
An Act Declaring and Constituting the People of England to be a Commonwealth and Free-State.

BE it Declared and Enacted by this pre­sent Parliament, and by the authority of the same, That the People of England, and of all the Domi­nions and Territo­ries thereunto be­longing, are and shall be, and are hereby Constituted, Made, Established and Confirm­ed, to be a Common-wealth and Free-State: And shall from henceforth be Governed as a Commonwealth and Free-State, by the Su­preme Authority of this Nation, The Repre­sentatives of the People in Parliament, and by such as they shall appoint and constitute as Of­ficers and Ministers under them for the good of the People, and that without any King or House of Lords.

ORdered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.

Hen: Scobell,
Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed for Edward Husband, Printer to the Honorable House of Com­mons, and are to be sold at his Ship in Fleetstreet, at the Sign of the Golden-Dragon, near the Inner-Temple, May 21. 1649.

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