GOOD NEVVES FOR ALL CHRISTIAN SOƲLDIERS. OR The way to overcome the Devill by the bloud of the Lambe.

As it was delivered in a Sermon BY JOHN EACHARD, Pastour of Darsham in Suffolke.

REVEL. 12. 11.

They overcame them by the bloud of the Lambe.

Published according to Order.

LONDON; Printed by Matthew Simmons in Aldersgate-streete. 1645.

❧To the Christian Reader.
The Question of a Presbytery or Independent decided; and also of Christmas day.

DEare Christian Reader, bought full dearly with the precious bloud of the Lambe; There is a Que­stion in our tottering and falling kingdome of England, divided against it selfe, and there­fore as our Saviour testifieth, cannot stand, Mark. 3. 24. Which I conceive, if it be not ta­ken up, will bring it to desolation the sooner. And that is the Question now in agitation; Some for a Presbytery, and others for an Independent- Government of the Church. Ʋnto whom I answer, as our Saviour did, to the two Sonnes of Zebedee, Mat. 20. 20. desiring a Petition; The one to sit on his right hand, and the other on his left, in his Kingdome. Christ told them; You know not what you aske; Are yee able to drinke of the cup, that I shall drink of, and to be baptized, with the baptisme, that I shall be baptized with? And though you may; yet that shall be given of my Father, to them for whom it is prepared, Mat. 20. 20. As if he should have said; Doe you dreame of a temporall Kingdome, wherein you desire to be chiefe? This is but Ambition; you know not what you aske. For my Kingdome is not of this world: Prepare your selves for the Crosse, and through many afflictions, to enter into the king­dome of heaven, Act. 14. 22. You must drink of the cup and baptisme of afflictions. And though they said, They were able; yet it was not in their power; for they fled in his passion: yee shall be baptized with the baptisme of affliction, which you cannot escape; but to fit at my right hand, and at my left, it is not mine to give, nor wisely done of you to aske it; for that shall be given of my Father: So I say to you, Presby­ters, and Independents; You would sit on the right hand, and at the [Page] left, in his Church, and Kingdome; I tell you, you know not what you aske; for our Church of lukewarme Laodicea, shall drink of a bitter cup of calamities, and be baptized with great afflictions: And do you dreame of a temporall Kingdome? Wherein you desire to be chiefe? You know not what you aske; for the Government of a Church, must be given of the Father of heaven; not such as you imagine; and also to whom he please. What did the two brethren get, but disdaine of the ten? So there be ten to two against you in heart, for your Petition, and think themselves as wise, as you, and have the disdaine of five to one against you; and you two Brethren, are ready to destroy each other, for the preheminence. Doe you not know that old Axiome of Satan, and of the Jesuites? Divide, & vince, divide them, and overcome; it must needs be of Satan; for God is the Au­thor of peace, and lover of concord, and blesser of it, Psal. 133. 1, 2, 3. I desire you to love it also. Satan by his instruments hath buzzed into the phantasies of many people, that wee shall have a worse Government, for the Conscience, then before; to set them against the Parliament, and one side against another; and they have tossed this ball, up and downe, by many reasons in print; and they strive for the live-childe; 'tis mine say the Presbyters, and thine is dead; nay, 'tis mine, say the Independents, and thine is dead: and many people desire a new Government, before they be handsomely rid of the old. Are not you like the couple of men, that strove for the Beares skin before she was dead? And shee bit them both: So this Beare of a civill warre, will bite you both, before it end. For there is a So­lomon that hath called for a sword, to divide the living Childe, as you suppose, that you strive for; for thus saith the Lord: Behold, that which I have built, will I destroy, and that which I have planted, will I pluck up, even this whole Land: And seekest thou great things for thy selfe? (a Presbytery, or Independent) seek them not; for, be­hold, I will bring a plague upon all flesh, saith the Lord; but thy life will I give thee for a prey, in all places whither thou goest. i. If thou desire not great things, of a Presbytery, or Independent; for they shall not have their lives for a prey, that desire great things, in such dangerous times as these are; for others will make a prey of them; for if man seeke for great things of a Presbytery, the Papists, and Prelates, and Independents, will seeke to make a prey of them: and if men seek the great things of an Independent, all others will make a prey of them. Therefore seek them not, Jer. 45. 4. & 5. Consider what the Lord saith in Hag. 2. 22, 23. I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and [Page] I will overthrow the Thrones of Kingdomes, (beware England) and I will destroy the strength of the Kingdomes of the Heathen, and I will overthrow the Chariots (or Ships) and those that ride in them, and the horse, and the riders, shall come downe, every one by the sword of his brother. i. By a civill warre. This was spoken about the time of the building of old Jerusalem, and how know you, but that it doth agree to this time, wherein the New Jerusalem, shall begin to be built? and Rome shall be burnt, and the Jewes called. I doe finde that the Lord threatned the Angels of the Church of Sardis, of the Lu­therans, for lying in the dead faith, and not watching, but sleeping in sinne, that he would come on them, as a theefe, and they should not know what houre he would come upon them, Rev. 3. 3. That is, by a plundering, robbing, and spoyling civill warre, that Germany shall be like an house robbed of theeves: as M r Brightman prophesied, of the sword to come up­on the Lutherans, sixteene years before it began. Doe you thinke it were a fit time now, for the Lutherans, and Protestants in Ireland, now the sword is upon them, to quarrell one with another, for a new Church-Go­vernment, when they know not whether they shall have any or no. So Christ is now come, as a theefe upon our lukewarme Church of Laodicea, in Eng­land; with the judgement of a plundering, robbing, spoyling, stealing, civill warre; that both England, and Ireland, shall be like an house rob­bed of theeves; for Christ is now come, to fulfill his promise, or threat, against the lukewarme Angels, of our Church of Laodicea, in England; Because thou art lukewarme, neither hot nor cold, it will come to passe, that I shall spue thee out of my mouth, Rev. 3. 16. Is not this Scripture fulfilling in your eares, this day? That Christ is spuing out the lukewarme Angels of England, out of his mouth. And some have a little hope to remaine, and yet you cannot tell, whether Christ will spue them out also; they fall to strife for a Church-Government, when you doe not know, whether Christ will spue out the lukewarme Church of England out of his mouth; as well as the Angels? And you reasoned so faire both, that you have divided your Citie, and Armies; as you remember lately at Dunnington Castle: If you goe on with this Controversie, the kite is at hand, to catch both at strife. See another place of Scripture, Rev. 16. 15. Behold, I come as a theefe; blessed is he that watcheth, and keep­eth his garments, that he may not walke naked, and they see his filthinesse, I would faine know why this Scripture is not fulfilled in our dayes. This place troubled Theodore Beza, as if it had come into a place [Page] unmeet: but I gather this is the Reason, that it might not be knowne, at what time, Christ would come upon all the world, whether under the fourth, fift, or sixt Viall, and therefore you see it comes in by a parenthe­sis, that it might not be knowne; Revel. 3. 3. for Christ said to Sardis, he would come on them, as a theefe, and thou shalt not know, what houre I will come upon thee, as a theefe. So this generall coming of Christ as a theefe, by a civill warre, on all the world, is so brought in, that it might not be knowne, untill he came, which now it appeares, is come upon Eng­land, and upon all the world. For when the fourth Angel had powred out his Viall on the Sunne, Rev. 16. 8. here in England, and it was given him to torment men with heate of fire, and men have boyled in great heat, and blasphemed the Name of God, ( i. by rayling on the truth, and the Children of God; as Brightman) therefore behold Christ is come as a theefe upon England, and on all the world. Now he saith, Blessed is he that keepeth his garments, which are neither an Episcopacie, nor Pres­bytery, nor Independent, but they are the white wedding garment of Christs righteousnesse, that is bright, and shining, the righteous­nesse of the Saints; which make us trimme and ready for our bride­groome; which was put on at Baptisme, by the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghost, when shee was baptized into Christ, and put on Christ, Gal. 3. 27.

And what say you to this Scripture; Sonne of man prophesie, and say, A sword, a sword, both sharp, and furbushed. It is sharpned, to make a sore slaughter, Ezek. 21. 9. I will overtune, overturne, overturne it, and it shall be no more, untill he come, ver. 27. A kingdome divided cannot stand. The reason why, Because thou re­mainest in thy filthinesse, and wickednesse. Because I would have purged thee, and thou wast not purged, thou shalt not be purged from thy filthinesse, till I have caused my wrath to light upon thee; I the Lord have spoken it, it shall come to passe, and I will doe it, I will not goe back, neither will I spare, neither will I repent; ac­cording to thy wayes, and works, shall they judge thee, Ezek. 24. 13, 14. But God hath purged the lukewarm Angels, and Church of Eng­land, by Baptisme, but they will not beleeve it, and I have counselled thee, and thou wilt not be counselled, Rev. 3. 18. to buy of me gold, white raiment, and eye-salve, for thou wilt not beleeve, that I have purged thee from thy sinnes in Baptisme, and clothed thee with white raiment, that no filthinesse of sinne should appeare. Ergo. [Page] Thou shalt not be purged from thy filthinesse, till I have caused my wrath to seise upon thee: I the Lord have spoken it, it shall come to passe, and I will doe it, I will not goe backe, neither will I spare, neither will I repent; I will spue thee out of my mouth, Rev. 3. 16. And here is one cause why the lukewarme Hierarchie is spued out of Christs mouth, and when God can lie, they shall be in hope to remaine there still.

Tell me, you that strive for a Presbyteriall, or Independent garment, whether you be sure, that Christ is not come in now, to see his guests? that have been a bidding to the Marriage of the Kings Sonne of Heaven, by faith, and Baptisme, these 1600. yeares; for no question those by the hedges, and high wayes, are the Gentiles, which were called by faith, and Baptisme, to be married to Christ. When the Jewes refused, and would not come (saith Brightman) his servants have called the Gen­tiles to the marriage, and the marriage is furnished with guests, of good and bad, Mat. 22. 10. Then the King came in to see the guests; sig­nifying not before it was furnished with guests; which is now accomplish­ed; For Christ is now come as a theefe, unexpected, to view all the guests of the Churches of Christendome, whether they have a wedding garment or no; not whether they have an Episcopall, or a Presbyteriall, or an In­dependent; but white raiment of the righteousnesse of the Saints, which is Christs, wherein no sinne appeares; such as have none, shall be bound hand and foote, and cast into hell, as Mat. 22. 13. And such as have defiled their garments, shall be spoyled by a civill warre, Rev. 3. 3. & 4. And so the Jewes shall be called, and that bride shall make her selfe ready, and trimme, for her bridegroome, by faith, and Baptisme; for the word, [...], in the Parable, signifieth, that there shall be two mar­riages; the one of the Gentiles (the last called, was first married) and the other of the Jewes; (the first called, shall be the last married) for there shall be an Hallelujah sung in heaven, for the marriage of the Church of the Jewes unto Christ, Rev. 19. 6. & 7. Well, Christ is come as a theefe, by a civill warre, and to view his guests; you must make ac­count, he will not returne untill he have put them all out of the marriage-chamber, that have not on a wedding garment, and he be married to the bride of the Jewes. Now he saith, Blessed is he that keepeth his gar­ments, that he may not walke naked in sinne before God. That Church, or people, is blessed, and shall have a Government given them of my Father. For they keepe the word of my patience, which is the faith in [Page] the merits of Christs death in baptisme, and Christs blood; there­fore I will deliver them from the hour of tentation that is come upon all the world, to try them that are upon the earth, Rev. 2. 10. Now let any man shew that there shall come another hour of tentation, i. a more generall judgement of a civill war upon all the world, but this, which is now come. For my part, I look not for another; but that this civill war begun, shall last till Rome be burnt, and the Jewes called; and therefore is it time now, to strive for a Presbyterie, or Independent, in such an hurly-burly, of a civill war? where no face of a Church shall searce remain, when it is more needfull to strive for a wedding garment; for to him that overcometh, and keepeth his garments, Rev. 16. 15. will I give, saith Christ, to sit with me in my Throne, Rev. 3. 21. signifying that shall be the conquering and raigning people, whom Christ hath loved and washed from their sins in his own blood, and made Kings and Priests to God his Father, and they shall raign upon earth, Rev. 1. 5. and 5. 10.

