AN ACT▪ Appointing COMMISSIONERS For the GOVERNMENT Of the Army.
BE it enacted by this present Parliament, and the Authority thereof; and it is hereby enacted, That one Act made by this present Parliament Instituted an Act, Constituting Charls Fleetwood Esq Lievtenant General, Commander in Chief of the Forces Raised▪ and to be Raised by Authority of Parliament, within Eng and and Scotland, and all Powers thereby Given; Be, and are, hereby Repealed, and made Voyd; and that the Army and Forces in England and Scotland, of this Commonwealth shall, for the future, be Governed by Commissioners, in the Place and Stead of a Lievtenant General: And that Lievtenant General Charls Fleetwood, Lievtenant General Edmond Ludlow, General George Monk, Sir Arthur Haslerigg, Baronet, Colonel Valentine Walton, Colonel Herbert Morley, and Colonel Robert Overton; Be, and are hereby appoynted Commissioners, to Execute all and singular the Powers and Authorities Insident, belonging to the Office of the Lievtenant General of the Army of this Commonwealth, in England and Scotland, in as large and ample manner, as in and by the said Recited Act, was Granted and Expressed: and that they or any three, or more of them, shall▪ and may, Execute the said Office and Powers from the eleventh day of October, 1659. untill the twelfth Day of February 1659. any Act or Commission whatsoever, made or granted to the contrary, in any wise, notwithstanding; And that all Officers and Souldiers of the Army, and other Persons concerned, are hereby Required to yield their Obedience to the said Commissioners accordingly: And the said Commissioners are to Obey and Observe such Orders and Directions as they, or any thrée, or more, of them, shall, from time to time, Receive, from the Parliament, or Council of State appointed, or which shall be appointed, by Authority of Parliament.
LONDON, Printed by John Streater, By Vertue of Especial Command.