
By the Committee of Safety Of the Common-wealth of England, Scotland, and Ireland. A PROCLAMATION Touching the Summoning of a PARLIAMENT.

THe Council of Officers of the Army, upon consideration of the present condition of affairs in this Commonwealth, and the great distractions now fomented by the enemies thereof; and being satisfied that the most probable means under God for the appeasing of all discontents, quieting the peoples minds, and preser­ving of their Spiritual and Civil Rights and Liberties, will be, that a Parlia­ment, without a single Person as chief Magistrate, Kingship or House of Peers, may speedily be called, who, through the gracious assistance of our God, may proceed to such a settlement of the Government of this Commonwealth, as may be for the security of the Cause wherein the good People of these Nations have been, and still are engaged; And that their in­tentions of setting up the Civil Authority, and being subservient thereunto may be brought to effect, They have held it their Duty by all good means within their power to be instrumental in procuring the same, and in order thereunto, have made known to the Committee of Safety their desires herein; and that the Committee would take speedy Order that the same may be put in execution for the ends before mentioned. Whereupon this Committee being ready to contribute their utmost endeavours in so good a work, and so much tending to the satisfaction of all good men, and to the preservation of the Peace, Liberties and Rights of this Com­monwealth, Have thought fit, and do hereby publish and declare, That Writs under the Great Seal of England, shall forthwith be issued for the summoning of a Parliament, as a­foresaid, to be held in the usual place at Westminster, upon the four and twentieth day of January next ensuing; And this Committee do hereby exhort and require all persons of what condition soever, that in the mean time they do not act or promote any thing to the disturbance of the pub­lique Peace, but that they do demean themselves peaceably according to the Law, expecting and resolving to submit unto what the Parliament shall in their wisedom think fit to Order concerning the great affairs of these distracted Nations, wherein they humbly pray and hope that the Lord will be pleased to vouchsafe his gracious presence and assistance.

ORdered by the Committee of Safety, That this Proclamation be forthwith Printed and Published.
Will. Robinson, Clerk of the Committee of Safety.

London, Printed by Henry Hills, and John Field, Printers to the Committee of Safety.

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