The Unmasking and Discovering Of Anti-Christ, With all the false Prophets, by the true light which comes from Christ Jesus, written forth to convince the Seducers, and for the undeceiving of the Seduced.
BEware of false Prophets, which shall come unto you in sheeps cloathing, but inwardly are ravening Wolves; by their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes on thorns, or figs on thistles saith Christ, Mat. 7. who is the light which enlightneth every one which comes into the world; every one witnesseth Christ Jesus a true Prophet, but you that hate the ligth are deceived with the false prophets which hate the light; neiter will the false prophets be proved with the light, for they are in the world which hates the light, and all who dwell in the light, which comes from Christ, see them and their fruits, for thorns and thistles are in that nature that acteth contrary to the light, and they that are there, are out of the strait way, in the ungodly world which is to be condemned with the light. And Christ saith Mat. 24. many false prophets shall arise, Crist is the Ight, and all who be in the light, which comes from him, which he hath enlightned withall, with this light, again I say, witnesse Christ to be a true prophet, and all the false prophets foreseen with the light out of what they rise, out of that nature which hates the light which with it is to be condemned with the world: And Christ Jesus saith, who is the light that doth enlighten every one that comes into the world, that if any say, loe here is Christ, Christ saith so if any man may say, lo here is Christ, and loe there is Christ, believe it not. Now with the light which comes from Christ, every one in it waits with it to see Christ, and see all them which say loe here is Christ, and loe there is Christ, to be the false prophets which hated the light; which with the light are to be comprehended and condemned. And Christ saith, there shall arise many false Christs, and false prophets which shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible they would deceive the very Elect; Behold I have told you before, saith Christ, these are they [Page 2]which doth not own the light, which Christ hath enlightned them withall; so they own not Christ who doth enlighten; these false prophets, and false Christs are with the light seen which Christ Jesus doth enlighten withall, with it they are condemned and seen to be in the world, and all the false Christs, and all the false prophets, which shews the great signs and wonders, insomuch that if it were possible would deceive the very Elect, with the light which comes from Christ which comprehends the world: all these false Christs, all these false prophets, all these signs and wonders that they do act is seen, in that nature contrary to the light in which light the Elect dwelleth, and if it were possible these false Christs and these false prophets should deceive them; but it is not possible that they should deceive the Elect, for in the light they dwell, which the false prophets hates, for Christ calls him no Antichrist nor false prophet that dwells in the light which comes from him, which he hath enlightned every one with which comes into the world. And he is no Antichrist that dwells in light, Christ doth not call him Antichrist nor false prophet which dwells in the light, which comes from him, which he hath enlightened every one that comes into the world withall, but such are Antichrists as opposses his light, which he hath enlightned every one with that comes into the world and it denyes, such are as bryars and thorns, and are the Antichrists and the false prophets, and the false Christs, and they that shall deceive if it were possible the Elect, but not possible it is, for by the light which comes from Christ they are all tryed and seen.
And Christ saith, if they shall say he is in the desert, go not forth, behold he is in the secret chamber believe it not, no it is not believed among all them that dwell in the light which comes from Christ, for in the chamber of their imaginations Christ is not, for they must be scattered and with the light are to be condemned, and to you this is the word of the Lord God, with the light they are seen these false prophets and false Christs, whose eyes be abroad from the light, which Christ doth enlighten every one that comes into the world withall. And the false prophets say loe here is Christ, and the false prophets and the false Christs shew the signs and wonders, which faith, he is in the desert, which saith he is in the secret chamber, which saith, loe here is Christ be there now with the light which comes from Christ, which he hath enlightned every one withall; with the light Christ is seen, who is the head, and with the light they are seen to befools, whose eyes are abroad, and with the light they are condemned, which light comprehends the world and see them, where they are turned into the world, and not among the children of light, but from the children of light, with the light which the children of the light do walk in, are they with it condemned.
