A Message from the Lord, TO THE Parliament OF ENGLAND.

That you may all take warning, and be ye all forewarned, that you act not in the steps of your forefathers, whom the Lord hath cast out as an abominable thing, as he hath done all Rulers in all Ages and Generations, which have sought themselves, and established Laws in their own wills, whereby the Just have suffered, and now do suffer: The people which the Lord hath chosen are trodden upon, and the Powers of the Earth have set themselves against the mighty power of the Lord in them. But now is the Lord arising to plead the cause of the Just, and woe for ever to all Sions Adversaries.

By him who is a Lover of your souls, and a Lover of Israels Com­mon-wealth, whom the Lord is returning out of captivity, to serve him in their own Land in perfect freedom.


And the Lord shall utterly destroy the tongue of the Egyptian Sea, and with his mighty wind shall shake his hand over the River, and shall smite it in the seven streams, and make men go over dryshod,

Isa. 11.15.

And there shall be an High-way for the remnant of his people, which shall be left from Assyria, like as it was to Israel, in the day that he came up out of the Land of Egypt,

ver. 16.

London, Printed in the Year, 1654.


THe word of the living God to this Nation; to the light in you all I speak, which Christ Jesus hath enlightned withall; which light is the way to Christ Jesus, the Saviour and the father of light: and this is the true light which doth enlighten every one that comes into the world, which shews you sin and evil, and your evil deeds, and your own inventions, and imagi­nations; which if you love this light, and in it walk up to Christ, from whence it comes, who is the way to the father, and so to stand in the counsel of God, and to receive the Law from God, which is perfect, according to that of God in every mans conscience; this doth indure for ever: then you will all come to witness the Lord is our Law-giver, and come to witness the sound wisdom, which is from above, that with it you may know how to order and rule in the Creation the Crea­tures; by which wisdom all things were made, where no invention of the Heathen enters: Now if you do hate this light, and follow your own Hea­thenish inventions, and the Laws and Customs of Kings and Queens which formerly have been enacted (to the light in all your consciences I [Page 2]speak) that with it you may see how the Lord hath hewen down many who have followed their own inventions and ways, for all that which hath been enacted and invented, Laws and Statutes, and Acts in that nature, contrary to the light, is for condemnation with the light eternally to you all: this is the word of the living God: to the light of Christ in you all I do speak, which is one; if you love it, you all love one, and then you will be one in the light; and it will teach you how to pray, and how to watch; and it will exercise your consciences towards God, and towards man, and enlighten your understandings, and inform them towards Christ, from whence the light doth come; and with it you may see him, who bears his go­vernment upon his shoulders; who will reign and rule, yea, and he doth reign and rule, thousands do witness it: praise and honour to the Lord God of heaven and earth for ever, who gives dominion to his Sons and daugh­ters with his mighty power, over the world; glory and honour be to him for ever, who is setting up his Kingdom and Throne over all Principalities and Powers of the earth: who is gathering up to himself with his light, from the four corners of the earth. Now to the light in all your consci­ences I speak; you that are gathering together to sit in Council, that with it you may be kept in the fear of the Lord, and your minds up to Christ, from whence it comes: Now if you do act contrary to the light which Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withall in your consciences, which never changeth, and make a profession of Christs words; that doth hold up that which acts contrary to the light, which is to be condemned with the light: Therefore to the light in all your consciences I do speak, that with it you may all be kept low, and few words, and not hasty, and in the fear of the Lord; and watch with the light, that ye be not drawn from it, to act con­trary to the light in your consciences; for you that do, the terror of the Lord God will persue you, and the sword of the Lord God is against you, to hew you down, as it hath done them before you; which have taken counsel, but not of the Lord, and gathered together, but not by him; and so broken to pieces according to Scripture: Therefore the Lord God fear, and ab [...]e in his will and counsel; I am the light of the world, and do enlighten every one that comes into the world, saith Christ: one he loves the light, and walks in it, and receives the light of life, and doth not stumble, and walks not in darkness; and the other that hates the light, his deeds are evil; and he will not bring his deeds to the light, because he knows his deeds be evil with the light; and so he that doth the evil, hates the light, because his deads be evil, and the light will reprove him; so when the condemnation comes upon him, and Judgement from God, which is according to the light, he knows the Judgement is just, one with the light against him that hates