
AN ACT Enabling the Commissioners of the Militia to raise Moneys for the present Service of this Commonwealth.

WHereas by a late Act of Parliament, Entituled, An Act concerning the Militia's in the respe­ctive Counties within this Commonwealth, It is Enacted and Declared, That all and every the persons nominated and appointed, or to be nominated and appointed by the Councel of State as Commissioners for the Militia in their respective Counties, are thereby Authorized and Impowered to do and execute all and every the Powers and Authorities granted by any Act, Order or Ordinance of Parliament, for Raising of any Forces of Horse and Foot, and Dragoons, for the Service and Safety of the Commonwealth of England; And amongst other things are to take care and provide, that all and every person and persons who do, or shall finde or provide, and are or shall be charged with Horsmen, Footmen or Dragoons, shall immediately furnish the said Horsmen, Footmen and Dragoons so charged upon them respectively, with one full Moneths pay, the same to be paid or reimbursed by appointment of Parliament, out of, or by way of Assessments or otherwise: Be it Enacted and Declared by this present Parliament, and by Authority of the same, That the abovenamed Commissioners, or any three or more of them do take care and provide, that all and every the person and persons charged or chargable as aforesaid; and who have Raised or shall Raise, or send forth any Forces as aforesaid, for the Service of this Commonwealth, do finde and provide one other Moneths pay for every Horsman, Footman and Dragoon so charged upon them respectively, the same to be paid or reimbursed by appointment of Parliament, out of, or by way of Assessments or otherwise as aforesaid: And because by the Moneths pay above specified, no provision is made for the Officers, Voluntier Forces, and other Emergencies incident unto this Service; Be it Enacted and Decla­red by this present Parliament, and by Authority of the same, That the respective Commission­ers of the Militia of the several Counties, Cities and places of this Commonwealth, or any three or more of them, be, and are hereby authorized to Rate, Tax, Collect and Levy, upon the several respective Counties, Cities and places of this Commonwealth, by an equal and indifferent Rate, one full Moneths pay according to the proportion of one Moneths Assessment in each County, af­ter the Rate of Ninety thousand pounds by the Moneth, lately charged upon the several Counties for the Pay of the Army; which Monies are to be Assessed, Collected, paid and disposed of accord­ing to such Instructions as shall be from time to time given by the Parliament or Councel of State, and under the same penalties and forfeitures, as are limited and appointed by the said late Act for raising Ninety thousand pounds by the Moneth for the pay of the Army.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1651.

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