OR A vindication of some Truths formerly declared, from those aspersions which have been (by reason of some misapprehensions) cast upon them; now published for the satisfaction and benefit of others.

With a preambular Epistle to all sorts of Men. As also a Parcell of good Counsell, if you can take it.

By Captain FRANCIS FREEMAN, a late member of the Army.

After that which men call heresie, will I worship the God of my Fathers, The spirituall man judgeth all things, yet he himself is judg­ed of no man.

LONDON Printed in the year 1650.

An Epistle to all sorts of Men.

TO All Christian Kings, Queenes, Princes, Priests, Rulers and governours; and to all that love the King; and to all that are in authority under Him, of what degree, or in what condition or station soever: whether Papist, Protestant, Presbyterian, Antinomian, Independant, Anabaptist, Seeker &c. Both high and low, rich and poor, from the lowest form to the highest; and so to all those that have past through all formes, and are above them, that worship God, not on this mountain, nor at Jeru­salem, but in spirit and truth. Neither can they descend so low, as to look back, to see God in an ordinance, or in any of these formes, or in any other forme; but see him purely as he is, Jehovah Elo­him; who see him in the cloudes, and in the sun, who see him in the heavens, and in the firmament, for the heavens declare his glo­ry &c. who see him in all things above and below, and in every thing that hath a being in the whole Creation. These things I write unto you, concerning them that seduce you; but the anointing which you have received of him, abideth in you, and teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no ly &c. and as the Son of the bond-woman, persecutes the Son of the free-woman, so every form is a persecutor. And he that is under any of these forms, is ready to persecute him that is above them, or below them, or contrary to him in judgement: But the son of the free-woman, is free from persecuting any. And as there are diversities of formes; and that every form is a persecutor, so there are diversities of degrees in every form, some high, some low, some rich, some poor, yet all in the Spirit. The highest degree of Papists, are almost Protestants, the highest degree of Protestants, are almost Presbyterians, the highest degree of Pres­byterians, are almost Antinomians, the highest degree of Anti­nomians, [Page 2]are almost Independants, the highest degree of Inde­pendants, are almost Anabaptists, and the Anabaptists, are al­most Seekers, and the Seekers are at a stand: Although they are in the uppermost form, yet they know that there is something a­bove all these formes, which they have not yet found, but are in a seeking condition, yet their strength is to stand still, till God drawes them up into himself; then shall they be of that rich fa­mily of love, they shall attain to that high pitch of persection, as to be of Gods own familie, God dwelling in the midst of them, and they living continually in and upon him. For he that dwels in love, dwels in God, and God in him. Now all those that are of this rich family of love; are above all formes, types, and sha­dowes; And are in reallitie, truth, substance: they need not that any man teach them; they are all taught of God, they are entred into their rest, they cease from their labors, as God did from his, and their works follow them; there is a continuall Sabbath to them; God is their Sabbath in them. All externall formes of self-duties and performances, as of duties of fasting and humiliation, du­ties of prayer &c. all are turned into praises and thanksgivings, Halelujahs. Now there is nothing but mirth in them, there is a continual singing of birds in them, chirping sweetly, in a sweet harmony of soul-ravishing delightful musick.

Reader, I shall give thee to understand, that this ensuing Trea­tise, hath been almost ready for the presse a long time since, and cast aside, having no thoughts of publishing it. But seeing tis the Fathers pleasure, I should declare my judgement to the whole world, I could not but doe it; partly to vindicate the truth, and the rather, because some members of the Armye (whom I con­ceive have not yet past through the third forme) have a prejudice against me, as if a child that hath not learn'd his primar: should undertake to teach him that hath learned his Accidence or Gram­er, and is perfect in them. And as if the poorest Schollar in the lowest forme, should undertake to seach the best Schollar in the uppermost form in the School. And partly to discover the folly and weaknesse of these mine accusors. I shall therefore give you a breife marrative both of the manner, and substance of our dis­course, for which they had a prejudice against me, which is as fol­loweth.

First, I had some discourse with Capt. Lieu. Leigh, and Cornet Friend, touching forms in the worship and service of God, and touching several administrators or dispensations that the people were under; and my position was, that God might be seen in the lowest form or ministration, and that I had now no prejudice a­gainst the person of any man, that was above me, or below me, and that I saw God in all things and in every thing that had a be­ing in the whole creation: working in the creature, according to the several dispensations wherein he had placed them. Then the Cornet asked me, whether I saw God in the Table-board or in the Candle­stick? My answer was yea, I saw him in both. Then he went about to prove (in a Syllogisticall way) that the Table-board was dead, the Candle-stick was dead, and God was a living God. Therefore I could not see him there in the Tableboard, but I might see him in the Work-man-ship of it; and with all demanded of me, whether I saw him essentially in the Table-board, my answer was I made no difference, or distinction betwixt his essence, and his being, for they were one, and that God was every where, and in all pla­ces, and in every thing. He was both omnipotent, omnipresent, om­niscient, and his essential will was himself, his power was himself, his wisdome was himself. Then said the Cornet, Capt. Freeman, you say that you have no prejudice against the person of any man, are all men alike with you? what do you think of drunkards? my answer was, yea, they were all one to me, although in time past, I had a prejudice against some, when I was under forms, yet now I had not; for a drunkard, or any other man that was addi­cted to any other sin or vice (which all men are subject unto) could not leave it till God call'd them from it. Then we spake something concerning the use of Ordinances; which I told them that I was not against the use of them, nor any man that was on such a dispensation, for he was in the same station wherein God had placed him, and so we brake of our discourse for that time: but it seemed to me, that they were somewhat troubled at it.

Now the next time we met together, we had some farther dis­course touching ordinances; and to my thinking (before we par­ted), they were very well satisfied, for we parted upon very faire terms, and I went up into my Chamber, where I was not long, [Page 4]before I had some thoughts of writing an Epistle to all sorts of men, and so call'd for a Pen, Ioke and Paper, and began to write, but before I had wrote three lines, they came to me again, and I told them what I was about, and that I was writing an Epistle to all sorts of men, that were under severall dispensa­tions or Ministration, and so fell into Discourse againe, spent some time in it; and all this time they were very merry and pleasant with me, in so much that I could not conceive they had any prejudice against me, or any design to advance their own in­terest, which I shall referre to you to judge. And so we parted for that night, and went to bed, and the next morning I wrote the former part of this Epistle, and shewed it to them, but it did appear to me, that it was not well resented by them; For, in a very short time after, they made some complaint to Colonel Okey of some strange points which I should hold (as they said) which occasioned some dispute amongst us, in the presence of one Capt. Smith and others,

Now the Colonel meeting me at Bedford (with some o­ther officers of his Regiment) told me that he had heard of some strange opinions I should hold, but never had any discourse with me, as to know what they were; Therefore he desired to propound some questions unto me. My answer was, that I should be very free to answer to any question that he should propound unto me; so that it might be done in a way of love; which he promised it should. So he propounded this questian first, what I thought of the use of ordinances? my answer was, that all those that were un­der any of them, or in the use of any of them; that it was their duty to be obedient unto them, till God call'd them to a higher ministration. And that I liked them well, that were zealous in the performance thereof, for I did beleeve they had some comfort in the use of them.

The Second question was, what I thought of the Scriptures, and whether I did acknowledge the Scriptures to be the word of God? my answer was, that it is the written word of God, the Prophets, and Apostle were the Penmen, and that it was my dai­ly practise, to make use of the Bible called the Scriptures, when opportunity served; and I told them that every Scripture is a my­stery, untill it be made known to us, or revealed in us; and so it [Page 5]comes to be above that Scripture without us; for, it is said to be a hidden mystery, to them that perish: but the power of God unto salvation to every one that beleeves.

Then by this time they all came about me like Bees (as the Psal­mist saith) they kept me up on every side, they kept me up I say on every side &c. one catcht at me, and another catcht at me, insomuch that I ear­nestly desired them to forbear any further discourse; for I saw that they lay in wait for me; and as it did appear to us afterwards, that they had laid a snare to entrap me, and katch me into their own Net, which they cunningly had laid. But I was very cautious and wary how to speak to them, and for this reason which I gave them, that I might speak something in answer to their questions that they might not well bear; for; said I, that which may be a truth to me, may not be a truth to you, and yet a truth in it self. The Word of God, which is God in his Word, written in me, is more to me then the whole Book of the Scriptures, both of the old and new Testament; for what is it, without it be unsealed and the Book opened? and yet I can assure you, I prise it, at as high a rate, as any of you all can doe; but if so be you should ask a Child of seven years old, what booke it is, and lay it before him, he will say it is the Bible, or peradventure, he will tell you tis the Scripture, why? because he hath been told so: but if so be, I know the word of God, which is, God in his word, be written in me; then I know assuredly, that is the word of God, because it is so manifested unto me. But how shall we know this of a truth, said Cornet Friend, how may this appear to us? My an­swer was, that the witnesse of the spirit, did bear witnesse with my spirit: and that I had certain evidences, and demonstrations of the spirit of God working in my spirit; and that I saw a glorious change in me, since I had past through all these formes; or mini­steations, which I had formerly been under. I told them like­wise, That I had bin a Papist, Protestant, Presbyterian, Antino­mian, Independant, Anabaptist, Seeker &c. But I gave God thanks, I had past through them all; and that Scripture was ful­filled in me, which was a promise made by Christ, that he would put his laws in our minds, he would writ them in our hearts, and he would be to us a God, and we should be to him a people. Which lawes are written in my heart, and have made me conformable in obedience [Page 6]to his will, and this law being written in my heart; is far above any law without me. As for example, the Scriptures containe in them divers precepts, as in the decalogue. Thou shall do no murder, Thou shalt not commit Adultery, Thou shalt not steale, Thou shalt not beare false witnesse &c. We see this law, we reade it, and yet we break it, we cannot keep it, Why? because we see and reade no more but the bare literal expressions, and is without us. But if God comes in in power, and commands me from within, either to doe or not to doe, then I cannot breake it, but I must keepe it, and that from a Principle of love from within.

Then came in Capt. Neale and one Mr. Easton, who being no sooner in the Room, but Col. Okey (in a seeming merry way) took Captain Neale by the shoulder, and thrust him to me; using these very expressions. That he would be on my side, for he was of my judgement. To which Capt. Neale answered, that he thought he should, although we were the weaker side. Then Lieut. Cheese spake something in reference to our former discourse. Cap. Neal asked me, whether I would answer him, or whether he should? So I desired him to answer, (being willing to be quit of any far­ther discourse) for those reasons before mentioned, in that I found them to lie in wait for me. Then Capt. Neale ansvvered clearly to the point, which he is very well able to give an account of. Then Leiut. Cheese replyed; (and all this while there seem­ed no prejudice outwardly against either of us) and Mr. Easton an­swered to his reply, and undertook the discourse; but before he had done speaking, Colonel Okey desired him to make repetition of what he had said, which he did; then the Colonel took first a preju­dice against him; and used him very uncivilly, and unseemingly, in the presence of all that were there; for he bad him go forth of the room for he was a dangerous fellow, and not sit society for any honest man, and this was for nothing, but declaring his opini­on. But Mr. Easton desired to speake farther to the point, and that there might be a right understanding betwixt them. No said the Colonel, and bad him hold his tongue, and get him forth, for he had something to speake to some Officers of his Regiment; and so fell very foule upon Captain Neale, with bitter language, and then upon me and told us, he would roote us out of his Regiment, or else we should root out him, and commanded us to be gone: which [Page 7]command was immediately obeyed.

Now I shall appeal to all godly conscientious men, to judge whether this discourse was in a way of love, or not, according to his promise and engagement; When as they did (as it were) force me to discourse, and to answer to all their questions; yet I am sure they have no advantage against me therby. But to proceed, the next morning I met with Capt. Smith, who told me, that he li­ked our discourse very well: but shook his head, & said, that he was very sorry to hear, and see such miscarriages and clashings against us. Now the same morning the Colonel sent for Mr. Close (Chaplian to his Regiment) and discharged him, because (as he said) he was of our judgement. Mr. Close desired to know what might be laid to his charge, to be so castoff, without a Councell of Warre, and that he might know his accusers: The Colonel told him, that he had preacht dangerous doctrine, and held dangerous tenets: therefore he should no longer continue in his Regiment. Then Capt. Neale and I desired him, that we might all three be tryed at a Councel at Warre, for we conceived all our cases were alike, but that would not be granted: but howsoever; The Colonel then told Mr. Close that he might ride in any Troop of the Regiment, but not as Chaplain; to which he answered, that if he were not fit to be Chap­lain to the Regiment, he was not fit to ride in any Troop. Then I desired to know of him, what he had against me, or what he could lay to my charge? His answer was, that I held dangerous tenets, that I denyed the Scriptures, and that I made God the author of sin. Which I denyed, and withall did aske him, where ever he heard me say so in positive terms? He answered no, but that I did as good in effect. And thus you may see, he would draw conclusions according to his own fancy. Therefore give me leave to draw one conclusion according to their practise, which is this, that if God justifies their actions (which they believe he doth) then is God the Author of sinne. But no more of this, for I am very Ioath to digresse; but to proceed. The Colonel did likewise rip up the old sore at Taunton, and told me that I said I was Christ, and that if it had not been for him, I had been ca­shier'd for it; which argues abundance of weaknesse in him, or malice towards me, he knowing that I had clearly answered to their charge, and that Mr. Peters had moved the Generall for re­parations [Page 8]for the wrongs done unto me. Then Cornet Friend laid this to my charge; that I should say that I had as live keep a Drunkard company as any other man, which I denyed, neither did I indeed speak it at all upon any other tearmes, then as be­fore mentioned. You say you have no prejudice against the person of any man (said he) then I pray tell us, wherefore you keep up your sword? My answer was to maintain our just rights and priviledges which is our birth-right, & to relieve the oppressed, & not intentively to kill any man; and with all did demand this question of him, wherefore he kept up his sword? His answer was, to kill the Caveliers, then said I, you are a man of blood, you kill all the day long, and I had as live keep a drunkard company, as keep you company: and with­all I told them, that they might see, that I was both ready and willing to do the States the best service I could (as I had formerly done) and that I was willing, to go with my whole Troop, for the service of Ireland, which if I had not been willing, then I had been disbanded upon that Account without any more a­doe.

And thus I have given you a plenarie description (according to truth) both of the manner, and also the matter and substance of our discourse; and if so be, it should be denyed, I can prove it by Capt. Smith and others. And now I shall shew you, how they have shot their poysoned arrows, even bitter words against me, and have spit their poyson at me, to render me as odious, as they can possibly: and all to drive on their own designes, and set up their interests. For here you shall find (if it may come to a tryall) that the Cap. Leiut. gap'd after my command as much as ever any ungracious son did gape after his Fathers death, that he might inherit his possessions, as may appear by his often, and earnest solicitations to the Col. that he would give him my Troop, if he could get Col. Rich his letter, and Col. Harrisons letter to him. Then Cornet Friend looked for preferment too; & Quartermaster Gilmore gap'd after my Cornets place, who went for the Service of Ireland; and indeed I wrote my letter in his behalf to my Col: That he might have it; not­withstanding (I knew) that he had done some good officers for me. And these are my accusers, who (by their false and scandalous ac­cusations) have caused the Col: (he being very apt to hear with other men ears, see with other mens eyes, and to speak the lan­guage [Page 9]of other men) especially to drive on their own designes according to their hearts desire. And as for Quarter-master Gilmore, he let fall these very expressions to his Land-lady (where he quar­tred at Rowell in Northampton-shire) that there were but few officers in the Army of his Captains judgement, and that Crumwell was now gon into Ireland, therefore they could new model the Army at their pleasure.

