The Forerunners Work Set forth by MOTIVE MOTION; Commanded by God.

LONDON, Printed in the Year, MDCLII.

The EPISTLE To the READER: Shewing from whence the Glory doth Break forth.

RUma Emula, his work forerunning; sprung forth from the uncreated Perseverance, issued forth from the Bridegroom's Glory and to be established in the heart and body of the earth; given out of the hands of Excellent Beauty, to the forewarning those, and the a­dorning them, the Lamb's innocent Bride in the pureness of love, exprest in the lettle scope, and the great desolation made known in this worke forerunning.

Remember these words Mat. 25.42, 43. I was an hungry, and ye gave me no meat; I was a thirsty, and ye gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and ye took me not in; naked, and ye clothed me not; sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. The end of the Epistle.


WRite mine O mine saith the Lord, come up unto me; But what mine? Why mine Israel in whom there is no gu [...]; mine oxen, my heifers, my sheep, and my lambs; O mine (saith the Lord) come up unto me. Son of man, Call aloud, speak, ut­ter thy voice, and let the children hear [...]y words, which I also I will put into thy mouth, and [...]y on this wise; I am God, the first and the last, and there is none beside my self; I come, and who shall withstand me? and call, and who shall not be afraid? I answer, and who shall not tremble? I the Lord also will do this, and shall not the Nations be afraid before me? yea they shall also be afraid and tremble, when but one glimpse of my glory doth break forth into this garden or earth. But now li [...]le children Hear the word of the Lord, and be comforted by him for in him must your comfort rest; unto you little children do I speak, babes and suck­lings, the lambs of my flock, that play upon my hill, that eat in my vallies, and that rest in my bosome: To these, O Son of man, speak on this wise and say; I will clothe you like the Lillies of the Valley, I will dress you in or­naments fit, and make you become beautiful; for you are the wife of my youth, the children in whom my soul de­lighteth, [Page]Moreover, say on this wise; the Gospel shall be preached in your land, the dry pools shall become springs of water, and the desolate land shall be inhabited: Also I come, I come (saith the Lord) to plead the innocent's cause, and to revenge me of mine Adversaries; I come as a Judge, judging the earth, and to plead your causes, you little children; for I have heard your oppressions, and they cannot stand before me: Also I come to separate between the good and the bad, and between the just and the unjust: and I will make a full separation, insomuch that it shall not be joyned together again. Hallow thy self in dust and ashes, for I am a coming to destroy the seed of the wick­ed, that the righteous may the more increase; For in those days you (little children) shall no more need the Sun by day, nor the Moon by night; for my glory shall be an everlasting light to you for ever; it shall be a light to your steps, and a lanthorn to your paths, lest you should slip or fall aside: Moreover▪ by the right hand of my Righteous­ness will I hold you up, lest you stumble in the way: In the greatness of my strength, and in the fulness of my might will I affectionately affect you, and greatly set my love on you for ever. Ho, come, I call, be prepared, for the supper of the great God is at hand: You little children come along, I will lead you, the supper is prepared, and all things are ready; Therefore O Israel, come along; if thou meanest to be married make haste, delay not: Let thy Jamps be filled full with oyl, that they may endure the sea­son they are to stand. My word is gone forth, and it shall not come back void; my Messengers are wandred in the world, and they shall not return empty; I have given them a promise, and it shall be fulfilled; they shall feed of my dainties, and eat at my Table; and I will be their God, and they shall know they are my people: I will call them out by one name, I will lead them out by one power, and I will guide them by my outstretched arm from the evil opposers, and the self willed contradicters. My people, [Page]all you that hear my word, harken, I come in haste, I stay not, for my work is hastning, and suddenly to be done; therefore wait, watch, lest that come upon you you look not for: for when I am not thought on, then will I come, and then shall my glory be seen. Hell shall give up that which is in her, Death shall tremble, and be in fearful Agony, the Vail of the Temple shall be rent from the top to the bottom, and the graves shall give up the dead that is in them, and great darkness shall fall upon all the earth; in the most security, the greatest trouble; and in the most safety, the greatest misery. Here I declare to you, and tell you, O ye little children, what I mean to do; but why? because my affection is greatly towards you, and my love shall not part from you. Ho, come, I call the second time for you my little children, for my delight is in you, and my sould delighteth to play with you, even as one childe playeth with another, but yet in spirit. Ho, come, I call the third time for you my children to come and play upon my brests, for they are like mountains for my little lambs to dance upon; my knees are like little hills for my young ones to rest on; and my armes are as a delightsom Valley set with Willows, for those that are great with young to rest and shade under. Ho, come, I call the fourth time, that you may come and harken to my words; Here do I provide for you all, both for old and young, for little and great, and all that will come to my supper. Also I call the fift time, that you may come and take notice of my Son, for he is beautiful, his garments are coloured with treading the Wine-fat, and are become red with the blood of the grapes; for he treadeth the winepress of the fierce­ness and wrath of Almighty God, and his fury is gone forth upon his Adversaries. Ho, come, I call the sixth time to you my lambs, that you should look upon the ho­ly Ghost, take notice of him, view him, and behold the inamoured beauty that lieth in him; view also his works, and his ways, that you also may do the like; for even the [Page]power, and the strength, and glory that abideth in him, shall rest on you. Ho come, I call to you my little flock saying, every one that is a thirsty, let him come and drink; and every one that is an hungry, let him come and be filled; also come and buy wine and milk without mo­ney or without price: O children, I strive not for gain, neither do I labour to get treasure; but come and taste of my delights freely, and the delights of my soul without price and without money. Jacob my Sirname, and Israel my beloved the fruit of my wombe, the people in whom my soul delighteth; thou that art the first labour of my hands: remember how my love hath been towards thee, do not ferget lest I also forget thee; but be mindful of the glory that I have endowed thee withal; and I also in the time of trouble will be mindful of thee. Once more my little ones I call unto you saying. Come and suck of my brests and there you shall be filled full, never being empty again; come to my storehouse, and be clothed with that white rayment that shall never wear out nor wax old. Come, and I will put chains about your necks, and brace­lets about your hands; also I will put ear rings in your ears and adorn you fit for the Bridegroom, that you may be joyned together, and become one, and in one never to be parted asunder.

