
AN ACT Appointing Thursday the Thirteenth of June, 1650. to be kept as a Day of Solemn Fasting and Humiliation; and declaring the Reasons and Grounds thereof.

ALthough this Nation hath enjoyed many Blessings, and great Deliverances from the hands of God, yet have the People thereof multiplied their Sins, as God hath multi­plyed his Blessings upon them, especially the Sins of Ʋn­thankfulness and Ʋnfruitfulness, under such Gospel means and Mercies, which may most justly provoke the Lord to multiply his Judgements upon this Nation. The Parlia­ment taking the same into serious consideration, as also the pernicious Designs of the Enemies of this Commonwealth, to engage the same in a New and Bloody war; and being truly sensible of their own inability to prevent or disappoint the same; and to testifie, That their whole dependance is upon the Lord alone, and upon the Freeness of his Grace in Christ, Do enact and Ordain, and be it Enacted and Ordained, That Thursday the Thirteenth of June next enfuing, be observed and kept in all Churches and Chappels in England and Wales, and the Town of Berwick up­on Tweed, a solemn Day of Fasting and Humiliation for the fore-mentioned Sins, and for all other the Transgressions whereof this Nation is guilty; and for imploring the Favor of God, for a Blessing upon the Counsels and Endeavors of the Parliament, and upon their Forces by Land and by Sea; and that our gracious God would be pleased to give the People of this Nation a heart to serve him in sincerity; and to unite them against all Combinations and Practices of Forreign or Domestique Ene­mies to this Cause of God (which the Parliament hath, and shall by his Blessing and Assistance, maintain to the end) That so at last, through the Goodness and Mercy of God, this Commonwealth may be Established in all Truth and Peace, to the Glory of God, and Happiness of this Nation. And the Ministers of the respective Churches and Chappels aforesaid, are hereby required to give notice hereof on the Lords-day next preceding the said Thirteenth of June; at which time also the said Ministers are required to publish this present Act.

ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith printed and published.

Hen: Scobell, Cleric. Parliamenti.

London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printers to the Parliament of England. 1650.

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