AFter the difference between the two mighty Powers in England and the United Provinces was broke out to an open War, and that all common Liberty and Freedom of Traffique upon the Sea was thereby hindered and taken away, so that none except by force of weapon could be allowed that freedom which unto Commerce is necessary; then did the States General appoint certain Convoys which should guard their Merchant Ships hither into the Sound, and also back again; whereby here did alway happen to be a quantity of States Ships of War lying, which were commanded to continue some time about the Lap, and some time upon this side Crownborg; so that the English Merchants Ships comming out of the East Sea, durst not adventure themselves into the North Sea, but according to their own Superiors Command sought leave for security of their Ships, that they might bring them into the Haven within the Blockhouse here, as their supplication the 10. of August delivered, letter A. doth make appear, which was granted them, for as much as they in a high measure did give thanks therefore, as their under written writing, letter B, declareth. Thereafter came into the Sound an English Admiral with 18 Ships of War, which by an Officer upon the 23. of Sept. at four a clock in the afternoon did send a Letter to be [Page 4] delivered from himself unto his Majesty: the Contents whereof are recorded, as letter C. And though his Majesty at that time was not in the Town, but at Ibstrupe a mile therefrom, yet the said Officer did intimate that he had order to tarry no longer for an answer but until noon the next day, where accordingly when the next day at noon he could not have his will, and so hasty an answer as he desired, he would no longer be delayed, but went hence: In the mean time, for as much as it was altogether unheard and unexpected that such a Fleet should dare without notice or leave given, suffer themselves to be found upon his Streams, and that so near his Castles, his Majesty sent Sir Axel Wrip of Beltberg Knight, Commander of Copenhagen Castle, and Otte: Krag of Wollberg, chief Secretary and Commander of Bouffling Castle, down to Hel siengor to understand from the Admiral or his Assigns by what leave they came upon his Streams, with other Circumstances which they were commanded to enquire, and what they effected with those two English Captains, which the Admiral had sent to them ashore, and also the Admirals Answer thereunto, with Letter D recorded, doth further declare.
And after that his Majesty sent his final Answer and Resolution to the English Admiral, as will herewith in Copia of Letter E be found.
Wherewith the Admiral prepared to sail away: And as soon as the Parliament of England had understood that the English Merchant Ships were not come away with the said Convoy, but did remain lying here; they suffered by publique Edict, that all the Ships of his Majesties Subjects which could be found in England not only to be arrested, but their Ships and Goods, over-powering all the mony therein found, as also such monies as the Shippers had in their Lodgings to be taken away, and moreover all such Ships as they in the Channel could light upon of his Subjects to be brought in and detained, and ill entreated, not affording the Mariners food to sustain life; although the English had command and power of their Ships and Goods in this Haven, and no hurt at all done them, but were secured from their Enemies, as they in their Supplication with thanks acknowledged; and the English Admiral also mentioneth in his writing, that they have by the Hollander been here kept in. After which the Parliament in England sent their Resident in [Page 5] Hamberg, Bradshaw, hither with Credentials to his Majesty, and those Propositions which upon the 28 of Decemb. were in publique audience to some that were deputed of his Majesties Councel delivered: His Majesty had in thoughts to afford him his own personal audience, but seeing that Henrick Williamson, whom his Majesty had formerly sent with Credentials to the Parliament, might not be admitted to that honor to be heard in Parliament, for that he was not an absolute Embassador, but be content to make his Propositions before some that were of their Councel deputed thereunto; which example the Parliament cannot in reason take ill at our hands that we follow, seeing they themselves had shewed the way and beginning: The Proposition that was delivered is found herewith entered with letter E.
And that it might be known what power he had to give his Majesty satisfaction for the hurt done his Majesties Subjects, and what security against such wrong for time to come was to be expected, there was sent to him▪ Ote Krag his Majesties Chief Secretary, and Henrick Williamson; as their Memorial, and his Answer thereunto following, with letter Gentered, doth further declare; whereupon his Majesty then finally resolved to give him answer as followeth, letter H.
