By the Council of State.
WHereas by an Act of the last Parliament, Intituled, An Act for Dissolving the Parliament begun the Third of November 1640, and for the calling and holding of a Parliament at Westminster the 25 of April 1660. It is expresly Declared and Enacted, That all Persons Engaged in the late Rebellion in Ireland, and all who profess the Popish Religion, and all and every other Person and Persons who have Advised, or Voluntarily Ayded, Abetted, or Assisted in any War against the Parliament, since the first day of January 1641. and his or their Sons (unless he or they have since manifested their good affection to the said Parliament) shall be incapable to be elected to serve as Members in the next Parliament. And whereas the Council of State is given to understand, That notwithstanding the good provision that is therein made, and albeit the happiness and settlement of the Nation is so much concerned in the observance thereof, yet divers Persons more respecting private Interests, and Personal Satisfactions, then Publique Safety, do intend, and endeavor to promote the Elections of Persons not qualified, as by that Act is directed, to the violating of that Law, and the perverting of those good Ends of Peace and Establishment which are thereby aimed at; Therefore, according to the Trust reposed in them for the due Execution of the Laws, and to the intent, those who have not been hitherto acquainted with the Tenor and purport of that Act, may be the better informed how far they are thereby obliged, and that they may avoid the penalty imposed upon the Infringers thereof, The Council have thought fit hereby strictly to enioyn, and require all Persons any waies concerned in the Election of Members to serve in Parliament, to take notice of the said Act, and of the Qualifications thereby prescribed as aforesaid, and not to do, or attempt any thing to the contrary thereof. To which purpose, the Sheriffs and Chief Magistrates of the respective Counties, Cities, and Borroughs of this Nation, are required, at the times and places appointed for Electing their Knights, Citizens, and Burgesses, and before they do actually proceed to such Elections, to cause this Proclamation to be publickly read, and Proclaimed in their several Counties, Cities, and Borroughs, that none may have colour to pretend ignorance thereof; In which behalf, the Council shall expect a punctual Compliance, and call those to a strict Accompt who shall neglect the same.
ORdered, That this Proclamation be forthwith Printed and Published.
Printed by Abel Roper, and Tho: Collins, Printers to the Council of State.