At the Court at WHITEHALL 10 MARCH 1675/6. By the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty and the Right Honourable the Lords of His Ma­jesties most Honourable Privy Council.

VVHEREAS in pursuance of an Order of the Eighth Instant, The Lords Com­missioners for Executing the Office of Lord high Admiral of England, did this day report to His Majesty in Council, their Approbation of the several Rules thereunto annexed, prepared by the Com­mittee of this Board for Trade, for preventing the frau­dulent procuring of Passes; pursuant to the Treaties with Spain and the Ʋnited Provinces, together with the Form of a Certificate to be signed by the Of­ficer appointed to survey each Ship for which a Pass shall be demanded; as also of the Oaths of the Master, and the Bond to be Entred into by them; which having been Read and Considered at the Board; His Majesty was pleased to approve thereof; and did Order, That as well, the Right Honourable the Lord High Treasurer of England, as the Lords Commissi­oners of the Admiralty; do respectively cause the said Rules to be duly and punctually observed and put in Execution in all the Ports therein mentioned.

May it please your Majesty,

VVEE have in obedience to Your Majesties Order in Council, had several Meetings about frame­ing of Rules for Passes, in pursuance of the Treaties with Spain and the United Provinces: And ha­ving also consulted the Commissioners of the Customs therein, We do present Your Majesty with the following Rules, as necessary and of great importance in this conjuncture for Your Majesties Service.

RULES For Granting of Passes, In Pursuance of the Treaties With SPAIN and the UNITED PROVINCES.

1. THat no Passes be granted but in the Places Follow­ing, Viz.

  • Dover.
  • Rye.
  • Chichester.
  • Southampton.
  • Poole.
  • Weymouth.
  • Lime Regis
  • Exon.
  • Dartmouth.
  • Plymouth.
  • Fowy.
  • Falmouth.
  • Penzance.
  • Barnstaple.
  • Bridgwater.
  • Mine-Head.
  • Bristol For the Ports of Bristol and Gloucester.
  • Swanzey.
  • Milford.
  • Colchester.
  • Ipswitch.
  • Yarmouth.
  • Lynn Regis.
  • Boston.
  • Hull.
  • Stockton.
  • Sunderland.
  • Newcastle.
  • Berwick.
  • Whitehaven.
  • Lancaster.
  • Leverpool.
  • Chester.
  • Beaumaris.

II 2. That in the Port of London Passes be granted onely by the Lord High Admiral or the Lords Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, or the Commissioners of the Customs, and in the Out-Ports by the Chief Magistrate of the said Out-Ports respectively, with the consent of the Collector, or other Chief Officer of the Customs upon the place for the time being, deputed by the Commissioners; which consent is to be declared by the said Officer under his hand, upon the body of the Certificate, provided for, in the Article following.

III That no Pass be granted to any Ship or Vessel in the Port of Lon­don, until she have been viewed, either by the Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, or his Deputy, or some Officer of the Navy especially appointed thereto by the Lord High Admiral, or Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, or by the Surveyors of the Com­missioners of His Majesties Customs aforesaid, and a Certificate to be produced from the said Officers respectively, to the persons granting the said Passes, expressing the Name, Built, and Bur­then of the said Vessel; and answering distinctly to each other of the said several Heads contained in the Form of the said Cer­tificate hereunto annexed: And that no Pass be granted in any other of the Ports or Places before-mentioned, until such Ship or Vessel shall have been viewed by the Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, or his Deputy, or the said Commissioners their Surveyors, in such Port where there is a Surveyor; and where there is no Surveyor, by such other Officer of the said Commis­sioners, as shall be appointed by the Collector, or Chief Offi­cer of the Customs, and like Certificate made concerning such Ship or Vessel.

IV No Pass to be granted, if by the said Certificate it doth not appear, that she is in the Port, where the said Pass is demanded, or some Member or Creek thereof, at the time of demanding such Pass.

V No Pass to be granted unless by such Certificate it also appear that the Master and two Thirds of the Mariners are of His Ma­jesties Subjects (except to such Ships as are bound to Greenland) in which case one moyety at least of the Mariners to be English.

VI That no Foreigner, who is Master of a Ship, shall have a Pass, unless he be Naturalized, or be a Denizen, and those Masters of Ships who pretend to Naturalization or Denization, to have no Passes until they make proof, that their real and constant residence is in England, and that their Families are also here, if any they have; Mem. That the four Fisher Boats lately made free, are to be except­ed. and as to such Masters of Ships as pretend to Denization, that no Pass be granted unto them, unless it shall appear that their real and constant residence with their Families hath been in England for the space of one year before the demanding of such Pass.

VII That no Pass be granted until the Register of the place, to which each Ship belongs, shall have been carefully examined, whether a former Pass hath been granted to such Ship, and in case any former Pass hath been granted, no Pass to be granted until the former Pass be delivered up.

VIII That every Master of a Ship before he have a Pass granted him, do give Bond with one good Surety in his Majesties Name, if in the Port of London, to the Collector Outward; if in the Out-Ports, to the Officer of the Customs that is to consent to the Pass, of 100 l. penalty, if the Ship appear to be above 100 Tons, for the return and redelivery of his Pass, within the time to be limited in his Bond, to the said Officer of the Customs: and of 50 l. pe­nalty if his Ship be under 100 Tons, unless in case of Capture, or loss of his Ship; which limitation of time to be made according as is directed in the following Rule, No. 15.

