The sum and substance of the Mes­suage it self, and for the most part the ve­ry order and forme of words, which (could I have been heard) I should have spoken in.

THe burden of the word of the Lord God of Heaven, and of earth, as it came unto me, on the 22th. day of the last Month, and as it now lyeth upon me to declare it in his Name, both unto thee, even un­to thee Oliver Cromwell Protector (so calld) of these three Nations of England, Scotland and Ireland, and also to all you, who are chosen out of the several parts thereof to sit in Parlia­ment this day, to consider of such things as concern the Com­mon-wealth thereof; and likewise to the three Nations them­selves, even to the Towns, Cities, Countries, and all the sub­ordinate Powers, and people thereof, whose Rulers, and Re­presentatives ye are; which word of the Lord as you do not deeme your selves too high (or too great, or too good to be spoken too from the Lord, and as you will not fall under the guilt of that sin of saying to the Seers see not, and to the Prophets prophesy not, prophesy not unto us right things, prophesy smooth things, prophesy deceipts, which iniquity will prove such a breach among you (if you do) as you will never be able to make up again with all your wisdoms: I charge you all in the name of the living God, that without interruption, or opposition whether you like, or like it not) you stand still and hear it, and when I have done you may do with me as the Lord shall give you leave, or leave me under the power of your hands to do; no Law of Equity condem­ning any Man before he be heard, specially when he speaks on [Page 2] so high an account as from the God of Heaven himself, though to such as are no less than Gods under him here on Earth.

Ye are a seed of evill doers saith the Lord, an Hypocriti­call Generation, a people whose heart is not right, and whose spirit is not stedfast with the Lord, ye have made many shews of seeking my face, but ye have not yet found it, because ye have not sought it in sincerity: ye have talked much of tur­ning unto me, but ye have never done it yet, with all your hearts, but faignedly saith the Lord; ye have seemed much to enquire after me in your long prayers, as if ye did delight to know my ways, but my ways, which are ways of purity, peace, and pleasantness (though grievous to the wicked) ye yet know not, so well as ye might do, did ye stand in my Counsell, and so far forth as ye do know of them, ye have no delight to walk in them, so straight, and rugged are they to that Nature, which ye yet remain in: ye call out to me after light, as if ye were very desirous to be enlightned, but ye are haters of my light & of my life, saith the Lord, even the light in the consci­ence, which I have placed in every one of you, to be a witness for me against your selves when ye do evill, which if a Man believe in, he shall not abide in darkness, but shall see the light of life, and come forth in my Image, and likeness saith the Lord; this ye come not closely to, lest you should be re­proved by it, but love darkness more than it, because your deeds are evill: ye have fasted often, and hung down your heads like a bulrush for a day, but you have never yet fasted unto me, saith the Lord, you find your own pleasure still, the bands of wickedness are not loosed, you are captivated still in the Cords of your own sins, neither have you in the midst of all your abstinencies, abstained ever yet from the fleshly lusts which war against your souls; but are as proud as ever, as pompous and vain as ever, as luxurious and wanton, as co­vetous, and earthly minded, as self-seeking, as time-serving, as Men-pleasing, as oppressing, and unrighteous as before; ye have often fasted for, but never fully from your iniquities to this day saith the Lord: you would be counted professors, yea promoters of Religion, but are indeed persecuters of the very [Page 3] life and power, and of that people that do live in the life and power of that same Religion which inform, and words ye have long professed: the Christian Religion, contained in the Scripture is that, which in the 35 th. Article of your present Government, ye say shall be held forth, and recommended, as the publick profession of the Nation, and indeed many severall outward forms, fashions, and professions of that Chri­stian Religion, ye have run out into, saith the Lord, but the substance it self living in the spirit, walking after the spirit, keeping a Mans self out of the lusts of the flesh, unspotted of the world, which is the onely pure, and undefiled, and true Christian Religion, the Scripture calls for, this is rather held under, and discommended than held forth, and recommended by you, any further than in a sound of words, so long as such as do solidly, unfainedly, in truth, and not in talk make pub­lick profession of that, are by all empty formalists in all pla­ces injured, accused falsely, unjustly censured, and abused; ye judge not the meek in righteousness, ye condemn the ge­neration of the just ones, ye love lyars, hurt the peaceable, and destroy the dwellings of such as bring forth fruits unto me (as your selves never yet did,) and that do you no harme, saith the Lord; Witness the sad sufferings of so many of my Saints and Servants, that tremble at my word, saith the Lord, and are therefore commonly, but scornfully called Quakers, many of whose pretious ones, of whom the world is not worthy (as unworthy as they are thought to live in quiet in it) have for these two or three years last past, in some parts of the other two Nations, and in most parts of this, undergone tryalls of cruell mockings, and scoffings, revilings, and derisions dayly, also of stockings, and stonings, cruell, and bloudy whippings and scourgings, shamefull and despitefull intreatings, and handlings, halings out of Synagogues, risings of people in rude, and tumultuous manners upon them, and such cruell kinds of bonds, and imprisonments, as those that are Malefactors in deed (for such are objects of your pity while they suffer, and not your hatred, saith the Lord) do seldome or never meet with, castings into narrow nasty holes, and stinking Dungeons, [Page 4] wherein yet access of friends to minister to them is oft denyed them, heavy and cruell fines, which they can sooner choose to perish in prison, (as some have done) than ever pay, they being meerly by the wills of Man imposed upon them, which fines will be at last a talent of lead upon their consciences that have set them, and as the Gall of Aspes in their bowells, that exact the payment; these, and such like things, have my servants suffered among you, some for one small matter, some another, but not for ought at which I am displeased, or offended with them, saith the Lord; as name­ly some meerly for travelling to and fro to fulfill the Mi­nistry they receive of God, and to testifie the Gospell of his grac in obedience to him, who hath layed such necessity on them so to do, that woe be unto them from him, if they do it not; even as the Apostles, and true Ministers of old did by the power of the Spirit of the Lotd upon them, who passed up and down preaching, and had no certain dwel­ling place; and yet though counted the very scum of the world, as these are now by you, were neither rogues nor vagabonds, saith the Lord; some for onely entring into the Synagogues, whose doors stand open for all Men, and there either doing nothing, or declaring (sometimes in deed be­fore) but sometimes not till after all is ended, even as the movings of the Lord are upon them, against the false wor­ships, and hireling Priests thereof, that Divine for money, and the people that love to have it so, which both Christ and the Prophets and Apostles of old did (even there) cry woe against, and yet were neither disturbers, nor Malefact [...]rs, saith the Lord: some for not having the faith of God with respect of persons, which