And Christ saith in Mat. 24. Take heed that no man deceive you, for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many, such are they who doth not own the light which comes from Christ, but denyes it, and such are the deceivers, that deceive many, but all who dwell in the light which comes from Christ, sees these many deceivers which saith, I am Christ, with the light of Christ such are condemned to be foolish, for they are no deceivers that dwelleth in the light which comes from Christ and hath received Christ in the male and in the female one seed which seed is no false Christ, but the same to day, yesterday, and for ever; Christ in the male and in the female, and with the light all false Christs and false prophets are seen to be them whose eyes are abroad, fools which are with the light to be condemned, for this is the condemnation the light; and these false prophets and false Christs, which Christ, which is the light, which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world [Page 3]saith, should come and arise, they are such as deny this light, and saith he doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, and he saith he doth. Now to all the children of light, this I leave to you, to give judgement upon, whether they be not the false prophets, which saith, he doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, yea or no? which light is the condemnation of him that hates it, whose deeds be evil, which light was afore the world was, which comprehends it and condemnes it. And while many shall say, I am Christ, and many false Christs shall arise, with the light which comes from one Christ all these many shall be condemned, for Christ is but one in all his Saints male and female, and they are all one, he makes them all one, head, body, and members, one seed if ten thousand, and this seed speaks in one, and is one in all, where it is head King and reignes over the false prophets, and the false Christs, and sees them with the light and condemnes them.
And John who was a Minister of Christ, and in his light said that many deceivers and Antichrists was entered into the world who did not confess Jesus come into the flesh, this is a deceiver and an Antichrist John 2. And John said if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another, the world hates the light which lye in wickedness, and all the world wonders after the beast, that is the world which wonders after the beast which is out of the truth, Rev. 13.3. And they worship the beast, saying, who is like unto the beast, or who is able to make war with the beast.
And John saith many deceivers are entred into the world, who confess not that Jesus is come in the flesh, this is a deceiver and an Antichrist, they are the deceivers that hate the light, and such turn into the wicked world which lyes in wickedness, and they are the Antichrists which deny the light and hate it, which are turned into the world, which opposses the light, with the light all such Antichrists are seen, with the light which was afore the world was, and condemned with the light which comes from Christ. And such deceivers and Antichrists that enter into the world which lye in wickedness, doth not confess Christ come in the flesh, but with the light all such are condemned which comes from Christ, for from the light they are turned that are deceivers, and from the light of Christ they are turned that are Antichrists and doth opposse it, as it is manifest now at this day in England both the pretended teachers and Ministers, which doth opposse the light of Christ.
And John saith whosoever transgresseth and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God, and he that abides in the doctrine of Christ he hath both the Father and the Son, and he that transgresseth is turned from the light which comes from Christ, and he hath not God, not the Son; and he that dwells in the light which comes from Christ comes to receive the Father and the Son and see him, and is no false prophet, nor no Antichrist, nor no deceiver but with the light he sees Christ as John saw Christ then, and the Antichrists and the deceivers [...]ow which be in the world, as he saw them then, which light leads out of the world, for the lust of the eye, the pride of life is not of the Father; it is of the world, and the world passeth away, [Page 4]and the lusts thereof, but he that doth the will of God abideth ever, he that doth the will of God abideth in the light which comes from Christ, which leads to the light, in such the love of the Father is not in them, and there is the lusts of the flesh, the lust of the eye, the pride of life which is not of the Father but of the world, and such doth not the will of God, and such doth not abide for ever, but such, and the lusts and the world passeth away, from the children of light, are condemned with the light which comes from Christ, with it they are seen in which the children of light walk.
And Jahn saith, little children, you have heard that Antichrist should come, even now there are many Antichrists come, we know it is the last time. And they went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out that it might be made manifest that they were not all of us.
These Antichrists, John with the light of Christ saw as he writes in his Epistle 1 John 2.8, 9. They went out from them, which needed no man to teach them, but as the anointing teached them all things, and was true and is no lye; and with the light he saw all these Antichrists which did opposse Christ, he saw them then which now are manifest in the world with the same light which John saw withall, for they be such as deny the light of Christ which he hath enlightened them withall in themselves and others, and so none comes to know the Father nor the Son, nor none (comes to know their conditions that needed no man to teach them but as the anointing) among these Antichrists, but such as do come to witness the anointing, witnesseth the greater in them, then he that is in the world, and witnesseth him in them that overcomes the world, and to you this is the word of the Lord God. And the many deceivers is entred into the world, who confesseth not Christ come in the flesh, this is a deceiver and an Antichrist.
