At the COURT at WHITEHALL, the 28 th. of October, 1664.

  • The Kings most excellent Majestie.
  • His Royal Highness the Duke of York.
  • Lord Chancellor.
  • Lord Treasurer.
  • Duke of Albemarle.
  • Duke of Ormond.
  • Lord Chamberlain.
  • Earl of Anglesey.
  • Earl of Lauderdail.
  • Earl of Middleton.
  • Lord Bishop of London.
  • Lord Ashley.
  • Mr. Vice Chamberlain.
  • Mr. Secretary Morice.
  • Mr. Secretary Bennet.
  • Mr. Chancellor of the Dutchy.
  • Sir Edward Nicholas.

IT was this day Ordered (His Majestie present in Council) That His Majesties Declaration, For Incouragement of Sea­men and Mariners Imployed in the present Ser­vice, be forthwith Printed by His Maje­sties Printer: And that so many Copies thereof as shall be Commanded by his Royal Highness the Duke of York, Lord High Admiral of England, be disposed of as his Royal Highness shall think fit and direct: And so many also to the Principal Officers and Commissioners of His Majesties Navy Royal, by them to be distributed to such persons and places as in their Judgements shall seem convenient: Some of them also to the Principal Secre­taries of State, and for the Lords of His Majesties most Honourable Privy Council.

Richard Browne.

His Majesties DECLARATION For Encouragement of SEA-MEN & MARINERS Employed in the Present Service.


LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1664.


His Majesties DECLARATION FOR Encouragement of Sea-men and Mariners employed in the present Service.

HIs Majesty with much sa­tisfaction taking notice of the great resolution and cheerful forwardness of the Seamen and Mari­ners in the present Ser­vice necessarily underta­ken for the Honour and Defence of His Dominions, and the Commerce and Trade of His Subjects; and resolving to give due reward and encouragement to their Valour and Faithfulness, hath thought fit (by the Advice of His Council) to Publish and De­clare,

That all Captains, Seamen and others, that do or shall serve in any of His Majesties Own, or Merchants Ships imployed in His Service, shall (for time to come, in lieu of all Prizes) have and receive from His Majesty for every Ship or Prize they shall lawfully [Page 6]take, whether Merchant-men, or Men of War, laden or light, the sum of Ten shil­lings for every Tun the said Ship shall mea­sure, according to the ordinary Rule of Shipwrights-Hall; and Six pounds thir­teen shillings and four pence for every Piece of Ordnance, whether Iron or Brass, the same to be paid by the Collector for Prize-goods, within Ten days after the payment of the Wages of such Sea-men (in case Ad­judication be made of the Ship in the Admi­ralty-Court) to be shared and divided a­mongst them proportionably, according to the respective Places and Offices in the Ship in which they served, and according to the Custom of the Seas in that case.

And further, That it be lawful for all Captains, Sea-men and others, serving as aforesaid, to take and have to themselves as Pillage, without further or other accompt to be given for the same, All such Goods and Merchandise as shall be found by them or any of them, in any Ship (they shall take in Fight as Prize) upon or above the Gun-deck of the said Ship, and not otherwise: And for every Man of War sunk or destroyed by firing or otherwise, to have Ten pounds a Gun, onely to be divided as aforesaid, to be paid by the Commissioners for Prize-Goods, within Ten days after the payment of the [Page 7]Ship, as aforesaid, upon Certificate of the matter of Fact stated by the Councel of War.

That care shall be taken for defraying the Charges of Sick and Wounded men, as a­foresaid, and for the relief of Widows, Children, and Impotent Parents of such as shall be slain in the Service at Sea; and for Meddals, or other Rewards to such Officers and Sea-men of the Fleet, as shall be found to have done any eminent or extraordinary Service.

And that for supplying of necessary pro­visions for Sick and Wounded men on Board, there shall be allowed by His Maje­sty Five pounds for Six Moneths Service for every Hundred men.

That upon the discharge of Sick and Wounded men from the Ships in His Ma­jesties Service, care shall be taken for the payment of their Tickets and Conduct-money.

That Directions shall be given to all Mayors, Bayliffs, or other Magistrates in any Port-Towns, to take care for all neces­sary accommodations, at the Charge of His Majesty, for the Relief and Cure of such Sick and Wounded men as shall be sent on Shore.

That the Moyety of all Hospitals in Eng­land, employed for the Cure of Wounded and Sick people, be reserved during the time of War at Sea, for such as shall be Wounded in the Service of the Navy, as they shall become void, from and after the First of November.

Richard Browne, Clerk of the Council.

LONDON, Printed by John Bill and Christopher Barker, Printers to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1664.

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