WHITEHAL, September 26. 1697. LAST Night arrived here one of His Majesty's Messengers from Holland, being sent over with the TREATY of PEACE betwixt His Majesty & the Most Christian King, in order to its Ratification; which being dispatched under the Great Seal, was sent back this Evening. Hague, October 1. N. S. On the 22. of the last Month, the Embassadors of the Allies met again with the French Embassadors at Ryswick, where a Cessation of Arms was agreed on between the Emperor and France, till the first of November. Cr [...] [...] they coul [...] to hinder, or at l [...]st delay the Elector of Saxony's Coronation. To this end they made several P [...]osals, and offered to come over to his side, in case he would defer the Sole [...]ty till after he had called a General Diet, where Matters might be [...]ttled wit [...] [...]utual Consent and Agreement. But all this being look'd upon only as an Amu [...]en [...] [...] gain time till the Prince of Conti's Arrival in this Kingdom; The Kin [...] [...]th t [...]e Advic [...] of the Great Men about him, resolved to proceed to his C [...]tion. Accordingly on the 13 instant, he made a publick Entry into this Ci [...] [...]n m [...]ch State and Splendor, and on the 15 was Crowned in the great Chur [...] by the Bishop of Cujavia, assisted by several other Bishops; which was performed with all the Pomp and Ceremonies usual on the like occasions, and in the presence of a great Concourse of the Nobility, among whom were the Crown General, the Prince of Lubomerski Marishal of the Court, and most of the Senators; and it w [...] particularly observed, that many of the Gentlemen who were before looked up [...] to be engaged in the contrary Interest, did assist at this Solemnity, which co [...]ded with a great Entertainment, and with firing of the Artilery of thi [...] Plac [...] [...]d with three Salvo's of all the Saxon Forces encamped under the Wal [...] [...] works, &c. Yesterday the Magistrats of this City took an Oath of Fidelity to th [...] [...]ing, who it is believed will now march towards Warsaw.
Vienna September 18. On the 14. instant Prince Charles of Vandemont arrived here from the Imperial Army in Hungary, to bring the Emperor the good News of [Page 2] an entire and glorious Victory they have obtained over the Turks with these particulars. The Turkish Army having passed the River Theysse, under the Command of the Grand Visier, and posted themselves between the Imperial Army and Peter-Warradin, by which means they endeavoured to cutt off our Communication with the Danube: Prince Eugene of Savoy, who commanded in Chief the Emperours Forces, resolved so soon as General Rabutin with the Troops from Transilvania had joyned them, to march towards the Enemy, and attack them in their Camp; This was put in execution on the 11. instant, and with more diligence because he was informed by some Prisoners, that the Turks to avoid a Battle, were going to repass the Theysse: After several Hours march, the Imperialists came up with the Enemy; whom they found posted near Senta, being 25000 Janizaries and 6000 Horses, having secured their Camp with a triple Entrenchment, and a Bridge behind them. The Grand Seignior lay encamped with the rest of his Army on the other side of the River: Our Troops with great Bravery attacked the first Entrenchment, which they made themselves Masters of in an Hours time; the Turks retiring within their second Entrenchment, where they made a great Resistance but were likeways beaten from that, and from the third, and fled in great Confusion; but being stoped by the narrowness of the Bridge, and the croud that endeavoured to pass it, a great Slaughter was made by several peices of Cannon, which played upon them. Of the Enemy there were found Killed upon the place about 12000, besides those that were drowned, the number of which was likeways great, the Grand Visier, Aga of the Janisaries, & several Bassa's are among the Slain: We took all their Baggage, Wagons & Tents, 72 Peices of Cannon, great quantity of Amunition, & a great many Horse. The Grand Seignior seeing this Defeat of his Forces, abandoned his Camp on the other side of Theysse, and retired with great precipitation towards Temeswaer: The Imperial Horse and Hussars pursued the Enemy, killed a great Number, and took all their heavy Artilery, Tents, Treasure and Baggage, which they left in their Second Camp▪ and it' [...] [...] are not above 900 or 1000 killed. Since this, se [...]ra [...] [...] Officers are ar [...]d from the Army, who not only confirm the Account bef [...] [...]entioned, but relate several further Particulars, by which the Enemies [...] greater; that all their Foot is cut off, and that we hav [...] tak [...] [...] c [...] [...]on, with an incredible Booty. The Count of Di [...]trichstein is [...] [...]ere this Evening, bringing with him a more ample Relation, with the Sta [...] [...] Colours that have been taken, and the Grand Seignior's ow [...] Tent. [...] has written to all the Princes and States his Allies, to acquaint them wit [...] [...] Success.