AN ACT Appointing
Thursday the last Day of
February, 1649. for A Solemn day of Humiliation, Fasting & Prayer: And Declaring the GROƲNDS thereof.
THe Lord who Ruleth over the Nations, who disposeth and ordereth all things, according to the good pleasure of his own Will, hath in our Age (as in former Generations) exceedingly glorified his Wisdom, Power and Mercy, That he might warn and awaken the Inhabitants of the Earth unto a diligent enquiry after him, a faithful and fruitful living before him; His Ʋoyce and his Hand hath been heard, and seen in this Land most eminently, in rescuing Us out of the destroying hands of Tyranny, Popery and Supersition: Which experience of the Lords wonderful Goodness and Mercy towards this Nation, might have wrought an answerable return of Duty and Obedience; and the sense of the want hereof ought to fill us with shame, astonishment and confusion of face, especially when (in stead thereof) we finde in the midst of it, such crying Sins, hideous Blasphemies, and unheard of Abominations (and that by some under pretence of Liberty, and greater measure of Light) as after all our wondrous Deliverances, do manifest themselves to the exceeding dishonor of God, and reproach of our Christian Profession: To the end therefore that this Nation in general, and every one in particular may have an opportunity to know and acknowledge their Sins in the sight of God, and be truly humbled for them; and that earnest Prayer and Supplication may be put up on behalf of this Commonwealth, for the advancement of the Kingdom of Christ, and propagation of his Gospel throughout the same, and all the Dominions thereof; That the good hand of God may be continued with us in perfecting his great works, which have been carryed on to so good a degree in England and Ireland; That all Differences among Brethren might be reconciled in love; That the Designs, Combinations and Conspiracies of all wicked men (whether within or without us) to imbroil this Nation in a New War, may be discovered and prevented; and that Whilest ungodly men do make the Arm of Flesh their Confidence, We may testifie (from an abundant experience of the Lords Goodness) That our Strength is onely in the Living God: Be it therefore Enacted and Declared, That Thursday the last day of February, 1649. be appointed and kept as a Solemn day of Fasting, Prayer and Humiliation, for the ends aforesaid.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed by Edward Husband and John Field, Printers to the Parliament of England. 1649.