THe Council of State taking notice of the Tumultuous and Barbarous actings at the New-Exchange in the Strand in the County of Middlesex, upon the 21. and 22. of November last past, The same being accompanied with the drawing of Swords, discharging of Pistols, and such other high Misdemeanors as are scarce to be paralleld by the actings of any persons living under the protection of a civil Government, And which, in the effects thereof, produced not only a very great and notorious Violation of the publick Peace, but also the Murdering of one, and the Assaulting, Wounding, and Affrighting of many other of the People of this Nation, pursuing their ordinary Callings and occasions; And for as much as the said Exchange is a place of publick resort and Trade, The Council have therefore thought it necessary hereby to declare their resentment of those proceedings, and their just Displeasure against the same. And as they intend vigorously to prosecute the Offenders, so, to the intent the like evils may be better prevented in time to come, They do hereby strictly require and charge, That no Person or Persons, of what quality soever, do presume, at the said Exchange, or any other like publick place, to Occasion, Encourage or Abet, any tumultuous Meetings, or hazard a breach of the civil Peace, by Drawing there, or in any other such place, any Sword or other Weapon, Discharging, Presenting or Bearing any Gun, or Pistol, or Firing of powder in Granados, or in any otherwise whatsoever. Of which Command, it will be expected that all Persons whatsoever take notice, and demean themselves accordingly, upon peril of being reputed, and dealt withall as disturbers of the publick Peace, Whereof a very strict account shall be taken: And all Iustices of the Peace, and other publick Ministers, are required carefully to perform their duties in this Behalf; As also to use their utmost endeavours to prevent and restrain all immodest, and unhandsome demeanors of such as shall resort to the said Exchange, That so no just cause of offence may be given to sober mindes, nor any thing there acted dishonourable to Religion, or the Nation.
At the Council of State at White-Hall, Ordered, That this Declaration be forthwith printed and published.