Romans, and to be fit and suffici­ent [Page 146]to receive the Imperial Dignity. And in this manner it is there said, that divers Emperours have addressed them­selves to the Pope, some of which are there particularly na­med. And if any King shall come to Rome, l. 1. Sect. [...]3. c. 2. f. 132. after the first day of his being there, he is to carry the Popes train, and to pour out water for his hands, and to carry up the first Dish to his Table, and serve the first Cup in other Collati­ons: which things, with others mentioned in the same Book, carry in them fair appearances of doing homage. And some of the Romish Bishops, which have somewhat more than others, complemented Secular Authority, in some of their notions, have yet in their practice acted as much a­gainst them, as any others. So did Innocent the Third, who acknowledged, Decretal. l. 4. Tit. 17. c. 13 Pervene­gabil [...]m. Rex superiorem in temporalibus minime recognoscit, that a King is to own no Superiour in temporals; and therefore speaking of his own Authority, besides what he had within the Patrimony of the Church, he saith, In other Regions, upon the inspection into some cer­tain causes, temporalem jurisdictionem casualiter exercemus, we casually exercise temporal jurisdiction. And yet this is he, who declared that Canon above mentioned, in the Council of Lateran; and practised the power of deposing, in Germany, and in other places, even in England against King John.

7. Papal claims have been mis­chievous: Concerning this claim of Papal Soveraignty, and the deposing power, I shall observe three things. First, That it hath been very mischievous to the Christian World, and hath been the cause of many Wars and intestine broils, espe­cially in Germany and Italy: and hence hath proceeded ve­ry much blood-shed, and very many rebellions. When Mar. Pol. in Hen. p. 358. Gregory the Seventh, and then Ursperg. ad an. 1102. Ʋrbane the Second, and Paschalis the Second, had undertaken to excommunicate Henry the Fourth the Emperour, and to depose him, and declare against his Subjects paying him any allegeance, first Rodolphus of Saxony was set up against him, who pe­rished in his undertaking: after which Henry the Fifth [Page 147]his own Son, engages in that U [...]sp. p. 257, 261. Parricidale bellum, as Ʋrsper­gensis calls it, to fight against his own Father and Soveraign. And in the time of divers succeeding Emperours, there were frequent deposings, and thereupon Civil Wars, and almost continual broils; hence arose the long remain­ing high animosities, and fierce contests, in Italy, and some adjacent parts of the Empire, between the faction of the Guelphs, who adhered to the Pope; and the Gibelines, who closed with the Emperour. In this period of time, for many ages, sometimes the Emperour, and sometimes the Pope, were taken Prisoners, or forced to escape by flight, and reduced to great extremities; and the Coun­tries in the mean time were miserably harrassed, which were the Seat of these Wars. And in these, foreign Prin­ces were frequently engaged, some on the one side, and some on the other, even so far, as sometimes to take in, both the English and French. The particulars of these things, or the effects of the like proceedings in some other Kingdoms, would be too large to be here inserted. And besides these things, divers secret Conspiracies, of Subjects, against the lives of their Princes, have been the effect of these Romish Principles, in contradiction to that honour and reverence, which Christianity requireth to be given to them. Nor have such evil attempts been made, only, up­on the lives of Protestant Princes, but of such also, who have adhered to the Romish profession, both before and since the Reformation.

8. But I shall here take notice, that even those persons who were set up, in prosecuting this deposing power, the promoters of them have smarted by them. where it did take effect (as very often even before the Reforma­tion it was of no force) besides other troubles, they were engaged in, they oft fell themselves, under the like Sen­tence of the Bishop of Rome, and sometimes into great cala­mities thereby. Here I might instance, in those two I lately mentioned. The Emperour Henry the Fifth, who rose up against his Father (against whom the Bishop of Rome had declared his Sentence of deposition did prevail a­gainst [Page 148]him, and took him Prisoner; but behaved himself very unworthily towards him, and kept him in Prison till he died, and Reigned after him. But he himself fell under the sentence of Paschalis the Second, and was involved in War thereby, but he overcame the Pope, and took him prisoner: But he died Childless, having no Issue to succeed him in the Empire, which was then Hereditary; M. Pol. p. 367, 368. and this was by many in that age, accounted Gods just judge­ment upon him, who had acted so unchristianly and undu­tifully against his Father. And after his death the Empire came to the Saxon line.

9. But I shall particularly take notice of Frederick the Second, who was substituted Emperour, in the place of O­tho, who was deposed. He made many Laws in favour of the Church, and encreased its wealth and revenue, and was, Avent. l. 7. p. 525, 535. Nic. de Cusa. as Historians relate concerning him, an excellent, most wise and flourishing Prince. Yet he was both excom­municated and M. Pol. in Honor. & in Fred. deposed, by Honorius who had Crown­ed him. And this Sentence was again renewed by Gregory the Ninth, who succeeded Honorius, in three several Bulls of deposition: Avent. P. 537, 538. In the first of these, in the courtship of Rome, he declared the Emperour to be a Beast, and in the last of them to be an Heretick: but whatever great words were used, Chron. Ursperg. p. 337. Ʋrspergensis, who was an Abbot at that very time, declared that it was, pro frivolis causis & falsis, upon trifling and untrue grounds and occasions. And against this Frederick did Innocent the Fourth erect the Banner of the Cross as against the Turk, and denounce the Sentence of deposition in the Council of Lions, to the astonishing ter­ror of them who heard it. Amidst these Circumstances, his own Son Henry, whom he had designed his Successor, and had declared him so, rose up in rebellion against his Father, and being condemned of parricide, by Avent. p. 533. the Sentence of seventy Princes, was imprisoned, and not long after died in Sicily. And when Frederick had encountred with various difficulties, after his flight into M. Pol. p. 399. in Fred. Apulia, he there died in distress and misery. And this was the [Page 149] kind requital he met with, for his affection to the Pope, and interesting himself in his quarrel, against the preceding Emperour.

10. Secondly, I observe that the pretended pleas for this Papal power, are very vain. Many of these, and the most considerable I have examined Christ. Loyalty, B. 1. ch. 6. & B. 2. ch. 1. Sect. 1. Observ. 2. The vain pleas for Papal pow­er. otherwhere. But here I shall take notice of some things, urged by Innocent the Third, in a decretal Epistle, which hath been confirmed by Gregory the Ninth, and other Romish Bishops since. And it is strange to see, how extravagantly impertinent these proofs are. For an evidence of the Popes chief decisive power, in the highest matters of right, he reserreth to Deut. 17.8, 9, 10, 11, 12. If there arise a matter too hard for thee in judgement,— thou shalt get thee to the place, which the Lord thy God shall chuse. And thou shalt come unto the Priests the Levites, and unto the Judge,—And thou shalt do accord­ing to the Sentence, which they of that place shall shew thee. And then he tells us, 3. Decre­tal. l. 4. Tit. 17. c. 13. quia Deuteronomium lex secunda interpretetur, that because the word Deuteronomy, signifieth a Second Law, it is thence proved, that what is there de­termined, must be observed in the time of the New Testa­ment; and the Apostolical See, is the place which God chùseth. Now the proof is much alike, that Rome is the place which God chuseth under the New Testament; What is urged by Innocenti­us the Third, hath no infal­lible evidence. as he chose Jerusalem under a great part of the Old Testa­ment; and that all that is in the Book of Deuteronomy, con­tinues established under the Gospel. And it may be won­dered, that such a thing should be affirmed, if it were not to impose on others; when the Book of Deuteronomy con­tains many things, concerning the Aaronical Sacrifices, and other Jewish Feasts: and in that, is that particular per­mission of divorce, which our Saviour will not allow of under the Gospel. Deut. 24.1. Mat. 19.8, 9. and a repetition of many Mosaical Laws, whence it was called by the Greek Translators Deuteronomy.

11. In the same Epistle, as a proof of this plenary and supreme power seated in the Pope, he produceth what S. Paul writeth to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 6.3. and tells us that Paul, that he might expound the plenitude of power, writing to the Corinthians, saith, Nescitis quoniam Angelos ju­dicabitis, quanto magis secularia? Know ye not that ye shall judge Angels, how much more the things of this life, or things secular? But what the Apostle wrote in that Epistle to the Corinthians, bid directly concern the Church of Corinth. And therefore if he had discoursed of a plenitude of power, (or the highest universal Authority over all the parts of the World, or the Church) as he did not, it would appear from this place, to be as much, if not more fixed in S. Paul, and the Church of Corinth, as any where else; and it must needs be hard to prove, that S. Paul in these words, declared a plenitude of power in the Bishop of Rome, both over Corinth and all the World, when he said, Know ye not that we shall judge, &c.

12. What light the two great Lu­minaries give to the Popes power. But that proof which passeth all the rest, which is urged in the same decretal Epistle, is, from Gods making two great Luminaries, the greater to rule the day, and the lesser to rule the night; from whence it is there inferred, that the power of the Bishop of Rome, is as much above all Secular power, as the Sun is above the Moon. And it may be also hence collected, that the Imperial power is derived from the Papal, as was declared hence by v. Addit. ad P [...]de Marc. de Couc. S. & s [...]p. l. 2. c. 3. Boniface the Eighth. Now from hence it may appear, that a pretended testimony from the first Chapter of Genesis, may be as effectual (though it be nothing to the purpose) as if it had been taken out of the Book of Deuteronomy. And this is such a wonderful Argument, that so far as the strength of it will reach, it will not only prove the highest power of the Bishop of Rome, to be ordained of God, before the coming uf Christ, and even before any promise made con­cerning the Messias, and before the fall of man, but that this was established before Adam was created, and was one of the principal things done in the framing and making of [Page 151]the World. And therefore if this authority be rightly ap­plied, it is indeed an early testimony of the greatest anti­quity of this power in the Church of Rome, and deriveth its original much higher, than most men have been aware of, and it confutes the great mistake of those Novelists, who pretend it to be founded in any eminency of authority, conveyed unto S. Peter, when it was so clearly ingraved upon the brightness of the Sun beams (but not to be seen by mens eyes) in the first springing forth of their light.

13. Such things as these are so trifling and frivolous, that they deserve not any serious consideration or answer. And it can scarce be imagined, that they who laid down these testimonies, as a foundation to support the Papal pow­er, could have any other design, than to delude, and im­pose upon the great ignorance of the World. And if it be a wicked and abominable thing, for any private man to forge an evidence for an Estate, or to counterfeit the Kings broad Seal, to serve his interest; it is far worse to design to deal falsly in that which hath respect to the authority of the sacred Majesty of God, and to the greatest rights of men, and the publick interest and peace of the World. And I think no men ever spake more wildly about these things, than the Popes themselves have done, the extravagancy of their pleas, bearing an equal proportion to that of their claims.

14. Thirdly, I observe, Observ. 3. The high Papal power was un­known to the ancient Ro­man Bishops; that the pretence of this high Papal power, which for some hundred years hath been of ill consequence to Christian Kingdoms, hath this manifest mark of an encroachment, usurpation and innovation, in that the more ancient Bishops of Rome, never knew any thing thereof, but did profess, and own their subjection to Empe­rours, and their Authority. The testimonies of divers of them have been to this purpose produced by Protestant Writers: And it may be sufficient here to note, that I have Christ. loyalty, B. 1. ch. 5. Sect. 3. To Leo the Great, in another place shewed, that Leo the Great sub­missively [Page 152]owned his subjection to the Imperial Authority, and that with respect to the external administration of mat­ters Ecclesiastical. And it is manifest, from the Writings of Gregory the Great, that he both submissively behaved him­self towards Mauritius the Emperour, as a subject towards his Sovereign Lord, and that he thought he ought so to do. When Mauritius declared his desire, that there might be a good accord between S. Gregory, and John Patriarch of Constantinople, Gr. Ep. l. 4. Ep. 76. Gregory writes to Mauritius giving him the title of Dominus noster à Deo constitutus, his Lord whom God had constituted, and owns himself to be his Servant, (and such language is very frequent in his Epistles) and lets the Emperour know, that in that matter, in which the cause of God was also concerned, he would do what on his part could be done, To Gregory the Great, Dominorum jussionibus obedientiam praebens, yielding obedience to the commands of his Lord; and in this case he saith, Serenissimis jussionibus obedientiam prae­beo. Which words shew sufficiently, that he claimed not any Sovereignty over the Emperour, but acknowledged his owing subjection to him. And when Mauritius had made a Law, that no person in any publick Secular Office, should be received into Ecclesiastical Orders, and that no Souldiers might be admitted into Monasteries, Gregory writes a Letter to the Emperour concerning this Law, ex­pressing his good liking and approbation of the former part, but with much Gr. Ep. l. a. Ep. 100. earnestness declaring his dislike of the latter part, as being contrary to God and Religion. And in the close of that Epistle, he acquaints the Empe­rour, that in subjection to his commands, he had caused that Law to be transmitted to several parts of the Empire, but yet had plainly written to him how much it was against God. And then adds, utrobique ergo quod debui exolvi, qui & Im­peratori obedientiam praebui, & pro Deo quod sensi minime ta­cui; On both hands therefore I have performed what I ought, I have yielded obedience to the Emperour, and I have not forborn to speak what was my judgement on the behalf of God. And in this Epistle also (and in others frequently) [Page 153]he owns Mauritius to be his Lord, and himself to be his Servant. And the usual subterfuge of Romish Writers, that what the Popes have spoken in such a respect to Em­perours, was from humility, and gracious condescension on­ly, can have no place here. For he went as far as any Sub­ject in his capacity might do, in what he was perswaded was unlawful; and further than he might do, who was no Subject. In humility he might dispense with his own right, but not with what concerns God and Religion.

15. These things do so plainly shew, that those ancient Bishops acknowledged the Emperour to be their Superi­our, even in constituting Laws, and doing other acts, which had respect to the state of Religion, that I think it unnecessary to add other instances, which might be gi­ven for many Centuries. The known expression of Otho Frisingensis declares Gregory the Seventh, to be the first of the Roman Bishops who usurped the deposing power. But Conradus Ursp. p. 336. Ʋrspergensis differing herein from Otho, whom he mentions, seems to fix the first Original of these Papal proceedings upon Gregory the Third, who above se­ven hundred years after Christ, in the contest concerning Images (where it might have been expected that he who was so earnest for the adoration of Images, should have high­ly honoured the Emperour, who bare the impress of Divine authority) did ibid. p. 286. forbid Italy to pay any tribute to Leo Isaurus the Emperour, and deprived him of his rights there. But it is manifest that all the Roman Bishops who succeeded him, were not of the like spirit and temper. Above an hundred years after him, Leo the Fourth Gratian. Dist. 10. de capitulis. and to Leo the Fourth. assures Lotharius the Emperour, that he would as much as he was able, irrefragably keep and observe his imperial pre­cepts, and that they were lyars who should suggest the contrary concerning him; and c. 2. qu. 7. Nos si incom­petenter. he likewise submits his actions, to be examined by the Emperour, or such as he should commissionate, and to be corrected or amended, if he had done amiss, and not kept to the right rule of the Law.

16. But the main hurt of this pretended Papal power, so much contended for at Rome, is not only the disturbing peace, Such Princi­ples of Rebelli­on lead men to damnation. fomenting Wars, and unjust invading the right of Princes: but besides the ambition therein contained; by stirring up Subjects in rebellion against their Soveraigns, it puts them according to S. Paul's Doctrine into a state of damnation, Rom. 13.2. And such rebellious practices are the more promoted, by those frantick principles, of many of the Church of Rome, which have spread themselves also amongst other Sects, which give liberty to Subjects (without respect to the Popes Sentence) to take away the lives of Princes. It is too clear to be denied, that such Po­sitions are maintained by divers of the Jesuits, and it must be granted also, that there is truth in what some of the Je­suits have observed, that the like was asserted by other Writers in the Church of Rome, before the first institution of that Order.

17. The Pope's u­surped claim o­ver other Churches and Bishops There is also great disorder and evil, unduly occa­sioned in the Church, by the claim the Roman See pretends to, over all other Bishops and Churches. To this authority she hath no just title; but the exercise of this power did ob­tain and prevail in many Churches, by various methods and degrees of encroachment. And by this means both rights and also purity and due order are jointly violated. Hence this Church obtrudes on others, her pernicious Do­ctrines and practices, under a pretence of authority. And by the same means, it hinders the necessary reformation of great and spreading corruptions, and thunders out Censures against such Churches as reform themselves according to Primitive and Apostolical rules.

18. Now such an Authority over all other Bishops and Churches, could never be founded in any actual possession, or in any human or Ecclesiastical constitution, of what na­ture soever. For an incroaching authority is void, by the ancient Canons, especially that of Ephesus, and being an unjust possession, ought to return to him, who hath the true right. And where there hath been any consent given [Page 155]to an unjust claim, by misunderstanding, or upon any o­ther account; or where any other act whatsoever hath been done by Princes, falsty pretend­ed to be of Di­vine Authori­ty: or by Bishops in any part of the Church, to yield or convey any Superiour Authority to the Roman Bishop, they cannot by any act of their own ex­clude themselves and their Successors from the obligation, to perform their duty, in duly guiding, governing and re­forming their people. And therefore so far as the authori­ty, which Princes and Bishops have received from God and Christ, doth oblige them to the performance of this work, no pretended power of the Bishop of Rome, nor any act done by any others, or even by themselves, can set them free from it. But this universal Superiority is claimed by the Pope, as not derived from any human Constitution, but from the authority of Christ. To which purpose the Cate­chism according to the Decree of the Council of Trent declares, That the Catholick Church Catech. ad Paroch. c. de Ordinis Sacramento. Summum in eo dignitatis gradum, & jurisdictionis amplitudinem; non qui­dem ullis Synodicis aut aliis humanis constitutionibus, sed di­vinitus datam agnoscit: quamobrem omnium fidelium, & epis­coporum, caeterorumque antistitum, quocunque illi munere, & potestate praediti sint, pater, ac moderator, universali Ecclesiae, ut Petri Successor, Christique Domini verus & legitimus vi­carius praesidet; doth acknowledge in him (the Pope) the highest degree of dignity and amplitude of Jurisdiction, not gi­ven him by any Synodical, or other human Constitutions, but by Divine Authority: wherefore he the Father and Gover­nour of all the Faithful, and of the Bishops, and the rest who are in chief Authority, whatsoever Office or Power they are in­dued with; doth preside over the the Ʋniversal Church, as the Successor of Peter, and the true and lawful Vicar of Christ the Lord.

19. But notwithstanding this great noise, it was un­known to the ancient Church; no such Di­vine institution hath been or can be produced; and pasce oves, and tu es Petrus have been oft scanned, and no such thing can be found in them. And it is considerable, that the ancient Bishops of Rome owned not, nor claimed any [Page 156]such Authority, nor was any such given to them, by the Primitive Church. To this purpose it may be observed from Epiph. Her. 42. Epiphanius, that when Marcion being excommunica­ted by his own Father a pious Bishop, for his debauchery, went to Rome, and desired there to be received into Com­munion, he was told there, by those Elders yet alive who were the Disciples of the Apostles, that they could not receive him without the permission of his Reverend Father: there be­ing one Faith, and one Concord, they could not act contrary to their Fellow Ministers. And this was agreeable to the Rules and Canons of the ancient Church, whereby it was ordain­ed. Can. Ap. 12. that if any excommunicate person should be re­ceived in another City, whither he should come, not ha­ving commendatory Letters, he who received him, should be himself also under excommunication. And the novel Romish Notion, of all other Bishops so depending on the Roman, as to derive their power and authority from him, is so con­trary to the sense of the ancient Church, that Hieron. Ep. ad Eva­grium. S. Hie­rome declares ubicunque fuerit Episcopus, five Romae, five Eu­gubii—ejusdem meriti, ejusdem est & sacerdotii—omnes Apostolorum successores sunt; wheresoever there was a Bishop; whether at Rome or at Gubio— he is of the same worth, and the same Priesthood,—they are all Successors of the Apo­stles.

20. and prejudici­al to other Churches, and to Religion it self. However the Romish Church upon this encroach­ment and false pretence, claims a power to receive appeals from any other Churches. And this oft proves a great obstacle to the Government, and discipline of those Church­es; and an heavy and burdensome molestation to particu­lar persons, by chargeable tedious and dilatory prosecuti­ons: and is a method also of exhausting the treasures of o­ther Churches and Kingdoms, to gratifie ambitious avarice. But even the c. 6. qu. 3. scitote. Canon Law declares the great reasonable­ness, that every Province, where there is ten or eleven Cities, and a King, should have a Metropolitan and other Bishops, and that all causes should be judged and determined by them a­mong themselves; and that no Province ought to be so [Page 157]much debased and degraded, as to be deprived of such a Judi­cature. Indeed the Canon Law doth here for the sake of the Roman See, exempt such cases from this judgement, where those who are to be judged enter an appeal, which is much different from the appeal the ancient Church allowed Conc. Constant. c. 6. to a more General Council after the insufficient hear­ing of a Provincial one. But in truth this right of order­ing and judging what is fit in every Province, is not only the right of that particular Church, or Country or Kingdom; but where they proceed according to truth and goodness, it is the right of God, and the Christian Religion, which is above all contrary authority of any other, and ought not to be violated thereby. And appeals from hence Cod. ean. Eccl. Afr. c. 28. The Roma­nists Schisma­tical. even to Rome were anciently prohibited in Africa.

21. And the Schismatical uncharitableness of them at Rome, towards other Churches, deserves here to be men­tioned. This widens divisions and discords, and perpetu­ates them by declaring an irreconcileable opposition to peace and truth. They excommunicate them as Hereticks, who discerning their right, and their duty, will not submit themselves to their usurpations, and embrace their errors, and to them they hereupon deny the hopes of Salvation. Thus they deal with them, who stedfastly hold to the Ca­tholick faith, and to all the holy rules of the Christian life and practice, delivered by the Apostles, and received by the Primitive Church; and who also embrace that Ca­tholick charity and Unity, that they own Communion with all the true and regular members of the Christian Church; and would with as much joy, communicate with the Roman Church her self, if she would make her Wor­ship and Communion, and the terms of it free from sin, as the Father in the Gospel embraced his returning Son. But this is the crime of such Churches, that while they hold fast the Apostolical Faith and Order, they reject the novel additional doctrines, introduced by the Church of Rome, and they submit not to her usurped authority, in not doing [Page 158]what in duty to God they ought to do, in imbracing the right wayes of truth.

22. Their unjust excommunications hurt not others, But the excommunicating such persons and Churches, doth no hurt to them, who undeservedly lie under this unjust censure, but the effect of the censure may fall on them who thus excommunicate. For they who reject the Commu­nion of them, who are true and orderly Members of the Church Catholick, do divide themselves from that Com­munion. To this sense is that received rule, c. 24. qu. 3. c. si habes; &c. certum. illicita excommunicatio non laedit eum qui notatur, sed eum à quo no­tatur: and this was declared by in Balsa­mon. p. 1096. Nicon, to be agreeable to the Canons. And the excellency and power of the true Catholick Doctrine, and the purity thereof, is so much to be preferred, before the authority of any persons whom­soever who oppose it, that that which the ancient Canons Conc. Sardic. c. 17. established was very fit and just, that if any Bishops (and consequently any other persons) were ejected from their own Churches, or suffered any censures unjustly, for their ad­hering to the Catholick Faith and profession, they ought still to be received in other Churches and Cities, with kindness and love. And whereas there were Canons of the Church, which allowed not Bishops to reside in other Churches and Dioceses; these Fathers at Sardica dispense with that Rule, in such a case as this, and thereby declare their fense to be, That the observation of Canonical establishments, must give place, where the higher duties of respect to the Christian Faith and Charity were concerned.

23. but only them­selves. When the Scribes and Pharisees condemned the Do­ctrine of Christ and his Apostles for Heresie, and cast them, who received it, out of the Church; the Christians were nevertheless the true members of the Church, but they who rejected them were not so. And when the Donatists would allow none but their own party to belong to the Church, they thereby cast themselves out of the Catholick Communion, as Schismaticks. And when they at Rome so far follow their steps, as to confine the Christian Communion to themselves; or to a particular Church, espe­cially [Page 159]such an one, as so greatly swerves from the truth and purity of the Christian Religion; Sect. II. this is in effect to deny that Article of our Creed, concerning the Holy Catholick Church. And since Charity and Ʋnity are of so great con­cernment in Christianity, on that account also they are none of the best members of the Church, who are so far from them, as all of the Romish Communion are obliged to be; and are thereby guilty of heinous sin, and of that which is greatly scandalous to Christianity.

The Doctrines maintained in the Church of Rome, and the Constitutions therein established, are great hindrances to ho­liness of life, and true devotion in Religion, and comply very far with Wickedness and Debauchery.

1. I Shall now come to consider, that there are such do­ctrines asserted by the Church of Rome, and such pra­ctices established therein, as are plain obstacles and hin­drances to a holy life. Holiness and purity are suitable to the nature of God, and agreeable to the end of Christ's co­ming into the World, to redeem us from all iniquity, and to purifie to himself a peculiar people zealous of good works, Obstacles in the Roman Church to an holy life, Tit. 2.14. This is a compliance with his Gospel, which is a doctrine according to Godliness, and his Church which he founded, is an holy Catholick Church. And therefore no­thing can be of God and Christ, which is not agreeable to true goodness and piety, but that must be contrary to God and Christianity, which is opposite to holiness and a god­ly life. But that the Church of Rome doth declare such Doctrines, as undermine piety and holiness, and establishes [Page 160]such constitutions and practices, as are highly prejudicial thereunto, I shall manifest by some particular instances.

And here I shall consider,

2. 1. In their Doctrine of Attrition and Absolution: First, Their Doctrine of Absolution. This is such that it sooths men in their sins, and thereby takes away the weighty Motive and Argument to holiness of life, which is from the necessity thereof, to avoid the wrath of God, and endless perdition, and to obtain the favour of God and ever­lasting salvation. For this Church and the Writers there­of, do generally teach that attrition though without con­trition, is a sufficient disposition or qualification for the re­ceiving Priestly absolution, and that persons so qualifi­ed, and thereupon absolved, are in a safe state, as to the avoiding eternal damnation, and the future enterance into everlasting happiness. Now contrition includes a grief for, and hatred of sin, as it is an offence of God, with a purpose and resolution not to go on in the practice of evil, and this is conjoined with a chief love to God. But attrition is a grief for sin, in such a manner that it is not produced from, nor containeth in it the chief love of God and goodness. And when divers wayes are either asserted, or disputed of by many Casuists, concerning the difference between Attri­tion and Contrition, Mart. Becanus speaks with much plainness, and I think with truth, when he tells us Part. 3. Tr. 2. c. 35. Qu. 1. that contrition includes aversion from sin, and conversion to God, which is in loving him above all; and that this principle of the love of God (which includes consequently hatred of sin, and turning from it) is that thing in which contrition es­sentially differs from attrition, and that all other differen­ces or wayes of distinguishing them are either to be reje­cted as false, or may be spared as being of little or no use.

3. Now some Writers of the Romish Communion, espe­cially in former Ages, have been of opinion, that contrition is necessary to justification. But this assertion is declared by Tom. 4. Disp. 3. Qu. 8. Punct. 3. Gr. de Valentia, to be sententia his presertim temporibus [Page 161]vix tolerabilis, such an one as especially in these times is scarce fit to be tolerated And he calls the other the com­mon opinion. This Bell. de poenit. l. 2. c. 18. Bellarmine takes for granted and Becanus declares ubi sup. Qu. 6. omnes fatentur contritionem non esse ne­cessariam in Sacramento Poenitentiae, that all acknowledge that Contrition is not necessary in the Sacrament of Penance. And these Writers, and many others, affirm the Council of Trent to have declared thus much. And that Council plainly enough determines, that Contrition Sess. 13 de poenitentia cap. 4. is a grief of mind for sin already committed, with a purpose to do so no more; and that this which encludes a hatred of the past evil life, and the beginning of a new life, when it hath Charity joined with it, doth reconcile man to God before the actual re­ceiving the Sacrament of Penance, if there be a desire to par­take thereof. But then it adds, concerning another sort of sorrow, from the foulness of the sin or the fear of punishment, ex peccati turpitudine, vel ex supplicii metu, and of this that Council determines, that it cannot bring a sinner to justifi­cation, without the Sacrament of Penance, but it doth dispose him to obtain the favour of God in the Sacrament of Penance. A bad life en­couraged here­by. Now the result of all this according to the plainest sense their own Authours give, is, that if a wicked man ready to go out of the world, shall be troubled when he appre­hends the foulness of his sins, lest he should go to Hell, which is attrition, and shall then send to the Priest and re­ceive Absolution; this man though his beart be not turned from sin to God, and to a love of him, and of goodness, will according to this loose Doctrine, go out of the world in the favour of God and in a justified state. And thus much is pre­tended to be effected, by vertue of the Sacrament of Pe­nance and Priestly Absolution.

4. Now it is to be acknowledged, that the true Ministe­rial Absolution is very profitable (being in an eminent man­ner contained in dispensing the holy Sacraments) and is of much greater weight than many men account it to be, to them that believe and truly repent, or to them who sin­cerely perform the conditions of the Gospel Covenant: but [Page 162]no pretence of Absolution must be admitted, to make void these conditions. And it may be granted, that in the Ro­man Church, in some Societies, there are rules of severity directed to them who are disposed to seriousness: but this their Doctrine of Absolution takes off all necessity of observ­ing any such rules, (or any vows whereby they obliged themselves to any duties or exercises of perfection) so far as concerns the fear of God, as to the interest of an eternal state. And this Doctrine opens a gap, to all licentiousness of life, contrary to the rules of Christianity, and all good con­science; by the security it pretends to give of eternal happi­ness to wicked and debauched men, who amend not their lives, nor forsake their sins. If this be truth, then are all the promises and threatnings of the Gospel made void; as they are Motives to the necessary duties of holiness and piety.

5. Holiness of Christianity undermined hereby. By such arts as this, all the great precepts of Religion are made of none effect, in order to salvation. For if a­gainst this impure Doctrine, all those Texts of Scripture be urged, which require the wicked man to repent, and turn from all his iniquities that he may live, and other such like; we are told by Gr. de Valent. ubi sup. Gr. de Valentia, that this is the general rule, extra sacramentum neminem posse justificari sine contriti­one, that excepting the use of the Sacrament; none can be justi­fied without contrition. But then he tells us, casus quo Sa­cramentum poenitentiae usurpaetur, plane ab illa lege universali exceptus est, that case in which the Sacrament of Penance is u­sed, is clearly excepted from that universal Law. And this exception, he sayes, is made in Christs instituting the power of the Keys, and of remitting and retaining sins. As if the power of the keys, and the ministerial Authority, (which rightly understood is great and excellent, though it be grossly perverted and abused by the Romanists, and sleight­ed and undervalued by others) was an underhand contri­vance, to frustrate and defeat all the great precepts of God, and the Laws of Christianity. And these precepts are so far made void thereby, that Melch. Can. Relect. 4. de Poenit. Canus confidently affirms, [Page 163]that he who with attrition receives the Sacrament of Pe­nance, is not only in a safe state, but doth as much as the precepts of God require from him. Whereas (saith he) Baptism and the Sacrament of Absolution, confer grace to him that is attrite, and these two Sacraments were directly instituted for the remission of all sins; qui suscipit alterum ex his sive con­tritus sive attritus, vere implet praeceptum de poenitentia, quo­niam Deus nihil amplius exigit in compensationem delicti com­missi, quam vel contritionem sine sacramento, vel attritio­nem cum sacramento; He who receives either of these, either with Contrition or with Attrition, doth really fulfil the precept of Repentance; because God doth require nothing further, in compensation for the fault committed, than either Contrition without the Sacrament, or Attrition with the Sacrament. And thus the illustrious and substantial precepts of purity, and newness of life, are by these men made to dwindle into the shades of darkness.

6 And as this Doctrine of Attrition is improved by them, it tends to eat out all true devotion: This renders pious devotion unnecessary. since we are told by the Romish Casuists, and Controversial Writers, that this disposition is sufficient for performing the highest acts of Religion, even the receiving the holy Eucharist. In­deed they ordinarily grant, that the precept of Contrition be­ing an affirmative precept, doth oblige at some special times; though they are very sparing in fixing these times: but many particularly mention the case of being in danger of death, and some add the receiving or dispensing a Sacra­ment, which ought to be handled reverently, and some may assign some other special cases. But others can tell us, how that which is thus granted in words, shall contain nothing of reality under it. For if the Question be propo­sed, whether when the precept of Contrition doth bind, Attriti­on with the Sacrament of Penance be not still in that case suffi­cient; (h) Becanus declares, M. Bec. ubi sup. Qu. 7. that though some be of the other opinion, they are most in the right who affirm this: because the precept of Contrition is obligatory, only on them who have mortal sin, and therefore if a man may be [Page 164]freed from mortal sin by Attrition, non amplius obligatur praecepto contritionis, he is no further bound by the precept of Contrition. Such strange methods are made use of to eva­cuate the Divine precepts. And they tell us that Attrition with Absolution makes up Contrition.

7. Hereby sinners are deluded by false hopes. By these artifices repentance is misrepresented, as if it could be sufficiently performed without amendment of life; and the way to Heaven is so described, as to be so far from requiring a patient continuance in well doing, that there is no necessity of well doing at all. This is to encourage men in such a wicked and evil life, against which Christ the righteous judge, will pronounce an heavy Sentence. And thus they deal with the souls of men, as a flattering Moun­tebank may do with the Body, if he should pretend, that he can cure the most dangerous diseases, without carrying off the matter and cause of the distemper, and without his Patient's taking so much care, as to observe the rules of tem­perance and sobriety: but that man who is wise will not give heed to such deceitful boastings, nor venture his life upon confidence of the truth of them, when there are other rules and directions to be observed for his cure, from whence he may rationally and upon sure grounds expect a good effect. These Pontifician devices carry in them a perfect estrangement from the true Christian rules; and since Christianity consists in life and practice, more than in words and profession; that man who practiseth on this Doctrine, may be a Papist, and do all that the Church of Rome requireth; but he cannot be a true Christian, to do all that the Gospel of our Saviour makes necessary to salvation.

8. I confess a bad man according to the Romish Doctrine will fail of salvation; if he miss the opportunity, or neglect the care of Absolution. But wicked men who hazard their fouls and eternal happiness, that they may gratifie their lusts, where they have no encouragements of hope propo­sed to them, will much more do so where they have such great encouragements. And according to this Doctrine, this hazard doth not seem exceeding great, when they may [Page 165] frequently confess and be absolved, and especially after they have committed any mortal sin, and thereby set all things again even and strait, between God and themselves, so far as concerns their being in a justified state. And what may be pretended to remain as an obligation upon them to bear temporal pains and satisfactions, this also may be v. Sect. 9. n. 14, &c. other­wise provided for.

9. And we may further consider, how little goes to the making up of Contrition according to the Romish Casuists, Of Contrition. or such a repentance as availeth to justification, without the Sacrament of Penance. Of this I shall give an account from Father Theol. Mor. l. 5. Tract. 6. c. 4. n. 1. Layman. He declares that the substance of Contrition consists in detesting sin above all evil: but ib. n. 2. any continuance of time is not necessary to that contrition, by which a sinner is justified, but one simple act of grief is suffi­cient: and it is most probable, that without calling his sins to remembrance he may be perfectly converted, and justified by contrition, temporis momento, in a moment of time. And he farther saith ib. n. 3. that any express purpose, of keep­ing Gods Commands, or abstaining from sin is not necessary, further than it is vertually included in an act of detestation of sin, in which he hath no thought of his future course of life. But this notion of Contrition I shall not pursue; nor yet those others in their Casuistical Writers, whereby they very rarely allow such affirmative precepts, as that great one of loving God, to oblige us to exercise any act of love to him: which is much consequent upon their usual assertions concerning Attrition. For my intention is to wave many things declared by considerable Doctors, and mainly to insist on those, which have the publick allowance and establishment of the Church.

10. Secondly, Another obstacle to a pious life, 2. Of their prohibiting the common use of the Scriptures. which I shall consider is, the debarring the people of the best guide and help to piety, which is the use of the Holy Scriptures. The Divine Scriptures are by the Fathers oft called the Let­ters, and Messages which God sends to men, to invite them [Page 166]to him, and guide them in their way: and then surely they to whom, and for whom they are sent, ought to know and read them, both out of Reverence to God, and out of respect to themselves. de Tem­pore Serm. 112. S. Austin observes this double benefit in reading the holy Scriptures, that they teach us knowledge, and right understanding, and that they carry men off from the vanities of the world, unto the love of God; and observes how greatly efficacious they are, to the pro­moting piety in very great numbers, and that they were de­signed for our Salvation.

11. The Scriptures greatly pro­mote piety. These Scriptures were written by the inspiration of God, and contain the sure rule for Faith and Life, and were so accounted of in the ancient Church. Herein is compri­zed the Will and Counsel of God, declared by the Holy Ghost himself. And the precepts and holy rules there pro­posed, the promises declared, the threatnings denounced, the judgements executed on the disobedient, and the blessings bestowed on the obedient, are great incitements to piety; and are of the greater force and weight, as they are con­tained in the Scriptures, because the Divine Authority goes along with every one of them. And the end for which they were written, is for our learning, that we through pati­ence and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope, Rom. 15.4. And the punishments there recorded, which were in­flicted on evil doers, were for ensamples, and written for our admonition, 1 Cor. 10.11. These holy Books, the Primitive Christians were not denied the use of, and they so highly esteemed this priviledge, that rather than they would de­liver up these Books to their persecutors, the best Christi­ans chose to undergo the utmost torments and sufferings; and of such Baron. Annal. Ecc. An. 302. n. 22. Baronius observes, that there was numerus prope infinitus eorum qui ne codices sacros traderent, lubentissi­mo animo mortem oppetiverunt; almost an infinite number of those, who with the greatest readiness of mind, chose death ra­ther than to deliver up the Holy Books. And they who did deliver them, were accounted grievous offenders, and cal­led Traditores (the name given to Judas who betrayed our [Page 167]Lord) and of these, as Advers. Parm. l. 1. Optatus saith, there were many of all ranks both Laicks and Clergy.

12. The use of the Scriptures is of such excellent ad­vantage, to promote piety and the happiness of men, that the Psalmist under the infallible guidance of the Holy Spi­rit, declares the blessed and good man, to delight himself in the law of the Lord, and to meditate therein day and night, Psal. 1.2. And this makes him so to increase, and be fruitful in good works, that v. 3. he is resembled to a tree planted by the rivers of water, which brings forth his fruit in due sea­son. And the excellent use of this Divine Law is descri­bed, Psal. 19.7-11. in converting the soul, making wise the simple, and other great benefits. Yea they are of such ma­nifold and compleat use for the good of man, that the Apo­stle declares them able to make one wise unto Salvation, and to be profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished to every good work, 2 Tim. 3.15, 16, 17. And they have that mighty efficacy, to prevail on the hearts and consciences of men, that our Lord acquaints us, that they who would not hear Moses and the Prophets, would not be perswaded though one arose from the dead, Luke 16.31.

13. But the Romish Church prohibits the use of the Scri­pture to the generality of their Communion; as is manifest from the Index of prohibited Books, Conc. Tri­dent. Sess. ult. prope sin. which was ordered by the Council of Trent, and was compleated about the end of that Council; but the confirmation thereof, was re­ferred to the Pope, by the Decree of that Council; and it was approved by the Authority of Pius the Fourth. In this Indic. Reg. 4. How far vul­gar Translati­ons are prohi­bited in the Roman Church. Index it is declared, That since it is manifest by ex­perience, that if the Holy Bible in the Vulgar Tongue, be per­mitted generally without distinction, there would thence from the rashness of men, more hurt arise than advantage; in this matter it must be left to the judgement of the Bishop or Inqui­sitor, that with the advice of the Parish Priest or Confessor, he may grant to them the reading of the Bible, in the Vulgar [Page 168]Tongue, translated by Catholick Authors, whom they shall understand may receive by such reading not hurt, but increase of faith and piety; which faculty they should have in writing. But whosoever without such a faculty shall presume to read or to have them, may not obtain the absolution of their sins, unless they first deliver their Bibles to the Ordinary. And then follows the penalty of the Bookseller, who shall sell, or o­therwise procure such Bibles, to them who have not a fa­culty. And from this Index, the substantial part of this rule is expressed in Panstrat. Cath. Tom. 1. l. 10. c. 1. Chamier, and somewhat more at large in the Book of (t) Jacobus Ledesima the Jesuit, Ledes. c. 15. De scripturis divinis quavis lingua non legendis, and is mention­ed in some English Writers. It is therefore condemned, as a very heinous and mortal crime, without all these cau­tions, to have or read a Bible in the Vulgar tongue, though it be in a version of their own. And if it be considered how liable to censure and dislike, the use of such Bibles are, in the Romish Communion, as their own Writers declare; it may thence be concluded, that many zealous Papists will be backward to desire any such thing, which others must not expect to obtain. And upon further consideration, of what difficulties may be expected, in the gaining this fa­culty, and the procuring the consent of those by whose au­thority and with whose advice it must be obtained; any reasonable man will discern, that such faculties are not like to be very common.

14. This prohibiti­on is many wayes evil. But such a prohibition is upon many accounts evil. First, It being a duty and pious practice for men to acquaint themselves with the Holy Scriptures, Psal. 1.2. Psal. 78.5, 6. Jo. 5.39. Act. 17.11. it is an opposition to God and goodness to deny them the liberty, to do that, which pleaseth him, and is their duty. Secondly, Since God gave this as one great gift to his Church, that they should have the Sacred Oracles of the Holy Scriptures, which they might all acquaint themselves with, (as our Lord said, they have Moses and the Prophets, Luk. 16.29.) and it is one of the advantages Christ hath bestowed on his Church, [Page 169]that they may have the knowledge of the Doctrine of the Gospel, as it was dictated by the infallible inspiration of the Holy Ghost, as will appear from n. 17. it is high injustice and sacrilegious fraud, to deprive the Members of the Chri­stian Church, of that excellent good, which the will of Christ bequeathed to them, and is their right. Thirdly, The reading the Holy Scriptures being of such excellent usefulness to men, (as was observed n. 10, 11, 12.) this prohibition is a thing very uncharitable to men. Fourthly, The ground on which they proceed, that the use of the Scriptures, if generally permitted, is more to the preju­dice, than advantage and benefit of men, when the Holy Spirit himself declares them to be greatly profitable, as was observed n. 12. this is to charge the wisdom of God with folly, as if in his great acts of favour and kindness, he had not wisely consulted the good of man; but had by the inspi­ration of the Holy Ghost made such Books publick, which if the Church of Rome did not take care, that they might not come into the hands of the greatest part of men, would do a great deal of hurt to the World. And now I need not make remarks to shew how little there is of piety in such things as these.

15. The Churches of God of old, steered another course, The Scriptures were generally allowed to be read by the Jews and an­cient Christi­ans, from this of the Romanists. That amongst the Jews at the time of our Saviours coming, and his Apostles preaching, the people were not debarred the use of the Holy Scri­ptures, though they were clearly opposite to the Traditi­ons and corrupt Doctrines of the Scribes and Pharisees, may appear from our Saviours putting them upon searching the Scriptures, Jo. 5.39. from S. Peter's commending their ta­king heed to the sure word of prophecy, 2 Pet. 1.19. as also from the Bereans searching the Scriptures daily, Act. 17.11. and Timothy's having known them from a child, 2 Tim. 3.16.

16. That the ancient Christians had the Scriptures transla­ted into the several languages of the Countreys, in which there were any Christian Churches founded, is manifest [Page 170]from the testimonies of S. Hierome, S. Chrysostome and The­oderet, which have been produced In their Epistle pre­fixed to the Bible. by the Authors of our last English translation. In which they particularly mention the Egyptians, Indians, Persians, Armenians, Scy­thians, Aethiopians, Romans, Goths, and some others. And Ep. ad Phil. p. 23. ed. Usser. Polycarp declares to the Church of the Philippians, to whom he writes, that he trusts they were exercised in the holy Scriptures. And de Lazaro. Chrysostome exhorts his Audi­tors, that they would diligently read the holy Scriptures at home in their houses: and the like is frequently done by S. Austin, and divers other the most eminent ancient Wri­ters. Nor was the Scripture then forbidden to be read e­ven by children: but Eusebius Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 6. c. [...]. tells us how usefully, and to what good purpose, for the guiding and establishing of [...]any Christians in the time of Persecution, Origen had been exercised in the holy Scriptures in his very child­hood.

17. and were so de­signed of God. But we need go no further in this case than to the Holy Scriptures themselves. S. Paul directs his Epistle to the Church of Rome, Rom. 1.7. To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be Saints; and his first Epistle to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 1.2. To the Church at Corinth, called to be Saints, with all that in every place call on the name of Christ; and his second Epistle to the Church of God which is at Corinth, with all the Saints which are in all Achaia, 2 Cor. 1.1. Now it is plain from hence, that he intended they might all know and read the matter of his Epistles; and that these (and consequently other) parts of the Canon of the holy Scripture, were not under a prohibition, that they might not be read by the major part of Christians. And when the hearers of S. Peter at Rome, as Hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 14. Eusebius re­lates, were not satisfied with hearing, [...], and Doctrine of the Divine declaration with­out writing, they prevailed with S. Mark, to write for them the summ of the Christian Doctrine, and leave it with them, and this their desire was very well approved by S. Peter. But let him who can conceive such strange things, suppose [Page 171]that to gratifie their desire, of being rightly guided in the Christian Doctrine, and for their future instruction, when these teachers should remove to another place, the Gospel of S. Mark was left with them, but under such a prohibi­tion, that none might read it, or know the particular con­tents thereof, unless he should obtain a particular faculty in writing from S. Peter, or S. Mark, to that purpose. And when S. Peter wrote his Epistles, that the Christians even after his decease, might have those things always in remem­brance, 2 Pet. 1.12, 13, 15. and chap. 3.1, 2. it is some­thing hard to imagine, how they should be able to make such use of these Epistles, as to keep in memory the Christi­an truth and precepts, if they were not permitted to read them, or to know the contents thereof. And when Saint John's Gospel was written, Joh. 20.31. that men might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, and that believing they may have life through his name; surely no man can think, that what was written for this purpose, might not be read for the same purpose, by those who were concerned to be­lieve and obtain life.

18. Some of the Church of Rome have pretended, Pretended re­verence re­flected on. that they shew reverence to the holy Scriptures, and treat them as Sacred things with veneration, when they take care, they may not come into the hands of every common per­son. But a due reverence to any Divine institution, is not to forbid it to the generality of Christians, but to take care that there be a diligent and pious use thereof. Thus a right veneration to the solemn worship of God, and the holy Sacra­ments, is not performed in prohibiting Christians to attend thereupon, and partake thereof, but in their devout commu­nicating in these duties of Religion.

19. But the chief thing objected is, that by the use of the Scriptures, many are led into errors and vain opinions: and the danger of heresie by the Scriptures being translated, is insisted on by de Div. Script. quavis lingua non legendis. Ledesima, and other Writers of the Papists; and they take care to provide against this miscar­riage. To this I answer. 1. The plea of avoiding error, [Page 172]is ill made in this case, by them who keep all of their com­munion who read not the Scriptures, blindfold under so many and great errors. The Objection from the abuse of the Scri­ptures by some men to promote Heresies, consi­dered. 2. The Scriptures are indeed ve­ry proper to lead men into that truth, which they unjust­ly call heresie, in that as an excellent rule, they discover to diligent, pious and unpiejudiced enquirers, what is straight and what is crooked. And Ledesima the Jesuit acknow­ledgeth, that when the Protestants took counsel for the translating the Scriptures, and the dispersing them abroad, this was a most apt and fit means to promote their interest; ibid. c. 1. de sacrorum librorum versione, consilio ad eam rem apposi­tissimo, omnibus promulganda, inter ipsos haereticos agitari est coeptum. Now it is some honour to the Protestant cause, that the Scriptures do so much favour them, that the having them made known to all men, is so apt a means to promote their interest. And when for this cause the Romanists de­sign to keep them secret, the politickness of this contrivance may be some advantage to their cause, as to Us interest a­mongst men, but it is withal a great disparagement to it with respect to its truth and goodness.

20. Thirdly, If some men do miscarry by their vanity, in wresting the Scriptures to serve their errors, this is no just reason to prohibit the general use of a thing so excellent. If some men eat to surfet themselves, or use their under­standings to abett error, and to cheat others by over-reaching them; or shall yield their eyes to behold vanity, their ears to be pleased with lewd discourse, or their wills to chuse evil; must the greater part of men be forbidden to eat, to consider, or to chuse any thing at all, and must their eyes be blindfolded, and their ears stopped, lest they should a­buse them to evil? And the like might be urged concern­ing the use of mens hands, tongues, and almost of all natu­ral and acquired perfections, and also of the profession of Chri­stianity and the means of grace. And since the right know­ledge of God and Religion, are things of so great excellen­cy and high benefit; there is the less reason why the best [Page 173]means to obtain them should be rejected, because they may possibly be abused.

21. Fourthly, The Scriptures read with piety and humili­ty, are excellently fitted to improve those who read them, in wisdom and goodness. And the goodness and purity which they recommend, and the eternal interests they propose, and the authority of God they bring along with them, have a great influence, through the grace of God there tendred, to work these humble and pious dispositions. And there­fore though some men may err and miscarry, and be bad by abusing them; it is far more probable that they should do amiss, who either want, or neglect the diligent and fre­quent use, of such an excellent help. Praef. in Epist. ad Rom. S. Chrysostome observes that a vast multitude of evils proceed from the ig­norance of the Scriptures, and amongst others, he mentions the pest of Heresie and a bad life. And S. Austin, while he was speaking of the excellency of the holy Scriptures, and the great benefit of the use of them, saith de Tem­pore Serm. 112. saepius caecus offendit quam videns; the blind man, or he who wants the ad­vantage of seeing by the light, more frequently stumbles than he who can see.

22. Fifthly, The wisdom of God hath thought fit, to place man in such a condition in this world, even under the Covenant of grace, that he is not out of all capacity of offending, in any case or circumstances. They had a great priviledge who heard the words of the Gospel, from the mouth of the holy Jesus himself, or his Apostles; but this great blessing might be ill used by bad men, who were far from being benefitted thereby, if they were perverse and obstinate. And they who enjoyed these great advantages, if they were not careful and diligent to make a good im­provement of them, were the more highly guilty, and under the more heavy condemnation. And so all ministerial helps; and even various and frequent influences and aids of divine grace, may be abused by ill disposed men, and so [Page 174]may be also the Holy Scriptures, by man who is a creature indued with liberty and choice. And it hath pleased God thus to order the state of man in the world, that the per­formance of his duty, by the Divine assistance, may be an act of his care and choice. Hereby his obedience becomes a vertue, and himself capable of reward or punishment in the performing or neglecting it. But there are no means or motives which men do enjoy, which more usefully con­duce, to the promoting goodness, holiness and piety, than the holy Scriptures do. And there is no more reason to re­ject the use of them from any persons, because they may by some be wrested and used amiss, than there is to con­demn the use of any other excellent means of piety, for the like reason; and to disapprove of the circumstances under which God hath placed man under the Gos­pel.

23. Amongst the Papists, Vulgar Translations have been very sparing. But besides what respects the rule above mentioned, in the Index of Books prohibited, the Church of Rome hath used another way of debarring the people from the use of the Holy Scriptures; in being very sparing, of having any al­lowed translation into vulgar languages, composed by men of their own Communion. They take care that even Breviar. Rom. passim. such lessons as are read out of any part of Scripture, in their pub­lick Service, may not be read in the Common or Vulgar tongue of the Country. This Bellarmine acknowledgeth and asserteth to be prohibited, Bell. de Verb. Dei. l. 2. c. 15. Prohibetur ne in publico & communi usu Ecclesiae, Scripturae legantur vel canantur vul­garibus linguis. And in this he referreth to the Conc. Trid. Sess. 22. c. 8. Coun­cil of Trent, which declares that it is not fit, ut (Missa) vul­gari passim lingua celebraretur. And the word Missa here, (as very frequently) is not confined solely, to that which is peculiar to the Eucharist, but it takes in the whole publick Service. To this purpose De Eucha­rist. l. 5. c. 1. Bellarmine observes, Missa accipitur pro tota celebratione divini officii, in quo Eucharistia consecrabatur, ut comprehendit simul Missam Catechumenorum, & haec est communissima acceptio. And hence such portions of Scripture as are parts of the publick service, are included in [Page 175]that rule and Constitution, which relates to the whole. And the de Verbo Del, c. 15. Cardinal declares, that what is done by the Protestants, is a real and practical asserting their heretical opinion against the Church, whilst they ordinarily translate the Scriptures into the German, French and English tongues, and publickly read and sing them in the same tongues. In Eng­land before the Reformation, I know of no allowed transla­tion into English, made by any whom they own to be of their Communion. That of Wiclef though out of the Vul­gar Latin, must not be owned as such. Since the Refor­mation, the Romanists have translated the Testament into English: but though these Books may be procured by some few persons, they are not easily had by very many. And it is probable that in some Popish Countries they may have no translation of the Scriptures into their Vulgar tongue to this time, which carryeth any publick approbation or allow­ance with it.

24. A third impediment of piety in the Romish Church, 3. Of their publick Ser­vice and Pray­ers, in a tongue not understood by the people. which I shall instance in, is their having the publick Prayers, and the administration of the Offices of the Church, in a language not understood by the people, which is a great hin­drance to their devotion. That this practice is generally used, and is established and appointed in the Church of Rome, is sufficiently known, and is manifest from the fore­going Section. But that the Primitive Church did gene­rally own the fitness and usefulness, of having the publick service and Prayers of the Church, in a language under­stood by the common people, is evident enough, from what was then practised and established. Publick Offices in the Primi­tive Church were performed in a tongue commonly un­derstood. In a great part of the Eastern Church, where the Greek language was then the common speech of the Country, as is well known, and doth appear from the popular Homilies of the Greek Fathers, which they spake in that language: they had their pub­lick prayers and service of the Church in the Greek tongue, and not in the Latin; and some of the ancient Liturgies, then used in that tongue, are still extant. And in that part [Page 176]of the Western Church in which the Latin was then the Vul­gar or commonly known language, as in Italy and many o­ther parts, the publick prayers and service were performed in that tongue, and not in the Greek, or any other not commonly known in that Country. And this is proved from those parts of the ancient Latin Offices which are still preserved.

25. But in such other Countries, where neither of these languages were commonly known, there are sufficient in­stances of the use of other languages which were known. In those Eastern parts where the Syriack language obtained, they had their publick Offices in that language. And a Collection of sixteen Syriack Offices, are declared by Gabr. Sio­nit. de Ritib. Maronit. in init. Ga­briel Sionita to be in a Manuscript in his possession, many of which were used together in the same Church; and others probably in other Churches and in other Ages. And af­ter the first Centuries, when the Arabick and the Coptick or Aegyptian language prevailed much in Egypt, and the Pa­triarchate of Alexandria, they had also the Coptick Litur­gies as In Epist. ad Nihusium praef. Rituali Cophticarum. Athanasius Kircherus testifies. And that part which might seem least needful to be in the Vulgar tongue, which concerns the Ordination of their Ecclesiastical Offi­cers, who might be presumed to understand other tongues, was translated by Kircher into Latin, out of a very ancient Manuscript, in which all the Ritual was in the Coptick tongue, except the exhortations which were in the Arabick. This translation was by Kircher sent to Nihusius 1647, and by him published five or six years after. And several other Liturgical forms, both in Syriack and other languages u­sed in those Eastern Churches, are mentioned by Ecchel­lensis, in the account he gives of several Authours and Books, written in those languages, in the end of his Euty­chius vindicatus. And I doubt not but further proof may be given of this matter, That the peo­ple might un­derstand the Service. care was taken by the Imperial Law. by them who have the opportunity of seeing and consulting such Writers.

26. To this general and practical testimony of the Church, in former ages, I shall add three particular testi­monies, [Page 177]but all of them of a publick nature, all which acknowledged the usefulness, of the people understanding the publick Offices of the Church; and in the two former there was care taken thereof. The first is out of the Impe­rial Law: in Justin. Novel. 137. c. 6. which it is enacted, that the Bishops and Priests should express the Prayers at the holy Communion and at Baptism, with a voice that might be heard by the faith­ful people; for the raising the souls of the hearers into a greater devotion, and affectionate giving glory to God. And then that Law citeth the words of the Apostle, 1 Cor. 14.16. Else when thou shalt bless with the Spirit, how shall he that oc­cupieth the room of the unlearned say Amen, at thy giving of thanks, seeing he understands not what thou saist? Which im­perial Law takes care, that the Prayers of the Church may be understood by the people for their profit, provi­ding that the words thereof should be audibly pronounced, and supposing these Prayers to be expressed (as they then were) in a language commonly understood. A second testimony is from the Roman Pontifical, in which was con­tinued down to the Council of Trent, by the Roman Pontifical. a direction at the Or­dination of Lectors, as is noted in Hist. Con c. Trid. l. 6. p. 470. the History of that Council, ut studeant distincte & articulate legere, ut à populo intelligantur. From whence it is easily collected, that when that Pontifical was composed, the service of the Ro­man Church was then in that language, which was under­stood by the people; and the sense of the Roman Church then was that it was requisite it should be understood: and by its authority it took care that it might be so expressed as to be understood. But when after some time, the Latin tongue by degrees grew out of vulgar use, espe­cially under the various Mutations in the Empire, there was then want of care to order the expressions of the pub­lick service to be such, as would suit the capacities of the people.

27. The third testimony is, from the Council of Trent: which declares, Sess. 22. cap. 8. Etsi Missa contineat magnam populi e­ruditionem, Patribus tamen visum non expedire, ut vulgari passim lingua celebraretur. Quamobrem retento Ecclesiae Ro­manae [Page 178]ritu, ne oves Christi esuriant, mandant Pastoribus, ut, in­ter Missarum celebrationem, aliquid ex iis quae in Missa legun­tur exponant, What the Council of Trent ac­knowledge. praesertim festis diebus. Though the publick Ser­vice or Mass contains much instruction for the people, it doth not seem fit to the Fathers that it should be usually celebrated in the Vulgar tongue. Wherefore retaining the rites of the Church of Rome, they command the Pastors, that, in the time of its ce­lebration, they expound somewhat of those things which are read in the Mass, especially upon Festival days. Now here is an acknowledgment, that it is for the benefit of the people to understand the Service for their instruction, and yet a course is taken, that a main part thereof should not be un­derstood, that they may still keep up the Romish usage, which hath for many ages thus practised. Only they shall be suffered to understand so much of what is contained therein, as may keep them from famishing.

28. But these words seem to carry along with them, some intimation of guilty consciences in this decision. As if a Physician should declare, that he knows such a Medicine to be mighty useful, to recover his Patient to his health, but however he doth not intend he shall have it, but he may apply to him such a part of the ingredients, as will keep him alive (and yet possibly he may be mistaken here­in). Or this is something like, as if a Judge when he had considered a Case of right, concerning a temporal estate, should declare that there is a very fair and ample Patrimo­ny, that belongs to Sempronius, and he ought to have the profit thereof: but nevertheless it seems fit to him, that Sempronius should not enjoy this Estate, that so no alterati­ons may be made in present possessions. However he ad­judgeth them who keep him out of his Patrimony, and de­bar him of his right, at some times, and especially upon festival days, to give Sempronius some such relief, as them­selves shall think fit, for the satisfying his hunger, lest he should be famished for want of all supply of food. Now if such a Physician's practice be honest dealing, and the deter­mination of such a Judge be doing justice in secular inter­ests; then hath this Council done right to the members of [Page 179]the Church, and determined this case according to the rules of Christian integrity. For as it is the duty of the Pa­stors to feed the sheep of Christ, so it is the right of the sheep or people, to receive this food, and therefore to deny them much of that, which is acknowledged proper for them, is to defraud them of that, which justly belongs unto them.

29. But that the publick Prayers of the Church, Publick Ser­vice in a known lan­guage greatly useful. should be in a language commonly understood by the people, is both reasonable and sutable to the publick Service, and greatly useful and profitable to promote piety and edification. For the publick Worship of God rightly performed, is a great part of practical Religion. And devoutness therein, is both an eminent exercise of piety, and hath a great influence upon the minds of men to fix in them pious dispositions for the right ordering the whole course of life. This devoutness is a vigorous, lively and holy exercise of the mind and affecti­ons, and the whole man towards God, and in his service: and whilst fit and proper words would tend much to excite the people hereunto, this advantage is lost in the use of an unknown tongue, which is to no more purpose to him that understands it not, than if nothing at all was spoken. And what is here said by the defenders of the Romish pra­ctice, doth generally confute it self. Sometimes it is said, Coster. Enchir. c. 17. p. 496, 497. Nonest necessum à vulgo intelligi, &c. that it is not need­ful the people should understand the Prayers and Hymns of the Church, because they are not intended to instruct the people by understanding the words, but suavi melodia, majestate­que actionis, by the sweet melody and majesty of the action, The plea, that Prayers are not to instruct the people, conside­red, to dispose them to Religious reverence towards God. But if words in the worship of God be not needful to be understood, what need is there of any words at all, when grave actions and melodious sounds are sufficient? But if it be said, that words being understood by the Priests and learned men, are useful to quicken their devotion, and to fix and unite their minds, in joyning together in the same supplications and praises in publick Service; it is easie to observe, that this might have the same effect upon the devoutly disposed peo­ple, [Page 180]if the Prayers and other parts of the Service, were in a language which they understood. And therefore it must either be granted, that it is unnecessary that any should understand the particular expressions of the Service, and then it is to no purpose to use any language at all; or else that it is desirable that all should understand it.

30. Sometimes we are told that it is requisite the publick Service should be in Latin, Coster. Enchir. ubi sup. because otherwise Priests; who come out of other Countreys, could not celebrate the Offices, neque promiscue laudes Dei decantare, nor jointly with others sing the praises of God. But surely such Priests though they should not understand the language, may as well join in the praises of God, as the people at home can do in the language they understand not. And this charitable consideration towards foreign Priests, might be extended so far, and the care concerning fo­reign Priests. as to prove (if it had any weight in it) that the ser­vice of the Romish Church, ought to be in Arabick, that if any Priests should come from those Eastern parts, where that language is understood, and the Latin is not; they might bear a part in the service. But if this would be ridi­culous, when by this method the generality even of the Priests at home would not understand it, let it be considered what tolerable account can be given, why they should hin­der the generality of the people from understanding it; espe­cially when the Apostle himself hath so plainly determi­ned, that when prayers or praises are in an unknown tongue, The Apostoli­cal precept ob­served. the unlearned Auditor cannot so well join therein, and his edification is thereby prejudiced, 1 Cor. 14.16, 17. And what the Apostle speaks in that Chapter, doth plainly dis­allow the use of an unknown tongue in the publick worship of God, though they who spake, spake by the extraordina­ry gift of tongues; which thing was apt to excite the Chri­stian Auditory, to a particular admiration of the Divine gifts, and so might well be esteemed an extraordinary ge­neral help to devotion, and adoration. And the particular exceptions, against this plain and full Apostolical testimo­ny, [Page 181]are so inconsiderable, and have been so oft refuted, that I think them not worthy to be named.

31. But Ledesim. de Scrip. qu. Ling. non le­gendis. c. 13. Coster. Ench. c. 17. several Writers of the Romish Church tell us, that it is not necessary, the people should understand the expressions of the publick prayers and praises (and conse­quently not say Amen to them) because these services are not directed to them, but to God: and they may partake of the be­nefit of these services, though they do not understand them, Bellarm de Verb. Dei, l. 2. c. 16. as an ignorant Country man may have received advantage from a Latin Speech spoken on his behalf to a Prince, Of the pretence that prayers are directed to God, and not to the people. by whom it is well understood; or as absent persons may be advanta­ged by the prayers, which others put up for them, though themselves do not hear them. But that this is an insuffici­ent defence may appear, 1. Because though the Lessons are directed to the people, yet these also are read in a tongue they understand not. 2. Because the thing here to be considered, is not whether one may not be benefitted by anothers prayers and Religious addresses to God; which is supposed to be true, when we pray for one another: but we are here to take notice, whether the people ought notto bear a part, and to join in those great exercises of Religious piety, of prayers, thanksgiving and glorifying God, in the right performance of his publick worship and service. For the whole exercise of Divine worship, is not only to seek for blessings from God, but also to praise him and glorifie him, which the people cannot particularly join in, and go along with, unless they understand what is expressed in the ser­vice. And therefore if they ought to join therein; by be­ing debarred from understanding it, they are hindred from these acts of piety, which they ought to perform, and God is deprived of a great part of that glory that is due to him; and consequently Religion and piety are much preju­diced thereby.

32. Now it may be reasonably presumed, The people are concerned to-worship God. that if the people have such beings and souls, as are indued with capa­cities of worshipping and glorifying God, they ought to be employed to this purpose: but if they have none such [Page 182](which would be to suppose them not to be Christians or men, and to be uncapable of doing acts of duty and Religi­on, and of receiving rewards) then will they not be con­cerned to attend Gods publick worship. And these pleas used by these Writers, are as plausible, to excuse their absence from the publick Assemblies, as their not understanding the publick Service. But that the people are to join in the du­ties of Religious worship, is not only supposed by S. Paul, in that discourse upon this subject, 1 Cor. 14. but may be proved from the Psalms, and many other Scriptures, calling upon all people, to praise, and laud and glorifie God, and from S. John's Visions of the Gospel-Church, where some­times the 144000, sometimes so great a multitude as no man could number, are represented joyning together in the worship of God.

33. But a thing so manifest as this is, stands in need of no further proof, siince there are such frequent precepts for prayer, thanksgiving, and giving glory to God, directed to all Christians. And the Christian Church from the be­ginning acknowledged the people to be much concerned, in the performing the publick worship of God. Just. A­pol. 2. Justin Martyr declares, how in the prayers before the Eucharist, all the Christians together rose up, and presented those pray­ers, and in those at the Eucharist they joined their consent by answering, Amen. Tertullian declaring the Christi­an practice, saith, Tert. A­pol. c. 39. we go together to the Assembly and Congregation, ut ad Deum quasi manu facta precationi­bus ambiamus orantes, that we may earnestly call on God by prayers as with a joint strength; and this force (saith he) is acceptable to God. And before both these Ignatius urging and commending the publick service, said, Ign. Ep. ad Eph. if the prayer of one or two hath so great a force, [...], how much greater is that of the Bishop and the whole Church? And in the Primitive times sometimes an Amen, and sometimes other responsals, were directed to the people, in the ancient Liturgies. The result of all this is, that whereas the peoples actual join­ing [Page 183]in the several parts of Gods worship is a great part of their duty, and the pious and devout performance of it, both tends to the honour of God, and to their edification; the present Church of Rome by establishing their service in a tongue not understood by the people, both unjustly and im­piously hinders the due worship of God, and that piety of men which is conjoined with it; and derived from it.

34. I might give a fourth instance, Immoral Do­ctrines hinted at. of the hindrances to an holy life, in the Church of Rome, from those loose rules of practice delivered by divers of their Doctors and Casuists, and the allowance their rules give, to those gross enor­mities and heinous vices, which the Philosophers and ver­tuous Pagans would abhor, being opposite to the laws of nature, and that honesty which prevailed amongst the better part of the Gentiles. Of such things as these a large account hath been given, in the Mystery of Jesuitism, and several other Books: as their giving allowance to perjury, Murder, and other such heinous sins, upon sleight occasi­ons, as to preserve ones reputation, and the like. And what endeavours have been used by the doctrine of proba­bility, and other methods, to uphold those positions which debauch Morality, hath been manifested from the Books of Father Bauny, Caramouel, Estrix, and divers others. It is acknowledged that vigorous endeavours were used by some of their Bishops, to suppress these wretched Principles of immorality, but there was as earnest and vigorous diligence used to uphold the same by many Casuists and Divines, especially in Flanders, and France. I do not therefore charge these Principles upon the Church of Rome in general, but upon many Doctors therein. Some of these abominable and immoral positions were condemned by Pope Alexander the Seventh, and many were Sentenced by Pope Innocent the Eleventh, and the Inquisition at Rome: of the latter of which I shall take some particular notice.

35. Amongst sixty five Propositions, condemned in the Vatican Decree of Innoc. 11. March. 2. 1679. by the Pope and the Cardinals, the general Inquisitors, these were some, Prop. 5. That we dare not condemn him of mortal sin, who should but once in his whole life, put forth an act of the love of God, Prop. 10, 11. We are not bound to love our Neighbour with an internal and formal act; We may satis­fie the precept of loving our Neighbour by only external acts. Prop. 15. It is lawful for a Son to rejoice at his having murdered his Father when he was drunk, because of the great riches thence accrewing to him by Inheritance. Prop. 17. It is sufficient to have an act of faith once in the life time; Prop. 24. To call God to wit­ness to a light lie, is not so great irreverence, that for it he ei­ther will or can damn a man. Now such horrid Positions as these, and many others in the same Decree, deserve the severest Censure, and it may amaze any one, that such things should be asserted, by those who take upon them to instruct others, in the Principles and Practices of Christi­anity. And what wretched lives may they lead, whose practices are directed by such Guides?

36. Now though these Positions are condemned to be at least scandalous and pernicious in practice, and therefore all persons are in that Decree strictly forbidden to practise upon them, and all who shall maintain them are declared to be under the Sentence of Excommunication: Yet this very Sen­tence is too kind and favourable to the Authors of these Positions upon a threefold account. First, In that such impious and irreligious Doctrines were not condemned as false, wicked, blasphemous or heretical, but only as at least scandalous and pernicious in practice, which is but a very mild Censure of these Doctrines themselves; and speaks no more against them, than is declared against some other positions contained in the same Decree, which are not so abomina­ble. For instance, Prop. 19. That the will cannot effect; that the assent of faith should be more firm in it self, than the weight of the reasons which move to that assent do deserve: and Prop. 42. That it is not usury to require something besides the Principal, as being due out of benevolence and gratitude, but only when it is [Page 185]demanded as due out of justice. For whatsoever may be said against these Positions, it is a gentle and easie Censure of the other, to put them in the same rank with these, and under no heavier condemnation. Secondly, In that the au­thours of these unchristian Doctrines, and those who till the time of this Decree, have taught them and maintained them, are not by this, nor so far as I can learn, by any other Decree brought under any publick censure which may em­bolden and encourage others, to vent other wicked Princi­ples against common morality in time to come, though but with a little variation from the same. Thirdly, In that the Books in which these wicked Principles are contained, and owned, are not by this Decree, and I think by no o­ther, prohibited to be read; no not so far as the holy Scri­ptures themselves are under a prohibition.

Those Doctrines and Practices are publickly declared and asser­ted in the Church of Rome, and are by the Authority there­of established, which are highly derogatory to the just honour and dignity of our Saviour.

Sect. III 1. Dishonour done to Christ THose practices and opinions which vilifie the dig­nity, and authority of Christ are infamous, and bring a deserved dishonour upon the authours of them, and on them who embrace them. And as he is worthy of all glory, so his Church and the members thereof, are deserv­edly zealous of his honour. But herein the Romanists miscar­ry, which I shall manifest in some particulars.

2. by Invocating Saints, First, In their prayers and supplications to Saints and Angels: their practice herein, being not consistent with the honour due to our Lord, as our Advocate and Interces­sor. This invocation of Saints, is declared by Sess. ult. the Council of Trent to be good and profitable. And in the Oath enjoined by Pius the Fourth, in Bull. Pli 4. to be taken of all the Clergy, a profession is required, that the Saints are to be worshipped and invocated: and in the publick Offices of the Romish Church, both in their prayers, and more especially and fully in their hymns, supplications for all manner of Heavenly blessings, are put up unto them. Cassand. Consult. de Cult. Sanct. Cassander indeed tells us, that these things are not done for any such intent, as if praying to them, should be thought simply neces­sary to salvation. And in the same discourse he declares, that they did not adjoin the Saints, as if God either could not or would not hearken, and shew mercy, unless they be intercessors for it. But it is well known, that his mild and moderate expressions, are displeasing to the greater part of that Church. And however, though the error in Doctrine [Page 187]is the greater, when that is declared necessary which is not so; the error in practice is not the less, if in doing that which is on other accounts blameable, it be declared not necessa­ry to be done.

3. Now the blessed Jesus is constituted of God, and confidence in their inter­cession and me­rits. our Ad­vocate and Intercessor, that we may in his name, and through him, draw nigh to God: And it is part of his Kingly au­thority, and headship over his Church, to dispense those blessings for which we seek unto God in his name; and he is exalted to be a Prince and a Saviour to give repentance and remission of sins, Act. 5.31. But in many Books of Devo­tion, used and approved by the Church of Rome, their ad­dresses are much more frequent to Saints, and sometimes to Angels, and especially and most frequently to the Bles­sed Virgin, than to our Lord and Saviour himself; and to these they apply themselves, that by them they may find acceptance with God, and that by their merits they may obtain help, grace and blessing. And even the title of in­tercessor and advocate also, is oft-times given to them, both in the more ancient Offices, and in the present Roman Bre­viary, together with expressions of trust and confidence in their merits, frequently joined with them. On S. An­drew's day they in Missal. sec. us. Sarum & in Brev. pray with respect to him: Sit apud te pro nobis perpetuus intercessor; that he may be with thee for us a perpetual Intercessor. And the blessed Virgin is stiled Br. Rom. ad complet. a Vesp. Trin. our Advocate. And they some times with respect to a Saint use such expressions as these in their addresses to God, Ejus inter­cedentibus meritis, ab omnibus nos absolve peccatis, ibid. Com. Confess. Pont. Absolve us from all our sins, through the intercession of his merits. And with respect to Pope Nicholas, both in the present Roman Bre­viary, and in the Office secundum usum Sarum which was most in use in this Kingdom before the Reformation, is a prayer for the sixth of December, that by his merits and pray­ers we may be freed from the fire of Hell. And of this na­ture numerous instances may be given. And such like ex­pressions concerning the Saints, and applications to them, encroached so far upon our Saviours Intercession, and be­ing [Page 188]our Advocate, that with respect hereto, Cassander says of divers of the Romish Communion; Cassand. Consult. de mer. & inter­ces. Sancto­rum. They pretend that they only desire their prayers. But 1. It is unknown to us, that they know our desires. advocatio­nis Christi officio obscurato, Sanctos atque imprimis Virgi­nem Mariam in illius locum substituerunt, that the Office of Christs Advocateship being obscured by them, they substituted the Saints and principally the Virgin Mary in his place.

4. But the most considerable men who write in defence of this practice declare, that they only invocate the Saints to obtain the assistance of their prayers, but First, If this was true, and no more was either intended by the Church of Rome, or practised by its members, yet there is no assu­rance that particular Saints departed know our particular wants and supplications and desires; and much more may they be unacquainted with that inward devoutness, and pious temper of soul, which doth qualifie men for the obtain­ing the favour of God, and his heavenly blessings. And a wise man would not think it reasonable, to place any con­siderable dependance in a special case, upon the care and assistance of such a friend, who is at a distance from him, and of whom he hath no sufficient ground of confidence, that he knows any thing either of his need or of his special desire from him. The ways assigned by the Romanists, to declare how the Saints departed are acquainted with things here below, especially so far as to discern the special motions of the minds of all particular persons, are but expressions of great words without evidence: and the speculum Trinita­tis may as well serve to shew that the Angels in glory, were from the beginning of their confirmation in happi­ness acquainted with all things future, by seeing the face of our heavenly Father, (when yet our Lord declares, they knew not the time of the day of Judgement) as that the Saints in glory, have such a clear understanding of things and persons in this world. Now if they understand not our requests and desires, supplications directed to them, are not only imprudent, but an abuse of Religious Worship, by employing a considerable portion of it, and of our devo­tion therein, about that which at least signifies nothing, [Page 189]but is wholly useless, and to no purpose. And to perform acts of Religion upon the uncertain supposition of this being true, (of which we can have no certain knowledge, and there is much to be said against it) is to shew our selves too forward to run the hazard, of being guilty of this miscariage.

5. And whereas God and his Gospel doth instruct men, Our Religion gives no direction for such prayers. in the parts and duties of Religion, but hath given neither direction nor encouragement, to the invocation of Angels or Saints departed, or to perform any Religious Worship to them; it is no duty incumbent on men, to make such addresses to them; and in this case concerning the object of Religious worship, it is not their due to receive, what is not our duty to perform. And we may reasonably fear, lest God should account our giving such honour to those glo­rified creatures in Heaven, as to acknowledge them to know the desires of the hearts of men, and addressing our selves to them thereupon, to be a misplacing that honour, which is only due to himself, and our blessed Saviour; and this might bring us under his displeasure. And when I con­sider, how frequently the Apostle desires the prayers of the Christian Churches on earth, and directs them to pray for one another, and to send to the Elders of the Church, to obtain their prayers: I cannot but think, that he would have been as forward to have directed Christians, to seek for the prayers of Saints departed (of which he speaks no­thing) if he had accounted that to be lawful and useful; and from hence it may seem highly probable if not certain, that the Souls departed, do not understand, and are not par­ticularly affected, with the requests and desires of men here below. Besides this, though I conceive holy Angels may be frequently present in the Assemblies of the Christian Church, I cannot think it allowable, though I had special assurance of their presence at any particular time; to di­rect the acts of publick worship in that case sometimes to God and Christ and sometimes to them, in the same gesture of adoration, and especially in the use of such words of ad­dress to the Angels, (however they be understood) as may [Page 190]fitly be applied to Christ: For this would give too much of that homage to the Servant, which is due unto the Lord.

6. [...] greatly ho­nour the Saints departed. But we who do not direct our prayers and Religious supplications to Saints departed, have a high honour for them, endeavouring to follow their good examples, prais­ing God for them, and hoping to be hereafter with them in the mansions of glory. And since their goodness and love is not diminished, but increased by their departure, and they are still members of the same body, I esteem them to have affectionate desires of the good of men upon Earth, and especially of pious men, who are fellow-members with them. And I account it one great priviledge that I enjoy, from the Communion of Saints, that by reason of member­ship with the same body, I have an interest in the Religi­ous supplications of all the truly Catholick part, of the dif­fusive Church Militant upon Earth, and in the holy Servi­ces of the triumphant part thereof in Heaven. I can also willingly admit what Cyp. de Mortali­tate, Magnus illic nos cha­rorum nume­rus expectat, parentum, fratrum, filio­rum—co­piosa turba—adhuc de no­stra salute sol­licita. S. Cyprian sometimes expres­seth, that departed friends have a particular desire of the good of their surviving relations; and what in another place he recommends Epist. 57. ad Cornel. The Papists do directly pray for blessings to the Saints., that departing Christians continue their affectionate sense of, and prayers for, the distressed part of the Church on Earth. But upon the foregoing con­siderations, this will not warrant Religious addresses to be directed to these Saints.

7. Secondly, The petitions used in the Romish Church, in their supplications to the Saints, do plainly express more than their desiring them to pray for them. I shall not insist on the high extravagances, in divers Books of Devotions, and in the Offices formerly used in some particular Churches, as that in the Missale sec. usum Sarum to the Vir­gin Mary In Na­tivit. B. Ma­tiae., Potes enim cuncta, ut mundi Regina, & jura Cum nato omnia decernis in soecla, Thou canst do all things as the Queen of the World, and thou with thy Son determinest all rights for ever; which, with many expressions of as high a [Page 191]nature, place a further confidence in the Saints, and expe­ctation from them, than meerly to be helped by their prayers. But I shall instance in two or three expressions, in the present Roman Breviary. They apply themselves to S. Peter, Br. Rom. Jun. 29. in Hymn. Peccati vincula Resolve tibi potestate tradita, Qua cunctis coelum verbo claudis, aperis; Loose the bonds of our sins, by that power which is delivered to thee, whereby by thy word, thou shuttest and openest heavent to all men. And to all the Apostles, they direct their prayers on this manner Br. Rom. in Commun. Apost. & in Festo S. Andr. Qui coelum verbo clauditis, Serasque ejus solvitis, nos à peccatis omnibus Solvite jussu quaesumus, Quorum praecepto sub­ditur Salus & languor omnium, Sanate aegros moribus, nos red­dentes virtutibus; Ye who by your word do shut up Heaven, and loose the barrs thereof, we beseech you by your command loose us from all our sins, ye to whose command the health, and the weakness of all is subject, heal those who are sick in their life and practice, restoring us to vertue. I am apprehensive, that many may think these instances the less blameable, because the expressions of them have a manifest respect to the commission and authority, which Christ gave to his Apostles, in the keyes of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the power of remitting and retaining sin: and the other A­postles are here owned to have the power of the keys as well as S. Peter. But that our Saviours Commission to them, referred wholly to the Government of his Church upon Earth, is sufficiently manifest from those words both to S. Peter, and to all the Apostles, whatsoever thou, or ye shall bind on earth —and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth. And though the Apostles are eminently exalted in the glo­ry of the other world; yet to acknowledge them in Hea­ven, to acquit or condemn all men, and to receive them in­to Heaven, or exclude them from it, by their command, and by that power, which is committed to them, must in­clude an owning them to be the full and compleat Judges of the quick and the dead.

8. And since the Romish Church asserts all their Bishops, to derive and enjoy the same authority which was commit­ted [Page 192]to S. Peter; and if this be not only an authority upon earth, but in the future state; then all their deceased Popes (and much to the same purpose may be urged con­cerning all Priests) must still enjoy the same heavenly pow­er, which they ascribe to S. Peter, though there is great reason to fear, that divers of themselves never entred in­to Heaven. To these, other numerous instances might be added, of their prayers to the Blessed Virgin, and to other Saints for grace, pardon, protection, and to be received by them at the hour of death: and such instances have been largely and fully produced, by some of the worthy Wri­ters of our own Church, and Chamier, and other Prote­stant Authors, and particularly by Chemnitius in his Exa­men Conc. Trid.

9. But when Cardinal Bellarmine discoursed of these supplications to the Saints, he particularly instanced in some, as that to the Virgin Mary, Tu nos ab hoste protege, & hora mortis suscipe; do thou defend us from the enemy, and re­ceive us at the hour of death; but will have them all to be understood, as desiring only the benefit of their prayers. But because the words they use, do not seem to favour this sense of his, he tells us Bellarm. de Sanct. Bea­titud. l. 1. c. 9. Notandum est nos non agere de verbis, sed de sensu verborum; It must be noted that we di­spute not about the words themselves, but about the sense and meaning of them. Now I acknowledge it fit, that words should be taken in their true sense, being interpreted also with as much candor as the case will admit. Yet I shall observe, 1. That it cannot well be imagined, that when they expresly declare their hopes, of obtaining their petiti­ons to the Saints, by their command, and by their power which is committed to them, which is owned sufficient for the performing these requests, as in the instances I menti­oned, no more should be intended, than to desire the assi­stance of their prayers; and this gives just reason to sus­pect, that more is also meant in other expressions and prayers, according to the most plain import of the words. 2. That though some of the Doctors of the Roman Church, [Page 193]would put this construction upon the words of their pray­ers; yet it is manifest the people understand them, in the most obvious sense, so as to repose their main confidence up­on the Saints themselves and their merits. This may ap­pear from the words I above cited, n. 3. from Cassander, who also tells us that Cass. Con­su t. de Mer. & Interc. Sanct. homines non mali; men who were none of the worser sort, did chuse to themselves certain Saints for their Patrons, and in eorum meritis atque intercessione, plus quam in Christi merito fiduciam posuerunt; they placed confi­dence in their merits and intercession, more than in the merits of Christ.

10. The invocation of Saints and Angels will appear the more unaccountable, No such pra­ctice in the Old Testament, by considering what is contain­ed in the holy Scriptures, and the ancient practice of the Church of God. In the Old Testament there is no worship­ing of Angels directed, though the Law was given by their ministration, and that state was more particularly subject to them, than the state of the Gospel is, as the Apostle de­clares, Heb. 2.5. In the Book of Psalms, which were the Praises and Hymns used in the publick Worship of the Jews, there is no address made to any departed Saint, or even to any Angel; though the Jewish Church had no advocate with the Father in our nature, which is a peculiar priviledge of the Christian Church, since the Ascension of our Saviour. That place in the Old Testament, which may seem to look most favourably towards the invocation of an Angel. Gen. 48.16. The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the Lads, is by many ancient Christian Writers not understood of a created Angel. But however it is to be observed that these words were part of the benedi­ction of Jacob to the Sons of Joseph. Now a benediction fre­quently doth not exclude a prayer to the thing or person spoken of, but a desire of the good expressed, with an impli­cite application to God, that he would grant it. Thus in the next words, Gen. 48.16. Let my name be named on them, and the name of my Fathers Abraham and Isaac; which con­tain no prayer to the names of his Fathers, or to his own. [Page 194]So Isaac blessed Jacob, Gen. 27.29. using these expressions, Let People serve thee and Nations bow down unto thee. And this Clause of Jacob's Benediction is well paraphrased by one of the Targ. Jo­nath. in Gen. 48.16. Chaldee Paraphrasts, Let it be well pleasing before him (God) that the Angel, &c. But the Holy An­gels themselves declared against the giving to them any acts of Worship, and refused to receive any such, both un­der the Old Testament, Judg. 13.16, 17, 18. and the New, Rev. 19.10. ch. 22.9. Yea the Apostle cautions against the worshipping of Angels, Col. 2.18. and the ancient Church prohibited it by her Conc. Laodic. c. 35. nor in the New, Canons.

11. And in the Gospel God himself whose right it is to direct and appoint in whose name we should approach unto him, hath directed us to come to him, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and hath encouraged us thereto, by pro­mising that what we so ask he will give, Joh. 16.23, and that our Lord himself will do what we so ask, Joh. 14.13, 14. And that Christ is able to save to the uttermost those that come unto God by him, and he ever lives to make intercession for them Heb. 7.25. And what further encouragement need be gi­ven or desired? But not a word is spoken, to direct us to any deceased Saint, or to any Angel, to make any of them our Intercessor. And this is the great encouragement propo­sed to us in approaching to God, that having a great High-Priest who is passed into the Heavens, Jesus the Son of God, and who can be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities, we may come boldly to the Throne of Grace, Hebr. 4.14, 15, 16, and that if any Man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous 1 Joh. 2.1. And in the Precepts our Saviour gives, to guide our Prayer and Worship, he directs us to referr them only to God, Matt. 4.10. Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve; and Luke 11.2. when ye pray, say, Our Father which art in Heaven.

12. And though S. Stephen suffered Martyrdom in a short time after our Saviour's Ascension; and S. James (whose Martyrdom Annal. Eccl. an. 44. n. 2. Baronius places in the forty fourth [Page 195]year of Christ) and the Blessed Virgin also in all probabi­lity, died before the writing of any part of the New Te­stament: nor in the Pri­mitive Church. Yet in all the New Testament where there are such frequent expressions of praying to and calling upon God, with Supplications to our Blessed Saviour, there is not the least intimation of any adoration, or invocation, to these eminent Saints or any others who were departed. And yet S. Paul assures us, that some of the Brethren who were Witnesses of our Saviour's Resurrection were fallen asleep before the time of his writing the first Epistle to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 15.6. And it hath been at large obser­ved, and proved by sufficient evidence, that no genuine Writer of the first Centuries hath any thing in him to express or favour invocation of Saints. This is shewed by in Letter of Invocation of Saints. the Bishop of Lincoln, for the first three hundred years, and Voss. Thes. Theol. Disp. 10. Vossius speaks of three hundred and seventy. Af­ter which time, some expressions were used, which made way for this practice; but yet no such thing was brought into any publick Liturgy, for some hundred years after.

13. It may be here added, that if we consider the Saints they invocate, Of the Canoni­zation of Saints. besides what Objections may be made a­gainst particular Persons, it may be noted, that the gene­ral Worship given to Saints, hath respect to all those who are Canonized by the Roman Bishop: And there is no suf­ficient reason to believe that all such are truly Saints. The form of Canonization declares the Person canonized Sacr. Ce­rem. ut Sanctum à Christi fidelibus venerandum, that he is to be worshipped of Christians as a Saint. That none may re­ceive publick adoration but they who are canonized by the Pope, is owned by De Sanct. Beat. c. 19. Bellarmine; who also declares, that ib. c. 9. it is to be believed, that the Pope doth not erre in Canonizing. But he who believes the truth of this, must frame an higher notion of the Papal Infallibility than that Cardinal hath given us. For he tells us de Rom. Pont. l. 4. c. 2. it is a thing agreed betwixt Catholicks and Hereticks, that the Pope as Pope [Page 196]and joined with all his Council, may err in matters of Fact, and such as depend on the information and testimony of men. He tells us indeed in the same place, that in propounding matters of Faith, or enjoyning rules of Duty and Practice, he cannot err. But since no matter of Fact is more lyable to mistake, than to discern whether a person be eminently and sincerely holy or no; especially as they proceed in the Church of Rome, where the Testimonies concerning their working Miracles are of great moment in this case; it may therefore according to the Cardinals own position, be thought at least doubtful, whether the Pope may not mi­stake in judging a Man to be truly a Saint, and then it may seem hard to believe, that all must needs be Saints whom he declares to be such by Canonization.

14. Of denying the Cup in the Eu­charist to the Laity, A Second Instance I shall here consider, is, That they at Rome debarr the people of the Cup in the Holy Com­munion, which was manifestly one part of that Holy Sa­crament, as it was instituted, and commanded to be recei­ved, by our Saviour. And therefore this contains an Op­position to what was established by Christ. In the Church of Rome, both the Laity and the Clergy (except in ordi­nary Communions, only the person consecrating or, as they speak the conficient Priest) receive only the one element in the Eucharist, and not the other of the Cup. And though the Council of Sess. 22. in fin. Trent wholly waved the determi­ning this Question, concerning the Cup, Whether it might be granted to any of the Laity? And referred this wholly to the prudence of the Pope, who hath still continued the former use in one kind; yet that Council freely declared their sense, concerning the Doctrines and Rules of Duty, referring to the Sacrament. Here it declares, that Sess. 21. c. 1. the Laity and the Clergy, who do not consecrate, are obli­ged by no Divine Precept to take the Eucharist in both kinds, and that it cannot be doubted salva fide, but that the Com­munion in one kind, is sufficient to Salvation; and that whole Christ and the true Sacrament is taken under either kind [Page 197]alone, and therefore they who so receive, are deprived of no grace necessary to Salvation. And they so declare these things, with others concerning the Sacrament, that if any person shall speak contrary thereto, even to say that the Catholick Church was not moved by just (or sufficient) reasons, in or­dering the Laity and Clergy who do not consecrate, to communicate only under the Species of bread, he shall be un­der an Anathema; and they also forbid all Christians for the future— ne de iis aliter credere audeant; that they do not dare to believe otherwise of these things. But that which is here to be enquired and examined is, Whether the Sacra­ment of the Eucharist ought not according to the institu­tion of Christ and by his authority, to be administred in both kinds?

15. That Christ did institute this Sacrament, against Christs Institution: in both kinds of Bread and Wine, is so plain from the words of its Institution, that this is acknowledged in the Ubi sup. c. 1. Council of Trent. And that he gave a particular command to all Communicants to receive the Cup, seems plainly owned in one of the Hymns of the Roman Church. Sacris, &c. in Brev. Ro. in festo Corp. Christ. Dedit fra­gilibus corporis ferculum, Dedit & tristibus sanguinis poculum, Dicens, Accipite quod trado vasoulum, Omnes ex eo bibite. Sic Sacrificium istud instituit. He gave the entertainment of his body to the Frail, to the Sad he gave the Cup of his blood, say­ing, Take this Cup which I deliver, drink ye all of it. Thus did he institute that Sacrifice. These expressions have a parti­cular respect to that Command concerning the Cup, Matt. 26, 27. Drink ye all of it. And it may be further observed, that those words in the Institution, Do this in remembrance of me, are a Precept, which hath special re­spect to the receiving both the kinds, both the Bread and the Cup. For though I acknowledge these words, Do this, to establish the whole Institution, that as Cyp. Ep. 63. S. Cyprian expres­seth their sense, ut hoc faciamus quod fecit & Dominus,— & ab eo quod Christus & docuit, & fecit, non recedatur; that we should do what our Lord did, and should not depart from what Christ taught and did: Yet these words have a [Page 198]more especial regard to the distribution or participation of the Sacrament. For Do this, &c. in S. Luke, and S. Paul, comes in the place of take, eat, &c. in S. Matt. and S. Mark: and in these words of S. Paul, Do this as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me; the words, as oft as ye drink it, do plainly import thus much, that the Command do this, in that place, doth peculiarly respect the receiving the Cup.