And truly for my part, this did evidently appear to me, that their intentions were no lesse, but that they would root out all of­ficers, that were contrary to them in judgement; for I met with a Colonel of the Army in Westminster-Hall, who did (as good in effect) say so much to me; for he told me, that I countenanced blasphemie, and if so be I had been a Captain in his Regiment, he would have done no lesse then my Col. did: and that there would suddainly be a charge drawn up against me, but I (knowing my own innocency) told him, that I did not value a chip, any charge that could be brought in against me: and truly for my part (I con­ceived) his very countenance did import much wrath and bitter­nesse of spirit against me, although he scarce ever knew me, or e­ver exchanged three words with me before. But what he had, (it seemed) he received it from Col. Okey; or from some scandalous papers which were spread abroad by him, which was ground e­nough for his anger towards me: for here you shall see, hand over head, without due examination; they will judge and condemn, and speak purely one anothers language, and all to advance their own interests. But what they account blasphemie, I know not; but I am sure, I have cashier'd many of my Souldiers for swearing and drunkennesse, and have sharply reproved others, for any kind of vice whatsoever, that hath come within the compasse of my cogni­sance, and that I shall appeal to these several places where we have bin quartered any time this fifteen moneths and upwards.

We were quartred eighteen weeks at Buckinghame and Brackly, three and twenty weeks at Saint Neots and Kimbolton, five weeks at Keter­ing and Rowel, fourteen weeks at Colebrooke and Ʋxbridge, and eight weeks more at S. Neots & Kimbelion, before our march into Scotland. All which time, the people in these severall places have had suffici­ent experience of us: and are able and willing if occasion should serve, to give a very good testimony of our civil behaviour and [Page 10]carriage towards them, and I dare be bold to speak it; that they are as willing and ready to give us entertainment, as any troope in the Army, and no disparigement to any.

And now you shall see more of my Col. dealings towards me (my Cornet and three and twenty of my men, being gone for the service of Ireland, under Capt. Barrington) how he took ad­vantage thereby, notwitstanding he had given a verball order, not only to me, but to the rest of the Officers in his regiment, that in case any of Capt. Barringtons men were not free to go for that ser­vice, that we should entertaine and lift them, in the roome of our men that were free. Whereupon eighteen of his men came to me, well mounted and well armed; and I had no sooner entertain'd them, but the Col. sent me an expresse order not to recrute; whereupon I discharged them, and they all marcht up to London, and were in a sad condition, for when they came thither, they went to the Col. but could not prevaile with him to be enter­tained under my command, and so were frustrate of all imploy­ment: and continued so long (notwithstanding they had often­times petitioned the Col. and divers friends had solicited in their behalfe) till they had spent their horses and all that they could make shift for; yet afterwards, (upon my Engagement of laying down my Commission, as you shall see by and by, he sent them down to me afoot, to be listed again, as may appear by divers letters under his own hand, which was a pure peece of ser­vice, which I shall refer to the Reader to judge. But of this by the way.

Now it came to passe, that I (finding the Collonels designe a­gainst me, partly through his malice towards me, and partly set­ting up his own interest) knew that offence may be taken, though not given: but wo to him by whome offences come, and I know that wrath is cruel, anger is outrageous, and that it is a hard matter to stand before envie. Therefore I took my journy to London, to see how the case stood be­twixt my Col. and I, but before I spake with him, I met with our Major, who told me that the Colonel did prosecute his for­mer designe against me, with all the force and strength he had, and no perswading him to the contrary, and that he told him that he had an order from the Generall to disband my whole troope, to disband me. Whereupon (having some farther discourse with the [Page 11] Major and Capt. Neale, touching this matter, we all three concluded together, to meet at the Col. house, the next morning, to know what his resolution was concerning me; but when we came, the Col. was upon exceeding high tearmes, in a rayling condi­tion against me, and ripping up the old sores (of his own making) by those poysonous arrowes shot against me: but I earnestly desired him that I might have the benefit and priviledge of a Counsel at warre; knowing that it would have bin the onely way (if I might obtain it) to be­get a right understanding betwixt us, and the onely way to free me from such aspersions, which will not be removed, till truth be ma­nifested: but if so be I have either said or done any thing worthy of punishment, (as I told him) I would aske no favour at any mans hands, but willingly submit to the censure of the Court, either to stand or fall by it; and in case I were found guilty, I should wil­lingly suffer, according to my demerits. Then the Major, and Capt. Neale both, did earnestly desire (in my behalfe) that a coun­sel of warre might be had, whereupon the Col. (in a surious rage) burst forth against Capt. Neale in bitter language, and told him that he was as bad as I, his turne was next, and that he might trust to it, for he had a charge against him as well as against me, and put his hand in his pocket, pretending to produce both our charges; but did not, and truly for my part I do beleeve, that if he had drawn any charge against either of us, he was ashamed to shew it, knowing that his own conscience would accuse him that he had nothing against either of us, that would hold water at a Counsel at warre, unlesse he could get some knights of the post, to swear for him: and that I shall appeale to the reader to judge in that he would not admit of a Counsel at warre. And you may easi­ly render a reason, for it was because he had lay'd such ignominious and scandalous reproaches upon us that he was never able to prove one title of it. Yet notwithstanding, he did continually spread abroad our names in all places where ere he came, both in City and Coun­try, and especially my name, he made ring throughout the whole Army, both to the Generall and Officers, as if I had bin the vilest Creature under the Sun, insomuch (as I conceived and was part­ly confident) that he had so far prevailed with the Generall to dis­band the whole troope, to disband me, according to what he had affirmed to us; and truly for my part, I tooke it to be truth what [Page 12]he had said, and whether the Generall were abused in it I know not, but for my own particular, I did not care what could be pro­ved against me, for I had neither said nor don any thing that I was ashamed of, but rather then my whole Troope should suffer for my sake, I would lay down my Commission, whereupon the Colonell presently closed with me, and told me, that if I would engage to lay down my Commission, he would speak to the Generall that I might muster two or three musters, and continue my Command so long, that I might have my accompts stated, and setle my bu­sinesse, for, said he, I conceive, you will go into Ireland to your bro­ther Col. Abbot, and I think it will be your best course you can take. Truly for my part (said I) I know not how the Lord will dispose of me, but you know that I was willing to go with my whole troop for that service, when I was by you appointed to go, when Capt. Barrington went (all though you never intended it) therefore ( I conceive) I have the more wrong, to have my com­mand wholly taken from me. Yet notwithstanding, I will lay down my Commission, upon those tearmes, and I did engage, and so we parted; and I protest I really intended to perform my engagement, and so the next day I went to my troope: but for half an hour space, or thereabouts, I was not without some small trouble in my spirits, to think that such arbitrarinesse should be exercised amongst us, who had so zealously, fought against it in others, but my trouble was quickly over, and suddainly turned in to rejoycings with unspeakable joy and comfort; in that I knew that it was the will and pleasure of God it should be so. And withall I had such a kind of expression of mirth within me, that I took my pen and inck, and wrote my case, (by way of indictment) as fol­loweth.

The accusation, indictment, araignment, conviction, and sentence, against, Captain Francis Freeman without a Court.

Captain Freeman, thou art accused and indicted by the name of Captain Francis Freemen, for that thou hast felloniously denyed the Scriptures, and made God the Author of sin. Thou hast said thou art Christ, and thou hast countenanced blasphemy; all which is against our Soveraign Lords the people, if we could but prove it. Therefore what canst thou say for thy self? art thou guilty; or not guilty? not guilty, by whom wilt thou be tried? I'le be tried by a generall Counsell [Page 13]at Warre; no; thou canst not, thou must be tryed by Colonel Okey, how? must I be tryed by Col. Okey? why, he hath condemned me already; what though he hath? thou canst not be admitted to any other Tryall, Therefore stand up and heare thy Sentence.

Thy Troop shall be disbanded for thy sake, for that thou holdest dangerous? Tenets; how? shall my Troop be disbanded for my sake? shall seventy men suffer for one? if I have either said or done any thing worthy of punishment; then let me suffer according to my demerits. Well, tis the Generals pleasure to disband thy whole Troop, to disband thee: nay, rather then let my whole Troop suffer I will lay down my commission. If thou wilt engage to lay down thy commission; I will speak to the Generall to save thy Troop. And thus I have stated my case truly, by way of Indict­ment.

Now when I came down to my Troop, I told them what was done, who were exceedingly troubled at it, when they heard it; and did earnestly desire me to give way to them, to petition the Generall in my behalfe, that I might have a Councel at Warre: but I advised them not to doe it, and for this reason which I gave them, that they might suffer as deeply as Cap. Barringtons men did, which the Colonel had not cared a straw, so that he might have had his will. And withall I told them, that I had engaged to lay down my commission rather then they should suffer, which caused no small trouble of mind to them, being very loath to part from me; but you shall see how it came to passe upon my engagement of laying down my commission: the Colonel sent down Capt. Barringtons men to me, with an order to be listed, and to pay them but half pay, & reserve the rest to buy them horses, which I did, and truly for my part I received them into the list as a recrute for him that should succeed me. And afterwards I went to London, to have my accompts stated, and to settle my businesse, but whilest I was at London, it so fell out that my Troop concluded together, to peti­tion the Generall in my behalf. And I Professe ingenuously, I ne­ver heard of it till that very day that it was exhibited, which peti­tion was granted, and I was taken off from my former engage­ment, being it was the Generals pleasure to grant me a fair hearing, in case my accusers did prosecute the businesse, in the mean time I should continue my command, which I have done [Page 14]upon that account, but since my command hath bin taken from me neer the borders of Scotland; and without a Counsell at warre. But I shall omit that till it come to its proper place; and shall proceed where I left.

Now the next time the Colonell and I met together, was at Bedford, where he challenged me upon my engagement: and told me that every bonest man would be as good as his word: my answer was, that the case was now altered, and my engagement made void in regard the Generall had granted me a fair tryall, which (I concei­ved) was not unknown to him, although he would not take no­tice of it, whereupon he burst forth in his old wonted passion; and told me, that I was abase fellow, a dishonest man, and he had ra­ther have a drunkard or a whore-master in his regiment then such a one as I was; with such like expressions, but I seeing him in such a passion (being unwilling to multiply words) I told him; that I should be very ready and willing at any time, to answer for any thing, that he or any one else could lay to my charge, and would aske no favour at their hands, and so I parted from him and left him in a rayling condition against me, and told the Companie that were with him (as I understood afterwards) that I never prest him to have a Counsel at warre, till such time, his witnesses were gone into Irelend; pretending that some of my Souldiers, (who went for that service) were his witnesses, when as his own con­science could witnesse against him, and my innocency clear me, and I dare be bold to say, that there was not a soul­dier that went but loved me so well, that he was as ten­der of my good as of his own: but howsoever, this was a notable plea of his, to make people beleeve strange things of me, as if I had bin as base as he reported me to be, and all to make his owne matter good.

Now the next newes I heard, was an order from the Major to recrute my Troope, and to raise them up to a hundred, besides Officers, which I endeavoured to doe; and in the mean time, the Col. had an order to raise two new Troopes, in the room of those two that went for the service of Ireland, and his own Troop and the Majors to be made Troops of horse: where you shall see, that his interestwas partly satisfied; yet notwithstanding, he did not leave his designe so naked and without hopes, but he [Page 15]would fullfill his own will, and (for the accomplishment thereof, you shall see how he hath given the self-denying ordinance a totall rout that it cannot be able to rally again, for he got a Commission, for his brother to be Captain to one Troop, his Son-in-law, to be Capt. of the other, and his brother in law to be his Lie ut. but as for his Son-in-law, he is a meer stranger to me, but I have heard a very good report of him, that he is a deserving man, and truly (for my part) I know nothing to the contrary, out for the other two, I shall appeale to all that know them, whether or no they are fit for any such imployment, unlesse it be to receive the States money (if they can tell how to tell it) but howsoever here you may see a Rout, a Rout, a Rout, a totall Rout. Therefore gentle­men, look about ye, have a care, how you make any more such self-denying ordinances, for God will not be mocked. But no more of this, I shall now proceed to the next.

The next order I received, was to send ten of my Troop, to­wards the raising of these two new Troopes, which was done ac­cording to my order, and the like number or more was sent out of each Troop, insomuch that our Troopes that marcht into Scot­land were much weakened, and those left behind, we having or­ders to march with all speed into the North. Now the first randes­vouz we had together (except the Colonels own Troop) was be­yond Swarson-Bridge, over the river Trent, where we received or­ders for our severall Troopes to quarter in Darbishire, till far­ther orders, and my quarters were at a place called Morley, three miles from Darby Town; where we continued eight daies, and then according to order, we removed to a place called Tibselfe, and quartered there till my Colonel came to Darby, who sent for me thither to speak with me, in the mean time, our Major took occasi­on to talk with him, concerning me, and told him, that (if he could with patience hear me) he did beleeve that I would give him very good satisfaction in all things (especially if a right un­derstanding might be had between us) and aboured much with him, to discourse with me, in a milde way; laying aside all anger and bitternesse of spirit; which was granted by him, and he did protest (as the Major told me) that he had no malice, nor preju­dice against me, but seemed to him, to be much inclinable to a milde discourse; so when we came together, we had a short re­petition [Page 16]of some of the old points (which were misapprehended before) and truly for my part, I thought before we parted, he had bin fully satisfied, and his wrath appeased, for we parted upon very fair termes; and the Major did much rejoyce at it, who afterwards told the rest of the Officers, that he did beleeve, that the businesse was quite over between my Colonel and I, and that we would be very good friends for future: which caused them to rejoyce like­wise, and were exceeding glad to hear of it.

But now you shall see, that malice can never ly long hid, but it must of necessity burst forth, notwithstanding his fair outside, and his prorestations to the Major, that he bore no malice towards me; yet he had the very gall of bitternesse in his brest (as may appear) for, about three-dayes after, we had a randesvouz, and a Muster at Winfield manner, and we received fourteen daies pay, but till af­ter Muster, there was no seeming prejudice against me: but whilst I was receiving my money of the Major, in the Mannor-house, the Colonel went to my Troop, and laboured with them what pos­sibly he could, to set them, against me. He told them, that I was a dangerous fellow, and he would place an honest man in my room, to command them; and flattered with them exceedingly: but my Troop answered him plainly, that they desired no other Captain; they had long time had experience of me, & that I had al­waies proved an honest man to them. Now after I had received the money; the Major and I came up into the field (not thinking of any design against me) the Golonel called for all his Commissi­on-officers to come to him at the head of my troop, and there made a speech to them; declaring against me, what a dangerous man I was, one that held dangerous tenets and not fit to be in the Army; and that I and such others went the occasion of these warres: therefore I should march no longer with them, he would give me a discharge there at the head of my troop, and commanded my Lieut to take charge of them, and commanded the Major likewise to send no more orders to me, but to my Lieut. but when he had thus uttered his minde, I told him, that we had fought a­gainst arbitrarinesse to good purpose, if mens wils must be laws; but for my part I would take no discharge at his hands, I had my Commission from the same Generall as he had his; neverthelesse I should be obedient to all just commands, as I alwaies had bin, [Page 17]but seeing the Generall had granted me a hearing at a Counsel at warre, I would either stand or fall by it: then the Colonel (in a furious rage) did protest, that if I marcht any more at the head of the troop, he would commit me to the Marshal: my answer was, that if he did, then I was confident I should have a tryall at a Counsell at warre. And so the Colonel and I parted, and he and some of his officers went to dinner with the Muster-master, as they had provided something for him to eat, and I marcht with my troop towards my quarters, and when I found a convenient place I drew them up, and spake something to them, which was to this effect: That whereas there had been a great difference a long time between my Col. and I, as he pretended, for matter of judgement, although it doth evidently appear, that it was principally to set up his own interest, & in prosecution thereof, he hath laboured to ren­der me as odious as may be possibly, not only to you even now, but unto all men where ere he comes, and endeavours to asperse me and cast an odium upon me, to bring not only you, but all men else into hatred and detestation, not only against my person, but my actions also, notwithstanding you have had sufficient experi­ence of my dealings towards you, and my faithfulnesse towards all men, touching my military imployment: and I have had suf­ficient experience of your love alwayes towards me (but more es­pecially of late) in that you did (unknown to me) petition the Generall in my behalfe; therefore if there be any amongst you (that my Colonel hath wrought upon (by his aspersing of me) that have any hard thoughts against me; I desire that you would speak, that I may give you satis faction in all things, and for the future, I shall desire that you would continue your obedience to my command as formerly: but if so be my carriage hath bin such towards you, as that you desire to have another Captain in my place, I shall rest my self contented, and march no farther; Where­upon they cried unanimously with one consent; no other Captain, no other Captain, we have alwaies found you faithful to us, and therefore we de­sire no other Captain; we will be obedient to your commands in all things; we will do whatsoever you will have as to do; and as we have petitioned the Ge­neral in your behalfe; so we shall still own the petition. For which I gave them many thanks, and so marcht towards our quarters; but up­on our march, one of my souldiers came up to me, (as he said) to [Page 18]tell me a pretty story, and used this very expression, that it was a true story. What's that? (said I) then he began to tell me, that be had a young Cookow at his quarters, and a little hedge-sparrow fed him, but fed him so long till the Cookow eat off her head. Captain, said he, you may pick out the English of this. With that all the Troop that heard it; burst out in a laughter, importing thus much, that I had hatcht up a Cockatrice in my own bosome, and that my Cornet was the Cookow and I the sparrow, having rail'd him up from a poondragoon at eigh­teen pence per diem, being my fellow Towns-man formerly, to be my Cornea at five shillings per diem, yet such was his requital with ingratitude, that he was the only man, that first began this broil between my Colonel and I, and since he hath bin Cornet he hath let fall these or the like expressions among my Souldiers, that he should rise no higher in preferment, unlesse he could leap over my Leiut. head. But what he gap'd after, I shall leave it for you to judge, and so proceed to the next.