IX That before the granting of any Pass, the Master of every Ship or Vessel for which a Pass is demanded, shall make Oath in the presence of those who are to grant the said Passes, That such Ship or Vessel doth belong to the inhabitants of [...] [...] within His Majesties Dominions, and that [...] are Proprietors thereof, naming as many of them as he knows, and their respe­ctive shares and places of abode, and to what place such Ship doth belong, and whether she had any former Pass; and that he is the sole Master appointed for the Voyage, and knows no other: And in case she be a Foreign built Ship, declaring the time when she was bought, or became English Propriety; and that the ship for which a Certificate is returned, bearing date [...] [Page 5] [...] returned by [...] is the ship, concerning which this Oath is by him made; and that the Name by which he calls her, is the true Name, and that he knows of no other Name that she hath or hath had, or if she hath had, to declare it.

X And in case a Pass shall be demanded for any Foreign built ship, bought since January the First 1673, and not made free, that be­fore the granting thereof not onely the Master but the Proprietors of such ship, or as many of them as may be had, do also make Oath of their propriety in such ship, and what shares they respectively have, and when bought, and for what summe of money, and who are the rest of the Owners, and their places of Abode: And in case a Pass be demanded for any such ship in any of the Out-Ports, that when such Oath shall be taken, no Pass to be yet grant­ed, until the said Oath and the Oath of the Master and the Certi­ficate of the Officer of the Customs that shall have surveyed such ship, shall have been transmitted by the Officer of the Customs that ought to consent to such Pass, to the Commissioners of the Customs in London, and their approbation had thereupon: And if any of the Proprietors of such Foreign built ship shall appear to be Foreigners, that the Commissioners of the Customs do not grant any Pass to such ship in London, nor give their approbation for the granting of any such Pass in the Out-Ports, until full and clear sa­tisfaction be given to them, that they are truly inhabitants, and not sojourners come over, onely to serve the turn of Foreigners beyond Sea, during the present Wars abroad: And moreover that, Whether such propriety is claimed by Foreigners or Natives, due Examination is to be had of the quality, value, and worth of such persons, and of their probability of having such propriety, before such Pass or Approbation be granted.

XI That no Pass be granted in any Port or Place, which by this Regulation is authorized to grant Passes, but onely to ships belonging to some Port or Place in England, Wales, or Town of Berwick.

XII And so far as conveniently may be, That no Pass be granted to any ship belonging to England, Wales, or Berwick, but in some place within the Port to which she belongs, which by this [Page 6]Regulation has power to grant Passes; but if it shall so happen that a ship being in some other Port than the Port to which she be­longs, and which cannot conveniently repair to the same, shall have need of a Pass, and that the Master shall demand the same from the persons by this Regulation authorized in such Port or place to grant Passes, that if such ship be an English built ship, or made free or bought before January the First 1673, though not made free, if she belong to the Port of London, that upon a Certificate from the Commissioners of the Customs, testifying that she belongs to that Port, and whether such ship hath had a former Pass or not; (and if she belong to the Out-Ports, that upon a Cer­tificate from the Chief Magistrate of the place within the Port to which she belongs; which by this Regulation is authorized to grant Passes, attested by the Chief Officer of the Customs, there depu­ted by the Commissioners, testifying that she belongs to such place, and whether such Ship hath had a former Pass or not:) That a Pass may be thereupon granted to her by the Commissioners of the Cu­stoms, if she be in the Port of London, and if she be in any Out-Port, Member, or Creek thereof, by the Chief Magistrate of the place in the Port where she is, that is authorized to grant Passes. But in case such Ship be a Foreign built Ship, bought after January the First 1673, and not made free, that the person or persons so authorized, shall not grant any Pass to such Master, until the Officer of the Customs, who is to consent to such Pass, shall have sent a Copy of the Oath of such Master, to the Commissioners of the Customs, who are thereupon to write to the Collector or other Chief Officer in that Port, to which (or some Member whereof) the said Ship is pretended to belong; and the said Officer is thereup­on to take care that the pretended proprietors of such Ship, who shall dwell there, be examined upon Oath concerning their pro­priety, and the time of their buying such Ship, and for what summe of money, and that he do return such Examinations to the Commissioners of the Customs, together with his knowledge or be­lief concerning such Ship, being reputed or known to be a Ship be­longing to such Port or Member thereof, and whether she had any former Pass or not; all which the Commissioners of the Customs shall transmit to the Officer of the Customs in the Port or place where such Pass is demanded, and the same shall be of like effect, as if the Ship had been in her proper Port, and demanded her Pass there. And if in any of the Cases above-mentioned in this Article, a Pass shall be granted to any Ship out of her proper Port, the same to be forthwith notified by the Officer of the Cu­stoms, who consented to the granting thereof, to the Commissio­ners [Page 7]of the Customs, and the said Commissioners shall notifie the same to the Chief Officer of the Customs in such place in the Port to which she belongs, as is authorized to give and register Passes; whereby the same may be entred in the Registry, for the prevent­ing of granting double Passes.

XIII That the Form of Passes hereunto annexed, printed upon Parchment with Blanks, be made use of here in London, and that the like Passes with Blanks, printed upon the same size of Parch­ment, be sent to all places in the Out-Ports, authorized to grant Passes, and that those and none other, be made use of, whereby they may be distinguished from all former Passes.

XIV In like manner, That the printed Forms of the Oaths for the Masters and proprietors, and of the Certificates to be made upon viewing the ships, and also of the Bonds to be entred into by the Masters, upon the taking out of Passes (all which are hereunto an­nexed) be made use of in London, and in all places in the Out-Ports, which are hereby authorized to grant Passes.

XV All Ships entring out for the East or West-Indies, or to any part in Africa beyond Cape-Verde, or to any part of the Mediterranean-Sea, their Passes to determine upon their Return and being unla­den in some Port of England or Wales, or Town of Berwick upon Tweed: And for that end, to be obliged in the Bonds they are to give, upon taking out of such Passes, That upon their return, and being unladen, the Master of such Ship shall deliver up their Old Passes: And that Passes for Ships entring for all other parts, be to continue for one year onely, and the Bonds to be filled up accord­ingly, with a saving to Capture and Shipwrack, as before directed.

