A WARNING From the LORD, To all such as hang down the head for a Day, and pretend to keep a Fast unto God, when they smite with the Fist of Wick­edness, and suffers the innocent to lie oppressed.

Occasioned by a late Declaration; STILED, A DECLARATION OF His Highness the Lord Protector, Inviting the People of England and Wales to a Day of solemn Fasting and Humiliation.

Take warning betime, and repent, ye that Fast one day, and Feast many: thus saith the Lord,

Behold! even in the day of your Fast you finde pleasure; therefore will I arise to scatter all my enemies, and take vengeance upon Sions oppressors, for your calling of Assemblies I cannot away with, your Solemn Meetings is Iniquity.

Is not this the Fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wick­edness, to undo the heavy burthen, and to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke? Isa. 58.6.

A Friend to all them which be of a broken heart, and trembleth at the Word of the Lord, G. F.

London; Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1654.

SOmthing in Reply to a printed Paper, which the Title of it is, A Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector; Inviting the People of England and Wales to a day of solemn Fasting and Humilia­tion.

Rep. The Lord Protector of Heaven and Earth is above all High­nesses, and is coming to throw down the loftiness of man, that he alone may be exalted, Isa. 3. And this must be thrown down, and as dead, be­fore the Soul can praise him, and all set daies in that nature which is high above the truth exalted, and all Humiliation Daies are a burthen to the Lord, it is declared from the mouth of the Lord by his Prophet, the Lord cannot away with your Solemn Daies, and Humiliation Daies, nor Fastings, which be acted in that nature from the light of Christ with­in, for you fast one day, and feast another, and their blood toucheth blood, and smite one another with the Fist of wickedness, and such Fastings and Humiliation daies acted in that nature the Lord abhors; and you must throw off your pride, throw off your oppression, then you will see the Rain from Heaven, and break off the Bond of Iniquity, that the just may be set free; and as the Bond of Iniquity is broken off in particular, then it will be in the general, and this is the Fast that the Lord requires, to deal the bread to the hungry; this Fast the Lord requires of you all, then no Oppressor shall be in the Land, no Bond of Iniquity, and with the Fist of wickedness there shall be none to smite each other, but with the light Christ hath enlightened you withal, it shall be condemned, and it will lead into the true Fast, the everlasting day; then shall you see the Windows of heaven opened.

The common and notorious sins so boldly and impenitently practised amongst us, notwithstanding all our deliverances and mercies, together with the pre­sent rod of an exceeding and unusual drought, which hath layen upon us for some years, and still continues and encreases upon us, threatening fa­mine and mortality, are no less then the Voice of God calling aloud in our ears to Fasting and mourning, and great abasement of soul before him.

Rep. Your Fasting and Mourning for a day, as a custome, is not accepted with God, God accepts it not, to fast one day, and feast a­nother; but this is the Fast that the Lord doth require of you, to break off the Bonds Iniquity, to shew mercy to the Fatherless and Widdows, and let the oppressed go free; cast off your Pride, cast off your High­ness, ambition and honor, for these things the drought comes upon you, and the plague, and the Famine, which is your figure, that you have the out-side, but you want the Water of Life; and this is come upon you which have tasted of the mercies of God, and deliverances, and then there was a tenderness in many of you, but now many are got into ease, and pride, stretching your selves upon your beds of ease, and the parched ground is a figure of your parch'd hearts; and many great pro­mises have you promised in that time of affliction, but now many of them whom you have fought against, you have set up to oppress them [Page 2] who were once above them which you have fought against, and such you have set up, and them you have put down that fought with you against them, and set them up that was Enemies to you, to oppose them that are in the truth, and they cry for Justice, and so becomes one with the Harlot, who is out of the truth; so there is no difference put between the holy, precious, and clean, and the unholy, and unclean; but such as once you warred against, are now put in authority, which doth op­press, imprison, and persecute; and you having turned from the sinceri­ty, and exalt your selves, and joyning with the Enemies of God, and his Truth, and his Gospel, though they have gotten the words that pro­ceeded from the Life that gave forth the Scripture, yet with the life shall you all be condemned. So to you I speak, whose minds are turned from the light of God within you, and the Spirit that gave forth the Scripture it is come upon you, as the Prophet said, The Drought threatening Famine and Mortality, and there is the common and noto­rious sins acted; and many are grown impudent, that they plead for Pride, and they plead for Honour, yea and for pleasures; yea many that are put in Authority are so impudent, that where some have been moved of the Lord to reprove, and to bid beware of pride and filthi­ness, and that the Plagues of God will fall upon such things, as many can witness in these Northern parts, and they have imprisoned where there is no drought, where there is no Famine among the children of Light, therefore to you I speak, which is to warn you all to take heed to the light of God which Christ hath enlightened you withal, which will let you see your evil deeds, and if you love it, it will bring you from sin, and joyn your hearts together to God, and judg all your acts which you have formerly acted, and lead you out of all Sects and opi­nions, and condemn all your imaginations and thoughts, and bring you into singleness of heart towards God, and towards one another, which if you hate it, it will be your condemnation.

And to you that do not walk according to the light in your conscience, nor hearken to the command of God, as Cain did, in that state you are, who slew Abel, whose blood the earth received; therefore saith the Lord, the earth when thou Tillest it, shall not yeeld her encrease, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy Brothers blood: therefore to all you I speak, who are in envy, who are murtherers, and to you the earth doth not yeeld her encrease, and this Scripture is fulfilled upon you, who are not of Abraham, who received the blessing, but turns out from the commands of God, to the light in your consciences I speak, which shall condemn you, and so the woe remains upon you that goes in the way of Cain. Now if you do reply and say, you are redeemed by Christ; to you I answer, Who are reedemed, are redeemed from iniquity.

And as touching the abasement of the soul, Wrath, Highness, Pride, and Oppression, and Persecution, such as are set up to rule, as act these things: So your souls are in death, and imprisoned, and you are for the Famine that are there, for the Judgment of God is gone out against [Page 3] you, and you are to be cut down with the Sword, and with the light you are to be condemned; as Christ saith, Joh. 3. and he is coming to raign who will bear the Government upon his own shoulder: To the light of God in you all I speak, which will witness me.

And whereas you say the general end and intendment of inviting to a day of Fast.

Rep. Here you would limit God to a day, and yet will be proud, and in ambition and highness, and would have people observe your Tradi­tions, which the Apostle said he was afraid of them that did observe daies, and times, and moneths and years; and so in that state you are, who are turned from the light of God within you, in which light there is no Sect nor no limit who walk in it, but to the carnal who is out of the truth, and that is it which limits a day, which will be observing a Fast, but that is not the Fast which the Lord doth require, the Fast that is kept to the Lord breaks all the Bonds of iniquity, it is not to hang down the head for a day like a Bull-rush; all such Fasts, and Set daies, and a­basements; are in the state of the Papists; such Fasts as the Prophet of the Lord cried against, which were abomination to the Lord, and all that are in the light of Christ in the Nations, that by the light of Christ do see your Highness, and them that are put in Authority, do see the cruelty and tyranny, hard-heartedness and ambition, how you set up that which is abomination to God, which is out of the light, this is all for condemnation, for the Sword, and for the Famine.

And as you say be, that all of every condition and quality whatsoever do try and examine their hearts, and weigh more especially, according to their own light, and in the use of such helps and means as the Lord in his Providence shall afford to each one, before and upon the said day of meeting.

Rep. That which doth examine and try the hearts of all, which is the light of Christ, which he hath enlightened you withal, and this brings off for observing of daies and times, set and appointed with men, who are in their thoughts: all their means and helps with this light which is from Christ, all these Meetings, and Gatherings, and Sects, and O­pinions, which is in that nature which hates the light, is to be condemned with this light, for in it there is no Sect, nor no Opinion, but Unity, nor no exalting, but Christ and God, for it condemns all that which is contrary to it which is exalted, and so that makes in this Nation so many Opinions, and so many Sects which be without this light, and so much professing of Daies and Times, as it was in the time of the Pharisees, which denied the light, which was Christ; the light is that which I speak to in you, which Christ hath enlightened you all, which shews you your evil deeds, and will bring you to witness the true Fast, and the everlast­ing day; but you hating the light in the particular, which should lead you to the life of the Saints conditions, and making a profession of the Saints words in the general, which was given forth from the light, and you hating the light, which the light Christ hath enlightened you withal, [Page 4] shall you be condemned, and all your profession that stands in that na­ture out of the light.