who so have, are convinced of the Law as transgressors: some for not giving flattering titles unto Men, not honouring them in their own way of bow­ing before them, not stooping to their wills beyond either sense or reason, which the Law of God flatly forbiddeth; some for not putting off the Hat to them, or standing bare-hea­ded before them, which no Law at all of either God or Man commandeth, but is onely one of those many customs of the [Page 5] Heathen, which are vain, and so vain is this (especially as the complementall Cringers and foolish fashion-followers of this vain age use it) that men may with as much civility put off, and require the putting off of their Coats one to another, and to as much good purpose, saith the Lord: some for using the plain English of Thee and Thou to Men, though it be the most proper speech to a single person, whether you speak to God or the greatest Men, witness your own tran­slation of the Scripture into your own English tongue, in all which it can't be found, from one end thereof to the o­ther, where the word you is made use of when no more but one person is spoken to: besides what evidence is given in from other tongues to the truth of this) save onely that meer pride and respect of persons doth both improperly, and im­pudently plead to have severall sorts of speaking to severall s [...]rts of people in this brutish Nation, and adulterous Ge­neration, saith the Lord: some for telling lyars in plain terms onely of their lying, which to do is held to be such reviling, as deserves little less than half hanging among many, though there is no more reall hurt (but that falshood, and foolish custome hath perverted the true being of many things, and your true seeing almost of any things as they are) in saying to him that lyeth, Thou lyest, than in saying to him that sweareth, Thou swearest, saith the Lord; some for not pay­ing of tythes even to them, that they neither do, nor can in Conscience ever own to be their Pastours (though they hinder no Men from paying them that have a Mind to it, and whose Consciences compell them even that way to maintain their own Ministers) which as the Gospell is a­gainst the paying of, by Christs flock, to their own Shepheards that feed them, much more to such Shepheards, as whether they will or no do fleece, but never feed them; so no Law in this Land can compell any Man to pay at all in case he be minded, whether out of Covetousness, or Conscience to re­fuse it; the Ecclesiastical Courts being clear taken away, and there being an express Statute extant remaining yet unre­pealed, that it shall not be lawfull for any to sue for tythes [Page 6] in any Temporall, or in any but in Ecclesiasticall Courts, nor for any to be summoned before any secular Judge to give in any answer about that Matter, and therefore what condition the Judges are in that now meddle with it, who are sworn not to do against any Statute Law of the Land, let the light in their own Consciences be judge, for to that measure of my light in them, by which I am coming to be a swift wit­ness against the false swearer, as well as every other evill doer, do I now speak, and appeal saith the Lord; some for no more than bare going, out of duty to God, to visit their imprisoned, and afflicted friends, have been sent back with­out the sight of them, and some with passes as Rogues, Va­gabonds, and idle wanderers, though they have been of suf­ficient worth as to the outward also, and have never either begged or stole; and others are taken up by the way to their friends, and put by whole heaps together in prison, and there kept till they can buckle so low to the wills of Men against all Law, and Conscience, as to say if the Lord will they will go back, without effecting their intended lawfull business of visiting Christ in prison (which woe to them that do not, much more woe to them that do imprison him) or not go on in that their honest undertaking: witness that sinfull shamefull business at Exeter, where are no less than between ten and twenty at once in prison, meerly for going to see friends in prison at another place; and there held unless they will find sureties for their good behaviour, or pass their words if the Lord will, to go which way they would have them, as if the Land were not free for Men that are bound by the Law of God to a good behaviour to pass up, and down in, about none but lawfull occasions, without binding themselves thereunto, (and so giving it for gran­ted, that they have misbehaved themselves, when they have not) upon every malicious Officers unruly will, or Magi­strates slender, and meer groundless suspition Wherefore how justly Thou, even thou Oliver Cromwell, chief Ruler according to Man in these Nations, couldst say in thy Speach (as in my hearing thou didst before my offer to speak these things from the Lord) that thou knewest not of any one man, that sufferd imprisonment unjustly in all England; I plainly know not, unless thou be mistaken (as very often no doubt thou art, and very easily [...]ver mayst be (if thou see, and hear not sometimes with thy own eyes, and ears, and not alwaies with other mens) in the people of Gods conditions, thorow that unusuall mist of mis-information; which as it ever makes thy own misery greater upon thee, so it often makes our misery far greater under thee than else, perhaps it would be, if the Cloud of false accusation did not cover us, and hide our integrity to­wards God, and our innocency towards thee, and all men from thy eyes; whereupon I am moved of the Lord, a new here to warn thee (if thou mean to raign) that thou take away the wicked from before thee, and all flattering false accusers, if thou find any such about thee, else the throne will never be est [...]b [...]ished in righteousness; and if thou doubt the truth of our speaking to thee from the Lord, so immediatly as by us is owned, because the old Prophets words, and Scriptures by us are often used (as thou didst when by speciall motion, and speciall mission I spake once to thee from the Lord, to what pur­pose thou shalt once remember again, if it be now forgotten) know thou in order to the removing of that stumbling stone out of thy way, that howbeit Micah, wrote the same words that Isaiah did, Mic. 4. 1. Isa. 2. 1. and Christ spake the same words that Esdras spake before him, 2 Esd. 1. 30. Matth. 23. 37, 38. and the Apostles often spake in phrases which were found before them in the Prophets writings, yet all these holy men of God, both spake and wrote immediatly by the Spirit, as it gave them utte­rance, and no otherwise did all holy men of God ever speak, but as they were moved, nor do any holy men of God now speak the word of God, but as they are moved by that one, and the self same holy Spirit..

[Page 7] Thus is my people made a prey of, saith the Lord, for which in speciall as for all other of your evills, have I had a controversy with you, and my hand hath been against you, saith the Lord, so that you have not prospered in your under­takings, ye have travelled much in your Councells, but ye have brought forth little, ye have wrought no deliverance in the earth to any perfection, neither have your enemies fal­len before you of late as in former dayes but ye have fallen (even woderfully) before them; ye have sown iniquity, and reaped meer vanity, ye have sown wind, and reaped a whirle­wind, even a grievous whirlewind of wrath from the Lord, which falls with much pain upon your heads, of distractions, divisions, jealousies one of another, and suspitions fractions, and factions, confusion, contention, disappointment, and vexation upon vexation, ye have sown to the flesh, and there is come up a crop of corruption, that hath made you fit fuell for the fire of mine indignation, which is kindled, and (except ye repent) will ere long, waxe burning hot against [Page 8] you till it have consumed you into nothing.

