❧ By the Council of State. A PROCLAMATION.

THe Council of State having received Information, That since the escape made out of the Tower of London, by Colonel John Lambert, a Person of loose prin­ciples, and reduced, by his own miscarriages, into a desperate Fortune, he doth endeavour without any colour of Authority, to Rendevouz such of the Soul­diers, and others, as, by falshood and mis-information he can with-draw from their obedience, and to engage them to a conjunction with him, in order to the raising of a New War, the Embroiling the Nation in Blood, and Distractions, the making of disturbances in opposition to the present Government, as the same is established, and the hindering of the Members from Meeting in the next Parlia­ment, on whose Free Counsels, under God, the hopes of setling these Nations do principally depend: They do therefore hereby Declare the Actions and Proceedings of the said Colonel John Lambert, to be High Treason, and himself, for the same, a Traytor. And do strictly Charge, Require, and Command all, and every Person and Persons, adhering to, and joyning with him, in such his Treasonable At­tempts and Endeavours, forthwith to withdraw and separate from him at his, and their uttermost perils: And the Council do further Declare, That whatsoever person or persons, of what condition or quality soever he or they be, whether Souldiers, or others, shall presume after the Publication hereof, to joyn with, or Assist him therein, All, and every such person and persons, shall be reputed guilty of High Trea­son, and incur the Pains and Penalties, which by Law, are to be inflicted on Traytors; And his, and their Estates shall be forthwith Seized and Sequestred to the use of the Commonwealth. And that every person▪ who hath been so far deluded, as to adhere to, and joyn with him therein, and shall not within twen­ty four hours after the Publication hereof, in the County or Place where such Person or Persons are or shall be, wholly desert and withdraw from Him, and his Party, submit to the Present Authority, and render himself to the Governour of the next Garrison, or Commander in Chief of the next Forces of this Commonwealth, under the obedience of the present Government, Quartering in the Countrey where such person shall at that time be, All, and every such person and persons, shall incur the same Pains, Penalties, and Sequestration, and be proceeded against, as aforesaid. And all the Militia Forces of this Commonwealth, and all other well-affected Persons whatsoever, are re­quired to be Aiding and Assisting in the surprizing and subduing of the said John Lambert, and all such as shall be Accomplices with, or Adhere to, and Assist him in his said Treasonable Practises, or any others that shall in any part appear in Arms, without Authority from the Parliament, the Council of State, or General.

LONDON, Printed by Abel Roper and Tho. Collins, Printers to the Council of State.

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