By his Excellency the Lord Generall.

WHereas daily complaints are made, that some disorderly Souldiers under my command, contrary to the Lawes of the Nation, and Discipline of the Army, have, and still doe, commit very great Outrages and Ryots, with their Arms entring into Parks, Chases, and Warrens, and thence stealing all sorts of Deere and Conneys, menacing the death of the Keepers and all others who any waies oppose them: For future remedy whereof, these are to desire all Field-Officers and Captains that forthwith they cause to be taken from every their Souldiers all such Hounds, Gray-hounds, and other Dogges which may any waies be hurtfull to Deere or Conneys, as their Souldiers now have, or hereafter shall have in their custody, or in the custody of any others for their use; and so dispose of them, that hereafter they come not to the use of any Souldier. And after Proclamation hereof duely made, all Souldiers are hereby streightly charged and required, that they nei­ther keepe, or to their use cause to be kept, any such Dogge as aforefaid; and that upon no manner of pretence whatsoever, they go into any Chase, Parke, or Warren, (except a common way lie through the same, having a Furlough or Passe under their Officers hand, and are upon their necessary businesse, marching upon that way without Gun or hurtfull Dog as aforesaid, (and except they shall be upon their march according to Or­ders:) and if any Souldier shall be found offending contrary hereunto, the Keepers and Warrenors of such Deare and Conneys are desired to use their endeavours, (and if need require) with assistance of others, to apprehend such Souldiers, and them in custody deliver to the next Officer of the Army, by him safely to be caused to be kept, untill they shall be tried before a Court Martiall; and all Officers and Souldiers are hereby required, upon notice given, to be ayding and assisting unto such Keepers and War­renors in the apprehending such Souldiers. And I desire every the Court Martials throughout the army and Garrisons to be very carefull in exemplary punishing such Souldiers as shall be found offenders contrary hereunto.


To be proclaimed at the head of every Regiment, and in every Garrison, by sound of Trumpet, or beat of Drum.

London, Printed for Laurence Chapman. 1649.

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