EXCEEDING True and happy Newes from the CASTLE OF WINDSOR.

Declaring how severall Troopes of Dragooners have taken possession of the said Castle, to keepe it for the use of the King ann Parliament.

Likewise manifesting how severall Compa­nies of Horse and Foot are raysed by Authority of the high Court of Parliament in

  • Essex.
  • Buckingham-shire.
  • Surrey.
  • Midlesex.
  • Barke-shire.
  • Hampshire.

And other adjoyning Counties.

With a remarkeable passage concerning the Earle of VVarwicke, who came to towne, on Tuesday 18.th of this present October.

Also a Declaration concerning the Major of Wor­cester, who was brought to towne on Wednes­day the 19. th of Octob. with a Waggon laden with Plate and Money.

London, Printed for T. Franklin. Octob. 20. 16 [...].

Exceeding true & ioyfull Newes FROM Windsor Castle.
Declaring how severall Troopes of Dr [...] ­gooners have taken possession of the said Castle, for the King and Parliament.

THe Kings Maje­sty having alter­ed his intention of staying at Shrewsbury (as is conceived by the Perswasion of that Cavale­ro rout, which have destin'd all to ruin and destruction) hath lately bent his [Page]course toward London, being persuaded that here he shall have more [...]id and as­sistance, (as is pretended) then he hath yet obtained, this pretence of theirs hath drawne his Majesty into this course, al­though it is apparently manifest that they march up to London with an intent to plunder it, and bring all to ruine and destruction, that stand well affected to the King and Parliament.

For the perfecting of which practice, they intended to draw to VVindsor, and to take Possession of the Castle, that be­ing a place of greatest strength in this part of the Kingdome, by reason of the heigth and strength, the Country lying under it, so that the Castle can command it round about.

Could they have obtained this Castle, they would there have fortified them­selves, till such time as they could have gathered strength, which having obtai­ned, they then intended (as is generally thought) to have marched against London [Page]that being their onely aime, but God which sees the secrets of all hearts hath brought their practizes to light & made them apparent to the eye of the world, their intentions were discovered to the high Court of Parliament, who by Gods assistance and direction have taken the most speedy and effectuall course to pre­vent so great a mischeife.

For by the appointment of the Par­liament, severall well affected Gentle­men and valiant Religious Comman­ders are gone into Essex, Midlesex, Buc­kingham-shire, Barke-shire, Surrey, Hamp-shire, and other adjoyning Counties, to raise severall Troopes of Dragooners and Voluntiers, some of which are arri­ved already at VVindsor, and have ta­ken possession of the Castle, for the use of his Majesty and Parliament, others are in their march towards VVindsor, where being arrived, they intend to forte­fie themselves, and to make out-workes, so that the Cavaliers have lost their la­bour.

The Countries are very ready to goe in this service, and stand generally for the Parliament, because they see that the Cavaliers plunder all the places they came at, taking and seizing Horse and all things which are portable, and if a­ny one resist, they presently burne their Houses, to the utter ruin and destructi­on of all those that have dependance thereon.

The Cavaliers in their march toward London visited Coventry a second time, but the City withstood them valiantly, and by the assistance of the Country rou­ted their whole Army, so that they were forced to retreat disorderly, and every one make shift for himselfe.

The Country makes head against them as they march, being forced to guard their Townes, which if they should neglect, the Cavaliers would plunder.

They pay for nothing, but live all upon pillaging and theeving, therefore [Page]it is our best course not to trust to their mercy, for whosoever tryes them, shall find them like so many Judasses, and the poore Protestants shall be handled by them like so many Publicans among theeves, if ever they should get the up­er hand, or gaine power to perfect their bloudy designes.

But God be thanked all their plots have been brought to light, for he hath confounded them in the performance of all their secret Designes.

A true Declaration of the parti­cular causes of the Earle of War­wicks comming to London.

THe Earle of Warwicke having received a command from the High Court of Parliament, intimating unto him, that it was their desire that he should resigne his charge (during his absence) to his Vics-Admirall, and immediately repaire to London, which message being recei­ved [Page]by the said Earle, he with all speed setled his affaires, and on Tuesday the 18. of this present October he arrived in London, whose welcome presence made ore-ioyed the hearts of his beholders the occasion of his comming to towne as is generally conceived is to raise men in Kent and Essex, his Lordship being so highly beloved in those parts, that he can rayse more men for the defence of the King and Parliament, then any other Nobleman in the whole Kingdome.

On Wednesday the 19ht. day of this moneth, the Major of Worcester was brought to London, with a Waggon la­den with Plate, which was taken from the malignants of that County.


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