Wherefore now thus saith the Lord God unto you, ye stiffe-necked and stout hearted ones, who (though ye talk of it) yet are far from my righteousness, yee high, and sturdy Oakes of Bashan, ye tall and haughty Cedars of Lebanon, come down, and sit in the dust, and humble your selves under my mighty hand, which is stretched out against you, and turn you to me, even unto me with all your hearts, and with fa­sting, weeping, and mourning, even that fasting which I have chosen, and amend your wayes, and your doings saith the Lord, and purge your selves from your own personall ab­hominations, and turn in every one of you to the light in your own Consciences, which shews you all the evills of your own hearts, and (if you take heed thereunto) will save you from them; and as for my people whom ye oppress, even my people Israel that tremble at my word, and by that holy disposition are discerned from all other people upon the Earth, who are found trembling at the words; and fal­ling down, and worshipping before the wills of Men, let them go, saith the Lord from under that hard and sore bon­dage, wherewith ye have hitherto made them serve.

And it shall come to pass, saith the Lord, that if you shall yet hearken unto my Counsell, the light in your Consciences, which whoever lives according to, not turning aside into the darkness, cannot live besides the Scripture, but lives the life of it, and shall wash you, and make you clean, and put away the evill of your doings from before mine eyes, and cease to do evill, and learn to do well, and undoe the heavy burthens of my people, and break every yoke from off their necks, and let my oppressed ones go free, then will I bless you, and you shall be a blessing upon the Earth, then shall your light break forth out of obscurity, and your darkness shall be as the Noon day, and I will unite you that are heads of the people, together in your Councells and you shall repair the brea­ches of these Nations, and build their wastes, even the de­solations of many generations, and ye shall be the restorers of paths to dwell in, yea, you shall honour me, and I will [Page 9] honour you, and make you truly, and eternally honourable, saith the Lord God.

But if you shall still continue to be self-seekers, and men­pleasers, and servers of your own ease, your own honours, your own interests, base ends and earthly concernments, and shall be proud, and stubborn, and stiffe-necked against my Counsell, making your necks, as an iron sinew against all my reproofes and wi [...]l not come down, and give up your selves to be guided by my word, which is nigh you, ev [...]n in your very hearts, and mouths, and shining clearly as a light within you, and their checking and condemning you, when you do amiss, or go astray to the right hand or to the left, and shall rebell against me, so as not to let my people go, but hold them still in slavery and servitude to your own lusts, and lawless wills; then I testifie this day to your faces, saith the Lord of Hosts, that I will not honour any one of you that shall so dispise m [...], so as to use you in my service, or to own you in any thing you take in hand, in or­der to the deliverance of these Nations, but as by Men that lapped, and not by Men that bowed down to drink, I de­livered Israel of old out of the hand of Midian; so not by any of you that mind earthly things, and make your belly your God, and love this present world, and drink so deeply of it as to stand doting of it, and seeking great things for your selves in it, but by men that use and abuse it not, that fly the shadow of it, that are not conformed to it, but (seeing the fashion of it passing away) have it under their feet, will I bring great things to pass, saith the Lord Almighty; yea, the very poor of the flock, the flock of the slaughter, whose possessors slay them, and hold themselves not guilty, my peo­ple whom ye so disdain as to count them the off-scouring of all things, those plain, simple, despicable, contemptible people of mine, whom ye so trample upon, who are so small in your eyes, even them will I make to encrease upon you, saith the Lord, who seek to snap, and surppess them, as the old Is­rael their type did upon Pharoah, and the Egyptians, so that the more ye slay them, the more they shall grow and mul­tiply, [Page 10] and their blood shall be the seed of that Church, that shall be called the Sion of the Lord, which I will make so glo­rious as to be even the joy, and praise of the whole earth saith the Lord, and I will cause them to stand out with great boldness before your faces, who shall afflict them, and make no account of their labours, and they shall be a burdensome stone to all people that trouble themselves with them, and they shall be rebuked for their sakes in the wrath of the Lord, and vexed in his sore displeasure, yea, they shall be cut in pieces, and fall into mischief for their sakes whoever shall go about to mis­chief them, though all the people of the earth shall be gathe­red together against them, saith the Lord, I will make them to the Nations, as an hearth of fire to the wood, as a torch of fire in a sheafe, and they shall devoure round about, as a Ly­on amongst the beasts, among the flocks of Sheep, which tears, and none can deliver; they shall be my battle Axe, wherewith I will break in pieces the people, the horse, and his rider, and they shall have a new sharp threshing instrument having teeth, wherewith they shall thresh the earth, and beat the very mountains of it into chaffe, and all the glory of the great image of mans dignity, and dominion, being smitten by these stumbling stones, shall be as the chaffe of the Summer floor before them, and the wind shall carry it all away, and they shall become a great Mountain, which I will establish on the top of all the Mountains, and all Nations shall flow unto it, and it shall even fill the whole Earth, saith the Lord.

And as for you, even you? O all you Powers, Priests, and People in these Nations, to whom my people are a reproach, I will enter into judgement with you, and recompence all your wickednesses upon your heads, and repay unto you the things you do to my chosen, saith the Lord, and I will bring you into contempt, that are now honourable in the Earth, and shamefull spewing shall be upon all your glory, and I will blast, blind, and confound you in all your Councells, and re­ject all your confidences, and ye shall not prosper in them, and ye shall reel to and fro, and stagger, and be as bottles fill'd with Wine, fill'd with drunkeness, and I wil dash you to [Page 11] pieces one against another, and give over, to bite, and devoure, till ye be consumed one of another, and you shall labour in the fire of anger, and attempt many things, but your ways shall not prosper, ye shall weary your-selves for very vanity, yea in your ways of wickedness shall ye weary your selves, and the light of righteousness shall not shine upon you; mis­chief upon mischief shall overtake, and befall you, and I will rain down snares, and stumbling blocks upon you and my word, which you stumble at out of the mouths of Babes, and stammerers, shalbe unto you precept upon precept, line upon line here a little, and there a little, that ye may go & fall back­ward, and be broken, and snared, and taken, and your whole way shalbe as sl [...]ppery places in the dark, and ye shalbe dri­ven on and fall therein: and you shall look to your Seers, but behold darkness; they shall not be able to guide you, they shalbe as blind as your selves, and though they shall flatter you, with the name of Sion, so long as you feed and pay them, and cry peace, peace, while you honour them, with your thanks, for their pains, and with your praises, and put into their wide mouthed purses, and shall say we see, yet the vision of that destruction that is coming upon you and them shalbe as a Book sealed, a thick cloud shall cover them, the day shalbe dark over them, the Sun shall set upon them, and it shalbe night unto them, so that they shall not divine; yea, the understanding of all your prudent ones shalbe brought to nought, and the sword of the Lord shalbe upon the Arme of the Idol Sheepheard, and upon his right Eye, his Arme shalbe clean dryed up, and his right Eye utterly darkned: and when it shalbe thus with you all, that your feet are stumbling up­on the dark Mountains, and you tumbling up and down like a wilde Bull in a Net, not knowing which way to get out of your perplexities, and shall have wrestled so long in chains of darkness, till ye come to that utter darkness, which is the por­tion of all them that suppress the Light; and their judgement, at the great day now dawning upon the world (though it sleeps, and sees it not) then shall you awake, and remember that you had warning in time, but would not receive it; yea, [Page 12] this word now spoken to you, shall stand as a witness over your heads for ever, and ye shall know that I the Lord have sent my Servant to speak all these words in your ears at this time, in this place, and thereby to the three Nations, whose chosen Servants, and Representatives ye are, saith the Lord Almighty, whose Counsel shall stand in the midst of all mans thoughts, and who will work and none shall let it.