16. This Institution of Christ was anciently even in the Church of Rome, acknowledged to be so fair a Rule to all Christians, that from hence de Con­secrat. di. 2. c. 7. Cum omne. Pope Julius undertook to correct the various abuses, which had in some places been entertained: Insomuch that he declares against deli­vering the Bread dipt in the Cup; upon this reason, because it is contrary to what is testified in the Gospels, concerning the Master of truth, who when he commended to his A­postles, his Body and his Blood, Seorsum panis, seorsum & calicis commendatio memoratur; his Recommendation of the Bread and of the Cup is related to be each of them separate and distinct. And that the Apostolical Church did give the Cup to the Laity, is plain from the Apostles words to the Corinthians, where he useth this as an Argument, to all particular Christians, against communicating in any Ido­latrous Worship, 1 Cor. 10.21. ye cannot drink the Cup of the Lord and the Cup of Devils: And the same will appear manifest from other expressions hereafter mentioned. And the Council of Trent Sess. 21. c. 2. owns, that from the begin­ning of Christianity, the Sacrament was given in both kinds. But they following much the steps of the Council of Con­stance, account neither the Institution of Christ, nor the practice of the ancient Church, to be in this case any ne­cessary guide, but they declare, the custom then received, to be changed upon just reasons.

17. But that the Argument from the Institution and Command of Christ, might be eluded, and a Mist cast before the Sun, divers Romanists, and particularly de Eu­char. l. 4. c. 25. which binds all Communi­cants. Bellarmine, declare, that Christs command, drink ye all of it, was gi­ven to the Apostles only, and not to all Communicants. [Page 199]To which I answer 1. That the Apostles, at the time of the Institution of this Sacrament, were not consecrating, but communicating; and therefore the Command given to them, as receiving the Sacrament, is a rule for Communi­cants, Which binds all Communi­cants. and can by no reason be restrained to the consecrating Priest: And indeed the ancient Church made no such di­stinction in this case, between Priest and People, but ac­knowledged, as Chrys. Hom. 18. in 2 Epist. ad Corinth. S. Chrysostome expresseth it, that the same Body is appointed for all, and the same Cup: And agree­able hereunto are the Articles of the Church of England, which declare Art. 30. that both the parts of the Lord's Sacra­ment, by Christ's Ordinance and Commandment, ought to be ministred to all Christian men alike. 2. That this device would serve as effectually (if it were considerable) to take away the Bread, with the Cup, from the people, that so no part of Christ's Institution should belong to them. 3. The Command of Christ, with the reason annexed, Matt. 26.27, 28. Drink ye all of it; for this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the Remission of Sins; doth give sufficient light to discern, to whom this Precept is design­ed; to wit, to all them, who desire to partake in the Com­munion of the blood of the New Testament, for the Re­mission of sins, and that is to all Communicants in that Sa­crament. 4. S. Paul 1 Cor. 11.25, 26. plainly applys Christ's Command, concerning the Cup, to all who come to the Holy Communion; in that after the rehearsal of that part of the Institution, concerning the Cup, he immedi­ately says to the Corinthians, For as oft as yet eat this Bread and drink this Cup, ye do shew the Lord's Death till he come. And he re-inforceth this Command of partaking of the Cup, indefinitely to all who are to Communicate, v. 28. Let a Man (not only the Priest) examine himself, and so let him eat of this Bread, and drink of this Cup.

18. But here, the Council of Trent acquaints us with a claim of the Churches authority and power in the Sacra­ment Ubi sup. c. 2. in dispensatione Sacramentorum, salva illorum substantia, statuere, vel mutare; to appoint and change things, [Page 200]in dispensing the Sacraments, still preserving their substance. And they seem to intimate, that the Communion in both kinds, No power of the Church can take away the Cup from the People. is not of the substance of the Sacrament, because whole Christ and all necessary grace is contained under one kind. But 1. If by being of the substance of the Sacra­ment, we mean all that is enjoined by Christ's Precept, and is necessary for the right administration of the Sacra­ment, according to his Institution: The use of both kinds is proved to be of this nature; and therefore to change this, is not within the Churches authority. 2. They may as well say, that whole Christ is in one kind, and therefore there needs no consecration of the Cup, as that therefore there needs no distribution: And so the Cup may be wholly rejected, with as much Piety, as the Laity are now deprived of it. 3. What is contained in the Sacrament, is contained in it according to the Will of Christ, and his Institution; and thereby the Bread is the Communion of the body of Christ, and the Cup is the Communion of the blood of Christ, 1 Cor. 10.16. And Ration. l. 4. c. 54. n. 13. Durandus did truly assert, that the blood of Christ is not Sacramentally in the Host; because the Bread signifies the Body, and not the Blood. So he with somewhat more to this purpose. And this is the more considerable, be­cause in the Holy Eucharist, the death of Christ is represen­ted, and in the Cup, his Blood, as shed. And Gelasius, who was once Bishop of Rome, when he heard that some recei­ved the Bread only and not the Cup, declared what then it seems was Catholick Doctrine at Rome, that they must either receive the whole Sacrament, or be rejected from the whole, because de Con­sec. Dist. c. 2. comperimus. divisio unius ejusdem mysterii sine grandi Sa­crilegio non potest provenire; the dividing one and the same Sacrament cannot be without grand Sacriledge. Which words contain a more full and plain censure of what since his time is practised in the Church of Rome, than can be eva­ded by the strained and frivolous Interpretations, either of Gratian, of Binius, or Baronius. And we have also much greater authority than his: For besides what I have above mentioned, this use of the Cup was part of what S. Paul [Page 201]received of the Lord, and delivered to the Corinthians, 1 Cor. 11.23-25. and it was matter of praise in the Corinthians, that they kept the ordinances as he delivered them, v. 2.

19. And what is asserted in the Council of Trent, that the Church had just reason, to order the Communion in one kind; and what others say, that it is more profitable to Christians, and contains an honour and reverence to that Ordinance; must suppose that their wisdom is greater than our Saviour's, who did not know or consider, with so much prudence as they do, what is fit to be appointed, and esta­blished in his Ordinance. And since the Holy Ghost de­clared, both the Bread and the Cup to be appointed to shew forth Christs death till he come, 1 Cor. 11.26. they must therefore be both used to this purpose, until his second co­ming, and then no power was left to any Church, to alter and change this institution. And whilst some pretend re­verence to God, and this Sacrament, in taking away the Cup from the people, it would be considered, that there can be no honour to God in acts of disobedience. But if pre­tences of honouring God, in acts of disobedience, could ren­der actions commendable, Sauls Sacrificing must have pas­sed for a pious attempt, and the Doctrine of the Pharisees, for the observing their vow of Corban, must have been esteemed a Religious assertion.

20. A third Instance I shall consider; Of the propiti­atory Sacri­fice of the Mass. is their pretend­ing to offer a proper expiatory Sacrifice, of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Mass; which is derogatory to Christs own Priestly oblation, whereby he once offered himself a compleat Sacrifice of expiation. But the Sess 22. c. 2. Council of Trent declares, that in the Mass is Sacrificium verè propitiatorium, a truly propitiatory Sacrifice, and that it is offered both for the sins, punishments and other ne­cessities of the living Christians, and also for the dead in Christ, who are not fully purged. And it pronounced an Anathema against him, who shall say, in missa non offerri Deo verum [Page 202]& proprium sacrificium; that in the Mass is not offered to God a true and proper Sacrifice, or that it ought not to be offer­ed for the quick and the dead. And they declare it to be the very same Sacrifice which was offered upon the Cross. And the Catech. ad paroch. jux dec. Trid. p. 247. Roman Catechism saith, that this Sacrifice of the Mass, doth not only contain an efficacious meriting, but a sa­tisfying also; and even as Christ by his passion did both merit and satisfie. So they who offer this Sacrifice do sa­tisfie. And the Council of Anath. 3. Trent will have it offered for satisfactions.

21. Now it is acknowledged, that that perfect Sacrifice, which Christ himself once offered, is lively represented and eminently commemorated in the holy Communion, and the benefits thereof are there received by the worthy Commu­nicant: and on this account this Sacrament especially, is a Christian Sacrifice in a large sense; The Eucharist how a Christi­an Sacrifice. as that Jewish Feast was called the Passeover, as it was a memorial and represen­tation of the original Passeover, when the destroying Angel passed by the Houses of the Israelites. And it may be called a Sacrifice, as it contains the performance of such a chief part of service, and worship to God, as renders them who do it aright, pleasing and acceptable to God. And therein we present our selves to God, with our homage and oblations; and our praises, and supplications, that we and the whole Church may obtain remission of sins, and all other benefits of Christs passion. And such great actions of Religion, are in a more large sense, though not in a strict sense, frequently called Sacrifices, both in the holy Scriptures, as in Psal. 51.17. Rom. 12.1. Phil. 4.18. Heb. 13.15, 16. 1 Pet. 2.5. and frequently in the Fathers, as may be shewed from Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Clemens Alexandrinus and divers others. But this sense is so far from satisfying the Coun­cil of Trent, that it pronounceth ubi sup. an Anathema against him, who shall say, it is only a Sacrifice of praise and thanks­giving, or a commemoration of the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, and not a propitiatory Sacrifice.

22. Now that there is not, nor can be in the Sacrament, a proper Sacrificing Christ's Body and Blood, to make expi­ation for the sins of men, may appear from four Considera­tions.

Cons. 1. Christ's once offering himself a Sacrifice, Cons. 1. The Sacrifice of the Mass dero­gates from the death and pus­sion of Christ, was so compleat, that it neither needs, nor admits of any reite­rating, or that this or any other propitiatory, or expiato­ry Sacrifices, should be again offered. This is observed by the Apostle, to be one excellency of the Sacrifice of Christ once offered, above the legal Sacrifices; that whereas by reason of the imperfection of them, the Priests offered of­tentimes the same Sacrifices, Christ by one offering had fully perfected his work; and the Apostle therefore express­ly saith, he should not offer himself often, Heb. 9.25, 26, 27, 28. chap. 10.10-14. de Missa, l. 2. c. 4. Bellarmine was so appre­hensive, of the force and reasonableness of this considera­tion, with respect to the Mass, and the frequent repetition thereof, that he thought it necessary to assert, that the Sa­crifice of the Mass is not of infinite value; for saith he, si missae valor infinitus esset, frustra multae missae; if the value of the Sacrifice of the Mass was infinite, it would be in vain that there should be many Masses. But he might also have discerned, that upon the same reason, he would be obliged to acknowledge, in derogation from the Sacrifice of Christ upon the Cross, and in opposition to the testimony of the Scriptures, that that offering of the Sacrifice of Christ, which he himself made in our nature, was but of a finite value, and not compleat, so as thereby to perfect for ever them who are sanctified; because if this had been effected by that one offering, it would be in vain to have repeated offerings of that Sacrifice.

23. But others of their Writers, entertain different no­tions and opinions from this, and conclude Barrad. Concord. E­vangel. Tom. 4. l. 3. c. 16. that the merits of the Sacrifice of the Eucharist must be infinite, because they are the same merits, with those of the Sacrifice upon the Cross. And this must needs be so, according to the [Page 204]Council of Trent, which declares Sess. 22. c. 2. it to be the very same Sacrifice, which is now offered by the Priest, and which was then offered upon the Cross, and differeth only in the man­ner of offering, and then its merit and vertue must be the same. Now this conception of the value of the Sa­crifice of the Eucharist, in asserting it to be so compleatly propitiatory, doth not only derogate from the Sacrifice of Christ, which himself offered upon the Cross, but in truth it makes it so void, as to take away any necessity there­of. For since our Lord instituted, and makes them void. and consecrated the Eu­charist before his death; if he had therein offered himself a compleat expiatory Sacrifice, then the work of redemption and expiation, must have been fully performed, before that great work of his passion upon the Cross; and consequently his death upon the Cross, as a Sacrifice must be in vain. This was Hist. Conc. Trident. p. 443 & 451. again and again urged in the Council of Trent, by some whose apprehensions were not agreeable to what that Council determined. Nor can it be other­wise solidly answered, than by acknowledging, that our Lord when he instituted and celebrated the Eu­charist, did not in that action, properly offer himself a propitiatory Sacrifice. And whereas in the Instituti­on of the Eucharist, our Saviour spake of his blood which is shed, not only divers particular Writers of the Roma­nists own the expression of the present tense, to denote what was future, but soon to be accomplished; but even the Vulgar Latin, both in S. Matthew and S. Luke, expres­seth it effundetur, shall be shed, to which agreeth the expres­sing the same in the Canon of the Mass. The like may be observed concerning the phrase of his Body being given, or broken, which the Vulgar Latin also in the words of the institution, 1 Cor. 11.24. renders tradetur, shall be gi­ven. Nor is it either pious or reasonable to think, that the Eucharist celebrated by an ordinary Priest, must be more properly and fully an expiatory and propitiatory Sacrifice, than that which was celebrated by Christ him­self, in the first institution of it; when his act then was [Page 205]made the Rule to guide theirs, by his giving this command­ment, Do this in remembrance of me.

24. Cons. 2. Cons. 2. The body of Christ is not now capable of being Sacrifi­ced. A proper Sacrifice of Christ's Body and Blood, is not now capable of being offered, in the Eucharist. Indeed that Sacrament beareth a particular respect to the death of Christ, to his Body as broken, and his Blood as shed; and therein his death is shewed forth, 1 Cor. 11.26. But after his resurrection, he dieth no more; death hath no more dominion over him, Rom. 6.9. And therefore his Body as having been once really dead, and his Blood as once shed, may be commemorated, and represented in the Eu­charist. But there is now no exhibiting his Body and Blood in that Sacrament really dead (which cannot be) and so properly offered a Sacrifice to God. And the defen­ders of the Romish Sacrifice, seem here to be put to a great loss.

25. In de Missa. l. 1. c. 2. Bellarmin's definition of a Sacrifice, the last clause thereof declares that the thing sacrificed, ritu mysti­co consecratur & transmutatur; is by a mystical right conse­crated and changed. And explaining the former of these, he saith, it must ex prophana fieri sacra; of a prophane thing be made sacred, and that Sacrificare is Sacrum facere. But though the elements of the Eucharist, before the consecra­tion may be called profane things, or not sacred, and so may be consecrated by the Priest; the glorious body of Christ is capable of no such thing. And explaining the latter clause, he saith it must be changed, so, ut destruatur, that it may be destroyed, or that desinat esse quod ante erat, that it may cease to be what it was before: and this is as far from a­greeing with the uncorruptible body of Christ as the o­ther; and therefore the Cardinal, in making and ex­plicating this definition, seems to have laid aside, or else to have forgotten the interest he was to main­tain.

26. And Conc. Evang. To [...]. l. 3. c. 6. Barradius acutely tells us, that immola­tio, oblatio, and consumptio; staying, offering and consuming, [Page 206]are the things essential to a Sacrifice; and he undertakes so great an adventure, as to shew, how all of them, even the first, and the last, may be affirmed concerning the body of Christ in the Sacrifice of the Mass. He saith, that as a lamb is slain, when the blood is separated from the body by a knife: Christ is here slain, when vi consecration is sanguis Christi à Corpore Christi separatur; by force of the Consecration, the blood of Christ is separated from the body of Christ. Now it is a thing very hard to be conceived, how such a real division, and actual shedding of blood, should be suffered by the incorrup­tible and glorious body of Christ; and it is yet more difficult to conceive, how this can be reconciled with the Council of Trent, which declares that after the Consecration Sess. 21. c. 3. in the Sacrament of the Eucharist sub singulis speciebus totum atque integrum Christum sumi, all and whole Christ is by the Communicants received under each of the species, (which could not be done unless whole Christ was there) and they anathematize him who shall say the contrary, which I suppose this Author was not aware of.

27. With like nicety and trifling, he further says Barrad. ibid. the Body and Blood of Christ are consumed by the Priest on the Altar, under the species of Bread and Wine, because those species are consumed. Now it is strange enough, to speak of the glorified body of Christ being consumed, which is capable of no corruption: and it is yet more strange, that it should be consumed by consuming the species, when it is not the subject of those species. Surely it would be more rational to assert the mortality of the soul, and to think it suf­ficiently proved, by the death of the body.

28. To avoid this difficulty, some steer another course, Coster Enchir. c. 9. de Sacrificio Missae. Costerus a third Jesuit, in a manner deserts the cause. He first gives such a large description of a Sacrifice, as may a­gree to other acts of Divine worship. But when he speaks of the nature of this Sacrifice, he declares it to be represen­tative of the passion and Sacrifice of Christ. He saith in­deed that Christ is here offered, but then he saith, Christ upon the Cross was truly slain, by the real shedding his blood; but [Page 207]here is tantum illius mortis repraesentatio, sub speciebus panis & vini, only a representation of his death, under the species of Bread and Wine. Now though repraesentare be some­times observed to signifie rem praesentem facere, to make the thing present, as some learned men have observed, the sense of Costerus must be, what we generally understand by representing; because he sometimes speaks of the species representing the dead body of Christ, which cannot be by ma­king it so; and sometimes he declares, the Sacrifices of the Law to represent the death of Christ, but not so excellently as the Eucharist. And concerning the effect of this Sacrifice, ibid. p. 324, & 334. he declares this difference, between that Sacrifice on the Cross, and this of the Mass, that the former was offered to satisfie God, and pay the price for the sins of the world, and all other needful gifts; but the latter is for the applying those things, which Christ merited and procured by his death on the Cross. And to this purpose again, Hoc efficitur per Missae Sacrificium, ut quod perfecit Christus in cruce, id nobis singulis applicetur: illic pretium est solutum pro peccatis omni­bus, hic nobis impetratur hujus pretii applicatio. Quod orati­onibus quoque in Ecclesia praestatur, quibus rogatur Deus, ut efficiamur participes passionis Christi. This indeed, if it were the true Doctrine of the Romish Church in this parti­cular, would be a fairer account of it, than either it self or others give. But in truth, this is so different from the sense of the Council of Trent above expressed, that it seems to import, that this Writer thought it hard to clear and de­fend the true sense of that Church, and therefore chose to represent it under a disguise; and in this Controversie in most things he comes nearer to the Protestant Doctrine, than the Romish. We own such a representation of Christs death in this Sacrament, as consists with his real presence, in a Spiritual and Sacramental manner. We acknowledge such a Relation between the Passion of Christ on the Cross, and the Memorial of it, in this Sacrament, that the Com­munion of the body and blood of Christ, and the benefits procu­red by his passion, are exhibited in this Sacrament, and are [Page 208]therein by the faithful received. And we account the elements of Bread and Wine, to be offered to God in this Sacrament, as an oblation according to the ancient Church; since the setting apart and consecrating the elements, is a separating them to God, and to his service; but we do not look upon them, to make way for a proper propitiatory Sacrifice, in the Eucharist. But I now pass from the consideration of the Sacrifice to consider the Priest who is to offer it.

29. Cons. 3. The Sacrifice of Christ pecu­liar to his in­communicable Priesthood. Cons. 3. It is peculiar to the Office of Christs high Priesthood, after the order of Melchisedec, to offer up him­self to be a propitiatory Sacrifice: and this high Priest­hood is communicated to no other person besides himself. The Sacrifice of our Saviour, as Athan. cout. Arian. Orat. 3. Athanasius saith, hath compleated all, [...], being once made; and he adds, Aaron had those who succeeded him [...], but our Lord having an high Priesthood, which is not successive, nor passeth from one to another, is a faithful High Priest. And this was the Apo­stles Doctrine, Heb. 7. Now Bellarmine saith, de Mis. l. 1. c. 24. no Catholicks affirm, other Priests to succeed to Christ, but they are his Vicars or suffragans in the Melchisedecian Priesthood, or ra­ther his Ministers. But here it must be considered, 1. That if they be Priests of such an order, as can offer Christ him­self, or the Sacrifice of his Body and Blood, to be a Sacri­fice of atonement and propitiation, they must be capable of performing all the necessary rites of that Sacrifice. And one great rite thereof is, that as the legal High Priest, in making an atonement, was to enter into the holy of holies, with the blood thereof, so he who offers the great Sacri­fice of atonement, which is the Body and Blood of Christ, must enter into Heaven it self, and there appear in the pre­sence of God for us, presenting his Sacrifice to God in that Holy place, Heb. 9.11, 12, 24. but this none but Christ himself can do. 2. He who is a Priest, after the order of Melchisedec, must be a Priest for ever, since the order of the Melchisedecian Priesthood doth not admit succession, [Page 209]as that of the Aaronical did, Heb. 7.3, 8, 17, 23, 24, 28. And therefore such persons as succeed one another in their Office, cannot be of the Melchisedecian Priesthood. 3. Since an High Priest is chiefly appointed, to offer gifts or Sacri­fices for sins, Heb. 5.1. chap. 8.3. and thereby to make recon­ciliation, and execute other acts of his Office, in pursuance of his Sacrifice; the offering that Sacrifice of reconciliation, for which he is appointed, is a main part of his Office, and therefore not to be performed by him, who hath not the same Office. Wherefore since no man hath that Office of High Priesthood, which Christ himself hath, none can make the same reconciliation, by offering the same Sacrifice of a­tonement or propitiatory Sacrifice.

30. But we are told in Catech. ad Paroch. de Euch. Sac. p. 249. the Roman Catechism, that there being one Sacrifice on the Cross and in the Mass, there is also one and the same Priest Christ, the Lord, and the Ministers who sacrifice non suam sed Christi personam susci­piunt, they take upon them the person of Christ, and they say not this is Christs body, but this is my body. Now if these words should intend more, than that the Minister acts by Christs authority (who hath given to none, authority to be High Priests, or Priests, of that order which himself is) and that it is the person of Christ who offers, and not of the Minister, then indeed there is a fit Priest for the Sacrifice. But then it must be proved, which can never be, that Christ in his own person undertakes this Office in every Mass; and then it must also be granted, that no man in the Church of Rome can pretend any more to offer this Sacrifice, than he can pretend to be the person of Christ.

31. Wherefore de Mis. l. 2. c. 4. Bellarmine gives us their sense, to this purpose: The Sacrifice of the Mass is offered by Christ, by the Church, and by the Minister, but in a different manner; Christ offers it by a Priest, a man, as his proper Minister; the Church offer, as the people offer by their Priest; so Christ offers by an inferior, the Church by a superior; the Minister offers as a true, but ministerial Priest. Now this pretends an au­thority from Christ, but the Office of performing this Sa­crifice [Page 210]to be in the Priest. And to this purpose the Coun­cil of Trent, Sess. 22. both declares Christ to have commanded his Apostles, and their successors in the Priesthood, that they should offer this Sacrifice; and also bestow one of their rash Ana­thema's on him who shall say, that Christ did not make his Apo­stles Priests, or did not ordain, that they should offer his Body and Blood, when he said, Do this in remembrance of me. But as there is no expression in these words of Christ, or any o­ther, to shew that he instituted his Apostles and their Suc­cessors to be such Priests, as to offer a proper propitiatory Sacri­fice; so it appears, that the state of the Gospel doth not admit of any person, but only Christ himself, to offer his own Body and Blood, as a proper and compleat propitiatory Sa­crifice; since none else are or can be of that Office of Priest­hood, to which it belongs to offer this Sacrifice, nor is any other capable of performing the necessary Rites thereof.

32. Cons. 4. The great ef­fects of Christs Sacrifice can­not be attribu­ted to any re­peated Sacri­fice. Cons. 4. The great benefits from the merits of Christs Sacrifice, are wholly procured by that one offering of himself, when he died and gave himself a Sacrifice of a sweet smelling savour, and now lives for ever to pursue the ends thereof. And therefore there neither can, nor need be any other propitiatory Sacrifice of Christs Body and Blood. For that Sacrifice of Christ which was offered by himself, and made satisfaction for sin, did thereby obtain the grace, and gave a compleat and abiding sanction to the terms of the Gospel Covenant, that through his name, all who believe, and obey, may through his mediation receive remission of sins, and all other blessings of the Covenant. Now the Eucharist as a Sacrament confirms the benefits of this Co­venant, and exhibits the blessings thereof. But the Eu­charist cannot now, since the death of Christ, give such a Sanction and establishment to the new Covenant, that from it that Covenant should receive its sureness and validity, as it did from Christ's real Sacrifice; nor are any new terms of grace, superadded to that. But the validity of the new Co­venant [Page 211]is supposed, in the administration of the Eucharist. And Christs own offering, obtained to himself that high exal­tation, whereby he can give repentance and remission of sins, and is a continual Intercessor and Advocate, and therefore lives to execute his own last Will and Testament, and to be­stow the benefits of that propitiatory Sacrifice, which he hath offered. Now these which were the great things procured by his Sacrifice, have such a peculiar respect to his own offering himself, that it is impossible they should have any dependance upon any after-celebration of the Eucharist; especially when this Sacrament must have its vertue from that new Covenant established, and from the ex­altation of Christ. And since by that Sacrifice, Christ is a propitiation for the sins of the whole World, there is need of no renewed expiatory Sacrifice, to extend or apply the be­nefits thereof to particular persons, which is sufficiently done in the Eucharist as a Sacrament, and in other Ministe­rial administrations, dispensing in Gods name and by his au­thority, the blessings of the new Covenant to pious peni­tent and believing persons.

33. I might here also observe, that Barrad. Conc. Evang. Tom. 4. l. 3. c. 16. some of the Ro­manists themselves declare, that Christ doth not merit in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, because the state of heavenly Glory in which he is, excludes merit; but here are presented to God, the infinite merits of his death on the Cross. Now if this be true, (and the reason given for it is not inconsiderable) it must needs exclude any propitiatory Sacrifice from the Eucha­rist. But I shall further observe, that those admirable acts of the obedience of Christ, in the wonderful humiliation of his life and death, and submitting himself according to his Fathers will, to suffer even the death of the Cross, were of high value, for the making his propitiatory Sacrifice, which him­self offered, available in the sight of God, to procure his blessing to man. But now since our Lord sits at Gods right hand, there is no such further humiliation (nor need there be, since what he once did, was of such unspeakable merit and worth) to give any new merits of like nature, to re­newed [Page 212]proper propitiatory Sacrifices. But the merits of his life and death are of infinite and sufficient vertue. And whereas Christ neither appointed that there should be, nor declared that there is, any proper propitiatory Sacrifice in the Eucharist, he who can think against plain evidence, that in the first celebration of the Eucharist, Christ offered himself a proper propitiatory Sacrifice; and consequently that he died really, the night before he was crucified, and was dead when his Disciples heard him speak, and conversed with him alive; hath a mind and belief, of a fit size to receive this and several other strange Doctrines of the Church of Rome. But besides what I have here said, if Transubstanti­ation be a Doctrine contrary to truth, of which I shall dis­course in the Sect. 4. n. 14-25. next Section, the foundation of the Pro­per Propitiatory Sacrifice is thereby removed.

34. Of additional Doctrines in the Church of Rome. To these Instances I may further add, that the Ro­mish Church superadding to the Christian Religion many new Doctrines, as necessary points of Faith, doth hereby also derogate from the authority of our Saviour. For this casts a disparagement upon his revelation. Christ and his Apo­stles made a full declaration of the Christian Doctrine, in­somuch that whosoever shall teach any other Doctrine, is under the Apostolical Anathema, Gal. 1.8, 9. which Cont. lit. Petil. l. 3. c. 6. S. Austin extends so far, as to apply that Anathema to him, whosoever he be, who shall teach any thing concerning Christ or his Church, or any matter of faith, or rule of Chri­stian life, which is not contained in the Scriptures. But there was nothing taught in the Apostolical Doctrine, to assert or give any countenance to the Popes infallibility, or his Universal Supremacy; to the propitiatory Sacrifice of the Mass, to the Doctrine of Purgatory, Invocation of Saints, and many other things now delivered as points de fide in the Church of Rome, of which divers are mentioned in this Chapter. And these new matters of faith, have so altered and changed the ancient Christian Religion, that with these mixtures, it is very unlike what was declared by Christ and his Apostles.

35. The Council of Trent declares their Sess. 4. c. 1. All these under the name of Traditions made equal with the Scri­pture, receiving the holy Scripture, and their Traditions to be pari pietatis affectu & reverentia; with the like pious affection and reve­rence. Indeed it calls these Traditions, such as were from the mouth of Christ, or were dictated by the Holy Ghost, and received in the Catholick Church. But since after their decla­ring thus much, and expressing the Canon of the Scripture, with the additional Books received in the Romish Church, they tell us that this was done, that all men might know, what foundation they would proceed on, in their confirming Do­ctrines and reforming manners; it is manifest, that all Do­ctrines of Faith or practice, delivered in that Council, which are not contained in the Scriptures, are reputed to be such Traditions, as are of equal authority with the Scri­ptures. And in the Form. Ju­ram. an. 1564. Bull of Pius the Fourth, many of these Doctrines are particularly expressed, and in the end of it an hearty acceptance is declared, of all things defined in the Council of Trent, and it is added that this is the true Catholick faith, extra quam nemo salvus esse potest, out of which no man can be saved. And this all who have cure of souls, and preferments in the Church, must own by their solemn Oath and Vow. And yet how little that Council in its De­cisions, kept to the true Rules of Catholick Tradition, is sufficiently evident from what they at this very time de­clared, concerning the Canon of the Scripture: for their ta­king into the Canon several of those Books which we account Apocryphal, hath been plainly proved by Bishop Cosins, to be contrary to the Ʋniversal Tradition of the Church.

36. And if no man may with honesty, and above it. add any thing to a mans Deed or Covenant, as if it were contained therein, how great a crime is it to deal thus with Gods Covenant? But the Church of Rome not only equals her Traditions (containing many new points of Faith) with the Scri­ptures, and what is the true Christian Doctrine, but it really sets them above the Holy Scriptures, though they be in many things contrary thereunto. For they make Tra­dition [Page 214]such a Rule for the Scripture, that it must signifie no more than Tradition will allow. Sect. IV. And to this purpose their In Bull. pii 4. Clergy swear, to admit the Scriptures according to that sense, which the holy Mother the Church hath held, and doth hold; who is to judge of the true sense of Scripture. And hereby they mean the Church of Rome, there called the Mother of all Churches.

Of the publick allowance or injunction of such things amongst the Papists, as either debase the Majesty of God, or give divine honour to something else besides God.

THose things deserve to be condemned as greatly evil, which debase the Majesty of God, or deprive him of that peculiar Glory and Worship, which is due to him alone; and they who practise or uphold such things, ought to be esteemed as evil doers in an high degree. Honour, which, in a suitable measure, belongs to every Superior, as to a Father or a Prince, in the highest measure of it, is proper to God; and that reverence which is due to him, is necessary to be reserved solely for him, both from the rules of Justice and Piety, and also because God is in this respect a Jealous God.

2. 1. Images of the Deity are used by the Pa­pists But, First, It is an abasing the Majesty of God, to re­present the glorious, infinite, and invisible God, who is a pure Spirit, by a material Image. This is frequently and publickly practised in the Church of Rome, and is there allowed and defended by many of its Writers. De Eccl. Triumph. c. 8. Car­dinal [Page 215] Bellarmine hath one Chapter on purpose to prove, Non esse prohibitas-imagines Dei, that Images of God are not prohi­bited; and he cites Cajetan, Catharinus, and others, as de­fending the same; and one chief argument, which he useth to prove this, is Ex usu Ecclesiae, from the usage of the Church. And he there declares, jam receptae sunt fere ubique ejusmodi imagines, that now such Images are almost every where recei­ved; and that it is not credible, that the Church would univer­sally tolerate any unlawful thing: Where he also declares, that these were approved both in the second Council of Nice, and in the Council of Trent. But the making an Image of the true God, stands condemned in the holy Scrip­tures, even in the Second Commandment, against the Di­vine Law. Thou shalt not make to thy self any Graven Image—thou shalt not bow down to them nor worship them. And that the Divine Law doth not only forbid the Images of a false God, or an inferiour Deity, but such also as were intended to represent the true God, is manifest from Deut. 4.15, 16. Take good heed to your selves (for you saw no manner of similitude, in the day the Lord spake unto you in Horeb, out of the midst of the fire) lest ye corrupt your selves, and make you a Graven Image, the similitude of any figure, or the likeness of Male or Female. And this Command is the more to be considered, because of that emphatical caution, which is used by way of Preface thereto.

3. It was one of the hainous sins, which generally prevailed in the Pagan World, that they changed the Glory of the Incorruptible God, into an Image made like to corruptible Man, and to Birds, &c. Rom. 1.23. This is agree­able to the Pa­gan practice. And though I charge not the Roman Church, with running parallel to the Pagan Idolatry; yet this disparaging the Divine Being, by setting up visible Images and Representations thereof, and giving Worship to them under that relation, was one of the great Miscarriages of the Gentiles, and yet the chief part at least of the Gentiles, did not think these very Images to be the proper Beings of their Gods. For besides their acknow­ledgment of the Wisdom, Purity, Goodness, and Power of [Page 216]the Deity, which many Testimonies produced by Justin Martyr, Clemens Alexandrinus, Eusebius, and other Chri­stian Writers do express, there was also retained amongst them, such Notions concerning the Deity, as to acknow­ledge God to be incorporeal. It is observed by Cont. Cels. l. 1. p. 13. Origen, that Numenius, a Pythagorean Philosopher, had enumera­ted those Gentile Nations, who asserted God to be an Incor­poreal Being. And that great expression of Euripides is very plain, wherein he calls God, one who sees all things, but himself is invisible Cl. Alex. Adm. ad Gent. [...]. And agreeable to this, is the expression of Orpheus, that no Mortal sees God, but he sees all.

4. No such thing in the Primi­tive Church. The Primitive Christians not only had no Images of God, as appears from various expressions of Origen, Minu­tius Felix, and other Writers of those Ages; but they al­so greatly condemned any such thing. The ancient Council of Conc. Elib. c. 36. Elvira took care, ne quod colitur & adoratur, in pari­etibus depingatur, that that Being which is worshipped and adored should not be painted upon walls; which words must needs forbid and condemn the making Images of God. And Eusebius speaking of representing the Divine Being by dead matter, saith Praep. Evang. l. 3. c. 7., [...]; what can offer more violence to reason? And when he spake of the soul of man be­ing the Image of God, as being rational, immaterial, immor­tal, and not subject to hurt and force, and that no Figure or Image could be made of this, he adds, ibid. c. 10. [...]; who can be so mad as to think, that the most high God may be re­presented by an Image made like to a man?

5. Some Roma­nists are not willing to own this gene­ral practice. But in the Church of Rome, the Blessed Trinity is fre­quently pictured, and represented by an Image. And though this be a common and publick practice, yet some of the Romanists are so unwilling, either to defend, or to acknowledge it; that they deny their having any Images of the Trinity. To this purpose Enchir. c. 11. Nulla igi [...]ur ratione dicendum est Christ anos vel colere vel asservare Sanctae Trinitatis vel Patris vel Spiritus Sancti imagines. Costerus having shew­ed from the Scripture, that nothing can resemble God, adds, [Page 217] It must therefore upon no account be said, that Christians do either worship or keep the Images of the holy Trinity, or of the Father, or of the Holy Ghost. And, saith he, when the Father is painted, as the ancient of days, this is not the image of the Father, but a representation of the vision of Daniel, or of S. John; and the Dove that is painted, is not the image of the Holy Ghost; but of that Dove, in which at Jordan the Holy Ghost descended. And to the same purpose speaks an English Catechism, said to be Printed at Doway. But though these Writers are not willing to defend, but would rather conceal, what is allowed by their Church in this matter; the frequent use of the Pictures of the three persons of the Trinity all together, and where there is no decyphering of these visions, will not admit that account they give thereof.

6. Whereof De Eccles. Triumph. c. 8. Bellarmine, who as I above shewed, freely acknowledgeth the practice, of making Images of God, doth as plainly assert it to be allowable, Licet pingere imaginem Dei Patris, &c. It is lawful to paint the Image of God the Father in the form of an Old Man; and of the Holy Ghost in the form of a Dove. And the Council of Sess. 25. Images of God approved by the Council of Trent. Trent, which in its last Session coucheth several things under few words, expresseth its allowance of the picturing God, when it orders the people to be taught, that the Divinity is not to that purpose represented in a figure, as if it could be seen by bo­dily eyes, or could be expressed by colours and figures.

7. But such representations are wholly unlike to the infinite and immense Divine Nature, They are unsu­table to the Di­vine Nature, in which are the per­fections of wisdom, power, goodness, truth and purity, and other such like. And where these spiritual excellencies are in a considerable degree, there is indeed a true partaking of the Divine Image, and a likeness to God. But the resem­bling him by a corporeal Image is the making a false, and a low and mean representation of God, which abateth that high reverence, which is due to his Majesty. And what finite material thing can be thought like to him, who is so infinitely above all things, of whom the Prophet Esay [Page 218]saith, Isaiah 40.18. To whom will ye liken God, or what like­ness will ye compare unto him? And if a man would think himself injured, if he be represented in the shape or form of another Being, far inferiour to his nature; how great an offence may it well be to the Glorious God, to be pictu­red against his express command, in the shape of an old man?

8. The Catech. ad Paroch. de Decal. pr. Prae­cepto. Roman Catechism observes two ways, where­by the Majesty of God is greatly offended by Images; the one, if Idols and Images be worshipped as God, and the other, if any shall endeavour to make the form, or shape of the Di­vinity, as if it could be seen by bodily eyes; and proves by the Scripture, that such a figure of God neither can be made, nor may be lawfully attempted. And it further acknow­ledgeth, that God to the intent he might wholly take away Idolatry, imaginem divinitatis ex quavis materia fieri prohi­buit; did forbid the Image of the Deity to be made of any mat­ter whatsoever; and that the wise Lawgiver did enjoin, ne divinitatis imaginem fingerent, that they might not frame an Image of the Deity, and give the honour of God to a Crea­ture. But after all this it requires, that no man should think there is any offence against Religion, when any person of the most Holy Trinity, is expressed by certain signs or figures, under which they appeared in the Old Testament or in the New: and it is there said, that this is done to declare their proper­ties or actions; as according to the vision of Daniel, the repre­sentation of the ancient of days, with the Books open, shews the eternity and wisdom of God.

9. and unfit to represent the Attributes of God. But the Divine Attributes and perfections are so in­finite and spiritual, that they are as uncapable of being re­presented by an Image as his nature is. And the shape of an old man doth directly express nothing of Wisdom or E­ternity: and such conceptions as may be suggested, by the sight of such a Picture, are very imperfect and below the Divine excellency; since such a Being as is so represented, is infirm and decaying, and become unfit for action, and can see but a little way before him, and also is of such a na­ture, [Page 219]as is stained and infected with sin. And if such pretend­ed defective resemblances, of the properties of God, could be a sufficient defence, for the making Images of the Dei­ty, the Pagans might then be justified in many of their Images, who spake more on their behalf than all this comes to. For besides what perfections the figures of their Images might darkly express, it was pleaded by in Eus. pr. Evang. l. 3. c. 7. Porphyry on their behalf, that as to the matter of their Images, they fra­med them of Crystal, Marble, Gold, and such like pure Me­tals, because the Divine Being is not capable of being stain­ed, [...], Gold doth not admit of any defilement or corruption. And that which represents the purity, ex­cellency and incorruption of the Divine Nature (if it were done worthy of God) hath respect to none of the least Di­vine perfections.

10. And concerning the Argument, The forms un­der which God appeared in vi­sion, or other­wise, in the Old Testament or the New, were not resem­blances of his Being, but te­stimonies of his more special presence at that time and place. made use of from the visions in the Scriptures, or the appearances, under which God manifested his presence to men, as the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape, like a Dove, Luk. 3.22. and the ancient of days, is intended to signifie God, Dan. 7.9. it is to be considered, that these appearances (the one in vision, and the other in plain view) with others, were not repre­sentations of the Divine nature, as if that was like to these things, or might be pictured by them; but they were ex­traordinary testimonies, visibly evidencing a more emi­nent, and signal presence of God, at that time, and place. And of this nature was also the bush burning and not con­sumed, the pillar of cloud and fire, that led the Israelites; the darkness, blackness and tempest on Mount Sinai; the Cloud on the Mercy-seat; and that which sometimes filled the Ta­bernacle and the Temple, as at the first Consecration of each of them. Such also was the appearance of fiery cloven tongues, which sat on the Apostles, at the descent of the Holy Ghost, and the fire which oft came down from Heaven, upon the Sacrifices, in testimony of Gods acceptance. All these were manifestations of a more special presence of God, but none of them were intended to express any such likeness of the De­ity, [Page 220]that it should be lawful to picture it in that figure. And those words I above mentioned, Deut. 4.15. Ye saw no manner of similitude in the day the Lordspake unto you in Horeb, out of the midst of the fire, do sufficiently shew, that though there was an extraordinary, and particular pre­sence of God, manifested in the fire, upon Mount Sinai; the appearance of that fire, out of which the Lord spake, was far from being intended to be any similitude of God, or to give us a liberty to make any similitude of him whatsoe­ver. And if any Image of God should be pretended to be of like nature with those appearances now mentioned, so as to contain a peculiar testimony of the signal presence of God in them; this would render them the more manifestly Idolatrous.

11. But besides this, de Eccl. Triumph. l. 2. c. 8. Cardinal Bellarmine urgeth, for the lawfulness of resembling God in the figure of a man, that Angels are painted though they be incorporeal; and that the Scripture speaks of his hands, face, feet, and attributeth to him all the parts of a man, when it speaks of his standing, sitting and walking. Of the Pictu­ring of Angels, To which I Answer, 1. The pictu­ring of an Angel, if it be only done to suggest to our minds, some general notice of an Angel, or to put us upon framing a conception of that Being, is a thing which may be allow­ed. But if a glorious Angel should be purposely present­ed to us, as an object for our great honour, under such a re­presentation as is usual in the picturing an Angel, he would be much misrepresented thereby, to the disadvantage of the excellencies of his nature. But yet there would not that great injury be done to the Angel thereby, that is done to the Majesty of God, in debasing him, against the duty of a Creature, and also against his express Law and Command. 2. and the expres­sions of the face, and eyes of God. That the Scripture speaking of the face of God, and his hands and eyes, since these phrases are to be understood in a sigurative sense, doth give us no more allowance, to take them in a proper literal sense, and thereupon to picture God, with such a corporeal face, and hands, against his particular Command, and in derogation from his Majesty; [Page 221]than it gives countenance to our affirming that God hath a body, and such corporeal parts, which are contrary to his Spiritual nature. And it might be added, that the pictu­ring God, in such a bodily shape, may have an ill influ­ence, upon the gross conceptions of some men, concerning the Deity. And men are not so wholly out of danger of these misconceptions, when it was once so openly and hotly asserted Socr. Ecc. Hist. l. 6. c. 7. Soz. l. 8. c. 11, 12. by the Egyptian Monks, that God had a body, and an humane shape, and that Theophilus then Bishop of Alexandria complyed with this opinion, though that was probably done out of design: and even Epiphani­us is reported by Socr. ibid. c. 9. Soz. ibid. c. 14. Socrates, and Sozomen, to be more heartily a favourer of that Opinion. And this was also propagated by Audaeus, of whom Theoderet gives some ac­count, Hist. Eccles. l. 4. c. 9.

12. But ubi supra. Bellarmin 's distinction considered. Bellarmine further endeavours to evade, all that can be said against the Images of God, by distin­guishing between 1. An Image to express a perfect simili­tude of form, and this he grants is not to be admitted, con­cerning God. 2. To represent an History. And 3. with­out respect to History, in resembling the nature of a thing, not by proper similitude, but analogically, and by metaphori­cal significations, and he saith, thus they paint Angels as young men, & hoc modo pingimus Deum patrem, cum eum ex­tra historiam pingimus, humana forma; on this manner we paint God the Father, when out of History, we paint him in the shape of a man. But this distinction will not be to any great purpose, because, 1. Euen the Pagans did not think their Images to have a likeness of shape unto their Gods. 2. It seems to be no great commendation of any Image, that it is unlike the thing it represents, and doth not truly express it. 3. That all the Images of the Roman Church are also of this nature, even the Images of Saints departed. For the Roman Church worships only the Souls and Spirits of Saints deceased, as enjoying this beatifical vision, not their bodies, which till the Resurrection are dead in their graves. And therefore the Images of these Saints do not ex­press [Page 222]a likeness of shape to their souls, but referr to them, by expressing the resemblance of the bodies, in which they once dwelt, and to which they were, and shall be again united, though now separated from them. And therefore this notion allows the Images of God, in like manner as the Church of Rome sets up Images of Angels and Saints decea­sed; not making any considerable difference betwixt these, so far as concerns the representing every one of them by their Image; and consequently must allow the worshipping every one of these Images, with a proportionable honour in relation to the Beings represented by them. 4. If this no­tion were of any weight, the Jewish Church might then have been warranted, in setting up Images of God (and worship­ping them also with respect to God) provided they were not like him, nor esteemed so to be. And yet God plain­ly forbad their making any Image of him, in the likeness of male or female, or any other thing; though he had suf­ficiently taught them, and they well knew, that the Deity was not in shape like to any of these. And God declares his dislike, against any such Images; because they could frame nothing which they could liken to him: which being a rea­son of perpetual and abiding truth, doth concern the Chri­stian state as well as the Jewish; and the laying down this reason, doth sufficiently declare, against all such Images as are not like to him.

13. Secondly, Of the Roma­nists worship­ping the Eu­charist with Divine Wor­ship. I shall shew that the Romanists give proper Divine worship to that which is not God. And here I shall particularly instance in the Sacrament of the Eucha­rist, to which they profess to give that Latria, or high wor­ship, which is due to the true God alone. This is the plain Doctrine of the Council of Trent, Conc. Trid. Sess. 13. c. 5. fideles omnes Latriae cultum qui vero Deo debetur huic Sacramento deferre, that all good Christians do give to this Sacrament that properly Divine worship which is due to the true God. And in the beginning of that Session, they strictly forbid all Christians thence­forward to believe otherwise, and their sixth Anathema is [Page 223]against him, who shall say that Christ in the Eucharist is not to be adored with that which is the proper Divine worship. In like manner it is expressed in the Roman Catechism, publish­ed by the authority of Pius the Fifth Catech. ad par. de Euch. Sacr. in init., huic Sacramento divinos honores tribuendos esse, that Divine honour is to be given to this Sacrament. And the words of Adoration in the Missal, and the acts of adoration unto this Sacrament, are accordingly to be understood, to give Divine honour thereunto. And Azorius is for giving this Divine worship even to the Instit. Mor. part. 2. l. 5. c. 16. species, or appearances of Bread and Wine in this Sacrament. But the Council of Trent seem not to extend it so far, and the Roman Catechism declares, that when they affirm this Sacrament is to be worship­ped, they understand this of the Body and Blood of Christ therein.

14. We greatly reverence the holy Sacrament, as an ex­cellent institution of our Saviour, but reserve the Divine honour to God alone: for there is nothing which is not truly God (be it otherwise never so sacred) to which such worship may be given. S. Paul was an eminent Apostle, but, with detestation, disclaimed the receiving it, Act. 14.13, 14, 15. The brazen Serpent under the Law was of Gods institution, for the healing those Israelites, who look­ed upon it, but yet it was a great sin to worship it with Divine honour. If the homage peculiarly due to a Prince, be given to any other in his Dominions, though it be to one he hath highly advanced, he will account this a disparaging his dignity, and practising Treason and Rebellion: and God who is a jealous God, will not give his worship to ano­ther. But this practice of the Roman Church depends upon their Doctrine of Transubstantiation: This is grourd­ed upon tran­substantiation. for if that sub­stance which is in the Sacrament, be no longer Bread and Wine, but be changed into the substance of the very Bo­dy and Blood of Christ, in union with his Divinity, then and only then, may Divine honour be given unto it. And if it be in truth the very same glorified Christ, who is at Gods right hand, and nothing else, then is that worship which [Page 224]is due to Christ the Son of God, which is proper Divine Wor­ship, as much to be performed to this Sacrament, as to him in Heaven, since both is substantially one and the same thing, wholly and intirely. The Sess. 13. c. 1, 4, 5. & Anath. 1. & 2. Council of Trent declares, that by the consecration of the Bread and Wine, there is a conversion of their whole substance, into the substance of the Body and Blood of Christ: And they say, the Body and Blood of Christ with his soul and Divinity, and therefore whole Christ, are contained in the Eucharist, but the substance of the Bread and Wine remains not, but only the species or appearance thereof, and that this the Church calls Transubstantiation. On this Doctrine it founds the Divine worship of the Sacrament, and it anathematizeth him, whosoever shall speak against this Transubstantiation, and forbids all Christians, that they shall not dare to believe or teach otherwise concerning the Eucharist, than as this Council hath determined. Now if this Doctrine of Tran­substantiation be true, the giving Divine worship to this Sa­crament is but just: but if this be false, as the Article 28. Church of England declares, then is the giving Divine honour there­to certainly and greatly sinful and evil.

15. It is acknowledged that this holy Sacrament, admi­nistred according to Christs institution, doth truly and really exhibite and communicate Christs Body and Blood, with the benefits of his Sacrifice, in an Heavenly, Mystical and Sacramental way: but the manner of this gracious pre­sence, it is needless curiously to enquire. And though the elements of Bread and Wine remain in their proper sub­stances; yet are they greatly changed, by their consecrati­on, from common Bread and Wine, to contain under them, such Spiritual and Divine Mysteries; which is the effect of Divine power and grace. Nor is it possible that these ele­ments should tender to us Christ, and the benefits of his Passion, if this work had not been ordered by the power and authority of God, in his Institutions, who hath the dis­posal of this grace. But that the elements of Bread and Wine, remain in their substance, and that they are not tran­substantiated [Page 225]into the Body and Blood of Christ, is generally asserted by all Protestants, whilst the contrary is universal­ly affirmed by the Romanists, and is made one great branch of the true Catholick Faith, and the new Roman Creed, ac­cording to the famous Bull of Pius the Fourth, which is so solemnly sworn unto. Indeed there are such expressi­ons frequently used in the Church of Rome as these, Conc. Trid. ubi sup. c. 1. that Christ who is present in Heaven by his natural presence, is present in other places in substance, by that way which we can more easily believe than express by words; and the Roman Ca­techism saith, de Euch. Sacr. post med. this change must not be curiously enquired into, for it cannot be perceived by us; and Baronius declares, that Baron. An. Eccl. an. 44. n. 49. modo ineffabili transubstantiatur, it is transubstantiated by an unspeakable manner. But it is manifest from their plain decisions, that these and such like expressions relate either to the manner of the Divine operation, or to the way of ex­plicating, how he can be substantially present, in every Sa­crament while he is ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at Gods right hand: for the manner of his presence it self, they have expressed to be by Transubstantiation, as above ex­plained.

16. But that the elements of Bread and Wine, No Transub­stantiation is proved from Scripture: have not their substance changed, into the proper substance of the Body and Blood of Christ may appear, First, Because there is nothing in the Institution of this Sacrament (from whence the nature of this Sacrament must be discerned) or any where else in the holy Scripture, which affords any proof for Transubstantlation. It is observed by Hist. Tran­subst. c. 5. n. 3. Bishop Cosins, that Scotus, Durandus, Biel, Occam, Ca­meraoensis, Bishop Eisher against Duther, and Cardinal Ca­jetan; did all acknowledge, that Tiansubstantiation could not be proved sufficiently from Scripture, and their words are by him produced; and that Bellarmine declared him­self doubtful thereof. Those words of our Saviour so much urged by the Romanists; This is my Body, do not determine the manner of his presence, or that he is Transubstantially [Page 226]there, and so carnally, that according to the Catech. ad Par. p. 223. Roman Ca­techism, his bones and nerves, and whole Christ is there sub­stantially contained. But this may well be so understood, that he spiritually and sacramentally, under visible elements, exhibits the Sacrifice of himself, so as to apply it to true Christians, and interest them in it, and the blessings and benefits thereof. Nor do the use of the like phrases in Scri­pture, import any substantial change of the things them­selves. When S. Paul speaks of the Israelites, 1 Cor. 10.4. that they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them, and that rock was Christ: it cannot be supposed, that the sub­stance of the Rock should be changed into the substance of Christ, who was not yet Incarnate. When S. John decla­reth, Joh. 1.14. The word was made flesh, it cannot be thence affirmed, without Heresie and Blasphemy, that his Divine Nature was changed into his Humane Nature. And when our Lord had spoken, Joh. 6. of eating his flesh and drinking his blood, and added upon his Disciples being offended at those sayings, v. 63. It is the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you are spirit, and they are life: he hereby (and also by what he speaks of be­lieving, both in the beginning and ending of that Discourse, and towards the middle of it, v. 35.47, 48, 64.) suffici­ently directs them to a Spiritual sense of those things which he had spoken. And a like interpretation of those words, Take, eat, this is my Body, is somewhat directed by the same expressions; and is also most suitable to the na­ture of the Sacrament: nor can those words mentioned both by S. Luke and S. Paul, Luk. 22.20. 1 Cor. 11.25. This Cup is the new Testament, be otherwise understood, than Sa­cramentally, and somewhat figuratively, and these also are expressed as part of the institution of the Eucha­rist.

17. It was not owned in the Primitive Church. Secondly, The Doctrine of Transubstantiation is in­consistent with the sense of the ancient Church. This is particularly and purposely manifested in that Book of [Page 227]the late Reverend Bishop of Durham, which I referred unto in the foregoing Paragraph; and therefore I shall on­ly mention some few Testimonies, Tertullian arguing a­gainst Marcion, who denied the reality of Christ's Body (as other ancient Hereticks asserted him to have had only the appearance of a Body) saith, Tertul. cont. Marc. l. 4. c. 40. Christ took Bread, and distributing it to his Disciples, made it his Body, saying this is my Body; that is, the figure of my Body: but there had been no figure, unless the Body had been in truth. Now the manner of his expression concerning the figure of Christs Body, shews him not to have accounted the Body of Christ to be sub­stantially, but representatively in the Sacrament. And his manner of arguing, shews him not to have understood, or owned the Romish Transubstantiation. For it might be said to one who should thus argue, and hold the Romish Principles, by one of the Disciples of Marcion, that there is in the figure the appearance of such a Body, which after con­secration is not real, viz. Bread and Wine; and therefore it is then fit to resemble what is of like nature. In the Dialogues of Theoderet, it was urged in the defence of the Heresie of Eutyches, that as the Symbols of the Body and Blood of Christ, after the invocation of the Priest, are made other things and changed; so the Body of Christ after its assumption, is changed into the divine substance and nature. But this is answered by the Orthodox person to the Here­tick Theod. Dial. 2., that he is here taken in the Nets which himself made; for the symbols or mystical signs, do not after their Sanctification depart from their own nature, but remain in their former substance, form and shape. And Prosper speaking of the Eucharist saith, this De Cons. Dist. 2. c. Hoc est. heavenly bread, after its man­ner, is called the Body of Christ, when it is indeed the Sacra­ment of his Body; and it is called the Sacrificing his Flesh, and the Passion, Death and Crucifixion of Christ, non rei veritate sed significante mysterio; not being so in the truth (or substance) of the thing, but in the Mystery which signifieth it. To these particular testimonies, I shall add two things. The one is, that it is attested by Hesych. Hesychius, to have [Page 228]been an ancient usage in the Christian Church, that after the Communion was ended, the remaining elements were burnt in the fire. But if Transubstantiation had been then believed; that what remained in these elements, was no other substance but the Body and Blood of Christ, which continued to be such, so long as the species of the elements remained; it must needs have been an horrid and prophane thing for Christians to cast their Saviour into the fire to be consumed there; and no such thing could certainly have en­tred into their hearts.

18. The other thing I shall add is, that when in the be­ginning of Christianity, the Pagans falsly aspersed the Chri­stians, with being so inhumanly savage, that in their pri­vate Religious Assemblies, they murdered an Infant, and sucked and drunk his blood: it was among other things answered by Tert. Apol. c. 9. Tertullian, In Octav. p. 100. Ed. Oxon. Minucius Felix, and Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 1. others, that the Gentiles might be ashamed to charge any such thing on Christians, who were so far from taking any human blood, that they carefully avoided all blood, even of Beasts. But this defence could not well have been made on this manner, if they had accounted themselves, to have taken the Blood of Christ substantially in the Eucharist, and not only such a mystical representation thereof, as is not void of efficacy and reality. And though I think it ma­nifest; that blood may lawfully be eaten, and that the Apo­stolical prohibition thereof, was but a provisional Decree for those times, from the general declaration in the New Testament, that nothing is unclean in it self; from the liber­ty which Christians were allowed to eat whatsoever was sold in the shambles, or was set before them when they were in­vited to eat with unbelievers, asking no question for conscience sake; and also because blood was for this reason forbidden to be eaten under the Law, because it was given upon the al­tar, to make an atonement for their souls, Lev. 17.10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Yet it may not be amiss observed, that according to the computation of time fixed by Rhenanus, as it is from him mentioned by Pamel in Apolog. Ter­tul. n. 138. Pamelius, it is now about five hun­dred [Page 229]years, since eating blood was generally allowed in the Western Church: and about that time the Doctrine of Transubstantiation had prevailed, which was publickly established under the time of Innocentius the Third, above four hundred and fifty years since. And that general prohi­bition of blood, so long continued, though upon mistake or more than necessary cautiousness, might well be accounted not consistent with the Doctrine of Transubstantiation, or not fairly reconcileable thereunto.

19. Thirdly, Transubstantiation doth plainly contradict the evidence of sense. Transubstanti­ation is con­trary to the testimony of sense, Now the testimony of our senses is so considerable, that this is that which assured and mani­fested, the certainty of the mighty Miracles, wrought by Christ and his Apostles; yea of the birth of Christ, of his converse with men in the world, and of his being crucified, risen again, and ascended into Heaven. Upon the evidence of sense, Thomas was convincingly perswaded of Christs resurrection; and the other Apostles had such an esteem for this testimony, that they could not but Preach the things which they had seen and heard, Act. 4.20. And the certain­ty of what they taught concerning Christ and Christiani­ty, they founded upon the evidence of their senses, in that it was what they had seen with their eyes, and what they had heard, and their hands had handled of the word of life, 2 Pet. 1.16, 17, 18. 1 Joh. 1.1. And therefore the denying the evidence of sense, would undermine Christianity, and with­al take away all possibility of certainty, concerning the plain matters of fact in the world. And there could be no assurance given, that Christ taught any Doctrine, nor could what he did teach, be otherwise conveyed to us, than by our eyes and ears, unless men pretend to Enthusiasm. And as that pretence is vain, so if it were not, no other men could be taught by such Enthusiasticks, but by the exercise and use of their senses, and upon supposition of the certainty thereof.

20. But our eyes, our taste, our feeling, and the inward sense of nourishment received from the consecrated ele­ments, do all of them testifie, that the Bread and Wine re­main in their proper substances after their consecration. But here the Church of Rome thinks it her interest to Catech. a [...] arochos. p. 218. Cu­randum est ut fidelium mentes, quam maxime fieri potest, à sen­suum judicio abstrahantur. take care, that the minds of Christians, should as much as is possible, be drawn off from the judgement of their senses. And yet they who do lay aside the judgement of their senses, must not believe, that they do truly either read or see any such instruction, as this, directed to them. And if the evidence of sense in the Sacrament be denied; there will then be no certainty to the Communicants, whether there be any Priest present to consecrate, and consequently whe­ther there be any words of consecration spoken, or whether there be any elements to receive consecration. And the senses of the Communicants, do give a more joint testimo­ny, to the elements remaining in their proper substances, than to these other instances.

21. and is also opposite to rea­son. Fourthly, Transubstantiation is opposite to the prin­ciples of reason and understanding, and includes manifold gross absurdities and contradictions. 1. That the whole substance of the Body of Christ should be in many thou­sand, yea many millions of places at the same time, is suffi­ciently inconsistent with the nature of a body. And as there are consecrated Hosts in many thousand places at once, the Catechism framed according to the Decree of the Council of Trent, agreeably to that Council declares, that Ibid. p. 223, 225. In­quavis urri­us (que) speciei par [...]icula to­tum Christum contineri. un­der every least part either of the Bread or Wine, whole Christ is contained (even with his bones, sinews and whatsoever belongs to the true state of his body, as I above observed from the same Catechism). 2. And in purfuance of this Doctrine of Transubstantiation, the Romish Doctors do assert if a Mouse, or any other brutish Animal or Insect, do eat any part of the consecrated Host, they do eat what is truly and substantially the Body of Christ. This is acknowledged by Part. 3 q. 80. a. 3. Aquinas; and though the Sent. l. 4. dist. 13. A. Master of the Sen­tences [Page 231]would not admit this for truth, but declared him­self of the contrary opinion: yet his Authority is here re­jected; and by the Censure of Lib. 4. Art. 9. the Divines of Paris, this is reckoned among one of his errors. But it is a thing dishonou­rable to the glorious Body of Christ, to be eaten of Brutes, and to pass into the draught, and to be substantially pre­sent there where even the Romanists, who assert that pre­sence, do not require Divine Worship to be given to it. 3. And it is contradictory to assert, that the substance of Bread and Wine being gone, the accidents thereof do re­main, without any subject or matter, being, as the Roman Catechism saith, Catech. p. 219. & 230. Edi. Lovan. 1567. accidentia quae nulli substantiae inhaerent, and species sine aliqua re subjecta. Thus for instance, the ex­tension that was in the Bread, is supposed to remain, when the substance of the Bread is gone; and that extension which can be measured and felt, is in its own nature an ex­tension of matter, and of that which hath parts added to one another; and yet here is extension, and consequently several parts distant from one another, but still there is no­thing extended, nor any matter, nor any thing that hath parts. And the like may be said of other accidents. 4. If it could be imagined, that the substance of the Bread and Wine was abolished by consecration (though it is not usual for the blessing of God to destroy, but preserve the thing he blesseth) the accidents, or appearances thereof only remaining; and that the substance of Christs Body and Blood should be there substituted, without any cor­poreal accidents, even this could not be Transubstantiation, according to the Romish description thereof. For if a cor­poreal substance should cease to be, its accidents or modi­fications remaining, this must be by annihilation; and if there be a new substance, this must be by a new production, not a changing the former substance into a latter; since cor­poreal substances are not capable of being changed, but by the difference of their modifications or accidents: but the ceasing or abolishing of the substance it self, which is the be­ing [Page 232]of a thing, the subject matter which must be supposed in the changing things is wholly removed.

22. And 5. That there must be new matter continually prepared, in the Sacramental elements, out of which the true substance of the Body and Blood of Christ is to be pro­duced, this also includes manifest contradiction. For then the Body and Blood of Christ, must be supposed to be pro­duced, out of a different matter, at a different time, and in a different manner from that Body, which was born of the Blessed Virgin, and in which he assumed our nature; and yet this Body which is so many ways differing, from that substantial Body, which is ascended into Heaven, must be acknowledged to be substantially the same. When I con­sider such things as these, with which this Romish Doctrine is full fraught, I must acknowledge that the belief of Tran­substantiation includes so much of self-denial, that it is a be­lieving against Reason. But there is one thing wanting which hinders it from being an act of Christian self-denial, or of true Religion; and that is that it is not a believing God or Christ, who never declared any such Doctrine; but must resolve it self into the believing the declaration of the Roman Church, which both Scotus and Cajetan cited by the Reverend Hist. Tran­subst. c. 5. n. 3. Bishop Cosins, make the necessary ground and support for this Doctrine.

23. What account may be given, that so many knowing men in the Church of Rome should own such unreasona­ble and unac­countable Doctrines. And I have sometimes set my self to consider, hour it should come to pass that so many understanding and learned men, as are in the Church of Rome, should re­ceive such monstrous Doctrines, as this and some others are; and I have given my self some satisfaction, by ob­serving; 1. That education, and Principles once imbibed and professed; have a mighty force upon many mens minds, insomuch that bad notions embraced do almost pervent their very capacities of understanding, as appears in the fol­lowers of many Sects, and in the Pagan Philosophers, who set them selves against Christianity: and these things especi­ally when linked with interest, have such a commanding [Page 233]influence upon many men of understanding, that they hin­der them from attending to the clearest evidences, against their assertions; as was manifest from the Scribes and Phari­sees, in our Saviours time, who generally stood up for their Traditions, against his Doctrine and Miracles also. And they of the Church of Rome are politickly careful in the training up and principling the more knowing part of their youth in their Doctrines. 2. That when gross corrup­tions formerly prevailed in that Church, through the blindness and superstition of ignorant and degenerate ages, the politick governing part think it not expedient now, to acknowledge those things for errors, lest they thereby lose that reverence, they claim to their Church, when they have once acknowledged it to have erred and not to be infal­lible. And therefore all these things must be owned as points of faith, and such other things added as are requisite to support them. 3. Many more modest and well disposed persons, acquiesce in the determination of the Church, and its pretence to infallibility; and by this they filence all ob­jections, and suffer not any doubtful enquiry, since whatso­ever the Doctrine be, no evidence can outweigh that which is infallible. And these also are the less inquisitive, from the odious reprensentations which are made of them who depart from the Romish Doctrine; and from their being prohibited the use of such Books, which might help to inform them better. 4. Others are deterred from ma­king impartial search into truth, by the severity of that Church, against them who question its received Doctrines, both in the tortures of the Inquisition, and in the loud thun­drings of its Anathemas. 5. The specious and pompous names of the Churches Tradition, Antiquity, Ʋniversality and uninterrupted succession, have a great influence upon them, who have not discovered the great falshood of these pretences. And very many knowing men have not made such things the business of their search: and others who have made search, are willing to take things, according to the sense and interpretation, the favourers of that Church [Page 234]impose upon them, and they are herein influenced by some of the things above mentioned. 6. The just judgment of God may blind them who shut their eyes against the light, that through strong delusions they should believe a lye.

24. Fifthly, This Romish Doctrine is contrary to the holy Scriptures. The Scripture declareth, the Body of Christ to be in the Sacrament, and our Church acknow­ledgeth that Art. of Relig. Art. 28. this Body is given, taken, and eaten, in the Sacrament; but then it tells us that this is only after an hea­venly and spiritual manner; Transubstanti­ation is against the Scripture, and this is according to the sense of the Scriptures, as I noted, n. 16. But the Scripture is so far from owning Transubstantiation, to be the manner of Christs presence, that it plainly declares, the elements to re­main after the consecration, and at the distribution of them: S. Paul therefore mentions not only the Bread which we break, 1 Cor. 10, 16. but speaking also of receiving the Eucharist, thrice in three verses together, he expresseth it by eating that Bread, and drinking that Cup, 1 Cor. 11.26, 27, 28. and this must suppose the element of Bread to be remain­ing, when the Sacrament was administred to the Commu­nicants. But Coster. Enchir. some object that Bread here is not to be understood of that which is properly and substantially Bread, but of Christ who is called the bread of life. But 1. The Apostle having spoken before of Bread and the Cup, 1 Cor. 11.24, 25. where he understood thereby, that which was properly and substantially Bread and Wine: and continuing his discourse upon the same subject, concerning the Eu­charist, and in the three verses immediately following, u­sing the same expressions of the Bread and the Cup, cannot from the order of his discourse, be otherwise properly un­derstood, than to have respect to the same things; though by consecration advanced to a more excellent mystery. 2. When the Apostle declares the eating this Bread, and drinking this Cup, to shew forth the Lords death till he come: He both declares this action to be commemorative of [Page 235]Christs death, by somewhat which represents the death of him who can die no more; and by those words till he come, he shews the proper substantial presence of Christs Body, not to be in that Bread. But the Catech. ad Par. p. 128. Roman Catechism says, the Apostle after consecration calls the Eucharist Bread, because it had the appearance of bread, and a power to nourish the body. Now (to pass by the strangeness of the bo­dy being nourished, by that which is no substance) it may be considered, 1. That if the Romish Doctrine had been true, it cannot be conceived, that the Apostle purposely discoursing of the Eucharist, and laying down the Christi­an Doctrine concerning it; should so often call it what it was not, and not what it was. 2. Especially when this must have been a truth greatly necessary to be known. And 3. Since it still continued in appearance Bread, the A­postle would not have complied with those errors, which the reason and senses of men were apt to lead them to, if these had been truly errors, but would have been the more forward to have acquainted them with the truth.

25. Sixthly, and is not fa­voured, by some Traditions of the Romish Church. I shall add (though I lay no further stress on this, than as it may speak something ad homines) that if we may give credit, to the approved Ritualists of the Ro­mish Church, there are ancient usages in that Church, which bear some opposition to Transubstantiation. It was a cu­stom received and constantly observed in the Roman Church, that the Eucharist must never be consecrated on Good Friday. Div. Offic. Explic. c. 97. Johannes Beleth, an ancient Ritualist, undertaking to give an account of this, saith there are four reasons hereof, his first is, because Christ on this day was in reality and truth sacrificed for us, and when the truth cometh, the figure ought to cease and give place unto it. And his other three reasons have all respect to this first. And Rational. l. 6. c. 77. n. 34, Durandus in his Rationale, undertaking to give an account of the same cu­stom, makes the same thing to be his second reason there­of, and useth these very words also, that the truth coming, [Page 236]the figure ought to cease. The intent of which is to declare, that the Eucharist is a figurative representation of Christs Pas­sion: and therefore on Good Friday, when the Church had their thoughts of Christ, and eye to him, as upon that day really suffering, they thought fit to forbear the representati­on of his Passion in the Eucharist. But this notion of the Eucharist is not consonant to Transubstantiation.

26. What guilt there may be in worshipping what is not God, though the belief of the true God be retained? Having now discharged Transubstantiation, as being neither founded in the Scripture, nor consonant thereto, as being opposite to the Doctrine and usages of the Primitive Church, and as contradictory to sense, and the principles of reason; I shall upon this foundation proceed to add something concerning the dishonour done to God, in giving Divine Worship to that which is not God; and the great guilt thereby derived upon man. Now it is confessed gene­rally, that the giving Divine honour intentionally to a Creature, is Idolatry and an heinous transgression. But it may be worthy our enquiry to consider how far guilt can be charged upon such persons, who profess the only true God to be God, and that there is none other but he, and de­sign to give the proper and peculiar Divine honour to him a­alone, (for such we may suppose the case of the Romanists, in this Controversie, waving here their exorbitant adoration of Saints, the relative Divine Worship to Images, and somewhat higher yet, to the Cross) but actually through mistake and delusion, do conferr this Divine honour upon that which in truth is not God, in confidence and presum­ption that it is, what it is not; and that it is an object to which Divine honour is due, when in truth it is not so. Now in what I shall discourse of this case in general, the instances I shall first mention of some bad men, are only pro­posed to give some light to the general resolution of this en­quiry, and therefore are by no means mentioned to any such purpose, as if I intended to write or think, any thing disho­nourably of the Holy Sacrament, which I would not think of but with a pious Christian reverence and due veneration.

27. Wherefore I shall here lay down three Assertions. Assert. 1. The misplacing Divine Worship upon an undue object, may be a very gross and heinous sin of Idolatry, Assert. 1. There may be an Idolatrous misplacing Di­vine worship consistent with believing one only and the true God. though the profession of one only God, and of him who is the true God be still retained, with an acknowledgement that none other ought to be worshipped. This with re­spect to outward acts of worship, was the case of divers lap­sed Christians, who being prevailed upon, by the terrors of persecution, did sometimes either offer Sacrifice, or in­cense to Pagan Deities, or otherwise communicated in their Worship, or did swear by them, or the Genius of Caesar, or did make profession of such things being God, which they were sufficiently convinced were not God. And the like miscarriages concerning outward acts of worship, may a­rise from an evil compliance with others, or from the great vanity and evil dispositions of mens own minds. And con­cerning inward worship, it is easie to apprehend, that such acts as proceed from the heart and affections, as the highest practical esteem, love, reverence and fear, may be mispla­ced upon that, which men in their judgements do not e­steem to be God, whilst they either do not consider these things, to be acts of worship; or else are more governed by their affections, than their judgments. But concerning such inward acts of worship as proceed from the mind and understanding, such as to acknowledge in ones mind such a Being to be God, and that Divine honour is due unto it, and all Divine excellencies are inherent in it, these cannot be performed to any Being, but to that only which is thought, judged and believed to be God. But notwithstanding this, even these acts may by delusions be Idolatrously misplaced, whilst there is still continued this general acknowledge­ment, and profession of one only God, who is the true God.

28. Simon Magus, as de Prae­scrip. c. 46. Tertullian declares, did own himself to be the most high God; and as Irenaeus relates, Iren. adv. Haeres. l. 1. c. 20. that it was he, who appeared as the Son amongst the Jews, [Page 238] and descended as the Father in Samaria, and came as the Holy Spirit in other Nations: and they who were his followers both in Samaria, Rome, and other Nations did worship him, [...], as the chief God, as Justin. Apol. 1. Justin Martyr affirms, and Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 13. gr. Eusebius from him. Now if it should be supposed, that the Gnosticks should own the true God, and that there is no other God besides him, and should therefore design to give Divine honour to him alone; but should be perswaded, that he was incarnate in Simon Ma­gus, and thereupon should worship him with Divine ho­nour, this could not excuse them herein from being Idola­ters. And whereas Montanus, and the propagators of his Heresie, did declare him to be the Paraclete, as is oft expres­sed in Tertullian; and is affirmed also by divers Catholick Writers, as Hist. Eccl. l. 5. c. 14. Eusebius, Basil ad Amphil. c. 1. Basil, and others, or as de Con­sec. dist. 4. c. Hi vero. Gregory expresseth it, that he was the Holy Ghost: if any of his followers, professing Divine Worship to be due only to the True God, and the three persons of the glorious Trinity, should upon a presumptive delusion, believe that the Ho­ly Ghost was imbodied in Montanus, and thereupon yield to him that Divine Worship, which is due to the Holy Ghost, this could not excuse them from Idolatry.

29. Assert. 2. All Idolatry is not equally heinous. Assert. 2. In Idolatry, which is in its nature a great and grievous sin, all the acts and kinds thereof, in mispla­cing proper Divine Worship, are not equally heinous and abominable. There is a great difference from the temper of the persons, whence acts proceding from sudden surprize, from weakness of understanding, or from great fear, are not of so high a guilt, as those which proceed from care­lesness of duty, neglect of instruction or contempt of God, or wilful enmity against the true Religion. There is also difference in the acts of worship, which I mentioned n. 27. as also from the plyableness of temper to be drawn from them, and the resolved obstinacy of persisting in them. And there is a difference also, with respect to the object, to which Divine Worship is given: whence the worshipping of [Page 239] Baal, or the Gods of other Nations, in opposition to the God of Israel, was more heinous than the Idolatry of Jero­boams Calves, because it included a professed departing from the true God: and the worshipping of Simon Magus, was the more abominable, as including a following him, and consequently rejecting the fundamental Articles of the Chri­stian Religion. But the Idolatry of the Calves was not of so high a nature, nor did it utterly exclude the ten Tribes from all relation to the Church of God: though even this would exclude those persons, who designedly espoused it, or who per­versely or negligently joined in it, from the blessing of God.

30. Assert. 3. All misplacing Divine honour upon an undue object (which is Idolatry) is a very great sin. Assert. 3. All sorts there­of are greatly evil. To suppose that ignorance and mistake, should be any sufficient plea or excuse; is to reflect upon the goodness and wisdom of God, as if even under the Christian revelation, he had not sufficiently directed men, in so important a duty, as to know the object of Divine adoration, or whom we are to worship. And how little any misunderstanding, upon the grounds laid down by the Romanists, is like in this case to be available for their excuse, I shall manifest by pro­posing another case, which may well be esteemed parallel hereunto. As our Saviour said concerning the Euchari­stical Bread, This is my Body; so there is a greater plenty of expressions in the Scriptures, which are as plausible to confer Divine honour upon pious Christians. They are said to be partakers of the Divine Nature, to be born of God, The Remish Adoration of the Host paral­lel'd. to be renewed after the Image of God, and that God dwelleth in them; and that Christ is formed in them, and is in them, and that they are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones, and with respect to them he said to Saul, why perse­cutest thou me? and he will say to others, I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat, &c. and the Spirit of God dwells in them. Now if from such expressions as these, any sort of men should give Divine Worship to every Saint (in pursu­ance of that fond notion of some Fanatick heads, that they [Page 240]are Godded with God, and Christed with Christ) and con­sequently to those in Heaven, as well as to those on Earth, and thereby multiply the objects of Divine Adoration, really beyond all the Polytheism of the Gentiles, I doubt not, but they of the Church of Rome would account this abominable Idolatry. Nor would they think it sufficient here to be pre­tended, that these worshippers own only one true God, and give Divine Worship to the Saints, only because they be­lieve them to receive a new Divine Nature in becoming Saints, and to put on Christ, and to be changed into the na­ture and substance of that one God; and though this may seem as contrary to sense and reason as Transubstantiation doth, they therefore believe it, because God hath said it, (if their manifestly mistaken sense of Scripture be allow­ed) and they can confidently rely on his word. And if we compare these two together, the grace of the Sacrament is very excellent, but it is that which is to be communicated to the communion of Saints, and conferred upon them. But the nature of the pious Christian, is so much advanced above that of the Sacramental elements, that that must be confessed to be true, which was affirmed by Bishop Bilson, Differ. of Christ. Sub­ject. & Un­chr. Rebel. Part. 4. p. 713. that Christian men are members of Christ, the Bread is not; Christ abideth in them and they in him, in the Bread he doth not; he will raise them at the last day, the Bread he will not; they shall reign with him for ever, the Bread shall not. But these and such like words we mention not, as having any low thoughts of the Holy Sacrament; but as owning the truth of the Sacramental elements, remaining in their created substances, and even these we duly reverence as set apart to an holy use and purpose; but we most highly value the great blessings of the Gospel, and the spiritual presence of Christ, which though it be tendred in the Sacramental ele­ments, yet being the invisible grace of the Sacrament, is to be distinguished from the visible sign thereof. To this we have our eye chiefly in the Sacrament, according to that an­cient admonition Cyp. de Orat. Dom. sursum corda, lift up your hearts unto the Lord. And we glorifie the grace of God, who bestows [Page 241]upon them who truly repent and believe, such unspeaka­ble benefits in the use of those means or signs, which are otherwise mean, than as they are sanctified to an holy and excellent use, by the Institution of God, and the right celebration of his Ordinance.

Integrity too much neglected, and Religion so ordered and modelled, by many Doctrines and Practices in the Church of Rome, as to represent a contrivance of deceit, Interest and Policy.

1. IN this last Section, Of the Politick interests dri­ven on in the Roman Church. I shall consider some such things in the Church of Rome, which represent Religion as it is by them professed to be a crafty contrivance of human policy; or a cunning method, to serve the particular inte­rests of some men in the world. True Religion which hath respect to the chief good and happiness of men, doth indeed bring the greatest satisfaction to men in this world; but this is not done by gratifying their inordinate affections, but by commanding and subduing them. But this being from God, and having to do with him, is a thing of the greatest simplicity and sincerity in the world; and there­fore proposeth nothing, but what is true and good, and suitable to God and his Honour. And when things mani­festly false or evil, which are fitted to advance the outward interest of the proposers, are obtruded under the disguise of Religion, and required as things sacred, to be received with the greatest veneration; this gives too much appearance, that under the name of Religion, politick designs, and frau­dulent ends and purposes of men, are managed. And where [Page 242]such things are done, Sect. V. it may tempt many of those who dis­cover and understand them, to cast off the serious sense of Religion it self. Now very many things in the Romish Church, appear designed to impose on, and delude the peo­ple; and by false pretences, to advance the honour of the Pope especially, and of their Clergy also, and to gratifie the avarice of the Romish Court, and enervate piety.

2. Their Doctrine of Attrition and Absolution, Divers of their errors carry on some interests. seems contrived, to make loose men, who have little regard to God, to have a mighty veneration for their Priest, who, notwithstanding their wicked life, both can and will (if they be taught right) secure them in the other world, upon such terms as Christ and his Gospel will not admit. Their Service in a tongue not understood by the people, is fitted to uphold the reputation of the Clergy, among the Igno­rant Vulgar, as doth also the prohibiting the Scriptures in the vulgar tongue, as is observed by de Scr. q. l. non legendis c. 21. Ledesima. Their Doctrine of Transubstantiation, propitiatory Sacrifice, and the conficient Priest alone receiving the Eucharist in one kind, tend much to extol the dignity and greatness of their Cler­gy: but the falseness of all these I have above discovered. Their exempting their Clergy, that as M. Bec. Part. 2. Tr. 3. c. 6. Q. 11. Becanus saith, they are not subject to Secular Princes, nor can be punished by them, nor are bound to observe their Laws out of obedience, doth jointly tend to the advancement both of the Pope, and the Clergy, but is contrary to the true rules of Chri­stianity, as I have in another Discourse shewed. And though amongst us the true honour of the Ministry, which our Lord conferred upon it, be by many too much neg­lected and disregarded, we make not use of false methods for its support. Besides these, their feigned revelations and visions, concerning matters of truth and Doctrine; their many counterfeited Relicks, as objects of veneration; and their falsly pretended Miracles for the confirmation of their Doctrine, are manifestly designed delusions, to impose upon others, that they may be admired by them.

3. But because this Chapter hath been already very large, I shall wave many things which might have been insisted on, and shall only consider a few things, which have a chief respect unto the Pope himself. That the claim of the Papal Supremacy is in all the branches thereof groundless, I have somewhat declared in the first Section of this Chapter, and more fully in another Discourse there referred unto. And that this is adapted to exalt the Papal dignity, grandure and Soveraignty, and to bring in vast re­venues for its support, needs not be suggested to any considering men. And the Popes pretence to be S. Peter's Successor, seems not to be ordered with plain and honest sincerity, in his first entrance thereupon. For at the time of his Coronation, among other Rites one of the last is, that Sacr. Cerem. l. 1. Sect. 2. c. 3. fol. 40. the Pope must take his handful of money from his Chamberlain (in which he must be sure to have neither sil­ver nor gold) and scattering it among the people, must use those words of S. Peter, Silver and Gold have I none, Some things in the form of the Papal Corona­tion observed. but what I have, that give I you. Now it seems not very fair and upright dealing, that the Pope by being advanced to his See, should pretend himself to be a Successor of S. Peters po­verty; especially when in order to his expressing thus much, there is care taken before-hand, that he must cau­tiously avoid, the having all silver or gold in his hand. If S. Peter himself had been known to have done thus, when he used those words, this would have been looked up­on in him, as a cheat and imposture; which is one of the first things declared by his pretended Successor, in such a case where he might uprightly and infallibly have spoken truth. And a like abuse of holy Scripture is in that other Rite at his Coronation, which goes immediately before this; when the Pope is sat down, or almost lies along, upon a Mar­ble Seat at the Lateran Church at Rome, which Seat is cal­led Stercoraria, and one of the Cardinals lifts him up ibid. using those words in Psal. 113.7, 8. Suscitat de pulvere egenum, & de stercore erigit pauperem, ut sedeat cum principi­bus, & solium gloriae teneat. Where what the Psalmist cal­leth [Page 244]a dunghill, the Roman Church who would be accoun­ted the faithful Interpreter of Scripture, interpreteth con­cerning a stately Marble Seat. But waving such things as these, I shall enquire into two other things of greater mo­ment and concern; the one of Infallibility, the second of delivering Souls from Purgatory by Indulgences, and ap­plying to them a fit proportion of the Churches Trea­sury.

4. Concerning Infallibility. Infallibility calculated for design. This is a strange claim, in such a Church, where there are so many palpable errors, contrary to the Doctrine of the Scriptures, and the ancient Church. But this pretence mightily serves their interest: for if this be once believed and received, all their other er­rors must thereupon be received with great veneration, as being founded upon the highest evidence; since no evidence can be above infallible certainty; and there can be no evi­dence against it, but what appears to be such is a mistaken fallacy; and therefore no doubts ought to be admitted: for there cannot be any need of reforming the Doctrine of such a Church. By this method also, so far as men be­lieve this, they are kept in a peaceable subjection, but in a way of fraud, and neglect of truth. We account all ho­nest and prudent ways, to promote peace with truth, to be desireable. But if stedfastness in errors, such as those of the Scribes and Pharisees, or of any Hereticks or Schisma­ticks, be more desirable than to understand or embrace the truth, then may the devices of the Roman Church be ap­plauded, which have any tendency to promote peace. And yet indeed all their other projects would signifie little, if it were not for the great strictness and severity of their Govern­ment. This pretence to Infallibility, is in the consequence of it blasphemous, because as it pretends to be derived from God, it makes him to approve, and patronize all their gross errors, and Heretical Doctrines. And if any other persons should have the confidence, to require all they say to be re­ceived upon their authority, as unquestionable and infalli­bly [Page 245]true; though it appear never so unlikely to the hearers, or be known by them to be false; such a temper would not be thought tolerable for converse, but it is only admired in those of Rome, where there is as little reason to admit it as any where else, and no proof at all thereof, but very much to be said to confute it. For,

5. First, It is hard to believe, The asserters of Infallibility are not agreed who is the keeper thereof. that that Church should have been possessed of Infallibility for above 1600 years, which doth not yet agree where to fix this Infallibility. It is great pity that if they have Infallibility, they should not know where it is: And it is strange, it should be ac­companied with so much uncertainty, that those of the Romish Communion should still disagree and be to seek who the person or persons is or are, that are Infallible, and whether any be such or not. Many of the Romish Church claim Infallibility, to belong to the Pope. This way goes Bellarmine, and many others; who assert the judgment of Councils, Whether the Pope, whether General or Provincial, to receive their firmness from the Pope's Confirmation, and then de Pont. Rom. l. 4. c. 1, 2, 3. as­serts, that he cannot err in what he delivers to the Church as a matter of Faith. And yet de Pont. Rom. l. 2. c. 30. he grants that the Pope himself may be a Heretick, and may be known to be such, and by falling into Heresie, may fall from being Head or Member of the Church, and may be judged and punished by the Church: And this is to give up his Infallibility, since he who may fall into Heresie, and declare it, may err in what he declares. And Theol. Mor. l. 2. Tr. 1. c. 7. n. 1, 2. Layman who asserts that the Pope in his own Person may fall into notorious Heresie, and yet that in what he proposeth to the whole Church, he is by Divine Providence infallible, still acknowledgeth, that this latter assertion is not so certain, that the contrary should be an error in Faith: Yea he admits it possible, and to be owned by grave Authors (such as Gerson, Turrecremata, Sylvester, Corduba, and Gr. de Valentia) that the Pope may propose things against the Faith. And this is to profess his Infallibility to be uncertain, and indeed to be none at all. [Page 246]And some of the Popes have been so unwary, as in their Publick Rescripts, to let fall such expressions, which be­trayed themselves, to have no confidence of their own Infal­libility. Pope Martin the fifth determined a case propo­sed, concerning the Extrav. Com. l. 3. Tit. 5. c. 1. sale of a yearly Revenue to be no Ʋsury, because one of the Cardinals had given him an ac­count, that such parts were allowed to be lawful by the Doctors: Now it is not like, that if that Pope thought his own judg­ment to be Infallible, that he would profess himself to pro­ceed in his Declaration, upon the judgment of others. And Pope Innocent the third, considering those words of S. Peter, Submit your selves therefore, to every Ordinance of Man for the Lord's sake, whether to the King as Supreme, &c. would have it observed, that the King is not expresly called Su­preme, Decretal. l. 1. Tit. 33. c. 6. Solite. sed interpositum, for sitan non sine causa, tanquam, but this word [as] is interposed perhaps not without cause: but for sitan, and perhaps, are not a stile becoming the pretence to Infallibility, since the one acknowledgeth and the other disclaims the doubtfulness of the thing declared: But so much modesty was very needful in this Epistle, when both this Observation it self, and many other things in that Epistle were far enough from being infallibly true; as the founding the Pope's authority upon Jer. 1.10. and on God's creating two great Luminaries and such like things, of which above.

6. But others of the Romish Church, or a General Council, own the infallible judgment in matters of Faith, to be only fixed in a general Council. That Adrian the sixth was of this Opinion, is owned by de Pont. Rom. l. 4. c. 2. Bellarmine, to whom L [...]ym. ubi sup. Layman adds Gerson, and others of the French Church. Now there is much more to be said for this, than for the former Notion. And though a General Council cannot claim absolute infalli­bility of judgment in all cases, because it is possible, the er­ring Party may happen in some cases, to be the greater number; as appeared in some of the Arian Councils, which so far as concerned the greatness of them, bad fair for the Title of General ones. Yet if a General Council be regu­larly [Page 247]convened, and proceed orderly, with a pious intention to declare truth, and without design of serving interests and Parties, there is so much evidence concerning Matters of Faith, that it may be justly concluded, that such a Coun­cil will not err in them, but that its Determinations in this case, are infallibly true. But the admitting the Infallible Decision of such a General Council in points of Faith, is so far from the interest of the Church of Rome, that the ea­ger promoters of the Popish interest, will by no means close with this. For a General Council having respect to the whole Catholick Church, and not being confined to the particular Roman limits: The Church of Rome can upon this principle, plead no more for any Infallibility resident in it, than the Church of Constantinople or the Church of Eng­land may do. To this purpose the General of the Jesuits, Lainezius Hist. Conc Trid. l. 7. p. 497. at the Council of Trent, declared against the Infallible judgment of Councils, and thought he had proved that sufficiently, by observing that all the particular Bishops there assembled were fallible; and that therefore the firmness of its Constitutions and Anathemas, must depend on the Popes Confirmation. And yet it might be thought that the Providence of God, may as well order the decisions of General Councils to be infallibly true in points of Faith for the guidance of his Church; as that it should infallibly guide the Bishop of Rome, whenever he teacheth Doctrines of Faith, who in other cases, and in his own person, is ac­knowledged by his chief Advocates to be fallible, even concerning Matters of Faith.

7. But there are others, or Oral Tra­dition. who call themselves Members of that Church, but are in no great favour and esteem at Rome, who lay no stress upon the unerring judgments of either Pope, or Council, more than of other men; but place a kind of Infallibility upon the certainty of Oral Tradition, and thence conclude, that whatsoever is delivered down in a Church by way of Tradition, must be infallibly true; be­cause no Age could make any change therein: This is Mr. White's way, and particularly asserted in J. S. h. sure footing, the Dis­courses [Page 248]of Mr. Serjeant. But what is said in defence of this way, is pure Sophistry. And if such persons, furnished with these Notions or Fancies, had lived in the beginning of Christianity, they might have been Advocates either for Paganism, or the Traditions of the Scribes and Pharisees, on whose behalf the indefectiveness of Tradition, might have been urged, as well as for the Church of Rome, and almost in a persect Parallel.

8. Secondly, Infallibility is not owned by the chief of the Romanists, who neither own the Pope's judgment nor the Councils, in deciding con­troversies. There is good reason to think, that the chief men of the Church of Rome, give little credit themselves to the pretence of Infallibility. For in such great Contro­versies, wherein considerable numbers of that Church are ingaged on both sides; these have some of them for many Ages continued without any satisfactory decision, from their Infallibility; even in such cases, where such a decision would contribute much to truth, would end quarrels, and be greatly useful for the guiding all mens Consciences. And therefore the determining such things, would be an excel­lent work of charity, but the leaving them undetermined, or at least the allowing the liberty of rejecting any preten­ded or real determination, may be politick, lest they should disoblige the contrary party. I shall instance in that Que­stion, which is at some times of concernment, to all Mens Consciences of their Communion, whether the authority of the Pope, or a General Council, be the greater? Which hath never yet been decided, by the consent of a Pope, and a General Council. Indeed in some smaller Councils 70 De­cret. l. 3. Tit. 7. c. 1. Leo the tenth did at the Lateran assert the Authority of the Pope above a Council: And Pius the second, in a Provin­cial Council at Mantua, declared Ibid. l. 2. Tit. 9. c. 1. appeals from a Pope, to a future Council to be void and Schismatical: which was also confirmed Ibid. c. 2. by Julius the second. But this way of decision, is so little satisfactory among themselves, that the Cardinal of Lorrain did in the Council of Trent open­ly declare, Hist. Conc. Trid. l. 8. p. 580. that the Council was above the Pope, and that this was the general sense of the French Church. And di­vers [Page 249]other Bishops spake their judgments there, to the same purpose.

