A faithful REMEMBRANCE AND ADVICE TO The General Council of Officers OF The Armies of England, Scotland & Ireland, FROM Divers in Cornwal and Devon, IN Behalf of themselves and sundry hun­dreds, cordial friends to the blessed CAƲSE of RIGHTEOƲSNESS WHICH GOD hath stated and pleaded with a stretched out Arm, in these (and in the sight of all the) Nations.

⟨May 4 th LONDON: Printed for L. Chapman at the Crown in Popes-Head-Ally, 1659. ⟨May 4.⟩

A faithful Remembrance and Advice TO The General Council of Offices, &c.


THough the most High hath set the Bounds of our Habitations in a corner of this Nation, somewhat remote from you, yet have not on­ly the reports and influence of the late Affairs de­pending before you already reached us, but withal, we have hopes that the faithfulness of this brief word may as effectually extend it self even to you. How­ever, we think our selves eminently concerned and called upon to give you some taste of our Spirits, while we behold these works of the Lord, and what Desolations he hath made in the Earth.

We, having for a long time mourned in the sence of our own Iniquities, and of the sore backsliding of this day, from that glorious Cause of the Lord, where­in, in former dayes (some of) you have been used and owned by him, as famous Instruments, have yet been held up by grace, in expectation that his Work should be revived again, and our hearts should be made glad therein.

In tracing the Lords footsteps in order hereunto, though we have been instructed with a strong hand [Page 2]to cease from man; yet, was it some refreshment to us, to see some passages in your Representation of the sixth of April —59. (viz.) your professed indearment to the GOOD OLD CAUSE, your awakenings, and deep sence of the great reproaches, eminent dangers, and even death at hand upon it; your bewailing your own great failings, turnings aside, and backslidings, and your resolutions for better things for the future: in which mat­ters we should reckon our selves happy, if we might minister any farther effectual Conviction and As­sistance to you: in order whereunto, we think our selves bound to put you farther in Remembrance,

I. That while you were in a sincere virgin-Spirit, pursuing the true and single Interest of this Cause, you had constant experience of the marvellous Presence and Blessing of the Lord on your Affairs, in Camp and Council, by Sea and Land; as also the cheerful concurrence of many thousand upright-hearted ones, whose Prayers, Persons, Estates, and all that was dear to them, were gladly engaged to strengthen your hands to the uttermost, in those amusing Dispensa­tions wherein you were led, and did not stumble; and for a recompence, you were also inlarged & ingaged cheerfully in spirit, not only to follow the Lords con­duct through any difficulties, but to give your selves up by Promises, Declarations, and Appeals, in Judg­ment and Conscience, by which to this day you stand religiously and indispensibly obliged, to follow His glorious Work, intrusted in your hands, unto its just issues, in the face of all opposition whatsoever.

II. That while you were in the just & direct pro­cess [Page 3]of that Good Work and Cause of GOD, the Lords leadings, and your observing experiences far­ther and farther, taught you, that (so righteous and prevailing were the true principles thereof, commen­ding themselves in their own evidence, as that) the reducing it to practise, was found to have a real in­consistency with the antient constitutions and forms of this Nations government, which for the most part were accommodated to Lust and Antichristian Ty­ranny over the Persons, Estates and Consciences of the People; and therefore in its progress (wherein it had your then cheerful concurrence) you saw it proved ruinous to them, & exploded they were, how Ancient, Honourable and Dear soever they seemed to be, to men of low and selfish Principles.

III. That ever since the great Revolt from these Principles, all the inventions and indeavors sought out, and used, to espouse the National Pomp and Greatness to the Notion of this Cause; What­ever Interests have been courted, or Instruments for­med to that end; they have all fallen before it with their own weight: and instead of attaining the aimed-at-settlement in the Relicts of this Glory, there hath not onely a continual blasting befallen all your enterprizes; but by degrees hath been a very fair opportunity administred unto the Quintessence of all the Wisdom, Policy and Malignity of every one of those formerly-conquered Interests, to stand up again in full and equal Liberry and Authority in the Supremest Judicature of the Nation, to contend for Mastery, untill even now, your selves found there was not safety and shelter left, no, not for your own selves, [Page 4]although in the midst of your possessed strength.

IV. That now again in the mighty GOD hath put into your hands one opportunity more to do some notable things for him; he hath again discovered the Foundations to the Neck, hath layed spoiled at your feet another promising piece of goodly Glory. You have moreover before you the advantage of a large taste of the spirits of Men and Parties, in these Nations: who have abode firm to their former Prin­ciples, under all manner of disadvantages: and on the other hand, who, under either a fawning, or courted pretension of compliance, have been contri­ving and preparing instruments of Cruelty that would have ruined it and you, for the old Hatred.

Upon these and the like Considerations that we might tender, we present our Advice.

I. If in truth your hearts are thorough for this work of GOD, though your reviving it be in a trou­blesome time, to you and to the poor Nation, yet ha­ving your eye to the Lord, whose the Cause is, be ye of good courage, and be assured that there are multi­tudes, who have been mourning in secret a long time, whom you will finde in a preparation of spirit, to joyn heart and all with you in your righteous pursu­ance of that Blessed Cause; yea rather, you may be sure the Lord of Hosts will be with you, while you are with him.

II. That you speedily claim and receive to your selves, as your true propriety, the light and assistance of such in Council with you, as in the faithfulness of their Testimony have been laid aside, or compelled to [Page 5]forsake their places during the time that this stain hath layn upon your Glory; whom you may receive with the advantage of their having been refined by the sharp tryals they have since sustained; for whom there will be room and opportunity at large, by your performing a parallel Act of Faithfulness, namely, your speedy dismission from among you of such as have been an hinderance and snare to your faithful proceedings hitherto; of whom also you cannot but have much experience.

III. That you will give great diligence to what you leave behinde, or lay anew in the Foundation to be laid of future Settlement: let not any carnal rea­sonings lead you to make hast, to fall in with any painted interests, short of It, though they may seem made ready to your hand; but rather having well re­viewed and digested not the Name only, but the true Nature and Principles of the Cause you mention, and being instructed to trust the Lord, invite, own and as­sist such for the establishing the Religious and Civil Rights of this poor Nation, as have approved them­selves men disingaged from any interest that necessa­rily bindes them up, and renders them incapable of carrying on the work spoken of, to its just issues. Men of such an anointing, as may indeed conscientiously prosecute the just ends of all those Declarations, En­gagements and Appeals of yours, and of all the blood, treasure and hopes of ours. And in so doing, you may expect the Lord of hosts will help you, covering you with that strength, recovering for you that glory, and recompencing you with that reward, that shall make and bespeak you a Blessing in the Earth.


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