1. Of that which in brief hath been related is to be seen: First, As concerning the English, That the Parliament hath given the English Shippers order to seek protection in his Majesties Haven.
2. That the Masters have therefore petitioned; whereupon they have actually received all the protection from their Enemies that could be desired, so that they have given thanks therefore.
3. After that, a Fleet is sent hither into our Streams without any foregoing Intimation given us, or any leave granted, or any Letter sent from the Parliament to his Majesty; the like was never heard before of those that would be counted friends.
4. The Parliament have first, in October, by a publique Edict, suffered all his Majesties Subjects Ships, which could be found in England, to be arrested, and also suffered all his Subjects to be taken hold on in the Channel, though they came from neutral places, and carryed them to London, their Loading, and what mony [Page 6] they had took away, and allowed them not sustenance for their liver.
5. In December did the Parliament send their Resident Bradshaw hither, which not only had no Order to thank for that Protection the English had here, nor to excuse the former Fleets unexpected approach into our Streams, nor to desire leave that such a Convoy might come hither again to fetch the Merchants Ships away that lay in the Haven, nor any proffer of restitution of his Majesties Subjects Ships nor Goods, much less any security that the like should not happen hereafter; But only to make known, and desire, that the English Ships in the Haven lying, might under Kingly hand and seal without damage be delivered to an English Admiral, at what time and in what manner he should desire them: And therein will the English have the preheminence to chuse the time, when they pleased, to bring a Fleet into these Streams, and how strong they should be, and above all to have the freedom to declare to his Majesty the manner how they will have their Ships delivered; which could as little suit it self to promise, as it did ill become it self for them to desire.
On the contrary, besides that wearisom Embassage, which his Majesty, with all proffers of friendship, to no purpose, was at charge with to England, he did a long time also afford the English Shippers here in the Haven all the protection they desired, suffering themselves to have the power and ordering of their ships and goods, permitting them also to sell a great part therefore, and imploy to their own use; also did by the Castle of Crownborg protect them from those that would have taken them; nor ever suffe [...] ed any English, either in Denmark or Norway, to be arrested, or ill-entreated, notwithstanding all those solicitations preferred against them; but always, all friendship continued towards them, not suffering himself by any means to be perswaded to the contrary, neither did regard the charge his Majesty had been at to fit and prepare certain ships of War, seeing it was not great, though it was expended upon so many, as in such haste could be provided while the English ships were here; nor his Majesties own honor and respect, which in that business was not a little in danger.
Of that which is written, may easily be judged, of all that are not parties in the matter, what a difference there is between what [Page 7] hath been done to his Majesties Subjects in England, and what hath been done to the English in this Kingdom; and seeing that the Parliaments Resident Bradshaw, before he came hither, had no Command to speak of any Reparation for what Damage his Majesties Subjects had suffered, much less to give any security, that such for the time to come should not happen, and also not knowing how soon this begun misunderstanding could be taken up; and for that some part of the Commodities in the English ships were not fitting to be left longer aboard, except they should be suffered utterly to perish: therefore it was thought fit to cause a right Inventory to be taken, and the Goods registred, and unloaden, and so layd aside, and kept till further Order and Resolution; which seeing it is a case of indifferent weight, or concernment, and it may be is not rightly understood, how all things have been carryed; therefore also it is thought necessary, for mens knowledg and information, that it should be so contrived and published.
A Copy of the English Shippers Supplication to his Majesty of Denmark and Norway, Translated out of Engl.
