• 1 To his Soveraigne Lord King Charles his Sacred Majesty.
  • 2 To the Renowned Noble Princes, Grand-sonnes to Great James of fa­mous memory, late West-Empe­rour of the World, Prince Rupert and Prince Maurice.
  • 3 To all the late Bishops, Doctors, and Ministers reputed Malignants in the Kingdomes of England and Scotland give these.

London printed 1646.

[Page 2] The Shepheard of Easeingtons Letters.

Gracious, Glorious:

I Beseech thy Majesty suffer thine abject Subject to speake unto thy Majesty without offence; God made thy Father the glory of Christen­dome, and gave him one to suceeed according to reason, a man hopefull to command Nations as heart could desire, yet it pleased the Almighty to take him home to himselfe, and left thy Ma­jesty to supply his place, and hast established thee in thy fathers Throne, given thee his Crown, State, and Dignity, with all his Authority, and placed thee in this pleasant Canaan, whose borders is from the North Isles of Scotland and Jreland, to the South Isles of Barbadoes and Barmoodus, and so made thee a great West Emperour of the world, yet for all these Dominions I be­seech thy Majesty remember thou art still but a mortall man, mu­table and transitory, subject to alteration and change, and shall one day be called to a straight account for all thy Talents received, which is more then yet is mentioned, for he hath given thee Wife and Children, which is most neare and deare to man, and blessed thee above that great Monarch, that Daniel calleth a head of Gold in respect of our Iron Age; for when he called his great Assembly out of all People, Nation and Languages, they wanted understand­ing to discerne and judge aright save the three Children; but God hath blessed thy Majesty with men of many Languages in thy Na­tions, to discerne and judge, with sanctified wills to chuse the good and refuse the bad. Now seeing God hath blessed thy Majesty so abundantly in thy Subjects, and these distractions in thy King­doms, and blood-shed in divers quarters of thy Countries, I be­seech thy Majesty under corection, How wilt thou answer it be­fore the eternall Tribunall? For David was driven from Jerusalem by Absolom, but thy Majesty left thine owne House voluntarily, without any inforcement, or colour of cause that thy Subjects can tell of, save that they tooke two Royall Prerogatives, which fact may be answered by the old saying; A man seeing his Neighbours house on fire, hath faire warning for his owne, &c. for Hypocrites creeping in­to [Page 3] credit with thy Majesty, and put in place of high Authority, have greatly disturbed the State. Then seeing these perrilous ef­fects proceed, it is the proper appointed Office of the Parliament to take away such dangerous causes, that the effects may surcease. Moreover, if thy Majesty shall say with thy Grand-father Adam, Yon woman which thou gavest me, deceived me, &c. as that excused not him, much lesse can it profit thee, which hath all former things writ­ten for our instruction, upon whom the ends of the world is come; and that Noble Princely Lady thy loving Wife, being borne and brought up in the Egyptian darknesse of Idolatry may be tollera­rated, but thy Majesty which was borne in Sion, and brought up in Jerusalem, is doubly bound to convert her, and not to be deceived by her, &c. I see no more can well be said save this: The Priests that sate in Peters Chaire being falne from the purity of Pauls Do­ctrine hath deceived thy Majesty, this I confesse, foure hundred false Prophets is forceable to perswade the King contrary to Micah his counsell; but most Noble Prince, if they were possest with that dumbe and deafe spirit the Apostle speaketh of, that would neither suffer to heare nor speake the words of their Office and duty, I beseech thy Majesty to drive it farre off from thee by hearty Prayer unto God, to give thee the spirit of Wisedome and true understanding to Guide and Governe this his mighty people of Israel. Wherefore I most intirely beseech thy Majesty, with those Noble Plants of Paradice that is with thee, to take it into your good considerations, and for binding up the bleeding wounds in the bosome of Christendome Command a cessation of Armes amongst you and signifie it to the Parliament, that the Noble­men of Jerusalem may strive who shall come first to guard thee our King David home to thine owne House, that the joy of thy happy returne may extinguish the griefe of all our sustained sorrowes; which Grace I beseech God of his great mercy in his good time grant us, to the good of his Church, and the praise of his glorious Name, to whom be all glory and praise for ever.

Thy Majesties abject Subject, whose prayers passeth to God for the preservation and continuation of thy Crown, State, and Dig­nity to thee and thine for ever: That he which hath given thee the glory of a Crown; may give thee also a Crown of glory.