And whereas you say, Yet finding some thoughts set seriously upon our hearts.

Rep. To that light in your conscience I do speak, which will judg and condemn all your thoughts set upon your hearts, for the thoughts of man is vain, and it must not be thoughts that must set a Fast; for who are in the light, children of the light of God, of the day, doth see your weakness and nakedness, and among you is a Drought and a Famine of the Word of the Lord God, unto you the Windows of heaven are shut, which waters and nourishes all the tender Plants of God; and who dwell in that which is pure, in the fear of God, and obeying him, doth receive the former and the latter Rain, this thousands shall wit­ness.

And as you say, you judg it not amiss to recommend the same to Chri­stian consideration, not to impose them upon any, or to confine any within the compass thereof; but leaving every man free to the grace of God, and to the work of his own Spirit, who worketh all things in the hearts of the Sons of men, according to the pleasure of his own will.

Rep. The light which Christ hath enlightened every one withal, which is the light of God, it brings off all daies and times which man sets with his own thoughts, for the light is eternal, and so is not mans thoughts, which light hath enlightened every one that comes into the world, and every one of you in particular loving this light, all your works of darkness, and works of the flesh, and inventions, and your pride, and your highness, this light will condemn from God; for no such who live there in that nature shall enter into the Kingdom of God, but with the light of God, in every particular, shall you be condemn­ed from God. To the light in every one of your consciences do I speak, which shall witness me when all your hearts is revealed, and all the se­crets of them made manifest, and the Book of conscience opened at the great day of the Lord, which to you is drawing neer,It shews the thoughts of man, and with it ye be judged. and that all hearts shall be ript up, and laid open, and naked; and this light it will not judg nor condemn, but that which is contrary to it; and here is no Sect nor opinion in it, it will bring you into the fear of God, and into the will of God: So all who are in the light, and abide in the Vine, and in this light do dwell: And so to y u I speak, which is to you the Word of God, to take heed to the light of God within you, to bring you to repentance, and guide your minds to God, which light is but one in all, and all loving this light, you love one, and it brings you to be one, and witness one head, and one baptism, and then the door of mercy is set open, and the former and the latter rain there is received; and this light will bring you from talking of Christ, or Light, or Spirit, or Grace, and you live in the lusts [Page 5] of the world, and fashions of it: So all that Nature, who acts such things, is for condemnation with the light, and to be testified against with the light; for Christ, the light, testified against all the world, that their works was evil; so to the light in you all, which Christ hath en­lightened you withal, do I speak, which will testifie the same against all your works of darkness, and actings that are contrary to it, which light is but one, and it will bring you off professing in words, and judg and condemn that, and bring you to wait to possess, that you may inherit the substance if you love it, and condemn you that hate it; to the light in your consciences I speak, which will witness me, and condemn you that hate it: And this is it which works in the hearts of the Sons of men, the light of Christ, which shews them what is good, and what is evil; and he that doth evil is condemned with the light, and he that loves it, it brings him off all Sects and opinions, and all qualities and conditi­ons, and brings into oneness, and singleness, and unity.

And whereas you say, It cannot be denied, but that God hath vouch­safed to appear very much in working the deliverance of the Nation from their bondage and thraldome, both spiritual and civil, and procuring for them a just liberty by his own people.

Rep. How is it that so many of the people of God, and children of light are put in prison with them, which was once open enemies against them, while they were in Arms? God hath shewed wonderous works in this Island (called England) as any Nation, there is no Nation hath ta­sted the like, wherein the glory of the Lord is made manifest in it, which glory is above all Nations, and God hath made his name known in it above all Nations, but in all Nations there is not more persecution, and imprisoning, as is in this Nation, not where the profession of Christ is, and all professing one thing: So these which persecute and prison, which have their liberty, cannot be called the people of God, as now at this day it may be witnessed, as Chester, Stafford, York, Lancaster, Kendal, Carlisle, and Newcastle, and these are at present, and most of the Goals in the Northrpart of England; so a warning to you, how you make any Law upon them that act according to the light of Christ in the consci­ence, for if you do, you must be hewn down with the Sword of the Lord, which is drawn out against you: For the same Law of Queen Maries, which guarded all the Jesuites and Papists, hath guarded the Ministers, of England, which hath pretended they have preached the Gospel, yet you have had Queen Maries Law to guard the Teachers of the Gospel, and with this Law have freed such; and as God hath cut down before you, who act in the same way, so you that act with their Laws, have their power and authority to guard you Teachers withal, and to up­hold them with Maries Law, God will both hew you down, and them together with his Law, which is according to the light of God in all mens consciences, and this Law is just and good, and the light of God is just, it witnesseth the Law of God; and you that have made Laws, and makes Laws contrary to this light, with this light in every mans [Page 6] conscience you will be testified against, which is of God, and God is raising up this light in peoples hearts, and whatsoever is contrary to this light, is contrary to the will of God, and with this light is to be con­demned; and so many is imprisoned for obeying the light of Christ in them, and witnessing the Word of Christ fulfilled in them; who said, I will come and dwell in you, and walk in you; and now with such as you, as have the outside, as your Fathers had, you persecute him where he is made manifest; and some were stockt, and some prisoned, and some per­secuted, as you do now Magistrates and Teachers in England, as it was in the time of the Apostles; so do not declare, that this is freedom, but only for the fleshly man, when so many lyes in prison, in so many Goals of the people of God: where the people of God rules, they will suffer no unjust to rule, nor suffer the just to be oppressed, nor the just to be im­prisoned, that it makes manifest, what hath ruled, and what doth rule with the light, that which is contrary to it, is to be condemned with it.

Your first Query is; Do we now walk worthy of our high calling, in humbleness and lowliness of minde, holding forth the vertue of Christ in time of Peace, which was our strength, by the efficacy of which all our great things were accomplished in time of War?

Rep. No, when so many are seeking for greatness, honor, and high­ness, how do you walk in humbleness of minde? or holding forth the vertues of Christ, or of peace, when so many suffer with your Popish Law, yea, and with no Law, where there is no Law to take hold upon them, but for confessing Christ, and holding forth the vertues of Christ in life and power, and humbleness of minde, and such are stoned, and such are mocked, and such are whipped and stocked, and beat in your Syna­gogues, who witnesses the life that gave forth the Scripture, and are per­secuted with them that have the words and the form, and makes a Trade of that which did proceed from the life, and such are held up with them that be in Authority, and so both agree together to set themselves against the Lord, and against his Anointed: but the Lord will break all your bonds asunder, as multitudes of them that be in Authority might be mentioned, but the action shews it self, for it is not done in a cor­ner.

Therefore to all you that have found deliverance, and the mercies of God, in the time of trouble of the outward, now you have peace, God hath given you peace in the outward, but the war inward you are not come to: Fear the living God of Heaven and Earth, and be low, lest you be puft up, and exalt your selves, and such often God suffers them to be exalted before he cut them off; therefore to you I speak, in the light of God dwell, which lets you see the mercies of God, to condemn all that which is contrary to the light of God, which Christ hath en­lightened you withal, and this light will gather your hearts together up to God, in unity one with another, and with God, and condemn all that shall not enter into the Kingdome of God, for no unrighteousness shall [Page 7] enter into the Kingdome of God, with the light of God in every parti­cular you shall see it, what shall enter into the Kingdome of God, and what shall not enter; so to that light of God in you all I do speak, which will gather you into one; if you hate the light, you hate me; if you love the light, you love me, and condemn all that which is contrary to it, and it will gather your minds together loving it, and in it walk, and there will be no stumbling, and it will lead you into the life which gave forth the Scriptures, which is one: but hating this light, and having the words that did proceed from this light, and not the life, there is all the stumbling, and there is all the Sects and opinions: Loe, saith one, here is Christ; loe, saith another, there he is; some saith he is in heaven with a carnal body, some saith in the Scriptures, and the Scriptures saith he is in you except ye be Reprobates: and some saith this is the meaning of Scrip­ture, and some saith that is the meaning of Scripture; So to you, every particular to the light of Christ in you, which Christ hath enlightened you withal, I do speak; if you love that, it will let you see him who is the life of the Scriptures, the life of the Prophets, the life of the Apostles, and there you will witness the drawing of the Father with the light, and there you will see the head with the light, which head is Christ, who is the light: and here is no opinion, nor no Sect, nor no heresie, but all that is among them in the [...]ration that hate the light, and are to be con­demned with the light.