What shall one then answer the Messengers of the Nations? even this, that the Lord hath founded Zion, and the poor of his people have betaken themselves unto it; but all luxurious wantons, and covetous worldlings, all formall professors and dissembling hypocrites, painted Sepulchers, and whited walls, base back-sliders, and filthy lyars, hyreling Priests, and faw­ning Prophets, and all proud oppressors, wicked opposers, and persecutors of Christ in his people, can have no share in it, but are shut out into the lake, and gone down for ever, with the uncircumcised, into the pit, which hath shut her mouth upon them, there world without end to be confoun­ded:

Samuel Fisher.

THE BURDEN OF THE MESSAGE OF The Lord it self, as it lay on me from the Lord to speak it, or so much of it as he (had I had mans leave to speak) should have been pleased to assist me to utter, and as it lay upon me from him, and was given in unto me by him in this fiery flying Role to commit to writing.

THus saith the Lord? Repent O all ye sinners, that are here present, both Ministers and people, and ye powers of the Earth; for the Kingdom of Hea­ven is at hand, the Kingdom of our God, and of his Christ is at hand, That Kingdom into which no unclean thing nor unclean person, no Drunkard▪ no Riotous one, no Epicure, nor Belly-God, nor worldling, nor wanton, nor self-seeker, nor time server, nor men-pleaser, nor back­slider, nor dissembler, nor formall professour, nor proud one, nor any transgressour of any sort whatsoever, shall ever en­ter, unless he be justifyed, washed, and sanctified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God: And there­fore [Page 18] I say unto you all again in the name and power, and in the word of the living God, yea, thus saith the Lord God himself unto you all (though by an earthen vessell) Repent and that not of, nor for onely (as hitherto ye have often done) but also from all your iniquiti [...]s: Repentance not for, but from dead works, is the very first of those first principles of the Oracles of God, which till ye come (not to talk of bare­ly, for there is too much of that, while so little of the other) to witness, ye have not yet (for all the fair shews ye have made in the flesh by your forms, and your frequent namings of the name of Christ) so much as truly begun to be true Christians; nor are your mournings of any worth at all, till ye come to mourn with that Godly sorrow that worketh re­pentance to salvation; the sorrowing after a Godly sort it worketh care, and fear to offend, and zeal, and desire, and indignation, and taking a revenge upon your selves and such like, so that at last ye overcome, and return not again to those iniquities ye mourned for, so that what pride, and fil­thiness, and wickedness of any kind ye see, and are sensible of in your selves, and are afflicted for, you cease from, and fall into no more for ever, which to do is according to the true Proverb, like the Dog to return to his vomit again, and the Swine after washing to wallowing in the mire: that repentance which brings to a salvation of you from those sins you profess, to repent of, is the onely true repentance that can stand you in any stead in the sight of God, all other will come once to be repented of: yea, thus saith the Lord God, repent ye this day, not onely for your sins; but for all your old repentances, and for all your humiliations, and all your fastings also, in which services you have been formerly a­cted towards me but formally, and fainedly, saith the Lord: insomuch that since you are still in your iniquities, I cannot away with your solemn assemblies, I smell no sweet smell in your Sacrifices, it is iniquitie to me, even your most so­lemn meeting: Therefore now trust not in lying words, saying the Temple of the Lord, the Church of God, the wor­ship of God, and such like, nor think that this is the fasting [Page 19] that I have chosen, and will accept, for a man to afflict his soul, and hang down his head for a day, and then go on in his sins, as if he had obtained from God by his coming to him a dispensation to sin more securely another time; for this is but deceit, and all your labour will prove but a lye to you, saith the Lord; but wash you, make you clean, and abstain from the fleshly lusts of your own hearts; and turn in every one of you to the light in your own consciences, that shews you good and evil, and frame your ways, and your doings according thereunto; even that pure Law of righteousness plac [...]d within you, whereby every one of you are made from God even a Law unto your selves; which light is Gods own wi [...]ness within you all, which if it condemn you, God justifies you not; and hearken to the voice of that Prophet Christ Je­sus, to whom (in words) your own preachers point you, and to whom I (who came not in among you this day to be your Teacher my self, but to direct you to him) do from God him­self who sent me, direct you as your truest Teacher, to whom also the true Ministry did direct men of old, who were sent of him to turn men from darkness to the light, & from the pow­er of Satan to God, who is light and to Christ himself, who is the light of the world, that enlightneth every man that cometh into the world; That Prophet, whose voice soever hears not, and obeys not, even in all things whatsoever he saith to them, shall be cut off from among his people, who by a measure of light from himself, hath enlightned every one of you, whose voice is within, and not without to you; nor heard now without by any of you; for the Scripture is not his voice but (so far as truly translated) a Declaration of what he spake to, and by those holy men that were moved to write it, who heard his voice within, and saw him in his own light within, as ye may do, if ye will but hear (ye deaf) and look (ye blind) for he is that powerfull and living word of God, which is nigh you, so nigh that ye need not say, who shall go to Heaven to fetch him down to us? and who shall go hither, or thither; beyond Sea, or into Scotland, or this Land or that, to fetch a Directory for us; he is nigh even [Page 20] in your hearts, within you by his light, Preaching himself to you, and the mind and will of the Father to you, and known by you to be in you too, if you be not Reprobates; yea, I say, it again to you from the Lord there is within you his Light, which both seeth, and sheweth you all that ever you did in your lives, and that you now dayly do think or speak, and sets all your sins in order before you, reproving you for them in your own consciences, if you do but heed him; and that is the light of Christ, the word of God, that is quick, & searches you to the quick, before whom all things are n [...]ked and bare, and by whom all shall be brought to judgement; who by his light within you sheweth you as in a glass your own faces, your own Spirits, your own selves, and what manner of men you are, as the Scriptures cannot do; for in the Scrip­tures (which I own