THE ENGAGEMENT OR DECLARATION Of the Officers and Souldiers of the County Palatine of LANCASTER.

Together with their LETTER to the Reverend Ministers of the several Hundreds of that County, desiring them to publish the said DECLARATION in their Parish Churches.

As also The present State and Condition of that County, certified in a LETTER to a well affected Citizen in LONDON.

[printer's or publisher's device]

Printed May 19, 1648.


I Have inclosed sent you a Copy of the Declaration of our Souldiers: how far it is owned you may discern; at the next generall meeting it is expected to be signed by all. We are gathering into a body for our own defence. And if the news which came last night be true, the Enemy is marched in­to our County with a Body of Horse: our Soul­diery apprehend themselves in great straights; for if the Army come down, and they joyn with them to suppresse the Cavaliers, they fear, and are very jealous that the Army will afterwards fall up­on them, and suppresse them. I cannot tell, but it is conceived by many well-affected to the Cause we first engaged in, that if the Parliament do not new modell the Army, and displace such as are ge­nerally odious to the Kingdom, there will scarce ever be an happy peace and settlement in the Na­tion. For should the Presbyterian party and the Sectaries joyn to suppresse the common Enemy, it is (I say) very much to be feared they would after­wards clash one with another: for when those that adhere to the Covenant are put into a posture [Page 4] of defence, they will never (I am confident) lay down arms to become tame slaves to the Sectaries, who for all their specious pretences, and flattering proposals, have not hitherto really acted any one thing whereby our distractions may be removed, and Truth and Peace, which is the desire of all good men, may be perfectly accomplished. We are here wonderfull inquisitive after your Affairs in the City: we say here, that if you act vigorous­ly, and improve all fair means and opportunities, as every day God begins now to put into your hands, you will give life to the whole Kingdom. I beseech you in your next acquaint us what is done in altering your Militia, whether the City have the Tower in their possession. If you be not more a­ctive then some represent you in their Letters, we fear that you are onely doing what will serve to justifie your enemies in destroying of you. But I hope better things, which is the daily prayer of

Your faithfull and most affectionate Friend to serve you.

THe too frequent declensions of many that pretend to Religion from their first principles, the misunderstanding, and diverse interpretations of our solemn League and Covenant, as it may suit to private in­trests, and the Generall Apostasy of the age we live in, together with the greivous asper­sions under which we suffer, hath enforced us to present you with this inclosed Declara­tion, wherein we know well the weaknesse of the Language, and the miscarriages that may be in the stile; But we intreat you, to take well the integrity of our intentionsin Conscience of our duty; And much desire if you think fit, to publish it in your congre­gations to the satisfaction of all to whom it [Page 6] may come, of our fidelity, And we shall remaine,

Your very affectionate friends & servants
  • Nich. Shuttleworth
  • Hugh Bradshaw
  • Vghtred Shuttlewort [...]
  • James Chanbrell
  • Richard Radclyffe
  • John Ashurst
  • Henry Porter
  • George Key
  • W. West
  • J. Butterworth
  • Alex. Tompson
  • Samuel Birth
  • William Emott
  • William Waller
  • William Gardner
  • Thomas Westmor
  • George Cranage.
For the Reverend the Ministers in the severall Hundreds of the County Palatine of Lancaster.

The Declaration of the Officers and Souldiers of the County-Palatine of LANCASTER.

WHereas we lately the Officers and Souldiers of the County Palatine of Lancaster, having to our best knowledge behaved our selves as becomes loyal subjects and faith­ful souldiers and servants of God, King, and King­dom, are on the one hand aspersed as Malignants and Enemies to the State, and fit to be disarmed; and on the other hand, as Rebels, and Enemies to Monarchy, and the Kings Majestie that now is: We therefore thought it requisite to declare and expresse to the Deputy. Lieutenants and Committee of this County, That we own the Solemn League and Co­venant of the three Kingdoms in every branch of it, and will not by any combination, perswasion or ter­rour, be drawn from it. And more particularly, in reference to the said aspersions, we do further ex­presse, That we stand for the Fundamental Govern­ment of the Kingdom by King, Lords, and Com­mons, according to the Laws of the Land, and the Declarations of this present Parliament, before our [Page 8] first engagement: That we love, desire, and should much rejoyce in the Regal and regular Government of His Majestie that now is. As for Papists, popish persons, malignant abettors of former Innovations, Usurpations or Oppressions, or any other disaffected persons which were, are, or shall be in Arms to di­sturb Religion, Righteousnesse, and Peace; we from the bottom of our hearts do detest them, and with our lives and fortunes will endeavour to oppose them. And we in like manner do declare against Toleration of Heresie, Schism, Prophanesse, and whatsoever is contrary to sound Doctrine and the power of Godlinesse, so plainly covenanted and de­clared against by the Ministers and others of this and other Counties: Nor will we, nor (as we verily believe) the Souldiers of the County, be comman­ded by any Gentlemen whatsoever of this County, or other Officers, which are justly aspersed to de­cline from these honest and just principles, and to favour Anarchy in Church or State; but will desire, according to the General Petition of the County, for the putting of all such persons from Places and Offices of Trust; knowing of our own knowledge, that the Kingdoms Cause hath been and yet is much disadvantaged by the preferment of such per­sons, and our party weakned, yea and deserted by many, which would not have deserted it otherwise▪ Our humble request therefore is, to the Deputy-Lieutenants and Committee of this County, which desire our engagement in this present Service, That they would receive in good part this our plain and honest Declaration.


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