2. Whereas you say, Have we a heart prepared as willingly to com­municate the said just freedome and liberty one to another, as we were industrious to get it?

Rep. No; If you were made free with the Son of God, then to the children of God you would give freedome; and not prison them, which fruits, and the actions now doth appear, what is freed, and what is pri­soned, and what is set up, and what is trampled upon, the innocent; therefore to you, I say, who hath known freedome thorough death to your fleshly will and minde, and have that judged in you which would be set up with the world, and honored with it, that is for condemnati­on with the light of Christ; but to you that have known freedome tho­rough death, and are made free thorough the Son, which is but one in all his Saints, the least measure of the light of Christ, where it is loved and exalted, there is communicating to each other what they have re­ceived from God: But how contrary to the Scriptures do you and the Teachers of England walk, which when some hath been sent forth freely among the hireling Teachers of the world to communicate to their fel­low-creatures freely, as they have received from God freely, who is good to all, who is righteous to the just, and to the unjust, such you with your Lawes prison; and some are beat, and stockt, and knockt down, shewing the nakedness of an Authority in the Nation; but God is the Saviour of his people, to whom be all glory, praise, and honor, for ever, who alone is the Protector and Preserver of his people.

3. Whereas you say, you do thankfully acknowledg your mercy in [Page 8] the liberty of worshipping God in holiness and righteousness without fear, being delivered out of the hand of your enemies.

Ans. You shall finde many of your Enemies within you, of your own house, if you do but take your exhortation to your selves, and search your own hearts with the light of Christ, it will tell you, That must come into bondage which is at liberty; great deliverances the Lord hath given many of you out of the hands of your outward Enemies, as you call them, & some of them you have set up in authority to oppress the just, as the Northern parts may witness, which persecutes the people of God which worship God in righteousness and true holiness, without the fear of their outward Enemies: So to you I speak, that set such over the people of God to oppress them, who are without the fear of the living God, & with­out his worship, and without holiness; therefore take warning, and fear the living God of heaven and earth, who is dreadful; and is coming to binde and chain the old Dragon the Serpent: And many of you will see, that you are in the enemies hand, not redeemed with Christ: Therefore take warning all you that fear the Lord, of false rests, and persecuting the Seed of God, and Babes of Christ, where they are brought forth, which many Babes of Christ now suffers with your Lawes, which is con­trary to God; and such are they which be Enemies to God, and with the light of God is to be condemned, and all their liberties, and all their freedome, which is our of the light of God; for in it lodgeth envy, and so the woe rests upon that, for it is Cain; therefore to the light of God in you I speak, obeying it, condemnation will be given upon that which is contrary, and then you will come to know the freedome of the Sons of God.

4. Is Brotherly love, and a healing Spirit, of that force and value a­mongst us, as it ought?

Answ. Oh no! Love which is not fained, and the healing Spirit, if it were witnessed, there could not be so much envy, persecution, wrath, and cruelty, hard-heartedness, pride, highness of minde, and ambition: This is seen both in Teachers and Magistrates, much cruelty and oppression, which with the light of Christ all is for condemnation, for none of that must enter into the Kingdome of God, but judged out with the light; and if you all wait in the light which Christ hath enlightened every one of you withal, and love the light, then the healing Spirit will be witnes­sed, then will there be liberty for that in all consciences to speak as he hath received, according to the Scripture, and as they did which gave it forth, and with the light in every one must you come to know the Scrip­ture, if ever you have the Saints conditions opened to you; the Scrip­ture opens not it self, nor it cannot be opened with the carnal minde, but the Life, which was in them which gave it forth, the Spirit of Jesus Christ, and this is it which opens the Scripture, which is the healing Spi­rit, and gathers the hearts together in love and unity one with another, out of forms into the substance, which brought them that was in this life and power to Christ, from them which had the form, but not the power, 2 Tim. 3.

[Page 9]5. And whereas you say, Do we not own one another more for the grace of God, and for the Spiritual Regeneration, and for the Image of Christ in each other, or for our agreement with each other in this or that form of opinion?

Ans. It is true, this is your condition: for if you did love the light, which Christ hath enlightened you withal, it would bring you out of your outward forms and opinions, and agreements, into the image of Christ; and if you love it, it will reform your minds, and condemn all that is contrary to it, and so you will witness Regeneration and oneness in the light; and there is unity, oneness with the Son, oneness with the Father; but your minds going from this light which is pure, which Christ hath enlightened you withal, which is from him, there is opinions, and there is agreements, and he that is most in wisdome, then that is set up, and he that is high in opinions is set up; and so here is a Church of one opinion, and there is a Church of another opinion, as you call it: And all taking the Scripture for their cloak, and for their colour, now with the light of Christ which is in them, which is single, and the life which gave forth the Scriptures, they be all judged agreements, and o­pinions, and vain despisers, which is out of the light of Christ, and the grace of God which hath appeared to all men, which is the Saints Teach­er, which shews ungodliness and worldly lusts, and teacheth the Saints to deny all ungodliness and worldly lusts, which grace is but one, which the world turns into wantonness, and walk despitefully against the Spirit of grace, and such set up Teachers without them, heaps of Teachers, and live in the worlds lusts, as the Apostle said; Among such as live in ungodliness and worldly lusts, which is all to be condemned with the light of Christ, for such are they that are ordained of old for condemna­tion with the light of Christ.

6. And whereas you say, Do we first search for the Kingdome of Christ within us, before we seek one without us? Or do we listen to them that say, concerning the coming of Christ, Loe here, and loe there?

Ans. This is manifest in England in all you, and among all you, which turn from the light of Christ within you, which he hath enlightened you withal, and so do not wait for the Kingdome of Jesus Christ to be made manifest within you, but are some loe here, and some loe there, and some this is the meaning of the Scripture, and some that is the meaning of the Scripture, as its said before; and he that hath the life of the Scripture, with you all he is persecuted as an example: One lies in Prison, Because she said, Christ was her Husband, and another was prisoned, because he said, Christ was in him. And so with the light, all you that are there, which saith, Loe here, and loe there; and one this is the meaning, and another that is the meaning of the Scripture, you are condemned, and judged to be without, and all your profession standing in that nature of persecuting, which persecutes the light of Christ where it is loved, for that is it which opens the Scripture; so every one loving the light, which is your eye, you will come to see Christ the Head; and here is no more [Page 10] loe here, and loe there, for that is without; and this light of Christ which he hath enlightened you with, is every one of your Teacher in the par­ticular, when you are walking abroad, or in your bed, or at your labour, and it will condemn you for all your deceipt, it will shew you the way to the Father of light, and it will bring you from all inventions and traditi­ons of men which arises from that nature which hates the light, which is to be condemned with the light: For all your Teachers of the world, which in words makes a profession of Christ, but one saith, Loe here; and another saith, Loe there: but these are such Teachers that saith, Christ hath not enlightened every one that comes into the world, and denies this light, when Christ saith, He doth enlighten every one that comes in­to the world, and this is the condemnation of the world, the light, him that hates it. So here they go about to make Christ a false Prophet, and with the light which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world, are they condemned; all who are made Ministers by the Will of God in the light, all have one voice, one way, one minde, one heart, one head, one body, which is Christ; but all who are without, which hate this light, stumble: and there that Scripture is fulfilled upon them which are to be condemned with the light, which saith, Loe here, and loe there, going from the light in the particular, so seeks to draw all people from the light within them; and that which draws from the light within, is that which is gone from the light, draws from the light; so here they are building Babylon: with the light of Christ all this is condemned, and the life that gave forth the Scripture doth judg it.

7. Whereas you say, Do we not more contend for Saints having rule in their world, than over their own hearts?

Answ. He that rules over his own heart, rules over the world, and judgeth it, and doth plead for the Saints freedome, but not the worlds freedome, for from the world they are redeemed, and the love of it is an Enemy to God, this the Saints witnesseth, and with the light the world is condemned, such as have gotten a notion of the Letter, which are full of envy and persecution, which are of the world, with such ever did the truth suffer, which are for condemnation with the light; there­fore the light in every one take heed to, and love it, that you may be all what you speak, and what you profess; for if you profess any thing but what you are, to the light of God I speak, which shall condemn you, if you speak any thing contrary to it, it shall witness me, and condemn all you that hate it, which condemnation is the light, which is but one, and if you love it, it will guide your minds up to Christ from whence it comes, and so witness the Saviour.