WHereas we English Shippers, whose names are here underwritten, have our Ships lying at anchor upon your Majesties Streams and Haven, before your Kingly Seat and City of Copenhaven, being richly laden with Merchants Goods, belonging to our Nation, and are come for protection and security hither, by a special Order from our Honorable High Councel of State at White-Hall in London, dated the 17. of June. Having understood, not only peril and danger in the Sea, but also upon the Road before Helsingor, we therefore in all humility beseech your Kingly Majesty, that according to the Law of Nations we may have protection upon your Majesties Streams: and if occasion happen that any Enemy should be so insolent to fall upon us, hurt or violate us, That your Majesty then will graciously take us into protection; and in the mean while, for better security, give us leave to hale our [Page 8] Ships within your Majesties Bom and Blockhouse: for which your Majesties favor we will always be ready in all humility, not only our selves in person to acknowledg your Benefaction, but further to refer it to the States of our Natives Country.
- The Ship Elizabeth and Mary, Anthony Wolward Mr.
- The Ship Richard, Henry Sheir Mr.
- The Ship Mary Bonaventure, Richard Bromwell Mr.
- The Margaret and Sarah, Iohn Wither Mr.
- The James, Andrew Raikes Mr.
- The Amity, George Acklam Mr.
- The Imployment, John Tuly Mr.
- The Ann and David, Charls Boomer Mr.
- The Adventure, Robert Michelson Mr.
- The Fellowship, William Brunton Mr.
- The Satisfaction, Matthew Southwell Mr.
- The Edward and John, Solomon Clark Mr.
- The Plenish, Philip Noyse Mr.
- The James, Samuel Ramond Mr.
- The Ship Mary Ann, William Bexby Mr.
- The Charity, William Iames Mr.
- The Adventure, William Harding Mr.
- The Friendship, William Danby Mr.
To the High and Mighty King of Denmark and Norway, the VENDERS and GOTTERS King; The English Shippers, being now in Copenhaven, their humble Petition, Leter B.
THat we, according to an Order from the Republique of England, which we have humbly obeyed, were commanded to cast our selves, with our Ships and Goods, under your Kingly [Page 9] Majesties gracious protection, and we are hitherto protected: wherefore we are obliged to give your Kingly Majesty all hearty thanks, humbly beseeching your Majesty of your gracious goodness to suffer us to repair to our Convoy, which now lieth below Helsingor, whose errand and message hither is nothing but to conduct us home from hence to our Land again; This is all that is commanded us from him who hath the command of that same Fleet, to give your Majesty to understand, and to pray and desire from your Majesty this liberty: if it be admitted us, we will always pray for your Kingly Majesty.
- Anthony Wolward
- John Tuly
- Andrew Raikes
- Robert Dren
- Thomas Robinson
- Solomon Clark
- Samuel Ramond
- William James
- William Harding
- Matthew Southwell
- William Bigby.
- John Withers
- Henry Shier
- George Acklim.
- William Danby
- William Brunton
- Philip Noyse
- Richard Bromwell
- Robert Michelson
- Charls Boomer
- Edward Nickson
A Copy of the Letter from the Admiral of the English Fleet to his Majesty, Translated out of English into Danish, Letter A.
I Have received Order from the Councel of State of the Republique in England, to sail into the Sound with this Squadrant of Ships, containing 18 in number, to Convoy all such English Ships and Barques as have been now a long time kept in by the Hollander: My humble request is, That seeing your Majesty hath been pleased graciously to protect them unto this present in safety, that I might know your Majesties gracious Will, whether I may be permitted to come up with our Fleet to fetch them, or that it will please your Majesty to give Order they may be safe-guarded down hither to our Fleet, where we lie [Page 10] ready to receive them: That is all that is desired of him, who desireth leave to subscribe himself,
A Copy of Sir Axel Urups and the right worshipful Otte Krags Letter to the Admiral of the English Fleet, delivered to those two Captains which the said Admiral had sent ashore to them, together with the Admirals Answer thereunto, Letter D.
