THE DECLARATION OF Thomas Lord Fairfax, And the rest of the Lords, Knights, Esquires, Citizens, Ministers and Freeholders of the County and City of YORK.

WHereas this Famous County, Honoured formerly for its puissance and strength by which they have always been taken for the Bulwork of this Nation, are now reputed so inconsiderable that they have not at this time a Representa­tive in Parliament: and being deeply sensible of the Confusions and Distractions of the Nation, the particular Decay and Ruine of the Cloathing-Trade of this County, which necessarily bears an influence upon the Publick: as also the Future Evils that will attend this Vacancy of Government during the imperfection and incompleatness of Our Parliaments, whose entireness, and Full Number hath been in all Times (as to a Right English Constitution) the only Conservative of our Liberties.

We the Lords, Knights, Esquires, Gentlemen, Ministers and Citizens aforesaid do Declare, That we finde a Corrupt Intrest in the present Government, abetted by Factious Parties, and carried on with an Irreconciliable Violence against our Peace: Predominant, and sitting at the Helm, whereby the Freedom and Liberty of the Subject is so far endangered, that we judge it past Application, or any other Wording Remedy to Retrive it. And as this is not only our own opinion, but the general Sense of the Nation, fruitlesly hitherto made known to the World: We will therfore allow our selves the precedency of Asserting and Defending the justice of this our Common Right by open Armes, if no other present Temperament and Expe­dient can be adjusted or fitted for our Grievances.

We do therefore require A Free and Full Parliament to be straitwith Convened, according to the Directions and Provisions made in the Act for the Triennial Parliament; the intent and design whereof, after such a bloody Contest we may not see eluded and frustrated with strange VOTES and Qualifications: Therefore we desire a Free Parliament, or else the re­turn of the secluded Members by the force of the Army in 1648. (to which his Lordship Protests he was unwittingly and unwarily accessory) to the remaining Discharge of their Trust, they having given singular and superlative evidence of their capacity and fitness for it, by their wise and judicious moderation.

We shall in their Wisdom and Counsels acquiesce, and otherwise shall not be satisfied, for that our pressing Calamities will give no Rest to the Kingdom, till these our Desires are accomplished. To which purpose, we have at this our general Meeting or Rendevouz Signed this our Declaration to be forthwith Communicated to the NATION.

Thomas Fairfax, &c.

London, Printed for Iames Williamson.

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