Let England consider Christs words; Rev. 3. 18. I counsell thee to buy of mee gold, tried in the fire, that thou mayest be made rich; which is the lively faith, in the merits of Christs death, in baptisme which make men rich, that were poor by Adam: and white raiment, that thou mayest be cloathed, that the filthinesse of the wickeness of sin may not appeare, which is the white wedding garment of justi­fication, which makes a Christian know, hee is ready for Christ, when he hath it; and eye-salve of the spirit of Christ, that we may see, how to walk by the Spirit, and in discipline of the Word; for, untill this counsell of Christ be taken in England, both of the Angels and Church, this war will not cease: for untill a mans wayes (or Churches wayes) please the Lord, he will not make all his enemies to be at peace with him, Prov. 16. 7. And when shall that be in England, think you? when they will be guided by his counsell, i. Rev. 3. 18. he will then re­ceive them to glory, Psal. 73. Now many men dote so much about Discipline, that they think to make a rare Church by it, but are greatly deceived. For if a man should take a company of Vipers, to make them Nightingals, do you think he can make them such by Discipline? all the orders and skil, let him order them how he can, will not make them become Nightingals; but if he can make them new creatures, they may be made Nightingalls, as well as any other creature. There were two Pharisees which were the generation of Vipers, Matth. 3. which were made sweet [Page] Nightingals by baptisme, wherein they were made new creatures, and sang sweetly in the night; as Nicodemus, that having learn'd the doctrine of regeneration, of water and the Spirit in baptisme, he was so changed, that in the night, when the other Pharisees as Vipers, would have con­demned Christ, sang for him thus; Doth our law condemn any man before it heare him? and hee sweetly buried him with sweet odors: And another notorious Viper, that was a murtherer, and a blasphemer, Saul, was so changed by baptisme, when he did arise and was baptized, he washed away his sins, in calling on the name of the Lord, that of a murtherer and blasphemer, he became a sweet Preacher of the Gospel, by night, and till the dawning of the day, and sang Psalmes in the night, so sweetly, that the Lord heard him, and sent an earthquake, Acts 16. Wherefore, if you would make a good Church, it must be by faith in our baptisme into Christ, when wee were little children; and by the white raiment of Christs righteousnesse applyed by faith: Discipline may or­der a childe in good manners, but he must have a soul and body first. Now Baptisme and the white raiment, is as the soul and body of all Christianity, he that wants faith in this, cannot tell, whether hee be in Christ or no: Discipline may order a Church, but cannot make one. Truly, I never look to see a pure Discipline, untill the Jewes be called, (which I wish all the faithfull to pray for) except the woman clothed with the Sun, begin to make one, which hath the bright morning Star, which are that chast and holy Congregation, as M r. Brightman calls them, which are the place of Gods pleasures, and the hill of his delights, wherein God taketh more delight, then in any thing of the world, as Rev. 19. 17. which Church is now arising out of the corruption of the Church of Lao­dicea, Corruptio unius est generatio alterius, for though he will spue the luke-warm out, yet there is a few names in Laodicea, that shall sit with Christ in his Throne; wherefore if you be brethren, and going to the new Jerusalem, remember Josephs words to his brethren, Fall not out by the way for a Discipline, who shall have the preeminence: Let not him that putteth on the armour, boast as he that putteth it off; for as victory is of the Lord, so is government. If you look for government be­fore wee have peace, the gift of God, you reckon without your hoast; wherefore I command you from the Lord, study to be quiet, and do your own busines, 1 Thes. 4. and work out your salvation with fear and trembling, and perswade Euodius of the Presbyters, and beseech Syntiche of the Independents, to be of one accord in the Lord, and labour all to overcome [Page] the Devill by the bloud of the Lamb, as this Sermon shews you, who would set you together by the ears, to kill one another, that he might get both.

I have writ of the miseries of England, and of the remedies of the same, and have shewen at least forty causes, how the Bishops have brought the sword upon the land, and therefore are justly put down of the Lord and his Parliament, which I purpose to set in print, if Satan hinder it not. Let it not be said, that the Presbyters and Independents have set dissention in the Parliament, and City, and in the Armies, and brought the sword into their own bowells, to make the Papists sport; wherefore let no man speak any more of any government, in the Church of England, except by Parliament, untill the wars cease; those that shall remain, shall pray unto the Lord, to shew them such a Discipline out of Gods Word, as shall be pleasing unto him. Men may imagine, that there may be a smiling shew of peace, but they shall finde, that Male sarta gratia nequicquam coit, there is so much blood in the morter, that it will not daub, love will not grow within, there is so much blood without; and yet for my part, I desire, if the Lord will, and pray for the peace of Jerusalem, that peace may be within our walls, and plenteous­nesse within our palaces; for no peace, no plenty: for where wars and se­dition remain, wee must look for earthquakes, famine, and pestilence, Luke 21. 9, 10, 11. you shall have little pleasure in a Presbyterie, or Independencie, before these warres cease; for there is a flood of Gods judgements coming now on all the world; there shall none escape, but those that get into the Ark of the faith of their baptisme into Christ, 1 Pet. 3. 21. and such as take Christs counsell, Rev. 3. 18. which are the blessed people, that keep Christs garments unto them, that their filthy nakednesse may not be seen, Rev. 16. 15. and such as keep the word of his patience, Rev. 3. 10. these shall be delivered from this hour of tentation.

Question. 2 Now there is another Question also, among many people; for they dote about questions now, whether the 25 th day of December ought to be kept, for Christmass day, as an holy day, in remembrance that Christ was born on that day; for how know you, say many, that Christ was born on that day more then another? the Papists keep it ten dayes before us, and other Churches not on our day, and they say it was the shortest day of the yeere, and therefore seeing it is so uncertain, let it be abolished, wee will keep none.

Answer. I answer, How did the Jewes know which was the right Sabbath, [Page] but by the Manna the day before? And how did they know by the rods, which was chosen to be Priest; but because one budded and blossomed, and brought forth ripe Almonds? So I know that England doe keep the right day that Christ was borne on, above all the Nations in Christen­dome, because we have a miracle hath often been seene in England upon that day; for we have a tree in England, called the Holy thorne, by Glassenbury Abby, nigh the Bathe, which on the 25. day of Decem­ber, which is our Christmasse day, hath constantly blossomed; which the people of that place have received from antiquitie, that it was that kinde of thorne, wherewith Christ was crowned: Which I have received from credible men, that have seene the thorne, that have inquired, and tooke the testimony of the substantialst-men in that Countrey, which did affirme, that if you come to that tree over-night, there appeares nothing, but a bare thorne; but come on Christmasse day, and it is blossomed; Many people have come, and seene it, so that they would cut off a piece with their knives, that it is much whitled; and some nigh that place have graffed some of that thorne upon others, which doe also blossome on that day. You may reade of this Miracle in many Authors, and especi­ally in Cambdens Britannia, a Chronicler to be credited, for that mat­ter, because there are so many eye-witnesses of knowne credit, that have seene, and testified of the same. Wherefore so long as that Thorne shall blossome in England, on Christs Nativitie day, or can be proved, that it hath blossomed on that day, England shall keepe that day of praising God, for the birth of Christ. Because the Angels sung an hymne on that day, Glory be to God on high, peace on earth, and good will towards men; never more need for us, to pray, and sing so; for peace is taken from the earth, and there is ill will towards men. I am perswaded that the Jewes shall receive their Christs Nativitie day from England, and from our blossoming Thorne, rather then from any other Church in Christendome. I wish if there be any Jewes in England, that are incre­dulous, in this point, that they might be sent to that place, to prove the truth of it; for what doe we know, but that some of the Jewes may be convinced by it, to be sorry that they crowned Christ with Thornes, and desired his bloud to be upon them, and their children, by whose bloud we must overcome the Devill?

Brethren, we say, that Omni & nulli credere, utrum (que) nefas, for to beleeve all the false miracles of Papists; as of the coming of soules out of Purgatory, which is but the delusion of the Devill, were evill; [Page] and for me not to beleeve this of the Thorne, were also naught. Because for these Reasons, I am bound to beleeve it.

1. Because my Father, which dedicated me to the Ministry, before I was borne, to be for the Lord. (And the world should see I was dedica­ted to the Lord, if they would let my Books come out.) He having seene the tree, told me the discourse of it, and the blossoming on that day. I pondered it in my heart, with Mary. After that my brother went to the Bathe, and saw the tree, and tooke the Testimony of honest, and sub­stantiall men in the Countrey, which told him, of the constant coming of people to see it, and how that some have graffed of it, upon other thornes, which also doe blossome on Christmas day; and how it was whitled; caused me further to ponder it; and then hearing it confirmed by many that came from the Bathe, and by the testimony of credible Chroniclers, Cambden, and others, that writ so of it, being a thing that hath been seene of five hundred Brethren. Now for me not to beleeve my Father, and brother, and so many honest Witnesses, and Historiographers, that write so of it, were to account them all lyers, which in me were a sinne. Well, you see my reasons, why I am bound to beleeve it. I will also shew some reasons, why such a perpetuall miracle shal remaine in the world. All will grant thus much, that Christ was crowned with thornes; for the Scripture is cleare, Mat. 27. 29. and that thornes and thistles were the curse of the earth for Adams sinne, is plaine, Gen. 3. 18. Now it is cer­taine, that Christ being crowned with thornes, tooke the curse upon him; for as God the Father hath throwne upon him the iniquities of us all, Isa. 53. 6. and so he threw on him the curses of us all, and set the curse of the earth upon his head, in that he was crowned with thornes by the Soul­diers; it was the determinate counsell of God, that Christ should be made a curse for us; Gal. 3. 13. for cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree; and that he should beare the curse of the earth also, which was imposed, as the fruit of mans sinne, and therefore he did not onely beare our sinnes in his owne body upon the tree, 1 Pet. 2. 24. but also the curse of the earth, which was thornes, which came for mans sinne. Now when sinne was throwne upon everlasting Righteousnesse, sinne must needs be over­come, saith Luther; for Righteousnesse was infinite, and could not be overcome; and therefore must needs conquer sinne: So the curse of thornes being set upon Christs head, which was everlasting holinesse, Christ hath turned away the curse of that Thorne, and in token that it was set upon the head of [...], God-man, that he hath taken away the curse of [Page] the earth to beleevers, Gal. 3. 13. That Thorne by a perpetuall miracle shall blossome on Christmas day morning, to the end of the world, for the convincing of unbeleeving Jewes and Gentiles. That Christ did come on that day, and for the confirmation of the faith of beleevers, not onely by the world of God, Gal. 3. 13. but by that miracle also, that Christ was made a curse for us, and hath taken away the curse of thornes of the earth to all beleevers; and being everlasting blessednesse, hath made the cursed thorne to become a blessed thorne, and therefore called an Holy thorne to this day; and that as the Angels sung on that day, so should wee sing with them that sung on that day; Glory be to God on high, peace on earth, and good will towards men. And I wish that all faithfull Preachers of England might preach on that text, on every Christs nativitie day, because the Angels have given us that text from heaven; saying, Behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, that unto you is borne this day in the Citie of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. Therefore sing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord: Glory be to God on high, peace on earth, and good will towards men. They which doe this in faith, that they are in him that is true, in that his Sonne Jesus Christ, which is very God, and eternall life, 1 Joh. 5. 20. by Baptisme into him, shall finde more peace with God in conscience, and finde good will with men, that are the children of God. I speake not this, that I would have a carnall Christmas kept, in pro­phanenesse, as it hath been much abused, but a spirituall day, in duties of piety and charitie to the poore, to shew our selves Christians, by honour­ing Christ in his birth day.

Thine in the Lord Jesus Christ, J. E.

¶The Contents of the Doctrines, Reasons, and Uses, handled in this insuing Treatise.

GOod Newes for Souldiers, or the way to overcome the Devill, by the bloud of the Lamb, Rev. 12. 11. The Exposition from the 7. verse, to the 12. to make entrance.