Harken to the Speech of the Lord, or Prophesie, which new is to be laid open to the world.

O howl ye Priests of Baal, for now my God is a com­ing to confound you, O you that oppress the poor, that squeeze the needy, and that strive to get gain to your selves; your wisdom shall be turned to foolishness, and the staft of your strength shall be broken; for you take the glory of God to your selves and the cry of the wronged is come up into his ears; you shall be dasht to pieces with your own conceits and ground to powder with your reason; for the judgement of the Lord will be heavie up­on you and Justice will run down your streets as a migh­ty [Page]stream, and great desolation will seize upon you, and destruction will overtake you: And unto you, O ye lofty Cedars, You shall be cut down, and lopt low, even to the ground; your Wisdom shall be even as Achitophel's and your plots and your enterprises shall be brought to nought, and you even shal be burnt up as stubble with a consuming fire; because ye have put in prison the Prophets, and sto­ned them; also ye count the word of the Lord to be mad­ness, and transgress his holy Name; Therefore, as I live saith the Lord, I will not have pity, nor spare; but I wil recompense, even recompense upon their Heads; for the cries of mine Elect is come up into mine ears, and shall I have pity? No, For as I live saith the Lord, I will not spare: For smoke shall go forth of my Nostrills, and de­vour you, even you shall be devoured without mercy; and those that escape of the Famine, shall the Sword take; and those that escape of the Sword, shall the Pestilence take; and so shall you come to be destroyed from off the earth, that the Elect may be eased of that great burthen, and that heavie yoke that they have so long couched under.