HIs Kingly Majesty, our gracious Lord and King, hath given us charge to intimate to his Excellency, the Admiral of the Parliaments Fleet belonging to the Republique of England, now lying here, That it seemeth very strange to his Majesty, that the Parliament of England should send such a mighty Fleet of ships into the midst of his Majesties Land, and not at all given his Majesty warning aforehand, nor desired permission to do it; the like was never before this present attempted of any that had not resolved to begin hostility; seeing those that are in Treaty or Aliance with his Majesty, may not do it, except they do advertise thereof three weeks before any such Fleet should be suffered to come into the Streams: it was indeed reported to his Majesty that such a Fleet should come, but all the while neither his Majesty himself, nor his Embassador in England, were made privy to it, nor had any warning thereof: his Majesty could not conceive that the Parliament would resolve upon any such thing, as never was done by any of the Friends or Neighbors of this Crown.
His Majesty profers it to themselves, to consider how it would be taken in England, if such a mighty Fleet came into the Thames, without any foregoing warning or permission to come there: Also his Majesty had done the English Republique that honor to send an honorable Embassage thither, and did proffer a Treaty, and all good friendship, but hath not hitherto perceived that the Parliament have revealed themselves in any thing that might satisfie; yet did he not at all expect, that in the place of a like honorable Embassage [Page 11] from the Republique of England, or some full satisfactory Resolution otherways, his Majesty should be constrained to behold, and that before his Kingly House and Castle, such a mighty Fleet of Ships, which men were uncertain what might be expected from them: And what charge it would put his Majesty upon, as all Potentates in such cases usually do, to put by all hostility from his Streams, so much as in such haste could be made towards preparing his Fleet, they may judg: Wherefore his Majesty desireth they will not attempt to begin any act of hostility upon his Streams, but rather retire themselves further off, and not be found so neer his Majesties Castles with so great a power, which can do no other but give cause of suspicion and mistrust: Now according to his Majesties Command, we desire the Admirals Answer in Writing hereunto, and do as to our persons remain,
- Axel Ʋrup,
- Otte Krag.
With a desire that it might be delivered to the Admiral, and we might as soon as possible receive from him a satisfactory Answer, wherewith we will presently repair to his Majesty, and also solicite for a further Resolution for him toward his expedition, wherewithall the said Captains went aboard late toward evening, and afterward in the morning, being the 24 of Septemb. about six of the clock, did come again on shore with the said Admirals Answer to the last writing, delivered him dated about nine a clock at night, wherein he referreth himself to his former Letter, assuring that his coming thither with that Fleet was to no other intent but only to Convoy those English Ships that lie in Copenhaven, saying also that his Fleet was not of such force as we declared, desiring also that he might receive an absolute Answer, if the Ships might be suffered to follow him or not, that he might be gone back again, hoping that he had carryed himself here with all civility and respect: what more was required in our Letter, he did excuse himself, that he could not answer unto, as his foresaid Letter, signed N. 2. doth further shew: And when they gave us to understand, that they were again come to Town, we repaired unto them in the aforesaid [Page 12] Borgemasters house, where they delivered us the said Admirals Letter, and therewithall desired we would visit the said Admiral aboard his Ship, and excused himself, for his not coming ashore to us was because he durst not adventure himself at that time from his Fleet, desiring earnestly that we would expedite and further them such an Answer, as that they might have the English Fleet with them, which they were sent for; and said also, that their Fleet was of no such consideration as it was look'd upon to be, for as much as it consisted of but eighteen ships only, whereupon were few or no Soldiers: excused also that the Parliament had not given notice of their coming, for that he feared it would be declared and known to the Hollander, and then they with force would watch for them, if there had been intelligence given before, especially for that they knew the Hollander lay here with a party of Ships, so they could not adventure themselves hither with fewer ships: That the Parliament had sent no Embassador hither, they desired it might not be ill taken, for their thoughts abounded in friendship towards his Majesty, and had honorably received his Embassadors, and also well deported themselves towards his Subjects; so that it was not forborn, for any other reason, but for that their former Messengers, sent to Holland and Spain, were illentreated and slain; whereupon the Parliament resolved to send no more Embassadors abroad till further considerations: also declaring, that the Hollanders had in many ways delt ill with them, so they had good cause to be aware of them, that they might not in process of time mock them: and after we had answered them such things as were necessary, according to our Instructions, and their former desire of quick expedition again repeated, we took our leaves of them, and went presently to his Majesty to Ibstrup, and after to the Privy Councel, and delivered in both places verbal relation of what had passed.