The next Randesvouz we had, was at Whaly-bridge, where my Col. gave me another fierce charge at the head of his Regiment. He told me that I was a base scandalous fellow, and I had sung bau­dy songs upon my march, which was a griefe to all godly Chri­stians, that heard me, and he named one of the songs, which was this, I met with Joane of Kent &c. I shall therefore give you a true and perfect relation both of the manner, and also the occasion of my finging, that you may the better see upon what slight occasions he would take advantage against me. I had a Souldier in my Troop whose name is Reger Daniel, who was formerly a Leiut in the States service, a man whom I loved very well, insomuch as I called him my Bucking ham, my favcurit &c. Who came to my quarters one morning (whilest I quartered at Morley near Darby) and told me that he had excellent musick at his quarters, and in­vited me to come that night to hear it. I asked him, what mu­sick it was? he told me, it was gallant musick, but did not tell me what inslruments they were, neither did I at present take any more notice of what he had said, nor never thought of his in­vitation, till after supper; but then (it coming into my mind, I being musical my selfe, and its well known can sing my part) I went up to his quarters, where I found them at supper; the peo­ple of the house bid me welcome, and as soon as they had supt, [Page 19]my Buckingham (as I call'd him) rose from the Table, and went to a presse-cubboard, where he took out a fife-recorder, and a Citern, and delivered the recorder to the old man, and the Citern to the young man his Son, and they played half a douzen lessons, verywell in consort, insomuch, that I thought they could sing prick-song, therefore I desired to know of them, whether they could or not? they answered no, but they had some delight to play upon those foolish instruments (as they call'd them) and so played three or four lessons more, and lay'd them aside. Now it came to passe, as I sate by them in a chair taking a pipe of Tobacco: one Ralph Den­nis another Souldier of mine that quartered there, having a very good voice, sung a tune as he walked in the room, Ralph, said I, thou hast a very good voice, and so hath Graves, which is an other of my Souldiers, I care not if I have you two, to quarter near me, that I may teach you to sing your song. Capt. said my Bucking-ham, will you not teach me? why, thou hast no good voice, said I, yea, but I have a good voice, and I do not think, but I shall learn to sing my part as soon as either of them. Dost thou think thou canst? said I, that shall be tryed, and so began to sing this old song, New oystors &c. And after I had sung it once or twice over, I set them in their parts, and shewed them their time, and strook time for them with my hand, and found them very tra­ctable, for after twice or thrice singing over, they sung their parts and kept their time every well, insomuch, as I conceived the two men of the house who played on the musick before, were much taken with it, and liked our musick very well. Then I sung six or seven songs and catches by my self, whereof one of them was this that my Col. hath laid to my charge; I met with Joan of Kent &c. And this was another. There dwels a pretty Maid, her­name is Sis &c. And these are the two songs, that goe under the notion of baudy songs; which I shall appeal to all those that know what they are, and what the Musick is. And truly for my part, I sung but meanly for the musick sake, not thinking any hurt at all. Neither had I indeed any evil thoughts in my heart in singing any of those songs; which my conscience can beare me witnesse, and it is that which must either accuse me, or excuse me. But now I shall shew you, how it came to passe, that my Colonel-should have notice given him, of my singing these old songe.

Now the woman of the house, where we had the musick af­ter I was gone, she told my Buckingham, that I was a merry man, yea, said he, and I think he hath as much cause as any man I know, and withall spake something concerning my enjoyments, but she said but little more to him: but about fourteen dayes after, she went to Darby-market, and having a brother that was a shop-keeper there; she spake something to him concerning my mirth, and that I had sung a great many merry songs at her house. Now you shall see how her brother wrought notably upon this newes, having heard before, how my Colonel had painted me forth to Colonel Barton, and himself with colours of his own making, and with his own pensell too, though it were unknown to them, he pre­sently made Colonel Barton acquainted with what his Sister had told him concerning these old songs which I had sung, who sent for the woman and took her examination touching this mat­ter; and drew a very formall charge against me, and sent it to my Colonel as if I had committed some notorious crime, and as if he himself had been guilty of no fault at all: I shall be glad if his own conscience can acquit him from being guilty of much bloud that of late hath been spilt. And as for Colonel Okey, I have seen him and others, fling Cushions about the house, at each others heads, and this hath been well taken, and not so much as spoken of; nay, once I saw him set a drunken man (which is farre worse then any thing he hath against me) upon a board, in the midle of a room, to see whether he could go the length of the board, and not tread beside it; and hath made sport with him halfe an hour to­gether, in his drunkennesse, and yet such things as these are must passe as well done in him, and he himself thinke well of it too; when as an old song for the musick sake, cannot passe from me, without a charge against me, and it must be accounted, a noto­rious crime in me, although there was no harm at all in it. But howsoever, this verifies the old proverb, that one man may better steale a horse, then another man may look over the hedge. Besides, I have seen him sometimes merry with his Officers: and sometimes again not an Officer durst scarce speake to him; and this verifies an ex­pression, that one used of him once in my hearing. that he is either all hony, or all—And truly for my part I have not had a good word from him, in eight moneths together; neither could I ever [Page 21]say, or do any thing in all this time that would please him. Ther­fore I thought good to write a letter unto him, to see whether my lines might be any way pleasing unto him; and when I came to Lancaster, I sent my letter by our Major, who carefully delivered it, but I never received any answer at all from my Colonel, till I came to the head-quarters, at a place called Anwick, where my Colonel was got before me, and had prevailed so farre with the Generall, upon his own informations against me, as to grant him an order, to put me beside my command without a Councell at warre, which when I heard of it, I made haste to the head quar­ters, and came in the morning before the Generall was stirring, and so I went to Mr. Clarkes chamber, one of the Generalls Secre­taries to see whether there was any such order granted to my Colo­nel against me; and Mr. Clarke told me there was, and shewed me the order. Then I desired to know of him whether the order might not be reverst upon moving the General for a Councell at war, that he might have a right understanding of the difference betvvixt us? which he told me, that he thought it might; for it was all the reason in the vvorld, that I should have a fair hearing, and that it vvas my Lord Generall Fairfex his pleasure upon my Soul­diers petitioning, to grant it unto me: But whilst vve vvere thus talking, Colonel Okey came in for the order, and seeing me there he fell out vvith me exceedingly, and all to be spattred me vvith his old vvonted language, and told me that I vvas a base fellovv, and that I had vvrote a base scurrelous and scandalous letter unto him. Sir, said I, I have a Coppy of the letter, and I shall desire that it may be read, that other Men may judge of it, as vvell as your self, and so put my hand in my pocket to produce it. no, said he, you need not shevv the coppy, here is the letter it self, and so delivered it to Mr. Clarke, although it vvas not his intended purpose that it should be read, as did evidently appear to us; for he had not read above three or four lines, but the Colonel fell into a bitter passi­on again, and told me, that he vvould cut me over the nose, and gave me very uncivil language, insomuch that Mr. Clerk brake off reading the letter, by reason of his interrupting of him, vvhich vvas on purpose, that he should not read it, as may be gathered, vvhereupon I desired the Colonel that he vvould vvith patience suffer it to be read, vvhich if he vvould not, I told him plainly, [Page 22]that the coppy should, which was a tying of himup, that he could not for shame but suffer it to be read, which being done Mr. Clerck toldhim that there was not a word nor syllable of scandalous lan­grage against him in it, and that it was as fair a letter, as ever he read, counting how the case stood betwixt us; which put him to silence for that charge, and so we parted.

Now when I came to the Generall, I desired that favour of him, that I might have a faire hearing at a Counsell at warre, that the difference between my Colonel and I might be heard and determined by them, that I might no longer ly under such scandalous imputations, and if so be my innocency would not cleare me; that then I might suffer according to my deservings: in the mean time, (while I was thus speaking) in came my Colo­nel with divers Colonels more with him; whom I concei­ved some of them to be very right for the carrying on of the work, as may appear by their carriage towards me: for there was scarce any thing that I could speak, but some of them took exceptions against it: although the Generall took none at all: for first my Col. charged me with my engagement of layingdown my Commis­sion; which the General desired to know of me, whether it were true or no? my answer was, yea, it was true: I did engage: but my engage­ment was madevoide by my Lord General Fairfax who granted me a fair hearing at a Counsel at warre, upon my souldiers petitioning in my behalfe. Then did my Col. burst forth against me in very un­civil language (according to his accustomed practise) his tongue being inur'd to such language for eight monethsspace together, you know it might come the more fluently from him. He told the Generall that I was a base unworthy fellow, and not fit to be in the Army. And having railed at me sufficiently, and indea­voured to disparage me as much as might be possible, then I hum­bly moved the General again and prest exceedingly, that I might have a Counsell at warre, to see whether he could prove what he said, or any thing thr he had or could lay to my charge, for (said I) it is his pleasure to speak any thing a gainst me, to make his own matter good, and to fulfill his own will, but if so be I would have a Counsell at warr, Then he must prove what he speakes, which expression of mine, was very ill takenby some (though not by the Generall) for there was one Colonel which did by way of [Page 23]acclamation, cry. Oh was there ever any officer in the Army, that ever gave such language to their Colonel? as who should say, I had given him the ly, or at least, questioned the truth of what he had said: when as for my part, I thought he had bin resolved, never to speak truth any more. Nay such was the carriage of some of them towards me, as if so be Captaines were such low-prized Officers, that they must be subject to bear every burden that their Coloneis shall lay upon them; and to be like Isachars Asse, to crouch under every burden; and to bear all seandalous reproaches, and sub­mit to them with silence: pardon these expressions, for I can assure you, I cannot help it. Neither do I blame any of you, for doing what you did against me, but no more of this; for this is by way of digression. I shall now proceed weere I left.

Then did my Colonel produce his charge against me, for sing­ing the old songs before mentioned, and railed at me exceedingly in the presence of the Generall and the rest of the officers, and told me that I was a base fellow and that Captain Blisset knew well e­nough what I was, and bid me aske Captain Blisset what I was, as if I had not known my self as well as I had known him; as for Cap­tain Blisset I wish him well for the good he hath received: I fear not any charge that can or shall be brought in against me, being, I thank God, at peace within my self, and with all men. Then did the Generall aske me, what the occasion was of my singing those songs? I told him the occasion, and gave a true relation thereof, and in the self same manner, as before recited; and that I had not sung any song at all, that I need be ashamed of, although it were the Co­lonels pleasure, to put them forth under the notion of baudy songs, and truly I did but use this expression (by way of affirmation of what I had declared) which expression was this, as I live, it is a truth Sir, (said I) but I was presently reproved for it. Oh what an expression is there? said one of the Colonels: as if it had bin a very vile expression, and as if God himself, had never used any such expression to poor finners; but howsoever, such an expression could not stand before his purity, or his own self-righteousnesse: or I may rather say, his Pharisaicall hypocrisie and dissimulation; for I am afraid, that some of them are apt enough to affirm lies to be truths, by worse expressions, though smoother carried on befor, men. But what good their purity, and self-righteousnesse, will do them at the last great and terrible day, I know not: but I beleeve [Page 24]it will stand them but in little steed, for except your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees &c. But I am very loth to digresse. But to proceed.

Now the next thing which I observed was, that the Colonell told the General that I either had him in print, or else intended to put him in print suddainly; why, are you ashamed to be in print? or are you afraid of it? (said I) I have not as yet; but truely for my part I think I shall be constrained to put you in print to vindi­cate my selfe, seeing I cannot have a Counsel at war. Then said the Generall (if I mistake not, neither can I afficm it to be a truth) that I might have a counsell at warre hereafter. But for the pre­sent he thought fit to part my Colonel and I, in regard of the present expedition, and the long continuance of the difference be­twixt us, then it seems to me, that you are minded that I shall leave my command, said I, yea, said the General, so I saw their reso­lutions, and that it was but a folly for me to presse him any far­ther. I told him, though I were subject to many aspersions, and that I should ly under a cloud for a time, yet neverthelesse, I should submit to his pleasure, and so took my leave of the Generall. But howsoever, here you may see my Colonels kindnesse towards me, and that he was more kind to me then Ioah was to Ʋriab: for Ioab set Ʋriab in the fore-front of the battell: but my Colonel instead of setting me in the fore-front of the battel, he put me quite beside my command.

And now I shall shew you another piece of the Colonels kind­nesse towards my Lieut. After my command was taken away, my Lieut. (knowing that the Troop did properly belong unto him) went to Barwick to the Colonel to desire him that he might have it, and used the best arguments he could to obtain it, he told him that he was the oldest Lieut. in the Army, and that there had bin three Captaines put in over his head, which was not unknown to him, and some other arguments he laid down; yet all in vain, he could not prevaile with him, but bid him hold his tongue, and be contented with that command he had: if he were not contented, he would help him to thirty pound for his commission presently, if he would lay it down, & get him home: as if so be, Commissions were to be bought and sold like horses in Smithefild, and you know that thirty pound will buy a good horse there. But howso­ever [Page 25]the Colonel bad like a good chap-man, he offered chap-man­like I promise ye, and present pay too; but it seems the Lieut. could not afford it at the price, therefore they could not bargain. But if so be they had bargained tis like the Colonel would have been no loser by it. But peradventure the Colonel was too rash, in offering money before he asked the price, for commonly in Smith-Feeld they do use to aske the price, before they offer any money, and truly for my part, I know not the reason why he should offer so much money for his commission; unlesse it were to monopo­lize all to himself and his Friends who are of the same mold and stamp with him, or at least can comply with him. But howsoever I shall leave it to the Reader to find out some other arguments, for the ground of these things, least I should be mistaken, and rest my selfe satisfied, with confidence that the time will come and is now at hand, that Colonel Okey, and all such usurping Tyrants that exercise such arbitrarinesse, will be willing to give three times thirty pound to such officers, as will stand to maintain and uphold their power, if they can tell where to have them. Nay (for ought I know) it may be they will bid like faire Chapmen, and give more.