Now I come to you little children, saying, Peace be here: I give you the Sincere Milk of the word, and you may grow up by it as tender Plants, and as young Wil­lows by the water side; You also shal receive the early and latter Rain; that in increasing, you may increase; and in multiplying, you may multiply; and my blessing shall pour down upon you, and issue forth from me even as water issueth forth from a Fountain: Therefore O Righte­ous rejoyce with me, even as I also may rejoyce with you. Little children, I am glad for your sakes that the Lord doth so much make manifest his love to me, to you; I be­ing a child in Christ, even as you are; also a child in age: But my Christ hath spoken, and said, Fa [...]h [...]r of Heaven and Earth, I thank thee that thou hidest these things from the wise and prudent of this world, and hast revealed thy self to Babes and Sucklings: For in those that are not [Page]thought on, doth the glory break forth; for in the poorest and the meanest doth my God break forth in: but now I come even as my Beloved saith, to shew unto you by his holy word, the things that shall suddainly come to pass, and even giving you warning to have a care, Mat, 24.4. And Jesus answered and said unto them, take heed that no man deceive you: Also in the fifth verse he speak­eth after this manner, and saith, Many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ, and shall deceive many: And a­gain verse 11, Many false Prophets shall arise, and de­ceive many: Moreover, Before the end come, shall the Go­spel be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all Na­tions, and then shall the end come: When you therefore shall see the abomination of desolation ( spoken of by Daniel the Prophet, stand in the holy place) who so readeth, let him understand: But then. If any man shall say unto you, lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not: for there shall a­rise false Christ, sand false Prophets; and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch, that if it were; possible, they should deceive the very Elect. Therefore if they shall say unto you, he is in the Desart; go not forth. Behold he is in the secret Chamber; believe it not: For he will come shining from the East to the West, throughout the world! remember what he saith in the 42 verse of this Chapter, Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come; for blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing: And again verse 13. He that endureth to the end shall be saved. Therefore my Brethren stand stedfast, watch, and wait; for assuredly as the light shines, the day of the Lord is at hand. Also Brethren, I am the forerunner, and the voyce of him that thundreth forth his voyce; and I give you warning in this thing: Therefore watch: and for those that endure unto the end, is a Crown of Righteousness laid up with my God.

O my little Flock, once more (Isay) come, come and view the palmes of my hande, for they are like unto Tables [Page]of Stone ready prepared for you, O my little ones, that your names may be written in them: Also my word is gone forth, and it shall come to pass; in the Tables of my hands shall your names be written, and it shall stand for ever, never going out saith the Lord: I will blow the Trumpet in Sion, I will utter my voyce in Jerusalem, and you my little ones shall hear it, and shall rejoyce together; for my glory shall be seen in your innocency, and the Babe-like condition in you, shall greatly be extol'd; for those that strive to oppress you, shall know that you are mine, and I am yours.

Sion speaketh, My new-born-babes that rest in hope, I come to suckle you upon my breasts, I will nourish you with my Milk, and feed you with those Hony drops that drop down like Orient Pearls, from the lips of my Belo­ved: Therefore my Babes rejoyce with me, for I am glad, sorrow is fled away, and heaviness is departed from me; because I that have so long been barren, do now bear; and the Lord hath looked down upon me a widdow, that hath so long been in heaviness and in bondage; but now I shall no more be a Widdow, and desolate, and forsaken; but shall rest in the glory, and rejoyce with my Well be­loved: Therefore Babes, come unto me all ye that are heavie laden, and my Beloved shall ease you; also I will nourish you, and I will strengthen you, and in me shall ye be blessed. O Innocents, take Wisdom to be your Mo­ther, and Understanding to be your Kinswoman; that they may instruct you in their paths.

