A Full and True ACCOUNT OF THE PROCEEDINGS OF Tho. Harris, Gent. High Constable of the Hundred of Oswaldstone, in the County of Middlesex,
BEING THE Manner of Finding the HEAD of the Late Murder'd Person, Who was Cut to Pieces: It being found be­tween Twelve and One a Clock at Night, in a House of Office near the House of Mr. Fres­near, a Fringe-maker, near Exeter-Exchange, on Sunday-night, the 5th Instant February, 1687.

HAving received a Warrant from Sir James Butler, and Sir Robert Clerk, Two of His Majesties Ju­stices of the Peace for this County of Middlesex; that they were credibly informed that the Head of the Wounded Person is slung into a House of Office, be­longing to Mr. Fresnean a Fringe-Maker near Exeter-change in my Hundred, or some other House-Office near adjacent there­unto, did therefore in His Majesties Name, require me to cause [Page 2] diligent Search to be made in the said Houses of Office, or in any other, of which I should have just cause to suspect for the Head, and give an immediate Account of what I should do herein to them, or some other of His Majesties Justices of Peace for the said County. Given under their Hands and Seals the Fifth day of February, 1687/8.

Pursuant to this Warrant I sent for my Constables and Offi­cers, and procured some Night-men, who went to the place and began to work about Eleven at Night, and so continued till about half an hour after Twelve, at which time the Night­men brought up the Head, which was wrapt up in a Cloth, with one Ear hanging out of a hole in the Cloth, and when it was taken out, I order'd it immediately to be wash'd very clean, and carryed to the Watch-house: And the Head and Face is without any manner of Defacement, Wound, or Scar; but may be known by any man who formerly knew the Person, the Visage remaining very plain.

About five a Clock this Morning, being the sixth of this In­stant February, I went to the Right Honourable the Earl of Craven, who ordered me to wait on him to White-Hall, in or­der to attend and give His Majesty an account thereof; which being done, His Majesty was pleased to order that the Head should be conveyed forthwith to the Body, which lies in St. Giles Bone-house, where it now is, and may be seen by any that have the Curiosity to repair thither: And this is a true Ac­count, Witness my Hand,

Tho. Harris, High-Constable.

London Printed, and are to be Sold by Randal Taylor. 1688.

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