❧By the Council of State.

WHereas the Council of State hath received Information, that there is an endeavour by Colonel John Lambert, and other Officers (lately reduced) to raise a new War, and to unbroil the Nation in blood and distractions, and to hinder the Members from meeting in the next Parliament, on whose free Councel (under God) the hope of setling the Nations doth principally depend. And being informed that Colonel John Hewson, Col Ralph Cobbet, Col. Edward Salmon, Col. Ashfeild, Major Creed, Major General Tho. Harrison, Col. John Okey, Major Wagstaff, Lievtenant Col. Miller, Captain John Blackwell, Captain Richard Dean, and Major Gladman (some of them being the number of those nine Officers upon whom the Parliament put a mark of displeasure, for their former disturbing of Parliament Authority, and Colonel Robert Lilburn, Who was summoned to attend the Council, and came accordingly to London, hath lurked privately about the Town, and is since departed, without making his Appearance) are persons apprehended to be dangerous, and bent to engage with the said Colonel John Lambert, in disserving the Peace of the Nation, and to interrupt the sitting of the next Parliament. The Council doth therefore hereby strictly charge, and require the said Co­lonel John Hewson, Col. Ralph Cobbet, Col. Edward Salmon, Col. Ashfeild, Major Creed, Major General Thomas Harrison, Col. John Okey, Major Wagstaff, Lieutenant Colonel Miller, Captain John Blackwell, Capt. Richard Dean, Major Gladman, and Col. Robert Lilburr, to appear and render themselves to the Council at White-hall, Within three daies after the proclaiming of this Proclamation, in the County to place where any of the said persons are or shall be, under the pains and penalties of being proceeded a­gainst, and of having their Estates to be forthwith Seized and Sequestred for the use of the Common­wealth, in case of their Fader to appear according to the time limitted by this Proclamation.

LONDON, Printed by Abel Roper and Tho. Collins, Printers to the Council of State.

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