A fuller Relation of a great VICTORY OBTAINED Against the Welsh Forces, by Col: Tho: Horton, one of the Lord General Fairfax's Colonels; where was taken Three thousand Prisoners, all their Foot-Arms and Ammunition, Major General Stradling, many Colours, and many Officers and Soldiers.
As it was sent in a Letter by Col: Tho: Horton, and read in the Honorable House of Commons.
AFter many tedious, hungry and wet marches over the steep and craggy Mountains, it pleased God that we were engaged with the Enemy (who accounted themselves near Eight thousand Horse and Foot) upon Monday morning the Eighth of this instant, betwixt St. Fagans and Peterstown; where after a sharp dispute for near two hours, it pleased the Lord mightily to appear for us, in giving the Enemy a Total Rout; The particulars thereof, I shall within a short time at large present you with. There are many slain of the Enemy upon the place; and in the pursuit for Seven miles, we cannot yet hear of one of our Officers slain, and but few of the Soldiers, but we lost many Horses. I guess the Prisoners which are taken to be Three thousand; we have taken all their Foot-Arms, and Ammunition, which is good store: Major General Stradling is taken, with many Officers and Gentlemen, and many Colours. It pleased God wonderfully to strengthen and raise up the Spirits of our Officers and Soldiers: Our word was, God is our Strength; and truly we found him so to be, and desire the sole Glory may be given to him, and our selves look'd upon as weak Instruments in his hand; and amongst whom, as I am, so I desire to be accounted, who am,
I have sent Major Bethel and Captain Mercer to give the Honorable Houses a more full account of this days mercy.
11. Maij, 1648.
ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Letter be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons. May 11. 1648▪