it, and acts contrary to it, whose deeds be evil; so he that hateth the light, he hath the light, and he knows his deeds to be evil with the light, which Christ Jesus hath enlightned him withal. And this is the condemnation, the light, all that hate it, whose deeds be evil, and act contrary to it: Now all you dwelling in the light, and waiting in the light, to receive your Law from God, which is perfect, according to the light of God in every ones conscience: then he that acts contrary to the light, the Law of God, which is perfect, slays him, and cuts him down, [Page 3]and puts him to the death, which is perfect, according to that of God in every mans conscience; which Law of God hath power and dominion over a man as long as he lives: But I through the Law, am dead to the Law; yet we witness the Law good in its place, and just upon the unjust, who act contrary to the just principle in them; and holy upon the unholy, whose minds go from the pure light of Christ in them, and act contrary to it, and perfect according to the light of Christ, takes hold upon that which acts contrary to it which is not perfect; and to you this is the word of the Lord God: he that Judges for God, respects no mans person, but judges him that doth, for he that doth, goes from the pure light of Christ in him, and defiles the flesh, which light would keep his mind to God, and that which goes into the flesh, which would have a gift, which blinds the eye, which is the light; the light of the body is the eye, and this eye being single, the body is full of light: so all of you dwell in this light: I do you warn and charge, and command in the presence of the living God, that with it all your minds may be kept up to Christ, from whence it comes; if not, this is your condemnation, the light: and remember you are warned in your life time, before destruction come upon you, who act contrary to the light; and to you all this is the word of the Lord God: And to you all that are friends of God, the word of the Lord God to you; to the light of God in all you I do speak, that you may come to witness the measure of God; stand up for the truth, and be bold and valiant, that is it which never changeth: wait I charge you in the presence of the living God, that you may be led with the spirit of God, up to God, and with it comprehend the world, that you may witness that which will never wither; you who err from the pure spirit of the Lord, Balaam is your way, your fruit withers: and in Cains way, from the command of God, which are wroth; such their countenance falls; such are murderers of the just, and slayers, and persecuters: such their fruit withers, who goes from the com­mand, and hath no habitation in the Lord, but are vagabonds and fugi­tives, as Cain was; and such as err from the pure spirit of the Lord within, such speak great swelling words, have mens persons in admiration, because of advantage; such Teachers speaks evil of dignity, and dispise dominion, and such defile the flesh, and what they know they know naturally, who turn from the command, and erre from the spirit: whose fruit withers, who saith, that Hebrew, Greek, and Latine is the original: before Babell was, all the earth was of one language, and Nimrod the cunning hunter, before the Lord, which came out of cursed Hams stock, the beginner and builder of Babell, whom God confounded into many languages; and this say they is the original; who erred from the Spirit and the Command. And Pilate had this original Hebrew, Greek and Latine, which crucified Christ, and set over him: and such are they which say so, who go in Cains way, envy, slay, and persecute, and in the way of Balaam, for gifts and rewards, the wages of unrighteousness, which what they know, they know naturally, who err from the spirit, and turn into the many languages; and what they knovv they know naturally, in those things they corrupt them­selves, vvhich are the men ordained of old for this condemnation: And this is the condemnation, the light, saith Christ; and to you this is the vvord [Page 4]of the Lord God; And dwell in the light, I warn and charge you all in the presence of the living God, that you may be made manifest to the light in all consciences, which respects no mans person; he that doth, is convinced with the light, to be a Transgressor of the Law of God: And he that dwells in the light faithfull and just, holy, and good, hates cove­tousness, fearing the Lord, beareth not his sword in vain, is a terror to all them that do evil, for he hates the light that doth evil; so his law is upon him that acts contrary to the light that judges for God: Thou shalt not rail, nor speak evil upon the Rulers of the People, for that which doth, transgresses the Law of God, and acts contrary to the light of God, that speak evil, and rail upon them which dwell in the light of Christ, which hath received the Law from God, which is according to the light of Christ in every mans conscience; which Law is a terror to him that evil doth, for he acts contrary to the light, and with it he is condemned and judged, with the Law of God: and to the light in all your consciences I speak: when you are forming, and contriving, and fetching things up in your minds, and to bring things according to your own wills and purpose: there is a light in all your consciences, which will shew you the