
AN ACT Concerning the Militia's in the respective Counties within this COMMON-VVEALTH.

BE it Enacted and Declared by this present Parliament, and by the Authority thereof, That all and every the persons nominated and ap­pointed, or to be nominated and appointed by the Councel of State, for the Forming, Listing, Raising, Setling and Disposing of the Mi­litia in the several and respective Counties of this Commonwealth, Shall be, and are hereby Authorized and Impowered to do, execute and perform, All and every the Powers and Authorities granted by any Act, Order or Ordinance of Parliament, for Raising of any Forces of Horse or Foot for the Service and Safety of the Commonwealth of England; And that the said Com­missioners already nominated, or hereafter to be nominated by the Councel of State, be Authorized and Required forthwith to Summon before them, all and every the Militia Forces lately Listed or Raised in their several and respective Coun­ties, whether they be Horse or Foot, with all their Officers and Soldiers, to be drawn into one or more Bodies, unto some one or more Rendezvouzes in eath County respectively, as the Commissioners shall think fit; And to take care and provide, That all and every person and persons, who do, or shall finde or provide, and are or shall be charged with Horsmen or Footmen, shall immediately furnish the said Horsmen or Footmen so charged upon them respectively, with one full moneths Pay, the same to be Paid or Reimbur [...]ed by Appointment of Parliament out of, or by way of Assessments or otherwise; And all Commissioners, Commanders, Offi­cers and Soldiers, are to follow such Orders and Directions, as they shall from time to time receive from the Parliament or Councel of State appointed by Au­thority of Parliament; And the said Commissioners, Commanders, Officers and Soldiers, are hereby Required to do their respective Duties herein with all dili­gence and faithfulness, upon pain of being Censured and Adjudged Enemies to their Countrey, and to undergo such penalties as in that behalf shall be by the Par­liament thought fit to be inflicted upon them. And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Commissions formerly granted by the Councel of State, unto any Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels, Majors, Captains and other Of­ficers, upon the last Act for the Militia's of the Commonwealth, be Revived, Conti­nued, and shall stand in full force until the First day of December, One thousand six hundred fifty one, unless the Parliament or Councel of State shall give other order.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by John Field, Printer to the Parliament of England. 1651.

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