A Resolution given to the Commander of the English Republique Fleet lying upon our Streams: Letter E.
WHereas we understand by a Letter written from the Commander of the English Esquadron, delivered us the 23. of Sept. late at night, that he was sent hither by the Councel of State of the Republique of England, with 18 Ships of War to convey all the English Ships that now have layn here a long time, and therefore desireth to know if he might have liberty to come up with his Fleet to fetch them, or that an Order might pass for their safeguarding down to his Fleet; whereunto our gracious Resolution is, That as it was altogether unexpected of us that such a mighty Fleet without warning, much less permission, or Letter unto us from their Principals, should come into our Streams in sight of our Castles; so have we neither let nor given occasion that the English Ships now lying in the Haven should retire hither; but they themselves by supplication to our Stateholder have sought it, and themselves hitherto in safety preserved, since which a Fleet of the States General Ships are come hither to watch for those and other Ships, desiring to have taken them, if they had not here had their retreat; and seeing they could not complain of any thing further to have happened to them all the while they have been kept here, so had we much less expected that we upon such a gracious protection should be desired to do that which might infest our Streams, and occasion to our Highness the greatest despect, and in our own Land the greatest unsafety and danger, we had well expected that the English and Hollanders Fleets, as long as we gave them no cause, should not against our Highness upon our Streams oversee themselves; but if so many Ships came to be disputed for between them as now lieth here, it is to be feared we our selves should be blamed for giving them cause to lose that respect, and to keep our Fleet here upon the Streams would give us cause to do that which would be pleasing to none of our Friends: wherefore to avoyd such mischief as might follow, we thought it not good those Ships lying here in our Haven secured, should be put out to become matter for [Page 14] two of our Friends and Republiques Fleets upon our Streams to fight for, but rather willingly afford them still that security they hitherto have had, hoping that time will so change it self, that they without our respect and guidance, and to their less hazard, may be set free.
Given at our Castle, Copenhaven, the 25. of Septemb. 1653.
The English Residents Proposition, delivered to those of the Kingdoms Councel, deputed to receive the same. Letter F.
VVHereas for some time past it hath pleased the great, mightiest High-born King of Denmark and Norway, in his Harbors, to detain several Merchant Ships of great Value, belonging to the Subjects of the Republique of England, and also to deny them freedom to follow those Ships of War, which for their Security and Convoy without doubt were sent from England, whereby the said Republique, and the Subjects thereof, hitherto no small hurt and damage have sustained: and although the English Republiques Parliament, by reason of such an unexpected Action, especially at the time when his Majesties Embassador was treating for a nearer Ʋnion, are thereby highly troubled; yet are they nevertheless desirous to use all possible means of friendship, whereby further Inconveniencies may be prevented, which otherways in such a weighty Case, that concerns the welfare of both States, might follow; therefore have they of good affection sent me to his Majesty, with Command in their behalf, to press earnestly, that the said Ships, which by his Majesties Command are detained with their several Goods and Loadings, may with all possible expedition be again set free: Wherefore in the name of the said Parliament I desire your high mighty Kingly Majesty, that all the Ships belonging to the English Republique, which now are to be found in this Haven, or upon these Streams, and by Kingly Order, or any other Officers Command, are detained or [Page 15] delayed, each Ship with his own loading may presently be set free with full power to proceed upon their Voyage towards those places they were at first designed unto; moreover, that his Majesty will be pleased under your Kingly Hand and Seal to promise and grant to the Parliament of the English Republique by me their Minister, that all the aforesaid Ships, each with his loading, shall be safe and fully delivered to that Fleet, which shall be sent by the Parliament of England, or their Authority, at such time and in such manner as the Commander thereof shall desire of his Majesty: And whereas there is lately one of the English Republiques Ships, called the Antilop, run ashore within your Kingly Majesties Jurisdiction, near Jutland, and some of the Guns, Ammunition, and other things, converted to the use of the Inhabitants of the Town adjoyning, also in the same Parliaments name I desire his Kingly Majesty, that all such Guns, and other Implements that belongeth to the said Ship, whether they now are in the Inhabitants hands, or in any others Custody, may be delivered presently to me, or my Deputy; also, that by his Kingly Majesties Command all good help and necessary assistance be afforded to save and recover such other Guns and Riging, as by probability may be saved, seeing that the Ship was lost near the shore; to all which I expect his Majesties just Answer in writing, that I may the better return back again to my Masters, the Parliament of the Republique of England.