9. And the General Councils of Basil and Constance assert­ed the authority of the Council above the Pope; and yet this is no satisfactory decision, to them of the contrary opinion. So that here we have the pretence to Infallibility, whether in the Pope, or in a General Council, slighted by themselves as they think fit. And this is a thing of such concern, that if the highest authority be in the Council, this must fix the Infallibility there also (if there be any such thing) because infallible determination must be by a Divine guidance, and so must include God's Authority in that Determination, to which none can be Superior. If this be seated in the Coun­cil, it would take down the Pope's Plumes: If in the Pope, the World might be spared the trouble of General Coun­cils, as a needless thing, and then all those Christian Churches, Emperors and Bishops (which will take in di­vers Bishops of Rome) were very imprudent, who either laboured much for them, or took any great satisfaction in them. Wherefore it must needs be a business of design, and not of integrity, to make a loud noise about Infallibility, to prevail thereby upon the Consciences of other men, when they have so low an esteem of it themselves.

10. Thirdly, No Infallibility of the Roman Church, Romish Infalli­bility unknown to Primitive Christianity. was ever known or owned in the Primitive Church; and there­fore was never delivered by Christ or his Apostles; but the pretence thereof is an Innovation of later date. And whereas the Pope unjustly pretends to a singular right of Succession, to the Authority and Prerogatives of S. Peter; it is observable, that S. Peter himself, though an eminent and prime Apostle, even in a Council, had no peculiar gift of Infallibility or judgment of decision above other Apo­stles. For in the Council of Jerusalem, Acts 15. when af­ter much disputation, S. Peter had declared his sense, v. 7, 11. and after him S. James expressed his judgment, v. 13, 21. the final determination of that Council, did much more [Page 250]follow the words of S. James, than of S. Peter, v. 19, 20. with 28, 29. Wherefore the claim of Hist. Conc Trid. l. 7. p. 552. Pius the fourth, in his Epistle to the Emperor, must have an higher Plea, than that of Succession to S. Peter, that if the Bishop of Rome be present in a Council, he doth not only alone propose, but he also alone decrees, and the Council adds nothing but Appro­bation.

11. Nor can it be imagined, that if the Primitive Church had owned any Infallibility in the Pope, or Romish Church, that so Pious and good a Bishop as Cyprian would so ear­nestly have opposed the declaration of Stephen, Bishop of Rome, concerning the Baptism of Hereticks. But he not only declares Stephen to Cyp. Ep. 74. be in an error, but declares him to have written proudly, impertinently, ignorantly and impru­dently; which sufficiently shews him to have known no­thing of his Infallibility. And Inter Ep. Cyp. Ep. 75. Firmilianus a renown­ed Bishop of Cappadocia, declares his sense against the Epistle and Judgment of Stephen also, approving S. Cyprian's an­swer to it, and using severe expressions against the behavi­our and determination of Stephen, as bold, insolent, and evil, improbè gesta. And Sent. E­piscop. Conc. Carth. in Cypr. a Carthaginian Council of eighty seven Bishops, did unanimously declare their judg­ment, for the baptizing Hereticks who returned to the Church; which was contrary to what the Bishop of Rome had determined. And that this Council did sit, after Cy­prian had received the Epistle, and Judgment of Stephen. Bishop of Rome, is observed by Argum. Ep. Cyp. 73. Pamelius. Now though all these Bishops were in an error, in accounting the Baptism of all Hereticks to be null, and that they ought ge­nerally to be Baptized, when they returned to the Church; yet it cannot be supposed, that they were so obstinately re­solved in their error, as to reject the infallible evidence of truth: When many of these very Bishops, who lived to understand their error did, as Dial adv. Lucifer. S. Hierome testifies, disclaim and reject it; and that Cyprian himself did so (as did also those parts of the Eastern Church who adhered to Firmi­lian) is judged not improbable by S. Aug. Ep. 48. Austin, though it [Page 251]was not certain. But hence it appears, that since Stephen's determination was slighted, and opposed by such eminent Bishops, both of the Carthaginian and Eastern Church, who sincerely designed to embrace the truth, no such thing was then owned as the Infallibility of the Romish Bishop. And if Stephen did so generally declare, against the Baptizing any who returned from any Heresie whatsoever, as he seems to do in the words of his Epistle, cited by Ep. 74. S. Cyprian, si quis à quacunque Haeresi venerit ad nos, &c. he erred on the one hand, as they did on the other; and the determination of the general Conc. Nic. c. 19. Council of Nice and of Conc. Const. c. 7. Constantinople takes the middle way, requiring some sort of Hereticks, who kept the substantial form of Baptism, to be received upon their former Baptism; and that others should be bap­tized, when they returned to the Church.

12. And the Practical judgment of the ancient Church, is concerning this case sufficiently manifest in that when Heresies arose, and their errors and impieties appeared ne­cessary to be condemned, and the Catholick Doctrine was necessary to be declared and confirmed by the greatest and fullest judgment which could be made in the Church; this was not done by application to the particular Church of Rome only, but by the summoning General Councils; which, with all the troublesome Journeys and expences attending them, had been a very needless and vain thing, if the Romish In­fallibility had then been owned. And in the four first Ge­neral Councils, the Bishop of Rome was personally present in none of them, nor was his particular Sanction thought necessary to confirm them: but they were all held in the Eastern parts of the Church, and all of them desired, and obtained the Imperial Confirmation with respect to their external force and effect. And the v Cracken­thorp's Vigi­lius Dormi­tans. None infallible who oppose the Doctrine of Christ, and contradict themselves. fifth General Coun­cil was managed, perfectly contrary to the mind and sense of Vigilius then Bishop of Rome.

13. Fourthly, Since so many Doctrines and Practices are asserted in the Church of Rome, which are plainly contra­ry [Page 252]to the Doctrine of Christ, and his Apostles (of which se­veral instances are given in this Chapter) that Church ought not, nor cannot be owned infallible, by those who own the Holy Scriptures and Christ and his Apostles to be so. Besides this, I might add that the Romish Bishops them­selves have oft some of them at one time contradicted, what others of them at other times have affirmed. The Con­stitution of Boniface the Eighth, was revoked by Clement. in l 3. Tit. 17. c. 1. Cle­mens the Fifth, as scandalous and dangerous. And I above observed that regal Supremacy in temporals, is owned by In­nocentius the Third, but is disowned in the stile of many Bulls of Deposition by other Popes. But there needs no o­ther testimony against any pretended Infallibility, than its be­ing contradicted in what it delivers, by that evidence which is certainly infallible. And there can scarce be a greater im­posture and delusion, than such a false pretence as this; which is designed both as a prop to uphold the whole bulk and fabrick of Popery, and a contrivance, to raise a very high veneration thereof.

14. Secondly, Of Indulgences, and the pre­tence of free­ing souls from Purgatory thereby. I shall consider the pretended power, of securing offenders from Purgatory, or releasing their souls out of it, partly by the Priests Masses, and chiefly by the Popes Indulgences, and being interested thereby in that treasure of the Church, which he hath power to dis­pense. For the Romanists tell us, that as there is in sin a fault, and in mortal sins an obligation to eternal punishment, which is discharged in the Sacrament of Penance and Absolution; so there is an obligation to tem­poral punishment even in venial sins, and if this be not suffi­ciently undergone in this life, by way of satisfaction, it must be made up by the sufferings of Purgatory. And thus a model is contrived and drawn up, to shew how sinners may escape these evils of sin, without amendment. Now sin indeed is of that pernicious and hurtful nature in every respect, that by reason of it, God sometimes punisheth per­sons and Families, even after true repentance, and receiving [Page 253]the person into his particular favour; and such were the judgements on Davids House, after his Murther and Adul­tery. And I esteem the practices of sin and vice, to be so hurtful, that though they be sincerely repented of, if that repentance and the fruits of it be not very exemplary, they will make abatements in the high degrees of the future re­ward. And strict penitential exercises ought to be underta­ken by all Penitents for greater offences, according to the quality of their transgressions. This in the ordinary disci­pline of the ancient Church, was performed before the Church gave Absolution, which oft included the severe ex­ercises of divers years; and this was the Exomologesis oft mentioned in Tertullian and Cyprian. And if in danger of death, such penitents were reconciled, who had not com­pleated their penitential exercises, Conc. Nic. c. 13.4. Conc. Carth. c. 76. the Canons requi­red that if they recovered, these must afterwards be per­formed. And these things were testimonies of their ab­horrence of the sin, their high value for the favour of God, and the priviledges and Communion of the Church, and that they had exercised themselves to undergo difficulties and severities, rather than to forfeit them.

15. But concerning the Romish Purgatory; though God never revealed any such thing, nor did the ancient Church believe it, I shall not here engage in that dispute; but shall only observe, that this fiction of temperal punishment of sin in Purgatory is somewhat unequal, since the body which is so great a partaker in, and promoter of the sin, is whol­ly freed from all these punishments, and rests quietly in its grave, whilst the soul is left alone to undergo all those pains. And if the pretence of freeing offenders from great suf­ferings in Purgatory be a fictitious thing; it serves the ill de­signs of undermining holiness and true Christianity, and tends to raise a great admiration of the Popes power in them that believe it, and to engage those to the Romish. Church, who can please and satisfie themselves with the thoughts of such Indulgences.

16. Now for the right understanding this, I shall take notice of so much as is needful to be considered, out of their own approved Authors. Layman saith, Theol. Mor. l. 5. Tr. 7. c. 1. n. 1. this indul­gence is a remitting temporal punishment, which is due to God, out of the Sacrament, by the application of the satisfaction of Christ and the Saints: and is ibid. n. 4. a free forgiving the punish­ment to be undergone in Purgatory, for sins committed; or a commutation thereof into some light thing, by the mercy of God. And ibid. c. 3. n. 1. that a plenary Indulgence doth dismiss all the pains, for sins which are to be punished in Purgatory. And M. Beca­nus saith, Sum. Th. Part. 3. Tr. 2. c. 28. q. 2. Defunctis indulgentiae conceduntur, &c. In­dulgences are granted to those who have depaerted this life, in that the Pope applies to them so much of the Churches treasury, as is sufficient to compensate the punishment, they should undergo in Purgatory. And this Treasury consists of the Sufferings of Christ which are infinite, and the sufferings of the Blessed Virgin, Apostles and Saints, which was more than was need­ful for their own sins. And Bellarmine having laid this as a foundation, on which Indulgences depend, de Indulg. l. 1. c. 2. that there is a treasure in the Church; and ibid. c. 3. that the Church can apply this treasure, further declares, that such Indulgen­ces do set men free, ibid. c. 7. à reatu poenae, non solum coram Ec­clesia, sed coram Deo; from the guilt of punishment, not only before the Church, but also before God: and that the plenary and most full Indulgences do extend ibid. c. 9. ad remissionem to­tius poenitentiae quae à Deo exigipossit, to the remitting all that penance which can be required by God. Nor do these Indul­gences avail only according to their Doctrine to remit Pe­nances, which are injoined in Confession or other wise, but Laym. ubi supr. c. 3. n. 2. ad omnes poenas etiam non injunctas se extendunt, they reach to all Penances or punishments, even to such as are not enjoined: and that an Indulgence ibid. n. 1. Bell. ubi sup. c. 9. for one year, or for seven years, is a remitting so much punishment, as would be taken off by the Penitential exercises of one year, or of se­ven years.

17. Now First, I shall observe, how this by rendring a holy life unnecessary, tends to oppose the great design of the Gospel, and to render it ineffectual. These under mine true piety of life. For the precepts of the Gospel are the indispensable Laws of Christs King­dom, which he will have observed, or else will say to such workers of iniquity as will not obey his Gospel, depart from me, I never knew you. And the judgment to come, the punishments of another world, and the manifold promises of the Gospel, are all laid down as powerful Motives in the Religion of our Saviour, that men may be holy here, that so they may be happy hereafter. But how is all this enervated and made void, if Attrition with Absolution will v. Sest. 3. n. 1. &c. free sinners from the stain and fault of their sin, and from eternal punish­ment: and when no further danger or evil can remain but some temporal pains, these may be discharged (either by the exercises of some injoined penances, or without them) by the kindness and favour of an Indulgence? and all this may be done without any real exercises of mortification or an holy life. Indeed the Romish Writers require, that the person who receives the benefit of an Indulgence, should be in a state of grace: but then they also assert that Absolution with the Sacrament of Penance, is sufficiect for this. And some of the forms of Indulgences express this condition, si cordis & oris egerint poenitentiam; if they shall practice re­pentance in heart and word: but then their Doctors acknow­ledge this done by Attrition in the Sacrament of Penance, and Confession.

18. There is indeed some act of Obedience required to be performed by the person, who will interest himself in the benefit of these discharges from punishment, but they usu­ally are of little or no concern at all, with respect to true inward and serious piety. Sometimes indeed the saying over some particular prayer is enjoined; but even the bare visiting some place is also sufficient to obtain plenary Indul­gence; of which nature I shall mention two instances. The one is that mentioned by Boil. de Indulg. l. 1. c. 12. Bellarmine, that whosoever shall stand before the doors of S. Peters Church at Rome, [Page 256]when the Pope pronounceth his solemn blessing at Easter, doth receive a plenary Indulgence: but this as the Cardinal there tells us, is no light thing, being useful to profess the Faith, concerning the Head of the Church, & ad ho­norem sedis Apostolicae, qui est finis illius Indulgentiae; and to promote the honour of the Apostolical See, which is the end of that Indulgence. Which last words are somewhat un­warily plain. The other Instance I shall mention is, the visiting the Church of the Lady at Laureto, to which after some Indulgences had been granted, by Benedict XII. Mar­tin V. and Nicholas V. and some other Popes, Horat. Tursellin. Lauretan. Hist. l. 5 c. 20. Cle­mens VIII. so far enlarged these Indulgences, that he bountifully granted the pardon of all their sins, to all persons who at any time of the year shall orderly go to visit the Cell of the Virgin at Laureto. Now if any man can truly think, that such acts as these, can so reconcile God to man, as to take off all his displeasure to offenders, he must be a man so far of no Religion, as to have no serious sense of the nature of God: and this is that state to which such methods tend to bring men.

19. Secondly, Indulgences are a contrivance of gain, It may be observed, that this contrivance includes in it a design of Covetousness, and loving the wages of Unrighteousness, and cannot be excused from being Si­moniacal: and the feigned imparting to others an interest, in the pretended treasury of satisfactions in the Church, is really made use of as a colour, whereby they increase their own treasuries of wealth. Indeed 70 De­cret. l. 3. Tit. 14. c. 1. the selling Indul­gences, or any Spiritual thing, is declared against, but the inriching themselves by them is not; and how far the me­thods they use can be called selling, I shall not be curious to dispute. Their Authors grant, that a Priest is bound M. Bec. Sum. Th. P. 3. Tr. 2. c. 25. p. a. qu. 10, & 12. ratione stipendii, upon account of his stipend, specially to offer and apply the Sacrifice to him that gave the stipend, apply­ing to him also illam portionem satisfactionis, that portion of sa­tisfaction, which that Priest hath a power to distribute. And in their Indulgences, there hath been oft expressed the Con­dition [Page 257]of raising moneys, if that were to be imployed in the re­gaining the Holy Land, or the subduing Hereticks, or ene­mies of the Roman Church. To which purpose in the Bull of Innocentius the Third, to promote an expedition into the Holy Land, to those who should give moneys according to their ability, Ursper­gens. Chr. p. 329. he grants full pardon of all their sins, and to them who would also go in person, over and above, in retributione justorum, aeternae salutis pollicemur augmentum, he promiseth an increase of eternal happiness, in the reward of the just. And these are very great and liberal proposals, especially being assured upon such terms, as may be per­formed by men destitute of true and serious piety. But that which is most to be considered, is what is ordinarily practised, and generally known to be intended, and de­signed, in the grants of these Indulgences, especially when they are annexed to certain places as to the Lateran, and Laureto, and many others. For those persons are not ac­counted to come regularly, and in such a manner as is pro­per for such as expect to receive such great benefits, unless they bring along with them such oblations as are suitable to their state. Of this nature Horatius Tursellinus through­out his five Books of the History of the Cell. and Church of Laureto, takes notice of divers instances, of Princes, Cardi­nals, Noble men, and Women, Cities, and divers persons of great fame, who when they came in peregrination thi­ther, some of them offered golden Crosses and Crowns, rich Rings and Shrines bedecked with costly Jewel, and o­ther things of great worth and value, of which by reason of the high worth and value of them, he gives at least two hundred particular instances: when others also offered ac­cording to their ability, coming thither in a daily concourse. The like kind of devotions are upon the same account paid at Rome upon the like occasion, especially every twenty fifth year, being the year of Jubilee: and in other places al­so, though not in so high a degree.

20. Besides the gainfulness of this contrivance, and a method to raise an high admirae­tion of the Pa­pal power. which was unknown to the Primitive Ages, it is hugely adapted [Page 258]to advance the high esteem of the Papal power in all them who promise themselves any advantage thereby. For if our Saviour was justly and greatly admired for healing dis­eases, and casting Devils out of the Bodies they possessed, and the Angel's opening the Prison doors, and bringing forth S. Peter was deservedly esteemed a work of wonder; how admirable must the power of the Pope be accounted, who by a word speaking, can secure thousands from, or bring them out of the pains and Prison of Purgatory; and hath its effect upon the souls of men, and at such an un­known a distance. Indeed some of their Authors speak doubtfully of the Popes power in Purgatory, telling us that Laym. Theol. Mar. l. 5. Tr. 7. c. 7. n. 1, 3. he can give Indulgences to them certainly, to wit, by of­fering to God satisfactions for them, per modum suffragii, with prayers that he will deliver their fouls: but that this hath no certain and infallible effect, and God is not bound to do what he requires, since this case is not within the Papal Jurisdiction; for, quicquid solveris fuper terram, whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth, gives limits to the Jurisdiction of the Pope. But others speak confidently of the effect, and de Ind. l. 1. c. 14. Bellarmine's doubt whether Indulgences are profitable to the dead, ex justitia & condigno, out of justice and desert, or whether it be ex benignitate Dei solum & ex congruo, out of Divine benignity only, and from congruity. Both these ways, neither of which the Car­dinal dare reject, do render the Popes Authority admira­ble: and if the latter way could be proved true, so far as it imports what the Pope doth herein, to be highly favoured of God (which it cannot be so long as the Gospel Covenant is in force) I should account this more available, than the pretence of desert and proper worth. But notwithstand­ing these differences in their notions; they who doubt of the certain effect of Indulgences to deceased persons, to deliver them out of Purgatory, acknowledge their efficacy, whilst applied to living persons to keep them from it, and account the other at least very likely.

21. It is also a Politick Contrivance, Indulgences out of policy re­served to the Pope alone, to reserve the pre­tence of this Authority to the Pope alone to set free souls [Page 259]out of Purgatory. For if there were any such thing as Pur­gatory, and any such Treasury in the Church of Satisfacti­ons, and any power left to the Church to dispense these at pleasure to them who want a share in them (in all which the Roman Church runs into strange exorbitancies) there can be no reason to appropriate this power to the Pope, un­less we will call a device of Policy to exalt the dignity of the Roman See, a Reason. Their Writers grant, that other Bishops may give to the living some Indulgences, but this Laym. ubl sup. c. 4. n. 2. to the souls departed, and with respect to Purgatory, they make peculiar to the Pope. And both their private Authors, and the Bulls of Indulgence themselves, found this Authority in the power of binding and loosing, and of re­mitting and retaining sins, (which indeed contains an excel­lent and great authority, which deserves to be better un­derstood, but is grossly abused in the Roman Church) and therefore in this special case, every Priest hath as much a right to claim this authority, as the Pope himself; since he can do altogether as much in this case. The order of Priesthood is acknowledged to be the highest order in the Ecclesiastical Offices, by the great Patrons of the Papal power, and is so declared in de Ord. Sacram. p. 323. the Roman Catechism; they grant the Priest to have a power to offer propitiatory Sa­crifices, for the quick and the dead, and own him to have such a power of absolution, as thereby to put persons with Attrition into a state of grace, and to deliver them from eternal destruction, and give them a title to eternal life. But that the power of delivering souls out of Purgatory, by the Benefit of Indulgences, may still be reserved to the Pope, they of the Church of Rome declare, that the grant of Indulgences is Bell. de Ind. l. 1. c. 11. Laym. ubi sup. c. 1. n. 4. not from the power of order but of Ju­risdiction, and thereupon they place it in the Pope alone. But as to this case of delivering souls out of Purgatory, they forget themselves when they again assert Bell ib. c. 14. q. 2. Laym. ib. c. 7. n. 3. that the Pope doth not do this by a power of Jurisdiction, but by proposing or exhibiting to God satisfactions, and by suffrages and pray­ers, entreating Gods acceptance of them. But thus much [Page 260]can be also done, according to their Doctrine, by every Priest, who offereth the Sacrifice of the Mass, Conc. Tri­dent. for the Quick and the Dead, for Sins, Punishment and Satisfactions. The Pope indeed in his Indulgencies, is pretended to pre­sent to God the Satisfactions of the Saints, together with those of Christ; but besides that the Satisfactions of Christ must be of themselves sufficient, the act of the Papal In­dulgence being done out of the Sacrament, doth not in­clude a proper propitiatory Sacrifice, and is therefore inferior to the act of the Priest in the Mass: And it is the propitia­tory Sacrifice, which must give the value to the Satisfacti­ons of the Saints. So that this great claim of peculiar au­thority in this case unto the Roman Bishop, is without any solid foundation upon their own Doctrinal Principles, and is wholly founded upon Policy, to create the higher appre­hensions of the Papal excellency: Only something is said, to make it passable and plausible.

22. The last thing I shall here consider, and to Rome in the year of Jubilee. is, the policy of making void all Indulgencies though plenary, and all facul­ties of Indulgence granted to any other place, or persons, or upon any conditions whatsoever, save only what is grant­ed at Rome on the year of Jubilee, which is now every twenty fifth year; save that it was a peculiar favour of Greg. 13. Tursellin. Hist. Lauret. l. 4. c. 22. to the Lady at Laureto, that Indulgentiis toto terrarum orbe, ut fieri solet, suspensis in Ʋrbis gratiam, u­nam excepit Aedem Lauretanam; When Indulgences were sus­pended according to custom, throughout the whole World, for the benefit of the City of Rome, that singular place was alone excepted. Had the good of men been the principal design of these Indulgencies, it would have been a Work of much greater mercy, and care of the welfare of men, that plenary Indulgencies might constantly have been granted in all Countreys, to them who should perform the conditions re­quired. But as the benefit of Indulgencies, is wholly ap­propriated to Rome every twenty fifth year; so the Papal Bull requires the performance of three days fasting, and al­so Prayers and giving Alms. And some of their Casuists [Page 261]assert, Laym. Th. Mor. l. 5. Tr. 7. c. 8. n. 10. that all this must be done in one week, or others at farthest affirm it must be done within fifteen days whilst the Jubilee continues, as a Condition necessary to partake of the benefit of the Indulgence. And consequently their alms, being confined to those days, must by all persons then attending at Rome be given there, to the great enrich­ing the Wealth and Revenues of that Church: or though some may be there devoted to the service of the Church in other places; it is to be expected, that that Church in a more particular consideration be then regarded, and inte­rested therein.

23. The result of this whole Chapter is, that if disorder­ly disturbing the peace of the Church and the World, and the unjust invading others rights; if undermining and disre­garding true piety; if undervaluing the dignity of Christ, and the Majesty of God; and setting up and serving politick interests and designs instead of Religion and true goodness, be things loathsom and contrary to Christianity; there must then be sufficient cause for great dislike of, and averseness from the Church of Rome, which promotes all these things by its Doctrines and allowed and enjoined practices.

Of our Dissenters, where some of the different sorts of them are first particularly considered, and then follows a more general consideration of them jointly.

SECT. I. Of Quakers.

Sect. I 1. OUr Dissenters do not only lie under the Censure of private persons, but even of our publick Laws and Constitutions; and therefore I shall faithfully and calmly without prejudice enquire, Whether there be not in them just and great cause of blame. Now these are not all of one Body so much as the Romanists are, (though they also have their different parties) but are more divided in their several ways of Communion and profession; and are only united so far, as to espouse the same general interest against our established Government. And therefore that I may be the more clear and impartial, I shall first take some view of the several most famed Parties of them separately and di­stinctly; and then consider them jointly.

2. And it is a matter of sad reflection, that when the anci­ent Christian zeal contended so much for that Unity which our Religion earnestly injoineth, the Spirit of Divisi­on hath so far prevailed amongst them who withdraw from our Church; that besides their unwarrantable separation from it, great numbers of them have run into other select [Page 263]and distinct parties, and many of them very monstrous. S. Austin observed that when the Donatists forsook the Ca­tholick Church, Cont. Epist. Par­men. l. 3. c. 4. & lib. de Hae­res. n. 69. they fell into divers parties among themselves, inter ipsos multa facta sunt schismata, alii atque alii separant, and of these the Maximinianists were the most inonsiderable. And amongst us we had formerly wretched improvements of Antinomianism into the lewdness of the Ranters; of seditious Principles, into the fierceness of the Fifth Monarchy men; and of separation into Quakerism, which is farthest removed from the Communion of the Christian Church, and from many weighty points of the Christian Doctrine. The giddy progress of separation was com­plained of in this Kingdom by one who (if I mistake not) is now not only a practiser, but a Patron thereof, who not amiss resembled it J. H. to the several peelings of an Onion, where first one is taken off by it self, and parted, and then a­nother, till at last there is nothing left but what is apt to draw tears from the eyes of the Beholder. And the ill ef­fect of our divisions is so manifest, that Dr. Owen acknow­ledgeth that Of Evan­gelical Love, p. 2. it will be granted, that the Glory of God, the Honour of Christ, the progress of the Gospel, with the Edification and peace of the Church, are deeply concerned in them, and highly prejudiced by them. And since the several parties condemn and disapprove each other, it is manifest from thence that all of them (at most one only ex­cepted) must be justly blameable for proceeding upon false Principles, and unsound Assertions. And if any separating party can justifie it self, it must be able to plead truly, and manifest, that the Church from which it departs, is so cor­rupt in Doctrine or Worship, that it cannot Communicate therewith without sin; and that its differing from it is founded upon its casting off such things as are really sin­ful and evil, still retaining and embracing all such things as are true and good, even all the rules of Faith and Life, and due Order, which the Christian Religion doth direct and include.

3. Beginning with the Quakers, I might take notice of their want of ordinary civil and courteous behaviour, and outward expressions of reverence to Governours; when Christianity injoins kindness, humility, courteousness, and the due expressions of them to all men, and honourable re­spect to be given to Superiors. I might also mention their condemning the use of an Oath, even in judicial proceed­ings, which if rightly undertaken, is an act of Religion in a solemn acknowledging the Omniscience and righteous­ness of God; and is the most effectual way for the discove­ry of truth, the maintaining justice, preserving rights, and ending strife. But waving very many blameable errors re­ceived amongst them, I shall insist on four things, which their Teachers have both in their Writings and Discourses, vigorously asserted; which are of such a nature, that those who embrace these Principles, and practise according to them, may well be esteemed to be as far from true Chri­stianity, as any persons who pretend to the name of Chri­stians. Yet in so wild and Enthusiastick a Sect, I do not undertake to give assurance that they in all things do all of them hold the same opinions, but do hope some of them may be drawn off from some of these evil Doctrines and Positions.

Here I shall observe,

4. First, Their denial of, and casting reproachful expres­sions upon the Holy and Glorious Trinity. The acknow­ledging the Trinity is a great part of the Christian Faith, our Creed directing us to believe in God the Father Almigh­ty, and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, and in the Ho­ly Ghost. And Conc. Ni­cen. & Con­stantinopol. the two first General Councils of the Christian Church, were in a good part imployed in vindi­cating and asserting this Doctrine against the Arian and Macedonian Heresie. And this Christian Faith is not only contained in, and plainly deduced from the Holy Scri­ptures; but is summarily expressed in that form of Christi­an Baptism which our Saviour established, when he com­manded [Page 265]his Apostles to Baptize in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And this Baptismal form which the Holy Scriptures express, is so considerable a testimony to the Doctrine of the Trinity, that many of those Hereticks who denied the Trinity, thought them­selves concerned not to own this generally established form of Christian Baptism, but boldly undertook to innovate and change that form our Lord had ordained, and his Church from him Just. Mart. Apol. 2. Tert. de Bapt. c. 6. & 13. had universally received. Upon this account Sozom. Hist. l. 6. c. [...]. Eunomius altered the Baptismal form, not Baptizing in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, but into the death of Christ. And amongst the Arians, who owned not the Son to be co-eternal and of the same substance with the Father, the form of Baptism was perverted; and Theod. Lect. Collect. l. 2. Theodorus Lector relates concern­ing an Arian Bishop, who Baptized into the Name of the Father by the Son, and in the Holy Ghost. And before these, when Paulus Samosatenus denied the Divinity of Christ, his followers the Paulianists were injoined by the Council of Conc. Nlc. c. 19. Nice to be re-baptized, since the Baptismal form by them used v. Justel. in Cod. Ecel. c. univ. 19. was not into the Holy Trinity, which he did not acknowledge. And that one God in Trinity in whom the members of the Catholick Christian Church believed, and into whose Name they were Baptized, he is the object of the Christian Worship and Service; and with one heart doth that Church give glory to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost: but they who disown the Trinity, cannot be expected to perform this Worship and Service thereto.

5. But besides what might be cited out of some of the Quakers Books against the Trinity, I shall take the liberty to give a little account of what my self hath formerly been concerned in. Almost three and twenty years since, some of the chief Quakers being busie in these parts, two of their Principal Teachers sent to me Nine Questions, or Positions rather, challenging me to dispute with them; the first of which was against the three Persons of the Deity, and the other took in all those things I here discourse of against the [Page 266] Quakers, with more also. I then accepted this challenge, and we went through all these nine in three days discourse. In the first day they plainly declared themselves against the three Persons of the Trinity; much as they had done about the same time in their Conference with The Qua­ker disarm'd. Mr. Smith at Cambridge. At that time in the Year 1659, I had the op­portunity of charging George Whitehead, in the presence of George Fox, and as great a number of other Witnesses as the specious room in which we were could contain, with as horrid and blasphemous words against the Trinity as I ever read or heard of, which were contained in a Book written by him, and three other Quakers against one Mr. Tounsend, which was Intituled Ishmael and his Mother cast out. I even tremble to write the words, which the licentiousness of those times gave way to, Ishmael, &c. p. 10. The three Persons which thou wouldst divide out of one like a Conjurer, are denied, and thou shut up with them in perpetual darkness, for the Lake and the Pit. But he neither did nor could deny that this wicked asserti­on was written and published by him and his Compani­ons: and the same thing was urged against him out of the same Book at the Conference at Cambridge.

6. Sometime after this, as if they had a mind to shew themselves particularly zealous in the opposition of the Ho­ly Trinity, I received a paper Directed to them, that affirm that there are three distinct Persons in the Godhead, and that the Fa­ther is the first, and the Word the se­cond, and the Spirit the third: and that the se­cond was be­gotten as to his Godhead. of Five Queries, contain­ing very many branches under them, wholly levelled a­gainst the Doctrine of the Trinity, and subscribed by George Whitehead, and George Fox. And after I had returned an Answer to these, I received another large paper containing a long Harangue against the Holy Trinity, with George Whitehead's name alone subscribed. In this paper which I have by me, it is declared, That to call three distinct per­sons in the Trinity, are Popish terms, and names the Papists do call the Godhead by. And concerning the eternal ge­neration of the Son of God, it is there said, Thou art one with the Papists in thy Doctrine in this thing, who in one of their Creeds do affirm, That Christ is God begotten be­fore all Worlds, when he was begotten as to his Sonship [Page 267]and Manhood, and in time brought forth and manifest a­mongst the Sons of men. Thus the most excellent truths may be misrepresented under odious names, and by errone­ous persons be called Popish.

7. Secondly, Their disparaging the Holy Scriptures, which are the Rule of the Christian Faith and Religion. The Scriptures contain the Prophetical and Apostolical Do­ctrine; and this Doctrine is so certain and full, that if an Angel from Heaven preach any other Gospel, S. Paul denoun­ceth him to be accursed. But their denying the Scriptures to be the word of God, (though they admit them to con­tain truth) and their setting up the Light within them as their great Rule (both which are done frequently in their Writings and Conferences) is that which tends to under­mine the Authority of the Divine Writings, and to substi­tute another rule which is very defective, various and un­certain, and of dangerous consequence. For if we consider men as they truly are, the Light within them is the light of Reason and natural Conscience, with those improvements of knowledge and understanding which the Christian Re­velation hath made in the minde and sentiments of men. Now though this be very considerable and needful to be at­tended to; yet to make this and not the Holy Scripture the main Rule and Guide in matters of Christian Faith and life, is to prefer the light of Nature with the advantages it hath from Christian converse and Oral Tradition (or the delive­ry of truth from one to another, according to the thoughts, opinions and judgements of men, though mixed with ma­ny errors and much uncertainty) before the infallible and unerring direction of the Holy Spirit in the Divine Scri­ptures. And while the Scribes and Pharisees disparaged the Scriptures in preferring the Traditions of their Elders; and the Romish Church doth much to the same purpose, this Position of this Novel Sect is rather more unaccounta­ble, than either of those other practices. For though they established mistaken, false and erroneous Rules, yet the [Page 268]things dictated thereby were approved by the joint consi­deration of many select men, whom they esteemed men of greatest understanding; while this way directs every man, how corrupt and erroneous soever his mind may be, to set up his own thoughts and apprehensions, to be a sufficient Rule and Guide. And this must suppose every mans own conceptions to be infallible, though they be never so contrary to one another, or to the Divine Revela­tion.

8. But if we consider the followers of this Sect according to the pretences of many of them, the Light within them, must have chief respect to some Enthusiastick motions and impulses. Such things were pretended to by the Theod. Hist. Eccl. l. 4. c. 10. Messa­lians and other Hereticks of old: But besides what may be said against such pretences in general, the manifest falshood of them is in these particular cases apparent from the plain errors they assert contrary to the sure Doctrine of Christia­nity. And to set up any Enthusiastick rule of Religion in­cludeth a disparaging the Revelation of Christ and his A­postles, which is the right instruction in the true Christian Religion; and this is ordinarily also blasphemous against God, in falsly making him the author of such errors by vain­ly pretending inspiration, which are evidently con­trary to what he hath truly revealed by Christ and his Gospel.

9. Thirdly, Their disowning Christs special Instituti­ons; to wit, the establishing the Communion of his true Catholick Church, and his Ministry, and the Holy Sacra­ments. Their disregard to the Communion of the Chri­stian Church, and their frequent reproaches against it, and the Ministers thereof, are very notorious. But I shall here chiefly insist on what concerns the Sacraments, which Holy institutions they generally disuse; and against the use of these their Teachers have both spoken and written. Now this is a thing so evil and of such dangerous consequence, that besides the disobedience to what our Lord hath con­stituted [Page 269]and commanded by his plain precepts, they here­by reject those things which the Gospel appoints to be emi­nent means of Communion and Union with the Church and Body of Christ. Such things are both the Sacra­ments, both that of Baptism and that of the Lords Supper. 1 Cor. 12.13. chap. 10.16, 17. And this Union and Communion according to the ordinary method of the Gos­pel Dispensation is necessary to Membership with the Ca­tholick Church. And the disowning and rejecting these things, is the refusing the means of grace which God hath appointed, for the conveying the blessings of his Cove­nant, and particularly the remission of sins, to such persons, who by performing the other conditions of the Covenant, are duly qualified for the receiving the same in the use of these administrations, Act. 22.16. Mat. 26.28. Our Lord appointed Baptism to be a part of the condition of obtaining salvation, Mar. 16.16. He that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved. And the ancient Christians had such an high esteem thereof, that Tertullian begins his Book de Baptismo on this manner, Foelix Sacramentum aquae, quia ablutis delictis pristinae caecitatis, in vitam aeternam liberamur; Happy Sacra­ment of Baptism, because the faults of our former blindness be­ing washed away, we are set free unto eternal life. And our Lord hath declared, that except we eat his flesh, and drink his blood, we have no life in us, Joh. 6.53. and hath appointed the Holy Communion to be an eminent and peculiar way of eating his Body, and drinking his Blood. And what then can be said for them who grossly neglect, and especially for them who declare against, and totally reject these Sacred Institutions? And if under the Old Testament God was so highly displeased with him who neglected Circumcision, as to denounce him to be cut off from his people, Gen. 17.14. and declared that they who attended not on the Passeover, should bear their sin, Num. 9.13. he cannot be pleased with the vi­olating those Institutions which are of an higher nature, being established by the Son of God himself under the Gos­pel.

10. Fourthly, The Doctrine of perfection as held by them who declare themselves throughly free from sin. For this undermines all penitential exercises, which take in the great part of the true Christian life; and makes void confession of sin, and sorrow for it, together with prayer and application to the Sacrifice of Christ for remission; and a diligent care of amendment. We acknowledge and assert that every pious Christian doth overcome the power of sin, so that he doth not serve it, but lives in the practice of good Conscience towards God and man. This is such a life that the Holy Scriptures speak much of the excellency and real holiness and purity thereof, and its freedom from sin. And the ancient Ecclesiastical Writers, give large and high commendations thereof. Polycarp saith Ep. ad Philip. p. 16. that he who hath charity is free from all sin: which hath some affi­nity with those words of the Apostle, Rom. 13.8. he that loveth another, hath fulfilled the Law. And Origen speaks of the Christian man as being pure from sin, Cont. Cels. l. 3. p. 148, 149. and having left off to sin; which is of like nature with not continuing any longer therein, Rom. 6.2. as having departed from a vicious, wicked and impure life. And the Christian life is a perfect life, as it greatly outdoth the practice of evil men, and is in it self excellent, and contains a resemblance of God, Mat. 5.44-48. and as it is guided by the fear of God, and directed to the eschewing evil, and doing what is just and good, Job 1.1. Psal. 37.37.

11. And every true Christian doth and must perform all the necessary conditions in the Gospel-Covenant for acce­ptance with God, and obtaining Salvation; or otherwise he can never be saved. And the practice of Faith and true holiness; the subduing lusts and evil affections; and being renewed after God, is included in these conditions. But the terms and conditions of the Gospel-Covenant are not the same thing, but must be differently considered from the rules of duty which the Gospel injoins. For a constant practice of every duty towards God and man, and a careful [Page 271]performance of every moral precept without any transgres­sion thereof is injoined more highly under the Gospel, than ever it was before. But the conditions of the Gospel-Co­venant, are upon more mild and gentle terms of grace, than were contained under the foregoing Dispensations: for they admit and approve true uprightness and sincerity of obedience, though there may some failings and imper­fections attend it; and they allow of repentance, and pro­mise mercy and pardon to those offenders who are truly pe­nitent. So that the rules of duty considered in their large extent, do so far shew what we are obliged to perform, that whensoever we fail in the least part thereof, we thereupon need the benefit of the pardoning mercy of God, and the atonement and expiation of our Saviour; to which when we discern our failing in the exercise of self-reflexion, we are to apply our selves according to the directions of the Gospel, with a pious and penitent behaviour. But the great and necessary conditions of the Gospel and the Cove­nant of grace, contain those things which are of such indi­spensable necessity to be performed and observed by us, that the mercy of God will never accept of those who neg­lect them, nor will it pardon the omission thereof. Such conditions under the Gospel Revelation, are the embracing the Christian Faith, the diligent exercise of a holy life, and under the sense of our failings, an humble address to God through Christ for his mercy, pardon and supplies of further grace, with penitential exercises.

12. And in the best of men who exercise themselves di­ligently in piety and the discharge of a good conscience, there may be many things wherein they fail and come short of the exact performance of what they ought to do. And therefore our Saviour taught his Disciples ordinarily to pray, forgive us our Trespasses; and appointed that petiti­on to be part of that prayer which he directed and com­manded them to use. Upon which words of the Lords Prayer, Cyp. de Orat. Dom. S. Cyprian observes, how every one is hereby taught and instructed that he offends every day, when he is [Page 272]commanded daily to pray for the pardon of his sins. And he observes also how constant a need every person hath of seeking for and obtaining pardon for his failings, in that upon this account our Lord urgeth the necessity of our con­stant care of forgiving others, because otherwise our hea­venly Father will not forgive us; and therefore he gives this as a rule to be always practised whensoever we pray, Mark 11.25. When ye stand praying, forgive if ye have ought against any, that your Father also which is in Heaven may for­give you your trespasses. And from the consideration of the Lords Prayer, Aug. Ep. 89. S. Austin well observes, that if the Christian state here were so far perfect as to be free from all offences, our Saviour would never have taught such a Pray­er to his Church, to be constantly used by his Disciples when they pray, and even by the Apostles themselves. And in the Institution of the Lords Supper, our Saviour tendred the Sacrifice of his Body and Blood to be received by Christi­ans in the continued administration of that Ordinance, for the remission of sins. All which doth manifest that Chri­stian life and Gospel-obedience, which is accepted upon the conditions of the Covenant of grace, is not an absolute sin­less obedience, though it doth include a real purity of heart, and integrity of conversation. And the pious Chri­stian is sometimes called perfect, with respect to that excel­lency to which he hath attained, Phil. 3.15, 16. and yet at the said time in a different sense is not acknowledged to be perfect, Phil. 3.12. by reason of the defects which are still remaining. Hence the Holy Scriptures oft speak to this purpose, that in many things we offend all, and that there is no man that lives and sins not, and that if we say we have no sin, we deceive our selves, and the truth is not in us.

13. And we further assert and acknowledge, that in the Christian state there is also a perfection by way of compa­rison, in them who have arrived to greater degrees, and a more eminent height and growth in Christian graces and vertues, than others: and this excellent state is very desi­rable, and ought to be diligently endeavoured by every pi­ous [Page 273]man. But no such persons either will or can truly say, that henceforth they have no need of any interest in the mercy of God for the forgiving their failings, or in the be­nefits of Christ's Merits and Sacrifice, for obtaining there­by pardon and remission. But Ep. ad Eph. p. 18. & Philad. p. 41. Ed. Vos. Ignatius, when ready to lay down his life by Martyrdom, acknowledged his im­perfection. And Paed. l. 1. c. 2. Clemens Alexandrinus describes the Christian, that his failings must be as little as is possible, and he must strive against all disorders of affections, and disown all customs of sin: and it is an excellent thing to be free from all fault, but this is the state of God. The imper­fections of such men as Asa and Job, and others who are called perfect, are noted in the Scripture. And that same Epistle in which S. John speaks so much of him that is born of God that he sins not, as having rejected a vicious and evil life, and being set free from the service thereof, he also de­clares against him who saith he hath no sin, 1 Joh. 1.8. di­rects confession of sin, v. 9. and speaking concerning those who are in a true Christian state, saith, that Jesus Christ the righteous is the propitiation for our sins, 1 Joh. 2.2. And who, who examines himself, can pretend himself free from every disorder in any passion or affection, from all failure in word or thought; and that he can be charged with no neglect of any duty at any time, either towards God or man, in any relation whatsoever, nor with any blameable defect in the manner of the performance thereof? And the pretence to perfection and sinless practice is the more fond and unrea­sonable in this Sect, because of the gross and heinous er­rors of judgment, and consequently of practice which they are guilty of, together with many words of falshood, cen­soriousness or uncharitableness.

14. Now the great hurt and danger of this opinion, con­cerning perfection is, First, That it makes void such duties as confession, repentance, & application to the benefits of Christs expiatory Sacrifice, which things are not only injoined up­on Christians by the frequent commands of the Gospel; but are also proposed as the conditions for obtaining the [Page 274] pardoning mercy and favour of God: and the exercise of re­pentance, and bringing forth fruits meet for repentance, con­tains very much of the practical part of the duties of the Christian Religion. Secondly, It greatly misrepresents the Covenant of Grace, as if together with the rules of an ho­ly life, and the assistances enabling thereto, it did not, for the encouraging our best and sincere endeavours, make al­lowances for the imperfections of the upright mans obedi­ence, and propose pardon to them who are truly penitent. If the Gospel did not admit these gracious terms and condi­tions, the state of the best sort of men would be miserable. But S. John joins these two together, 1 Joh. 2.1. the strict­ness of the Gospel rule, that will not allow of any sin, My little children these things write I unto you, that ye sin not: and the gracious conditions of pardon through the merits of Christ; if any man sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propitiation, &c.

15. Wherefore we acknowledge the Christian life to have in its degree an Evangelical perfection; whereby in the upright Service of God it is free from the dominion of sin, and is diligent in the progress of grace and piety, and obtains pardon for its offences. But with respect to its pra­ctice, as Aug. ad Bonif. l. 3. c. 7. S. Austin observed, ad ejus perfectionem perti­net ipsius imperfectionis & in veritate cognitio, & in humili­tate confessio: It is a branch of his perfection truly to know, and humbly to acknowledge his imperfection. For as he speaks in another place, Retrac. l. 1. c. 19. Who can be compleatly perfect, but he who observes all the Commandments; amongst which this is one, in­joined upon all Christians, that we must pray, forgive us our trespasses, quam orationem usque ad finem seculi tota dicit Ec­clesia, This is the prayer which the whole Church maketh to the end of this world.

Of the Fifth Monarchy men, and the Millenary Opi­nion.

Sect. II 1. THough I shall wave divers Sects which appeared in our late times of Confusion, as Seekers, Ranters, and various Enthusiasts; I shall take some notice of the Fifth-Monarchy men, who, since his Majesties return to his Kingdom, made an attempt to put in practice their evil and wretched Principles. The notion of our Saviour's perso­nal Reign a thousand years upon Earth, hath deceived ma­ny persons in the Christian Church, through their misun­derstanding some expressions in the Apocalypse (to which purpose also they applied many other Scriptures): though the ancient opinions of many worthy persons in the Chri­stian Church who were led away by this error, did still re­tain the meek and peaceable temper of Christianity. In Esai. l. 9. in fin. l. 15. in init & pas­sim. S. Hierome in many places speaks of this opinion as a Jewish error, and perstringeth the embracers thereof as Judaizers. And indeed this notion had some considerable affinity with the Jewish expectation concerning the Messias, that he should appear as a Temporal Prince, to Reign gloriously and powerfully upon Earth: and those Christians who were led away with this mistake, looked for the restoring and rebuilding the City of Jerusalem, when this King­dom should appear, with other things too much savouring of Judaism.

2. And that this earthly and worldly Reign of Christ was very agreeable to the dreams and fancies of the Jews, may be yet somewhat further manifested by observing that even Gem. in Sanhed. c. 11. n. 11. the Jewish Talmud speaks of the time of a thousand years; when God shall renew the World, and he alone shall be exalted and Reign, and the righteous shall enjoy [Page 276]outward and temporal delights in the world. And some of the Rabbins do more particularly express their sense con­cerning this state, insomuch that in the Commentaries of R. Abraham on Dan. 12.2. as his words are related by in Exc. Gem. Sanh. ib. Cocceius, it is said that as he understands that Prophe­cy, the just who died in exile out of the Land of Israel, at the coming of the Messias, should be raised again, and have all manner of delightful Food, Fishes, Fowls and great Cattel; and then should die a second time, and be raised again at the Resurrection of the dead, and then should be in the other world, where they should neither eat nor drink, but injoy the brightness of the glory of God. But so far as these things relate to earthly and sensual pleasures, they might well enough suit the temper and disposition of the Jews, and were agreeable to those carnal delights which Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. [...]. Cerinthus talked of in the Kingdom of Christ on Earth for a thousand years; but such things savour not of the true Spirit of Christianity, but are plainly opposite thereto.

3. But it must be acknowledged that there have been di­vers worthy persons in the ancient Church, and some of late, who have embraced the Millenary opinions, but have still retained such Principles and Opinions as are suitable to the peaceableness and Spiritual purity of Christianity. Such besides Papias, were Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Apollina­rius, Tertullian, Lactantius and others of old, and Mr. Mede in this last age. These looked for the coming of our Sa­viour with his Martyrs and other Saints raised from the dead, to Reign on Earth before the end of the World. Their chief ground was from Rev. 20.4. But their inter­pretation of those words concerning the Souls of them that were beheaded, &c. living and reigning with Christ a thou­sand years (besides much that may be otherwise said a­gainst it) cannot agree with v. 7, 8, 9. Where after the thousand years are ended, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the Nations, and Gog and Magog shall compass the camp of the Saints, and the beloved City. But [Page 277]such things cannot agree to the time of a thousand years after our Saviours second coming, nor is there indeed any mention made in the foregoing Verses of Christs coming to Reign here upon Earth. And therefore the Millenary Opinion was deservedly rejected and disclaimed by Hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. ult. Eusebius, as being against the true sense of the Prophetical Scriptures.

4. But according to the Prophetick stile, the living a­gain of those who were dead, (yea so long dead that their bones were dry) is an expression of a Church or State delivered out of affliction and calamity, and advanced to a more prosperous and flourishing condition, as is manifest from Ezek. 37.2, 3, and v. 11, 12, 13, 14. and Isai. 26.19. and the continuing under a depressed state is expressed by being so dead as not to rise, v. 14. And when the Church or the Saints of the most high are represented to possess the Do­minion and Government of the World, or that the Empire of the World should become Christian, and the Rule and Government thereof be administred by them who profes­sed Christianity, this is signified by the Dominion of one like the Son of man, and giving him a Kingdom, Dan. 7.13, 14. and the Saints of the most high possessing the Kingdom, v. 18, & 22. and by being caught up to God and to his Throne, Rev. 12.5. which are expressions of like import with that of reigning with Christ.

5. But though this mistake of the Chiliasts had so far spread it self, that it was entertained by many worthy men in the first ages of the Church, I cannot think it to have had so universal a reception in that time, as some very learned men are inclined to believe. S. Hierome mentions Papias de Script. Eccl. in Pap. to be accounted to have given the first rise to this opi­nion, and Hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. [...]. Eusebius speaks to the same purpose, who al­so observes him to have been a man of good note and e­steem, but of a mean judgment; and that while he was in­quisitive concerning whatsoever he could learn to have been spoken by the Apostles, and some Apostolical men, he being too credulous, delivered some things as Doctrines [Page 278]and Parables spoken by our Saviour, which were fabulous. In Just. Mart. Dial. cum Tryph. Justin Martyr, there are plain expressions that himself and many other Christians embraced this Opinion of the Chiliasts, but still it appears that he granted other Christians not to own this assertion. And when Euseb. Hist Eccl. l. 7. c. [...]. Dio­nysius of Alexandria, writing against the Book of Nepos an Egyptian Bishop, which he had composed to maintain the opinion of the Chiliasts, doth declare, that this Opinion spread from Arsenoites had occasioned Schisms and defecti­ons in some whole Churches in those parts; this is a plain evidence that the Churches of Egypt, and those under A­lexandria had remained free from receiving the error of the Chiliasts till the time of Nepos, which was in the beginning of the third Century, and divers of them also were soon re­duced from it again by the labours and diligence of Dionysi­us, as is expressed in the same place.

6. But though this Opinion in its general consideration be an error manifest enough, occasioned by the misunder­standing of the Prophetical expressions, which suitably to the visions and representations they had of things, is more Figurative and Emblematical than other parts of the Scri­ptures: yet that which I chiefly aim at, is a far worse su­perstructure, which is built upon this foundation. For there have been a furious and fierce sort of men who em­bracing this error, have therewith espoused such pernici­ous Principles and Practices, that the bare naming them, is enough to shew them grossly inconsistent with Christia­nity, whilst under a pretence of making way for Christs Kingdom, they do in disorderly and unchristian methods, set up themselves in opposition to other Governours. These are of a seditious temper, but are far from being go­verned by those Laws and Precepts of Christs Kingdom, which injoin the necessity of peace, and meekness, and be­ing subject. These men when they think fit, are for taking the Sword, as was done by Venner and his Company, to fight against the Government and Authority, which they were bound to submit unto; which besides the open Re­bellion [Page 279]in resisting the higher Powers with a presumptu­ous and daring confidence, Sect. III. shews such a cruel and bloody Spirit as is extremely contrary to the innocency, gentleness and meekness of the Christian Religion. These also were of that ambitious and haughty temper, that whilst they made use of the name of Christ, they attempted thereby to claim to themselves against all right, the possession of Au­thority and rule, opposing herein the order of the World, the Ordinance of God, and the Gospel rules of humility and obedience. And this behaviour in all these particulars mentioned, is so contrary to the plain Principles of huma­nity as well as of Christianity, that it may be a convictive instance to let all men see into what strange and abomina­ble miscarriages, the prevalency of the wretched vanity of a wild Enthusiastick Spirit may misguide those men who are deluded thereby.

SECT. III. Of Anabaptists.

1. IN discoursing of those who are ordinarily among us called Anabaptists, I shall take no notice of many evil Opinions and cruel Practices, which those who go under that name have been guilty of, especially in foregin Coun­tries, but shall confine my self wholly to the consideration of Anabaptism, not in the strict notion of the word, but as it is commonly understood amongst us. And in this sense it especially includes Antipaedobaptism, as denying Infant-Baptism, and disowning the persons Baptized in their In­fancy, from being truly Baptized, and thereby Members of the Church; and asserting thereupon, that it is ne­cessary [Page 280]they should be re-baptized. But the evil of this their opposition against the Baptism of Infants, consisteth e­specially in three things.

2. First, In that the foundation of this Opinion is untrue, and gives a false representation of the grace of God in the New Covenant. For God by his grace, doth receive In­fants born in the Church, to be under his Covenant, and to partake of the benefits and blessings thereof: and there­fore they ought to be admitted to that Ordinance, which is a Seal of that Covenant, and contains a particular tender and application of the benefits thereof unto those who are du­ly qualified to receive them. And since this Covenant owneth Infants to be Members of the Church of God, they ought not to be debarred from the solemn admission there­unto. When God made his Covenant with Abraham, he extended it to him and to his Seed: and whereas God then appointed Circumcision to be a token of this Covenant, Gen. 17.11. and a Seal of the righteousness of faith, Rom. 4.11. he still commanded that all the Males in their infancy should be Circumcised, Gen. 17.12. which is a manifest e­vidence that they were interested in this Covenant made with Abraham. And this precept of Circumcision con­cerning the Infant Males, continued in force until the co­ming of our Saviour, and thereby Infants born in the Jewish Church, were owned and received to be members of that Church. Now our Saviours coming was not to con­fine the Church to narrower limits, but to extend and en­large it.

3. And it may not be amiss to observe, that the Jews themselves did generally acknowledge that the priviledge of having such Children admitted into their Church in their infancy, whose Parents were members thereof, was not peculiar to that Nation alone, but did also belong to those who from among the Gentiles became Proselytes to the Jewish Religion. When they admitted the chief sort of Proselytes which were called the Proselytes of righteous­ness, [Page 281]this was usually done Seld. de Syned. l. 3. c. 3. p. 34, 37-40. Hor. Hebr. in Mat. 3.6. by Circumcision toge­ther with a kind of Baptism, or washing them (with re­spect to their uncleanness in their Gentilism) and Sacrifice, as Mr. Selden, and Dr. Lightfoot and others have observed: who also have manifested from the Jewish writers, that they did usually admit Children, even Infants with their Parents. And if the Mother was admitted into the num­ber of this sort of Proselytes when she was with Child, that Child afterwards born, was supposed not to need any other washing, but if it was a Male, was received only by Circumcision. And it also appears by the testimonies produced by the latter of these Writers Hor. Heb. ibid. that they ordi­narily admitted the Infants of Gentiles to be Proselytes, if they were taken into the care and education of Israelites: and this was agreeable to what God had established con­cerning him who was born in Abraham's House, or bought with money of any stranger not of his Seed.

4. And that the New Testament doth particularly ad­mit Infants into the Church of God, and giveth them a right to partake of the benefits of his Covenant, as well as the Old Testament did, might be justly presumed, because there is not any thing said or done by our Saviour which doth exclude them, nor is there any thing declared by God, whereby he expresseth his altering the terms of his Cove­nant, so as in this particular to confine it into a less and straiter compass under the Gospel. But besides this, there are plain expressions in the New Testament, that Infants are received as Members of the Church of God, and inte­rested in the promises of his Covenant under the Christian Dispensation. Our Saviour saith of them, that of such is the Kingdom of Heaven, Mar. 10.14. and S. Peter per­swades the Jews, Act. 2.38, 39. Repent and be baptized—for the promise is to you and to your Children; and the same thing may be inferred from other Texts of Scripture. And these expressions especially considering what God had established and injoined in the time of the Old Testa­ment, do sufficiently declare this sense of the Gospel-Covenant, [Page 282]that Children and Infants are included therein.

5. And whereas the Judaizers did earnestly contend with the Apostles, about the necessity of Circumcision, and other Jewish Rites to be continued in the Church, we read of no contest about the admission of their Children in­to the Church. Had the Apostles and the Christian insti­tution herein differed from the Rules received under the Old Testament, in not admitting Children into the Church of God; these men would no doubt as eagerly have con­tended with the Apostles about this thing as about the o­ther; since this was a branch of Gods ancient Covenant, and such a branch as they could not but think to be of high concernment to themselves and their Posterity. But the Christian Doctrine plainly acknowledgeth that Children were reputed holy, if but one of their Parents were Christi­ans or Believers, 1 Cor. 7.14. and therefore such Children which otherwise had been unclean, were accounted to be­long to the Church, by vertue of that relation they had to such Believing Parents. And when the Apostles are said to have Baptized persons and all theirs, or all their Hous­hold, upon the consideration now mentioned, it is not to be doubted but Children and Infants were included in these expressions, Act. 16.15. and v. 33. 1 Cor. 1.16. and also in that other precept of Baptizing all Nations, and ma­king them Disciples, Mat. 28.19. And this will receive fur­ther confirmation from the ordinary and usual practice of the ancient Christian Church in Baptizing Infants, which I shall by and by mention.

6. Indeed under the Gospel it was necessary that adult persons, both Jews and Gentiles, should first be taught the Christian Doctrine, and own their belief thereof, and un­dertake the practice of repentance and obedience, before they could be Baptized into the Christian Church. But this gives no support to them who oppose the Baptism of Infants; since even under the Old Testament, such per­sons who being adult, were received as Proselytes to the [Page 283] Jewish Church, were first to be acquainted with the Law of God, (d) and then to profess their owning and believing in the God of Israel, Selden. ubi sup. before they were admitted into that Church by Circumcision, and other solemn Rites. And this reasonable and necessary observation, with respect to those who attained to years of discretion, was well consi­stent with their Circumcising Infants: and the Divine Law injoined, that when strangers were desirous to em­brace the Jewish Religion, and were admitted thereto, all their Males (and therefore even those which were Infants) must be Circumcised, Exod. 12.48.

7. And those words of S. Paul, from which the favou­rers of Anabaptism have endeavoured to prove, that under the New Testament none (and therefore no Infants) are interested in the Gospel-Covenant and Membership of the Christian Church, by being born of Christian Parents, are greatly mistaken. S. Paul saith, Rom. 9.6. They are not all Israel, which are of Israel. v. 7. Neither because they are the Seed of Abraham, are they all Children: but in Isaac shall thy Seed be called. For, 1. These words have no peculiar respect to the time and state of the New Testament; but they give an account how the promise to the Seed of Abra­ham was to be understood, from the very time in which it was made to Abraham. And the Apostle here shews, that this Promise and Covenant was particularly fixed upon Isaac and his Family, v. 7. and then upon Jacob, v. 13. and yet then Infants were constantly Circumcised. 2. The true sense of these words is, that the Promise and Cove­nant of God, to and with Abraham and his Seed, did not bind him to continue all the posterity of Ishmael or other Sons of Abraham; nor yet the Posterity of Esau, to be his peculiar Church and people, though these were Circum­cised, and lineally descended from Abraham, but had de­parted from the Religion, Piety, Faith, and Obedience of their Father Abraham. And from hence the Apostle proves that the same promise can be no security to the Jews or the Posterity of Jacob in their unbelief and disobedience: [Page 284]but God can otherwise accomplish his promise made to the Seed of Abraham, by accomplishing it to them who walk in the steps of the Faith of Abraham. 3. As this true sense is wholly alien from proving Infants not to be members of the Christian Church; so the sense imposed upon them by the Anabaptists, is neither agreeable to the words them­selves, and the scope of that place, nor to such other expressions of the New Testament, as I have above men­tioned.

8. Secondly, This Opinion and Practice of Anabaptism, is very uncharitable to Infants born in the Christian Church, upon a double account. For, First, The consequence of this Position will be to take away that great hope of Salva­tion which the true Principles of Christianity do afford, concerning Christian Infants dying in their infancy. I acknowledge that this consequence concerning all Infants is not owned by those who hold this erroneous opinion in denying Infant-Baptism, who run into other errors to a­void this. But yet this is deducible from their Assertion; and therefore I charge this uncharitableness to be a proper consequent of this opinion. For since Christians are Ba­ptized into the Body or Church of Christ, 1 Cor. 12.12. and are thereby entred as members thereof: if Infants be denied to have any right to Baptism, or to be capable of being Baptized, they cannot then be owned to be members of the visible Church of Christ, and parts of his Body. And they who are supposed to be excluded from the visi­ble Church by Gods special institution, and to be thereby made uncapable of being received as members thereof, can­not well be presumed to be admitted into membership with the invisible Church; if we consider what God himself hath declared concerning the power of the Keys, and of Binding and Loosing upon Earth. And those great privi­ledges of the New Covenant, of which eternal Salvation is the chief, belong to that Church, which is the Body of Christ, and to the lively members thereof: For Christ is [Page 285]the Saviour of this body, Eph. 5.23. And this Body which is his Church, is that which he will present to himself, ha­ving neither spot, nor wrinkle, nor any such thing, v. 27. And whereas Baptism is the laver of regeneration, Tit. 3.5. if Infants are not capable of being partakers of that washing of water whereby the Church is cleansed and sanctified, Eph. 5.26. and of the laver of regeneration, and of regenerati­on it self also, they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God, Joh. 3.3, 5.

9. But this opinion is further uncharitable to Infants, in denying to them such means of grace as the Gospel of our Saviour doth afford them, and the Christian Church hath from the beginning alwayes acknowledged to belong to them. All the Ordinances and special Institutions of Christ tend to the great advantage and good of them who do a­right partake of them, and are useful to their spiritual and eternal welfare and benefit; and so particularly is Chri­stian Baptism. Of this I have particularly discoursed in Libert. Eccles. B. 1. c. 5. Sect. 3.4.5. another place. And as the Scriptures sufficiently ex­press the great benefit of Baptism, with respect to regene­ration and remission of sins; so whosoever hath a due reve­rence for our Lord and Saviour, can by no means enter­tain such low thoughts of his Institutions, as to think them of no considerable usefulness to them who duly receive them. But this piece of uncharitableness to Infants, is much worse, and more hurtful and prejudicial to them than the former. For the opinion from whence the for­mer consequent was deduced, being untrue, the conse­quence it self is also false, and so hath no real influence or effect upon the state of Infants, nor are damaged there­by, whereas they are truly prejudiced by being denied the means of grace.

10. On this account the Chiristian Church in the first a­ges thereof, and in a continued succession from thence to this time, hath admitted Infants to be Baptized, and thought it self bound so to do. S. Austin, de peccar. Mer. & remis. l. 1. c. 26. declares this practice to have authoritatem universae Ecclesiae, procul­dubio [Page 286]per Dominum & Apostolos traditam: the Authority of the Ʋniversal Church, without doubt delivered by the Lord and the Apostles: and the Doctrine of Infant-Baptism, is called by S. Austin, Ep. 28. firmissima Ecclesiae fides, a Doctrine of Faith, most firmly and constantly believed in the Church. And much to the same purpose is frequently expressed by S. Austin. To this purpose the determination of Ep. 59. ad Fidum. S. Cyprian, and an African Council with him, is very manifest. When Fidus had written to Cyprian his opinion, that Infants ought not to be Baptized within the second or third day of their Birth, or until the eighth day, which was the time appoin­ted for Circumcision; though this opinion allowed and as­serted Infant-Baptism, S. Cyprian largely declares, that not any one of this Council did agree to this opinion; but eve­ry one of them judged, Nulli hominum nato misericordiam Dei & gratiam denegandam, That the mercy and grace of God is to be denied to no Child of man, i. e. upon account of their age. And he there shews, that Infants from the time of their Birth, are not to be prohibited Baptism. And of how great consequence they in those early times judged Infant-Ba­ptism, is apparent from this expression relating thereto, ibid. quantum in nobis est, si fieri potest, nulla anima perdenda est; as far as is in our power, if it be possible, no soul is to be lost. The plain testimonies of Origen, both upon Leviticus, and the Epistle to the Romans, and of divers other Fathers and Councils might be added, to manifest the universal recepti­on of Infant-Baptism in the Catholick Church. But this having been clearly and sufficiently evidenced by the Hi­storical Theses of Thes. The­olog. p. 429, &c. Vossius, upon this Subject of Paedoba­ptism, I shall refer him thither, who would have more large and ample proof hereof.

11. But that learned man truly observes, that there is something which may seem singular in some expressions of Tertullian and Nazianzen, who though they deny not In­fant-Baptism, yet intimate the usefulness of deferring the Baptism of Infants, and incline to perswade the same. Now though any singular apprehension of one or two men [Page 287]is not to be laid in the balance against the general sense of the Church; I shall however observe something further concerning the sense of both these ancient Writers. Gr. Nazianzen doth indeed in his Oration Orat. 40. p. 458. concerning Baptism, advise, that if Infants be in no danger of death, their Baptism may be deferred till they be three years old, or somewhat less or more, that themselves may hear some­thing of that Mystery, and give answer. But though he might proceed upon a notion peculiar to himself, it is ma­nifest, that he was no favourer of Anabaptism, because in that very place, he both declares the lawfulness of Bapti­zing Infants as they were Circumcised the eighth day, and the profitableness of Baptism to them that die in their infan­cy, and also presseth the practice thereof when the Infant is in any danger. But besides all this, it seems to me not im­probable, that these words of Nazianzen have respect to some special case, and probably to that which was then ve­ry ordinary and usual in the Christian Church concerning such Infants, whose Parents were yet unbaptized, either continuing Catechumens according to the discipline of the Church, or else after their embracing Christianity, did long by their own choice and neglect, defer their Baptism. Of this latter sort he discourseth much in this Oration, p. 647. 650, 658, 660. and oft-times, and even in this very place, reprehends the fault of many adult persons who neglected Baptism, and urgeth them to be Baptized, and then proposeth this Question, and gives this Answer concerning Infants.

12. And there are three things which incline me to think that these words must have respect to some such spe­cial case as this I have mentioned, besides that this is very suitable to the Scope and Coherence of his Discourse in this place it self. 1. Because he doth in p. 448. another place of this Oration perswade to the Baptizing Children, even those who are Infants, [...], &c. and that they should be sanctified while they are Babes, [...], and this he re­commends to be done before any evil be imbraced, as being greatly useful for the future life of the Child. 2. In the [Page 288]same Oration, he declares his judgement, that even In­fants dying without Baptism, p. 453. should not be admitted to future glory, though they would be free from future punishment. And therefore it cannot be supposed, that he would advise that to be ordinarily done, which might run a needless hazard of the loss of future glory to Infants, in that case where they were certainly qualified for the re­ceiving Baptism, and being benefitted by it, as the Infants of Believing and Baptized Parents were. But in such a case as that abovementioned, where there might be doubt­fulness concerning such Infants being in a capacity to re­ceive Baptism, he might account that advice he gave, to be proper and useful. 3. Because the Christian Church did generally admit those who were in the very entrance of their infancy, unto Baptism, and it cannot well be imagined that so peaceable a man as Gregory Nazianzen was, would advise against the general practice of the Christian Church in ordinary cases; while yet he professedly allowed the lawfulness and usefulness of that practice.

13. Tertullian adviseth the deferring Tertul. de Bapt. c. 18. the Baptism of Infants till themselves be instructed. But this place also may I suppose have a good account given of it, by consider­ing the state and discipline of the Primitive Church. And therefore, 1. Pamelius thinketh, In Tertul. de Bapt. n. 126. that this might pro­bably be spoken concerning such Infants, whose Parents were Infidels; but I had rather understand this also con­cerning those whose Parents were professed Christians, but not yet Baptized. 2. Tertullian, c. 12, 13. both in this very Book and elsewhere & de Anima c. 39, 40., asserts that Baptism is necessary to sal­vation, and the priviledges of Christianity, and to that pur­pose he applys to Baptism, as other ancient Writers gene­rally did, those words of Christ, Except a man be born of wa­ter and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God. And therefore he plainly asserts, Nemini sine Baptismo com­petere salutem. And this shews, that the advice of deferring Baptism, in persons fitly disposed to receive it, and further than the just rules of trial fixed in the ancient Church did [Page 289]require, was unreasonable and dangerous. And this may incline us to think that he intended not to plead for any o­ther procrastinating Baptism, (so far as his words can be fairly reconciled to this sense). And he seems plainly e­nough to speak his judgment, that the Infants of de Anima ubi sup. Chri­stian Parents were fitly qualified for Baptism. 3. He ad­viseth also grown persons to defer their Baptism, and par­ticularly Virgins de Bapt. c. 18. and Widows, till they either Marry, or were of tried and confirmed constancy. But all this seems to require the careful observance of that which the Primitive rules of order established; that all those who were born Gentiles, and were by Baptism to be solemnly en­tred into the Christian profession, must first give evidence by due and sufficient trial, both to themselves and to the Church also, that they were stedfastly resolved to be con­stant and serious practisers of the holy rules of the Christi­an life. And till they had done this, he perswades them not to put themselves over forwardly upon Baptism, lest they should deceive themselves and the Church too by fail­ing in their practice; for as he saith here, ibid. omnis petitio & decipere potest & decipi

14. If any person will contend that Tertullian intended to perswade to a more general delay of Baptism, than what this fair account of his words doth admit; he must acknow­ledge also, that he adviseth this forbearance as well in the case of the adult, as of Infants. But though the very long deferring of Baptism was practised by several persons, it was generally disliked, by all the wisest and best men in the Christian Church. Hence the particular Fathers set themselves vigorously to reprove and disswade this pra­ctice, which was undertaken by several persons upon dif­ferent accounts, insomuch that many chose to defer their Baptism until they had apprehensions of approaching death, and then were Baptized in their Beds. But the an­cient Church gave that publick testimony of its dislike of this practice, in that such Clinicks if they recovered, were adjudged unworthy to be admitted into any Office in the [Page 290]Ministry not only by the Conc. Neoc. c. 12. Council of Neocaesarea, but by earlier rules of more ancient observation which were urged by Eus. Hist. l. 6. c. [...]. Cornelius against Novatus. And if Tertulli­ans words should be construed (as I think they need not be) to perswade what the Church so generally disallow­ed, this would only speak him to err, but would be far from giving any allowance to this practice. And thus ha­ving now considered the custom of the ancient Church, for the Baptizing Infants, we have from thence in complyance with the Scripture, a further confirmation thereof, and a sufficient evidence that the Primitive Church were not, nor durst be so uncharitable to Infants as to debar them of Baptism.

15. Thirdly, Anabaptism so far as it throughly prevails, must utterly rend the peace and unity of the Church, and renounce the Communion thereof, and therefore is deep­ly Schismatical and unpeaceable. For they who assert those not to be owned right members of the Church who were Baptized in their infancy, unless they be Baptized a­gain, do and must maintain that those Churches can be no true Churches of Christ, whose members were Baptized only in their infancy, and thereupon pass that heavy and unjust Censure upon the generality of all Christian Churches since the time of the first founding them, that they are no true Churches. Hence they are put upon re­jecting the Communion of the true Catholick Christian Church, and the setting up for new Churches, in an high opposition to Charity and Unity, and in an open and avow­ed practice of Universal Schism. To this purpose, Bul­linger, Calvin, Zanchy, Beza, and other Protestant Wri­ters have complained greatly of Anabaptists, as laying a foundation of all disorder and confusion. Indeed they de­scribed those Anabaptists they wrote of, not only to hold this erroneous Opinion concerning Baptism it self, but to be Enthusiasts, and undervalue the Holy Scriptures; to ingage in such Libertinism, as to disallow the just authori­ty [Page 291]of Magistrates, and the setled Government of the Church; to imbrace the Principles of Antinomianism, with practices suitable thereto, with other hurtful errors: hence the Anabaptists were by Explic. Catech. Par. 2. Qu. 74. Ʋrsin called a Sect, quae sine dubio à Diabolo est excitata, & monstrum est execrabile, ex va­riis haeresibus & blasphemiis conflatum: which (saith he) without doubt was raised by the Devil, and is an execrable Monster made up of various Heresies and Blasphemies. But this Principle of theirs concerning Baptism is such, that thereby they cut themselves off from the Church or Body of Christ, and its Communion, and involve themselves in a very heavy sin, and dangerous condition.

16. And whatsoever may have any usefulness towards piety and goodness, which any of these men may seem to aim at in a way of error, and with a various mixture of other things hurtful and evil; is provided for by us (if good rules be carefully practised) in a better manner, and in a way of truth. That every man ought to make Religion his own act, and make a free and voluntary profession there­of, and yield his hearty consent to ingage himself therein, and in the practice thereof, we assert to be very necessary in per­sons who are of age and capacity of understanding. And though Infants cannot do this in their infant state; yet their future obligation is then declared on their behalf, and when they come to a sufficient age, they are certain­ly bound to believe and to do what in their Baptism was promised and declared in their names. And this is af­terwards solemnly promised by themselves, when in their younger years they are confirmed, and they likewise in a sacred manner ingage themselves hereto, when at a fuller age they receive the holy Communion: and it would be of great advantage to the Church of God, and the ho­ly exercises of piety, if these two offices were more gene­rally, seriously and devoutly attended upon. Men al­so oblige themselves to the faith and duties of Religion, by their whole profession of Christianity, and all those acts whereby they own and declare themselves Christi­ans; [Page 292]and particularly in joining in all duties of Christian Worship, Sect. IV. and professing the Creed or Christian Faith: and the performance of what is thus undertaken, runs through the whole practice of the Christian life. The re­sult of what I have said concerning Anabaptism is, that the miscarriages therein contained, are of a very great and weighty nature; it being no small evil and sin, to offend greatly against the truth, and withal to confine and de­rogate from the grace of the Gospel-Covenant, and the due extent of the Christian Church, besides the comfort and incouragement of Christian Parents; and to be so in­jurious to Infants, as to deny them those means of grace which they have a right to partake of, and which are use­ful to their Spiritual and eternal welfare, in neglecting also what God establisheth, and keeping off Infants from that solemn ingagement to God which he requireth; and to undermine the very foundations of Peace and Unity in the Church.

SECT. IV. Of Independents.

1. IN discoursing of Independency, and the Practices and Principles thereof, I shall not search after all things that might be spoken to, since in several things the Indepen­dents or Congregational Men differ from one another, and alter their own Sentiments, and it was the profession of those five chief Persons who espoused this Cause in the time of our Civil Wars and Confusions, Apologet. Narration. not to make their present judgments and practices, a binding Law to themselves for the future. And therefore I shall consider only some things which are mainly essential to the Congregational [Page 293]way, and are the chief distinguishing Characters of that Par­ty, and the things they mainly urge and contend for. And I shall shew that these things are so far from being desirable or warrantable, that they are chargeable with much evil. And here I shall treat of three things. First, Of single Con­gregagations and the power thereof, not being subject to any Superiour Government in the Church. Secondly, Of their gathering Churches out of Christian Churches by se­paration, and modelling these by a particular Covenant with a private Congregation. Thirdly, Their placing the Governing Power and Authority of the Church in the People, or major Vote of the Members of their Church.

2. First, Their asserting single Congregations not to be subject in matters of Ecclesiastical Order and Govern­ment, to any higher Authority among men, than what is exercised by themselves. This is that Principle which de­nominates this party Independents. Indeed some of them­selves did at sometimes express their dislike of this Name; and the Authors of the Apologetical Narration above menti­oned, called it the proud and insolent Title of Independen­cy. But as this Name is ordinarily owned by the Congrega­tional men, as in the end of their Preface to their Declara­tion of their Faith at the Savoy, and very frequently else­where; so the Answer to the Thirty two Questions from New England, gives this account of it: Answer to 14. Qu. We do confess the Church is not so Independent, but that it ought to depend on Christ: but for dependency on men or other Churches, or other subordination unto them in regard of Church-Government, or power, we know not of any such appointed by Christ in his Word. And this they speak concerning a particular Congregation. And whilst we assert that such Congregations ought to be under the inspection of Bishops or Superiour Go­vernours in the Church, and under the Authority of pub­lickly established Rules and Canons of the Church, and under the Government also of Princes and Secular Sancti­ons: [Page 294]they of this way own no such higher Governing Pow­er and Authority, above that of a single Congregation.

3. Concerning the Civil Magistrate, they declare him bound Decl. of Faith. c. 24. n. 3. to promote and protect the profession of the Gospel, and to take care that men of corrupt minds do not divulge Blasphemies, and errors inevitably destroying the souls of them that receive them. But in other cases, such as differences about the waies of the worship of God, they say, there is no warrant for the Magistrate under the Gospel to a­bridge Christians of their liberty. And when the Declarati­on of Faith in the Congregational Churches was the same with that of the Presbyterian Assembly, except in such things as they thought fit to alter: there were several things in the Chapters concerning liberty of Conscience, and the Civil Magistrate; there were divers expressions rela­ting to the power of Secular Rulers in matters of Religion, which they expunged. Among others this was one, Assemb. Confes c. 23. n. 4. It is his (the Magistrates) duty to take order that Ʋnity and Peace be preserved in the Church—and all corruptions or abuses in Worship and Discipline prevented or reformed, and all the Ordinances of God duly setled, administred and observ­ed. And these things give intimations of disliking any U­form establishment of a setled Order in the Church, con­firmed and fixed by the Sanctions of the Secular Authori­ty as a standing Rule, to which the Members of the Church should conform themselves. And one of their chief Wri­ters hath declared himself against this with more than or­dinary fierceness, much exceeding the bounds of Christian sobriety (which I think is but a mild expression for such vi­olent words) as if this were a grand part of Antichristianism. He says, Dr. O. Of Evang. Love. c. 3. p. 43. those who by ways of force, would drive Christians into any other Ʋnion or agreement, than their own light and duty will lead them into, do what in them lies to oppose the whole design of the Lord Christ towards them, and his rule over them. Now to call the enacting any Uniform rules of Or­der, and the establishing them under any Penalties, the opposing the whole design of Christ, and not only so, but the [Page 295]doing it as much as in them lies, as if this were equal to the persecutions of the Christian Name by the most furious of the Pagan Emperours; is an expression which will easily appear to speak great passion, but litle or no considera­tion.

4. And not long after we are told among other things, that for Christians Ibid. p. 44, 45. by external force to coerce or punish those who differ from them upon account of various appre­hensions relating to the Worship of God, or of any Schisms and divisions ensuing thereon, is as foreign to the Gospel, as to believe in Mahomet, and not in Jesus Christ. And now whi­ther are we come? and what do we hear or read? that the care of Governours, and the use of their Authority to main­tain the peace and Union of the Church, and the due or­der of Divine Worship and Service, should be made to be parallel to the renouncing Christianity, and imbracing En­thusiasm? Surely this is such a speaking evil of Dignities, and even for their pious care and zeal, as Michael the Arch­angel durst not have undertaken. But as all pious Princes under the Old Testament, took care of the due order and establishment of Religion by their Authority: and when the people did amiss as to worship in high-places, or were guilty of other miscarriages in Religion, this is in the Scri­pture charged as a fault upon the Prince: and they were commended when they kept up a right method of Religi­on, and particularly when they pulled down the high pla­ces. I suppose it may be said by some, that these high places were prohibited by the Divine Law: but they ought also to consider (besides what might be otherwise said) that Schisms and Divisions are also plainly prohibited by the commands of God: and the worshipping in high places was a sort of Schism. And under the New Testament, the power and duty of Rulers, is declared to be for the punish­ing evil-doers, and the praise of them that do well. If there­fore the disobeying the Divine precepts in a case where pie­ty and charity thereby becomes neglected, the interest of Religion weakened, its friends grieved, its enemies in­couraged, [Page 296]peace undermined, and the glory of God hin­dred, all which are contained in unwarrantable Schisms and Divisions: I say if this be evil-doing, the Secular Ru­ler is not only warranted by the Christian Doctrine, but is obliged in duty to God, duly to indeavour by his power to put a check thereto. And this is that which the most pious Princes have been sensible of, and careful to per­form, as appears by many Imperial Constitutions and pra­ctices, and the Laws of other Kingdoms.

5. But it is more particularly asserted by those of the Congregational way, that a particular Congregation hath by the Institution of Christ such a power within it self, that there is no other Ecclesiastical Authority, whether of any more extensive part of the Church, or of any Synods, or of any other Superior Ecclesiastical Governour, which hath any Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction over such a Congrega­tion, or the members thereof. To this purpose they in New England declared, Answ. to Q. 3. We do not know any visible Church of the New Testament properly so called, but only a par­ticular Congregation. And they who met in the Assembly at the Savoy declared, Of the In­stit. of Chur­ches, n. 6. besides these particular Churches, there is not instituted by Christ any Church more extensive or Catholick, intrusted with power for the administration of his Ordinances, or the executing any Authority in his name. And herein this more general Assembly seem not to allow so much, as some of them had before granted, that against an offending Church persisting in its miscarriages, Apolog. Narrat. the Churches offended may and ought to pronounce the heavy Sen­tence of renouncing all Christian Communion with them until they repent. And concerning Synods, (and consequently the Canons of Councils) we are told that Of the Inst. of Ch. n. 26. in Cases of difficulty and difference, they allow Synods to consider and give advice; but they are not intrusted with any Church-pow­er properly so called; or with any Jurisdiction over the Church­es themselves, to exercise any Censures, either over any Churches or persons, or to impose their determinations on the Churches or Officers. And they of New England particular­ly [Page 297]denying any such Authority to Synods or Councils, de­clare that Answ. to Qu. 18. Church Censures of Excommunication, or the like, belong to the particular Church of which an Offender is member, out of the Communion whereof a man cannot be cast, but only by his own Church. Now from all this it is manifest, that this is a great Principle of Independency, that every par­ticular Congregation, and all the members thereof, are ex­empt from all Superior Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, nor is there any higher Church-Authority appointed by Christ, to which they ought to be subject, besides that of this par­ticular Congregation.

6. But First, This is contrary to what the Holy Scri­ptures declare, and all the ancient Churches of God, agree­ably thereto, have practised concerning the right order and Government of the Church. What is more evident in the Scriptures than that the several Churches of Christians were under the Authority and Government of the Apostles themselves; which is sufficient to manifest, that it was no Institution nor intendment of Christ, that particular Churches should not be subject to any Superior Ecclesiasti­cal Authority. Nor was such Governing Authority pe­culiar to the Apostles themselves, but was by them thought requisite to be committed to the care of others. Hence for instance, Titus was in Crete, appointed by Saint Paul, to ordain Elders in every City, and to set in order the things which were wanting, Tit. 1.5. and other expressions of his Governing or Episcopal power, are contained in di­vers expressions of that Epistle. But it must be a strange strength of imagination that can inable any man to con­ceive, that when Crete was a Country almost three hun­dred miles in length, and so greatly peopled, that it was very anciently called Hecatompolis, as having a hundred great places or Cities within its Territories, and Titus was to ordain Elders in every City; yet all these should make up but one particular Congregation, unto which the power of Titus should be confined.

7. And concerning the Authority of Councils, it is manifest, that upon occasion of some Judaizing Tea­chers disturbing the Christian Church at Antioch, the Council at Jerusalem, Act. 15. met together and gave their authoritative decision concerning Circumcision and other Jewish Rites, not to be imposed on the Gentile Christians, any further than they particularly injoined. This may well be called a General Council, since it not on­ly pronounced a decisive determination concerning the U­niversal Church, expressing what the Gentiles were not to admit, or were obliged to practise, and on what terms the Jews were bound to admit, and not scruple Communion with the Gentiles; but also had in it such persons, who be­ing Apostles, had an undoubted universal Authority over the whole Church. And whereas the decision of the A­postles themselves alone, and their Authority had been of it self abundantly sufficient to lay an obligation upon the Christian Church in that particular case, the Apostles not­withstanding this, took in with them the Elders of the Church to debate, and consider of this matter, Act. 15.6. which is a sufficient evidence that the Apostles did allow such Elders or Church-Officers, as they established in the Church, to have a power in Councils, to order and de­termine what related to the affairs of the Church by Sy­nodical Authority: for otherwise the Apostles would never have joyned them with themselves to this pur­pose.

8. And S. Paul was so forward and zealous to require a general obedience to the decision of this Council, that in his Ministry he delivered to the Cities where he preached, the decrees for to keep, which were ordained of the Apostles and Elders which were at Jerusalem, Act. 16.4. And here that expression of his, delivering these Decrees as not only ordained of the Apostles, but of the Apostles and Elders also, deserves to be considered, as thereby laying a more clear and manifest foundation for the Authority of future Synods and Councils of the Officers and Bishops of the [Page 299]Christian Church. And it may be further observed, that case in which S. Paul rebuked S. Peter, Gal. 2. was his not acting according to the rules of this Council, and a com­plying further with the Jewish Rites, and the favourers of the Circumcision, than was here determined; and not be­ing ready to own that liberty of the Gentile Church which was contained in this Synodical decision.

9. And consonant hereunto, the ancient Christian Churches did all along greatly reverence the authoritative decision of Catholick Councils and Synods, the Canons of which are so well known to all men of ordinary reading, that he must be a man greatly ignorant of Ecclesiastical af­fairs, who knows nothing of them. And in several Gene­ral and Provincial Councils, and in those Canons particu­larly taken into that ancient Code, called the Canons of the Apostles, or into the Codes of the Universal Church, of the Western Church, or the African Church; many things were established by them for the peace, unity and order of the Church, and especially for the promoting pu­rity therein; and the degrees of the punishment by suspen­sion, deposition, excommunication, and the continuance thereof upon the offenders, are there plainly determined to be a Rule for the several Churches to act by. And in these ancient Councils, when there was great occasion for such heavy sentences, the most eminent Officers, or the Bishops of those most renowned places in the Christian Church, were deposed, or excommunicated by their Syno­dical Authority, and not by their own particular Church. Thus was Paulus Samosatenus Bishop of Antioch, deposed by the Council at Antioch, Nestorius Bishop of Constantino­ple, by the General Council of Ephesus, and Dioscorus Bi­shop of Alexandria, by the General Council of Chalcedon; to which multitudes of other instances may be given. And in particular Churches the great and eminent authority fixed in Bishops, though the Canons allowed but one Bi­shop in the greatest City with its precincts, is sufficient to shew that the particular Congregations in that City had [Page 300]no such Independency of power and Government. So that this branch of Independency opposeth the Apostolical order, and the constant practice and sense of all primitive Christi­an Churches from the Apostles.

10. Secondly, This notion of Independency, lays a foundati­on for perpetual confusion and division in the Church, and subverts the precepts for Christian Unity. For according to this Principle, so far as concerns power and authority, any company of men may set up for themselves apart, and multi­ply Sects and distinct Communions: and none having any Superior Government over them, these parties and divisions may be perpetuated and subdivided to the scandal and Re­proach of Christianity, and no way left for any authority in the Christian Church to check and redress them. So that this notion is perfectly fitted to serve the interest of Schism and discord, and to heighten and increase, but is as fully opposite to the Unity and honour of the Christian Religi­on. For if we should admit for the present the scanty and im­perfect notion of Schism, which Dr. O. Review of Sch. against Mr. Cawdr. c. 8, 9. hath framed, that it is needless divisions of judgement and discord in a particu­lar Congregation, when departing from it is no Schism, if the guilty party should so far unchristianly foment such discords, as to deserve the censure of that Church; and shall withal proceed so far, as openly to separate and depart from it; they have by this means according to this notion, after a strange and admirable manner, set themselves free, and clear both from sin and censure. For when they have thus openly separated from their former Communion, they themselves become a distinct particular Congrega­tion, and thereby are under no Superior Ecclesiastical Ju­risdiction, nor can they be authoritatively censured by any: and by this open separation, they according to this princi­ple, are become a particular distinct Church, and the Schism is healed; and by being parted into two distinct Societies, there remains no longer any such division as there was before in one Congregation, which is Schism; but by [Page 301]going further asunder, and separating from one another, they are in a wonderful manner brought to Unity in two opposite Congregations. And thus by the late rare inven­tions of men, which have been unknown to all former times, the rending things asunder, and breaking them in pieces, are the new found methods to make them one. But such a way of Unity, if it can please some singular fancies, will appear monstrous to the generality of man­kind.

11. That these notions and practices are great promo­ters of discord and division, is not a bare speculation, but hath been manifested by sufficient experience. In Amster­dam the separate Communion of the Societies of Mr. John­son and Mr. Ainsworth under Brownism; and in Rotterdam, the like of those of Mr. Bridge, and Mr. Simpson, proceeded upon this principle. And this very principle of Independen­cy, helped many forward in this Kingdom in our late times of discord, to set up new parties of Anabaptists, Seekers, and other Sects, many of which were the off-sets of fermented Independency, and its adulterine off-spring. And the sad and lamentable relation of the Bermudas Islands, called the Summer Islands, is also very considerable, where after this Congregational way was there undertaken, the rejected part are said to have neglected all care of Religion, and the gathered or separated part, to have run on in dividing, till they in a manner lost their Christian Religion in Quake­rism. And thus many have made a further improvement, than the asserters themselves allowed, of the allowed liber­ty for them who Instit. o Chur. n. 28. are in Church-fellowship, (as they call their way) to depart from the Communion of the Church where they have walked, to join themselves with some other Church, where they may injoy the Ordinances in the purity of the same.

12. Wherefore this notion of Independency would misre­present the Christian Society, and the Institution of Christ, as if whilst Unity was earnestly injoyned therein, the state of this Society should be left without that Order and Govern­ment, [Page 302]which is necessary to preserve it. For under this mo­del the Church would be as far from an orderly and regu­lar state; as an Army would be when every several Troop or Company were left wholly to themselves, and their own pleasure, allowing some respect to be had to the con­duct of their own Captain and inferiour Officers, but not owning any Authority of any General, or higher Comman­der than what is in their own Troop. Or it might be somewhat resembled by the state of such an imaginary Kingdom, where every Village in the Country, and every Parish in a City, should have such a chief power within themselves; that there should be no appeal for justice to a­ny higher Court, nor any other power to punish them, but what is executed by themselves. If such things as these were put in practice, they would not only hinder the serviceableness and usefulness of such an Army or King­dom, (if it could be allowed to call them so) but here would be also wanting the beauty and comeliness of Unity and Order, and a door opened to frequent discords and dis­sentions.

13. Secondly, I shall consider their gathering Churches (as they call them) out of those who were Christian mem­bers of the Church of Christ, and entring them into their Societies, by a particular Covenant made to and with a private Congregation, and pretending this Covenant to be the main ground, and true way of the establishment and Union of a Church. The value they set upon this Co­venant, may appear from the declaration of the Churches in New England, who say, Apol. for Ch. Cov. p. 5. First, That this is that whereby a company of Christians do become a Church: it is the Constitutive form of a Church. Secondly, This is that, by taking hold whereof a particular person becomes a member of a Church. And though they frequently speak so fairly to such Christi­an Churches as do not admit this special Covenant with a single Congregation only, as to declare their owning them to be true Churches; yet all this cannot well be reconciled [Page 303]with this principle. And therefore those of this way in England, at their publick meeting, speak more openly and more consistently with their own notion, when they decla­red Of Instit. of Churches, n. 23. every Society assembling for the celebration of the Ordinances according to the appointment of Christ, with­in any civil Precincts and Bounds, is not thereby constitu­ted a Church—and therefore a Believer living with others in such a precinct, may join himself with any Church for his edification. But since this in truth is a se­parating members from that which really is a true part of the Christian Church, the Presbyterians truly declared that Pref. to Jus div. Re­gim. Eccles. gathering Churches out of Churches, hath no footsteps in Scripture, is contrary to Apostolical practice, is the scattering of Churches, the Daughter of Schism, the Mother of Confusion, but the Step mother to Edification. But I must acknowledge, that the present practices of this party also, looks as if they had now laid aside this opinion.

