[Page] AN Extract of the Acts against Importing IRISH Cattel, &c. One Expired, the other not.

An Act against Importing Cattel from Ireland.

18 Car. 2. Cap. 2. WHereas by an Act Intituled an Act for the Incouragement of Trade, (since expired) some Provi­sion was made to prevent the coming in of vast numbers of Cattel, whereby the Rents and Values of Lands were much fallen, and like to fall more, to the great impoverishing of the Kingdom, which nevertheless hath been found ineffectual, and the Importation of Cattel specified, fat or lean, dead or alive to be unnecessary, and very Destructive to the welfare of the Kingdom.

It is Enacted. That Importation of Cattel from beyond the Seas, after 2 Feb. 1666. is a publick Nuisance, and shall be so adjudged.

That if any great Cattel, Sheep, or Swine, or any Beef, Pork or Bacon (except for Provision for the Ship in which the same shall be brought) shall after the said 2 of Febr. be Imported from beyond Seas into England or Wales or Berwick, the Officers of the Parish or place may seize and keep the same 48 hours in some conveni­ent place there, within which time if the Owners or their Agents shall make it appear to any Justice of the Peace of the County, by the Oath of two credible Witnesses, that the same were not Imported from any place be­yond the Seas, after the said 2 of Febr. then the same, by Warrant of such Justice, to be delivered without delay, but in default of such Proof and Warrant then to be Forfeited, one half to the Poor of the Parish, the other half to the Person seizing.

A Clause concerning Fishery.

Provided this Act not to hinder the Importation of Cattel of the breed of the Isle of Man, not exceeding 600 head yearly▪ to be Landed only at Chester, or some Member thereof.

This Act to continue to the end of 7 years, and thence to the end of the next Session of the next Parliament.


An Additional Act against Importing Foreign Cattel.

20 Car. 2. cap. 7. THe said former Act 18 Car. 2. recited at large almost verbatim. Notwithstanding which Act great Numbers of Cattel have been Imported in Foreign and English Ships, in continuance of the said Nu­isance, and high contempt of Authority of Parliament, and divers Officers and others for their own Lucre, com­bining with the Owners of such Cattel, &c. have colourably seized, and fraudulently sold the same at low rates to the Owners or their Agents: and others of the said Officers discharging their Duty, have been therefore sued and molested in Counties and places far distant, to their Charge and Discouragement. For Vindication therefore of the Authority of Parliament, and indempnifying such Officers and others faithfully executing the said Act, and for suppression of the said Nuisance. It is enacted, That every Officer and others who have acted in the seizure, detaining or disposing such Cattel, Goods, &c. shall be kept harmless against the Owner or any claiming under him.

Provided, That not only the Officers, but any other Inhabitant within the Parish or place where such Im­portation shall be, may seize such Cattel, Goods, &c. and forthwith deliver the same to the Officer of such place, to be kept and disposed to the uses in this Act, and in the said recited Act mentioned, or either of them.

In case no seizure by any Officer or Inhabitant within such Parish or place where Cattel, Goods, &c. is first Imported, such Parish or place for every default shall Forfeit the summ of 100 l. to the use of the House of Cor­rection of the said County or liberty, the Moneys so Forfeited and other Forfeitures by this Act, and the said reci­ted Act or either of them to be accounted for according to the Statute 43 Eliz. c. 2.

Every Ship with her tackle in which any Cattel, &c. after 24 Mar. 1667. shall be Imported, shall be Forfeited, and it shall be lawful for any person within a year after such Importation to seize and make sale thereof, half the Money to the use of the Poor of the Parish, and the other half to the use of the Seizor. Any Justice of Peace of the County or chief Officer of the Town near the place of Importation may by Warrant cause the Ma­ster and Seamen of such Ships and others imployed in Landing, Driving or taking Care of such Cattel to be ap­prehended and committed to the Gaol of the County for three months without Bail.

When through any fraudulent Agreement or connivance of the Officers or otherwise, it shall happen that any Cattel, &c. after the first seizure of them by Virtue of the aforesaid Act shall be found in any other Pa­rish than where the same shall be first seized, then it shall be lawful for any the Officers of such Parish or place where such Cattel, &c. shall be found, to seize and dispose of the same as Forfeited. The one Moiety to the poor of the Parish, the other to the use of the Seizor, any former seizure in any other Parish or Place notwithstanding.

That if any Suit shall be commenced or prosecuted against any person for any seizure by vertue of this or the aforesaid Act, and upon Tryal it shall not be proved to the Jury that the cause of such suit did arise within such County where such Action is laid and Tryed, the Defendant shall be found Not Guilty, without having regard to any Evidence by or for the Plaintiff.

That if any Action or Suit be commenced for any Seizure or other thing in this or the aforesaid Act, such per­son so sued may plead the general Issue, and give this and the aforesaid Act in Evidence; and if the Plaintiff be Non suit or forbear Prosecution, or suffer discontinuance, or if a Verdict pass against him, the Defendant shall have treble Costs with like remedy, as where Costs by Law are given to the Defendant.

Prov [...]so, Not to hinder the Importing Cattel of the breed of the Isle of Man, not exceeding 600 head yearly, to be Landed at Chester or some Member thereof, and not elsewhere.

If any shall confederate to evade the seizures and forfeitures upon Importation of Cattel &c. in this pre­sent Act, and put the same in Execution, every such person Indicted within one year after such Offence, and convicted according to Law, shall incurr the danger of Praemunire 16 Rich. 2.

(Not Expired.)

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