A short Relation of what on the behalf of his Kingly Majesty of Denmark and Norway, was verbalit spoken to the English Republiques Parliaments Resident, the honest and worshipful man Richard Bradshaw; and afterward at his request delivered him in writing by us whose names are under-written, and out of Latin put into English. Letter G.
AFter that some English Ships for some few Months past were returned out of the East Sea into Oresound, they concluded there to remain, thereby to avoyd that great danger they otherwise might fall into, if they adventured themselves towards England, by reason of the Hollands Fleet, that at that present they found lying there, waiting a more seasonable time, that they with more safety might sail hence; at which time his Kingly Majesty not only afforded them open freedom, but also in a large measure protected them, for as much as some Holland Ships would hastily have fallen upon them, some Guns were shot off from Crownborg Castle: nor is there from that time hitherto any token of friendship neglected to be shewn them: Wherefore it is altogether admirable to his Majesty, that the English Republiques Parliament neither by writing, nor Resident in the least measure, have mentioned such Kingly favor and affection as is shewed to their Subjects; but after all, in the Harvest following a Fleet of 18 Ships of War is sent into this Kingdom, to that end, as is formerly declared, that they should for more safety convey the said Merchant Ships, among which some part are so well fitted, that they might well be used in the stead of Ships of War; and those Ships, not only without any preceding desires or permission, which yet ought to have been obtained, but also without any intimation of their coming, did come to anchor upon his Kingly Majesties Streams, which verily, of none of his Majesties Neighbors, or those in Union with him, before this time hath the like been done; for as much as amongst lordly persons, to avoyd all mis-interpretation, it is usual not to enter into [Page 17] any of their open or common wayes, much less into such a narrow passage, with warlike and weaponed power, except they have desired or obtained leave thereunto: which seeing the English Republikes Parliament have forborn to do, therefore doth His Majesty with all equity and reason expect from their Resident, for such unlawfull Process, in the behalf of the Parliament some satisfaction. Seeing His Kingly Majesties Subjects ships, as many as they could f [...]nd within the English Republikes jurisdiction, not onely are detained and forbid to depart, but also one of them in the open Sea lately by a Parliaments ship surprized, brought to London, and a part of her lading plundered away; therefore doth His Kingly Majesty desire to know from the Resident the cause why such arrests and enemy like proceedings were used against his Subjects: of this and the former Propositions a speedy answer is expected.
- Otte Krag.
- Henry Williamson.
- Rosenwing.
The English Parliaments Residents Answer to that Writing which in the name of His Kingly Majesty of
Denmark and
Norway those honorable men
Otte Krag and
Henry Williamson Rosenwing sent him the last day of December,
Anno 1652.
Translated out of Latin into Danish.
AFter serious consideration of the said Letter, the English Republikes or the Parliaments Resident doth observe the substant matter thereof to be couched in three articles.
To the first doth pertain His Kingly Majesties gracious good protection which lately was shown to some English Merchants ships, for which Kingly benevolence His Majesty expected that somthing answerable thereunto ought to have been mentioned.
To the second, the unexpected approach of some ships of war, which without foregoing notification or leave granted, were by the English Republikes Parliament for the convoying [Page 16] of the aforesaid Merchant ships appointed & sent into His Majesties Kingdoms, for which strange process (in the English Parliaments name) of their Resident some satisfaction is desired.