  • 1. Doctrine, That all faithfull Souldiers, that love not their lives to the death, shall overcome the Devill by the bloud of the Lambe: and the proofes.
    • Three things requisite for to make a man able to overcome the Devill, and all his enemies.
      • 1. He must have the golden faith of his Baptisme for his Regeneration.
      • 2. He must have a lively faith in the white raiment of Christs Righteousnesse.
      • And 3. Eye-salve of the Spirit of Christ.
    • Six Reasons.
      • 1. Reason. When Satan tempts to sinne, or despaire, shew him the bloud of the Lambe.
      • 2. Reason. When he shews to Conscience the curse of the Law, shew him the bloud of Christ.
      • 3. Reason. When he fights against Conscience with the feare of death, say, O death, where is thy sting? here is the bloud of the Lambe.
      • 4. Reason. When he fights against Conscience with the feare of hell, shew him the bloud of the Lambe, saying, O Hell, where is thy victory?
      • 5. Reason. For by the bloud of the Lambe wee are Conque­rours already.
      • [Page] 6. Reason. For by the bloud of the Lambe, wee are more then Conquerours. And that in foure Respects. Uses how to disarme Satan.
    • Objection. I am not afraid of the Devill, but I am afraid of the Papists, and Rebels of Ireland, to cut my throat.
    • Answer. If thou hast prevailed over the God of this world, thou shalt prevaile with men.
    • Object. They are wonderfull strong; They have great Iron and Brasse Ordnance.
    • Ans. So had the Canaanites Chariots of Iron.
  • 2. Doctrine, That all that fight against the Devill, with the shield of Faith, of the bloud of the Lambe, and the word of their testimony, shall surely over­come him; for they by it quench all his fiery darts.
      • 1. Reason. First, Because by the word of our testimony, wee give God the glory of his holinesse.
      • 2. Reason. Because by it, wee give him the glory of his wisdome.
      • 3. Reason. We give him the glory of his truth.
      • 4. Reason. We give him the glory of his power.
      • 5. Reason. We give him the glory of his mercy.
      • 6. Reason. We give unto God the glory of his Justice, in three points of Justice.
    • Foure sleights of Satan, to take this shield of faith out of thine hand.
      • 1. Use. If Souldiers will give God the glory of his holines, then they must beware of whoredome, and keepe their bo­dies chaste, and pure, Temples for the Holy Ghost.
      • 2. Use. If you give God the glory of his wisedome; then aske counsell of the Lord for every battell; as David did; and you shall prevaile, as he did.
      • [Page] 3. Use. If you give glory to the truth of God; then Soul­diers must speake and practise truth; accuse none falsly, and then plunder them.
      • 4. Use. If you give glory to the power of God; sprinkle the bloud of the Lambe well, and you shall be shot-free; how­soever, Devill-free.
      • 5. Use. If you give glory to the mercy of God; you must be mercifull, as your Father is mercifull; not cruell: and to whom Justice.
      • 6. Use. If you give God the glory of his Justice; you must practise Justice towards men in three poynts.
      • Against the Anabaptists, which would not have the Law Preached.

These things may doe good to many Christian Soul­diers. Let none stop them from the Presse.


DEare Christians, in stead of complementing Eloquence, I shall endeavour to shew you, that love not your lives unto the death, how to overcome the Devill, by the bloud of the Lambe, and by that word of your testimony. Revel. 12. 11. In the 7 th verse, wee heare there was a battell in Heaven, i. in the Church, saith Brightman; and so there is now; Michael, and his Angels fought▪ Michael, which is by interpretation, Quis sicut Deus, he was sent to destroy his enemies, that rose up against his Church, when it lay in the Wildernesse; for the wrath of the Dragon, as it doth now lie in warre by the wrath of the Dragon the Devill, and the Beast, and false Prophet. Michael, the Lord Jesus Christ, then whom none is stronger in heaven or earth. For who is like our God (as Meyer noteth) in heaven? i. in the justified Church, which is rightly called heaven; as, Gal. 4. 26. Jerusalem which is above, is the mother of us all; is the holy Catholick Church (saith Luther) out of which Satan was cast, which led the people to dumb Idolls, Eph. 2. 2. And so he shall in this battell; for Michael, and his An­gels, will fight for you, which is called the great Prince, for the people of God, Dan. 10. 21. i. Christ Jesus, whose Angels are (as Bullenger noteth) those blessed ministring Spirits, and all faithfull Christians, which serve the Lord Jesus, to fight against Antichrist, and his instruments.

[Page 2] And the Dragon, and his Angels fought, i. all evill spirits, and all evill men, as the wise and rich of this world, that fight against the Gospel, and against a reformation: whose power, and subtiltie, are their armour, to fight against the Church; against whom you must fight with spirituall armour, Eph. 6. 13. For you have Mi­chael your Prince, that will give you the crowne of victory, Rev. 2. 10. Marlorat.

A great battell; first, in respect of the Souldiers, all beleevers on the one part, and all unbeleevers on the other part.

Secondly, In respect of the time; the Enmitie between the seed of the woman, and the seed of the Serpent, is the cause of it; and there­fore as the seed of the bond-woman persecuted the seed of the free-woman, so it is now, Gal. 4. 29. that now reached to you, and will be to posteritie.

Thirdly, The manner of the Battell; all beleevers fight by the bloud of the Lambe, and by the word of their testimonie, which are invincible. But the adversaries fight with infidelitie, and armed with lies: the justified must fight by faith in the bloud of the Lamb, that he hath loved you, and washed you from your sinnes in his own bloud, to make you without spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing, Eph. 5. 26. and made you Kings and Priests to God his Father; and prove it by the Word, Rev. 1. 5. Col. 1. 22. That he hath throwne upon Christ the iniquities of us all, i. e. guilt and punishment. The other fight by infidelitie, which doe not beleeve this, but by hatred, lies, and sword, persecute them that beleeve so; for the Devill was a lyer from the beginning, and a murtherer, as his children are.

Ver. 8. But they prevailed not. Here is comfort for all you faith­full Souldiers, they shall not prevaile against you; for the gates of bell shall not prevaile against the faith of your free justification by Christ, Mat. 16.

His place was no more found in heaven. i. The Devill was cast out of heaven, that accused the Saints before God day and night, by the victory of Christ upon the Crosse, (saith Elton.) And the Heathen Emperour, a Dragon, was cast out of the heaven of the Church, by Constantine, saith Brightman; and the Beast and the false Pro­phet must be cast out of the heaven of the Church, by our Mi­chael. i. Christ, and his Souldiers, which all you are, that are faith­full; For by our Michael, he is cast out of the hearts of the Elect; [Page 3] as the Apostles saw Satan fall like lightening from heaven, Luk. 10. 18. as Meyer. For now is the Judgement of this world, now shall the Prince of this world be cast out; so now shall Antichrist be cast out of the Church of England; not so much for the sword, as by the Word preached. For where the death of Christ is preached, and by faith received, ( that he bare all our sinnes in his body upon the tree, 1 Pet. 2. 24. That we being dead to sinne, should live in righte­ousnesse, by whose stripes yee were healed) the Devill must needs be cast out, saith Marlorat. So that here is the cause why Satan dwells in the hearts of the wicked, they beleeve not, that the bloud of the Lamb hath purged their hearts from all sinne; therefore Satan an uncleane spirit will dwell in that heart that is not washed by faith in the bloud of the Lambe. But where the heart is washed by faith in that bloud, Christ dwells there, as Eph. 3. 17. For where Christ is received into the heart, for Idolatry and super­stition, true Religion and piety comes in; for carnall reason, the Spirit of God comes in, which illuminates the minde, and changeth the will to God, from uncleannesse, to sanctitie; as Marlorat.

Ver. 9. And the great Dragon, the old Serpent, &c. The Devill is called the old Serpent (saith Pignetius) because he hath alwayes deadly poyson, prepared to infect men.

Secondly, He is the same that labours by all meanes, to hinder you from Paradise, as he caused our first parents to be cast out, and therefore so much the rather to be taken heed of, in his pra­ctise, to bring thee to sinne; for if he did thus to our first parents, when they were pure from all spot of inherent sinnes, what will he doe against thee that art inherently uncleane by sinne, if thou hast not the bloud of the Lambe?

Which is called the Devill, [...], i. Calumniator, a Caviller, or an Accuser; so that you see, that cavillers against the faithfull, and accusers of the Brethren, for the true faith in Christs bloud, and righteousnesse, change names with the Devill, called Satanas, i. ad­versarius, an adversary. i. because he is such an enemie, as his chil­dren are, and adversary to the professors of free Justification, that by the bloud of Christ, and his righteousnesse, men should be saved and be made without spot, before the Throne of God, Rev. 14. 5. Satan cannot abide that doctrine.

[Page 4] Which deceiveth all the world; Because he perswadeth men, con­trary to the Word of God (as Bullenger and Musculus. i. the Re­probate) by his fallacies, and lies, (as Paul saith) to feare, lest as Satan seduced Eve, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicitie that is in Christ, 2 Cor. 11. 3. He was cast downe to the Earth, even to be troden under foote of men; as Psal. 91. 13. Thou shalt goe upon the Lion, and the Aspe; the young Lion, and the Dragon, shalt thou tread under thy feet; as Luk. 10. 19.

He is cast downe to the earth. i. to hurt earthly minded men one­ly; for woe to the inhabitants of the earth, and of the sea, because the Devill is come down amongst you, that hath great wrath, because his time is but short: So you shall finde that these warres shall be wofull to the Inhabitants of the earth, and Sea, by the Devils meanes; but it shall not hurt the true Church. For Satan departing from them that are faithfull, and overcoming him by the bloud of the Lambe, he shall hurt onely earthly-minded men, that preferre earthly things before heavenly, and contemne the truth, as Erasmus. And they are cast into the earth, in respect of any power to doe hurt to you the children of God, but shall hurt earthly men by Sea and Land.

Ver. 10. Then I heard a loud voyce in heaven. For the faithfull cannot but praise God for the confusion of Satan, their deadly ene­my, saith Pignetius. Hic ergo [...], a song of triumph, of the Church triumphing over the Devill that is overcome; which shews the cause why many men doe not praise the Lord with a loud voyce, they beleeve not the Devill is overcome, therefore they are afraid of him.

In Heaven. i. In the Church, which dwels in the large heaven of remission of sinnes, and in the kingdome of heaven, which is righ­teousnesse, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, as Luther. And hath her conversation in heaven, Phil. 3. 2 [...].

Now is salvation; For where sinne reigned, there perdition had a place; but where the Gospel reignes, i. the glad tydings, that Christ hath purged your sinnes in his own person, and is set downe at the right hand of God, Heb. 1. 3. there is life and salvation.

And strength; Not of men, but of God; for the right hand of the Lord hath the preheminence, and therefore he will give his Church the victory.

[Page 5] And the Kingdome of our God, wherein the Devill reigned (saith Musculus) by Idolatry.

And the power of his Christ: for his power appeares especially in converting men to his righteousnesse.

For the accuser of the Brethren is cast down; for this is the pro­perty of the Devill and his Instruments, and if he can, to lay open to damnation, those that he suspects shall be heirs of heaven, and ascend to that place from which hee fell, which he doth most commonly by Scripture, Matth. 3. as to Christ; wherefore I have laboured in these fourteen differences, to disarm Satan (against the con­sciences of all true believers) of his strong holds to accuse the con­science, and to shew you a most certain victory by Christs blood, as you may see: but they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, i. Vers. 11. they got victory, not by their own strength or merits, but by the free grace and favour of Jesus Christ, they overcame the power of the Devill, as Meyer.

By the blood of the Lamb, i. By faith in the death of Christ, which makes men conquerers (as Marlorat) over all enemies; for we are to understand, that Christ hath not only got victory over the Devill in his person, but hath left power to his justified children, to get victory also over him in our person, and in our consciences, and that is, by the blood of the Lamb.

Doctr. Hence I gather, That all faithfull souldiers, that love not their lives unto the death, shall overcome the Devill by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony.