XVI That a perfect Register be kept by the Lord Admiral, or Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, the Commissioners of the Customs, and the Magistrate in each of the Out-Ports, by whom the Passes before-mentioned shall be granted, of every Pass which shall be by them respectively so granted; as also by the Collector, or other Chief Officer of the Customs, in each of the said Out-Ports, of every Pass whereto the consent of the said Collector or Officer shall be given, in pursuance of the se­cond [Page 8]Article: Which Registers are to be strictly kept, and to ex­press all the particulars in the Certificate of the Officer that viewed such Ship, and in the Oath of the Master: And Copies of what shall be so kept in the Out-Ports, shall be Monthly transmitted from the aforesaid Collector or Chief Officer there, to the Commissioners of the Customs in the Port of London: And the said Commissio­ners are Monthly to send Transcripts, as well of the Register kept by themselves, as of what shall be teturned to them from the Out-Ports, to the Lord Admiral, or Lords Commissioners of the Admi­ralty, in order to the making up of One entire Register and Al­phabet, for the ready informing His Majesty and Their Lordships in all Matters relating thereto, or wherein His Majesties Service may require Information from the same.

XVII That care be taken for the giving the like necessary Instructions for regulating the granting Passes in Scotland and Ireland, Tangier, and other His Majesties Plantations, the Islands of Jersey and Guernsey, and the East-Indies; and the keeping the like Register of the same, with Copies thereof to be transmitted to the Secretary of the Admi­ralty of England Quarterly, or where that cannot be, as often as op­portunity of Conveyance shall happen for the same.

XVIII And lastly, That the Order of the One and Twentieth of July last past; touching Passes, be superseded and annulled.

All which is most humbly submitted,
  • Danby. Craven.
  • Bridgwater. Secretary Coventry.
  • Mr. Secretary Williamson.
  • Robert Southwell.
A True Copy. John Nicholas.

FORM OF THE BOND To be given by Masters of SHIPS, before any PASS be granted to them.

NOverint universi per praesentes, [...] teneri & firmiter obligari Serenissimo Domino nostro CAROLO Secund' Regi, in [...] Libris bonae & legalis Monet' Angl' solvend' eidem Domino Regi Haered' vel Successoribus suis: Ad quam quidem solucon' bene & fideliter faciend', Oblig' [...] Haered', Executor', & Administrat' [...] firmiter per prae­sentes. Sigill' [...] Sigillat'. Dat' [...] die [...] Anno Regni [...] dicti Dom' nostri Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae, & Hiberniae Regis, Fidei Defensor', &c. [...] Anno (que) Dom' 167

THE Condition of this Obligation is such, That whereas the above-bound [...] hath received a Pass from [...] for the good Ship called the [...] of [...] and whereof he the said [...] is now Master, bearing date the [...] day of [...] Now if the said [...] shall deli­ver, or cause to be delivered up the said Pass to the said [...] [...] unless the said Ship shall happen to be taken by Pyrats, or be cast away and Shipwrackt, then this Obligation shall be void and of none effect; or else shall remain in full force and virtue.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of

FORM OF THE Oath of the Master, For a Foreign-built SHIP, made Free.

[...] of [...] Mariner, and Master of the [...] of [...] called the [...] of [...] now at Anchor in the [...] maketh Oath in the presence of [...] That the said [...] called the [...] Burthen [...] Tuns more or less, mounted with [...] Guns, and Na­vigated with [...] Men, whereof [...] are His Majesties Subjects, and [...] Strangers, bound for [...] and whereof he is appointed sole Master for the said Voyage, and knows of no other Master, is a Foreign-built Vessel made free, and doth wholly belong to the Inhabitants of [...] in the Dominions of His Majesty of Great Britain; and that the said Ves­sel is the same which hath been viewed by [...] and for which he hath made a Certificate bearing date the [...] day of [...] And that he knows of no Name the said Vessel hath been, If he knows of any Name, let it be here expressed, as the Master shall declare. or is called or known by, other than the Name above-mentioned, If she had a­ny, declaring what is be­come of it. or [...] And that he knows of no other Pass the said Vessel hath had [...] And that the said Vessel became English Propriety by day of [...] Dated this [...] day of [...] Sale, or Con­demnation in the Court of Admiralty. [...]

Jurat, That the Certificate of the Freedom of this Vessel, produced to the Officer of the Navigation, who surveyed the same, and the Contents abovesaid, are true to the best of his knowledge.

Coram, &c.

FORM OF THE CERTIFICATE Of the Officer for the Navigation, for a Forreing­built SHIP, made Free.

IN pursuance of His Majesties Order in Council, Port of of the Tenth of March, 1675/6. I under-written do certifie, That the [...] of [...] is a Forreign-built [...] of the Burthen of [...] Tuns, and [...] Guns, now lying at Anchor [...] within the Port of [...] bound for [...] whereof [...] is Master, and is Navigated with [...] Men, whereof [...] are His Majesties Subjects, and [...] Strangers: And appeareth to be made free, as by the Certificate of His Majesties Surveyor for the Act of Navigation, dated the [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. [...] and produced to me. Dated this [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. If this Certi­ficate be made in any of the Out-Ports, then this fol­lowing Certi­ficate is to be upon the Bo­dy of it.

I [...] Collector or Chief Officer of His Majesties Customs in the Port abovesaid, do hereby declare my Con­sent, under my Hand, that a Pass be granted for the abovesaid Ship.


