AN EXACT RELATION Of the Discoverie of a great PLOT For the surprizall of YORKE FOR His MAIESTY; as it was presented to Major Generall LAMBERT, by the Judge Advocate.
WHEREIN Is set down the manner of the said PLOT, and the names of those taken that were the chiefe Actors in the said businesse, with all the Armes and Ammunition provided for that Designe.
WITH A Letter from PONTEFRACT concerning a Party that were to meete them from Sir Marmaduke Langdale June 18. 1648. ⟨June 21⟩
Published for the prevention of misinformation
LONDON. Printed for G. W. 1648.
A RELATION MADE BY THE Judge Advocate, TO Major Generall Lamberts Army, concerning the Rising and Alarm which happened in this City neare Micklegate Barre the 11. of June 1648.
ABout 12. of the Clock on Sunday night the 11 of June, we had a strong Alarm in this City, given neare Micklegate Barre, by some parties [Page 2] fireing upon the Centry and Guard there which consisted of the Volunteers, and Trayned Band, the Guard did not quickly receive the Alarm till the parties that fired came up to the gate and knockt, and bad them open the gate for the King, at which they tooke the Alarm, some peeces went of, but by whom is not known, within the Walles upon the Guard, and then they beat an Alarm; whereupon Captain Pitson and Captain Farley, commanded up their companies, and marched them to the main Guard, and sent strong parties over Ouze Bridge to Micklegate Barre, and by that time Lieutenant Levens marched up to the main Guard with a party of about 20 horse and from thence Captain Pitson desired him to march to Micklegate Barre, which he did, but they discovered no enemy in any Body, only they found the Guards in some disorder, and many cryed out in the streetes, for the King, for the King; whereupon Captain Pitson from the main Guard sent out severall other [Page 3] parties of Souldiers and Volunteers of the City into divers parts of the City, to search for such as were the most dangerous Malignants, in regard they feared their rising, and accordingly they did cease on about 10. some whereof are Citizens, and some have been in Armes for the King, amongst which a Lieutenant Collonel and some captains having their Swords, and fireing Armes lying ready charged by them, and some of them wearing Sir Thomas Glemhams collours, particularly captain Pitson commanded his Lieutenant Iohn coape to march with a party to Mr. Mascals house to search for letters and armes and acquainted him that he had notice of a Letter that should come from Pomfret, and there was found in the said house hid in a wall a Letter dated at Pontephr [...]t the ninth of June twelve at night subscribed M.B. a Copie whereof here is inclosed.
[Page 4] On Wednesday last Captain Pitson having the Guard that day, about 150. of the most Malignants of the City went out at Boudam Barre, to meete a Wedding that was to come out from Newcastle that night into York; they had liberty to go forth, but Captain Pitson commanded that none should come without an Order from my Lord Major, which upon their return, about 9. or 10. of the clock at night, the Guards being strict, they permitted none to come in, but those that could have liberty from my Lord Major, fearing there might be some designe in that businesse, amongst those that went out was Mr. Mascalls Sonne, and the Lieutenant Collonel of the Kings side, and they being suspected, some was sent out with them two miles off, whither they said they went, and there they met at an Alehouse, about 40. Gentlemen and others which had secured the King; with their swords, and some with Pistols, a drinking, and pretending they stayed for the Wedding: This letter was partly discovered on Sunday night by a [Page 5] Maid, it seemeth Mr. Mascall had shewed it, and the Maid hearing her Mr. and Mrs. speaking of a letter that was sent from some Cavaliers about the surprizing of York, did speak of it to some wel-affected about 2. or 3. houres before the Alarm: The next morning there was sent out some horse to discover the enemy, and it did appeare by many in the Country, and some they tooke up for Guides, that the enemy was about 3. Troopes of Horse, and had Musketiers behinde them.
YOur affection to our cause makes us apply our selves to you as a fit instrument to be intrusted in our present endeavour for the Seizing and securing of York, which would be of great consequence to us at this time by amaising the enemy and drawing them back from engageing with Sir Marmaduke Langdale his Forces, and by your dilligence might easily be done; we intend to attempt the taking of Yorke on Sunday next at twelve a Clock at night and to that purpose shall have a strong party of horse ready at that time to enter the City, and possess the guards and strength thereof, of which we have assurance already, and shall confidently for our assistance relie upon our friends there, appearing in a body betwixt Micle-Gate barr and Northstreet-Posterne to joyne with our party, who shall enter therein delivering them selves from those that have no power over them, which we shall rely upon at the time and place aforesaid, to be obtained by your giving them notice of it, this party comes from Sir. Marmaduke Langdale upon pretence of releifing us here; but we have diverted them from that designe in regard we are in good condition, and can make our party good to take that City, which will be a good neighbour to us, your ready compliance with us in this act, which we doubt not of will be very acceptable and seasonable, therefore pray faile us not who are your very humble Servants