All you children of the light mark, the deceivers enter into the world, the Antichrists enter in the world, and such as confess not Christ come in the flesh enter into the world, and the whole world lies in wickedness. Now all you that are wicked are turned from the light, and are with all these deceivers which are entered into the world to be condemned, for who live in wickedness hate the light, and such are deceivers and Antichrists against him, such doth not confess Christ come in the flesh, for none in the world can Christ Jesus confess, but who in the light dwels which comes from Christ, and he is no Antichrist which dwells in the light which condemnes the world and the deceivers and Antichrists who confess not that Jesus is come in the flesh, for such doth not, that hate the light, and deny the light which Christ hath enlightened every one withall, and such with the light are to be condemned.
And John saith you have heard that Antichrists should come, even now there are many Antichrists with the light which comes from Christ, John did see many then that was against Christ, and did opposse him, and such entered into the world, from they children of light was condemned with the light, and would not continue with them, and they that discontinue witnessed the anointing, and they needed no mans teaching, but as they anointing, and [Page 5]they that from this drew them, did seduce them, for they drew them from waiting to receive the promise which is eternal life; and they that did in the anointing continue, needed no man to teach them but as it taught, so came to witness the promise that he hath promised eternal life; and witness the Son and the father also; and they that went out from them that had the light, and was oppressors against Christ, Antichrists, and such did not confess Christ come in the flesh, and such denyes the Son of God; and he that denyes the Son denyes the Father also; so with the light all you Antichrists that are entered into the world, which John saw was come then; and all you deceivers and all you seducers, you be all in the world, and that is the world that hates the Light, and there the deceivers enter, and the false prophets and seducers which would if it were possible deceive the very Elect, but it is not possible to deceive the Elect of God for the Elect of God dwell in the light, which comprehends the world which the world hate, which gainsayers gain-say, which the deceivers are turned from and hates, and will not bring to it, because the light will reprove and them condemn which the Antichrists oppose and deny, and there they deny the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightened every one withall; there you deny the Son and the Father also, with the light all such are condemned; for he that confesseth the Son acknowledges the Father, and he that denyes the Son denyes the Father also; And all these Antichrists and deceivers that deny the light, which Jesus Christ doth enlighten every one that comes into the world withall, with the light they are seen and comprehended and condemned, in which light, the Saints in light the Elect, walk over all the world, and doth reign eternally for evermore, praises be unto the Lord God for evermore.
And John who was in the light and exhorted to walk in the light, in which they had fellowship one with another, said, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they be of God, because many false prophets are gone out into the world; and hereby know we the ipirit of God, every spirit that confesseth Jesus to be come in the flesh, is of God; and every spirit that confesseth not Jesus to be come in the flesh, this is the spirit of Antichrist, whereof you have heard that it should come, and even now already is it in the world. Then John saw Antichrist to be come into the world, which did exhort the children of light to dwell in the light, so with the light they tryed their spirits, and so we try all your spirits now with the light, which saith Christ Jesus doth not enlighten every one that comes into the world, to be the Antichrists in the world to be the false prophets and deceivers, to be condemned with the light, which Christ Jesus doth enlighten every one with that comes into the world.
And you wicked world where the Antichrists are entred into, and the false prophets are gone out into the world, as John saith in his first Epistle, such are turned from the light, in which the children of God dwell, and these are the oppossers and Antichrists among the children of light which dwells in it, which condemns the world, there is no Antichrist nor no false prophet, nor no deceiver, for they had no abiding among them in the light, but with the light they were condemned, & so they enter into the wicked world, Antichrists, [Page 6]deceivers, and false prophets and seducers, and they that love the world are turned from the light, and the love of the Father is not in them, and they that dwell in the light dwelleth in that which comprehends the world, and all the deceivers, and all the Antichrists, and condemns them all. Little children, let no man deceive you, he that doth righteousns is righteous even as he is righteous, and all them that are turned from the light acteth in unrighteousness, and all unrighteousness is sin, and all that which is not righteous is to be condemned with the light, and prophane, vain babling which increaseth unto unrighteousness, whose words eats as a canker, with the light (such are to be condemned) which comes from Christ. And all seducers and evil men shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived, and are hardened in their deceit, which with the light are seen which comprehends the world, and with it is condemned, which light is afore the world was, and all truth breakers, proud, covetous, lovers of themselves, and lovers of pleasure more then lovers of God, unholy, unthankful, high-minded, fierce dispisers of them that are good, having the form, denying the power, which creeps into houses, leads silly women captive, laden with sin led away with divers lusts, ever learning, never able to come to the knowledge of the truth with the light which is