[...] of [...] Mariner, and Master of the [...] called the [...] of [...] now at Anchor [...] in [...] making Oath in the presence of [...] That the said [...] called the [...] of [...] Burthen [...] Tons more or less, mounted with [...] Guns, and Naviga­ted with [...] Men, whereof [...] are His Majesties Subjects, and [...] Strangers, bound for [...] and whereof he is appointed the sole Master for the said Voyage (and knows of no other Master) is an English-built [...] and doth belong to the Inhabitants of [...] in the Dominions of His Majesty of Great Britain; and that the said Ship is the same [...] which hath been surveyed by [...] and for which he hath made a Cer­tificate, bearing date the [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. Or if he knows of any other Name she hath, or hath had, ex­pressing or declaring the same. [...] And he knows of no Name the said [...] hath been or is called by, other than the Name above-mentioned [...] And that he knows of no other Pass the said [...] hath had [...] Or if she had any former Pass, decla­ring what is become of it.

Jurat, That the Contents abovesaid are true to the best of [...] his knowledge.

Coram, &c.

FORM OF THE CERTIFICATE Of the Officer for the Navigation for an English built SHIP.

IN pursuance of His Majestie's Order in Council of the Tenth of March 1675/6. Port of I under-written [...] do Certifie that the [...] of [...] is an English-Built [...] of Burthen [...] Tuns, and [...] Guns, now lying at [...] within the Port of [...] bound for [...] And whereof [...] is Master, and is Navigated with [...] Men, whereof [...] are His Majesties Subjects, and [...] Strangers. Dated the [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. 167 [...] If this Certifi­cate be made in any of the Out-Ports, then this fol­lowing Certi­ficate is to be upon the Body of it.

I [...] Collector or Chief Officer of the Customs upon the Place in the Port abovesaid, do hereby declare my Consent under my Hand that a Pass be granted for the above­said Vessel.

FORM OF THE Oath of the Master Of a Foreign-built SHIP not made Free, whether bought before or since the First of January, Anno 1673.

[...] of [...] Mariner and Master of the [...] called the [...] of [...] now at Anchor in the [...] maketh Oath in presence of [...] That the said [...] called the [...] Burthen [...] Tuns more or less, mounted with [...] Guns, and Navigated with [...] Men, whereof [...] are His Majesties Subjects, and [...] Strangers, bound for [...] whereof he is appointed sole Master for the said Voyage (and knows of no other Master) is an Foreign-built [...] not made Free, bought the [...] day of [...] and doth wholly belong to the Inhabitants of [...] in the Dominions of His Majesty of Great Britain; Express the Owners names and then re­spective Parts or Shares in her, with their Places of A­bode. and that [...] are Owners of her [...] and that the said Vessel is the same which hath been surveyed by [...] and for which he hath made a Certificate bearing date the [...] day of [...] And that he knows of no Name the said Vessel hath been or is called or known by, If she hath been called by any other name let it be here expressed, as the Master shall declare. other than the Name above­mentioned [...] And that he knows of no other Pass the said Vessel hath had, If she had any, declaring what is become of it. or [...]

Jurat, The above-named [...] Master of the said Vessel, that the Bill of Sale of this Vessel pro­duced to the Officer of the Navigation is true, and that the per­sons therein mentioned are the present real proprietors of her.

FORM OF THE CERTIFICATE Of the Officer for the Navigation for a Foreign-built SHIP not made Free, whether bought before or since the first of January, Anno 1673.

IN pursuance of His Majestie's Order in Council of the Tenth of March 1675/6. Port of I under-written [...] do Certifie that the said [...] of [...] is a Foreign-built [...] of the Burthen of [...] Tuns, and [...] Guns, now lying at Anchor [...] within the Port of [...] bound for [...] whereof [...] is Master, and is Navigated with [...] Men, whereof [...] are His Majesties Subjects, and [...] Strangers, and appeareth to be bought, and belong to the Inhabitants of His Majesties Domini­ons, by a Bill of Sale bearing date the [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. [...] produced to me, but not made Free. Dated this [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. 167 If this Certifi­cate be made in any of the Out-Ports, then this fol­lowing Certi­ficate is to be upon the Body of it.

I [...] Collector or Chief Officer of His Majesties Customs in the Port abovesaid, do hereby declare my Consent under my Hand that a Pass be granted for the abovesaid Ship.

FORM OF THE Oath of the Proprietors Of a Foreign built SHIP, bought since the First of January 1673. and not made Free.

I Under-written [...] of [...] make Oath that I am a Proprietor in the [...] called the [...] of [...] for which a Pass is demanded by [...] Master of her; And that I have [...] part of her, and that I bought the same upon the [...] day of [...] for the Sum of [...] really and without fraud paid by me for the same; Let him here Express the Owners re­spective Names, Places of Abode, and Shares as near as he can. and that [...] are Part-Owners thereof. And that none but Inhabitants of His Majesties Dominions to the best of my knowledge, have any Part or Share in the said [...] Dated this [...] day of [...] Anno Dom. 167 [...]

Jurat, That the Contents above-said [...] are true.

Coram, &c.

To all unto whom these Presents shall Come.

We the Commissioners of the Customs of his most Serene Majesty of Great Britain, &c. Within his Kingdom of England, residing in London; do testifie and make known, That [...] of the [...] called the [...] Hath in our presence, under solemn Oath declared, That the said [...] of the Burthen of [...] whereof he is at present Master, doth belong to the In­habitants of [...] in the Dominions of his said Majesty of Great Britain. And We desiring that the said Master may be assisted in his Voyage and business, do intreat all persons in general and particular, who shall meet him; and those of all places where the said Master shall come with the said [...] and her Merchandize; that they would admit him favourably, treat him kindly, and receive the said [...] into their Ports, Bays, Havens, Rivers and Dominions: permitting her quietly to sail, pass, frequent, and negotiate there, or in any other place, as shall seem good to the said Master; paying still the Toll and Customs which of right shall be due: Which We will acknowledge gratefully upon the like occasions. In witness whereof We have signed these presents, and sealed them with the Seal of the Custom-house London, the [...]