The glory doth open it self; O come, I call, that you may hear my voice from the voice of strangers, and know it: O come, come ye, all ye my little ones, that I may gather you together, and set you in one place, and in one fold: where I may be with you, and tend you; for you shall be no more under slothful servants and hirelings; for I have heard the groanings of you my little flock, there­fore I will ease you, and ye shall no more be under it.

A Prophesie from the Almighty unto the disobedient and gain-saying people; saying, Son of man, write unto this people; O this people that lyeth in darkness, and in the shaddow of death; and say, The voice that cryed in heaven, saying, Wo, wo, wo to the inhabitants of the earth, shall even be your witness against you, and shall testifie unto the Lord concerning your uncleanness; but now, here is the love of God to you, O ye silly ones, for he sendeth his Prophets to give you warning; also he sendeth me as a Voice from that Voice, prepared to do his Will; and I come crying in the streets, prepare ye the way; also my God sendeth me unto you, even as he sent Jonah to Ninive, saying, Repent ye of your evils, lest ye be destroyed without mercy: Remember the Sodomites how they were destroyed, when they regarded not the word of the Lord, but followed their own evils, till the storms came down and destroyed them: Therefore ye that sit in darkness, repent while it is called to day, for you know not how soon the night cometh, where there is no repenting: Believe it, it is very nigh you, and even at your dores.

The word of the Lord came unto me the second time, saying, Voice, write, and say, the Lord is a coming to shake terribly the earth: Also you despisers, and Wonderers, and Divel, cry and howl for your calamities that is at hand, for my God hath shewn to me even utter destructi­on, such as hath not been since the flood; and know assu­redly it will suddenly come; for through my God I have seen it; also it hath made my soul to yearn within me, and hath caused me to weep sore for the calamities that are now nigh at hand; therefore stand, I come, I give you warning, I call, and my voice must be heard; for I come, being the voice of him that cryeth aloud, Prepare the way. Also in the gronings of my Spirit, I beheld an high and mighty mountain, and upon the top of it there stood Ra­boni, and two Angels with two Trumpets standing and [Page]sounding, the one on the right hand, and the other on the left; and as they sounded, there went a voice forth from the Trumpet, saying; Blessed is that Judge that is a coming to judge rightly; and holy and true is he that is now a coming to plead the innocents cause. Also I heard a very great melodious sound, with much delightful mu­sick; and I looked to behold from whence it was; and upon the side of this mountain there stood abundance of Harpers, harping with their Harps; and as they harped, there went a voice from the Harps, saying, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Honour, and praise, and glory be given to our King, and to the Lamb that is now a coming to set open the prison dores, that the captive may go free. Now Brethren, I come to give you warning of these things that are nigh, and of what the Lord hath shewn unto me; but if you take not warning, but stand as stubborn and disobe­dient children, not regarding the word of the holy One, he will pour down his fury upon you like a mighty stream, and great will be your desolation.

A great Revelation revealed from that holy place, to be laid open in the womb of the earth, that at the manifesta­tion of the same, the Lord's word may be believed.

O hark, I hear Justice plead! O eys, thou seest Wisdom teach her little ones, and Understanding dress her Virgins, and truth adorn her self; Behold, take notice the Spouse is a coming; four rest on her, Justice, Wisdom, Under­standing and Truth; these are the four great witnesses that shall go forth, even from the four winds of heaven; from the East, from the East, Wisdom from the West, Understanding from the North, and Truth from the South: This is that great Trumpet that shall go forth with the great sound that the great Angels shall bear upon the earth, to gather the Elect together before that great day, in which the heighth that doth ruine in the highest, and the deep in the deepest, will come to make manifest his glory in the full view of all.

Now understand, Justice, Wisdom, Understanding, and Truth, are four Spirits going into four prepared Vessels, given into the hands of four great Angels, to do four man­ner of works on earth; and yet this but one work; which is the works work working in us.

RUMA EMULA, or the Out searcher of deep Mysteries, in strength of Wis­dom.


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