folly, bur­dens, and cumbrances, and troubles of these things; and Martha cumbred with many things: Therefore to the light in you I speak, the one thing you may come to witness, and with it sit at Jesus feet, and with it all the other must be condemned and judged eternally, as you may see the wither­ing and fading of it past before you. And now you are coming together to sit in Council, the Lord God fear, that you may see what you take in hand; to the light in all your consciences I speak: (If you act contrary to it, you will be cut down, the terror of the Lord God will be upon you:) that with it your minds may be guided up to him, and you come to witness that which shall never wither, nor ever change: who turneth from it, doth not stand in Gods Council, nor turn people from their evil ways, but doth protect and hold up that which God is against, and doth forbid, and hath forbidden in ages past; such as profess themselves to be Teachers, which he hath sent, his Prophets, his Apostles, and his Son to cry against; such Teachers are in England now, and are and have been holden up by such Ma­gistrates, as profess themselves to be Christian Magistrates: such Teachers they are, as go in Cains way, in envy, to slay the innocent and righteous blood, and in Balaams way, from the spirit of the living God, which re­ceives gifts and rewards, the wages of unrighteousness; and many have been with your Laws and Inventions, made to suffer, to give them means and Tythes, according to the first Priesthood: And all this is out of Christs way, who is the way, and all his Ministers way: and is to be con­demned with the light, all such be; to the light in all your consciences I speak, that with it you may come to know Christ, who is the Way; and Balaams way, and Cains way, which is for the sword, woe and condemna­tion; take heed of propagating that which is cursed from God eternally; to the light in your consciences I speak: you are now warned in your life time. And such Teachers are propagated and held up as Ministers of the Gospel, which our Lord Jesus Christ cryed woe against, and with his light them we do see, and him witness; and do witness against such as he [Page 5]cryed woe against, who are not in his way, nor in his command, but in the Scribes and Pharisees way and seats; chiefest seats in the Assemblies, stand praying in the Synagogues, called of men Master, which our Lord Jesus Christ forbids: saying, Be not ye called of men Master, for you have one Ma­ster, oven Christ, and ye are all brethren. This Master we own, who hath conquered death, and the grave, and the prison, and hell, and temptati­ons; ascended far above all Principalities and Powers, blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances which was against us, who are in the spirit: And this is the Master, the one Master Christ Jesus, and all are brethren who are here; but who are in the Flesh, are in the hand-writing of Ordi­nances and Commands: but such are out of the spirit, and they are not contrary to them; and such Teachers as are here, are called of men Ma­ster, and yet profess Christ; but your cloak will not cover you, your nakedness and skirts are seen, with the eternal light of Christ, which com­prehends the world, which is the worlds condemnation: And such take Tythes of the poor people, and cause them to be haled before Courts and Sessions, which will not give it them, which witnesseth the second Priesthood Jesus Christ, and sees that the first Priesthood is changed, which took tythes; and the Law is changed also, which gave it them: so many do suffer the spoyling of their goods, with such that have the name of Christians, Magistrates, and Teachers, which say they are Jews, but are not; which are and were the Synagogue of Satan: for the Priests that took Tythes, had a Store-house, and the people were to bring their Tythes and fill it; and the strangers, widows and fatherless, were to come within the Priests gates and be satisfied, and filled; and the Priest was to Mi­nister it forth to them, that no beggar might be in Israel: And the Priest was to Minister it forth out of the Store-house, a figure of the everlasting Priest, who Ministers out of the everlasting treasury. Now see if you with your Law have a Store-house, which gives the Priests Tythes; and all the widows, strangers, and fatherless come within the Priests gates, and he to Minister forth to them, that no beggar be in England, as was none to be in Israel: Let the first Covenant judge your practice and your Law, and Priests both, and shew your nakedness of it, which was a figure of him who was to come. If you should have a Store-house, and put the peoples Tythes in with your Law, and the Priests Minister it forth to the strangers, wi­dows, and fatherless, and no beggar be in England, as no beggar was to be in Israel, then you might not own Christ Jesus to be come in the Flesh; but hold up the first Priesthood, which all who witness Christ Jesus to be come in the Flesh, witness the change of it, as his Disciples, Ministers and Apostles did, who confessed Christ Jesus the unchangable Priest, and de­nyed the changable: Therefore they suffered persecution, stoning, stock­ing, prisoning, buffeting, beating and reproaches, and shameful threat­nings, as which is in England at this time, by them which call themselves Christians, and