A VVARNING TO THE WORLD That are groping in the dark, after SECTS, OPINIONS, AND NOTIONS, Which are all with the Light condemned; And by the CHILDREN OF LIGHT Declared against.

By G: Fox.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle at the West end of Pauls. 1655.

A VVARNING TO THE WORLD, That are groping in the dark after Sects, Opini­ons and Notions, &c.

THem which the World, who are without the fear of God, calls Quakers in scorn, do de­ny all Opinions, and they do deny all Con­ceivings, and they do deny all Sects, and they do deny all Imaginations, and Notions, and Judge­ments, which riseth out of the will and the thoughts; and do deny Witchcraft, and all Oaths, and the World, and the Works of it, and their Worships, and their Customs, with the Light; and do deny false ways, and false Worships, Seducers and Deceivers, which are now seen to be in the World with the Light; and with it they are condemned, which light leadeth to Peace and Life, from death, which now thousands do witness the one Teacher Christ, him by whom the world was made, who raigns among the Children of Light, and with the Spirit and Power of the living God, doth let them see and know the chaff from the wheat, and doth see that which must be shaken, with that which cannot be shaken [Page 4]nor moved, which gives to see that which is shaken and moved, such as live in the Notions, Opinions, Con­ceivings, and thoughts, and fancies; these be all shaken, and comes to be on heaps, which they who witness those things before mentioned shaken and removed, walks in peace, not seen and discerned by them, who walks in those things unremoved and not shaken.

And all ye who are not born of the Spirit, and have it not that gave forth the Scriptures: You are they that are wrangling about the Saints words given forth from the life, and are found in the fall from the Image of God, in the Spirit and Nature that they was in, that mur­thered the Prophets, Christ, and the Apostles that gave forth the Scriptures, which could not receive their words but put them to death, which now ye children of your Fathers are wrangling about, and jangling about the words that was declared from them which your Fa­thers killed, and cannot hear their words now as your Fathers could not, but are persecuting their Spirit which gave forth these words, and now their children have built great houses, which is garnished with Pictures and Images, and calls your houses by the name of St. Peter, or Paul, or Christ; whereas Christ and the Apostles was haled out of the Synagogues and Temples, and was beat and killed for witnessing the substance against all Idola­try, and Temples, and Synagogues, and the changeable Priesthood; which now you are making Priests by your wills in your great houses, and gives the name of Christ, Peter, or Paul, where they teach, whereas Peter, and Paul, and Christ, suffered in such places: So here is a killing the Men, the Apostles, and Christ, and thou sets up a house of Wood and Stone, and gives it the Name of Peter and Paul; and where any comes to witness Pauls life, and Peter, or Christs life; yea, their children hales them out and persecutes them, and so fulfils Christs words, who said, You shall scourge in your Synagogues: [Page 5]Christ the same to day, yesterday, and for ever, and ye are doing the works of your Fathers, following them in their paths and steps, in Cains Generation, against them that walks in the steps of Christ, which ever was ungodly, going from the command of God; having no habitation in the Lord, but Fugitives and Vagabonds, of old ordained for condemnation, with the light in which the Saints do walk; and see Cains mark by which he is known.

O England, and the Islands, and such as be about thee, whose Judges judgeth for rewards, and Priests preach for hire, and Prophets prophesie for money, and whose Divines divine for money, and yet you lean upon the Lord, and say, Is not the Lord among you: and for this cause is England on heaps, as Jerusalem became, and is as a field that must be plowed up, and their high places as a Forest, under Micahs prophesie are you come, who said, Such built up Sion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity; and so doth these, and said, In the last days that the Lords house should be established upon the top of the mountains, and exalted above the hills, and many Nations should say, Come let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his pathes; The law shall go forth of Sion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem; and he shall judge among his People; now such as are in the Prophets light and life, do not follow such Divines as divine for money, nor Prophets which preacheth for hire, and Judges that judgeth for reward; for those, their mindes are from the Light and Power, such becomes to be on heaps who be in the earth, and it loves; covetuousness is not hated, and there is the Spirit of Murther from the Light; such slew Christ, such builders build up Sion with blood, and Jerusalem with iniquity; with the light all such are condemned which comes from Christ, and leadeth to him the chief Corner Stone, the way to God the Father of life, [Page 6]where life and peace is received.