All you that truly believe, that the blood of the Lamb hath purged you from all sins, shall get victory over the Devill; this is not only plain by the Text, which saith, They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, &c. the word of their testimony, but also by the Apostle Paul, that giveth thanks for the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, 1 Cor. 15. And what victory is that, but even over sin, death, and the Devill? for Christ by his blo [...]d on the Crosse, spoiled Principalities, and Powers, and destroyed him that had the power of death, the Devill, Ephes. 2. 15. for he took away the sting of death, which is sin: By his blood, &c. and the strength of sin, which is the law, which was by that blood blotted out, Col. 2. 14. And therefore we say, Thanks be to God, which hath given us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, to our faith, and hath given you [Page 6] power to get victory over the Devill to your selves and conscien­ces, by the blood of the Lamb; for that must needs be fulfilled in the members, that is fulfilled already in the Head, saith Meyer.

The second proof is 1 John 4. 4. Little Children, yee are of God, and have overcome them; for greater is hee that is in you, then he that is in the world. For where Christs blood dwells he dwells: in vers. 3. he saith, that every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh, is not of God; but this is the spirit of Antichrist. Some may object the Devill, and the Pope confesse so much, there­fore to the word come in the flesh you must understand, And washed us from our sins in his own blood, and made us Kings and Priests to God his Father, and that the blood of the Lamb hath made us clean from all sin, before the Throne of God, Rev. 14. 5. That neither the Devil nor the Pope believe, 1 Joh. 1. 7. for he hath invented a Purgatory to purge them from sin after death; for he believes not the blood of the Lamb hath purged them from all sin in this life. But little children, yee are of God (i. all you true Believers, that have faith that the blood of Jesus Christ hath purged your sins) and have overcome them, i. Satan, Antichrist, and all his servants; for seeing Christ hath given you victory over the Devill, certainly you have victory over his servants, saith Aug. Marlorat; for greater is he that is in you, then he that is in world; for Christ dwels in your hearts; where his blood dwels by faith, that is greater then the Devill that dwels in the hearts of all unbelievers, where the blood of the Lamb is not sprinkled by faith. And therefore wee over­come not by our own power, but by the strength of Christ; for we must needs be overcome, if we trust to our own strength, saith Calvin: as to the arme of flesh, or great ordnance, ammuniti­on, &c. which he will cause them sometime to lose, to cause them know, that their victory must be by the blood of the Lamb.

Now there be three things requisite to make a man able to over­come the Devill, and all his enemies.

First, hee must be born anew in Christ, of water, and the holy Ghost, as 1 John 5. 4. for so by regeneration, hee is freed from the bondage of sin, death, the Devill, and Hell: hee must believe his Baptisme, that he is new born of God, which is the foundation of our victory over the Devill; as the Virgin said to the Devill, temp­ting her, I am a Christian, and am baptized, and the Devill fled. [Page 7] This is that gold of a lively faith, in the merit of Christs death in Baptisme, Rev. 3. 18. in our infancy, when wee knew not what Christ did for us; as John 13. 7. but do know it after that we are there buried with Christ, and new born, and so were made capable to overcome the Devill by the blood of the Lamb, when wee should have faith in the same afterward. If we do not forsake our first baptisme to take a second, for that is to depart from the faith; for if God have but one baptisme, the second is of the Devil, and all that are baptized again shall be overcome of the Devill, which do not believe Christs words, that he that is washed, i. in baptisme, if elect, is clean every whit, needeth not save to wash his feet, i. his conscience and conversation in the blood of the Lamb, in the other Sacrament, but like fools, will have their hands and head washed again, which is a thing abhorred of God, and of all his true Churches, that ever have been since the Apostles time.

Secondly, hee must have true faith in the vertue of Christs re­surrection; that hee is risen again for our justification; that hee hath clothed you with the white raiment of his own righteous­nesse, that your filthy nakednesse should not appeare: as Rev. 3. 18. for if any sin be imputed before God, the Devill will be too hard for thee; for thou that believest not, that the blood of the Lamb hath washed away all thy fins before God, and that the white rai­ment of Christs righteousnesse hath not covered all thy sins, Psal. 32. 1. thou art not fit to be a Captain, or souldier, for the Devill & the World will overcome thee; for by this, a man denies himself, to be all in Christ, and in his righteousnesse: for whosoever is clothed with the garment of salvation, he shall be saved, and overcome the De­vill and the World; but by faith in the white raiment, we believe we are clothed with the garment of salvation, Es [...]. 61. 10. there­fore wee shall overcome. Thus, when a man will be nothing in himself, or in his own righteousnesse, or sanctification, but to be altogether in him, 1 Joh. 5. 4. Phil. 3. 9. therefore S t. John saith in the same place, this is our victory which overcometh the world, even our faith; What faith is that? Vers. 20. he tels you in 20 th verse, that wee are in him that is true: in that his Son Jesus Christ, the same is very God, and eternall life: for when a man is in Christ by baptisme, for his per­son, and in his white raiment by faith to his conscience, hee is made partaker of Christs victory upon the Crosse, over sin, death, [Page 8] the Devill, and Hell; for by faith in the white raiment, that Christ is risen again for our justification, and hath justified us, we receive power to subdue sin, the world and the Devill, which are all over­come by faith in our first resurrection, which is to our persons and baptisme, when our bodies are washed with pure water, Heb. 10. 23. but the first resurrection to our consciences, is when wee are con­verted, and believe the white raiment is ours, that clotheth us, that our filthy nakednesse should not appear, Rev. 3. 18. wherein wee shew we are risen with Christ, Col. 3. v. 1. for all that appeared to bring tidings of Christs resurrection, appeared in white, or shining raiment, to shew, that no man can tell of his first resurrection, un­till he can tell of his white raiment: as Matth. 28. 3. Mar. 16. 5. Luke 24. 4. Jo [...]. 21. 12. all in white; so must you, if you be risen with Christ, you must appear in white, or else no victory over the Devill.

Thirdly, hee that would overcome the Devill, and all his In­struments of the world, hee must not be a blind souldier, as many are that fight for money, and by ends, but get the Devill into their hearts by covetousnesse and cheating souldiers, as Judas did, and the Devill gets them, as he did him; you must therefore buy of Christ, eye-salve of his Spirit, i. to walk by the Spirit, to fight by the Spirit, i. by the directions of the Oracle of Gods Word: for men ought not to fight any battell, before they have asked counsel at the Oracle of Gods Word, as David did, to know whether God do approve of that war or no; and eye-salve to discern the true Religion from the false, for else he may fight for the false Reli­gion, for Antichrist, and not for Christ; and also for eye-salve of the Spirit, hee may keep himself from all wickednesse when hee goes forth with the host, Deut. 23. 9. to keep a good conscience be­fore God and before men; for he that will plunder, rob, spoil, and steal, and whore, and do wickedly, shall not overcome the Devill, but is overcome of him. Thus must a true Christian souldier stand out in life and death, against all adversarie power whatsoever.

Now, being thus prepared by Christs counsell, to fight against the World, and the Devill, I will shew you, how you shall over­come the Devill by the blood of the Lamb, by divers Reasons.

Reason 1 The first Reason, why the best way to overcome the Devill, is by the blood of the Lamb, because you know the Devill fights [Page 9] against all men by sin, either tempting men to sin, or to despaire for sin committed. Now when a Christian, tempted to commit sin, shews unto Satan the bloud of the Lambe, (as Joseph said) How can I doe this evill, Gen. 39. 9. and sin against God? So say thou, How can I doe this evill, and sin against the bloud of the Lamb? Thou shalt overcome him, as Joseph did. Or if Satan tempt thee to despaire, as he did Judas; if thou shew him the bloud of the Lamb, he must needs be conquered; for by that, thou wilt testifie thy redemption, and the murder of Satan, that thou hast redemption through the bloud of the Lamb, the forgivenesse of thy sins; but the Devill hath not; for this bloud of the Lamb testifies that Satan was a murderer from the beginning, to our first parents, to the first Adam, and that he hath slaine the second Adam, the Lord Jesus Christ; here is the bloud of the Lamb, that thou hast shed; for, who put into the heart of Judas, to betray him, and into the hearts of the Jewes to crucifie him, but thou Satan? Therefore this bloud of the Lamb testifies the remission of my sins, and it testifies that thou art a murderer; and thus the red colours of Christs bloud, being displayed, Satan cannot indure the field, but will flie like a beaten Souldier; for hereby the Devill is redargued to be the sinner, and must de­spaire.

Reason 2 A second Reason, why you shall overcome the Devill by the bloud of the Lamb, because Satan fights against men by the curse of the Law, to shew them how cursed they are by it; but by the bloud of the Lamb, you shall shew unto him, that Christ by his bloud hath redeemed you from the curse of that law, was made a curse for you; for, cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree; that we might obtaine the blessing of Abraham. And this testifies my bles­sednesse, that Christ hath blotted out the hand-writing of the Law, that made us cursed, by his owne bloud, Col. 2. 14. Thus by the bloud of the Lamb, thou shalt testifie against the Devill, that thou art freed, John 8. 36. and if the Sonne hath made thee free, thou art free indeed, Joh. 8. But this bloud of the Lamb testifies, Satan is a murderer, and so a transgressour of the Law, and therefore cursed. Now as men that have committed murder, and they see 'tis discovered, will pre­sently run away; so Satan, seeing men fighting against him, by the bloud of the Lamb, that testifies their freedome from the curse of the Law; and how they stand fulfillers of the Law; and also testi­fying [Page 10] how the Devill is a transgressour, a murderer, and so cursed by it; he will not indure the field, 'tis time for him to run.

Reason 3 A third Reason, why thou shalt overcome him by the bloud of the Lamb, because Satan fights against all men, by the feare of death. Now when thou shewest unto Satan the bloud of the Lamb, thou doest thereby testifie the victory of Christ over death, saying, Thanks be unto God, that hath given us victory over death, by Christs bloud; so that death is unto me advantage; and by the bloud of the Lamb testifiest to Satan, that he is guiltie of the bloud of thy husband. Now what murderer amongst men, will indure, when he shall heare a faithfull wife making an out-cry against him, thus; O this man hath murdered my faithfull deare husband, here is his bloud, that this man hath shed, Murder, murder, mur­der, make hue and cry after him, lay hold of him, carry him to prison, to the barre, and to the Gallowes; so when Satan heares the faithfull say, O thou art guiltie of the bloud of my deare and faithfull husband, the Lord Jesus Christ, here is his bloud, carry him to the prison of hell. Now as Satan is like his children, that are murderers, he must run, and be fearfull, as murderers are afraid, and flee when none pursue them; so is Satan the most fear­full coward in the world, that will flee fast enough, if you shew him the bloud of the Lamb; Resist the Devill by it, and he shall flee from you, Jam. 4. 7.

Reason 4 A fourth Reason, Because when Satan fights against you, by the feare of hell; saying, O thou hast sinned so many thousand times; when I sinned but once, I was cast out of heaven, and throwne downe to hell, and reserved in chaines of darknesse; but thou hast deserved hell many thousand times, why shouldest not thou goe to hell? thou must shew Satan the bloud of the Lamb, and in that, thy victory over hell; and say with Paul, O hell, where is thy victo­ry? thou hast no victory over me; for here is my discharge, and victory in the bloud of the Lamb; hell is for murderers; it is for thee Satan, that wast a murderer from the beginning, and there­fore hell hath victory over thee; for hell is prepared for the De­vill, and his Angels; but heaven for you that overcome by the bloud of the Lamb; For to him that overcometh, will I give to sit with me in my Throne; as I overcame, and sit with my Father in his Throne, Revel. 3. 21.

[Page 11] Reason 5 A fift Reason, Because Christs bloud makes men conquerers al­ready, over the world, the flesh, and the Devill; for Christs victo­ry is ours; for he that can say, by faith, Thankes be unto God, that hath given us victory, is a conquerer already. But all true beleevers can say so, 1 Cor. 15. Ergo, they are conquerers already.

Againe, All that are saved already, by the bloud of the Lamb, are conquerers already.