14. But this Congregational method doth suppose, that Baptized Christians are not obliged by any Church-relati­on they are already in, to Communicate with any particu­lar Church, or part of the Christian Church: when the natural consequence of the Unity of the Christian Church, will be to lay an obligation upon all its members, to Com­municate with that regular part thereof, within whose Precincts they reside. And this new notion gives a larger discharge to multitudes of Christians from the duties of Communion, than the rules of Religion will allow, until they shall enter into such a particular Covenant, which is not only unnecessary, but unwarrantable also, as will here­after appear. And there seemed too much reason for that complaint of the Presbyterians, by the Provincial Assem­bly (as they stiled themselves) that the removing the Paro­chial Bounds, would open a gap to thousands of people, to live like Sheep without a Shepherd, and instead of joining with purer Churches, to join with no Churches, and in a little time (as we conceive, say they, adding in the Margent, as our experience abundantly shews) it would bring in all manner of profaneness [Page 304]and Atheism. And whilst they unwarrantably declare, the fixed state of our Church to be such, that Christians are not obliged to hold Communion therewith, and thereup­on both themselves depart from it, and teach others to do the like; it deserves to be more seriously considered by them, than hitherto it hath been, how this dividing, principle and practice can be justified before Christ himself. For if Christ will say to them who neglect to express kindness and respect to the rest of his members, In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me, Matt. 25.45. May not they fear lest they hear the same, who rash­ly and unjustly cast contempt, reproach and disrespect, up­on that Church which he owneth as his; and disown, and reject its Communion?

15. But this which they call gathering of Churches, by ta­king to themselves those who either were, or ought to have been under other Guides and Governours of the Church, in a different, but more justifiable way and order, is indeed a making divisions in a setled Church, and separations from it. And this practce of division and separation, is so greatly displeasing to the Holy Spirit of God, that there are many earnest and vehement expressions in the Holy Scriptures a­gainst it. To which purpose the Apostle beseecheth the Ro­mans, to mark them who cause divisions and offences contrary to the Doctrine they had received, and avoid them, Rom. 16.17. even them who by good words and fair speeches, deceived the hearts of the simple. Against such separations the ancient and Primitive Christians were very zealous (as I have no­ted in Libert. Eccles. B. 1. C. 1. Sect. 3. another place) and so are also the generality of the Protestant Writers.

16. Such a way of separation, which in the phrase and language of the ancient Christians, was expressed by a Presbyter, contemning his own Bishop, and having a sepa­rate Congregation, and erecting another Altar (or diffe­rent Communion, as to Sacramental administrations) was severely censured in those early times of Christianity. In that most ancient Can. Ap. 31. collection of Canons, such a Pres­byter, [Page 305]and as many of the Clergy as joined with him, were sentenced to be deposed, and the Laity to be Excommuni­cated after admonition. The Code of Canons of the Uni­versal Church, further determine concerning a Presbyter or Deacon, who shall thus separate, Cod. Can. Eccl. Univ. c. 85. that his deposition shall be without any way of return to his former honour and dignity in the Church; and that if he persist in disturbing the Church, he should be reduced by the Secular Power, as being seditious. And the African Code in this case de­clare, Cod. Eccl. Afr. c. 10, 11. that such a Presbyter should be ejected from his place, and that he should be anathematized; and the inflicting this double punishment, which was not usual in the Church for a single crime, shews of how heinous a nature this offence was then accounted, when the Primi­tive rules of discipline were received.

17. Amongst such Protestant Writers as are most in e­steem with our Dissenters, Calvin asserts it to be certain Calv. in 1 Cor. 11.9. that this stone is continually moved by the Devil, that he might break the Unity of the Church: and he purposely opposeth, and smartly condemneth Inst. l. 4. c. 1. & in Ps. 26.5. all sepa­ration from a true Church, where the Holy Sacraments are duly administred, and the true rule of Religion is im­braced. The Synops. pur. Theol. Disp. 40. n. 37, 41, 42. Leyden Professors, account the erecting separate Assemblies, in the breach of Communion, by them who hold the foundation of the Faith, and agree with the Church therein, upon occasion of external indifferent Rites, or particular miscarriages in manners, to be pro­perly Schismatical, and that this is one of the works of the flesh, and renders a Society impure, and that it is not lawful to hold Communion with such a Schismati­cal Church; to which purpose they urge many Texts of Scripture. And Zanchy treating largely hereof, doth Zanch. Miscel. de Ec­cles. c. 7. particularly undertake to maintain, that though there be some diversity of Doctrine, but in things not fundamental; though different ways of Rites and Ceremonies; though there be vices in Ministers, or corruptions in people; or [Page 306]want of due care in rejecting offenders from the Communi­on; he that shall separate from a true Church upon these pretences, shall not, saith he, escape the wrath of God, and ira Dei manet super illum, the wrath of God abides upon that person.

18. How far such separations from our Church, are made use of by the Romanists to serve their interest, might be shewed of many of their Authors. But I shall content my self here to observe what was noted by one of our own Camd. Annal. Eliz. an. 1583. learned Historians Mr. Camden, concerning the time of Queen Elizabeth. That when in her Reign, some of the Ministry in dislike of the Liturgy, Order and Government of the Church, templa adire recusarent, & plane schisma fa­cerent, did refuse to come to our publick Worship, and manifest­ly made a Schism, this was done Pontificiis plaudentibus, mul­tosque insuas partes pertrahentibus, quasi nulla esset in Ecclesia Anglicana Ʋnitas; the Papists rejoicing at it, and drawing a­way many to their party, as if there were no Ʋnity in the Church of England.

19. I shall now examine their particular Covenant whereby they ingage themselves to walk together as con­stant members of that particular Society, or Congregation to which they join themselves. Now this Covenant in a way of separation, is no other but a bond of division, and was to that purpose invented by the Brownists. And that it was their practice, is Apol. for Ch. Cov. p. 41, 42, 43, 44. acknowledged by the Churches in New England. Against which, such things as these may be justly alledged: 1. That this contradicts another of their avowed Positions, That nothing not instituted of Christ, ought to be received or submitted to as terms of Commu­nion with a Church; and some of them more largely declare, that Answer to 32. Qu. qu. [...]8. particular Churches have no power to make Laws for themselves or their members, but to observe the Laws of Christ: and if any Church presume further, they go beyond their Com­mission—and it would be sin to be subject to such Laws. But such a particular contract with a single Congregation, [Page 307]especially a separating one, was never any part of Christs Institution. But because this other opinion of theirs is al­so erroneous, it is of greater concernment to observe, that this way of Covenanting, is opposite to the Institution of Christ, in that by division and separation, it breaks the U­nity of the Christian Church, which Christ hath establish­ed to be one Church, and one Body. But the dividing the Church into several Independent Societies, which is con­trary to what the Institution of Christ appointeth, is so much designed by this Covenant, that some of themselves tell us, ibid. Answ. to Qu. 8. without this kind of Covenanting, we know not how it would be avoided, but all Churches would be confounded into one. Now this is as much as to say, that Christ and his Apostles, who appointed not this kind of Covenanting, established the Christian Church in that way of Unity, that it was one Church, but these have ordered this method for the dividing it.

20. Secondly, This casts a disparagement on Christs In­stitution of Baptism, as if this Ordinance of his was not sufficient and effectual for the purposes to which he ap­pointed it, whereof one was the receiving Members into his Church, and the Communion thereof. The Scriptures declare Christians to be Baptized into one Body, 1 Cor. 12.12. and that they who are Baptized into Christ, have put on Christ, Gal. 3.27. and therefore by this Sacramental Or­dinance, members are received into fellowship with Christ, and communion with his Church. But these expressions in the Assembly-confession of Conf. c. 27. n. 1. Sacraments being Insti­tuted—to put a visible difference between those that be­long unto the Church, and the rest of the World. And of Ba­ptism being ordained by Christ, for the solemn admission of the party Baptized into the visible Church, are rejected, and left out in the declaration of Faith, by them of the Congregational way. And we are told by the New England Independents, that Answ. to 32. Qu. to qu. 4. they do not believe that Baptism doth make men mem­bers [Page 308]of the Church; and they there say strangely enough, that Christ Baptized, but made no new Church. Where­fore when Christ appointed Baptism, to receive mem­bers of his Church, this Covenant which he never ap­pointed, is by them set up thus far in the place and room of it.

21. Thirdly, By making this Covenant, the only right ground of Church-fellowship, they cast a high reflexion on the Apostolical and Primitive Churches, who neither pra­ctised nor delivered any such thing: as if the Apostolical Model must give place to theirs, and those first Churches must not be esteemed regularly established. But this Co­venant managed in the dividing way, is somewhat like the practice of Novatus, who hath been ever reputed guilty of great Schism; who ingaged his followers by the most solemn Vow, that they should never forsake him, nor return to Cornelius their true Bishop: only his Covenant had not a peculiar respect to a particular Congregation. But this bond of their own promise and vow, was intend­ed to keep them in that separation, which the more so­lemn Vow of Baptism, and undertaking Christianity, in­gaged them to reject. And it is a great mistake to ima­gine, that the former ought to take place against the latter; or that men may bind themselves to act against the will of God, and that thenceforth they ought not to ob­serve it.

22. Fourthly, The confinement of Church-member­ship to a single Congregation, entred under such a parti­cular Covenant, is contrary to several plain duties of Chri­stianity. For according to this notion, the peculiar offices of Brotherly Love, as being members one of another, and that Christian care that follows thereupon, it limited to a narrow compass (together with the exercise of the Pastoral care also) which ought to be inlarged to all those professed [Page 309]Christians, with whom we do converse. And it is of dan­gerous and pernicious consequence, that the duties of love, and being helpful to one another, and provoking to love and good works, upon account of our membership with the Church visible, (though these things be in practice too much neglected) should be straitned by false and hurtful notions and opinions. It was none of the least miscarria­ges of the Jews, that when God gave them that great Commandment, to love their Neighbour as themselves; they should satisfie themselves in the performing this duty with a much more restrained sense of the word Neighbour, than the Divine Law intended. And it must not be con­ceived, that false imaginations concerning the bounds of the Church, and fellowship therein, will be esteemed in the sight of God, a sufficient discharge from the duties he requires men to perform to others: nor will this be a better excuse under Christianity, than the like mistake was under Judaism.

23. Thirdly, I shall consider their placing the chief Ec­clesiastical power and authority in the Body of the people, or the members of the Church. To this purpose by some of them we are told, that Answ. to 32. Qu. to Q. 14. in Peter and the rest, the Keys are committed to all Believers, who shall join together in the same confession, according to the Ordinance of Christ; and they give the people the power of Answ. to Qu. 15. censuring of­fenders, even Ministers themselves if they be such. And on this account, at least in part, I suppose the Congregati­onal Churches in their Declaration of Faith, omitted the whole Chapter of Ch. 30. Church censures contained in the Assembly's Confession, in which they had declared the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven to be committed to the Church Officers. Now besides that the way of Govern­ment and Censure by the major Vote of the people, hath been the occasion of much confusion in some of their Con­gregations; that which I shall particularly insist on, is the [Page 310]great sin of intruding upon any part of the Ministerial Au­thority, or neglecting due regard or reverence thereto. How plain is it in the Scripture, that the Apostles govern­ed and ordered the state of the Christian Church, and that Timothy and Titus, and the Angels of the Churches did, and were to do the like. It was to the Apostles as chief Offi­cers of the Christian Church, that Christ declared, Joh. 20.23. whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted, and whose­soever sins ye retain, they are retained; and Matt. 18.18. whatsoever yet shall bind on Earth, shall be bound in Hea­ven; and whatsoever ye shall loose in Earth, shall be loosed in Heaven. And by these, and such like words, the power of inflicting Censures; and receiving to, and conferring of the priviledges of the Church; as well as of dispensing all those Ordinances whereby the grace of God, and re­mission of sins are particularly tendered, are appropria­ted to the Officers of the Church as part of their Office.

24. In this plain sense were these Christian Laws ge­nerally understood by the Primitive Church, which pra­ctised accordingly, which they who read the ancient Canons must necessarily confess. And the same is mani­fest from the particular Writers of the first Ages. For instance, even Cyp. Ep. 27. S. Cyprian from what our Lord spake to S. Peter of the power of the Keys, and of binding and loosing, infers the Episcopal honour, and that every act of the Church, must be governed by those Prefects or Su­periors. And from those words, and what our Saviour spake to his Apostles, Jo. 20. about remitting sins, he concludes, that only the Governours in the Church Ep. 73., can give remission of sins. And when Rogatianus a Bi­shop complained to Cyprian, concerning a Deacon who behaved himself contumeliously towards him, S. Cyprian commends his humility in addressing himself to him, Ep. 65. when he had himself power by virtue of his Episcopacy, and the authority of his Chair, to avenge himself of him, and might be certain that what he should have done by [Page 311] his sacerdotal power, would be acceptable to all his Col­legues. In which words he plainly asserts the authority of inflicting an Ecclesiastical Censure even upon a Deacon to be wholly in the Bishops power by virtue of his Of­fice. And it is indeed no mean authority, which is com­mitted by the Institution of our Lord, to the Officers of the Christian Church, who are appointed to be as Shep­herds, [...], to feed and to rule his flock, Joh. 21.16. Act. 20.28. 1 Pet. 5.2.

25. Indeed they of the Congregational way do assert some special authority to the Pastors and Teachers of their Congregations; and to them they particularly re­serve the administration of the Sacraments. They de­clare Of In­stit. of Chur­ches, n. 16. that where there are no teaching Officers, none may administer the Seals, nor can the Church authorize any so to do. But then they also place the power of making these Officers, and committing authority to them, in the people, and attribute very little to the power of Ordination. Indeed concerning a Pastor, Tea­cher or Elder, they tell us, that Ibid. n. 11. it is appointed by Christ, (but no such appointment can be produced) he be chosen by the common suffrage of the Church it self, and solemnly set apart by fasting and prayer, with impositi­on of hands of the Eldership of that Church, if there be a­ny before constituted therein. But if there be no Elder­ship in that Congregation (as there can be none in the first erecting any particular Congregational Church, and in the after appointing a Pastor, it must be at least of those who are in inferiour Office) Answ. to Qu. 13. they think it neither law­ful nor convenient, to call in the assistance of the Mini­sters of other Churches, by way of authority, when the Church is to ordain Officers. But this Position proceeds upon their dividing notion, in not owning the true U­nity of the Catholick visible Church, and thereupon they assert, that as to Answ. of Eld in New Engl. to 9. Po­sit. Pos. the 8. acts of authority and power in dispensing Gods Ordinance, a Minister cannot so perform a­ny [Page 312]Ministerial act to any other Church but his own. But how little they esteem that irregular way of imposing hands, which themselves speak of as Christs Institution, may appear from their declaring that a Pastor, Teacher, or Elder chosen by the Church, Inst. of Ch. n. 12. though not set a­part by imposition of hands, are rightly constituted Mi­nisters of Jesus Christ. To the like purpose, the El­ders of New England speak; who also give power Answ. to Qu. 21. to those who are no Officers of the Church, to ordain Officers; and also judge, that a Minister Ordained in one Church, if he afterwards becomes a Minister in a­nother Church, must receive a new Ordination. But surely those who let loose their fancies at such a strange rate, used no great consideration of what they wrote.

26. And it greatly concerns the people, since they un­dertake to act in the name of Christ, in dispensing a­ny part of the power of the Keys, as in inflicting Spiri­tual censures; and to exercise his authority in consti­tuting Officers in his Church, by giving Office-power to them; that they be well assured, that they have suf­ficient authority from him to warrant their proceed­ings: especially since such things as these are represent­ed in the Holy Scripture, and have been ever esteem­ed in the Ancient Church, as well as the Modern, to be peculiar acts of the Ministerial power in the Chief Offi­cers of the Church. And they whom they call Pastors, or Teachers, but have no better authority than this to warrant them to be so, had also need to beware, how they undertake to dispense the Christian Mysteries, as Officers appointed in Christs name. For if they to whom God hath given no such Commission, presume to set apart Officers in his name, and to impart to them his authority, this is like the act of Micah in con­secrating Priests, Judg. 17.5, 12. or like Jeroboams Sa­crilegious intrusion, in making those to be Priests, who [Page 313]were not so according to the rules of Gods appointment, 1 Kings 12.31. chap. 13.33. which thing with its con­comitants, was so highly offensive to God, that the ve­ry next words tell us, vers. 34. this thing became a sin unto the house of Jeroboam, even to cut it off, and to de­stroy it from off the face of the earth. Nor can it be thought a lesser affront to the Majesty of God, to set up chief Officers in his name, without his Commission; than it would be against the Majesty of a King, to e­rect Judicatures in his Kingdom, or to confer the great Offices of the Realm, and places of eminent Dignity and Trust, without any Authority from him, or from his Laws.

27. And to exercise any proper Ministerial power in the name of God or Christ, without sufficient autho­rity, is no small offence. The severe punishment of Saul's Sacrificing, by the loss of his Kingdom, 1 Sam. 13.13, 14. and of Ʋzziah's offering Incense, by his be­ing smitten with Leprosie, which rendered him uncapa­ble not only of Governing the Kingdom, but of having society with the Congregation of the Lord, 2 Chron. 26, 19, 21. testifie how much God was provoked thereby. The dreadful Judgment upon Corah and his Company, for offering Incense, and pleading the right of all the Congregation of Israel against Moses and Aaron, as if they had taken too much upon them, was very remarkable. And much more is it sinful and dangerous to intrench upon the Office of the Gospel Ministry: because the In­stitution of Christ, the authority conveyed by him, and the grace conferred from him, are things more high and sacred, than what was delivered by Moses.

28. But the making and Ordaining Ministers in the Church, was both in the Scripture, and in all successi­on of antiquity, performed by those who had the chief authority of Office in or over the Christian Church; as particularly by Christ himself, his Apostles, and the suc­ceeding [Page 314]Bishops. Christ himself sent his Apostles as his Father sent him; and he, not his other Disciples, gave them their Commission. S. Paul and Barnabas where they came, ordained Elders in every Church, Act. 14.23. and so must Titus do in every City of Crete, Tit. 1.5. And when S. Paul sent his directions to Timothy, con­cerning the due qualifications of those who were to be Bishops and Deacons in the Church, 1 Tim. 3. and wrote this for this end, that Timothy might know how he ought to behave himself in the house of God, v. 14, 15. this plainly shews, that he had the main care of appointing and admit­ting Officers in the Church of Ephesus.

29. In the Ecclesiastical History of the next ages, there is nothing more plain than that the Bishops of the Christian Church (who as de Prae­scrip. c. 32. Tertullian, adv. Haer. l. 3. c. 3. Irenaeus, and Eus. Hist. l. 2. c. [...]. others affirm, were made and appointed by the Apostles them­selves) did Ordain the several sorts of Ecclesiastical Officers, Bishops, Priests and Deacons. That the ancient Church did generally acknowledge, that a Bishop was regularly to be Ordained by three Bishops, (who must be of other Churches) may partly appear from the industrious care of ibid. l. 6. c. [...]. Novatus, (though very ill managed against peace, honesty, and other rules of common morality, as Cor­nelius relates it) to send about to find three obscure Bi­shops, who might Ordain him in opposition to Corne­lius. But this is more fully evident from the great contests concerning the validity of Cecilians Ordination, against which the Donatists earnestly objected, as the main pretence for their Schism, that Felix one of the Ordainers of Cecilian was not a regular Bishop, and therefore his Ordination was insufficient, which case was canvased in Africa, Italy, France, and other places. So that that first Canon of the old Code, Can. Ap. 1. that a Bishop was to be Ordained by two or three Bishops, was so far manifestly agreeable to the ancient practice and sense of the Church, that they usually insisted up­on [Page 315]having the greater number of three in this Ordinati­on. And so it was particularly expressed in the Canons of the first General Council, Conc. Nic. c. 4. which also requires the consent of the other Bishops of the Province, and par­ticularly the ib. c. 6. Metropolitan, which was included in the more ancient practice. And this may be sufficient to satisfie any man, that Ordination, and regular Ordi­nation of the chief Officer in the Church, was, in the first Ages of Christianity, accounted greatly necessary; and that the Bishops of other Churches (there being but one Catholick Bishop of one Church) three at least must meet together to confer this Ordination. Much more might be added, if it were needful in so plain a case.

30. And whereas so great a stress is laid upon the ele­ction of the people, as if this were the great essential thing, which constituted any one in the Office of the Ministry; it is also manifest, that the choice of any person for the Mi­nistry which was by way of recommendation of him to those who were to Ordain him, was sometimes done by the people, and sometimes by others. But there was no rule in the Scripture which requireth any necessity of the peoples election, nor was there ever any constant pra­ctice hereof, either in the time of the Holy Scriptures themselves, or in the next ages of the Primitive Church. When Christ chose his Apostles, he called to him his Disciples, and of them he chose twelve, whom he named Apo­stles, Luk 6.13. but he did not appoint his other Disciples to chuse them. James who was made the first Bishop of Jerusalem, is related to have been chosen by the Apostles, Eus. Hist. l. 2. c. 2. particularly by Peter, James and John. Many times the Holy Spirit guided the Ordainers to fix upon the parti­cular person to be ordained. Thus Timothy was chosen by Prophecy, 1 Tim. 4 14. And the Spirit directed the other Prophets and Teachers, that they should separate Saul and Barnabas for the work to which he had called them, Act. 13.2. [Page 316]And Cl. Rom. Ep. ad. Cor. p. 54, 55. Clemens Romanus declares, that the Apostles ap­pointed Bishops and Deacons, proving them by the Spi­rit. And that the Spirit of God should then guide the Or­dainers to choose persons for the Ministry, rather than the other Believers and Disciples, may be of use to acquaint men, that our Saviour never made the peoples choice ei­ther necessary, or the main thing essential to the Ministry. In some places the Presbyters of the Church, were the per­sons who elected their Bishop: and this Hieron. ad Evag. S. Hierome saith, was the practice at Alexandria, from the time of Mark the Evangelist, unto Heraclas and Dionysius. And since Mark died, whilst many of the Apostles were alive, and several years before the Martyrdom of S. Peter and S. Paul; this also gives a fair evidence that popular elections, were no Institution of Christ or his Apostles.

31. Sometimes even under the early ages of Christiani­ty, Bishops were chosen by Councils of other Bishops. And so was Eus. Hist. l. 7. c. [...]. Domnus chose Bishop of Antioch, by the Council which deposed Paulus for Heresie. And there are frequent instances of like nature. And after the Em­pire was Christian, this election was sometimes made by the Emperour himself; and thus was Nectarius chosen by Theodosius at Constantinople, even whilst a General Coun­cil was there sitting, and had been deliberating about the choice of a Bishop of Jerusalem. Now the considering how variously such elections or recommendations were made, is sufficient to manifest, that the Apostolical and first Primitive Churches accounted no one particular way of election, to be the main thing essential to the Ministry. And the popular way hath the least of all to plead on this account, that the various inconveniences of admitting that, were found so great, that this was forbidden to be pra­ctised by one of the ancient Canons which was received in the general Code. And the result of all this is, That the insisting on this, and those other things above mentioned, which are the support of Independency, are plain errors and [Page 317]mistakes, and deviations from the true Christian Rule and Practice; and are much the worse, because they are im­posed upon men in the name of God, as if they were his special Institutions; and thereby tend to create the grea­ter disturbance to the best and most regular Constituti­ons of the Christian Church, as if they had departed from the Divine Institutions; and their form and establishment is such, that it is not fit to be Communicated with, but may most safely be forsaken.




LONDON, Printed for Richard Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in S. Paul's Church-Yard. MDCLXXXIV.

The first Discourse examined, shewing what properties belong to the Rule of Faith.

THis Author J. S. intending, 1 as his Title page tells us, Rational Discourses on the Rule of Faith; which I design to examine, spends his first Discourse in seeking and laying down properties of that Rule. This was indeed requisite to be inquired into; and had it been faithfully managed, as it is not, I had then passed by this Discourse without any Animadversion. But since it is neither accurate nor im­partial, some defects, and miscarriages in it, are necessary to be observed.

In this Discourse he examines the sense of these words, 2 RƲLE, which (he saith) signifies a thing able to regulate or guide him who useth it, §. 2. and FAITH, which is a be­lieving God in revealed Truths, §. 8. which imports some knowledge of supernatural things. He considers that Faith or the knowledge of God, the vulgar may both have, since they may be saved, §. 8, 9, 10. and they may have doubts con­cerning it, §. 11. and since this Faith is a rational assent, §. 12. which they who are out of the Church should imbrace, §. 13. and eminent Wits may be satisfied in, §. 14. and the most skill'd Adversaries cannot shew its Rule possibly false, §. 15. and this Rule must assure us what Christ said, §. 16. From this he gathers seven Properties of the Rule of Faith, §. 17. 1. It must be plain and self-evident, as to its existence unto all. 2. Evidenceable as to its Ruling Power to Inqui­rers, even the rude Vulgar. 3. Apt to settle and justifie undoubting persons. 4. To satisfie fully the Sceptical Dissen­ters, and rational Doubters. 5. To convince the most obsti­nate [Page 322]and acute Adversaries. 6. Built upon unmoveable grounds; that is, absolutely certain in it self. 7. And absolute­ly ascertainable unto us.

Having given some account of his Discourse, 3 I come now to examine, whether he hath laid a sufficient founda­tion to raise from thence the properties of the Rule of Faith; and then whether the properties mentioned, be rightly raised, and do agree to the Rule of Faith? The ground he lays from the words Rule and Faith, is not suf­ficiently sure and stable: for since these words, Rule of Faith, even as he treats of them, do admit of some ambi­guity in their sense; it had been necessary to have first de­clared, what was here intended to be signified by them. For besides that the phrase of regula fidei, or the Rule of Faith, is by Irenaeus and Tertullian, and other Ancients, sometimes made use of for a kind of Creed, or comprisal of the chief Articles of Christian Faith: I say besides this, the word Rule, being here a Metaphor, the true meaning of it in this place, must be searched into. Nor doth he sufficiently describe his Rule by saying, it is able to regu­late or guide him who useth it: for still by a Rule may be understood, either that which is able to guide him who useth it, that by it something to be inquired after, may be discovered knowably; or else a Rule is that from which all things about which such a Rule may be made use of, may receive the most exact, perfect, and compleat way of trial and discovery. Now that is not the Rule of Faith by which a man may be guided to believe some Divine reveal­ed truths, or most truths, which yet may either misguide in some others, or not most exactly guide to the knowledge of them: but it is that by which all Divine revealed truths are sufficiently discovered, by which there may be had the best determination of all Questions about such truths which are necessary to be decided; and which is the most sure and firm ground of believing every Divine re­vealed truth.

The want of considering and observing this, 4 hath cast this Author upon a threefold miscarriage. First, He hath omitted the most principal and necessary property of the Rule of Faith; which is, that it is the way to know, try and determine all matters of Faith, or revealed Truth; and that it is sufficient to do all this, so far as it is requi­site it should be done. For if this property be omitted, all those laid down by this Discourser, will not have light e­nough to discover which is the Rule of Faith certainly and infallibly. For instance, this sentence, God Created the Heavens and the Earth, or any other such like, so delivered to us, that it appears certainly to come from God, though it cannot be called a Rule of Christian Faith, because it con­tains not so much Divine truth as is necessary either for every mans Salvation, or for the determining Controver­sies in Religion, so far as it is requisite they should be de­cided; and this is received as much amongst the unbe­lieving Jews, as amongst Christians: yet all the proper­ties mentioned by this Discourser, may be applied unto it, as much as to the Rule of Faith. 1. It may be to all self-evident as to its existence, That there is such a truth deliver­ed. 2. It may be knowable, to have a ruling power e­ven to the Vulgar. 3. It may settle them, who undoubt­ingly receive it. 4. It may satisfie either Dissenters, or Doubters. 5. It may convince Adversaries. 6. It may be certain in it self, and, 7. Ascertainable to us.

A Second miscarriage hence arising, is, 5 That in this Treatise he useth the phrase of the Rule of Faith in a very uncertain, fallacious and ambiguous sense; sometimes to signifie one thing, and sometimes another. For under Faith, as he treats of it, he sometimes includes all Divine revealed truth, so far as to a general ending of Contro­versies about them. So Praef. §. 7. he saith, Controversie, or the skill to know what is Faith—if a Science must be grounded on some self-evident Principle; and soon after he tells us, he hath indeavoured to shew the first Principle Catho­licks [Page 324]proceed on self-evident; and this he calls the first principle in controversie. Where it is plain he includes under Faith, all Divine revealed truths, concerning which there are any Controversies raised. But in Disc. 1. §. 8. where he lays as a ground, that the Vulgar are to be saved, that is, are to have Faith or the knowledge of God, he cannot mean, that they must be surely and rationally determi­ned (as he grants Faith must be such an assent) in all points of Faith, about which there is any Controversie: for it is plainly evident, that even amongst the Pa­pists the Learned men have not been determined in all points, de Fide, by the help of their Tradition. So by the Rule of Faith, he sometimes means an only way to come to Faith, as Disc. 2. §. 9, 10. he saith, Faith is not pos­sible to be had without the Rule of Faith; other times he un­derstands by it only a sufficient way to come to Faith, as Disc. 1. §. 8, 9. he calls it, the means to arrive at Faith, or come to Faith. Sometimes he calls it, the ordinary way to Faith; so Corol. 1. and yet thence concludes, none can pre­tend to have Faith, who hold not to the true Rule; and yet as having his heart misgiving him in this confidence, he saith, Disc. 1. §. 11. The Rule of Faith is the best, if not the only means to come to the knowledge of Faith. Now to treat of the Rule of Faith in such a manner, as not to keep to one sense, but some time by his Rule, to mean an only way, sometimes a sufficient way, sometimes an ordina­ry way, other times the best, if not the only way; and by Faith, of which it is the Rule, sometimes to understand such Faith as is in all the believing Vulgar, and at other times under Faith, to take in all Controversie about mat­ters revealed of God: this is a strange jumbling of diffe­rent things together, and as it discovers much want of accurateness and rational proceeding in the Author, so it occasions incoherency and confusion in this his Dis­course.

A Third miscarriage hence arising is, 6 That he build­eth part of his discourses upon a supposition which is cer­tainly false, to wit, that all that Faith which is in the Vul­gar, or in any others, is immediately produced by the ap­plication of the Rule of Faith, so Disc. 1. §. 8, 9. whence §. 14. he calls the Rule of Faith, the immediate producer and cause of the assent of Faith; both with reference to the ru­der sort, and to the Learned. Now though the Rule of Faith be the surest way to beget Faith, or to try any point of Faith, yet is not all Faith in all persons immediately pro­duced by it, but many times by other means. Thus the Discourses of Origen, Tertullian, and Cyprian, and their Writings, have doubtless perswaded and prevailed with many to receive the Christian Faith by them, and believe many things declared in it: yet neither their words, nor writings, were any Rule of Faith, since both in some things appear erroneous. The Goths were brought in to Chri­stianity by the preaching of the Arians, and by that means believed many Christian truths: and of later years, many Pagans have believed the Christian Doctrine, some by the preaching of Protestants, and others by the Papists; yet cannot all these ways of delivery be called the Rule of Faith, nor indeed any of them. Yea it is sensibly evident, that many Christian truths are received and believed both among Protestants and Papists by the Vulgar, either from the teaching of a Parent, or from a private Doctor or Teacher, which may be subject to some error, and so are not the Rule of Faith, since they may misguide: and yet in many things of revealed truth, this is the common case of the Vulgar, before they come to understand the Rule of Faith, or that which they own as such; even before the Protestant comes to understand the Scripture, and what is in it contained; and before the Papist understands the Tra­dition of the Church, and how he may know what is as such delivered; since all that is taught or written by some parti­cular persons cannot be as such received.

I come now to examine the particular properties of the Rule of Faith above recited. 7 The first property is, That it must be self evident as to its existence to all. His ground for this is, that the rudest Vulgar who are capa­ble of Faith, are uncapable of any skill by speculation, §. 3, 4, 9, 10. But First, This proves not that it must be self-evi­dent; by which he means, as appears in the following Dis­course, that that which is the Rule of Faith, appeareth e­vidently to be such, barely by considering this Rule in it self, without any other helps and advantages: since with­out this way of self-evidence, it may be sufficiently evi­denceable to all capacities, in such a manner as the Vul­gar are capable of knowing it. The Statutes of England, are a Rule for the decision of Cases in the Law, concern­ing the matters contained in them; but that they are so, cannot appear satisfactorily in all these Laws, by the bare reading of them: but their being sufficiently and general­ly attested, and acknowledged to be enacted by the Legis­lative Power, and unrepealed, evidenceth them to be such. The Vulgar know that the last Will and Testament of a man, is as a Rule, to shew who hath title to the Goods of the deceased; and they are capable of knowing which is the last Will and Testament of a person, otherwise than from the bare reading of it; to wit, by the full witness and evident testimony of credible persons concerning it. The ordinary Jews were capable of knowing the ten Command­ments, and the Books of Moses to be given them from God, to guide them, otherwise than by the reading of them; to wit, by delivery of them as such, by the constant testimo­ny of all the Jews, in that and the succeeding Ages. Whence it may appear to be self-evident, that the Vulgar are capable of receiving other proof than self-evidence, though not by deep speculation, yet by testimonial evi­dence. Nor 2. Will it hence follow from his proof, that the Rule of Faith should be evident to all as to its existence. By all he cannot here include them, who have [Page 327]no knowledge of Gospel Revelation: But I suppose he in­tends all who have faith, or are in the way to attain it. But in this latitude, it is no property of the Rule of Faith, to be actually evident to all these; since there may be some Faith which is not immediately grounded upon the Rule, as was before shewed. Howbeit since the Rule of Faith is intended to confirm and determine matters of faith, so that they may be received with a full and firm assent, and is thence of great use to all, to settle and stablish them in the faith; I assert, that the Rule of Faith is evidenceable unto all, or may be made evident unto all who have capa­cities of reason, both that it is, and that it is a Rule, if they be willing to receive that evidence which is suf­ficient.

The second property, 8 That it is evidenceable as to its ruling power, to Enquirers, even the rude Vulgar, I al­low; supposing them willing to be satisfied with good evidence.

The third property I admit, 9 That it is apt to settle and justifie undoubting persons, that is, that they who rely on it without doubting, may be satisfied, that they act rationally.

The fourth property is, 10 That it is able to satisfie the most Sceptical Dissenters, and rational Doubters. Had he ap­peared only to mean by Sceptical, the most curiously in­quisitive, I would readily have granted this property: but it is suspicious, that he includes such Scepticks, as design to reject evidence; because when he applies this Rule, Disc. 3. §. 3. he speaks of his Sceptick, as one who would find somewhat to reply rationally, or at least would maintain his suspence, with a, Might it not be otherwise? If he indeed in­cludes persons who set themselves to reject evidence; I answer, the Rule of Faith needeth not be able to satisfie them, nor can it; since they are not capable of satisfacti­on: and such were many of the Heathen Philosophers, of the Hereticks among Christians, and probably of the Scribes and Pharisees. All he said for the proof of this [Page 328]property was, That those who are out of the Church, are in­tended by Christ to be brought in to embrace the faith, and persons of highest reason and enquiry in the Church may be satisfied concerning the faith, §. 13, 14. This is true of them who will embrace light and evidence where they find it, but not of them who reject it; and Protestants will af­firm, that the Rule of Faith (taking in the testimonial evi­dence which is given concerning that Rule) is able to satisfie all Dissenters or Doubters, who are ready and wil­ling to receive rational satisfaction.

The fifth property is, 11 That it must be able to convince the most obstinate and acute Adversaries. This he suppo­seth proved from §. 15. Because such Adversaries the Church will have, and the highest advantage they can have against the Church, is, to shew her Rule uncertain. But this only proves, that enough may be said for the Rule of Faith, to vindi­cate it against all such Adversaries, which is indeed true; yea, and more than this, that enough may be said to convince them, if they will attend to it, and be not ob­stinate; and however to satisfie all unprejudiced men, that these obstinate Adversaries are in error, and may be con­futed. But more than this, is no way necessary to provide for the conviction of the obstinate. If Porphyry, Celsus, or Julian were not convinced; shall any conclude, that God was wanting in the Rule of Faith to his Church? But indeed the satisfaction of such Heathen Adversaries must be procured, not only from the Rule of Faith, which will shew what was delivered by Jesus, and the Apostles, and Prophets, but also from other arguments and testimonial evidence, not only to prove, that this Rule was delivered by Jesus, but also to shew the things so delivered, to be of God, and therefore true.

The sixth and seventh properties, 12 That it is certain in it self, and ascertainable to us, I do admit. And indeed these two properties (if by ascertainable to us, we under­stand, that we may be sufficiently certain concerning the Rule, and what is contained in it) include all the former, [Page 329]so far as they are truly applicable to the Rule of Faith. For to be certain and ascertainable to us, includes so much of his two first properties, as belong to this Rule of Faith; that is, it is evidenceable to all, both as to its being and its ruling power; seeing to be evidenceable, and to be ascertainable, is one and the same thing. Yea, if it be certain, and it's certainly thus ascertainable or evidence­able to us, his third, fourth and fifth Properties will be the consequent effects hereof, so far as they of right appertain to this Rule of Faith; that is, where there appears cer­tainty ascertainable, it will have these effects; it will ju­stifie them who most stedfastly and undoubtingly rely on it, and will satisfie inquisitive Dissenters and rational Doubters, and will be able to convince the most acute Ad­versaries: Whence it appears, that his seven Properties are needlesly and without sufficient distinction multiplied, and all the rest are well reducible to the two last: to which, if we add what I before observed concerning this Rule, that it must be the best Guide in all matters of faith, we have then three Properties, which alone are suf­ficient to direct us to the Rule of Faith; to wit, its cer­tainty, its evidenceableness; and its fulness, exactness and compleatness as to all points of faith. But since his Discourse I now examine, is ordered according to his seven Proper­ties, saving that he himself Disc. 2. confounds, or at least conjoyns the two former, it is necessary for me to follow him in his own way, and to examine the Rule of Faith, by what we have found to belong to it in all these Properties.

Answer to Disc. 2. shewing, that the two first Properties of the Rule of Faith, do agree to Scripture.

OUR next work is to examine by these marks, 1 what the Rule of Faith is. He tells us, §. 1. That the owned pretenders to it, are only two, Scripture and Tradition; but withal insinuates, That Protestants do indeed make private Spirit, private Rea­son, and the Testimonies of Fathers the Rule of Faith; be­cause these are they which do ascertain them of Scripture sense. Now, we Protestants do own Scripture as our Rule of Faith, which was surely delivered to us, by succession from the Apostles; and do assert, that what ever Proper­ties do belong to the Rule of Faith, are truly and fully applicable to the Scripture: but unwritten Tradition we reject from being this Rule, knowing that there is no cer­tain and infallible delivery of Christian Doctrine thereby. Nor do we any way make either private Reason or a pri­vate Spirit (whether he mean an Enthusiastick Spirit, which Protestants disclaim, or the same thing with pri­vate Reason) or Testimonies of Fathers our Rule of Faith. For if Protestants should try any Doctrine by any of these immediately, without referring them to Scripture, they would, as to that Doctrine, make them their Rule: but this no Protestant will do in matters of meer belief, or su­pernatural Revelation. But if they make use of their rea­son to apprehend the words, phrases and sense of the Scri­pture, that thereby they may more fitly judge, what the Scripture will determine as to any matter of faith, this is no more to make this a Rule, than an Artist who measures any Materials by an exact known Rule, can be said to make his eye his Rule, because he judges by his eye, how [Page 331]his Rule is applyed to the thing measured: but in case he shall make use only of his eye, without any other Rule, then only can his eye be called his Rule. Indeed the fol­lowers of Tradition and all rational men, may as well be charged with making private reason their Rule, as the fol­lowers of Scripture: since by reason they are ascer­tained of Traditions sense: for they make use of reason to judge what the words signifie which are delivered to them, and what ground they have to receive them; else could not their assent of Faith be, as this Author acknow­ledgeth it must be, rational, Disc. 1. §. 14. unless he can ima­gine, a man to give a rational assent, which is not directed by reason.

Nor can we be said to make the Testimonies of Fathers our Rule, though in plain truths we value them, owning the same truth which we embrace, as delivered by the Rule. 2 In some more difficult Scriptures, we make use of them to satisfie our reason, by their reason and evidence: and this is to use them in the same manner we use our reason. In other places difficult, we make use of their authority, as a probable motive to perswade us to encline to a sense by them delivered, if it be not contradicted by greater authority or reason. But in this case, where there is no other evidence, we do not urge such an interpreta­tion, or such a sense of such a Scripture, necessary to be received as a Point of Faith, but allow it in such a mea­sure probable and to be assented to, as the Authorities shall require.

§. 2. He notes, that when we make Scripture our Rule, 3 we must understand not Scripture sens'd, but to be sensed; that is, their characters in a Book with their aptness to signifie. I an­swer, We assert the written words of Scripture to be a Rule of Faith, as the words therein contained do manifest their own sense, being in themselves in all things fit and neces­sary to be known, sufficiently intelligible by men whom God hath endued with reason and understanding. That is, the words of Scripture which are written by inspiration [Page 332]from God, do in the same manner declare Gods meaning in what he reveals, which is the Doctrine of Faith; as words written and spoken by men, declare their sense and mea­ning to one another; and thus we own them to be the Rule of Faith.

§. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 4 He frames six Objections against the Scriptures being sufficiently evidenceable to the Vulgar, which excludes his two first Properties of the Rule of Faith. First, They cannot be certain by self-evidence, that this is Gods Word; which cannot be discovered, but by deep speculation; nor can this be concluded, till all seeming contra­dictions are solved, §. 3. Secondly, Nor can they know how many Books are divinely inspired, either by self-evidence, or by any skill they are possest of, §. 4. Thirdly, Nor is it evi­denceable to their capacities, that the originals are any where preserved entire; nor can they be assured of the skills of others by which they know it, §. 5. Fourthly, Nor can they know that the Scriptures are rightly translated; for they are not capable to judge of the honesty and skill of the Translators, §. 6. Fifthly, If it be most truly translated, yet innumerable Copies, before Printing, and since Printers and Correctors of the Press are to be relyed on, by which means they can have no evidence of the right letter of Scripture, §. 7. Lastly, Still they are far to seek, unless they were certain of the true sense of Scri­pture, which the numerous Commentators and infinite Di­sputes, about concerning Points and Christs Divinity, shew not to be the task of the vulgar, §. 8.

Ad §. 3. 5 To the first Objection I answer, That it is suf­ficiently evidenceable even to the Vulgar, that the Scri­ptures are the Word of God. Now though the self-evi­dence of this or what may be gathered by inspection into the Book of Scripture, is very considerable, as to the truths contained in Scripture; by observing that it contains power­ful and heavenly Doctrines, suitable to God, and great Prophecies wonderfully fulfilled: yet as to the writing which contains these truths, we have another more plain way, and generally evidenceable to all persons, to assure them, that [Page 333]these Books are Gods Word: which is, that by the general delivery or tradition of the Church of Christ, or of all who appear to have the chief care of their own souls, these Books have in all Ages since Christ, and almost in all Coun­treys been preserved, as the Writings of the Prophets, Apostles and Evangelists; they have constantly and pub­lickly read them as such, and given them to us, as con­taining that Doctrine which was so wonderfully confir­med by Miracles. In this manner we receive all the Books of Holy Scripture as Gods Word; and by this way we have a plain, and withal a very full certainty; or by this means in S. Austin's words De Civ. Dei, lib. 15. c. 23. The autho­rity of the true Scriptures comes to us from the Fathers, by a most certain and known succession.

Compare the certainty of it, 6 with any Historical Wri­tings in the World, or with any other matters of fact in any former Age, and the certainty of Scripture is much the greater; because it is more generally delivered, and hath been more constantly read. Compare this again with any Records in the World, and the knowledge of any Charter of any Society: the Records of a Court, the Sta­tutes of a Colledge, or the Charter of a Corporation, are surely known to be such by the Officers of that Court, and the Members of that Corporation, and even by the Vulgar in a succeeding Age, because they are in written Records delivered as such to them; and every one taketh this to be a sufficient certainty: especially if he know, that all fore­going Members of such Societies, or Officers of such Courts, are under the obligation of an Oath, to preserve such Records or Charters entire: and upon this evidence they doubt not to believe, what this Record or Charter doth contain. And much more certain is the delivery of Scripture Records as the Word of God; since there are not only one, but great multitudes of Christian Societies over the whole World, who all agree in this delivery: and all these Societies, by their Profession, and the Christian Sa­craments, are under the highest obligations not to falsifie [Page 334]in any thing; and especially, in the delivery of such Mo­numents which are of Divine Inspiration. To all this add the great evidence we have from the Writings of the ancient Fathers, that they did religiously own and ho­nour this Book, as the Word of God. Lastly, Compare the certainty of this truth of the Word of God being con­tained in Scripture, with the certainty of Doctrine by unwritten Tradition, or rather with its uncertainty; wherein we must consider, that this delivering to us the writing of the Holy Scriptures, is of the same nature with that, whereby Monuments, preserved Records or Charters are delivered from one generation to another; which the common apprehensions of men shew, to be a much surer way of delivery, than this Tradition by way of hear sayes: since in every Corporation, which hath a Charter delive­red down safely from their Predecessors, if the Members of it would be sure what are the Priviledges that belong to it, they will not think it the safest way to enquire, what are the common Opinions of that Society, and rely on this, which is like the way of Oral Tradition: but they will consult the Charter it self, and so rest satisfied in what is there contained in their sure Records. And the vulgar Christians will conclude the truth of Christian Doctrine, or what God delivered, to be more fully in the Scripture, than in the words of other Christians or Tradition, by the same way, but by much greater evidence, than that, by which men of all Societies, will conclude the truth of what concerns their Priviledges, or what Emperours or Kings have granted them, to be more fully contained in their Charters, than in common reports.

Nor is this Tradition which we honour, 7 owned by us, a Rule of our Faith, but a rational evidence, or a help and ground of our knowledge of this truth, that the Scriptures are the Word of God, or the Writings divinely inspired: For in matters of Faith, though a man is supported by rea­son, which will give an account why he owns such a testi­mony to be from God; yet as to the matter or thing be­lieved, [Page 335]he doth not exercise his reason, to prove the truth of the thing by rational evidence, but submits his reason to rely on the credibility of the Divine Testimony, and upon this Testimony, owns what is attested by it: but when we say, we own the Scriptures to be Gods Word, by the forementioned way of Tradition, we act our reason as to the thing received by us; and do own and acknowledge this as truth, from that rational evidence which Tradi­tion affords to our reason; and so do receive it as true in a way of rational knowledge, which by this Traditional evidence we prove truth. The things contained in Scri­pture we receive by faith, because contained in a divinely inspired Writing; and here we enquire not for rational evidence, to prove them true. Here then we can be no more said to build our faith on the Rule of Tradition, than publick Justice can be said to be administred by the Rule of Tradition, when Cases are decided by Acts of Parlia­ment which have been successively delivered from one Age to another.

But as he hath hitherto builded on a mistake, 8 to ima­gine that we have no way to prove Scripture the Word of God, but only by considering the Letter of Scripture in it self: so in the end of §. 3. he supposeth, that we must be able to satisfie all seeming contradictions in Scripture, before we can own it to be Gods Word. But cannot eve­ry ordinary Christian both humbly and truly acknow­ledge, that in things delivered by God, there may be many things above his understanding to comprehend, and above his apprehension to reconcile, which yet may be in themselves both true and good? In this doing, we have the same ground to believe Scripture to be Gods Word; which S. Austin had in his forsaking Manicheism, who makes this Confession to God, Confes. lib. 6. c. 5. Thou didst perswade me, that they were to be blamed, not who be­lieved thy Books, which almost in all Nations thou hast esta­blished on so great authority, but who believed them not. Therefore when we were unable by evident reason to find out [Page 336]truth, and for this cause had need of the authority of the holy Scriptures, I now began to believe, that thou wouldst by no means have given to that Scripture so excellent authority throughout all Lands, unless thou wouldst that thou shouldst be believed by it, and that thou shouldest be sought by it. Now the absurdities which used to offend me, I referred to the height of the Mysteries.

Ad §. 4. 9 To the second Objection, concerning the num­ber of the Books of holy Scripture, I shall first enquire, What ground the Vulgar have to own all the Books re­ceived by Protestants, and particularly by the Church of England as Canonical, to be the divinely inspired Scriptures, or the Word of God? Now they may safely and with good ground receive all these Books, because they are so owned by the same above-mentioned Tradition or delive­ry of all Churches, as they received them from the begin­ning: nor was there ever in the Church any doubt of the Books we receive of the Old Testament, or of any of the Evangelists, or of the most of the Epistles. And though there was some doubt at some time, in some places, concerning some few Books; yet these doubts were never general: nor did they in any place continue, but were check'd by known consent in the beginning of Christianity; of which S. Hierom speaks ad Dardanum Ep. 129. We receive them following the authority of ancient Writers. Now that all these Books have been alwayes thus delivered by the Ca­tholick Church as the Word of God, the Vulgar hath suf­ficient reason to acknowledge, since it hath the same cer­tainty with the way of delivering so many preserved Re­cords, by the agreement of such multitudes of Societies, which is a much more certain way than Oral Tradition of Christs Doctrine, as was shewed n. 6. This delivery of these Books, is commonly asserted by the present Age, and by men of greatest knowledge amongst the Protestants: nor at this time doth the Roman Church reject any of them. Though indeed S. Hierom tells us, That in his time the Latin Custom did not receive the Epistle to the Hebrews [Page 337] amongst Canonical Scriptures, in his Commentaries upon Isa. 6. and Isa. 8. and elsewhere. Which Eusebius also takes notice of, Eccl. Hist. lib. 3. c. 3. & lib. 6. c. 21. So that the Roman Church was not then the most faithful preserver of what was delivered in the Church Catholick, which did acknowledge this and the other Scriptures, by which they are sufficiently delivered to us, and by which S. Hierom did receive even this Epistle, as he particularly writes in the above-mentioned Epistle ad Dardanum.

Now being secure of these Books, 10 we are sure that we have safe delivery of all necessary truth required to salva­tion: for as it is observable, that concerning the Doctrine of Jesus Christ, no other Church, nor the present Roman Church, doth pretend to any other Book of Scripture in the New Testament: so S. Luke chap. 1. hath assured us, that in his Gospel are written what things are necessary to be believed as the Christian Faith. So that hitherto it appears, how common Christians may know enough for their salvation: and yet further, they knowing all these Books to be of God, can thence conclude, that whatever is declared in them is true, and what ever is condemned there, is false or evil; and by this means they may attain much knowledge.

And though these vulgar Christians may safely be un­acquainted with the Controversie concerning the Apocry­phal Books, as is evident from what is above said; 11 and men of greater learning and knowledge, for whom the tryal of all Controversies is a more proper work, are and may be fully certain concerning it, by their fully per­ceiving what was the Jewish and Christian Churches Tra­dition in this point; yet the vulgar may possibly, be suf­ficiently satisfied, that none of those Books are part of the Scriptures divinely inspired. For since they can under­stand from men of knowledge and learning, that none of those Books were received in the Jewish Church, to whom the Oracles of God were committed: Nor were they any of them generally received as of divine inspiration, and [Page 338]for proof of Doctrines, by the Catholick Christian Church; they may thence conclude, that it is as safe for them not to own them as such, as it was for the Catholick Chri­stian Church, and the Jewish Church, whom neither Christ nor his Apostles charged with any sin and corruption in this particular. And likewise they may see, that they have as little reason to be guided by the particular Romish Church, in opposition to the Church Catholick concer­ning these Books, as S. Hierom had concerning the Epistle to the Hebrews; especially since they of Rome have not fixedly kept and declared the same Books at all times for Scripture.

Thus we have a certainty of the Canon of Scripture, 12 which Protestants own for their Rule: but this Dis­courser cannot but know that concerning Traditions, which he makes his Rule; neither the vulgar Papists, nor yet the learned can certainly know in all points, how many and which are truly such, which hath occasioned great disputes, and high contests amongst them of the Romish Church.

Ad §. 5. 13 To the third Objection, concerning the preser­ving of the Originals, I answer, That it is not necessary for the vulgar, either to know or enquire concerning the Originals; it is enough for him to have evidence, that the Scriptures remain entire, though he know not what Lan­guage was their Original. But if it be enquired, how every one may know, that these Scriptures are preserved entire, and how they who have any apprehensions of the Original, may know, that it is incorrupt as to the faith it contains, he may thus be satisfied. When he considers, that it is Gods Word delivered to the World for their use, that they may know him and believe him, as we before shewed; this common Christian may thence conclude, that if he does his best to enquire, God will preserve his Word so free from corruption, that it shall not misguide him to his hurt. And when he further knows, that the Church of God hath alwayes had the highest esteem of [Page 339]these Books of any others in the world, and the greatest care of them, and that there are infinite Copies of them, in seve­ral Regions of the World, both in Originals and Transla­tions, which that they all contain in them an agreement in the same matters of truth, he hath good reason to believe, because it is generally asserted by the best and most lear­ned men this vulgar Christian knows; and even the Roma­nists who design to speak all they can against the certainty of Scripture, have never yet dared to affirm the contrary: for though there be many various readings, yet not such which will mis-guide in any matter of Faith. These things will make him more secure of the Scriptures being preserved entire, than any man can be of the Statutes of the Land, or of any Histories, or any other Records what­soever; that is, he hath the greatest evidence of its inte­grity, that can be of any Writing in the World, which had its original some Ages past, and infinitely a greater evidence than can be given for Oral Tradition being pre­served. For if one Record be commonly acknowledged a more certain preservative of truth, and in it self less lyable to corruption, than common fame; much more when so numerous Records, or carefully and religiously transcribed Copies all agree. Again, when he considereth that in the Jewish Church the Scriptures were, untill the coming of Christ, in very corrupt times, and amongst very corrupt persons, preserved so entire, that Christ sendeth to them to learn Religion; he hath great reason to judge the New Testament preserved entire, since we cannot sup­pose Providence less careful of the New Testament than of the Old, and there are now abundantly more Copies, both Translations and Originals (and old Translations speak the agreement of the old Originals whence they were translated) and these Scriptures highly valued, and pub­lickly read in a constant manner, in so many places of the World; and all agree in all points of Faith. Nor could they possibly be any where all corrupted to one purpose, in a way so apparent to sense, as words written are, since [Page 340]there never was any General Council, collected out of all parts of the World, to determine any thing concerning the various Scripture readings, or the alteration of any Copies; if any such had been, it is possible there might have been some corruption general, if not by confederacy, yet by mistake, unless the former Copies should yet re­main to discover this, as it is certain many very ancient Copies, and probably more ancient than any General Council, yet remain in the World; as for instance, that written by Tecla, in our Kings Library, sent from Cyrill Patriarch of Constantinople.

Ad §. 6. 14 To the fourth Objection, concerning the Vulgars knowledge of the right Translation of Scripture, I grant their knowledge of Scripture is by Translations. S. Austin observed de Doct. Christiana, lib. 2. c. 4. The holy Scriptures being spread abroad far and wide, by the various Tongues of the Interpreters, are made known to the Nations for their sal­vation. And a man of mean capacity may be satisfied concerning Translations, if he consider that he hath reason to judge, that the Original Languages may be understood by men of learning, partly because himself by use and observing, hath learnt his own Mother-Tongue, and there­fore hath reason to think, that others by the same means, may learn other Languages; and particularly those where­in the Scriptures were written: partly because he thinks it injurious to the Goodness & Wisdom of God, to imagine, that he should give forth a writing to guide the World, and that it should be in a Language which was not intelli­gible; and partly because he hears that so many Churches have these Books translated, and that even such as this Dis­courser, who would cast and suggest all doubts they can concerning Scripture translated into the common Tongues, yet dare they not say, that it is not capable of being tran­slated, so as to deliver the same matters of Faith: yea, the Papists themselves both use, allow of, and many of them endeavour to make new Translations. Having gone thus far, he may further consider, that if it can be [Page 341]truly translated, he hath reason to judge, that such men who have the common fame, even amongst the Learned, for men of skill in Languages, are best able to give the sense of the words contained in those Languages; and he can conclude, that whatever God thought requisite for him to know from this Book, is so written, that such men of Learning are able to give the sense of it: and that whatever in any phrase cannot by such be understood, is something fit to be further enquired into, but not necessary to be now known. Yea further, he can con­clude, that he hath reason to conceive, that the Transla­tion with us in use, doth contain in it the true Doctrine of Christ, which is in the Original; because he heareth this oft averred by honest and learned men amongst us, and because the Papists who are professed enemies to this Translation, yet dare not, nor do not assert the contrary; but raise only some more inconsiderable Cavils about phrases. By this I suppose our vulgar Christian satisfied: if this Discourser be not with this answer, let him consider a parallel case. If many English men should purposely go to France to give a description of that Countrey, and they take a particular view of all places, and write this, and all agree together, and many thousand others who after go to see it, all agree in all material things; yea, and when many others shall go over on purpose to find fault with this de­scription, who yet can find nothing very material to object, but only carp at small things; will this Author say, that all this can signifie nothing to inform him satisfactorily who stayes at home, unless he could be able to demonstrate to himself, that they indeed were in France, as they all agree, and that they did see what they wrote. Either this is some­thing very considerable, and rational to engage assent; or else against all reason, most English men have confessed, that there is such a place as Rome, and such a person as is called the Pope, when we never saw either it or him.

Ad §. 7. To the fifth Objection, 15 concerning printed Co­pies. Before I answer this, I shall observe, that as it is [Page 342]suspicious in the whole Book, here is manifestly evident, either a piece of gross ignorance in the Writer, or a de­signed cheat upon his Reader: for since he apparently de­signs his Book for English men, and all our English Tran­slations now in ordinary use, had their original since our departing from Popery; and our generally received Tran­slation is not above Fifty Three Years older than his Book, yet he would have the vulgar to imagine, that there might be many faults in transcribing these Translations, in innu­merable Copies before Printing, when Printing was long before these Translations were first made. But to pass this by, ordinary Protestants may be thus satisfied concerning the Printed Copies of the Scripture, by considering that there is as great care taken about Printing Bibles, as about copying Records, and more than about Printing any other Books: and yet this Author (who would perswade other to doubt so much of the Printers keeping to the truth of the Copy before him, as to the sense of it) I suppose would not have sent his Book to the Press, if he had thought in­deed, the sense of it was not like to be expressed in Print: He may further consider, that our English Bibles are daily read, publickly or privately, by learned men, and compa­red with the Originals, and found to agree with them, except in some particular errors of Print, which as they are not in many expressions, may be discerned by common ob­servation. And the ordinary Christian hath the more cause to be confident, of our ordinary Impressions of the Bible, because even the Papists, who are enemies to them, and do peruse them, yet dare not charge them to vary from the first translated Copies, more than is above ex­pressed.

Ad §. 8. 16 To the sixth and last Objection, concerning the sense of Scripture, I answer, The faith of the vulgar (no nor of the learned neither) doth not require a certain knowledge of the sense of all Scripture. The discovery of God, what he is, and of Christ, and what he did and suf­fered for us, and of the Gospel Promises and Commands, [Page 343]and such like, are so plain, that he who can understand any thing of common speech, may understand so much of them, as is necessary for him to know: yea, they are in Scripture oft delivered in the very words and phrases, which Christ himself and the Apostles and Prophets made use of to their hearers, to instruct them in the faith and holy life: and therefore he who will censure the Scripture as not sufficiently plain to teach the great truths of God, must condemn the Apostles likewise and Christ himself, as not teaching, so as to be understood; and then must impiously tell the World, that either none were by them brought to the faith, or that they who were, did not under­stand it. Indeed he thinks strangely of man, who ima­gineth that he must go to an Oracle, to understand such things as these, That Christ came into the World to save sinners, That he dyed for our sins, and rose again, and shall judge the World: If these and such like plain words, which are abundantly in the holy Scriptures, cannot be understood by common capacities, I dare affirm, that they can never know these truths, by any words and phrases, and so can never be helped by such men as this Discourser, who can shew no other ordinary way to teach the matters of meer belief, but by words, unless they will embrace Enthusiasm. Indeed many things in Scripture are hard to be understood: concerning which, this ordinary Christian may satisfie him­self, that since God gave him this Book to lead him to God, it is evident from Gods end in writing it, that he hath expressed so much as is necessary for him to know, that it is not beyond his capacity to discern it, if he dili­gently attend to it: and what he is not capable of under­standing, he may be ignorant of, without fear of losing salvation by such ignorance; provided he be careful to use such means as God affords him, and be willing to receive further instruction, as he shall be capable of further knowledge. And then this ordinary Christian may by this means be of a sound mind, and of a more knowing head in matters of Faith, than most Papists are, who know [Page 344]as little, or less of the things which are obscure in Scri­pture, than Protestants do; and by this means he may own Christs Divinity, as may appear, n. 23.

Having now shewed, 17 that in all his Arguments hitherto produced, against the Scriptures being the Rule of Faith, there is nothing rational; I shall now briefly shew, that the promoting such Cavils as these, or being perswaded by them, would be a way very much to hinder Piety, and even wholly to disown Christianity, which I shall do, in applying most or all his Arguments to some particular Cases.

We read that Josiah when the Book of the Law was found, 18 did by that, in a Pious and Religious Zeal, reform the corrupt wayes of Worship, which is of the nature of Practical Tradition, 2 Kings 23.2, 3, 4. and from thence received the determination of very considerable Points of Doctrine, which no Oral Tradition had brought down to him: to wit, what great wrath God had denounced against Judah and Jerusalem, for the neglect of keeping that Law, 2 Kings 22.13, 19. This pious work of his, for which he was so highly commended by God himself, 2 Kings 22.19, 20. and Chap. 23.25. That there was no King like him, before or after him, should never have been performed by him, had he hearkned to such a Tempter as this Discourser. For 1. Josiah could not more certainly know the Book of the Law, to be the Word of God, than Protestants now do the Book of Scriptures. 2. And Jo­siah had only the Books of Moses, 2 Chron. 34.13. and could then no more know the whole Canon of Scripture, than we do. 3. And before this Book was found, he knew not that these Scriptures were any where preserved; and after it was found, having only one Copy, and that pro­bably written by they knew not whom, he had not so much evidence of its integrity, as Protestants now have of the whole Scriptures, by the consent of all Copies. 4. And if he was not capable of knowing the sense truly, he should neither have humbled himself, nor have refor­med [Page 345] Judah. Thus we see it would have destroyed his Piety, to have been guided by these irrational Objections.

Consider next the state of Christianity. 19 When Christ came into the World, as he condemns the Traditions of the Scribes and Pharisees, which made void Gods Com­mandments; so in the great Point of Faith concerning the Messias, who and what manner of person he should be, &c. Christ sends his hearers to the Scriptures to learn, John 5.39. and S. Peter when he spake of the glory of the Transfiguration, yet saith, 2 Pet. 1.19. We have a more sure word of Prophecy, to which you do well to take heed. Yet the Jews then had no more certainty than we have, that Scri­ptures are Gods Word, how many Books there are, that they were preserved entire, that they were rightly tran­slated, and rightly copied; and that they had the right sense. Now he who thinks not this a Rule sure enough, to reject the then contrary Traditions of the Scribes and Pharisees (as that he must be a great Temporal Prince, and such like) must own the Pharisees to be rather in the right, than our Saviour and his Apostles. And yet all these Arguments of our Discourser would here take place, even those which concern Translations; for at that time the Jews (who after the Captivity did not commonly un­derstand the Hebrew) did make use of, some the Syri­ack or Chaldee Translations, which though of Hebrew Original, as much differs from it as our English from the Saxon; and others, and those very many, of the Greek Version, which is as much different from the Hebrew, as our English is from either of them.

His §. 9, 10, 11. contain what he would perswade his Reader, a Protestant would say against his Discourse, 20 which he undertakes to answer. These things concern not us who have already returned our own Answer, other­wise than to let him know, that sober Protestants do not speak so weakly and absurdly, as in some things he there represents them.

§. 12. 21 He sayes, Some will reply, fundamentals are clear in Scripture. True indeed, some do reply to this purpose, and not only Protestants, but the ancient Fathers, upon the like occasion. Thus Origen when Celsus in opposing Christianity, urged the obscurity and uncertain sense of Scriptures, Orig. lib. 7. cont. Cels. answers, That whatever was useful for their hearers to understand, and might confer any thing to the amending of their lives, these things the Prophets spake without all covertness, according to the will of God. But such things as were mystical, and matters of higher enquiry and speculation, than the vulgar were capable of, these things they declared by allegories and dark sayings. Austin, de Doct. Christiana, lib. 2. c. 9. saith, Among those things which are plainly set down in Scripture, are found all those things which contain faith and manners. And Athana­sius with his Council of Egypt, in their Synodical Epistle to Jovian the Emperour, tell him, That the true and religious faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is plain to all, being both known and read out of the divine Scriptures: and all these sayings include fundamentals being clear in Scripture.

Against such Answers or Replies, 22 he (who should first have considered, whether his Church had ever given a Catalogue of Traditions in Points de fide, or can yet agree to do it, which he knows they cannot; against himself as well as against reason) tells us, That a perfect Catalogue of fundamentals was never yet agreed upon, and without this all goes to wrack; and then he enquires, Whether this be a fun­damental, that Christ is God? and Whether this be clearer in Scripture, than that God hath hands, feet, nostrills and passions like ours? Concerning the Catalogue of Fundamentals, though as to matters of meer belief, Protestants have oft asserted, that the Creed contains them all; yet the requi­ring such a Catalogue, in this case, from Protestants, as it is needless, so to a sober Enquirer will seem ridiculous: and the only true way to disprove this Assertion, is to shew something to be fundamental, which is not plain enough in Scripture to be thence believed. To put a like case, [Page 347]If I should assert, That in England may be had all things, which are necessary for the convenient subsistence of man: would it not be a thing ridiculous to say, that till I could di­stinguish all things necessary for this subsistence, from things unnecessary, and produce a Catalogue of them, this cannot be truly asserted. For, suppose such an enumeration of things necessary attempted, if any thing be omitted, which to another seems necessary, and is in England; or if some thing be inserted, which seems not necessary, and yet is in England, still this assertion of all things necessary for subsistence being here, may stand good, and can no way be disproved, but by shewing, that there is somewhat necessary for mans subsistence, which cannot be had in England.

This I suppose this Author did discern, 23 and therefore will here venture to instance in a Fundamental not clear in Scripture; but I think he will come off with very bad success. It is concerning the Divinity of Christ, which we own a fundamental: and if this Author shall say it is not so plain in Scripture, as thence to be believed, he must contradict S. John, who tells us, he wrote for this purpose, that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, John 20.31. So that he must either grant, that this is so plain in Scripture, that there is sufficient evidence there for our believing it; or else he must say, that when the Evangelist wrote that we should believe him to be the Son of God, he had no eye to our believing his Divinity, or his being God; and he who will so assert, will deny this to be a fundamental; or else he must say, that the Evangelist, and the Holy Ghost who inspired him, mistook in sup­posing enough written to declare his Divinity. But he here seems to object, and elsewhere, that some who seem to follow the letter of the Scripture deny this, as the Soci­nians. What then? This is not for want of evidence in Scripture, but from making or devising wayes to avoid this evidence. Will this Author say, that there was no evidence, of there being Angels and Spirits, amongst the [Page 348] Jews, because the Sadducees, who had opportunity of obser­ving all such evidence, believed neither Angel nor Spi­rit? And will he say, that there was no clear evidence from the Word of Christ and his Miracles, that they were from God, because the Pharisees and other unbelieving Jews, who conversed with him, and saw his Miracles, and heard his Word, yet did not acknowledge them from God.

Now if this be so clear from Scripture, 24 as thence to be believed, and that God hath hands, feet, and passions like ours, be not so delivered, as I shall shew in answer to his next Discourse, where he urgeth this again; then I may safely and truly conclude, that the Divinity of Christ is much more clear in Scripture, than the other. Indeed that God hath hands, &c. like ours, I know not of the least intimation of any such thing in the letter of Scri­pture, though it should not be allowed the common and usual Figures of Speech, which are intelligible enough to men of Reason; since when it speaks of Gods Hand or Arm, or the like, it plainly shews them not like ours, as God said to Job, Job 40.9. Hast thou an arm like God, and canst thou thunder with a voice like him?

These two properties therefore of the Rule of Faith are agreeable to Scripture, notwithstanding all this Author hath jointly objected against it.

An Answer to his third Discourse, shew­ing, that the three next Properties of the Rule of Faith, are agreeable to Scri­pture.

IN §. 1. and 2. 1 he layes down his third Property of the Rule of Faith; That it must be apt to settle and justifie those unlearned persons, who rely undoubtingly upon it; that this may be done, such a person, he saith, must pro­ceed on such Principles as he takes to be true ones. Thus he cannot act in receiving Scripture; because as he can himself have no self-evidence of its being Gods Word, so it is senseless for men to believe a multitude, which sayes, it may possibly err in what it tells them. Or if here skill in History, Language or Fathers, may secure them from error, this he cannot judge of: And principally when he considers, that they who pretend to Scri­pture, differ, and condemn and persecute each other; his reason will tell him, that since there is but one truth, for want of the light or directive power of that Rule, they all but one party, and may be that also, go miserably astray.

To this I answer, The Principles which he relies on, 2 who closeth with Scripture, are such as may abundantly satisfie him; which indeed will follow from what was said to the former Discourse, concerning the rational evidence he hath of the Scripture. What he adds, that it is sense­less to receive Scriptures as Gods Word, from the delive­ry of a multitude, who say they may possibly err; is, if not a senseless, yet a very unaccountable Assertion. Will he think that nothing can be credited that is seen by the eye, because in a mist or some dark place, the eye may be possi­bly mistaken? or can there be nothing truly known by [Page 350]the understanding of a man, because he who is Master of the best reason, may in some things misapprehend? if this Author would thus argue, he must disclaim all pretences to demonstrations and Science, yea, and certainty likewise in all things in the World. We know in common af­fairs that all men are capable of being mistaken; where they have not sufficient evidence: and yet we do not thence discredit the preservation of Records and Charters, as if that could be no way assured, since we know men are capable here of sufficient evidence to inform them; and Protestants are no more fallible, nor acknowledge them­selves no more fallible than all men are; that is, they may be deceived where they have not sufficient light, and evi­dence to discern by: but where they have this light, and discern and receive it, there they neither are, nor can be deceived; and such evidence as we have shewed, they have of the Scriptures; so that the knowledge thus ground­ed in Protestants, is infallibly certain, not from the infal­libility of the persons, as if they were no where liable to error; but from the infallibleness of the clear evidence of truth, which whoever receives, is certainly, as to that thing so evidenced, free from error. Yet we receive Gods Word not only from the delivery of Protestants, but of all ancient Churches, who yet were, and owned themselves to be men subject to error. Yea, the Church of Rome, and even the Council of Trent, who pretend to infallibility, do also deliver all the Books we receive; but we have no more reason to believe them for this pretence, than we should have to believe certainly all that man shall say, who hath the confidence to declare his tongue not liable to ut­ter falshood, when we can certainly know this very speech cannot be truth.

There is nothing else in these Paragraphs which hath not been before answered, 3 saving what he objects concerning the differences amongst Protestants, which do not conclude Scripture which is our Rule, either uncertain, or not suf­ficiently clear. For there are many things which many men [Page 351]over eagerly inquire after, and too rashly determine, which, it may be, God did not think fit to determine in his word, though all things requisite and necessary are clear enough; and there are many things clear enough in the Scripture, to diligent inquirers, whilst some err about them by too hastily closing with some conceptions of their own, not grounded on sufficient evidence, and then too passionately promoting of them: and in neither of these cases the Rule is to be blamed, but the persons; and to one of these heads belong all our differences. This same Argument was urged both by Jews and Heathens, (and particularly by Celsus against Christian Religion) as is related by Clem. Alex. Strom. 7. & Orig. lib. 3. cont. Cels. who pleaded that Christian Religion was not to be heeded and believed, be­cause they who professed it, differed so much from each other, or opposed, contradicted and blamed each other, and many Heresies were spread amongst them. To which they returned answer, That such differences were common in all cases, where men entertained any thing by their judgments, if the things were any way eminent and excellent: such there was amongst Philosophers who were Gentiles, and such amongst the followers of Ju­daism; so that he who would close with this Argument, must reject all ways of knowledge and professions of Re­ligion. They observed likewise, that men will not refuse all Physick, because amongst Physicians there are many various opinions; nor will Travellers refuse to go in the Kings High-way, because some went out of this Road­way to by-paths, which bring them to Precipices; nor should we for this reject the Scriptures and Christian Re­ligion, but more diligently seek into them, since it is fore­told, that there must be Heresies, and that the Tares will be with the Wheat. To this purpose those Fathers answered for Christianity; and the same answer pleads for us. But if this Author do indeed believe, that there cannot be evi­dence enough in that Rule, where they who profess to fol­low it, are of different opinions; let him begin at home, and [Page 352]put it into practice; and it will ingage those of the Romish Communion to renounce their Rule of Faith; since it is plainly evident, that there have been many different opi­nions, and high animosities amongst the pretended follow­ers of that Rule; not only formerly amongst the followers of different School-men, and their different Orders of the Clergy; but also more of late amongst the Jesuits, and the Priests of other Orders, more especially the Jansenists; and the same continue to this day.

To all this I shall add, 4 that if by reason of the things ob­jected by this Authour, the Scripture be not now sufficient to justifie him in his belief, who shall receive it as a Rule; then by the same reason were the Beraeans to be condemned, who searched the Scriptures to examine the Apostles Do­ctrine, for which S. Luke commends them, Act. 17.11. Nor could they justifie Timothy's receiving them from a Child; yet S. Paul commends that in him, and sayes, they were able to make him wise unto Salvation, 1 Tim. 3.15. For as they could have no more self evidence of Scripture than we have; so they received these Scriptures from men whom themselves believed to be fallible; for the Scri­ptures they received as delivered by the Jewish Church, which if they had not judged fallible, they could not have given heed to the Apostles Doctrine, which condemned much which was delivered by the Jews, and delivered other Doctrines by them not received. Yea, they must con­clude the delivery amongst the Jews certainly false, when they believed the Apostolical preaching. And even these Jews who delivered these Scriptures, did differ from each other, and condemn each other; which is evident not on­ly in observing the three great Sects of the Jews, the Pha­risees, Essens, and Sadduces; but also in observing the dis­sentions, betwixt the followers of the two great Jewish Doctors, Hillel and Shammai, who opposed one another to the death, even about the times of the Apostles. So that according to this Authors Principles he lays down, this was a senseless proceeding of Timothy and the Beraeans, [Page 353]and they were no way justifiable. Nor can this Author plead that these persons received the Scriptures from the delivery of the professors of Christianity as such, though they supposed them also fallible in trying their Doctrines, since it is evident they closed with the truth of Christiani­ty, by searching the Scriptures: and indeed even then there were great contentions amongst the professors of Chri­stian Religion, as appears in the Acts of the Apostles, con­cerning the observation of the Rites of the Mosaical Law.

Since therefore we certainly know that they were ju­stifiable who received and relied on Scriptures as we do, and since his Objections to plead against us, appear no way rational, I may well assert this third Property to agree to Scripture.

§. 3. 5 He propounds the Fourth Property of the Rule of Faith, to satisfie Sceptical Dissenters, and rational Doubters; which, he saith, nothing but demonstration can do, if they be true to their reason, and otherwise, their Faith it self would be a vice. But if some things here were demonstrable, yet it may be the task of a mans life, and this rational man would smile at his endeavours, who should go about to demonstrate all the diffi­cult things here to be evidenced; That the Scriptures are the Word of God, having no real contradiction in them; that they are contained in just so many Books, and are still preserved in­tire; that they are rightly Translated, and that this is the sense.

I answer; If by Sceptical, be here meant only inquisi­tive, 6 I have admitted this as belonging to the Rule of Faith; and do assert, that the most inquisitive Dissenters and rati­onal Doubters, may be satisfied concerning Scriptures, if they be willing to attend to sufficient evidence; and be persons who desiring to have their souls saved, would rea­dily chuse that, which shall appear the best way to God. How all these things here mentioned may be known with sufficient certainty, and by plain and natural evidence, and without spending a mans life in searching, we have shewed [Page 354]in answer to the former Discourse. But these things are not indeed plain demonstrations, nor are such things as are matters of fact, capable of them, but of rational testimo­nies and evidences, which are so clear, that there can no rational way of doubting remain, where this evidence is discerned. Doth this Authour think that no man can ra­tionally judge himself to be the Kings natural Subject, be­cause he can have no demonstration that he was born in England, or other his Dominions? will he not eat or take Physick till he can demonstrate that his Food or Physick are proper for his Stomach? either he counts a very small rational evidence a demonstration; or else daily acts in things concerning his life without it; and yet we have much greater security concerning Scripture, than a man can have in any case concerning the suitableness of his Food. If this rational man be to pass the Seas, can he have no evidence of the safety of an Harbour, by the Mari­ners testimony, and a long testified experience, until he can demonstrate there are neither Rocks nor Quicksands there? Obj. But where the soul is concerned, there is need of the highest evidence. Ans. There is in this case need of sufficient evidence to command assent; but if it would be folly not to receive such things as may preserve the life on sufficient evidence, it is yet greater fol­ly not to receive such things upon sufficient evidence as may make the soul happy. S. Austin while a Manichee, as he saith, Confes. 6. ch. 4. would have had such certainty of things not seen, as of seven and three being ten; but at length he considered, how many things he had firmly received upon other testimony; as concerning places, and men whom he had not seen, and of what Parents he was born, and therefore resolved it was reasonable to close with Scripture upon its so ge­neral delivery. But let this Author begin at home, and he will soon see demonstrations not necessary for satisfaction. The Council of Trent, Can. 4. De Baptism. anathematizeth them who shall say, Baptism is not necessary to Salvation; and Can. 11. de Sacramentis, requires a necessity of the Mi­nisters [Page 355]intention in the Sacrament. Can this Authour di­rect all the members of his own Church to Demonstrati­ons, to prove themselves Baptized, because it is a matter which concerns their souls? If he thinks the testimonies of Parents and Godfathers sufficient; yet no rational man will call this a demonstration, nor can these prove the intention of the Minister; yea, how can this Author or any other demonstrate that he was the person who was seen at such a time to be Baptized? If he will satisfie himself with the common testimonies of a sufficient num­ber of credible persons, in a matter where they were capable of discerning truth; this indeed will be a rational assent, and more than this cannot be expected; but this is not a demonstration, but an evidence inferior in many cir­cumstances, and those considerable ones, to the evidence we have of Scripture.

He further says, he who would know the sense of Scri­pture, 7 must have great skill in Languages, Grammar, History, Logick, and Metaphysicks; that he may fully understand the phrases, scope, and things delivered. I answer, all these indeed are necessary for the full clearing some obscure and difficult Texts of Scripture; and there­fore some such places may possibly not be yet fully un­derstood; and if they be, it is only by persons who have all these advantages, or by others from them. But about the plain and necessary things in Scripture, there is need of no more of these helps, than such as are natural to every mans understanding. He who shall assert Gram­mar, Criticisms, &c. universally necessary to help men rightly to understand plain words; such as in most pla­ces are the Gospels and Epistles, and many other parts of Scripture, must assert, That one man cannot under­stand another, nor a child his Father, until he have learn­ed several Sciences; and so all delivery of words amongst the Vulgar, and therewith the Romish Oral Tradition, must be utterly impossible, to come down in any thing, so much as one step, either right or wrong, so as to be per­ceptible.

But he saith, 8 his Sceptick may find somewhat to reply ratio­nally, or at least, may maintain his ground of suspense, with a, Might it not be otherwise? If he may do so, is this any fault in the Rule of Faith? or any excuse to him to suspend his assent, when he can make no rational exception? Were not the Miracles of Moses sufficiently convictive, so long as some Egyptians said, Might they not be otherwise than from God? and was not all that Christ did and spake, enough to declare his Doctrine to be from God, and a Rule of Faith, because the Jews not only said, May it not be otherwise, but that it is otherwise? and must the Rule of Faith now be needs made another thing by us, from what it was made in the beginning by Christ himself? shall the Scripture now be required to have that condition of a Rule of Faith, which it is certain did not at the beginning of Christianity belong to the Rule of Faith?

If this satisfie not, 9 suppose amongst the Beraeans in S. Paul's time, there should have been, or were some, of this Authors principles, who thought Faith a Vice, if not founded on demonstration, and would smile at any man, who should talk of demonstrating so much of Scripture as was requisite to found their belief in it, and so should re­fuse to assent to, and believe S. Paul, when others sear­ching the Scriptures, did believe: Will this Author so own these principles of this Discourse, to say that these sceptical Ʋnbelievers acted more rationally, than S. Paul's Converts? and that they who believed his Doctrine by searching the Scriptures, did betray their reason, and their Faith was a Vice, when S. Luke owned them of a noble Spirit, and declared them to have searched diligently?

§. 4. 10 He comes to the fifth property, that it is convi­ctive of the most obstinate and acute Adversaries. Though obstinate persons are capable of no conviction, yet we ac­knowledge, that the Rule of Faith is defensible against all opposition; and is such, that the most acute Adver­saries may be satisfied concerning it, if sufficient evidence will prevail with them. And this we assert concerning [Page 357]Scripture. He now supposeth a Deist to enquire, How we know the Book of Scripture to be Gods Word? and supposeth us to answer, By its excellencies. These excel­lencies indeed give considerable evidence, especially, as he saith, to eyes enlightned by faith; and do further streng­then and satisfie them; yet we need not, nor do not assert, this alone sufficient to give a rational account to all men, without taking in how these Books were received, and de­livered in the Church, as we formerly shewed.

But he saith, 11 his Deist will shew you Texts against known science, and in his judgement, contradictions. Will he shew Texts against known science? but what if he cannot? and what if some expressions in Scripture are more suited to vulgar apprehensions than the Sciolists notion, shall any re­ject so excellent a Writing, because it condescends to speak intelligibly to the lowest capacities? Nor where there is proof given of this being Gods Word, can seeming contradictions to his judgment be sufficient not to receive it; since somewhat mysterious and sublime may come from God; and to understand aright all things written by the Pen­men of Scripture, it is requisite to be acquainted with the circumstances of History, measures, proverbial expressions, and the like; and then he might reconcile, as learned men have done, many things which now to him seem con­trary.

But he saith, 12 his Deist will shew you many absurdities and Heresies in the letter of Scripture, as that God hath hands, feet, and passions like ours. Here, as his former words are unsavoury, his latter are untrue. Scripture speaks indeed of Gods hands and feet, but no where saith, he had such like ours. Such things as are thus spoken of God in Scri­pture, have a true literal sense, if that may be called lite­ral, which is tropical; and why may not Scripture be al­lowed to make use of Tropes or Metaphorical expressions, as well as all other Writers, and all Discoursers? where the sense is easily discernable to reason, which is requisite to be used, that we may understand any Writing. Now the [Page 358]considering what knowledge we have of God by reason, and the pondering other places of Scripture, which plainly speak God to be a Spirit; and considering likewise, how these words of hands and feet, &c. are oft used in a figu­rative sense: this will plainly convince, that they must be understood so, when they are applied to God. When the Romanists by Tradition deliver, that the Pope is the Head of the Church, will they not expect, that mans common reason, and what they otherwise teach of the Church, should teach all to allow a tropical sense of the word Head, and not that they should forthwith imagine, that that Church whereof the Pope is the Head, should have the outward shape of Man, Woman or Beast? Thus Celsus, whose Arguments against Christianity, were much of the nature of this Discoursers, makes this an Objection against Christians, that they speak unworthily of God; as of the work of his hands, the mouth of God, and the voice of God. And Origen, lib. 6. cont. Cels. thought it sufficient to answer, that Christians did understand all these in a spiritual, not a corporeal sense; and that if Celsus had read other places of Scripture, he might thence know, that Christians would not think otherwise of God. It is an unchristian assertion, to charge the letter of the Scripture (which is the very words of the God of Truth) with heresie, where we have sure ground of it's interpretation, both from other Scripture, & from Reason.

Against the latter he objects, 13 that then we disown the Scripture Rule, and make our Reason and other knowledge our Rule: I answer, when we include Scripture, we cannot disown it; yet withal, we own Reason, as that whereby we judge of the significancy of Words and Phrases, as well in Scripture as elsewhere: he who doth not this, either doth not understand Phrases, or hath a prodigious art of understanding without reason. Yea, we do profess, to make use of that knowledge we have of God by Reason, thereby to understand the better other expressions which concern God in Truths revealed; since we are certain, that God gave the Scriptures, as a further revelation to man, [Page 359]who was supposed to have that Reason and Conscience which God had endued him with.

But he further in §. 5. 14 challengeth the consciousness of our own thoughts, whether we do not bring thoughts along with us to interpret Scripture by, and these from Tradition, or what we have heard and received. Here I shall give him a true and faithful account of the Protestants carriage in this thing, which must be by a distinction of Persons and Texts of Scripture. In such Texts as appear plain where the necessary truths are contained, none of us bring any such thoughts to interpret by, but discern the evidence plainly in it self, and from thence we hold such Truths as Points of Faith. In Texts of Scripture which appear more dif­ficult, all Protestants do prepossess themselves with such truths as they have learned by plain Scriptures, or other certain evidence, and therefore know no difficult Text can be so interpreted, as to contradict any such truth. Here the vulgar Christians do suppose many times that to be the true sense of such places, which they have received from those they judge able and faithful; but such a sense of such Scripture, they do not own as a necessary Point of Faith, but admit it as most probable, untill themselves be able fully to search; and then if they discern this a true exposition, they will receive it upon their own know­ledge; but if they find it a mistake, they will lay down that former apprehension, and will entirely be guided by what they see is the true sense of Scripture. And persons of great abilities to make the best search into the sense of more difficult Texts, do not prepossess themselves with any particular sense of such Scripture, but are every where entirely guided by that which appears the best evidence to recommend any sense, as knowing that it is not our inte­rest or benefit, that this or that opinion or interpretation should be true in things doubtful; but our great concern­ment is to own that which is, and God hath declared to be, the Truth.

§. 6. 15 He enquires how we can demonstrate concerning any place of Scripture, that it is not altered, and that [not] is not inserted or left out? I answer, this as to any matters of Faith is discovered sufficiently by what we shewed to prove the Scriptures preserved entire in the foregoing Discourse. Yea, the common principles of Reason and Conscience in man, will evidence to him in many neces­sary truths, that if [not] was left out or put in, they could never have been from God. That God is Eternal, Power­ful, Good, and to be worshipped of his creatures, that he treats man with great mercy, that men must be holy and righteous, that God will judge the World; such things as these appear so evident, that man where-ever he hears them, cannot but acknowledge them to be true and from God, and that the contrary cannot be so. But further, the consent of all Copies in several Countreys, is in this case an abundant rational evidence; especially considering, that these Writings were dispersed into all Countreys presently after they were first written, and so no miscarriage in the Faith could be in those first Copies taken from the Origi­nal, (of what this Author moves his doubts) which would not have been easily discovered and reformed, either by the surviving Apostles, or by the Original Writing or Auto­grapha of the Apostles and Evangelists; which doubtless being of such high esteem in the Church, were some time preserved. Now since at the first dispersing of these Copies, they did contain the Apostles Doctrine entire, the constant agreement of all Copies sufficiently prove the same continued still; especially considering, that the Co­pies which all appear to have this agreement, were writ­ten in several Ages long since past, and in several Coun­treys. And that to imagine [not] left out or foisted in, in the matters of Faith, in all Books generally and pub­likly and daily read by Christians, must suppose 1. That they all every where in so many Countreys, should con­spire to falsifie the Faith of Jesus, which they appeared to value above their lives, and by this Tradition would be [Page 361]corrupted; but yet Scripture in all these Books could not, unless 2. They should falsifie all the ancient Copies, which yet by the very writing appear to have nothing rased out, or foisted in. And this is a much higher certainty, than Josiah could have of his own Copy; yea, than can be had of any passage in any Historian, ancient Law or Record; and if this we have said, did not generally satisfie the Ca­vils propounded, all History, old Laws and Records, must be rejected, because there can be no such appearance of so great evidence, that in any sentence [not] was not left out or foisted in. And so all matters of Fame or Tradition must be disbelieved, till he can demonstrate, that they had not their original from the reading some Writings, which have the same liableness to mistake with other Writings, and that [not] hath not been put in or left out in the Oral delivery. And how much his Reader will be beholden to him for such conceits as these, we may gather from his own words, Disc. 9. §. 4. where speaking of humane testimonies, he tells us amongst the most extravagant Opinionasters, none was ever found so frantick, as to doubt them; and should any do so, all sober mankind would esteem them stark mad. But as hath been proved, this Author would here lead his Reader such a way, as himself saith, all sober mankind will esteem him mad, if he follow him. If this be not enough, I shall add, that the Primitive Christians owned such a tryal of Scriptures incorruptness, as fully sufficient for them to rely on, and to confound all who opposed it. And even this Argument of this Author, though urged with greater confidence, was that with which several of the Hereticks, from the time of Irenaeus and Tertullian to S. Austin, opposed the Christians; amongst which I shall now only mention the Manichees out of S. Austin who de­clares, that whilst he was a Manichee, Confess. l. 5. c. 2. he was somewhat shaken by hearing a dispute between He­lpidins and the Manichees: but the Manichees afterwad pri­vately told him, The N. Testament was corrupted, and there was no uncorrupt exemplar produced; but this did as little [Page 362]satisfie him. And after he became an opposer of the Ma­nichees. Contra Faustum, lib. 11. c. 1. he urgeth against them Scripture testimony; to which Faustus answers, That this Scripture testimony was not right. To which Saint Austin replies, If this answer be esteemed of any weight, what written Authority can ever be opened? what holy Book can ever be searched? cap. 2. he demands proof of Faustus, what Books ever read otherwise, and c. 3. urges, All Books new and old have this testimony, all Churches read it, all tongues consent in it, therefore put off the cloak of deceitfulness. And in Epist. 19. he saith, he read the Scripture which is placed in the most sublime and celestial height of Authority, being certain and secure of its truth: but (saith he) the Manichees contend that many things in the Scripture are false; yet so, that they do not ascribe falshood to the Apostles who wrote them, but to some which have corrupted the Books: but because they cannot prove this by any ancient Copies, he saith they are overcome, and confounded by the most manifest truth.