AFter my hearty Commendations: Whereas the several Rules hereunto annexed, for preventing the fraudulent procuring of Pas­ses, pursuant to the Treaties with Spain and the Uni­ted Provinces, together with the Form of a Certifi­cate to be signed by the Officer appointed to survey each Ship for which a Pass shall be demanded; as al­so of the Oaths of the Masters, and the Bond to be entred into by them, have been approved by His Majesty in Council, and directed to be observed and put in execution by an Order of the Tenth of March last: In pursuance of which Order of His Maje­sty in Council, These are to direct and require you to observe the said Rules, and Forms of Certifi­cates, Oaths, and Bonds (which I have herewith transmitted to you) and to govern your selves there­by; and that you cause the same to be signified to, and duly observed and executed by all other Offi­cers of His Majesties Customs therein concerned, according to the true meaning thereof, and His Ma­jesties Pleasure in this behalf: For which, this shall be you Warrant. Newmarket, the Seventh of April, 1676.

To my very Loving Friends, the Commissioners of His Majesties Customs.

At the Court at WHITEHALL 22 MARCH 1675/6. By the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty and the Right Honourable the Lords of His Ma­jesties most Honourable Privy Council.

WHEREAS the Right Honourable the Lords Committees for Trade did this day make Report to the Board, That in pursuance of an Order of the Tenth Instant, upon the Complaint of the Eastland Merchants, and those who Trade unto Hamburgh, they have perused the Treaties between His Majesty and the Crowns of Sweden and Denmark: and according to the Me­thods prescribed by the said Treaties, they have made the best Pro­vision they could think of, for Ships that are Outward bound; pro­posing that they take their Passes in the manner following: Viz.

RULES for the granting of PASSES in pursuance of the Treaty with Sweden.

  • I No Pass to be granted in pursuance of this Treaty, in the Port of London, but by the Commissioners of the Customs; nor in any of the Out-Ports, but by the Chief Magistrates of such Places as are authorised to grant Passes by vertue of the Trea­ties with Spain and the Ʋnited Provinces, and with the Con­sent of the Chief Officer of the Customs in such Place, and under the like Regulation as to the Place where she is to re­ceive her Pass, as is directed in the Rules for granting of Passes, in pursuance of the Treaties with Spain and the Ʋnited Provinces.
  • II No such Pass to be granted, until it shall appear to the Person grant­ing the same, that such Ship hath had a Pass in some Port of England, in pursuance of the Treaties with Spain or the Ʋnited Provinces.
  • III No such Pass to be granted, until affirmation made before the person or persons from whom such Pass is demanded, con­cerning [Page 19]the propriety of such Ship, &c. as is directed in the Form of the Pass-port hereunto annexed.
  • IV No such Pass to be granted, without expressing therein the Lading of such Ship, as is also directed in the Form of the Pass-port hereunto annexed.
  • V That no Pass be granted, until the Master of such Ship shall enter Bond, in his Majesties Name, with one Surety, if the Ship belong to the Port of London, to the Collector Cut­wards; and if she belong to any Out-Port, then to the Officer of the Customs in such Port, who is to consent to Passes to be given by vertue of the Treaties with Spain or the Ʋnited Provinces. The said Bond to be in the penalty of 100 l. if the said Ship appear to be of the Burthen of 100 Tons or upwards, and in the penalty of 50 l. if under the Burthen of 100 Tons, for the return and re-delivery of such Pass within the space of one Year, to be accounted from the Date thereof, unless in case of Capture, or the loss of such Ship. And before the granting of such Pass, the person demanding the same is to produce a Certificate to the person or persons from whom he demands such Pass, that such Bond hath been entred into by the Master of such Ship, which Certificate is to be under the Hand of the Offi­cer of the Customs who took the Bond, and sealed with the Seal of such Custom-house.
  • VI That the Form of a Pass printed upon Parchment, with Blanks, hereunto annexed, be made use of in pursuance of this Trea­ty, in London, and the Out-Ports, and no other.
  • VII That a perfect Register be kept of every Pass which shall be granted in pursuance of this Treaty; which Register is to be kept in the Port of London by the Commissioners of the Customs, and in the Out-Ports by the Chief Magistrates, and the Officers of the Customs, that shall consent to such Pass; and to be transmitted from the Out-Ports to the Commissio­ners of the Customs in the Port of London, monthly; and by the Commissioners of the Customs, to the Commissio­ners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, quar­terly, for London and the Out-Ports. And no Pass to be granted until the Register be carefully examined, whether any such former Pass hath been granted to such Ship: And in that case, that no new Pass be granted, until the former be delivered up. The like Directions to be given for Scotland, Ireland, and the rest of His Majesties Dominions.


THese are to Certifie, That [...] upon the [...] day of [...] in the year of our Lord [...] Citizens and Inhabitants of [...] and Subjects of His Majesty the King of GREAT BRITAIN, did personally appear before [...] under the Dominion of His Maje­sty the King of GREAT BRITAIN, and did there upon the Faith of that Oath whereby they are bound to His Majesty the King of GREAT BRI­TAIN, our most Gracious Sovereign, and to our [...] declare that the Ship or Vessel called the [...] of [...] Thus, doth belong to [...] of the Dominions of [...] And that the said [...] doth properly and of right appertain thereunto, or to the Subjects of His Majesty the King of GREAT BRITAIN, but now from the Port of [...] is bound for [...] freighted with the Goods following: Viz.

And did affirm upon the aforesaid Oath [...] all the said Goods and Merchandise to belong to the Subjects of the King of GREAT BRITAIN and [...] unto [...] And that [...] upon the aforesaid Oath alledged that the said Goods above-specified, and no others, were put or to be put on board the said [...] for that Voy­age, and that no part thereof belongeth to any other then the persons aforesaid; and that therein there are no other Goods hidden under any false or counterfeit Name whatsoever: But that the aforesaid Merchandise were truly and really for the use of the said Owners and Proprietors and no others, and that the said Ma­ster of the Ship named [...] is a Citizen of [...] aforesaid. Dated the [...] day of [...] Anno Domini 167 [...]