whose goods are spoyled them which confess the unchang­able, and deny the changable Priesthood that takes Tythes. Now if you do say, give Caesar his due, Caesar shall have his due in his place; but this not to hold up the figure: And you that are Caesars, are not of the King­dom of Christ, but against him: Now if you do say, Christ saith, You pay [Page 6]Tythe of Cummin, Mint, and Aunise, these things ought you to have done: We say the same, they ought to have been done; but woe unto them, for they were blind, that strained at a knat, and swallowed a Camel: as Christ saith, the weightier matters of the Law were neglected; as Faith, Judge­ment, and Mercy: had they been in the faith, judgement and mercy, they would have seen Christ, the unchangable Priest, the end of Tythe of An­nise, Mint, and Cummin, which was afore Christ Jesus came in the Flesh; so he came and witnessed the figures in their places; but when he was sacri­crificed up, the Apostles preached him, the unchangable Priest, and said the Priesthood was changed, and the Law also, which were witnesses of Christs Ministers of the spirit, which saw the ministration of condemna­tion, which was glorious in its time and place, but the Ministry of the spirit exceeds in glory, and herein is a destruction; and to you this is the word of the Lord: And such Teachers are held up, and have been held up, as act contrary to the light of Christ, with such as act contrary to the light of Christ; as are hirelings which the Lord sent Micah to cry against, who was in the light, and such Judges, who Judge for reward, and such Teach­ers, as Teach for hire, and Prophets, as Prophesie for money, and Preach peace to the people; but such as do not put into their mouths, they prepare war against them, and sue them at the Law, and profess them­selves Christians, and Christian Teachers, and Ministers of the Gospel. O cover your lips for shame, and stop your mouths for ever! Micah was in the light, who was sent to cry out against such things: and Christ Jesus who is the light hath enlightned us with his light to see such things now in England: stop your mouths for ever, making profession of Christ and the Prophets, and act such things as the Lord sent his Prophet to cry against. And such Teachers as act contrary to the light of Christ, are held up in the Nation, with the light of Christ Iesus they are seen, which the Pro­phets in the light were sent to cry against; which makes a prey upon the people, eats the fat, and cloaths with the wool, and kill them that were fed, Ezek. 34. And such as seek for their gain from their quarter, greedy dumb dogs, which never have enough, which the Lord sent Isaiah to cry against, who was in the light; and such as bear rule by their means, are held up, with many which are called Magistrates, and the people love to have it so, which the Priests, what they were to do, were to do freely, and not for hire; a figure of Iesus Christ offering up himself freely: Shall not I visit for these things, saith the Lord, shall not my soul be avenged on such a Nation as this? O! a horrible and filthy thing is committed in the Land, Priests bear rule by their means, and people love to have it so; hath not the Lord vi­sited here in England for these things? and he will visit for such things, and be avenged on such a Nation as this; a foolish people which have eyes and see not, ears and hear not, hearts and cannot understand: Fear ye not me saith the Lord God, will ye not tremble at my presence, who have placed the sands for the bounds of the Sea, for a perpetual decree, that the waves thereof cannot pass? O ye sottish children, which hold up such things, who are wise to do evil, but to do good, have no understanding, Ier. 4.5. And these are the Teachers, that said the Steeple-house is the Church: and say the Letter is the light, the letter is the word, sprinkling Infants, [Page 7]Baptism, a little bread and wine the Communion, Matthew, Mark, Luke and Iohn is the Gospel, Hebrew, Greek, and Latine is the original: Now with the light of Christ Iesus, all this doctrine is seen, praised be God, to be false, and contrary to the Scriptures; they told us of mediate means, and a mediate call, and this we see was mediate, and what is mediate is natural; and the natu­ral man receives not the things of God, and they which Ministred it forth, their call was mediate; this we do see with the immediate spirit of the Lord God: praised be the Lord God, and with it we do witness the spirit that gave forth the Scriptures, every one according to measure, which brings to witness the Scriptures, which saith, The Church is in God, 1 Thes. 1.1. And the Baptism with one spirit, into one body, the spirit of the Lord, which we are all made to drink into; and the bread which we break, is the body of Christ, and the cup which we bless, in which is the Communion, is the blood of Christ, which washeth from all sin; and the word we come to witness, which was in the be­ginning, before Hebrew, Greek, and Latine was, and Babell whom God con­founded into many languages; so they that keep in the many languages, keep from Christ, for he redeems out of languages, tongues, kindreds, and Nations, and people, praised be the Lord God: and all who are here, are all one, and all who are in Tongues, kindreds, Nations and languages are in confusion, not redeemed