But our Discourser saith, 16 It is certain there are many va­rious readings, yea, so many in the New Testament alone, ob­served by my Lord Usher, that he durst not print them, for fear of bringing the whole Book into doubt. We acknowledge there are several various readings; but this speaks the greater security of this Rule, because though all these rea­dings are preserved, yet according to any of them, there is a consent in all the matters of Faith; unless there be some manifest mistake in any Copy, which may easily be dis­cerned to be the Scribes or Printers error: nor amongst all these readings, can any point of Christian Faith be so doubted of, that it is not capable of receiving sufficient e­vidence from some Texts. And though this Authour would pretend, that from these various readings, there is an uncertainty in all things in Scripture, which is contrary to all reason; yet others more knowing and learned Pa­pists, are so ingenuous as to grant what I here contend for. Bellarmine de Verbo Dei lib. 2. c. 2. asserts, that the errors of [Page 363]Transcribers in the Old Testament, are not of so great mo­ment, that the integrity of the Holy Scriptures should be wanting, in those things which belong to Faith and Good Manners: for the most part (saith he) the whole diffe­rence of the various readings, is placed in some little words, which either do not at all, or do very little alter the sense. And ch. 7. he declares, that he asserts the same concerning the New Testament, which he there asserted concerning the Old. Indeed before the time of Christ, there were more various readings in the Old Testament, than there now is in the New; as may appear not only from the va­rious Cheri and Ketib, and the Tikkan Sopherim, and such like, which are probably more ancient; but also because the Copies used by the Septuagint and Samaritan, differed in many various readings from the Hebrew Copies used by the Chaldee Paraphrast, which probably were most in use in Christ's time, and after received by the Masoreths; and yet since they all agreed in the same points of Doctrine; Christ and his Apostles both had recourse to them, and so perswaded others: and we think it is safe for us to follow such examples. The Vulgar may here consider our seve­ral English Translations, which as to expressions have in most Verses some difference, and in some few places the one may give a sense somewhat different from the other; yet since it is but in very few places where they do not all agree in the sence of the place; and where they do not, yet none of them do assert any truth of Doctrine which the others either do not assert, or do deny; the common Chri­stians may hence see that which may make them ra­ther the more secure than doubtful of these truths, because the latter Translations, though differing in words, yet a­gree in all Doctrines with the former. And if there be the same variety of readings in several Translations in other Languages, this is no more than is in our English. But as for the Originals, though there be several various read­ings, yet in comparison of our English Translations, but one for many; and yet fewer places where the same sense [Page 364]of that Text is not expressed by such readings, though in some small difference of words; which difference of words was occasioned partly from several of the Fathers ci­ting the Scriptures, as is with all men frequent, not al­wayes in the very same words, but words of the same sense; from whence many of these various readings in the New Testament had their Original; or partly that the Scribes, or they who copied the Scriptures, might have some mistake, where yet the sense remained intire for the most part.

But he inquires, 17 Why may there not have been some va­rious readings formerly, in those places which now appear in all Copies we have to agree? which various readings may possibly have been blindly determined, and so misguide us in the main points of Faith. I answer, That since there are very many ancient Copies, and Commentators and Citations of Fa­thers, which fully accord with our present readings; and since there are some ancient Translations, as Syriack, Latine, and others; all which agree in the same, and since there is an accord in these Books scattered and dispersed over the whole World: if there had been any such different rea­dings, they must be every where determined, before these ancient Copies, Commentaries or Citations were written, before the ancient Translations were made, yea, before the Copies of the Scriptures were dispersed into the several Regions of the World: and this is to imagine that there must have been some general alteration determined, in the great matters of Faith, whilst the hand writing of the A­postles was preserved, yea, even in the Apostles daies, which is impossible unless the Apostles to whom Christ committed his truth, and their Converts who were nume­rous, and prized this Doctrine above all the World, should all against the clear evidence of their own know­ledge, and the Original Writings of the Apostles then a­mongst them, conspire to corrupt this Doctrine, and to fal­sifie the Records which contain it; which to assert, is not only highly unreasonable, but exceedingly impious [Page 365]and blasphemous, nor would it leave Oral Tradition safe.

How much all this speaks to common sense, 18 I shall ex­press in a case which is very parallel. Suppose a Jury in any case of concernment, should observe an hundred Witnesses produced, examined asunder, and every one of their attestations written, and one by one read to them; as to the great matter to be proved, every one of them agree fully, and not so much as one dissents: will they not judge this a sufficient evidence of any thing spoken, though in some of these attestations, there be some small difference in a word, though not at all to add or leave out any considerable sense? yea, Will they not think, the testimony the more firm as to the things attested, because they all agree firmly in them, though they never met to­gether to conspire so to correct one another, that there might not be a syllable different in their words. The Scripture certainty of points of Faith, is much greater than this, since the Copies, every one of which gives its attesta­tion, are abundantly more numerous; and withal the main points of Faith are not only expressed in some one Text of Scripture, but in very many places, where there is a concurrence in all these Copies; which speaks these truths more certainly free from all possibility of error. Yet besides all this certainty, we have much in the end of Scriptures writing, and therein Gods care of it to assure us that it is not corrupt: of this we spake somewhat in the former Discourse.

What he speaks of Bishop Usher, 19 observing so many va­rious readings in the New Testament, which he durst not Print for fear of bringing the whole Book into doubt. This re­lation manifests it self to be such a story, as I think neither this Author, nor any man of reason, either Protestant or Papist, can believe, upon serious consideration, if he with­al judge Bishop Ʋsher to have been a very knowing man. No understanding Protestant can believe this, because he knows that Protestants freely inquire after various readings, [Page 366]and never the more doubt of Scriptures; because there ap­pears so full a consent in all material things. Nor can I imagine that either this Author or any understanding Papist can believe this story; for since it appears to be much their design, to bring the New Testament and Old likewise so far into question, that it might not be capable of being a Rule: if they thought in truth that Archbishop Ʋsher observed so much of various readings, as would ef­fectually do this, it cannot be doubted they would soon collect and publish such various readings, or procure some other to do it; unless they do imagine that that was observ­ed by Bishop Ʋsher, which cannot be observed by any other man. Now as their not performing this, perswades us Protestants, that the Papists themselves do not believe this story, so it discovers to us that we have no reason at all to believe it our selves.

Thus having discovered the Doubts moved by this Dis­courser not to be acute and convictive; we conclude that this Property notwithstanding these Doubts, doth belong to Scripture, that it is defensible against the most acute Adversaries, and there is sufficient evidence concerning it, to prevail with them.

An Answer to the fourth Discourse, shewing, that the two last Properties of the Rule of Faith, do agree to Scri­pture.

§. 1. THese two last Properties are Certainty in it self, 1 and ascertainableness to us. That the latter cannot agree to Scripture, is the sub­ject (he saith) of his foregoing Discourse, and depends upon the former, its being certain in it self. What he urged in his foregoing Discourse, I have in mine answered, and shall now examine what he writes against the certainty of Scripture.

§. 2. To shew Scripture not certain in it self, 2 he tells us, the material Characters in Books may be burnt, torn, blot­ted out, or worn out, and this he calls a deep consideration; because it would be a disorderly proceeding to lay such a weak means, for so main an end as the salvation of mankind. These are indeed but vain and empty words, which he calleth his deep consideration. For doth this Author imagine that there is no certainty in any other Records which are pre­served, because they consist of matter capable of perish­ing? and where did he learn, that nothing which is not of the most unalterable nature in the World, must be made the means of mans salvation. Let this deep Conside­rer think whether after the Promise to Abraham of the Messias to come out of Isaac's Seed, this Seed could not be a means for the Salvation of mankind; because Isaac might possibly have been killed before he had any Seed, and all his Children were mortal men; and was there not a much greater possibility then of Isaac's death, before he [Page 368]had any Seed, or of all his Seed after, than there now is of all the Copies of Scripture being destroyed? And may not the same be urged concerning the Seed of David and Solomon? Yea, so perniciously dangerous are the assertions of this Authour, that they would tempt men to reject the ever-blessed Jesus, as well as the Scriptures. But dare he say that the life and Ministry of our Lord Jesus could not be a means for the salvation of mankind, because he was in our nature lyable to death, and to him who only con­siders this nature, it might seem possible he might have died, before he had declared all Gospel-Doctrine? But this empty and vain consideration of this Author, hath its foundation, either in imagining the World without a God to order it, or at least in supposing that the means of mans salvation must have their effect from the strength of nature, and not from God, who can use the weak things of the World to confound the Mighty.

But the Scriptures are not so lyable to be destroyed as any thing else in nature, 3 as this Authour falsely asserts. Was there but one Copy to be found, as it was in Josiah's time? if this was in the hands of a professed enemy to Religion, there might be fear of the Scriptures being lost, if we had no eye to Divine Providence. But since there are so many millions of Copies, and the number yearly increased, and these in the hands of many thousands, who would hazard their lives to preserve them; there will appear more reason to fear, that all the generation of mankind now growing up, should perish and die before they come to their full stature, and so mankind cease, for want of propagation, than to imagine that all the Copies of Scripture should be destroyed: For as it is certain that in every generation many thousands die in their infancy, or childhood; so there can be no demonstration, nor ra­tional proof that all shall not, unless it be by considering the Providence of God: and as a Copy of Scripture is in it self much more durable than the life of a man, as ap­pears by many Copies written several ages since; and [Page 369]these Copies are more capable of lying undiscovered from the eye of an enemy than a man is, who must be where he may have food to preserve him; so there is as much reason to eye or hand of Providence in preserving Scri­pture, as in preserving mankind. For these Scriptures never could be destroyed, when there were not such in­numerable Copies, as now there are. When the Jews only had these. Oracles of God, many learned men are of opinion, that Manasseh, and some that Amon designed the destroying all Scripture Copies, yet there was one left which was found in the Temple, and brought to Josiah. Antiochus Epiphanes, as Josephus relates, Antiqu. Jud. lib. 12. c. 7. made the same attempt, but could not effect it. And after Christ, the same was indeavoured by Dioclesian, Euseb. Hist. Eccl. lib. 7.20. but such designs prevailed not, and yet then there was not probably one Copy of Scri­pture for some hundreds now.

Yea further, if the case should be such, 4 that no Copy of Scripture was to be found, it is not impossible with God (who could have raised Isaac from the dead, if he had been slain) by extraordinary messengers to renew the Scriptures, if they were not otherwise to be had. God hath taken other care by his Providence for their preserva­tion; yet those ancient Fathers (as Tertullian de Habitu Muliebr. c. 3. Clem. Alex. Strom. 1. Irenaeus advers. Hae­res. lib. 3. c. 25. and S. Hierome, &c.) who were of opini­on that the Scriptures then written were lost at the time of the Captivity, did assert them again restored by Ezra. But that Position of the Scriptures then being lost, is explo­ded by the most learned and judicious Papists, such as Baroni­us ad An. 180. Bellarmine and others, not only as being an Apocryphal story, contradicted in Neh. 8.1, 2. but by Ba­ronius in the place cited, it is expresly declared, not possi­ble, that since they had at least as many Copies of Scripture as Synagogues, yet none of them should be preserved. Much less can they now be lost, since it is not improbable that there are now as many thousands of Copies, as were then Jewish [Page 370] Synagogues. Hence we may observe that what this Au­thour calls his deep consideration, as it hath no rational foun­dation, so it hath not the advantage to be one of his own Church Traditions, and shews there may be something de­livered for truth which was not so received. And of the same nature are almost all his Arguments against Scri­ptures being the Rule of Faith.

§. 3. He further adds, 5 That the material causes to con­serve these Characters, are lyable to innumerable contingencies; but mans mind by its immateriality, is in part freed from Phy­sical mutability; and here we may with reason hope for an unal­terableness, and an unerrableness, if there be a due proposal, which must necessarily effect the sense. These words are more monstrous than rational; it is as much as in plain English to tell his Reader, that having an immaterial soul, he can never forget any thing that he either saw or heard distinctly; and that when he hath read a Book observing­ly, all the words and letters may be more exactly known from him, by the impressions upon his mind, than by viewing the Printed or Written Copy it self. And yet all this will not serve his turn, unless it be supposed that these immaterial souls must alwaies continue in the World, or that what was by them received, must thence neces­sarily in the same manner be continued on others. Who sees not that this is as much against common sense, as if he had said, That because man hath an immaterial soul, he may flie up to the Sun, and Moon, and fixed Stars at his pleasure? Was Man of the nature of Angels, without his gross Body? its beyond the skill of this Authour to prove, that nothing could be forgotten or blotted out of his mind that is once known, especially considering that he is a sin­ner, and even the Writers of his own Church do conceive, that sinning Angels lost much knowledge by their sin. But man is a Creature of another mold, and letters and words, and things are preserved in his memory, by mate­rial impressions and every man knows they may be for­given; yea, this Authour in this Book oft forgets and con­tradicts [Page 371]himself. Do not all mankind appear sufficiently convinced, that words or characters are more surely pre­served in paper, or writing than in mens memories, in that what they would have faithfully kept, they com­mit to writing, and enter it upon Record? Had the Jews been of this Authours opinion, they would not have desired Ezra to have read the Law of Moses out of a Book, Neh. 8.1. but to have spoken it out of the impressions of his own mind: yet he would have been a more safe delive­rer of Moses, than the Church of Rome can shew for other Scripture. Yea, it is plain and self-evident, that the Church of Rome agree with the rest of mankind, to acknow­ledge writing upon some material subject, a more sure way of preservation of things than the minds of men; for they write the Acts of their Councils, and Statutes of their Societies, and yet these things are as much (or more) spoken of amongst them, as the Scriptures are, and so more like to be preserved in their immaterial minds; yea, they write or print their Creed, Prayers, Lessons, and their whole Liturgy, and have them read in their Churches; when by this Authors Argument, the best way to have these things preserved intire, is to have them uttered from the memo­ries of the Priests and others in the Church; and not to mind the Writing or Printing at all, as not being in it self certain. The Roman Church know that mens minds are slippery, and apt to forget something in their Liturgy, if it were not written; and that others would take the boldness to alter it, and vary from it, if they had no writ­ten Rule: and shall writing be the best preservative for all other things, and not for the words of the Scriptures, and the truths therein contained? I remember Salmeron, tho' a Jesuit, hath among the rest of his prolegemena, one which is Proleg. 25. Why the Scriptures were written? and he de­clares (as every one who designs to speak truth would do) that it was that thence men may most surely know truth, where­as the memories of men are very slippery and uncertain: and S. Austin assigns a like cause of the Original of Letters, de [Page 372]Doctr. Christiana, lib. 2. c. 4. Nor can I imagine for what end the Church of Rome prints Copies of the Bible, if they did not think that by those printed Copies, the Scriptures might be known and preserved.

And as if it was not sufficient absurdity without any colour of solid reason to contradict the experience of all ci­viliz'd Nations; 6 he at once opposeth even the wisdom of God himself also, who commanded the King of Israel to write him a Copy of the Law in a Book, and read therein all the daies of his life, that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, Deut. 17.19, 20. Yea, he commands Moses to write for a memorial in a Book, Exod. 17.14. Yea, Isaiah is com­manded, Isai. 30.8. Write it before them in a Table, and note it in a Book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever. And though God himself declares this the way of keeping the memorial of things; this Authour rejects this way, and closeth with the uncertain way of mans frail memory.

§. 4. He tells us, 7 That as there are some simple vulgar actions unmistakeable, yet there are compound actions, as the transcribing of a whole Book, consisting of myriads of words, single letters and stopps, and the several actions over each of these are so short and cursory, that humane diligence cannot at­tend to every of them. Yet, he grants; that this may be done with care enough, if there be diligent Examiners. This Obje­ction speaks against the common sense of every one who can write; for it tells him that no man can possibly keep to the sense or words he intends in writing a Letter, or such like, though he hath a Copy before him. For he who can write a page with due care, may by the conti­nuance of the same diligence, write a sheet; and if he want nothing else, but what concerns his writing, he may with the same care write a Book. What extraordinary art hath this Discourser, that he could write his Book intel­ligibly, and the Printers print it so? can none do the like? He cannot be ignorant that these things may be done by common diligence; and all men who understand writing [Page 373]acknowledge that Deeds and all Records may be exempli­fied, and faithfully transcribed, if there be had due care about it. That there hath been such care about Scripture; I shall shew in answer to his next Paragraph. And I sup­pose he is not so self-conceited as to think, that other men may not use as much care in writing Letters or Words, as himself doth or can.

But if this little Argument of many little actions not being capable of due attention, was considerable, 8 it would concern this Authour to find a way, how the Papists may know the definitions of the Council of Trent, especially such a way as he intimates, p. 211. it is not hard for Protestants to find. For to run to the Printed Books which contain the Acts and Canons of that Council, here presently appears the multitude of little actions both in the Printing and first Copying. If he shall tell us, they receive the Canons of that Council, or any other, not as they are in Books, but by Oral Tradition; I shall then examine whether there be not the same and greater difficulty about such Tradi­tion. For it is certain, that there are as many mistakeable little actions in speaking a word as in writing it; every tittle requiring the pause in the voice, and every letter pronounced, being a distinct framing of the Organs of Speech: and both experience and reason will tell a man, that he may more frequently mistake in speaking a word, than in more leisurely writing it by a Copy; since speech is more quick, and admits not of so long consideration, for every little action as writing doth, and every man knows that where there are many phrases and sentences, there may be somewhat sooner omitted in speaking where he hath no outward help for his memory, than in transcri­bing, where the memory is perfectly relieved by the Copy before him. So that in the way of Oral Tradition, besides the several little actions of the Organs of Speech, there are other little actions of the Memory, more lyable to the error, than the eye is in viewing a Copy. Hence it will appear, that this Authors perswading men in this [Page 374]§. 4. to account Scripture not to be certain in it self, is built upon this foundation, That God hath not indowed man with so much wisdom and discretion, as to guide his speech, or hand so, as to speak or write intelligibly, or according to his meaning or intention. And this is as much as to say, That men cannot converse with one another, and that no truth can be delivered from one to another, no nor falshood neither; and he who will be perswaded to this, will not be a Protestant, nor a Papist; neither a man of any Religion, nor of any Reason.

§. 5. He tells us, 9 If it were certain that there was care taken for the faithful transcribing the Scripture, much might be said thence for its certainty: but as it is capable of many mistakes, so especially in the New Testament, experience te­stifies there hath been no such diligence, by the divers readings of the several Copies, and thousands of corrections of the Vul­gar edition. His Objection to disprove the use of care, especially in the New Testament, must be first answered, and then we shall evidence that there hath been abundant care. What he speaks of the Vulgar Latin, which is the Translation in request in the Romish Church, and made use of by many others; the thousands of corrections he men­tions, speaks that Church none of the best preservers of Records, But after all these corrections, was there any point of Faith or Manners, wherein after the corrections, it differed from what it was before the corrections? if it differed in none, then such various readings do not declare the Scriptures even in that Translation, in any thing to misguide, in discovering whatever concerns Faith or holy life, though such various readings should remain. But if the Vulgar edition did differ in any such matter of Faith, or holy life, this would condemn the Roman Churches Tradi­tion, which hath professed to own and receive what e­ver was in the Vulgar, both before its correction and since; and so must differ from what it was, in that point of Faith or Manners. Touching various readings in the Ori­ginal Copies, and almost all, if not all Translations, it is e­vident [Page 375]there is no difference in any point of Doctrine, nor considerable in words and phrases. And though it be im­possible to prove concerning every single Copy, that it was faithfully transcribed, by giving an account of the manner how it was done: yet there remains an abundant rational proof, that the Copies of the Scripture, and parti­cularly of the New Testament, have been generally writ­ten with much fidelity; because the several Copies which may yet be seen, written in several Countries and in di­vers Ages, shew such an agreement in them all, and in the Ancients citations of them, that they speak one thing, the same truth, and with so very little variation of any word, that to a diligent attender, this speaks much of care, attenti­on and diligence in transcribing. To all this I add, that it is certain that the Ancients were very industriously accurate in their transcribing Books, and made it a great point of consci­ence to be attentive in it, even in other Books, and no doubt more especially, about the holy Scriptures, and did to their Copies, subscribe their Names, that it might be known by whom they were written. What exact diligence the Anci­ents used in transcribing Books, may be observed from an in­stance, related by Eusebius, Eccles. Hist. lib. 5. c. 20. con­cerning a Book of Irenaeus, at the end of which Irenaeus wrote thus: I adjure thee who shalt transcribe this Book, by our Lord Jesus Christ, and by his glorious presence when he cometh to judge the quick and the dead, that thou compare what thou shalt transcribe, and amend it diligently, according to this Copy, whence thou shalt transcribe it, and that thou shalt likewise transcribe this Oath, and put it in thy Copy. And this, he saith, he thought profitable to put in his History, that in this thing they might have example of the care and diligence of those ancient and truly holy men. If such care was to be taken of Irenaeus's Works, surely no less of the holy and Divine Writings.

§. 6. He goes about to shew, 10 That Scripture cannot be certain as to its sense especially, to the Vulgar, where he repeats, that Arts and Sciences are necessary to understand the Letter; [Page 376]which was before said by him, and is above answered, Disc. 3. §. 7. and need not here be repeated. He further tells us, That an acute Scholar can blunder the conceptions of the Vulgar concerning Scripture, and give them a seeming clearer interpretation of his own. In many points of Con­troversie and difficult Texts, we acknowledge a Scholar may do so; but it is no way necessary that the Vulgar should be able to determine them, and be firmly setled in the knowledge of them; but in matters of Faith more plainly discovered, it is otherwise. If he thinks they may be perswaded by a Scholar to think any other sense more clear, than that which offers it self, and is obvious in such phrases as these; That Jesus is the Christ; that he was born of the Virgin, and died for us, and such like; he must find men of much lower capacities than Protestants are, and indeed such as cannot understand the meaning of what that Scholar shall speak, (since he cannot speak plainer words) and then I know not how they can be perverted by him: yea, such men are not so much as capable of be­ing instructed at all in the knowledge of Faith, or matters of mere belief, unless this Author can discover some other way of instruction in these things, than by plain words. But doth not this cavil strike at all wayes of knowledge, and even at Tradition as much as Scripture? For if the plain words of Scripture may be perverted by a Scholar, are not the words delivered by Tradition capable of being in the same manner perverted? If not, it must either be because the same words written or read, cannot have so plain a sense, as when they are spoken without reference to any Book; or else the Teachers of the Romish Church must be thought wiser than the Spirit of God and the Apostles, in that they can speak the plain truths of God better, and with less lyableness to mistake, than the Apostles wrote, who yet professed to use plainness.

But he asks, 11 when we see Protestants and Socinians ma­king use, as they conceive, of the best advantages the letter gives them, yet differ in so main points as of the Trinity, and [Page 377]of Christs Divinity; what certainty can we promise to weaker heads? I answer, weaker heads may well enough be satisfied with that evidence, which men of greater parts through prejudice do not entertain. In the be­ginning of Christianity, the wise men of the World who pretended to be guided by the best evidence, did not all agree in so main a point, as which was the true Reli­gion, whether Christianity, Judaism, or Gentilism: will it thence follow that there was no expecting that men of ordinary capacities should discern evidence enough to perswade them to be Christians, and that there was no rational hopes of their conversion, though many thousands of them believed? Or in the matter now in hand? can he imagine that until all learned men of Protestants and Papists are agreed, in so main a point as which is the Rule of Faith, no ordinary capacities can he satisfied concerning this Rule upon any solid grounds? I am confident himself doth not think so, and Protestants are fully certain of the contrary. In like manner, Protestants in general, even the Vulgar, appear fully satisfied about the Trinity, and the Divinity of Christ, from the evidence which Scripture gives to these great truths: yea, so plain are they in Scripture, that he must be acute in devising waies to evade the evidence of these truths, who doth not receive them: nor can we think that the Socinians could either deny these truths, or entertain their own way of interpreta­tion, if it was not that these truths are above the rea­son of man to comprehend; (as it is rational to imagine much is, which concerns the Infinite Divine Being) and that they do too much magnifie reason, in not receiving any thing which reason cannot conceive how it is or may be: and so in truth it is not their making Scripture the Rule of Faith; but rather in these points, the setting up another Rule, and making Scripture the thing ruled, which is the cause of their not owning these truths.

Having now answered all his Objections, and vindica­ted Scripture from all his Cavils; I may conclude that THE SCRIPTURE HATH ALL THE FOREMEN­TIONED PROPERTIES BELONGING TO THE RULE OF FAITH.

After this §. 7. he excuseth himself, as not having spoken this against Scripture upon his own principles, but that all he hath spoken (as he saith, but I have shewed the contrary) follows upon the Protestants principles. This speaks him to act a part in the disgracing Scripture, which he is asha­med to own; and therefore he here acknowledges high ex­cellencies in these sacred Oracles. For if he indeed think, there can be no certainty of Scriptures being the Word of God, and of the Canon of Scripture from the Churches deli­very; and of the uncorruptness of it as to Faith, from the agreement of ancient Copies, then he must without dis­simulation profess, that upon his own Principles all those imperfections are attributed to Scripture: since the Pa­pists, yea the Popes themselves have acknowledged, that they have none other way to be assured of these things by; and reason will evidence they can have none other, which the Protestants cannot have as well as they. But if he thinks there be any certainty in these proofs, he must acknowledge that Protestants who own these proofs, have this certainty.

But he saith, 13 all he designs is, That Scripture is most im­proper for a Rule of Faith, and was never intended for such; as may be evinced, because the Apostles and their Successors, went not with Books in their hands, to deliver Christs Doctrine, but with words in their mouths; whence Primitive Antiqui­ty learnt their Faith before those Books were universally spread among the Vulgar, much less the Catalogue acknowledged. What he speaks of the Apostles not having Books in their hands, either refers to the Books of the Old Testa­ment or of the New. As to the Old Testament, 'tis cer­tain, that both Christ and the Apostles sometimes had them in their hands, and, which is most considerable, had them [Page 379]ordinarily in their mouths, to declare from thence the Doctrine of Christ. Thus Christ beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself, Luke 24.27. And S. Paul, Acts 17.2, 3. reasoned out of the Scriptures, opening and al­ledging; and Apollos, Act. 18.28. convinced the Jews, shewing by the Scriptures that Jesus was Christ; which being in the Synagogue it is not much to be questioned but they had with them the Books of the Scripture, as was the manner of the Jews teaching, as we read 2 Chron. 17.9. they taught in Ju­dah, and had the Book of the Law of the Lord with them. And had not Philip the Book of the Prophet which he ex­pounded when he converted the Eunuch? But possibly he meant they had not the Books of the New Testament in their hands. Indeed before they were written, they could not have them, nor could they then be a Rule. However the Apostles and Evangelists testimony was then and now is the Rule to know what was delivered by Christ; but their testimony by Speech was temporary, and could not remain after their death; while this continued it was a Rule of Faith: but they also had another way of testimo­ny, which was by Writing, and this as it continues with us, is to us a Rule of Faith, because their testimony; and so S. John calls his Gospel his testimony, Joh. 21.24. and Saint Peter speaks to the same purpose of his Epistle, 1 Pet. 5.12. What he speaks of the Apostles and their Successors, not having their Writings in their hands after they were writ­ten, is a gross falshood, as will more plainly appear, from what in the end of this Book may be observed from seve­ral Authorities of the Ancient Fathers. Yea, S. Paul and Barnabas, with other Apostolical men, went to preach to the Gentiles, with the Epistle of the Synod of Jerusalem in their hands, Act. 15.22. which was the first New Testa­ment writing; and Eusebius relates, that S. Mark carried his written Gospel, and preached it in Egypt, Hist. Eccles. lib. 2. c. 11. and S. Peter himself made use of S. Paul's Writings, and commended them, 2 Pet. 3.15, 16. and [Page 380]so did all the Ancient Fathers of Apostolical Wri­tings.

He is bold to say, 14 That the Revolters from Primitive method, closed with Scripture as the Rule. But in truth, when the World erred by vain Tradition, it was none other than God himself who wrote the ten Command­ments, and gave the Law of Moses, and the Prophets, to guide the Israelites. And when Pharisaism, that great Heresie, was maintained by Tradition, they who laid Scri­pture as the Rule against it, were none other than Christ and his Apostles, who referred to the Scriptures of the Old Testament, and gave forth the Scriptures of the New Testa­ment.

But he saith, 15 Scripture as it is made the Rule of Faith, is brought to the vilest degree of contempt, and every upstart Heresie fathers it self upon it. But who contemns it? not Protestants who make it their Rule, and they who do will be highly guilty, as were the despisers of Jesus, who was also contemned and despised of men. But is this a cause of contempt, if all Heresies pretend to it? do they not all pretend to the right worshipping the true God, the true following of Christ and owning Christian Religion as well as to the Scriptures? and are these ex­cellent things the more contemptible, because they pre­tend to them? yet it is false, that all Heresies have pretended to Scripture. For as some have denied Scri­pture as it is witnessed by Irenaeus and Tertullian; as some have gone to revelation and secret wayes of delivery of Doctrine, as the same Authors shew, and the History of Simon Magus, Basilides, Marcion, Manes and others evi­dence: so others have pretended to the publick Church-Tradition, continued to their time. Thus did the Heresie of Artemon in Eus. Hist. Eccles. lib. 5. c. 27. who declared, That Christ was only man, and their Ancestors (they said) had decla­red this unto them, to be not only that which the Apostles receiv­ed from the Lord, but that which they generally taught, and was continued until the times of Victor; and that Zephy­rinus [Page 381](who succeeded Victor at Rome, and in whose time these Hereticks lived) corrupted this teaching. It seems this Heresie had numerous followers or Attestors, in that it is there said in Eusebius, it might have had much probability, if it had not been contradicted by the Scri­ptures, and the Writings of the Ancient Brethren. Yea, these very Hereticks did indeavour to alter and corrupt the Scriptures, so far they were from making them a Rule.

He further sayes, 16 The many Sects in England flow from this Principle of Scripture being a Rule of Faith; and it is a wonder this doth not oblige men to renounce that Prin­ciple which is the necessary Parent of such disorders. This hath been answered, Disc. 3. n. 3, 4. so far as concerns difference of opinions. But that all the Sects in England do arise from this opinion of the Scriptures being the Rule of Faith, is very far from truth: for First, it is certain that some of these Sects do not profess it to be their Rule; I suppose he knows there are some of his perswasion, that make Traditi­on their Rule, and he knows there are others who pretend to be guided by the Light within them; and the way of re­dressing these Sects is by receiving this general truth. Se­condly, other Sects or Parties of men there are, who in­deed profess to follow these Scriptures as their Rule; but it is not their owning, but their not right using them, which is the occasion of their error: it is their over rashly entertaining their own conceptions, without suffi­cient and unprejudiced inquiry, as if they were plain in Scripture, and necessary Doctrines, when indeed they are not; and the true way for healing these distempers, is by lay­ing aside such rashness and prejudice, resolving to close with that only as necessary Doctrine, which upon impartial in­quiry appears plain in Scriptures, and to use serious diligence in such inquiry, and this is to act according to Protestant Principles, yea, according to the Doctrine of Christ, who did not give such direction to the Sadduces, who strictly professed to own the Law, but denied the Resurrecti­on, [Page 382]that the way to be free from their error, was to re­ject that Rule; but blamed them as not knowing the Scri­ptures, and declared that therefore they did err: and if this was truly heeded, all disorderly Sects would be at an end. But on the contrary, should we reject these excel­lent discoveries of God, because they have been abused by the sin of man, to the promoting many Sects, where should we leave? when Christians imbraced the Doctrine of Jesus, and what was delivered by the Apostles: many Sects hence took occasion all to pretend to this Doctrine: must Christianity therefore be also disclaimed? and with much greater reason must not all Controversial Enqui­ries, and speculations in Theology be abandoned, because they are the Parents of many Sects and Divisions even a­mongst the Papists? and must not all reasonings and ap­prehensions be disclaimed, because they are the original of so many disputes and different Sects, both in Philosophy and Divinity. This would be the way to renounce being men, and being Christians. Thus the rejecting the Scriptures would be taking Poyson instead of Cure: yea, it would be as if the food used amongst civilized Nations should be prohibited, and their civil rights disclaimed, because many abuse the former by intemperance to surfeits and Disea­ses; and the latter is the occasion of War, Strife and Con­tention; and therefore that men should live only on A­corns, and such other Fruits of the Field, and without a­ny Possessions as Wild men, that they may be thereby out of these dangers. Who sees not that temperance and a peaceable spirit would be the best preservatives from these dangers, and would make the state of man and of the World excellent? and though there might then remain some infirmities in the Constitution either of the Body Natural or Politick; yet none so great as would be occasioned by rejecting the course of a civilized life: so if the abovementioned Protestant Principles, were put in practice, there might remain some different apprehen­sions and opinions; yet none such as would be either [Page 383]dangerous or disturbing: but as the persons might have Faith and Salvation; so both Church and State might in­joy their peace and quiet.

An Answer to the fifth Discourse, in­quiring into Tradition, and shewing, that none of the Properties of the Rule of Faith, agree to it.

BEfore I come to disprove what is delivered by this Author on the behalf of his way of Tradition; 1 it will be requisite first to state the Question, con­cerning Oral and Practical Tradition; and to shew what we grant concerning it, and what we deny; that so it may after appear, how far we have cleared the truth of the Protestants Assertion.

We assert the faithful delivery of Christian truths by word of mouth, to be a very useful way to bring many to the Faith, or to establish them in it; and we doubt not but that very great Multitudes who have not the ad­vantage of using, reading or hearing the Scriptures, may by this means be brought to believe. Such was the case of some barbarous Nations in the Primitive times, and of many Pagans in these later times. But since the ceasing of the extraordinary gifts of revelation in the Church, the most faithful delivery of these truths is that which is guided by the Scripture, and takes that for its Rule; and such are the sober instructions of knowing and well ground­ed Protestants, and no other delivery can be faithful, but that which is agreeable to the Scripture, and its ruling [Page 384]Power: and this was the commendation Irenaeus gave to Polycarp, Eus. Hist. Eccl. lib. 5. c. 20. that he delivered all things consonant to Scriptures. Yet though this way of de­livery by word of mouth is very useful, yet it was then only a sure Rule of Faith; when these truths were deliver­ed of them who were inspired of God, and thereby were infallible in their delivery: and such was the delivery by the Apostles and Evangelists both in their preaching and in their Writing. Next to the Apostles, but not equal­ly with them we would value the delivery of Apostolical men. But in after-ages, we deny any certainty of infal­lible delivery of truths, in the way of Oral Tradition, and acknowledge that only a certain delivery which ap­pears such, by its accord and agreement with the Scripture Rule.

And as to the sense of Scripture, 3 we doubt not but when God gave the Primitive Church gifts of interpretation, there was a delivery of the sense of Scripture, not on­ly in plain and necessary things which are obvious from the words, but even in many more hard and difficult Texts of Scripture. Yet all obscure Scriptures were not even in those times explained, and their explications generally re­ceived: since S. Peter speaks of many things in S Pauls E­pistles which were hard to be understood; which if the interpretation of them had been generally delivered, and received in the Churches in Gods name, they could not have been. The great and necessary Doctrines were then received, and delivered according to the true intent and meaning of Christ; and that was agreeable to the Scriptures. Hence the delivery of any truth to all Chur­ches in the Apostles times, and its being received by them so far as this could be made evident, was a very useful way to destroy Heresie; yet the Fathers who made use of this way, did also shew, that these truths were plain in Scri­pture. To these Churches, so far as the Doctrine by them received can be manifested, we would willingly ap­peal for a trial of Controversies, and do readily imbrace [Page 385]such truths, as by sure evidence appear to be the Doctrine held by those Churches. Partly as thus delivered, and chiefly as clear in Scripture, we receive those Articles of Faith contained in the Creed, commonly owned in the Ca­tholick Church: but the Creed we conceive to be deliver­ed in a much more sure and safe way than Oral Tradition, since the words of it, have with common consent been a­greed on, fixed and determined; the want of which ad­vantage in the Romish Tradition, doth manifest it to be ve­ry alterable, and uncertain in other Doctrines. But that all points of Christian Doctrine, or Apostolical interpreta­tions of hard Scriptures, are infallibly delivered from the Primitive Churches, by the way of Oral and Practical Tra­dition, we deny. Nor can there be more reason to per­swade us, that the present delivery of the Romish Church, doth faithfully preserve such Doctrines and interpretati­ons, than would also perswade, that when Ezra read the Law, and caused the people to understand the sense of it, we might certainly find the Doctrines by him taught, and the interpretations by him given, amongst the Tradi­tions of the Scribes and Pharisees; as surely as we could have them from Ezra's mouth, or from them who heard him, and were faithful relaters of his teaching.

I will only further here observe, 4 that Tradition may be considered, either as a meer speculation and notion; and thus a man may imagine a constant delivery of the self same things, truths and actions, by the successions of several generations, without considering whether there really be any such delivery, or whether it can be ratio­nally expected: and to treat of such a Tradition as this be­ing a Rule of Faith, is but to discourse of aiery fancies and imaginations. Or else Tradition may be considered as something reall and in being; and thus we may inquire, whether such a Tradition as is to be found in the Church, or in the World, be a sure way to deliver truth infallibly to Posterity. This is that we Protestants deny, and if this Author intend not the proof of this, he will speak no­thing [Page 386]to the purpose; and will only shew that such Tra­dition as they of Rome, or any other in the World have not, might be the Rule of Faith: and notwithstanding all this, they will be destitute of it.

I shall now examine his Discourses of Tradition, 5 in which every Reader will be able to observe, that he hath made no proof considerable, unless he hath said more for the Tra­dition of the Romish Church, than can be said to prove Re­ligion not corrupted before the Flood, or after the Flood amongst the Gentiles; or before the Captivity, and at the time of Christ amongst the Jews.

§. 1. 6 Coming to inquire whether that Tradition be the Rule of Faith, which he calls Oral and Practical, he thus explains it: We mean a delivery down from hand to hand, (by words and a constant course of frequent visible actions con­formable to those words) of the sense and faith of the fore-Fa­thers. Our business in this Discourse, is to inquire whether this can be a Rule of Faith, which the Discourser affirms, and Protestants deny.

§. 2. 7 To understand this way of Tradition, he observes on this manner; Children learn the names of Persons, Rooms and things they converse with; and afterwards to write, read, and use civil carriage. And looking into the thing, they gain the notions of several objects either by their own sen­ses, or by the help of having them pointed at; and this he ob­serves, is the constant course of the World continued every Age, yea, every Year or Month. This is Tradition in Civil mat­ters. Concerning this Tradition it may be observed, that about matters visible to sense, the Objects or Things, and the names of the things must be distinctly consider­ed. The common notions of Objects visible, as of Hea­ven, Earth, Sun, Moon, Rooms, Man, Trees, &c. are by common apprehensions even of Children received from Senses, not by tradition of a former Generation; and those apprehensions are preserved by the view of the visible ob­jects. But the words, or names, are indeed delivered in such a way of Tradition: but words thus delivered, are not [Page 387]alwaies preserved from alteration and change: yea, even at Rome, notwithstanding this way of delivery, wherein the following Generation have received their Language from their Fathers; yet if they who conversed there in the Apo­stles times, were now alive, they would discern such al­teration of speech, and even in speaking mens names, that they would not be able to understand their present language: and if they can shew no greater security for the delivery of their Doctrine, than of their Language; that also may be as much changed, notwithstanding their help of Tradition. And it may be further observed, that those Languages which in this way of Traditional Learning, are grosly corrupted, and even lost; such as Hebrew, Greek, and Latin; yet in Books and Writings, they are faithfully preserved: which shews, Writings more sure keepers, or preservers of words and civil things, than this way of Tradition is. It would be needless to shew, that in Writings and civil behaviour, there is as great va­riation in some few successions of Generations: for this is sufficiently known to all observing men.

§. 3, 4. He applies this to Christianity; and saith, 8 So Children get by degrees notions of God, Christ, Saviour, Hell, Virtue and Vice; and are shewn how to say Grace and Prayers; afterwards they become acquainted with the Ten Command­ments, Creed, Sacraments, forms of Prayer, and other practi­ces of Christianity; the actions and carriages of the elder gui­ding the younger, to frame their lives to several virtues by the Doctrine delivered in words; as Faith, Hope, Charity, Prayer, &c, To this I answer; That Children do indeed by degrees learn the Notions of God, &c. But this Tradi­tion alone is not that which guides them here; but also the Scriptures and Ancient Writers, are of great use, as they inable the Teachers of the foregoing Generation to guide them more faithfully. Indeed in the way of this Tra­dition alone, some general signification of words which con­cern matters of Faith, may probably be delivered: as that God signifies him, whom we are to worship, reverence, serve [Page 388]and obey, and such like. But more particular notions of these matters of Religion, as they may be sometimes pre­served aright; so where is no other way of preservation, than this Tradition, they may be very corruptly and dan­gerously delivered. It is certain that Noah knew the true God, and taught his Children concerning him, and in his daies, and since their Posterity increased to great multi­tudes; and yet having only this way of Tradition, they were so far corrupted in their knowledge of God, that they owned Creatures, yea, the lowest of Creatures for God, and thereby lost the knowledge of the true God: and yet even the Gentiles, who worshipped other things instead of God, pretended that this they received by this way of Tra­dition; and this was their great Argument, why they should not receive Christianity, because their Ancestors had delivered to them that way of Worship they then u­sed in Heathenism. Clemens Alexand. in his Admonition to the Gentiles, brings them in speaking thus, We must not reject those things which were delivered to us from our Fathers: and almost all the Fathers who write against Gentilism, in­dustriously shew the vanity of this their plea.

The saying of Prayers and Grace aright, 9 depends much upon the preservation of the true Notions of God and Christ, and the knowledge of Duties and Promises: and therefore if there be any corruption in the delivery of those things, it is like to be also in the performance of these a­ctions of Prayer and saying Grace; in which case will the carriages and practices of the elder Christians be corrup­ted. But he sayes, they learn the Creed, ten Command­ments, and forms of Prayer. The Creed is indeed a good preservative of the chief Articles of our Belief. Had it not been for this Form, and some other like it received in the Church (which because written, and in stinted words, is more of kin to the way of Scripture delivery, than to other delivery by Oral Tradition; it is like these points of Faith might have been rejected or lost among them who only hold unto the way of that Tradition. The ten Command­ments [Page 389]are likewise a sure preservative of that which God requires in them from man, but these are the words of Scripture. Neither the Creed, nor the ten Command­ments, concern the Controversie of Tradition, as it is dis­owned by Protestants, otherwise than to observe the way whereby the certainty of them is conveyed unto us; and thus we do assert, that we are more certain of the Creed, by its being committed to Writing, and comprized in a fixed form of words, and being every way agreeable to Scripture, than any can be by way of delivery from Fa­ther to Son only by word of mouth, in all successions of Generations: and the same certainty we have of the ten Commandments, by their being in the Scripture Records, and being likewise delivered in writing; which is the way which even Papists make use of as well as others. What he adds of Sacraments and forms of Prayer, these are like to guide men aright where the notions of Religion concern­ing them are preserved intire; but if there be a corrupti­on in Religion, these things, as soon as others, may be de­praved, as indeed they are in the Romish Church: where though the Creed and the Commandments do deliver much truth; yet are they somewhat perverted by Tra­ditional Expositions, nor can they secure from the delivery of many other corruptions.

In §. 5. He desires us to consider, 10 How the Primitive Faithful were inured to Christianity e're the Books of Scripture were written or communicated. We know this then was by the preaching of the Apostles among them, who had the inspiration of God to guide them, and were unerrable de­liverers; and yet even they in this preaching made very great use of the Books of the Old Testament, to prevail with men to receive the Doctrines of Jesus. But I shall fur­ther mind him, that the Christians at Rome in the Primi­tive state of that Church, before they had any written Scripture of the New Testament, thought it requisite, for the inuring themselves to Christianity, to obtain some Writings Apostolical, concerning whom Eusebius writes [Page 390]thus: At Rome the light of Religion did so shine upon the minds of these hearers of Peter, that they thought it not suffi­cient to content themselves with once hearing him, nor with the unwritten Doctrine of the Divine preaching: but with all manner of perswasions, they did earnestly desire Mark who fol­lowed Peter, that by writing he would leave them a memorial of that Doctrine, which was then delivered to them by words: nor did they desist until he did perform it; and this was the cause of the writing that which is called, The Gospel according to Mark. He likewise relates; That when the Apostle knew what was done by the revelation of the Spirit, he was pleased with the forwardness of the men, and by his Authority confirmed the Writing, that it might be read in the Churches. This same History is related also both by Clemens, and by Papias: and after this, Mark preached in Egypt that same Gospel which he had written. Thus Eusebius Hist. Eccles. lib. 2. c. 10, 11. and to the same purpose, relating the words of Clemens, lib. 6. c. 14.

But our Discourser tells us, 11 He dare affirm that Presby­terians and Protestants adhere to their Faith, because their Fathers or Pastors taught them it, and not upon the evidence of Scriptures letter to their own private judgements; because they who are brought up under Mr. Baxter, are apt to follow him; and others Mr. Pierce. To this I answer, That Protestants value the judgements of their Teachers, if they think them to be learned and good men; but yet in the Articles of Christian Faith, and the great truths of God, they do dis­cern other grounds, and surer to rely on, than the opini­on of Teachers; and therefore whatever Teacher should contradict such truths, they would not follow him. And if any persons are so unstable, as in such things to be led away by the Authority of any men, they are far from being grounded Protestants. In some matters more difficult, or Controversial, many Protestants are not capable of being better satisfied, than by the judgment of their Pastors, and are to be commended for following them: yet in this case, they own not their judgment as a Rule of their Faith; but [Page 391]the best help to their understanding in a case of difficulty. But if any Protestant by misapprehension do close with such things controversial, as necessary points of Faith, if after­wards he discerns them matters of Controversie, not clear in Scripture, or that the contrary is rather true and ground­ed on Scripture, he will then submit his former apprehen­sions, to the greater evidence now received. And by this means through diligent examining, very great multitudes of Protestants, who have given up themselves impartially to follow Scripture truth, have received some opinions different from some particular opinions of their Parent or Teacher. And even all other Protestants, who are not capable of making trial of the grounds of all controverted opinions, yet unanimously will acknowledge, that the trial of any truths by the Scripture, is much more con­siderable, than by any Teachers judgment; and therefore if they were capable, they would much rather chuse to be stedfastly fixed in any truth by the former, than to be only perswaded to it by the latter. Whence it appears, that Protestants generally own only the Scriptures for their Rule. And were there ever any who desired to be in­structed in Philosophy, or any Science, designing therein to follow reason as their Rule, who were not as much gui­ded by their Teachers or Instructers, as Protestants are by theirs? that is, to value their Authority or opinion, until by examination of it by the Rule, they should discern it an error.

§. 6. He tells us, 12 That Objections made against a Prophe­tical afflatus, and against the res traditae, or things deliver­ed instead of Tradition it self, can have no force against his opinion. I shall not dispute the truth of these things, but shall so far satisfie this Authour, as to assure him, my fol­lowing answer shall proceed neither of these waies.

§. 7. He tells us, The first Property of the Rule of Faith, 13 doth agree to Tradition: to wit, it is evident to all, as to its existence; because we see and hear daily sounds and actions, a­bout Practical Doctrines conveyed down to us. But is this all [Page 392]that this Authour thinks necessary to be proved? Did he not demand much more concerning Scripture, than that the Book might be seen, and the words heard? did he not then require proof that Scriptures are Gods word, &c. Surely it is not only requisite, that some thing should be delivered and received; but at least it must be necessary for every Generation to know that all that Faith which the former received and professed, is fully delivered and right­ly received by them. For since, as himself saith in this Pa­ragraph, Tradition is the open conveyance of Doctrines, if they be either not delivered or not received, there is no conveyance, and so a failure of the thing it self, which is Tradition. Now we assert, that there can be no certainty of any such exact delivery in any one Generation since the Apostles daies, and that for these reasons. First, because many matters, especially in difficult things, may be mista­ken for want of right understanding, and then these mi­stakes will be delivered. That they are mistaken by ma­ny, appears by the disagreement of great numbers, and disputes about several Doctrines, whether they be de fide, or not; and about the sense of Papal Decrees and Canons of Councils: whence it is certain they do not all apprehend the truth; or at least, will not confess they do; which will as much overthrow Tradition. Secondly, It's possible, that through the prevalency of corruption and sin in a. Generation of men, they may much lose that knowledge of God which they had, even in matters of Faith, and then cannot deliver it aright. It's certain it was thus in the Generations after Noah, in that great point concerning the true God and his Worship; and there was then as much to be said from the nature of Tradition, as now among Papists; and there­fore there can be now no security to the contrary, unless the piety of all Ages could be demonstrated; which the great complaints of the Teachers of several Ages renders impossible. Thirdly, because through the working of mans thoughts in apprehending, and considering, and ex­plaining truths, many things are concluded as consequen­ces [Page 393]and explications of truths, which were not received from the former age: thus in almost all the Books and Dis­courses of the Papists, and in the Book of this Authour, are many particular assertions, considerations and speculations, which were not received from the open Tradition of the foregoing Age; and they are here delivered, and may hence by others be received. Fourthly, there may also be a combination (through great viciousness, or disrelish of truth) against some particular truth, which opposeth ei­ther the outward interest, or the corrupt life. Thus God complains of the Jews, Jer. 5.30. The Prophets prophesie falsely, and the Priests bear rule by their means, and my people love to have it so. Fifthly, there may possibly be an omis­sion of the delivery of many things to be delivered and true: and I dare say, it is impossible for this Author, to prove upon his Principles, that all truths are handed down from one Generation to another, either amongst the Learned or the Vulgar: and yet it will concern him to do it concerning every revealed truth, since he rejects, or at least will not own the distinction of truths into fundamental and not fun­damental. All these things considered, there can be no certainty that there is any sure Tradition.

§. 8. He saith, The second Property belongs to Tradition; 14 to wit, it is evidenceable as to its ruling power, to any inqui­rer. For, it is certain, if it be followed, it can convey Christs Doctrine down to the Worlds end, as will appear if any consider, that if Protestants have Children, who believe and practise as their Fathers brought them up; they will be Protestants too, and so forward from Generation to Generation. I answer, Tradition framed according to a notion which would free it from all the above said imperfections, would be indeed evidenceable as to its ruling power to every capacity: but this is not such a Tradition as can be expected to be found in the World. But if any man consider of such a Tradition as is in the World; in case he be confident of the true delivery of the sense of the foregoing Generation; yet it will not be evidenceable as to its ruling Power, un­less [Page 394]he can be satisfied, that the foregoing Generation did certainly hold the truth, in all points. Persons who have little knowledge, may possibly believe this, without sup­posing it at all doubtful. But they who know how uncer­tain the way of Tradition is, and what corruption of Do­ctrine was in the Jewish Church, what Prophecies of Apo­stasie under the New Testament; and what great defecti­ons were reproved in many particular Churches in the Apostles times; as the Churches of Galatia, and the Church of Sardis, and others; will see that they can have no other certainty of the former Generation, where their Fore-Fathers lived, being in the right, (unless they make use of some other trial, besides a knowledge that they pro­fessed Christianity) than an over-weening esteem of their own Relations, which may be an affectionate, but not a rational ground of perswasion: and by this means the per­swading virtue of Tradition may be prevalent, but its ru­ling Power cannot be evidenced. Indeed where there is no better help than Tradition, it may lead to error in one place, if it lead to truth in another, and so is no where certain; thus it did perswade the Heathen to refuse Christianity, be­cause their Fathers delivered other wayes of Gentile Wor­ship: which I suppose is part of that vain conversation re­ceived by Tradition from their Fathers, mentioned by Saint Peter, 1 Pet. 1.18. Yea, God himself complains, Jer. 9.13, 14. They have forsaken my Law, which I set before them, and have walked after the imagination of their own heart, and after Baalim which their Fathers taught them. Protestants acknowledge the practice or belief of Fore-Fathers, to be a considerable Motive to perswade, either to judge or do as they judged, and did; until by inquiring into the Rule, it shall discover any error therein, and then it is to be de­clined. Yet withal he who understands, that his Fore-Fathers did keep to a fixed Rule in preserved Records, hath thereby the more reason to rely on their judgment, as a strong Motive to perswade him: and this is the case of Pro­testants.

§. 9. He proceeds to shew, 15 That the third condition of the Rule of Faith, agrees to Tradition; that is, it is apt to justifie unreflecting persons, that they proceed rationally while they rely on it: because it is a madness, not to believe a multi­tude of knowers, in things they were taught, and practised all their lives. Nor can any deceit be suspected in such multitudes, who all agree in a matter of fact, appear to speak seriously, and practise as they speak, especially since Parents will be apt to teach their Children things good and true.

I answer, Where there are many testifiers capable of gi­ving testimonies surely, 16 it would be a madness not to be­lieve a multitude of knowers: but where what evidence they give, supposeth such innumerable contingencies, which though possibly they may all have happened right; yet it is a thousand times more like they have not this te­stimony, is far from any tolerable satisfaction. But in the present case, none can give testimony, but only concern­ing the last Age; nor concerning that with absolute cer­tainty. They cannot testifie what is necessary here to be known; to wit, that all Ages were free in every Suc­cession from unfaithfulness of memory, that they forgat no truth, that they all had right understanding to err in none, and a liking of it to imbrace all truth, and a suffi­cient care not to add any explications, which might vary from the truth, nor to deliver any thing upon opinion, which they did not certainly know to be truth, and with­al that every Age did commit the whole truth to the next Generation. If any one of these fail in any one suc­cession, all security of their knowledge is gone; and a for­mer Generation proceeding upon Tradition, cannot testi­fie all this, and therefore cannot be a multitude of know­ers. This way of Tradition must therefore suppose all things right in the Roman Church, but will not prove them so. Can there be any likelihood now, of the cer­tainty of Oral and practical Traditions bringing down truth, since before the Flood, where the Successions of Generati­ons were not many, and many of them lived together, and [Page 396]had an Adam cast out of Paradise, as a visible token of Gods vengeance, against them who were negligent in Religion; yet it is certain there was great corruption at that time? And after the Flood they worshipped other gods, though they had the argument of the deluge, to make them more careful, both to deliver and receive the true Religion: after Moses's time, they had the Motive of the terrible pre­sence upon Mount Sinai, and many wonderful judgments; and after Ezra's time, the Argument of the Captivity, to make them careful in Religion: and yet in all these times they miscarried.

But (he tells us) no deceit can be suspected here. 17 I answer, if there be so many waies of failing otherwise, what if there be no design of deceiving? but indeed it is not a thing im­possible, that there should be a designed forsaking the truth in the Church, which in the way of Oral Tradition, will eventually include deceiving. Is it not possible that men who profess Religion, may so far gratifie the Devil, and their own vain imaginations, as to forsake the truth they know, in great matters of Faith, and to practise and live contrary to it, and to promote that which they know is contrary to truth? Else what mean such complaints as these, Jer. 11.9, 10. A conspiracy is found amongst the men of Judah, and among the Inhabitants of Jerusalem. They are turned back to the iniquity of their fore-fathers, which re­fused to hear my words, and they went after other Gods to serve them. Is not a conspiring to refuse Gods Word, and to serve other Gods, a designed rejecting the truth? Yea, I further demand, what account can possibly be given of the high corruptions among the Jews, all along from Mo­ses to Christ, unless a designed rejecting the truth? espe­cially in such cases as these. That they who had seen Gods wonders in Egypt, and had heard the command­ments delivered on Mount Sinai, should say to Aaron, Arise, make us Gods, Exod. 32.1. If this was not done wilfully, and against sufficient knowledge, then we must imagine that they who did see the Law given on Mount Sinai, yet knew [Page 397]not the first or second Commandment. Yea, after many severe judgments, to shew how necessary the observati­on of Gods Commandments were, yet when they served Peor in the Wilderness, and joined themselves to other Gods frequently in the times of the Judges, and of ma­ny of the Kings of Israel; could this be for want of knowledge, when the Law of God was among them, which would teach them otherwise? Yet if this Authour shall think it was of great ignorance: this will as much destroy his way of Tradition, since it will then follow that there was not sufficient delivery of truth from hand to hand, to make it knowable. And yet many of these de­fections were very general in all the people and Priests: and their serving Baalim, which their Fathers taught them, was of long continuance.

§. 10. He asserts, by way of Answer to an Objection, 18 That men cannot be as much justified for believing Scripture; because setting aside Traditions help, this only depends on skills, judgements and fancies; and not on certain sense, either for the meaning or letter of Scripture. Touching the letter of Scripture, we set not aside the help of Tradition, but have a very sure way of Traditional Record to relie on: and I have in former Discourses shewed, that we have a certain knowledge of Scripture, both as to letter and sense. Yea, the sense of Scripture is more easily discovered in many concerning truths, than the sense of Tradition can be; be­cause though the words be supposed equally intelligible, whether written or spoken; it is more evident that the words found in Scripture, are such as contain the sense of Scripture, than that such and such words do contain the sense of the Church Tradition: Because it is certain that in many concerning points, there are many things deliver­ed by several in the Church, which yet are not by the Pa­pists themselves owned for Church Traditions; so that it will be hard, if not beyond the reach of the Vulgar, to un­derstand what words in many points he may doubt of, do truly express the sense of the Church; unless he can hear [Page 398]it plainly expressed in some approved and received Wri­tings; such as either Scriptures, Canons of Catholick Coun­cils, or Liturgies or the like: the former as this Authour too much rejects; so all or almost all his Arguments will as much plead against the other, which the Vulgar are not capable of searching. Yet that we may compare the evidence to the common apprehensions of men given by Scripture, or by Oral and practical Tradition; let us follow him in observing which evidence a Jury would soonest close with. The case is by him in this §. very unfaithful­ly propounded; Whether they would condemn a man upon the testimony of six Witnesses upon sight, or upon the judgment or opinion of a thousand men? for as we have shewed, it is not only skill and opinion, that Protestants do ground up­on, but delivery of Records: and therefore the case in truth should be thus propounded; Whether if any matter of Fact be inquired of, they would be the more swayed, by the ap­pearance of several persons, who assert, that they have heard many say, that they heard many others say, that they received from others, and they from others by hearsaies, at the fortieth or fiftieth hand; or by others, who shall produce plain Records, and those preserved safe in several Courts, which all agree in testifying it was otherwise? Or if the Question be about any Le­gacy, if the one party brings such hearsaies abovementioned, and the other brings a Copy of the Will preserved in the Court, and evidence that in the same manner it was inrolled in se­veral other Courts; is it not plain the latter will appear the better Evidence to the common sense of mankind?

But in this §. 10. he further adds, 19 The Vulgar have rea­son to believe, there was such an one as King James, or Queen Elizabeth, of which they are no otherwise ascertained but by Tra­dition: but if you pump their common reason, about the Au­thority of the Statute Book, you shall find them at a loss. Con­cerning King James, or Queen Elizabeth; they may indeed own them by the common received Tradition, because they know this is actually delivered by those who knew it, and that it is not capable of a mistake, nor could any interest [Page 399]be supposed to devise this, nor can mens conceptions of this vary from what is intended to be delivered: but in none of these things can men have security in the delive­ry of many truths by Oral Tradition, as was observed in Answer to §. 7. But to put the case more like this, of dis­covering which is more justifiable, of believing Scripture or Tradition; I demand, whether as to all considerable acti­ons, atchievements or constitutions under these Princes, it be more rational to relie on what appears in common fame, concluding that nothing is considerable, which was not there preserved; or to apply our selves to some good Hi­storians, especially if we could be certain we could find such, as had a certain knowledge of all such things, and had a faithful design to commit the truth and nothing else to Writing, concerning all these things. This security we have concerning the Scriptures; since it is certain the Apo­stles and Evangelists did fully know all points of Faith, delivered to the World by Jesus Christ, and did declare them in their Writings with like faithfulness. Concern­ing the Vulgars knowledge of the Authority of the Statute Book; it is evident that if they hear the Statute Book to be published by such a man, or the Statutes by him collect­ed; they can thence conclude, that as far as they can be assured, that it was his Work, and that he was certainly a­ble to collect these Statutes, and did in this act according to his utmost knowledge; so far they are assured of this Books Authority; as also as far as they are assured of the faithfulness and ability of judgment in them who own it as such. But in all these things we have certainty of Scripture, that it was written by the Apostles and Evange­lists, by the general Tradition of it as such by all Churches; that they were able and faithful, and their Books faithful­ly written, both from our Saviours approving them to dispense his Gospel, and his Church receiving them as such dispensers, even in these Writings; and God himself bear­ing them Witness, both with Signs and Wonders, and ma­nifold gifts of the Holy Ghost. So that we are as sure con­cerning [Page 400]Scripture, as a man could be of the Authority of a Statute Book, if he knew there was a collection of our Com­mon Law, (as was done by Justinian's order in the Civil) made, approved, and confirmed by order of the Supreme Power; and thereby Enacted, that this Collection should be owned as the Statutes of England. Here it would be a madness to doubt. So that this third Property of the Rule of Faith is agreeable to Scripture, but not to Oral Tradi­tion.

§. 11. 20 He proceeds to the sixth Property, That it is cer­tain in it self, because this will prove the fourth, fifth and seventh. Now though this be not true, that what is cer­tain in its self can satisfie the piercing Wits, and convince obstinate Adversaries, and be ascertainable unto us, because there may be a certainty in the thing, which is not discern­ed; and it is not the being, but the evidence of certainty submitted to, that works these effects; else could there be no dissatisfaction in any thing, since all truth is certain­ly in it self truth: yet if he can prove the certainty of Tradition, I shall over and above yield the rest. This he thus goes about to prove. Since Faith must be certain, and must have a certain Rule, he hath (as he saies) shewed that Scripture is not certain, therefore Oral Tradition is. This loose Argument deserves no better answer, than that I have shewed Scripture is certain in it self, therefore Oral Tradi­tion is not. Yet I must tell him, his Argument is other­wise faulty, than in supposing his having proved Scripture not certain; for there is something besides Scripture, which is a better guide or leader to the Faith, than the Oral Tra­dition, and that is the Doctrine of the Primitive Church, as preserved in the Ancient Fathers, or approved Writers of their time. For though they were men, and might in some things mistake, and therefore their testimony is much inferiour to Scripture; yet since they lived in times near the Apostles, and when the vigour of Christian piety was much continued; the Doctrines then received are more like to be truth, than what is now owned in the Church of [Page 401]Rome, after many successions of Ages, and great degene­racy of life, even in the dreggs of time. And we have as much and more reason, to think these men, both capable of knowing Doctrines then delivered as the Faith of Christ, and faithful in relating them, as we can have to judge so concerning any persons now in the Church of Rome. But that there is not an agreement in all considerable points, in what was then delivered and owned by the Fathers, and the present Traditions of the Romish Church, may be col­lected from one instance I shall hereafter mention, Disc. 8. and so far as concerns this Author from their Rule of Faith, which shall be discussed in the end of this Book.

§. 12. He would prove the certainty of Tradition, 21 in that he saith, It hath for its basis, the best nature in the Ʋniverse, man's; and that not in speculations, which may mistake by pas­sion; but his eyes and ears, which are necessarily subject to the operations of nature, and this in most; many times every day; which is a much higher certainty, than a sworn Witness hath, of what he saw or heard but once. These upon serious inqui­ry appear empty vain words. For doth Faith consist only in seeing and hearing? Must there not be a delivering, and receiving, which supposeth conceptions and many other acts of the mind? He who considers this aright, will find the hasis of Tradition to be like Fame's basis; a man clad with all his infirmities, with a memory that may let things slip, especially if they be numerous, as revealed truths are; with an understanding that may mistake, especially in things difficult, as many truths are; with affections that may disrelish or slight them, if corruption prevail, as it may oft do in the members of the Church; with imagi­nations which may alter or add somewhat, when they think they only explain; and yet still may they not deliver all they know and remember. In this case he who may be certain that he hath heard such and such words delivered, may remain very uncertain, whether they be true or not. And he who is a Witness in any Court, may be much more sure, that what he once saw or heard, (if he perfectly re­member [Page 402]it) was so heard or seen by him; than any man can be of the true relation of things he hath oft heard spo­ken by men, who took them themselves upon others relati­ons, and they on others, and so on. So that the great imper­fection of Tradition, is chiefly as to the delivery of it by former Ages; which this Author doth not so much as touch of here, in his proof of its certainty; and what pretensions he makes use of in after Discourses, shall be answered in their place. But what he saith, That in most, many times every day are these impressions made upon their senses, this may be true concerning some Christian truths: but to assert this concerning all truth, is such an apparent falsity, as no in­genuous man could be guilty of. For it is plain that in many things they of the Romish Church cannot agree, which is truth; and have had in many Cases, Councils and De­crees to determine what things are matters of Faith; and in many other things they are yet undetermined; which could not be, if these things were daily cleared to their sen­ses, unless they be men of much duller sense, than the rest of mankind are.

§. 13. 22 He reminds of what he had said before, §. 8. That it is as evident, that while the next Age believes and practi­ses, as the former Age did; they are of the same Faith; as it is that to believe the same, is to believe the same. But this is not at all to the purpose, concerning Oral Tradition: only this Discourser pleaseth himself generally in shifting off, or wholly omitting matters difficult, and sometimes go­ing about to prove what no Adversary would dissent in. But there is no certainty in the way of Tradition, as we have above shewed, that any Age doth in all things believe as the former Age held. See n. 13, 14.

§. 14. 23 He tells his Reader, That Dissenters or Doubters can say nothing against the way of Tradition; not with all the quirks ingenuously misused Logick and abused into Sophistry can furnish them with. Indeed what he hath hitherto plea­ded for Tradition, hath been nothing else but disingenuously abused Logick and Sophistry; but what he now asserts, is [Page 403]a bold daring to let his Reader know, that under some con­trived expressions, he will strain to vent any falshood, though never so gross. Will he say that nothing can be said against this Rule, when he cannot but know that Protestants who dissent from it, do say very much against it? yea, they say so much as they know can never be so­lidly answered. Yea, that we may see how little he de­signs truth in his Discourse, he who here would perswade his Reader, that nothing can be said against his way of O­ral Tradition, yet Disc. 7. §. 1. himself tells him of some­what that seems mainly to prejudice it; and spends that Discourse in Answer. Though indeed much more than that is by us observed, against Tradition.

He concludes §. 15. from his Discourse, 24 that the four last conditions of the Rule of Faith agree to Tradition: but since by Trial his Discourse appears very unsound and faulty; I conclude from the detection of his falshood, that they are not agreeable to Tradition, and that Tradition is not the Rule of Faith.

An Answer to his sixth Discourse, shew­ing, that he hath given neither Demon­stration, nor probable Reason, to mani­fest Tradition indefectible à priori.

§. 1, 1 2. HE propounds, How know we that Traditi­on was ever held to by any? and tells us, he oweth a clearing of this to his for­mer Discourse. But, he saith, the carri­age of Protestants makes this inquiry needless: for if they had not faulted the Rule, but only pretended, men had failed it, they might have deluded the World with some colour, that they had held to the Doctrine of Ancestors, and only deserted us because we deserted Ancestors formerly: but if they fault the Rule, they judge Tradition ever stood our friend, and would overthrow them,—else they had no more efficacious way to ruine us, than to oppose us upon those Principles laid in the former Discourse: since the renouncers of Tradition a little after the Primitive times (when they pretend we fell) might be easily discovered. To answer this, its requisite first to understand the meaning. Now his inquiry of Tradi­tion being held to ever, I conceive, signifies thus much: whether every Age hath designed the careful receiving, holding and delivering all things owned by the former Ge­neration; in the same way as they were thence deliver­ed, and also whether they have effectually performed this? And if this could be proved, Protestants would grant his former Discourse satisfactory, so far as concerns Tradi­tion being the Rule of Faith. The proof of this is highly necessary, when he hath to do with Protestants; because they therefore fault this Rule of Tradition, because they [Page 405]know it such, as cannot be probably expected to be long held to, nor can ever be demonstrated, or rationally prov­ed to have been thus held to at any time, unless by re­course to another Rule of Trial. Wherefore since we know the Rule insufficient which Papists relie on; we de­lude not, but with truth and evidence assure the World, that we desert them, only because they have deserted the Doctrine of Ancestors formerly. Whether this was by mistake or by perverseness and wilfulness, it is not neces­sary for us to know or declare, since we do discover the difference of their Doctrine from that of their Ancestors, partly by the writing of Fathers, who shew what Doctrine they received; and principally from the testimony of the Scriptures, which assures us what was the Doctrine in the beginning preached by the Apostles. Now when we give evidence, that they have deserted the Primitive Doctrine; it is a very vain proposal to require of us to discover who were the first Renouncers; for though some Protestants have done somewhat to this purpose, and some Renouncers may be manifested; yet since neither Protestants nor Pa­pists, can know all particular designs or actings of men in former Generations; and whatever may be known by History, upon the Principles of this Discourser, must not be believed; especially since this is neither the only way, nor the best way to shew Primitive Doctrines disowned; I may well conclude, that the proposal it self, is both needless and unreasonable. Will this Authour assert that Gentilism pretended to be held from their Fathers, was a Tradition truly derived from Noah, unless the person or persons can be named to him, who were the first deserters of Noah's Doctrine? or must the Traditions of the Scribes and Pharisees be owned as the Doctrine of Moses, until the Authours of the first corruptions of those Traditions can be found out? or could not our Saviour and his Apostles, condemn such Traditions, unless they first declared the Authors of them? Doth he think it would be reason or madness, if a temperate man in a sick state, should say to [Page 406]his Physician, I am sure I was in health, and have indea­voured to keep my body in the same good temper I was in; and therefore until I can have evidence given me, what time and by what act my Distemper began, I will not be perswaded but that I am still in health. Or if an house that was once firm and strong, now is cracked, or decaied or burnt down; can this be no otherwise satisfactorily de­monstrated, than by examining when the first crack or beginning of decay was occasioned, and by what means, and when it was set on fire, and by whom? And shall he who sees this house ready to moulder down, or in its ashes, think it reasonable to deny or doubt that it is ei­ther decaied or burnt, if he cannot be satisfied in the for­mer inquiries? I know Papists have generally more wit than to act upon such reasonings as these, in purchasing such houses; and therefore I have the more reason to sus­pect, that they do not mean honestly in urging such frivo­lous things in concernments of Religion.

Yet this Discourser further deludes his Reader, 2 in say­ing we pretend they fell a little after the Primitive times; by which he interprets himself to mean, times, which had a vicinity to the Apostles; as if Protestants did indeed grant, that Popery as it now is, was held and practised ever since a little after the Apostles: whereas this Discourser cannot but know, that Protestants do generally assert, that though some corruptions might creep into the Church, soon after the Apostles daies, yet in the chief points of Contro­versie between Protestants and Papists, we do assert that for the first six hundred Years; the genuine Writings of the Fathers do favour the Protestants assertions, and in many things very long after, and therefore that those Popish asser­tions are of later original.

§. 3, 3 4, 5. He tells us, That such is Gods goodness, that the Rule of Faith hath that in it, which obligeth the generality not to desert it. That Tradition is actually indefectible, he un­dertakes to demonstrate à priori, from proper Causes, and à posteriori from a now-a-daies experienced effect. His [Page 407]grounds for the former are these. First, the Christian Do­ctrine was at first unanimously setled in the hearts of great mul­titudes, in several parts of the World. Secondly, this Do­ctrine was by all those, believed to be the way to Heaven, and the deserting it the way to damnation: whence the greatest hopes and fears imaginable, ingaged them to adhere to it. Thirdly, hopes and fears strongly applied, are causes of actual will. Lastly, this was feasible, the things were knowable, and within their power. Therefore from Age to Age a great num­ber would continue to hold themselves, and teach their Children, as themselves had been taught; that is, would follow and stick to Tradition.

I now come to examine these four grounds. 4 Concern­ing the first there was indeed Christian Doctrine firmly setled in multitudes, and very great numbers; that is, so much of the Christian Doctrine, as was requisite for them to know, or all the great and most necessary Christian truths: but that all matters of Faith, or all Divine truth declared by Christ and his Apostles, was firmly fetled in all the faithful, can never be proved. Yea, evident it is, that among the most eminent Fathers, who lived not long after the Apostles daies, there are acknowledged some errors, and they were not alone in them, but had many parta­kers and followers: Cyprian erred about re-baptizing; Ju­stin Martyr, Papias, Irenaeus, Lactantius, and others, were in the error of the Chiliasts; and many other erroneous opinions were in some of the forementioned Authors, and in Clemens Alexandrinus, and much more in Tertullian and Origen. So that though this ground (if the others all hold) may help us to know the great points of Religion, yet it can be no security to all the truths of God, from the multitude of Believers. The second ground is of the time nature with the former, which concerns only the chief truths of Religion, in the generality of Christians. For the faithful could not while free from error, believe this which is an error, that the want of understanding any truth of God, was the way to damnation: for S. Paul [Page 408]saith expresly, that they must receive the weak in the faith, and God hath received him, and God is able to make him stand, Rom. 14.1, 3, 4. So that though they did know the great truths of Christian Faith necessary to Salvation, and therefore would diligently learn them and teach them; and though they did know that the denial or re­jecting of any truth, which they had evidence was of God, was likewise dreadfully dangerous, which would ingage them to hold fast all the truth they had received, upon account of the highest hopes and fears fet before them; yet would not the same inforcements lie upon them, to shew the necessity, either of their own knowing, or of their Children being instructed in all manner of truths: since there were Mysteries and strong meat for the per­fect, and milk for the weak. Yet I also assert, that as there were many persons of eminent knowledge in the mysteries of the Gospel, in the Apostles daies, who had great gifts of knowledge and interpretation; by the teaching of these men if it was diligently heeded, all Divine truth might possibly be received by some others in the next Generation, who had capacities of understanding them; but I have no reason to judge that these were multitudes. And the love of God, and his truth, would excite all the faithful (as they had opportunity) both to indeavour to know all truth of God, and also firmly to receive and declare it; but this will not free them from all ignorance, or capacity of erring.

The third ground is many waies imperfect, 5 and reach­eth not to the proof of the case in hand; for first, it is not enough to prove Tradition indefectible, to know that fears and hopes when strongly applied will have this effect; but we must know that in all Ages they were thus strongly applied to the generality of testifiers, or to the greatest number of the Church visible: but alas! how evident is it that in all Ages, the causes of hope and fear, have not been so applied by very great numbers in the Church, that they should take due care of their souls by a holy life? And [Page 409]since the Devil oft designs the perverting the Doctrine of Christ; as well as corrupting the practice of Christians, and they who reject a good Conscience, are in a ready way to make shipwrack of the Faith, what possible securi­ty can be given, that those Motives, hopes and fears, are a firm security to preserve Doctrine? Secondly, though it is not to be doubted, but that many pious men would be affected with such hopes and fears, who had this Doctrine delivered to them; yet considering that such pious men if considered as Fore-Fathers, might have careless and wick­ed Children; or as Priests and Teachers, might have care­less and irreligious Successors; there must needs appear very great danger, that in any family or place, this Tra­dition will not be in every Age faithfully continued, by the prevalency of such hopes and fears. Nor is this only a Notion, since it is certain that a very great part of the Christian Church, did in the Primitive times entertain the Arian Heresie, and promoted it, and taught it to their Chil­dren. And since it is evident, that gross ignorance and sensuality hath reigned in some Ages more late, among the generality both of Clergy and People in the Romish Church: there can be from this ground no rational security given, that any great part of the deliverers were conscientiously careful, to deliver faithfully, according to what they had received, because it appears they did not act, as men pre­vailed upon by such hopes and fears would do.

His last ground likewise is unsound: 6 for in the way of Tradition, all Divine truth cannot be evidenced to be know­able; not only because (as is abovesaid) much may be un­delivered by the truly faithful, and much perversely de­livered by the corrupt, and much mistaken: but even that also which in the way of Oral Tradition is delivered by the best deliverers, cannot in all things be clearly discovered to be a sufficient Tradition. For first, we cannot know whe­ther the best deliverers now in the World in this Oral way, do deliver sufficiently that which was by the former Ge­neration to them declared: for this must either be in a [Page 410]form of words received from the Apostles, or without such a form: if they deliver the Apostles very words, it cannot be doubted, but then the sense intended by the Apostles is as fully delivered as the Apostles themselves delivered it; since the same words must needs signifie the same things. But they who reject the way of Scripture-delivery, as the Rule of Faith, pretend not to any such form of words which should contain all truth. But a delivery without a form of words, is only a delivery of what is conceived, judged, or apprehended to be the sense of the former Ge­neration; and this is a way liable to error, because it re­lies on the skill of every Generation; or the way of fra­ming thoughts and conceptions of all these truths; and likewise upon a skill of fully expressing such conceptions in words after they are rightly framed in the mind; and both these parts of art must be secured in the most exact manner, to every succession of deliverers. Now as it is not certain, that in all Ages there hath been a readiness of full expression of what they conceived to be truth; so for certain Controversies and Disputes, they shew in ma­ny things, that mens apprehensions are not unerrable. Secondly, if it had been certain, that some in the late past Generations, did deliver all truths fully; yet in the way of Oral Tradition, it cannot be known evidently who they are, and which is that true Tradition: for all men acquaint­ed with Church History know, that when there have been differences amongst great Doctors of the Church in their delivery, this hath sometimes occasioned the calling of Councils to determine them, and declare which is the Do­ctrine to be held in the Church, as about the Religious use of Images, in the eighth Century, and many other cases. Now before the determination of such a Council, it is not evident which are the true deliverers, from the way of Tradition, since both parties contend for their own deli­very; and no other Rule of Trial must be admitted accord­ing to this Discourser, but delivery or Tradition: and up­on the former considerations it appears, that the best deli­verers [Page 411]may be the fewest. And this may be as uncertain after a Council, since there is nothing else to ascertain us; but the vote of a major part, which in many Councils, hath certainly been the worser part, and maintained Heresie; and therefore so it may be in others, where there can be no evidence given to the contrary. And by Determinations of Councils, the lesser part and their Adherents, are deter­mined to reject their way of delivery, and receive the o­ther; and by this means the lesser number, which may be in the truth, must disclaim their own sense and judgment, to submit to the judgment of others, which may be in the wrong, and so the true Tradition may be lost.

Yet that it may appear more evident, how vain the pre­tence to demonstration in this Discourse is, 7 I shall applie his way of demonstrating, to some other cases, which it will fit as well as Romish Tradition. It is certain that af­ter Moses, the true Doctrine was dispersed among the Jews, and after Noah, who was a Preacher of righteous­ness amongst his Sons: they had the greatest hopes and fears to ingage them to this truth, and these are the cau­ses of actual will, and the truths are knowable; there­fore both Gentile Tradition from Noah, and Jewish from Moses, were indefectible, according to this Discourser's Principles; and so the true Religion may at this time be found, either among Gentiles or Jews. Yea, it was certain, that Gods will was declared to Adam and Eve in Paradise, and to the Angels that fell, before their fall; and they had the greatest hopes and fears, to perswade them to keep to this will of God; knowing that obeying it, was their hap­piness, and deserting it their ruine: these hopes and fears are the causes of actual will, and the duties themselves both knowable and practicable, and they had no corrupt inclinations to sway them; therefore according to this de­monstrator, Adam and Eve, and all the Angels, did conti­nue in their obedience. The same way of demonstration would prove that never any Heresies could either be broach­ed, or by many be received in the Christian Church: [Page 412]But in these cases, who sees not that it will be answered, that either the truths of God declared, were not suffici­ently heeded, or else the causes of hope and fear were not sufficiently applied, and at all times acknowledg­ed and observed; and that in such cases there was a cor­ruption either in belief or in practice: but then every eye will see, that this might as well be imagined in the Ro­mish Church, as in any other company of men. So that he hath made it as clear, that the Romish Tradition is in­defectible, as that the Gentile and Jewish Traditions were, and are; and as certain as it is, that there is no Devil or fallen Angel, and no fall of man, and consequently no sin in the World, and no Heresie ever in the Christian Church. But here it is needful to do this Authour that right, as to observe his unusual modesty, that he intitles this Dis­course not a demonstration, but an indeavouring to de­monstrate.

§. 6. 8 He speaketh to this purpose. If any shall object, Original Corruption indisposeth Parents wills; since Christs Doctrine was intended to be an Antidote for that Original malice; to say it is universally applied, and preserves none good, is to question Christs wisdom: and many thousands, Martyrs and Confessors, did hereby overcome the declivity of their wills. Again, nature cannot incline all to this sort of sin, to teach their Children what they think will damn them, but most strongly carries them to the contrary. To this I may in the first place observe, that neglects of du­ty might be, if there had been no Original corruption; as was in Adam in Paradise, and in the Angels, where was no antecedent sinful inclination, but they were on­ly capable of sinning. Yet I assert, there is more dan­ger by Original corruption, and its prevalency both as to the Will and Understanding. Now Christs Doctrine is indeed a poise or Antidote against this, yet this is first, where this Doctrine is carefully entertained and retained, but not so, that there should be no fear of its being re­tained in any Church. S. Paul did not nourish needless [Page 413]fears for his Corinthians, who had this Doctrine, lest their minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ: nor were they untrue complaints of his Galatians, Chap. 3.1. Who hath bewitched you, that you should not obey the truth? And we Protestants can discern nothing to shew that this Doctrine must needs be otherwise a poise in the Romish Church, than in the Corinthian or Galatian. Secondly, where this Doctrine is retained, it is a poise a­gainst Original corruption in a considerable degree, yet not so as to remove all imperfections proceeding from Origi­nal sin, which may hinder right delivery of all truth: for though in some excellent persons there be a willing­ness to deliver truth; yet there may be some mistake even in holy Martyrs and Confessors. The Church of Rome as well as we, own Cyprian as a Saint and Martyr, and yet acknowledge him to have erred, and most Africans then with him in delivering that they who were Baptized by Hereticks, ought to be rebaptized; so that in following good men, there may be mistake: but they are more like to err, if they be bad, as many certainly are. But concerning his last clauses, it is no way necessary to suppose, that to invalidate Tradition, Parents must design to teach Children what they think will damn them: we suppose very many may design truth and good, who yet may be in error; yet there may be others who through prevalency of corruption in them­selves, may design to corrupt the truth, and may teach their Children so; and all this out of that Principle that prevails with men to wicked lives, which is not a design to damn themselves, but a design to gratifie their evil affections. S. Paul, 2. Cor. 2.17, speaks of many who corrupt the word of God; and S. Peter foretells of o­thers, who shall bring in damnable Heresies, and we know the Jews did teach their Children to worship Baalim: most probably this was not out of design to damn them: however we know no demonstrations to prove that Ro­manists have higher affections to their Children naturally. [Page 414]than Jews had; or that when there is danger of truth being corrupted in the Christian Church, they of the Ro­mish should be exempted from liableness to that dan­ger.

§. 7. 9 He thus proceeds; If any object, the fickle nature of the will; (he answers) Good is the object of the will. Now infinite goods and harms sufficiently proposed, are incompara­bly more powerfal causes to carry the will, than temporal ones: therefore a world of Believers cannot be willing to do that which would lose them and their Posterities infinite goods, and bring them infinite harms. To this I answer; That if this be spoken of the generality of professed Christi­ans, these words would still as much plead against A­dams fall, and the corruptions of Gentiles and Jews, as against defection in the Romish Church; since all these had the greatest goods and harms proposed to them. But I further answer; That a considerable number in former Ages, would indeavour to know and deliver ttuth aright, but they still are liable to mistakes, and others that hear them, to misunderstandings; and also it is possible, that the subtilty of some Deceivers may take place, and be received sooner than their delive­ry of truth, by which means those truths may many of them be lost or perverted; and even in these last Ages I doubt not but even in the Roman Church, there are ma­ny who would desire good, and love truth (and there­fore as they have discerned it, many have forsaken the Ro­mish way; but they who most desire to find it, can in the way of Tradition, see no more than is there to be seen: and if others by subtilty corrupt some of that; it is not in the power of these honest meaning persons, to hinder the pre­valency of such corruptions, if they be promoted by a more potent party and interest.

§. 8. 10 If any think the proposal of Sensible Objects, more considerable than of Spiritual, he indeavoureth to shew the excellent proposal of the truths of God, and thereby evi­denceth they may be applied. This doth not much concern [Page 415]Protestants. we acknowledge that there is nothing want­ing as to the proposal of Gods truth, but yet there was in many, neglect of receiving what was sufficiently propound­ed; whence followed all the abovementioned miscarria­ges. And even God himself propounded his truths as he thought most meet; that is, he proposed such as were not so necessary for all to know, more mysteriously, whence many might be ignorant of them, or misappre­hend: but other necessary truths he propounded with a­bundant evidence and plainness. But in the present way of Tradition, what this Authour observes, to make the proposal evident, is very imperfect; for though they have obvious Metaphors, daily Practices, Language and Actions, Sacraments and Ceremonies: yet these things may them­selves partake of corruptions, and then may help to clear what is propounded, that somewhat may be understood; but not withal to secure that this is certainly from God, and therefore is Divine truth: Nor do most of these things reach all truth to be delivered, nor secure from all misap­prehension, so far as they are intended to signifie truth, in such matters as are more difficult and mysterious.

An Answer to his seventh Discourse, con­cerning Heresie.

§. 1. 1 HE observes, That that which seems only and mainly to prejudice his Argument is, that there have been Hereticks, or deserters of Tra­dition: but he saith, it sufficeth that the Cau­ses to preserve Faith intire, are as efficacious as those laid for the Propagation of mankind, the only subject of Faith, and more particulars fail in propagating their kind, than their Faith. In answer to this, I first observe, that though it much de­stroyes the grounds laid by this Authour, to observe that there have been Heresies, and those much spread in the Church; yet this is not the only prejudice against his Argument: for if we had never heard of, or could make no proof of any Heresies in the Christian Church; yet from con­sidering the very nature of Oral Tradition, as hath been shewed in the former Discourse, and from observing what great defects were in it, both amongst Gentiles and Jews, it is sufficiently manifest, that it is not indefectible, and hath not the certainty requisite to the Rule of Faith; by which means, if Heresies had not been, they might be­gin. But I further undertake to manifest, that because it is certain, that Heresies have spread in the Church, from this consideration it is evidenceable, that Oral Tradition is so defectible, as that it cannot be a sure Rule of Faith. His paralleling Tradition with the propagation of mankind, is a meer piece of sophistry. For if he indeed assert, that the causes to preserve Faith intire in the way of Tradition, are as sufficient, as those to propagate mankind in the in­tire nature of man, he must then either acknowledge that there have been oft Societies of persons of different natures both in themselves, and from mankind, who are brought [Page 417]up amongst men, and call themselves men, and propagate in their kind, and cannot by the eye be distinguished from men, and are capable of deceiving great multitudes by perswading them that they are the true men, and that o­thers are not; or else he must deny that ever any such Hereticks have been in the Church, who have declared them­selves, and have been owned by many others, to be the true Christians, and holders of the truth. The case of Tradition and Propagation are wonderfully different also, in that he who hath the nature of man in him by Propagation, cannot alter this nature, and make him­self of another nature at his own pleasure; whereas it is very possible for such as have imbraced the true Chri­stian Doctrine, to forsake it, and fall aside into Heresies, as hath been oft evidenced in the World: and also in that those particular persons in mankind, who do not propa­gate their kind, are not capable at their pleasure, of pro­pagating any thing different from man: but in the way of Christian Faith, they who do not propagate the true Faith, may, and many of them do propagate error, and that so subtilly, that very many are oft deluded by it. Yea, this Discourser himself §. 2. acknowledgeth, that he knows the multitudes of Hereticks which have from time to time risen, makes this his Position seem incredible; and therefore I infer, that unless his Reader can be assu­red that this Position is more true than it seems to be, he must from his own words, conclude it really incredible.

§. 2. He comes to consider how an Heresie is bred, 2 where he tells us; The Church is to be considered as a Common­wealth under Discipline, having Officers to take care that all Motives be actually applied; and because it is impossible the perfection of Discipline should extend it self to every particu­lar; some by pride, ambition, lust, and itching desire of fol­lowers, may propose new tenets, which by their plausibleness and licentiousness, if Governours be not watchful, may suit with the humour of divers, and draw them into the same facti­on. Thus a body is made inconsiderable in respect of the [Page 418]whole; The Church stands upon the uninterrupted succession of her Doctrine. They cry the Church hath erred in Faith, and disgrace Tradition. A new Rule is sought for either by pri­vate inspiration or waxen natured words. They study wor­dish Learning and Criticisms, and whilst the Traditionary Christian hath the appellation of Catholick, they must be con­tent with other names, as Lutherans, Zuinglians, Prote­stants, &c. He who observes the former part of this Pa­ragraph, will find it to be an acknowledging all his for­mer Discourse ineffectual: for if the formerly mentioned Motives may want application, if Discipline be neglected, and false tenets may be taking, if Governours be not vigi­lant; than all the pretended security of truth being pre­served in the way of Oral Tradition, must depend upon the supposed goodness, and care of such persons, as are to administer the Discipline of the Church: and since there have been many bad Councils, it is certain there have been bad and careless Church Governours, and there cannot a­ny security be given, that these Governours might not sometimes cherish the false Doctrines, and oppose the true: and thereby the more effectually destroy the way of Oral Tradition. But though there may be defection from truth; this Discourser here seems to venture, to find a way how the deliverers of Tradition may be known. I will now examine all his Characters above recited.

First, 3 They who forsake truth, are not alwaies an in­considerable number in respect of the other: When the ten Tribes served the Calves in Dan and Bethel, they were a greater number than those who remained to Worship at Jerusalem. In Elijah's time it was in Israel, but a small number in comparison of the whole that did not bow their knees to Baal. In the time when Christ was first manifested in the flesh; the Dissenters, from the Scribes and Pharisees, in their pernicious Doctrines, were not the greater number: and when Arianism most prevail­ed, the greater part of the Christian Church did acknow­ledge and own it for truth: so that if the greater number [Page 419]have oft imbraced false Doctrine in points of Faith, there can be no evidence from such numbers, which is the true Doctrine. Secondly, Nor can the Professors of the true Doctrine be known, by standing upon an uninterrupted succession of Doctrine publickly attested, (if by this he understands, as he must, the Oral, and not the Scriptural way of attesting; though even in the latter, some may stand upon having what they have not, and so like­wise in the former) for by this Rule the Scribes and Pha­sees, and Talmudists, who stand upon a constant succession of their Doctrine from Moses and Ezra, must be acknow­ledged to hold truth, where they differ from, and contradict the Apostles and Christians: nor can there be any reason, why standing upon Tradition from Christ, should be a secu­rity for truth, when standing upon Tradition from Moses, who was a faithful deliverer, was no security: yea, by this Rule, as hath been before observed, Paganism would be defen­ded for a true Religion, and the Jews worshipping of Baalim, and in the Christian state the Heresie of Artemon, denying the Divinity of Christ: since all these pretended a right to the most publick and open way of Oral Tradition. Third­ly, Nor are they to be accounted for Hereticks, who make use of Criticisms; for though nothing more than common reason and capacity, is necessary to understand the main Doctrines of Christian Faith; yet if all the users of Cri­tical Learning in matters of Religion or points of Faith, were to be condemned for Hereticks; then not only Learned Protestants, but all the most eminent writers among the Papists, must be accounted Hereticks; yea, and even all the Fathers, who have left any Books to us of considera­ble bigness, must be taken into the number. Yea, the blessed Apostle S. Paul made use of Critical observation a­gainst the leven of the false Apostles, in the Churches of Galatia, Gal. 3.16. To Abraham and his Seed were the promises made, he saith not unto Seeds, as of many; but as of one; And to thy Seed, that is Christ. Yet I suppose this Discourser will not dare to say, that S. Paul was in the er­ror [Page 420]or Heresie, because he made use of Criticisms; and his opposers in the truth, who pleaded a successively deliver­ed Doctrine amongst the Jews.

Fourthly, 4 Nor can the true receivers of Christian Do­ctrine, be known by being called Catholicks: for first, though the name of a Catholick be deservedly honoured by Christians, and the persons who truly answer that name, yet it was not the name, whereby the Apostles did first call them, who held the true Christian Faith, but they were called Christians: yea, some both of the Ancients and of the Learned Moderns, assert, that this name of Ca­tholick, was not at all in use in the Apostles daies: howe­ver that which then was not the chief name, commonly applied to them who hold the truth, can by no shew of reason be proved to be now the Character, to know which hold the true Faith. Secondly, is it necessary they must be called Catholicks by all men, or only by themselves, and men of their own way? if it be sufficient, that they of their own way call them Catholicks; then even the Arians must be acknowledged to have held the truth, who pub­lished their Confession in the presence of Constantius un­der the name of the Catholick Faith, as is asserted by A­thanasius, De Synodis Arim. and Seleucia, and by this Rule Papists indeed will come in: but if this was enough, who sees not that it would be in the power of any party of men; to evidence to the world, that their Heresies are truths; by their declaring themselves by the name of Catholicks? But if it be necessary, that they must be ge­nerally called Catholicks by them who differ from them, then it would likewise follow, that it is in the power of the Adversaries of the truth, to take away from the hol­ders of truth, that certain Character, whereby they may be known to hold truth, if they refuse to call these hol­ders of truth by the name of Catholick; and it will like­wise follow, that their holding of truth must be judged of by the opinions or words of opposers, and not from their own Doctrines and Positions. And yet by this Rule [Page 421]the Papists must not be owned for holders of the truth: for Protestants do not generally give them the name of Catholicks, nor acknowledge them to be truly such; but to be Schismaticks. We indeed oft call them by the name of Roman Catholicks or Pseudocatholicks; and when ever a­ny Protestants call them Catholicks, they mean those who call themselves so, and would be so owned; in the same manner as our Saviour called the Scribes and Pharisees Builders, saying he was the stone, which the builders re­fused. Thirdly, Nor is it possible, there should be any such latent virtue in the name Catholick, to shew who hold the truth, more than was in the Old Testament, in being called the Children of the Prophets, and the Covenant which God made with Abraham, the followers of Moses, and the Keepers of the Law: which were terms applied to the unbelieving Jews, in and after the times of Christ.