But truly friends; I must tell you plainly, that it is not my wonted practise to write in such a phrase or method as this is, for it is contrary to my spirits so to do, but that itis sutiable to the Colonels dealing towards me. Therefore I could not but do it, and the rather to vindicate my selfe, in such a kind of dialect; for peradventure it may the better work upon his spirits; knowing that my own conscience will not suffer me to write any untruths, although we know that such as will prosecute their designes, by false and scandalous accusations, are very apt to deny truths. But suppose that Colonel. Okey should question any of these truths herein contained, so farre as it concerns himself, then I know his own conscience will accuse him, and bear witnesse against him, and be ready to fly in the very face of him for it; and this very book of mine will prove to be a devil to torment him, as bad as seven devils. But suppose he should think to carry it off with a high hand (as he knows how to do it pretty well) and call me knave for my labour, as once he call'd Captain Mercer, and told him he was troubled with a company of knaves to his Officers. [Page 26]nay, suppose he should all to be spatter me with such uncivil lan­guage behind my back, according to his wonted practise before my face, and say that these are not truths which I have written, and that I have done him wrong; then I shall appeal to those six Troops of his own Regiment, which are with him in Scotland, both Officers and Souldiers, who for the generality of them, know them to be truths. And this will prove to be a tormenter indeed, when there shall be so many witnesses against him; besides his own conscience is as a thousand witnesses more.

But me thinks, I hear him raile at me exceedingly, and at my book, and lay this poor book to my charge, for a base scurrelous and scandalous book, as he did my letter which I sent to him at Lancaster. Then I shall appeal to the letter it selfe, whereof I shall give you a true Coppy, which is as followeth; and leave it to you to judge.


I Am at present under a cloud of aspersions (though undeservedly) by reason of some misapprehensions, or misunderstandings one of another, which occa­sions some distemper and trouble of mind to some: Yet I praise my God, there is no man can take away my comforts from me; for I behold the Lord indeed in this appearance, and see him in all other his various workings; what though I am defamed in my good name? it is the Fathers pleasure it should be so. What though I ly under a cloud for a time in regard of an outward appear­ance before men? Yet when the day-starre shall arise in your beart, and that truth may be manifested, it will cause you to have some trouble of mind, and auxiity of spirit, for these my sufferings. Your conscience will tell you, whe­ther you prosecute this designe against me, for some by-sinister-ends, as to ad­vance selfe-interest, or out of sure zeal; truly for my parts in doth not appear to me, that your do it our of pure zeale, it savours to little of a spirit rightly qualified, but if it be out of pure zeal, truly such zeale must be burnt up, or at least cleansed and purified from the drosse, for there is abundance of mix­ture. You say that I, and such others, are the occasion of these warres. Truly for my Part it doth appear to me, that it arises from pride, and selfe­loftynesse, and not from an humble and contrite heart; for ambition carries a great stroake, and from whence come warres? is it not from your lusts? you lay, that every honest man will be as good as his word, and charge me [Page 27]for not making good my engagement, which was to lay down my commission. And truly for my part, I really intended it, and was against my Souldiers petition­ing the Generall, knowing of the suffering of Captain Barringtons men, who lay in London, till they had spent their horses, and all that they could make shift for, before they could have any imployment. Besides you know, that you would not affoard me a hearing at a Councel in Warre: lesse then which could not be granted to the meanest Souldier in the Armie. But since the case is altered (as I told you) for above two moneths afire, my Souldiers much mu­sing at your hard dealings towards me, that you would not grant me a tryall, (unknown to me) did petition the Generall to that purpose, which petition was granted, and I tooke is to be a great favour, considering what informations you hed given in against me, to render me as odious, as might be possible. Now I shall appeale to your own canscience, whether or no, you have made good all your former engagements, notwithstanding they were of lesse concernment, then this is to me; then look upon the equitablenesse of the cause, and see whe­ther or no, a deprivation of my liberty may not stand in competition, according to your former engagement, with my non prformance of my promise. Besides, if I should be put off upon these tearmes, without a Councel at Warre; it may breed some distractions amongst the Officers in the Army, which is not my de­sire; knowing that there is no president for any such thing, nor was there ever such arbitrarinesse exercised amongst them. And it will be abundance of dissa­tisfaction to my friends (who are lovers of truth) in regard I shall still ly un­der a cloud of aspersions, and not capable of any future imployment. New if so be there be that righteous law within you, to do as you would be done by: Then I conceive you cannot exercise any such power. Besides we all engaged against all arbitrary-power, and will you set it up in your selfe? surely this must be destroyed in you, or else you will be destroyed in it. For what art thou O Man that findest fault with another man, and thou thy selfe doest the same thing? You say that I am a heathen. Truly for my part I thinke it better to be amongst beath ens, then amongst such professors; such as have a form of godlinesse, but deny the power thereof. You pretend abundance of zeal of religion, and to religious men; but I see but little justice towards me. The Lord speakes by the mouth of the Prophet Jeremiah, chapter 5. verse 1. Runne ye to and fro, into the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places therof, if ye can sind a mar, if there by any that executeth judgement, that seeketh the truth; and he will pardon the City. And though they say, the Lord liveth, yet they swear falsly: verse 2. now if so be justice be not to be found in [Page 28]such a great City, then where shal we find it but at the fountain? You yet charge me with error, and heresie, truly for my part, I take heresie to be a work of the flesh, and he that is without sin, and free from the workes of the flesh, let him cast the first stone; but the fruit of the spirit, it love, joy, peace, long-suffering gentlenesse, goodnesse, faith, meeknesse, temperance &c. And the Apostle laies down this as a rule too; that if a man be over­taken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meeknesse, and bear one another burdens, and so fulfill the Law of Christ. Suppose I had bin overtaken in a fault, which my conscience can plead my in­nocency and integrity, yet will you still persist and go on in violence against me without due examination? I shall desire that you would with patience heare me what I can say for my self, and not rashly judge and condemn me without a cause; but I know you cannot help it, you are so overswayed with passion, You see how large a letter I have written unto you with mine own hand; but I am a fraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain. I write in the Apostles own language. Sir, I beseech you be as I am, for I am as you are, you have not injured me at all. And thus to a void prolixity; I shall cease to trou­ble you any farther at this time, and shall remain.

Your faithful servant in all duties of Command FRANCIS FREEMAN.

And now friends, you that have read this letter I shall desire that you would once more (if you are not satisfied) look it over, with a more attentive eye, and without any prejudicat thoughts on either side, and so go give your judgement impartially, and if so be you find any such base, scurrelous and scandalous language in it (according to the matter of charge laid against me, then I shall desire you to cast a blur, not only upon it, but upon me, and throw dirt in my face with as much disdain and disgrace, as may be pos­sible. And truly for my part, I presume (if I might have had a Counsel at warre) you would have found, all the rest of his charge against me, to be as frivelous as this: but if so be I may have a Coun­sell at warre hereafter (as I make no doubt but I shall) when once this great businesse in Scotland is over: then I beleeve I shall make [Page 29]him ashamed of what he hath done against me, not that I can do any thing by way of revenge, it is against my spirit so to do; but by way of vindication; for I know he could not help it, he was acted by a greater power then his own, neither can I blame him for it, for he did as he should do, but if so be I might have the greatrest Command as might be under Colonel Okey, I professe in­geniously, I could not take it, if I might gain 1000 pound by it: as to have my spirits bound up, and tyed fast to the wils of men, and to be in bondage and slavery, through the beggerly rudiments of the world, by the doctrines and tradition of men, and all by an arbitrary power exercised over us; but if so be, I may be ser­viceable to this Common-wealth, in any thing I can do, I shall be (as formerly I have bin) ready & willing to do it to the uttermost of my power: either in England, Scotland or Ireland. But I shall ra­ther chuse to traile a pike under the great Turke, then to have any command under Colonel Okey. And Now I shall shew you one notable cunning slight more, that he used against me, about this time twelvemoneth: to set up his own interest, he (having re­ceived an order to send two troops of his Regiment, for the ser­vice of Ireland) did appoint my troop to be one: supposing, that I had not bin free for that service, and so to disband me upon that account; for he never intended that I should go. Now for my part I was very free for that service, and did expresse my willingnesse to go: and my souldiers likewise did (as it were) unanimously with one consent expresse their willingnesse to go with me, where­upon he was crost in his designe, and then he told me, that we should not go, and ever since he hath bin plotting, and contri­ving all the mischief that might be possible against me; and truly for my part, I conceived, that we were at that time, in a capa­city fittest to go for that service of any troop in his Regiment, and for these reasons following viz. that we owed nothing in our quarters, when other troops owed considerable sums, we were best mounted of any troop, well clad in good apparel, and all accou­traments belonging to souldiers; stout, gallant men, and such as I dare be bold to say, that the Colonel never had a gallanter troop in his Regiment, since he was Colonel; and for my own particular part (it is well known) I have faithfully served the State, ever fince the beginning of these troubles; and so I praise [Page 30]my God, there is no man can challenge me for the worth of a pe­ny, that ever I plundered any man, but alwaies laboured for the preservation of the Country where ever I came. And as for my military imployment, touching my charge (before or since I came to this Regiment) no man can any way disparrage me, but that I have behaved my selfe, in all services of command like a Souldi­er; and my deportment, and carriage hath bin such towards all men, as might become an honest man; and that no man, I dare be bold to speak to the whole world, can have any just cause against me.

And as it hath bin heretofore the sence of the whole Army, that no man should suffer for his opinion; so (I conceive) I have not in the least tittle made a breach of any law, neither is there any ar­ticle against me, in the whole book of articles at warre, and where there is no law, there is no transgression. But howsoever, here you may see an obsolute discovery of my adversaries malice towards me; and how they have made good the former part of this Epistle viz. that every form is a persecuter. &c. and how they have set up their in­terests, by cloathing themselves with the fig-leaves of their own righteousnesse, which is the righteousnesse of the Law; not know­ing their freedom by Christ: but are in bondage to the elements of the world. Gal. 4.3. Ye observe daies, and moneths, and times, and years, verse 10. but I am afraid of you, least I have bestowed upon you labour in vain. Brethren I beseech you, be as I am, for I am as ye are, ye have not injured me at all.

Object. But some will say, that the Apostle Paul (which you speak of) had bin a persecuter himself, and was he under forms?

I answer yea, he was under severall formes, or ministrations but was very zealous concerning the law, and yet he thought he did God good service in persecuting the Church of Christ. But this was before his conversion; for afterwards, we read that he was rapt up into the third heaven, then doubtlesse he was above all formes, types, and shadowes, and was svvallowed up in the very substance it self; which formerly he had seen but darkly sha­dowed forth to him by the lavv. It is even so vvith these men, vvho are under formes, and legal dispensations, who are my accusers: only this difference (what ever their pretences are) what Paul did, was out of pure zeal touching the Law; wherein it is said, he [Page 31]thought be walked blamelesse: but these men are altogether for their own ends; and unlesse they should come to be where Paul was, viz. rapt up into the third heaven; they will go on still in their per­secution. For 'tis impossible to see what Paul did see, unlesse they could be where Paul was.

And now truly friends, as I have wrote this Epistle to all sorts of men (which is by way of vindication) so I shall desire you to read this ensuing treatise with out any prejudicate opinions, where you shall in like manner find some other accusations against me, thought unjustly; which will also discover abundance of folly, and weakenesse of those my accusers. And you may also find a parcel of good councel, if you can take it, communicated to all sorts of men, both high and low, rich and poor.

And although, I know, it will be accounted a sawcy part for me to give councell or advice to Rulers, and such as are in authority over us, great potentates, and mighty men of the World; yet I could not but doe it, and the rather because I wish a happy peace to this poor bleeding Nation, and that the sore-sick maladies thereof might be cured. And not only to this Nation, but to all the Nations of the earth. I knovv it is God alone, that can heal the Nations, and bring all earthly povvers in subjection to his will. Good Councel may be offered, though not received, and if it be not received, 'tis because they cannot take it. And this I know too, that the Lord sometimes stirres up poor vveak and despised instru­ments, to give councel and advise to Princes and great vvise men of the World, both Magisterial and Military to confound the wisdome of the wise, yea and things that are not, to bring to nought things that are, that no flesh should glory in his presence. And as my Epistle is directed to all sorts of men; so is my councel, and my desire is to be instrumental, if the Lord so please, to work upon your spirits, for the healing of the Nations, which is the prin­cipal aim and end of him, who is

Thine, and the Nations Servant Francis Freeman.

GOd (who at sundry times past, and in divers man­ners) speak unto the sons of men in parables, and dark saying, and now in these latter times, he hath more manifestly declared himself by his Sonne, and by the holy Ghost the comforter; who wil both lead and guide us into the way of all truth: and although the Lord hath bin pleased to unveile himself, and to make glorious discoveries of himself unto some, in shewing forth the glorious beauty and brightnesse of his raies, in the light and dispensation of the Gospel, by his providence, yet (notwithstand­ing) we find by experience, that there are many precious, excel­lent and most glorious truths obscured, clouded, and overspread with Antichristian darknesse, by reason of an Antichristian power of darknesse raigning amongst us, who labouring to divert that current, or stream (issuing, or flowing from that most sweet and precious fountain of truth, the Lord Iesus) out of its proper chan­nel, into a filthy, loathsome, durty, muddy channell of hu­mane inventions and traditions: crying down glorious truths, to be errors, heresies and blasphemies, as if there were no truths declared, but such as they apprehend to be so; when as there is an incapacity of apprehending it be carnal wisdome: Therefore it must needs passe under that notion, especially, by such, who are accounted Ministers of the Gospel, and are no lesse then deceivers, and being deceived, having a form of Godlynesse, but denying the power thereof, yet notwithstanding, they are up­held by the power of earthly Magistrates, who carry on their work in persecuting the Saints and Servants of God, (as much as in them lies) But how soever there is a restraining power, and that is Gods power; which over-tops all earthly powers, when as their Mountaines shall be layed low, and without a manifestation of Gods mercy towards them, they shall be brought to shame and con­fusion of faces, for this and the like cruelties, when they shall cry out and there shall be none to help: for as the mercies of the wicked [Page 33]are cruelty and oppression; so there are none that live godly in Christ Iesus, but shall suffer persecusion, either by false accusati­on, imprisonment, or both: which I my self (being one of the least and meanest of Gods servants) have my share, not long since at the Town of Taunton in the County of Summerset, being talsly accused, by one Cox, of no lesse then blasphemy, imprisoned by the Magistrates, bound over with two surities, to answer it at the assizes, and there indicted for blasphemy, and the indictment pro­secuted with as much violence as envy and malice it self could im­agine, rendring me so odious, as not fit to live upon the earth: as if they themselves were men of such infallible judgement that there could be no truths held forth by me (being a poor weak dis­pised instrument) but what shall come within the compasse of their apprehesions; when as the Gospel is a hidden Mistery. I thank thee O Father Lord of Heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes &c.

The Lord (who is the searcher of all hearts) can plead my inno­cency towards man, and mine integrity to the truth, as it is in Iesus; who gave into me, that word of truth, by his spirit, which is the spirit of truth in the manifestation thereof; and sweetly car­ried me on, in the discovery of that truth (to the glory of his grace be it spoken) with that spirit of boldnesse, and undauntednesse of spirit, that my Adversary durst not look truth in the face, to dispute those points with me, before the Magistrates, neither (in­deed) would they admit of any dispute, but told me, that Mr. Cox had taken his oath possitively, that I had spoken blasphemy, and his oath was for the King; they having an implicit faith, hand-o­ver-head, with out due examination, took his accusation for truth, though false and scandalous; yet would not take my own recog­nizance (notwithstanding I was member of the Army at that time, but committed me to prison, where, I praise God, my con­science can plead my innocency and guiltlessenesse, for what I was accused, insomuch that my imprisonment and sufferings was sweet, comfortable and joyous unto me; knowing that such sufferings are a part of my portion, hear in this life.

