A LETTER From His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, TO M r. SPEAKER; CONCERNING A Randezvouz of the Army, for the quieting of all Distempers therein, and recovering the Antien [...] Discipline thereof.

With the Desires and Proposals of the Generall Councell of the Army, for the easing the Countrey, and taking off Free Q [...]arter.

BY the Appointment of the Generall Councell of the Army.


⟨Nou: 11 th London, Printed for George Whittington, at the Blew Anchor in Cornhill neere the Royall Exchange, 1647.

A Letter from His Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, to the Speaker of the House of Commons.


BEing very much troubled at the sad distractions of the Kingdome for want of Pay, and such other necessary satis­faction as we have long wayted upon you for, not taking so much pleasure to say whence the Cause of all this trouble comes, as to use my endeavour to give a timely and effectuall remedy to so much thereof, as is of neerest concern [...]ment to mee. I thought fit to let you know, That by the ad­vice of the Generall Councell of the Ar­my, J have appointed a Randezvouz very speedily, and they have very unanimously [Page]offered to repaire to their several charges, and improve to their utmost endeavours with the severall Regiments; for the qui­e [...]ing of them and recovering of the an­cient Discipline of the Army, thereby to render it more serviceable to the Par­liament and Kingdome: And to the end, your expectations, and the Desires of all good men may be answered by a good issue in this work of so much con­cernment to the Kingdome. J thinke fit by the same advice to offer unto you these particulars inclosed, beseeching you, That if more weighty businesses of the Kingdom do not let you would bring them to a speedy determination; That so your care of the Ar­my may appeare, and my self and the Offi­cer [...] be thereby inabled to let the Souldiers see we take such consideration of them, as becomes us, and have ingaged our selves unto. And J doubt not, but thereby we [Page]shall be inabled to let you see, that this Ar­my wil appear as it hath ever profest; to be really seeking the good of this Kingdome, and approving it Self faithful in Your ser­vice, which hath been, and ever shal be the desire of

Your very humble Servant, T. Fairfax.
For the Honourable Wil. Lenthal Esq; Speaker of the Honorable House of Commons.

The Proposals of the Generall Coun­cell of the Army to the Parlia­ment.

I. IT is desired, That six Weeks pay (if possi­hle) if not a Moneths pay presently sent down to the Army.

II That the Arreares may be voted to be paid out of the remainder of Bishops lands, Deans and Chapters Lands to bee sold in the same manner as the Bishops Lands, reserving a competency to those that have a legall interest therein, and have not forfeited the same by Delinquency, and two thirds out of Delin­quents Compositions, who have not yet com­pounded, and out of Forrest Lands.

[Page] III. We desire, that the house will be pleased ei­ther to make provision; That when this Mo­neths Pay is out, there shall be constant pay to enable the Souldier to avoid the Oppression of the People by free quarter, then which, no­thing is more grievous unto Us: And in case they doe so, wee ingage our selves to make it death for any man to take free quarter, or if the Parl. do find, That the Counties will not so readily bring in their Money, we shall un­dertake, if enabled thereunto, so to dispose of the Army, and of the severall Counties, as that the Monies shall be raised, and the People punctually satisfied for their quarter; provided that there may be an increase of the said Tax to an hundred thousand pound a Month, for the payment of this Army, and the other Forces continued in the Kingdome, and those that are to go for Ireland, and the disbanding of those that be supernumerary, untill the Parlia­ment shall otherwise provide, by Excise, or otherwise, for easing the said Taxes.

IV. Lastly, we declare, That if this course bee taken, that as we have engaged, that none shal [Page]upon paine of death, take any thing from any Inhabitant in this Kingdome against his will, wherin we shal be punctuall depositive, so al­so we shall give assurance. That no man shall be forced to bee quartered upon against his consent, provided there may be an allowance for lodging, firing, and candle, or the owners upon whose houses quarters are assigned, to be had in other places, to be allowed to those that shall quarter.


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