But all true beleevers are saved already, as Eph. 2. 8. & 2 Tim. 1. 9. They are conquerers already. i. to faith, though not to feeling; for you are conquerers over the world by faith; as, 1 Joh. 5. For this is our victory, that overcometh the world, even our faith. And you are conquerers over the flesh, by self-deniall, and mortification; for he that so conquereth himselfe, is better then he that winneth a Citie; and you are conquerers over the Devill, by the bloud of the Lamb; as the Text.

Reason 6 A sixt Reason, why, Because faith in the bloud of the Lamb makes you more then conquerers; as Rom. 8. 37.

How can that be, may some say? Can a man get more then the victory?

I answer, By faith in the bloud of the Lamb, if thou wilt be­leeve, thou art washed in it by Baptisme, it makes thee such a fa­mous, renowned conquerer, that thou shalt be a noble triumpher for ever in Christ, which is more then a conquerer; for as con­cerning conquerers of this world, they may have victory to day, and lose it to morrow; as Saul did; and many conquerers in the world, as Alexander when he had conquered the world, he was conquered of his own lust, Gladio vicit, vitiis victus, he overcame by the sword, but was overcome of vice; but he that gets victory by the bloud of the Lamb, is more then a conquerer; because he is a conquerer over sinne, the world, and Devill, through Christ for ever.

Objection. Objection. How can this be? Doth not the Devill cast some in­to prison, and persecute some to death; how are they then con­querers over him?

Answer. I answer; 'Tis true, Satan shall cast some of you into prison, that you may be tryed ten dayes, Rev. 2. 9. 'Tis but for a triall of your faith, in the bloud of the Lamb▪ God will deliver you, as he did Joseph out of prison; and though Satan persecute some to [Page 12] death, yet shall you be more then conquerers, even triumphers in heaven; for as the Martyrs were more then conquerers in foure respects, so shall you be.

1. In regard of the torments; they put the Martyrs to death, to make them deny the bloud of Christ, they rejoyced in tribula­tion; as the Disciples when whipped, rejoyced that they were counted worthy to suffer any thing for Christs sake, they were more then conquerers by the joy which they have in suffering; but conquerers of men or Cities, when they have got the greatest victories, may sit downe, and weepe; as Titus Vespasianus, when he had conquered, and saw the destruction of Jerusalem, wept to see the greatnesse of the misery of his enemies; saying, This is not I, but the hand of God for their sinnes; but triumphant joy belongs to the conquerers by Christs bloud; as Haukes in the Acts and Mo­numents, pag. 1447. in token of triumphant victory, to give a figne to his friends, when his eyes were burnt out, and his hands on a flaming fire, yet lifted up both the stumps of his hands, and clap­ped them over his head, declaring he was more then a conque­rer.

2. They are more then conquerers, in respect of the tormen­tors; for they strive to make them deny the bloud of Christ; but the true beleevers, for all their torments, confesse Christ so much the more; the one fumes and chafes, that he hath not his will, and is overcome; but the Christian rejoyceth, and goes away with the victory; as the tormentors of Blandina confessed that shee over­came them.

3. They are more then conquerers, in regard of the unconver­ted; for they put them to death, that they may convert no more; but as Sampson slew more Philistims at his death, then he did in all his life; so doe the Martyrs often convert more at their death, then they did in any time before; for when men seek to conquer Christianitie, it conquers them (saith Justin Martyr:) as the Pa­pists confessed in the Marian dayes, it was in vaine to burne any more Hereticks, as they called them; for the more they burnt, the more they increased; and the converted were the more confirmed by the patient sufferings of the Martyrs; because they would suffer for it, they beleeved it was the truth.

4. We are more then conquerers; because we slay our enemies [Page 13] with their own sword; Bis perimitur qui suo gladio interimitur, he is double slaine that is killed with his own sword; for true belee­vers take the sword out of their own hands, and kill them with it; as David did Goliah with his owne sword; so said the Martyrs; Thou sittest here to judge me, but I shall judge thee one day; thou by kil­ling my body, crownest me with life, but killest thy selfe with eternall death; as 1 Joh. 3. 15. Thus the sword, which the wicked have drawne, shall goe through their owne bowels.

Ʋse. Well, is it so, Satan fights against thee with sinne, the curse of the Law, with death, and hell; Learne thou to disarme the Devill; as it is a speciall poynt of policie in warre, to disarme their ene­mies, for so they shall deale with them as they list; so seeing Sa­tan is the strong man armed with sinne, and the rest; but as Christ disarmed him of all these by his death, so shalt thou by the bloud of the Lambe disarme Satan of all his armour.

First, for sinne; Doth Satan tell thee, thou art a great sinner? display the red colours of Christs bloud, tell him, 'tis true, I con­fesse, I am by Adam a great sinner, and if I were not a sinner, I should not need the bloud of the Lamb; for he came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance; therefore I repent, and the bloud of the Lamb by faith purgeth me from all sinne. I have read in Luthers every dayes Sacrifice, p. 59. who reporteth of a poore man in Friburge in Misnia, being distressed for his sinnes, and crying out of the greatnesse of his sinnes; the Devill appeared unto him with a writers Inkhorne, and bad him he should repeate all his sinnes, and he would write them down for him; the man percei­ving it was the Devill, bad him write, The seed of the woman shall crush the Serpents head; and with that, the Devill fled, and left such a stinke, as if he would have choaked them all; so if thou shalt tell Satan of the bloud of the Lamb, thou doest thereby declare, that the seed of the woman hath broken his head, he will flee.

Secondly, Doth he tell thee of the curse of the Law, and come against thee with that armour? take this sword of the bloud of the Lamb; you may reade of David, when he asked for the sword of Ahimelech, they told him there was none but the sword of Go­liah; O said David, there is none to that; so if thou desire a sword to goe disarme the Devill with, take the bloud of the Lamb, 'tis like the sword of Goliah, for his head was cut off with it; so take the [Page 14] bloud of the Lamb, for the Devils head was broken with it; doth he cast the curses of the Law upon thee? cast on him the bloud of the Lambe.

Thirdly, Doth Satan fight against thee with the feare of death, and hell? shew unto him the bloud of the Lamb, bid him read, Here's thy victory, O Death, O Hell; I have victory by the bloud of the Lamb; I have an eternall redemption, through his bloud, the forgivenesse of my sinnes, and I am a conquerer over death and hell. But as we reade of men, that have committed wilfull mur­der, the bloud of the slaine will hang upon them, that although they rub and wipe, yet still the bloud will hang upon them, and discover them, they cannot get it off, especially not from their con­sciences, that tels them of death and hell; so when thou doest tell Satan of the bloud of the Lamb, thy faithfull deare husband, he cannot wipe nor rub off the cry of that innocent bloud, it will hang about him, especially upon his conscience, and tell him of death, and hell. Now when Satan heares thee testifie the great­nesse of his sinnes by the bloud of the Lamb, he will be gone; for he is like a meere civill honest man, that can be content to heare of any thing rather then his owne sinnes; he can be content to heare of other mens sinnes, and laugh at them; for fooles make a sport of sinne; they rejoyce at other mens sinnes, especially of professors; if they fall but once, the Devill, and all civilians, will rejoyce at it; but tell them of their owne sinnes, and they will be gone; and so will Satan not indure to see the terriblenesse of his sinnes in the bloud of the Lambe.

Ʋse. Is it so that by the bloud of the Lamb you are conquerers alrea­dy, 1 Cor. 15. because you have victory already given unto you, and are sa­ved already? see Deut. 33. 29. Blessed art thou, O Israel, who is like unto thee, O people! saved by the Lord; the shield of thine help, and which is the sword of thy glory; therefore thine enemies shall be in subjection unto thee, and thou shalt tread upon their high places. Here is admira­ble comfort for you that are the faithfull Souldiers of Jesus Christ, to incourage you to the warre, against all your spirituall enemies, because you are sure of victory; for what is the reason that many are so loath to goe to warre? because they know not whether they shall have victory, or no; but if you could assure every one of victo­ry, of a crowne, and of a kingdome, you should have Souldiers [Page 15] enough; I tell thee that art a faithfull Souldier of Jesus Christ, fight valiantly with the bloud of the Lambe till death, against the world, the flesh, and the Devill, and thou shalt be sure of victory; for Christ having overcome already, his victory is thine; Be thou faithfull unto the death, and I will give thee a crowne of life, Rev. 2. 10. And feare not little flocke, (i. that fight by the bloud of the Lamb) for it is your Fathers pleasure to give you a kingdome, Luk. 12. You have conquered the world by faith, 1 Joh. 5. 4. conquer your selves, for so shall you be wiser then he that conquers a Citie; be an enemy to the world, be an enemy to the Devill, but especially to thine owne flesh; as a Martyr wrote to his wife, fight by the bloud of the Lambe, and feare none of these.

Object. Object. O may, some say, I am not afraid of the Devill, but I am afraid of the Papists, and Rebels of Ireland, that they will cut our throats, and take all; they are Devils incarnate; they do more harme then the Devils to the Protestants.

Ans. Ans. I answer, as the Lord said to Jacob, Thou hast prevailed with God, thou shalt also prevaile with men; though his brother Esau came against him with foure hundred men; so I say to thee, thou hast prevailed with the bloud of the Lamb, over the God of this world the Devill, thou shalt also by the bloud of the Lamb prevaile with men. Therefore feare not thou Jacob my servant, and Israel whom I have chosen. Thus saith the Lord, that redeemed thee, feare not, he will helpe thee; as Isa. 44. 1, 2. & 44. Thou hast overcome the Devill, the Prince of the world, shouldest thou feare men?

Object. Object. O they are wonderfull strong, for they have great brasse and iron Ordnance.

Ans. Ans. I answer thee, as Joshua did the Children of Joseph, when they objected that the Canaanites had chariots of iron; He said un­to the house of Joseph, Thou art a great people, and hast great power, and thou shalt cast out the Canaanites, though they have chariots of iron, and be strong, Thou shalt not have one lot. Therefore the mountaine shall be thine, for it is a wood, and thou shalt cut it downe, and the ends of it shall be thine, and thou shalt cast out the Canaanites, Josh. 17. 18. For the blessing of Joshua, and his telling them of victory, made them valiant in battell; so when the Protestants understand what the Lord saith to them in that place of Joshua, and in the 25. of Numbers, 17. & 18. and learne to fight against them by the bloud [Page 16] of the Lamb; they shall vex those Midianities, and Canaanites, and smite them that have beguiled them with their wiles, concerning Idolatry, and as concerning their sister Cozbi, the daughter of a Prince of Midian. By these two wiles, are England and Ireland be­guiled, and the plague is come of a civill warre, you shall overcome them by the bloud of the Lamb.