and honour, and am far from disswading any man from looking into) you may read the Right of things, and what you should, and should not be and do, but the light within is larger than that, and of further extent, shewing not onely the Right, and the Law, and what we should be and do, but also the fact, even what we do and are: the light, which the Scripture sends to (as we also do) it manifests all things, not onely that ought to be done, but also that are done, and therefore evill ones come not to it, least their deeds by it should be reproved, but they that do truth come to it, not onely that it may appear (as it may in a Letter without also, to them that besides the light within have the Law in a Letter also, and heed it) what they shou [...]d do, but what they do, that their deeds may be manifest, whether they are wrought in God yea or nay? now turn in your minds, I say, to that, even to the light, I say not to the darkness (for there is that also) but to the light, which is within, and that b [...]ing heeded will lead you out of the works of darkness, that it discovers to be in you, even up to Christ, to the life of Christ, and God from whom it comes; yea, if you be minded to try the truth of it, turn into it, & in what measure you take heed to it, and abide by it, even by the word hid in the heart, you shall not sin against God, they do [Page 21] no iniquity who walk in that his Law, they that walk in the Spirit, shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh, you shall find that light the power of God, to the salvation of you from the sins which it shew [...], to be in you, and bring you not one­ly under judgement for them, and to confess ye the sins that are past, and so to a forgiveness of them, but also through faith in his blood, to a cleansing from all unrighteousness, all filthiness of flesh and Spirit, and to the perfecting of holy­ness in the fear of God; and bring forth his righteousness in you, and his Image in you, who is made of God to them that receive him, even wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption, and they in him the Sons of God, and par­takers of his na [...]ure: to that therefore turn your minds and attend, and by it be guided, and there you will witness peace and acceptance with God, and boldness before God, your own hearts not checking, nor condemning you of sin (which is the transgression of that Law) however you may be condemned of men, which turning from you go condem­ned in your selves, and before God, and then what will it profit you, if all men should speak well of you and justify you, and say you are Godly, and honest men, and this and that. And this is the onely infallible teacher for all men; for the Scriptures (not as written by the men that were inspired, but as since then mistranscribed, even in the very Greek and Hebrew Copies, how much more as we have them mistran­slated in many things, and in so many severall translations) these are in somethings fallibe, & so not fit to be the Rule, as in the dark for want of the true light yet shining, which now shineth forth, they have been supposed to be, and the onely sure foundation of the faith, and Church, but Christ himself, his light and Spirit, which shew good and evill in the heart, which are the onely Guide, Light Commander, Counceller, Leader, Law, Lawgiver, Foundation and Rule, which the Scripture sends to; and this is infallible, and to be followed in what it speaks infallibly (and not otherwise) to the con­science; and there is the onely sure, and safe walking, even in the light, in Christ, in the Spirit, and not in the Letter, [Page 22] which is fallible by false interpretation and translation (which yet is true, as 'twas penn'd by the Spiri [...]) much less in the flesh, and in the darkness, as too many do, besides both the Letter and the light, of them that talk much of the Let [...]er, yea, of them that talk also of the spirit of the light; but if the light be put out in any through abuse of it, and the God of this world hath been suffered, by the God of all the worlds, to bli [...]d the mind, and put out the eye (& then if the light be darkness, and the eye, which is the light of the body, be out, how great is that darkness) who can help i [...]? who can help it, if for not walking in the light, while men had it, darkness is come upon them? if for not liking to retain God in their know­ledge, when what might be known of him, was manifest in them, and shewed in them, and for not glorifying him as God, but becoming vain in their imaginations, and not re­ceiving the love of the truth that shined in them, their foo­lish heart was darkened, and they given over to strong delu­sion to vile affections, to do things unseemly, to hate, whis­per, backbite, envy, murder, be filthy, drunken, swear steal, lye, dissemble, still they knew the judgement of God, that they that do such things are worthy of death, yet not onely did the same, but had pleasure in those that did them; if the Gospell be thus hid, it is hid but to them that are lost; but they are happy still, who keep stedfast in the light, their foundation is still sure and infallible, whose heart condemns not it self, nor the true light that shines in it, in what it al­lows it self in, and does: for he that walks in meekness, tem­perance, love, joy, peace, innocency, righteousness, purity, patience, doing what he would be done to, which is the Law and the Prophets, saith Christ, the sum of all, the fulfilling of the Law, which things the light & Spirit of Christ leads all that follow it up to, cut of the lusts, and fruits, and wayes of the fl [...]sh, if all men cry out of him for an heretick, a decei­ver, a Devill, a base fellow, a disturber (as they did of Christ) he clearly comprehends them all to be but in the deceit themselves, and in the vanity of their own thoughts, and falseness of their own imaginations, yea, infallibly he knows [Page 23] in the light of the Lord) himself to be a true man, and all those that think him otherwise, and call him hypocrite, to be but lyars; and again, if a man walk in the lusts and wayes of the flesh, which are infallibly also manifest in the light, as drunkeness, revelling, wantoness, couzening, cheating fighting, hating, adultery, murder, lying and the like: If all the men in the world shall flatter him, and tell him he does well, and he need not fear but he is right, and these things are good, and pleasing unto God, unless I say again, the light be quite put out (as the candle of the wicked, which once they had shi­ning in them, often is (and then wo) so that they call good evill, and darkness light, being scaled up under obscure dark­ness in Gods just wrath against the judgement) there is that light in his conscience, will tell him (if he heed it) his way is false and filthy, and these men that cry peace to him in it are all lyars: and when ever the book of conscience but a little opens, it appears so to be in wicked men at this very day.

