BE it Enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority thereof, That John Godolphin, Doctor of the Laws and Charters, George Cocke Esq be, and are hereby Nominated, Constituted and Appointed Judges of the Admiralty. And the said John Godolphin and Charls George Cocke, are hereby Authorized, Impowered and Required to hear, Order, Determine, Adjudge and Decree, in all matters and things as Judges of the Admiralty, in as full large and ample maner as any other Judge or Judges of the Admiralty at any time heretofore might or ought lawfully to do: To have, hold, exercise and enjoy the said Office or Place of Judges of the Admiralty, until the Thirtieth day of June 1659. and no longer.
ORdered by the Parliament, That this Act be forthwith Printed and Published.
London, Printed by JOHN FIELD, Printer to the Parliament, And are to be sold at the seven Stars in Fleetstreet, over against Dunstans Church, 1659.