unto Christ; such the Lord sent his Prophets, and sends his Prophets to Nations, to kindreds, languages, Tongues and People; as you may read in the Revelations, which now is fulfilled, and fulfilling in these days, praised be the Lord God for ever: And we do witness the everlast­ing Gospel, the substance of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and Iohn, the substance of those words; and they be the Ministers of the Letter, which told us those four books were the Gospel: And we do witness God is the Fountain, who makes Ministers by his will, as Paul was, as he often declares; and his call not of man, nor by man, but by the will of God: so Oxford and Cambridge, which is by man, and the will of man, makes Ministers, with the eternal light of Christ, which was before Oxford and Cambridge, those Fountains were: we do them comprehend and see, with it they must be condemned, who are bloody Persecutors and Lyars, and no Ministers of Christ Iesus to the Lake: Therefore to the light in all your consciences I speak, which Christ Iesus hath enlightned you withal, that with it you may come to read the Apostles words, who was in the light, and Christs words which proceeded from the light; and the Prophets words, which was in the light, which witnessed Christ Iesus, who was in the light. Now to the light in you all I speak, which ne­ver changes; that with it you may come to see what the Apostles which were in the light, and Christ Iesus the light; and the Prophets who were in the light, testified against: you may see with the light which never changes, not to hold it up; and to you this is the word of God, the cursed thing may be rooted out of the Land Baal, and his posterity, which is cursed for ever, which is in that nature which acts contrary to the light. To the light in all your consciences I speak, that with it you may see many deceivers which be entered into the world; many Anti-christs which be entered into the world: thats the world which hates the light of Christ Iesus, which he hath enlightned every one with­all; and those are the Deceivers that are turned from this light, and those the Anti-christs that are entred into the world, which are turned from this light: [Page 8]But its not possible that they should deceive the Elect, which dwell in the light, which comprehends the world, and all the Deceivers and Anti-christs, and the world that hates it, and are turned from it: In this light doth the Saints, the Elect dwell, which condemns all the world which hates it, and the Antichrists, and the Deceivers that are turned from it; for he is no Anti-christ, nor Deceiver that walks in the light which Christ Iesus hath enlightned withal. Therfore to the light in you all I speak, that with it you may come to witness the life that gave for [...]h the Scriptures, and with it come to have them opened again; then you need not have any private Interpreter, for they are of none; the pri­vate Interpreter is in the world, in his own will, among them which hates the light, which the Scripture came not by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke them forth, as they were moved by the holy Ghost; and the manifesta­tion of the spirit is given to every man to profit withal. Now mind your pro­fiting in the spirit, in grace, in wisdom, in temperance, and in understanding; that you may come to witness the life that gave forth the Scriptures, which was before the Scripture was given forth; and with it they are read again, and cannot be read and understood without it which was before the Scripture was given forth: And all the Sects and Opinions are in that nature that hath the words declared from this life, but not this life; but are strangers to the life of God, and the Covenant of Promise, but onely the words by hearsay in the world: there's many ways, many meanings, many senses, many thoughts gi­ven upon those words declared from the life, with such as are strangers from the life; all who be in the light and life are one, if they be ten thousand; and with it all Sects, Opinions, larrs and Strifes are seen, comprehended, and con­demned; Images, and Image-makers, and false Worshippers, who have the Letter, but not the life: there the devil brings Scripture, with the light all that is condemned, which leads into the worship of God, who is light, who is a spirit, and with the life all that is judged; and to you all this is the word of God, to the light in all your consciences I speak, which is your Teacher, lov­ing it, which is your condemnation, hating it; and walking in it, you shall re­ceive the light of life; and it will teach you lying in bed, and walking up and down, how you have spent your time, and do spend your time, from him who is a lover of your souls, and your eternal good: given forth from the spirit of the living God, for the cleansing the Land of evil doers, and setting up the righteous Law, and establishing righteousness, and the perfect Law of God, which is according to that in every mans conscience, which respects no mans person, but convinceth him that doth, as a Transgressor of the Law of God: So God Almighty direct you that fear him; and to you all I have cleared my conscience, to the light of Christ Iesus in you I speak, which will condemn you that hate it: for this is the condemnation, the light, and to you this is the word of God.