Fifthly, Nor is it the mark of an Heretick, 5 to be called by some other appellation than that of Catholick; for if to be called so by their opposers, would prove them Here­ticks; then when ever the truth hath any foul mouthed Adversary, who would nick-name its Professors, the truth it self must be owned for an Heresie; but must the true holders of Christianity be called Hereticks, because the Jews called them Nazarens, Edomites, Epicureans, and the like; The Montanists, as we may learn from Tertulli­an, called the true Christians Psychicos, or carnal ones; the Arians called them who held the Faith of Nice, Homoou­siasts, Athanas. Dial. de Trin. and Julian, by a Law com­manded Christians to be called Galilaeans, Naz. Orat. 3. cont. Julian. But if he mean that they who call them­selves by other names, are Hereticks; this is as vain a way of Trial as the former: for though he intends it against Protestants who own that name of Catholick, and account themselves such; it will conclude for Here­ticks all who own themselves Papists, Jesuits, Romanists, Dominicans, Jansenists, Molinists, and such like, as much as Protestants.

§. 3. 6 He saith, After a while the pretended Rule of Scri­ptures Letters self-sufficiency is thrown by as useless. Children are taught that they are to believe their Pastors and Fathers, and to guide themselves by their sense in reading Scripture; which is the very way Catholicks ever took. If any follow their own judgement, and differ from the Reformers, these if they have power will oblige them to act, (which if conscientiously is) to hold as they do; else they will punish and persecute them; which shews that it is not the letter of Gods word, but these mens interpretations, which is thought fit to guide to Faith, whence, he saith, follow self-contradictions. But is this the farther description of an Heretick, to reject the pretended Rule of Scripture, when most Hereticks never pretended it to be a Rule; some went in this Discoursers way of Tradition, as was shewed Disc. 4. n. 15, and shall be further shewed in answer to his Authorities. Almost all, if not all Hereticks in the first Ages of the Church, reje­cted Scripture. Eusebius Hist. Eccl. lib. 3. c. 28. notes, that Cerinthus a notorius Heretick, was an enemy to the Scri­ptures of God. Origen in the end of lib. 5. contra Cels. ob­serves that the Ebionites of both sorts, rejected the Epistles of S. Paul, and Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 3. c. 27. saith, they esteem­ed none of the Gospels; but that which was called the Gospel according to the Hebrews, they received. Yea, it was the Charge which the Catholick Christians laid against the He­reticks, condemned by the four first General Councils, that they would not hearken to the Scriptures, nor reverence them, as shall in due place appear. This S. Austin oft condemns in the Manichees, and chargeth some Donatists, co [...]r. Fulgentium Donatist. with burning the Gospels as things to be rased out, and Athanasius Epist. ad Orthodox. testifies that the Arians did burn the Books of the holy Scripture, which they found in the Church. But however he hath a design in this 3. §. to shew that the followers of Hereticks (under which name he chiefly intends Prote­stants) do in practice disown the Scripture rule as insuf­ficient, and close with, and build upon the way of Traditi­on; [Page 423]whence he would make evident that by the com­mon acknowledgement of all men, no other way of re­ceiving the Doctrine of Faith can be owned but this only.

I shall here shew in what he criminates Protestants to be false; 7 but before I come to answer on the behalf of Protestants, to the things here charged on them, and the self-contradictions pretended, (for though he talks of He­resie in this Discourse, it is easie to observe his only aim is not at Hereticks, but at Protestants, that is, at truly Ca­tholick Christians) I shall observe, that what he hath de­clared in this Paragraph, is a very effectual way to shew Oral Tradition no Rule of Faith, nor so much as a probable way to discern truth: for if they who desert Tradition or Doctrines delivered by it, may require their Children to guide themselves by their sense: if this be possible, as in­deed it is, and this Discourser here asserts as much: it can never be demonstrated that this hath not been the practice of the present Romish Church, and that many things now delivered as truths in their way of Tradition; were not Heresies or errors, broached by some mens fan­cies in a former Generation, who required their Children to follow their sense. Yea, besides this, if it be the ge­neral way of Heresie, (as this Authour here asserts) to promote their Heretical tenets in the way of Oral Tradi­tion, it will be beyond the skill of this Authour, (unless he shall retract this description of Heresie) to give the least assurance to any reasonable men, that the Roman Church, which goes on in the way of Oral Tradition, is not upon this account of Tradition, to be much suspe­cted of holding Heresies. Yea, it will hence also the more effectually follow, that it is impossible that Hereticks should be discerned from the holders of the true Faith, if there were no other Rule to discover this, but Oral Traditi­on; since this Discourser asserts, that this very Rule, He­reticks generally close with, in the propagation of Here­sie, at a distance from its first original. Yea, and it will [Page 424]tend much to the justifying of the followers of Protestants, if it shall appear, that they go not in the way of Tradi­tion, which this Authour hath assured us, is the constant way the followers of all Hereticks run into. See both his §. 3. and §. 5.

I answer now to this 3. §. that Protestants do not at all throw aside the Scripture Letters Self-sufficiency as a Rule. 8 I suppose this Discourser cannot be ignorant, that while we own Scripture a Rule of Faith, we acknowledge the necessary and principal Doctrines thereof, to be so clear and intelligible in Scripture, that they may without actual error be comprized in some form of sound words; such as are Creeds, Confessions of Faith, Articles, Catechisms, or the like: and we do acknowledge and assert these truths, even so many as are necessary to the Salvation of all the adult in the Church, to be infallibly evident to the judge­ments and understandings of men, from the fulness and plainness of their proposal in Scripture. Protestants will require Children to receive such things as these, as certain truths, from the Pastors or Parents, not because they are from their Fathers or Teachers, but because they are things certainly by them discerned to be in Scri­pture: and till these Children are able to search and dis­cern the same themselves, their Parents or Teachers knowledge is a very considerable Motive to them to own such truths as clear in Scripture. And this is a know­ledge as certain, as they are capable of, until they come themselves to peruse and understand the Scripture; yea, it is certain enough to them to command their assent, as certain as other things are, which credible persons attest upon their eye-sight. For in what I plainly discern, I as surely know that I read such a Position in a Book, as that I hear or see other things in converse in the world. Now since what is thus delivered by Protestants to their Chil­dren, is so delivered, because it appears to be the Scri­pture-Doctrine; this is an establishing and holding to, not a rejecting and throwing by the Scripture as a Rule. [Page 425]But while we own Scripture as a Rule, there is no more reason why Protestants should tolerate men to contradict what is plainly and evidently deducible from Scripture, under pretence of holding to it as a Rule; than there is that in a case of Rebellion, one who is to indeavour to sup­press the rebellion, should be suffered to assault the King, when he plainly appears to be the King, under pretence that he took him to be a Rebel. Yet as to matters not fully clear in Scripture, Protestants do allow differences of Opinion, if managed peaceably; and that it may ap­pear that we are not violent prosecutors of our own appre­hensions, only because they are so: the Laws of England condemn nothing for Heresie, but that which was so decla­red, by one of the four first General Councils.

But what he intimates of obliging to act, that is, 9 (if with good conscience) to hold as themselves do; makes me think he designs chiefly to reflect upon prudential constitutions, such as are amongst us, the Oaths of Obedience and Suprema­cy, and matters of Liturgy and Conformity. But in none of these things do Protestants desert this Principle of Scripture being the Rule of Faith. For Protestants who hold this assertion, never intended to exclude the use of prudenti­al Rules and Constitutions, for the advantage both of Ci­vil and Ecclesiastical Societies; but such Constitutions they neither own nor press as matters of Faith, nor as Gods Commands in themselves necessary to salvation. In this case, if Protestant Rulers oblige to nothing as pru­dential, orderly, and decent, but what they are well sa­tisfied that it is lawful according to Gods word, and agree­able thereunto, and for other ends expedient, and not need­lesly burthensome, (which appears the common case of all Protestant Churches) they no way swerve from Scri­pture-Rule. Yea, if here any Protestant Rulers should err, and urge as lawful, decent and prudential, what is indeed sinful and evil; in this case they sin, and practically swerve from the true Rule, as men do in all acts of sin and mistakes of judgement; but they do in no wise intentional­ly [Page 426]disown this Rule of Scripture; since they hold fast this as a firm Principle, that if any thing which they re­quire to be practised as lawful, can be fully manifested to be against Scripture, they will rather reject that Consti­tution, than oppose the Scripture, and will acknowledge that their Subjects ought to obey the Scripture rather than such commands.

But he tells us, 10 That these Dissenters (from Protestants) do guide themselves, to their best capacity by the Scriptures Letter, which is the Rule their persecutors (Protestants) who punish them (for not obeying) taught them, and made use of themselves when they brake from the (Romish) Church. I answer, 1. It is much to be feared, that many who dissent from the Protestant Churches, in these matters pru­dential, do not act according to their best capacities; but some from passion and self-will, some from the applause of a party; others from pride, and a sinful resolution not to dis­own what they once unadvisedly and erroneously took up. 2. Yet I doubt not, but very many who dissent from the prudential Rules of the Protestant Churches, or particu­larly of the Church of England, do act according to the best light they have of Scripture truth; yet have they not the same reasons and grounds to justifie them, that Pro­testants have to justifie themselves in departing from Po­pery; for we rejected Popery, not only because we could not discern whether it was lawful or not by the Scripture-Rule; but because in matters plain in Scripture, we did clearly discern it sinful by clear Scripture-evidence, which plain evidence Dissenters from the Church of England can­not have; nor can they pretend it, unless it be rashly un­der passion, or preconceived prejudice. But for those who act according to the best light they have from Scripture, which will suppose them willing to be better informed, we Protestants no way dislike, but highly approve of their Rule, and of them for designing to follow it, so far as we can discern such persons. And as the Protestant Doctrine asserts, that all things necessary to salvation, are plain in [Page 427]Scripture; so we doubt not but these persons, and all o­ther, who according to their best capacities close with the Faith there delivered, and practise the duties there requi­red, are in the way to salvation, nor can they err in mat­ters fundamental. But still they may err in some other matters, and particularly about the lawfulness of some things prudential; nor did Protestants ever assert, that they who designed to follow Scripture to the best of their light, could in nothing be subject to error, where they have not a discovery of clear evidence, which in all things all inquirers may possibly not attain. Yet I must further declare, that if this design, of following Scripture accord­ing to mens best capacity were more followed, and all passions, prejudices, and unchristian suspicions laid aside a­mongst all Dissenters, the number of them who dissent from the Protestant Churches, upon the best light of Scripture they have, would in a short time be reduced to a very few. 3. Where in any case, such persons as these are punish­ed, it is not for designing to follow Scripture, but for not obeying some prudential lawful commands, in a case where their mistake is the cause of their not obeying; not is it any more a condemning their design to follow Scri­pture, than in Civil Laws and Constitutions, when any one is impleaded in a Court, because he for want of good Counsel, acts what he by mistake thinks to be according to Law; but is cast as not having acted according to the Law, the Judge should be thought to punish this man unjustly, because he designed obedience to the Law; yea, to punish him for de­signing this obedience to the Law. Some such inconveni­ences as these, are like to be in Civil things, while men are liable to mistakes, and something is capable of being mista­ken: but these things concern not at all the Rule of Faith, or the rejecting the Scripture from being the Rule of Faith.

From what hath been said, 11 it is easie to vindicate the Protestants, from the following self-contradictions, he charg­eth upon Hereticks. The first of which is to reform upon [Page 428]pretence of Scriptures Letter being the Rule; and afterwards in practice to desert that Rule, in their carriage towards others. This Rule Protestants desert not, since they propound no­thing to be assented to by any as a matter of Faith, but what they judge certainly evident in Scripture; nor require they any thing to be practised as orderly, but what they discern or judge not contrary to Scripture. 2. Nor do we disal­low to others the grounds our selves proceed upon: for we al­low to all, and commend in all, their practice upon clear and well grounded Scripture-evidence, but we nei­ther allow our selves, nor others, to practise upon un­grounded pretences of Scripture being on our side. The Third pretended contradiction is, To pretend first the Scri­ptures Letter clear of it self, without needing the Church to in­terpret it, and afterwards to judge the followers of it to their best power to go wrong; that is, to confess it obscure, and to need their new Church's interpretation. But Protestants do as­sert, that in all necessary Doctrines the evidence of Scripture is so clear, that it needs no interpretation; nor can they be denied, but by preferring interest, passion, or some other sond conceptions above evidence; and this is to forsake Scripture: but in many other things they who do not dis­cern the evidence of Scripture, may err, though they follow it to their best power; but notwithstanding this, Scripture is sufficiently clear in the evidence it gives of all Divine re­vealed truth, to them who do discern its evidence; though men be confessed to be men; and many of them not capa­ble of full understanding many truths. His Fourth contra­diction charged on Hereticks, but designed for Protestants, is, that they persecute others, for taking that way, which they held (at least pretended) meritorious in themselves: in which charge, as the thing intended is palpably false concerning Protestants, so the language he useth agreeth not to them. The Fifth pretended contradiction is, to oblige others to relinquish the sole guidance of Scriptures Letter, and to rule themselves by their Tradition; and at the same time a­gainst Catholicks, to impugn Tradition as unfit to sense it, and [Page 429]abet only the self-sufficiency of Scriptures Letter. The former clause here charged on Protestants, is no way their pra­ctice; for though in matters prudential, they require in­feriours to be ruled by the commands of their Superiours; which both Scripture and the Government of all Societies in the World require; yet in matters of Faith, they require that men receive them only from Scripture as the Rule of Faith, or the main ground of belief. Nor are any Prote­stants in any case commanded to relinquish Scripture as a Rule of Faith, and to rule themselves by Tradition, more than if in a Corporation, a member who cannot read, hath his duty read to him by another out of the Charter, or told him in words, with great care collected out of the Charter, to express its sense; this should be called a com­manding this man as a member of this Society to relinquish the sole guidance of the Charter as his Rule, and to be ru­led by others Tradition, when he follows the Charter by the best evidence he hath concerning it, and relies not on a delivery of continued hearsaies, report, and fame, which is a way suitable to the Romish Oral Tradition. As to the latter part of this pretended Contradiction, which con­cerns the impugning Tradition as unfit to sense Scripture; if this be understood of the present way of Romish Oral Tradition, this indeed we do so impugn. But if this be understood of the Ancient and Primitive Tradition: Pro­testants do acknowledge this so far as it can be manifested to be general, to be very fit to sense such Scriptures as are otherwise difficult, and obscure; and so far as we have any intimations of such Traditions, by the Ancient Fathers, we own them useful.

The last pretended contradiction is, 12 To impute that car­riage as a fault to our (Romish) Church, which themselves practice; and which is most material, our Church punishes none but those who desert our Rule, but they punish for too close following their Rule. All the clauses of this charge, are guilty of deserting the Rule of Truth. For Protestants who fault this Traditionary way, do not practise this Tradi­tion, [Page 430]as hath been above shewed: nor do Protestants punish any for following Scripture too close, as hath been evi­denced. The middle clause is likewise untrue: for if he mean, that the Romish Church never punisheth any, who pretend to hold to the Tradition they received, accord­ing to the best of their knowledge; how came it to pass that Victor excommunicated all the Asian Churches, for not keeping Easter the same day with the Roman Church; though these Asian Churches pleaded a certain Tradition, not only from their famous Bishops, but from Philip the Deacon, and his Daughters, which were Prophetesses, and from S. John the Apostle and Evangelist? Eus. Hist. Eccl. 5. c. 24. Yea, how came Mr. White to be censured at Rome, who thought he defended the Rule of Tradition? yea, how came Monsieur Arnold to be so troubled by the Jesuits in France, even for the using those words which he received from S. Austin, a famous and approved Father? But if he only mean that the Church of Rome punisheth none, but such as swerve some way from the Traditions she delivers, this, if true in it self, is nothing that can truly be called most material; it being neither pertinent to his charge against Protestants; nor considerable in it self, since it only speaks the Church of Rome commendable, in not punishing those, who believe every thing it saies, and practise every thing it commands: and was there ever any Society in the World, that in this thing was not as commendable as the Church of Rome? But when he here tells us, their Church punisheth none but those, who desert the Rule she recom­mends, surely he much forgat himself §. 5. where speak­ing of Hereticks, he saith that the deserters of the natural way of Tradition, have been but few, and the Descendents of these Revolters followed Tradition: for either he must say, that their Church punisheth no Descendents of Revol­ters, as he calls them; that is, allows all Heresies in any but the first Authours of them; or else must acknowledge that it punisheth them whom himself accounts (and there, as he thinks, proves that they are) not deserters of Tradition.

§. 4. He asks, 13 What can follow hence, but that Subjects, whom common sense cannot but make exceeding sensible of such unreasonable carriage, in persecuting them purely for following Gods word, which themselves had taught them, they ought in conscience to follow; should strive to wreak their malice against their Persecutors, and to involve whole Nations in War, and Blood: but he after adds, he intends not a justification of those revolting Sects. But it cannot be that common sense, nor any rational evidence, should teach Subjects under Pro­testant Princes, that they are persecuted purely for follow­ing Gods Word; since there is no such thing in truth, they can no otherwise think it is so, but by evident mistakes, or by such deluding perswasions, as this Authour would de­ceive them with. And indeed, such pernicious incentives as these of this Discourser, may possibly if they meet with fiery and malicious spirits, inflame them into a Rebellion, and withal shew what Principles may be instilled by pre­tenders to Tradition. But such is the peaceableness of this Principle of making Scripture our Rule, that if any Chri­stians should live under such a Power, as this Author speaks of, should be a self-condemning tyranny over mens conscien­ces; if in this case Subjects make Scripture their Rule, they must live in patience, meekness, peace, humility and subjection to the Higher Powers: and it must be from pride, wrath, passion, malice, and refusing to be subject, (all which are directly contrary to the Scriptures) that all Rebellion against Government must proceed. Whence amongst the Primitive Christians, where the Laws of their Persecutors commanded them the worship of a Deity, and yet punished them for worshipping the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ his Son, with the holy Spirit, which is the only God, and the Christians knew there was none else: and punished them for not worship­ping as Gods, them whom they knew were no gods; yet in this case, the Christian Principles which the Scripture delivers, kept them in all loyal subjection to their Go­vernours. If this Principle of making Scripture every [Page 432]where our Rule, both as to Faith and Life be prevalent, as it will guide us aright into the truth, so it will end all quar­rels, silence all animosities and contentions, and would re­duce the world to such a perfect state of quiet, peace, friend­ship and love, as never yet flourished upon the face of the Earth.

§. 5. He tells us, 14 The use of this Discourse is, to conclude the deserters of the way of Tradition, to be very few; (to which he hath received our answer, §. 3.) and the Cause laid to pre­serve Traditionary Christians is far more steady, than that laid to preserve mankind. I have answered his comparison of Tradition and Propagation, §. 1. But if he will be so confi­dent as to tell his Reader, that the way of Tradition, is as surely supported as the Propagation of mankind; I would only advise him to be so ingenuous, as to speak plainly out his meaning; and say, that as in mankind, the causes for keeping intire the nature of man are such, that no company in the World ever pretended themselves to be of the nature of man, who really were not; so the way to preserve Tra­dition is such, that no Society of men ever did pretend to have received and held this truth, when indeed they had it not: and if he would thus do, he might amuse his Reader, but would never deceive him; having before told him that there have been many Hereticks in the World, and that even amongst these, the way of continuing Heresie, is the propa­gating of it by the way of Tradition.

An Answer to his eighth Discourse, shew­ing, that uninterruptedness of Traditi­on, is not proved à posteriori.

§. 1. HE declares, 1 That he will trie to conclude the indeficiency of Tradition, from such an effect as can only spring from Traditions indeficien­cy of its Cause. §. 2. he saith, this seems need­less against Protestants, who yield the points of Faith we agree in, to have come down by this way of Tradition. He presseth therefore from Protestants, a candid Answer to these Queries. 1. Was not the Trinity, Incarnation, and all other Points in which we agree, held in all Ages since Christ by Gods Church? 2. Whether, seeing those points were held ever of Faith, Fathers did not actually teach Children so, or the former Age the latter? if so, they came down by Tradi­tion. 3. By what virtue did Tradition perform this? and whether the same virtue was not as powerful to bring down other things, had any such been. 4. Is there not a necessary connexion between such a constant cause, and its formal ef­fect? so that if its formal effect be those Points received as delivered ever, the proper Cause must be an ever-delivery. But because he fears, the Protestant will flie off here, he will follow his designed method. Sure he rather supposed the Protestant could easily baffle these fancies, than that he would flie from such shadows.

To the 1. Qu. I answer, 2 That if we indeed under­stand by Gods Church, that number of Christians, who have intirely and constantly held all the Principles of Chri­stian Religion, they must needs have held these great truths likewise. But many have pretended to be Gods Church, who held them not. Nor hath this belief been [Page 434]alwaies preserved in the Churches who once imbraced it: since the Eastern Churches, who before received the true Doctrine of Christ, were drawn aside by the Arian in­fection, and denied those points: which shews Tradition not certainly enough to preserve these points, in any parti­cular Church.

To the 2. Qu. I answer, 3 That in the Church of God which ever held these points, Fathers did teach their Children these Doctrines, yet were they not only nor chief­ly continued by the way of Oral Tradition. For the Pri­mitive Christians made Scripture their Rule, as shall be after shewed, from their Writings; and Fathers taught Children chiefly then, by what they read and received by the writings of the Scriptures. And the Children of these Parents had not only their Parents teaching, but they had also the Scriptures read among them, and perused by them, and by this means in the Primitive times were these Doctrines continued. That the Apostolical Doctrine was continued in the Church, chiefly from the Scriptures, Irenaeus testifies, even of those Primitive times. Ad­versus Haeres. lib. 4. c. 63. The Doctrine of the Apo­stles is the true knowledge, which is come even unto us, being kept without fiction by the most full handling of the Scriptures. That Christians then received their in­struction in the Church, chiefly from Scriptures, he like­wise sheweth, lib. 5. c. 20. where he exhorts to flie from the Opinion of the Hereticks, and flie unto the Church, and be brought up in its bosom, and be nourished by the Lord's Scriptures. For (saith he) the Paradise of the Church is planted in this World: therefore the Spirit of God saith, Ye shall eat food of every tree of the Paradise; that is, eat ye of every Scripture of the Lord. For very many more testi­monies, and those very clear, I refer to what shall be pur­posely discoursed in answer to his consent of Authority. Yea, such was the esteem of the use of Scripture, that in the Primitive times, before their Children were taught matters of human literature, they were instructed in the [Page 435]holy Scriptures. Thus was Origen brought up; Eus. Hist. Eccl. lib. 6. c. 3. and Eusebius Emissenus, according to the common custom of their Country in like manner first learned the Scriptures; Sozom. Hist. Eccl. lib. 3. cap. 5.

To his 3. Qu. Were it certain that these truths had been preserved by the way of Oral Tradition only, 4 in the true Church of God, (as indeed they have not been) yet this is not by any such virtue in the way of Tradition, as would secure the right delivery of all other things. For this is wholly contingent in respect of Tradition, depending upon this supposal, that in such a Society, it hath alwaies been rightly delivered, and rightly received; which is a contingency; and notwithstanding the virtue of Tradition might have been otherwise, as appeared in the Eastern Churches under Arianism: Yea, the reason why these Do­ctrines are preserved intire among the Romanists, is proba­bly this, that as they have been and are delivered by them from the Scriptures, they are also delivered in certain forms of words; and in those Creeds which were received from those Ancient Churches and Councils, who were not erroneous, but agreed to the Scripture. Now whereas their Tradition directs to receive what hath been deliver­ed, and the things delivered have been some by Councils truly Catholick, and other things by erroneous Councils; it may well be that Tradition may in some things deliver rightly; and yet either omit the delivery of other things, or deliver them amiss. And if there had been nothing more, to have preserved these Doctrines in the Western Church, but what was in the necessary virtue of Tradition, the Ro­mish Church (not here to mention any thing of Arian Popes) might have lost these points as well as the Eastern long since did, where Tradition lost this virtue of preserving them.

Now that it may appear how vainly this Discourser would conclude the certainty of Tradition, 5 from the things propounded in these Queries; I shall mention some paral­lel [Page 436]Cases, to which the substance of what is here questi­oned, may be applied. As, 1. Concerning Gentilism. To follow this Authour, I would ask, was not the Belief of a God, and what things we agree in, constantly pre­served by Tradition among them? now by what virtue did Tradition perform this? may we not by the same virtue of Tradition, receive what they delivered concerning the way of Gods Worship? and would not this Tradition as well have continued all other things, if any such had been de­livered? Thus it would plead for Gentilism. 2. How would this plead for Judaism. Did not Tradition amongst them continue till Christs time, the Doctrine of Circum­cision, of the Sabbath, of Sacrifices, and of a Messias? and must they not needs be in the right, in all other mat­ters of delivery, though they were condemned by Christ and his Apostles. 3. See how these Queries would plead against all possibility of forgetfulness. When I have read a Book over, and am certain I rightly remember some clauses in it, may I thence conclude, that by the same virtue of memory, I remember these, I should have re­membred all other clauses, if there had been any? and therefore certainly there was no more in the Book than I can remember. Or if I should conclude, that because I am certain, that I remember some passages which happened when I was a Child; therefore by the same virtue that these things were delivered to my memory, I also remem­ber aright all things then done: who would not see that this is a meer vain piece of Sophistry, since some things may be more fully understood than others, and more heedfully observed, the impression upon many occa­sions more deeply imprinted, and the remembrance of them more frequently repeated? whence some things may be remembered, and others not; and the same causes may be assigned in matters of Religion.

To his 4. Qu. I answer, 6 Things may be received as de­livered ever, when yet there was no ever-delivery which I will manifest in answer to the following §. where he would prove the contrary.

§. 3. He layes down this effect, 7 The present perswasion of Catholicks, that their Faith hath descended from Christ and his Apostles uninterruptedly; which must for its Cause, have Traditions Ever-Indeficiency. §. 4. To prove this, he layes his first Principle, That Age which holds Faith so de­livered, cannot change, nor know any change of it; because no man, much less a whole Age, can hold contrary to knowledge, nor here change without knowledge. To this I answer, That supposing the abovementioned perswasion, this may rise from other causes, besides Traditions indefici­ency: Yea, this his first Principle to prove the con­trary is very weak. For, first, it is very easie to con­ceive, that mistaken Explications of Points of Faith may be held by a present Generation as having been matters of Faith, ever delivered, and yet may be really different from the things delivered, and so include a change. This is the more apt to take place, if such expli­cated points seem plausibly declared, and are either abet­ted by men of great fame, or serve an interest: and this is as possible as it is for men to be deceived in their conceptions about things not in express terms delivered: since it is certain that many points now owned as matters of Faith in the Romish Church, were not expresly and in such terms delivered of old: yea, this Authour acknowledgeth as much, p. 206, 207. Many such explicated points have in Councils been declared to be de fide, though not only against the minds of many who before asserted the contrary, but of others who in the said Councils opposed it. Secondly, to deli­ver a Doctrine as from Christ, where they change or know some change of it, is much more probable in the Roman Church, than in others; if any ignorance possess the Leaders, or any interest and private designs take place upon some few of them. For since the Tradition which particular persons have received, must submit to the determination of a Council [...], or else must they be anathematized, how easie is it [Page 438]for some point de fide, to be innovated; if the Bishop of Rome, and some few other men of note and fame, through mistaken zeal, or out of design, should indeavour the ha­ving such a Point declared as a matter of Faith, when he can send what Bishops he please, or create new ones, and many others may for want of circumspection, comply in order to peace, as some well disposed Bishops did unad­visedly with some of the Arian devices. And in this case, though there may be some withstanders, yet may they not be numerous, and therefore must sit still being overpow­erred, and will think they ought in the end to consent, if they have received this Principle, which many Papists im­brace. That the determinations of such a Council, are to determine their private judgments, what is the Doctrine of the Church.

§. 5. His second Principle is, 8 No Age could innovate any thing, and deliver that thing as received by constant suc­cession. For the end of delivering it as so received, must be to make the following Generation believe it. Now if a whole Age should conspire to tell such a lie, yet it is impossible it should be believed, since they cannot blot out all Monuments which might undeceive; and therefore the following Generation cannot be­lieve, unless they will believe what they know to be otherwise. This Second Principle is unsound, upon the same grounds with the other. For as hath been now shewed, there may happen such an innovation, by the mistake or non-atten­dance of a considerable number, especially in Councils, who sometimes are too readily guided by some few emi­nent leading men, who may act either out of mistake, or some of them out of design; and by these men, if in an al­lowed and confirmed Council, both the present and future Generation must be determined. But what he speaks of a future Generation easily discovering the innovation, makes me think he forgets himself. For how should the following Generation of Catholicks consistently with this Authours Principles, discover it? By former Monuments? But he in this Book declares, that they must not give heed [Page 439]to any former private mens Writings, against the deliver­ed Doctrine of the Church publickly attested. And if any publick Writing, though it be their own approved Canons, seem contrary; they must find such interpretation as will agree with this declared Doctrine, and stick to it, though it be wrested; so that whatsoever can be shewed from Histo­ry or Ancient Doctors, (as this Authour declares in his Co­rollaries) is to such Papists of no account against present Tradition. See Coroll. 14.16, 17. Yea, if you shall pro­duce a great number of opposers, as may in many cases ea­sily be done, he will hold to the greater number in his present Council. If you produce him a former Council against any now received Doctrine, he must not rational­ly judge of the Tradition, but from the present Tradition, condemn that, if it cannot be otherwise interpreted, as Heretical. If you produce the Eastern or Graecian, or other Churches, as delivering otherwise; if this cannot by other means be evaded, they must not be acknowledged by Ro­manists for true Deliverers. But if we can produce an ap­proved General Council; have we not now such sufficient Monuments to discover thereby what was the Doctrine of the Church: such Councils our Discourser calls the grea­test Authority in the Catholick Church, p. 129. Yet if the Council was approved, and by the Roman Church ac­knowledged both for Catholick and General, still they have a device to reject what ever dislikes them in such a Council, by saying, that it is ex parte approbatum, and ex parte reprobatum; or, part of it rejected, and part of it re­ceived: by this device they reject part of the Second Gene­ral Council at Constantinople, and the Twenty eighth Canon of the Fourth General Council at Chalcedon, which declares, that their Fathers gave Priviledges to the See of old Rome, because that was the Imperial City; and therefore upon the same consideration, they gave the same Priviledges to the See of Constantinople. And thus they have rejected others of old; as also part of the Council of Constance, and the Council of Basil more lately, concerning the Authori­ty [Page 440]and Power of the General Councils over the Bishop of Rome. Thus doth Binius and other Papists. So that no way remains for a Papist thus principled, to detect this In­novation where he hath contrary evidence: much less in many cases, where the matter now determined, hath not been so distinctly of old treated of: so that the Roman Church may innovate, and yet expect to be believed that the Doctrine was ever delivered. Provided, they take care not so palpably to contradict their own publick and former delivery, in such a way as no possible interpreta­tion can make things consist one with the other. If they do take this care, there is room enough left, for many in­novations in Doctrine, in points not clearly enough de­termined formerly, in the publick Monuments of that Church; and in those also by misinterpretations. But though Papists consistently with their Principles, can make no discovery of Innovations, but must either make use of strained interpretations of former Writers, or else must condemn those Writers; yet Protestants can, and do make this discovery. And blessed be God that they of the Ro­mish Church, have not so blotted out the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, (though they have shewed some good will thereto) nor have they been able so to correct the Letter of the Scripture, according to their own sense, (as this Authour thinks convenient Cor. 29.) but that we are able from them to discover the Error and Apostasie of the present Church of Rome: of which in the close of this Discourse, I will give him one instance.

§. 6. From these Principles he concludes, 9 That since no­thing new could be owned, as not new in any Generation (by the first), nor a foregoing Age make it received as not new by Po­sterity by the second; therefore since we hold it descended unin­terruptedly, it did descend as such. To this I answer; That if the former Principles had been both true, as neither of them are; yet would not this conclusion have followed from them, because it supposeth besides these Principles, many other things to be true, which are either very im­probable [Page 441]or certainly false. First, it supposeth that all points held as matters of Faith, have in all Ages since Christ, been delivered in such terms, as ever delivered-points of Faith, whereby they have been known distinctly from disputable opinions: if this had been so, the many Controversies, whether such and such things were de fide, shew the maintainers of them on the one side, not capable of understanding plain words. Secondly, it supposeth that nothing can be received as ever delivered, by a following Generation, which was not delivered as ever received in a former Generation, unless they declare something not to be new, which they know is new. For why may not that which is propounded as a probable opinion in one Generati­on, be thought to be delivered as a truth in the next Gene­ration, and in some following Generations (who cannot give an Historical account, how far in every Age, every Position was received) it may be owned as a point of Faith; by which means also Constitutions of expediency, may be owned as Doctrines necessary. In which case they now only hold as a matter of Faith, what the former Generation held as a truth, and so they hold no new thing differing in the substance from the former, nor design they any thing new in the Mode of holding it. Thirdly, This sup­poseth that every Generation from the time of the Apostles, have been of the opinion this Authour pretends to, to de­sign to hold all, and nothing but what the immediately foregoing Generation held, which is a point can never be proved. For this would be indeed to assert, that never any persons studied to understand any point more clearly than it was comprized in the words they received from their Fathers; or else that when they had so studied, they never declared their conceptions, or opinions in such points; or if they did declare them, yet no number of men would ever entertain them. And this is as much as to say, that the Church never had any Doctors studied in the points of Faith; or at least, that such studies never were honoured in the Church, and the fruits of them received and applauded by [Page 442]it; which if it would not cast a great indignity upon the Church, yet it is apparently contrary to the truth. Fourthly, It supposeth, but proves not, that all points of Faith have come down by the way of Tradition, and none of them fail­ed of being delivered. For if any one of these be false, as doubtless they are, his demonstration falls with them.

But that we may further see the virtue of this demon­stration; 10 it may be observed, that he who will suffer-him­self to be perswaded by these vain reasonings, may with as much reason be a Jew, or a Pagan, as a Papist. The Jew­ish Doctrine held forth by their Talmud, as also the former Doctrines of the Scribes and Pharisees, were believed by that people to be delivered ever from Moses, and Ezra; here is an effect like this, of the Papists perswasion; there­fore in no Age could it be changed, but was ever deliver­ed, and therefore true; if the Romish Tradition be upon these grounds sufficiently proved indefectible. Amongst the Gentiles, the Opinions of Jupiter, Juno, Mars, &c. be­ing gods, was believed to have been ever delivered to them from some Divine Revelation of its Original, for else they could never have believed them to have been gods. Now since it is certain the Gentiles received this by Tradition from their Fathers, and the first Generations of mankind after Noah, were undoubtedly instructed in the truth concern­ing God, of which Noah was a Preacher of long continu­ance amongst them: since according to this Discourser, no Age could deceive them in delivering what it knew false, or in delivering for certain, what it knew was not certain: Yea, since the Tradition of Gentile Polytheism was more general, than the Popish Tradition; that is, it was received and delivered amongst more Nations, and contra­dicted by fewer persons, than the Romish Doctrines were, and therefore if Tradition be demonstrated to be indefecti­ble by this Argument for the Papists, it must be also for the Gentiles. Yet this belief amongst the Gentiles of Poly­theism, necessarily supposed a failing of Tradition in this [Page 443]great point, that there is one only God, So far is it from proving that their Tradition could not fail.

I shall now in the close of this Discourse, as I promised n. 8. give an instance of a Point, in which there is an Innovation in the present Oral and Practical Tradition of the Roman Church, which is, in denying the Cup in the Eucharist to the Communicants.

The present Tradition and practice of the Church of Rome is, that the Laity and the Clergy, who do not consecrate, do receive only in one species, to wit, that of Bread; and this they declare to be lawful, (and the contrary not to be ne­cessary, or commanded of God) and to be ordered upon just causes, to be a true receiving the Sacrament, and to be the way whereby they may receive whole Christ: and they condemn, yea, and Anathematize any who shall speak the contrary, as may be seen, Concil. Constanc. Ses. 13. and Conc. Trid. Ses. 5. Now both those Councils do acknow­ledge, that Christ did institute, and the ancient Church ad­ministred, this Sacrament under both kinds; and therefore by their own acknowledgement, they keep not in practice to what was delivered. But the Question is, Whether their present practice and Doctrinal delivery opposeth any for­mer delivery of Doctrine.

Now that I may lay a good foundatipn, 12 and such as no Romanist will reject, to know what was once the receiv­ed and delivered Doctrine in the Church of Rome, I shall ap­ply my self not to any private Father, though approved, which possibly he will except against, as not a sufficient te­stifier of Tradition: but to such a constitution of the Bishop of Rome, as is still acknowledged, to have been an approv­ed Canon, and therefore the Doctrine of the Roman Church, which is this of Gelasius the First: We have found that some having received only a portion of the holy Body, do abstain from the Cup of the consecrated Blood, who (because I know not by what superstition they are taught to be bound up) must without doubt, either receive the whole Sacrament, or be kept back from the whole; because the division of one and the same [Page 444]Mystery, cannot come without great Sacriledge. This is deli­vered for an approved Canon by all Papists. Ivo placed it in the beginning of his Decretum. Gratian inserted it, De Consecratione Dist. 2. c. comperimus. It is owned by Bellar­mine de Eucharistia, lib. 4. c. 26. by Baronius ad Ann. 496. n. 20. and Binnius in Vit. Gelasii. Nor is it denied by any that I know. And whereas the present Tradition asserts that it is not necessary the Laity and Clergy, not Consecrating, should receive in both kinds; this old Tradition saies plain­ly, that they who receive not both kinds, must receive neither, it being one and the same Mystery or Sacrament. And though there are some Causes now declared just and rational, to order that, the Communion shall be only in one kind, and the Council of Constance (ubi supra) condemn those who call this practice Sacrilegious: yet it is possible the same reasons might move some in Gelasius his time, to receive only in that one kind; but what ever the reason was, he declared it could never be approved, and its Prin­ciple was Superstition, and in practice there could never be a division in this one and the same Sacrament, without great Sacriledge.

Now though these words are very plain, 13 yet there are two waies the Papists make use of, to pervert the sense of them, which I shall discover to be vain and frivolous answers, and so vindicate this testimony. The first an­swer is, that this Canon refers to the Priests not the Laity. This is the interpretation in the Rubrick of Gratian, and is mentioned as probable by Bellarmine. But, 1. These words of the Canon are generally spoken by Gelasius, so as to include the Laity, and with no colour of reason can they be restrained to the Clergy; and speaking of them whom he would have driven back, or kept back from the Sacraments, and of them who are taught; the ordinary receivers are plainly included, if not chiefly intended: and finding fault with this, that some abstained, reason will evince that all are faulted who did so abstain. 2. The restraining this to the Clergy, is contrary to the History and general practice [Page 445]of those times: it being certain and confessed, that even in the Western Church, not only till that time, but for some hundreds of years after, this Sacrament was administred to all in both kinds. In this case, to conclude, that when some were found to abstain from one kind, they must be supposed to be of the Clergy, would be a vain surmise. 3. This answer accordeth not with the Doctrine of those ancient times, which owned the Laity, to have the same right, to receive in both kinds with the Clergy. Thus Chry­sostome, who was owned as Saint and Father at Rome. Hom. 18. in 2. Ep. Corinth. There is, saith he, something wherein there is no difference betwixt the Priests and the People, to wit, as to the receiving the dreadful Mysteries, for we have all alike right to partake of them. Not as it was under the Old Testa­ment, the Priest did eat some things, and the people other things; and it was not lawful for the people to partake of those things, of which the Priest did partake. But it is not so now. The same Body is appointed for all, and the same Cup. So far S. Chrysostome. 4. Though this interpretation restraining it to the Clergy, contrary to Reason, History, and the Doctrine of that time, should be allowed; yet would not this be enough to reconcile it with the present Tradition, which delivers that the Clergy also, if they do not consecrate, must not receive in both kinds. 5. This first answer is ac­knowledged frivolous, from some of the grounds above­mentioned, and rejected by many of the more learned Pa­pists: and Baronius, ad annum 496. n. 20. calls it frigidam solutionem, a cold or dull solution; but pretends to give a better, which now follows.

The other Answer necessary to be examined is, 14 That this Canon refers to the Manichees; and that it was only their receiving in one kind, which Gelasius condemns as Sacri­ledge, of whom it is thus written in Leo his fourth Sermon for Lent. When they dare to be present at our Mysteries, to conceal their Infidelity, they so order themselves at the Commu­nion of the Sacraments, that sometimes they receive the Body of Christ with their unworthy mouth, that they may the more [Page 446]safely be concealed; but they altogether decline to drink of the Blood of our Redemption, which we therefore certifie your holiness, that this sort of men may be known of us by these tokens; and that when their Sacrilegious dissembling is discovered, they be­ing marked and detected, may be driven by the Priestly Au­thority, from the Saints society. That to these, the words of Gelasius refer, is the answer of Baronius, ad an. 496. n. 21. Binnius in Vit. Gelasii, and this also is approved by Bellar­mine.

But 1. 15 If Leo did discern this to be the practice of some Manichees fifty years before Gelasius his time, this is no evi­dence that they were such of whom Gelasius writes; had he intended the Manichees, there can no reason be imagined, why he as well as Leo, should not mention them; but since he expressed this in a more general way, that some were found, there is no reason to restrain this to the Ma­nichees. 2. That expression that he knew not by what su­perstition they were bound up, cannot fitly be applied to the Manichees. For it was a matter not unknown, but well known, why the Manichees refused the Cup. Saint Austin about an hundred years before Gelasius, sets down the reason of that, Lib. 16. adversus Faust. c. 3. They refused Wine and other things, (he saith) not out of any strictness to subdue the body, but as being unclean, and called them filth, and the gall of the people of darkness. And lib. 20. c. 13. he saith, the Manichees account it Sacriledge to tast Wine; they own their God in the Grape, but not in the Cup; as if the treading or pressing did offend them. So that it was known why the Manichees refused Wine upon all occasions. Yea, the very word of superstition, suits not the Manichees refusal, who were acted by gross Heresie, and amongst other things, they hereby maintained the distinction of things clean and unclean in their own nature, whereas superstition rather intimates a design of reverence and veneration of the Sacrament, but misplaced and not well guided.

3. Nor can those words, 16 either let them receive the whole Sacrament, or be kept back from the whole, be applicable to the Manichees. For if we consider the nature of Manicheism, how great an Heresie it was, that S. Austin in several pla­ces observes, That they denied worship to the God of the Old Testament, they blasphemed the Prophets, they denied Christ to be born of the Virgin, they did worship the Sun, and own him to be God, and many other gross things they held, as the good and evil first Cause, the denial of the Resurrection, and the like: that concerning such Hereticks, Gelasius, and the Roman Canons should appoint, that they might be admitted to the partaking of the whole Sacrament, no man who knows the discipline of those times can admit. For no crime was owned greater than Heresie, and that the Here­sie of Manicheism, was in the daies of Gelasius greatly abhorred by the Christians, may appear, in that after the death of Zeno the Emperour, when Ariadne had declared Anastasius the Successor, Euphemius the Patriarch of Constantinople refu­sed to consent, because he was a Manichee, unless he should first under his hand-writing confirm the Faith of Chalcedon, as is related by Theodorus, Lector. Collect. lib. 2. and not long af­ter he shews how the Christians detested this Manichean Emperour, because an Heretick: which was in the very daies of this Gelasius. Further, when it is considered, that this Gelasius the first, Causa. 24. Qu. 1. Acacius non est, de­clares, that whoever falls into any Heresie once condemned, in­volves himself in that same condemnation. It is not imagi­nable, that he would allow the Eucharist to be given to a Manichee, whom he must own as a condemned Heretick. Nor could a Manichee be otherwise owned by Gelasius, when in his time they stood condemned, not only by the Civil Laws of Valentinian, Gratian, Theodosius and Honorius, but also by a Roman Council in the daies of Pope Leo the Great, in which, as appears from Leo Serm. 5. de Jejuniis decim. mens. they determined that the Christians should wholly expel these accursed and contagious men from their friendship. At which time Leo would not receive them who returned from [Page 448] Manicheism, until they had first condemned the Manichees by open profession in the Church, and by their subscriptions, and at length had time injoined them for their penance; as is observed by Baronius ad Ann. 444. n. 5. And can it then be imagined, that when Gelasius had found such out, he would give them liberty to be received to the Eucharist forthwith? especially if it be observed, that in another Canon of this same Gelasius, Causa 24. Qu. 2. c. nec quisque, He declares, That they might not partake of the purity of the Lords Table with any Heretick, which Table (saith he) our Ancestors did alwaies abundantly keep severed from all Heretical pollution. Yea, further, can it be thought any way probable, that when Leo in the above-mentioned words, declares the Manichees to be in infidelity, to receive the Body of Christ with their unworthy mouth, and sacrilegiously to dissem­ble in taking that, and therefore to be rejected as contagi­ous and accursed, from all society of Christians, yet Gelasi­us should judge these infidels, thus sacrilegiously dissem­bling and unworthy, yea, accursed, and condemned by former Councils, fit for the highest Communion of Christi­ans, and allow them to receive the holy Eucharist. Strange­ly wide must they needs be, who would expound Gelasius by those words of Leo.

4. 17 If notwithstanding all this, those persons, of which Gelasius writes, had been Manichees, this would indeed have shewed the persons in Gelasius his time, who received on­ly in one kind, to be in many things blameable, more than the Papists at this day; as dissimulation, infidelity, and the like; which were the faults by Leo, charged on the Manichees, but not by Gelasius charged on them he writes of: but still in that fault for which Gelasius condemns them he writes against, the Papists at this day are altogether guilty of it, that is, in dividing the Sacrament, or not re­ceiving both Bread and Wine, which he saith cannot be without great Sacriledge.

Nor can any here make a third reply, 18 upon any rational ground, that it then was Sacrilegious to have administred [Page 449]only in one kind, because the known practice and Canons of the Roman Church, required administration in both kinds: But since it hath in after times declared this practice muta­ble, and ordered the Communion to be given only in one kind, it is not now sacrilegious. For this answer will not agree with the intent of these words, and the Doctrine formerly received in the Roman Church. The reason why Gelasius declared it great sacriledge, to take this Sacrament in one kind alone, is intimated sufficiently in this Canon not to refer to the Churches Constitution, but the Sacra­ments Institution, in that he calls both species or kinds one and the same Mysterie: and sayes this one and the same Mysterie cannot be divided, without grand sacriledge; which is to referr us to the nature of the thing it self, and its Institution, as being not mutable. Yea further, the ancient Tradition of the Roman Church held as a Point of Doctrine, that the Elements in the Eucharist ought to be administred, according to what Christ instituted; that is, the Bread and Wine to be given to the Laity distinctly and separately, because Christ gave them so; then cannot this third Reply reconcile the present Doctrine of the Roman Church, with what was formerly delivered. To shew this, I could produce many testimonies; but shall only instance in Julius a Roman Bishop in a Canonical Epistle to the Bi­shops of Egypt, recorded also in Gratian de Consecrat. Dist. 2. Cum omne. Where he declares, that he had heard of some, who contrary to the Divine Orders and Apostolical Institutions, consecrated Milk instead of Wine, others who deliver to the people the Eucharist dipped. For it is read in the truth of the Gospel, Jesus took Bread, and the Cup, and having blessed it, gave it to his Disciples. But for that they gave the Eucha­rist dipped to the people, they have received no testimony pro­duced out of the Gospel, in which he commends to us his body and his blood; for the commendation is rehearsed separately of the Bread, and separately of the Cup. In which words he makes Christs Institution a Rule, by which he condemns [Page 450]other practices different from it; and from this Institution he requires, that both the Bread and the Cup be separately given; and this even with reference to the Laity, or as he speaks to the people to whom it was delivered: and by this Rule he condemned the giving the Bread dipped in Wine, whereas both should be given asunder: so doth Gelasius by the same, condemn the receiving only in one kind, when it should be received in both. All this consi­dered, the former Tradition of the Roman Church, may from this instance, appear to condemn the late Tradition as sa­crilegious; and therefore I may conclude, that the same Tradition hath not been alwayes kept to, as may appear by preserved Monuments, out of which instances may be ea­sily multiplied.

An Answer to his ninth Discourse, shew­ing, that the way of Oral Tradition in the Church, hath not so much strength as other matters of Humane Autho­rity.

§. 1. BƲt (saith he) some may say all this is nature; 1 if the Objector means, reason wrought upon by Mo­tives laid by Gods special goodness to bring man to bliss; I wonder what else is supernaturality. But this point is out of my road otherwise, than to shew how Christian Tradition is strengthened above the greatest humane testimony whatever, by those Motives which we rightly call assistances of the Holy Ghost. Not to examine his Notion of supernatu­rality, and the assistances of the Holy Ghost, because they concern not the Discourse in hand; I shall only tell him what Protestants or any other men, who are true to reason, would say to this Discourse; and that is, that what he hath said hitherto, is of so low natural evidence, and so far from reason, that in this way the Christian can have no more evidence of the truth of Christian Religion, than an Heathen may have of the truth of Paganism: nor is there any such certainty in Tradition, concerning the main Body of Christs Doctrine, as is comparable to many other mat­ters of humane testimony.

§. 2, 3. He observes the Mahometans Tradition, 2 for Ma­homets existence, will convey the truth thereof to the Worlds end if followed; and Protestants acknowledge, it hath had the force hitherto to be followed; And the Tradition in the Church for the main Body of Christs Doctrine, far exceeds that of the Turks for Mahomets existence; because supposing the quality [Page 452]of the testifiers equal, much greater multitudes in divers Coun­treys, were testifiers of Christs Doctrine, being converted by powerful Miracles, than the few witnesses of Mahomets exi­stence: it is easier for those few Syrians or Arabians, to conspire to a lye, than for these Christians: nor can Christians be so easily mistaken concerning Christian Doctrine. In answer to this, I in the first place grant, That there is an Historical Traditionary certainty amongst the Turks, concerning the existence of Mahomet; and it is very reasonable, that rather more should be allowed to the Tradition of Christians, than of Mahometans. But that it may truly appear how far Tradition may be relyed on, for the conveyance of truth, we must distinctly consider the matters delivered. Of which some things there are, which are not probably capa­ble of mistake, nor liable to be perverted, and to receive a mixture of much falshood: and have this advantage, that the delivery of them from one to another, doth still conti­nue: and no interest perswades the generality of men to deny, or indeavour the concealing of them. Now all these properties agree to the assertion of Mahomets existence a­mongst the Turks, to the delivery of the Being of a God among the Gentiles, to Moses being the great Prophet a­mong the Jews, and to Jesus being the Christ, and I may add S Peter, and S. Paul, &c. being his Apostles among the Christians; thus the fame of a good or true Writer may be continued amongst Historians; and in these things and many other such like; I will grant it is not only possible, but probable that Tradition may convey a certainty. But there are other things lyable to mistake, whence in ma­ny matters of common fame, sufficiently known to the first Relater, by the misapprehension of them who hear the relation, the ordinary report is oft-times false; or else, 2. They are subject to be perverted, or are concealed, and not delivered; which hath been the case of many great and famous actions in the world, which are now buried in ob­livion, or upon misinformation condemned; but would have been honourably esteemed, if they had been truly [Page 453]known. And here the Tradition of the Turks, concerning the precepts of Mahomet, which were liable to mistake, would probably have been lost, if they had not been pre­served in a written Alcoran. And the Traditional evidence of this very Alcoran containing his Doctrine, is much in­ferior to the Tradition of Christians, for the Scriptures con­taining the Doctrine of Christ: for even from the beginning of the reception of the Turkish Alcoran, their Tradition hath not procured it so full approbation, but that the Persians who profess themselves Mahometans, deliver another Alcoran, different from that of the Turks; which they declare to contain the true precepts of Mahomet: whereas Primitive Christians have as with one mouth all acknowledged, that the Scriptures of the Prophets, Apostles and Evangelists, contain the Doctrine of Jesus Christ, written by Divine in­spiration.

Now to apply all this to the Doctrine of Christ. 3 It is certain, 1. that many things delivered by him, are capable of misunderstanding, and not so easily intelligible as Mahomets existence is; which is evidenced by the many mistakes in all Ages, and disputes amongst true Catholick Christians as well as Papists, about Doctrines of Religion. 2. The Do­ctrine of Christ is likewise lyable to be perverted; thus as in the time of the Old Testament, the precepts of God were much corrupted by the Scribes and Pharisees, who made void the Commandments of God by their Traditions; so under the New Testament, have many Hereticks grossly perverted this truth, and many extravagant Opinionists, have strangely blended it with their own misconcepti­ons; whence many errors are gone forth into the world. 3. Nor can it be proved that in the way of Oral Tradition, considered without Scripture, all things delivered by Christ, are continued in the Church: for since in the multitude of Christs words, not written by the Apostles or Evangelists, the Romish Church cannot say, that her Tradition hath pre­served any, how can the certainty of this Tradition be reaso­nably [Page 454]imagined so great, as to secure a preservation of eve­ry Doctrine? Now let us again observe, that all these Considerations have the greater advantage against the cer­tainty of Tradition, by considering with them the many suc­cessions of Generations; for matters of Faith if but once a little mistaken in one Generation, since they must with these mistakes be delivered to the next Generation, they may then be more mistaken; and so by degrees very con­siderable mistakes, and great corruptions may come in in points of Faith: and as to omission of delivery of some truth, if it be continued in several Generations, yet if it be not impossible, that any one Generation as to any truth, should neglect the delivery; it will in so many successi­ons, be very probable that some one hath failed. But in the way of Scripture evidence, the words are the same which were then delivered, and the same words are no more capable of mistakes and corruptions in Doctrine, than they were at the first, nor are they less delivered to us now, than they then were. I may now infer from what is abovesaid, that the belief of Mahomets existence may be continued by Tradition, and yet it may not preserve the whole Body of Christs Doctrine.

§. 4. 4 He observes, That humane authority or testimony is such, that none are so mad as to doubt them; but he that consi­ders, Joh. 3.16. 1 Cor. 3.9. Mat. 6.26. will be convin­ced, that the wayes of Providence to bring about mans salvati­on, are so much above all others, that others in comparison, scarce deserve the name of a Providence. We own Christia­nity much more certain than other Histories and things: but that the preserving its certainty depends much more on Scripture than on Tradition, is evident partly from reason; because in a set form of written words, a change cannot be so easily made without plain discovery, as it may be where there is no such set form of words; and partly from considering matters of fact, whereby it may appear that Hereticks and opposers of the truth, have more corrupt­ed [Page 455]and spread corruptions of Christian Doctrine by their false delivery, than ever they could corrupt and spread any corruptions of the Scripture-writing.

§. 5, 6. 5 We will touch of the advantages superadded to nature. It is natural for every man to speak truth, unless some design hinder; but true Christian hearts are much more fixt to Veracity. §. 7. Original corruption leads men to vio­late Veracity, by an undue love of Creatures; but Christianity working an overpowering love of Spiritual good, leaves mans disposition to truth free. §. 8. The hopes and fears of Christi­anity as much exceed others, as eternity doth a moment, and are so held by all: yet other Motives bring down matters of fact truly; as the Reigns of Kings, Wars, Eclipses, &c. but that Christian Motives are more prevalent than all others, appears by considering the Martyrs and Persecutions. In answer to this, I first observe, that what he hath here laid down as a high security to the Churches Tradition, makes nothing at all so much as seemingly, for the securing all, or any of its members from mistakes, and misapprehensions; nor for the preserving the weak from being deluded by others subtil­ty. All it seems to plead against, is, intentional deceiving, without which there may be much error. But yet even this design of deceiving, may with many in the Church much prevail, notwithstanding all indeavoured to the con­trary by this Discourser. Where Christianity takes full possession in the power of it, it will ingage such men to truth, and the love of Heavenly good, and the minding of Spiritual hopes and fears: but how many are there who profess Christianity, who oft speak falshood, and are tem­pted to sin by undue love of Creatures, and do not guide their lives, according to the hopes and fears Religion sets before them? Therefore these things cannot assure us of preserving men from perverting truth, or neglect of deli­vering it, much less from ignorance and mistake. And as in other matters of History, many things are delivered amiss in the common fame, but best in the allowed Records, so it is also in Christianity.

§. 9. 6 The Ceremonies or Oaths tendered to Officers in a Com­monwealth, to ingage them to be true to their Trust, have no proportion with the Sacraments of the Church, applied to Christi­ans, that they may not prevaricate from the Faith of Christ. These are indeed exceeding high obligations which lie up­on Christians: But besides that it is no waies credible, that all Christians judged themselves hereby obliged, to deliver in the way of Oral Tradition all matters of Faith, directly as they received them by the same Tradition: I say besides this, its certain it obliges men as much to the purity of the Christian life, as to hold fast the verity of the Christian Do­ctrine: wherefore when it is certain that with many it doth not work its effect in the former, it may be much feared to want its effect in the latter, especially since there have been many Hereticks.

§. 10. 7 They who do not to others, what they would have done to themselves, this is because they are swayed by some temporal good; but this cannot be in the Church, supposing sanctity in it, because in virtue and glory, we have not the less, when others have the more, but rather we have the more also: so that here Fathers must do the greatest hurt to their Children, without the least good to themselves, if they should deceive them. But alas! Is this Discourser such a stranger to the world, that when he hath proved, as it is easie to do, that it is highly irratio­nal for any man to chuse any sin, he would thence conclude for certain, that there are no such sinners in the world? How evident is it, that there hath been so much want of Sanctity, that many either to please their own fancies, or to promote their own interests, have depraved the true Religion, or corrupted the Christian Doctrine? But in these cases, as in all acts of sin, men do not aim at the e­vil and hurt that follows, but at the seeming good and de­light.

§. 11. 8 Christian Doctrine hath the advantage of the greatest universality, wisdom and goodness of the recommenders. §. 12. Nature will teach all a care of their off spring, but Christianity more, and chiefly in matters of endless misery and happiness. [Page 457]§. 13. Consider credit; he who will lie perniciously and to friends, how ill is this esteemed? Chiefly if this be against the highest Motives, and with the greatest confidence and Oaths. This is of all other cases most disgraceful, in matters which con­cern Christs Doctrine, chiefly if in a Pastor against his particular Oath, to preach Christs Doctrine truly. Nor can the world of Fore-Fathers all conspire to this villany. Yet it is certain, not­withstanding the recommendations of the Christian Do­ctrine, it may be both mistaken and depraved. Nor doth love of off-spring take place actually against all setting examples of sin, nor against ignorance and mistakes; nor in Jews and Hereticks, did it take place against corrupting worship. Nor have all men been so tender of their credit. Many He­reticks have been self-condemned. There were who said of Christ, let us kill him, and the inheritance shall be ours. Simon knew and was Baptized into the Christian Doctrine, and yet thoughts of credit did not keep him from pervert­ing it. Yea, men gain credit at least with a party, by their er­ring explications, if they be plausible, and take with the multitude; and then alone can they become Traditions. However, some there are who value not esteem either with men or with God, who knowing the judgement of God, that they which do such things are worthy of death, not on­ly do them, but take pleasure in them that do them. And if by such weak considerations as these above mentioned (though the truth of the contrary is generally known in the world) this Authour would conclude, that Pastors can never deliver amiss; and therefore whatever any Histories say to the contrary, there never were errone­ous Bishops in the Eastern or Western Churches, or any places whatever; I doubt he would be put to wonder­ful puzzles to reconcile the present Doctrines in all Churches. Yet if Protestants may not as men of reason judge that Pastors have erred, because all Histories and the present differences in Religion manifest it: they will still as Christians believe that S. Peters Spirit was more in­fallible than this Discoursers, who hath assured us, [Page 458]2 Pet. 2.1, 2. That there shall be false Teachers, who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies, and many shall follow their pernicious wayes.

§. 14. 9 He concludeth with a flourish, That every vir­tue and Science, would contribute to Traditions certainty, which would require, he saith, a large Volume to shew. But that we may judge what this large Volume would be, he gives us a taste wherein is nothing else but empty and fro­thy words. Arithmetick lends her numbring and multiplying faculty to scan the vast number of testifiers; Geometry her proportion to shew the infinite strength of certainty in Traditi­on, &c. But if such words as these were considerable, this Discourser may receive a return more truly. Arith­metick cannot number and determine the many possi­ble, and probable wayes of erring in Tradition; Geome­trical proportions cannot discover how manifold and great defects appear, in the receiving the Body of Christs Do­ctrine by Tradition, more than in the acknowledgement of Mahomets existence; nor how great a proportion of men there are in the Church, who have delivered their own opinions and speculations, to one who only testifi­eth what he received; Logick will discover the Sophistry in the pretended Arguments for Tradition; Nature will evidence the great possibility of mans mistake or neg­lect in the way of Tradition; Morality will shew the great corruption of man, whereby he is lyable every where to err and miscarry; Historical prudence will shew the failing of Tradition both in Jews and Gentiles, and many Christian Nations, overspread with known and confes­sed errors, and will thence conclude, that it is possible for any Nation or particular Church by Oral Tradition, to neglect the faithful preserving truth: Political Prin­ciples will evidence according to the practice of all Civil Policies, that writing is a more exact way to convey down Laws and Rules of Order, than Tradition is; Meta­physicks with its speculations, will evidence the very notion of Oral Tradition of the whole Body of Christs Doctrine to [Page 459]this Age, to be an aiery vanity; Divinity will discover much of the great wisdom and goodness of God in giving us the Scriptures, rather than in leaving us to the uncer­tain and dangerous way of Tradition; Controversie will evidence the uncertainty of almost every thing in Faith, if it had no other Basis than mere Oral Tradition, without any written support. So that after all the survey of his several Discourses, where nothing is solidly spoken for Tradition, I may well conclude, that this way of Tradition is defectible.


AFter these several Discourses, he deduceth forty one Corollaries built upon them; all which must needs fall with the ruine of their foundation. Yet that they may not pass without due Cen­sure, I shall briefly deduce other opposite Corollaries, and for the most part directly contrary to them, from our Dis­course.

Corol. 1. They may of right pretend to Faith, who hold not to Tradition, since they have a sufficient Rule of Scripture, and Motives enough to believe ( Disc. 2.3, 4.) But they have no sure-footing in the Faith, who depend on­ly on this Oral Tradition; since it is both a fallible and actu­ally a false guide ( Disc. 5.6, 8.).

Cor. 2. They may pretend to be a Church, and a true Church, who own not Oral Tradition: because they may be a number of Faithful, ( Cor. 1.) but whoever followeth any way of such Tradition, cannot manifest themselves to be a Church, unless by recourse to some other Rule or way of evidence, Disc. 5. because they may in this way err from the Faith, and so not be faithful.

Cor. 3. They may be members of a Church, who are not followers of Tradition; because by ordinary and sure means they may have Faith.

Cor. 4. They who renounce Tradition for their guide, and close with Scripture, are not cut off from the Faith thereby; because they imbrace hereby the most sure Rule of Faith.

Cor. 5. The followers of such Ancestors, who so re­nounced Tradition, have the same security, that they may have Faith, by relying on the Scripture as a Rule.

Cor. 6. The followers of them who renounce Oral Tradition, may rightly claim to be a part of Christian Tra­dition, or deliverers of the Faith: because they receive the Scripture Doctrine in written Records, and so deliver it to others, Disc. 2. — So did the Apostles deliver Doctrines to the Jews from the Old Testament.

Cor. 7. They who pretend to reform what is delivered as matters of Faith, in any Church guided by Oral Tradi­tion, may hold the true Christian Faith, because such Churches may err in the Faith, as did the Jewish. But then such Reformers must come to what appears by Records to be the Faith at first delivered.

Cor. 8. The followers of this way of Tradition, cannot evidence who are truly faithful, and of the Church; be­cause their Tradition is no sure Rule ( Disc. 5.6, 8.) And if any should hold the Faith intire after successions of Tra­dition, this is by chance, and not demonstrative in the way of Tradition.

Cor. 9. The disowners of Tradition who hold to Scri­pture, can give certain account who are to be held as truly faithful; because they have a sure Rule to try this by, which is the Scripture.

Cor. 10. Such who hold not this Tradition, can rationally punish them who revolt from their Faith: because they can by Scripture Rule sufficiently evidence the cer­tainty of their Faith, and the guilt of such revolters. Disc. 7.

Cor. 11. That company of men hang together like the Body of a Christian Church, who close with the Scri­pture, [Page 462]and adhere not to Tradition: because they hold Christs Doctrine, delivered to them by the Apostles and Evangelists Writings, whence the Roman Church is high­ly Schismatical, for disowning all others, and accounting it self the Ʋniversal Church.

Cor. 12. Tradition may be argued against out of the let­ter of Scripture: because while Oral Tradition is uncertain, Scripture is preserved certain, by the delivery of Records, which is a more sure and excellent way of delivery of Christs Doctrine.

Cor. 13. The Authority of some Churches may in rea­son be opposed against Tradition; viz. The Authority of the Ancient Church, against the present Oral Tradition: because since Tradition is defectible, the Doctrine of the Ancient Church, might both differ from the present Church, and is most like to be in the truth. What he pretends of Tradition being Antecedent to the Church, and including the living voice of the whole Church essential, concerning pre­sent Tradition is a vain surmise; for how can the present Tradition, of which we dispute, be antecedent to the Church sixteen hundred Years since established? and since it is defectible ( Disc. 6.8.) how can it include the voice of that Church?

Cor. 14. Fathers or Councils, may rationally be alledged, against present Tradition; for if they be Fathers or Coun­cils, now owned as Catholick by the holders of Tradition, they will shew the inconsistency of Tradition with it self. If they have formerly been owned as Catholick, they will shew the change of Doctrine in the way of Tra­dition.

Cor. 15. Disowners of Tradition in right of reason must be allowed to argue against Tradition out of Scriptures, Fathers and Councils: for this is no matter of courtesie, nor any argument only ad hominem, but ad rem, since they have a certainty of these things from Traditional Records, Disc. 2, 3, 4. How little the testimony of Tertullian is to his purpose; see in the next Dis­course, [Page 463]in inquiry into Tertullians opinion of the Rule of Faith.

Cor. 16. The Authority of History, or Testimonial Writing, may be alledged against Tradition: because mat­ters of fact past, and the former state of things, may run con­trary to present Tradition: And the credibility of the Histo­rian may be evident by his impartial writings, agreement with other Writers, by the testimony of other faithful Wri­ters, or the present Tradition concerning him; or if in Church-History, by his having been formerly received as a Catholick Writer.

Cor. 17. Other Tradition may in right of reason be al­ledged against Romish Oral Tradition: for though the sure Christian Tradition, be the most firm of any; yet since the Traditional Records of Ancient Churches, Disc. 5. n. 20. and the delivery of truth in Scripture, Disc. 5. n. 18. are much surer than Oral Tradition, and the different delivery in other Churches, may be as sure as in the Roman, they may be alledged against it.

Cor. 18. Arguments from Reason may be urged against Oral Tradition; for since this Tradition is weak and fallible, it may be disproved by reasons which are strong and solid.

Cor. 19. Instances may be argued from against Tradi­tions certainty: for since Tradition is defectible, instances may have that Historical certainty which Tradition hath not; and may in the allowance of the Author, be delivered by Tradition, and so shew its inconsistency.

Cor. 20. The denying Oral Tradition doth not dispose to Fanatickness; because Protestants deny it not by re­course to a Light within, but to a Rule without, and ratio­nal evidence.

Cor. 21. Fanatick Principles may be confuted without the help of Romish Oral Tradition, but not by it in a rational way, for such confutation is by evidence of the [...] the contrary. Now we can evidence the [...], and its being contrary to Fanatick [...] they cannot evidence the certainty of [...].

Cor. 22. We may argue against Tradition, without questioning the constancy of any species in nature, or of mans-nature. Because it is not founded upon mans na­ture; but upon a supposal of his actions free from possible ignorance, mistake, corruption, forgetfulness, speculations and working fancies about notions received. For by any of these, which ordinarily attend man, may Traditions certainty be destroyed.

Cor. 23. There is great possibility of various rational waies of arguing against Oral Tradition: by Scripture, Councils, Fathers, History, Reason, Instances, &c.

Cor. 24. Oral and practical Tradition, is no first Princi­ple by way of Authority for matters of fact; but Scripture-Tradition, or other sure Traditional Records, is such a Prin­ciple: because Scripture and such Records are certain, Disc. 4. and Tradition is not.

Cor. 25. Nor is this Tradition self evident in matter of fact long since past; because it is fallible and defecti­ble.

Cor. 26. The certainty of Tradition being disproved, that Church which relies on it, cannot thereby be certain, that it holds Christs Doctrine, because this Tradition may err in this Doctrine.

Cor. 27. Traditions certainty being disproved, general or Provincial Councils, or Societies, cannot be infallible by proceeding upon it; because it may both mislead and be mistaken.

Cor. 28. The Roman See with its head, cannot be infalli­ble by Traditional certainty; because Tradition is fallible. Nor hath the Church of Rome any particular advantages, to render it hereby more infallible than any other. When he here saies, That the joint indeavours, Preaching, Mi­racles and Martyrdom of the two chief Apostles at Rome, were more vigorous causes to imprint Christs Doctrine, than were found any where else: He sure forgat Jerusalem, where were the joint indeavours, Preaching and Miracles of Christ Jesus himself, and all his Apostles; the Passion of [Page 465]Jesus, and Martyrdom of other chief Apostles, and Pro­phets; and yet in that Church, were professed by the Bi­shops, both Arianism, and Pelagianism; and therefore Rome cannot be proved free from false Doctrine, by such Argu­ments. Nor will its constant visible profession make more for Romish Oral Tradition, than for Jewish or Gentile Tradi­tion.

Cor. 29. If this Tradition were established, and put in practice according to this Discoursers mind; the Romish Church could not be secure, that they have any Copy of Scripture truly significative of Christs sense. Because if, as this Author here talks, They should correct Scriptures Letter, by the sense of mens hearts, it would be wonderfully depra­ved, because in this sense Tradition may and doth err. But we know Sixtus and Clemens went not this way in correct­ing the vulgar Latin; And themselves declare, that ancient Copies and Writings were their Rule for correction. And by these means, Protestants have a Copy preserved significative of Christs sense, by the several deliveries of Scripture Copies, in several Ages and Churches.

Cor. 30. Tradition disproved, Scripture can no waies be infallibly interpreted, by this Oral Tradition, because it is fallible and false: But Protestants in all things necessary can infallibly understand the sense of Scripture, since such things are delivered in clear and plain words.

Cor. 31. Tradition being disproved, the Church which relies on it, may receive as held ever, what was not so held ever.

Cor. 32. Whence also errors opposing Faith may be re­ceived by the followers of Tradition as Faith; because they may err in the Faith.

Cor. 33. Notwithstanding Tradition, Erroneous opini­ons may generally, and with publick Authority spread themselves in the Church; because this defectible Traditi­on may deliver errors, by the viciousness of some, and the liableness to error in others.

Cor. 34. By the same reason may errors gain sure foot­ing and abide in the Church, in the way of Tradition; be­cause as many Opinators who deliver their conceptions of truth, may both mistake themselves, and be mistaken by others, for testifiers of the sense of the former Generation; and as many corrupters of truth may be mistaken by others for deliverers of truth, as was the case in the prevalency of the Arian and other spreading Heresies: so may the deter­mination of a confirmed Council, where error hath taken place, give it sure footing among them who stand ingaged to own that Council which is the case of Papists.

Cor. 35. The ignorance or corruption of the Church-governours and the better part being overpowered, may hinder many corrupt opinions, from being ever declared against the way of Oral Tradition; and cause many true opi­nions to be so declared against, that without rejecting the way of such Oral Tradition, they can never be received. Be­cause Tradition when once it errs, can never return without denying it self.

Cor. 36. By the same reason, Erroneous Opinions may constantly abide in the Traditionary Church. What he here saith, That following evil practices, will necessarily shew them opposite to Faith, is his erroneous opinion; because pra­ctices though bad, if grounded on opinions held for truth, are judged lawful by such holders; nor can they be convin­ced of such practices being evil, till first they be perswaded that such opinions were evil. Such was the case of the Gentiles gross Idolatry, the Pharisaical breaking Gods Com­mands, as in Corban, &c. and Papists worshipping Images, and Saints, &c.

Cor. 37. Erroneous opinions and practices, may fully prevail in the judgements and practices of the most faith­ful, who follow the way of Oral Tradition. Because since their Rule may fail them, they may do their best to follow this, and yet may their judgements and practices both mis­carry.

Cor. 38. Erroneous opinions may be charged upon that Church, which follows Oral Tradition, because they may follow from that Churches Rule necessarily; since Traditi­on is a false guide; and they may be generally owned by that Church, in its publick profession, and the determinati­on of its Councils.

Cor. 39. Therefore it is no weakness to object against such a Church, such opinions and practices.

Cor. 40. Oral Tradition can be no first principle in Con­troversial Divinity: for since it could be no otherwise a prin­ciple, than by declaring what God said, and it may err and fail in that; it is therefore no principle in Divinity.

Cor. 41. If as this Author here reasonably concludeth, Christs promise to his Church, can bear no part in the Rule of Faith; nor be any first Principle to manifest the certainty of the Churches Tradition; then have great and many follow­ers of the Romish Tradition, hitherto erred, in that this pro­mise hath been held and delivered by them for such a Prin­ciple.

An Inquiry after, and Examination of, the consent of Authority to the foregoing Discourse.

AT last this Discourser proceeds to Authorities and testimonies, both of Scripture, Councils, and Fa­thers; which is an inquiry of very great use in this matter. For since Protestants own Scripture as an unerrable guide, if it pronounce Tradition to be the Rule of Faith, then will we acknowledge it to be such: and its reasonable to expect from Papists who own the Scripture to contain Divine truth, and with the Council of Trent own no Tradition with greater reverence, than the Scriptures, that if Scriptures declare themselves to be the Rule of Faith, then this may be generally received. Con­cerning Councils and Fathers, if these could be generally produced from the Apostles times, Protestants will grant, That what is so declared to be the Rule of Faith, is certain­ly such. But if only some Councils and Fathers, in some after Ages be produced, if such plead for Tradition, Prote­stants own it not a demonstration; because they know they might be in some error. Yet concerning the known Councils and Fathers of the Ancient Church, we are so confi­dent, that they were not mistaken concerning the Rule of Faith, that we will acknowledge that to be the true Rule of Faith, which was by them declared to be such. But if ge­nerally the Doctrine of the Ancients be on our side, then Oral Tradition will further evidently appear to be no Rule of Faith; yea, not only to be fallible, but false and self-incon­sistent, if that which is now delivered concerning it, be contradicted by the consent of the Ancient Church.

An Inquiry what is declared the Rule of Faith by the Scriptures.

HE first goeth about to prove by Scripture, 1 That the Rule of Faith, is self-evident, from Isai. 35.8. This shall be to you a direct way, so that fools cannot err in it. Which words as cited by this Author, shew only the knowledge of God under the Gospel, to be so clear and evident, that they who will seek after him and live to him, though of low ca­pacities, may understand so much as is requisite for their right walking; which Protestants assert also, and own this evidence to be in Scripture.

But that Tradition may be proved this Rule of Faith by Scripture, he alledgeth Isai. 59.21. 2 This is my Covenant with them, saith the Lord, my Spirit which is in thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart from thy mouth, and from the mouth of thy seed, and from the mouth of thy seeds seed, from henceforth for ever.

But, 1. to have Gods Word and Spirit in their mouth, proves their delivery not a Rule of Faith, or unerring: then must the speeches of every private Christian who shall be saved, be a Rule of Faith; because the Scriptures assure us, That every one who shall be saved, hath both the Spirit of Christ and his word in their mouth, see Rom. 8.9. Rom. 10.9, 10. Mat. 10.32. 2. Though all who are born of God shall have his word in their mouth, this will not secure us, that what is by any Society of men declared as truth upon Tradition, is Gods Word; no more than what the Psalmist saies, Psal. 37.30. The mouth of the righteous speaketh wis­dom, and his tongue talketh of judgement] would assure, that the Doctrines owned by the way of Tradition among the Jews, were alwaies the true Doctrines: since it might well [Page 470]be, that those Jews were not such righteous men, as it may also be that the generality of some visible Church are not Gods seed. 3. Gods Word may be in the mouth, where the holy Scriptures are the Rule. We read, Josh. 1.8. This Book of the Law shall not depart out of thy mouth, but thou shalt meditate therein day and night. Where it is evident, that when Joshua was to keep the Law in his mouth, he had the Book of the Law for his Rule, and had his acquain­tance with the Law by meditating in it. God saith Mal. 2.6. (concerning Levi) The Law of truth was in his mouth, and Vers. 7. they shall seek the Law at his mouth; and when they did thus in Ezra's time, he read the Law out of the Book of Moses, and that Book did Hilkiah send to Josiah. While S. Paul professed his Faith with his mouth, he de­clared, that he believed all things written in the Law and the Prophets When we read Deut. 31.21, 22. This Song shall not be forgotten out of the mouths of their Seed, vers. 22. Mo­ses therefore wrote this Song the same day, and taught it the Children of Israel. Is it not evident, that it was from the writing of Moses, that this Song was in their mouth? and that writing by which they were taught, surely was their Rule to know this Song by.

Next to this he urgeth as pithy and home, 3 but not to his purpose, Jer. 31.33. I will give my Law in their bowels, and in their hearts will I write it; and notes, that S. Paul con­tradistinguisheth the Law of Grace, from Moses 's Law, in that the latter was written in Tables of Stone, and the former in fleshly tables of mens hearts. But, 1. What proof is here of Tradition being the Rule of Faith? Had the Scripture said that under the Gospel, Christians should receive the Law of God no otherwise, than from one anothers hearts, it might have seemed to serve his purpose. S. Austin de Spiritu & litera, c. 21. having mentioned the place fore-cited of Je­remy, and that of S. Paul to which this Discourser refers, in­quires what are the Laws of God written by God himself in their hearts, but the very presence of the holy Spirit, who is the finger of God, by whom being present, Charity which is the fulness of [Page 471]the Law, and the end of the Commandment is poured forth in our hearts? Now if God causeth his commands to be in­wardly imbraced by a Spirit of love and piety, this is far from conveying to them a Spirit of infallibility. 2. Nor doth S. Paul contradistinguish the Law of Moses, and the Gospel in those words, but he contradistinguisheth the way of Gods inward writing in the heart, from the way of his outward writing in those tables. For even the Law of Moses was also written in the hearts of them who feared God, as the Laws of Christ were more eminently in the hearts of Christians. Hence such expressions as these, Psal. 119.11. Thy word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against thee. Psal. 37.31. The Law of his God is in his heart, none of his steps shall slide. Yea, Moses tells the Jews, Deut. 30.11. This Commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far of, v. 14. but the word is nigh thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou maist do it. Yet though Gods Law before the co­ming of Christ was in the hearts of his people, yet was the Book of the Law then their Rule, as now is the Old and New Testament. 3. If that place of S. Paul be considered, 2 Cor. 3.3. it will evidence that what the Holy Ghost going along with his Ministry, had written in the fleshly tables of their hearts, was enough to commend his Apostleship, which is the scope and design of that place; but it no ways signifies that these Corinthians even at this time, were not capable of erring in any Doctrine of the Faith, for he de­clares to them in this same Epistle, chap. 11.3. that he fears lest as Satan beguiled Eve, so their minds should be cor­rupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4. And if we could have been assured (as we cannot) that the deli­very of truth in the Church of Corinth, was a Rule of Faith, this would plead much for the Tradition of the Greek Church, rather than of the Roman, which agreeth not with it, and so would destroy Romish Tradi­tion.

But as this Discoursers citations of Scripture Authority are very impertinent, 4 I shall in brief observe, whether the Scripture do not evidently declare it self to be the Rule of Faith. To the which purpose, besides many other places, observed in the foregoing part of this answer, let these be considered, S. Luke 1.4, 5. It seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding of all things from the very first, to write unto thee in order, most excellent Theophilus, that thou maist know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed. Now that is a Rule of Faith, which is the best way to ascertain us of Faith; and from these words it is evident, that even in the times of the Apostles and Evange­lists, the common delivery by word of mouth, which The­ophilus had heard of, concerning matter of Christian Reli­gion, was not so certain as the Evangelical writing; and therefore this Gospel was written, that Theophilus might know the certainty of those things. S. John would not have written his Gospel to this end, that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God, Joh. 20.31. if he did not think this writing should direct and rule our Faith. S. Paul would not have told his Philippians, Phil. 3.1. To write the same things for you is safe, unless notwithstanding the force of delivery by word of mouth, they stood in need of this advantage of the Apostles writing for their safety and esta­blishment; nor yet would this be safe for them, unless this writing was sufficient to effect this establishment, which could not be, unless it was a Rule of Faith.

Yea that the writing of Scripture was the way, 5 by which the spirit of God intended to preserve the Doctrine of Faith in after times, when the Apostles were deceased, S. Peter declares, 2 Pet. 1.12. I will not be negligent to put you al­waies in remembrance of these things, though you know them, v. 15. I will indeavour that you may be able after my decease, to have these things alwaies in remembrance. And [...] which the Apostle useth, signifies to make a short com­prisal of things, for the help of memory. Now if this was the design of S. Peters Epistle, it will necessarily fol­low, [Page 473]that the preserving Christian Doctrine in memory, is best secured by the Written Word of God, otherwise pos­sibly they could not have been able to have these things in remembrance. And lest, if this Apostle had said no more of this subject, any might have objected, that he endea­voured they might be able to have these things in remem­brance by Tradition, he himself directly shews, that this is the advantage of his writing, and the end of both his Epistles, 2 Pet. 3.1. This second Epistle, beloved, I write un­to you, in both which, I stir up your pure minds, by way of remem­brance. So that notwithstanding the force of delivery by word of mouth, he thought writing necessary to keep these things in their remembrance. And Jesus himself said to the Jews, If you believe not Moses writings, how shall you be­lieve my words? John 5.47.

What the Synod of Lateran, owned for the Rule of Faith.

NExt his search after Scriptures, 1 this Author pretends to give the Judgement of some few Councils, which he asserts to own Oral Tradition for the Rule of their Faith. I might here mind him, that others of his Church have delivered, that Councils owned Scripture as their Rule. Nicol. de Cusa, a Cardinal of the Roman Church, lib. 2. de Concordant. Cath c. 6. sayes, That the manner of the General Councils, was to have the holy Gospels placed in the middle, where they were assembled. And a little after he adds, Matters of Faith were first treated of.—The Synod decreed accor­ding to the testimonies of the Scriptures.

But to examine his Testimonies. 2 The first is from the Synod of Lateran, which was no ancient Synod, being above six hundred and forty years after Christ. They say, We all con­firm unanimously and consonantly ( consonanter not consequent­ly) with one heart and mouth, the Tenets and Sayings of the holy Fathers, adding nothing to those things which were deli­vered by them; and we believe so as the Fathers have believed, we preach so as they have taught. These words are delive­red indeed by that Synod, but if that Synod be enquired into, this will make little for Oral Tradition.

This Synod of Lateran was held under Pope Martin, 3 against the Monothelites; in which were read the Testimo­nies of several Fathers, S. Ambrose, Austin, Basil, Cyrill, Hippolytus, Epiphanius, Chrysostom, Justine, Athanasius, Hila­ry, Nyssen, Nazianzen, Leo and others, with reference to whose words, the Synod added, We all confirm, &c. Where it is observable, they proceeded upon the written Testi­monies read out of the Fathers, to determine what was the Doctrine of the Fathers; and this is no way of Oral Tradition, nor any thing rejected, but highly approved by Protestants. Yea, here the Bishop of Rome and his Roman Council, own that as Catholick Doctrine, which was deli­vered in the Writings of the Fathers, and eminent Wri­ters in other Churches, which is not this Discoursers way. And it is further observable, that these sayings of the Fa­thers no way appear to be the Rule of their Faith, but are owned by them as Truths, unto which they all agree: whence these words Dogmata patrum omnes firmamus, we all confirm their Doctrines, cannot signifie, that they make these their Rule; but that they consent with them in the things alledged, and confirm their saying to be truth. And this Protestants will do, as well as the Synod of Lateran.

But that we may enquire what appears to have been the Rule of this Synod, 4 it is observable, that none of the Fathers Testimonies here cited against the Monothelites, who denyed two wills in Christ, refer to any Oral Tradition, but very many to several grounds of Scripture. For in­stance, [Page 475] Leo Bishop of Rome is by Pope Martin produced in the opening that Synod, that Christ said, According to the form of God, I and my Father are one; but according to the form of a servant, I came not to do my own will, but his who sent me; where he plainly manifests two wills. Again, from Leo, He who was incarnate for us by his uncreated will, and operation of his Divinity, of his will wrought Miracles, whence he testifies, saying, As the Father raiseth the dead, and quickens them, so the Son quickneth whom he will: by his cre­ated will and operation, he who is God above nature, as man, willingly underwent hunger, thirst, reproach, sorrow and fear, and this again the Evangelist testifies, saying, he went into an house, and would have none know, but could not lye hid: and again, They went through Galilee, and he would not that any should know; And again, he would go into Galilee; also they gave him Wine mingled with Gall, and when he had tasted thereof, he would not drink So S. Austin, Ambrose, Cyril, &c. in their testimonies read in this Council, to prove the hu­mane will of Christ, urge farther, If it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt: My soul is sorrowful to death: Now is my soul troubled. And Deus-dedit Bishop of Sardinia, declared in this Council, that the testimony of Cyrill of urging those Texts, was for the perfect refuting those Hereticks. S. Austin is likewise pro­duced thus glossing concerning Christs Humane Nature, If we say he was not sorry, when the Gospel saith, My soul is exceeding sorrowful; if we say he did not eat, when the Go­spel saith he did eat; the worm of rottenness creepeth in, and there will be nothing left sound, then his body was not real, nor his flesh real; but what ever was written of him, brethren, is accomplished, and is true: So far S. Austin there cited and ap­proved. So that we see they grounded all along upon the Scriptures, and the necessary consequence of his having two wills, from his having two Natures. And when in this Council was read the Type of Paul Bishop of Constan­tinople, wherein he prohibited all disputes, about Christ's having or not having two wills, the Council liked his inten­tion [Page 476]to have all contention cease; but declared their dislike of his dealing alike with the truth and the error; yet they de­termined, that if he could have, and had shewed by the appro­bation of Scripture, that both were equally subject to reproof or praise, his Type had been well. All this considered, there is no more in the words cited by this Discourser, to prove they made Oral Tradition their Rule, than when the Church of England declares her consent with any Confessions of others, or any Doctrines of the Fathers, and shall say, We agree to all there spoken; it could be thence concluded, that the Church of England hath Oral Tradition for her Rule of Faith.

Of the Council of Sardica, and what it owned as the Rule of Faith.

NExt he produceth the Council of Sardica, which is the only Council by him produced, within the first six hundred years after Christ. Out of the Synodical Epistle of that Council, sent to all Bishops, he citeth these words, We have received this Doctrine, we have been taught so, we hold this Catholick Tradition, Faith and Confession. Let us consider the place cited more largely. This Council decla­red, that the Hereticks contended, that there were diffe­rent and separate Hypostases (by which word that Council tells us, those Hereticks meant Substances) of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. But we have received and been taught this, and have this Catholick Tradition, Faith and Con­fession, that there is one Hypostasis or Substance of the Father, [Page 477]Son and Holy Ghost. But 1. How did these Fathers receive this? They presently add, That the Father cannot be named or be without the Son, is the testimony of the Son himself, say­ing, I am in the Father, and the Father in me; and again, I and my Father are one. 2. This Council of Sardica was held not long after the first Council of Nice, and received this faith from it; and in this Council of Sardica, the Catholick Bi­shops did establish the determination of faith, in the Coun­cil of Nice, Socr. lib. 2. c. 20. And after the end of this Council, Hosius and Protogenes, the leading men in the Coun­cil, wrote to Julius Bishop of Rome, testifying, that all things in the Council of Nice, were to be accounted ratified by them, which they explained as they saw need. Sozom. 3.11. Where­fore that which was the Rule of Faith, in that first and fa­mous Council of Nice, is likewise owned to be the sufficient Rule by the Council of Sardica, especially if this was any way declared by that Nicene Council: in the same manner, as if now any English Convocation, should by publick wri­ting declare their establishing and receiving the Doctrine of the Thirty Nine Articles, it must needs be concluded, that they own that to be the Rule of Faith, which is there decla­red to be such. Concerning the first Council of Nice, I shall discourse after enquiry into the second Nicene Coun­cil, which he next applyes himself to in his Discourse.

What was owned as the Rule of Faith, by the second Coun­cil of Nice.

THe last Council he produceth, 1 is the second Council of Nice; whose Authority if it was indeed on his side, yet would it no way tend to determine this Controversie; and he cannot but know, that Protestants have no great esteem for that Council, having these several things ratio­nally to object against it. 1. That it was a Council above eight hundred years after Christ, not only celebrated in that time, when the purity of Primitive Doctrine was much declined; but even the matters therein declared con­cerning the worship of Images, were innovations, and not agreeable to the more ancient Church. 2. That this Council cannot in reason be pretended, to declare the general Tra­dition of the Church Catholick; when it is certain, that immediately before it, a Council of 330 Bishops at Constan­tinople, defined the contrary; and the like was presently after it done by a German Council. 3. They delivered that as the sense of the Church Catholick, which was not such, nor will the present Roman Church acknowledge it to be such, in Act 5. of that Council, when the Book of John of Thessalonica was read, wherein it was asserted, That the sense of the Catholick Church was, that Angels and Souls of men, were not wholly incorporeal, but had Bodies, and therefore were imitabiles picturâ, as Binius hath it, repre­sentable by Pictures; Tharasius and the Synod approved of it. Yet here Carranza in his Collection of the Councils, adds a Note, that this is not yet determined by the Church; and observes, that many of the Fathers asserted the Angels to be wholly incorporeal, whom the first Synod of Lateran seems to follow. Pamelius puts it among the Paradoxes of [Page 479] Tertullian, ( Parad. 7.) which S. Austin condemned, to as­sert the Souls of men to have any effigies and colour: and both Pamelius upon Tertul. and Baron. ad an. 173. n. 31. derive the original of this Opinion from the Montanists. 4. It is evidenceable by many instances, that they satisfied them­selves with very weak proof, both from Scriptures, and from the Fathers, as hath been by several Protestant Wri­ters shewed.

Yet as bad as this Council was, which was bad enough; I assert, That it was not of this Discoursers judgment, that Oral Tradition is the Rule of Faith. In order to the evi­dencing of which, I shall first examine his citations.

