A DECLARATION Against all PROFESSION AND PROFESSORS THAT Have not the Life of what they Profess, from the Righteous seed of God; whom the World, Priests, and People, scornfully calls QUAKERS, Who are in that Life that the holy Men of God were in, and witness that power that made them to Tremble and quake, and shook the earth, and threw it down; which the World, Priests, People, and Professors, having the words declared from this power and life, but not it, scoffs and scorns at, but this is our Riches.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert at the Black­spread Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 1655.

A Declaration against all Profession and Professors that have not the life of what they do Professe, from the righteous seed of God whom the world, Priests and People scornfully cals Quakers, who are in that life that the holy men of God were in, and witnesse that power that made them to tremble, and Quake, and Shooke the Earth and threw it downe, which the World, Priests, People and Professors, having the words declared from this power and life but not it, scornes at, but this is our riches.

THe word of the living God to fly abroad to the light of Christ in all consciences, that with it the word may be witnessed, and their minds may be guided up to God and kept up to Christ, and it loved, in which light is unity, that all that which is contrary to this light may with it be hewen down, judged down and condemned.

All whose minds turn from this light into the earth, into the lust, into the cursed speaking, into the presumption and rauntings; all such ranters with the light which is eternall doe we judge and condemne eternally, for with the light they are condemned from God, and all their beggarly lusts, in which light we have unity, which light doth not change, and with it all such Ranters and rauntings must be limited, bound and chained, and for judgment, and with the eternall to be brought under.

And all their great swelling words, and all their boasting of their communion with God and Christ; when their communion is with darknesse, and they themselves the servants of corruption, with that which is pure and eternall, they are seen and judged, and all their Imagined libertie, which they are got into, which ariseth out of the earthly part: by the light they are seen, that they have slaine the witnesses which declared against all unrighteous­nesse; and now their understandings are darkned, and the eye put out, and the savour lost; and now they call all things one; light, and darknesse one; and now their glory is to commit sin with greedinesse: and saith they are redeemed into libertie: with the Invisible eye of the Lord, they are seen and condemned by the light: and now their wills is at libertie, speaks, acts, and thinks, and the Son of perdition is head, and now their Ayrie minds are puffed up, and dreams of a power to come, but have slighted the day of their visitation, and hath turned the grace of God into wantonnesse; and trampled under foot the blood of the Son of God, and so are all condemned by all the Children of the light: and all their filthie practises we deny: and they must be troden in the wine-presse of the wrath of God, without the Citie, as a just recompence of their reward, who blaspheme and causes to be blasphemed, the name of the living God; but the eternal power of the living God, which is made manifest in the children of light, hath seen and doe see them and judge them by that [Page 4] which everlasting, that they shall goe into utter darknesse and down into the pit with all the uncircumcised.

And all such that turne from the light which is eternall, and doth not change into the earth, into the lust, and their earthly ends, who would Levell others, Levelling with their earthly nature, and speaking of the things of God through the lusts of the flesh, with the eternall light are all such actions and practises condemned; and who goe under a colour of Levelling we deny, which are for the earth, and which is to draw peoples mindes into the earth, with the light and power which brings out of the earth, do we all them and that deny, but that which overturnes the earth, and bringeth out of it we owne, and in it we have unity, which brings into the right order all the creation, and the right use of all the creatures, throweh down the Mountains, and exalteth the vallies, raiseth up the just and throweth down the unjust, but that which would have ease and filthinesse, and draws from the light which is pure, which will keep all diligent to serve God, and to levell the filthy nature and judge it down, we deny, and them that staine the earth and cumbers the ground with the eternall light which brings the mind up out of the earth into onenesse in the light, we judge and comprehend; and here is the crosse of Christ to keep the mind out of the earth up to God, with the light of God and with the light to see it is the Lords, and with it to receive wisdome from God to labour, and to order and rule in he earth, this we own, this we honour and set upp in our soules, which layes low, and throws down and condemnes and judges all filthinesse, beastlynesse, and the liberty in the flesh, for who, witnesse the power of the Lord and the light of God it throwes down that nature among them whom the world scornfully calls Quakers; But such that dwel in the light, whose minds are guided up to God to receive the wisdom from God, to labor in the Creation, whose minds are kept out of the earth, above the earth, up to God, and are come into the wisdom of God, to labour with a single eye, and with a single heart, to serve one another in love, such Levellers that levels down the corruption and the filth, with us are honoured.

