Exceeding Joyfull Nevvs FROM SCOTLAND: Wherin is declared the great willingesse of the Lords & Commons in Scotland, to aid the Parliament of England against the Cavaliers and Prelaticall enemies of this Kingdome. Whereunto is anexed a fit parralell between England and Scotland, manifestly declaring the parity and equallity of their precedent distempers, and our present troubles, occasioned by the selfe same party of Court Parasits, Papists, Prelats and Projectors.
Sept. 13. London, Printed for T. Rider, 1642.
Exceeding Ioyfull Nevves FROM SCOTLAND.
THe Lords & Commons lately conveneed in Scotland (as in all their former actions) have declared thē selves both truly noble and vertuously religious, all their aimes and ends tending to the preservation of that gordian knot Which nought but a final dissolution ought to cancell, wherefore finding that the great and manifold distempers of this Kingdom (occasioned by a malignant party) must (if not timely prevented) prove dangerous and destructive to the peace of their owne Kingdome, both Kingdoms running an equal hazard, likewise casting an eye of pity on the distressed estate of bleeding Ireland, to whose succour they have lent their brotherly assistance, our own Kingdom [Page 4]being so much busied at home, all that we can do, being little enough, to prevent the active and malicious designes of those who seek the ruin of the Kingdom. And as to Ireland they have lent assistance, so now they are resolved to lend us their brotherly assistance, vowing to venture both their lives and fortunes in the just defence of the King and Parliament against the malignant party of this Kingdom whose endeavours, plots and stratagems, power and policie, hath always been bent to ruin both England and Scotland. As may appeare in this ensuing discourse, when Load was made B. of Canterbury, he began to bring into the Church superstitious Ceremonies here in England, and when his Majesty went into Scotland, Laud attending on him, he found great fault with the government of the Church, striving to bring in the same superstitious Ceremonies into their Church, but finding opposition, he by several stratagems, heaped oppressions on oppressions, incensing his Majesty against them, striving to maintain that by force which Justice could not abet to his aid, he summoned all the Papists of this Kingdom, all [Page 5]the Prelates, all the Projectors and Monopolizers of the Kingdom, these by their power, and with the money which they had robbed the King and Subject of, maintained an Army which they carried against Scotland, adding severall oppressions, stealing their cartell, pillaging the houses of the poore Subjects, to the utter ruin of many poore families, spoiled whole fields of corne, with many unspeakable sufferings and oppressions, causing the Kingdome of Scotland to raise an Army for to defend themselvs from the intestine malice of these inveterate enemies: By Gods Providence and unspeakable mercy they were that yeare defeated. His Majesty in His gracious disposition concluding upon certain Articles of Peace, promising them Iustice & an equall hearing and redresse of all their grievances, Commissioners was chosen & sent for England, being arrived, they were put off from time to time, afterwards disgraced, one of them imprisoned, and a greater addition of their oppressions and miseries.
A 2. Army was rised & brought into the bowels of this Kingdom, New castle was delivered up, by which meanes a second Parliament was called, and a new treaty of Peace concluded, all their grievances was scanned in a parliamentary way, and [Page 6]the Authors of their grievances was apparently known, some of them brought to condign punishment, others imprisoned, which were found the principall Authors, but the manifold oppressions that lay heavy on the Kingdom, by reason of the many projects and taxes that were granted, & the corruption of the Laws & Courts of the Kingdom, Both Bishops Courts and others, took up so much time that before the High Court of Parliament could take order for the infliction of a just sentence on the chief Authors, and make a strict enquiry who were their assistants, the aforesaid malignant party had fomented many lealousies and Feares between his Majesty & his Parliament, making differences of Prerogative and Priviledge, and having failed in their ends in Scotland, they now began to work the destruction of England.
Having raised a difference thus between his Majesty and Parliament, they further perswaded his Majesty to withdraw himselfe from his Majesty, His Person not being secure during his residence so neere them (nay it is apparently manifest, that to further their plots some of the chief Actors in this designe did come into the City, and encourage the Prentices and others to repaire to Westminster in a [Page 7]tumultuous manner offering affronts to severall of his Majesties servants, which act of theirs they fathered upon the Parliament, telling his Majesty that such tumults were incouraged and countenanced by the Parliament. Having by this meanes drawn his Majesty from the Parliament, they framed many scandalous Declarations and Messages, which they sent to the Parliament, as from his Majesty; by that meanes busying the Parliament in framing Answers (which they were forced to do to cleare themselvs of these ignominious slaunders, which they had cast upon them.) In the meane time they underhand furnished themselves with provision for war; to be short they caused his Majesty to levie a war against his Parliament & (as in Scotland) so now to proclaime them traytors: At the difference that is between the proceedings of the malignant party in England and Scotland, one was Ecclesicsticall Ceremonies, the other His Majesties Prerogative, both being made but as Instruments by which they cunningly endeavor to ruin both Church, King & Kingdom.
All which timely weighed, I really beleeve that there is not one man that is either master of reason or truly religious, that will bee an assistant to these seditious Shimeons and Eleazars, who delight in [Page 8]nought but rapine and destruction; surely I must of necessity condemne that man, as guilty of his own destruction that shall take up armes against himselfe. And let all the world Iudge what security, he can have that puts his life into their hands.
Let every man consider seriously what oppressions were heaped on this Kingdome by these Prelats & Projectors, before the beginning of this Parliament, when their actions were limited by Authority, & they may easily discern how boundlesse their actions & oppressions would be, if now they should prevaile & get the Law in their own hands
They that would then without scruple, take halfe and pretend right to it, would if they could prevail, seaze the whole & give you Law for't, they having destined Law King and Kingdom to be at their disposall. Therfore let all men that desire either to injoy the Protestant profession, or to declare themselvs true subiects to his Majesty, & faithfull servants to the Parliament, take up the resolution of the Lords & Commons in Scotland, my life for my Religion, King & Countrey. Let us fight valliantly, our cause is Iust, & doubtles the Lord of Hosts wil fight for us, & we shall obtain a glorious victory.