A VVARNING TO All in this proud City called London to call them to Repentance, least the Wrath of the Lord break out against them; this is the day of your visita­tion if you will own it.

VVO unto thee O London, (so called by name) who hast made a profession of Christ; but hast cleared thy self from Christ, who lives in the affections of lusts, for who are Christs have Crucified the flesh, with the affections and lusts; your pride stinks before the Lord, your glory and renown must wither: plagues, wo and misery, and vengeance from God, is coming upon you all, you proud and lofty ones, who have been the Adversaries of God, your profession stinks before the Lord, pride and hardheartedness abounds, cruelty and oppression grows & abounds in your Streets, and such are you that would know meanings to the Scriptures, and cries for meanings, meanings, and which lives in your conceivings, which must be scattered from the Lord God, and from the Life which gave forth the Scriptures, for you have here cleared your selves from the life which was in them which gave forth the Scriptures, for the Life which gave forth the Scriptures, hews down pride and oppression, and envious ones, and lusts hardheartedness, which thy streets are ful of: And O London thou art full of Inventions, and full of Images and Image-makers, Pictures, glassed hoods, vails, and round atire like the Moon; let the Life which gave forth the Scriptures search thee, and Judg thee, and bring thee under Conedmna­tion, for these things art thou guilty of, O how doth all excess abound, and pride and lusts, and filthiness, which stinks before the Lord God, and the smell of it is come up amongst his children, Plagues, plagues, plagues, is to be poured upon thee; how beautiful art thou in thy colours, and in thy change­able suits of Apparrel, and thy dainty dishes, Dives like, who was turned into Hell; the Life which gave forth the Scriptures, shall Judg thee Eter­nally, and the Life it lyes upon thee Judging thee: Over all the heads of the wicked, heads of the oppressors, heads of the proud, the Devil is King; wo is pronounced from the Life of God upon thee, who hath drawn out his Sword, to hew thee to peices, and to thresh thee; to scatter you all as chaff with the wind, to burn you as stubble with the fire, The Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it; this is the portion of all the wicked. To the just and them that fear the Lord I say, come out of her ways lest you be consumed with her, that you may give Judgment upon the Whore, that sits upon so many wa­ters, least you be partakers of her plagues, hearken to God and hear him; for the Rod of God is over you, and you must come under it, for your Whoredom and for your pride and oppression, and hypocrisie and desem­bling, the Lord will find you all out, for his Mighty day is coming, to all your consciences I speak; which hath been convinced but hath not repent­ed, torment, torment, the fire is kindled, wo unto you all; plotters to do mischief, who are not single to God: Wo unto you all stubborn hard heart­ed ones, the Life which gave forth the Scriptures lyes upon thee, Judging thee, and this is the Word of the Lord to you all, to that in all your con­sciences I speak, which will witness me, and condemn you, who live in these wicked practises.

George Fox.

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