Now for the clearing of my self from those aspersions cast upon me; and for the vindication of those truths then held forth by me, for which I was accused, and now stand Indicted, I shall (by [Page 34]the assistance of the Almighty) labour to undeceive the people, that they my come to a clear understanding of those my sufferings, that the truth may be the more manifested, Christ Jesus exalted, and the Kingdome of Antichrist destroyed, which the Lord will do one day with the breath of his mouth, and brightnesse of his coming. And for my more orderly proceeding herein; I shall give you a true and perfect description, both of the manner of our dis­course, and also the manner of their carriage towards me, and so leave it to the Godly-wise to judge. I shall begin with the first particular, touching our discourse, and so proceed to the rest in order as they ly.

Faith was the point which we insisted on; and this was my very expression:

That he that hath faith, he is in Christ, and Christ in him; so that faith is Christ, and he is Christ. But this he denied. Then I asked him, whether he had faith? his answer was, that he did hope he had, then I told him, that he must have some ground for it, and if he had faith, then these signes should follow them that beleeve, and cited that Scripture Mark 16. they shall cast out devils &c. And he that hath faith as a grain of Musterd-seed, he shal be able to remove mountains. Then he asked me, whether I had faith? my answer was, yea, Then said he, you are Christ, you are able to remove Mountaines; my answer was, yea, I was able to remove Mountaines. Then he farther replyed, and said thus, if you are Christ you are God, you are here, you are at London, you are every where, my answer was, yea, though not essentially, as I am in this body of flesh, but in respect of that spirituall onenesse, with him, and in him: and that I am here, and at London; and above London. Then we spake something concerning the personality of the Deity. which point was quickly ended, for the would stay no longer to dispute out those points with me; but framed some ex­cuse to be gon, saying, that he had a great deal of businesse. Then I earnestly desired him to stay, that I might make forth these points to him, but he would not. Then I made them clear to my friend which was with us, who told me, that Mr. Cox was not able to dispute these points with me: which he conceived was the reason of his haste.

This discourse was about twelve a clocke, and I heard no more newes of it, till about nine at night; at which time the Constables and other officers, came for me to goe before the Major, and Ju­stice [Page 35] Nicolas; which when I came thither, there was mine accuser: and had taken his oath (as they said) that I had spoken blasphe­my, and laid this to my charge; that I said I was Christ, I was God, and that I denyed the Trinity: My answer was, that he accused me falsly, and said, that I do acknowledge three subsistan­ces in one divine essence, in respect of their severall operations. Then said he, you denyed the personality, my answer was, that I am not so low, and carnall, as to bring down a Deity, to a per­sonality, Then Justice Nicolas cited that Scripture in John: There are three which bare record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost. But my answer was, that I did not read, that there were three per­sons did bear record in heaven. Then he farther replyed, and said, that Christ is said in Scripture, to be the expresse Image of his Fathers person; to which I answered, that that was spoken touching his divinity, and withall earnestly desired to dispute out these points with mine accuser, that I might clear those truths held forth by me; but they would not admit of any dispute. Then my accu­ser, by way of aggravation, told me that I said that I could remove mountains. My answer was, that he knew not what a Mountain was. Then Justice Nicolas told me, that I despised the Ministers of the Gospel: my answer was, no, I loved the Ministers of the Gospel: but for my part I conceived my accuser to be none, and withall, desired to dispute out that point with him too, to see whether he could make forth his calling, but that would not be granted neither. Then said Justice Nicolas, Captain Freeman, It is a strange thing that there should be such errors and here­sies abroad, and such diversities of opinions amongst us, being brethren. To which I answered, that I did not take him to be a Brother, unlesse it were according to the flesh, in Adam. Then he told me that I must either find sureties to answer it at the next assizes, or go to prison: My answer was, that for the present, I must submit to the power of the Magistrate: and so chose rather to go to prison, then to send for sureties. And so my Mittimus was to be made, and the Clerk put his jear upon me; he asked me what my dipt name was? I reproving him for it, the Justice re­proved me. Then I told them that our Saviour Christ, was accoun­ted a blasphemer: and the servant must not look to be above his Master; and withall told them, that they sought what meanes [Page 36]they could to betray me; and cited that Scripture Mat. 22. Where the Sadduces went about to betray our saviour Christ, touching his resurrection. but he told them that they erred, not knowing the Scri­ptures, by this time my mittemus was made, and the Officers re­dy to take me away; Then my accuser, insultingly, asked the Major, whether he had any more service to command him, Mr. Major answered, and said, that he must stay, for he must be bound to give evidence against me. Then I cited that Scripture in Hosea 5.11. verse. Ephraim is oppressed, and broken in judgement, because he willingly walked after the Commandments. and withall asked him, what commandments those were; but he answered not a word. And so I went to prison, where I praise God, I received abundance of comfort; for divers of the Gathered Church, came to visit me, and tendred themselves to be my sureties; so on the next day I sent a latter to the Major. A true Coppy as followeth.


I am hear a prisoner at your pleasure, by the accusation of one Cox (as I understand) who is (as I conceive) an enemy to the truth, as may appeare by his refusall, and my non admittance, to dispute the same point whereof I am accused by him; and for the vindication of that truth hold forth by me, I shall desire no favour from you, nor any that have, or shall any way accuse me; and if in case I have spoken any blasphemy, whereof I am accused, and now in durance, I shall willingly and volluntarily, suffer punishment according to my deservings: and if it may appear otherwise, that then I may have reparati­ons for my wrongs sustained. New my desire is, that you would be pleased, to take my own recognisance to appear at the next Assizes, which I shall be ready, to stop the mouthes, ( I make no doubt) of all gain-sayers. And as I have had the Generalls letter for my quick dispach of my businesse, that I might return speedily to my charge so I shall desire that favour (as a member of the Army) to be tryed by a generall Councell at warre; where we shall heard face to face, not that I should desire any countenance or favour from that honou­rable Court; but that all things should be weighed rightly, in an equall bal­ance, Thus craving your answer herein, and rest.


This letter being delivered by my man, who craved the Majors answer thereunto: the Major returned this answer, or to this ef­fect, not in writing, but by word of mouth, that in regard the mat­ter of accusation was of so high a nature, and that it was for the king, there­fore he could not take my own recognisance, but prayed him to tell me, that any sureties should serve. So when I brought my sureties, I told the Major that I was come to remove on mountain, and I made no doubt but to remove the other. Then he asked me what I did mean? my answer was, that I thought he might easily understand me. Then another standing by demanded of me this question, whe­ther I could remove that mountain betwixt that and Lime? to which I answered, no, I could not. And thus tis evident, that by their misapprehonsions, they have look'd upon my litteral expressi­ons mith a carnall eye. And thus I have truly and plainly demon­strated the truth of this matter.

Thus having given you a briefe description both of the manner of our discourse, and also the manner of their carriage towards me. I shall now (by the assistance of the Almighty) paraphrase upon each particular, for the clearing of these truths, and with as much brevity and perspecuity, as I may, and so leave it to the godly wise to judge.

But before I proceed in the handling of these particulars, it will not be amisse for me to give you a hint or tast, of some notable passages in my journy to the head-quarters at Winsor, after my in­largement, I shall give you a true relation thereof. The first thing observable was at the Town of Marlburough, where I met with some friends of mine, whom I conceived, their spirits would have clos­ed with that truth, for which I had suffered; but having some discourse with them touching the same point, I found them of a contrary judgement, and after some few arguments in debating the matter in question we parted, and (as I conceived) my friends were much dissatisfied, notwithstanding they had no knowledge of my former sufferings, neither did I acquaint them at all there­with. And hear you may also see, that I was not free from ha­ving bitter aspersions cast upon me, for there was a Parliament man that over-heard our discourse, unknown to us, who on the next day with some of his assotiates, fell foul on me, with bitter lan­guage, and not only against me, but against the whole Army of [Page 38]Sectaries, as they call'd us, and raised up very strange reports of me, which were both false and scandalous, yet howsoever I was not much troubled at it, because I knew they did but doe the will of him that sent them thither, and that truth doth often­times meet with opposition: when error and false-hood flyes apace, and is spread abroad without contradiction.

And so from thence I marched to Redding, and lodged that night at the signe of the Crown, where I saw a vision of the night, as I lay in my bed. And although most men doe account such visions or dreames, to be but foolish fantasmes, fantasmes of the brain &c. ye I can assure you, that I had most sweet and glorious things pre­sented to me in a vision, viz. after some few troubles, and strug­lings of spirit, I had there presented unto me, the white stone, spoken of in the Revelations, Which noe man knoweth, saving he that receiveth it. But howsoever, before I could have it, I must passe through some difficulties and dangers, for it lay in a garden, under a bed of sweet flowers, and there was a great brinded Mastive dog tyed at the garden dore, to keep me from it; yet howsoever, I must have it, notwithstanding all difficulties; and having at that time, such a transcendant boldnesse, that forthwith, I went to the dore, and opened it; the dog looked somewhat fiercely upon me, but not so much as opened his mouth against me; and so I went to the bed of flowers, and took up the which stone, where I saw my name written, and brought it forth with me, the dog looked upon me somewhat with an angry countenance, but not so much as toucht me, and so I came away clearly, with that rich prize I had taken. Now the Bed of flowers, presented me with the bed of spices, spoken of in the book of Canticles: and the white stone presented unto me, in my apprehension, my deliverance notwithstanding all opposition; and so I awoke, where I was not altogether ignorant of the vision which I saw, neither was I without some teaching in it: for my spirit was wonderfully rai­sed up, with such heavenly contemplations, and as it were ravish­ed, with such divine raptures, and spiritual enjoyments, and rejoicyngs, that my soul was even lifted up as it were, above the heavens: where I saw (as in a glasse) all the glory thereof; in that most rich, sweet, and pleasant paradise of God, which the garden here mentioned presented me withall. And at the apprehension [Page 39]of these things, I was so transcendently carryed up with such con­fidence of my deliverance, from all such false and scandalous ac­cusations; that I awakt my man (lying at my beds feet) to tell him of my dream, and withall the confidence I had, that I should be cleared before his Excellency the Lord Generall, notwitstand­ing (as I thought at that time, and afterwards it did appear) my advensarys had sent a bitter letter of charge against me, to render me as odious a they could possible. In these things, I saw my spi­nituall liberty, and you may also see the confidence I had of my temporall freedome, much more might be spoken, concerning the vision; the moral of it is good; but I shall leave it to your seri­ous cogitations and contemplations; yet howsoever, Children mast have bread, and if brinded dogs snatch at it, who can help it? to their peril be it, and so I hasten on in my journey.

The Lord (who is wonderfull in Counsel, rules and governs all things by his providence, and disposeth all things, after the Counsel of his own will) carryed me on carefully in my journey towards Windsor; and by his providence (near Maidenhead-Brigde) I met with Mr. Peters, who is an eminent man, aiman of excel­lent and exquisit parts, and of a known integrity. There he told me, That the Magistrates of Taunton, had sent a bitter letter of com­plaint against me; and the General referred it to him to examine, and to take an account thereof; touching this matter of charge, which he did accordingly; and I gave him, a true and perfect re­lation, first, of the manner of our discourse, which the charge had no relation unto. Secondly, the point which I then delivered, and now in question. And thirdly the grounds of my agument proved; which gave himself very good satisfaction, insomuch that he said it was a glorious truth, but gave me this caution, that I should not use to preach such high things, to poor Ignorant people, that were not able to bear it. To which I answered, that it was but a discourse, with one Cox, who went under the name and notion of a Minister of the Gospel, and placed in a person­age of 100 pound per annum by the Committee, and if such should not bear it, who should? his answer was, that such as he was, could worst of all bear it. And so he spake to me to go back again with him through Maidenhead, and so to Windsor on that side the water; which I did, any by the way, I gave him a true relation of the [Page 40]Magistrats carriage towards me, insomuch (as I conceived) he was fully satisfied touching my wronges sustained; for he desired me to come to him immediately after dinner, and he would put me into a way, what course to take, so when I came to him, he advised me to draw a short petition to the Ge­nerall to referre it to some others, as well as himself, to hear my answer to their charge, and the rather to avoid such scandalous imputations, as are apt to be cast upon us, and withall, he spake to me to give the Generall the true relation in writing. So when I presented my petition, I gave him the very same verbatim, that is here presented to your view. And when his Excellency had read the petition, he presently (out of his pious, and tender care he hath, and alwaies had, for the maintenance of truth, and the lovers thereof, and no way countenancing error or blasphemy, but altogether for the punnishment of evil doers, and for the praise of them that do well) thought fit to referre it to Lieut. Generall Hammond, Colonel Huson, and Mr. Peters, to examine me touching each particular of this complaint and to make report according­ly. They finding my answer so clear, in reference to our discourse, that they judged me to be much wronged, made the report to the General, and withall Mr. Peters moved him for reparations. The Generals answer was, that they did it Ignorantly, therefore would not alow me reparations: but wrote his letter to them: a true coppy thereof (as it was transcribed by the Generals Clerk) as fol­loweth.


SInce the receipt of your letter concerning Captain Freeman, he hath ap­peared at the head quarters, wherein he hath bin examined concerning the particulars aledged against him in your letter, and hath given in his answer thereunto, and although (for ought that yet appears) the offence taken, was by misapprehending of some unadvised expressions of his, yet I am so tender of the glory of God, that I shall not in the least connive at any blasphemy or such like impietyes, and therefore desire, that if any farther charge can be brought against him, you will cause it to be sent up to the Iudge-Advocate of the Army, that so he (being a member of the Army) may be prosecuted and tried for the same at the head-quarters, and in the mean time I desire that his re­cognizance [Page 41]may be delivered up, and his sureties discharged.

Your assured friend FAIRFAX.