Had a Pass in pursuance of the Treaties with Spain and the United Provinces, dated the [...] day of [...]

Anno 167

Former Pass in pursuance of the Treaty with Sweden.


To all unto whom these Presents shall Come.

[...] under the Dominions of his most Serene Majesty of Great Britain, &c. Do Certify that upon the [...] day of [...] in the Year of our Lord 1676. [...] Citizens and Inhabitants of [...] and Subjects of his Majesty the King of Great Britain, did personally appear before [...] in the [...] and did there upon the Faith of that Oath whereby they are bound to his Majesty the King of Great Britain, Our most Gracious Soveraign and to our City, declare that the Ship or Vessel called [...] of [...] Tunns doth belong to the [...] of the Dominion of England. And that the said Ship or Vessel doth properly and of right appertain thereunto or the Subjects of his Majesty the King of Great Britain, but now from the Port of [...] is Bound for [...] Freighted with the Goods following, viz. [...]

And did affirm upon the aforesaid Oath, that all the said Goods and Merchandize do belong to the Subjects of the King of Great Britain; And that they upon the Oath aforesaid alledged that the said Goods above specified and no others were put, or to be put on board the said Ship or Vessel for that Voyage; and that no part thereof belongeth to any other than the Persons aforesaid; And that therein there are no other Goods hidden under any false or Coun­terfeit name whatsoever, but that the foresaid Merchandize were truly and really for the use of the said Owners and proprietors and no other, and that the said Master of the Ship or Vessel named [...] is a Citizen of [...] Wherefore since upon strict enquiry it is manifest to [...] That the said Ship or Vessel and Goods are free, and do really and truly belong to the Subjects of his Majesty of Great Britain, [...] do with all Respect humbly desire all Powers by Land, or Sea, Kings, Princes, Common-wealths, Free Cities, as also all Generals, Admirals, General Officers, Governors of Ports, and all others to whom the Guard of any Port or Sea is commit­ed, who shall happen to meet this Ship under Sail, or into whose Fleet she shall fall, or in whose Port she shall happen to stay, that in regard of the Friendship and alliance which is between every of them, or their Superiours, and his Majesty of Great Britain our most gracious Soveraign, that they would not only suffer and permit the said Master with the Ship or Vessel the Persons, Goods and Merchandize belonging thereunto without any Let or hinderance freely to make his Voyage, but also (if he think convenient to go any where else from the said Port) that they would do him all Civil Office as a Subject of his Majesty the King of Great Britain, expecting the like Returns from his Majesty the King of Sweden, his Officers and Subjects in the like or other Case. In Witness whereof [...] have Subscribed these presents and Sealed the same with the Seal of [...] Dated the [...] day of [...]

RULES for the granting of PASSES in pursuance of the Treaty with Denmark.

  • I No Pass to be granted in pursuance of this Treaty, but what is signed by His Ma­jesty, and countersigned by a Principal Secretary of State.
  • II That no such Pass be granted, until a Schedule be produced, signed by the Officers of the Customs in the Port where the Ship took in her Lading, containing all the Goods she hath on Board, be they more or less: and if she have no Lading, then to express the same. And a Direction to the Officers in the respective Ports where Passes are to be given by vertue of the Treaties with Spain and the Ʋnited Provinces; to grant such Schedules, and to sign and seal them with the Seal of the Custom-house.
  • III That no such Pass be granted, till a Certificate be produced from the Chief Magi­strate of some such Place in each Port, as by the Regulation of the Treaties with Spain and the United Provinces is authorised to grant Passes in the Form pre­scribed by this Treaty.
  • IV That no such Pass be granted, until it appear by Certificate to the said Principal Secretary of State, from whom any such Pass shall be demanded, that the said Ship hath had a Pass according to the Form prescribed by the Treaties with Spain of the United Provinces which Certificate is to be signed by the Commissioners of the Customs in the Port of London, or their Secretary, in case such Pass were granted in the Port of London; and in case it were granted in any of the Out-Ports, that it be signed by the Officer of the Customs who consented to such Pass.
  • V That no Pass be granted, until the Master of such Ship shall enter Bond, in His Ma­jesties Name, with one Surety, if the Ship belong to the Port of London, to the Collector Outwards; and if she belong to any Out-Port, then to the Offi­cer of the Customs in such Out-Port, who into consent to Passes to be given by vertue of the Treaties with Spain and the United Provinces. The said Bond to be in the penalty of 100 l. if the said Ship appear to be of the Burthen of 100 Tons or upwards; and in the penalty of 50 l. if under the Burthen of 100 Tons, for the return and redelivering of such Pass within the space of one Year, to be accounted from the date thereof, unless in case of Capture, or the loss of such Ship. And before the granting of such Pass, the Person demanding the same is to produce a Certificate to the Secretary of State from whom it is demanded, that such Bond hath been entred into by the Master of such Ship; Which Certificate is to be under the Hand of the Officer of the Customs who took the Bond, and sealed with the Seal of such Custom-house.
  • VI That the Forms of a Pass and Certificate printed upon Parchments with Blanks here­unto annexed, be made use of by vertue of this Treaty and no other.
  • VII That a perfect Register be kept by the Secretary of State of every Pass which shall be counter signed by him in pursuance of this Treaty, which Register is to be strictly kept, and no Pass to be granted until the same be carefully examined whether any such former Pass hath been granted to such ship, and in that case, then no new Pass to be granted, until the former be delivered up; and that a quarterly account thereof be given by the said Secretary to the Lords Commissi­oners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral.
  • VIII The like Directions to the Secretary of State for Scotland about Passes for Scotch Ships; And if the Passes for Ireland are to be procured by one of the Principal Secretaries of State in England, yet that they keep a distinct Register for Ire­land, as well as a [...]nct Register for England, sersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Sark, and the Islands of Scilly and Man.
All which, &c. Bridgewater, Carlisle, Craven, Fauco [...]berg, H. Coventry, J. Williamson.
R. Southwell.