8. And whereas you say, Are not there too many amongst us that cry up the Spirit, with a neglect of love, joy, peace, meekness, patience, goodness, temperance, long-suffering, forbearance, brotherly-kindness, charity, which are the fruits of the Spirit?

Answ. It is so, it doth make it manifest among all you that hate the light, which Christ hath enlightened you withal, for you are without pa­tience, [Page 11] and meekness, and loving kindness, and charity, and long-suffer­ing, and temperance, which are the fruits of the Spirit; but persecute them that are led by it, and walk in it: so this is your own condition, which be full of rage, and full of fury, and full of envie, and persecu­tion, and pride, and oppression; and all this is without the light which Christ hath enlightned every one withal, and all this is to be condemn­ed with the light of Christ: for from the light love proceeds, and it joyns the hearts together, and brings into true brotherly kindness, and condemns all that is not temperate, that which is not good, that which is not patient, that which is not meek, that which is not long-suffering: so your fruits do appear, which be out of the light, and all are to be condemned with the light; and from it proceeds true joy, and true goodness, and true forbearance, and true peace: therefore to the light in you all I speak, that every one in particular may love it, and then you love God, and love Christ, and love one another; and it brings you all into charity: and then the fruits of the Spirit will appear, and the Saints will not be prisoned, stocked, nor stoned, nor beat in your sy­nagogues, nor whipt, nor scourged with such as you call Magistrates: if you love the light, it will guide your mindes to Christ; and if you hate it, it will be your condemnation.

9. And whereas you say, How do we carry our selves, not onely to the Chur­ches of God, and the Saints, but towards them that are without? Do not some of us affirm our selves to be the onely true Ministers, and true Churches of Christ, and onely to have the Ordinances in purity, excluding our brethren, though of equal gifts, and having as large a zeal of their Ministery, and de­siring with as much fervor and zeal to enjoy the Ordinances in their utmost pu­rity?

Answ. In the world there are many Churches, in the world there are many pretend to have gifts, and many cry up zeal in purity, as they call it, to enjoy their Ordinances to their utmost purity, as the chief Priests, and the Scribes and Pharisees did, which had the outside of the letter, as the world hath now: and they had Elders and Members in their gather­ed Assemblies and Synagogues, as is in England; and many were perse­cuted, as there are in England now: so all such Churches which are ga­thered with the letter, and imitated from it, and all such Ministers as do not witness this light, which hath enlightned every one that comes into the world, with the light they are to be judged and condemned: for they without the light, be in the strife, be in the controversie, be in the persecution, and they have not learned Christ in strife: for this light in your consciences will condemn you, which I speak to, which is the light of Christ: and if you love it, and walk in it, then shall you have the light of life, it will guide you to the Church in God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, where all the Saints meet in God in unity, where neither Image nor Image maker of a Church shall come, out of the light, but is to be condemned with the light of Christ. And all who dwell here in the light, and love the light which Christ hath enlightned you withal, [Page 12] every one in particular shall judge himself with the light; for it must not enter into the kingdom of God. And to you all this is the word of God. And all the Ministers that are here, are one in the light, in the will of God, and they all receive their gifts from one, the Father of light, and with this light all blinde zeal is judged; and all the Ministery with­out this light, is judged with this light: and all who have gotten a notion of the letter, with the light and life that gave forth the Scripture they are judged: and all who pretend Ordinances without the light are judg­ed with the light, as the false Apostles were. Therefore to the light which Christ hath enlightned every one of you withal, I speak, to lead you in­to his Ordinance, into his way, into his will, to receive him; and to as many as receive him, to them he gives power to become the sons of God. And all you that hate this light, with the light you shall be condemned: to the light in your consciences I speak, though you may have a kinde of a blinde Zeal, and such Ministers, and such Churches have had the Popish Law to guard them; and in their Churches, and among them do the Saints suffer persecution: & with the light of Christ all things come to be seen; and that which is contrary to it, comes to be condemned with it.

10. And whereas you say, Do we remember old Puritane, or rather primi­mitive simplicity, self-denial, mercy to the poor, uprightness and justice? or are we not herein put to shame by those we easily call Antichristian or carnal?

Answ. This is so, if you will own it: to the light in your consciences I do speak. Oh, for shame, never make any profession of Christ, and live so high in pride, and in the fashion of the world, and the lusts of it, which our Lord Jesus Christ, the light of the Scriptures, testified against, which the light testifies against now, as then, for the light changeth not: and so many of them which you judge as Antichristian and carnal, which dwell in the light of Christ, and walk in it, and in the life of the Scriptures, with such as you which have the form, but not the life, nor not in purity, nor not in simplicity, nor not in justice, nor not in truth, nor not in mercy; but in cruelty and oppression, as by the fruits of it doth appear. But where the light of Christ is loved and lived in, which is the same as was in the Apostles that gave forth the Scripture, here is uprightness and justice, and mercy to the poor, and true judgement with the light. There­fore to the light of Christ in you all, I speak: it will teach you self-de­nial, and it will teach you uprightness and justice, and draw you from all the world, and bring you into pure simplicity: but if you hate it, you go on in your notion, and get those words which proceeded from it, and per­secute them where the life of it is made manifest; and so with it you must be condemned from Christ.

And whereas you say, Hath one that we judge to be without, equal justice with one we call a brother? Do we contend for the faith once delivered unto the Saints, as the things of faith ought to be contended for, with love, patience, tenderness, zeal, by perswasion, or rather imposingly, proudly, carnally, provo­kingly, sensually, thereby prejudicing the truth; and whilst we are calling a­loud for the propagating of the Gospel, do we not put stumbling-blocks in the [Page 13] way of the same, and too much endanger to make good the slander of the world in charging Profession with Faction?

Answ. This is also witnessed, and made manifest, and seen with the light which Christ hath enlightned withal; and with it all this is to be condemned for the fire: for this may all the Teachers of the world wit­ness, who are made by the will of man, and the Churches of the world gathered by the letter, but not with the light which Christ hath enlight­ned them withal; and such be without the faith, and such stumble at the light; and they that stumble at the light, stumble at the Gospel, and stumble at the faith, and lay stumbling-blocks: and they which are the Faction, call the Truth Faction, call the light of Christ faction, which shall judge all: and there is no exalting of Christ, but with the light of Christ which he hath enlightned withal; and there is no contending for the saith which was delivered to the Saints, but with such that walk in the light which Christ hath enlightned withal, and do receive the Saints saith which was delivered to them, which purifies the heart; which faith is one, and all that are in it are one: for without this faith shall you finde the world, and the Teachers that are made by the will of man. For in stead of contending for the faith, they plead for the body of sin while they are upon earth: so this is contrary to the faith, for it gave and gives the victory over the world: for this is the victory over the world, even your faith, saith the Minister of God who was made by the will of God. And who comes to witness this, and contend for it, the faith that over­comes the sin, such are prisoned and persecuted, both with Magistrates and Priests. And all who be in the light, are one in that which is just, equal, and good: they which are brothers without, which hate the light, are as Cain which slew Abel, which goes out from the command of God, which is the vagabond and the fugitive, who causes the curse to come up­on the earth, which live in envie, rage, fury, and wrath, and oppression. With the light of Christ are all such condemned, whose sacrifices God doth accept not of, though you may take the letter which was given from the light, and so sacrifice of that, and live in envie: with the light you are all condemned which disobey it, though you may take their words which did obey it, & make a profession of them, as to contend for the out­ward, and have not the inward, your portion will be that which your fa­thers the Scribes and Pharisees had, Wo, Matth. 23.

You say, For want of circumspection and care herein, and a due regard to sincerity and uprightness, have not many apostatized, running after fancies and notions, listning to filthy dreams, worshipping of Angels, and been carried by their impulsions; and in stead of contending for the faith, and holding the form of sound words, contended against Magistracie, against Ministery, against Scriptures, and against Ordinances, too much verifying the Prophecies of Peter and Jude, in these following words?