And all such which have been enlightened with the light of Christ, and not knowing nor abiding in the daily cross of Christ, which crucifies the world, and the lusts, and brings to wait on Christ for power and strength, to cleanse the mind, to purifie the heart, and to witnesse the life of Christ, have gotten the truth in motion, and in their vain minds study to comprehend the truth, and boast of words, but do not abide in the doctrine of Christ, to be comprehended into the truth, and to p ssesse the life and substance, but have their wils at liberty, sporting themselves, in the day time, talking of a Virgin state, and separating themselves, man from the wise outwardly, but living in riot and excesse, in laughter and folly, in pride and lust, no sepa­ration being made in the heart the precious from the vile, the clean from the unclean, nor walking in the steps of Christ, but talk of high [Page 5] things in their ayrie imaginations, without life, without power, without savour, promising liberty to others, but they themselves serving the lusts of the flesh, the lusts of the Eye, and the pride of life, all such virgins which are harlots, and their virgin state with the light of Christ & the life, which brings out of the lusts out of the earth and redeems to God, and makes pure the heart from all the defile­ments of women, and to follow the Lamb to the Virgin state whose garments are washed in the blood of the Lamb, where nothing that is not pure can enter, are they seen and comprehended, and their estate known to be in the flesh, and with the life which is eternal, which is not of this world nor in this world, which is raised up through death to the world, and all things of the world are they judged, and with the light which comes from Christ, which leads to the life invisible, eternall, out of all visible and carnal things are they condemned.

And all such which are turned from the light of Iesus Christ within, and follows their own spirits and conceivings, and imaginations, and what they study in their own brain of those words that were from the light declared with the light, all such are comprehended and con­demned, their race and their compasse is known and seen with the light, and all such we do deny, and in the light we have unity which doth them condemne.

And all such which are turned from the light which Iesus Christ hath enlightned withall, whose minds are in books, and so boasts in their talke of others words which were declared, from the light and speak high and bigg swelling words, and has mens persons in admi­ration, all such we do deny with the light of Christ Iesus, which with it they are all to be condemned, which light is according to that of God in all Consciences, and to it are we manifest.

And all such which do observe the commands which Christ hath spoken, the Prophets have spoken, and the Apostles spoke, and are not led with the light which comes from Christ, with the light are they and all their taken on commands condemned, which are taken on in that nature contrary to the light, as the Iewes and the Pharises did, and such that cry up the Ordinances of God, the Ordinances of Christ, the Temple of the Lord, the Ministers of the Gospel, the preaching of the word; and are not led to know these things with the light which Iesus Christ hath enlightened withall in par­ticular, with this light wherewith he hath enlightened every one that come into the world, all they are to be condemned and all their Ordinances and commands, and are such as use their tongues, which acts in the nature contrary to the light, and are not led with an eternall principle of life, to know those words, which were given from the life, so with it they are judged, and the light with it they are condemned; but all such who are are led with the light, and walk in the light, into the Ordinances of Christ, his commands, and with the light come to witnesse the word and the Gospel, such we own such we witness and honour in our souls.

[Page 6]And all such which turne from the light of Christ, which is given to every one to lead up to Christ them that wait in it, and direct to Christ them that in it seek to find him and, pretend to be seekers and waiters, and meet together, and there talke of seeking and waiting, but have not their minds turned to the light, nor that eye opened which sees Christ which is the light, which is within, but seeks without, and looks without, seeking the living among the dead, looking for things without, and a day and power to come hereafter, but neglect the day of their visitation which is to day, and not waiting in the light, but talking from their vain wisdome of waiting on Christ, with the light which comes from Christ, which shuts out the wisdome and the reason of man, and puts a stop to the for­ward will, and stops the running mind, and brings to stand still in the light, and to wait on Christ, whose kingdom is within and comes with observation, who is the substance and the life of all figures and shadowes, are they all seen and condemned.