It followeth; And by that word of their testimony. This is added, saith Meyer, that we should know that the bloud of Jesus Christ shall not be profitable to us, except we beleeve it, and give testimo­ny of it. Many will boast that they are redeemed by the bloud of Christ, when in the meane time, they refuse the Gospel. i. they re­fuse to beleeve the bloud of Jesus Christ cleanseth them from all sin before God. And when men have lost this, how many inventions doe men deceive themselves with, to take away their sinnes? Some hope to take them away by pilgrimages; some by the Popes par­dons, or by Purgatory; some by their holy walking, almes-deeds, or repentance a little before they die, or good meaning; but such are deceived, because as Christ hath sanctified his Church & clean­sed it by the washing of water, through the Word; so the way to overcome sinne, and the Devill, is by the bloud of the Lamb, and by that word of their testimony. Hence wee gather this Do­ctrine,

Doct. That all that would overcome the Devill, by the bloud of the Lambe, must fight with the word of their testimony. i. must not onely have the shield of faith in the bloud of the Lambe, but the sword of the Spi­rit, the word of God, whereby we give testimony, or testifie of the bloud of the Lamb. i. wee must shew our true faith by the word of our testimony. Ephes. 6. 6. Above all, take the shield of faith, where­with yee shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; for he that can quench all his fiery darts, shall surely overcome him. This shield of faith that quencheth, is the bloud of the Lambe. Above all, signifying that this is the most speciall thing, of greatest weight, to overcome the Devill by, which is called the wicked; and when the children of the wicked shoote fiery bullets, the best way to quench them, is by faith in the bloud of the Lambe. Now you know, if a man had such a shield, as would stop, and quench, and fence all the fiery bullets of the enemies in warre, what man would goe to warre without it? so when you know that the bloud of the [Page 17] Lambe will quench all the fiery darts of the Devill, who would goe to warre without it? When the enemies shoote wild-fire into a Towne, you Souldiers know, milke will presently quench it, though it be shot upon thatched houses, though it be the fiercest fire; for 'tis a secret in nature, for milke to quench wild-fire. Now wee are all in respect of the fiery darts of the Devill, like unto thatched houses, ready to fire presently, by reason of originall sinne, dwel­ling in us. That if the Devill shoote his fiery dart of lust, wee are ready to flie on fire, as David did by looking on Bathsheba; we must quench it by the bloud of the Lambe. If he shoote his fiery dart of covetousnesse, we are ready to burne, as A [...]han, if wee have not the bloud of the Lambe, that quencheth covetousnesse. If he shoote the fiery dart of anger, and wrath, and revenge, wee are ready to burne, as Joah; powre on the bloud of the Lambe, and it will quench it. If he shoote the fiery dart of despaire, as to Caine, and Judas, we are ready to flame, as they did; quench it with the bloud of the Lambe, for the Apostle sayes directly, by the shield of faith yee may quench all the fiery darts of the wicked; then if you doe not take it, thanke your selves, if you burne, for here is a secret in divinitie, that the bloud of the Lambe will quench all the fiery darts of the Devill; therefore, above all, take the shield of faith, signifying that this is the most speciall thing for a Souldier, and of greatest neces­sitie, to be sure he take the shield of faith, in the bloud of the Lamb, the helmet of salvation, and the brestplate of Christs righteousnesse, and the girdle of veritie, & be shod with the preparation of the Gospel of peace; yet Satan may shoot such a fiery dart into thy heart, as may set thee on fire; therefore above all these, take the shield of faith, where­by yee may quench Satans fiery darts.

Things in Scripture that have the speciallest Item, are of most speciall use; as when he saith, Doe good to all, especially to the house­hold of faith. i. that are knowne to be the true Disciples of Christ; that are the children of the marriage chamber; so the Apostle says, The Elders that rule well, are worthy of double honour, especially, they that labour in the word and doctrine, 1 Tim. 5. 17. So above all pieces of spirituall armour, especially take the shield of faith, of the bloud of the Lamb, to overcome the Devill by, to quench his fiery darts.

[Page 18] And by the word of their Testimony. i. by that word which testifies of the bloud of the Lamb we overcome him.

In Johns testimonie of Christ, wee reade that he called Christ the Lamb of God, that which taketh away the sinnes of the world. i. he was come to take them away. But now the Apostles and faithfull Ministers of Christ, that are greater then John, for they beare a greater testimonie; for they testifie by the word, that the bloud of the Lamb hath washed away our sinnes; for so it is written in the word, and wee testifie of it, Rev. 1. 5. 1 Joh. 1. 7. Col. 1. 14. That he hath loved us, and washed us from our sinnes, in his own bloud, and in whom we have redemption, through his bloud, the forgivenesse of our sinnes. Marke, he testifieth we have, not we shall have, and he hath loved us, not he will. Now there be six Reasons, why the De­vill is overcome, or a Christian overcomes the Devill by the bloud of the Lamb, and the word of that testimony.

First Reason, Because by our testimony of that bloud, we give unto God the glory of his holinesse, against the Devill, and sight, and feeling; for when Satan says, Thou art an uncleane sinner, and unholy, how shouldest thou come neare so pure and so holy a God? seeing thou art so uncleane, and filthy by sinne, and sight, and feeling, will help Satan to condemne a mans own conscience. Now first we must confesse it; For if wee confesse our sinnes, he is faithfull and just to forgive us our sinnes, and to cleanse us from all un­righteousnesse, 1 John. 1. 9. By confessing the truth, wee shame the Devill; for we well know, wee are defiled with sinne by Adam; but by the word of our testimony of the bloud of the Lambe, that hath purged us from all sinne, and having our garments washed white in the bloud of the Lamb, Rev. 7. 14. He hath made us holy, and un­blameable, and without fault in his sight, Col. 1. 22. and we are made the Temple of God, 1 Cor. 3. 17. that is holy, which are yee; that so wee may ap­peare beautifull in the fight of God. And by this manner of ap­pearing before God, by the bloud of the holy Lamb, we acknow­ledge God to be so perfectly holy, that he cannot indure the sight of any uncleane thing. And thus wee give God the glory of his holinesse, Hab. 1. 13. and overcome the Devill, and sight, and reason, that we are made holy in the holy bloud of the Lambe, and of the holy Catholick Church. For should the bloud of Adam make us un­holy, [Page 19] and should not the bloud of the Lamb make us holy? when God saith, we are holy; and tels us, how he hath made us holy; for Jesus, that he might sanctifie the people with his own bloud, suffered without the gate, Heb. 13. 12. Thus by our word of testimony of the bloud of the Lambe, God hath the glory of his holinesse, the Devill and reason are redargued, and overcome, and our soules comforted by beleeving.

Reason. 2 A second Reason, Why, because by the word of our testimony of the bloud of the Lamb, we give glory to the wisdome of God, and give him the glory of his wisdome; for whereas 'tis the pra­ctise of the Devill to tempt men to blaspheme God, by counting him unwise, as to count preaching of the Gospel foolishnesse, and the bringing Infants to holy Baptisme a foolish thing, as an Ana­baptist said, and by counting him unwise in his providence, as all doe, that are discontented with their estates; Now the word of our testimony of the bloud of the Lamb, perswadeth us to beleeve that God is wisest, and best knoweth how to save Infants by Bap­tisme, as 1 Pet. 3. 21. and therefore commandeth them to be brought to him, as all true Churches have done. And he knoweth by his wisedome to save them that beleeve, by preaching the Gospel, which the world calls foolishnesse. Also this faith perswadeth us to beleeve, God is wisest, and best knoweth what estate is best for us; that so against the Devill, sense, and reason, we wholly resigne our selves unto his wise providence, and in that respect to be thank­full, in all estates, as Rev. 1. 5. As thus the faithfull say in all estates, health, or sicknesse, wealth, or povertie; Ʋnto him that hath loved us, and washed us from our sinnes in his owne bloud, &c. he glory and wisdome. And thus Job overcame the Devill, that would have had Job charge God foolishly, as if he had been unwise in his pro­vidence. No; Job 1. The Lord hath given, (health, wealth, and children) and the Lord hath taken away; Blessed be the Name of the Lord. As if he should say, Blessed be his wisdome, I am his, let him deale with me according to his wisdome. Many men would have cryed out, I am undone; I shall starve; have I served God for this? Ile serve him no more; Ile goe serve the Queene of Heaven, as the Jewes said, Jer. 44. 17. No, but he says, the Lord hath given, and the Lord hath taken, blessed be the Name of the Lord; He is wisest, blessed be his wisdome; Ile serve him still, though he kill me, yet will I trust in him, [Page 20] Job 13. 15. So when we see and feele sinne rebelling in us, and see our houses burnt, and all we have taken away, and our bodies sick and sore, then to give glory to the wisdome of God, that God hath throwne on Christ the iniquities of us all; the sinnes I see and feele, and weep for, and mortifie, Christ hath borne them all in his own body on the tree; he is wise enough to let sinne remaine in me, to my feeling, and yet by the bloud of the Lambe to make me with­out fault before his throne. Thus the Devill, and sense and reason are overcome, and all the glory given to Gods wisdome.

Reason. 3 A third Reason, Why we overcome him by the word of our te­stimony of the bloud of the Lamb, because wee give God thereby the glory of his truth; for this is the practise of Satan, to make men count God a lyer; as to Eve, that shee should not die at all; and all that beleeve not, make him a lyer, because he beleveeth not the te­stimony that God hath given of his Sonne, namely, that the bloud of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sinne; but he that beleeveth this, hath sealed that God is true, Joh. 3. 33. he hath set to his seale, that the bloud of the Lamb hath made him cleane from all sinne; for what maketh a man beleeve, but that they judge him faithfull and true? Faith then in this bloud, is the acknowledging of Gods truth, which is an high honour given to God; for he maketh a great reckoning and account of this truth. Thus faith in the bloud of the Lamb, gets victory over the Devill, when he perswades men not to beleeve, but maketh God false; but faith in the word of our testimony of the bloud of the Lamb, testifieth that the seed of the woman hath broke the Serpents head; and so the Devill and infideli­tie are overcome.

Reason. 4 A fourth Reason, Why, for this faith gives glory to God, in ac­knowledging his Almightie power; for this is the practise of Sa­tan, to perswade men against the power of God, that it was impos­sible; as he perswaded Cain, his sinnes were greater then could be for­given him. Many of the promises of God to his children, are of things which seeme impossible, yet faith gives assent thereunto, and testifieth that God is Almightie; as Abraham when he heard that he should have a sonne by Sarah, when shee was barren, and when it ceased to be with her after the manner of women; here was a battell of faith against sight and reason, and above [...]ope, yet he beleeved under hope, and gave glory unto God, that he [Page 21] which had promised, was able to do it, and got victory. So it is against sight and reason, that the justified should have sin dwelling in them as long as they live, and rebelling; and yet the blood of the Lamb should take away their sins before the Throne of God; this cannot be, said Bildad, against Job 25. For how should a man be clean that is born of a woman? and therefore reproved of God for it, Job 42. 7. but faith in the word of our testimony in Christs blood, teacheth us to believe the Almighty power of the blood of the Lamb, that it is able to do it against sight and reason, and perswasion of the Devill, and gives glory to the Lamb, that his blood was able to do it, that promised that the new covenant was sealed in his blood, i. that our sins and iniquities should be re­membred no more, and thus the Devill and reason are overcome.

Reason. 5 A fifth Reason, why we overcome him by the word of our testi­mony in that blood, because so we give glory to the mercy of God, which is the proper object of Faith: For, when Satan perswades a poor sinner, that there is no mercy for him, but anger, and wrath by our testimony of the blood of the Lamb; wee are perswaded that God is rich, yea infinitely abundant in mercie; and therefore believeth the pardon of his sins from the rich price of Christs blood, that was more worth then all the world; for while men are perswaded by Satan, that God is poor in mercie; or that he hath mercy for Abraham and the Righteous, and for others, but not for them that are great sinners; therefore they despair, and do not believe the pardon of their sins. But by faith in the blood of the Lamb, we give God the glory of the riches of his mercy; for had he not been rich in mercy, he would never have given such a rich price as the blood of Christ, which is more worth then all the world; and by it, wee prove God is rich in mercy, and the Devill is overcome, that perswades us that God is poor in mercy, or hath no mercy for us.

Reason. 6 A sixth Reason, Why we overcome him by faith, in the testi­mony of the blood of the Lamb, because thereby we give glory to the justice of God: for when Satan objects, that God is a just God, infinite in justice, and therefore must needs punish sin; thou hast sinned, and therefore shalt thou be punished; but by the blood of Christ, wee give God the glory of his justice, by be­lieving, that God is perfectly just, that without expiation and sa­tisfaction [Page 22] for sin, there can be no hope of mercy. But now by the blood of Christ, that was of infinite value, wee testifie that satis­faction is made to Gods justice; and therefore we believe that Gods justice will not exact that of us, for which Christ hath sa­tisfied with his own blood, but will manifest his mercy and fa­vour, which is purchased for us with the blood of God, Act. 20. 28. Thus justice and mercy are met together in the blood of the Lamb, the justice of God is satisfied by throwing upon him the iniquities of us all, by shedding his blood, and mercy is shewed unto us, that he suffered for us, the just for the unjust to bring us to God, 1 Pet. 3. 18.

For there are three points of Justice:

First, to require satisfaction for a trespasse committed.

Secondly, to remit that for which satisfaction is made.

Thirdly, to bestow that which is merited and purchased.