Answ. But this I say to you all from the Lord God, and to the light in all which he hath enlightned you withal I speak to, which you that turn from it, follow filthy dreams, and listned to them, and follow your own [Page 14] fancies and notions, and your own impulsions, as you call it: and so from the Scripture, the light that gave it forth, and from the faith, and from sound words, and from the zeal of Christ, and such are they that Peter spoke on, from the light that he bid them take heed to, and they go af­ter the errour of Balaam, who err'd from the spirit of Prophecie, and then after was cut off: so wo proceeded from God against him, that tur­ned from the light, and they that go in the way of Cain, who turned from the command of God, which God said, If thou dost well, thou shalt be ac­cepted; if not, sin lies at the door: so wo proceeded from God against him who turned from his command. Now with the light of God are these made manifest, by which we see who turn from his Command, and from the light of God: and all such teachers did them that dwelt in the life from the Lord declare against, which had got the form, but lived in the lust of the flesh, and filthiness. So we having received the same Spirit, cannot but declare the same from God: to that in all consciences I speak, which is of God. The light it leads to follow Christ, and into upright­ness, and from the worshipping of Angels, and from all filthy dreams, and brings to witness faith and the grace of God, and nothing by imita­tion, and comes to act with the same light as gave forth the Scripture: which you that turn from this light, you swear, and take Oathes, which Christ, who is the light which hath enlightned every one that comes into the world, saith, Swear not at all: for whatsoever is more then yea and nay, is evil. So you are there in the evil, out of the doctrine of Christ, and from his light, and to be condemned with it. And the Apostle said, My brethren, above all things, swear not at all, not by heaven, nor by earth, nor any other oath, lest, you sall into condemnation of the devil. And you that swear, and compel to swear, are there, out of the doctrine of Christ and the A­postles, and fall into condemnation of the devil. Now if you do al­leadge, that they swore in the Law, who received it by the disposition of Angels, as in the hand of a Mediator, in the old Covenant: and if you do alleadge, the Angel swore in the Revelation, therefore you must swear; there you worship the Angels: for the Son of God is the end of the Law, who saith, Swear not at all. I bring forth my first-begotten into the world, saith the Lord, let all the Angels worship him, who saith, Swear not at all. Now you that swear, and compel to swear, are out of the doctrine of Christ and the Apostles, and with the light of Christ you are to be con­demned. And as touching contending against Magistracie and Mini­stery, such as dwell in the light of Christ which he hath enlightned them withal, own the Ministers of Christ, who own his light which he hath en­lightned every one withal: but such as go after the errour of Balaam, and in the way of Cain, in envie, are not to be contended for, but against, as the Scripture saith: for Wo proceeds from God against them: and such are they that defile the flesh, who go in the way of Cain, after the errour of Balaam; and these are the false teachers which are spoken of, which now be in England, as the fruits of it doth make it manifest. And all who are in the light, do own Dominion and Dignity: for the Law that [Page 15] is perfect, the Law that is just, the Law that is good, the Law that is holy, the light of God, who abides in it, owns this law in its place, though it were not made for the righteous, but for sinners and transgressors, and who walks in the light of Christ doth not defile the flesh, nor doth not speak evil of dignity; but who turns from the light of Christ as Balaam did, then the minde runs in to the earth for the gifts, then the woe proceeds from God against him, and as Cain, who turned from the Command of God, so the woe proceeds against him: then what these know and speak, which is turned from the light of Christ within them, and from the Com­mand of God, is natural and bruitish, and in these things they corrupt themselves, and these are them that are clouds without the water, and have the persons of men in admiration, because of advantage, and they have told us of a mediate means, and of a mediate call, and the letter was the word, and the letter was the light, and that sprinkling of Infants was the baptisme, and Hebrew, Greek, and Latine the original, which Pi­late had, which crucified Christ, and that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John was the Gospel, and this is mediate and natural, and the natural man receives not the things of God, and with the light of Christ it is all judged and condemned; for the Ministers of Christ, are Ministers of the Spirit.

But there were false Prophets also among the people; even as there shall be false Teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable Heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift de­struction.

Answ. Peter saw this with the light, as it had been seen before with the light, which is seen now with the light: therefore Peter bid them, Take heed to the sure word of prophecie, as unto a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-star arise in their hearts; for to these the day-star was not risen. And all such which turn from the light of Christ within, and get the form of words spoken from the light, and then speak a definition of their own brain, doth bring on themselves swift destruction; and who turn from the light, turn in to the Heresie, and who turn from the light doth deny the Lord Jesus Christ that bought them. So, with the light of Christ all such are seen, and with the light all such are condemned both Teachers and People, who are turned from it, and so they turn from Christ: and such, as I said before, go in the way of Cain, and after the error of Balaam; Cain, who turned from the command of God; and Balaam, who departed from the Spirit of God, and with the light now such Prophets and Teachers are seen, and judged with the light, and such false Prophets, and such false Teachers have the Popish Law to guard them.

And as you say, And many shall follow their pernicious wayes, by reason of whom, the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.

Reply. It is so: all who turn from this light which Christ hath enlight­ned them withal, turn into pernicious wayes, and from the way of truth, and such speak evil of the truth, and you may see whole heaps of teachers, [Page 16] as the Apostle did see them; they that cannot endure sound doctrine, doth heap to themselves Teachers, for them that are in themselves, doth turn from the light, such as turn from the way of Truth, following their own pernicious wayes. The way of Truth is Christ, who is the light, who enlightens every one. And such as follow drunkenness, pride, seast­ing, rioting, pleasures, respecting of persons, oppression and wanton­ness, such forsake the light of Christ within them. To that in all consci­ences I speak, that it may let you see how you forsake the way of Truth; and such hold up such Teachers without them, which are to be condemned with the light of Christ.

And as you say, And through covetousness, shall they with feigned words make merchandize of you, whose judgement now of long time lingreth not, and their damnation stumbreth not.

Answ. With the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned withal, these Teachcers are seen present multitudes, which with feigned words and covetousness, make merchandize of the people. Peter the Apostle bid them, Take heed to the sure word of prophecie, as unto a light shining in a dark place, and said, No prophesie in the old time came by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Ghost. What run­nings is there for means with the Teachers in England? and if the peo­ple will not pay them their Tythes, but do witness Jesus Christ, the unchangeable Priest, the end of Priesthood that took Tythes: they told them, They were sent of Christ to preach the Gospel; and if they will not pay them their Tythes, they send them to prison, as many Goals in the North doth fulfil the prophecie of Peter, who through covetousness make merchandize of the people. By the light Christ hath enlightned every one withal, many with this light are brought to see these change­able Priests; and so, all such Teachets is seen with the light of Christ which are covetous, which have made merchandize of us, they are for condemnation with the light, they are for judgement with the light, and their damnation doth not slumber. So we do witness the prophecie of Peter true, and do see that his words are of no private interpretation, nor any prophecie of the Scripture; but many in their wills gives private interpretations to it, that which came not by mans will, but with it his will is condemned; so who turns from the light of Christ, turns into co­vetousness, and into the condemnation, and with the light of Christ all this is seen, and with the light of Christ all this is judged, and is for con­demnation and judgement, for its damnation slumbreth not, the same that saw it then, the same doth see it now: praises, honor, and glory be to the Lord God of Heaven and Earth for ever: for that is all for con­demnation, that turns from the light; and that is all for judgement, that turns from the right way, the light, and for condemnation with the light.

And as you say, But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government, presumptious are they, self-willed, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.