To which the English Parliaments Resident answereth, that in those Propositions which in the behalf of the English Parliaments Republike, he for some dayes past had as well verb [...]lly uttered, as afterwards in writing also delivered, and thereupon had desired His Kingly Majesties just answer: Nothing of that which in these articles was mentioned was touched, neither in his Plenipotentialls was any liberty given him of such Postulata, to confer or answer: But if the matter of these Articles is supposed to be of such high cons [...]quence, that it necessarily requireth some pertinent Answer, then if so be His Kingly Majesty, according to usuall and friendly Correspondentz, will command to have it reported to the English Republikes Parliament then without all doubt it shal be found that they, as concerning the said points will deliver a just and requisite answer.
To the third and last article, concerning which His Majesty is so troubled, for that severall of his Subjects ships are detained by the English Parliament, and also that lately one of them in the open Sea was in hostile manner brought up to London, and some part of their lading spoliert, and therefore of the Resident do desire to know the cause of such Arrest and hostile intreating. The Resident doth answer as followeth, that he doth well know that some Danish Su [...]jects ships by the Parliaments command in their jurisdiction are detained but hath not understood that any Danish ship in the open sea by any Parliament ship was in such warlike manner dealt with; yet if it should appear that such a thing hath been done, there is no doubt, but if His Kingly Majesty desire to know the cause thereof from the Parliament of England, he will receive a necessary, friendly, and satisfactory answer to his content. But the stopping those ships in the Harbours is a subs [...]quent act, seeing the English Merchant ships were first by His Kingly Majesty here arrested, and after forbidden to saile away: And although they were by a select Fleet of warlike ships sent for, yet His Kingly Majesty must needs know the cause thereof not to have arisen [Page 17] from any Warlike mistrust, much lesse from any unjust intention in the Parliament either towards His Majesty or any of his Subjects, but onely from the desire the Parliament had that they by such meanes might the better further the said ships being set free and at liberty: Yet that the Parliaments upright and friendly carriage in that manner of proceeding may the better be known as soone as it shall please His Majesty under His Kingly hand and seal to promise unto the Parliament by then Resident, that the English ships may without molestation be free to come away, as in my former writing is more l [...]gely exprest, then if it be desired, I will in the name of the Parliament, as their Resident, at the same time in the highest manner ingage, that all the Danish Subjects ships that within the English Republikes jurisdiction are detained, with all their goods and ladings, shall presently be restored to their former freedome: provided the English ships be first set free and at liberty, seeing they were first detained: That this may more happily be accomplished, the English Parliaments Resident doth earnestly desire, especially seeing the time allotted for his stay here is almost run out, that His Kingly Majesty will be pleased to those the English Parliaments desires which he hath received, as soon as may be, to give a just, full and satisfactory answer.
The Kings Majesty of Denmark and Norway his resolution delivered the English Parliaments Resident, the Worshipfull Richard Bradshaw, unto that Proposition he verbally uttered, and in writing delivered, the 28. Decemb. 1652. Letter H.
FOrasmuch as in the said Proposition is first set downe, that some English Ships of great value were in this Harbour detained, and might not be suffered to depart hence with the English Admiralls Fleet that was sent hither to convoy them, and that the Parliament by such an unexpected action which happened at the time of treaty for Union, were much troubled, and therefore to prevent great inconveniences that might thereupon arise, had sent him hither to desire, which he also did in the Parliaments name, that all the ships belonging to English men, with their ladings, and which by Kingly decree were so detained, may presently be set free, and fully licensed to saile to such place where they are designed; and that his Kingly Majesty will under his hand and seal assure to him their servant, that all the aforesaid ships, with their ladings, shall be fully delivered to the English convoy or Fleet, which the Parliament will send and authorise there unto, at such time, and in such manner, as the said Admirall so sent shall desire.