TO all that shall see these Presents, or hear them to be read [...] Lord Mayor, and the Aldermen of the City of LONDON, Do attest and certifie: That on the Day of the Date hereof; before Ʋs personally came and ap­peared [...] And under the Oath wherein [...] stand bound to Our Sovereign Lord the King, did declare unto Ʋs: That the said Ship [...] in the Port of [...] of the Burthen of [...] Tunns, or thereabouts, doth belong to the Port of [...] in the Kingdom of ENGLAND: And that the said Ship doth justly belong to [...] Subjects of our said Sovereign Lord the King: And [...] And the said Appearer [...] affirmed under the Oath aforesaid, That the afore­mentioned Ship [...] doth only belong to Subjects of His said Majesty: And [...] carry no Goods prohibited, which belong to either of the Parties now in War. In testimony whereof. We have caused this Cortificate to be subscribed by Our Town-Clerk, and Sealed with the Seal of Majoralty of the City of LONDON.

VVHich Rules having been read and considered at the Board, His Majesty was pleased to ap­prove thereof, and did order that as well the Right Honou­rable the Earl of Danby Lord High Treasurer of Eng­land, as the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Of­fice of Lord High Admiral of England, and His Ma­jesties Principal Secretaries of State, do respectively cause the said Rules to be duly and punctually observed and put in execution.

John Nicholas.

THe Commissioners of His Majesties Customs are hereby directed and required to govern themselves by these Rules in what is to be done by them touching Passes to be granted in pursuance of the respective Trea­ties with Sweden and Denmark, and to cause the same to be signified to, and to be duly observed and exe­cuted by all other Officers of His Majesties Customs therein concerned, according to the Form thereof and His Majesties pleasure therein declared: for which this shall be their Warrant.


At the Court at WHITEHALL 10 MARCH 1675/6. By the KING'S Most Excellent Majesty and the Right Honourable the Lords of His Ma­jesties most Honourable Privy Council.

VVHEREAS in pursuance of an Order of the Eighth Instant, The Lords Com­missioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, did this day report to His Majesty in Council, their Approbation of the several Rules here under written, prepared by the Com­mittee of this Board for Trade, for preventing the frau­dulent procuring of Passes, in pursuance of the Treaties with Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly, as followeth: Viz.

May it please your Majesty,

BEside the General Regulation which We present Your Majesty in relation to Passes, We have thought fit for Your Majesties Service, to prepare also some Rules for the Granting of Passes, in pursuance of the Treaties with Al­giers, Tunis, and Tripoly; and having therein likewise consulted with the Commissioners of the Customs, and recei­ved their concurrence, We presume to lay them before Your Majesty, as followeth:

FIrst, Whereas by the words of the late Proclamation, bear­ing date the 22th. of December 1675, Your Majesty did declare that no Pass or Sea-brief whatsoever, which bore date [Page 25]before the said Proclamation, shall remain in force any longer than until the First day of May next; but the other Passes in the Form thereby established, shall upon demand, and without charge be delivered forth by the Secretary of the Admiralty for the time be­ing to the parties interessed therein, upon security by them given for delivering up their former Passes to the Lord High Admiral or the Lords Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admi­ral, within six months after their receiving such new ones; if there shall appear an evident necessity of sending Passes to any other Ships now in the Streights then English built Ships or Foreign built Ships made free, the same shall be done with the utmost strictness of Examination touching the Propriety of such Ships, and in or­der onely to their comming out of the Streights and return home; and Bond to be given accordingly in your Majesties name with one good surety to such person as shall be appointed by the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, to receive the same: In the sum of fifty pounds penalty if such Ship be under the Burthen of 100 Tons, and in the penal­ty of 100 li. if such Ship be of the Burthen of 100 Tons or more, for the delivering up the said Passes within the time to be expressed in the Condition of the said Bonds, unless in case of Shipwrack or Capture.

SEcondly, And for the better preventing the fraudulent procu­ring such Passes for the future, that the following Rules and Di­rections be duly and punctually observed and put in execution by the Lord High Admiral or Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral.

1. That no Pass be granted in pursuance of those Treaties in any parts of the Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, or Town of Berwick, but by the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral.

2. No such Pass to be granted to any Ships but English-built Ships or Foreign built Ships made free, until further Order.

3. No Pass to be granted to any Ship that is not in some Port of England, Wales, or Berwick, or some Member or Creek thereof, at the time of granting such Passes.

4. No Pass to be granted to any Ship, whereof the Master is not His Majesties Natural born Subject, and whereof two thirds of the Mariners are not English.

5. No Passes granted in pursuance of the Treaties with Algiers, Tunis, and Tri­poly, are to continue in force according to His Majesties late Proclamation of the 22d. of December last (longer than the space of one year) from the date of the said Passes, until further Order.