His first citation is out of Act. 2. 2 We imbued with the precepts of the Fathers, have so confessed, and do confess. Which words I suppose he took out of Carranza, where they are curtly delivered: for sure had he read them, as they are at large in the Council, he would never have been so mistaken, as to have applied them to Oral Tradition. The words more at large, are thus spoken by Tharasius, Pa­triarch of Constantinople, and approved by the Synod. Adri­an Primate of old Rome, seems to me to have written clearly and truly, both to our Emperours, and to us, and hath declared the ancient Tradition of the Church to be right. Wherefore we al­so searching by the Scriptures, by inquiring, arguing, and de­monstrating, and also being imbued with the precepts of the Fa­thers, have so confessed, and do confess, and will confess, and do confirm the force of the Letters read. So that whatever is here spoken concerning a Rule of Faith, must be this; that that which upon inquiry may be made appear by Argu­ments and Demonstrations, to be the Doctrine of the Scri­pture, and accords with the ancient Fathers, is delivered to us by the Rule of Faith. And is this the Doctrine deliver­ed by this Discourser, or by Protestants?

Yet further, these words of Tharasius, 3 confirming the Letters of Adrian then read; we may observe how those Letters also as they were recorded by that Council, agree with the Protestant Doctrine. Now Adrian in that Epi­stle [Page 480]to Constantine, and Irene, which Tharasius refers to, ex­horts them to acquiesce in the Tradition of the Orthodox Faith, in the Church of Blessed Peter and Paul, the chief of the Apostles, and to imbrace it, as it hath been done by other Emperours, honouring their Vicar with all their heart. For, these chief of the Apostles, who did begin the Catholick Ortho­dox Faith, did command their Faith to be preserved by writing, as by Laws enacted, even to all them who should succeed them in their Seats, and so (saith he) our Church doth keep it. Yea, as to the Question in hand then about Images, Adrian there urgeth Arguments from Scripture, with such expres­sions as this, As the holy Scripture hath it, so let us have it: and after his arguments from Scripture adds, wherefore it is not to be doubted; and then indeavours to shew the consent of Fathers. Whence it is evident, Adrian urged the Em­perors to close with the delivery of the Church of Rome, because then that Church did keep to the written Laws of the Apostles, and by this means preserved their Faith: and Scripture he follows, to put things out of doubt; this was then, as appears, the Doctrine of the Church of Rome; and if that be it which will please this Discourser, let him take it, and follow it.

In Act. 3. 4 of this Council, this Discourser cites these words, We receive and venerate the Apostolical Traditions of the Church. But is this enough for this Authors purpose? 1. Is every thing that is received and venerated, made a Rule of Faith? 2. Must these Apostolical Traditions needs be Oral Tradition? Or did the Apostles deliver nothing in Writing? These words are in an Epistle of Theodore of Je­rusalem, to that Council, which was by it approved: but in that Epistle, as throughout this Council they pretended to the Scriptures and Doctrine of the Fathers, cited from their Writings, to ascertain them of the Doctrine of the Apostles, as to the then disputed point concerning Ima­ges. Yea, that we may know what in that Epistle was meant by Apostolical Tradition, it is more plain in the end of that Epistle in these words; Whereas therefore it is suffi­ciently [Page 481]plain, that the Scripture receiveth them, wherefore it is lawful. Whence, though this Council was erroneous in the decision of the Controversie then in the World, for ought hath been yet produced, it doth not appear to have been in the same error with this Discourser, concerning the Rule of Faith.

His next testimony from this Council is, Act. 7. 5 where the Council have these words; We walking in the Kings High-way, and insisting upon the Doctrine of our holy and Divine Fathers, and observing the Tradition of the Catho­lick Church, in which the holy Spirit dwells, do define. But what if the Doctrine of the Fathers, and Tradition of the Church meant by them, was not Oral, but written? As for the Fa­thers testimonies its plain, they were not received by Oral Tradition, but were such as were found in their Writings, and were thence cited both in the Letter of Adrian in the second action of that Council, and in the testimonies produ­ced, Act. 4. As for Tradition it is observable, that in the definition of this Council, in which are the forecited words, they declare, that they receive the Churches Traditions, whether in Custome or in Writing; but then they declare things so received by them to agree to the Gospel; and all such cu­stoms of the Church if truly such, will Protestants as hearti­ly receive as this Council. These things they might ob­serve, though they did not make them a Rule of Faith. And that the Tradition they relied on as the ground of their Faith, was chiefly the holy Scriptures, may appear proba­bly, because in the beginning of the fourth Action, where they produce the grounds of their Tradition, they first urge several Scriptures, Exod. 25. Numb. 7. Ezek. 41. Heb. 9. and others; and after them the Fathers Writings: but it appears more certainly in the seventh Action, where is their Synodical Epistle to Constantine, and Irene, in which they urge many Scriptures, to prove the truth of what this Council defined, and then say, These (to wit Scriptures) being so confessedly, and without all doubt, we believe, these things to be acceptable and pleasing to God. Whence it ap­pears, [Page 482]that the Rule by which they did without all doubt­ing believe, was the holy Scriptures; and what else is a Rule of Faith? So that they principally relied on the Scri­ptures, and in consent with them, on the written Doctrine of the ancient Fathers, and the customs of the Catholick Church. And this is that Protestants will not disclaim, but allow as a Rule, though they will keep better to it, than this seventh General Council (as it is called) did.

Lastly, 6 From the first Action of this Council, he cites these words, which were spoken by Basilius of Ancyra, as part of a recantation of his former opinions, and seem to be allowed by that Council: They who contemn the Writings of the holy Fathers, and the Tradition of the Catholick Church, and bring for their excuse, and inculcate the words of Arius, Nestorius, Eutyches, and Dioscorus; saying, unless we were sufficiently instructed out of the Old and New Testament, we would follow the Doctrines of the Fathers, and of the six ho­ly Synods, and the Traditions of the Catholick Church, let him be accursed. And so will Protestants say, They who con­temn the preaching of the holy Fathers, and the Tradition of the Catholick Church against Arius, and those other He­reticks, (which preaching and Tradition did declare it self grounded, and was truly grounded upon Scripture; im­bracing and venting the words of these Hereticks, which we know were against Scripture, though these persons pre­tend Scripture to be on their side, which we know is not;) let him be accursed. Nor from these words will it follow, as he would have it, that it was ever the pretence of most execrable Hereticks, to decline Tradition, and pretend suf­ficient light from Scripture; the contrary to this, hath been by me shewed, and will be further manifested. These words do not speak it the constant practice of Hereticks to pretend to Scripture; but only speak of some certain Here­ticks, whose time is defined to be betwixt the sixth and se­venth General Councils: for if they had not lived after the sixth Council, they could not have declared, why they [Page 483]did not follow the six General Councils; and if they had not lived before the seventh General Council, their words could not have been there produced. But such words as these of those Hereticks, which decline the true Tradition of the Church founded in Scripture, and satisfie themselves with empty pretences of Scripture, Protestants will con­demn. Yet lest the gloss upon these words should not seem a sufficient answer; without further proof of what is there intimated, I shall undertake to evidence, that the Doctrine of the Fathers, and Tradition of the ancient Church against those Hereticks, was such as was ground­ed upon Scripture, as their Rule of Faith; and that those Hereticks assertions were therefore rejected, be­cause they were contrary to these Scriptures: Which I shall do in examining what were the grounds of Faith, upon which the Catholick Fathers proceeded, at the time of the four first General Councils; in which were these Hereticks condemned, as also Macedonius in the se­cond Council.

What were the grounds of the Catholick Faith assert­ed against Arianism, in and at the time of the first Nicene Council?

ARius being a Presbyter of Alexandria, 1 was for his He­retical Doctrine denying the eternal Godhead of the Son, opposed and rejected by Alexander, Bishop of that place, and deposed from his Office by an Alexandrian Coun­cil, Socr. Hist. Eccl. lib. 1. c. 6. upon which Alexander writes an Epistle to all his fellow Ministers, wherein as he lays down many Scriptures, which he declares to be full against the assertion of Arius; so he there declares, that the Arians when they had once determined to fight against Christ, would not hear the words of our Lord. And he there likewise shews, that whereas he had oftentimes overthrown them in un­folding the Divine Scriptures, they as Chamaelions changed themselves.

The same Alexander of Alexandria, 2 in his Epistle to Alex­ander of Constantinople, declares, that the Arians assertion did tend to destroy the holy Scriptures, and that in the Scri­ptures they pretended to urge, they did offer violence to the holy Scriptures. He likewise there urgeth the Scriptures a­gainst them, with such expressions as these, John is suffi­cient to instruct, Paul doth declare manifestly. But to leave this particular Bishop, and come to the General Coun­cil.

When this famous Council of Nice was gathered toge­ther, 3 Constantine tells them, Theodor. Hist. Eccl. lib. 1. c. 7. that they had the Doctrine of the holy Spirit in writing: for (saith he) the Evangelical and Apostolical Books, and the Ora­cles of the ancient Prophets, do evidently instruct us, what we ought to think of Divine things; wherefore rejecting all conten­tious [Page 485]strife, let us receive a solution of such things as are que­stioned, from the Divinely inspired speeches.

As this Council of Nice was put forth by Pisanus, 4 out of the Vatican Exemplar, it is observable, that they oft urge the same Scriptures which Alexander did urge against Ari­us: and in the third Book of that Council, The Bishops said by Eusebius, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. That [was] rejects [was not] and [God] takes away [that he was not God]: believe the things that are written, neither think nor inquire after things that are not written. So that Council.

After the decision of this Council, 5 Socr. lib. 1. c. 5. shews, that Eusebius writing of the Nicene Confession, saies, The form of Execration which is set after the Creed, we thought fit to be received, because it prohibits the using of words not writ­ten, from whence almost all the confusion and disorder of the Churches do arise. Wherefore when no Scripture of Divine in­spiration, useth these words [concerning the Son] that he was of things that were not, and that it was once when he was not, it is no way fit to speak or teach such things.

That this Council made Scripture their Rule of decision, 6 will yet further appear from the words of Constantine, in his Epistle to the Church of Alexandria, recorded, Socr. lib. 1. c. 6. where he declared, That the Council had diligently examined all things; and writing of the Arians, he adds, some blasphemed, speaking and professing to believe things con­trary to the Divinely inspired Scriptures and the Faith. And Athanasius ad Epictetum speaks, how powerful the Faith of Nice might be expected to be against Heresies, which was pro­fessed according to the holy Scriptures. I shall hereafter ob­serve somewhat more out of Athanasius, which will further declare, that at the time of this Nicene Council (of which he was a Member) Scripture was the Rule made use of against the Arians.

What was received as the Rule of Faith, at the time of the second General Council at Constantinople?

THis Council not being called against Arius, 1 Nestorius, Dioscorus, or Eutyches, which are mentioned by this Discourser; but against Macedonius, who denied the Divini­ty of the holy Spirit, and other Hereticks; I shall but briefly observe, That Evagrius, Hist. Eccl. lib. 2. c. 4. declares, the design of that Council to be to make manifest by Scripture-testimo­nies what they conceived about the Holy Ghost, against them who adventured to reject his Lordship. And if the testimony of Evagrius being a private Historian, be not sufficient, this very same thing was before him attested and declared, con­cerning this second General Council, in the definition of the Ge­neral Council of Chalcedon, Act. 5.

And in the seventh Canon of this second Council, 2 where they declare how they will receive those that return from Heresie, amongst other things concerning some of them are those words: We receive them as Greeks, and the first day we make them Christians, and the second Catechumens,— and so we Catechize them, and make them continue a long time in the Church, and hear the holy Scriptures, and then we Baptize them. Doth it not hence appear, that this Council owned the Scriptures as the way to the true Faith, and establishment in it, in that they would not receive Here­ticks until they had been long hearers of it?

But I will not here neglect to mention, 3 that at the time of this Council, Pope Damasus gathers a Council at Rome, hearing of that at Constantinople, where they declare, That after all the Prophetical, Apostolical and Evangelical Scriptures, by which the Catholick Church by the grace of God is founded; the Church of Rome is by some Synodical Decrees, above other [Page 487]Churches; And Christ himself said, Thou art Peter. Is not this testimony to be seen in their own Collectors of the Councils, plain enough to shew what was in those daies owned by the Church of Rome, as the main ground and foundation of Faith?

What was owned as the Rule of Faith, at the time of the third General Council at Ephesus?

THis Council was gathered against Nestorius, 1 when Coelestine was Bishop of Rome, whose place was here supplied by Cyril of Alexandria. That the Nestorians then did not pretend to Scripture for their Rule, is probable in that Socr. lib. 7. c. 32. relates that they indeavoured to falsi­fie the Copies of the Scriptures; as likewise in that an Epi­stle of the Nestorians to the people of Constantinople, begins thus: The Law is not delivered in writing, but is placed in the minds of the Pastors; which Epistle is extant in the Acts of the Ephesine Council, Tom. 3. c. 7. And in the Epistle of Cyril to Comanus, and Pontamion, Act. Conc. Eph. Tom. 2. c. 18. Cyril relates, that when the Metropolitans and Bishops had disputed with Nestorius, and had clearly shewed out of the Divine Scripture, that he was God, whom the Virgin bare ac­cording to the flesh, and therefore evidently concluded him to err: he was full of anger, and exclaimed in his manner wretch­edly against the truth. So that it seems the Metropolitans and Bishops, who opposed Nestorius, made Scripture their Rule, as the Protestants do; but the Nestorians then were not for these written words as their Rule, but for what is written in mens hearts, in which the Nestorian assertion may claim some kindred with our Discourser.

To observe further what Rule of Faith was made use of against Nestorius, 2 we may understand it from the writings of Cyril of Alexandria, who as he was the chief opposer of [Page 488] Nestorius; so was he highly approved of by this Council of Ephesus, for his appearing against Nestorius, and also by Coe­lestine Bishop of Rome, as appears in his Letters directed to him, Tom. 1. Conc. Eph. c. 16. Cyril concerning the right Faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, to the Empresses, Eudocia and Pulcheria, shews, that his Book may be of use to reduce some from error, and by various Arguments, and demonstrations of the Divine Scri­ptures, to strengthen them in the Faith, who are nourished in the Doctrine of truth: & in that whole Book propounds Doctrines from the several Books of the New Testament, against the Doctrine of Nestorius. And I suppose it will be granted, that that which in such a case of Heresie arising, would sta­blish in the Faith, and reduce to the Faith, must be esta­blished upon, and have evidence from the Rule of Faith. In another Treatise of his to the same Empresses, of the same subject, he tells them, The Scriptures are the Fountains which God spake of by his Prophet Isaiah, saying, Draw the waters out of the wells of salvation. Wholesom Fountains we call the Pro­phets, Apostles, and Evangelists: and a little after, The speeches of the Holy Fathers, and their Sanctions wisely stir us up, that we should observe diligently what is most agreeing to the holy Scriptures, and should with a quick sense contemplate the truth, hidden in the Divine letters.

The same Cyril in an Epistle to the Clergy and people of Constantinople, 3 declared his expectation, that Nestorius would have returned from his perverse opinions, and would with reverence imbrace the Faith delivered by the holy Apostles, and Evangelical Writers, as also by the whole holy Scripture, and sealed, that it might receive no damage by the voices and oracles of the holy Prophets. Is not this to make Scripture a Rule of Faith.

I might add much more from Cyril; 4 and what shall be spoken concerning Coelestine, who wrote to the Ephesine Council, and approved it, will further shew the Rule of Faith, at that time owned by the Roman Church. There­fore I shall here only subjoin one testimony of the whole Council of Ephesus, in their Epistle to Coelestine Bishop of [Page 489] Rome, Tom. 4. Conc. Eph. c. 17. wherein they related, That the Letter of Cyril to Nestorius had been read in the Council, which the holy Synod did approve by its judgement, because it was in the whole agreeable to the Divine Scriptures and the Ex­position of Faith, which the holy Fathers put forth, in the great Synod of Nice. We here meet with their being guided by Scripture, and the former decisions founded upon it, but the Rule of Oral Tradition, or any other unwritten Rule, was to this Age a perfect stranger.

What was owned as the Rule of Faith, at the time of the fourth General Council at Chalcedon?

HAving sufficiently evidenced the Rule of Faith, 1 at the time of the first General Council against Arius, who denied the Eternal Divinity of the Son of God; and of the second against Macedonius, who denied the Lordship of the holy Spirit; and of the third against Nestorius, who divided Christ into two Persons: I now shall briefly inquire what was owned as this Rule, at the time of the fourth General Council against Eutyches, who denied that Christ had two natures; wherein Dioscorus was also condemned. Now Eutyches was opposed by many Catholick Bishops, and more especially was opposed and condemned by Pope Leo. But the Rule by which these Bishops, as well as this General Council did condemn him, was the holy Scriptures. Flavianus Bishop of Constantinople, in an Epistle of his ex­tant amongst Leo's Epistles, Ep. 6. saies, There were some who knew not the Divine readings, dispraise the Fathers, and desert the holy Scripture to their own perdition; such an one (saith he) was Eutyches amongst us. Amongst the Epistles of [Page 490] Leo, Ep. 53. is extant an Epistle of Eusebius Bishop of Mil­lain, and the Council assembled with him, wherein that Synod declares their assent to the Faith, contained in Leo's Epistle sent to the East, because the brightness of light and splen­dor of truth did shine in it, by the assertions of the Prophets, Evangelical Authorities, and the testimonies of Apostolical Do­ctrine.

Leo, 2 himself (by whose means the Council of Chalcedon was called, in which the errors of Eutyches were more fully censured) in his tenth Epistle writing of the Eutychians, sayes, That they fall into this folly, because when they are hin­dred by any obscurity in attaining the knowledge of the truth, they have not recourse to the Prophetical voices, the Apostolical Letters, and Evangelical Authorities, but to themselves. And a little after of Eutyches, he speaketh thus, That he knew not what he ought to think of the incarnation of the word of God; nor was he willing to gain the light of understanding, to labour in the holy Scriptures. And in the same Epistle cites, and urges many Scriptures against Eutyches, with such expressions as these, He might have subjected himself to the Evangelical Do­ctrine, in Matthew speaking; He might have desired in­struction from the Apostolical Preaching, reading in the Epistle to the Romans, ch. 1. He might have brought holy diligence to the Prophetical pages, and have found the promise of God to Abraham, &c. with other Scriptures in the like manner pro­duced. These testimonies of Leo, evidence, that he own­ed the holy Scriptures to be the best way to come to Faith, and be stablished in it, and is not this to be a Rule of Faith? Yea, he further observes, that the neglect of them were the cause of swerving from the Faith.

To come to the Council of Chalcedon it self. 3 In its second Action, this tenth Epistle of Leo was read, and they decla­red, they all believed according to that Epistle. At the same time was read the Epistle of Cyril to Nestorius, which as it was read in, and approved by the third General Coun­cil, Conc. Eph. Tom. 2. ch. 3. So being in Chalcedon read, they declared, They all believed as Cyril did; in which Epi­stle [Page 491]he shews, that we must not divide Christ into two Sons, nor make an union of Persons; for the Scripture saith, The Word was made Flesh: which is nothing else but he did partake of our flesh and blood, and made our Body his, and became Man of a Wo­man. Wherein he plainly enough makes use of the holy Scriptures to decide the Controversie concerning that point of Faith, or rather, to confirm that matter of Faith against its opposers.

Of the Rule of Faith, acknowledged by the Fathers, and first of Coelestine.

AS it was easie to shew the general consent of the anci­ent Fathers, to the Protestant Doctrine in this parti­cular; 1 I shall now indeavour to do it in all those our Dis­courser pretends to be on his side; and to avoid over great prolixity, I will confine my self to them only. His first ci­tation is from Coelestine, in his Epistle to the Ephesine Coun­cil; where his words somewhat mis cited by the Discourser, are to this purpose: We must by all means indeavour, that we may retain the Doctrines of Faith delivered to us, and hitherto preserved by the Apostolical Doctrine. But what is here for Oral Tradition? Doth Coelestine tell us that that was the way of delivering and preserving truth till his time? No such matter; yea, in the beginning of this Epistle he saith, That is certain which is delivered in the Evangelical Letters. But that we may better understand Coelestine, whose Let­ter to the Council of Ephesus, was written against Nestori­us; consider first his Letter to Cyril, who confuted Nestori­us; in which are these words: This truly is the great tri­umph of our Faith, that thou hast so strongly proved our asserti­ons, [Page 492]and so mightily vanquished those that are contrary, by the testimony of Divine Scriptures. Yea in his Epistle to Nesto­rius, he calls that Heresie of Nestorius a perfidious novelty, which indeavours to pull asunder those things which the holy Scripture conjoins. And in another Epistle to the Clergy and people of Constantinople, he hath these words of Nesto­rius: He fights against the Apostles, and explodes the Pro­phets, and despiseth the words of Christ himself, speaking of himself: of what Religion, or of what Law doth he profess him­self a Bishop, who doth so foully abuse both the Old and the New Testament. And in the end of that Epistle, thus directs those Constantinopolitans; You having the Apostolical words before your eyes, be perfect in the same sense, and the same meaning. These words of Coelestine seem plainly to shew, that in the Romish Church, Scripture was then the way whereby to try Doctrines. But if this be not the sense of these words of this Roman Bishop, which seem so plain; I may well con­clude, that the words by which the Roman Church of old de­livered truth, were not generally intelligible, and so their Tradition must be uncertain.

What was the Rule of Faith, owned by Irenaeus?

THe next Father he cites is Irenaeus, 1 from whom he cites three testimonies. From Irenaeus lib. 3. c. 4. (though the naming the Book was omitted by him) he would prove that the Apostles gave charge to the Bishops to observe Tradition, and that it is a sufficient Rule of Faith, without Scripture: in which he abuseth Irenaeus. From Irenaeus lib. 1. c. 3. he to the same end cites this as his testimony, Though there be divers tongues in the world, yet the vertue of Traditi­on [Page 493]is one and the same, the preaching of the Church is true and firm, in which one and the same way of salvation is shown over the whole world. Of which words, only the first clause is in the place cited in Irenaeus; but these words, The preaching of the Church is true and firm, &c. though glossed upon by this Discourser as considerable, are not to be there found in Irenaeus; and if they were, they would not serve his pur­pose, as may by and by appear. And from Irenaeus, lib. 3. c. 3. (though he mis-cites it, lib. 1. c. 3.) he cites words, p. 138. to prove that the Doctrine of the present Church is the Doctrine of the Apostles.

Now that I may give a true account of the meaning of the words cited, and also of the judgment of Irenaeus; 2 I shall first observe from Irenaeus himself, what kind of Here­ticks those in the Primitive times were, who occasioned these words, and how he confutes them, and next which was his own judgement of the Rule of Faith. Concerning the former, Irenaeus lib. 3. c. 2. tells us, That those Hereticks, when they were convinced out of the Scriptures, were turned into the accusing of the Scriptures themselves, that they were not right, nor of authority; that they were variously spoken, and that the truth could not be found out of them, by those who have not Tradition: and that the truth was given in a living voice, which was the wisdom in a Mystery, which every one of these He­reticks pleaded themselves had in Valentinus, or Marcion, Cerinthus or Basilides. And when they were challenged to hold to the Tradition of the Apostles, and their Successors in the Church; they said they were wiser than the Apostles, and so would neither hold to Scripture nor Tradition: since they are slippery as Serpents, indeavouring every way to evade (he saith) they must be every way resisted.

After this c. 3. he contends with them concerning Tra­dition, 3 and shews, that the Churches Tradition is much more considerable than these Hereticks; and hath the words which our Discourser cites, p. 138. All they who will hear truth may discern in the Church, the Tradition of the Apostles manifest in the whole world; after which he adds, [Page 494] We can mention the Bishops which were by the Apostles instituted in the Churches, and were their Successors; and if they had known any Mysteries to teach them, who are perfect, they would not have concealed them from them. Further to manifest what was this Tradition, he refers to Clemens his Epistle, saying, from thence they who will, may know the Apostolical Tradition of the Church, That there is one God, &c. Then that Polycarp who conversed with the Apostles, whom Irenaeus had seen, was a more faithful testifier than Valentinus, or Marcion; and he declared the same Doctrine, and from his Epistle to the Philip­pians, they who will, may learn the preaching of truth; and that John who lived to the time of Trajan, was a true witness of the Apostles Tradition.

Cap. 4. He observes, 4 That the Church are the depository of truth, and if any have any dispute of any question, ought they not to have recourse to the ancient Churches in which the Apostles con­versed, and from them to receive what is certain concerning the present question. And then he adds, which our Discourser also cites, p. 131. But what if the Apostles had not left us the Scriptures, ought we not to follow the order of Tradition, which they delivered to those to whom they committed the Churches? To which Ordination, assent many Nations of those Barbarians, who believe in Christ, having salvation written in their hearts by the Spirit, without Paper and Ink, and diligently keeping the ancient Tradition, believing in one God, &c. And after saith, They who believe this Faith without letters, are Barbari­ans as to our speech. Cap. 5. He saith, Tradition being thus in the Church, let us come to that proof which is from Scripture; and so spends several Chapters in shewing the Doctrine of Christ and the Apostles out of Scriptures.

From what hath been observed, it is evident, 5 1. That the Hereticks Irenaeus dealt with, were in some thing of the Spirit of this Discourser, that is, only for their own Traditi­on, and would neither be tryed by Scriptures, nor any other Tradition, but what was amongst themselves: as our Discourser will disown tryal by Scriptures, and by what was delivered in the Fathers Writings or Councils, Cor. 14. [Page 495]and from all other Churches but the Roman Church, Cor. 13, 17. 2. That the reason why he so much insisted upon Tra­dition, was because these Hereticks, as they denied Scri­pture, so they pretended to the best Tradition: which way of his arguing speaks not Tradition the Rule of Faith, but of considerable use in this case; even as if we should dis­pute with a Pagan who owns not Christian Revelation, concerning the truth of Christian Religion; the using ra­tional Arguments against him, will shew that we count them very useful in this case, but will not conclude that we own reason and not revelation, for a Rule of Faith: so if a Christian shall urge the Doctrine of the Old Testament, as sufficient and certain against the Jew, it would be a vain consequence to inferr, that he makes this only, and not the New Testament-Revelation, the Rule of his Christian Faith. 3. That Irenaeus did not think the urging the pre­sent Tradition of the Church, sufficient against those Here­ticks, but thought it necessary to have recourse to the anci­ent Churches Tradition; and this Doctrine of the ancient Church, he evidenceth sufficiently from the writings, as also from the verbal testimonies, of them who were fa­mous in the ancient Church: and Protestants are as ready as any to appeal to the ancient Church, and had we such a man as Polycarp, who conversed with S. John, we would receive his testimony as far as Irenaeus did. But having only ancient Writings, which Irenaeus thought sufficient, in the case of Tradition, we readily appeal to them. 4. That when Irenaeus saies the Apostles Tradition is manifest in the whole World, lib. 3. c. 3. or lib. 1. c. 3. though there be divers tongues in the World, yet the vertue of Tradition is one and the same. That is the Church in the whole World believes and delivers the same Faith: He speaks this against those Hereticks, about those great Articles of Faith. That there is one God, and one Jesus Christ, &c. as himself expresseth, lib. 1. c. 2. and lib. 3. c. 3. for even in the time of Irenaeus, there was not in all the World an agreement in all Do­ctrines; since Victor Bishop of Rome, and Irenaeus did not [Page 496]agree in this, whether it was Lawful to Excommunicate the Asian Churches for their different observation of Easter, Eus. Hist. Eccl. lib. 5. c. 6. Now is this any consequence, That Doctrine which teacheth one God, &c. against those Here­ticks, was generally continued in the Church till Irenaeus his time; which was not two hundred years after Christ; therefore all Doctrine must certainly be preserved with­out corruption in the Churches Delivery above sixteen hundred Years after Christ? though we certainly know that besides Protestants, other Churches do not now deliver the same things. 5. When he said, Ought we not to have fol­lowed Tradition, if the Apostles had not left us the Scriptures? He saith not, we ought to do so now they have left them; but rather in these words intimates the contrary.

But now more directly to see his opinion of the Rule of Faith, 6 consider these words of his, lib. 3. c. 1. The Gospel they then preached, they after delivered to us by the Will of God in the Scriptures, to be the foundation and pillar of our Faith. And then shewing how the Evangelists have delivered to us by Writing, saith, If any man assent not to them, he despiseth even Christ the Lord and the Father, and is condemned of him­self, and resisteth his own salvation. Lib. 2. c. 46. Wherefore since the holy Scriptures, both Prophetical and Evangelical, clearly and without ambiguity, and as they may of all be heard, declare, &c. they appear very dull who blind their eyes at such a clear discovery, and will not see the light of preaching. C. 41. Having therefore the truth it self for our Rule, and the testi­mony of God being openly manifest, we ought not to reject the firm and clear knowledge of God. If we cannot find the solution of all things in Scripture, we must believe God in these things, knowing that the Scriptures are perfect, being spoken by the word of God, and his Spirit. Lib. 4. c. 66. Read more diligently the Gospel, which is given us by the Apostles, and read more diligently the Prophets, and you shall find every action, and every Doctrine, and every passion of our Lord, set forth in them Lib. 3. c. 11. The Gospel is the pillar and firmament of the Church, and the Spirit of life: wherefore it is consequent, [Page 497]that it hath four pillars—he hath given us a fourfold Gospel, which is contained in one Spirit. If then according to Irenaeus, men may believe by the Scripture, and that is the pillar and foundation of Faith, and they that seek, may find all Doctrine in it, which is there clear and manifest, is not this enough to shew, he makes it a Rule of Faith? If not, we have observed him calling it by the name of a Rule also, and declaring, that none but the Barbarous Na­tions did then receive the Faith in an unwritten way.

What was owned by Origen as the Rule of Faith?

ANd first in his Books [...], 1 where in the begin­ing of his Prooem, having observed, that some who profess themselves to believe in Christ, differ in so great things, as concerning God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost: by which words he manifestly refers to such Hereticks, as Irenaeus before him treated of. Such were Montanists, Va­lentinians, Marcionists, &c. he begins to lay a Rule he will proceed by, in the words referred to by this Author, Let the Ecclesiastical Preaching delivered from the Apostles, by order of succession, and remaining in the Church to this time be pre­served: that only truth is to be believed, which in nothing differs from the Ecclesiastical Tradition. This is his Rule he will proceed by in these Books, by which in opposition to those Hereticks, he means the Churches delivery of truth, which was chiefly contained in the Scriptures; as I shall evidence, first because he useth promiscuously the phrases of Ecclesiastical Preaching and Scripture frequently in this [Page 498]Prooem, and excepts against the Book called The Doctrine of Peter, as being no part of it; and in the end of the same Prooem declares, that therefore he who would treat of these things, to know what is truth in every one of them, must effect it, by taking such assertions as he findeth in the Holy Scri­ptures, or such as are consequent from them. Where in the end of the same Prooem, he declares in other words, the Rule laid down not many Periods before in the beginning of it; which is quite opposite to the design of Oral Tradi­tion. I shall yet further confirm this by two other pas­sages out of those Books [...]: The one lib. 1. c. 3. where when he had declared, that some of the Greeks and Barbarians owned the Son of God, he adds, We according to the faith of his Doctrine, which we have for certain divinely inspired, do believe, that it is no other wayes possible, to expound the more eminent and more divine account of the Son of God, and to bring this to the knowledge of men, but only by that Scripture which was inspired by the Holy Ghost; that is, by the Evangelical and Apostolical, as also that of the Law and the Prophets. Now it is not conceivable, that he who be­lieved, that without the Scriptures there could be no emi­nent Christian knowledge of Christ, should lay any other Rule of Faith, or exclude Scripture, from being that Rule. The other passage is lib. 4. c. 1. It is not enough, he sayes, for them who discourse of such and so great things, to commit the matter to humane senses, and the common understanding; but we must take for the proof of the things we speak, the testi­monies also of the Divine Scriptures; which testimonies, that they may afford us certain and undoubted faith, either in such things as are to be spoken by us, or in those that are already spoken, it seems necessary to show that they are the Divine Scriptures inspired by the Spirit of God: which he there undertakes to prove. What can be spoken more fully to make Scripture both the only Rule, and a certain and un­doubted Rule of Faith? And if yet nothing will satisfie but the word Rule, we shall find that also toward the end of his fourth Book immediately before his Anacephalaeosis; [Page 499]where he saith, our understanding is to be kept to the Rule of the Divine Letters.

Though enough hath been already observed to shew the great mistake of this Citation from Origen, 2 I shall yet far­ther take notice, that the phrases which deceived this Au­thor, Ecclesiastica Traditio & Ecclesiastica Praedicatio, do both of them amongst the Fathers oft signifie the delivery in the Church by the holy Scriptures. But to avoid multiplying instances, concerning Ecclesiastical Tradition, I shall refer to what shall be spoken concerning Clemens Alexandrinus, whose Scholar Origen was, and to what is hereafter cited from Athanasius against Samosatenus, concerning the phrase of Ecclesiastical preaching; we may observe a like phrase in Austin de Ʋnitate Ecclesiae, c. 16. Let them shew their Church if they can, in the prescript of the Law, in the predicti­ons of the Prophets, in the Songs of the Psalms, in the words of the Pastor himself, in the preachings and labours of the E­vangelists; that is, in all the Canonical Authorities of the holy Books. Somewhat alike expression is above cited from Irenaeus, lib. 2. c. 46. and from Leo Ep. 10. in Sect. 8. n. 2.

His other testimony from Origen is at the end of his 29 Hom. in Matt. We ought not to believe otherwise than as the Churches of God have delivered us by Succession. 3 Which words he there speaks to the same purpose with the for­mer, to assert the way of the Churches Tradition, and that Scriptural against the Hereticks. To understand Origen herein it is not amiss to observe, a little before these words he expounds, the abomination of desolation, to be a word which stands in the place of the holy Scriptures, and perswades to de­part from the Creator, who is the only and true God, and to be­lieve another God we know not whom, above him to whom none is like. In which words, he evidently refers to the ancient Hereticks; and in the beginning of his 30. Hom. names Basilides, Marcion, Valentinus and Apelles, to whom he refer­red; every one of which as the Church-History informs us, brought in another God from the true. Concerning [Page 500]these Heresies, Hom. 29. at the end he exhorts, that though they should pretend some Scriptures, they should not believe them, but keep to the Churches Tradition. Why they are not to be believed in pretending to some places of Scripture, he sheweth, Because the light of truth doth not appear from any place of Scripture, but from all Scripture, that is of the Law, Prophets, Evangelists, and Apostles. That the Churches Tradition he recommends, is that only which is grounded upon, and according to Scripture is evident, in that a little before he saies; The abomination of desolation, doth alwaies superadd something to what is in the Scriptures: and the short­ning those daies, he expounds, that the good God will cut off all those additaments to Scripture by whom he pleaseth.

Origen here all along agrees with the Protestants Rule, 4 but no way with Oral Tradition, nor with any thing else that differs from Scripture, or adds to it, but he accounts all such, as the abomination of desolation. It were easie to ob­serve many other testimonies from Origen, which I omit, as supposing I have from these two places chosen by this Authour, shewed enough that Origen owned the Rule of Scripture. Protestants as well as Origen, would not have men be deluded by the subtilty of any Hereticks, who pre­tend to urge Scripture; and yet they no more thereby dis­own its being a Rule of Doctrine, than our Saviour did disown it as a Rule of Life, when he would not be tempted by the Devils citing the words of Scripture, to act against its commands.

What was the Rule of Faith owned by Tertullian?

THree Discourses of Tertullian are referred to by this Discourser. 1 The first of which is de Praescriptione adversus Haereticos, cited Corol. 15. where he will not allow Hereticks to argue out of Scripture. The design of this Trea­tise of Tertullian, is to evidence that the Doctrine professed in the Church of Christ, was the true Christian Doctrine, against such Hereticks (which were of the same mold with them Irenaeus and Origen opposed) who either would not admit the Scriptures, cap. 17. or else changed the very proprie­ties of the words, not allowing their known significations, but imagining in them strange things, which no way appear; which was the way of the Valentinians, c. 38. And these Hereticks were not satisfied with what was delivered by Christ and his Apo­stles, but produced other things, c. 8. Against these, he pleads prescription as to the true Christian Doctrine, as be­ing from the Apostles, and having Communion with them. He shews, there is no disputing with such Hereticks from Scripture, since they will not stand to it, c. 17, 18. And since these Hereticks did not own the only God, and Jesus Christ, and the holy Spirit, c. 7. and 13, 14. He urgeth, That they were not to be allowed to argue from the Scriptures a­gainst the Church, since they were not Christians, and owned them not, c. 15, 16, 17. And therefore it must first be inquired from whom the Scriptures were, and by whom, and to whom, and when delivered: all which would shew, that they were for them who followed Christ and his Apostles, in the Doctrine by them publickly delivered, which these Hereticks pretended not to do Hence it appears, that what Tertullian here writes, is no way against the Doctrine of Protestants; but in such a case as this was, they would themselves assert the same.

Now though it is impossible the Scriptures should be ei­ther a directing Rule, or a convincing, to those persons who reject them, yet in this Treatise Tertullian owns them as such to Christians who receive them, and withal asserts them as necessary to the Faith, as may appear from these particulars, c. 22. He declares, That they who receive not that Scripture, the Acts of the Apostles, cannot acknowledge that the Holy Ghost was sent to the Disciples; nor can they prove how, when, and by what means the Body of Christs Church was instituted. c. 33. He prescribes against the Hereticks from the Apostles Writings, c. 36. He hath these words; Run through the Churches of the Apostles, amongst which their very Authentick Letters are recited, sounding the voice, and representing the face of every one of them. What else is this but to equal the delivery by the Scriptures, with that which was from the mouths of all the Apostles? In the same Chapter he saith, John the Apostle puts together the Law and the Prophets, with the Evangelical and Apostolical Letters, and thence tenders this Faith to us to drink in. To add but one place more, c. 38. He saith, of the Hereticks, As the cor­ruption of the Doctrine could never succeed without the corrupti­on of the instruments; so we could not have the integrity of Do­ctrine, without the integrity of those things by which the Do­ctrine is delivered: then he adds, What the Scriptures are, we are; we are from them from their beginning; and then shews, that the Church doth keep them perfect, which the Here­ticks do not.

Next he cites Tertullian de carne Christi; 2 where c. 2. He supposeth, That upon this account Marcion did blot out so ma­ny original instruments (that is, Scriptures) least the flesh of Christ should be proved. By what Authority? (saith Tertullian) I pray, if thou be a Prophet, foretel something; if an Apostle, preach it openly; if an Apostolical man, agree with the Apostles, (and then follow the words cited by this Author) If thou be only a Christian, believe what is delivered. Where it is ma­nifest, these words referr not to recommend to us Oral Tra­dition, but the Canon of Scripture. Soon after he tells Mar­cion, [Page 503]that he is not a Christian, but once was, and now hath re­scinded what he then believed (where follow the next words referred to by this Author.) By rescinding what thou hast believed, thou provest that before thou didst rescind it, that was otherwise, which thou didst believe otherwise. So it was de­livered; moreover, what was delivered, that was true as delive­red by those whom it belonged to deliver, &c. which words are of the same nature with the former, and further condemn his rescinding, or cutting off from the Scriptures, those things which he once believed, and were faithfully delivered: for rescindere is not here to renounce, as this Discourser tran­slates it, but to cut off or mutilate (which indeed proves, that it was otherwise before) and this is the same in sense, with what he calls his rejecting some Scriptures, c. 3. his blot­ting out, ch. 4. his taking them away, c. 5. and the same with what in this 2. ch. he a little before called his blotting out the instruments (of Scripture) where having propounded the question, by what Authority he did it; and continuing his Discourse on the same subject, after these words of rescind­ing, he gives this answer; Thou hast done it by no right at all. Yet further, that in this Discourse, de Carne Christi, he in­tended the Scripture for his Rule of Faith, may be proved from ch. 6 where speaking of the Body which Angels ap­pear in; Whence it is, saith he, nothing is manifest concerning it; because the Scripture doth not declare it, c. 15. He urgeth against Valentinus seven Texts of Scripture, all which de­clare Christ to be Man; and saith, these only ought to suffice for prescription, to testifie his humane flesh, and not spiritual, &c. c. 22. when he had used many other Scriptures, he saith, The Apostle determineth all this Controversie, when he declares him to be Abrahams Seed; and then cites Gal. 3. adding, We who read and believe these things, what kind of flesh, may we, or ought we to acknowledge in Christ? surely none other than Abraham had.

In the last place, 3 this Discourser cites two passages of Ter­tullian against Marcion, to prove that the present Church contains in it the true Doctrine of Christ. Now if it did [Page 504]so in Tertullian's time it is no way consequent that any par­ticular Church must do so now, unless it be by delivery of the same Scriptures. The first place he cites, but names not the Book, is, lib. 4. cont. Marc. l. 5. where Tertullian's design is, to declare the Ecclesiastical Tradition in the Scri­ptures, to be preferred before what Marcion tenders, as his emending the Gospel, and so confirms the Protestant Doctrine. For having observed that Marcion rejects the other Evangelists, and corrupteth Luke, He saith in the end of the fourth ch. From the times of Tiberius, to Antonine, we meet with Marcion, as the first and only emender of the Gospel. And he observes his emending confirms ours, whilst he emends that which he found first, (then follow the words cited by this Authour) In short, If it be manifest, that is the more true, which was the former; and that was the former which is from the beginning; that from the beginning which is from the Apostles: in like manner that will manifestly appear to be delivered from the Apostles, which is accounted Sacred in the Churches of the Apostles. In which words, Tertullian de­signs to establish the Scripture-writings against the Here­tical corruption. Whence it follows, Let us see what Milk the Corinthians drew from Paul; to what Rule the Galatians were corrected; What the Philippians, Thessalonians and Ephesians, read, &c. so that Tertullian sends to the Scri­ptures, which may be read.

Another testimony he ventures at, 4 is lib. 1. cont. Marc. and saith it is more express: but indeed makes nothing at all for Oral Tradition. For this first Book being written to prove one only God, against Marcion, who in a Treatise called his Antitheses, endeavoured to shew, that there was not the same God in the Old Testament, and in the New: He observes, c. 20. that some said that Marcion did not inno­vate the Rule, but set it right when it was corrupted, c. 21. He sheweth, the Apostles never delivered any such thing as this, but fully asserted one and the same God. Nor was there ever any question about this in their daies: for as there were questi­ons about things offered to Idols, about Marriage and Divorce, [Page 505]about veiling Women, and the hope of the Resurrection, (in which he plainly refers to the Apostles writings): so he saith, if there had been any Question about this matter, it would have been found as a most principal thing in the Apostle (that is the Apostles writings) and then adds the words ci­ted by this Discourser: And no other is to be acknowledged the Tradition of the Apostles, than that which is this day published in their Churches. In which words, as Irenaeus, and Tertul­lian elsewhere did against Heretical inventions in general, so he here establisheth the Churches Tradition against Mar­cions innovation: or he establisheth the Doctrine of Christ, as his Church received it, which principally included the Scriptures. And that Tertullian, chiefly designed against Marcion, to establish the Scriptural Tradition, may appear sufficiently from what hath been above observed.

To see yet more of Tertullians mind in this case, 5 observe that known place against Hermogenes, who asserted matter co-eternal with God. Advers. Hermog. c. 22. I adore the fulness of Scripture which manifests to me both the maker and his works. But whether all things be made out of a subject matter I never yet read; Let Hermogenes his shop shew it written: If it be not written, let him fear that woe, that is denounced against them who add or take away. What can be more full to shew the Scripture to be a Rule of Faith, than to declare that no­thing may safely be received but from it, and that it is full and compleat?

What Clemens Alexandrinus held as the Rule of Faith.

FRom this Father he only cites one place, 1 and that so much contrary to the plain design, which is obvious to any eye, that it appears evidently, he never took it from Clemens himself, but hath in practice discovered what cer­tainty there is in his Oral way, or taking things upon hear­say. For shewing which nothing more is needful, than the setting down the words of Clemens more largely. Strom. lib. 7. He saith, In those who are indued with knowledge, the holy Scriptures have conceived; but the Hereticks who have not learned them, have rejected them as if they did not conceive: some indeed follow the truths saying, and others wrest the Scri­ptures to their own lusts: but if they had a Judgment of true and false, they would have been perswaded by the Divine Scriptures. (Then follow the words cited) If therefore any one, of a man becomes a Beast, like those inchanted by Circe: so he hath lost his being a man of God, and one remaining faithful to the Lord, who kicks against Ecclesiastical Tradition, and leaps into the opinions of humane Heresies. (Then his next words are) but he who returning out of error obeys the Scriptures, and com­mits his life to the truth; of a man in a manner becomes as God. We have the Lord the original of this Doctrine, both by the Pro­phets, and by the Gospel, and by the Apostles. He who is to be believed of himself, is worthy of all belief, (when he speaks) in the Lords voice, and the Scriptures. Doubtless the Scriptures we use as our Criterion, to find out things. And then he shews, That we are not satisfied with what men say, but inquire and believe what God saith, which is the only demonstra­tion; according to which Science, they who have tasted only of the Scriptures are faithful. What can be more plain than [Page 507]that Clemens his design here, is not to guide men to the Oral way, this Discourser talks of; but as Origen and Tertul­lulian do, so also Clemens, against the way of the ancient Hereticks, who were opposers of the Scripture, commend­eth the Churches Tradition, which was in the Scripture. Much more might be observed to this purpose, from this 7. Strom. of Clemens, and several other places, but that I think the very place this Author blindfoldly chose, is suffi­cient against him.

What was owned as the Rule of Faith by Athana­sius.

OUr Discourser wisheth Protestants would seriously weigh the Sayings of this Father, 1 and consider what sustained him who was a Pillar of Faith in his daies. This, we assure him, we will do; and likewise highly honor that Rule of Faith, which Athanasius made use of; which we know was not Oral Tradition, but Scripture. The first testimony he produceth from Athanasius, is in his Epistle de Synodis Arim. & Seleuc. where speaking of the Arians who were not satisfied in the Council of Nice, but sought after some other Synodical determination, where they might have the Faith; and therefore procured another Council to be called; he saith, Now they have declared themselves to be un­believers, in seeking that which they have not: (which are part of the words cited by this Discourser: his following words, I think, cannot be found either in that Book, or elsewhere in Athanasius, which are) All therefore that are seekers of Faith [Page 508]are unbelievers. They only to whom Faith comes down from their Ancestors, that is, from Christ by Fathers, do not seek, and therefore they only have Faith; if thou comest to Faith by seeking, thou wast before an Ʋnbeliever. Thus far this Dis­courser I think frames Athanasius. Against the Arians in this Epistle Athanasius further saies; If they had believed, they would not have sought it as if they had it not, and if you have wrote these things as now beginning to believe, you are not Clergy-men, but begin to be Catechumens. Which words he writes upon occasion, that the Arians Confession began not, So believes the Catholick Church; but the Catholick Faith was in the presence of Constantius, put forth such a day, as Athanasius there declares. But that we may understand Athanasius his mind, where they who are Believers must have Faith, and not elsewhere seek it: (which also is the way he must understand it to come from Ancestors, if any such words be any where in Atha­nasius) in this very Epistle he declares it thus. It is a vain thing that they running about, pretend to desire Synods for the Faith; for the holy Scripture is more sufficient than all Synods. And if for this there should be need of a Synod, there are the Acts of the Holy Fathers, they who came together in Nice, wrote so well, that whoever faithfully read their Writings, may by them be remembred of that Religion towards Christ, which is declared in the holy Scriptures. So that these words of Athanasius as they design not the promoting Oral Tradition, so they do advance Scripture.

The next testimony cited, 2 and vainly flourished over, is from Athan. de Incarn. against Paulus Samosatenus, where he concerning this Subject of the Incarnation of the Word, shews, That such great things, and difficult to be apprehended, cannot be attained to, but by Faith. And they who have weak knowledge, if they here reject not curious questions, and keep to the Faith, ruine themselves. Wherefore (saith he) blessed Paul saith, Great is the mystery of Godliness, God manifest in the flesh, &c. A little after he saith, To make an exact search, is that few can do, but to hold fast the Faith belongs to all who [Page 509]are perswaded by God. Then follow the words cited: He that searcheth after that which is above his reach, is in danger, but he who abides in the things delivered, is out of danger. Wherefore we perswade you, as also we perswade our selves, to keep the Faith delivered, and avoid prophane words of novelty, (thus far this Discourser cites, but then follows) and to fear an in­quisitive search into so great Mysteries, but to confess, that God was manifest in the flesh, according to the Apostles Tradition. By this view of the whole sense of Athanasius, it is evident, he designs to put them off from curious questions, about these high Mysteries, to relie on the written Scripture- Tra­dition, which in these words he refers to. And in the same Treatise he urgeth other Scriptures to confirm this point, using these words concerning Scripture-testimony: it speak­eth evidently, it teacheth us as manifestly.

The last testimony he cites from Athanasius, 3 is in his Epi­stle to Epictetus; where inveighing against him who wrote, that Christs Body was consubstantial to his Divinity; he indeed saith, That things that are so manifestly evil, it is not fit to lay them further open, or spend more time about them, lest thereby contentious men should judge them doubtful. (Then follow the words by this Author referred to) it is sufficient to answer to such things, and say, that these things are not of the Catholick Church, nor did our Fathers so think. But his next words are, But lest our silence should make them shameless, it is requisite to speak something from the holy Scriptures. And af­ter many arguments from Scriptures, saith, Wherefore let them confess that they have erred, being perswaded by the holy Scriptures. So that we see he no way rejects the Scri­ptures from being his Rule, though he said as Protestants al­so will, that some Heresies may be so absurd, that it is enough against them, to shew them contrary to all ancient­ly received Doctrine, and the Catholick Church: and yet even in these he referred to Scripture, as the best means of conviction.

Though the judgement of Athanasius be already suffici­ently manifest, I shall briefly refer to two other testimonies. 4 [Page 510]One is a fragment of his 39. Epistle, where when he had reckoned the Books of Scripture, he saith, These are the wells of Salvation, in these only is the Doctrine of Godliness de­clared; Let no man add any thing to these, nor take any thing from them. Another testimony is observable amongst his various Treatises, against divers Heresies; he hath one (which concerns this Discourser: and if as some think it be Theodoret's Treatise, it will still be of use to us) against them, Who say men should not search out of Scriptures, but be satisfi­ed with their own Faith. Where very much to our pur­pose, I only mention one short expression. Wouldest thou that I should reject the Scriptures, where then shall I have know­ledge? Wouldest thou that I should forsake knowledge, where then should I have Faith? But I suppose I need add no more to evidence that Athanasius made Scripture the Rule of Faith.

What was owned as the Rule of Faith, by S. Basil?

OUr Discourser likewise pretends to have S. Basil on his side, 1 from whom he cites two testimonies, which must be examined. The first whereof is to be found in his first Book against Eunomius; where when Eunomius re­quires them who hear or read him, not to attribute any thing to the greater party, or the multitude, or the dignity of persons; S. Basil answers in the words this Authour refers to: Shall we being perswaded by thee, judge the Tradition which in all Ages past hath prevailed under so many holy men, more dishonourable than your impious conceits. But is this to make Tradition a Rule of Faith? When I say, that [Page 511]I will account more honourably of S. Basil's Judgement, than of this Discoursers fond conceits; do I by this make S. Basil the Rule of Faith? And why may not S. Basil prefer other Catholick Teachers before Eunomius, and yet not make them a Rule of Faith? Yea, it is evident from the very place, he designs not here to speak of the Rule of Faith, but to speak against the arrogancy of Eunomius; yet in this Book, he urgeth many things from the Scriptures, with such Prefaces to them as these: We will demonstrate from the Scripture. We are taught of the Scripture. How accurate­ly and evidently they testifie. And these things seem to make Scripture a Rule of Faith.

His other testimony is from S. Basil against the Sabellions, 2 Arians, and Anomaeans; where observing, that those He­reticks delighted in some Sophistical niceties, and did not entertain the plain delivery in the Scriptures, which was confirmed by the Fathers, he exhorts in these words; Lest thou shouldest separate the Spirit from the Father and the Son, (then follow the words cited by this Discourser) Let Tra­dition deterr thee, the Lord taught so, the Apostles preached so, the Fathers conserved it, the Martyrs confirmed it: let it suffice thee to speak as thou art taught. And then he adds, Away with these pieces of Sophistry, either the Spirit is unbegotten, or begotten; if he be unbegotten, he is the Father; if he be begotten, he is the Son; if neither, he is then a Creature. Now that in this place, he chiefly intends the confirmation of the Tradi­tion in Scripture, and the Councils decisions agreeable to this holy Scripture, is evident from the design of his whole Book, wherein he proves the truth by Scripture, and thus declares his own sense, not long before concerning the ho­ly Spirit. We exhort you, that you would not seek to hear of us any time that which is pleasing to your selves, but that which is well pleasing to the Lord, and agreeable to the Scriptures, and not contrary to the Fathers. These words plead for the Rule of Scriptures, not against them.

But that more clearly we may understand the opinion of S. Basil concerning the Rule of Faith; 3 I shall refer to his Treatise of Faith, Tom. 2. where he declares, That he would keep himself to what he had received from the Scriptures of Di­vine inspiration. And a little after saith, It is a manifest fal­ling off from the Faith, and evidence of Pride, either to reject any thing of those things that are written, or to bring in any thing of those things that are not written: when our Lord Jesus Christ himself saith, My Sheep will hear my voice. What words could be more full to shew what he owned for the Rule of Faith?

What was by S. Austin accounted the Rule of Faith?

THis Discourser tells us, 1 he must not omit S. Austin. I confess, I wonder how he adventured to produce him, when it is so manifestly apparent, that he very fre­quently and exceeding fully declared his opinion, for the Scripture being the Rule of Faith. 1. He cites S. Austin, contra Epist. Manich. quam vocant Fundamenti, in which he brings in the Manichee, c. 14. saying, That he doth not promise any perfect Science; but such things are shewed to him, and that they to whom they are told, ought to believe him in those things which they know not. To which he answers, If I must believe things unknown, (then follow the words this Authour refers to) Why should I not rather believe those things that are now celebrated by the consent of learned and unlearned, and are con­firmed amongst all people, by most grave Authority? Here he prefers the consent and fame of the Church, before that of [Page 513]the Manichee: but this is far from making it a Rule of Faith, but only maketh it the more considerable motive: and yet in those things wherein learned and unlearned consent; Scripture may be their Rule to believe them. And S. Au­stin declares, Ep. 3. that there are obvious things in Scri­pture, which it speaks to the heart both of the learned and unlearned.

What he next adds as spoken in the same Book by S Au­stin, 2 The Authority of the Catholick Church, is of force to cause Faith and assurance; which (Authority) from the best esta­blished seats of the Apostles, even to this very day is strength­ned by the series of Bishops succeeding them, and by the assertion of so many Nations. These words I find not in that Trea­tise. He indeed there saith, c. 5. That he had not believed the Gospel, if the Authority of the Catholick Church had not moved him: whence it may be inferred, that he makes the Authority of the Catholick Church, sufficient to cause Faith as a Motive to it: and indeed, this is all can be inferred from these words here cited. And yet it is observable, that the Authority of the Catholick Church, which was so great a Motive to S. Austin, did not confine it self to the present Church, but included the Primitive Church, whence, c. 3. he calls it an Authority begun by Miracles, nourished by hope, increased by Charity, and confirmed by Antiquity.

His last testimony from S. Austin is, I think, 3 mis-cited as to the place, but the words are (but not in Ep. 58. which is not S. Austins) The faithful do possess perseveringly a Rule of Faith, common to little and great in the Church. But why may not this be the Scripture? can it not be common to lit­tle and great, according to S. Austin's language? Who tells us Ep. 3. By the Scriptures bad understandings are cor­rected, little ones are nourished, and great ones are de­lighted.

That S. Austin makes the Scripture a Rule of Faith, 4 I might very largely shew, though I suppose a few expressi­ons may suffice; Ep. 157. Where the thing by nature obscure is above our capacity, and the Divine Scriptures doth not plain­ly [Page 514]afford its assistance, here humane conjecture rashly presumes to determine any thing. And if we would have the word [Rule] he saith, De bono Viduitatis: Wherefore should I teach thee any thing more than what we read in the Apostle; for the holy Scripture fixeth the Rule of our Doctrine, lest we should attempt to know more than we ought to know. De Civ. Dei, lib. 13. c. 18. The City of God believeth the holy Scriptures both Old and New, which we call Canonical, from thence Faith it self is conceived, out of which the just man liveth. I will yet add only one testimony more, De literis Petiliani, Lib. 3. c. 6. If any one, I will not say, if we, no way to be compared to him, who said, Though we; but as in the following words he added, If an Angel from Heaven should preach unto you, either concerning Christ, or his Church, or any other thing which belongs to our Faith or Life; besides what you have received in the Legal and Evangelical Scriptures, let him be accursed. But enough now of this famous Father.

What Petrus Chrysologus owned as the Rule of Faith?

THe last Father referred to by our Discourser, 1 is Petrus Chrysologus, from whom he only cites one testimo­ny, Serm. 85. where speaking of Festivals, from those words in S. John 7. At the midst of the Feast, Jesus went up into the Temple, he saith, A Christian mind knows not how (in desperationem deducere, a harsh phrase, which this Discourser seems to read disputationem, and so translates to bring into dispute, but I rather think it should be despicati­onem) to bring into contempt those things which are strengthned by the Tradition of the Fathers, and by time it self. But how­ever we read it, this being spoken of Festivals, speaks no­thing concerning the delivery of Doctrines.

But I will see if I can meet with something, 2 that will speak his mind as to the Rule of Faith. In his 99. Serm. of the Parable of the Leaven: The Woman who took the Lea­ven, is the Church; the Leaven is the Mystery of Heavenly Doctrine; the three measures in which its said she hid the Lea­ven, are the Law, the Prophets, and the Gospels, where the Divine sense is hid and covered by the mystical word, that it is not hid from the Believer, but is hid from the unbeliever. Serm. 112. upon Rom. 5. Concerning Original sin, he saith, This day the Apostles speech did fully give in it self with apparent light, to the sense of them who heard it, nor did it leave any thing doubtful to Catholick minds. Serm. 18. upon 1 Cor. 15. He saith, Lest any one should dare to doubt of the Resurrection of the Dead, we have caused this day to be read to you the large Lesson of blessed Paul, asserting it by his autho­rity, and by examples, to which our Sermon can find nothing that it can add. Now that where all matters of Divine [Page 516]Faith are contained, and which gives clear light concern­ing matters of Faith, yea so fully, that nothing can be ad­ded, and removes all doubts concerning matters of Faith, (all which he asserts concerning Scriptures) must needs be a Rule of Faith.

I have now done with the Fathers, and discovered that all those he chose to be of his side, have disowned his opi­nion, and fixed upon that Scriptural Rule of Faith, which Protestants own.

Answering the remainder of his Discourse.

BUT because §. 15. 1 he supposeth he hath there given a few notes, which will make all testimonies of Fathers, for Scripture against Tradition, lose their edge: I will ex­amine them.

His first Note is, 2 That in almost all his citations of Councils, and Fathers, they speak directly against Hereticks; which puts them to declare what fixed them Catholicks. Now from this first Note, since I have shewed, that in all such places they own Scripture for the Rule of Faith, the citations to that purpose, are the more firm for Scripture.

His second Note is to consider, 3 Whether when Fathers speak highly of Scripture, as that it contains all Faith, &c. whether they speak of Scripture sensed, or as yet to be sensed? Truly if he be a man of reason, he will easily see that, when the Fathers urge Scriptures as manifestly declaring the truth, against their opposers, who as yet disown the sense, or to Doubters who do not yet own it fully; they must needs mean the Scriptures, without any sense imposed up­on [Page 417]them otherwise, than as the words will of themselves discover the sense of him who wrote them. For this would be a weak way to dispute from Scriptures, (as the Fathers generally did with them who owned them) if they should say, we will evidence it from Scriptures, but you must then first suppose them to mean as we mean. By this means the Scripture can give no evidence or light to any truth in question, which is contrary to the whole current of our citations, from the Fathers.

The third Note is, That it is frequent with the Fathers, 4 to force Hereticks to accept the sense of Scripture, from those who gave them the Letter of Scripture, and frequent to sense the Letter (even when dark) by Tradition, but never to bend Tra­dition to the outward shew of the Letter. As to the first clause of urging upon Hereticks, the sense which they own from whom they received the Letter: The Fathers never ur­ged this but in some special case: when Hereticks, such as Valentinian, and some others, who could scarce be called receivers of the Scripture-Letter, disowned the known and common significations of words in Scriptures, and introdu­ced wonderful strange ones. Here to preserve the Faithful, confirm the Doubtful, and reduce the wandring, they urged the Churches Authority, or Ecclesiastical Tradition of Do­ctrines, and common delivery of significations of words, as more considerable than such sensibly monstrous innovati­ons: yet this was in things where, to men unprejudiced, and willing to receive truth, they would appear plainly from the very words of Scripture. And this is consistent (if there were the like cause) with the Principles of Prote­stants, as with any others. In other cases the Fathers ur­ged against the Hereticks evident arguments from the light of Scripture-Letter. Nor did they sense Scripture by Tradition in hard Texts of Scripture, otherwise than Pro­testants will do; that is where any assertion is known to be a point of Faith, and surely grounded upon Scripture, nei­ther they nor we will so interpret any dark Scripture, as to oppose such a point of Faith: and in many other things [Page 518]will allow Tradition its degree of authority. But that they never bent Tradition to Scriptures Letter, is very untrue. When any truly Catholick Doctrine held by the Church, was questioned or impugned, was not Tradition bent to Scriptures Letter, when they applyed themselves to it, to declare and manifest such Doctrine? Which was the gene­ral practice of the Ancients, as hath been shewed. But would they ever so bend Tradition to Scripture, as to close with Scripture in rejecting Tradition? If that which is de­livered by Catholick Bishops be a Tradition, S. Austin de Ʋni­tate Eccles. c. 10. sayes, We must not consent with Catholick Bi­shops, if they think any thing against the Scriptures of God. But did ever any of the Ancient Fathers say, that we must not agree with Scripture, if it speaks against what the Bishops, who are called Catholick, do deliver?

His last Note is a very vain and empty one: 5 That they can­not hold Scripture thus interpretable, the Rule of Faith; because most Hereticks against whom they wrote, held it theirs, and therefore could not be Hereticks, since they held the Rule. But first, those Hereticks who pretended to own Scripture (who were not the most) did not perfectly hold the same Rule, with Catholicks who held to Scripture as their Rule. The Catholicks Rule is Scripture, as the words will naturally hold forth the true and genuine sense: but the Rule of He­reticks who pretended to Scripture, is Scripture, as the words are wilfully perverted, contrary to their natural and plain sense and meaning. But again, why may not they be Hereticks, who profess to hold the Rule of Faith, if they take no heed to be guided by that Rule, and reject Do­ctrines declared by it? cannot reason be a Rule in Philoso­phy, because two parties both pretend to reason?

I have now dismissed his testimonies. 6 In the last place, he undertakes to shew, That the Council of Trent, and the present Church of Rome, own this way of Oral and Practical Tradition. Now though I could shew that in the present Church of Rome, where this Author pretends so great a [Page 519]clearness of Tradition, they are not yet agreed upon the first principle of Traditionary Doctrine. Yet since I have enough shewed the dissent of this his opinion from the truth, and the Ancient Church; and therefore if they all were of this Authors opinion, it will neither make any thing for their own Doctrine, nor against the Protestants: I will for my part let him injoy the fruit of his labours in this particular, fearing most that Papists will indeavour in this point to deal with Protestants, as we above observed, that the Arians did with the ancient Catholicks; that is, like Chamaelions, change their shape, and when they were con­futed in one way, they opposed the truth in another.



A SERMON Preached at Lyn-St. Margaret's, at the Bishop's VISITATION, Octob. 15. 1677.

2 COR. 5.18.

—And hath given to us the Ministry of Recon­ciliation.

THAT the Christian Religion is of mighty Efficacy for the reforming the World, is not only evinced from the Nature of the Do­ctrine it self, but from that visible Difference which appeared between the Lives of the true Primitive Christians, and other Men; insomuch that Eusebius tells us, Hist. Eccles. l. 2. c. 13. gr. that Christianity became greatly fam'd every where, [...], by the Pu­rity of Life in them who embraced it. But as no sick Man [Page 524]can rationally expect any Relief against his Distemper, by the Directions of the best Physicians, unless he will observe them: So it is not to be wondred, if many who own the Name of Christianity, without sincere submission thereto, have Lives unsuitable to this Profession. Hence some of them practise open Viciousness, Looseness and Debauche­ry; and others embrace Pride, Uncharitableness, and Dis­obedience, all which are diametrically opposite to the Spi­rit of Christ. Hence also many who pretend an high re­spect to the Holy Jesus, do slight his peculiar Institution [...] undervaluing the Use even of that Prayer which our Lord composed and enjoined; the Communion of that Catholick Church, which he founded and built upon a Rock; the Attendance upon that Holy Sacrament which he appointed the Night he was betrayed; and the Reverence for that Ministry, which he hath established in his Church, and the Benefit of which these Words in part declare, in that God hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation.

In which Words I shall consider,

  • I. The Nature and Excellency of this Ministry in gene­ral, without respect to the distinction of its Offices; it is the Ministry of Reconciliation.
  • II. The Persons to whom this Ministry is committed; that is, to Ʋs.
  • III. The Divine Authority by which it is founded.

I. The Nature and Excellency of this Ministry. And because it is an holy Function committed to some particular Persons by God himself, the main Business thereof cannot consist in speaking or doing such Things as may be said or done by other Men, but in the discharge of a special Office. And an Office, tho it requireth Abilities in them who un­dertake it, yet is chiefly conveyed by Commission and Authority. It is possible that Corah, or some other of his Company, might be as well acquainted with the Rites of [Page 525]Sacrificing, and the way of ordering the Incense, as Aaron and his Sons were; but if they, not being called of God thereto, will invade the Priesthood, they must bear their Sin.

Wherefore I design to discourse here of the chief and proper Charge and Business of the Gospel-Ministry, which must include the Dignity thereof. And here I shall shew,

  • 1. What is contained in it, in four Heads.
  • 2. What must be rejected from it.

1. As God's Officers, they are to prepare Persons for re­ceiving the Blessings of the Gospel. And because the Wrath of God will come on the Children of Disobedience, and the way to be happy is by the Faith of Christ, and be­coming holy and good; the Officers of the Christian Church, by a peculiar Authority, are publickly to declare the Doctrines of Faith, and the great Certainty and Evi­dence thereof, to make Men well-grounded Christians, and the Directions and Rules of holy Life, together with the great Motives which tend to persuade the practice of them. They are called [...], Teachers; and the Instruction of the [...] appears as anciently as from Justin Martyr, to be one part of their publick Performances in the Church: Just. Mart. Apol. 2. And the Practice hereof is commended in the Scriptures, and the ancient Writers, as early as Ignatius, exhorting [...], Ignat. Epist. ad Polycarp. to exhort and persuade all Men for their Salvation.

And these Instructions are to be accounted of greater moment, because delivered by those to whom God hath granted his Commission; as the declaring the Law, or gi­ving a Charge by a Judg, or particular Officer, is more than the Discourse of a private Person. The Flock of Christ ought to have such a respect to the Shepherds he hath appointed, as to think it their Duty to be taught and gui­ded by them: Since our Saviour declared not only con­cerning his Apostles, but even of the Seventy, Mat. 10.40. He who heareth you, heareth me; and more generally with a Note [Page 526]of Remark concerning all those who are sent by him, Luke 16.16. Joh. 13.20. that he who receiveth them, receiveth him.

To this Head also belongeth another part of Ministerial Power, in preparing Men for God's Blessing, which was more remarkably exercised under the vigour of Primitive Discipline, in enjoining particular Rules for, and exami­ning the Probation-State of the Catechumeni, who from Paganism embraced Christianity, and of them who for their Offences came under the then severe Discipline of Penitents. This Authority the Apostle made use of in this Epistle concerning the Incestuous Corinthian, 2 Cor. 2.6, 7. declaring his Grief and Punishment to have been sufficient; and this was, Baron. an. 57.1. & 58.36. Illyr. Praefat. ad Ep. Pauli. as both Baronius and Illyricus think, in the next Year after the Sentence of his Excommunication was inflicted.

And besides the present Interest of Ministerial Power, with respect to Rules of open Discipline, it is of great use for them who have exposed their Souls to great Dangers; and also for disquieted Minds, in such Cases as press their Consciences, to take the particular Counsel of their Guides, whom God hath appointed to watch for their Souls. Heb. 13.17. Which might be a great Help to secure some from their growing Perplexities, and others from running on in Viciousness, or turning aside unto Delusions.

2. This Function contains an Authority from God to receive Persons under the Terms of Reconciliation, and to bless them in God's Name. As they are Stewards of the Mysteries of God, they have a peculiar Right to dispense to his People his holy Sacraments, as signal Pledges of his Grace and Favour. Hereupon they who receive Baptism at their hands, being duly qualified for it, receive thereby Remission of Sins, become Members of Christ, and Heirs of Salvation. And as St. Paul was directed to be bapti­zed, and wash away his Sins; so the Christian Church hath generally acknowledged Baptism to be, Acts 22.16. Clem. Alex. Paed. l. 1. c. 6. as Clemens Alexan­drinus expresseth it, [...], the Laver to make us clean from our Sins. And the ordi­nary dispensing Baptism, is a proper Act of the Ministerial [Page 527]Power, both in that Christ gave commission to his Apostles to baptize, and especially because this is a particular Exer­cise of the Keys, in receiving Members into the Church of Christ; and is also the dispensing the Symbol of Re­mission of Sins, which is included under that Commission of Christ, Whose soever Sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them. John. 20.23.

In the Holy Communion also the pious and penitent Chri­stian receiveth at the hands of him who by his Office dis­penseth it, the Mystical Body and Blood of Christ, and a Testimony of God's Favour and Blessing. And because this Sacrament is the Application of Christ's Sacrifice offered for the Remission of Sins, a devout, humble and penitent Person doth hereby receive Pardon; to which purpose St. Ambrose, Qui manducaverit hoc corpus, De Sacrament. l. 4. c. 5, 6. fiet ei remissio pec­catorum. And again, Debeo illum (Sanguinem) semper acci­pere, ut semper mihi peceata dimittantur: Which Words speak the receiving the Body and Blood of Christ in this Sacrament to include Remission of Sins. And the dispen­sing and consecrating this holy Sacrament, must needs be proper to the special Officers of the Christian Church, since no Man, without God's particular Authority, can dispense and consecrate the Pledges of his Grace, and of Remission of Sins, as tendred from him.

The pronouncing Absolution by them to whom the Go­spel giveth this Authority, doth also from God tender and apply Remission of Sins to the Pious and Contrite, by vir­tue of our Saviour's Words, Whose Sins ye remit, they are remitted; but by no means to the Disobedient and Neg­lectful. The Augustine Confession declareth Absolution to be highly esteemed, quia est Vox Dei, & mandato Dei pro­nunciatur; Conf. August. cap. de Confes. as being the Voice of God, and pronounced by his Command.

In like manner the giving a Benediction or Blessing by them, whether generally in the Publick Service, or more particularly in some special Offices, is an Application of the Blessing of God, by his Authority, unto the pious [Page 528]Christian, Numb. 6.27. but not to the Wicked and Evil-doers. Even in Aaron's blessing the People, God declared that he him­self would bless them: And the whole intention of the Gospel is a Dispensation of God's Blessing, which cometh upon them who serve him. The Blessed Jesus was sent to Bless, in turning Men from their Iniquities; to such he be­gins his Sermon in the Mount with Blessing, Mat. 5.3.4. Luke 24.50, 51 and this also was the last action he perform'd immediately upon his As­cension into Heaven. Most of the Apostolical Epistles both begin and end with Benedictions, which persons partake of according to their pious qualifications: For when not only the Apostles, but also the Seventy were commanded to pronounce Peace to the House or Place where they came, Mat. 10.12, 13 Luke 10.5.6. ( [...] or Peace, being, according to the usual Jewish Phrase, a comprehension of all Blessing) our Saviour tells them, that if the Son of Peace be there, their Peace shall rest upon it; if not, it shall turn to them again.

The ancient Church to this end used particular Benedi­ctions in Confirmation, Ordination, receiving Penitents, Matrimony, and to dying Persons; but all these the Cor­ruption of Times hath transformed into reputed proper Sa­craments: And those Blessings in Confirmation and Ordi­nation are most Solemn, the former of which was grant­ed even by S. Hierome, Hier. adv. Luc. according to the custom of the Church all over the World, to be performed by the Bi­shop only. And in our Administration thereof, the seri­ous renewing the Baptismal Covenant (which is a necessa­ry duty of Christian Profession) is a good disposition for receiving the Blessing of God; and on this account Con­firmation is not to be slighted, or wilfully neglected by those who have a high esteem for the Blessing of God.

3. They who receive this Ministry, are to guide the Church and Christian Society, that its Members may please God, not forfeit his Favour, or provoke his Displeasure. The most things contained under this head will respect those Ministers of the Church, who are the chief Governours [Page 529]thereof; and the things established by their consent and agreement.

The Church of God is a most excellent Society, and his Ministers are [...], those who are to have the care and ordering of this Family of God; Titus 1.7. and such publick Worship as is ordered according to the Will of God being acceptable to him, it belongs to them to take care of the performance thereof; and also of establishing Order and Decency; and the framing and executing such Rules and Canons for Government and Discipline as are meet: And though the external Sanction of these things is well order­ed by the Secular power; yet the directive part, and the spiritual Authority belongs to the Guides of the Church, who by the Gospel are appointed therein Rulers and Pre­sidents: Hence Inferiours are required to obey them that are over them, and submit themselves; and Titus was sent to Crete, to order the things that were wanting; [...] 1 Thes. 5.12. [...]. 1 Tim. 5, 17. [...] Heb. 13.7, 17.24. Tit. 1.5. 1 Tim. 3.5. 1 Pet. 5.2. and Bi­shops in general stand charged by S. Paul and St. Peter, to take care of the Church of God. And as that is a re­quisite to Order and due Reverence in Religious Worship; to them also belongs the setting apart, and consecrating Places, for the publick Service of God.

But because there can be no security for Order, where every Officer may act independently at his own Pleasure; therefore they have Authority to order Uniformity, which is in it self desirable, and ought to be observed, not only with respect to the secular Sanction; but together there­with, in compliance also with the Ecclesiastical Authority invested in Synods, which hath in all Ages from the Apo­stles, been honoured in the Christian Church; of which the observation of the Canons of the several Councels and Codes, is an experimental Evidence. And as the mutual Consent of Pastors in Synods is according to natural Pru­dence, directly pursueth the great ends of Peace and Uni­ty, and by their agreement addeth Weight to their Autho­rity; so this Case is eminently included in that Promise of our Saviour, Where two or three are gathered together in my [Page 530]Name, there am I in the midst of them. Mat. 18.20. Act. 16.4, 5. Act. 21.18, 24, 26. Act. 8.14. And St. Paul him­self yielded manifest Obedience both to the Decrees of the Council at Jerusalem, Act. 15. And to that other Council, Act. 21. And so did S. Peter and S. John to another Coun­cil.

And since Christians being established in the Truth, is of great use both to their own and the Churches Peace; in order hereunto the Pastors of the Church in Councils have power to abandon Heretical and dangerous Doctrines, and to require submission to the Truth they declare. This was done in the Synod of the Apostles, against the neces­sity of Circumcision; and in the four first general Coun­cils, concerning the Doctrine of the Trinity, and the Per­son of the Mediator. And such Decisions concerning mat­ters of Doctrine, when managed aright, have been deserved­ly reverenced in the Church; since one end of God's ap­pointing these Officers is, that we should be no more Chil­dren, tossed to and fro with every wind of Doctrine. Eph. 4.14. And upon this account a particular Honour is due to the esta­blished Doctrine of our Church, which hath a high agree­ment with the Rule of Scripture, and the Catholick and Primitive Church.

Besides these things, all particular Officers of the Church in their charge, are to watch over those committed to them, as much as in them lies, with special regard to the Sick, and to those also who need to be Catechised in the Principles of Religion, John 21.15. (it being our Saviour's first charge to S. Peter to feed his Lambs,) with earnest Prayer for the Grace and Blessing of God upon them all.

4. The Ministry of Reconciliation includeth an Autho­rity of rebuking and admonishng Offenders, of casting them out of the Church, and of restoring them again up­on Repentance. This hath been the ordinarily received sense of those great words of our Saviour, Mat. 18.18. Whatsoever ye shall bind on Earth, shall be bound in Heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on Earth, shall be loosed in Heaven. There is indeed a late Objection made, that these words speak not of bind­ing [Page 531]and loosing Persons, but Things; and that it is usual with the Jewish Writers to express the binding and loosing of Things, not of Persons; meaning thereby the declaring or judging such things prohibited or allow'd. But besides what may be otherwise said, I think it sufficient at present to observe, that the admitting this notion may well enough consist with the true sense of these words; which if in­terpreted by it, will import: 1. That the power of bind­ing and loosing hath a considerable respect to such things, as the Cases, Offences, and Penitent Performances of per­sons; and sutably our Saviour after his Resurrection gave his Apostles the authority of remitting and retaining Sins, which phrase also immediately respecteth not Persons but Things; but yet binding in this sense must include an autho­ritative declaring the Practices of Men to be so far Evil, as to deprive the offending Persons of their Christian Privi­ledges. 2. These words will also imply that the Officers of the Church are intrusted to bind and continue, or to loose and discharge the observation of Penitential Rules; and accordingly the Apostle saith, to whom you forgive any thing, I forgive it also in the Person of Christ, 2 Cor. 2.10.

And even this severe part of Ecclesiastical Power, is for Edification, not Destruction, both to the whole Church, and to the Offender, that through Repentance his Spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord; and so is proper­ly included under the Ministry of Reconciliation. The general result of all I have said, is, That the Office of the Ministry is of very high and great importance; and such persons who have a low esteem thereof, if they have any reverence for their Saviour, let them seriously consider, whether he who is Truth and Goodness, can be thought to use such high expressions in this case, as to declare his gi­ving them the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; and that what they bind on Earth shall be bound in Heaven, and such like; to impose upon the World which he came, to guide and save, and upon his Church which he so dearly [Page 532]loves, with empty sounds of great things, which signify little or nothing.

What a mighty sense had the Primitive Christians of this power of the Keys, when the Penitent Offenders un­der censure undertook, according to some Canons, the strict observation of Penance, Conc. Ancyr. c. 16. Elib. c. 2, 7, 47, 63. Valent. cap. 3. sometimes for 20 or 30 years, and even to the end of their Life, that they might obtain Absolution, and the Peace of the Church, and its Communion: And under this severe Discipline, as Tertul­lian describes it by the name of their Exomologesis, de Poenit. c. 9. they did ly in Sackcloth and Ashes; they never used such Cloaths or Diet as might appear pleasant; they frequently exer­cised themselves in Fasting, Prayers and Tears, crying to God day and night; and among other things, they made humble Supplication, even upon their Knees, unto the Members of the Church, and fell down prostrate before its Officers; it being their custom, Presbyteris advolvi, & charis Dei adgeniculari. And all this was done in the great­est degree, while the Church was under persecution from the Civil Power.

But that which they apprehended, and which I doubt not to be true, Exam. Conc. Trid. de Poe­ni. is, that, as Chemnitius expresseth it, Christus est qui per ministerium absolvit, & peccata remittit; it is Christ who gives Absolution by his Ministry, viz. where they proceed according to his Will. And, as under the Law, he who trespassed, beside the amendment of his fault, and restitution, either in things Sacred or Ci­vil, was to have recourse to the Trespass-Offering, for obtaining the Mercy of God; even so under the Gospel, he who performs the other conditions of Christianity, ought, where it may be had, to apply himself also to the Ministe­rial power of remitting Sin; and the receiving this Testi­mony, together with that of a good Conscience, upon a Christian Penitent Deportment, is, next to the great Absolution by Christ, the greatest encouragement for Peace and Comfort.

Only I must here add, which I desire may be particular­ly observed, that the principal way of ministerial dispensing Remission of Sins, and other Blessings of the Gospel, to them who fall not under gross enormities, and the cen­sures of the Church (though performed also in its degree in Doctrine, and other Benedictions and Absolutions) is chiefly done by Administring the Holy Sacraments of Bap­tism and the Lord's Supper to persons duly qualified. And it is one of the miscarriages of the Roman Church, that they take too little notice of this advantage in receiving the Holy Eucharist, and do inordinately advance their Sacrament of Penance so far into its place, as to be esteem­ed the only Sacrament after Baptism, wherein may be ob­tained remission of Sins.

Wherefore I conceive, that as that Man who being con­verted to Christianity, doth profess the Doctrine, and embrace the practice thereof in other things, but wholly omitteth Christian Baptism, doth thereby deprive himself of the ordinary visible Testimony of God's favour, and runs himself upon the needless hazard, of hoping to find accep­tance by extraordinary Grace, in the neglect of the ordina­ry means thereof: even so is it with those adult persons, who being otherwise piously disposed, do ordinarily neg­lect the attendance upon the Lord's Supper, which is par­ticularly appointed of God, to be a means of conveying and applying the benefits of Christ's Holy Sacrifice, for remissi­on of Sins, and other blessings of the Covenant, to them who are worthy and meet to receive the same. And if this, which to me seemeth a great Truth, was duly heed­ed, the frequent attendance upon the Holy Communion, and other Services of God, would be, as it was in the Primitive Times, generally looked on as a Duty of very great importance, in Persons adult, and resolving upon a true Christian course of life.

Having asserted the nature and excellency of the Mini­sterial Power; it will be necessary also to disclaim and reject from it these two things.

1. That the Ministry of Reconciliation is not appointed to offer in the Mass a Propitiatory Sacrifice to God for the Quick and the Dead; and herewith must be rejected also the Power of effecting Transubstantiation. St. Chrysostom truly asserteth, Chrysost. in 2 Cor. 2.5. That it is not the same thing which is done by Christ, ( i. e. in reconciling us by his Sacrifice,) and by his Ministry. But the Priestly Authority, according to the Romish Ordination, Pontif. Rom. is chiefly placed in this proper Power of Sacrificing, their Form being, Accipe potestatem offerre Sacrificium Deo, &c. And all the Orders of their Ministry have some proper thing appointed for them, which relateth to this Sacrifice of the Mass. That is pro­perly Ordo, Th. Mor. l. 5. Tr. 9. c. 1. saith F. Layman, where there is gradus potesta­tis ad peragendum Missae Sacrificium, or a degree of Power to perform something about the Sacrifice of the Mass. Much to the same purpose is in many other Writers, and even in the Roman Catechism ad Parcchos, in which, as also in the Council of Trent it self, Cat. ad Par. de Ord. Sacr. Concil. Trid. Sess. 23. cap. 2. their Priesthood is reckoned as the highest of their seven Orders, partly upon this ac­count, and partly because this Notion serveth further to ad­vance the Dignity and Eminency of the Pope. But there is no such Sacrifice of the Mass in the Religion of our Sa­viour. Indeed here it must be granted and asserted, that the Elements for the Communion were usually offered to God to be set apart for a sacred Use; and that all Chri­stian Worship being in a large sence the offering spiritual Sacrifices to God, so is especially the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, because therein is eminently a Commemo­ration of the only Sacrifice of Christ, with a peculiar Ad­dress unto God thereby, and it, and the Benefits thereof, are mystically represented and exhibited therein. And in this sence it is ordinarily called a Sacrifice, and a commemora­ting Sacrifice, in ancient Writers and Liturgies.

But the Romish Church not satisfied herewith, in the Trent-Assembly thundreth an Anathema against them who deny their Mass to be verum & proprium Sacrificium, Concil. Trid. Seff. 22. Can. 1, 3. a true and proper Sacrifice, and to be a Propitiatory Sacrifice for [Page 535]the Quick and the Dead, for Sins, Punishments, &c. And they assert, that the Elements being properly transubstan­tiated, Christ doth in this sence yield himself to be sacrifi­ced, per Sacerdotes sub signis immolandum; Ibid. cap. 1, 2. and that this is as compleatly a Sacrifice for Sin, as that he himself once offered, and the very same, solâ offerendi ratione diversa. And Bellarmine dares to say of this Sacrifice of the Mass, Bellarm. in Ex­pos. Doctr. Christ. de Poe­nitent. Mundum Deo reconciliat, it reconciles the World to God.

But this their Sacrifice is contrary to the Doctrine of the Scripture, and derogatory to the Honour of Christ's Ob­lation, in that it was the Excellency of his Sacrifice, above the Aaronical Ones, that there is no place for the daily Of­fering and Repetition thereof, Heb. 7.27. Chap. 10.10, 11, 12, 14.18. Chap. 9.25, 26, 28. since by one Offering once made, he hath perfectly accomplished the End of Sacrificing, as the Apostle largely asserteth, nor can he die any more.

And their Transubstantiation, on which this is founded, carrieth so plain Contradictions to the Evidence of Sense, the Principles of Reason, and the plain Assertions of Scrip­ture, and is attended with such numerous and palpable Ab­surdities, that the general Belief of such a thing by those of the Romish Communion, may be placed among the chief Miracles really wrought in that Church.

And the Sacrifice of Christ was on this account expiato­ry, in that by the Satisfaction he made to his Father, he so far appeased his Wrath, and procured his Favour towards Man, as to obtain the Terms, Grace, and Blessings of the New Covenant. Wherefore if the very same Sacrifice be really offered in every Mass, it must be to the same end, and then not only the Redemption of Man must be there made, but the original Sanction of the Gospel-Covenant must be then, and not before established.

Besides this, as the High-Priest, who offered the Expia­tory Sacrifice under the Law, must enter with the Blood thereof into the Holy of Holies: So the Apostle acquaints us, that Christ, who is an High-Priest, and an High-Priest after the Order of Melchisedec, offering himself as an Expi­ation for Sin, must by his Blood-enter into the holy Place [Page 536]not made with hands, even into Heaven it self. Where­fore no Man can undertake properly to offer this Sacrifice, but such an High-Priest, who with the Blood thereof doth enter into Heaven it self, Heb. 9.11, 12, 23, 24 and not still abide upon Earth.

2. We must reject all Power of reconciling any adult Persons unto God, who do not perform the other Conditi­ons of the Gospel-Covenant. If Simon Magus receive Baptism in Hypocrisy, he doth not receive Remission of Sins, but is in the Bond of Iniquity; and the Devil may enter into him who taketh the holy Communion unworthi­ly, as he entred into Judas. He that comes to receive Re­conciliation without pious care of serious Repentance, is as the Man under the Law, who came to be purified, but brings an unclean thing with him before the Lord, which is a kind of bidding Defiance to the Holiness of God, and the Purity of his Worship.

Now the Church of England declares in her Liturgy, that Christ hath left a Power to his Church to absolve all Sinners who truly repent, and believe in him: And that he is the merciful Receiver of all true penitent Sinners, and most willing to pardon us, if we come unto him with faith­ful Repentance, if we will submit our selves to him, and from henceforth walk in his Ways; with much more to that purpose.

But in the Romish Church, where they make such a di­stinction between Contrition and Attrition, as that the lat­ter is an imperfect Grief, which doth not include the Love of God above all, nor doth always take in with it a De­testation of Sin, as the former doth; their Doctors, out of a strange Looseness of Principles, assert, the Duty of Con­trition very rarely to oblige any Man. And even the Council of Trent favoureth that Position, Sess. 14. cap. 4. That Attrition, with the Sacrament of Penance and Absolution, is sufficient to please God; concerning which the Generality of their Authors speak much more plain, and many of them urge the Authority of this Council.

This is called by Valentia, receptissimum Axioma, a most received Maxim; and tho there are some Doctors, Greg. de Val. Tom. 4. Disp. 7. Qu. 8. Punct. 3. who re­quire Contrition as needful with that Sacrament, he saith, this is Sententia vix tolerabilis, an Assertion that may hardly be tolerated. Filiucius, who was Professor in the Jesuits Col­lege at Rome, and the Pope's Penitentiary, asserteth, Filiuc. Tr. 6. c. 8. n. 197. Ex vi justitiae ad Deum, &c. That upon account of doing what in Justice we owe to God, he that hath Attrition with the Sacrament, is not bound in Duty to be contrite, no, not in the hour of Death. Indeed he there saith, that upon account of Charity to God or themselves, Men may be bound to be contrite, viz. if they would secure themselves, tho they should miss the Sacrament of Penance, or would do more for God than he requireth. Filiuc. Tr. 7. c. 6. n. 14. M. Canus de Poenit. Relect. 4. But in another place he tells us, That enough is done to satisfy the Duty of Re­pentance, by Attrition with the Sacrament. And Canus asserteth, Deus nihil amplius exigit: God requires no more, than either Contrition without the Sacrament, or Attrition with the Sacrament. To the same purpose also speaketh Becanus; and Greg. de Valentia denieth it to be needful with the Sacrament, Becan. Schol. Th. part. 3. c. 35. qu. 6. to have any such Disposition which is putata Contritio, or which they suppose to be Con­trition.

But is this a Doctrine suitable to the Purity of God, and the holy Jesus, that Men may all their Life-time be so like to Devils, as not to have any single Act of Hatred against Sin, or of Love of God above all things, and yet by a few Words of the Priest, as strange a thing as the Power of Transubstantiating, be transformed into Saints, but without any real Holiness at all? Is this a Representation of Religion like that made in the Scripture, The Doctrine according to Godliness, which requires the doing the Will of our Father which is in Heaven, and declares, that without Holiness no Man shall see God? Or is this like the Pri­mitive Spirit of Christianity, where serious diligence in the Exercises of Contrition and Piety, was thought requisite for receiving Absolution?

Shall these Men be accounted the Patrons of Good Works, who against the Doctrine of St. James assert, that Men may be saved without Works, or any holy Action? and who run up to the highest and most absurd Positions of Solifidianism, even the Belief of the Non-necessity of holy Actions and Dispositions? They have found a way, if it be a safe one, how Works of Iniquity, tho they stand condemned by our Saviour, may have an entrance into Heaven without true Conversion. But such will find, that, De Poen. c. 5. as Tertullian spake in a like Case, Salvâ veniâ in Gehen­nam detrudentur; notwithstanding their Pardon, they will be cast down to Hell: For if we say we have fellowship with him, and walk in Darkness, we lie, and do not the Truth. These Doctrines of Rome are fit for the Synagogue of Sa­tan, but no such unclean thing may enter into the Congre­gation of the Lord. But whomsoever they follow, let us follow St. Peter, to be diligent, that we may be found of him in Peace, without spot, and blameless.

I now come to discourse of the Persons to whom this Ministration is committed, which I shall speak to in a four­fold Consideration.

1. To us, the Officers of the Gospel-Dispensation, not to the false Apostles, nor yet to the Jewish Priesthood. The Ministry of the New Testament excelleth that of the Old, even as the New Covenant, and the Grace of the Gospel goeth beyond the Law, as the Apostle discourseth largely, in the third Chapter of this second Epistle to the Corinthians. The Legal Dispensation in general was a Dis­pensation of Condemnation, which pronounced a Curse upon Offenders, but gave not Power and Grace to per­form Obedience; and the external Observations therein enjoined were a heavy Yoke: And that Acceptance which holy Men had with God under the Law, was not from the particular Jewish Covenant, as such, but chiefly from the Terms of Grace declared to Abraham, who is called the Father of the Circumcision, to them who are [Page 539]not of the Circumcision only, but who walk in the Steps of the Faith of Abraham. Rom. 4.11.

Indeed they had then Sacrifices for Sin, and a Way of Atonement; but these things, as they were strictly legal, did only tend to obtain the Favour of God, that the Of­fenders should not be cut off, or be exposed to Temporal Judgments: But it was not possible that the Blood of Bulls and Goats should purge away Sins, the Guilt of which their repeated Oblations did declare to continue. And the Re­verence to God, and Obedience, was in these Observations chiefly valuable.

But these Sacrifices, as they fell under a more large Con­sideration, were also Evidences of the Mercy of God in re­ceiving Sinners, and were Testimonies of God's particular Favour, in being willing to bless that People, if they would hear his Voice, and obey him; and did also adum­brate the Grace of the New Testament, Rom. 3.21. which the Apostle tells us was witnessed by the Law and the Prophets.