ALL the world is out of order, which hath not the life of the Law, and the life of the Gospel; People, Magistrates and Ministers, though they have the words of the Law, and the words of the Gospel, Its the life that gave forth the Law, and the life of the Gospel, that keeps in order the course of nature, and gives to every thing its rest and peace, that hath been burthened; and gives every thing its due, and portion, that goes out of its place, which cumbers the ground, which stains the earth, that it doth not enjoy her rest, nor her Sabbaths, nor yield her increase: But for Cams sake, who is wroth, whose countenane falls, who is the vagabond, and fugitive; doth not abide in the command of God, who hath no habitation in the Lord; for his sake the ground is cursed; who slayes the righteous blood, as it is written; and all workers of iniquity from Christ must de­part, which goes out of the command of God, are cursed from Christ, Go ye cursed, saith Christ.

And all ye which would know the life, take heed to the light which Christ Iesus hath enlightned you withall, and love it: It will lead you to Christ Iesus the life, and all you that would know the way to salva­tion, stand still in the light which comes from Christ, your strength is to stand still, and with the light you will see Christ Iesus the Saviour, and there is your way to salvation; but you that hate the light which comes from Christ, and acts contrary to the light, all that ever you do invent and act in the changeable mind, now with it the light which shews you the se­crets of your hearts, and your secret thoughts, and all the time you have spent, and all your actions you have done in time, with the light which comprehends time, and shews you all your actions done in time, contrary to the light, with the light you and all your actions, are to be condemned, which is eternal, and never changes, vvhich comprehends time, to you this is the vvord of God. Novv you have time prize it, this is the day of your visitation, he that loves the light vvhich comes from Christ Iesus, and witnesses the unchangable Priest, Christ Iesus is his way: But he that hates the light, hates Christ, and turns to the changeable Priests, Judes is his way to perdition, and not Christ; for when he forsook Christ, who was the way, he turned to the changable Priest; so Christ was not his way, nor is not their way now that do so, which takes Tythes.