And all such which are turned from the light which Iesus Christ hath enlightened withall, and are in their carnall mind, and the carnall mind imitates crosses, and formes crosses and Images, and worships the name of the Saints, with the light which is a crosse to the ground of these crosses; is he the founder of these Images and his Images to be condemned, and the crosse is to the ground of all these crosses, which is his condemnation and all his workes, he that hath the eare let him hear, and the eye which is the light let him stand still and looke and see that which God is confounding, dwelling in the light is a crosse to the ground of all the worlds crosses, Papists Ranters, Levellers, and all who are in Notions, whose minds are turned from the light of Christ Iesus into the earth, such are enemies to the crosse and with the light they are all condemned, and in this crosse do we rejoyce which takes away the foundation of the world, for the Lamb of God is slain while it is standing, so the crosse is to that, that which shall change and doth change and passe away and have an end, with that which shall have no end, he that can receive me let him, it that I have unity, and that is it which reads all words that are declared from the life.

And all who makes a profession of Christ and God, and are drun­kards, and are covetous and Idolaters, and adulterers, whore-mongers, with the light which lets see all these things to be contrary to God, with it we do them and their profession deny, for in the light is our vnity which brings to deny all deeds of darknesse, which is the con­demnation of all who lives in the flesh, and follows the lusts of it I speak; and it I witnesse which shall condemn all such practises.

And all such which are turned from the light of Iesus Christ within, and makes a profession of the words proceeded from the light in others, and of Christs words the light and the Apostles who were witnesses of the light and had this light in them, and have gotten their words to talke of, and followes Bowls, and Cards, and Dice, [Page 7] and Shovelboard, and Tables, and delighting in Musick, Harps, and Viols, which are acted in the first nature, Bearebaitings, Horse-racings, Cudgell plays, Foot-ball plays, Leapings, Dancings, Wrestlings, Fencings, all such practises, boasters, which are such Ranters we deny, as knowing with the light all this to be condemned, and all professors which professe God and Christ and act such things we deny, as know­ing them to be the works of the flesh, which are to be condemned with the light.

And all such that follows Hawking, Hunting, Cock-fightings, Stage-plays, and all other plays whatsoever, Tennis, Shooting, and other exercises to recreat the vain carnall mind which is out of the feare of God, and lives in the lust of the flesh, and the lusts of the eye, and yet makes a profession, and all such we deny who live in the light of Iesus Christ, and with it we see all these works of the flesh and lust, and vainly are to be condemned with it.

And all such that makes a profession of Christ Iesus, and are deceit­full in their trading, in their buyings and sellings, in their merchandize, which are more then yea, and nay, and are in oathes, all such pro­fessors stink before the Lord God, and with the light which comes from Christ which brings to yea and nay, we all such deny, for in it is our unity, which brings to pure comunication, and to the holy con­versation, then words are savoury and seasoned with grace, and all such filthie practises we know, are with the light to be condemned.

And all such teachers which are turned from the light of Iesus Christ, and keeps their people from it, and so tells people of a me­diate call, mediate meanes, that the steeple-house is the Church, Hebrew, Greek and Latine is the Originall, which Pilate had, and the naturall man may have the words declared from the life into the naturall language yet never know the Originall, yet never knew the Original from whence they come, and Mathew Marke Luke and Iohn is the Gospel, and sprinkling Infants is the baptisme, and bread and wine is the communion, such draws forth the immediate to the me­diate, and tell them its the means, so with the immediate are all such judged, and the everlasting Gospel witnessed, and the comunion knowne in the spirit, and the baptisme in the spirit, and the Church in God, and the immediate call, but all the mediate we deny, with the imediate, and see them to be carnall beggarly worldly rudiments and wither, and to be condemned with the light which shall never wither.

And all such teachers which are turned from the light of Iesus Christ we deny, which seek for their gaine from their quarter, bear rule by their means, are hirelings, and seeks for the fleece, and makes a prey upon the people, and sue them at the law, and are called of men Master, have the chiefest place in the assemblies, and stand praying in the Synagogues, and takes guifts and rewards, the wages of un­righteousnesse, and are erred from the spirit, as Balaam was, with the spirit all such we deny, who are in the way of Core, gainsaies the [Page 8] truth, and in the way of Cain turned from the pure command, and are in envy with the light which Iesus Christ hath enlightened withall, we see such as the Prophets saw, Christ saw, and the Apostles saw, so with the same light as they saw withall, we do see that which they testified against, and that which they denyed we deny, for in it we have unity, and all them we deny (praised be God) which we see are for condemnation with the light.

