[seal of the Commonwealth]


WHereas divers of the Inhabitants of this Common-wealth did in the yeare 1642. and since issue forth considerable summes of money by way of Adven­ture for Lands forfeited in Ireland (upon the late Rebellion) according to sundry Acts and Ordinan­ces of Parliament granted in that behalf; in pur­suance whereof, and that every Adventurer may receive satisfaction by lot, where his Divident of Land shall be. It is therefore ordered by the Councell of State, That Methusalah Turner of Cheapside London Linnen-Draper, Robert Hammon of Broadstreed London Merchant, Henry Brandriffe of Wallbrook Lon­don Merchant, Nathaniel Manton of Iron-monger lane London Merchant, Elias Roberts of Broadstreet London Merchant, [...] Doctor Hubbard of [...] Doctor of [...] Francis Blomer of [...] Esquire, Colonell George Gill, and Lieutenant Colonell Fenton, or any five or more of them be intrust­ed, and are hereby Authorized to examine the truth of all mens claimes by comparing their Receipts and Assignments with the [Page 2] Originall Books, and shall cause an Entry to be made in a Book fairly written and kept for that purpose, of all and every such sum and sums of money (in words and not in figures) as shall be by them allowed; as also of the names as well of the first Adventurers, as of the person or persons now claiming the same: And shall likewise cause a transcript of the said Originall Books to be written, and therein make from time to time as they shall allow of any sum a Me­morandum upon the sum so by them allowed and there entered; that the same is allowed to the end the same may not be againe charg­ed. And the said Committee, or any five or more of them after the claimes are cleared, shall contrive and appoint such a method for the management of all mens lots as to their utmost skill shall be most free from all offence and just exception. And to the end all Adventures for Lands in Ireland may have knowledge, and take notice hereof; It is further Ordered, That in Grocers Hall Lon­don, upon the twentieth day of July next ensuing, being in the yeare of our Lord 1653. by eight of the clock in the morning this Lottery shall begin. And the said Committee, or any five or more of them are further Ordered to admit so many Adventurers to joyne in one and the same lot as shall desire it. Provided no one lot exceed ten thousand pounds, and no more lots for the Province of Munster then shall amount unto one hundred and ten thousand pounds. For the Province of Lemster two hundred and five thousand pounds. For the Province of Ulster forty five thou­sand pounds, accounting all monies as doubled brought in upon the Ordinances of the 14 of July 1643. and the 30 of November, 1647. to make up the said sums; and in the second alotment for Counties, no one lot to exceed five thousand pounds; and no more lots for the Coun­ty of Waterford then shall amount unto twenty thousand pounds. For the County of Limerick thirty thousand pounds: For the Coun­ty of Tipperary threescore thousand pounds: For the County of East­meath fifty and five thousand pounds: For the County of Westmeath threescore and ten thousand pounds: For the Kings County fourty thousand pounds: For the Queens County fourty thousand pounds: For the County of Antrim fifteen thousand pounds: For the County of Down fifteen thousand pounds: For the County of Armagh fifteen thousand pounds: And after Alotment is so made, to ascertain what quantity of Land is due to each of the said Adventurers, according to the rates for the respective Provinces, mentioned in the Act of Par­liament in that behalf, and the measure allowed by the said respective Acts and Ordinances, within which such Adventurer comes: But for avoiding the inconveniences that may arise from observing Eng­lish and Irish measure, in the surveying and setting forth of the said lands, and that neverthelesse the Adventurers to whom it doth be­long, may have the benefit of Irish measure: It is Ordered, That for such of the Adventurers as have a right thereunto, the said Com­mittee shall compute and set down how many Acres English measure [Page 3] such Adventurers proportion in Irish measure doth amount unto: And shall accordingly give unto each of the said Adventurers a Cer­tificate, what number of Acres (according to English measure) is due unto him, either by force of the said Act, or in lieu and satisfaction of his proportion of Acres Irish measure, according to the said for­mer Acts and Ordinances, which Certificate under the Hands and Seales of any five or more of the aforesaid Committee, shall be a suf­ficient Warrant for every Adventurer receiving the same, to make his claim in Ireland? And the said Committee shall cause an entry to be made in a Book for that purpose, of all and every Certificate and Certificates which they shall give to any person or persons, expres­sing the sum in words and not in figures, the name of the first Ad­venturer, and of the person to whom such Certificate shall be given, together with the proportion of lands due to him, as the same shall be contained in the said Certificate: and shall cause a Transcript there­of in a Parchment-Roll to be made and transmitted into the Cham­ber of London, there to remain as a publike Record. Provided al­wayes, the right of Election for Provinces in the manner of Alot­ment, be preserved unto such as have, or shall claim the same upon the Ordinances of the fourteenth of July, 1643. And the thirtieth of November 1647. And it is further Ordered, That the said Com­mittee be authorized to receive one penny upon the pound, of and for every Adventurer, for so much land as he shall be entituled or lay claim unto, towards the defraying of all incident charges here for carrying on this service.

Ex: Jo: Thurloe, Secr.

LONDON, Printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black Spread-Eagle, at the West-End of Pauls. 1653.

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