Answ. Who turns from the light which Christ hath enlightned them withal, walks in this path, in the lust of uncleanness, that walk after the lust of the flesh, and such despise government, and are presumptuous, and are self-willed, and are not afraid to speak evil of dignities; for such are without the Law of God, who turns from the light of Christ within, and so with the light of Christ which he hath enlightned every one with­al, who turns from it, and walks in uncleanness, and the lust of the flesh, are presumptuous and self-willed, as you may see this Nation swarms of them: with the light of Christ all this is condemned, for it is out of the Doctrine of Christ, and none that follows Christ, follows this; but who owns the light of Christ, owns the Law of God, which is perfect, which is just, which is good, which is holy; and the Law of God is according to the light of Christ in every mans conscience: Now he that turns from the light of Christ within, turns from the Law of God, and such speak e­vil of dignity and government; for the Law is just to the unjust, the Law is holy to the unholy, the Law is perfect to that which is not perfect, the Law is good to that which is not good. Now this light in every mans conscience, it witnesseth this Law to be just and good in its place, which was not made for the righteous, but for the sinners and transgressors: who doth respect persons, transgresses this Law, and that in the conscience, and lives in the lust: so with the light of Christ thou must be condemn­ed, and with the Law of God which is perfect thou must be judged a transgressor, who lives in the lust, and turns from the Law of God, and pleads for respecting of persons, and so cast the Law of God behinde your back, and such despise the true government which is perfect, and such are self-willed. The light which Christ hath enlightned you withal, will let you see where you are; to that I speak, that with it every one in particular, may judge your selves with the light which Christ hath en­lightned you withal, there is your teacher loving it, and there is your condemnation hating it; and if you love it, it will condemn all pre­sumption and all the lust of the flesh, the just Law of God; for such as live in the lust of the flesh, and uncleanness, and presumption, and self-willed, with the light of Christ are condemned, for this is the condemna­tion the light of him, whose works are evil that hates it.

And as you say, Whereas Angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusations against them before the Lord; But these as natural brute beasts made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things they un­derstand not, and shall utterly perish in their own corruption, and shall receive the reward of their unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time: spots they are, and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings, while they feast with you.

Answ. These practices, and these works of the flesh doth make them­selves manifest. Teachers and People, To the light of Christ in every one of your consciences I speak, which is eternal, and all who are turned from it, are in the railing accusation separated from the Angels, and are [Page 18] as natural brute beasts, are to be taken and destroyed, and speak evil of these things they do not know, and shall utterly perish in their own cor­ruption, in it they are gone from the Light; and such shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, for they are turned from the light which Christ hath enlightned them withal, which is righteous, and so turn into the self, and turn into the corruption, and there perish in their own cor­ruption, and are sporting in the day time, following their own pleasures, and pleading for it, Priests and People pleading for sports. There was a Diurnal, in which was mentioned, Playes authorized in it by the Parli­ament: and such the Law of God which is perfect hews down all, and doth not set up any such thing. Oh therefore beware, lest the just hand of God come upon you, that act contrary to the light of God in your consciences, and you that turn from the light follow your own imaginati­ons, feeding without the fear, and spots they are, and blemishes; but you that are turned from the light of Christ, turn into the hardness of heart, you are altogether in uncleanness, you are past a spot, having a blemish, who live wholly in corruptions and pleading for sin, as long as you are here: for the Teachers of the world, many of them have told us, That they do not believe, as ever hearing the voice of the living God of Heaven and Earth, and they shall never overcome sin while they are upon the Earth, which we read in the Scripture, which said, They were kings, and had put off the body of sin; so all which forsake the pure light of Christ within them, which is righteous, they follow unrighteousness, and then, what they know is natural; for many of them say, We shall not know infallibly and eternal, as the Apostle did, and what is not eternal and in­fallible, is a supposition, or a consequence, or an imagination, or a conceivement, which the Lord hath promised to scatter the proud, that live in their imagina­tions and conceivings. And with the light of Christ all this is condemned to be bruitish: and this doctrine doth manifest it self in England. To the light of Christ in you I speak, that which turns you from it, turns you in­to conceivings; so with the light of Christ that comes, all to be condemn­ed and judged, and that is the end of it, and that natural estate, as a bruite beast, and all railing accusations, and all unrighteousness, and all pleasures and rioting in the day time, and spots and blemishes, and them that sport themselves in their own conceivings, while they feast with you, These things are to be condemned with the light of Christ, and seen to be works of darkness. But to you I speak, who profess your selves to be in the day time, and in pleasures, and feastings, and bowls, and harp, and viol, which Isaiah was sent to cry out, which are works of darkness, and seek to plead for it. To the light of Christ in your con­sciences I speak: so many who are in the light suffer by such: so with the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withal, such practises are judged, and for condemnation, for it is single, it is pure, and who turn from it, turn into such practices, and follow such Teachers which be out of the light: and so with the light which Christ hath enlightned, they come all to be condemned.

And as you say, Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin, beguiling unstable souls, an heart have they exercised with covetous pra­ctises, cursed children; for there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation: ungodly men, turning the grace of our God to lasciviousness, and denying the onely Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

Answ. This Jude saw then, and Peter saw it then, which hath now crept over the world; then they separate themselves, but were not separated by the Spirit of God, separated from it, and such are they now, that go in the way of Cain, and after the error of Balaam. Doth not the Teach­ers of the world do so now, nay, worse then Balaam, puts up Petitions for means; for they go for Gifts, and Rewards, and Augmentations, and Tythes, and he that doth not give them it, they envy them, and sue him at the Law, and put him in prison; Cain did not abide in the command of God, nor Balaam in the Spirit, and such are of old for condemnation, which are ungodly; and all you that are from the Spirit of God within you, and doth not hearken to the command of God, such are vagabonds and fugitives, and such are wroth, and such wo from God proceeds a­gainst, and all who turn from the light of Christ within, such are they, having their eyes full of adultery, and such beguile them that are unsta­blished, and such are they that turned into the Earth, having their hearts exercised with covetous practises, cursed children, and turn the grace of God into lasciviousness, denying the onely Lord God, and our Lord Je­sus Christ, and with the light Christ hath enlightned every one that comes into the world, is every one condemned, with this light which is in his own will, in his own knowledge, and in his own understanding; but who walk in the light, and love the light, are separated to God with the Spi­rit, with his light, and receives the light of life, and every one loving this light, all this is judged, and all covetousness is judged, and all swearers and cursed children are judged with the light; for such doth not abide in the Doctrine of Christ, but turns the free-Grace of God into wantonness, which Grace should teach them if they did take heed to it, which is the Saints Teacher, which teacheth them to deny ungodliness and worldy lust. Therefore to the light of Christ which he hath enlightned you withal I speak, which will let you see ungodliness, covetousness, and wan­tonness, the light of Christ within you, which if you hate it, then you turn and act these things, and such as act these things, shall never enter into the Kingdom of God, but are for condemnation, them which be of old ordained: them who love the light, love Christ, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and our Lord God, and deny all such practises, as the Apostles did, which gave forth these words: so to the light of Christ in every one of you I speak, to judge your selves, that with the light you may see whe­ther you be clear from these things, yea or nay, there is your Teacher loving it, and if you hate it, and act these things, there is your condem­nation the light. So all the World which have had Teachers, and they have told them, They have been Ministers of the Gospel, but they have [Page 20] gone in the way of Cain in envy, and after the error of Balaam, for Gifts and Rewards, and many of their own hearers begins with the light of Christ to see them. Therefore by them some now are prisoned and persecuted, because they will not give them their wages. Now all see if these be not in the way of Cain, and after the error of Balaam, nay, worse then Balaam, for Balaam durst not take it, though he loved it, there the deceit is grown, the iniquity is grown, the custome of sin hath taken away the sence of it, it is grown to such a height; but with the light which Christ hath enlightned every one withal, which turns the mindes of peo­ple to Christ and God, all these things adultery and uncleanness is con­demned, and who turn from the light they cannot cease from their sin, for they turn into it, and live in it, and in ungodliness, and such turns the free-Grace of God into wantonness, and such set up Teachers without them which saith; Lo here is Christ, and lo there is Christ, and so go from the light of Christ within them, which is the eye, which will let them see the head. And here every one will see your Teacher within, if you love the light which Christ hath enlightned you withal; if you hate that which lets you see your evil deeds the light, which if you hate it, it will be your condemnation: when the book of conscience is opened, you shall witness what I speak.

And as you say, Likewise all these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities; but they speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as bruite beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves. Wo unto them, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perish in the gain saying of Core. These are spots in you feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear; clouds they are without water, car­ried about with windes: trees they are whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; raging waves of the Sea, foming out their own shame; wandering Stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever: these are murmurers, complainers, walking after their own lusts and their mouth speaketh great swelling words; having mens persons in admiration, because of advantage.