And all such which are turned from this pure light which Christ Iesus hath enlightened withall, and makes a profession of Christ, of God, & lives in the lust, their minds turned into the earth, in the fash­ions of the world, adorning themselves with gold, plattings of the Haire, Broydered hoods and Uailes, and round attire like the moone, which can scarce tell how to walk upon the earth, envying one another, and serving lusts and pleasures, sporting themselves, feasting and rioting and professing liberty to all these things, in all these things, these are such that the Apostle spoke of, who while they professe themselves liberty are the servants of corruption, and all such prrfession, and all such liberty we do deny, for with the light we do it see, and that liberty must be limited and condemned, for such are they that crucifie the Son of God, which who are made free, are made free by the Son of God, from the bondage of corruption, then the creature shall not groan, which while the bondage of Corruption the Creation groans; who are servants of Corruption, turn from the light, and with the light they are to be condemned, and all that liberty, so all such professors and profession, and such liberty we do deny.

And all such that are turned from the pure light of Iesus Christ which is eternall, and have got a fained love, a fained profession, a fained humility, and a customary false sighing and false groaning, all such with the light we do deny, as seeing they are for condemnation but true humility, true love, and sighing and groaning we own, which is in it selfe, its selfe.

And all such that are turned from the pure light which Iesus Christ hath enlightened withall, and makes a profession of God and Christ, and his words, and sues one another at the law, and strive about the earthly things, and wrangle about earthly things, and strive about things that are changeable, and vexing and fretting one another about such things in Courts, Assizes, and Benches and Suites, here you de­clare where your minds are, and what they are upon, and to, and here you declare that you are out of the doctrine of Christ, and are they that are turned from the light and all such filthy profession and professors, we utterly deny with the light, which is your condemnation.

And all such teachers and people that are turned from the pure light of Christ within them, and turnes the words that were declared from the light into Rime and meeter, prophesies, Prayers, Cryings, Tremblings, makes songs of them to stir up the carnal mind, some part they sing, some part they take and make a prayer of, that part they turne into Rime and Meeter and sing then they doff their Hats, which when they read they keep them on; [Page 9] here they worship the work of their own hands, another part of the same mind goes to expound and get mony withall, all such as thus abuse the Scripture with their carnall minds, and makes them bend to their own fancies we do utterly deny, for the spirit we witnesse that gave forth the Scriptures, and we own the words again, and they are ours, and all such prayers, and all such singers, and all such preachers and expounders, with that nature that acts contrary to the light, with the light all such are to be condemned, with the light we see that condemnation is upon all such, in which light we have unity which gathers our hearts together to God, which brings us to witnesse praying, to witnesse singing in the spirit, which spirit opens the Scri­ptures without any private interpretation.

And all ye that are in warrs are turned from the light, from whence rise wars but from the lust, which with the light all wars and that warring nature is to be condemned, for it will lead before warrs was, into another kingdom which is not of this world, that which is turned from the sight, warres for the kingdomes of the world, but he that is guided with the light, comes to warr against the kingdoms of the world, and with it comes to be led before warres was, and to you this is the word of the living God, he that can receive it let him.

And all such which are turned from the pure eternall light, which Iesus Christ hath enlightened withall, and are in strife about earthly things and Customes, and Lawes, and Acts, and one Nations Custome would bring another nation to bend to his Nations Custome, and one man to have his fancie to reigne over another mans fancie, & one mans opinion over another mans opinion, here you are making profelites with the nature out of the truth; And thou that dost reign to gather all nations under thee, and have all bow to thy image, remember Nebuchad­nezzar King of Babylon, of the many languages of the many Nations, he lost his kingdom; with the light which comes from Christ which is eternall, which brings out of all Languages into one Language, all this is to be condemned and judged down, which light brings to witnesse another King, Christ Iesus, whose kingdome and dominion endures for ever, who dashes to pieces all those dead stones, and gathers together the living stones, who doth redeeme out of Languages, out of People, out of tongues, out of kindreds, makes Priests and Kings to reigne upon the earth, praised be God, Christ Iesus is, come to reign; and coming to reign, and with this light which lets see all these thing conscrary to the light, Customes, Traditions, Opinions who live in, and yet make a profession of God and Christ, and professe liberty, and are delivered to act all such things, are in the nature contracted to God, and with the light them and all those things we do deny.

