¶A PROCLAMATION to prevent Abuses by the Souldiers:
By his Excellencie Sir THOMAS FAIRFAX, Knight, Commander in Chiefe of the Forces raised by the PARLIAMENT.

WHereas diverse Complaints have beene made of severall abuses and misdemeanours, committed by several Souldiers of the Army both Horse and Foot, viz. That they un­warrantably impresse and violently take Horses for their owne uses, from severall per­sons, pretending the same to be for the use of the State; And also force persons where they quarter, to pay them unreasonable summes of money, in lieu of quarter, (notwithstanding they are provided for at their severall quarters) and to give them monies at their removing for their future expences, having no manner of colour for the same, tending not onely to the great pre­judice and wrong to the persons injured, but also to the scandall and dishonour of the Army, and contrary to the Lawes and Ordinances of VVar in that case made and provided.

For prevention whereof, and of all other the like disorders and abuses whatsoever, I doe here­by strictly charge and require all Souldiers of the Army, both Horse and Foot, (after Procla­mation hereof duly made) to forbeare, either by themselves or others, to impresse, or by force take, any Horses or Mares, from any person or persons whomsoever, to their owne, or any others use, upon any pretence whatsoever, unlesse it be by sufficient warrant under the hand of the Captaine or other Officer lawfully authorized thereunto: And that they doe likewise forthwith forbeare to demand, take, or compell any person, where they quarter, to give them any money, upon any pretence whatsoever, either whilst they remaine at their severall quarters, or at their removals, upon such penalty and severall punishment as may be inflicted upon every such as shall be found offenders therein, by a Councel of VVar. And I doe hereby require all Officers of the Army, in their several places, to use all possible care and diligence, to prevent the Souldiers un­der their respective Commands, from committing the aforesaid or any other the like misdemea­nours. And upon discovery of such as shall be found offenders therein, to bring them to a Coun­cell of VVar in the Regiment to which they belong respectively, according to a Commission to that purpose granted, to the end they may be brought to condigne punishment for the same. And if any Office shall wilfully neglect his duty herein, such Officer shall be responsible for the mis­demeanors of his respective Soldiers.


To the Marshall Generall, to be published at the Head of every Regiment of Horse, Foot, and Dragoons, by Sound of Trumpet and Beat of Drum.

A Commission granted by his Excellency to the Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, or Major, of every Regiment in the Army, for the punishment of offences by a Councel of VVar in each Regiment, in pursuance of this Proclamation.

WHereas divers misdemeanours and offences are daily committed by some Soldiers of the Army in their severall quarters, and other places, which cannot conveniently be brought to a Councel of War at the Head-quarter: I doe hereby give you full power and authority (by the Commission Officers of your Regiment) to call a Councell of War from time to time, and as often as need shall require, for the tryall of such persons of your Regiment (according to the Lawes and Ordinances of War established) as shall be found guilty of misdemeanour: And to inflict such punishment upon them (according to the said Lawes and Ordinances) as they shall be adjudged unto for the same by the said Councell. Provided that this Commis­sion shall not extend to the tryall of any Officers in Commission, nor to the inflicting any punishment to the ta­king away of life or member, without first acquainting me therewith.


To Col: [...] Lieutenant Col: [...] or Major of his Regiment.

LONDON Printed for Humphrey Harward. 1647.

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