[...]himselfe in other Parliaments did, or have any of his predecessors before him done.

And therefore there remaines nothing now, but that you goe on with cheerfulnesse, you goe on with duty, you goe on with the expressions, that may re­joyce the heart of so gracious, so just, and so good a King; and that may be more then showers in the drought, and heat of Summer to refresh and cheere this Kingdome, and all his Majesties Dominions,

His Maiesties SPEECH.

Mr. Speaker,

I Will o [...]ely say one word to you, now that you are the Speaker, I command you to doe the Of­fice of a Speaker; which is faithfully to report the great cause of the meeting, that my Lord Keeper in my name, did represent unto you the last day, with this assurance, that you giving me your timely helpe, in this great affaire, I shall give a willing eare to all our just Grievances.


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