THE French Mountebank, OR An Operator fit for these Times.
COnducted by the hand of Providence, me arrived at Dover on the first of March, where me stayed two, tree, foure, and five dayes, exercising my faculty in a charitable way among tee poore Seamans, tee residue of tee time before I came to this renowned City, me spent for tee most part in Canterbury, where by reason of tee great confluence of People, me was forced to erect a Stage, whereon to preserve my own selfe from stifling, and the better to present my own selfe and my Rarities to the sight and view of the multitude. Yet for for all this me could take very little money. Me appeared every day with my Dwarfe, my Hermaphrodite, and my Monkey, and entertained them all a mode de France, with Songs, Anticks, and Masques, yet all would not not doe, me could see but little money.
When me had vented all my Commodities, it was not safe for me to stay long there, yet me be sure if tey do them no good, tey will do them no harme: And now me be newly come unto this famous City of London, and the City of London cannot but confesse themselves very much beholden to me, that after so many yeares travaile, and experience in severall Countries, both Christian, and Pagan, me be pleased now in these latter, and most knowing daies of mine, to leave wandring, and reside here with them.
The reason why me do shew mine selfe in print first is, because me be tickled in the conceit by some, that this is the best way to make my selfe known unto you, and the setting up of Bils upon Posts, is the tricks of tee Mountebanke, which me do abhorre.
Imprimis, me do meane to tell you what rare exploits me have done abroad.
And now Dukes, Earles, Lords, Bishops, Knights, Deanes, Prebends, Gentlemen of Englant, &c. and all others, High and Low, Rich and Poore, me do addresse mine selfe to you in all humility. For as much as me do understand that since this present Perliament, there hath been many strange and unheard of diseases, seizing upon certain sorts of People, that were in perfect health before, and as yet remaining incureable, me being accustomed to cure such diseases, do undertake these Maladies following, and for my better proceeding in the cure when they come to my hands, me joyn to every Mallady some short directions for their observation. Though a Parliament (as me do know) be salus Populi, the best meanes conduceing [Page] to the health of this Nation, yet as in ill conditioned stomacks, oftentimes the best Cordials degenerate into an ill nature, and so become as offensive to the Body, as the ill humours themselves; even so this Parliament, (which God preserve) though as well a temper'd Cordiall for this languishing Kingdome as ever was, yet to some ill humoured Members it hath proved Feavourish, and set them all on Fire, as Iesuits, Papists, and Cavaliers: and to others as bad as poyson, as to Church▪Statists, and Monopolists, those Catterpillers of the Common-wealth, &c. So then me being by my proffession to cure all diseases, must not be blamed, if me do name all indifferently, and me do see no reason why me should be blamed for nameing such of these diseases, which me do intend, and promise to cure, therefore Sans dissimulation, or Feare, me do proceed.
These and many more the Professour hereof will faithfully performe, he beeing but newly come to town you cannot expect much from him, till longer observation hath better acquainted him with the diseases now raging, and ranging in this Land.
If any desire to make use of him in any of these particulars aforenamed, or to make known any other Malladie wherewith they are afflicted, let them repaire to the Physitiaus Colledge.
Vive Le Roy.