Answ. Them who saw these things then, which were in the light of Christ, and with the light they judged it, which light was their eye, they saw it then come in, which now hath passed through the world, and all which are turned from the light of Christ within you, which he hath en­lightned you withal, you are turned from the holy Command of God, as Cain did. So wo from the Lord proceeds against you, you are erred from the light of Christ within you, which would guide your mindes to him from whence it came. So Balaam erred from the Spirit of the Lord, and you shall perish in your gainsaying as Core did, who gainsayed the Truth and the pure Law of God, and so all you that turn from the light, you feed without the fear, you may speak what the Scripture saith, what the Prophets say, what the Apostles of Christ say, with your vain covetous mindes, which run greedily after the error of Balaam. This day in Eng­land, [Page 21] the fruits of it makes it manifest, how they run after the error of Balaam, for Rewards. Did not they put up a Petition to the Magistrate for means: and so shamed the Church? Oh how far are they out of the Apostles Doctrine, who threshed in hope, and plowed in hope, that they might be made partakers of their hope; so they sow spiritual things, and then they reaped: freely you have received, freely give. Christ sent not any Teachers to sue men at Law for Tythes, or to seek for augmentati­ons. Oh blush, and be ashamed all you Teachers of England! the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to give you your Reward; and all you that turn from the light of Christ, you are as the raging waves of the Sea, foming out your own shame: you may see this Scripture fulfilled openly, among Priests and People. And you that turn from the light, you are murmur­ers and complainers, and walk after your own ungodly lusts and fashions of the world, and your mouths speak high swelling words; but it is out, and not from the light of Christ in the conscience; for many of you do say, It is natural. And here you are contrary to the Apostle which was in the light which saw all this filthiness acted with them who turned from the light, which are the filthy dreamers, which defile the flesh, and despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities, and these are them, as I said before, are natural bruit beasts, and what they know naturally, in these things they corrupt themselves; for they that are turned from the light of Christ, speak evil of the things they do not know. And how full is the world of these filthy dreamers? which speak evil of dignities, and denies the eternal Spirit of God, as any having now, and these are separated from the Spirit, and with the eternal Spirit judged, who speak a divinati­on of their brain, and speak high swelling words because of advantage, and they be out of the doctrine of Christ; for his doctrine testified against all the works of the world, as evil: and the Apostles Doctrine was made manifest in mens consciences, and had not mens persons in admiration; and so they who have persons in admiration, give liberty to filthy mindes, and to filthiness; that which is made manifest to that in the con­science, which is the light of Christ, comes to binde the fleshly minde and judge the works of the flesh, and you which are turned from the light of Christ, which he hath enlightned you withal, are soming out your shame, wandring Stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. Now with the eternal light which they saw withal, who comprehended them, with the same light such are seen now, who walk after their own lust, and are murmurers and complainers: doth not the fruits of those Preachers shew it forth in this little Island, whose fruits have withered? doth not the fruit of this teaching wither? doth not the fruit of these trees fade? are they not trees without the fruit? are they not dead? there is but a few of them come to that state to be twice dead, and pluckt up by the roots, then you must come to witness Balaam, and see how far he was come, who was restrained by the word of God; and how far Cain when he had the Command of God, but turned from it, so wo from the Lord proceeded against him; and how far Core when he was come out of Egypt, [Page 22] and how far he went before he perished and gain-said. To the light of Christ in you all I speak, if you turn from it, then you are as Cain; if you erre from it, then you are as Balaam; and if you turn from it, then you are as Core, who gain-said. So with the light of Christ that he hath enlightned, which is the eye, then all these are seen, who turn from the light of Christ, and then turn into the lust, and then high swelling words, then murmurings and complainings, then the minde is in the earth after the Reward, then filthy dreams is hearkened to, then feasting and feeding without the fear, then clouds, but no water, then trees whose fruit wi­thereth, which hath long cumbred the ground. With the light of Christ all this is seen, judged, and condemned, for this is the condemnation, the light. And to you this is the word of God; but who dwell in the pure light of Christ, do not speak evil of dignities, and who turn from the light of Christ within, such defile the flesh, and they speak evil of dominion and dignity, which is to be condemned with the light, of old ordained for condemnation: and to you this is the word of God.

And wherereas you say, These are they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.

Answ. The Apostle did see such then separate themselves, which had not the Spirit, such are separate from the Spirit; and these are of them which he saw then, they say, and have told us, That none shall never have an infallible judgement, nor the eternal Spirit, so these are separate from the Spirit in the sensual separation, with the Spirit of God they are judged, and such separated themselves then, which now hath passed over the world, which have had the form of the Letter, but not the life; for who had the life, and was in the life, did separate from all sensual sepa­ration, and deny the self-separation, and from all the customs of the world, and they was to separate from the Temple which God had com­manded, they was to separate from the Sabbaths which God had com­manded, they was to separate from the Priests which God had command­ed, who witnessed the everlasting Priest, which was types; so with the Spi­rit they witnessed the unchangeable Priest, and denied the changeable Priesthood; and witnessed the Temple of God made without hands, and denied the Temple that was made with hands; and testified against all false Teachers, and pride, and ambition, high-mindedness: who are guided by the Spirit, comes to judge all the fruits of the flesh with the Spi­rit, as they did that gave forth the Scripture, which said, The fruits of the flesh manifest themselves, and the fruits of the spirit doth manifest themselves; from the Spirit of the Lord they declared, which was within them. So who are separated with the Spirit of the Lord, the works of the flesh comes to be condemned with the Spirit; they who are in the sensual separation, are in the works of the flesh, gone from the light of Christ which shews sin and evil; and so with the light of Christ they are condemned, who goes on in the way of Cain in wrath, and such are vagabonds and fugitives, who goes out of the commands of God.

And whereas you say, Notwithstanding all these evils and worse, are upon [Page 23] and in the midst of us, like gray hairs, here and there, and we know it not; our pride testifying to our face, Hosea 7.9, 10. and we not return unto the Lord our God, nor seek him for all this: but these things are contended for, and justified, under the notion of liberty, it being too commonly said, That the Magistrate hath nothing to do, either in repressing or remedying these things. We do hereby appeal to the hearts and consciences of all fearing the Lord, whether there be not as great cause as ever, to lay our mouthes in the dust, and to abhor our selves before the Lord for these abominations, whereby the eyes of his jealou­sie are provoked, and to seek pardon and remedy from himself, of these things.

Answ. All who are turned from the light of Christ, are in these great evils, yet you say, These evils and worse, are upon and in the midst of you, like gray hairs, (here and there) they are grown so old, and you know it not. How come you then to know them, if you see them not? (here is confusion) and yet pride testifies to your faces, which are turned from the light of Christ in your consciences: All that fear the Lord God of Heaven and Earth, their hearts mourn and are grieved, to see how much liberty the fleshly man is gotten up into, and makes a profession of Glory, of Gospel, and of Christ, and of God, and is turned from his light: so it is just with the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to send mor­tality among you and upon you, that you might be awakened and repent, and take heed to the light which Christ hath enlightned you withal, it will teach you to know the Lord God, and bring you to wait upon God to receive his Law, which is according to that of God in all consciences; which testifies against sin as the Law doth; and all liberty in the flesh, the Law of God is against, and the light of God is against, which is in the conscience, This is a terror to the evil doers: who doth evil, acts con­trary to the light in their conscience, and the Law of God both, which is a terror to the transgressor, who transgresseth, acts contrary to the light of Christ in their conscience, and so contrary to the Law of God, which is according to that in the conscience; so all you that have acted contrary to the light of Christ in your conscience, you have acted contrary to the Law of God. To the dust you must come, your pride and honour must be thrown down, and the loftiness of man must be laid low, then shall the Lord God be exalted, then a clear understanding, as your mindes are guided, by the light you will come to know what the Magistrates sword is turned against, and what the Law is upon and against, which was not made for the righteous, but for sinners and transgressors: so as you dwell in the pure light of Christ which he hath enlightned you withal, you will come to distinguish between the pretious and the vile, and the clean and the unclean. Therefore repent and turn to the Lord God all of you, that you may finde mercy; that which brings you to repentance, the same will make an entrance into the inheritance which never fades away; that the windows of Heaven may be opened to water the tender plants: but you that are turned from the light of Christ within you, you are in poverty in the inward, and in the drought inward; and you are in poverty outward, and in the drought outward: but as I said be­fore, If you dwell in the light, and wait upon Christ from whence it [Page 24] comes, then shall you receive the former and the later rain. And to you this is the word of God, and all fleshly liberty and filthiness, with the light of Christ will be judged in particular, and then in the general. This am moved to charge you in the presence of the living God, to be­ware how you make any Laws upon the light which Christ hath given to every one in the conscience, which if you do, God will hew you down, and your Laws both, that all your Laws waiting in the light of Christ upon God, you may receive from God, then they will be according to that of God in all consciences; and to you this is the word of God, then all Law-books in the Nation will be thrown away, which are made in the will of man, and so, that every one may know the Law in short and plain, and that that in every ones conscience may witness your Law, else that in every ones conscience, which is of God, will witness against your Laws.