truth which comes from Christ who is truth, which teacheth the truth, the light which comes from him doth condemne all proud boasters, heady high-minded blasphemers, truth breakers, dispisers of them that are good, unthankful, unholy disobedient to parents; these are to be turned away from, for of this sort are they that lead silly women captive. All these are turned from the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned them withal, and with it all such are to be condemned with the light as before mentioned, which acts contrary to the light, which light who walk in it, and love it, grows into the knowledge of God. And now all who be in the light which comprehends the world, and in it which doth condemn the world-walk▪ here is no novice, here is no sottish children, here is no inchanter, nor sorcerer nor no seducer, nor no silly women that are led captive, captivated with the lust, for such as are led captive turns from the light, which comes from Christ, and with the light such are condemned, in which light the children of God walk, which condemns the wicked world, and all that hate it. And the Apostle Paul which was in the light of Jesus Christ, said, the spirit spake expresly that in the latter times some should depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, speaking lies in hypocrisie having their consciences seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats which God created to be received with thanksgiving, of them that know the truth, for every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused if it be with thanksgiving, and with the light all seducing spirits is seen, and who from it turn and it hate, their conscience is seared as with a hot iron, and such doth speak lies in hypocrisie, and their is forbidding to marry, and the eating of meats, which every creature of God it is good, with the light it is seen, who dwells in the light holds the my stery of faith in a pure conscience, and the doctrine of devils is acted in that [Page 7]nature which is contrary to the light, with the light it is seen, and with the light condemned, and they are see to be out of the faith.
And such as is a Teacher or a Bishop made by the will of God, he must be no striker nor greedy of filthy lucre, he must be grave, he must be patient; he must not be a brawler, nor covetous, one that rules his own house well, having his children in subjection with all gravity, he must not be a novice, least he be lifted up with pride, and so fall into condemnation of the devil, with the light all such are seen that are before mentioned, which is contrary to the light, which is to be condemned with light, and so with the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, are these seen before mentioned, which departs from the faith, departed from that which putifies the heart, and doth give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils, and with the light which never changes, which light we are enlightned withall, which comprehends all the teachers of the world and their doctrine, how that they are not blamless, how that many of them are strikers, and how that they are greedy of filthy lucre, how that they are not patient, but are brawlers and covetous, how that they are not grave, nor doth not rule their own house well, nor hath not their children in subjection, but are the novices lifted up in pride, and so falls into condemned of the devil, 1 Tim. 8.
And with the light all these are seen and comprehended, which was afore the world was, and to you this is the word of the Lord, but when the children of light are judged, they are chastned of the Lord, that they should not be condemned with the world, 1 Cor. 11.32. but in the light which doth condemn the world the children of light walk in, and so they are not condemned with the world, but dwelleth in the light which was afore the world, which it doth comprehend and condemne the world, the light.
And Jesus Christ saith, I am the light of the world, and this is the condemnation of the world that light is come into the world, and men love darkness rather then light, because their deeds are evil; for every one that doth evil hateth the light, neither cometh he to the light least his deeds should be reproved, but he that doth truth cometh to light, that his deeds may be manifest, that they are of God, now with the light all deeds are seen and manifest, that which manifesteth is light; and so David said, who was in the light, in thy light we shall see more light, with which light he saw Christ, and called him Lord, who said the lightening lightned the world, the earth trembled and shook, as in Psal. 77.18. And again David said, his lightenings lightened the world, the earth saw and trembled.
Now all who be of the world, among the false prophets, seducers, and Antichrists that be entered into the world, doth deny this light with which David saw the enlightnings, his lightnings enlightned the world, which makes the earth to tremble, Psal. 97.3. So with the light all you heathens is condemned that doth not see his enlightnings, which he enlights the world withall, and every one that comes into the world, now you that be Antichrists are manifest which oppose and deny the light, with the light you are seen and condemned with the world, which light is afore the world was.
And Jesus Christ saith, he is tho Light, and doth enlighten every one that comes into the world; if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch, and they are the blind which hate the light, which live in that nature that acteth contrary to the light, which with the light they are to be condemoed, for who dwell in the light which comes from Christ with the light see Christ, such are not blind, nor such do not lead into the ditch, but with the light leads up to Christ, from whence the light comes, and so joyns to the head, and brings the body together, which are all joyned together in the light, and with the light which condemns the blind world which hate it, which eats and drinks damnation ta themselves, who discern not the body of Christ, how can they which hate the light, which light is their eye, which light is thesr condemnation.