Now my Troop being designed to quarter at Winbourne and Cranbourn, in the County of Dorset, and being setled in their quarters, I carried down the letter to the Magistrates of Taunton, according to the superscription to them directed, and delivered it to Justice Nicolos in the Majors absence, (he being at that time in London) the Justice read the letter, and (as it seemed to me) he was somewhat troubled at it: and told me he could not withdraw the recognizance, then I asked him, whether he would slight the Generals letter, & whether that should be his answer? to which he replyed, that he knew not what to say; these were catching times, and dangerous for him to speak to me. Truly (said I) for my part, I do not desire to cratch at you, nor at any man else, al­though you were very apt to catch at me, by your misapprehensi­ons: but I desire that every man may speak his one judgement freely. Then said Justice Nicolas, truly Captain Freeman, you de­livered strange points, and indeed points not disputable, but I am sure, they are punnishable. How? not disputable, and yet pun­nishable? truly (said I) that seemeth as strange to me; and if they were strange to you; I am sure they are truths to me; and with­all desired him to consider of an answer, and told him, that I would wait on him the next morning, and so took my leave: but it seemed to me, that he had some whimsies in his head, or ca­meroes in his brain, he could not stay so long, but came immedi­ately to my qurters, and told me, that he did honour the Ge­nerall and his letrer; but he conceived, that I had made the best of it for my self, being there was not any to prosecute against me: to which I answered, that there was their letter of charge against me; and I had answered to each particular: and if so be they had any more to charge me withall, that they had their liberty to prose­cute the charge against me at a Counsel at warre; according to the [Page 42]Generals letters where they might have a lawful hearing. Then he told me that he would not withdraw my recognizance, for the Major was at London and the book was lockt up, and this was his answer, and so the Iustice and I parted, and so I marcht from thence to Mels to speak with the Treasurer belonging to the Committee of that County; and in the interim, my Cornet received an order, from Colonel Scroop, to march with my whole Troop to Tounton, and there to quarter till farther orders, and to be assistant to the Commissioners of Excise; in the mean time, I heard not any thing of my Troopes march, till I came to Shasbury, to Colonel Scroop, who told me, that my Troop was upon their march towards Taunton, and that they were to quarter at North-petherion that night, and so to march in with the Commissioners the next day. I stay­ed that night at Shasbury, and received farther orders, from Co­lonel Scroop which were as followeth, that in case the Commissi­oners did not ingage for our quarters, that then we should re­turn to our former quarters. So the next morning, I marcht to­wards Taunton, but fell short in my journey, and in the mean time, my Cornet received billets from the Commissioners, to quar­ter my Troop upon the In-holders, & victualers; but the Commis­sioners durst not march in with the Troop themselves, for fear of some farther mischief intended against them as they had for­merly tasted of some in part; and the Townsmen gave out (day­ly) threatening speeches, against them (as the Commissioners said) that they would use them but coursely, and if they came to set up the excise there, they would beat them out of the town, or beat out their braines, or to this effect; and their intentions seemed to be no lesse (as may appear by my souldiers entertain­ment) for as they marcht along the freet, the people threw dirt and old shoes at them, call'd them excise Rogues &c. and told them, they should have no quarter there. My Souldiers did much admire at such course entertainment (especially) from such, who pretended themselves to be for the Parliament, yet under this consideration, that it was in the height of their Market, and that many of them had drunk very hard: therefore they did the more patiently suffer such reproachful language at their hands, and so repaired to their severall quarters, according to their bil­lets. But when they came thither, the In-keepers gave them the [Page 43]like entertainment; for generally, as it were with one consent, they told them, that they should have no quarter there, but for their money. To which my Souldiers answered, that they had no money at present, for they had received no pay in a long time before, yet gave them good words, and told them, that they had orders to quarter there, and that there would be engagements for payment of their quarters, till they had received pay from the County, but all this would not prevail with them, for they re­plyed, and said, that they would take no engagement, but ready money. Then after this divers persons, both Towns-men and Country-men came about them, mearly to pick quarrels with them (as it did appeare) for the Souldiers desired them to be quiet, and told them that they would willingly be ci­vil and quiet in their quarters, yet notwithstanding, they conti­nued a long time in the same way, with such provoking language not to be indured; and about tenne a clock the quarrel burst forth, great tumults did arise at severall houses, and the rude mul­titude cryed fall on, fall on, many up in armes, pretending some great abuse, or wrong done by the Souldiers; and cryed out no quarter, no quarter, give the Rogues no quarter. This continued a long time, and my men stood upon their own guard in their se­veral quarters, the Towns-men fell on in divers houses, at one and the same time, some wounded on both side, and one Towns­man mortally wounded; yet it pleased God, so to dispose of things, that some of the Magistrates came amongst them, and did appease the raging fury of the rude multitude, and perswaded them to go home to their severall habitations; yet notwitstanding they would not presently desilt, their malice was such towards me, undeservedly, that they would draw out a for-lorn-hope, as they eall'd it, of thirty or fourty men, to search for me in several houses, and swore that they vvould beat out my brains, for my Troop vvas come of purpose, to revenge my former quarrel. But from vvhence this came, I shall leave it to your thoughts. But this vvas the Relation given by my Cornet and Souldiers, as near as I could take it, vvhen I came thither, vvhich vvas on the next morning, but by the vvay, as I vvent to the Tovvn, I met vvith tvvo of my Souldiers, vvhich my Cornet had sent to Col. Scroop to inform him of these passages; vvho gave me the very same re­lation, [Page 44]and vvithall advertised me not to go into the Tovvn, for these reasons aforementioned, but my resolution vvas to trust to providence, and so made hast: and vvhen I came thither, I vvent immediately, to Justice Nicolas his house; vvhere I found the rest of the Magistrates in consultation with him, concerning this tumult and mutinie; and after some conference with them, I found that there was a foule miscariage of the businesse, by the Commissioners, but yet the Magistrates laid the greatest blam on my Souldiers, to excuse their own Towns-men, as if they had been in no fau't, who were as I conceived, the prime actors, and chief mu­tineers in this horrible combustion; and as it did appear to me by divers circumstances they had great abitters on, but howsoever finding their temper, I desired the Magistrates to draw over the billits again, and took them the book, called the addissional dire­ctions; that so they might quarter my Souldiers according to those directions, which they caused the Constables accordingly to do it; but we found a generall aversenesse to the Ordi­nance of Parliament in that case provided. Then I offered my selfe to engage for their quarters, their answer was generally, throughout the whole Town, that they would not take my en­gagement, nor the Magistrates neither. Then I made Justice Ni­colas acquainted with it, and shewed him our condition, that some of my men were walking up and down the streets at that time of night without any quarters, then the justice went along with me, and put them into their houses: and desired them to give them enter­tainment for that night, but he found it to be true, for they an­swered us plainly, that they would not take both our Engage­ments. The I told the Justice, that in case the Commissioners came not in the next morning, to engage for our quarters, and so put their commission in excution, that I would march forth of the Town by twelve a clock the next day; but as we were talking together, there came some Towns men to us, to demand justice, the Justice asked them, what they would have? one of them made answer, that they would have the Souldier secured, that had mor­tally wounded his brother, for he lay a dying; Then Justice Ni­colas said, Captain Freeman, it concernes you to doe them Justice, and if you will not, then I must. To which I answered, that it did altogether concern me to do justice upon my Souldiers, if they [Page 45]did offend; and that it did no way concern him at all. And if so be they could shew me the man which they accused, then they should see me do them justice. Then they told me, that he was at the sign of the Castle, so when we came thither, they laid it to my Drumers charge: so I presently secured him, and withall sent to the Governour of the Castle, to desire him, that I might send him into the Castle, to be upon his guard for that might, for some reasons best known to my selfe, which was granted by him, so on the next morning I sent for him forth again, and commit­ted him into my Corporals custodie in my own chamber, and so stayed till about twelve a clock, and finding that the Commissi­oners, durst not come in to engage for our quarters, I caused my Trumpet to sound to horse, and my Cornet drew the Souldiers into the market-place, and so marcht to the place oppointed for the randesvouz, at the Towns-end till farther orders.

Now my Troop being marcht forth, I having no thoughts of any more trouble, I went to speake with the Governour of the Castle, where I met in my way the rude multitude flocking to­gether, who presently seised on me; and told me that I had sent a way the prisoner, and that they could not have justice, therefore they would secure me, till I had sent for him again; my answer was, that I had done them justice, for I had secured him, and that he was in my Corporals Custody, in my chamber at my quarters. And that it did concern me carefully to see him forthcoming, for he must be tryed by a councel at warre. But they cryed out, no, no, he should not be tryed by a Councel at warre; but at the As­sizes; and therefore I must leave him behinde me a prisoner, and so I went back to my quarters, with the multitude about me, where they saw him a prisoner, yet notwithstanding, all this would not give them satisfaction, but they would have him into the Castle again, I saw that it was but a folly for me to go about to resist their wills, told them they should have their desire in it, and so had him to the Castle, and there left him; and then I thought I should have bin quit of this tumultuous crue, but they would not be so quit of me; for then they began to pick another quarel with me, in de­manding of me by what order my Troop marcht thither? Leiut. Colonel Buffit coming by us, by accident, told them, that I had an order sufficient; and that he had seen it, which gave them such [Page 46]satisfaction, insomuch that they drew away from me by degrees, not having any thing else to say to me. Now all this while, not so much as a Magistrate or Towns-man of any fashion (but the Lieutenant Colonel) that ever came near me, neither indeed would any of them be seen, any way to stop this tumult, till by a providence it was quite over, as if they had been willing to suffer them to act their Masters will, in making good their former vows and Protestations; for this being no sooner past over, but present­ly I met with the Governour, Justice Nicolas and the two Consta­bles, and told them of these abuses; to which the Justice answer­ed and said, that they were a rude people, and he could not help it. And so they went along with me to my quarters, to see me take horse; and told me, they would give me a pint of wine, and when we came thither, the Governour and I had some conference, concerning the prisoner; but he concluded with me that he must be tryed by a councel of War, and said that he should not be a pri­soner in the Castle, but told me, that it concerned me to see him forth-coming; and so sent a file of musqueteers for him, and when he was brought before us, he pleaded his innocency, and said, that if the man dyed of his wounds, that he was not guilty of his death, for he vvas never in that house at all vvhere he vvas vvounded; and vvithall, desired us, that he might go to see the dying man, and speak vvith him, for he vvas confident, that he vvould not lay it to his charge, but rather clear him, if he vvere sensible. We finding his vvillingnesse, to speake vvith the wounded man, granted his desire; and the Justice, the tvvo Constables, and the guard vvent along vvith him, and vvhen they came to him, they first set before him a Souldier of the guard, and asked him vvhether that vvere the man that hurt him? I said he, that is the Rogue that hath killed me: no, no, said the Justice, that is one of the Castle-Soul­diers; and then set before him three Souldiers more (vvhereof my Drummer vvas one) & then asked him vvhether either of them vvere the man? he ansvvered no; the man that hurt him had flaxen coloured hair, and a little beard; and so my Drummer vvas cleared by him: for indeed he vvas a very youth, and had no beard at all, nor such colloured hair, as he described, but a sad brown colour. And so they returned to my quarters, where we drunk two or three pints of wine, and the Justice would not suffer me to [Page 47]pay for any; but did protest, that notwithstanding we differ'd in judgment, yet for my part said he I cannot lay any blam upon you for your carriage in this businesse, but I must withdraw your re-cognisance, and there is an end of it; and seemed to be loving and kind to me, and so we parted, and I marcht with my Troop to Midlesea and Autry, and quartered there that night. The next day I received a letter from the Commissioners, to desire me to meet the Sheriffe and them, with a Troop of Colonel Scroops horse at Taunton the next morning, which I did accordingly, and when the Sheriff read the Commission in the Market place, some of the chief mutiniers stood by, what their intentions were I leave it for you to judge, but some of them were seized on, and imprisoned; and then the Town (with much ado) submitted to the Ordinance of Parliament, and some whom I conceived were my greatest ene­mies, became humble petitioners to me, to speake for them to the Commissioners; which I profes I did out of a real intention to do them good: and Justice Nicolas did acknowledge it, that I had earnestly solicited for them, and not only for them but in the be­half of the whole Town.

But now you shall see how I was requited for this service, and not only for this, but for all other services done in the County, for the first newes I heard from the head quarters was, that Justice Nicolas, with the rest of the Magistrals had sent up another bitter letter of complaint against me to the General, signifying unto him that I had sent in my Troop without order, mearly to be reven­ged on them for the former quarrel; and that many stirrs and tu­mults did arise by that means, and abundance of mischiefe done in the Town &c. This letter was presented to the General by the Major of Taunton, who came from London to Windsor for the very same ourpose, & not only to charge me with that base letter of fals accusation, but did also exceedingly agravate the former businesse, and wonderfully insenced the Generall against me, insomuch, that some Officers, which were present at that time, have told me since, that they never saw the Generall in such a rage in their lives: and that he said that he was resolved to punish wheresoever the fault lay. Now touching this matter of false accusation: Colonel Scroop can witnesse my innocency, and hath already certyfied the Generall the truth of this matter, and that I had done nothing that he could find without order from him.

But as envy and malice, seldome, or never lies long hid, but that it must of necessity break forth: so they have manifestly de­clared, their imbittred spirits against me, by prosecuting their former designs; for they have (since that time) indicted me at the the Assizes: and prosecuted the indictment, with as much force and vigor as they could possibly: not having any relation at all to our former discourse; insomuch, that the Grand-jury found the bill, and my enemies do exceedingly rejoyce at it. Therefore, I have thought it requisit and necessary, to give you a true and perfect Journal of these passages betwixt us, that I may the better make way for your understanding of these things herein contained, and if so be that any of my adversaries should have that impudency, to deny any one particular, herein expressed: I shall be able to clear it, by the testimony of honest men; and shall humbly refer it to the serious consideration of the judicious reader; to judge of their dealings towards me; and so proceed in the prose­cution of each particular in order. And first, of the first, which is touching the manner of our discourse.

The ground of my Argument lies thus.

That he that hath faith, he is in Christ, and Christ in him: so that faith is Christ manifested in him, and he is Christ, though not essentially; yet in respect of that spirituall onenesse with him, and in him, Iohn 17. so that there can be no separation nor divi­sion, betwixt the head and members, in regard of that spirituall union and onenesse. And as there is that spiritual union and onenesse, that cannot admit of any separation, or devision, so I shall handle the branches thereof (issuing or flowing from them, as streams from a fountain) both jointly and severally, in regard of that near relation and conjunction, betwixt the head and members.

But first we are to consider, that there is a relative union, and there is a reall union; which I shall shew you, under a two-fold consideration, yet comparatively (in my apprehension) they are both as one, 1. This relative union is, as the husband and wise, Christ and his Church. And this reall union is, as the tree and branches, and if so be a branch of that tree be cut off it is no longer a branch of that tree (being disunited) although it retains the same quality for a while in regard of its own nature; yet it soon withers and dies, although the body lives and growes: now [Page 49]this relative union with Christ and his Church, is such a union, that they are so inseparably united and knit together, with that spirituall bond of love and amity, that can never be broken. For our Saviour Christ saith, that he is the vine, and ye are the branches, and if so b e a member of Christ (which is a branch of that vine) be cut off, by a corporal or temporal death, yet the spirit retaines its first principles, and returnes to God that gave it; and spritually, it continues, and remaines a branch of that royall stock; For as the Apostle saith, that neither life, nor death, nor things present, nor things to come; shall be able to seperate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus: so that here we see, that this is that spiritual union and onenesse: not that the body is the head, or the head the body; but that all the members, (as branches) make up but one body, whereof Christ is the head. And they are a per­fect body in Christ, so that there needs no supply of any thing to make them a perfect body, for their is nothing wanting to make them compleat; as there may be wanting in the naturall body of man, for if there be but a little finger wanting, or but one joynt of that little finger, it is an imperfect body, so that the eye cannot say to the hand, I have no need of thee, nor the head to the feet, I have no need of you, 1 Cor. 12.21. But in this spi­ritual body of Christ, it is otherwise: for the flesh was crucified at Jerusalem: and as the Apostle speaks, Gal. 2.20. I am crucified with Christ, neverthelesse I live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me. And they that are Christs, have crucified the flesh, with the affections and lusts Gal. 5.24. And as Christ is head over his Church: so God hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullnesse of him that filleth all in all, Eph. 1.22, 23. Christ is all and in all (by hit providence) to every creature: but he is all and in all, in a more speciall and peculiar manner (by his providence) to his Saints, which are his Church. So that there can be no separation nor devision, betwixt the head and members.

And for a farther illustration and conformation of this truth in hand (I speak chiefly to you, who are friends, and lovers of truth) I shall commend to your serious consideration these scri­ptures following (to wit) Jer. 23.5, 6. Jer. 33.16. Where you shall finde in the former Chap. The Lord speaking to the Israelites, of a [Page 50]righteous branch, that he would raise unto David, and that a King should reign and prosper &c. In his daies Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely, and this is his name whereby he shall be called, The LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNES. Now this righteous branch is meant Christ, who is the King of Saints, and he shall prosper, in the gathering together of his Saints, from the uttermost parts of the earth, even amongst the heathen, nay the heathens them­selves. Psal. 2.8. and this is done out of his abundant love to his poor creatures. And here he is called, the Lord our Righteousnes, and in the 33. Chap. of the same book of Jer. before mentioned, verse 16. there you shall finde, a kind of reciprocall love, by way of ex­changes of loves, betwixt Christ and his Church; where he ho­nours his church with his own name, and in the very self same sweet expression, The lord our Righteousnesse; so that every particular member hath an interest in this name: as you may ga­ther by this Scripture following, which is (as I conceive) a con­firmation of this truth, see 1 Cor. 11.3. where it is said; that the head of every man is Christ: so that every particular member, is Christ, not essentially: not that the body is the head, or the head the body; but under this twofold consideration, 1. In regard of that spiritual onenesse with him, and in him: and 2. In re­gard of his name, wherewith he shall be called, The Lord our Righteousnesse; which is here spoken of the church. And you may see in the 1 Cor. 6.17. That he that is jayned unto the Lord, is one spirit.