Now therefore turn into that Law of mine written in your hearts, saith the Lord, which Law if you turn away your ears from the hearing of, your very prayers are abominable unto me, saith the Lord, yea, though you make many prayers to me, and long, and spread forth your hands, and howl unto me, as you do on your fast dayes, and in the dayes of your ordained humiliations, whereby to make your voyce to be heard on high, yet will I not give ear unto you, saith the Lord: but as I call and cry for righteousness, and purity, even within you, and ye hear not, so ye shall call and cry to me without, and not be heard: and though my hand be no way shortned that it cannot save, nor my ear heavy that it cannot hear, yet if after your fasts you enter (as you have often done) into strife and debate, and smite (even my people) with the fist of wickedness, and find your own pleasure, and do your own works and wills, and think your own thoughts, and live still under the power of your lusts, and will not be led by my Spi­rit in you, which would lead you from them: then I will not accept you at all, yea, my Soul shall even loath and abhor you, and these iniquities of yours shall separate between me and [Page 24] you, and your sins shall keep good things from you, even the good things ye cry and call for: and you shall wait for peace, but behold trouble for light and joy: but there shall be dimness of anguish, and ye shall be driven more and more to darkness, and ye shall roare like Bears, and mourn sore like Doves, and groap for the wall like the blind, even like them that have no eyes, and those that looke for good from you, who are their representatives, shall find none, their eyes shall fail with looking for help from you, and even drop out before ever deliverance shall come to them by you, yea, they shall, wait for justice: but there shalbe more oppression of them, & righte­ousness, but there shall be nothing but a cry, because he that departeth from iniquity is made a prey among you still; and ye hate him that reproveth in the gate, and a man is made an offender for a word speaking, even for my word spoken a­mong you, by command and commission from my self: nei­ther shall any one among you be able to uphold, and ye shall be a broken staff in the hands of such as leane upon you, run­ning into their hands rather than sustaining: neither is there any one of you from the highest to the lowest that shall come to good, or be vessells of honour, saith the Lord (unless ye be sanctifyed by my light) or counted fit at all for the Masters use. Be wise now therefore O ye Kings, ye Rulers and Judges of the Earth, and serve the Lord, with fear and trembling, ye serve him every one of you in your own persons, and obey him by putting a way the filth of your own Spirits, sweeping every one of you your own houses first, even your own hearts, that they may be fit Temples to receive the King of Glory, that he may come into them, and ye be made holy habitations for God through the Spirit: and cast the beams out of your own eyes, else (thou hypocrite) how wilt thou see to meddle to mend others that are blind, thou being blind also: if the blind lead the blind, and the blind go about to order the blind, they will all fall into the ditch: be ye therefore personally reformed (as Men) from all your own vanities of heart, and pride of Life, else the counsel of all those that put & press you on to the serving of him, as Magistrates by making national reformations [Page 25] and Reformations in the Church (as they call it, who know not yet the true Church, which is in God, and needs none of that arme of flesh, and magistraticall help, which the false false Church calls for) and in its Government, Ministry, and maintenance, and by helping of Christ against his enemies, and Hereticks (whom yet I plead not for) and such like, will be turned as Achitophells into foolishness, and the Reforma­tions, will be but Deformations at the best, and both you and your Church, and Ministry, whose lips you mainly take Coun­sell at, and not at the Lord himself and his Spirit, shall be at your wits ends, even you that they call to for help, and they that call to you for help shall both fail together, and none shall help either of you, and those that have misguided you into by-wayes, even blind and bloody ways of suppressing Saints as Hereticks by your Civil sword, you shall at last be forc't to leave, and look to your selves, and run in holes of the earth, to hide you from the face of the Lamb, and from his wrath, and they shall be even smitten with shame and madness, to see all their ways turn'd (as they have turned the ways of God) upside down, and esteemed as the Potters Clay: therefore kiss the Son, turn to him, seek his face, see him, and submit to him in his own Light, walk with him in his own way, lest he be angry, and you perish for ever from the way of your own eternall peace, yea, not as one, reading it in the Letter onely, and out of that amplyfying it to you, or as one having it by hear-say onely, from those that felt it, and so wrote of it (for so many a one can tell you much of the terribleness of Gods wrath, and that talk may be a bug-bear too to terrify your hearts a while, howbeit that terrour will wear out after a while) but as one that hath witnessed it, and been made in some measure to know the power of his wrath, and feel the weight of his hand in my own conscience, ope­ning its black Jaws upon me of late, to the affrightment of me for all my old sins, and bringing me to judgement for them (for judgement now begins, though the wicked, among whom it is to end, see it not, at the House of God, therefore no marvail if there be so much trembling in the true Church, [Page 26] as now there is, and so much paleness on Jacobs face; for it is the day of his trouble, and travel out of which yet ere long he will be saved, and Esau and his seed come into it in his stead) yea as knowing by a sense thereof the terrour of the Lord, I perswade you all people to take heed to your ways by the Light of the Lord, least he tear you as a moth, or as a Lion, and lest his wrath be let forth, in the full vials of it up­on you, which if it be kindled but a little, blessed then indeed are all they (and all they that do so well know it also) even all they that trust in him: moreover all ye people, and you that are the Representatives of the people, think not your fast is done when the Sun is down, and your service done when your Sermon is done (as many do who look for one day to­wards Heaven, and then after live as if hell it self were bro­ken loose again upon them) but know that your business is now to begin after you have humbled your selves, and are got up from the ground, where you lay before the Lord, now are you to live over all that good that hath been yet but talkt on; many good and excellent things (though some also that might not unjustly be excepted against) have been spoken a­mong you, and prest upon you I acknowledge (for far be it from me not to give every one his due) by the men that have preached before you, this day, in my hearing, yet much more in the words, which mans wisdome teacheth, than in the words which the holy Spirit teacheth, who giveth utterance to them he sends, yea both what and how to speake even in that hour they are to speake in, nor are they so sollicitous, if they be called before Kings and Governours, to give testi­mony to the truth, so as before hand to take thought for it, much less by way of preparation to pen it down, and so to preach it out of notes, as is the usual course of your national men, and a course used before you at this day; I say many good, things you have heard, and good words, and fair