The Lord General's LETTER TO To the Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of COMMONS, Wherein is fully related, The Particulars of the Fight at MAIDSTONE, Where were near Three hundred slain, about One thousand three hundred Prisoners, Five hundred Horse, Three thousand Arms, Nine Foot Colours, and Eight pieces of Ordnance, with great store of Ammunition, taken by the Lord Generals Forces.

With a Relation of certain PAPERS taken from the Enemy, of the depth of their Plot and Engagements.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Letter be forthwith Printed and Pub­lished.

H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Commons. June 6. 1648.

TO The Honorable William Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of COMMONS.

Mr. Speaker,

I Shall according to my last give you this further Accompt of our success at Maid­stone: Upon Thursday in the evening a­bout Seven of the clock, after very long marches, we got near the Town, and a Troop of Dragoons was sent to make good a Pass, whilest the Town was viewing at what place our men might best enter, it be­ing resolved upon to force our passage, in case of resistance, the gaining of that Town over the River being of great advantage to our Affairs; but before there could be a view taken of the Town, the Dragoons had en­gaged the Enemy; and forc'd them from that ground which they kept; the Dragoons being very forward to engage, pursued, and so the Enemy drew forth a considerable par­ty [Page 4]of Horse and Foot to maintain a Pass a­gainst us, which necessitated the drawing down of the greatest part of the Foot, with some horse: and though that part of the town was of the greatest difficulty to enter, yet through the goodness of God our men made their entrance, and became Masters of the Town, after four or five hours hot Service; the Town being very strongly Barricoed, and through the darkness of the night, and our ignorance of the Town, they disputed the Barricadoes and places of advantage with our men, playing hard with their Ca­non upon them: In which Service, both Horse and Foot did exceeding well; and par­ticularly I cannot but take notice of the va­lor and resolution of Col: Hewson, whose Regiment had the hardest task, Major Carter his Major being hurt, and Captain Price, a deserving and faithful Officer, slain: The best of their men were there, whereof ma­ny were Cavaliers and London Apprentices; they look'd upon the consequence of that place to be very great, and therefore did re­solve to make what resistance they could, [Page 5]the old Lord Goring being that day Proclaim­ed General at the head of their Army upon the Hill near Aylsford, where we saw their Body drawn up, which as their Prisoners since do confess, and they themselves gave out, consisted of Eight thousand men, be­sides those in Maidstone and Aylsford; in both which places there were about Three thou­sand men, those of Aylsford coming as a fresh supply to relieve those engaged in Maidstone: There were near Three hundred slain, and a­bout One thousand three hundred Prisoners, many of them being taken next morning early in the Woods, Hopyards and Fields whether they fled in the time of the fight; a­mongst which were Gentlemen of good qua­lity, Sir Gamaliel Dudley, Sir William Brockman, Squire Scot, and Major Price, and others, a List whereof is preparing to be sent. There were about Five hundred Horse, Three thousand Arms, Nine Foot Colours, and Eight pieces of Canon, with store of Am­munition also taken. In the first Charge which our Forlorn-hope gave the Enemies Horse (wherein our Horse carried them­selves [Page 6]very gallantly, as I since hear) Sir Iohn Many, and divers others of quality were slain. After it pleased the Lord to give us this great mercy in gaining of the Town, their men received so great discouragement, that the greatest part of their Army left them, and were dispersed, and a great num­ber of Officers and Gentlemen since fled to shift for themselves: Their word at the Ingagement was, King and Kent; ours, Truth. Having thus possessed our selves of the passes at Maidstone and Aylesford, the Enemy being much confused with our Success, and their own men deserting them, they at last marched over Rochester bridge towards Black-Heath with about Three thousand Horse and Foot, most of which were Cava­liers, Apprentices and Watermen, our men being not able to make so speedy a march af­ter them as was necessary. I sent Col: Wha­ley with a party of Horse and Dragoons af­ter them, upon whose approach they have left Kent, and are fled over the water into Essex by Woolwich and Greenwich: Colo­nel Whaley is in pursuit, and I doubt not [Page 7]but he will give a good Account of that Service.

I have sent Colonel Rich with a party of Horse and Foot to relieve Dover, where I trust we shall finde the same presence of God as hitherto hath been: My prayer to the Lord is, That this great mercy may be further improved to his glory, and this Kingdoms good. I thought fit to present unto the House these Papers inclosed, taken from the Enemy, whereby you will perceive the depth of their Plot, and their Ingage­ments to pursue what they have underta­ken, and granting Commissions to raise Regiments, and the Oath of Secresie, which they took for the better management of their Affairs: I have secured the Major of Rochester, whose hand is to the Commissi­ons granted for raising of Forces. I remain

Your humble Servant, T. Fairfax.

I desire you to be pleased to move the House on the behalf of the Widow and Children of Captain [Page 8] Price, that some provision may be made for them, and the Arrears of her Husband paid unto them, for their present subsistence; that those who adven­ture their lives for the Service of the Publique, may receive encouragement for their faithfulness to the Publique.


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