HIS EXCELLENCY SIR THOMAS FAIRFAXES Protestation, in the name of himselfe, and the rest of the Army.

THE DECLARATION Of the Commaltee of Souldiers, Their Answer to the Scots Declaration, And the Resolutions of the army Concerning the City of LONDON.

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London Printed by B. A. 1647



YOurs dated June 11, came safe to my hands for which I give you many thankes, and for what hath since my lhst bin collected by me, is briefly thus, That we have left the King vt his house at Newmarket, where Col. Whalley commands the Guard still.

Wee are now come hither to St. Albones the Gen. Excellency, Leivtenant Gen. Ham­mond, Col. Hammond, Comissary Gen. Ier­ton, Col. Rainsborough, Col. Sir Hardreds Waller, Col. Rich, Col. Lilburne, Col. Pride, Col. Howson, and the rest, Also F. Mar. Gen. Skippon, Liv. Gen. Crumwell and the rest of the Commissioners are come with us, wee have a very gallant army, & do not decrease, besids many that have left us would faine be admitted againe but come not.

Wee had some of the Scots Declarati­ons brought hither which have much in­coraged the souldiers, especially that last passage, wherein they assined the Parlia­ment at the conference of both houses, that if there were neede, (it being upon some speeches against the army) that they would joyne aboue man.

But I find that the souldiers take things very well from the City, in that they will joyne with those who would promote war against them. And it hath (as I here) been disputed amongst the souldiers very much, what course to take for the poore of the Ci­ty of London, in case the Armies lying neer [Page]raise the prises of provisions, the result of which was that if they have but some mo­nies sent them to pay the Armies quarters, they will retreate further from the City, & it is the open way (so far as I perceive) that upon a motion from the City, the Parlia­ment will not deny it them.

we heare that it is much questioned in the City of London what the Army wil do up­on them in relation to their Estates whe­ther they shall be free from plunder, & al­so whether they will admitt a free trade, if the Country to which the Souldiers haue resolved, that the City of London going on in this loving way, and not opposing them, they will do them no prejudice.

The souldiers are resolved that not one penyworth of goods or mony, shall be prejudiced by them, not only that in their shops or houses, but what soever shall be carried in to the Country, or be sent up from the Country, between them and those they deale withall, not any jote thereof shal be prejudiced, and if any monies be sent them to enable them to pay quarters they will remoue further off from London.

Wee heare of some Aldermen, and Common-Councell men comming to the Army from the City, they are much expected againe, they a [...] come to us, you shall here further from

Your humble servant R. CORBET

His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax his Prote­station, in the name of himself, and the rest of the Commanders in chiefe.

1. WE have said before, and professe it now, we desire no alteration of the Civill Government.

2. We desire not to interrupt the setling of Presbyterial Government.

3. Nor do we seek to open a way to li­centious liberty, under pretence of obtaining ease for tender Consciences.


The Desires of the Army.

I. Their desire is, to preserve and not to spoyle, and to that end, are determined both Officers and Souldiers, horse and foot, not in the least, to be accounted the wicked of men, and destroyers, but preservers of that remnant and talent which God hath be­stowed upon those, who serve him in truth and sincerity.

II. That although they are now near ap­proaching towards your vast and populous City, yet it is no waies prejudiciall to the State, but for the preservation and security of those priviledges, for which divers poor souldiers have lost their lives for the main­tenance of the same.

III. That if there be an answer returned somewhat suitable to their desires, and their reasonable requests granted, they shall pro­ceed no further, but retreat to any conveni­ent place, which shall be thought fit and convenient.

IV. That, their desire is, that they may re­ceive a faire & suitable Answer to their Re­quests, (professing that their intentions are reall, and not in the least, prejudiciall, either to State or Common-Wealth, but for the advantage of the publike good.) And that the Citizens of London with whom they have so often hazarded [...] lives withall against the Common Enemy of the Kingdome, may not in any waies stand in opposition against them, but really and unanimously knit their hearts in one link, against all opposers and [Page]disturbers of the publike Weale of England, in which troublesome disasters, both the Citizens of London and the renowned Pren­tices (of the said City) in the Army, have waded through many difficulties.

V. And lastly, [...] is the earnest desire of the whole Army, that all things may be composed in love, and that all possi­ble means may be used, for a safe and well-grounded peace, that so his Majesties Honour and Prerogative may be main­tained, the Priviledges and Being of Parliament preserved, and the peace and welfare of the Kingdome defended, a­gainst all Opposers, and Disturbers whatsoever.

These Desires and Demands were subscribed by divers of the chief Officers in the Army.


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