Now if so be, I had said, that I had bin the Christ, then cer­tainly I had spoken blasphemy in the highest degree, and my ad­versaryes, might have had just cause against me, and that scripture had bin fulfilled in me, that in the latter times, there shall arise many false Christs &c. but I hope (in the handling of this point) I have made it so clear, and so plaine to the weakest capacity, that they cannot but plead my innocency and integrity, and so I pro­ceed to the next in order; which is touching faith, what saith is, according to my former discourse, and the ground of my argu­ments laid down.

Therefore to prove the point, that faith is Christ; See Gal. 3.23. Where Christ is called faith, the words are these in the histo­ry according to the letter. But before faith came; we were kept under [Page 51]the law &c. But in the mystery, and according to the spirituall sence (in my apprehension) faith is there meant Christ, but be­fore Christ came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the fiath which should afterwards be revealed. This word, but, hath reference to the former verses, therefore read from the 21. verse to the end of the chap. and you may find this (if God says Amen to it) to be a glorious truth; But if so be, you have but a notionall knowledge of Christ, or a bare historical faith: as Mr. Cox by his expressions (in answer to my question.) did import no other; say­ing, that he did hope he had faith, which is but historical, by hearsay and mearly the teachings of men, and no otherwise; then you cannot say of a truth, that Christ is in you, the hope of glory. These things have I written unto you, concerning them that seduce you. But if you have received the anointing, it abideth in you, and the same anointing, teacheth you of all things; and is truth, and is no ly &c. 1 Job. 2.26, 27. And if Christ be in you, the hope of glory; then you shall finde that spirituall and individual substance, or rather subsistance (in respect of operations) manifested within you, that is infeperable, For we are his anointing, and that spiritual unction within us, makes us to be one with him. We are Kings, and Priests, and by vertue of his spiritual anointing, we are one with him, by faith (which is Christ in us) we apprend all the benefits, and spiritu­all enjoyments and rejoycings, made out unto us: and by his spi­ritual descension so low into us; and drawing us up into himself; we are come to be one with him, and in him, and he in us. Joh. 17. being iustified by faith in his blood. And as there is such a sweet union, and onenesse between Christ and the soul; Christ being the manifestation of his fathers love: the soul comes to have free accesse by one spirit unto the Father, Ephe. 2.18. in and through the Son; whereby the soul comes to see God, purely as he is: so that there is a continual feast of fat things, their Table being richly deckt, and covered over with all sorts of varieties of dainties; supping and dining together. And there is a continual presence, or habit of union between God and the soul: that the soul is (as it were) richly clothed with God; and God with the soul, do live mutually in themselves, for, he that dwels in love, dwels in God & God in him, & that nothing is in God, that is not God, therefore whatsoever is in God is God. And thus the soul [Page 52]comes to see God to be his all and in all, and sees him in all things, & in every thing, and sees his own nothingnesse and emptynesse, of himself without him.

But now I shall shew you that there are many who look upon Christ after the flesh, and not after the spirit, or a spiritual Christ within us (not apprehending him as he is purely in himself) so they look upon the act of faith, to be that which God accepts to justification. But truly (for my part) I am not of that judgement; for I conceive, there is a mistake in it, looking upon him after the flesh, and not after the spirit, or in the spirit: and so they asseribe that honour to faith, which is due unto Christ, and dis­honour him in so doing: for although they do not exclude Christ wholly and totally; yet in the act of justification (which is a work) it gives all unto faith, we are justified before God in his sight, only by Christ, Rom. 3.20.24. and for a farther confirma­tion of this truth, see Isa. 53.11, 12. Where it is said, my righ­teous servant shall justifie many, which must be understood of Christ. we are not justified before God, by faith which is in us; but by Christ, by his blood. We are justified by his blood. Rom. 5.9. by faith, which is Christ in us, we know our selves to be justi­fied, verse first: and although faith is one of the chiefest graces: yet as it is an act, it is a work, and to be justified by it, is to be justified by a work of our own, for with the heart (man) beleeveth Rom. 10.9, 10. so that tis clear, that which justifie us, must needs be perfect; and so it can be no act of ours; for all our righteousnesses are as filthy ragges &c, Isa. 64.6. not of works, least any should boast, Ephe. 2.9. Me thinks the consideration of this point should cause us to admire at the wonderful riches of the free grace of God in Christ Jesus, who out of his infinite love, being an infinite glorious Majesty, that he should descend so low, as to take upon himselfe our nature (being poor finite creatures) to shed his blood, to die for us, and to rise again for our justification. But that his essential will is himself, his power is himself, his wisdome is himself, and every thing that is in him, is himself, if we can but see it.

But to proceed a little farther in the prosecution of this point of faith. I shall speak something concerning Enochs walking with God by faith, and so conclude the point.

It is said, Gen. 5.24. That Enoch walked with God, and was not; for [Page 53]God took him. By faith he was Translated, that he should not see death &c. And the text saith, that he was one that is not; this may seem to be a paradox, a strange expression, if we but barely look upon the letter of the Scripture; yet it is a glorious truth; for it is said, he is one that is not. Enoch walked with God, and was not. So that he walked not after the flesh, but after the spirit; for he was translated by faith, that he should not see death, and was not found, he was not, for God took him. He in himself was not; for his glory and excellency past away, all his earthly pomps vanish'd, he of himself was nothing, for he saw his own emptinesse and nothingnesse, and all-sufficiency in Christ: what he was, he was in Christ, Christ was his life, and his all, Christ was all and in all unto him, Col. 3.11. So that God translated Enoch in the spirit, he was translated into Jesus Christ; and so every true believer is one in Jesus Christ, and nothing in himself; there is a glorious change; there is a new birth, there is a new self, he is born of God; God is his selfe, Christ is his self. So that Enoch was out of the flesh, into the spirit, out of himself and his own righte­ousnesse, into God; and so is every saint, every true believer is translated out of himself, into a being which is in God. He is dead unto all self-righteousnesse, he is dead unto the law, he is dead unto the World, but he is alive unto God: Here you see that by faith Enoch was Translated from death to life: Therefore you may see that faith is an excellent gift, est donum Dei, it is the gift of God, Ephe. 2.8. And so all things else that are given, pro­ceed from him, but this gift of faith in a more special manner, because Christ is given in it by believing; but I shall shew you that there are degrees of faiths manifestation in believing according to the apprehension, some degrees more weake, some more strong. Yet if thou hast but faith as a grain of mustard-seed, thou shalt be able to remove Mountains, which is the next particular to be handled. But a word or two more touching the highest degree of faith, which is faiths assurance, assurance being the proper act of faith, proceed­ing from the reflect act of faith, which causeth a man to know and see that he beleeves; and this assurance is from the immediate testimony of the spirit of God in the conscience of him who is al­ready a believer; and causeth the soul to know that it believes, The spirit it self beareth witnesse with our spirits &c. Rom. 8.16. But so [Page 54]much shall suffice for this point, the next in order, is that moun­tain to be removed; according to the main drift and scope of my argument.

First, a mountain in Scripture; is taken divers waies, as you may find in Isa. 2. Mark 11. &c. But I shall shew you, first Nega­tively, What a mountain is not. Secondly, affirmatively, What it is. And according to the reall drift and scope of my meaning at the discourse; and it so be the Magistrates (with patience) could have heard me make it forth, I should have cleared it, but that they would scarce suffer me to speak for my self; but searcht the statute-book to see what punishment was fit for blasphemers, in that case provided; taking his accusation for truth, not knowing how, or in what manner I had declared my self, neither could they un­derstand my meaning touching this mountain here spoken of. Therefore I shew you. 1. Negatively, that I did not mean such a Mountain as that great hill neer Taunton, called by the name of black-down, according to the question propounded unto me. Nei­ther did I mean that great round Cob-hill call'd by the name of Glastonburytor. Nor that great mountain of Saint Taffies, in Welch­land. Nor had I any thoughts of removing that great hill of Taun­ton out of his place, (who was then Major pro tempore) and commit­ted me to prison, when as neither of them knew a mountain from a mole-hill. But I speake this but by the way, and therefore de­sire to be excused. 2. Affirmatively, There are mountaines with­in us as well as mountains without us; there are mountains of sin, and there are mountains of opposition, there are mountains of power, and there are mountains of pride and self-loftinesse, there are mountains of oppression and Tyranny &c. An indeed every thing is a mountain that exalts it self, or is exalted high in oppo­sition to truth. As you may see in the aforecited chapter from verse 10. and so forwards; but yet all these mountains shall be lay'd low, when the lofty looks of men shall be humbled, and the haughtinesse of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day. Which is the day of Gods power. But what flesh shall abide his coming? When he shall come as a refiners fire, and like fullers sope, when all corruption shall be burnt up, and be destroyed, or at least be cleansed and purified from the drosse, Mal. 3. These things are, and shall be trans-acted in us; but the end is not yet.

And now friends, although I have not handled every particular circumstance of this matter in hand, yet every material point of any moment is cleared. Therefore I shall now give a word or two in general to the Nations: and chiefly to Magistrates and Gover­nors, and such as are placed in authority over us, which shall be by way of good cuncel if you can take it. But if so be you do not take it: it will be, because you cannot. Yet neverthelesse I have thought good to give you a cautional hint of some special obser­vations, which I have taken, touching the several greevances of the people, who ly under many greevous pressures and burdens, and expect relief and comfort from you, which will be by prescribing wholesome laws, according to the present constitution of this Nation, and a due execution thereof, as it was before the Norman Conquest. For you know, that the people have lived under a Kingly power, many hundred years, and have been held in bond­age and slavery ever since the conquest, under those lawes, which were prescribed by an Usurper. And have been still kept under the Normand yoak: by reason of an absolute arbitrary power, domi­neering over them; raised up by William the Conquetor, when he had subdued this Nation by the sword. Then those who were his Creatures, his favourits, he created them to be Lords of Mannors and so divided and distributed the Land amongst themselves, and the poor people, to become tenants unto them, and to pay a small rent at first: to bring them under the yoak, and so to acknowledge them to be their Lords and masters; and hence came in that which we call propriety, as derived from the Norman Con­quest.

Now after this, these great Lords. of Mannors, by marriages, matching their Sonnes and daughters together joyn'd house to house, and land to land, and so became greater Lords then ever, and exhausted greater rents from their poor tenants by degrees: and all to uphold them in their pride, and so to maintain them in their pomp and vanities, and Lordly dignities. And so the poor people comes to be meer slaves to their Lords and Masters (their rents being continually raised and set upon the rack, and tenter­hoocks of their wicked consciences) and are not able to maintain themselves and families, though at a pittyful poor low rate, both in food and rayment, notwithstanding all their labour and pains­taking, [Page 56]both early and late. But I must tell you, that the main­tainance of propriety in this way, and by such lawes, will be the destruction of it; and me thinks, I see it already destroyed, and you know that the stander-by sometimes sees more then the gamester.

And truly for my part I see an exceeding unequal distribution of things, some all, and some nothing at all: and the poor daily crying out for bread, bread, bread for the Lords sake and few, or none, laying it to heart, when many of your great Lords, have ten, fifteen, twenty thousand pounds per annum, which is more then two hundred thousand families have: and yet they can spend all in rioteousnesse, and wantonnesse, and in superfluity of dainties, and in the delights and pleasures of this world, and truly I do beleeve, I speak with the least (though I speak it with much grief) that for every one that hath but ten thousand pounds per annum. there are two hundred thousand families and more, that have not so much, and so proportionable of all the rest. I speak from experience of my late travels in the North, where I have seen multitudes of poor people go bare-footed and bare-leg­ged, and scarce a ragge of clothes, to cover their nakednesse, or having any bread, or any kind of food, to put into their bellies, to keep them from starving. And ask the poor people, whose land they lived in? or who was their Land-lord? they would tell us, that it was either the Earl of Northumberland, or the Lord Gray: and now lay this home to your consciences, and acquaint you with the pittiful condition of these poor people; and ask you, where is the feeding of the hungry, and clothing of the naked? you will be ready to answer me, as I have bin already answered, that the Earl of Northumberland or the Lord Gray should look to them, and make provision for them, as if it did not concern you at all, and will be ready to post it off, from post to pillar, and say, you have poor enough of your own, and that you ought to take care for them. But is it not as much neglected by you, as by them? for, is there not daily crying out in your streets, for bread, bread, for the Lords sake, not only in this City, but in the countrey also, by many thousands of poor people, who are ready to perish with famine, and few or none take pitty on them, as to releeve them, but are ready to beat them from your doors (notwithstanding) they are [Page 57]flesh of your flesh, blood of your blood, and bone of your bone? And all this proceeds from the hardnesse of your hearts, and from pride and self-loftines, from whence comes oppression and cruel­ty; and are there not grievious burdens, and taxes, lying heavy upon the people; which causeth a dearth upon all things notwith­standing there is great plenty of all in the Land, and who suffers but the poor? who are your fellow-creatures, whose cries are already ascended up into heaven before the Almighty: who is able to sub­due all powers, and to bring down all the proud and lofty ones to submit to his foot-stool, and to ly prostrate at his feet: and may you not justly tremble at that terrible doom and sentence of our Saviour to such, as you shew your selves to be, Mat. Depart from me, ye cursed &c. For I was bungry, and ye gave me no meat; I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: I was a stranger; and ye took me not in, naked: and ye clothed me not, sick and in prison, and ye visited me not; And may not the Apostle James 5.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. thunder a ratling peal of terror in your ears, Go to now ye rich men, weep and howle &c. see Micah 2.2. Micah 3.1, 2, 3. and Amos 6. from the 1. to the 7. read these Scriptures considerately, and weigh them well, and then I shall give ye my Counsel and advise, for a remedy (speaking after the mannor of men) which shall be first to you Ru­lers and Governours, who are placed in authority over us, who sit at the helme, and ought to steere all things aright, according to equitie and justice.

That seeing all those lawes which came in by the Norman-con­quest, and have continued ever since, successively by Kings, and consequently by Tyrants, till the late Kings head was taken off; which laws (for the substance) are still in use, as if that he were yet alive, only the form altered. But my Counsel is that they may be wholly taken away, and wholesome laws prescribed in the room, that the people may no longer ly under that yoke, which is an intolerable burden. For many families have bin utterly un­done, by long and wearisome journies, and by their vast expence of mony in their long and tedious suits, and by the corruption of the lawyers, which (corruption) will never be taken away: unlesse the lawes be wholly taken away, both root and branch. And if so be you should go about to mend these lawes, and have them translated into the English tongue; and divide the Nation [Page 58]into several provinces: to avoid tediousnesse of travelling; yet the same lawes being put in execution (though they are translated as aforesaid) the corruption will still rmeain, and the people will still ly under the yoke.

Therefore my Counsel is, that you will wholly take away all the lawes in one day, and give us such wholesome lawes the next, that may stand most consistent with the republique, which will be most suitable to what they were before the Norman Conquest.

Let there be a Court of Judicature erected in each hundred of every County, where causes may be equally determined by twelve sworn men, annually chosen by the freemen of the said hundred, and not left to depend upon the prerogative lawyers for justice, the obstructors of the peoples freedomes. And you know there can be no men able to judge so well of causes and controversies between partie and party; as such as are neighbours to the parties where the offence or trespasse was committed, and so those twelve men to be their Judges to hear and determine, as in time past before the Conquest the Jury were the Judges, and ended all controver­sies, that were amongst the people. This being one parcel of good Counsel if ye can take it.