The Shepheard of Enseington Thomas Ellyson.
Most Noble Princes:

THe remembrance of that happy Government of these King­doms under your Grand-father forbideth my very Consci­ence to keepe backe my counsell when it may doe good to his Posterity; wherefore I humbly Petition your Princely Persons patiently to heare me speake without offence, though for the pre­sent it be not pleasant to you, yet afterward it may be profitable for you and yours. I need not be tedious to dispute the Cause, the case is so plaine that Shepherds, Swineherds, Coblers, and off-scourings of the Kingdomes doth and m [...]y discerne, that this great Conflict consists in transferring the Land from Protesta­nisme to Papisme, which if it please your Princely minds well to remember, what perelous Pro [...]ects they have plotted against your Predecessors and others yee would loath to love or be though in the least fellowship with them, as the Powder Treason, in which their onely aime was to have blowne the glory of the World, with all his Noble Parliament into the Skies like Chaffe, which vene­mous invention was so very monsterous that Historians write, the very Heathens hisse to heare it. King John denying their request, being farre unfitting for a Prince to grant them, was forced to Farme his owne Inheritance for it. And Henry the fourth Empe­rour of that name, for not reserving the Temple of Jerusalem for the Popes purpose, was set to fit bare-foot at his Gates without admittance to his presence till he bought it with a summe of mo­ney, farre more then sight of him was worth; and after shew of Absolution he sent a Bull of Excommunication to gore the Empe­rour through, commanding Rodolfe his German Deputy to rise in Armes and rende away his Crowne, which precept being put in present practice, and Justice justly tooke his life away, the Empe­rour set his eldest Sonne to rule the States of Germany in his stead. But marke, I beseech you, to make their matchlesse malice more appeare, Pope Hildebrand sent his second Bull of Excommunication againe to gore the Emperour, commanding the Sonne in Armes against his Father, which Action is so repugnant to Order, so odious to Reason, so urgent to Nature, so contrary to Custome, nay the very Conscience and all, I beseech you to consider it, &c. But to leave relating their impious Projects in these places, their limbes unluckely leapt to our English Stage to act the like Tragedy, which in the Reigne of Elizabeth Queen of famous memory, the Earls Rebellion in the North will well witnesse, and many may [Page 5] remember to this day, that being insatiable they ceased not to as­sault her Successor with the Powder-plot, as is said, &c. But now to keepe their gall of bitternesse in continuall action, with all their Fox-like subtill Sophismes, they have assaulted, seduced, deceived and drawne away our Soveraigne Lord the King from his royall Throne, and edged him in Armes against his Parliaments of both Kingdoms, which I dare ingage both life and soule is as truly No­ble, Learned, loyall and loving Subjects as ever King have had that wore these Crownes, so that with the Prophet I may truly say, There is a wonderfull and horrible thing committed in the Land, the Prophets have spoken falsly, the Priests beare rule thereby, the people please to have it so, but what will be the end thereof, Jeremiah 5. Wherefore I most intirely supplicate your Princely minds very seriously to consider for what cause God hath appointed you to spring from the loynes of Prin­ces, surely to have regard to Gods eternall Decree, and to be Fronteers in fighting of his Battailes against such Butcher-like, bloody, and tragecall attemptors, and to apply your Princely pow­ers to deliver our Soveraigne Lord the King from their poluted Papist Jaile whether he be holden by force or by perswasion. But if they say they be good Protestants I doe answer; If the Tree be good let his fruit declare it, for I finde Divinity-Logicke in a short rule, He that is not with me is against me, &c. now seeing Reli­gion is of highest concernment, I beseech you remember, If one man trespasse to another a Judge may determine, but if a man fight against God none can releeve him: Wherefore, howsoever bring our Soveraigne Lord the King to fit upon his Throne, to Governe the many Thousands of Israel, to the great joy and comfort of us all, for it is the onely very ordinary meanes for preservation and continua­tion of his Crowne, State, and Dignity to him and his for ever, and also for his Princely Power, with Potent strength to establish Peace in the Palatinate Countries, for the endlesse good of you and yours, that so all our Israel from Dan to Beersheba may sing Ha­lelujah to the Lamb of God for so great deliverances; which Graces I beseech God of his great mercies in his good time grant us, to the good of his Church, and the praise of his glorious Name, to whom be all glory and praise for ever.

His Majesties abject Subject, whose prayers passeth to God for the preservation of his sacred Person, with the continuation of his Crowne, State, and Dignity to him and his for ever.

The Shepherd of Easeington. Tho. Ellyson.
Right Reverend and well beloved:

I Doe stand up to speake unto you; But I professe and also pro­test, I do it not by way of insultation over your decayed estates, for I doe acknowledge my selfe ten time triple bound to the good mercies of God for preserving me to stand, when he suffereth ma­ny much better to fall; But I doe it by way of exhortation to your edification and comfort, though I confesse many millions of men farre fitter for it then I, yet I will not suffer great Clearks onely, and to be saved alone, for it is of necessity for me to be saved also: and what the Law saith, it saith to them that are under the Law, whereof I am one, and doth apply that precept of Moses as spoken even unto me, which saith, Thou shalt not hate thy Brother in thy heart, but thou shalt plainely rebuke thy Neighbour and suffer him not to sin; which precept the Apostles doth itterate double and triple over, willing and requiring us to admonish one another, exhort one ano­ther, edifie one another, &c. which portions of Scripture your selves oft times have treated upon, to the great edification and comfort of your hearers: Wherefore I humbly petition your pa­tience, permit me to surrender the same comfort to comfort your selves, for your neglect is greatly accused to because of this gseat confusion amongst us, and I do believe it, but that I may not wrong you upon bare report, I desire to examine your Commission, and compare it with your execution of action for mine own discharge. For unto you it is said, Sonne of man I have made thee a Watchman to the House of Israel, &c. if I send a Sword through the Land, and if you give not the people warning, yet they shall die in their transgressions but their blood will I require at thy hand, &c. Here is a fearefull accusation, what excuse can you make? for if you say, The great Archbishops sate in the sterne of the Churches to turne it as their wisdome might direct them &c, It will be replyed, That if they were deprived of wisdome, it is pitty ye were depri­ved of grace to resist their folly; for when a free Parliament was called you had both place and voice as well as they, so that your best friends can frame no excuse, but that you are so grievously falne that that admoniiton appointed for that great Church of Ephesus may fitly be applyed unto you. Remember therefore from whence ye are fallen and repent.

And you inferiour Ministers, that may seeme to shelter your selves under the shadow of great Doctors, even you also are inex­cusable, for although for orders sake they did hold priority of [Page 7] place, yet your Commission for binding, loosening, demolishing, and building is equall to them, so that convincing Truth doth testifie, that with Demas you are falne from Paul and followed this present World, remember therefore from whence yee are falne, and repent.

For my love to the Ministers of the Gospell would willingly solist your cause by excuse if I could finde fit ground for it, but if I should plead your obedience to God from that Precept which appointeth us to Honour the King, I should be answered, that as you have applyed that obedience you have dishonoured both God and the King; you haue dishonoured God which had given an absolute order, that to Aegypt we should never returne againe, for if we did, he ordered two inresistable Armies to pursue and ass [...]ult us till we be destroyed, for although mercy would willingly pre­serve us, yet very Justice must justly inflict the Sword and Pesti­lence upon us; which hath greatly enlarged the Grive revived and advanced Death, which is an enemy to Nature for it destroyeth the Creature, a great dishonour to God, a most grievous fall; remem­ber therefore from whence yee are falne and repent. And your honour to the King is according to it, for it hath greatly distra­cted his Government, indangered his sacred Person, demolished the glory of his Kingdomes, which consists in the multiplicity of Subjects, made many a Wife to want her Husband, and many a Wives Sonne hath his blood mingled in the dust, which no doubt will be required at your hands except yee repent.

For if a mans owne transgressions doe often draw him into a dangerous strait, when the blood of many is laid upon him, his condition must needs be most desperate; but my desire is not to drowne you in the deapth of desparation, but to draw you to repent.

For Abraham denyed his Wife, Joseph swore by the life of Pharaoh, David committed two deadly facts, Paul persecuted the Church of God, and Peter forswore that he knew his Master, yet by repen­tance all these obtained mercy and is amongst the most glorious Sonnes of God; and so may you be if with Peter yee will waite up­on Christ till he looke backe upon you with one glimpse of Grace, which is indeed the very bottomlesse Ocian of all excellencies; wherefore I beseech you free your selves from all corrupt mix­tures flowing from humane devices, and receive with meeknesse that which is able to save your soules, to wit, repent.

And if one sparke doe kindle to your comfort, I beseech you certifie our soveraigne Lord the King what dangerous waies you have walked, and informe his Majesty that to goe forward there is no hope, for the Prophet saith, That the true feare of the Lord is to depart from evill. Wherefore perswade his Majesty to use all possible meanes speedily to returne to his owne Jerusalem, to governe his people prudently with all his Power, to the great thanks-giving of us all, &c. I beseech you doe not slight my Petition which doth so neerly concerne your selves, for as I am bold without blush­ing to speake in the faces of men, I have also a good Conscience in the presence of God, whose Judgements you cannot escape. Wherefore I beseech you, let the remembrance of our mortality by Sword and Pestilence so mortifie your corrupt affections, as to make a true recollection of the time that is past, and apply a true Christian resurrection for the time to come. Henceforth put on such an habit of holinesse as may practice true Piety hereafter, to the praise and glory of God, the prosperity of our Soveraigne Lord the King and his Posterity, the common good of all his Kingdomes, and our eternall Thanks-giving through Jesus Christ, to whom with the Father, and the Holy Ghost one God, be all honour and praise for ever. Amen.

His Majesties abject Subject, whose Prayers passeth to God for the preservation of his sacred Person, with the continuation of his Crowne, State, and Dignity to him and his for ever.

The Shepherd of Easeington. Tho. Ellyson.

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