And whereas you say, Add we to these the resistance, hatred, and neglect of the Gospel by the generality of men, the contempt and despite done to the sin­cere professors of it, even from the image of Christ in them, although they have been instruments of many mercies, and of the obtaining a just freedom for the Nation, the wickedness, oaths, drunkenness, revilings, and all manner of li­centiousness, for which things sake the Scriptures have said, That the wrath of God shall undoubtedly overtake the children of disobedience.

Resp. All you who have turned from the light which Christ hath en­lightned you withal, are turned from the image of Christ, and from his Gospel, as you may see generally, which are turned from the light which Christ hath enlightned them withal; and some are drunk, Teachers and People, and so follow oathes contrary to Christs Doctrine, and compel others to swear; and some hath been put out of their service, because they would not take an oath; and a Judge put one in prison, because he would not swear, and act contrary to the Doctrine of Christ; and many suffers Fines, and great sums of money, because they cannot swear and go out of the Doctrine of Christ, and yet such would make a profession of Christ, because the Scripture speaks of him: but with the light of Christ all such are condemned. He that swears is in the evil, he that swears is fallen into condemnation, he that brings to swear is in condemnation, and draws into condemnation, and is to be condemned (and to be out of the Doctrine of Christ) with the light of Christ, who is the children of diso­bedience upon whom the wrath of God abides; for this cause comes the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience, who disobeys the light which he hath given to every one a measure of, and such live in lascivi­ousness, and drunkenness, and oathes, and uncleanness, which makes the Land to mourn, and who act these things shall not enter into the King­dom of Heaven. So it is the just judgement of God to come upon you, who have acted contrary to the light, your judgement lingreth not, and your damnation slumbreth not. Therefore be warned all you that fear God, meet together waiting upon the Lord, in the day he makes up his Jewels he will spare you. Now the day is come, many witnesseth it, [Page 25] this word to you then will be known, and the fear of the Lord is to depart from evil, and that keeps the heart clean, and then the pure wisdom from God above comes to be received, and then this wisdom to rule, which comes from above to keep you above all sensual ones, and devilish ones, who are turned out from the light of Christ, and with it are to be con­demned; for such things the wrath of God comes, the plagues comes up­on all you that are turned from the light of Christ within you, and with it you are to be condemned.

Whereas you say, And lastly, The impunity of these things through the ne­glect of the Magistracy throughout the Nation, and then judge whether there be no cause that we be called upon, and do call upon each other seriously, to lay all things to heart, being greatly abased before the Lord for them.

Upon the serious consideration of these things, we judge it not onely warrant­able, but a duty, to call upon you and our selves to set apart time to humble our selves before the Lord, to cry unto him for broken and penitent hearts, and that he would [...] away his wrath, and be reconciled to us, for the Lord he is mer­ciful, gracious, and long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, forgiv­ing iniquity, transgression and sin, and will by no means clear the guilty, who are onely such as go on in their hard heartedness and impenitent hearts, refusing the grace offered by Jesus Christ.

Rep. You that are turned from the light which Christ Jesus hath en­lightned you withal, and are got up into pride and wantonness, and do turn the Grace of God into wantonness, and his free-Mercy, which often­times you have tasted of in your straits, and then after deliverance, you have forgotten them again. To the light of Christ in all your consciences I do speak, which will let you see the same, how they have sleighted his mercies, and got up into pride and wantonness, and musick, which hath fed your fleshly mindes, and so oppress the just in you, and your hearts have been adulterated, and you have forgotten the goodness of God in the time of ease, you have not minded, but in the time of straits, you have promised liberty, in the time of freedom you have not performed it, the Nation may witness it. Therefore to the light of Christ in all your consciences I do speak; how many promises have been made? how many Covenants, how many Oaths hath been taken and changed? Therefore minde the light in you, which is of Chirst, which he hath enlightned you withal, to give judgement upon all these things which are past, that you may wait in the light of Christ in your consciences upon God to receive new, and his Law which is perfect, which endures for ever, and the light of Christ in your conscience, if you love it, it will keep you alwayes in watchfulness, and in the fear of Lord from debates and strife, for such are abomination to the Lord, contrary to the light in the conscience, which if you love it, it will bring you to keep the Fast with the Lord, which is to break thy bread with the hungry, and break the bands of iniquity, and so turn to God by shewing mercy, and let the oppressed go free. The light which Christ hath enlightned you withal, it will not let you prison [Page 26] the just; for the proud are counted happie and set up, and them that act wickedly; but such acts contrary to the light of Christ in their consci­ence, and with such they that walk in the light suffer, and with the light such are condemned; and if ever you come to be reconciled to God, and our Lord Jesus Christ, then you must own the light which I speak to in you, which he hath enlightned you withal; and if ever you come to own Christ Jesus, you must own this light, which is the light of Christ; so to e­very one male & female I speak and declare from the mouth of our Lord Jesus Christ. To the light in every one of your consciences, which he hath enlightned you withal, that for you to take heed to, that is your eye, with it you may see Christ who is the Head, with it you will see all your evil deeds, which if you hate it, you will be condemned, for this is the condemnation, the light, saith Christ. To all you that love this light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened you withal, wait in it; it is one, comes from one Christ Jesus the Head, there is the stay, your light within, loving it, to stay your mindes upon Christ, and there will be no more lo here, nor lo there; but every one loving the light which Christ hath en­lightned you withal, then you will witness the Shepherd Ezekiel speaks of. I am the Vine, saith Christ, you are the branches; every one in particu­lar loving the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withal, then every one of you shall come to sit under your own Vine, and then none shall make you afraid; but if you turn from the light, which Christ hath enlightned you withal, then you are as branches cut off, and then you fear as Cain did, who disobeyed the command of God, & if you wait every one in the light which he hath enlightned you withal, then you will see the springs opened, the living waters which refresh the tender plants, and this light which Christ hath enlightned every one of you withal, is alwayes present, in it all wait, all walk, and you will have unity one of another, and then you will witness the blood of Christ Jesus, which cleanseth from all sin: this light will bring you to confess your sin, to forsake it, if you love it, and then you will see the faithfulness of God, which is just to forgive all sin, and the blood of Christ Jesus which cleanseth from all sin: and if you hate this light, then your deeds is evil, and this is your con­demnation the light, and all Magistrates, and Ministers, and People whose mindes are turned from this light, and makes a profession of the Gospel of Christ, of God, of the Prophets and Apostles, and have gotten the form of their words that did proceed from their life, and having not the life, and loving not the light, with the light all such are condemned, but you that love the light Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withal, Ministers and them that have the Law of God, and all people that love the light, are all one in the light, and in unity, and so comes to grow up in the love of God: and all who hate the light is condemned. I saw a purity strike through Magistrates, and so you that turn from the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withal, you observe dayes and many people follow as a custome. A Warning to you and all people to love the light within you, to keep your mindes up to him, to lead you to [Page 27] the everlasting day, that you may witness the Fast of the Lord; for the Apostle was afraid of them that did observe dayes and times, and they that turned out from the light to observe such things, turned among the inchanters and witches, which all is to be condemned with the light which leads to the everlasting-day, which teacheth to keep the true Fast with the Lord, and keeps low, and teacheth to be low. And beware of all set-dayes is that nature out of the light, and that counsel which is in that nature, which is turned from the light of Christ within, for that must come to nought, and must be condemned with the light, and will wither away as all hath done that hath past before. And to you this is the word of God, and this I declare to you from the Lord, that none do bear Of­fice, nor to be in Office, that is turned from the light of Christ within, and acts contrary to it, for with the light all shall be condemned, and this councel comes to nothing, for it stands not in the will of God. And to you this is the word of the Lord: and none to be hasty in words for you that turn from the light which Christ hath enlightned you withal.


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