6. In case any Ship demanding such a Pass, shall be within the Port of London at the time of demanding thereof, that it be not granted until she shall have been first viewed by the Surveyor of the Act of Navigation or his Deputy, or the Offi­cer of the Navy especially appointed thereunto by the Lord High Admiral or Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and a Certificate produced from one of them under their hands to the Lord High Admiral or Lords Commissioners, for Execu­ting the Office of Lord High Admiral; which Certificate is to be in the same Form as the Certificates for English built Ships and Foreign built Ships made free, for which Passes are demanded in pursuance of other Treaties: And in case any Ship shall be in any of the Out-ports or in any Member or Creek thereof, at the time of demanding such Pass; that upon notice thereof to the Commissioners of the Cu­stoms from the Secretary of the Admiralty, the said Commissioners shall there­upon write to the Collector of such Port, that he cause the said Ship to be re­viewed by the Deputy of the Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, or by their Surveyor, where there is a Surveyor, or by the Officer appointed by the said Col­lector for viewing of Ships; and that he return up the like Certificate to the Com­missioners under the hands of the Officer that shall have surveyed her: which Cer­tificate shall be by the said Commissioners transmitted to the Lord High Admiral; and no Pass to be granted to such Ship until this is done.

7 That before the granting of any such Pass the Master of such Ship make such Oath as is to be taken by Masters of Ships demanding Passes for English built Ships or Foreign built Ships made free, or in pursuance of any other Treaties.

8. That the Form of such Passes which is hereunto annexed, be printed upon a certain size of Parchment, and that no other be made use of; that so they may be distinguished from all other Passes.

9. That a perfect Register be kept by the Lord High Admiral or Lords Com­missioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral, of all Passes granted by them; and that the said Register be kept distinct from the Register which shall be kept by them in pursuance of any other Treaties; and that such Register be strictly kept and do express all the particulars in the Certificate of the Officer that viewed such Ship, and in the Oath of the Master.

10. That care be taken to give speedy notice into Scotland and Ireland, and to the Governour of Tangier, &c. That Passes by vertue of these Treaties, are to be granted only by the Lord High Admiral of England, or Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral.

All which is humbly summitted Danby. Bridgwater. Craven. Coventry. J. Williamson. Rob. Southwell.
[Page 27] WHich being Read and Considered at the Board, His Majesty was pleased to approve thereof, and did order, That the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, do cause the said Rules to be duly and punctually observed and put in Execution.
John Nicholas.

FORM of the PASS in pursuance of the TREATIES with ALGIERS, TUNIS, and TRIFOLY. By the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord Hgh Admiral of England.

SUffer the Ship [...] to pass with her Company, Passengers, Goods, and Merchandizes, without any Let, Hindrance, Seizure, or Molestation; The said Ship appearing unto Us by good Testimony to belong to the Subjects of Our Sovereign Lord the King, and to no Foreigner. This Pass to continue in force for one whole year from the date hereof, and no longer.

To all Persons whom these may concern.
By Command of the Lords.

Directions to Masters of Ships and others concerned, whither to repair for Passes, in pursuance of the respective Treaties between His Majesty and his Allies. Together with the Fees payable at the respective Places where such Passes are to be granted.

Denmark PAsses in pursuance of the Treaty with Denmark, for all Eng­land, Scotland, and Ireland, and the rest of His Majesties Dominions, are to be under His Majesties Royal Signature, to be procured by the Secretary of State.

Mediter­ranean. Asses or Sea-briefs in pursuance of the Treaties with Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoly, are to be had for all England, Scotland, and Ireland, and the rest of His Majesties Dominions, from the Lords Commissioners for Executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of England, sitting at Derby-House.

Spain. PAsses in pursuance of the Treaties with Spain and the Ʋnited Provinces, are the same word for word.

Those Passes which concern Spain are onely to be had from the Commissioners of the Customs.

Holland. But those relating to Holland, may be had either from the Lords Commissioners appointed to execute the Office of Lord High Ad­miral of England, or from the Commissioners of the Customs in London; and in both these Cases for the Out-Ports from the Chief Magistrates in such places in each Out-Port as are appointed by His Majesties Order in Council of the Tenth instant to grant the same; which are,

  • Dover,
  • Rye,
  • Chichester,
  • Southampton,
  • Poole,
  • Weymouth,
  • Lime Regis,
  • Exon,
  • Dartmouth,
  • Plymouth,
  • Fowy,
  • Falmouth,
  • Penzance,
  • Barnstaple,
  • Bridgwater,
  • Minehead,
  • Bristol For the Ports of Bristol and Gloucester,
  • Swanzey,
  • Milford,
  • Colchester,
  • Ipswich,
  • Yarmouth,
  • Lynn Regis,
  • Boston,
  • Hull,
  • Stockton,
  • Sunderland,
  • Newcastle,
  • Berwick,
  • Whitehaven,
  • Lancaster,
  • Leverpool,
  • Chester,
  • Beaumaris.

Sweden. PAsses in pursuance of the Treaty with Sweden, are likewise to be had in London from the Commissioners of the Customs, and in the Out-Ports from the Chief Magistrates in such places in each Out-Port as are appointed by the aforesaid Order to grant Passes.

Fees for Passes, Oaths, Certificates, &c. to be moderated as followeth.
  • For a Pass signed by His Majesty, pursuant to the Treaty with Denmark, xx s.
  • For a Pass signed by the Commissioners of the Admiralty xxv s.
For a Pass procured at the Custom-House; Viz.
  • For the Certificate of the Surveyor of the Navigation ij s. vi d. xvii s. vi d.
  • For the Certificate and Oath of the Master vi d. xvii s. vi d.
  • For the Pass in Parchment xii s. vi d. xvii s. vi d.
  • For the Bond xii d. xvii s. vi d.
  • For the Search and Registering xii d. xvii s. vi d.
  • For the Certificate from the Lord Mayor of London, pursuant to the Treaty with Denmark x s.
For a Pass procured in the Out-Ports, Viz.
  • For the Certificate of the Surveyor of the Navigation ij s. vi d. x s.
  • For the Certificate and Oath of the Master vi d. x s.
  • For the Pass in Parchment v s. x s.
  • For the Bond xii d. x s.
  • For the Search and Registering xii d. x s.
  • For the Certificate from the Chief Magistrate of any of the Out-Ports, in pursuance of the Treaty with Denmark, v s.

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