By the Council of State.
WHereas the Parliament assembled at Westminster the third of November, One thousand six hundred and forty, is now dissolved, and the Enemies of this Commonwealth, in this Interval, are likely to take advantage, to carry on their designs, for disturbance of the Publick Peace: And taking notice of the great Confluence of Papists▪ and other disaffected persons, at this time, to the Cities of London, and Westminster, and places adjacent, with Intention, probably, to put in execution their said designs, whereof, their great boldness and confidence expressed both here, and in several parts of the Nation, giveth iust occasion of suspition, and more then ordinary apprehension of danger, to those who are well affected co the Peace of the Nation: For preventing the dangers that may be occasioned thereby: The Council have thought fit to publish and declare, and doth hereby enjoyn, and require all, and every person and persons, born within this Commonwealth, being a Papist, or Popish Recusant, and all, and every person and persons, who have, or hath at any time born Armes on behalf of the late King against the Parlament, or since, in pursuance of that Interest, and every of them (who shall not have leave from the Council of State, or the Lord General of the Army to the contrary) do before the Twenty fifth day of this instant March, or, if under restraint, then, within three dayes after his or their enlargement, repair unto his, and their place of dwelling, where he or they▪ usually heretofore made their common abode, and shall not at any time after, until the First day of May next ensuing, return to the Cities of London and Westminster, without like leave or licence. Or if such Papists, or Popish Recusant, or other person aforesaid, have no certain place, dwelling, or abode, within this Commonwealth, that then all, and every such Popish Recusant, and other person aforesaid, do, by the time before limitted, remove to the distance of twenty miles at the least from London or Westminster▪ and not at any time after return until the said First day of May, without licence as aforesaid, upon pain of being apprehended, and proceeded against as disturbers of the publick peace. And all Iustices of peace, Commissioners of the Militia for the City of London, and the respective Counties and Cities of this Commonwealth, and all other Officers, Civil and Military, are to apprehend, or cause to be apprehended all, and every such Papist, and Popish Recusant, and other person or persons aforesaid, as shall be found at any time after the said Twenty fifth of March, until the said First day of May, within the Cities of London and Westminster, or within Twenty miles thereof, contrary to this Proclamation: And to secure all, and every such person or persons so offending in the premises, to be proceeded against as aforesaid. And likewise to seize on, and apprehend all, and every person and persons whatsoever, who shall raise Tumults, or shall practise, or complot against the publick peace and safety, or make disturbance within this Nation, or hold correspondence with any the enemies thereof, and them to secure till upon notice to the Council, further Order shall be therein given. And all Officers of the Ports, and Commanders of Ships, are required to apprehend and secure all suspicious persons that shall pass the Ports, either going, or coming from beyond Seas, without leave of the Council, till the Council, upon notice, take order therein.
ORdered, That this Proclamation be forthwith Printed and Published.
Printed by Abel Roper, and Thomas Collins, Printers to the Council of State.