Away with all your rudiments, away with all your formal Prayers, which are contrary to the Light, which are of the wicked, abomination to God; away with all your Will-worship, away with all your fained humility, away with all your customary Preaching and trading with the Scriptures, which bring it and wrest it for your own ends: away with all the Traditions of men, and not after God; away with all your brain-study, and vain Divinations of your own heart and vain Philosophy; away with all your singing Davids Prayers, Prophecies, Fastings, and roaring in Meeter, which conditions were not given forth for that end; away with all your Pride, and cloaks of Profession and Religion, which are not what you profess; away with all your inventions and lusts, for who are proud God beholds afar off; and a­way with all your Imaginations, Conceivings and Opi­nions, the Lord God is coming to scatter them; & away with all your outside Churches which are not in God; & away with all your hirelings which preach for hire, and your Divines that divine for money; which brings the nation to be in heaps; away with all such Wolves, which cloath themselves with the Sheeps cloathing; and away with all such Priests that bear rule by their means, which hold up the horrible filthy thing committed in the Land, which blinde the people; and away with all such Sheapherds which seek for their gain from their Quarter, which are greedy, and have never enough; and away with all such that make a prey upon the people, seeking for the Fleece and devouring them; and away with all such that preach peace to people, but if they do not put into their mouthes, they prepare war against them; and away with all such that paint themselves with the Saints words, and are as whited Walls, Serpents, Graves, Sepulchres, stand praying in the Synagogues, called of men Master, under pretence make long pray­ers, and devour widows houses, which Christ cryed wo against, Matth. 23. and away with all such as scourges [Page 7]scourges in the Synagogues, and hale out of the Synagogues, these are not in the life of the Go­spel, nor Christ, nor the life that gave forth the Scriptures: and away with all such as go in Cains way, envying and murthering the righte­ous, persecuting who be in the faith; and a­way with all that go in Balaams way for gifts and rewards, the wages of unrighteousness, and gain­say the truth as Core did; and away with all such that lead silly women captive, which be always following of them, & of learning them, but never come up to the knowledge of the truth, from such turn away; and away with all such that tell you, sprinkling Infants is the Baptism, when there is no such Scripture, & of the Sacraments, when there is no such Scripture; & away with all such as told you, and tell you, the letter is the Light, and the letter is the Word, and hath given it the name of Christ who is the Light, and whose name is called the word of God; and away with all such that take Tythes from poor people, and get treble damages if they will not pay them, which did not the Apostles nor Ministers of God which gave forth Scripture, which they profess, neither did the Prophets of God go in Cains way, neither were they hirelings, neither did they bear rule by their means, nor seek for their gain from their Quarter, nor make a prey upon people, nor seek for their fleece; & they that did not put into their mouthes, they did not prepare war against them: neither did the Apostles go in Balaams way, receiving the wages of unrighteousness, and Core's way; and they did not tell the people, sprinkling water on [Page 8]the Childrens face did Baptize them into the Faith, and into the Church: Therefore the Do­ctrines of men touch them not, away with them, the Commandments of men and Ordinances of men will perish with the using of them. The Pro­phets and Apostles had not 100 l. a year, and great set maintenance or Augmentations; away with all these that minde earthly things, that make the Gospel chargeable.

And all people fear God, and give glory to him, and worship the living God which made Heaven and Earth; and away with all such who call Oxford and Cambridge two Fountains, and so keep you from God who is the Fountain of Mercy, to trust in those Trees that cumbreth the ground, which are old and rotten, and houses of darkness and of bondage; in Cains way and in Balaams way, breeding up Tradesmen of that which was not given forth to make a Trade of, but to be read, and believed, and fulfilled, and practised. You Plants of the Lord God, which know the Springs of life, who to God the Fountain are come, in the life dwell that gave forth Scriptures, which was before it was given forth, which from it was given forth, which you will come to see, which brings to worship God the Father of Spi­rits; here is your joy and peace.


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