Now the next Counsel I shal give you, is, that this unjust and into­lerable burthen of Tythes may be wholly taken away, that those who go under the notion of Ministers, may live on Gospel main­tainance, and not by law. Seeing it is a more blessed thing to give, then to receive; that no man be compelled to maintain such a generation of men, who look to their own way, every one for his own advantage, and for his own purpose. Who bite with their teeth, and cry peace, and he that puteth not into their mouth, they even prepare warre against him, as we have had sad experi­ence of them, being the greatest incendiaries against us & the publick good of this Nation ever since the beginning of these troubles. For the first warre was the Bishops warre, and you know that the Cler­gie had a great hand in the second warre; labouring to set the people against both Parliament and Army, crying out against them almost in every pulpit. But when they saw, that there was a rising in Wales, in Kent, and that the Scots had invaded the Nation, and were setting up the Kings interest again, and knew full well, that they should be no gainers thereby, then as they had faced about to [Page 59]the left before, so they could face about again to the right, as they were, like good souldiers. And you know that this warre is the Kirks warre, and the Clergie have the greatest share therein, cry­ing out against errors, heresies and blasphemies, as if they them­selves, and none but them, were able to judge what heresie and blasphemy is, and as if they were of such infallible judge­ment, that whatsoever they shall say is heresie or blas­phemie it must of necessity be so. And thus much more I shall tell you, that whensoever the Lord shall be pleased to give our Army victory over our enemies in Scotland, both Kirke and State (which I know they must be overcome) for that interest can never be set up again, neither in England, Scotland nor Ireland) but I say that whensoever that warre is over, you shall have the Cler­gy be ready to foment another warre presently, unlesse you take them off of their great power, which will he done by taking a­way Tythes, and not compelling, any to maintain them, but those that will have them to be their Ministers let them maintain them; and let such as are under Gospel-dispensations, be freed from the slavery and bondage of legal administrations. And this is good Counsel if you can take it.

But here I shall meet with an objection by the way. You will aske me (especially you that have impropriations) what will become of you and your families if Tythes go down; you or your predecessors laid out all the stock you had, to purchase an impro­priation, and you have not a subsistance without it. And if it be taken away, you are utterly undone, and your posterity: shall you that have purchas'd loose your bargain, and your money too; and those that never purchased shall they have it for nothing?

I answer no, every man shall purchase the tenth of his own possessions, of the State: and shall pay to the utmost value of it, according to so many years purchase, viz. every delinquent four­teen years purchase, every Neuter tenne years purchase, and e­very faithful honest man to the State, & can approve himself to be so; let him have it at five years purchase. And by this means you may but in all the impropriations, according to their purchase, and so give full satisfaction accordingly, which will be no wrong at all to any man, and there will be remayning on over-plus, which will amount to a vast summe of money, for the [Page 60]States use. And you know that the publique good of a Nation, ought to be preferred before any particular interest. But me thinks I hear some impropriators say to themselves, I have a good bar­gain, and my meanes comes in with very little labour and cost, and must I leave this good bargain? yea, I tell thee thou must leave it, and if thou hast thy money it cost, thou hast no wrong at all, and if so be thou didst purchase me to be thy slave in the time of ignorance, as to have the tenth of my labours, and not only of mine but of all my familie besides, the tenth of my stock, and the tenth of all my encrease, yet this I know that the bargain hath been made void ever since the late Kings head was taken off; al­though we have been kept in this slavery and bondage many hun­dred years by an arbitrary power of Kings successively, yet now the people are come to be a knowing people, and expect liberty and freedome from such bonds. Therefore my Councell and advise, shall be once more to you Rulers and Governours, to whom the Nation have intrusted, and have committed all to your care to do them justice, that you will speedily put these things into practise, and see it effectually performed, not having your spirits inslaved with any self-interest, nor to fear the rat­ling thunders of the Clergie crying out against you, nor the ma­lice of any Lawyer, or Impropriator, nay fear not to do justice, though all the Devils in hell were against you, for God will own you, and he hath raised up a gallant Army to back you in all your just undertakings, against the violence of men. This is good Councel if you can take it, but if so be you slight and neglect it, God will find out a deliverance for his people, as once he did for the people of Israel, who were held in sore servitude and slave­ry eight years under Cushan-Rishathaim, King of Mesopotamia, Judg. 3. Yet the Lord found out a diliverer, even among themselves: Othniel slew the King of Mesopotamia, and so set the people at liberty. And here you may see a paralel to this in our late King, who could not be contented to govern his Kingdomes according to law and justice, but must usurpe a power to himself over both people and lawes contrary to his oath, and so became a Tyrant, exercising do­minion over the people according to his arbitrary will, taking up­on himself Gods own peculiar, and sitting in his Throne, exerci­sing his Kingly power by monopolies and patents, contrary to his [Page 61]laws; and imposing great burdens and taxes upon the people, as by Ship-money, Coat and Conduct-money &c. Insomuch that the burdens were grievous, insupportable; and the people held in bondage and slavery, and laboured to keep them so: strengthning himself by his wicked councel, and rais'd up a wicked Army to destroy his good councell. Yet the Lord found a way of deliverance for his people from that slavery and bondage wherein they were held; hence I draw this conclusion.

That he that hath a limitted power ought not to exercise domi­nion. But Gods power is only arbitrary, he governs according to his own will, therefore not to be limitted, but mans power is derived from Gods power, and hath its limits and bounds set: now if so be man comes to break these bounds, and comes to exercise do­minion, then he derogats from that power which was given, and attributes to himself that power which was not given, and so coms to be a rebel and a traitor against God and man: which was pal­pably seen in the late King, and that scripture is fulfilled in Isa. 1.23. Thy Princes are rebellious, and companions of theeves. every one loveth gifts, and followeth after rewards, they judge not the fatherlesse, neither doth the cause of the widow come unto them. And was not the late King a com­panion of theeves and robbers, plunderers in the best sence? And what complaints did he hear at any time, that were brought be­fore him? Therefore saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts, the mighty God of Is­rael: Ah! I will ease me of mine adversaries, and avenge me of mine enemies verse 24. and I will turn my hand upon thee, and purely purge away thy dresse, and take away all thy tin. verse 25. and I will restore thy Judges as at the first, and Councellers as at the beginning &c. verse 26. And now me thinks I see Monarchie to be clearly extirpated, and rooted out of these three Nations, never to have a being any more, as to reign; and all earthly powers shaken throughout the whole world, and a perfect restauration at hand. For before Kings, there were Judges and Councellours, yet I never read of priority amongst them. And if we look upon the computation of time, from the Creati­on unto Noah you shall find it to be 1656. years. And from Noah to Christ coming in the flesh was 3000. and od years. And from Christ coming in the flesh to this present day, is 1650. So that I gather that the restauration is at hand. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no not the Angels of Heaven, but my Father [Page 62]only. But as the daies of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be, and if you compare this Scripture Mat. 24. with that of Gen. 5. then you may give me your thoughts concerning my o­pinion. Not that I dare limit God in his time, but for ought I know this may be the very year of Jubilee. Therefore my Coun­sel and advise is to all Christians, who make profession of Christia­nity, and are placed in authority over us, that you exercise no such Kingly, or Tyrannical power over us, which if ye do, it must be destroyed in you, or else you will be destroyed in it. For the Lord will find out a way of deliverance to his people from all op­pression and cruelty.

And now friends, my Counsel shall be to the Nation in Gene­rall, that you will submit, and yield subjection to this present Government, and that for conscience sake. Let every soul be subject to the higher powers, for there is no power but of God &c. Now I know that many of you heretofore scrupled at the Covenant, and many of you at the Engagement, some out of ten­dernesse of conseience, and some out of stubbornesse and obstinacy, which is a kind of rebellion, and causeth contention and strife amongst us. And here I saw, that the Clergie (especially in the western parts) had the chiefest hand against the engagement, and some of them pretended out of pure zeal, in regard they had for­merly taken the Covenant, as if the Engagement had clashed a­gainst the Covenant. But truly friends I am satisfied in my own spirit, without any scrupling at all. I have taken the covenant, I have taken the engagement, which engagement is to maintain this present Government, as it is now established without a King or house of Lords, and we ought to be obedient thereunto, for we see, that God pulleth down, and he raiseth up: he pulls down one power, and setteth up another. God hath set up this power over us, and it shall stand as long as he pleaseth, and when he will have it de­stroyed, it shall be destroyed notwithstanding all the engage­ments in the vvorld, he vvill dash it in peeces as he did the late Kings povver.

Object. But the Prophet Hosea saith, Blessed be the Lord thy God that hath set thee to do justice and judgement. Then ought vve to be obedient to this present government, although they should command us unjust commands.

My ansvver vvas yea, vve ought to yeeld obedience unto them, let their commands be vvhat they vvill, in case there be no povver to resist those unlavvful commands, but if so be God vvill raise a povver to resist unlavvful commands, then tis lavvful to do it: For vvhether is it better to obey God or man judge ye. And I shall instance in the case of that late King, vvhere he commanded the people unlavvful and unjust commands. The Lord raised up a Parliament and Army to resist those unlawfull commands, and so destroy'd both him and his power. But if so be, those that are placed in authority overs us, do not do justice and judgement. It is because they cannot, why, because they derogate from that power which is given; and atribute to themselves that power, which is not given (as I said before) yet notwithstanding, we ought to yeeld obedience unto them, and wait Gods leasure, for the hearts of Kings are in his hands, and he can turn them at his pleasure, therefore wait upon God, his time is the best time, and in his due time he will accomplish his own work, and satisfie all interests. But in the 2. Psalm its said, That the Kings of the earth stand up, and the Rulers take Counsel together against the Lord and against his A­nointed. And truly friends, we have seen aboundance of great Counsels, many plots and contrivance, but most of them tend­ing to advance selfe-interest, have we not seen abundance of pride and self-loftinesse? especially, amongst such as are in high places both majesterial and Military, aboundance of self-seeking not only to make themselves great, but their freinds also. This man hath a freind and he must have a great Office for him, that man hath a freind, and he must help him to some great preferment too &c. and all to make themselves rich upon the peoples ruins by oppression and crueltie.

And now freinds, I cannot forgit to speak some thing more of the over-flowing pride of this Nation, not only amongst the gen­try, but amongst all sorts of people, as well the Clergie as others, For the Bishops wore great laune sleeves, and our Clergie weres as much upon their legs as they did upon their armes, with their Bootes ruffled down, with their tops upon the very Insteps, and poor creatures I pitty them, that they do not see their down-fall to be so neer at hand. You know that the Scots were the first that pull'd down their Bishops and set themselves up in their room, [Page 64]and then sent a pattern of their directory to our Clergie that they might practise by their example; our Clergie being pretty act Sco­lers, they quickly learnt this lesson, only altering the form of the directory, but not the substance, and so pull'd down the Bishops here, and stept up into their room, and presently in all hast must have a classicall government set up, for all men to be compelled to worship so many Idols. Now I heard last night that the Kirk in Scotland lies very sick of four sore deadly wounds, the head, the hands, the heart, and the feet, and wait for a good hour, to de­part out of this transitory life: and me thinks it were not amisse for some good body to set the passing-bell going for our Clergie, for they are going the way of all flesh too; for they are greevious­ly wounded in their hands too. Zech. 13.6. And if you aske them, what these wounds are, they shall answer those with which, they were woun­ded in the house of their freinds: Now the time is near at hand that all Prophecies must be fulfilled, as that in Jer. 5.31. Jer. 23.1, 2. that in Ezekiel, but I have forgot the place, but the words are these, Who look to their own way, every one for his own advantage, and for his own purpose: this is fulfilled, and so is this of Micah 3. who byte with their teeth, and cry peace &c. and that in Zech. 13. will be fulfilled e're long, they shall be ashamed of their visions &c. And the Apostle speaks much to this purpose in divers places, as that in the Thes. he speaks of such as comes with all decievablenesse of unrighteousnesse. And that in the Gal. such as make a fair shew in the flesh. And in ano­ther place, he speakes of such as are decieving and being decieved. And in another place, such as are holy in conversation, like un­to the false Apostles, which Scriptures points out notably to this purpose. And truly friends I must tell you, that all your holynesse, all your purity, all yoor zeal, all your honestie, nay all your, righteousnesse too: all must be burnt up, for it is said accept your righteousnesse exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Phari­sees, ye shall in no wise enter into the Kingdome of Heaven. And truly for my part I cannot see, that any of your righteousnesse doth exceed theirs: for if we look upon the purest of you, we shall see aboundance of pride and ambition, aboundance of self-righteous­nesse, self-purity, self-holinesse, self-zel, &c. mixt with aboun­dance of coveteousnesse, and averice, aboundance of hatred and malice, especially towards such as are contrary to you in judgment.

Object. But are all the Clergie a like with you? do you make no difference of ministers? are there not abundance of Godly, faithfull, religious Preachers, faithfully dispencing the word of God and with abundance of zeal?

I answer yea they are all alike with me, although some are more religious, more zealous, more holy then other, and although the Scripture faith, that the righteous, is more excellent then his neigh­bour, yet I make no difference of the persons of men, for if God be no respector of persons, I know not why I should: but for my part, I love them all very well, but not one better then another; and although some of them are accounted more glorious lights then others, yet they shal fall as the stars of heaven fell unto the earth Rev. 6. even as a figtree, casteth her untimely figs &c. That is not those figs which naturally are brought forth alone by virtue of its pure sap Jesus Christ, but I conceive, by untimely figs is ment, all the righteousnesse of man which he with out or before Christs time of his rising up in the branches, hath brought forth of himself, which is untimely, and therefore must fall to the ground and be­come dung (as Paul said of all his) for there is no righteousness at that day can stand to endure, or passe through that refiners fire, but alone the righteousnesse and purity of himself, nor no garmant made by man, though it appear never so glorious now, that will endure the scouring with that fullers sope, but will presently be discovered to be but earthly and so consumed and brought to no­thing: friends in a word, at that day (which truly for my part I believe is neer at hand) there is no glory or excellency of man but will be extinguished and put out (such will be the glory of the coming of the Son of man) even as the moon and stars flie at the appearing of the Sun.

And whereas I had some thoughts to speak largely concerning the pride of Women in their fantastical apparel, and their foolish orn aments and dressings in their atyre, their chaines, and their bracelets, and their Mufflers, their Changable suits of apparel, and the Mantles and the wimples, and the crisping pins &c. but because of their weaknesse, I shall trouble my self no more at this time with a company of foolish women; but I shall refer them to that Scripture, Isa. 3.24. Where they may read what will be­come of them. But I know I shall be apt to ly under the sensure of many, why I should undertake to medle with such things as to give Counsel &c.

What though there is abundance of injustice, what though there is aboundance of pride and self-loftines, what though there is a­bundance of selfishnesse, and setting up self-interest, what though you make Idols of Silver, Idols of Gold, and worship the works of your own hands, what though you make your selves strong with engagements, what though you strengthen your selves with a bond of Iron and brasse, Dan. 4. but yet I must tell ye, all this will stand you but in little stead, when once the day of the Lord shall come upon you. Then there shall be nothing but pure justice, and no pride nor self-loftinesse at all. For the lofty looks of men shall be humbled, and the haughtinesse of men shall be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day-for the day of the Lord of bests shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up and he shall he brought low.

In that day a man shall cast his Idols of silver, and his Idols of gold, which they made each one for himself, to worship, to the moles, and to the bats:

To go into the clefts of the rocks, and into the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and for the glory of his Majesty; when he ariseth to shake terrible the earth.

Cease ye from man whose breath is in his nostrils, for wherein is he to be accounted of?


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