But the Gospel-Ministration declareth Christ by his Me­diation to have actually obtained and effected a compleat Way of Reconciliation, and confirmed that Covenant which is established upon better Promises, and is properly and eminently the Ministration of Righteousness, propo­sing most excellent Blessings, with a sure and plain way to obtain them, and affording such Assistances as are needful. And this Gospel-Reconciliation is so committed to the Mi­nistry, that they ministerially dispense the Blessings there­of, by declaring its Doctrine, by Benedictions and Abso­lutions, and by dispensing the Sacramental Symbols of Di­vine Grace.

2. To us, with primary respect to St. Paul, who wrote this Epistle, and the other Apostles. They were in a pe­culiar manner intrusted with the Ministry of Reconciliation, for they were the chief Witnesses of Christ's Resurrection, and the principal Testifiers of the Christian Faith, and re­ceived their Doctrine and Office immediatly from Christ. They were the Foundations, next to Christ himself, of the [Page 540] Christian Church, and the infallible Guides thereof, and were furnished with singular Assistances, and the Power of the Holy-Ghost. And the Extent of their Authority was in some parts thereof unconfined and unlimited; even St. Paul saith, he received Grace and Apostleship for Obedience to the Faith, Rom. 1.5. among all Nations, including Rome also, di­vers Years after St. Peter was said to be Bishop there.

The Apostles were the highest Officers of the Christian Church, 1 Cor. 12.28. Eph. 4.11. under Christ himself; and the Scriptures tell us, God set therein first Apostles, and therefore none above them. Indeed St. Peter, whom we highly honour as an eminent Apostle, had a kind of Primacy of Order yielded to him, but with no design to depress the other Apostles, above whom he had no distinction of Office. The Power of binding and loosing promised to St. Peter, Mat. 16.19. was on like manner given to them all, Mat. 18.18. And that ample Commission, John 20.21, 23. As my Father sent me, so send I you: Whose soever Sins ye remit, &c. doth give them all an equal Authority. And tho St. Paul was last called, we read that St. Peter gave to him the right-hand of Fellowship; Gal. 2.9. 2. Cor. 11.5. Chap. 12.11. and in two several places of this second Epistle to the Corinthians, the Holy-Ghost tells us he was in nothing behind the very chiefest Apostles. And tho there are many Privileges and Prerogatives reckoned up to St. Peter, in which Subject many Romish Writers are very diligent; the Prerogatives of St. Paul, upon due conside­ration, will either equal them, or not be much inferior to them. It was St. Paul, not St. Peter, who was taken up into the third Heaven, who saw our Saviour after his As­cension into Glory, who laboured more abundantly than they all, who was miraculously called, and was in a pecu­liar manner the Apostle of the Gentiles, and who wrote a much greater part of the New Testament than any other of the Apostles did.

And for that late Notion, That the Power of the Keys was given only to St. Peter, in that he was appointed by Christ, singly to declare the Gospel first to the Gentiles: [Page 541]both this confined sense of the Power of the Keys, and of its being peculiar to S. Peter, is against the sense of An­tiquity; and also that which is particularly insisted on is a mistake. For though God by a Vision directed St. Peter to open the Door to the Gentiles; yet all the Apostles had before that time the Commission which he first made use of, to go and teach all Nations, Mat. 28.19. Mar. 16.16. and Preach the Gospel to every Creature: So that this was not a singular Autho­rity committed to St. Peter; but he was first made choice of to have a right understanding of the extent of his Com­mission. And it is not to be doubted, but that Authority which did belong to all the Apostles, of leading Men to the Church, receiving them into it, governing them in it, and excluding them from it, doth contain the chief part of the power of the Keys.

3. To us, not only to the Apostles, but even to other Officers of the Church, as Bishops and Priests or Presby­ters, is given this Ministry of Reconciliation: for if we consider the nature of this Office, the Ministry of Recon­ciliation, or which is all one, the Ministry of the Gospel must not cease, till the end of it in the Salvation of Men be accomplished. And our Saviour both promiseth his Presence and Authority to be with his Ministry unto the end of the World; and establisheth them in his Church till we all come in the Unity of the Faith, Mat. 28.20. Eph. 4.14. and Knowledg of the Son of God unto a perfect Man.

And we may further observe, That in writing this se­cond Epistle to the Corinthians; it is manifest from the Inscription thereof, that Timothy therein joined with S. Paul. Now, though he was no Apostle, nor a Com­panion of St. Paul till after the Council of Jerusalem, as appears from the History of the Acts; yet he here, as well as St. Paul, hath a share in the Ministry of Reconcilia­tion.

That Timothy was the first Bishop of Ephesus, is general­ly declared by the Ancient Writers. Eusebius attesteth it; Eus. Hist. l. 3. c. 4. and besides others, this was expressed by Leontius in the [Page 542]great Council of Chalcedon; Conc. Chalc. Action. 11. there being then preserved an exact Record and Catalogue of the Bishops of that Church. And though Learned Men herein disagree, and there is manifest difficulty in fixing the Chronology; it is greatly probable, from comparing the Epistles to Timothy with the History of the Acts, that he was not yet made Bi­shop of Ephesus, when this Epistle to the Corinthians was written: And this might then give some fair probability from the instance of Timothy, that that Order of Priest or Presbyter, as distinct from a Bishop, was of an Apo­stolical, and therefore a Divine Original. But because se­veral difficulties, too large to be here discussed, must be obviated for the clearing this particular; I shall rather fix upon another Consideration, which may be sufficient to perswade the same.

It is very evident from the History of the Acts, and some expressions in the Epistles; that for several years after the famous Church of Ephesus was founded by St. Paul, Timothy the first Bishop there, was usually with St. Paul in his Journeys, or by his Command in other places. Now it may be acknowledged, that the chief Govern­ment and power of Censure in several Churches, was for some time reserved in the hands of the Apostles themselves, though at a distance, as is evident from the Epistles to the Corinthians, it was concerning the Church of Corinth. But he who shall think that in all this time they had no Church-Officer fixed amongst them in that great Church of Ephe­sus, to administer the Holy Communion, and celebrate other needful Ministerial Performances, must account the Apostles to have had no great care of the Churches they planted, nor the Churches to have had any great zeal for the Religion they embraced, which no Man can judg, who hath any knowledg of the Spirit of that Primitive Chri­stianity. But if they had in the Church of Ephesus, other fixed Officers distinct from the Bishop, to celebrate the Holy Communion, and other necessary acts of ordinary Ministration, then must the Order of Presbyters be of as [Page 543]early original in the Church, as the History of the Acts; and then the ordaining Elders in every Church, must take in those who are distinctly called Priests or Presby­ters.

To this I add, that the Office of Presbyter includeth an Authority to tender in God's Name remission of Sins, and as from him to exhibit to his Church the Sacramental Symbols of his Grace; and upon that account no such Of­fice could ever have its Original from any lower than Apostolical and Divine Authority.

4. To us, in different Ranks and Orders in the Church, not in a parity and equality. Here is S. Paul an Apostle, and Timothy in an Order inferiour to him. When Christ was upon Earth, he appointed the Apostles, and the Seven­ty; and when he Ascended, he gave some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Teachers. And though most of these were Officers by an extraor­dinary Commission, which are ceased; yet when Timothy was fixed at Ephesus, where there then were Presbyters, as I have shewed, the chief power of Government, and the care of Ordination was intrusted in his hands singly, as is manifest, and hath been oft observed from the Epi­stles to Timothy. The like appears concerning Titus; as al­so that the chief care of the Churches of Asia, was in the hands of the Angels of those Churches.

If we consult the Ancient state of the Church, this chief Government in a single Person or Bishop, in those ancient times, took place as far as Christianity it self reached. Besides what may be said from particular Writers, 1 Can. Ap. 2. Can. Nic. 19. the first General Council of Nice, and the more ancient Code cal­led the Canons of the Apostles, do both of them not only frequently mention, as distinct Offices, the Bishop, Presby­ter, and Deacon; but also express this distinction between Bishop, and Presbyter. 1. 2 Can. Ap. 1. Can: Nic. 4. 3 Can. Ap. 15, 31, 32, 38. Conc. Nic. c. [...]. That the peculiar power of Or­daining doth reside in the Bishop. 2. That he receiveth his Episcopal Office by a special Ordination thereto. 3. That he hath a particular power of governing and censuring [Page 544]the Laiety, and other Clergy. And he who shall consider that many things in the Scripture may receive considerable Light, from understanding the custom of the Jews, and even of the Gentiles, must needs acknowledg that an ac­count of the practice and customs of the Christian Church, may lead us to the true sense of those expressions of Scrip­ture which have relation thereto; especially, since no Man without this help can give a satisfactory account of the distinct work and business of those ordinary Church-Of­ficers, which are particularly mentioned in Scripture: Where­fore I doubt not but according to the Scripture, and the Universal practice of the ancient Church throughout the World; the power of the Keys, and of remitting and re­taining Sins, which takes in the whole Office of the Mini­stry, is in some eminent parts of it wholly reserved to Bishops, while other parts thereof are dispensed by Priests, and some by Deacons; Ignat. ad Smyr. Tert. de Bapt. c. 17. yet so, that these ever acted with submission to the Bishop, as is asserted by Ignatius and Tertullian.

I shall only here further observe, that in the very begin­ning of Christianity, the distinction of the Officers of the Christian Church was owned and acknowledged to be cor­respondent and parallel to the distinction of the Officers of the Jewish Temple-Service, the observing of which seemeth of considerable moment in this case. Even St. Hierome de­clares, That what place Aaron, Hieron. ad Evagr. Epiph. Haer. 29. & 78. Hieronym. de scrip. Eccles. in Jacobo. Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 2. c. 23 gr. his Sons and the Levites had in the Temple, the same have the Bishops, Priests and Dea­cons in the Church. It is related concerning St. James, the first Bishop of Jerusalem, by Epiphanius out of Clemens, that he did wear the [...], (which is in the Septuagint, the Plate upon the high Priest's Mitre, on which was engraven, Holiness to the Lord,) and he, as also S. Hierome, and Eusebi­us from Egesippus, relate, that to him only it was lawful to enter into the Holy of Holies. [...] Now all these Christian [...]iters, with others who use somewhat like expressions, as [...]crates concerning St. John, must never be thought to [...]pire together to impose Fables upon the after-Ages. [...] [...]ould they be so much wanting in the knowledge [Page 545]of Christianity, as to imagine that these great Officers of the Christian Church, were Jewish High Priests, and mini­stred in their Temple-Service; but the sense of these ex­pressions, though they may seem at first view obscure, is, that S. James was acknowledged to have a like eminency of Office above others in the Christian Church of Jerusa­lem, as the Jewish High-Priest had above other Priests in the Jewish Church. Naz. Or. 5. And Nazianzen expresseth his being ordained Bishop by these and other like words: saith he, ‘Thou anointedst me an High-Priest, and broughtst me to the Altar of the Spiritual Burnt-Offering, sacrificedst the Calf of Initiation, and madest me view the Holy of Holies.’ Which words evidence, that the Christian Bishop, by an Allegorical Allusion, was described by words primarily re­lating to the Jewish High-Priest, because of a Parallel emi­nency in each of them.

Now this Observation shews the distinction of these Offi­cers of the Christian Church, Euseb. HIst. l. 2. c. 1. Hieron. de script. Eccles. from the very beginning thereof, St. James being ordained Bishop of Jerusalem ve­ry soon after our Saviour's Ascension. And this will further evidence, that as the Scriptures of the Old Testament, and the Jewish Writers frequently mention the Officers of the Temple-Service, only by the names of Priests and Levites, including therein the High-Priest, whose Office was distinct from the other Priests; so it is no prejudice to the like di­stinction of Offices under the New Testament, that in the Scriptures and some other ancient Writers, the Officers above Deacons are sometimes expressed by the name of Bi­shops, sometime of Elders, Priests or Presbyters; whilst yet we have very plain Testimony of the singular emi­nency of one, who hath since been peculiarly called the Bishop.

I come now to the last thing to be discoursed of, the Di­vine Authority by which this Ministry is established. God in Christ hath given to us the Ministry of Reconciliation; and this speaketh three things.

1. The true Original of this Function. God the Father gave the Ministry of Reconciliation; our Lord sent his Apostles, as his Father sent him; and the Holy Ghost made the Elders of Ephesus to be Overseers of the Flock. And here not only St. Paul, who was called immediately, but Timothy also (even as those other Elders of Ephesus,) being called by Men, whom God made chief Officers in his Church, received this Ministry by Divine Authority; and therefore the Administrations thereof are performed in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

This therefore is such a Sanction, as every Person upon Earth ought to reverence; and whosoever either despise or oppose this Ministry, had need seriously and timely to consider whose Authority they undertake to affront. When our Saviour appointed the Twelve Apostles, and afterwards the Seventy, Mat. 10.15. Luke 10, 12. he bids them both to shake off the Dust of their Feet against that City that should not receive them; and tells them it shall be more tolerable for Sodom in that day, than for that City; and declares further even to the Seventy, who were then of the lowest rank of them whom he sent: Luke 10.16. he that despiseth you, despiseth me; and he that despi­seth me, despiseth him that sent me.

But for all those who are employed about God's Work, and are warranted by his Authority; if they be faithful in his Service, 1 Pet. 5.4. they shall be here under his Care, and here­after partakers of his Reward. St. Peter acquaints us, that when the chief Shepherd shall appear, they shall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away; Rev. l. 16, 20. ch. 2. l. and St. John as­sures us, That our Lord himself holdeth the seven Stars, or the Angels of the seven Churches in his right hand.

2. This speaks also the Excellency of this Ministry. As it is from God, it is properly and eminently a Gift of God, even a Gift of that high Nature, that when Christ in his glorious Exaltation received Gifts for Men, he then gave some Pastors and Teachers, Eph. 4.1 [...]. and as Head of his Church, e­stablished [Page 547]this fixed Ministry. And if we consider it as it respects Men, the most excellent Designs are thereby pur­sued, to wit, the promoting among Men the Glory of God, and the Kingdom and Government of Jesus Christ; and the conducting Men into the Ways of God, and thereby unto Peace and Reconciliation with him, and to everlasting Happiness. Hereupon they who serve God in this Office, 1 Cor. 3.9. 2 Cor. 6.1. are owned to be [...], Fellow-workers with God himself, as under God, carrying on the great Design of God and his Goodness in the World. And this speaks it an In­stitution of great Value, Worth, and Honour.

And as I above noted this Ministry to excell the Jewish Priesthood, which yet was very excellent; so St. Chrysostom observes, That God hath given this high Honour thereto, Chrysost. de Sacerdot. l. 3. c. 5. which he hath not given to the holy Angels and Archangels themselves, to be Ministers of Reconciliation, and to dis­pense in his Name the Pledges of his Grace and Favour un­to the Members of his Church.

3. This sheweth that no Man may take this Honour unto himself, but he that entreth into any Order of this Ministry, must do it in that way which God appointeth. The Apo­stles were constituted and commissionated immediatly by Christ himself; and as he committed the general Care of his Church to them, he therewith endued them with a Power to ordain others, which is a chief part of that Care, and of great concernment for the present and future Good of the Church.

The Assistants of the Apostles, and the first Bishops and other Officers of the several Churches, were ordained by some one or more of the Apostles, or of those Apostolical Men who received Ordination from them. The ancient Testimonies of the Fathers assure us, Tert. de Praesc. c. 32. Iren l. 3. c. 3. Eus. Hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 35. gr. Acts 6.3, 6. Acts 14.23. Eus. Hist. l. 3. c. 23. gr. that Clemens was or­dained by St. Peter, and Polycarp by St. John. The Scrip­tures acquaint us, that the seven Deacons were constituted by the twelve Apostles; and where Paul and Barnabas came, they ordained Elders in every Church. And Euse­bius declares, as a Matter of certain Truth, that St. John in [Page 548]his old Age, in some places made Bishops, and in others planted whole Churches.

After the Apostles had committed particular Churches to the Care of their Bishops or Metropolitans, they also in­trusted the Power of Ordination peculiarly in their hands, which indeed is included in committing to them the chief Care of the Church. Titus 1.5. 1 Tim. 3. 1-14, 15. To this purpose Titus was appointed to ordain Elders in every City of Crete; and Timothy di­rected how he ought to behave himself in the Church of God, concerning the Ordination of its Officers. And from these Principles, the Truth of what Clemens Romanus de­clareth may be easily inferred, Epist. ad Cor. p. 57. That the Apostles ordered that when those chief Officers of the Church, whom they had appointed, should die, [...], others in their places should succeed them in the same Office and Ministration, and therefore with a Power of Ordination.

And the universal Consent of genuine Antiquity, shews the ancient Church to have received and followed that Plat­form and Model which was framed by the Apostles, for E­piscopal Eminency in Government, and Power in Ordina­tion. To this purpose both Tertullian and Irenaeus urge this, Tert. de Praesc. c. 32. Iren. adv. Haer. l. 3. c. 3. as a convictive Argument against the later Brood of Heresies, That the Catholick Church could produce such a Catalogue of their Bishops, and the Succession of them, which would manifest that the first of them who was fixed in their several Churches, was there placed by the Apostles themselves, or by Apostolical Men their Assistants. And the Succession in divers chief Churches is still preserved in ancient Writers, and Ecclesiastical Historians. And that the Power of Ordination especially was peculiar to the Bi­shop, besides the Testimony of ancient Canons, and Practice, is acknowledged even by St. Hierom. Hieron. ad Evagr. [...] And the placing of this Power in a single Person was of great necessity and usefulness, for preserving the Churches Peace and Unity.

From hence I conclude, that Episcopal Ordination was, according to the Constitution of the Apostles, and constant [Page 549]Practice of the Ancient Church, the only regular way of en­tring into this Office and Ministry of Reconciliation: and he that knows how easy a thing it is to raise plausible Ob­jections almost against any thing, will not be much moved by such as some produce in this case, against so plain Evi­dence and general Testimony.

Indeed there have been some, and but some Protestant Foreign Churches, (not the Bohemian, as some English Writers have unfaithfully misrepresented it, nor those of Sueden, and the Danish Dominions, nor divers others in Germany,) who have been without this Episcopal Ordina­tion; and it must be said, that in this particular, which is a matter of moment, they are defective in that Primitive Apostolical Order which we observe. But in the first fixing these Churches, and their Ministry, all things seem not to have been done as they would have chosen, but as their present Circumstances would give them leave, while they wanted that Privilege which our Reformation enjoyed, the Consent of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Governors. For be­sides the Expressions of particular Writers, the French Protestants, in their General Confession, Confes. Gallic. c. 31. concerning the En­trance into the Ministry, pleaded a Necessity in their Re­formation, of having some things done extra ordinem, out of the regular Way, with respect to the making up the Ruines and Decays of the Church.

Yea, those Churches themselves, and the most worthy Men among them, are no Opposers, but Approvers of this Government and Order, as hath been sufficiently shewed concerning many principal Persons among them. And even in the Synod of Dort, when those sent from England asser­ted Episcopacy as Apostolical, there was not (as they de­clared in their joint Attestation) any one Person in that Synod, who spake a Word against it; yea, as Bishop Hall acquaints us, the President of the Synod said, Domine, Divine Right of Episcopacy, part 1. c. 4. non licet nobis esse tam faelices: We may not be such happy Men.

Now I conceive, it becomes private Persons not to be over forward in judging other Churches, but to express as much Charity towards them as the case will bear; but to shew no such respect to any, as to neglect a due Reverence to whatsoever is of God. Wherefore I shall only note three things in general.

1. That it is indeed a Truth, that some positive Precepts may in extraordinary cases be dispensed with by the Good­ness of God, who will have Mercy, and not Sacrifice. This was that which warranted David's Men in eating the Shew-Bread. In this case Circumcision was forborn in the Wil­derness; and the Jewish Casuists thought that Precept not to oblige, Hor. Hebr. in 1 Cor. 7.19. when the circumcising an Infant was inevitably like to procure his Death. The sacrificing in another place than that which God had singly appointed, was practised by Samuel, as well as others, after the Destruction of Shi­loh, and before the Building of the Temple; and by Elijah, under the general Defection of Israel. The cele­brating Baptism by Persons unordained, was allowed in the ancient Church, Hieron. adv. Lucif. si necessitas cogit, as St. Hierom phraseth it. And the Command that all the Males of Israel should three times in the Year appear before the Lord, doth yet by the Letter of the Scripture give allowance to him who was in a Journey, and by the reasonable Interpretation of the Jewish Writers, 1 Sam. 1.21. V. Seld. de Syn. l. 1. c. 7. p. 186, 187. the same Liberty was to be extended to those in Childhood and Infancy, (as Samuel was) and to those in Sickness, Old-Age, and such like.

2. Yet it becomes all good Men, who are to obey God, and reverence his Institutions, not to be forward in judging themselves disobliged, by the appearance of such Cases as they account extraordinary, from Obedience to any of his Rules of Order. When Saul thought he had a Case of Necessity to warrant his Sacrificing, yet God was highly displeased therewith, and deprived him of his Kingdom: Nor might Ʋzzah touch the shaking Ark.

3. In ordinary cases, he who willingly breaks positive Rules established by God's Authority, is guilty of heinous [Page 551]moral Evil, in disobedience to God's Commands, contempt of his Government, and despising the Blessings which he tenders by those Institutions.

Wherefore since Episcopal Ordination hath been of so general Practice, from the Apostles, in the Church of God, and is regularly established and continued in this Kingdom, no Man in this Church, with respect to Order, Unity, and Apostolical Institution, can reasonably expect that God will ever own him as his Officer in the Ministry of Reconciliati­on, unless he be admitted thereto by such Ordination. And private Christians, both out of Duty to God, and out of respect to their own Safety, may not so esteem of any who oppose themselves against this Order, because of the Dan­ger under the New Testament, of perishing in the gainsaying of Core.

And let every Person, whosoever he be, be wary how upon any pretence whatsoever he undertakes to execute any proper part of the Power of the Keys, unless he be set apart thereunto by regular Ordination.

And now I shall conclude my Discourse with three In­ferences.

First; This gives us an account whence all that Oppo­sition and Difficulty doth arise, which the Ministration of the Gospel, and the faithful Servants of God therein do meet with. The Devil will use his utmost Power, by all his Methods, to hinder so good a Work as this Ministration is intended for. Hence the Holy Jesus, and most of his Apostles, met with opposition even unto Death. And as all the Persecutions of the Christian Church had an especial eye upon the Clergy, so that violent one under Dioclesian, Eus. Hist. l. 3. c. 12. for the first Year, fingled them only out to be the Subjects of his Fury. These are the ordinary Mark, against whom all the Churches Enemies shoot their poysoned Arrows, enve­nomed from the Malignity of the Old Serpent.

And when the Evil One cannot proceed by open Vio­lence, he oft makes use of Instruments to fix slanderous Censures and Calumnies upon the Officers of Christ, to render their Ministration the less prosperous and successful in the World: Insomuch that their Devoutness in Religi­on is by some upbraided with Ceremoniousness; and their consciencious Observance of due Order, and Averseness to Faction, is branded with the odious Term of Popery; and their embracing the necessary Reformation of the Church, is by others stigmatized with the infamous Names of Heresy and Schism. Thus our Saviour was called Beel­zebub, himself accused of Blasphemy, and his Doctrine of Heresy.

Besides these things, the vicious and scandalous Practices of too many who profess the Truth, the various Schisms, and other manifold Corruptions in the Doctrine and Practice of Religion; and I wish I might not add the undue Pro­ceedings of some Patrons in conferring Ecclesiastical Pre­ferments, are all of them dangerous Methods, made use of by the Evil One, to hinder the attaining the great Ends of this Ministration.

Secondly; I now address my self to you, my Reverend Brethren. It is a weighty Charge, a Business of great Im­portance, that we are called unto; and as we are Stewards of the Living God, it is required of us that we be found faithful. And for the putting us in mind of that serious Care and Diligence which we are to use in our Ministry, I know not how to speak otherwise so well, as by recom­mending the serious and frequent considering that useful Exhortation in the Book of Ordination.

And let us particularly look well to our own Paths; for tho the Excellency of God's Ordinances doth not depend upon the Instruments, yet if a Blemish appears in any of our Lives, it becomes a great Prejudice to the Designs we should carry on among Men, and will open the Mouths of our Enemies; and if there be a Judas among the Apostles, [Page 553]the Devil is ready to make a special use of him to his pur­poses. But let us observe that Rule, which but a few Ver­ses after my Text, the Apostle tells us was the Practice of himself, and other Officers of the Christian Church, Giving no Offence in any thing, that the Ministry be not blamed, but in all things approving our selves as the Ministers of God. 2 Cor. 6.3, 4.

Thirdly; Let every one in their places lay to their help­ing-Hand, to promote the Success of this Ministry upon themselves and others. Wherefore let every Man who lives under the Dispensation of the Gospel, reject all Wic­kedness of Life, and exercise himself unto Godliness; and so he will certainly advantage himself, and probably others by his good Example.

And let all those who have the management of the Au­thority of the Church in their hands, indifferently check the Neglect and Contempt of the Publick Service of God, and all other Viciousness and Evil which comes within the Limits of their Authority, and countenance and encourage all real Vertue, Goodness, Holiness, and Religion.

And those Parish-Officers, who stand charged upon their Oaths to give an account of Offences, which is noted by our 26th Canon, to be the chief Means whereby publick Offences may be reformed and punished, and whose Mis­carriage is there severely censured; let not them sinfully neglect their Oath and their Duty, the right Discharge of which may tend to the Glory of God, the flourishing of the Church and Religion, and the bringing Men into the Ways of Happiness.

And because the Apostle proposeth that humbling Que­stion concerning the Ministerial Charge, Who is sufficient for these Things? Let us earnestly implore the Help and Grace of God to assist us, and succeed our Ministrations to [Page 554]the great Good of Men. And let every devout Christian join his fervent and frequent Prayer to this end and pur­pose, That he who hath committed to us this Ministration, would bring all those who partake thereof, unto true Holi­ness of Life here, and eternal Happiness hereafter, through the Merits of Jesus Christ our Lord: To whom, with the Father and the Holy-Ghost, be all Glory for evermore. Amen.

A SERMON Preached at NORWICH, March 2. 1678.

JOEL 2.12.

Therefore also now saith the Lord, Turn ye even to me with all your heart.

IN the foregoing part of this Prophecy there is a dis­mal appearance of things concerning Judah, a heavy threatning of sad Calamities therein, both by Famine and Sword, in the first Chapter and former part of the second. The dreadfulness hereof is represented according to an usual Prophetick Style, as if God was making the whole Fabrick of his Creation to totter; v. 10. The Earth shall quake before them, and the Heavens shall tremble, the Sun and Moon [Page 556]shall be dark, and the Stars shall withdraw their shining. And this great Calamity was like to be the more sad, because of the terror of God's Vengeance going along with it, v. 11. The Day of the Lord is great and very terrible, and who can abide it?

In such a case as this, these words (which our Church di­recteth to be read at the beginning of Lent, which is now near, and which are of excellent use at all times,) are the beginning of the Prophetical Direction for their help and recovery from this sad Condition; and such a Remedy as recovereth one gasping for Life, is worth the valuing. Now here upon the first mention of returning to God, are some overtures of hope, v. 13. He is gracious and merci­ful. v. 14. Who knows if he will return and repent? And af­ter the continuance of solemn and serious Devotion, re­quired in the following Verses, we have a plain and clear promise of help, v. 18. Then will the Lord he jealous for his Land, and pity his People. So excellent and efficacious a prescription is true Repentance and returning to God, that upon this the Scene of affairs is presently changed. And whereas all that part of this Prophecy which goeth be­fore this Text, contained doleful and heavy Judgments: From this Verse forward there are great Blessings and Comforts promised to Judah, and Judgments denounced against her Enemies, even unto the end of this whole Prophecy. Thus hereby the dark Night endeth in the appearance of a bright Day; and the stormy Tempest is blown over, and behold a Calm.

In these words we have,

1. The Authority by which they are commanded, Therefore also now saith the Lord. So that we have here a Divine Law and Precept, even with respect to these fore­going Circumstances, which had a terrible Aspect: But how sad soever they were, God himself directs to a way of help. There is no state, how perplexed and uncomforta­ble [Page 557]soever in this World, but which is intended of God to deter Men from Sin. Even in the severest threatnings of God's Wrath and Anger there is, as Cl. Alexandrinus expres­seth it, [...], a kindness and love to Men, by such Threatnings to reclaim them from their Sin, and re­duce them from the Paths of Ruine. And this Phrase, there­fore also now saith the Lord, doth also give notice of some­what remarkable which followeth, which requireth our special attention and diligent observation.

2. The chief thing here expressed, is, the Precept or useful Direction it self; Turn ye even unto me with all your heart. This I shall insist upon, and thence shall undertake to shew,

That Pious and Penitent behaviour towards God, and hearty turning to him, is always useful, and is the best way for remedy under the greatest difficulties. And of this I shall discourse (as the nature of the subject requireth,) with the greatest plainness and evidence that I can. The Duty here enjoined, is of great concernment and useful­ness: To a Man's self, a quickned and renewed exercise of his Duty brings inward Peace, intitles him to the Bles­sing and Favour of God, and the Rewards of his Kingdom. The state of the World, and of the Church is such, That many Men know not whither to look or turn; and then the most useful and necessary undertaking is, to direct their eyes to God, and turn unto him. Other acts of pru­dent care are in their places needful also; but there is no true Prudence in the neglect of this which is of greatest mo­ment: The Prodigal Son in his straits could take no wiser course than to bethink himself, and return to his Father; and thereby he takes the best care of his Duty and his Welfare both together. And this true penitent application to God, is the sure and only way to obtain his favour. Zech. 1.3. Turn ye unto me, saith the Lord of Hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the Lord of Hosts.

In speaking to this Duty, I shall enquire into these two things.

I. What Encouragements have we for obtaining good fr om God by our hearty turning to him?

II. What is it to turn to God with all our heart; or what must be done by us for the right performing this Duty?

Qu. 1. What Encouragements have we that we may receive good from God by hearty turning to him? This enquiry is sutable to the design and occasion of my Text, these words being proposed as a way for receiving help and good. This also is of great use with respect to the Duty it self; since Men are not forward to undertake things which they think will be to no purpose, and will tend to no advantage. And this also is needful with re­spect to the general state of Religion; since he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Wherefore I shall here con­sider the more general encouragement we have to turn to God, from the nature of God himself; and then the particular encouragements from the state and nature of Christianity.

Among the various Encouragements from the Nature and Being of God, I shall only mention two things.

1. God's Supreme Government and Authority. Upon this account his favour is highly valuable, because he disposeth of all the great Affairs and Concerns of Men. For he orders the final Judgment which concerns the eternal state of Men; and this will proceed according to the Rules of Righteousness and the New-Covenant, and according to the Sentence which will then be pronounced, must eve­ry Man's endless Condition be. But with respect to that Day, those who are hard and impenitent do treasure up Wrath against the day of Wrath; but those who turn unto [Page 559]God, shall inherit Life: And God so disposeth of all pri­vate and publick Affairs in this World, that thereupon it is of great concernment to have him well-pleased with us. And if a gracious Prince standing by his faithful Subject, or a righteous Judg taking in with an honest and just Cause, be the Advantage of those who are concerned therein; much more is the Kindness and Care of God greatly valuable: For no Evil befalls any without his hand, nor are there any publick Calamities but such as are his Judgments. He can, and oft doth defeat the Counsels of Men, and discover their secret Contrivances; and he governs them and their Actions, and the Events thereof. Herein we have hitherto had cause to admire the Goodness and Wisdom of God, and his Counsel shall stand.

2. The Goodness and Purity of his Nature. This shews his great readiness to express his Favour to them who hear­tily turn to him. The Order and Beauty of the Creation, and the constant and abundant Supplies of Providence, are Evidences of God's great Bounty, and Readiness to com­municate of his Goodness to his Creatures. The Light of this World is not so diffusive of it self, as the Goodness of God is, since from him, as the Father of Lights, cometh every good Gift. But that Purity (which the Perfection of the Divine Being doth assure us to be in God, and which even our own Consciences must also acknowledg) speaks Goodness and Piety to be acceptable to God, and the Per­sons who are exercised therein to be peculiarly the Objects of his Favour. And as he is a Governour, Obedience and Reverence must be both due to him, and pleasing in his sight. And indeed no good Man is so highly pleased with Good­ness and Seriousness, as the holy God is; and there is no­thing in his whole Creation that he esteems so much. He hath said, Heaven is my Throne, and Earth is my Footstool; but to this Man will I look, that is poor, and of a contrite Spirit. Isa. 66.1, 2. Now upon this consideration of the Divine Goodness, the Ninevites proceeded in their Repen­tance; and tho that was undertaken upon uncertain hopes, [Page 560]yet with good success. But we have plain Promises and Directions to our Duty, and as plain Promises annexed thereunto, such as Ezek. 18.20. I will judg you, O House of Israel, every one according to his Ways, saith the Lord God. 'Repent, and turn your selves from all your Transgressions, so Iniquity shall not be your Ruine.

I come now to consider some peculiar Encouragements from Christianity, and shall here mention three.

1. From the coming of the Son of God into the World. He came to be a Mediator, and a Sacrifice, and to assure us, that God is ready to be reconciled to all them that turn to him, and entertain the Terms of his Covenant. And therefore those who are truly penitent, shall by virtue of the Death and Sacrifice of Christ, and the Reconciliation he hath thereby made, obtain the Favour of God. This was so much designed by our Saviour, that Repentance was one of the first things he preached, Mat. 4.17. Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent. And among the last Things which he committed to his Apostles before his Ascension, this was one, That Repentance, and Remission of Sins, should be preached in his Name among all Nations. Luke 24.47. And is it not our great Comfort, that the Encouragements to true Repentance are assured by the Doctrine of the Go­spel, and by the Death of Christ, and that they are confir­med by both the Sacraments of the New Testament? If God had not been willing to receive humble Penitents, and to give them his Blessings, would he have sent his Son, and have given so great a Blessing to the World, as to put us upon returning to him? And if Christ came to call Sin­ners to Repentance, will he not own and receive them who obey his Call? It is true indeed, that the Proposals of the Gospel do chiefly relate to God's bestowing spiritual and eternal Blessings (and our Care should be especially about these things) but even temporal Blessings are not excluded from the Promises of God.

2. From the Glory of Christ's Exaltation. He who upon Earth proposed the Grace and Doctrine of Repen­tance, hath now in Heaven all Authority and Power to dispense the Blessings he promised to them who obey him. And he is faithful and true to perform his Word. Would you obtain Remission of Sin, and the Favour of God? He, as our High-Priest, is our Intercessor, effectually to procure this Blessing from God for them who heartily turn to him. And as our King, he is himself empowered to dispense this Favour of God; For God hath exalted him to be a Prince and a Saviour, to give Forgiveness of Sins. Acts 5.31. And he who took so much pains to seek after the straying Sheep, will no doubt embrace them who by his care do return. If you seek for the Welfare and Preservation of the Church of God, and its being defended against its Enemies; as humble pious Christians are the Heirs of Promise, these Blessings are the Benefits contained in the Covenant and Promise of God. And withal, there are special Encou­ragements from our Saviour's Exaltation, for our expecting to receive these Mercies: For our Saviour being exalted at God's right-hand, is now made an Head over all things to the Church; and this includes both his near Relation which he beareth to it, and that also he taketh upon him­self a very particular Care of it. And his Exaltation is so fatal to his and his Churches Enemies, that he must reign till all his Enemies be made his Footstool. Hereupon he tells Saul, going to Damascus, that it was hard for him to kick against the Pricks. His Enemies must fall before his Power, but he will effect what he undertakes to uphold.

3. From the more particular Consideration of the State of the Gospel-Church. The Christian Church is made up of returning Penitents, but these are owned of God as his Children and Heirs, and they shall shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of their Father. And such is God's Care of this Society of his Church, that if it walk in his Way, it shall be supported by him, tho Earth and Hell should contrive against it. Yet no particular Branch or Part of the Chri­stian [Page 562]Church hath any security of its standing, or any assu­rance from God that it shall be preserved, but upon the Conditions of its holding the Faith, and practising Piety and Obedience, or hearty Repentance. And indeed it can have none, because there can be no particular Promise from God against the Nature and Terms of the New Co­venant, which enjoins Faith and Obedience as necessary Conditions of Acceptance with God.

The Romish Church pretends that she can never fall, but must always continue, because of that Promise of our Sa­viour, Mat. 16.18. On this Rock I will build my Church. But to this all I shall say at this time, is, That these Words do no way particularly refer to the Roman Church, as it would arrogate to it self. And our Lord hath plainly de­clared to us, that no Church or Persons whatsoever can be represented by a House built upon a Rock, which will stand notwithstanding all Oppositions, but those who hear and obey his Doctrine, which the Church of Rome doth not. But all who neglect this Faith and Practice, are as those who build on the Sand; their House will fall, and great will be the Fall thereof. Mat. 7.24, 25, 26, 27. And that there was no particular Privilege of this Nature ever in­tended to be granted to the Church of Rome, is further manifest from that Epistle St. Paul wrote to the Romans: For with some particular respect to that Church, he lets them know, If God spared not the natural Branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee; and if thou continue not in his Goodness, thou also shalt be cut off; Rom. 11.21, 22. But all particular Churches whatsoever, who heartily obey the Doctrine of the Gospel, are secured of God's especial Care and Preservation from those Words of our Saviour, John 15.2. Every Branch in me that beareth Fruit, my Father pur­geth it, that it may bring forth more Fruit. The fruitful part of his Vineyard will not want his Care.

And it is our great Comfort, that God's Catholick Church stands by his Foundation upon a Rock, so that the Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it, or no kind of Destruction [Page 563]shall be able to overcome it. So that whatever Enemies it hath in the World, they, like the proud and mighty Waves, if they dash themselves against the Rock, will be broken in pieces; but the Rock it self, and that which is built upon it, as an impregnable Fortress, standeth firm. For the Comfort of the Primitive Christians, the Book of the Revelations gave them assurance, that God would take care that his Church should not be overwhelmed by the Persecutions it endured, but should prevail under them. And if it had not been from the Support of the Power of God, the Christian Church in its weakest Estate could ne­ver have stood against the Wisdom and Power of the World, which was then engaged against it; but God then did, and yet will uphold his Church even to the end. And with a particular eye to God's especial Care hereof in these latter Times, we read, that when the Thousand Years were ended, and the Nations, and Gog and Magog compassed the Camp of the Saints, and the beloved City, then Fire came from God out of Heaven, and devoured them, Rev. 20.8, 9. And those Interpreters, who would understand these Phrases of the Camp of the Saints, and the Beloved City, concerning any particular City or Place upon Earth, seem not herein to observe the Nature of the Prophetick Style, which will direct us to understand it of the more eminent and chief part of the Christian Church.

Wherefore we have great grounds for expecting Good from God, if we mind our Duty to him. Now upon this Encouragement, let us in the Fear of God undertake this Duty, that we may be instrumental to the procuring Good to the Church of God, and that we our selves may be Parta­kers of eternal Happiness. This is the way to have God to be our Friend; and no other Peace in the World can be concluded and secured upon those advantagious Terms, as our having Peace with God may be. And therefore I shall now come to the second thing I proposed to discourse of, what we are here commanded to do.

Quest. 2. What is it to turn to God with all our Heart?

Answ. This is one and the same thing with Repentance. The Septuagint express this Phrase of Turning in the Text by [...], or being converted to God. And this sup­poseth or includeth,

1. A serious Consideration and minding of our Rule, together with the Motives that should put us upon a Practice answerable thereto. This Rule is the Word of God, or the Holy Scripture, as superadded to the natural Light of Reason and Conscience. Upon due pondering of this, Josiah's Heart was tender, and he humbled himself, and un­dertook a Reformation.

2. Self-reflection and Examination of our Minds, Ways, and Actions by this Rule, with this stedfast purpose, that nothing may be entertained or allowed in us, which is not agreeable thereunto.

3. An humble and serious Sorrow for past Miscarriages, with hearty and unfeigned Confession of Sin, and earnest Supplication to God for the obtaining Mercy.

4. A resolved undertaking to forsake all Evil in Heart and Life, and to do our Duty.

These things are so plain in the Nature of them, and so evidently necessary in their general Consideration, that they need not either further Explication or Proof. The Practice and Exercise of Repentance, and turning to God, taketh in all these; but both the Phrase of Turning, and the chief Design of Repentance hath principal respect to the last of them, it being all one to turn to God, and to re­turn to, and carefully set upon our Duty. And therefore I shall now insist on this; and that we may practise these things to good effect, I shall urge some particular Instances, which are of great use to be performed in our minding this Duty.

1. In avoiding Schisms and Divisions, and practising Unity and Peace.

2. In the forsaking Debauchery and Profaneness, and the embracing Seriousness and Sobriety.

3. In rejecting all Irreligion, and Neglect of the Worship of God, and engaging our selves in true Piety and hearty Devotion.

1. In the avoiding Schisms and Divisions, and practising Unity and Peace. How many and frequent are the Pre­cepts for Peace and Unity delivered in the Doctrine of our Saviour? and how earnestly is this urged and inculcated? If there be any Consolation in Christ, &c. (saith the Apostle, Phil. 2.1, 2.) Fulfill ye my Joy, being of one accord, and of one mind. And if we view and consider the Business of our Religion, as it was delivered by our Saviour and his Apostles, this will be found to be one of its great and weighty Precepts. And shall we then be forward to con­tend about other lesser things, to the neglect of this? As the Scribes and Pharisees would tithe Mint, Anise, and Cummin, but neglected the weighty Things of God's Law. St. Paul tells us, The Kingdom of God is not Meat and Drink, but Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy-Ghost: For he that in these Things serveth Christ, is acceptable to God, and approved of Men. Rom. 14.17, 18. In which Words it is very plainly asserted, that whilst some other Things which Men may contend about, are of less moment, these Things here mentioned are of great concernment to Reli­gion it self, and the being esteemed of God and good Men. And as Peace is one of these great Duties here urged, so that the Apostle had a very particular Eye thereupon, may be concluded from the Words immediatly following, v. 19. Let us therefore follow after the Things which make for Peace. And the Neglect of this Duty is very hurtful and pernici­ous to the Christian Church: For as in the Body, when it is rent and torn, and the Members disjointed, there must be from this very Cause great Disorders, Weakness, and Feebleness; so is it also in the Church of God. Yea, these Things are to be accounted of dangerous Consequence, for [Page 566]the undermining or shaking the Kingdom of Christ, since our Lord himself hath told us, that a Kingdom divided against it self, is brought to Desolation. And shall any good Man be pleased to join with the Enemy in his Designs against the welfare, stability and safety of the Church of Christ?

Now, besides many other Arguments which might be in­sisted on, to disswade from Schisms and Divisions, there are two things I shall recommend to you, as being well worthy your serious consideration.

First, making Divisions in the Church, either includes a total want, or at least a defect in a great degree of the true Spirit of Christianity: This must needs be so, because the observing Peace and Unity are so great a part and duty of our Religion. If we reflect on our Baptism, we are bap­tized into one Body, and therefore are to observe Unity. And when S. Paul urgeth the Ephesians to take care of that great Duty, of walking worthy of that Vocation wherewith they were called, Eph. 4.1. To that end he most particularly and largely insists on their keeping the Ʋnity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, v. 3, &c. And from this very Reason he concluded the Corinthians to be carnal, because of the en­vying, strife, and divisions that were among them, 1 Cor. 3.3. And where-ever the Peace and Unity of the Church is broken from those corrupt Principles of Pride, Self-will, and the carelesness of obeying God's Commandments, this speaks such an unchristian temper as will exclude such Per­sons from the Kingdom of God. And therefore those very phrases the Apostle makes use of to express the Discords and Rents in the Church of Corinth, [...], and [...], are all of them enumerated in his Epistle to the Gala­tians, (tho there they be rendred by other English Words, Gal. 5.20.) among those Works of the Flesh, concerning which we are told with earnestness of expression, that they that do such things, shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.

And I think it considerable to be further observed, that even in such Persons who are of a better Spirit, and who in the main, close with the other Duties and Rules of Chri­stianity, their miscarriage in this particular, in not holding the Peace and Unity of the Church, will lessen and abate the degrees of that future Glorious Reward which they would otherwise receive: And this I think is sufficiently declared by St. Paul, in his first Epistle to the Corinthians; when he had rebuked the Corinthians for their Divisions, one being of Paul, and another of Apollo, 1 Cor. 3.1, 2, 3, 4. he still keeping his Eye upon, and having an aim at these Divisions, as appears from that third, and the former part of the fourth Chapter, tells them concerning them who hold to that only foundation which the Apostles laid, If any shall build thereupon that which will not abide the Trial; if his work shall be burnt, he shall suffer loss; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as by Fire. v. 15. That is, if any such person shall be engaged in Divisions in the Church, or in any other un­warrantable Action or Doctrine, it shall go the worse with him, and be hereafter to his loss; and though he escape Mi­sery and obtain Life, it shall be with the greater hazard, danger, and difficulty. And therefore he who would seek his own greatest Good, must carefully avoid this mis­carriage.

Secondly; Consider how extreamly opposite, and con­trary divisions in the Church are to Christ himself. He is one Lord and Head, he hath by one Spirit and in one Bap­tism established his Church to be one Body in one and the same Faith and Doctrine, and upon the same Hope of their Calling; and under the same Only God and Father of all. And all these things S. Paul urgeth, as containing in them special Obligations for Christian Unity, Eph. 4.3, 4, 5, 6. And besides all the Precepts of his Doctrine, let us seriously observe how much our dying Saviour did earnestly and again, desire and pray that all his Disciples might be one, John 17.11, 21, 23. And this he twice expresseth in his [Page 568]Prayer to be desired to this end, that the World might believe that thou hast sent me. Now if it would be an unworthy thing for any person against all reason and duty to oppose the Dying Request of the best Friend he ever had in the World; it must needs be unaccountable to act against that which was even at the point of Death, so affectionately and importunately desired by our Lord and Saviour. Was this aimed at by our Lord as an useful means to bring over the World to believe in him? and will any who have any Honour for Christ or Love for Men be so uncharitable as to be engaged in any such Works as tend to keep off Men from Christianity; and from obtaining Salvation by Jesus Christ. But this is sufficiently intimated by our Saviour to be the sad effect of the Divisions in his Church. To all this I shall further add that it is related by Crusius ( Turcograec. lib. 3. part 1. p. 234.) that it is the daily Prayer of the Turks, that Christians may not be at Ʋnity. And they who are of the Church of Rome express their delight and satisfaction in our Disagreements. Baronius ( Annal. Eccles. An. 344. n. 9.) makes use of this as a considerable Argument against the truth of the Protestant Doctrine: and Salmeron ( Tom. 9. Tr. 16. n. 1.) declares that this is that which giveth them expectations of prevailing against us. And now shall any who own themselves the true followers of Christ, so un­dertake to contradict the dying Request of their Saviour, as in the mean time to chuse that which complieth with, and gratifieth the Desires both of the professed Enemies of his Religion, and of those also who strangely corrupt and pervert his Doctrine and Gospel?

But after all this, or whatsoever else may be spoken to this purpose, there are two sorts of Men who I doubt are not like to be perswaded.

1. I fear there are some fierce Men, who are so far from having hearts inclined to do this Duty, that they have not Patience to hear it, but rather to turn angry, and to cry out, as the Lawyer did to our Saviour, Thus saying, thou re­proachest us also. But it will become them, and others too, [Page 569]to bethink themselves of the sad danger of all those persons who will not hearken, but stop their Ears to such plain Duties as those of Peace and Unity are. But these Truths must be spoken, whether they will hear, or whether they will forbear.

2. And others there are who will acknowledg in gene­ral the Truth of all I have said of the great Sin and Evil of Schisms and Divisions. And though they be engaged in the dividing Parties, will plead their own Innocence, and charge the fault of these Divisions wholly upon the order and constitution of our Church, and not upon themselves. Now here much might be said to shew that the Worship and Service of God in our Church is agreeable to the true Christian Rule; and that on the other hand there are ma­ny things unaccountable, yea, and unlawful, which are em­braced without scruple by Dissenters, and contended for by the dividing Parties. But this would be too long for me to insist upon in my present Discourse. Wherefore, in­stead thereof, I shall mention a sensible and ocular Demon­stration, that it is not the Constitution of our Church, but the ill temper of dividing Spirits, that is the true cause of our Divisions; And that is this, That when this Constituti­on was thrown aside between thirty and forty years since, the Rents and Divisions of the Church were not by this means removed, but to the grief of good Men they were greatly encreased thereby; and the Spirits of many Men in this particular have been the worse ever since.

Let all of us therefore take heed to our selves, that we keep in the paths of Peace and Ʋnity; and let us mourn and pray for others who neglect them.

II. A second thing to be done in our turning to God, is the forsaking all Viciousness and Debauchery, and beco­ming Serious and Sober. Vice defiles and debaseth the nature of Man. It is so much against Reason and Consci­ence, and is so far condemned by the common sense of Mankind, that it generally passeth for a disparagement in [Page 570]the World. And Viciousness is so much against the interest of Men, and the good of the World, that thereupon it is prohibited and punished by the Laws even of Barbarous Nations. This is the great Folly of Evil Men, whilst here­by under the appearances of trifling Pleasures, great Cheats are imposed upon Men, who should be wiser than to be thus decoyed into Temporal Evils and Eternal Miseries. Now in turning to God, there must be a breaking off from Sin by Repentance; or a Care to depart from Evil, and to do Good. Nor is it enough that there be a mere restraint up­on outward Actions of Evil; but there must be also an hearty Resolution and inward Hatred against Sin, and a sin­cere Love of what is Good: And that this may be effectu­al, it must be set upon timely and presently; as a Wise Man will use his utmost diligence to put a stop to a dangerous Disease before it be too late, and it become incurable. To this purpose let these three things be considered.

First, Consider how all Vice and Wickedness of Life is contrary to the nature of God; Such is the Purity of the Divine Being, that Sin is more opposite and hateful unto God, than to the most Vertuous Man that lives in the World. God is Light, and in him is no Darkness at all; and it is as possible for the black Darkness to stand before the brightness of the Sun's Light, as for the workers of Ini­quity to be approved by the Holy God: The singular pu­rity of his Laws, and the exceeding dreadfulness of his Threats against Wickedness, are intended to deter Men from the commission thereof. And if we take notice of the instances and examples of God's displeasure against Sin, these are very numerous. It was Disobedience that turned Adam out of Paradise; Debauchery and Wickedness was that which unpeopled the old World, and caused them to be destroy'd by a Deluge; and Sodom and Gomorrah to be consumed by Fire and Brimstone from Heaven. By the like sinful practices, the Jews who were God's peculiar People, and to whom he was as an Husband, were divorced from [Page 571]him; and divers Calamities have been brought down up­on other Persons and Nations. And yet all these things come far short of what will be manifested at the great Day, when the terrible Sentence of Eternal Perdition will be pronounced against all Evil-doers, who shall perish with everlasting Destruction from the Presence of the Lord.

Secondly; Consider how much wicked works are pecu­liarly opposite to Christianity. Sin is of the nature of the Devil; he is the Spirit that worketh in the Children of Disobedience; but the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil, 1 Joh. 3.8. The Life of Christ was such, that thereby he left us an example that we should follow his Steps who did no Sin; and his Doctrine teacheth us, that we should deny Ungodliness and Worldly Lusts. Even our Baptism is an undertaking to Renounce the Devil, and become dead unto Sin. And it is more un­accountable for Debauchery to be in a Christian, than for the brutish nature to inhabit the Soul and Body of a Man; because this not only opposeth our Profession of Christiani­ty, but the designs of our Redeemer also. His coming in­to the World, and his Death and Passion was, that he might redeem us from all Iniquity, and purify to himself a People zealous of good Works. But that the Works of Darkness should be embraced by the Children of Light; that they should yield up themselves to the Evil one, who have plentiful Aids and Assistances of Divine Grace to with­stand and overcome him, is a thing altogether inexcusable.

Thirdly; Consider, that Viciousness is the more intolera­ble, when God's hand appears to be lifted up. Correcti­ons and Judgments are some of the last and most power­ful means which God makes use of for Man's amendment. By these Pharaoh was brought to Submission, and Ahab to Humiliation: And it hath been observed, that the Israelites after the Seventy years Captivity in Babylon, were never prone to follow after other Gods, as they had frequently [Page 572]done before, notwithstanding their Instructions from the Prophets for towards a Thousand years; and it is then expected that when God's Judgments are in the Earth, the Inhabitants of the World will learn Righteousness; for there must be great obstinacy and hardness, where the fears or strokes of the hand of God make no Impression. Now we have heard of the Calamities of Neighbour Countreys, and God hath exercised us with severe Chastisements not many years since; his hand is now stretched out: if we heartily turn to him, we have reason to hope it will be for our help; but if not, we have cause to fear it will be to our hurt.

III. The third and last thing I shall mention to be done in hearty turning to God, is, To reject all Irreligion and neglect of the Worship of God, and to be exercised in the Religious Service of God, with true Piety and hearty Devo­tion. Wherefore,

1. Let no neglect of Religion have any place amongst us, or let all miscarriages herein be carefully amended. The Worship of God, and the Institutions of our Blessed Saviour are by too many disregarded. But yet the Love and Fear of God, the serving him, and walking in all good Consci­ence before him, is greatly needful to be undertaken with serious Diligence. This is a very great Duty of Man; for if a Child be obliged to give Honour and Reverence to his Father, or a Servant to his Master, or a Subject to his Prince, much more must Man stand engaged to worship and serve his Creator. The Precepts in the Holy Scripture to this purpose, are so plain and frequent, that no Man who reads the Scriptures can be ignorant of them; and they who never read them, do acknowledg this Duty by the evidence of the light of Nature it self. Our owning Christianity is not only a Name or Profession, but is an un­dertaking to mind that Piety which is suitable to Religion. In this Profession St. Paul declares his own great care to have been to worship the God of his Fathers after the way [Page 573]which the Jews called Heresy, that is, according to the true Rules and Doctrine of Christianity. And the whole mul­titude of the Christian Church is represented by St. John, as standing before the Throne, and crying with a loud voice, Salvation be to God and to the Lamb (Rev. 7.9, 10.) and therefore they are not worthy to be accounted any part of the Christian Church, who neglect the Worship of the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This also is our interest and benefit. For the most noble and excellent employment of Man is in those things which relate to God and Goodness, when otherwise in the neglect of this, he is taken up either about empty Vanities, mean Earth, or sordid Filth. But the Service of God is both his Honour and his Advantage, and the Promises which are made to Religious Piety are great and sure; but because they are proposed under the terms of a Covenant, there can be no security of enjoying the present Blessings of God, and no possibility of attaining endless Felicity without these Holy Exercises.

2. Let the exercise of Religion be performed with hearty and serious Devotion, even with Fasting, and solemn Humi­liation and Prayer; these are Duties directed by the Pro­phet Joel in the latter part of this Verse of my Text, to ex­press our hearty turning unto God: And the Church doth particularly at this time call upon us to mind these Holy Exercises; they are Duties useful at all times, and are ex­cellent qualifications to dispose us aright for the obtaining the Pardon of our own Sins, as they include the practice of Humility, Piety, Faith and Repentance. Amongst the Jews, the solemn day of Atonement and Remission was a day of devout Fasting and Afflicting their Souls. And af­ter S. Paul had been stricken down to the Ground as he went toward Damascus, after he had Fasted three days and Prayed, Ananias was then sent to him by our Saviour, that he might arise and be Baptized, and wash away his Sins, Acts 9.9, 11, 17, 18. ch. 22.16.

At this time the methods of God's Providence do emi­nently [Page 574]require our more than ordinary diligence in these Duties for the averting his Judgments, and the preserving us and our Posterity from Ruine and Misery. Let those who have been Vicious and Disobedient, engage herein with Reformation and Amendment of Life. And let the most Pious Men also undertake it with the greatest serious­ness, even in them it is an exercise of Repentance, as in­deed the whole practice of Christianity is; for the Christi­an Life is a turning to God, from whom sinful Man had estranged himself; and the whole thereof is described by Repenting, and turning to God, and doing works meet for Repentance; and the Repentance undertaken therein, is not only in some short transitory acts, but it taketh in the whole course of a Christian Progress. These devout Per­formances of the best Men are of great use for obtaining publick Blessings from God. And it cannot be supposed that the Religious Addresses of Moses or Josiah, who were Men of great Piety, should be less acceptable to God, or less effectual for the good of Man, than the Repentance of Ahab or Manasseh, or of the Ninevites.

But let these things be done with true uprightness and sincerity of Heart, and then our Blessed Saviour hath assured them who so fast and pray in secret, that their Heavenly Fa­ther will reward them openly. But withall, that these Duties may be pleasing to God, it is necessary that they be accom­panied with those other things which I have before pressed. Fasting and Prayer, in the neglect of Peace and Unity, and of Holiness and Piety, is as the sacrificing an unclean thing, far from being approved of God; and this is the account the Prophet Isaiah gives, why God would not accept these very performances of the Jews, Behold (saith he) ye fast for Strife and Debate, and to smite with the Fist of wick­edness.

Wherefore now let us take the advice in the Text, and resolve on the pious practice thereof, especially in these par­ticulars I have insisted on. For the further enforcing of which, I shall in concluding observe three things.

First, That it was God's own direction in these words of Joel. This was indeed immediately given to the Jews, but the Apostle tells us, Rom. 15.4. Whatsoever things were written afore-time, were written for our Learning, that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scripture might have hope. That which God thinks fit to advise us, it is our Wisdom to practise. For when the Policy of Wise Men may be outwitted, and all sinful contrivances will encrease dan­ger, the Counsel of God that will stand; and, as Wisdom speaks, ( Prov. 1.33.) Whoso hearkneth to me shall dwell safely, and shall be quiet from the fear of Evil.

Secondly; Reflect again on the case in which this was di­rected. Besides the terribleness of the Armies which were to come against them in the former Verses of this second Chapter of Joel, God lets them know that he himself was like to be on their Enemies side against them, v. 11. The Lord shall utter his Voice before his Army. The Prophet Joel was sent to make Proclamation of God's Controversy with them; but though this was declared by a Message from God, it was not so absolutely determined, but that there was still an Help and Remedy reserved, if they would make use thereof, by turning to God with all their heart. In like manner, when Jonas was sent to Nineveh to declare that within forty days it should be destroyed, upon its Repen­tance it was spared. And the Prophet Jeremy assures us, that at what instant God shall speak concerning a Nation, or con­cerning a Kingdom, to pluck up, to pull down, and to destroy; if that Nation turn from their Evil, he will repent of the Evil that he thought to do unto them. No case is so bad, but if this course be made use of, it will appear hopeful.

Thirdly; Consider the greatness of the effect. I ob­served before, that in this Prophecy from this Text forward, are contained Promises of Deliverance. The effect was also answerable to these Promises. Indeed the precise time of Joel's Prophecy is not certain: It is thought both by the Jewish writers, and by Ancient Fathers, that his time was contemporary with that of Hosea; and this Prophecy in all [Page 576]probability must be dated before the latter part, if not be­fore the beginning of Hezekiah's Reign: and accordingly Grotius seems very reasonably to understand the beginning of this Chapter to refer to Sennacherib's Army which inva­ded Judah; this Army here mentioned was indeed called the Northern Army, Joel 2.20. but this expression might well enough agree to the Assyrian Army; as may appear from Zeph. 2.3. He will stretch out his hand against the North, and destroy Assyria. Now at this time the Sins of Judah were great and many, especially under Ahaz, their Condi­tion was low and despised, and their Enemy was potent, proud and insolent; yet upon the Pious Reformation of Judah under Hezekiah, and their earnest Religious Addres­ses to God, their Enemies proud Designs were wholly blast­ed, and themselves ruined; and the blessing of God came down upon Judah and Jerusalem.

And God grant that we may take that course, that we may enjoy the Blessing of God, and have it ever continued to these Churches and Realms, even until the coming again of our Blessed Saviour: to whom with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all Honour, and Glory, and Praise, now and evermore. Amen.

A SERMON Preached on

S. Mat. 5.20.

For I say unto you, That except your Righteousness shall exceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.

RELIGION and Righteousness is so suitable to, and perfective of the Nature of Man, that it hath been thereupon recommended by the wisest Men, and greatest Philosophers. It is of such concernment for humane Society, that all Lawgivers and Governours have thought it necessary to prohibit and re­strain the Violation thereof. And it carrieth so much of the Image of God in it, that all his Revelations to the Patriarchs and Prophets, and especially that by the Holy Jesus to the Christian Church, do greatly insist upon it.

When the Gentile World went greatly astray by their abominable Idolatries, and their gross Impurities, even in their pretendedly Religious Rites, the Doctrine of the Go­spel appears to turn them from the Power of Satan unto [Page 578]God. When the Jews had been under a lower Dispensation, our Lord gives his Disciples more excellent Rules, and en­largeth the Precepts of the Moral Law, as was truly asser­ted by Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clemens Alexandrinus, St. Au­gustine, and other ancient Writers. And why should it be thought strange, that Lawgiver should add to the Precepts already given, and extend them further, who established many new Duties, such as to believe the peculiar Doctrines of the Christian Faith, to perform many religious Services in his Name, and with an eye to him; to attend on the Gospel-Sacraments; to reverence the Christian Ministry, and the Power of the Keys; and to own and embrace Communion with the diffusive Catholick Church in all Nations? He laid new Obligations upon his Disciples concerning Divorce, and the changing the Zeal of Elias in­to Christian Meekness. And it is but reasonable to expect, that under the Instructions and Motives of Christianity, there should be required greater Measures of the Love of God and Goodness. But when the Jewish Church had in their Principles and Practices grosly degenerated from the great Design of the Law, and many Corruptions were in­troduced, our Lord protests against them, and gives his Disciples this Admonition, That their Righteousness must ex­ceed the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees.

The Pharisees were the strictest Sect of the Jews at that time, the Scribes were their chief Teachers and Guides; their Righteousness here intended, was what was according to the Rules and Doctrines they delivered and received: Against that Leaven of Doctrine our Lord warned his Disciples. Mat. 16.12.

The out-doing and exceeding this Righteousness is so ne­cessary, that it is enjoined under this severe Sanction, That otherwise we can in no case enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is a Phrase peculiar to St. Matthew, among all the Penmen of the Scripture, but hath been ob­served not to be unusual in the Talmud, Hor. Hebr. in Mat. 3.3. and other Jewish Writers. It sometimes expresseth in this Evangelist the [Page 579]Kingdom of Christ in his Church on Earth; but in this place and others, the Kingdom of Glory and eternal Hap­piness. But if any should think these Words directly to as­sert, that none whose Righteousness exceeds not that of the Pharisees, and their Teachers the Scribes, can be true Mem­bers of the Christian Church, and Christ's Kingdom upon Earth, he must consequently acknowledg that they cannot be Heirs of Heaven.

Yet these Pharisees were not so wholly irreligious, but that they attended the Temple and Synagogues, made ma­ny Prayers, seem'd to have a great Veneration for the Law, and a Zeal for the Honour of the God of Israel. They were not so grosly dissolute and debauched, as to give themselves up to Uncleanness, Intemperance, and all Un­mercifulness; but they condemned Adultery, fasted, and gave Alms. Wherefore it may be needful to enquire,

  • I. What were the Miscarriages in their Righteousness, and wherein must we exceed them, if ever we attain to Happiness?
  • II. How stands the Case of those Societies who chiefly pretend to Christianity, as to their exceeding or not exceeding the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pha­risees?
  • III. What is the Result of these Enquiries?

I. Touching their Miscarriages and Defects.

1. They placed much Righteousness in their being a pe­culiar Party, and maintaining a kind of Separation. They were a particular Sect, having and needlesly affecting singu­lar Practices and Opinions, different from the other Jews, and such as were not enjoined in the Law of Moses. The Name Pharisee is from [...] to separate and divide; and themselves were distinguished into seven sorts, as the Jewish Writers tell us.

They did not indeed withdraw themselves from the Sy­nagogue, or Temple Publick-Worship, since, as Josephus saith, Antiq. Jud. l. 18. c. 2. [...], whatsoever referred to God, both Prayer, and other parts of Worship, were much ordered by their Model. But concerning the Synagogue-Worship, there is probable Evidence, that the several chief Sects among the Jews, and therefore the Pharisees as one of them, had their distinct Assemblies. And it is certain, the Pharisees did reject the best of Men from their Synagogue-Communion, meerly for doing their necessary Duty, in professing, upon the fullest Divine Testimony, that Jesus was the Christ, and becoming his Followers. And in the Temple-Worship, the Pharisees were guilty of a kind of Separation, under an appearance of Communion: For since the daily Sacrifice in the Temple was a Burnt-Offering, and therefore appointed for Expiation and Atonement, Num. 28.3. the Devotions of them who attended at the Temple at the Hours of Prayer and Sacrifice ought to be conformable thereunto; but the Pharisees Prayer there, as our Saviour describes it, had nothing in it of humble Supplication for God's Mercy and Favour, but he thanks God he was not as other Men. And this Spirit of Division was so much the worse in them, because it was founded in an high Conceit, and great Confidence of their own Righteousness, though they had little reason for it, and in a contempt of others.

But now such a proud Temper is inconsistent with Chri­stianity, which makes Humility a necessary Qualification for the obtaining everlasting Life.

And Divisions and Separations are so unaccountable for the Members of the same Body the Church to be engaged in, that the Doctrine of Christ gives us frequent Precepts, earnest Exhortations, and pressing Arguments to Peace and Unity, and plainly expresseth the great Danger of Misery in the neglect thereof. When [...] and [...], or Contests, fierce Heats and Divisions are reckoned among those Works of the Flesh which exclude from the Kingdom of God, Gal. 5. can any think the great Discords in [Page 581]the Church unconcerned herein, when the Concord of Christians is here chiefly enjoined, and the Neglect thereof is every way exceeding hurtful, and when all these very Expressions are used by St. Paul to set forth the Divisions of the Church of Corinth? 1 Cor. 3.3. And therefore where-ever Rents or Schisms in the Church are Works of the Flesh, as they must be when they are the Product of Pride, Self-will, or voluntary Disobedience to, or Neglect of the Precepts of Peace and Unity, they are destructive.

The Ancient Church charged an high Guilt upon these Practices. Cypr. ep. 76. [...] St. Cyprian accounts Schism greatly to deprive Men of the Hope of Christianity. And St. Austin main­tains against the Donatists, that their Separation was as great a Sin as that of the Traditores, who gave up the Scrip­tures into the hands of their Persecutors, with which Crime the Donatists falsly charged one of the Ordainers of Caecilianus, and pretended this as a ground of their Sepa­ration.

2. Their Righteousness did much consist in such a Zeal as was disorderly, fierce, furious, and censorious. They were diligent in compassing Sea and Land to make Prose­lites, but it was that they might be their Followers and Ad­mirers. Their professing a great Respect to the Prophets, and their Pretence of Traditions, was chiefly to gain Cre­dit to their own Dictates. Their Zeal was a violent es­pousing the Interest of their own Errors, and was not so much for God, and his Law, as for themselves, and their own Party; like that of the Donatists, Annal. Eccles. an. 306. n. 42. mentioned by Ba­ronius, who could with more patience hear Men speak lightly of Christ, than of Donatu [...].

And they were so censorious, that they not only despi­sed the Publicans, but esteemed the People as not knowing the Law, to be cursed; and condemned the most holy Je­sus for a Blasphemer, an Enemy to Caesar, and one who cast out Devils by the Prince of Devils. Their violent Fierce­ness was evident by their bloody Cruelties under the Go­vernment of Alexandria, and at other times, Jos. Antiq. l. 13. c. 2 [...]. and especially [Page 582]in their being much concerned in prosecuting our Lord to the Death, and treating him with so many Indignities, and his Apostles after him with various Methods of Hatred and Cruelty, and particularly murdering James the Just, the first Bishop of Jerusalem.

But in the Religion of our Saviour, the contrary Tem­per of pursuing true and sincere Piety, Faith, and the Fear and Love of God, and of Mercifulness, Meekness and Charity, is made indispensably necessary to our eternal Happiness. And to this end we are commanded to learn of Christ to be meek and lowly, Mat. 11.29. that we may find Rest unto our Souls. But if St. James and St. John be for calling for Fire from Heaven, this is declared to be greatly opposite to the Spirit of the Gospel: For tho it allows and establisheth just Rules of Government, and the Use of the Power of the Sword therein, yet it condemns all Cruelty and Fury. And if St. Peter in his Zeal will unwarrantably draw his Sword, he must receive a severe Check from our Lord and Master.

3. They miscarried also by their unduly affecting the Vogue and Applause of Men in their Religious Performan­ces. To this purpose they made broad their Philacteries, Exod. 13.2, 5. Deut. 6.4. & Ch. 11, 13, 14, 15. that they might seem to Men to give great respect to those Precepts of the Law inscribed in them, concerning the worshipping, acknowledging, and obeying God. And for a pretence of extraordinary Sanctity, they made use of long Prayers, and put up their Devotions even in the Cor­ners of the Streets. And their Fasting, Praying, and gi­ving Alms, was done that they might be seen of Men, while it might well have become such Actions to have been managed by a better Principle.

By this means they gained a great Interest among the People, but made use of it to very ill purposes, even to the opposing the Doctrine of our Saviour. And Josephus tells us, Antiq. Jud. l. 13. c. 18. they could [...], by their Credit bring the People to be ill-affected either to the King or the High-Priest. But our Saviour pronounceth [Page 583]frequent Woes against them for their Hypocrisy, and lets them know that all this while they are out of God's Favour, and that what is highly esteemed among Men is an Abomi­nation in the sight of God. Luke 16.15.

Now both Reason and Religion will recommend a good Name as useful and desirable, so far as it can be gained in doing our Duty, and practising Sincerity. But if the World be so degenerate, that the faithful and upright Man must needs meet with Censures and Revilings here, as Christ himself and his Apostles did, so must all his Disciples, take up the Cross, and bear the Reproach. In this case the Blessed Jesus declared, Luke 6.26. Wo be to you, when all Men shall speak well of you. And whereas the Scribes and Pharisees are said to do all their Works to be seen of Men, Mat. 23.5. St. Hierom there affirms, that he who in this is like to them, Hieronym. in Mat. 23. Scriba & Pharisaeus est, is in the same condition with the Scribes and Pharisees. When St. Peter, against the Rule of his Duty, would withdraw from the Gentiles, to in­gratiate himself with the Jews, St. Paul thought it necessa­ry to reprove him sharply, as not walking uprightly, and according to the Truth of the Gospel. Indeed the inor­dinate Pursuit of Vain-Glory, and the valuing the Esteem or Favour of any Men above the discharge of a good Con­science, is so opposite to true Religion, to a lively Sense of God, and Faith in him, that in this respect our Saviour said, How can ye believe, which receive Honour one of another?

4. Their Righteousness superstitiously laid a great stress on little outside Things, and such as were no parts of real Religion. They were strict in washing those hands which remained polluted by evil Works, and in washing Pots and Tables, as if these and such other Things were of doctrinal necessity. They were careful to tithe Mint and Anise, and appeared hugely scrupulous about the Obligation of their unlawful Vow of Corban, but with respect to that Vow could without regret dispense with the neglect of honouring superior Relations, against the fifth Commandment. They received the Traditions of their Scribes with a great and [Page 584]inordinate Veneration, even above the Law it self; and of these unwritten Traditions they had a great Number, as the Scripture intimateth, and Josephus expresly testifieth. Ant. l. 13. c. 18 And out of a pretext of Purity they rejected all Converse with Publicans, tho such as were justified rather than them­selves.

But true Christian Righteousness must consist in minding and chiefly valuing the great Duties of true Piety and Ho­liness. And by our Saviour's Doctrine, a Wo is denoun­ced against the Pharisees little Strictnesses, while they neg­lected the weighty things of the Law. And their observing and urging those things as greatly necessary, which indeed were not truly good, were so far from pleasing God, that our Lord declared, That in vain they worshipped him, teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men; Mat. 15.9. therein applying to them those Words of the Prophet Esay, according to the Version of the Septuagint. Isa. 29.13.

5. They were haughty and imperious, but not submis­sive to Rulers and Governours. They were forward to bind heavy Burdens on the Shoulders of others, but were not themselves willing to stoop to the Duties of Obedience and Subjection. They were so little Friends to Caesar, that by them the Question was propounded, Mat. 22.15, 17. Whether it was law­ful to give Tribute to Caesar, or no? and were so averse to Authority, that as Josephus relates, they did [...], make War, and otherwise were injurious to­wards, and spake evil of their Governours. And they were frequently turbulent and tumultuous.

But by the Evangelical Doctrine, only the Humble and Lowly can enter into Heaven. The Son of God himself so far promoted Submission to all in Authority, that he was obedient to his Parents, was himself baptized of John. And the New Testament earnestly enjoins upon us Obedience to them who have the Rule over us, and denounceth Damna­tion to those who resist the higher Powers.

6. And lastly; They left themselves and their Followers at a licentious Liberty in many weighty Matters of Doctrine [Page 585]and Practice. They could suffer their Hands to be Polluted by devouring Widows Houses, and their Tables by Extor­tion and Excess. They made void the Commands of God by their Traditions, and were such Casuists, as to allow Swearing by Heaven and Earth, and to account such Oaths, as those by the Temple and the Altar, to leave no Obliga­tion; when Swearing by the Gold of the Temple, or the Gift upon the Altar, did oblige. And it is manifest from this fifth chapter of St. Matthew, that according to their strictest Rules, they gave allowance to inward Wrath, and Hatred, and Lust, if it did not break forth in open Murther, or Adultery, as was noted by Tertullian, Tert. de Ido­lat. c. 2. who also observeth how strictly extensive our Saviour's Doctrine is, even against the unchast Eye and inward Wrath, or in the phrase of St. John, That he that hateth his Brother is a Murtherer.

But the excellent Christian Rules of Life, which com­mand the inward Man, and far out-do the loose Principles of the Pharisees, are many of them proposed by the Blessed Jesus in this and the following Chapters, and are included under that Sanction at the close of this Sermon on the Mount, that he that hears these words of his, and doth them not, is likened to him who builds his House on the Sand, which ends in a dreadful fall. And Vertuous Practices are so far from pleading any allowance from Christianity, that, Who­soever breaks the least Commandment, and teacheth Men so, shall be called least, or not be accounted of, in the Kingdom of Heaven.

These things I have discoursed of, are sufficient to shew the gross miscarriages of the Pharisaical Righteousness, in opposing the necessary Duties of Unity, Meekness, Since­rity, true Religious Piety, Obedience, and Universal Holi­ness; and therefore this could be no safe way to the King­dom of Heaven.

I now come to the second Enquiry; How stands the case of those Societies, who lay the chief claims to Christianity, as to their exceeding, or not exceeding the Righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees, in these particulars?

And here I shall not ransack the remote and distant parts of the World, but take notice only of those with which we are concerned; as, the Church of England, the present Roman Church, and the Dissenting Parties among us. Nor shall I strain resemblances to make the Cases appear Parallel, but shall take notice of things as they really are, to observe how far there is a likeness to, or compliance with the Spirit of Pharisaism. And here I profess, that I seriously wish well to all Men of what Party soever; and therefore whatever I shall say that speaks the error or dan­ger of any of them, is not out of design to cast reproach upon them, but out of this true Charitable End, to warn others to take heed thereof; and I should be glad if it might make any of them consider of the error of their way.

1. Concerning Separation and Division. This was esteemed by the ancient Church as an heinous Crime. St. Chrysostom equals it with Heresy, Chr. in Eph. Cyp. de Unit. Eccl. and St. Cyprian makes it a greater offence than that of the Lapsi.

The Church of England is clear herein; it owns and pro­fesseth the Catholick and Apostolick Faith and Doctrine, and none other, and appoints a way of Worship agreeable thereto, and so gives no cause to warrant any Separation from her. Our Case with respect to the Romish Church, is in part like that of the Apostles, with regard to the Scribes and Pharisees, whilest they professed the true Christian Do­ctrine, and worshipped God after the way which was un­justly called Heresy; Joh. 12.42. the Pharisees sentenced such to be put out of the Synagogue: And the Talmud of the Venice Edi­tion hath been observed to affirm, That Jesus himself was Excommunicated with the Shammatha, or great Excommu­nication: And because we (as we ought) reject the evil and corrupt Romish Doctrines and Practices, they censure us as Hereticks, and let fly their Anathema's in various Ca­nons of Trent, and yearly denounce their Excommunicati­ons in the Bull in Coena Domini. And besides this, we can­not join in the main part of the Romish Worship, without [Page 587]embracing their Superstitious and Idolatrous Practices: Nor have they any Right of Jurisdiction over us. And all this acquits us from the Crime of Schism in our Reformation.

But they at Rome, though they keep to their publick Worship as the Pharisees did, are yet grossly guilty of Schism, by unjustly rejecting all other Christian Churches, who make use of their own just Rights; and are not more ready to submit to St. Peters pretended Successor, and his Impostures, than to the Precepts and Doctrines of his and our Lord and Master. And herein they pass Sentence, as the Pharisee did against the Publican, upon them who are better than themselves.

Other Parties at home, practise Divisions in an higher de­gree than the Pharisees did, openly separating themselves from the publick Assemblies of our Christian Worship.

2. Concerning fierceness and furiousness of Zeal. Our Church entertains no Bloody nor Uncharitable Doctrines or Tenents; its Rules concerning Government, contain as much mildness as can consist with Peace and Order; and its Practice rather more, by reason of the distemper and dis­order of the minds of Men.

But such is the Romish fierceness, that in the highest vio­lation of Charity, they exclude other Churches from Salva­tion. And their furious Zeal appears by Fire and Faggot, by bloody Inquisitions, Massacres, and Rebellions; by Horrid Treasons and cruel Conspiracies; of which the World hath had, and we have abundant Evidence. These things are so unlike Christianity, and Jesus the Saviour, that they betray themselves to be from the Abaddon and [...]. When Espencoeus, a learned Doctor of Paris, Esp. in 1. T [...] Digr. l. 2. had observed how the ancient Canons obliged all the Clergy against enga­ging in War and Blood; he acknowledgeth, and smartly taxeth the contrary practice of the late Romish Church and her Bishops, as herein degenerating from the Spirit of Chri­stianity, veteris Gentilismi ritu, with a greater suitableness to the temper of Pagans.

And in other Dissenting Parties, it is too manifest how prone their forward and leading Men are to censorious Un­charitableness, and rash Judging; and how ready they have been, unjustly to take up the Sword, and pursue the Inte­rest of their Party with War and Blood; with such circum­stances as I forbear to mention.

And the consideration of this temper may give us some account of the great eagerness, and restless earnestness of these erring Parties, in propagating their particular Inte­rests.

3. Concerning the aiming to gain the applause and fa­vour of Men in the neglect of Duty. Our Church, in its Rules of Doctrine, lays the same stress upon all Duties to God or Man, that the Gospel of our Saviour doth; with­out yielding to the Humours of the Profane, the Debauch­ed, or the Turbulent and Unruly.

The Romanists suit themselves to all Dispositions; they have severe Rules in some of their Regular Societies, for the more Serious; but they take great care to gratify Wicked and Debauched Persons also, with as much Liber­ty as they can well desire. Their Casuists generally declare, That an act of Attrition, or such Sorrow for Sin as is not ac­companied with hatred against it, or the true Love of God, is at last sufficient, with Absolution, to remove the guilt of Sin, and secure them from Eternal Death. But if tempo­ral Punishment remains for them, this can only bring them to Purgatory; and here they may have considerable help from Indulgences, and the Treasury of the Church, which are dispensed for Ave-Maries and other Prayers, visiting certain places, having Masses said for their Souls, and by other works, without their becoming really holy and good. And besides this, their feigned Miracles and Revelations, their pretended power of Transubstantiating, of dispensing the Treasury of Merits in the Church, and of justifying them who are not contrite, by Absolution, seem methods contri­ved to gain admiration from the People.

And other Sects make their Interests, and seek Reputa­tion by popular Arts; and often by promoting or conni­ving at Uncharitableness, Mens high Conceits of themselves, and a Temper averse from Unity and Obedience; which are things of a very evil Nature: And some of their chief Teachers acknowledg, that in some things they act against their own Judgments in compliance with their People.

4. Concerning Superstitious urging those things as parts of Religion which are not such. Our Church owneth no necessary Article of Faith, but what is in our Creed, nor any Doctrines of Christianity, but what are deducible from the Holy Scriptures. Our Constitutions for Decency, and Rules of Order are established only as such; and are withal innocent, useful, few, and agreeing to Primitive Christi­anity.

But at Rome, a great part of their Religion, as they make it, consists in acknowledging many things to be de Fide; which are neither contained in the Scriptures, agreeing with them, nor acknowledged in the ancient Church; in enter­taining various false Doctrines and pretended Traditions with equal reverence to the Holy Scriptures; and in using divers Rites as operative of Divine Aid and Grace, which God never appointed to that end.

Our other dividing Parties are too nigh the Pharisaical Doctrine concerning the Obligation of their voluntary Vow against their Duty to Superiours. And many of them lay a Doctrinal Necessity, either upon disowning Episcopal Authority, which hath so great a Testimony of Apostolical Appointment: Or, in being against Forms of Prayer, at least such, wherein the People vocally join; or, in condemning as sinful, innocent Appointments, decent Ceremonies, and suitable Gestures. And those who own not these Positions, nor condemn our Worship as sinful, and yet divide from us; must assert other Positions for Doctrines, which are equally erroneous and dangerous: For, if their Principles be agreeable to their Practice, they must assert, that Men may break the Churches Peace, and expose it to the greatest [Page 590]hazards, gratify its Enemies, and disobey Authority, which are great Sins, to maintain an opposition to those things which themselves dare not charge with any Sin. But this is to aver such Doctrine to be from God, which is contrary to his Religion, his Nature and his Will, and are but the Precepts of Men; and it is to strain at a Gnat, but swallow a Camel.

Now, if to counterfeit the Seal, or Coin, or falsely to pretend to the Authority of an Earthly Prince, be greatly culpable; can it be otherwise to stamp a Divine Impression on things which God disowns.

5. Concerning Obedience and Submission to Superiors; this Duty is regularly enjoined in our Church, both with respect to Private Relations, Spiritual Guides, and Civil Rulers.

In the Romish Church there is strict Obedience required in their several Orders, to the Superiors thereof; in the Laiety to the Clergy; and in all, to the Pope: But this is so irregular, that thereby the natural Honour to Parents is much discharged; and St. Peter's Precept of Honouring the King, is, under the name of his Vicar, changed into such Positions, as when occasion serves, may encourage the De­posing and Murdering him.

And among other Dissenters, their Divisions, as they are circumstantiated, are ipso facto such visible Testimonies of their want of Submission to their Ecclesiastical and Civil Governours, that nothing need be added. And it is known there were some of these Parties, whose Principles allowed them to take Arms against their King; and who exposed his Royal Person to Violence and Death.

6. Concerning a loose and licentious Life. Our Church requires a Sincere, Holy Exercise, and presseth all the Pre­cepts of our Saviour, and the Motives and Arguments of the Gospel; and enjoineth the careful observation of our Baptismal Vow.

But in the Romish Church, he that considers the immo­ral looseness of the Jesuits and other Casuists, may wonder [Page 591]that such things should be owned by Men of any Religion, much more of them who profess the Christian Religion. For instance; By our Saviour's Doctrine, to love God with all the heart, is the great and first Commandment. But Azorius asserts, Azor. Tom. 1. l. 9. c. 4. That it is hard to fix any time, when this Precept of Loving God doth oblige to any exercise thereof, with respect to it self, but only when it is necessary to Repentance. And he roundly saith, We are not obliged to any exercise of Love to God, when we attain to the use of Reason, nor at the receiving any Sacrament, not at Confession, nor at the approach of Death. Filiuc. Tr. 22. c. 9. Filiucius thinks this Opinion probable (and therefore safe by their Doctrine of Probability) but prefers another Opinion, which is but little better; That we are bound to act Love to God at the time of Death, and in some other extraordinary cases if they happen; and that ordinarily Men ought to exercise an act of Love to God, at least once in five years. But I am amazed to think how sparing such Men were of inward Religious Devotion, and what Strangers to it!

And for the practice of Repentance, which is another great Duty of our Religion. Though Contrition, which in­cludes an hating and forsaking Sin, and turning to God, be acknowledged of good use by them; yet Filiucius saith, Fil. Tr. 6 c 8. n. 196, 197, and 208. Men are not obliged to acts of Contrition every year, but once in five or seven years; and that if they die without them, they may be saved. But Layman declares, Laym. l. 5. Tr. 6. c. 2. n. 6. That the Precept and Duty of Repentance is satisfied by coming once in a year with Attrition to Confession, and the Sacrament of Penance, and by doing the same at the time of Death. But is not this a Religion set up to undermine the Holy Gospel of our Saviour, and to inti­tle those workers of Iniquity to Heaven, whom his Doctrine will condemn to Hell?

And our other Parties give too much allowance to some particular miscarriages which I have before mentioned. And many of them lay not that stress they ought, on a Holy Life in general (which is included under Conversion and Repen­tance) in that they do not account it a necessary condition or previous qualification for the obtaining the Favour of [Page 592]God, and the Pardon of Sin, or, which is all one, for Ju­stification.

Having now gone through these Heads of Discourse, I shall further here observe three things.

First, That the Romanists are not only thus far guilty of equal, but are chargeable with much greater miscarriages than those of the Scribes and Pharisees. I might have run on the Parallel farther: as when the one devoured Widows Houses, under a pretence of long Prayers; the other carry on the like designs of Covetousness and Extortion, by their Indulgences and Masses for the Dead.

But the Pharisees were not so degenerate, as to offer their Prayers or Sacrifices to Saints, or even to Angels (though the Law was given by their Ministration,) but to such the Romish Church directs a great part of her Religious Wor­ship. They gave not Divine Honour, either to the Tem­ple, which was the place of God's Presence, or to any Sa­crifice, as the Papists do to the Host. They worshipped not the Invisible God under the debasing representation of an Image, as the Samaritans did, and the Romanists do. And when God appointed a continual Burnt-Offering, with a Meat-Offering and Drink-Offering, they did not make so bold as to alter his Institutions, and withdraw one part there­of, as they at Rome have done concerning the distribution of the Eucharistical Cup. And when the Pharisees had on­ly so much Pride, as vainly to account themselves righte­ous, and far better than others; they did not, as the Roma­nists do, pretend to such Supererogation, and so great a stock of Merits, as to be able thereby to supply the defects of others. But if they at Rome had what they pretend, it had need be a vast Treasury of good Works, to make amends for the notorious bad ones, which are the result of the Positions allowed and maintained in that Church. The Pharisees claimed a great Authority to be Masters of the Faith of others; but it doth not appear that they found­ed [Page 593]this in so high and unreasonable a claim to Infallibility, as they at Rome do; the holding of which engageth them to continue in all their other Errors. Nor were they so deeply uncharitable, as utterly to exclude the Essens, and all other Sects from the favour of God, as the Romanists deal with all other Churches; nor did they debar the people from read­ing the Scriptures.

Secondly; I observe that other Dividing Parties, though they are very different among themselves, and are not all to be alike esteemed of; yet either all, or most of them, have some miscarriages not received by the Scribes and Pharisees: for instance, the Pharisees did not slight or neglect the Sa­craments of the Old Testament, either Circumcision, or the Passover; as too many now do, one or both the Sacraments of the New. They never gave way that the Temple-Sacrifi­ces, and other such like Services of God, should be perform­ed by any other, but only those Priests whom God had ap­pointed for that purpose; when many in our days can ad­mit and allow the performance of Christian Ministrations by those who have no Regular, Authoritative and Justifiable Ordination: And such things, however some esteem of them, are of the greater moment, because they violate the peculiar Institutions of our Lord, and the ordinary way that he hath appointed for the conveying and applying the Grace of the Gospel, and the benefits of his Death and Pas­sion.

Thirdly; I observe also, that it must be acknowledged there were other great Crimes of the Scribes and Pharisees, which are not chargeable on any of those Parties, of whom I have discoursed: Such were their professed disowning our Saviour and his Doctrine, their actual contriving his Death, and their obstinacy under those various mighty Mi­racles which were frequently wrought before their Eyes. But as the former Transgressions which I mentioned, have been particularly proved destructive, so I think them to [Page 594]be especially intended in this severe censure of our Saviour, of the insufficiency of their Righteousness. For these words were uttered soon after he began to teach; and before the Scribes and Pharisees had declared their greatest enmity to his Person, their obstinacy under his Miracles, or their con­trivement of his Death; and therefore they must have re­spect to their Righteousness, according to that time when these words were spoken. And the scope of his Discourse shews him to condemn, as greatly defective, such Rules of Doctrine and Practice, as they then directed and pro­posed.

I now come in the third place, as my Conclusion, to note the result of these Enquiries in two particulars.

First; This should warn those of the Romish, and other opposite Perswasions, to consider seriously of their own Danger, and of what may conduce to their Safety. If they think themselves sufficiently secure, so did also the Scribes and Pharisees, of whom our Saviour judged otherwise. And I could heartily wish, that all persons of their several Di­visions were really free from all things sinful and dange­rous.

I think my self obliged to express as much Charity to others, as can be consistent with Truth and a sober Judg­ment. And therefore I freely acknowledge that the seve­ral Parties who divide from our Church, are not all equally chargeable with many things I have insisted on; and I ve­rily hope, that in all these various divisions there may be several particular persons led aside by meer mistake and mis­apprehension, and whose uprightness of intention may be a preservative to them from much of that evil they might otherwise be engaged in. And though all Sin is every where prejudicial, I hope also that those miscarriages which such persons are brought into, by their undiscerned Errors, will not exclude them from the Mercy of God; and many of their Practices may be better than their Principles.

But whilst any of us may express our Charity towards them, and hope the best, it becomes them to have that care of themselves, as to fear the worst: For Charity doth not make the Condition of other Men safe unto whom it is ex­tended, but this must be determined by the Judgment of God. Those Persons, whose Minds or Practices are really worse than other Men hope them to be, are in never the better State for such charitable Hopes. And whosoever are engaged in any of those Evils which were included in Pharisaism, and condemned in Christianity, had need care­fully to reflect on themselves, and heartily and timely to amend.

But if any should be offended at a Discourse that repre­sents to them the Danger of their Practices, and should be more ready to censure it as uncharitable, than to weigh and consider it; they may know, that as this speaks a very bad Temper of Mind prevailing in them, so the letting Men alone in their sinful Actions, is so far from being any part of that Charity which our Saviour practised or enjoined, that it is more agreeable with the Temper of the Evil One, who is willing that they who do amiss should continue in their Evil, be flattered therein, and not so consider thereof as to forsake it.

Secondly; Let all who are of our Church, and whoever embrace the true Catholick Communion, be careful and serious in practising Holiness and Righteousness. Our Do­ctrine and Profession condemneth and disowneth all un­sound Principles and corrupt Practices. And as the more devout Jews daily blessed God, that they were born Jews, and not of [...] the Gentiles; so have we great reason to praise God, that we live in this excellent Church, and are thereby free from various Snares, to which many others are exposed.

But if amongst us, Debauchery, Profaneness, or Irreli­gion, prevail upon any Persons whomsoever, such Wicked­ness of Life will exclude Persons of the purest Profession and Belief from ever entring into Heaven. St. Austin [Page 596]sometimes warns against this, Aug. de Civ. Dei, l. 20. c. 9. & de fid. & oper. as a considerable Defect in the Pharisees Righteousness, that while they sate in Moses's Chair, our Lord tells us, they say, but do not. If ever we will be happy, our Practice must answer our Profession; the Doctrine of Christianity is a Doctrine according to Godliness, and must be improved to that End. An Here­tical or Schismatical Life, as some ancient Writers call that vicious Conversation which separates the Man from the Ways of God and Religion, is the more unaccountable and inexcusable, when it contradicteth and crosseth the most Catholick Profession, and the best Rules of Duty clearly proposed. Wherefore let us be careful, that as the Righ­teousness required in the Doctrine of our Church, in con­formity to the Gospel of our Saviour, doth greatly exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees; so may that of our Lives also, in conformity to that Doctrine: Which God of his Mercy grant, through the Merits of our holy and blessed Saviour, To whom, &c.


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