
THat the Commissioners for removing Obstructions in the sale of the Mannours, Lands, Tenements, or Heredita­ments, directed to be sold by any Act or Ordinance of Parliament, be authorized and impowerd, to summon all and every the Purchasers of any the Fee Farm Rents, and of the Lands and Estates forfeited, to the Common-VVealth, for Treason, who shall be certified by the Treasurers for the same to be in arrear for their first or second Moity, or any part there­of, and to compell the payment in of all such Moneys as are, or shall be in arrear as aforesaid, and in default of payment thereof, to seque­ster the Lands and Estates real and personal, of such Purchaser, untill payment be made, and upon payment thereof, with Interest, since the same ought to have been paid, to discharge such Sequestration.

And that the Commissioners and Sub-Commissioners for Sequestrations in the severall Counties, Towns and Cities within this Commonwealth, be hereby required and enioyned to take care thereof, and that they like­wise do observe such orders and directions concerning the same, as they shall from time to time receive from the said Commissioners for removing Obstructions.

At the Councill of State at VVhite-Hall, Or­dered, That this Order be forthwith printed and published.

Io. Thurloe Secr.

London, Printed for Giles Calvert, Hen. Hills, and Tho. Brewster, MDCLIII.

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