AN EXACT RELATION OF Two Bloudy fights at SEA, near Cherbrook (by the Dukedom of Normandy) between a squadron of English ships and a fleet of the French Kings, began (on the 12 of August 1650) and achieved by that Valiant and worthy Capt. John Green, Commander of the ship Fortune (having but 22. Guns) with his Victo­rious proceedings, the particulars of the fight, and victo­ry obtained against the French by the resolute engage­ment of said Captain, sinking, and taking some, that are now brought into Plymouth, for the service of the Parliament and Common-wealth of England.

[depiction of an armed ship or galleon flying the flag of Saint George]

London, Printed for J. H, August 26. 1650.


IT was upon the seventeenth of May
that ship- Fortune began with French to her play,
A gallant fight against them did performe
but the second Capt. and men adorne.
Hi ho the matter is great
now Sea-men fight,
for their Birth-Right
Upon August the twelv'th day betime,
to valiant Green you may believe the same
In the morning to him ten ships appear
about Cherbrook, or at least very near.
Hi ho the matter is great, &c.
That is by France Dukedom of Normandy,
and this shall be the second Comedy,
That fatal Mars and then Saturn did play
a gallant game, Jupiters melody.
Hi ho the matter is great, &c.
Was so roaring with Fulm'nating boults,
by seven a clock began to fly about's
In the morning, with such continuance
that five brave ships were out of countenance.
Hi ho the matter is great, &c.
And what were they but to him belonging
that now is call'd and tearmed the French King:
So vapouring was the Admiral that he had
in his main top the white Gallican Flag.
Hi ho the matter is &c.
Which regarded by the worthy John Green,
said in these words, afore they should be seen
So our Birth-right to take from us away
in that manner, first Ile submit to day
Hi ho, &c.
In poor Fortune, so was his own ship call'd,
and rather will I reduce my self in thrall,
Then like a Mars inflam'd with valour
bad the French-man to strik down his colour.
Hi ho, &c.
To low'r a main, or else with all his power
He would endeavour to sink'm the same hour,
But the French-men trusting their multitude
of Guns, and ships with men were so delude
Hi ho, &c.
As many are, that have not for their guide
that Deity, which doth abhor all pride,
Did utterly, absolutely deny
to low'r amain, nor unto him comply,
Hi ho, &c.
Then a broad-side was presently let fly
with violence, and so tempestuously
In a sudden that redoubling the flame,
Admiral nor Vice could not indure the same;
Hi ho, &c.
But presently bras'd back came by the lee,
did not desire such furor more to see.
I must tell you also what was the matter,
'twas because they were shot under water.
Hi ho, &c.
No sooner then their working was perceive
Our Commander anon said wee'l contrive,
Another trick for them assuredly,
by which we shall give them further anoy.
Hi ho, &c.
Then suddenly about he caus'd to tack't,
and presently the fore-sheet to be slack't,
Keeping the wind of these proud Franciskins,
for better means to come to drob their skins.
Hi ho, &c.
Soon after this their best wings they did spread,
minding by that of us to be beray'd;
But the vertue of valour being Print
in Albionmen in no ways shall bruant.
Hi ho, &c.
Indeed I must this much say passing by
that a concert we had never came nie,
Keeping far off in bloos did not delight
therefore his name shall be brought in the light.
Hi ho, &c.
Hee's hennish and Henely in his name
is not Cockish therefore deserves no fame,
Little Hurly though his power was but little
in this conflight here he must have the title.
Hi ho, &c.
Of a good hart, but what could he have done
of little Gunes matter half a dozine,
So we followed that audacious Navy
about 12 Leagues west-ward of Aldernie.
Hi ho, &c.
In that pursuit to Leward did appear
a lusty Ship which made us never fear,
Though it had been the best of all their guide
Captain nor men, for that were ne'r dismaid.
Hi ho, &c.
Happen it did that it was the good ship
rather, Frigot by name, called None-such,
Well regulated and well Command at first
but at the last, did not fulfill his trust.
Hi ho, &c.
Gently she gave the Frigot cardinal
five full broad sides, and no more that was all
Away she went forsaking the fortune
to the hazard of wondring infortune.
Hi ho, &c.
Driving westwards Frigots and mighty ships
the Cardinall and the rest of his Sheeps,
Thirty two Guns of brass he had alone
as for the others no less then forty one.
Hi ho, &c.
Fulminating against them said to said
without turning our course was never staid,
Muskets pettering, and our Guns as the Thunder.
of Jupiter kept such noyse that 'twas wonder.
Hi ho, &c.
To see a strame of wood upon Tetis
that is no lye, I speak but what it is,
The chips and splent of wood, down they did fly
as thick as hail discended from on high.
Hi ho, &c.
To tell the truth the foule was worth the Game
for within him in silver did contain,
Eight tuns or more, as very credibly
we were attest so well assuredly.
Hi ho, &c.
That if Millemy had the Non-such imploy'd
this great treasure in our hands should abide,
And the terror hereafter should remain
upon our foes, and unto us the gaime.
Hi ho, &c.
At last this much for our Concert Henely
came up for shame, and gave them verily,
Few pretty blows, had he done first alike,
we had obtain'd victory never like.
Hi ho, &c.
Who interrupt at last this gallant fight,
none of our friends, but the child of the night,
Obscurity, and the darkness her sister
came upon us, and bad us to desist her.
Hi ho, &c.
To the great grief of all the Officers
both great and small, Sea-men and Marriners,
Who as Lyons most unanimously,
gallantly fought worthy to be employ.
Hi ho, &c.
All in good ships having the sole Command,
in several their vertue that demand
Worthy I say, but ne'r a one willing,
To abandon him nam'd at beginning.
Hi ho, &c.
Had he command upon the youngest horse
that Tetis hath and lying up old Harth.
Young horse I say on the new Friget,
within few days great honour he would get,
Hi ho, &c.
To thish Nation, so magnanimous heart
he hath in him, and this shall be his part,
Capt. Mildmay, alas 'twas no victory
by which you can obtain a jot of glory,
Hi ho, &c.
Nor to triumph for a little Friget
that there you took, and by our means you get;
But right valour had herein consist,
if after that you had come to assist,
Hi ho, &c.
Worthy John Green against the Admiral,
we had carried the ships treasure and all
Home to England, for satisfaction
of some great wrong done to this Nation.
Hi ho, the matter is great
now Sea-men fight
for their Birth-right.

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