And all such that turne from the light of Christ Iesus and lives in the earthly wisdome, and would have others bow down to them, and would have the earth honored, and the earthly honored, and yet professe Christ and God, and are in the evill communication and teacheth it; that you must not say yea at first word, but nay and then take a thing, [Page 10] that's manners; here you are in the evill and your manners, are corrupt and all your manners I deny, for evill communication doth corrupt the good manners, and thou that art more in thy communica­tions then yea and nay, thou art in the evill thou art not in the good manners, but in the evill comunication corrupted, o with the light thou art to be condemned, thy communication and thy manners, and thy profession to be deceipt, and a lying tongue is found in thee, which is abhored with God.

And all ye Merchants who have great traffique by Sea and Land, and all ye which do change the creatures, which are above yea and nay, if ye make a profession of Christ. we deny you, your manners is corrupt and you and your profession is to be condemned out of the doctrine of Christ, therefore silence all flesh, before the Lord God, who makes a profession of the Lord Iesus Christ his words, and Apostles words, and Prophets words and are contrary to his doctrine, with his light you are to be condemned from him to it in you all, I speak which lets you see your communication and conversation; for being yea and nay in your communication here you are all kept in the good manners, you are all trained up to and in the holy conversation which is without spot, and the conversation must be in heaven, and the conversation is in Heaven who comes to walk here.

And to all you which are turned from the light, the word of the Lord, I do charge you & command you in the presence of the living God, yee Merchants yee Traffiquers, yee Shopkeepers, yee Tradesmen of all sorts whatsoever, to the light of Christ Iesus in all your consciences, wherewith he hath enlightened you take heed, and it love and mind, that with it you may see in all your common occasions when you are more then yea, and nay, ye goe into the evill, ye goe into your self ends, yea goe into the corrupt manners, yee goe into the filthy communications, and the wicked conversation, and lay aside all guile and deceit, and speak not that of your commodities which they are not, to dissemble, to lye, and to cheat and deceive the simple to get gaine to your selves, but make your price reasonable and be at a word to the poore and to the rich, to the wise and the simple, and what the word is let it stand, let your yea be yea, least a lye be found in your mouthes, and let all your Trade and Trafique and Merchandize be for those things that are usefull and servicable in the creation and not to feed the lusts, or delight the vain mind, that ye may not burthen the Creation but may be serviceable in your genereation and not to feed, he that walks otherwise, and makes a p [...]ofession of God and Christ his Religion is viane, and his profession is abomination to the Lord, and with the light he is condemned from amongst all the children of the light, you that professe what you are not yee, are Hyprocrites, and have not the life that gave forth the Scriptures, therefore with it you are judged; Awake awake all people and come unto the light wherewith Christ Iesus hath enlight­ned you, that with it you may see what you do professe, and I charge [Page 11] you and command you in the presence of the living God to professe no more then you doe professe and walk in.

And all such who are turned from the pure light of Christ into vain jangling, vaine contention and strife about those words that were declared from the light and life; and jangling about those words that were declared from the life and light, with the life and light are all such judged and condemned, and those words seen plainly that from it were given forth, and all such that would goe about to make sences of those words, that were given forth from the light and life, with the light that leads out of sence up to God, from whence words did proceed all, they and their sences are condemned with the light, and their profession in that nature that acts contrary to the light.

And all such that are turned from the light which Christ Iesus hath enlightened withal, and doe respect persons, such are out of the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ, and professe dominion and dignity, and respect persons, such cast the law of God behind their backs, which respects no mans persons, such would have flattering titles, and give flattering titles to man, such are not respected with the maker the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and such doe not respect him, as it is written in Iob.

