A Full and True ACCOUNT OF A MOST Barbarous Murther and Robbery COMMITTED BY John Davis, On the Body of Esq; Bowles's Lady,
At Cleaver near Windsor: Particularly, How being Servant to her, he for the Lucre of her Money beat her Brains out in the Night with a Bar of Iron, and afterwards Cut her Throat from Ear to Ear in a most Barbarous manner, and afterwards Robb'd the House of 300 Pounds in Gold, besides Watches, Rings, &c. of great value.
With the manner of its being conceal'd near a Fortnight, before the Murther was found out, as also the strange and remarkable Discovery thereof.
To which is added, The Reward of 50 l. offered by Esq; Bowles to any who shall take and apprehend the Murtherer, with the Description of his Person, Age, Habit and Complexion, how to know him.
ALtho' many Tragical Actions of this Nature, have been often Committed of late, by several Barbarous and Bloody minded Villians, yet this Notorious Barbarity following, considering it in all its Fatal and Notorious Circumstances; equalizes▪ if not exceeds all that hitherto hath been heard of, and the rather, because the Person concern'd was a pretended faithful Servant to the unhappy deceased Lady; as the particulars following more largely manifests.
The Worshipful Charles Bowles Esq; having upon the Request of his Lady Madam Martha Bowles, by reason of her Age, and continual Indisposition, appointed her a Farm-house at Cleaver, within a Mile of Windsor, to live privately and retired, appointing one John Davis, a Man-Servant, only to wait on her, and to manage the Business relating to the Farm; tho' according to her desire, he went every Night to Windsor to lodge, and return'd each Morning to the said Farm about his Business, which he had perform'd to all appearance, two Years successively very faithfully, to the approbation not only of Esq; Bowles his Master, but the Ancient Gentlewoman also, with whom he lived.
But observe the dreadful effects of Covetousness, how strangely it opperates on the Minds and Affections of those where Grace is wanting: For John Davis, her aforesaid Servant, having sometimes at the desire of his Lady, remov'd some Chests, and other things for her, particularly a Trunk, which he perceived by its weight to be well furnished with store of Treasure, he from that time, as 'tis supposed, cove [...]ed to have in his Possession; for on the 22d. of September last, (as near as can be conjectured by his Lady not coming abroad as usually) he not having the fear of God be [...]ore his Eyes, and being void of all natural pity and human compassion, took a Bar of Iron, and beat his poor innocent Ladies Brains out, with the repitition of several othre dreadful and unmerciful Blows on several parts of the Body, as plainly is made manifest by the plurality of Bruises, as well on the Head and Arms, as on other parts, the which was done (as some think) in order to force her to discover some more than ordinary valuable Treasure.
But not satisfied with this inhuman Cruelty, he to make the Villany more Barbarous, Tragical and Fatal, cut her Throat in a dismal and bloody manner, the Wound extending from Ear to Ear, leaving the Aged and unfortunate Lady weltring in her Blood, and then fell to plundring the House, especially the Trunks, Chests and Closets, [Page] where he supposed to find the most Treasure, from whence, as 'tis said, he took to the value of near three Hundred Pound in Gold and Silver, 200 pieces of Old Gold, having been since found in a Trunk at his Lodings in Pest [...]od-street in Windsor? So that 'tis plain matter of Fact, that he was the Author of that notorious Action. But to proceed: He having perform'd this Tragical Scene of Barbarty, and secur'd his Booty, he lock'd all the doors, and march'd off; but some few days after, had the impudent boldness to go to London, to the White-horse in Fleet-street, and there told the Windsor Coachman, and others, that his Father, who formerly had been a Trooper in the Earl of Oxford's Regiment was lately dead, and had left him 400 pound; adding, That tho his Father in his Life time did reject him for being undutiful, yet he had remembred him at his Death; therefore he was resolv'd to live like a Gentleman: And thereupon not only bought a brave Cloaths but Rings to his finger, and a Sword to his side: and not only so, but pull'd a handful of Guineas out of his Pocket, and swagger'd at a very strange bold and extravagant rate, treating all who would keep him company; and that which is most to be wondred at, with those who knew from whence he came, and with whom he had lived.
Esq; Bowles her Husband coming to Clea [...]er on Sunday last, asked some of the Town, how his Wife did, who was answered, That they had not seen her for near a Fortnight, therefore doubted that she was not well, by reason she did not walk in her Garden as usual: Upon which the Squire sending his Man to the House, to enquire of [...]er Welfare, found the Doors not only shut, but lock'd fast, and the Key taken thence; so that returning to the Esq; inform'd him thereof; whereupon immediately by the Esqrs; Orders, the Door was forced open, when searching about t [...]e House, at last the unfortunate Gentlewoman was found Murthered in a most Barbarous and wretched manner, as aforesaid; where was found by her the Iron Bar with (as 'tis conjectured) her Murtherer struck her with, before he cut her Throat: During this hurry and amazement, occasion'd by the discovery of this dreadful Accident, and notorious Robbery,
The People then being at Church, some disorder was observed among them by one going out after another; at which ti [...]e the aforesaid John Davis, being there also and having a guilty Conscience, was observed to go out with all the hast imaginable, and went directly away and took Horse, and that means made his escape before any Person could ground suspition of his being Guilty of his Ladies Murther, and the rather by reason, he so frequently came backwards and forwards too and from thence as before, tho' indeed his being so full of Money all on a suddain, and his being so finely equipt was not a little wondred at; notwithstanding his repeated pretences relating to the Legacy his Father had so lately and largely bestowed upon him: 'Tis strangely remarkable, that this Notorious and Wicked Person having perform'd such a Barbarous and Wicked Action of Murther and Robbery, should notwithstand; be so Abominable Impudent and Presumptiously bold as to appear publickly in the same Town so often where the said Bloody Tragedy was Acted; so that neither Terror of Conscience nor dread of Punishment for such a Loathsome Crime, made any Sensible Impression upon him, is a thing altogether strange and uncommon, provided all Circumstances be considered.
For the better Discovery and Apprehending the said Murtherer; Esq; Bowles has not only Issued out Hue and Cryes several ways but hath offered a Reward of 50 l. to any who shall Take and Apprehend him the particulars, (as in the last Gazet) I have inserted as followeth.
Whereas about the 22d. of September last, a Barbarous Murther was Committed on the Body of Mrs. Martha Bowles, in her House at Cleaver near Windsor, by one John Davis alias Country Jack, who Robb'd her of near 300 Guineas, He is well set, about 24 years of Age, Strait, Brown Hair, Fair Complection, Wears a New Gray Coat, Lin' [...] with Black, with Black Button Holes, Red Britches strip'd with black a Black Hat [...], with a White broad Hatband, Rod away from Windsor on Sunday last, upon a Brow [...] Bay Gelding 14 hands high, whoever shall Apprehend and Secure him, that he may b [...] Convicted: Shall Receive of Charles Bowles Esq; of Clever aforesaid, Fifty Pound.