For the Right Honourable
Captaine General
CROMWEL, Major General
HARRISON, and the rest of that Noble Race of the Souldiery, who are and have been instrumental in seeking the relief of Captives, the Free-born subjects of this Nation.
A few humble Proposals of several wel-affected and faithful friends.
1. WHether God doth own and countenance the use of Authority, or the abuse thereof; and which of these two the people in conscience ought to yield obedience unto, judge ye.
2. Whether all those Laws which were [Page 2] made by the Norman Tyrant, ought to stand in force now, in the time of pretended freedome, judge ye.
3. Whether the Parliaments Acts for Tythes, with treble Dammages, and Imprisonment without Baile or Main-prize, be not more oppression tenfold then all the Bishops Canons, judge ye.
4. Whether it be not most sutable to a Commonwealths freedome, every yeer to Ordain Judges and Justices, as Constables, judge ye.
5. Whether the Civil sword in things of a Divine Nature, doth not make hypocrites threefold the servants of Satan, and cursed of God for their lame and blinde service, judge ye.
6. VVhether men do not make their lusts to be their wills, and their wills to be a law, judge ye.
7. VVether all the oppressions upon the poor and truly-conscientious people of this [Page 3] Land, will be taken off without fire and vengeance from above, judge ye.
8. VVhether all the Remonstrances and hundreds of Petitions presented to the Supream Authority in this Nation, by the oppressed, be not now buried in Oblivion, as an old Almanack out of date, judge ye.
9. Whether all the Priests both of the old and new stamp in this Land, be not the same as when they were under the Papistical and Prelatical government, judge ye.
10. Whether all receivers of Tythes ought not now to offer burnt-sacrifices of Sheep and Oxen, seeing it is the way God hath appointed for such Ministers, and no other Officers, judge ye.
11. Whether those Priests be not more for the gaine of the fleece, then the comfort of the people or flock, judge ye.
12. Whether the Mass, with all the Mattins, and all other Popish Reliques, ought not to be in use in this Land, since the Tythes [Page 4] of our Nation were given for the wages of such a Service, to them that ministred therein, judge ye.
13. Whether it be not a Case of justice and equity, that all people ought to be left free in themselves, how much or how little a portion they give to their Minister, forasmuch as the said Minister is left free to himself, how much or how little a portion of the word of God he preacheth to the people, judge ye.
14. Whether the hand of God, or the arme of flesh, must put an end to the differences betwixt Holland and England, since that God is no respecter of persons; for of what vice Holland is guilty, is not England much more? and for what vertue England may be praised, may not Holland much more? witness their care for all sorts of poor, and charity in relieving Englands Exiles, judge ye.
15. Whether the noisome swarmes of Lawyers, with their dependencies, be not a [Page 5] sufficient store for France, Spaine, Holland, Poland, Swedland, Denmark, Scotland, and Ireland, except the people are made of envy, hypocrisie, and deceit, as in England, judge ye.
16. Whether there is not to be had as much justice and equity in the court of Pluto, as the truly-honest have had, and daily have in the Courts of Law in England, judge ye.
17 Whether the tenth of the rich mans land, or the labour of the poor man, his Servants, Cattel and Seed, be Tythed, judge ye.
18 Whether the old Law ever required any to pay Tithes of that which yielded not more then was sown, or of any thing that gave no increase; much less, according to that Law, was it ever required of any that reap not what they sowe, judge ye.
19 Whether the progative power of any King, or Act of Parliament, can make that [Page 6] lawful, which in it self is unlawful, both by the Law of God and nature, judge ye.
20 Whether any thing may be said to be in its power, whenas that which first gave the same its being, is taken away, judge ye.
21 Whether were we furthest from Reformation during the time the Bishops sent their Spannel-like Pursevants to hunt for Tithes, or now the Parliament hath taken that power off, transmitting it unto a Committee, termed a Committee of Plundred Ministers, who, with their bloodhound-like Messengers, hunt not only for Tithes, but for (the very lives of some men, in taking away their livelihood, by their covetous, idolatrous, oppressive practice, enforcing them to pay) treble dammages, which whether it be not sore oppression and Extortion, judge ye.
22 Whether the Law or Magistrate ever acted for Jesus Christ, though professing of him, but to the contrary, persecuted him in [Page 7] his servants: as witness the shedding the blood of Barrow, Greenway, Penry, and imprisoning Turner, Grafton, Brewer, Fenner, Stepwel, Tindar, Burdet, Smith, Harvey, How, Lockier, and hundreds more, for witnessing a good conscience; and as at this present day, Marden and Pierce, judge ye.
23 Whether the Ministers of Jesus Christ, or poor of that Church, ever supplicated or sued unto the Nations Authority for maintenance, as the Antichristian Ministers daily do, judge ye.
24 Whether Tithes be not as much oppressive unto the truely-conscientious, being in the hand of the Impropriator, as in the hand of the Priest, judge ye.
25 Whether it is not cruelty in the higest, to increase the rich man by oppressing the poor, judge ye.
We now cordially intreat you, that as we [Page 8] have humbly presented these few Queries, or Memorandums unto you, you would as faithfully judge of the same, and as cordially endeavour (and that with speed) the amendment of all that appeareth to be contrary to the good word and will of the Lord; and whatsoever likewise shall be grievous or burthensome to the subject: in the effectual doing whereof, you shall honor the Great God of Heaven and Earth, who will never forget much more to honour you.