And all such that make a profession and live in that nature, its openly seen they are out of the doctrine of Christ, but the law we own, which is perfect according to that of God in all consciences, which respects no mans person, and the faith of our Lord Iesus Christ we own which is without respect of Persons.

And all such which are turned from the light of Christ and makes a profession of his words, and lives in bending and bowing one to another, and in it taking Pride Cap and Knee, and he that doth not deny the light, and worship with them in that wor­ship, such are hated and envied, and scorned and scoffed at, now with the light which Christ Iesus hath enlightened withall, which brings us to deny all the worships of the world, which brings us to wor­ship God in spirit and in truth with it all such respects and such profession are condemned. And all such which turns from the light of Christ Iesus within and hears it not but lives in hardness of heart, and Oppression and Pride, and Ambition gathering the earth together and makes themselves Lords over the creatures, and oppresse with great fines and rents, and live in fulness Dives like and feed them­selves so fat they can hardly goe, and with their cloathes they dresse themselves, that they can hardly tell how to walk, when the other scarce have Bread or Clothes, and yet they make a profession of Christ Iesus, and say that they exalt him, here the devil is exalted the King of Pride and Oppression, and the lying tongue is found in their mouths. And such men gets the earth under their hands, in whom the devourer rules, and the curse is upon it, and keep it under their hands from the people from dressing of it, and it doth not yeild her encreas; & none who are here waits for the Restoration of the Creation, but [Page 12] some Creatures are lost for want of the Creatures, and some creatures are destroyed for want of ordering, where this wisdome reignes and rules in the earthly, which is earthly, sensuall and divelish, in the nature which acts contrary to the light, with the light are all such professors to be condemned, and with it they are seen, they have not the life that gave forth the scriptures; such cannot witnesse Christ Iesus but by hear say, such swels in the vanity, such swels a­gainst the poor, such swells against the needy, and the contrite heart, such despises them who walk in the fear of God, and are growing into the life that gave forth the Scriptures, such professors and pro­fession we deny, they have long cumbred the ground, such are harlotted from the truth, and such gets the earth under their hands, Commons, Wastes and Forrest, and Fels, and Mores, and Mountaines, and lets it lye wast, and calls themselves Lords of it, and keeps it from the pe ple, when so many are ready to starve and begg; with the light that comes from Christ, which brings to Christ, all such that are destroyers of the Creatures of the Creation, are condemned, and all earthly mindes, and all who for self ends acts contrary to the light; And all whose minds are single, and with the light guided, and receives the pure wisdome from above, such are fit to order and rule, to give the earth its liberty, that it may come to enjoy her Saboths and yield her encrease: But, all such as make a profession of the words declared from the light, and are in the selfish principle, such are not fit to rule, that are in the wisdome which is earthly, but with the light which leads into the fear of God, which is the beginning of the pure wisdome, all that is to be condemned, by which all things comes to be ordered, and by nothing that is earthly, but with the just all that is judged, to the light in all your consciences I speak, that with it all your minds may be turned to God, and come to grow into the life, that gave forth the Scriptures, that every one may come to possesse what you doe professe, for all profession what­soever the manner of it is without the life, Opinions, Sects, they are all in that nature that acts contrary to the light, and with the light which never changeth, all such we doe deny.

And all such that turne from the light, that turne from the com­mand of God, turne into Cains way, and all such as have had mighty openings by the spirit, and have erred from it and then such set up to be teachers for guift, and rewards, and wages, all such we doe deny, who goes after the error of Balaam, such are they that lay stumbling blocks before them that dwell in their tents, such are for the sword, such their fruit wither, therefore to the light in you all I speak which never changeth, that with it all that may be judged with that which never changeth for all that we utterly deny.

And all such that are turned from the light of Christ within, which say they are guifted men and experienced men, and goes forth into the w [...]rld and [...] people they are guifted, and have so much a piece for speaking their guift, here they are lyers, they have not [Page 13] received the gift of God, which cannot be bought and sold for money, and with the light an such are to be condemned which doth never change.