And all you that put repentance afar off, and live in profanness i [...] your life time, safe and full; and say at what time soever a sinner doth repent the Lord will be merciful, and bring the Scripture for you cloak, and despise that which is pure, which calls to repentance dayly, the light of Christ, for he calls sinners to repentance; Esaus end is yours, he sought it with tears, and there was no place of repentance found: Therefore con­sider, and harden not your hearts, while it is to day; hear his voyce which calls you to repentance, that you may receive refreshing to your souls, and an entrance may be made t [...] the inheritance that never fades away; where nothing that is unclean shall enter, and to you this is the word of the Lord.

The word of the Lord God to all you that puts your cleansing off till af­ter death in another world, and lives in pleasures here in your life time, [Page 10]faring sumptuously every day, Dives like, his end is yours, mind what a cleansing he had in the fire torment; and then it was said to him, O man, remember thy life past, thou livedst in ease and pleasures: Therefore consider, consider, put not the evil day afar off, nor the good day afar off; for woe is unto such, as you may read in the Scripture.

Now you that do think we do deny Magistrates, and the Ministers of Christ; such we own, which receive freely from Christ, and freely do give, which are sent into the world, to gather out of the world, up to Christ; and such the Law was not made for, but for sinners, and trans­gressors; and that Law that takes hold upon such, we own, which trans­gresses the pure light of God; and such as are in the Lord we honour, for such we know Iudge for God, and respect no mans person, but Iudge him that doth: and to you this is the word of the Lord.

G. F.

To all you Powers of the Earth.

TO the light of Christ in your consciences, which he hath enlightned you withal, to it I speak; that in it you may see your selves, and what you do, and what you have done; and with it you may see to what condition the Scriptures were spoken, and with it you might have them opened.

Christ saith unto the Pharisees, You pay Tythe of Mint, Annise, and cum­min, and have omitted the weightier matters of the Law, Iudgement, Mercy, and Faith, these things ye ought to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

That was a time when Mint, Annise, and Cummin were to be paid, though Iudgement, Mercy, and Faith, weighter matters, were neglect­ed, for had they been in the faith, they would have seen him who was the end of all outward Figures and Ceremonies, and have been in the weigh­tier matters of the Law; these being neglected, though they paid the Tythe of Mint, Annise, and Cummin, yet the woe was upon them; and that was a time when Christ spoke that to the Pharisees, which had the Figures, and told them these things ye ought to have done; for he came to fulfill them, and shewed forth and witnessed every thing in its place. When Christ jesus was sacrificed upon the everlasting offering, he blotted out the hand-writing of Ordinances, which are against us, which are in the spirit, and witness the everlasting Priesthood, and New Covenant, and triumph­eth over them; and the Apostle which preached Christs resurrection, said [Page 11]that the Priesthood was changed, that had a command to receive Tythes, (and he preached the unchangable Priest) and the Law was changed also; so to you, all ye powers of the Earth, that give the Priests Tythes, and brings this Scripture, as Christ saith, These things ye ought to have done; yeare the blind, and do not see nor believe Christ come in the flesh, the everlasting offering, who puts an end to these things; as the Pristhood that receives Tythes, and so they deny Christ come in the Flesh, and do not witness Christ the unchangable Pristhood, but are in the state of the Scribes and Pharisees, paying Tythe, and do not believe Christ, nor him to be come in the flesh, as the Scribes and Pharisees did not.

And anotehr Scripture you bring, as Christ saith, Whatsoever they bid you do, that do and observe, but they say and do not, therefore the woe was upon them; but do ye not after their works.