Now, faith in the testimony of the blood of the Lamb, gives glory to the justice of God in all these: For,

First, it giveth testimony, that God hath required satisfaction for all our sins in his Sons blood, when he bare all our sins in his own body upon the tree, 1 Pet. 3. 24.

Secondly, faith knowes justice hath forgiven that, for which sa­tisfaction is made by the blood of the Lamb.

Thirdly, it believeth that that shall be bestowed, that Christ hath purchased and merited by his blood, i. life and eternall glo­ry; thus by our testimony of the blood of the Lamb, wee magnifie the justice of God, as well as his mercy, and so the Devill is over­come. I have stood the longer, to shew you how to get the victo­ry over Satan, because hee that can conquer and prevail over the god of the world, shall prevail and overcome the world.

Now, for as much as Satan knowes, that faith in the blood of the Lamb will overcome him, marke his wiles and sleights to wrest the shield of faith out of thine hand; for you must not think to go away conquerers without a combate: for hee assaulted Eve, Gen. 1. and Christ himself, Matth. 4. 3. and Moses, Numb. 20. 12. and Peter, Luke 22. 32. and the Thessalonians, 1. 3. 5.

Sleight. 1 The first sleight that Satan useth against naturall men, that have no assurance of salvation, to perswade them that no man can have assurance of salvation; and because he hath none, hee is ready to believe it: for say the doctrine of Devils, Can any be assured by [Page 23] faith, that the blood of Christ is his? whosoever hath any such conceit, 'tis but presumption, say the Papists.

Answ. To let passe how this point of Popery confutes the reall pre­sence of the same body and blood of Christ, that was conceived in the virgins womb, if when they have received it, they cannot be assured that the blood of Christ is theirs, I answer, That the as­surance of faith in Christs blood is no presumption; for thus they differ:

First, because when a man hath seen himself wounded by sin, both person and actions, his own righteousnesse and sanctificati­on, all unclean, and an horrible sinner, by the curse of the Law, then faith in the blood of the Lamb driveth a man out of him­self, to cast himself wholly upon Christ (as Esther did upon the Kings mercy) as upon the precious blood of the Lamb undefiled and without spot, 1 Pet. 1. 19. But presumption finds some good heart or meaning, some righteousnesse, as he calls it, to trust to.

Secondly, faith in the testimony of Christs blood, resteth on a sure foundation, which is Gods Word, that both commandeth us to believe, and promiseth to perform that which we do believe: as 1 Joh. 3. 23. and Joh. 16. 24. but presumption relieth upon phantasie, to do as well as others.

Thirdly, true faith delighteth in the blood of the Lamb, and can never heare too much of it, and useth the means whereby it was first bred; as David said, I will never forget thy promise, for by it thou hast quickned me, Psal. 119. so faith will never forget the blood of the Lamb, for by it thou hast cleansed me; they will not be weary to hear of it. But presumption hateth that doctrine, and the professors of it, and such as preach most of it, and most pure­ly, shall have some grosse name or other.

Fourthly, true faith increaseth by degrees, from faith to faith, from a weak to a strong: as,

1. To know the vertue of it.

2. To grieve for the want of it.

3. To hunger and thirst after it, and set an high price of it. Presumption is a sudden flash, and so continues, it had no assurance forty yeers ago, and no more it hath yet.

Fiftly, true faith in the testimony of the blood of the Lamb, maketh a man truly valiant; for he that believeth, the blood of [Page 24] the Lamb hath cleansed him from all sin before God, and is a childe of God by his Baptisme, as Gal. 3. 26, 27. What need hee feare? hee doth not fear to go to heaven, and therefore he doth not feare death, the Devill or man; for the righteous are bold as a Lion, Prov. 26. 1. but presumption, though it be fool-hardy at first, yet will flie at the last, where no fear is.

Sixthly, true faith in that testimony, maketh a man depart from all iniquity, and keep a good conscience before God and men, in hope of the resurrection. But presumption hath an evill con­science before both, by reason of sin.

Sleight. 2 The second sleight; that true faith in the blood of the Lamb is wonderfull hard; where is there one of a thousand that ob­taine it? Therefore will Satan perswade, 'tis in vain for thee to seek it; as he perswades many never to begin to learn to read, be­cause it is so hard, that they shall never obtain it, such are beguiled of the Devill to neglect to learne, though they see a childe of four yeers old can.

Answ. Though faith be hard to the carnall sense, not yet inspired; yet it is easie to the mind inlightened; for, as Salomon saith, Know­ledge is easie to him that will understand, Prov. 14. 6. i. if he be wil­ling, and love it: so faith is easie to him that will believe, not that it is in mans power, but where the Spirit of God works a desire to ask, seek and knock, Wisdome will open the door; for, none that come unto me put I away, saith Christ.

Quest. Quest. What is the reason then, that so many never get faith for the assurance of salvation?

Answ. Answ. 1. Because they ask amisse, not in faith of the blood of the Lamb, that hee hath washed them from their sins in his owne blood (in Baptisme) Rev. 1. 5. If they misse this mark, they shoot wide of the assurance of salvation; For if I wash thee not, thou hast no part in me, Joh. 13. 8.

Secondly, because they seek faith in themselves, carnall rea­son, fleshly devices by wit of mans phantasie, and not in the blood of the Lamb; the god of this world blindeth their minds, that the glorious Gospel of the blood of the Lamb and his white raiment should not shine to them.

Thirdly, because they oppose the doctrine of free justification by Christs blood and righteousnesse, and wink at it, and imbrace [Page 25] not the purity of that doctrine, but count it an errour, and re­ceive not the love of the truth, they are given over to believe an er­ror and falsities, which can give thee no assurance of salvation.

Fourthly, because they turn to the greatest multitude which scoff at, and persecute the truth; God gives them over to walk in blind­nesse as the Pharisees did.

Sleight. 3 The third sleight; that faith is needlesse, there is more need of works; many prate of faith, but let me see good works; a good hope is enough with good works.

Answ. I answer, that there is great need of faith; for works severed from faith, are abominable before God, Heb. 11. 6. And if a good hope were enough; why did the Apostles pray, Lord increase our faith, Luk. 17. 5. and Mark. 9. 24. For, as all things are possible to him that believ­eth; so all things are impossible to him that believeth not, Heb. 11. 6.

Sleight. 4 The 4 th sleight; Thy faith is not sound, but counterfeit, & thou an hypocrite, thy faith is mixed with imperfections, sins, & wavering.

Answ. I answer; I prove my faith by the causes: for he hath given us a mind to know him which is true, and we are in him, that is true, in that his Son Jesus Christ, the same is very God, and eternall life, 1 Joh. 5. 20. And this is the true Jesus that came by water and blood, not by water (of baptisme) only, but by water and blood, and it is the Spirit that beareth witnesse ( i. to my spirit, that I am a child of God, Rom. 8. 16.) and that Spirit is truth, 1 Joh. 5. 6. therefore having my heart sprinkled (with the blood of the Lamb) from an evill conscience, and my body washed with pure water, i. in baptisme, I may keep my profession without wavering, Heb. 10. 23. This faith worketh by love, and a desire to live honestly, Heb. 13. 18.

Ʋse. 1 Is it so, that the faithfull overcome the Devill by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony? You see, Christi­an souldiers, that love not your lives unto the death; and therefore you that give up your bodies and souls living, and acceptable sacri­fices unto God, which is your reasonable service of God, and lay down your lives for the brethren, and for the Gospel, are to be ho­noured as martyrs. You see that by true faith in the blood of the Lamb, you shall overcome the Devill, because you give testimony to the holinesse of God. Let this move all you that are souldiers of Jesus Christ, to give glory to the holinesse of God, in keeping your bodies chast and pure, and Temples for the Holy Ghost, to dwell in, for the Temple of God is holy, which are yee, 1 Cor. 3. 17. [Page 26] If you say you give glory to the holinesse of God, give him glory in keeping your selves holy Temples of God. But, if any man de­stroy the Temple of God, him shall God destroy. Hee that destroyes it by whoredom, for thereby thou becomest one flesh with an whore, Latrina Diaboli, for as the Temple of God was destroyed when it was made a Jakes, so is the Temple of God destroyed when it is made the devils Jakes; for he that is made one flesh with an whore, which is the Devils Jakes, 1 Cor. 6. 16. is thereby made the Devils Jakes; but all whoremongers are made one flesh with his whore; that is the devils jakes, Ergo, they are made the devils jakes, and so the Temple of God is destroyed, and therefore their destiny is to be destroyed, that do not repent; for, Whoremongers and Adulterers God will judge, Heb. 13. 4. he will destroy such as destroy the Temple of God; therefore you may perceive such to prove cowards, for fearfulness goes before de­struction, and an high mind before a fall. There is a conceit among souldiers, that Wine will make men valiant, but it is false; for whore­dome, wine, and new wine take away the heart, i. whoredom & drunken­ness make men arrant cowards, Hos. 4. 11. For whoredome & drun­kenness make an evill conscience, and an evill conscience make men fearfull, and flee where no fear is, Prov. 28. 1. For an evill conscience, and the curse of God runs after him, and will overtake him.

Ʋse. 2 Is it so, that by the word of your testimony of the blood of the Lamb, you overcome the Devill, by giving glory to the wisdome of God? then let this faith guide you, to follow his wisdome, and deny your own, as the Psalmist said, Thou shalt guide me by thy counsell, and afterward receive me to glory, Psal. 73. 24. And therefore, as David did, so do you, ask counsell of the Lord for every battell, at the Oracle of Gods Word, i. whether God doth allow it or no, as Jehosaphat said, 1 King. 22. 5. Ask counsell, I pray thee of the Lord of day; for there can be no war or battell lawfull, but that wee may finde some warrant out of the Word of God, that doth warrant it to be lawfull; so shall you be sure, both to overcome your spirituall ene­my the Devill, by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of your testimony, and also your temporall enemies, by faith in that blood, and by the word of your testimony; for should not a people in­quire at their God? signifying yes, they should, to the Law and to the testimony, if they speak, or fight not, according to this word, it is, because there is no light in them, Isa. 8. 20. So shall you say, Thou hast made me wiser then mine enemies by thy commandments, for they are ever with me, Psal. 119. 98, my delight and counsels.

[Page 27] Ʋse. 3 Is it so, that by the word of your testimony of the blood of the Lamb you overcome the Devill, because you give God the glory of his truth? then look you shew your selves to be the children of the God of truth, by delighting in the truth; for it is a common pra­ctice of evill souldiers, to accuse men falsly; and therefore John the Baptist gave you this caveat: that as you would be true souldiers of Jesus Christ, so you must practise to speak the truth, and accuse no man falsly, and then plunder them; for what shal it profit you, to say God is a true God, if you in the mean time be liers? you declare that the God of truth is none of your God; there are so many lies flie among men, that the honest cannot tell what to believe. Now you that have received his testimony, that the blood of Jesus Christ hath cleansed you from all sin before God, and that the righteous­nesse of Christ hath made you everlastingly righteous, Rev. 1. 5. you have sealed that God is true. Let the power of this grace teach you to love to speak the truth, and to shame the Devill. For, as he that telleth lies shall not tarry in Gods sight, because he credits the Devill, that was a lier from the beginning, but hee that speaks the truth overcoms Satan with his tongue, as he that believes the truth hath overcome the Devill in his heart, & he that fights for the truth shal overcome the enemy w th his hand, for the God of truth wil up­hold his children that fight for the truth, by the blood of the Lamb.