And all such as are turned from the light of Christ Iesus, which have gotten words in their braine, and cals them experiences, and have had some flashes, and have some conceivings and let one another of these experiences, sometimes with a Tobacco pipe in their mouthes taking Tobacco in the lust and sometime as they are drinking in in alehouses, these are the evill beasts which the scriptures speaks of, that live in the lusts of the flesh these are such as defile the flesh, and speak through the lusts of the flesh, all such experiences, and such meetings, and such declaring of experiences, with the light and life that gave forth the scriptures, whose words were savoury and seasoned, we utterly deny, and witnesse the light in which we have union and fellowship one with another, and with God, and the Son, who testified against all the world, that the works of it were evil, and with his light we doe the same.

And all such that doe not own the light, which Christ Iesus hath enlightned withall, to guide them, to lead them into the life, that gave forth the scriptures, but with that nature that hates the light, doe make the profession of the scripture, and would be satisfied in things of the spirit and the scripture; that is it which must goe empty away; and that is he which would know, and not doe, and that is he which is approved of men, but not of God, and this is he whose prayers are abomination to God, with his light which comes from him are all these seen, and with it they are condemned, and all such we deny, who dwels in the light which comes from God, which is eternall; the father of light.

And all such which doe not walk in the light which comes from Iesus Christ, but are turned from it, and judges for rewards, such their eye is blinded which is the light, with the earth. And all such that takes tithes of the people, which denies the unchangeable priest, and holds up the figure and brings Caesar their cloak to hold up the figure, and yet make a profession of Christ, oh horrible filthy, are men past feeling, is the sensible part gone, all such profes­ors of Christ and God, such cunning deceivers which makes words their cloak, with the light which Christ Iesus hath enlightned us withall we deny, which brings us to witnesse the unchangeable, with it we doe witnesse the figure of Christ in its place, and with it Coesar in his place shall have his due, and with it we doe witnesse the end of the figure Christ Iesus the substance. And all such as hold up the figure, we doe utterly deny, as seeing and knowing they are to be condemned who live in those changeable things, with that which doth not change, and to you this is the word of God, and the law we doe own which is according to the light of Christ in every mans conscience, which law respects no mans person.

And all such which professe themselves Christian Magistrates, and [Page 14] say they own Christ, and they do exalt him, and are in envy and persecution, and persecute them that declare against deceit, and pride, and lust, and such as the Prophets, Christ and his Apostles cried against, all such Professors and Profession which is acted in that nature contrary to the light, all this is with the light to be condemned; for with the light it is to be seen to be out of the doctrine of Christ; and all you that are there in such actions, you have a name that you live, but you are dead, with the life you are judged, and with the light condemned, and such we deny with the light in which is the unity.

And all you which do not wait to be guided by the light of Christ that with it your minds may be led and directed to God to stand in his Councell, but are making Laws and Acts and Bonds in that nature that acteth contrary to this light in the Conscience, and then makes a profession, with this nature, of those words that were decla­red from the eternall spirit of God, and so lives in these things that are acted contrary to the light which is eternall, now with the light which is eternall and never changeth is all this comprehended fathomed and condemned, and the Law of God witnessed which is perfect, which endures for ever; which who walks in it, shall grow up as a free planted by the River of water, whose leaf shall never fade nor fall, but you that are wicked are not so, you are turned from the light, your fruit withers, and you are tossed too and fro like the chaffe, for you are turned from that which is eternall to the change­able in the changeable things, for the Law of God serves all ages, which is according to that of God in every mans conscience, which is the same in all ages, it endures for ever.

And all you that are not led by the light of Iesus Christ, which he hath enlightened you withall, which has the letter which from it was declared; which are such teachers and professors which say none shall have the infallible judgment, none shall come to have the eternall spirit of God as the Apostles had; all your profession we do deny with the same eternall spirit that gave forth the scriptures, and with the light all such are condemned, whatsoever profession they are of, Sect or Opinion, that walk not in the light, and have not the life that gave forth the Scriptures, with the light they are all condemned, wherein we have unity.

And all you that are turned from the light which Christ Iesus hath enlightened you withall, though you may professe the words de­clared from the light, and their commands which they obeyed, and yet not led by tht same light, with it the light you are to be con­demned.

And you that are turned from the light, which Christ Iesus hath enlightened you withall, you are in the self righteousnesse, you are turned from the Lord our righteousnesse, who are out of the light, and hate the light, and with the light you are to be condemned, and your righteousnesse.