Secondly, that all the guns, and other things belonging to the ship Antilop, that was lost upon the shore of Jytland, where she was run ashore, may be delivered, which at present are detained or preserved of any in Inteland, to him or his Assignes, and also by his Majesties recommendation he may be furthered to take up, and save as many more of the said guns, and other materialls belonging to the said ship, as may be saved.
Before an answer can be given to the first, it is necessary to be known, and it cannot be denied, but that the shippers of the English ships did in August l [...]st petition, that they might be permitted to come here into the Haven to save them from their enemies, and afterwards did presently give thanks, for that it [Page 21] was granted them, both with supplication and thanks, giving in their Orignals, were shewn the Resident; and that they by any Kingly Decree should have been arrested, or their freedome to rule over their goods here in the Haven taken away, that can never be made appear, forasmuch as each sh [...]pp [...]r is yet with his ship, and hath power over his goods, so that th [...]y need not require any restitution to their freedome, but that feare onely which they had and have of their enemies which lay upon the streames, hath detained or arrested th [...]m▪ and nothing else, since which, there came in September before Crownborow, an Admirall with a mighty F [...]eet, which without any warning given, liberty obtained, or letter from the Parliam [...]nt, did desire he might fetch the said ships without Cobenhaven, or that they might be securely conveyed unto him, all which seemed just as wonderfull to his Majesty, that while his Amb [...]ss [...]dors lay in England and treated, they then without any in imation o [...] consent, would unexpected send such a F [...]eet hither into his land and streams, even as it did admire the Parliament that their Admiralls desire was not accomplished; but that the English ships, which by the shippers own confession in writing came into this Harbour by the Parliaments Order, were not delivered to such an Admirall, as neither had leave to come hither with his Fleet, nor any writing from the Parliament, nor could get the said ships to him, except he first became M [...]ster of the Hollands Fleet, which lay upon the stream, between Kobenhaven, and the said English Fleet; his Majesty hath as good an excuse for, as any Potentate can have, that will not indure such an affront to permit strangers in his land, upon his streams, and close in his very presence, to wage war and fight, who shall be Lord and Master in anothers house and land; and as his Majesty never but this time observing a Fleet of English and Hollanders at one instant here upon his streames, was not willing the English should sail hence, so hath he never since forbid them, but to ingage himself to deliver the said ships securely to the English Fleet, at such a time, and in such a manner as the English Admirall would prescribe and desire, is so unreasonable a demand, that his Majesty cannot in any manner comprehend: For in the [Page 22] first place, there is never any permitted, or hath that freedome to come here into the Sound with an armed Fleet, no more then to come into the Land with an Army, which by speciall treaty have not gained consent; and those that by such treaties have gained consent, may neither come stronger then is agreed upon, nor upon the time agreed, without giving warning some weeks before hand; and moreover there is not the least excuse made, for that the Fleet came hither without notice given us, nor any request made that it might come hither againe, seeing that the Resident himselfe doth acknowledge he hath no instructions so to do, so that it appeareth, as if the Parliament would take unto themselves more then all others, and might against all right and custome come upon these Coasts, Streames, and Towns when they pleased, which his Majesty can no ways give consent unto: Moreover his Majesty hath had no thanks for that protection the English ships have had in this Haven, which doubtlesse had been in their enemies hands, if they had not here been secured: but on the contrary, his Majesties Subjects Ships in England, by an open Edict of Parliament in all their Havens, have been arrested, and one ship by force taken in the Channel, and afterward spoiled, which will cause other resolution, unlesse in short time, by due satisfaction, and assurance for the future it be remedied: As touching that ship that was lost neere Inteland, his Majesty doth give Order to his Officers there, to let the Resident or his Assig [...]es have all the guns o [...] other things that were saved, when those that have taken pains to saving them are paid what is accustomed and fitting to be paid, and also doth further Order, that they help and further the saving of as many more of th [...] guns as can be p [...]ssible sav [...]d. Given at our Kingly Seat Copenhaven, the 29. Jan. An. 1653. under his Kingly Majesties Hand and Seal.