Ʋse. 4 Is it so, that they overcame the Devill by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony, because they give glory to the power of God? Then consider how the Israelites overcame the Destroyer, that slew all the first-born of Egypt; by faith they slew the Paschal Lamb, and the effusion of blood, Heb. 11. lest he that de­stroy'd the first-born should touch them, they sprinkled the two side posts, and the upper door post, with the blood of the Lamb, with a bunch of Hysop, and they overcame the Destroyer by faith, that he could not hurt them, for they gave God the glory of his Wisdome and Power, that he was able to deliver them: so seeing Christ your Passeover is sacrificed for you, look that your two door posts of your life, body and soul, and the upper door post of your spirit be sprinkled with the blood of the Lamb; 1 Thes. 5. 23. Now the very God of peace, sanctifie you throughout, that your whole spirit, and soul, and body, may be kept blameless unto the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ; and how are they sanctified? even by the blood of Christ: for, Jesus, that he might sanctifie the people with his own blood, suffered without the [Page 28] gate, Heb. 13. 12. Now should they overcome the destroying Angel, that he could not hurt them, when by faith they sprinkled the two door posts, and the lintell, with the blood of the Lamb, with a bunch of Hysop, and the Destroyer passed over all their houses, and could do them no hurt, when he destroy'd all the first-born of Egypt, both of man and beast: So you Christian souldiers, that fight un­der the banners of the Gospel, the blood of the Lamb, and the white raiment of Christs righteousnesse, which you shall find to be the conquering banner: For, if the blood of Bulls, and Goats, and Ashes of an Heifer sprinkling them that are unclean, sanctifieth concerning the purifying of the flesh; how much more shall the blood of Christ, which through the eternall Spirit offered himself without fault to God, purge [...]our consciences from dead works? Look the blood of the Lamb begin there first, to purge your consciences from sin: confesse your selves to be wretched, miserable poor and damnable sinners by Adam and originall sin, the tree evill, and the fruit evill, and by the Law accursed, in debt ten thousand talents of sin; For if we confesse our sins, he is faithfull and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighte [...],usnesse 1 Joh. 1. 9. then confesse that the blood of the Lamb is able to wash away all your sins from your consciences, and relie upon it, take the Sacrament upon it, that when you take the cup of the new Testament in Christs blood, and drink of it, the warme blood of the Lamb will testifie in thy conscience, the remis­sion of all thy sins, and that God is become my father, and I am one of his children, and my sins and iniquities shall be remembred no more: and wee may conclude as Paul, for, if the blood of Bulls and Goats, &c. If the blood of the Lamb sprinkled, did deliver from the Destroyer that slew the Egyptians; how much more shall the blood of the Lamb of God, being sprinkled by faith on your bodies and souls, and spirits, deliver you from the destroying bullets that are sent to destroy your first-born, all the true believers of the Gospel. There is a strong delusion that goes among ill souldiers, that Amu­lets or Charms, or inchantment will make them shot-free, but I will warrant them, they are not Devill free, for by such means they have made themselves an abomination to the Lord, Deut. 18. 10, 11, 12. and the Devill will destroy them, they shall not escape the Devills shot, but he that shall fight against his enemies by faith in the blood of the Lamb, and in his lawfull calling, asking counsel of the Lord for every battel at the Oracle of Gods Word, whether God doth [Page 29] approve of the war or no? he shall not only be Devil-free, but shot­free also; Psal. 91. 11. for, he shall give his Angels a charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways; and they shall bear thee up in their hands, that thou dash not thy foot against a stone; keep thy calling, and the Angels shall keep thee, but if thou keep not thy calling, the Angels will not keep thee; take heed to keep thy generall calling, to be a faithfull Chri­stian, and keep thee from all wickednesse, Deut. 23. 9. And keep thy particular calling, and the Angels shall keep thee.

Ʋse. 5 Is it so, faith by the testimony of the bloud of the Lambe, gets victory over the Devill, because it gives glory to the mercy of God, that as thou sayest thou givest him the glory of his mercy, it must cause thee shew mercy, as your heavenly Father is mercifull; for what though your heavenly Father be mercifull? if you be cruell, you shall be of your father in Hell; for his works you will doe, he was a murderer from the beginning; and if you be cruell murderers, you shall be of him; therefore if you give God the glory of his mercy, give him glory in the practise of mercie; to be mercifull as your heavenly Father is mercifull, even to your enemies.

Quest. What shall we spare all, and put none of our enemies to death, when we have conquered them?

Answ. I answer; He that spareth Gods enemies, when God hath deli­vered them into your hands, as Ahab did Benhadad to be slaine, thy life shall goe for his life, thy people for his people. By sparing Ben­hadad, he was cruell to the Israelites; for he was the cause of the death of all those Israelites, that Benhadad slew afterward, whom if he had slaine, If the King be in the battell, you must sight flying, to save his person; as David; but if the Phil [...]stims besiege K [...], you shal over­come by the bloud of the Lambe. he had shewed mercy to Israel. So concerning the Rebels of Ireland, that have cut the throats of your brethren in Ireland, and are come over to doe the like here; seeing the sword is put into your hands, by the Parliament, send an Herauld or Trumpetter before every battell unto your enemie, or send men through all the Armie, or Shire, saying, What wickednesse is this that is committed of the Rebels, Jesuites, and Papists of Ireland? Now therefore deliver us those wicked men, which are in your Armie, or Citie, that wee may put them to death for their villa­nie, and put away evill from England, Judg. 20. 12. & 13. If they refuse to deliver them, they shall maintaine murtherers, and you shall overcome them by the bloud of the Lambe; Proclaime free quarter for all true Protestants, which are forced to fight against you; shew your selves unto them; saying, Sirs, wee are brethren, [Page 30] why doe wee wrong one another, Act. 7. 26? Send messengers unto them; saying, What have wee to doe to fight with thee, thou King of Judah? wee come not against thee this day, but against the house of our enemie; and God hath commanded us to make haste; leave off to come against God, which is with us, lest he destroy you; see 2 Chron. 35. 21. And when God gives them into your hands, say unto Zebah and Salmana, What manner of men were they, whom yee slew at Ta­bor, in Ireland, or England? As thou art (a Protestant) so were they; every one was like the children of a King; say, They were my bre­thren, even my mother (Churches) children; As the Lord liveth, if yee had saved their lives, I would not slay you, Judg. 7. 18, 19. signify­ing, if you had shewed mercy, you should have found mercy, but you have been mercilesse enemies to my brethren, therefore I will slay you; as your sword hath made women childlesse, so shall your mother be childlesse among other women; with Samuel, I will hew you in pieces before the Lord, 1 Sam. 15. 33. for though you come plea­santly, and say truly, the bitternesse of death is passed, by a pacificati­on, yet you shall not escape the sword; for he that sheddeth mans bloud, by man shall his bloud be shed, Gen. 9. 6. Therefore shew mercy unto your brethren, by slaying of those that have and will slay more of your brethren; for if any lead into captivitie, he shall go into capti­vitie, if any kill with the sword, be must be killed by a sword; true is the pa­tience and faith of the Saints, Rev. 13. 10. that is, to kill them with the sword, that have killed their brethren with the sword, as Gideon did.

Ʋse. 6 Is it so, that by the testimony of the bloud of the Lamb, you give glory to the justice of God? by testifying Gods justice is satisfied by the bloud of the Lamb; justice and mercy are met together in the bloud of Christ, his justice hath full satisfaction, and his mercy is shewed to us, Isaiah 53. 6. in throwing upon him the iniquities of us all; and Righteousnesse and peace have kissed each other. i. Christs righteousnesse is ours, and therefore wee have peace with God, Rom. 5. 1. Now can you give God the glory of his justice, and then practise no justice to your brethren, but plunder, and rob, and spoyle, and steale? be it farre from you; can you be children of the just God of heaven and earth, and practise such unjustice to your brethren? for how can you say, there is satisfaction made to Gods justice, for thy trespasses, by the bloud of the Lamb, but that must move thee to give satisfaction for the trespasses you have done to your brethren. And secondly, doth his justice require that, that should be remitted, for which satisfa­ction [Page 31] is made by the bloud of the Lamb? so doth justice require, that they should be plundered, which have made satisfaction by their weekly pay? should not a faithfull Souldier be content with his wages? Yes, saith the Souldier, if he could get it.

Ans. Will you wrong yor brethren, and plunder, and spoyle them, because some deceive you of your wages? enquire who have received it, and that true satisfaction may be made; be not unjust to others, because others are unjust to you; for the unjust shall not enter into the kingdome of heaven, 1 Cor. 6. 9. Lose not your souls for a little pay. And thirdly, doth Justice require that that should be injoyed, that is purchased by the bloud of the Lambe, as remission of sinnes, and an inheritance in heaven? let the power of this grace move all Souldiers to suffer the fatherless and the widow, injoy that which is purchased for them, and not to destroy your brethren, and their inheritance. The sheep and the oxen made an ill sound in Samuels eares, though they were brought for a good intent to do sacrifice, but they made a worse sound in Gods eares, which made Saul lose his kingdome for disobedience. What an ill sound doe all the sheep and oxen make in the eares of God, from all armies that are taken, with an ill intent, to doe mischiefe to the poore and nee­dy? the tears of the oppressed cry in the eares of the Lord of hosts; Wo unto him that increaseth that which is not his; and wo unto him that covereth an evill covetousnesse, Hab. 2. 6. & 9. Woe unto you that spoyle, and thou [...]st not spoyled; for when thou shalt cease to spoyle, thou shalt be spoy­led: I [...] you magnifie the justice of the great God of heaven and earth, practise justice to your brethren, or he will practise justice toward you. Remember the counsell of the Lord often in Deut. 23. 9. When thou goest out with the Host against thine enemies, keep thee then from all wickednesse; for thou art in danger to be slaine every houre, and a good conscience by the bloud of the Lamb is a continuall feast; it is murus aheneus nil conscire sibi, null apallescere culpa. i. 'tis a brazen wall to have a good conscience, the Devill cannot shoot through that; and the destroyers that are sent by fire out of the mouths of guns, shall passe over the houses where such an Israelite is within, namely, a good conscience, sprinkled with the bloud of the Lambe. Cause the Law, and the Gospel to be preached powerfully in your armies. There be some Anabaptists, that would not have the law preached. I met with an Anabaptist lately that heard me preach the Law, and the Gospel, and he told me to my face after the Sermon, that he had [Page 32] been oftentimes scared by the Law; he would have heard none of the Law, but onely the Gospel; and to speak so much of Baptisme was an offence to him. Herein are two Doctrines of Devils; 1. To forbid the Law to be preached: 2. To forbid children to be married to Christ. 1 Tim. 4. 1. Now the Spirit speaketh evidently, that in the later times, (which are now) some shall depart from the faith. i. of their Baptisme, and counteth the bloud of the Covenant, as an unholy thing, wherewith he was sanctified in Baptisme, and doth despight to the Spirit of Grace. i. in despight of the Spirit, that saith, he that is washed. i. in Baptisme, in Christs bloud, is cleane every whit, needeth not save to wash his feet. i. his conscience and conversation in the bloud of the Lamb, but will have their hands and their head washed againe, contrary to Christs counsell, Joh. 13. For my part I beleeve, one God, one faith, and one Baptisme, Eph. 4. 5. The first is of God; the second must needs be of the Devill, that deny little children to come to Christ, which can come no other way to him, but by Baptisme, either of themselves, or of their parents; for Baptisme is the Arke, for the parents, and their houshold, 1 Pet. 3. 21. and then withdraw themselves from the children of God to perdition, Heb. 10. 39. Now the Law hath most need to be thundred out in the most killing manner that can be, in the Armies, to make them flee, and stand a far off from injustice, and all sinne; for although the Law is not given to the righteous man, who are freed from the condemnation, accusation, malediction, & coaction of the Law, as they are in Christ; but it is given to the law­lesse, and disobedient, to the ungodly, and to sinners, to the unholy, and to the prophane, and to the murtherers of fathers and mothers, to manslayers, to whoremongers, to buggerers, to menstealers, to lyers, to the perjured, and to whatsoever is contrary to wholesome doctrine, 1 Tim. 1. 9, 10. And therefore it must be preached to them; you must hold out to them, first the glasse of the Law, to see their faces how foule they are, they may goe wash their hearts in the bloud of the Lamb; and then shew them the glasse of the Gospel. Thus did Christ, Mat. 5. Thus did Pe­ter, when he converted three thousand, he shewed them by the law, what betrayers and murtherers they were of the Lord of glory; and then be preached baptisme unto them, for salvation, and shewed the promises were made to them, and to their children, and as many as the Lord shall call. i. to beleeve that Baptisme belongs to them; and all the true Churches of Christ have ever so understood it.


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