[Page 15]From him who is a lover of your souls, a lover of the Seed, a lover of the Creation for the establishing of the righteous Law, and setting up of righteousness, and cleansing the land of evill doers, which the righte­ous law takes hold upon, which is perfect acccording to that of God in all consciences, and is against such as act contrary to the light of God in the conscience, who is a lover of peace and unity, in that which never changeth, in that which comprehends time, in that which sees out of time, from which love proceeds, where all the children of God in the light meet in one judgment and mind; which light is the con­demnation of the world; in which light they walk, where there is no strife, not war for the earth, nor about the earth, but from the earth su h are redeemed to God the Lord, whose the earth is, who is come to reign, and coming to reign, Glory g ory to God Almight for ever, who liveth and reigneth and endureth forever. This is witnessed amongst them whom the world scornfully calls Quakers, and the light is ours which shall condemn the world, and them which do profess what they are not: To the light of Christ in you all I speak, that with it you may see your selves, there is your Teacher that will not lye, which will con­condemn you if you do lye which will witness me eternally, & condemn you that hate it, and shew you all the way to salvacion that love it, and from Christ, from whence it doth come, which is the way to the Father, and to you all this is the word of God, and love and peace to your souls, and a visitation.

And lay aside all your profession in words, and have not the life; for you are worse then they that make no profession: for you have a cloak, you are worse then the Publican, the open sinner which sees himself quickly, which is more justified, with that which lets him see himself, then you that stand up in your self-profession: with that light which comes from Christ, all self, and all corruption and sin is judged and condemned, and nothing is justified but what is sanctified and nothing is glorified but what is justified, and so all every where r ad your selves, to the light in all your consciences I speak, that with it you may see your selves, where you are, what you have been, what you are, whom you serve, whom you worship, and whether you know the Father of light, or had known there had been such a one, if the Scripture had not spoken of such a one, with the light that knowledge is condemned, for its death that talks of the same, which knowledge is outward; and whether you had known there had been a holy Ghost if the Scriprure had not spoken of the holy Ghost, or whe­ther you had known there had been a Christ, if the Scripture had not spoken of Christ: And whether you had known there had been a Gospell if the Scripture had not spoken of the Gospel, to [Page 16] the light of Christ I speak, it will let you see what you do possess of the life that was before the Scripture was given forth, for the word was, and the light was before the Scripture was, the chapter is not the light, nor the verse is not the light, nor the word, but from the word, from the light and from the life were the Scrip­tures declared; and wi h the light, and with the word, and in the life, they are all owned again: and all that make a trade of them, with the light, and with the life, and with the word, are all such denied. And all such as hold up an outward Temple, their minds ate turned from the light of Christ within, which brings to witness the temple of the holy Ghost, and worships that which is turned from the light of Christ, which speak their imaginations upon the words declared from the light, these are the cage of un­clean birds, these are they that do persecute, these are they that paint themselves, and such are the harlots, the welfavoured harlots, and build the Tombs of the Prophets and the Apostles, and garnish the sepulchers of the righteous; but with the light which Christ Jesus hath inlightned withall, which comes from him, all such acti­ons and practices, and such a profession from God is seen and con­demned, With all the children of light, who are of God, and to you all this is the word of God.

This I command you all in the presence of the living God, to walk in the light that Christ Jesus hath enlightned you withall, that with it you may all come to see Christ, and walk in the light and life, as the Saints did, which from it the Scripture proceeded, and walking every one in the light and life in measure, you wil come to witness those words fulfilled, that were given forth from the life, and the substance of them possess, which has been so long profest; then there will be no more, Lo here is Christ, Lo there is Christ, and toto al this is the word of God, you that of God in you al I speak, that with it your minds may be stayed upon God, and that you may come to witness your soules quickned with the living power which raises it up out of death, and throws down the earth, and wait in the light which comes from Christ that this you may come to enjoy in life, substance and power which will lead you out of form and words, to the life that gave forth the words; for who have the words and not the life, from it are strangers, and with it are to be judged, for so to it I speak, that you may see what you have more then words, if you have not it with the light, you [...] to be condemned.

G. F.

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