speeches, which Paul saith they may use, who serve not God but their own bellys, whereby to deceive the hearts of the simple, now see that they be turned by you into good works, and let it not suffice, that a sound of words hath passed from their mouths, [Page 27] and pierced your ears; as if there were an end of the matter, or at least as if when as private men you are come home to your own houses, or as Parliament men into your place of sitting, and have according to the common custome, and their expectation sent them the great thanks of the House, for their great pains, then you are quit of what is required; be not de­ceived God is not so mocked, nor will he be put off with such slender shews and complemental services (which mens Reli­gion mostly lyes in, while they lye in the dead and fleshly night of mans day, and till they come to be in the Spirit on the Lords Day) in this hour wherein his own day is approa­ching; but know that for all this, if ye go on again to sow to the flesh, when you are ripe in corruption, you shall reape condemnation; and if the ground of your hearts still brings forth Briars and Thorns, it is nigh unto cursing, and its end is to be burned; and if this be all the fruits of your fastings, to continue the same men you were, or rather to waxe worse and worse, as such ever do that grow not better by such ser­vices, (and oh how often is it so seen at this day in many, who the more they pray to God the more they play fast and loose with him, the more they harden, the more they heighten, the more they strengthen themselves in the Devills Kingdom, and (in their blind misguided zeal, which tells them 'tis errour who can't see wood for trees) against the truth, so as in that zeal as Paul once did, till his eye was opened, to persecute the Church, for how true that was which was said before you this day ( viz.) that in the turnings of the world there was a change of men, but not of things, Ile not determine, in some respects it may be so, yet sure I am, this is as true also that in the turnings of the world to God, ther's a change of things, and not of men (unless it be into worse) for though they shift from forme to forme, from a darker to a clearer, and from a superstitious to one more refined, yet themselves remain some as, and some more dark and superstitious in those their finer forms, and not a few, as unrefined as ever; still in the same manners, still in their old natures, in Esau's, Cains and Ish­maels natures, murdering Abell, scoffing at Isaac, hating, yea, [Page 28] hunting Jacob, even from the very Prelatick party that refor­med most immediatly from the thick fog of Romish false­worship, to the Presbyterian whom they persecuted, from them to the Independants whom they persecuted, from them to the Baptists, whom they persecuted, and from them to the Ran­ters, all which sorts though they are mad against each other, yet as to the true tremblers at the word of God, and Saints of the Lord in substance, not so much in shew, forme nor shadow and things without, they all now come against these with one open mouth, and as Edom, Amelek, Moab, Ammon, Mi­dian, Israels fleshly kindred against him, even so all they that were formerly fighting, quarrelling, and disputing against each other, now leave the battell they have among themselves, and even make one head against the Quakers, as they call them, whom they all persecute with lyes and revilings, and hatreds, and hard censures, and all the harsh usage, and de­spite that possibly they can, stumbling at every straw, to the breaking of their own necks, that they find amiss among them, magnifying every mole-hill, even every small matter, and some things that they have but by hear-say, and some things that they are mistaken in by meer mis-representation of them, and some things that are flatly false too, and in truth just nothing, to make them, (even them among whom many (if many, as we know many will do, prove worse then nought) are glorious with the glory of Christ upon them full of grace and truth, which was a glory ever unseen to the world,) as odious as they can, even as the Divell himself, in the eyes one of another: The end of all which disjointed yet joint baiters, and biters, and abusers of Gods hidden ones, whom though they hate, yet they can neither hit nor hurt, they being as se­cure as they are obscure, having one life more then the world, who may take away that of the body, can either touch, or come neer so as either to live in it, or kill them out of it, hid with Christ in God wil be to be hewed to pieces by Gods Pro­phets, slain by the rod, even the words of his mouth, to be burnt up by the flaming breath of his lips, and those coals, sparks and tempests, thunders and lightnings of his Law, arising [Page 29] from the dead in their own consciences as a witness for God for ever and for ever against them, according to that true and most plain prophecy that went before of old of these times, these men, and this matter, 2 Esdras 13. which who so reads shall find it more lively now upon the Stage then ever, and lastly to be consuming a while by the Spirit of his mouth, speaking now here a little, now there a little, to them out of the mouth of Babes and stammerers, and at last to be utterly destroyed by the brightness of his coming) now then if these shall be still the best fruits of your fasts, that Gods innocent ones, his pretious ones, his anointed and holy ones shall be hunted by you, as a Partridge upon the Moun­tains, and you abide still under new names, and notions the old men, in the old earthly, sensuall, cruell, wrathfull, and malicious nature in enmity against them that are created after Gods own Image in Righteousness, and Holiness of truth, and are brought forth into his own divine nature; Then hear the word of the Lord ye Rulers of Sodom, and give eare to it ye people of Gomorrah, I will hide mine eyes from you, saith the Lord, and have no respect to your offering, though it seem to the outward eye (as Cains might do) more gay and costly then that of Abell, I will stop my ears and not hear your voice, though it be as the voice of Jacob, saith the Lord, whilst your hands are the rough hands of Esau, wherewith you cruelly and coursely handle your brethren and oppress them; yea all your services shall be but a smoake in my Nose, as a stink in my Nostrills, saith the Lord, I will spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn meetings, and you shall be taken away with it, and howbeit you may reforme many things as Josiah did, in whose dayes yet I raised up my Prophet Zephany to warn them, and threaten them in my name to consume them, because all things were not yet as they should be, and the names of the Chemarins with the Priests were continued, so will I bring a consumption upon all your earthly joy and glory, saith the Lord, and curse you and all your blessings, if you do my work, even the work of Reformation negligently, and but [Page 30] by the halves, even the Reformation of your own persons, which in the first place I look for from you that are the powers, in which works many whom your teachers will tell you had need be reformed are gone far beyond you; and al­so the Reformation of the Nations, wherein still they are not onely continued standing, but also maintenance is for­ced from my own people, that cannot own them for the Chemarims, even for many black and smoaky Priests, whilst my own Ministers whom I send unto you, that desire not so much as maintenance from you, cannot have so much as common countenance with other men, and sometimes not so much as them that are malefactors indeed (as these are onely accounted to be) do and have obtained at your hands, saith the Lord.