That was a time when Christ gave out those words, before he was sacri­ficed up, who came to fulfil the Law, and not to break it; when he was sacrificed up, and appeared to the Apostles again, he bid them preach the Gospel, and the Apostles preached him, and he did not bid them go hear the Scribes and Pharisees, who had the form of Moses Law, and did not live in the life of it, but bid them believe in Christ Iesus, the end of the Law for by it no flesh shall be justified, and therefore woe was upon them from Christ who was the life, so woe proceeds from him who is the them who have the form, and not the life; and so there Christ came to fulfill the Law, and not to break it.

Another Scripture they bring, Some preach Christ of envy, some of conten­tion and strife, some of good will, and in this the Apostle rejoyced, though their intention was to add affliction to his bonds.

That was a time when few did believe that that was the Christ, that was before his name was spread abroad; so he rejoyced that envious men, and contentious men, and men of strife, spread his name abroad, for few did believe that that was the Christ, as he himself had not: but when his name was spread abroad, and many had gotten the form, not having the power, from such turn away, saith the Apostle, as you may read, 2 Tim. 3. which have the sorm, not the power, which leads silly women captive, always learning, and never able [...] to come to the knowledge of the Truth; there he did not give freedom to such, and bid them shun the occasion of all con­tention, and strife, and envying; there he did not give freedom for envi­ous men, and contentious men to preach, but denyes them, though once he rejoyced in it, so to the light in you every one take heed, that with it you may see, to what conditions the Scriptures were spoken.

And many are persecuted, which say Christ is the light, with them that say the Letter is the light, that their ignorance might be seen, and their folly made manifest, to this I shall write, the chief Priests, Scribes and Pharisees had Moses and the Prophets words, which was declared from the light; and with the light they saw Christ, and with their words the chief Priests could tell where he should be born, but knew not Christ the light. Now had the letter been the light, the Scribes and Pharisees which had it, would not have stumbled at him, who was the light and life of it; but they having the Letter declared from the light, and not the light, in their under­standings, but hipt above, and so they knew him not, who was the light, but [Page 12]stumbled at the light, the Letter is not the light, but a declaration of the light.

And again, many suffer persecution for saying, God is the word, by them that say the Letter is the word; Now had the Letter been the word, the Scribes and Pharisees and chief Priests, which had the Letter, which came from the word of the Lord, and them which saw Christ, would have owned the word that became flesh, which was the substance of that which Moses and the Prophets wrote, and spoke of, but they persecuted and cru­cified the Lord of glory, which had the Letter, which was not the word that became flesh; for had it been the word, they would have had it, but they that knew him, said of them which crucified him, had they known him, they would not have crucified the Lord of life; therefore the letter is not the word, but a declaration of the word.

Again, others suffer because they do deny that Hebrew, Greek and Latine is the Original, that witness the word to be the original, by them that witness these many languages to be the original, for we which witness the word to be the original, by which all things were made, which was in the beginning, before many languages were; with the word we do see, that Pilate had the Hebrew Greek and Latine, which the Teachers of the world have told us to be the original, and Pilate crucified Christ, and so do they which have these originals, with the word before he was, we see both them and him, and that they are for the sword, hammer and fire; and with the word we see that before Babel all the earth was of one language; and we do see that the Teachers of the world can go no far­ther, then since Babell was confounded in the many languages, and there we see they are in the many languages confused, which is confusion; this we do see with the word before Babell was, praised be God; And we do see with the word, cursed Ham the father of Canaan, Nimrod the cunning hun­ter came out of his stock, was the beginner of the building of Babell, whom God confounded into many languages, which the Teachers of the world tell us is the original, and persecute us because we do not believe it; with the word we do see their foundation, their race, their beginning and their compass, with the foundation, which is the word, we see it, and with it they are threshed, and with it they are chained, and with it they are ham­mered, for it is as a hammer, and with it they are cut, for it is as a sword, and with it they are burnt, for it is as a fire, and unto you all this is the word of God; to that of God in your conscience I speak, mind the light of Christ in your conscience, to be guided by it, to witness the word, and lead you out of Babylon, for it is come into remembrance before God, who will it confound.


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