Now therefore, thus saith the Lord, take heed what ye do in this day; the new wine is in the cluster, see that you hurt it not, for a blessing is in it; there is a people gathering to­gether, whom I am redeeming from among all people, Na­tions, kindreds and tongues, and taking one of a family, two of a Tribe, and bringing unto Sion, who are asking the way thereunto, with their faces thitherward, whom I will lead thither with many supplications, and tears, and trem­blings, as blind ones by a way they know not, in a strait way, wherein yet their feet shall not stumble, for I am a God unto them, saith the Lord, by the way of the wilderness, wherein yet they shall not be weary, nor in want, nor in fear, nor miscarry, nor lose their way that wait on me, for I will be with them to refresh them, saith the Lord, with Bread from Heaven, and water out of the Rock, and to overshadow them with a Cloud, and go before them in the likeness of a flaming fire, so that they shall eat the same spirituall meat, and drink the same spirituall drink, as the Fathers of old, who drank of the same Rock that followed them, which Rock was Christ, and shall pass to their rest under the same pro­tection, providence, and illumination as my people that were the Type of them; by which light wherewith I en­lighten them, will I puzzle and dazle, and blind all your [Page 31] Egyptians which pursue them, saith the Lord, till you have brought your selves into inextricable perplexities, & into the very Javvs even of inevitable destruction: see therefore that ye touch them not, they are the sheep of my pasture, saith the Lord, whom I am gathering from under the conduct of those careless false Shepheards, that have fed and serv'd themselves of them, and not fed, but starved them, and sten­ched the pure pasture, and trodden it down, and fouled the pure water they should drink of, and forced t [...]em to drink of their ovvn pudled vvaters vvhich they have fovvled vvith their feet; see that ye stand not in the cross vvays, as Esau did of old, to cut off, saith the Lord, the Remnant of Jacob that are novv escaping, and returning to their own home and Country, saith the Lord, out of all places, and Countries, forraign forms, fellovvships, Churches, Companies, and strange lands, and ways of vvorshipping of me, saith the Lord, vvhereinto they have been scattered, and shattered up and dovvn in the dark and gloomy day: and though they are a people scattered up and dovvn in all parts, and Provinces of these Dominions, and every vvhere complain'd on, and accused by proud Hamans Generation that ever hated them, because they could not honour them vvho vvere accursed of God, and bow according to their haughty expectations, as a certain odde people that keep not the Lavvs, and live not as other men do, but are every vvhere, and every vvay cross, because so to the carnall vvills of men, and disturbers of the peace, so that it cannot be for the Common-vvealth nor profit of the Nations, nor of the povvers thereof, to suffer them, and are sold as sheep to the slaughter in the vvicked vvishes of their malevolent and blood-thirsty Adversaries, that they vvould not care vvhat they paid almost into the Common treasury to have them hanged, or banished, or any way however spoiled, saith the Lord, yet take good heed to your selves ye powers and people, of medling too much at the wills of such as suggest evill to you of them; and if at their suggestion, ye vvill do any thing against those that op­pose me, and are my enemies, yet take heed that under pre­tence [Page 32] of that, ye sight not unawares against me, and be op­posers your selves of those that are my friends, and speak to you both for and from me, saith the Lord, for if they be of the seed of the Jews, before whom Haman and his seed be­gin to fall, they will never recover themselves till they have brought the very mischief they have hatched for my beloved ones, upon their ovvn Pate, saith the Lord: yea though my people are low, and weake, and few in number, and silly, and contemptible in your eyes, yea afflicted and ready to dye from their youth up, yet I live, saith the Lord, who am a protector and redeemer to them, vvho neither slumber nor sleep; but vvatch, and am Almighty to avenge them on all their enemies, and I will do it, saith the Lord: yea let the Heathen rage, and the people imagine, and the Kings of the earth set themselves, and the Rulers take Counsell together a­gainst me, and mine anointed, saith the Lord, yet will I set my King upon the holy hill of Sion, and give him the Heathen for his inheritance, and the utmost parts of the earth for his possession, yea and all in whom he reigns shall raign (as they have suffered) with him; In an inumerable multitude, of which he is coming to judge the earth in righteousness, and the people with equity, to pass a judgement upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly, of all the ungodly deeds they have committed, and of all the hard speeches which ungod­ly sinners have spoken against him; and he in them and they in him shall rule the Nations with a Rod of Iron, and breake them to pieces as a Potters vessell, even as they have received of me their Father, saith the Lord: and though they are now laughed to scorn, and had in dayly derision by high and low (saith the Lord) and condemned by all, and made the very strife of all tongues, and made ashamed in all places where ever they are, and all people make a noyse and roare against them, like the roarings of the Sea, and as the noyse of ma­ny waters, yet will I get them praise and same in every Land, wherein they have been put to shame, and every tongue that riseth up in judgement against them shall they con­demn, and I that sit in Heaven will laugh at the calamity of [Page 33] those that hate them, and mock when their fear cometh, yea I will have them all in derision, and they shall be as my peo­ple have been among them a very proverb of reproach, and I will Roar upon them out of Sion, and utter my voice from Jerusalem against them, as a Lyon, and the Heaven and the earth shall shake, and I will overthrow the thrones of King­doms, and destroy the strength of all the Kingdoms of the Heathen, and be my self a wall of fire about my people for their defence, and the hope and strength of my chosen ones in the day wherein I do this, saith the Lord God; yea I will never rest till I have made all their foes their footstool: and howbeit the powers of the earth are of me, and for con­science sake to me-ward are to be obeyed, and not resisted, and have been obeyed and not resisted in things not contra­ry to my own commands, by my holy ones, that have ever suffered as evill doers under them, of whom they ought to have had praise, yet if that which was once mine own out­ward Ordinance for the punishment of evill doers, and to be a terrour to evill works (as Rulers are ever away when they are as they ought to be) continue to be so abhominably perverted as in the pride and stoutness of their hearts, making their own lusts and not my light their Law, to be a terr our unto works and ways that are truly good, I will hold my peace now no longer, saith the Lord, as concerning this e­vill which they so prophanely commit, and do dayly against my chosen; but will utterly subvert and overturn them, and bring the Kingdoms, and Dominions, and the greatness of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven into the hands of the holy ones of the most high, and give unto my Son and his Saints to raign over all the earth, and take all the Rule, and authority and power that shall stand up against my Son in his Saints, and put it down among all the rest, as one of his great enemies under his feet, saith the Lord; for though the world take no delight in them, yet I take pleasure in my people, saith the Lord, and I will beautify my meek ones with salvation, and I will put my high prayses into their mouth, and a two edged Sword into their hands, and they [Page 34] shall execute vengeance upon the Heathen, and punishments upon the people, and shal bind their Kings in Chains, and their Nobles in fetters of Iron, and execute upon them the judge­ment that is written in my eternal decree, and unchangeable Counsell, saith the Lord: this honour have all my Saints, this is the heritage of my servants, saith the Lord, & their righte­ousness, and their reign their salvation, and redemption, and all their dignity is of me onely; and of me onely, and not of themselves, shall they acknowledge it to be, saith the Lord God Almighty, who is now doing all this his holy will, and good pleasure, and who is he that shall ever disanull it?


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